Programs & Examples On #Adhoc queries

What is Ad Hoc Query?

Ad hoc queries are those that are not already defined that are not needed on a regular basis, so they're not included in the typical set of reports or queries

Quickly create a large file on a Linux system

truncate -s 10M output.file

will create a 10 M file instantaneously (M stands for 10241024 bytes, MB stands for 10001000 - same with K, KB, G, GB...)

EDIT: as many have pointed out, this will not physically allocate the file on your device. With this you could actually create an arbitrary large file, regardless of the available space on the device, as it creates a "sparse" file.

For e.g. notice no HDD space is consumed with this command:

$ df -h | grep lvm
                      7.2T  6.6T  232G  97% /export/lvm-raid0

$ truncate -s 500M 500MB.file

$ df -h | grep lvm
                      7.2T  6.6T  232G  97% /export/lvm-raid0

So, when doing this, you will be deferring physical allocation until the file is accessed. If you're mapping this file to memory, you may not have the expected performance.

But this is still a useful command to know. For e.g. when benchmarking transfers using files, the specified size of the file will still get moved.

$ rsync -aHAxvP --numeric-ids --delete --info=progress2 \
       [email protected]:/export/lvm-raid0/500MB.file \
receiving incremental file list
    524,288,000 100%   41.40MB/s    0:00:12 (xfr#1, to-chk=0/1)

sent 30 bytes  received 524,352,082 bytes  38,840,897.19 bytes/sec
total size is 524,288,000  speedup is 1.00

How do you recursively unzip archives in a directory and its subdirectories from the Unix command-line?

This works perfectly as we want:

Unzip files:

find . -name "*.zip" | xargs -P 5 -I FILENAME sh -c 'unzip -o -d "$(dirname "FILENAME")" "FILENAME"'

Above command does not create duplicate directories.

Remove all zip files:

find . -depth -name '*.zip' -exec rm {} \;

How do I fix 'ImportError: cannot import name IncompleteRead'?

  1. sudo apt-get remove python-pip
  2. sudo easy_install requests==2.3.0
  3. sudo apt-get install python-pip

Replace values in list using Python

Here's another way:

>>> L = range (11)
>>> map(lambda x: x if x%2 else None, L)
[None, 1, None, 3, None, 5, None, 7, None, 9, None]

UIViewController viewDidLoad vs. viewWillAppear: What is the proper division of labor?

It's important to note that using viewDidLoad for positioning is a bit risky and should be avoided since the bounds are not set. this may cause unexpected results (I had a variety of issues...)

This post describes quite well the different methods and what happens in each of them.

currently for one-time init and positioning I'm thinking of using viewDidAppear with a flag, if anyone has any other recommendation please let me know.

jQuery.ajax handling continue responses: "success:" vs ".done"?

If you need async: false in your ajax, you should use success instead of .done. Else you better to use .done. This is from jQuery official site:

As of jQuery 1.8, the use of async: false with jqXHR ($.Deferred) is deprecated; you must use the success/error/complete callback options instead of the corresponding methods of the jqXHR object such as jqXHR.done().

Getting a HeadlessException: No X11 DISPLAY variable was set

Problem statement – Getting java.awt.HeadlessException while trying to initialize java.awt.Component from the application as the tomcat environment does not have any head(terminal).

Issue – The linux virtual environment was setup without a virtual display terminal. Tried to install virtual display – Xvfb, but Xvfb has been taken off by the redhat community.

Solution – Installed ‘xorg-x11-drv-vmware.x86_64’ using yum install xorg-x11-drv-vmware.x86_64 and executed startx. Finally set the display to :0.0 using export DISPLAY=:0.0 and then executed xhost +

Calculate correlation with cor(), only for numerical columns

Another option would be to just use the excellent corrr package and do


myData %>% 
   select(x,y,z) %>%  # or do negative or range selections here
   correlate() %>%
   rearrange() %>%  # rearrange by correlations
   shave() # Shave off the upper triangle for a cleaner result

Steps 3 and 4 are entirely optional and are just included to demonstrate the usefulness of the package.

Failed to locate the winutils binary in the hadoop binary path

I was facing the same problem. Removing the bin\ from the HADOOP_HOME path solved it for me. The path for HADOOP_HOME variable should look something like.


System restart may be needed. In my case, restarting the IDE was sufficient.

Can't type in React input text field

defaultValue instead of value worked for me .

What is wrong with my SQL here? #1089 - Incorrect prefix key

In your PRIMARY KEY definition you've used (id(11)), which defines a prefix key - i.e. the first 11 characters only should be used to create an index. Prefix keys are only valid for CHAR, VARCHAR, BINARY and VARBINARY types and your id field is an int, hence the error.

Use PRIMARY KEY (id) instead and you should be fine.

MySQL reference here and read from paragraph 4.

Ansible - Use default if a variable is not defined

In case you using lookup to set default read from environment you have also set the second parameter of default to true:

- set_facts:
    ansible_ssh_user: "{{ lookup('env', 'SSH_USER') | default('foo', true) }}"

You can also concatenate multiple default definitions:

- set_facts:
    ansible_ssh_user: "{{ some_var.split('-')[1] | default(lookup('env','USER'), true) | default('foo') }}"

Variable that has the path to the current ansible-playbook that is executing?

There don't seem to be a variable which holds exactly what you want.

However, quoting the docs:

Also available, inventory_dir is the pathname of the directory holding Ansible’s inventory host file, inventory_file is the pathname and the filename pointing to the Ansible’s inventory host file.

playbook_dir contains the playbook base directory.

And finally, role_path will return the current role’s pathname (since 1.8). This will only work inside a role.

Dependent on your setup, those or the $ pwd -based solution might be enough.

How to remove all namespaces from XML with C#?

Well, here is the final answer. I have used great Jimmy idea (which unfortunately is not complete itself) and complete recursion function to work properly.

Based on interface:

string RemoveAllNamespaces(string xmlDocument);

I represent here final clean and universal C# solution for removing XML namespaces:

//Implemented based on interface, not part of algorithm
public static string RemoveAllNamespaces(string xmlDocument)
    XElement xmlDocumentWithoutNs = RemoveAllNamespaces(XElement.Parse(xmlDocument));

    return xmlDocumentWithoutNs.ToString();

//Core recursion function
 private static XElement RemoveAllNamespaces(XElement xmlDocument)
        if (!xmlDocument.HasElements)
            XElement xElement = new XElement(xmlDocument.Name.LocalName);
            xElement.Value = xmlDocument.Value;

            foreach (XAttribute attribute in xmlDocument.Attributes())

            return xElement;
        return new XElement(xmlDocument.Name.LocalName, xmlDocument.Elements().Select(el => RemoveAllNamespaces(el)));

It's working 100%, but I have not tested it much so it may not cover some special cases... But it is good base to start.

JS: Uncaught TypeError: object is not a function (onclick)

Since the behavior is kind of strange, I have done some testing on the behavior, and here's my result:


If you are:

  • In a form, and
  • uses onclick="xxx()" on an element
  • don't add id="xxx" or name="xxx" to that element
    • (e.g. <form><button id="totalbandwidth" onclick="totalbandwidth()">BAD</button></form> )

Here's are some test and their result:

Control sample (can successfully call function)

function totalbandwidth(){ alert("Total Bandwidth > 9000Mbps"); }
<form onsubmit="return false;">
  <button onclick="totalbandwidth()">SUCCESS</button>

Add id to button (failed to call function)

function totalbandwidth(){ alert("Total Bandwidth > 9000Mbps"); }
<form onsubmit="return false;">
  <button id="totalbandwidth" onclick="totalbandwidth()">FAILED</button>

Add name to button (failed to call function)

function totalbandwidth(){ alert("Total Bandwidth > 9000Mbps"); }
<form onsubmit="return false;">
  <button name="totalbandwidth" onclick="totalbandwidth()">FAILED</button>

Add value to button (can successfully call function)

function totalbandwidth(){ alert("Total Bandwidth > 9000Mbps"); }
<form onsubmit="return false;">
  <input type="button" value="totalbandwidth" onclick="totalbandwidth()" />SUCCESS

Add id to button, but not in a form (can successfully call function)

function totalbandwidth(){ alert("Total Bandwidth > 9000Mbps"); }
<button id="totalbandwidth" onclick="totalbandwidth()">SUCCESS</button>

Add id to another element inside the form (can successfully call function)

function totalbandwidth(){ alert("The answer is no, the span will not affect button"); }
<form onsubmit="return false;">
<span name="totalbandwidth" >Will this span affect button? </span>
<button onclick="totalbandwidth()">SUCCESS</button>

Print series of prime numbers in python

I'm a proponent of not assuming the best solution and testing it. Below are some modifications I did to create simple classes of examples by both @igor-chubin and @user448810. First off let me say it's all great information, thank you guys. But I have to acknowledge @user448810 for his clever solution, which turns out to be the fastest by far (of those I tested). So kudos to you, sir! In all examples I use a values of 1 million (1,000,000) as n.

Please feel free to try the code out.

Good luck!

Method 1 as described by Igor Chubin:

def primes_method1(n):
    out = list()
    for num in range(1, n+1):
        prime = True
        for i in range(2, num):
            if (num % i == 0):
                prime = False
        if prime:
    return out

Benchmark: Over 272+ seconds

Method 2 as described by Igor Chubin:

def primes_method2(n):
    out = list()
    for num in range(1, n+1):
        if all(num % i != 0 for i in range(2, num)):
    return out

Benchmark: 73.3420000076 seconds

Method 3 as described by Igor Chubin:

def primes_method3(n):
    out = list()
    for num in range(1, n+1):
        if all(num % i != 0 for i in range(2, int(num**.5 ) + 1)):
    return out

Benchmark: 11.3580000401 seconds

Method 4 as described by Igor Chubin:

def primes_method4(n):
    out = list()
    for num in range(3, n+1, 2):
        if all(num % i != 0 for i in range(2, int(num**.5 ) + 1)):
    return out

Benchmark: 8.7009999752 seconds

Method 5 as described by user448810 (which I thought was quite clever):

def primes_method5(n):
    out = list()
    sieve = [True] * (n+1)
    for p in range(2, n+1):
        if (sieve[p]):
            for i in range(p, n+1, p):
                sieve[i] = False
    return out

Benchmark: 1.12000012398 seconds

Notes: Solution 5 listed above (as proposed by user448810) turned out to be the fastest and honestly quiet creative and clever. I love it. Thanks guys!!

EDIT: Oh, and by the way, I didn't feel there was any need to import the math library for the square root of a value as the equivalent is just (n**.5). Otherwise I didn't edit much other then make the values get stored in and output array to be returned by the class. Also, it would probably be a bit more efficient to store the results to a file than verbose and could save a lot on memory if it was just one at a time but would cost a little bit more time due to disk writes. I think there is always room for improvement though. So hopefully the code makes sense guys.

2021 EDIT: I know it's been a really long time but I was going back through my Stackoverflow after linking it to my Codewars account and saw my recently accumulated points, which which was linked to this post. Something I read in the original poster caught my eye for @user448810, so I decided to do a slight modification mentioned in the original post by filtering out odd values before appending the output array. The results was much better performance for both the optimization as well as latest version of Python 3.8 with a result of 0.723 seconds (prior code) vs 0.504 seconds using 1,000,000 for n.

def primes_method5(n):
    out = list()
    sieve = [True] * (n+1)
    for p in range(2, n+1):
        if (sieve[p] and sieve[p]%2==1):
            for i in range(p, n+1, p):
                sieve[i] = False
    return out

Nearly five years later, I might know a bit more but I still just love Python, and it's kind of crazy to think it's been that long. The post honestly feels like it was made a short time ago and at the time I had only been using python about a year I think. And it still seems relevant. Crazy. Good times.

HTML checkbox - allow to check only one checkbox

Checkboxes, by design, are meant to be toggled on or off. They are not dependent on other checkboxes, so you can turn as many on and off as you wish.

Radio buttons, however, are designed to only allow one element of a group to be selected at any time.


Checkboxes: MDN Link

Radio Buttons: MDN Link

No @XmlRootElement generated by JAXB

This is mentioned at the bottom of the blog post already linked above but this works like a treat for me:

Marshaller marshaller = jc.createMarshaller();
marshaller.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, Boolean.TRUE);
marshaller.marshal(new JAXBElement<MyClass>(new QName("uri","local"), MyClass.class, myClassInstance), System.out);

Get first row of dataframe in Python Pandas based on criteria

you can take care of the first 3 items with slicing and head:

  1. df[df.A>=4].head(1)
  2. df[(df.A>=4)&(df.B>=3)].head(1)
  3. df[(df.A>=4)&((df.B>=3) * (df.C>=2))].head(1)

The condition in case nothing comes back you can handle with a try or an if...

    output = df[df.A>=6].head(1)
    assert len(output) == 1
    output = df.sort_values('A',ascending=False).head(1)

Found shared references to a collection org.hibernate.HibernateException

In my case, I was copying and pasting code from my other classes, so I did not notice that the getter code was bad written:

@OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, mappedBy = "credito")
public Set getConceptoses() {
    return this.letrases;

public void setConceptoses(Set conceptoses) {
    this.conceptoses = conceptoses;

All references conceptoses but if you look at the get says letrases

How to format a number 0..9 to display with 2 digits (it's NOT a date)

In android resources it's rather simple

<string name="smth">%1$02d</string>

jQuery Screen Resolution Height Adjustment

var space = $(window).height();
var diff = space - HEIGHT;
var margin = (diff > 0) ? (space - HEIGHT)/2 : 0;
$('#container').css({'margin-top': margin});

What is

Some of the answers here imply that given a "package" directory (with or without an explicit file), containing a file, there is no difference between running that directory with the -m switch or without.

The big difference is that without the -m switch, the "package" directory is first added to the path (i.e. sys.path), and then the files are run normally, without package semantics.

Whereas with the -m switch, package semantics (including relative imports) are honoured, and the package directory itself is never added to the system path.

This is a very important distinction, both in terms of whether relative imports will work or not, but more importantly in terms of dictating what will be imported in the case of unintended shadowing of system modules.


