Programs & Examples On #Event delegation

In JavaScript, event delegation is a concept of listening to specific events on some element (eg. the whole document) to catch these events being fired on any of the child elements, even the ones that did not exist when the event was being attached. This happens thanks to another concept called "event bubbling", which makes events to be visible by parent elements. Within every event handler it is possible to check what was the target element of the event.

Delegation: EventEmitter or Observable in Angular

You can use either:

  1. Behaviour Subject:

BehaviorSubject is a type of subject, a subject is a special type of observable which can act as observable and observer you can subscribe to messages like any other observable and upon subscription, it returns the last value of the subject emitted by the source observable:

Advantage: No Relationship such as parent-child relationship required to pass data between components.


import {Injectable}      from '@angular/core'
import {BehaviorSubject} from 'rxjs/BehaviorSubject';

export class NavService {
  private navSubject$ = new BehaviorSubject<number>(0);

  constructor() {  }

  // Event New Item Clicked
  navItemClicked(navItem: number) {

 // Allowing Observer component to subscribe emitted data only
  getNavItemClicked$() {
   return this.navSubject$.asObservable();


  selector: 'navbar-list',
      <li><a (click)="navItemClicked(1)">Item-1 Clicked</a></li>
      <li><a (click)="navItemClicked(2)">Item-2 Clicked</a></li>
      <li><a (click)="navItemClicked(3)">Item-3 Clicked</a></li>
      <li><a (click)="navItemClicked(4)">Item-4 Clicked</a></li>
export class Navigation {
  constructor(private navService:NavService) {}
  navItemClicked(item: number) {


  selector: 'obs-comp',
  template: `obs component, item: {{item}}`
export class ObservingComponent {
  item: number;

  constructor(private navService:NavService) {}
  ngOnInit() {

    this.itemClickedSubcription = this.navService
                                        item => this.selectedNavItem(item)
  selectedNavItem(item: number) {
    this.item = item;

  ngOnDestroy() {

Second Approach is Event Delegation in upward direction child -> parent

  1. Using @Input and @Output decorators parent passing data to child component and child notifying parent component

e.g Answered given by @Ashish Sharma.

What is DOM Event delegation?

To understand event delegation first we need to know why and when we actually need or want event delegation.

There may be many cases but let's discuss two big use cases for event delegation. 1. The first case is when we have an element with lots of child elements that we are interested in. In this case, instead of adding an event handler to all of these child elements, we simply add it to the parent element and then determine on which child element the event was fired.

2.The second use case for event delegation is when we want an event handler attached to an element that is not yet in the DOM when our page is loaded. That's, of course, because we cannot add an event handler to something that's not on our page, so in a case of deprecation that we're coding.

Suppose you have a list of 0, 10, or 100 items in the DOM when you load your page, and more items are waiting in your hand to add in the list. So there is no way to attach an event handler for the future elements or those elements are not added in the DOM yet, and also there may be a lot of items, so it wouldn't be useful to have one event handler attached to each of them.

Event Delegation

All right, so in order to talk about event delegation, the first concept that we actually need to talk about is event bubbling.

Event bubbling: Event bubbling means that when an event is fired or triggered on some DOM element, for example by clicking on our button here on the bellow image, then the exact same event is also triggered on all of the parent elements.

enter image description here

The event is first fired on the button, but then it will also be fired on all the parent elements one at a time, so it will also fire on the paragraph to the section the main element and actually all the way up in a DOM tree until the HTML element which is the root. So we say that the event bubbles up inside the DOM tree, and that's why it's called bubbling.

1 2 3 4

Target element: The element on which the event was actually first fired called the target element, so the element that caused the event to happen, is called the target element. In our above example here it's, of course, the button that was clicked. The important part is that this target element is stored as a property in the event object, This means that all the parent elements on which the event will also fire will know the target element of the event, so where the event was first fired.

That brings us to event delegation because if the event bubbles up in the DOM tree, and if we know where the event was fired then we can simply attach an event handler to a parent element and wait for the event to bubble up, and we can then do whatever we intended to do with our target element. This technique is called event delegation. In this example here, we could simply add the event handler to the main element.

All right, so again, event delegation is to not set up the event handler on the original element that we're interested in but to attach it to a parent element and, basically, catch the event there because it bubbles up. We can then act on the element that we're interested in using the target element property.

Example: Now lets assume we have two list item in our page, after adding items in those list programmtically we want to delete one or more items from them. Using event delegation tecnique we can achive our ppurpose easily.

<div class="body">
    <div class="top">

    <div class="bottom">
        <div class="other">
            <!-- other bottom elements -->
        <div class="container clearfix">
            <div class="income">
                <h2 class="icome__title">Income</h2>
                <div class="income__list">
                    <!-- list items -->
            <div class="expenses">
                <h2 class="expenses__title">Expenses</h2>
                <div class="expenses__list">
                    <!-- list items -->

Adding items in those list:

const DOMstrings={

var addListItem = function(obj, type){
        //create html string with the place holder
        var html, element;
            element = DOMstrings.incomeContainer
            html = `<div class="item clearfix" id="inc-${}">
            <div class="item__description">${obj.descripiton}</div>
            <div class="right clearfix">
                <div class="item__value">${obj.value}</div>
                <div class="item__delete">
                    <button class="item__delete--btn"><i class="ion-ios-close-outline"></i></button>
        }else if (type ===DOMstrings.type.expense){
            html = ` <div class="item clearfix" id="exp-${}">
            <div class="item__description">${obj.descripiton}</div>
            <div class="right clearfix">
                <div class="item__value">${obj.value}</div>
                <div class="item__percentage">21%</div>
                <div class="item__delete">
                    <button class="item__delete--btn"><i class="ion-ios-close-outline"></i></button>
        var htmlObject = document.createElement('div');
        document.querySelector(element).insertAdjacentElement('beforeend', htmlObject);

Delete items:

var ctrlDeleteItem = function(event){
       // var itemId =;
        var parent =;
        var splitId, type, ID;
            parent = parent.parentNode
            splitId ='-');
            type = splitId[0];

        deleteItem(type, ID);

 var deleteItem = function(type, id){
        var ids, index;
        ids = data.allItems[type].map(function(current){
        index = ids.indexOf(id);

  var deleteListItem = function(selectorID){
        var element = document.getElementById(selectorID);

Bootstrap 3 with remote Modal

another great and easy way is to have a blind modal in your layout and call it if neccessary.


  var remote_modal = function(url) {
    // reset modal body with a spinner or empty content
    spinner = "<div class='text-center'><i class='fa fa-spinner fa-spin fa-5x fa-fw'></i></div>"

    $("#remote-modal .modal-body").html(spinner)
    $("#remote-modal .modal-body").load(url);

and your HTML

 <div class='modal fade' id='remote-modal'>
    <div class='modal-dialog modal-lg'>
      <div class='modal-content'>
        <div class='modal-body'></div>
        <div class='modal-footer'>
          <button class='btn btn-default'>Close</button>

now you can simply call remote_modal('/my/url.html') and the content gets displayed inside of the modal

Ant if else condition?

The if attribute does not exist for <copy>. It should be applied to the <target>.

Below is an example of how you can use the depends attribute of a target and the if and unless attributes to control execution