Consider a directory called PkgTest with the following structure

:~/PkgTest$ tree
+-- pkgname
¦   +--
¦   +--
¦   +--

where the file has the following contents:

:~/PkgTest$ cat pkgname/
import os
print( "Hello from I am the file", os.path.abspath( __file__ ) )
print( "I am being accessed from", os.path.abspath( os.curdir ) )
from  testmodule import main as firstmain;     firstmain()
from .secondtest import main as secondmain;    secondmain()

(with the other files defined similarly with similar printouts).

If you run this without the -m switch, this is what you'll get. Note that the relative import fails, but more importantly note that the wrong testmodule has been chosen (i.e. relative to the working directory):

:~/PkgTest$ python3 pkgname
Hello from I am the file ~/PkgTest/pkgname/
I am being accessed from ~/PkgTest
Hello from I am the file ~/PkgTest/pkgname/
I am being accessed from ~/PkgTest
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/", line 193, in _run_module_as_main
    "__main__", mod_spec)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/", line 85, in _run_code
    exec(code, run_globals)
  File "pkgname/", line 10, in <module>
    from .secondtest import main as secondmain
ImportError: attempted relative import with no known parent package

Whereas with the -m switch, you get what you (hopefully) expected:

:~/PkgTest$ python3 -m pkgname
Hello from I am the file ~/PkgTest/pkgname/
I am being accessed from ~/PkgTest
Hello from I am the file ~/PkgTest/
I am being accessed from ~/PkgTest
Hello from I am the file ~/PkgTest/pkgname/
I am being accessed from ~/PkgTest

Note: In my honest opinion, running without -m should be avoided. In fact I would go further and say that I would create any executable packages in such a way that they would fail unless run via the -m switch.

In other words, I would only import from 'in-package' modules explicitly via 'relative imports', assuming that all other imports represent system modules. If someone attempts to run your package without the -m switch, the relative import statements will throw an error, instead of silently running the wrong module.

In Python, what is the difference between ".append()" and "+= []"?

 some_list2 += ["something"]

is actually


for one value, there is no difference. Documentation states, that:

s.append(x) same as s[len(s):len(s)] = [x]
s.extend(x) same as s[len(s):len(s)] = x

Thus obviously s.append(x) is same as s.extend([x])

ES6 exporting/importing in index file

Also, bear in mind that if you need to export multiple functions at once, like actions you can use

export * from './XThingActions';

PostgreSQL visual interface similar to phpMyAdmin?

pgAdmin 4 is a powerful and popular web-based database management tool for PostgreSQL -

How to increase scrollback buffer size in tmux?

The history limit is a pane attribute that is fixed at the time of pane creation and cannot be changed for existing panes. The value is taken from the history-limit session option (the default value is 2000).

To create a pane with a different value you will need to set the appropriate history-limit option before creating the pane.

To establish a different default, you can put a line like the following in your .tmux.conf file:

set-option -g history-limit 3000

Note: Be careful setting a very large default value, it can easily consume lots of RAM if you create many panes.

For a new pane (or the initial pane in a new window) in an existing session, you can set that session’s history-limit. You might use a command like this (from a shell):

tmux set-option history-limit 5000 \; new-window

For (the initial pane of the initial window in) a new session you will need to set the “global” history-limit before creating the session:

tmux set-option -g history-limit 5000 \; new-session

Note: If you do not re-set the history-limit value, then the new value will be also used for other panes/windows/sessions created in the future; there is currently no direct way to create a single new pane/window/session with its own specific limit without (at least temporarily) changing history-limit (though show-option (especially in 1.7 and later) can help with retrieving the current value so that you restore it later).

Center the content inside a column in Bootstrap 4

<div class="container">
    <div class="row justify-content-center">
        <div class="col-3 text-center">
            Center text goes here

I have used justify-content-center class instead of mx-auto as in this answer.

check at

HTML image bottom alignment inside DIV container

This is your code:

Using display: table-cell is fine, provided that you're aware that it won't work in IE6/7. Other than that, it's safe: Is there a disadvantage of using `display:table-cell`on divs?

To fix the space at the bottom, add vertical-align: bottom to the actual imgs:

Removing the space between the images boils down to this: bikeshedding CSS3 property alternative?

So, here's a demo with the whitespace removed in your HTML:

serialize/deserialize java 8 java.time with Jackson JSON mapper

This is just an example how to use it in a unit test that I hacked to debug this issue. The key ingredients are

  • mapper.registerModule(new JavaTimeModule());
  • maven dependency of <artifactId>jackson-datatype-jsr310</artifactId>


import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype.jsr310.JavaTimeModule;
import org.testng.Assert;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;

import java.time.Instant;

class Mumu implements Serializable {
    private Instant from;
    private String text;

    Mumu(Instant from, String text) {
        this.from = from;
        this.text = text;

    public Mumu() {

    public Instant getFrom() {
        return from;

    public String getText() {
        return text;

    public String toString() {
        return "Mumu{" +
                "from=" + from +
                ", text='" + text + '\'' +
public class Scratch {

    public void JacksonInstant() throws IOException {
        ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
        mapper.registerModule(new JavaTimeModule());

        Mumu before = new Mumu(, "before");
        String jsonInString = mapper.writeValueAsString(before);

        System.out.println("-- BEFORE --");

        Mumu after = mapper.readValue(jsonInString, Mumu.class);
        System.out.println("-- AFTER --");

        Assert.assertEquals(after.toString(), before.toString());


Powershell equivalent of bash ampersand (&) for forking/running background processes

I've used the solution described here!7143DA6E51A2628D!130.entry successfully in PowerShell v1.0. It definitely will be easier in PowerShell v2.0.

pycharm running way slow

Every performance problem with PyCharm is unique, a solution that helps to one person will not work for another. The only proper way to fix your specific performance problem is by capturing the CPU profiler snapshot as described in this document and sending it to PyCharm support team, either by submitting a ticket or directly into the issue tracker.

After the CPU snapshot is analyzed, PyCharm team will work on a fix and release a new version which will (hopefully) not be affected by this specific performance problem. The team may also suggest you some configuration change or workaround to remedy the problem based on the analysis of the provided data.

All the other "solutions" (like enabling Power Save mode and changing the highlighting level) will just hide the real problems that should be fixed.

Getting realtime output using subprocess

Complete solution:

import contextlib
import subprocess

# Unix, Windows and old Macintosh end-of-line
newlines = ['\n', '\r\n', '\r']
def unbuffered(proc, stream='stdout'):
    stream = getattr(proc, stream)
    with contextlib.closing(stream):
        while True:
            out = []
            last =
            # Don't loop forever
            if last == '' and proc.poll() is not None:
            while last not in newlines:
                # Don't loop forever
                if last == '' and proc.poll() is not None:
                last =
            out = ''.join(out)
            yield out

def example():
    cmd = ['ls', '-l', '/']
    proc = subprocess.Popen(
        # Make all end-of-lines '\n'
    for line in unbuffered(proc):
        print line


Reactjs - Form input validation

Try powerform-react . It is based upon powerform which is a super portable Javascript form library. Once learnt, it can be used in any framework. It works even with vanilla Javascript.

Checkout this simple form that uses powerform-react

There is also a complex example.

Add the loading screen in starting of the android application

Write the code:

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        Thread welcomeThread = new Thread() {

            public void run() {
                try {
                    sleep(10000)  //Delay of 10 seconds
                } catch (Exception e) {

                } finally {

                    Intent i = new Intent(SplashActivity.this,

How to shuffle an ArrayList

Use this method and pass your array in parameter


This method return void so it will not give you a new list but as we know that array is passed as a reference type in Java so it will shuffle your array and save shuffled values in it. That's why you don't need any return type.

You can now use arraylist which is shuffled.

Convert `List<string>` to comma-separated string

To expand on Jon Skeets answer the code for this in .Net 4 is:

string myCommaSeperatedString = string.Join(",",ls);

no module named urllib.parse (How should I install it?)

You want urlparse using python2:

from urlparse import urlparse

No module named 'openpyxl' - Python 3.4 - Ubuntu

You have to install it explixitly using the python package manager as

  1. pip install openpyxl for Python 2
  2. pip3 install openpyxl for Python 3

How can you find the height of text on an HTML canvas?

I have implemented a nice library for measuring the exact height and width of text using HTML canvas. This should do what you want.

jQuery Ajax PUT with parameters


    url: 'feed/4', type: 'POST', data: "_METHOD=PUT&accessToken=63ce0fde", success: function(data) {

Always remember to use _METHOD=PUT.

How to extract extension from filename string in Javascript?

Use the lastIndexOf method to find the last period in the string, and get the part of the string after that:

var ext = fileName.substr(fileName.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);

Get name of currently executing test in JUnit 4

public static TestRule watchman = new TestWatcher() {
    protected void starting( final Description description ) {
        String mN = description.getMethodName();
        if ( mN == null ) {
            mN = "setUpBeforeClass..";

        final String s = StringTools.toString( "starting..JUnit-Test: %s.%s", description.getClassName(), mN );
        System.err.println( s );

day of the week to day number (Monday = 1, Tuesday = 2)

$tm = localtime($timestamp, TRUE);
$dow = $tm['tm_wday'];

Where $dow is the day of (the) week. Be aware of the herectic approach of localtime, though (pun): Sunday is not the last day of the week, but the first (0).

Mocking Logger and LoggerFactory with PowerMock and Mockito

EDIT 2020-09-21: Since 3.4.0, Mockito supports mocking static methods, API is still incubating and is likely to change, in particular around stubbing and verification. It requires the mockito-inline artifact. And you don't need to prepare the test or use any specific runner. All you need to do is :

public void name() {
    try (MockedStatic<LoggerFactory> integerMock = mockStatic(LoggerFactory.class)) {
        final Logger logger = mock(Logger.class);
        integerMock.when(() -> LoggerFactory.getLogger(any(Class.class))).thenReturn(logger);
        new Controller().log();

The two inportant aspect in this code, is that you need to scope when the static mock applies, i.e. within this try block. And you need to call the stubbing and verification api from the MockedStatic object.

@Mick, try to prepare the owner of the static field too, eg :

@PrepareForTest({GoodbyeController.class, LoggerFactory.class})

EDIT1 : I just crafted a small example. First the controller :

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

public class Controller {
    Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Controller.class);

    public void log() { logger.warn("yup"); }

Then the test :

import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.powermock.core.classloader.annotations.PrepareForTest;
import org.powermock.modules.junit4.PowerMockRunner;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import static org.mockito.Matchers.any;
import static org.mockito.Matchers.anyString;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify;
import static org.powermock.api.mockito.PowerMockito.mock;
import static org.powermock.api.mockito.PowerMockito.mockStatic;
import static org.powermock.api.mockito.PowerMockito.when;

@PrepareForTest({Controller.class, LoggerFactory.class})
public class ControllerTest {

    public void name() throws Exception {
        Logger logger = mock(Logger.class);
        new Controller().log();

Note the imports ! Noteworthy libs in the classpath : Mockito, PowerMock, JUnit, logback-core, logback-clasic, slf4j

EDIT2 : As it seems to be a popular question, I'd like to point out that if these log messages are that important and require to be tested, i.e. they are feature / business part of the system then introducing a real dependency that make clear theses logs are features would be a so much better in the whole system design, instead of relying on static code of a standard and technical classes of a logger.

For this matter I would recommend to craft something like= a Reporter class with methods such as reportIncorrectUseOfYAndZForActionX or reportProgressStartedForActionX. This would have the benefit of making the feature visible for anyone reading the code. But it will also help to achieve tests, change the implementations details of this particular feature.

Hence you wouldn't need static mocking tools like PowerMock. In my opinion static code can be fine, but as soon as the test demands to verify or to mock static behavior it is necessary to refactor and introduce clear dependencies.

Using Python, how can I access a shared folder on windows network?

I had the same issue as OP but none of the current answers solved my issue so to add a slightly different answer that did work for me:

Running Python 3.6.5 on a Windows Machine, I used the format


so the combination of double backslashes from reading @Johnsyweb UNC link and adding the r in front as recommended solved my similar to OP's issue.

Should I set max pool size in database connection string? What happens if I don't?

We can define maximum pool size in following way:


What is SOA "in plain english"?

Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is a software architectural style that builds applications as a collection of pluggable parts, each of which can be reused by other applications.

Android - implementing startForeground for a service?

Solution for Oreo 8.1

I've encountered some problems such as RemoteServiceException because of invalid channel id with most recent versions of Android. This is how i solved it:


override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
    val intent = Intent(this,

    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.O) {
    } else {


override fun onCreate() {

private fun startForeground() {

    val service = getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE) as NotificationManager
    val channelId =
            if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.O) {
            } else {
                // If earlier version channel ID is not used

    val notificationBuilder = NotificationCompat.Builder(this, channelId )
    val notification = notificationBuilder.setOngoing(true)
    startForeground(101, notification)

private fun createNotificationChannel(): String{
    val channelId = "my_service"
    val channelName = "My Background Service"
    val chan = NotificationChannel(channelId,
            channelName, NotificationManager.IMPORTANCE_HIGH)
    chan.lightColor = Color.BLUE
    chan.importance = NotificationManager.IMPORTANCE_NONE
    chan.lockscreenVisibility = Notification.VISIBILITY_PRIVATE
    val service = getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE) as NotificationManager
    return channelId


public class YourService extends Service {

    // Constants
    private static final int ID_SERVICE = 101;

    public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {
        super.onStartCommand(intent, flags, startId);
        return START_STICKY;

    public void onCreate() {

        // do stuff like register for BroadcastReceiver, etc.

        // Create the Foreground Service
        NotificationManager notificationManager = (NotificationManager) getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);
        String channelId = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.O ? createNotificationChannel(notificationManager) : "";
        NotificationCompat.Builder notificationBuilder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(this, channelId);
        Notification notification = notificationBuilder.setOngoing(true)

        startForeground(ID_SERVICE, notification);

    private String createNotificationChannel(NotificationManager notificationManager){
        String channelId = "my_service_channelid";
        String channelName = "My Foreground Service";
        NotificationChannel channel = new NotificationChannel(channelId, channelName, NotificationManager.IMPORTANCE_HIGH);
        // omitted the LED color
        return channelId;

Python list sort in descending order

Here is another way


Django: Get list of model fields?

I find adding this to django models quite helpful:

def __iter__(self):
    for field_name in self._meta.get_all_field_names():
        value = getattr(self, field_name, None)
        yield (field_name, value)

This lets you do:

for field, val in object:
    print field, val

Why does sed not replace all occurrences?

You should add the g modifier so that sed performs a global substitution of the contents of the pattern buffer:

echo dog dog dos | sed -e 's:dog:log:g'

For a fantastic documentation on sed, check This global flag is explained here:

The official documentation for GNU sed is available at

Removing array item by value

w/o flip:

foreach ($items as $key => $value) {
    if ($id === $value) {

window.print() not working in IE

function functionname() {

    var divToPrint = document.getElementById('divid');

Undefined variable: $_SESSION

You need make sure to start the session at the top of every PHP file where you want to use the $_SESSION superglobal. Like this:

  echo $_SESSION['youritem'];

You forgot the Session HELPER.

Check this link :

Can I restore a single table from a full mysql mysqldump file?

This tool may be is what you want:

e.g. Restore a table from database dump file: -t yourtable -s yourdb -f backup.sql

gdb fails with "Unable to find Mach task port for process-id" error

You need to create a certificate and sign gdb:

  • Open application “Keychain Access” (/Applications/Utilities/Keychain
  • Open menu /Keychain Access/Certificate Assistant/Create a Certificate...
  • Choose a name (gdb-cert in the example), set “Identity Type” to “Self Signed Root”, set “Certificate Type” to “Code Signing” and select the “Let me override defaults”. Click “Continue”. You might want to extend the predefined 365 days period to 3650 days.
  • Click several times on “Continue” until you get to the “Specify a Location For The Certificate” screen, then set “Keychain to System”.
  • If you can't store the certificate in the “System” keychain, create it in the “login” keychain, then export it. You can then import it into the “System” keychain.
  • In keychains select “System”, and you should find your new certificate. Use the context menu for the certificate, select “Get Info”, open the “Trust” item, and set “Code Signing” to “Always Trust”.
  • You must quit “Keychain Access” application in order to use the certificate and restart “taskgated” service by killing the current running “taskgated” process. Alternatively you can restart your computer.
  • Finally you can sign gdb:

    sudo codesign -s gdb-cert /usr/local/bin/ggdb

    sudo ggdb ./myprog

How to get multiple selected values of select box in php?

foreach ($_POST["select2"] as $selectedOption)
    echo $selectedOption."\n";  

Effective swapping of elements of an array in Java

If you want to swap string. it's already the efficient way to do that.

However, if you want to swap integer, you can use XOR to swap two integers more efficiently like this:

int a = 1; int b = 2; a ^= b; b ^= a; a ^= b;

nodemon command is not recognized in terminal for node js server

This line solved my problem in CMD:

npm install --save-dev nodemon

Hide Utility Class Constructor : Utility classes should not have a public or default constructor

SonarQube documentation recommends adding static keyword to the class declaration.

That is, change public class FilePathHelper to public static class FilePathHelper.

Alternatively you can add a private or protected constructor.

public class FilePathHelper
    // private or protected constructor
    // because all public fields and methods are static
    private FilePathHelper() {

How to parse date string to Date?

I had this issue, and I set the Locale to US, then it work.

static DateFormat visitTimeFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss zzz yyyy",Locale.US);

for String "Sun Jul 08 00:06:30 UTC 2012"

CSS media query to target iPad and iPad only?

/*working only in ipad portrait device*/
@media only screen and (width: 768px) and (height: 1024px) and (orientation:portrait) {
    background: red !important;
/*working only in ipad landscape device*/
@media all and (width: 1024px) and (height: 768px) and (orientation:landscape){
    background: green !important;

In the media query of specific devices, please use '!important' keyword to override the default CSS. Otherwise that does not change your webpage view on that particular devices.

How to print formatted BigDecimal values?

Similar to answer by @Jeff_Alieffson, but not relying on default Locale:

Use DecimalFormatSymbols for explicit locale:

DecimalFormatSymbols decimalFormatSymbols  = DecimalFormatSymbols.getInstance(new Locale("ru", "RU"));

Or explicit separator symbols:

DecimalFormatSymbols decimalFormatSymbols = new DecimalFormatSymbols();
decimalFormatSymbols.setGroupingSeparator(' ');


new DecimalFormat("#,##0.00", decimalFormatSymbols).format(new BigDecimal("12345"));


12 345.00

Class constructor type in typescript?

Solution from typescript interfaces reference:

interface ClockConstructor {
    new (hour: number, minute: number): ClockInterface;
interface ClockInterface {

function createClock(ctor: ClockConstructor, hour: number, minute: number): ClockInterface {
    return new ctor(hour, minute);

class DigitalClock implements ClockInterface {
    constructor(h: number, m: number) { }
    tick() {
        console.log("beep beep");
class AnalogClock implements ClockInterface {
    constructor(h: number, m: number) { }
    tick() {
        console.log("tick tock");

let digital = createClock(DigitalClock, 12, 17);
let analog = createClock(AnalogClock, 7, 32);

So the previous example becomes:

interface AnimalConstructor {
    new (): Animal;

class Animal {
    constructor() {

class Penguin extends Animal {
    constructor() {

class Lion extends Animal {
    constructor() {

class Zoo {
    AnimalClass: AnimalConstructor // AnimalClass can be 'Lion' or 'Penguin'

    constructor(AnimalClass: AnimalConstructor) {
        this.AnimalClass = AnimalClass
        let Hector = new AnimalClass();

adding text to an existing text element in javascript via DOM

   <!DOCTYPE html>
   <script   src=""></script>
    $("p").append(" <b>Appended text</b>.");


 <p>This is a paragraph.</p>
  <p>This is another paragraph.</p>

 <button id="btn1">Append text</button>


How can I get the corresponding table header (th) from a table cell (td)?

Solution that handles colspan

I have a solution based on matching the left edge of the td to the left edge of the corresponding th. It should handle arbitrarily complex colspans.

I modified the test case to show that arbitrary colspan is handled correctly.

Live Demo


$(function($) {
  "use strict";

  // Only part of the demo, the thFromTd call does the work
  $(document).on('mouseover mouseout', 'td', function(event) {
    var td = $('td'),
        th = thFromTd(td);
    if (event.type === 'mouseover')

  // Returns jquery object
  function thFromTd(td) {
    var ofs = td.offset().left,
        table = td.closest('table'),
        thead = table.children('thead').eq(0),
        positions = cacheThPositions(thead),
        matches = positions.filter(function(eldata) {
          return eldata.left <= ofs;
        match = matches[matches.length-1],
        matchEl = $(match.el);
    return matchEl;

  // Caches the positions of the headers,
  // so we don't do a lot of expensive `.offset()` calls.
  function cacheThPositions(thead) {
    var data ='cached-pos'),
    if (data)
      return data;
    allth = thead.children('tr').children('th');
    data = {
      var th = $(this);
      return {
        el: this,
        left: th.offset().left
    }).toArray();'cached-pos', data);
    return data;


.highlight {
  background-color: #EEE;


            <th colspan="3">Not header!</th>
            <th id="name" colspan="3">Name</th>
            <th id="address">Address</th>
            <th id="address">Other</th>
            <td colspan="2">X</td>
            <td>1 High Street</td>
            <td colspan="2">Postfix</td>

CSS file not refreshing in browser

Having this problem before I found out my own lazy solution (based on other people suggestions). It should be helpful if your <head> contents go through php interpreter.

To force downloading file every time you make changes to it, you could add file byte size of this file after question mark sign at the end.

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css?<?=filesize('styles.css');?>">

EDIT: As suggested in comments, filemtime() is actually a better solution as long as your files have properly updated modify time (I, myself, have experienced such issues in the past, while working with remote files):

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css?<?=filemtime('styles.css');?>">

Check if cookies are enabled

Here is a very useful and lightweight javascript plugin to accomplish this: js-cookie

Cookies.set('cookieName', 'Value');
        var cookieValue =  Cookies.get('cookieName');
           console.log("Test Cookie is set!");
        } else {
           document.write('<p>Sorry, but cookies must be enabled</p>');
      }, 1000);

Works in all browsers, accepts any character.

PHP Converting Integer to Date, reverse of strtotime

The time() function displays the seconds between now and the unix epoch , 01 01 1970 (00:00:00 GMT). The strtotime() transforms a normal date format into a time() format. So the representation of that date into seconds will be : 1388516401


XAMPP MySQL password setting (Can not enter in PHPMYADMIN)

If all the other answers do not work for you check the for the following:

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = '';

…and add the port of MySQL set in your XAMPP as shown below:

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = '';

Stop MySQL from XAMPP and restart MySQL.

Open a fresh page for http://localhost:8012/phpmyadmin/ and check.

placeholder for select tag

According to Mozilla Dev Network, placeholder is not a valid attribute on a <select> input.

Instead, add an option with an empty value and the selected attribute, as shown below. The empty value attribute is mandatory to prevent the default behaviour which is to use the contents of the <option> as the <option>'s value.

    <option value="" selected>select your beverage</option>
    <option value="tea">Tea</option>
    <option value="coffee">Coffee</option>
    <option value="soda">Soda</option>

In modern browsers, adding the required attribute to the <select> element will not allow the user to submit the form which the element is part of if the selected option has an empty value.

If you want to style the default option inside the list (which appears when clicking the element), there's a limited number of CSS properties that are well-supported. color and background-color are the 2 safest bets, other CSS properties are likely to be ignored.

In my option the best way (in HTML5) to mark the default option is using the custom data-* attributes.1 Here's how to style the default option to be greyed out:

select option[data-default] {_x000D_
  color: #888;_x000D_
  <option value="" selected data-default>select your beverage</option>_x000D_
  <option value="tea">Tea</option>_x000D_
  <option value="coffee">Coffee</option>_x000D_
  <option value="soda">Soda</option>_x000D_

However, this will only style the item inside the drop-down list, not the value displayed on the input. If you want to style that with CSS, target your <select> element directly. In that case, you can only change the style of the currently selected element at any time.2

If you wanted to make it slightly harder for the user to select the default item, you could set the display: none; CSS rule on the <option>, but remember that this will not prevent users from selecting it (using e.g. arrow keys/typing), this just makes it harder for them to do so.

1 This answer previously advised the use of a default attribute which is non-standard and has no meaning on its own.
2 It's technically possible to style the select itself based on the selected value using JavaScript, but that's outside the scope of this question. This answer, however, covers this method.

How can I undo a mysql statement that I just executed?

in case you do not only need to undo your last query (although your question actually only points on that, I know) and therefore if a transaction might not help you out, you need to implement a workaround for this:

copy the original data before commiting your query and write it back on demand based on the unique id that must be the same in both tables; your rollback-table (with the copies of the unchanged data) and your actual table (containing the data that should be "undone" than). for databases having many tables, one single "rollback-table" containing structured dumps/copies of the original data would be better to use then one for each actual table. it would contain the name of the actual table, the unique id of the row, and in a third field the content in any desired format that represents the data structure and values clearly (e.g. XML). based on the first two fields this third one would be parsed and written back to the actual table. a fourth field with a timestamp would help cleaning up this rollback-table.

since there is no real undo in SQL-dialects despite "rollback" in a transaction (please correct me if I'm wrong - maybe there now is one), this is the only way, I guess, and you have to write the code for it on your own.

Codesign wants to access key "access" in your keychain, I put in my login password but keeps asking me

I was also having the problem while running the carthage script in the build phase. (Xcode 9) I get that dialog for each and every framework I had added plus the app itself. You can see a very dark shadow growing. I could bypass it by entering the password every time and hitting "Always Allow".

Using global variables between files?

The problem is you defined myList from, but needs to use it. Here is a clean way to solve this problem: move all globals to a file, I call this file This file is responsible for defining globals and initializing them:


def init():
    global myList
    myList = []

Next, your subfile can import globals:


import settings

def stuff():

Note that subfile does not call init()— that task belongs to


import settings
import subfile

settings.init()          # Call only once
subfile.stuff()         # Do stuff with global var
print settings.myList[0] # Check the result

This way, you achieve your objective while avoid initializing global variables more than once.

How to implement band-pass Butterworth filter with Scipy.signal.butter

The filter design method in accepted answer is correct, but it has a flaw. SciPy bandpass filters designed with b, a are unstable and may result in erroneous filters at higher filter orders.

Instead, use sos (second-order sections) output of filter design.

from scipy.signal import butter, sosfilt, sosfreqz

def butter_bandpass(lowcut, highcut, fs, order=5):
        nyq = 0.5 * fs
        low = lowcut / nyq
        high = highcut / nyq
        sos = butter(order, [low, high], analog=False, btype='band', output='sos')
        return sos

def butter_bandpass_filter(data, lowcut, highcut, fs, order=5):
        sos = butter_bandpass(lowcut, highcut, fs, order=order)
        y = sosfilt(sos, data)
        return y

Also, you can plot frequency response by changing

b, a = butter_bandpass(lowcut, highcut, fs, order=order)
w, h = freqz(b, a, worN=2000)


sos = butter_bandpass(lowcut, highcut, fs, order=order)
w, h = sosfreqz(sos, worN=2000)

"Repository does not have a release file" error

im use this code to and suggest you:

1) sudo sed -i -e 's|disco|eoan|g' /etc/apt/sources.list
2) sudo apt update

open program minimized via command prompt

I tried this commands in my PC.It is working fine....

To open notepad in minimized mode:

start /min "" "C:\Windows\notepad.exe"

To open MS word in minimized mode:

start /min "" "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\WINWORD.EXE"

Placing/Overlapping(z-index) a view above another view in android

If you are adding the View programmatically, you can use yourLayout.addView(view, 1);

where 1 is the index.

Insert 2 million rows into SQL Server quickly

I use the bcp utility. (Bulk Copy Program) I load about 1.5 million text records each month. Each text record is 800 characters wide. On my server, it takes about 30 seconds to add the 1.5 million text records into a SQL Server table.

The instructions for bcp are at

XML element with attribute and content using JAXB

Annotate type and gender properties with @XmlAttribute and the description property with @XmlValue:


import javax.xml.bind.annotation.*;

public class Sport {

    protected String type;

    protected String gender;

    protected String description;


For More Information

How to avoid "RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration" error?

In Python 3.x and 2.x you can use use list to force a copy of the keys to be made:

for i in list(d):

In Python 2.x calling keys made a copy of the keys that you could iterate over while modifying the dict:

for i in d.keys():

But note that in Python 3.x this second method doesn't help with your error because keys returns an a view object instead of copynig the keys into a list.

How to center a label text in WPF?

The Control class has HorizontalContentAlignment and VerticalContentAlignment properties. These properties determine how a control’s content fills the space within the control.
Set HorizontalContentAlignment and VerticalContentAlignment to Center.

How to resize an Image C#

In the application I made it was necessary to create a function with multiple options. It's quite large, but it resizes the image, can keep the aspect ratio and can cut of the edges to return only the center of the image:

/// <summary>
    /// Resize image with a directory as source
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="OriginalFileLocation">Image location</param>
    /// <param name="heigth">new height</param>
    /// <param name="width">new width</param>
    /// <param name="keepAspectRatio">keep the aspect ratio</param>
    /// <param name="getCenter">return the center bit of the image</param>
    /// <returns>image with new dimentions</returns>
    public Image resizeImageFromFile(String OriginalFileLocation, int heigth, int width, Boolean keepAspectRatio, Boolean getCenter)
        int newheigth = heigth;
        System.Drawing.Image FullsizeImage = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(OriginalFileLocation);

        // Prevent using images internal thumbnail

        if (keepAspectRatio || getCenter)
            int bmpY = 0;
            double resize = (double)FullsizeImage.Width / (double)width;//get the resize vector
            if (getCenter)
                bmpY = (int)((FullsizeImage.Height - (heigth * resize)) / 2);// gives the Y value of the part that will be cut off, to show only the part in the center
                Rectangle section = new Rectangle(new Point(0, bmpY), new Size(FullsizeImage.Width, (int)(heigth * resize)));// create the section to cut of the original image
                //System.Console.WriteLine("the section that will be cut off: " + section.Size.ToString() + " the Y value is minimized by: " + bmpY);
                Bitmap orImg = new Bitmap((Bitmap)FullsizeImage);//for the correct effect convert image to bitmap.
                FullsizeImage.Dispose();//clear the original image
                using (Bitmap tempImg = new Bitmap(section.Width, section.Height))
                    Graphics cutImg = Graphics.FromImage(tempImg);//              set the file to save the new image to.
                    cutImg.DrawImage(orImg, 0, 0, section, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);// cut the image and save it to tempImg
                    FullsizeImage = tempImg;//save the tempImg as FullsizeImage for resizing later
                    return FullsizeImage.GetThumbnailImage(width, heigth, null, IntPtr.Zero);
            else newheigth = (int)(FullsizeImage.Height / resize);//  set the new heigth of the current image
        }//return the image resized to the given heigth and width
        return FullsizeImage.GetThumbnailImage(width, newheigth, null, IntPtr.Zero);

To make it easier to acces the function it's possible to add some overloaded functions:

/// <summary>
    /// Resize image with a directory as source
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="OriginalFileLocation">Image location</param>
    /// <param name="heigth">new height</param>
    /// <param name="width">new width</param>
    /// <returns>image with new dimentions</returns>
    public Image resizeImageFromFile(String OriginalFileLocation, int heigth, int width)
        return resizeImageFromFile(OriginalFileLocation, heigth, width, false, false);

    /// <summary>
    /// Resize image with a directory as source
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="OriginalFileLocation">Image location</param>
    /// <param name="heigth">new height</param>
    /// <param name="width">new width</param>
    /// <param name="keepAspectRatio">keep the aspect ratio</param>
    /// <returns>image with new dimentions</returns>
    public Image resizeImageFromFile(String OriginalFileLocation, int heigth, int width, Boolean keepAspectRatio)
        return resizeImageFromFile(OriginalFileLocation, heigth, width, keepAspectRatio, false);

Now are the last two booleans optional to set. Call the function like this:

System.Drawing.Image ResizedImage = resizeImageFromFile(imageLocation, 800, 400, true, true);

How to store an output of shell script to a variable in Unix?

Two simple examples to capture output the pwd command:

$ b=$(pwd)
$ echo $b


$ a=`pwd`
$ echo $a

The first way is preferred. Note that there can't be any spaces after the = for this to work.

Example using a short script:


echo "hi there"


$ ./
hi there
$ a=$(
$ echo $a
hi there

In general a more flexible approach would be to return an exit value from the command and use it for further processing, though sometimes we just may want to capture the simple output from a command.

Why use 'git rm' to remove a file instead of 'rm'?

Remove files from the index, or from the working tree and the index. git rm will not remove a file from just your working directory.

Here's how you might delete a file using rm -f and then remove it from your index with git rm

$ rm -f index.html
$ git status -s
 D index.html
$ git rm index.html
rm 'index.html'
$ git status -s
D  index.html

However you can do this all in one go with just git rm

$ git status -s
$ git rm index.html
rm 'index.html'
$ ls
lib vendor
$ git status -s
D  index.html

regular expression for Indian mobile numbers

This Worked for me

^(?:(?:\+|0{0,2})91(\s*[\ -]\s*)?|[0]?)?[789]\d{9}|(\d[ -]?){10}\d$

Valid Scenarios:

+91 -9883443344
+91- 9883443344
+91 - 9883443344
0091 - 9883443344
080 25478965
+91 9883443344

Invalid Scenarios:


Set default heap size in Windows

Try setting a Windows System Environment variable called _JAVA_OPTIONS with the heap size you want. Java should be able to find it and act accordingly.

Data-frame Object has no Attribute

Quick fix: Change how excel converts imported files. Go to 'File', then 'Options', then 'Advanced'. Scroll down and uncheck 'Use system seperators'. Also change 'Decimal separator' to '.' and 'Thousands separator' to ',' . Then simply 're-save' your file in the CSV (Comma delimited) format. The root cause is usually associated with how the csv file is created. Trust that helps. Point is, why use extra code if not necessary? Cross-platform understanding and integration is key in engineering/development.

Node.js + Nginx - What now?

You can run nodejs using pm2 if you want to manage each microservice means and run it. Node will be running in a port right just configure that port in nginx(/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/

    listen 80;

  location / {
     return 403;
    location /url {
        proxy_pass http://localhost:51967/info;

Check whether localhost is running or not by using ping.


Create one single Node.js server which handles all Node.js requests. This reads the requested files and evals their contents. So the files are interpreted on each request, but the server logic is much simpler.

This is best and as you said easier too

Remove part of string after "."

You could do:

sub("*\\.[0-9]", "", a)


str_sub(a, start=1, end=-3)

How to show two figures using matplotlib?

You should call only at the end after creating all the plots.

How to view hierarchical package structure in Eclipse package explorer

For Eclipse in Macbook it is just 2 click process:

  • Click on view menu (3 dot symbol) in package explorer -> hover over package presentation -> Click on Hierarchical

enter image description here

How to make CSS width to fill parent?


Those three different elements all have different rendering rules.

So for:

table#bar you need to set the width to 100% otherwise it will be only be as wide as it determines it needs to be. However, if the table rows total width is greater than the width of bar it will expand to its needed width. IF i recall you can counteract this by setting display: block !important; though its been awhile since ive had to fix that. (im sure someone will correct me if im wrong).

textarea#bar i beleive is a block level element so it will follow the rules the same as the div. The only caveat here is that textarea take an attributes of cols and rows which are measured in character columns. If this is specified on the element it will override the width specified by the css.

input#bar is an inline element, so by default you cant assign it width. However the similar to textarea's cols attribute, it has a size attribute on the element that can determine width. That said, you can always specifiy a width by using display: block; in your css for it. Then it will follow the same rendering rules as the div.

td#foo will be rendered as a table-cell which has some craziness to it. Bottom line here is that for your purposes its going to act just like div#foo as far as restricting the width of its contents. The only issue here is going to be potential unwrappable text in the column somewhere which would make it ignore your width setting. Also all cells in the column are going to get the width of the widest cell.

Thats the default behavior of block level element - ie. if width is auto (the default) then it will be 100% of the inner width of the containing element. so in essence:

#foo {width: 800px;}
#bar {padding-left: 2px; padding-right: 2px; margin-left: 2px; margin-right: 2px;}

will give you exactly what you want.

JS regex: replace all digits in string

find the numbers and then replaced with strings which specified. It is achieved by two methods

  1. Using a regular expression literal

  2. Using keyword RegExp object

Using a regular expression literal:

<script type="text/javascript">

var string = "my contact number is 9545554545. my age is 27.";
alert(string.replace(/\d+/g, "XXX"));


**Output:**my contact number is XXX. my age is XXX.

for more details:

Can I use multiple versions of jQuery on the same page?

I would like to say that you must always use jQuery latest or recent stable versions. However if you need to do some work with others versions then you can add that version and renamed the $ to some other name. For instance

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script>var $oldjQuery = $.noConflict(true);</script>

Look here if you write something using $ then you will get the latest version. But if you need to do anything with old then just use$oldjQuery instead of $.

Here is an example

$oldjQuery (function(){console.log($oldjQuery.fn.jquery)})


How to change the remote repository for a git submodule?

With Git 2.25 (Q1 2020), you can modify it.
See "Git submodule url changed" and the new command

git submodule set-url [--] <path> <newurl>

Original answer (May 2009, ten years ago)

Actually, a patch has been submitted in April 2009 to clarify gitmodule role.

So now the gitmodule documentation does not yet include:

The .gitmodules file, located in the top-level directory of a git working tree, is a text file with a syntax matching the requirements -of linkgit:git-config1.
As this file is managed by Git, it tracks the +records of a project's submodules.
Information stored in this file is used as a hint to prime the authoritative version of the record stored in the project configuration file.
User specific record changes (e.g. to account for differences in submodule URLs due to networking situations) should be made to the configuration file, while record changes to be propagated (e.g. +due to a relocation of the submodule source) should be made to this file.

That pretty much confirm Jim's answer.

If you follow this git submodule tutorial, you see you need a "git submodule init" to add the submodule repository URLs to .git/config.

"git submodule sync" has been added in August 2008 precisely to make that task easier when URL changes (especially if the number of submodules is important).
The associate script with that command is straightforward enough:

module_list "$@" |
while read mode sha1 stage path
    name=$(module_name "$path")
    url=$(git config -f .gitmodules --get submodule."$name".url)
    if test -e "$path"/.git
        unset GIT_DIR
        cd "$path"
        say "Synchronizing submodule url for '$name'"
        git config remote."$remote".url "$url"

The goal remains: git config remote."$remote".url "$url"

How to get the sign, mantissa and exponent of a floating point number

  1. Don't make functions that do multiple things.
  2. Don't mask then shift; shift then mask.
  3. Don't mutate values unnecessarily because it's slow, cache-destroying and error-prone.
  4. Don't use magic numbers.
/* NaNs, infinities, denormals unhandled */
/* assumes sizeof(float) == 4 and uses ieee754 binary32 format */
/* assumes two's-complement machine */
/* C99 */
#include <stdint.h>

#define SIGN(f) (((f) <= -0.0) ? 1 : 0)

#define AS_U32(f) (*(const uint32_t*)&(f))
#define FLOAT_BIAS ((1<<(FLOAT_EXPONENT_WIDTH-1))-1) /* 2^(e-1)-1 */
#define MASK(width)  ((1<<(width))-1) /* 2^w - 1 */

/* correct exponent with bias removed */
int float_exponent(float f) {

/* of non-zero, normal floats only */
int float_mantissa(float f) {

/* Hacker's Delight book is your friend. */

Resize iframe height according to content height in it

To directly answer your two subquestions: No, you cannot do this with Ajax, nor can you calculate it with PHP.

What I have done in the past is use a trigger from the iframe'd page in window.onload (NOT domready, as it can take a while for images to load) to pass the page's body height to the parent.

<body onload='parent.resizeIframe(document.body.scrollHeight)'>

Then the parent.resizeIframe looks like this:

function resizeIframe(newHeight)
    document.getElementById('blogIframe').style.height = parseInt(newHeight,10) + 10 + 'px';

Et voila, you have a robust resizer that triggers once the page is fully rendered with no nasty contentdocument vs contentWindow fiddling :)

Sure, now people will see your iframe at default height first, but this can be easily handled by hiding your iframe at first and just showing a 'loading' image. Then, when the resizeIframe function kicks in, put two extra lines in there that will hide the loading image, and show the iframe for that faux Ajax look.

Of course, this only works from the same domain, so you may want to have a proxy PHP script to embed this stuff, and once you go there, you might as well just embed your blog's RSS feed directly into your site with PHP.

What is the PostgreSQL equivalent for ISNULL()

SELECT CASE WHEN field IS NULL THEN 'Empty' ELSE field END AS field_alias

Or more idiomatic:

SELECT coalesce(field, 'Empty') AS field_alias

Function passed as template argument

In your template

template <void (*T)(int &)>
void doOperation()

The parameter T is a non-type template parameter. This means that the behaviour of the template function changes with the value of the parameter (which must be fixed at compile time, which function pointer constants are).

If you want somthing that works with both function objects and function parameters you need a typed template. When you do this, though, you also need to provide an object instance (either function object instance or a function pointer) to the function at run time.

template <class T>
void doOperation(T t)
  int temp=0;
  std::cout << "Result is " << temp << std::endl;

There are some minor performance considerations. This new version may be less efficient with function pointer arguments as the particular function pointer is only derefenced and called at run time whereas your function pointer template can be optimized (possibly the function call inlined) based on the particular function pointer used. Function objects can often be very efficiently expanded with the typed template, though as the particular operator() is completely determined by the type of the function object.

How do I execute code AFTER a form has loaded?

You could use the "Shown" event: MSDN - Form.Shown

"The Shown event is only raised the first time a form is displayed; subsequently minimizing, maximizing, restoring, hiding, showing, or invalidating and repainting will not raise this event."

Reset local repository branch to be just like remote repository HEAD

Provided that the remote repository is origin, and that you're interested in branch_name:

git fetch origin
git reset --hard origin/<branch_name>

Also, you go for reset the current branch of origin to HEAD.

git fetch origin
git reset --hard origin/HEAD

How it works:

git fetch origin downloads the latest from remote without trying to merge or rebase anything.

Then the git reset resets the <branch_name> branch to what you just fetched. The --hard option changes all the files in your working tree to match the files in origin/branch_name.

Formatting doubles for output in C#

The problem is that .NET will always round a double to 15 significant decimal digits before applying your formatting, regardless of the precision requested by your format and regardless of the exact decimal value of the binary number.

I'd guess that the Visual Studio debugger has its own format/display routines that directly access the internal binary number, hence the discrepancies between your C# code, your C code and the debugger.

There's nothing built-in that will allow you to access the exact decimal value of a double, or to enable you to format a double to a specific number of decimal places, but you could do this yourself by picking apart the internal binary number and rebuilding it as a string representation of the decimal value.

Alternatively, you could use Jon Skeet's DoubleConverter class (linked to from his "Binary floating point and .NET" article). This has a ToExactString method which returns the exact decimal value of a double. You could easily modify this to enable rounding of the output to a specific precision.

double i = 10 * 0.69;
Console.WriteLine(DoubleConverter.ToExactString(6.9 - i));

// 6.89999999999999946709294817992486059665679931640625
// 0.00000000000000088817841970012523233890533447265625
// 6.9000000000000003552713678800500929355621337890625

Manipulating an Access database from Java without ODBC

UCanAccess is a pure Java JDBC driver that allows us to read from and write to Access databases without using ODBC. It uses two other packages, Jackcess and HSQLDB, to perform these tasks. The following is a brief overview of how to get it set up.


Option 1: Using Maven

If your project uses Maven you can simply include UCanAccess via the following coordinates:

groupId: net.sf.ucanaccess
artifactId: ucanaccess

The following is an excerpt from pom.xml, you may need to update the <version> to get the most recent release:



Option 2: Manually adding the JARs to your project

As mentioned above, UCanAccess requires Jackcess and HSQLDB. Jackcess in turn has its own dependencies. So to use UCanAccess you will need to include the following components:

UCanAccess (ucanaccess-x.x.x.jar)
HSQLDB (hsqldb.jar, version 2.2.5 or newer)
Jackcess (jackcess-2.x.x.jar)
commons-lang (commons-lang-2.6.jar, or newer 2.x version)
commons-logging (commons-logging-1.1.1.jar, or newer 1.x version)

Fortunately, UCanAccess includes all of the required JAR files in its distribution file. When you unzip it you will see something like


All you need to do is add all five (5) JARs to your project.

NOTE: Do not add loader/ucanload.jar to your build path if you are adding the other five (5) JAR files. The UcanloadDriver class is only used in special circumstances and requires a different setup. See the related answer here for details.

Eclipse: Right-click the project in Package Explorer and choose Build Path > Configure Build Path.... Click the "Add External JARs..." button to add each of the five (5) JARs. When you are finished your Java Build Path should look something like this


NetBeans: Expand the tree view for your project, right-click the "Libraries" folder and choose "Add JAR/Folder...", then browse to the JAR file.


After adding all five (5) JAR files the "Libraries" folder should look something like this:


IntelliJ IDEA: Choose File > Project Structure... from the main menu. In the "Libraries" pane click the "Add" (+) button and add the five (5) JAR files. Once that is done the project should look something like this:



That's it!

Now "U Can Access" data in .accdb and .mdb files using code like this

// assumes...
//     import java.sql.*;
Connection conn=DriverManager.getConnection(
Statement s = conn.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery("SELECT [LastName] FROM [Clients]");
while ( {



At the time of writing this Q&A I had no involvement in or affiliation with the UCanAccess project; I just used it. I have since become a contributor to the project.

Object of class stdClass could not be converted to string - laravel

I was recieving the same error when I was tring to call an object element by using another objects return value like;

$this->array1 = a json table which returns country codes of the ip
$this->array2 = a json table which returns languages of the country codes

$this->array2->$this->array1->country;// Error line

The above code was throwing the error and I tried many ways to fix it like; calling this part $this->array1->country in another function as return value, (string), taking it into quotations etc. I couldn't even find the solution on the web then i realised that the solution was very simple. All you have to do it wrap it with curly brackets and that allows you to target an object with another object's element value. like;

$this->array1 = a json table which returns country codes of the ip
$this->array2 = a json table which returns languages of the country codes


If anyone facing the same and couldn't find the answer, I hope this can help because i spend a night for this simple solution =)

How to import load a .sql or .csv file into SQLite?

This is how you can insert into an identity column:


.import predefined/myfile.txt temp_table 
insert into my_table (name) select name from temp_table;

myfile.txt is a file in C:\code\db\predefined\

data.db is in C:\code\db\

myfile.txt contains strings separated by newline character.

If you want to add more columns, it's easier to separate them using the pipe character, which is the default.

How to explain callbacks in plain english? How are they different from calling one function from another function?

Let's pretend you were to give me a potentially long-running task: get the names of the first five unique people you come across. This might take days if I'm in a sparsely populated area. You're not really interested in sitting on your hands while I'm running around so you say, "When you've got the list, call me on my cell and read it back to me. Here's the number.".

You've given me a callback reference--a function that I'm supposed to execute in order to hand off further processing.

In JavaScript it might look something like this:

var lottoNumbers = [];
var callback = function(theNames) {
  for (var i=0; i<theNames.length; i++) {

db.executeQuery("SELECT name " +
                "FROM tblEveryOneInTheWholeWorld " +
                "ORDER BY proximity DESC " +
                "LIMIT 5", callback);

while (lottoNumbers.length < 5) {

This could probably be improved in lots of ways. E.g., you could provide a second callback: if it ends up taking longer than an hour, call the red phone and tell the person that answers that you've timed out.

Convert array of JSON object strings to array of JS objects

var json = jQuery.parseJSON(s); //If you have jQuery.

Since the comment looks cluttered, please use the parse function after enclosing those square brackets inside the quotes.

var s=['{"Select":"11","PhotoCount":"12"}','{"Select":"21","PhotoCount":"22"}'];

Change the above code to

var s='[{"Select":"11","PhotoCount":"12"},{"Select":"21","PhotoCount":"22"}]';


$(document).ready(function() {
    var s= '[{"Select":"11","PhotoCount":"12"},{"Select":"21","PhotoCount":"22"}]';

    s = jQuery.parseJSON(s);

    alert( s[0]["Select"] );

And then use the parse function. It'll surely work.

EDIT :Extremely sorry that I gave the wrong function name. it's jQuery.parseJSON


The json api

Edit (30 April 2020):

Editing since I got an upvote for this answer. There's a browser native function available instead of JQuery (for nonJQuery users), JSON.parse("<json string here>")

git remote add with other SSH port

You need to edit your ~/.ssh/config file. Add something like the following:

    Port 1234

A quick google search shows a few different resources that explain it in more detail than me.

PHP Excel Header

Try this

header("Content-Type: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment;filename=\"filename.xlsx\"");
header("Cache-Control: max-age=0");

python ignore certificate validation urllib2

According to @Enno Gröper 's post, I've tried the SSLContext constructor and it works well on my machine. code as below:

import ssl
ctx = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23)
urllib2.urlopen("https://your-test-server.local", context=ctx)

if you need opener, just added this context like:

opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPSHandler(context=ctx))

NOTE: all above test environment is python 2.7.12. I use PROTOCOL_SSLv23 here since the doc says so, other protocol might also works but depends on your machine and remote server, please check the doc for detail.

Google Chrome form autofill and its yellow background

A combination of answers worked for me

    input:-webkit-autofill:active {
        -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 0px 1000px #373e4a inset !important;
           -webkit-text-fill-color: white !important;

How to convert SQL Server's timestamp column to datetime format

Not sure if I'm missing something here but can't you just convert the timestamp like this:


How to parse dates in multiple formats using SimpleDateFormat

Using DateTimeFormatter it can be achieved as below:

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.ZoneOffset;
import java.time.ZonedDateTime;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import java.time.temporal.TemporalAccessor;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.TimeZone;

public class DateTimeFormatTest {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        String pattern = "[yyyy-MM-dd[['T'][ ]HH:mm:ss[.SSSSSSSz][.SSS[XXX][X]]]]";
        String timeSample = "2018-05-04T13:49:01.7047141Z";
        SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yy HH:mm:ss");
        DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(pattern);
        TemporalAccessor accessor = formatter.parse(timeSample);
        ZonedDateTime zTime = LocalDateTime.from(accessor).atZone(ZoneOffset.UTC);

        Date date=new Date(zTime.toEpochSecond()*1000);

Pay attention at String pattern, this is the combination of multiple patterns. In open [ and close ] square brackets you can mention any kind of patterns.

Move view with keyboard using Swift

Swift 4.1

 override func viewDidLoad() {
    NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(ViewController.keyboardWillShow), name: NSNotification.Name.UIKeyboardWillShow, object: nil)
    NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(ViewController.keyboardWillHide), name: NSNotification.Name.UIKeyboardWillHide, object: nil)    

@objc func keyboardWillShow(notification: NSNotification) {        
    if let keyboardSize = (notification.userInfo?[UIKeyboardFrameBeginUserInfoKey] as? NSValue)?.cgRectValue {
        if self.view.frame.origin.y == 0 {
            self.view.frame.origin.y -= keyboardSize.height   //can adjust as keyboardSize.height-(any number 30 or 40)

@objc func keyboardWillHide(notification: NSNotification) {
    if self.view.frame.origin.y != 0 {
        self.view.frame.origin.y = 0

Regular expression to extract URL from an HTML link

Don't use regexes, use BeautifulSoup. That, or be so crufty as to spawn it out to, say, w3m/lynx and pull back in what w3m/lynx renders. First is more elegant probably, second just worked a heck of a lot faster on some unoptimized code I wrote a while back.

What's the difference between struct and class in .NET?

As previously mentioned: Classes are reference type while Structs are value types with all the consequences.

As a thumb of rule Framework Design Guidelines recommends using Structs instead of classes if:

  • It has an instance size under 16 bytes
  • It logically represents a single value, similar to primitive types (int, double, etc.)
  • It is immutable
  • It will not have to be boxed frequently

How to change the font and font size of an HTML input tag?

In your 'head' section, add this code:

input[type='text'] { font-size: 24px; }

Or you can only add the:

input[type='text'] { font-size: 24px; }

to a CSS file which can later be included.

You can also change the font face by using the CSS property: font-family

font-family: monospace;

So you can have a CSS code like this:

input[type='text'] { font-size: 24px; font-family: monospace; }

You can find further help at the W3Schools website.

I suggest you to have a look at the CSS3 specification. With CSS3 you can also load a font from the web instead of having the limitation to use only the most common fonts or tell the user to download the font you're using.

Is there any WinSCP equivalent for linux?

Xfce/Thunar solution is basically the same as Gnome/Nautilus:

Simply type sftp://yourhost/ to address line in Thunar (You can get there by Ctrl + L)

(The authorization is identical to ssh/scp, i.e. with proper use of ~/.ssh/config, keys and ssh-agent, you can achieve decent ease and security: server alias + no passwords asked.)

Eclipse error: 'Failed to create the Java Virtual Machine'

Reduce param size upto -256

See my eclipse.ini file


Selenium C# WebDriver: Wait until element is present

You can use the following

WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, new TimeSpan(0,0,5));

Get MD5 hash of big files in Python

I think the following code is more pythonic:

from hashlib import md5

def get_md5(fname):
    m = md5()
    with open(fname, 'rb') as fp:
        for chunk in fp:
    return m.hexdigest()

Export DataTable to Excel File

If you to export datatable to excel with formatted header text try like this.

public void ExportFullDetails()
        Int16 id = Convert.ToInt16(Session["id"]);
        DataTable registeredpeople = new DataTable();
        registeredpeople = this.dataAccess.ExportDetails(eventid);

        string attachment = "attachment; filename=Details.xls";
        Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", attachment);
        Response.ContentType = "application/";
        string tab = "";

        registeredpeople.Columns["Reg_id"].ColumnName = "Reg. ID";
        registeredpeople.Columns["Name"].ColumnName = "Name";
        registeredpeople.Columns["Reg_country"].ColumnName = "Country";
        registeredpeople.Columns["Reg_city"].ColumnName = "City";
        registeredpeople.Columns["Reg_email"].ColumnName = "Email";
        registeredpeople.Columns["Reg_business_phone"].ColumnName = "Business Phone";
        registeredpeople.Columns["Reg_mobile"].ColumnName = "Mobile";
        registeredpeople.Columns["PositionRole"].ColumnName = "Position";
        registeredpeople.Columns["Reg_work_type"].ColumnName = "Work Type";

        foreach (DataColumn dc in registeredpeople.Columns)
            Response.Write(tab + dc.ColumnName);
            tab = "\t";

        int i;
        foreach (DataRow dr in registeredpeople.Rows)
            tab = "";
            for (i = 0; i < registeredpeople.Columns.Count; i++)
                Response.Write(tab + dr[i].ToString());
                tab = "\t";


Javascript: How to pass a function with string parameters as a parameter to another function

Try this:


Then you just need to call these two functions passed to myfunction:

function myfunction(url, f1, f2) {
    // …

Initialising a multidimensional array in Java

Try replacing the appropriate lines with:

myStringArray[0][x-1] = "a string";
myStringArray[0][y-1] = "another string";

Your code is incorrect because the sub-arrays have a length of y, and indexing starts at 0. So setting to myStringArray[0][y] or myStringArray[0][x] will fail because the indices x and y are out of bounds.

String[][] myStringArray = new String [x][y]; is the correct way to initialise a rectangular multidimensional array. If you want it to be jagged (each sub-array potentially has a different length) then you can use code similar to this answer. Note however that John's assertion that you have to create the sub-arrays manually is incorrect in the case where you want a perfectly rectangular multidimensional array.

cast_sender.js error: Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FAILED in Chrome

The error is try to fix a Youtube error.

The solution to avoid your Javascript-Console-Error complex is to accept that Youtube (and also other webpages) can have Javascript errors that you can't fix.

That is all.

Link entire table row?

I think this might be the simplest solution:

<tr onclick="location.href=''" style="cursor: pointer">

The cursor CSS property sets the type of cursor, if any, to show when the mouse pointer is over an element.

The inline css defines that for that element the cursor will be formatted as a pointer, so you don't need the 'hover'.

Iterate over a Javascript associative array in sorted order

There's no concise way to directly manipulate the "keys" of a Javascript object. It's not really designed for that. Do you have the freedom to put your data in something better than a regular object (or an Array, as your sample code suggests)?

If so, and if your question could be rephrased as "What dictionary-like object should I use if I want to iterate over the keys in sorted order?" then you might develop an object like this:

var a = {
  keys : new Array(),
  hash : new Object(),
  set : function(key, value) {
    if (typeof(this.hash[key]) == "undefined") { this.keys.push(key); }
    this.hash[key] = value;
  get : function(key) {
    return this.hash[key];
  getSortedKeys : function() {
    return this.keys;

// sample use
var sortedKeys = a.getSortedKeys();
for (var i in sortedKeys) { print(sortedKeys[i]); }

If you have no control over the fact that the data is in a regular object, this utility would convert the regular object to your fully-functional dictionary:

a.importObject = function(object) {
  for (var i in object) { this.set(i, object); }

This was a object definition (instead of a reusable constructor function) for simplicity; edit at will.

Python Binomial Coefficient

Your program will continue with the second if statement in the case of y == x, causing a ZeroDivisionError. You need to make the statements mutually exclusive; the way to do that is to use elif ("else if") instead of if:

import math
x = int(input("Enter a value for x: "))
y = int(input("Enter a value for y: "))
if y == x:
elif y == 1:         # see georg's comment
elif y > x:          # will be executed only if y != 1 and y != x
else:                # will be executed only if y != 1 and y != x and x <= y
    a = math.factorial(x)
    b = math.factorial(y)
    c = math.factorial(x-y)  # that appears to be useful to get the correct result
    div = a // (b * c)

How do I bind a WPF DataGrid to a variable number of columns?

Here's a workaround for Binding Columns in the DataGrid. Since the Columns property is ReadOnly, like everyone noticed, I made an Attached Property called BindableColumns which updates the Columns in the DataGrid everytime the collection changes through the CollectionChanged event.

If we have this Collection of DataGridColumn's

public ObservableCollection<DataGridColumn> ColumnCollection
    private set;

Then we can bind BindableColumns to the ColumnCollection like this

<DataGrid Name="dataGrid"
          local:DataGridColumnsBehavior.BindableColumns="{Binding ColumnCollection}"

The Attached Property BindableColumns

public class DataGridColumnsBehavior
    public static readonly DependencyProperty BindableColumnsProperty =
                                            new UIPropertyMetadata(null, BindableColumnsPropertyChanged));
    private static void BindableColumnsPropertyChanged(DependencyObject source, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
        DataGrid dataGrid = source as DataGrid;
        ObservableCollection<DataGridColumn> columns = e.NewValue as ObservableCollection<DataGridColumn>;
        if (columns == null)
        foreach (DataGridColumn column in columns)
        columns.CollectionChanged += (sender, e2) =>
            NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs ne = e2 as NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs;
            if (ne.Action == NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset)
                foreach (DataGridColumn column in ne.NewItems)
            else if (ne.Action == NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add)
                foreach (DataGridColumn column in ne.NewItems)
            else if (ne.Action == NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Move)
                dataGrid.Columns.Move(ne.OldStartingIndex, ne.NewStartingIndex);
            else if (ne.Action == NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove)
                foreach (DataGridColumn column in ne.OldItems)
            else if (ne.Action == NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Replace)
                dataGrid.Columns[ne.NewStartingIndex] = ne.NewItems[0] as DataGridColumn;
    public static void SetBindableColumns(DependencyObject element, ObservableCollection<DataGridColumn> value)
        element.SetValue(BindableColumnsProperty, value);
    public static ObservableCollection<DataGridColumn> GetBindableColumns(DependencyObject element)
        return (ObservableCollection<DataGridColumn>)element.GetValue(BindableColumnsProperty);

How to get number of rows inserted by a transaction

I found the answer to may previous post. Here it is.

CREATE TABLE #TempTable (id int) 

INSERT INTO @TestTable (col1, col2) OUTPUT INTO #TempTable select 1,2 

INSERT INTO @TestTable (col1, col2) OUTPUT INTO #TempTable select 3,4 

SELECT * FROM #TempTable --this select will chage @@ROWCOUNT value

Why do I get an UnsupportedOperationException when trying to remove an element from a List?

You can't remove, nor can you add to a fixed-size-list of Arrays.

But you can create your sublist from that list.

list = list.subList(0, list.size() - (list.size() - count));

public static String SelectRandomFromTemplate(String template, int count) {
   String[] split = template.split("\\|");
   List<String> list = Arrays.asList(split);
   Random r = new Random();
   while( list.size() > count ) {
      list = list.subList(0, list.size() - (list.size() - count));
   return StringUtils.join(list, ", ");

*Other way is

ArrayList<String> al = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(template));

this will create ArrayList which is not fixed size like Arrays.asList

Difference between binary semaphore and mutex

Best Solution

The only difference is

1.Mutex -> lock and unlock are under the ownership of a thread that locks the mutex.

2.Semaphore -> No ownership i.e; if one thread calls semwait(s) any other thread can call sempost(s) to remove the lock.

How to check for an empty object in an AngularJS view

please try this way with filter

    .filter('isEmpty', function () {
        var bar;
        return function (obj) {
            for (bar in obj) {
                if (obj.hasOwnProperty(bar)) {
                    return false;
            return true;


 <p ng-hide="items | isEmpty">Some Content</p>

Via from : Checking if object is empty, works with ng-show but not from controller?

Merge two Excel tables Based on matching data in Columns

Teylyn's answer worked great for me, but I had to modify it a bit to get proper results. I want to provide an extended explanation for whoever would need it.

My setup was as follows:

  • Sheet1: full data of 2014
  • Sheet2: updated rows for 2015 in A1:D50, sorted by first column
  • Sheet3: merged rows
  • My data does not have a header row

I put the following formula in cell A1 of Sheet3:


Read this as follows: Take the value of the first column in Sheet1 (old data). Look up in Sheet2 (updated rows). If present, output the value from the indicated column in Sheet2. On error, output the value for the current column of Sheet1.


  • In my version of the formula, ";" is used as parameter separator instead of ",". That is because I am located in Europe and we use the "," as decimal separator. Change ";" back to "," if you live in a country where "." is the decimal separator.

  • A$1: means always take column 1 when copying the formula to a cell in a different column. $A$1 means: always take the exact cell A1, even when copying the formula to a different row or column.

After pasting the formula in A1, I extended the range to columns B, C, etc., until the full width of my table was reached. Because of the $-signs used, this gives the following formula's in cells B1, C1, etc.:


and so forth. Note that the lookup is still done in the first column. This is because VLOOKUP needs the lookup data to be sorted on the column where the lookup is done. The output column is however the column where the formula is pasted.

Next, select a rectangle in Sheet 3 starting at A1 and having the size of the data in Sheet1 (same number of rows and columns). Press Ctrl-D to copy the formulas of the first row to all selected cells.

Cells A2, A3, etc. will get these formulas:


Because of the use of $-signs, the lookup area is constant, but input data is used from the current row.

How do I POST a x-www-form-urlencoded request using Fetch?

Just Use

import  qs from "qs";
 let data = {
        'profileId': this.props.screenProps[0],
        'accountId': this.props.screenProps[1],
        'accessToken': this.props.screenProps[2],
        'itemId': this.itemId
    return, qs.stringify(data))

Error : ORA-01704: string literal too long

To solve this issue on my side, I had to use a combo of what was already proposed there

  chunk1 CLOB; chunk2 CLOB; chunk3 CLOB;
  chunk1 := 'very long literal part 1';
  chunk2 := 'very long literal part 2';
  chunk3 := 'very long literal part 3';

  SELECT ( chunk1 || chunk2 || chunk3 ) FROM dual;

Hope this helps.

How to convert a "dd/mm/yyyy" string to datetime in SQL Server?


SELECT convert(datetime, '23/07/2009', 103)

this is British/French standard.

connecting to phpMyAdmin database with PHP/MySQL

This (mysql_connect, mysql_...) extension is deprecated as of PHP 5.5.0, and will be removed in the future. Instead, the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extension should be used.

  • Object Oriented:

    $mysqli = new mysqli("host", "user", "password");
  • Procedural:

    $link = mysqli_connect("host","user","password") or die(mysqli_error($link)); 
    mysqli_select_db($link, "db");

echo key and value of an array without and with loop

function displayArrayValue($array,$key) {
   if (array_key_exists($key,$array)) echo "$key is at ".$array[$key];

displayArrayValue($page, "Service"); 

Disable sorting for a particular column in jQuery DataTables

Here is what you can use to disable certain column to be disabled:

            "columns": [
                { "data": "id"},
                { "data": "sampleSortableColumn" },
                { "data": "otherSortableColumn" },
                { "data": "unsortableColumn", "orderable": false}

So all you have to do is add the "orderable": false to the column you don't want to be sortable.

How do I make a Windows batch script completely silent?

Just add a >NUL at the end of the lines producing the messages.

For example,

COPY %scriptDirectory%test.bat %scriptDirectory%test2.bat >NUL

Difference between char* and const char*?

char* is a mutable pointer to a mutable character/string.

const char* is a mutable pointer to an immutable character/string. You cannot change the contents of the location(s) this pointer points to. Also, compilers are required to give error messages when you try to do so. For the same reason, conversion from const char * to char* is deprecated.

char* const is an immutable pointer (it cannot point to any other location) but the contents of location at which it points are mutable.

const char* const is an immutable pointer to an immutable character/string.

Show Curl POST Request Headers? Is there a way to do this?

You can make you request headers by yourself using:

// open a socket connection on port 80
$fp = fsockopen($host, 80);

// send the request headers:
fputs($fp, "POST $path HTTP/1.1\r\n");
fputs($fp, "Host: $host\r\n");
fputs($fp, "Referer: $referer\r\n");
fputs($fp, "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n");
fputs($fp, "Content-length: ". strlen($data) ."\r\n");
fputs($fp, "Connection: close\r\n\r\n");
fputs($fp, $data);

$result = ''; 
while(!feof($fp)) {
    // receive the results of the request
    $result .= fgets($fp, 128);

// close the socket connection:

Like writen on how make request

Finding height in Binary Search Tree

Here is a solution in C#

    private static int heightOfTree(Node root)
        if (root == null)
            return 0;

        int left = 1 + heightOfTree(root.left);
        int right = 1 + heightOfTree(root.right);

        return Math.Max(left, right);

Can I embed a custom font in an iPhone application?

Maybe the author forgot to give the font a Mac FOND name?

  1. Open the font in FontForge then go to Element>Font Info
  2. There is a "Mac" Option where you can set the FOND name.
  3. Under File>Export Font you can create a new ttf

You could also give the "Apple" option in the export dialog a try.

DISCLAIMER: I'm not a IPhone developer!

Parsing JSON giving "unexpected token o" error

Try parse so:

var yourval = jQuery.parseJSON(JSON.stringify(data));

Export tables to an excel spreadsheet in same directory

For people who find this via search engines, you do not need VBA. You can just:

1.) select the query or table with your mouse
2.) click export data from the ribbon
3.) click excel from the export subgroup
4.) follow the wizard to select the output file and location.

How can I use jQuery to make an input readonly?

There are two attributes, namely readonly and disabled, that can make a semi-read-only input. But there is a tiny difference between them.

<input type="text" readonly />
<input type="text" disabled />
  • The readonly attribute makes your input text disabled, and users are not able to change it anymore.
  • Not only will the disabled attribute make your input-text disabled(unchangeable) but also cannot it be submitted.

jQuery approach (1):

$("#inputID").prop("readonly", true);
$("#inputID").prop("disabled", true);

jQuery approach (2):

$("#inputID").attr("disabled", "disabled");

JavaScript approach:

document.getElementById("inputID").readOnly = true;
document.getElementById("inputID").disabled = true;

PS prop introduced with jQuery 1.6.

Video file formats supported in iPhone

Short answer: H.264 MPEG (MP4)

Long answer from

Video formats supported: H.264 video, up to 1.5 Mbps, 640 by 480 pixels, 30 frames per second,

Low-Complexity version of the H.264 Baseline Profile with AAC-LC audio up to 160 Kbps, 48kHz, stereo audio in .m4v, .mp4, and .mov file formats; H.264 video, up to 2.5 Mbps, 640 by 480 pixels, 30 frames per second,

Baseline Profile up to Level 3.0 with AAC-LC audio up to 160 Kbps, 48kHz, stereo audio in .m4v, .mp4, and .mov file formats; MPEG-4 video, up to 2.5 Mbps, 640 by 480 pixels, 30 frames per second,

Simple Profile with AAC-LC audio up to 160 Kbps, 48kHz, stereo audio in .m4v, .mp4, and .mov file formats

Failed to instantiate module [$injector:unpr] Unknown provider: $routeProvider

adding to scotty's answer:

Option 1: Either include this in your JS file:

<script src=""></script>

Option 2: or just use the URL to download 'angular-route.min.js' to your local.

and then (whatever option you choose) add this 'ngRoute' as dependency.

explained: var app = angular.module('myapp', ['ngRoute']);


Java Multithreading concept and join() method

join() is a instance method of java.lang.Thread class which we can use join() method to ensure all threads that started from main must end in order in which they started and also main should end in last. In other words waits for this thread to die.

Exception: join() method throws InterruptedException.

Thread state: When join() method is called on thread it goes from running to waiting state. And wait for thread to die.

synchronized block: Thread need not to acquire object lock before calling join() method i.e. join() method can be called from outside synchronized block.

Waiting time: join(): Waits for this thread to die.

public final void join() throws InterruptedException;

This method internally calls join(0). And timeout of 0 means to wait forever;

join(long millis) – synchronized method Waits at most millis milliseconds for this thread to die. A timeout of 0 means to wait forever.

public final synchronized void join(long millis)
    throws InterruptedException;

public final synchronized void join(long millis, int nanos)
    throws InterruptedException;

Example of join method

class MyThread implements Runnable {
     public void run() {
           String threadName = Thread.currentThread().getName();
           Printer.print("run() method of "+threadName);
           for(int i=0;i<4;i++){
                Printer.print("i="+i+" ,Thread="+threadName);

public class TestJoin {
     public static void main(String...args) throws InterruptedException {
           Printer.print("start main()...");

           MyThread runnable = new MyThread();
           Thread thread1=new Thread(runnable);
           Thread thread2=new Thread(runnable);



           Printer.print("end main()");

class Printer {
     public static void print(String str) {

     start main()...
     run() method of Thread-0
     i=0 ,Thread=Thread-0
     i=1 ,Thread=Thread-0
     i=2 ,Thread=Thread-0
     i=3 ,Thread=Thread-0
     run() method of Thread-1
     i=0 ,Thread=Thread-1
     i=1 ,Thread=Thread-1
     i=2 ,Thread=Thread-1
     i=3 ,Thread=Thread-1
     end main()

Note: calling thread1.join() made main thread to wait until Thread-1 dies.

Let’s check a program to use join(long millis)

First, join(1000) will be called on Thread-1, but once 1000 millisec are up, main thread can resume and start thread2 (main thread won’t wait for Thread-1 to die).

class MyThread implements Runnable {
     public void run() {
           String threadName = Thread.currentThread().getName();
           Printer.print("run() method of "+threadName);
           for(int i=0;i<4;i++){
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                Printer.print("i="+i+" ,Thread="+threadName);

public class TestJoin {
     public static void main(String...args) throws InterruptedException {
           Printer.print("start main()...");

           MyThread runnable = new MyThread();
           Thread thread1=new Thread(runnable);
           Thread thread2=new Thread(runnable);


           // once 1000 millisec are up,
           // main thread can resume and start thread2.


           Printer.print("end main()");

class Printer {
     public static void print(String str) {

     start main()...
     run() method of Thread-0
     i=0 ,Thread=Thread-0
     run() method of Thread-1
     i=1 ,Thread=Thread-0
     i=2 ,Thread=Thread-0
     i=0 ,Thread=Thread-1
     i=1 ,Thread=Thread-1
     i=3 ,Thread=Thread-0
     i=2 ,Thread=Thread-1
     i=3 ,Thread=Thread-1
     end main()

For more information see my blog:

Converting HTML files to PDF

If you look at the side bar of your question, you will see many related questions...

In your context, the simpler method might be to install a PDF print driver like PDFCreator and just print the page to this output.

How to center HTML5 Videos?

@snowBlind In the first example you gave, your style rules should go in a <style> tag, not a <script> tag:

<style type="text/css">
  .center {
    margin: 0 auto;

Also, I tried the changes that were mentioned in this answer (see results at, but they still don't appear to work.

You can surround the video with a div and apply width and auto margins to the div to center the video (along with specifying width attribute for video, see results at

But that doesn't seem like the simplest solution...shouldn't we be able to center a video without having to wrap it in a container div?

The import javax.persistence cannot be resolved

In newer hibernate jars, you can find the required jpa file under "hibernate-search-5.8.0.Final\dist\lib\provided\hibernate-jpa-2.1-api-1.0.0.Final". You have to add this jar file into your project java build path. This will most probably solve the issue.

how to call scalar function in sql server 2008

You have a scalar valued function as opposed to a table valued function. The from clause is used for tables. Just query the value directly in the column list.

select dbo.fun_functional_score('01091400003')

How to check if running in Cygwin, Mac or Linux?

Windows Subsystem for Linux did not exist when this question was asked. It gave these results in my test:

uname -s -> Linux
uname -o -> GNU/Linux
uname -r -> 4.4.0-17763-Microsoft

This means that you need uname -r to distinguish it from native Linux.

How to move a git repository into another directory and make that directory a git repository?

It's even simpler than that. Just did this (on Windows, but it should work on other OS):

  1. Create newrepo.
  2. Move gitrepo1 into newrepo.
  3. Move .git from gitrepo1 to newrepo (up one level).
  4. Commit changes (fix tracking as required).

Git just sees you added a directory and renamed a bunch of files. No biggie.

How to import cv2 in python3?

Your screenshot shows you doing a pip install from the python terminal which is wrong. Do that outside the python terminal. Also the package I believe you want is:

pip install opencv-python

Since you're running on Windows, I might look at the official install manual:

opencv2 is ONLY compatible with Python3 if you do so by compiling the source code. See the section under opencv supported python versions:

how to create dynamic two dimensional array in java?

How about making a custom class containing an array, and use the array of your custom class.

Zoom to fit: PDF Embedded in HTML

Bit late response to this question, however I do have something to add that might be useful for others.

If you make use of an iFrame and set the pdf file path to the src, it will load zoomed out to 100%, which the equivalence of FitH

Laravel Migration Error: Syntax error or access violation: 1071 Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes

You can set a string length of the indexed field as follows:

  $table->string('email', 200)->unique();

How do I check the difference, in seconds, between two dates?

We have function total_seconds() with Python 2.7 Please see below code for python 2.6

import datetime
import time  

def diffdates(d1, d2):
    #Date format: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
    return (time.mktime(time.strptime(d2,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) -
               time.mktime(time.strptime(d1, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")))

d1 =
d2 = + timedelta(days=1)
diff = diffdates(d1, d2)

Group by with multiple columns using lambda

var query = source.GroupBy(x => new { x.Column1, x.Column2 });

Sql server - log is full due to ACTIVE_TRANSACTION

Restarting the SQL Server will clear up the log space used by your database. If this however is not an option, you can try the following:

* Issue a CHECKPOINT command to free up log space in the log file.

* Check the available log space with DBCC SQLPERF('logspace'). If only a small 
  percentage of your log file is actually been used, you can try a DBCC SHRINKFILE 
  command. This can however possibly introduce corruption in your database. 

* If you have another drive with space available you can try to add a file there in 
  order to get enough space to attempt to resolve the issue.

Hope this will help you in finding your solution.

Convert floats to ints in Pandas?

To modify the float output do this:

df= pd.DataFrame(range(5), columns=['a'])
df.a = df.a.astype(float)


0 0.0000000
1 1.0000000
2 2.0000000
3 3.0000000
4 4.0000000

pd.options.display.float_format = '{:,.0f}'.format


0  0
1  1
2  2
3  3
4  4

How to disable PHP Error reporting in CodeIgniter?

Here is the typical structure of new Codeigniter project:

- application/
- system/
- user_guide/
- index.php <- this is the file you need to change

I usually use this code in my CI index.php. Just change local_server_name to the name of your local webserver.

With this code you can deploy your site to your production server without changing index.php each time.

// Domain-based environment
if ($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] == 'local_server_name') {
    define('ENVIRONMENT', 'development');
} else {
    define('ENVIRONMENT', 'production');

 * Different environments will require different levels of error reporting.
 * By default development will show errors but testing and live will hide them.

if (defined('ENVIRONMENT')) {
    switch (ENVIRONMENT) {
        case 'development':
        case 'testing':
        case 'production':
            ini_set('display_errors', 0);  
            exit('The application environment is not set correctly.');

Ternary operator ?: vs if...else

Ternary Operator always returns a value. So in situation when you want some output value from result and there are only 2 conditions always better to use ternary operator. Use if-else if any of the above mentioned conditions are not true.

What's the effect of adding 'return false' to a click event listener?

I believe it causes the standard event to not happen.

In your example the browser will not attempt to go to #.

clear table jquery

The nuclear option:


Destroys everything inside of #yourtableid. Be careful with your selectors, as it will destroy any html in the selector you pass!

Python send UDP packet

Manoj answer above is correct, but another option is to use MESSAGE.encode() or encode('utf-8') to convert to bytes. bytes and encode are mostly the same, encode is compatible with python 2. see here for more

full code:

import socket

UDP_IP = ""
UDP_PORT = 5005
MESSAGE = "Hello, World!"

print("UDP target IP: %s" % UDP_IP)
print("UDP target port: %s" % UDP_PORT)
print("message: %s" % MESSAGE)

sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, # Internet
                     socket.SOCK_DGRAM) # UDP
sock.sendto(MESSAGE.encode(), (UDP_IP, UDP_PORT))

How to start debug mode from command prompt for apache tomcat server?

For windows first set variables:

set JPDA_TRANSPORT=dt_socket

to start server in debug mode:

%TOMCAT_HOME%/bin/catalina.bat jpda start

For unix first export variables:

export JPDA_ADDRESS=8000
export JPDA_TRANSPORT=dt_socket

and to start server in debug mode:

%TOMCAT_HOME%/bin/ jpda start

When should I use a struct rather than a class in C#?

Nah - I don't entirely agree with the rules. They are good guidelines to consider with performance and standardization, but not in light of the possibilities.

As you can see in the responses, there are a lot of creative ways to use them. So, these guidelines need to just be that, always for the sake of performance and efficiency.

In this case, I use classes to represent real world objects in their larger form, I use structs to represent smaller objects that have more exact uses. The way you said it, "a more cohesive whole." The keyword being cohesive. The classes will be more object oriented elements, while structs can have some of those characteristics, though on a smaller scale. IMO.

I use them a lot in Treeview and Listview tags where common static attributes can be accessed very quickly. I have always struggled to get this info another way. For example, in my database applications, I use a Treeview where I have Tables, SPs, Functions, or any other objects. I create and populate my struct, put it in the tag, pull it out, get the data of the selection and so forth. I wouldn't do this with a class!

I do try and keep them small, use them in single instance situations, and keep them from changing. It's prudent to be aware of memory, allocation, and performance. And testing is so necessary.

Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds

My need was to resize text in order to perfectly fit view bounds. Chase's solution only reduces text size, this one enlarges also the text if there is enough space.

To make all fast & precise i used a bisection method instead of an iterative while, as you can see in resizeText() method. That's why you have also a MAX_TEXT_SIZE option. I also included onoelle's tips.

Tested on Android 4.4

 *                    Version 2, December 2004
 * Copyright (C) 2004 Sam Hocevar <[email protected]>
 * Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified
 * copies of this license document, and changing it is allowed as long
 * as the name is changed.
 *  0. You just DO WHAT YOU WANT TO.

import android.content.Context;
import android.text.Layout.Alignment;
import android.text.StaticLayout;
import android.text.TextPaint;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.util.TypedValue;
import android.widget.TextView;

 * Text view that auto adjusts text size to fit within the view.
 * If the text size equals the minimum text size and still does not
 * fit, append with an ellipsis.
 * @author Chase Colburn
 * @since Apr 4, 2011
public class AutoResizeTextView extends TextView {

    // Minimum text size for this text view
    public static final float MIN_TEXT_SIZE = 26;

    // Maximum text size for this text view
    public static final float MAX_TEXT_SIZE = 128;

    private static final int BISECTION_LOOP_WATCH_DOG = 30;

    // Interface for resize notifications
    public interface OnTextResizeListener {
        public void onTextResize(TextView textView, float oldSize, float newSize);

    // Our ellipse string
    private static final String mEllipsis = "...";

    // Registered resize listener
    private OnTextResizeListener mTextResizeListener;

    // Flag for text and/or size changes to force a resize
    private boolean mNeedsResize = false;

    // Text size that is set from code. This acts as a starting point for resizing
    private float mTextSize;

    // Temporary upper bounds on the starting text size
    private float mMaxTextSize = MAX_TEXT_SIZE;

    // Lower bounds for text size
    private float mMinTextSize = MIN_TEXT_SIZE;

    // Text view line spacing multiplier
    private float mSpacingMult = 1.0f;

    // Text view additional line spacing
    private float mSpacingAdd = 0.0f;

    // Add ellipsis to text that overflows at the smallest text size
    private boolean mAddEllipsis = true;

    // Default constructor override
    public AutoResizeTextView(Context context) {
        this(context, null);

    // Default constructor when inflating from XML file
    public AutoResizeTextView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        this(context, attrs, 0);

    // Default constructor override
    public AutoResizeTextView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {
        super(context, attrs, defStyle);
        mTextSize = getTextSize();

     * When text changes, set the force resize flag to true and reset the text size.
    protected void onTextChanged(final CharSequence text, final int start, final int before, final int after) {
        mNeedsResize = true;
        // Since this view may be reused, it is good to reset the text size

     * If the text view size changed, set the force resize flag to true
    protected void onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh) {
        if (w != oldw || h != oldh) {
            mNeedsResize = true;

     * Register listener to receive resize notifications
     * @param listener
    public void setOnResizeListener(OnTextResizeListener listener) {
        mTextResizeListener = listener;

     * Override the set text size to update our internal reference values
    public void setTextSize(float size) {
        mTextSize = getTextSize();

     * Override the set text size to update our internal reference values
    public void setTextSize(int unit, float size) {
        super.setTextSize(unit, size);
        mTextSize = getTextSize();

     * Override the set line spacing to update our internal reference values
    public void setLineSpacing(float add, float mult) {
        super.setLineSpacing(add, mult);
        mSpacingMult = mult;
        mSpacingAdd = add;

     * Set the upper text size limit and invalidate the view
     * @param maxTextSize
    public void setMaxTextSize(float maxTextSize) {
        mMaxTextSize = maxTextSize;

     * Return upper text size limit
     * @return
    public float getMaxTextSize() {
        return mMaxTextSize;

     * Set the lower text size limit and invalidate the view
     * @param minTextSize
    public void setMinTextSize(float minTextSize) {
        mMinTextSize = minTextSize;

     * Return lower text size limit
     * @return
    public float getMinTextSize() {
        return mMinTextSize;

     * Set flag to add ellipsis to text that overflows at the smallest text size
     * @param addEllipsis
    public void setAddEllipsis(boolean addEllipsis) {
        mAddEllipsis = addEllipsis;

     * Return flag to add ellipsis to text that overflows at the smallest text size
     * @return
    public boolean getAddEllipsis() {
        return mAddEllipsis;

     * Reset the text to the original size
    public void resetTextSize() {
        if(mTextSize > 0) {
            super.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_PX, mTextSize);
            //mMaxTextSize = mTextSize;

     * Resize text after measuring
    protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) {
        if(changed || mNeedsResize) {
            int widthLimit = (right - left) - getCompoundPaddingLeft() - getCompoundPaddingRight();
            int heightLimit = (bottom - top) - getCompoundPaddingBottom() - getCompoundPaddingTop();
            resizeText(widthLimit, heightLimit);
        super.onLayout(changed, left, top, right, bottom);

     * Resize the text size with default width and height
    public void resizeText() {
        int heightLimit = getHeight() - getPaddingBottom() - getPaddingTop();
        int widthLimit = getWidth() - getPaddingLeft() - getPaddingRight();
        resizeText(widthLimit, heightLimit);

     * Resize the text size with specified width and height
     * @param width
     * @param height
    public void resizeText(int width, int height) {
        CharSequence text = getText();
        // Do not resize if the view does not have dimensions or there is no text
        if(text == null || text.length() == 0 || height <= 0 || width <= 0 || mTextSize == 0) {

        // Get the text view's paint object
        TextPaint textPaint = getPaint();

        // Store the current text size
        float oldTextSize = textPaint.getTextSize();

        // Bisection method: fast & precise
        float lower = mMinTextSize;
        float upper = mMaxTextSize;
        int loop_counter=1;
        float targetTextSize = (lower+upper)/2;
        int textHeight = getTextHeight(text, textPaint, width, targetTextSize);
        while(loop_counter < BISECTION_LOOP_WATCH_DOG && upper - lower > 1) {
            targetTextSize = (lower+upper)/2;
            textHeight = getTextHeight(text, textPaint, width, targetTextSize);
            if(textHeight > height)
                upper = targetTextSize;
                lower = targetTextSize;

        targetTextSize = lower;
        textHeight = getTextHeight(text, textPaint, width, targetTextSize);

        // If we had reached our minimum text size and still don't fit, append an ellipsis
        if(mAddEllipsis && targetTextSize == mMinTextSize && textHeight > height) {
            // Draw using a static layout
            // modified: use a copy of TextPaint for measuring
            TextPaint paintCopy = new TextPaint(textPaint);
            StaticLayout layout = new StaticLayout(text, paintCopy, width, Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, mSpacingMult, mSpacingAdd, false);
            // Check that we have a least one line of rendered text
            if(layout.getLineCount() > 0) {
                // Since the line at the specific vertical position would be cut off,
                // we must trim up to the previous line
                int lastLine = layout.getLineForVertical(height) - 1;
                // If the text would not even fit on a single line, clear it
                if(lastLine < 0) {
                // Otherwise, trim to the previous line and add an ellipsis
                else {
                    int start = layout.getLineStart(lastLine);
                    int end = layout.getLineEnd(lastLine);
                    float lineWidth = layout.getLineWidth(lastLine);
                    float ellipseWidth = paintCopy.measureText(mEllipsis);

                    // Trim characters off until we have enough room to draw the ellipsis
                    while(width < lineWidth + ellipseWidth) {
                        lineWidth = paintCopy.measureText(text.subSequence(start, --end + 1).toString());
                    setText(text.subSequence(0, end) + mEllipsis);

        // Some devices try to auto adjust line spacing, so force default line spacing
        // and invalidate the layout as a side effect
        setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_PX, targetTextSize);
        setLineSpacing(mSpacingAdd, mSpacingMult);

        // Notify the listener if registered
        if(mTextResizeListener != null) {
            mTextResizeListener.onTextResize(this, oldTextSize, targetTextSize);

        // Reset force resize flag
        mNeedsResize = false;

    // Set the text size of the text paint object and use a static layout to render text off screen before measuring
    private int getTextHeight(CharSequence source, TextPaint originalPaint, int width, float textSize) {
        // modified: make a copy of the original TextPaint object for measuring
        // (apparently the object gets modified while measuring, see also the
        // docs for TextView.getPaint() (which states to access it read-only)
        TextPaint paint = new TextPaint(originalPaint);
        // Update the text paint object
        // Measure using a static layout
        StaticLayout layout = new StaticLayout(source, paint, width, Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, mSpacingMult, mSpacingAdd, true);
        return layout.getHeight();


Is it possible to get a history of queries made in postgres

There's no history in the database itself, if you're using psql you can use "\s" to see your command history there.

You can get future queries or other types of operations into the log files by setting log_statement in the postgresql.conf file. What you probably want instead is log_min_duration_statement, which if you set it to 0 will log all queries and their durations in the logs. That can be helpful once your apps goes live, if you set that to a higher value you'll only see the long running queries which can be helpful for optimization (you can run EXPLAIN ANALYZE on the queries you find there to figure out why they're slow).

Another handy thing to know in this area is that if you run psql and tell it "\timing", it will show how long every statement after that takes. So if you have a sql file that looks like this:

select 1;

You can run it with the right flags and see each statement interleaved with how long it took. Here's how and what the result looks like:

$ psql -ef test.sql 
Timing is on.
select 1;
(1 row)

Time: 1.196 ms

This is handy because you don't need to be database superuser to use it, unlike changing the config file, and it's easier to use if you're developing new code and want to test it out.

PHP salt and hash SHA256 for login password

I think @Flo254 chained $salt to $password1and stored them to $hashed variable. $hashed variable goes inside INSERT query with $salt.

Is it correct to use alt tag for an anchor link?

I used title and it worked!

The title attribute gives the title of the link. With one exception, it is purely advisory. The value is text. The exception is for style sheet links, where the title attribute defines alternative style sheet sets.

<a class="navbar-brand" href="" title="sito dell'Istituto Ancel Keys">A.K.</a>

Hash table in JavaScript

You could use my JavaScript hash table implementation, jshashtable. It allows any object to be used as a key, not just strings.

Can Mysql Split a column?

As an addendum to this, I've strings of the form: Some words 303

where I'd like to split off the numerical part from the tail of the string. This seems to point to a possible solution:

The problem however, is that you only get the answer "yes, it matches", and not the start index of the regexp match.

Python Requests - No connection adapters

One more reason, maybe your url include some hiden characters, such as '\n'.

If you define your url like below, this exception will raise:

url = '''

because there are '\n' hide in the string. The url in fact become:


Using C# regular expressions to remove HTML tags

Use this method to remove tags:

public string From_To(string text, string from, string to)
    if (text == null)
        return null;
    string pattern = @"" + from + ".*?" + to;
    Regex rx = new Regex(pattern, RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
    MatchCollection matches = rx.Matches(text);
    return matches.Count <= 0 ? text : matches.Cast<Match>().Where(match => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(match.Value)).Aggregate(text, (current, match) => current.Replace(match.Value, ""));

Parse XML using JavaScript

I'm guessing from your last question, asked 20 minutes before this one, that you are trying to parse (read and convert) the XML found through using GeoNames' FindNearestAddress.

If your XML is in a string variable called txt and looks like this:

  <street>Roble Ave</street>
  <placename>Menlo Park</placename>
  <adminName2>San Mateo</adminName2>

Then you can parse the XML with Javascript DOM like this:

if (window.DOMParser)
    parser = new DOMParser();
    xmlDoc = parser.parseFromString(txt, "text/xml");
else // Internet Explorer
    xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
    xmlDoc.async = false;

And get specific values from the nodes like this:

//Gets house address number

//Gets Street name

//Gets Postal Code


Feb. 2019 edit:

In response to @gaugeinvariante's concerns about xml with Namespace prefixes. Should you have a need to parse xml with Namespace prefixes, everything should work almost identically:

NOTE: this will only work in browsers that support xml namespace prefixes such as Microsoft Edge

// XML with namespace prefixes 's', 'sn', and 'p' in a variable called txt_x000D_
txt = `_x000D_
<address xmlns:p='' xmlns:s='' xmlns:sn=''>_x000D_
  <s:street>Roble Ave</s:street>_x000D_
//Everything else the same_x000D_
if (window.DOMParser)_x000D_
    parser = new DOMParser();_x000D_
    xmlDoc = parser.parseFromString(txt, "text/xml");_x000D_
else // Internet Explorer_x000D_
    xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");_x000D_
    xmlDoc.async = false;_x000D_
//The prefix should not be included when you request the xml namespace_x000D_
//Gets "streetNumber" (note there is no prefix of "sn"_x000D_
//Gets Street name_x000D_
//Gets Postal Code_x000D_

Flask at first run: Do not use the development server in a production environment

The official tutorial discusses deploying an app to production. One option is to use Waitress, a production WSGI server. Other servers include Gunicorn and uWSGI.

When running publicly rather than in development, you should not use the built-in development server (flask run). The development server is provided by Werkzeug for convenience, but is not designed to be particularly efficient, stable, or secure.

Instead, use a production WSGI server. For example, to use Waitress, first install it in the virtual environment:

$ pip install waitress

You need to tell Waitress about your application, but it doesn’t use FLASK_APP like flask run does. You need to tell it to import and call the application factory to get an application object.

$ waitress-serve --call 'flaskr:create_app'
Serving on

Or you can use waitress.serve() in the code instead of using the CLI command.

from flask import Flask

app = Flask(__name__)

def index():
    return "<h1>Hello!</h1>"

if __name__ == "__main__":
    from waitress import serve
    serve(app, host="", port=8080)
$ python

Class has no member named

Do you have a typo in your .h? I once came across this error when i had the method properly called in my main, but with a typo in the .h/.cpp (a "g" vs a "q" in the method name, which made it kinda difficult to spot). It falls under the "copy/paste error" category.

No signing certificate "iOS Distribution" found

I had the same issue and I have gone through all these solutions given, but none of them worked for me. But then I realised my stupid mistake. I forgot to change Code signing identity to iOS Distribution from iOS Developer, under build settings tab. Please make sure you have selected 'iOS Distribution' there.

update query with join on two tables

Try this one

UPDATE employee 

How can I save multiple documents concurrently in Mongoose/Node.js?

Add a file called mongoHelper.js

var MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient;

MongoClient.saveAny = function(data, collection, callback)
    if(data instanceof Array)
        saveRecords(data,collection, callback);
        saveRecord(data,collection, callback);

function saveRecord(data, collection, callback)
        function(err, result)
                throw new Error(err);
function saveRecords(data, collection, callback)
function save(data, collection, callback)
        function(err, result)
                throw new Error(err);
            if(data.length > 0)
                save(data, collection, callback);

module.exports = MongoClient;

Then in your code change you requires to

var MongoClient = require("./mongoHelper.js");

Then when it is time to save call (after you have connected and retrieved the collection)

MongoClient.saveAny(data, collection, function(){db.close();});

You can change the error handling to suit your needs, pass back the error in the callback etc.

how to clear localstorage,sessionStorage and cookies in javascript? and then retrieve?

There is no way to retrieve localStorage, sessionStorage or cookie values via javascript in the browser after they've been deleted via javascript.

If what you're really asking is if there is some other way (from outside the browser) to recover that data, that's a different question and the answer will entirely depend upon the specific browser and how it implements the storage of each of those types of data.

For example, Firefox stores cookies as individual files. When a cookie is deleted, its file is deleted. That means that the cookie can no longer be accessed via the browser. But, we know that from outside the browser, using system tools, the contents of deleted files can sometimes be retrieved.

If you wanted to look into this further, you'd have to discover how each browser stores each data type on each platform of interest and then explore if that type of storage has any recovery strategy.

Converting JavaScript object with numeric keys into array

      var data = [];

      data  = {{ jdata|safe }}; //parse through js
      var i = 0 ;
      for (i=0;i<data.length;i++){
         data[i] = data[i].value;

Difference between the System.Array.CopyTo() and System.Array.Clone()

The Clone() method returns a new array (a shallow copy) object containing all the elements in the original array. The CopyTo() method copies the elements into another existing array. Both perform a shallow copy. A shallow copy means the contents (each array element) contains references to the same object as the elements in the original array. A deep copy (which neither of these methods performs) would create a new instance of each element's object, resulting in a different, yet identical object.

So the difference are :

1- CopyTo require to have a destination array when Clone return a new array.
2- CopyTo let you specify an index (if required) to the destination array.

Remove the wrong example.

How can I remove the "No file chosen" tooltip from a file input in Chrome?

you can set a width for yor element which will show only the button and will hide the "no file chosen".

Where does PHP store the error log? (php5, apache, fastcgi, cpanel)

whereever you want it to, if you set it your function call: error_log($errorMessageforLog . "\n", 4, 'somePath/SomeFileName.som');

regular expression for anything but an empty string

We can also use space in a char class, in an expression similar to one of these:

(?!^[ ]*$)^\S+$
(?!^[ ]*$)^\S{1,}$
(?!^[ ]{0,}$)^\S{1,}$
(?!^[ ]{0,1}$)^\S{1,}$

depending on the language/flavor that we might use.

RegEx Demo


using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

public class Example
    public static void Main()
        string pattern = @"(?!^[ ]*$)^\S+$";
        string input = @"

            abc def
            ABC 123
        RegexOptions options = RegexOptions.Multiline;

        foreach (Match m in Regex.Matches(input, pattern, options))
            Console.WriteLine("'{0}' found at index {1}.", m.Value, m.Index);

C# Demo

If you wish to simplify/modify/explore the expression, it's been explained on the top right panel of If you'd like, you can also watch in this link, how it would match against some sample inputs.

RegEx Circuit visualizes regular expressions:

enter image description here

Concatenate rows of two dataframes in pandas

Thanks to @EdChum I was struggling with same problem especially when indexes do not match. Unfortunatly in pandas guide this case is missed (when you for example delete some rows)

import pandas as pd
t=t.loc[t['a']>1] #now index starts from 1

u['b']=[1,2,3] #index starts from 0

#option 1
#keep index of t
u.index = t.index 

#option 2
#index of t starts from 0
t.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)

#now concat will keep number of rows 
r=pd.concat([t,u], axis=1)

Python - round up to the nearest ten

round does take negative ndigits parameter!

>>> round(46,-1)

may solve your case.

Connect to mysql on Amazon EC2 from a remote server

While creating the user like 'myuser'@'localhost', the user gets limited to be connected only from localhost. Create a user only for remote access and use your remote client IP address from where you will be connecting to the MySQL server. If you can bear the risk of allowing connections from all remote hosts (usually when using dynamic IP address), you can use 'myuser'@'%'. I did this, and also removed bind_address from /etc/mysql/mysql.cnf (Ubuntu) and now it connects flawlessly.

mysql> select host,user from mysql.user;
| host      | user      |
| %         | myuser    |
| localhost | mysql.sys |
| localhost | root      |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Maven version with a property

The correct answer is this (example version):

  • In parent pom.xml you should have (not inside properties):

  • In all child modules you should have:


So it is hardcoded.

Now, to update the version you do this:

mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=0.0.2-SNAPSHOT
mvn versions:commit # Necessary to remove the backup file pom.xml

and all your 400 modules will have the parent version updated.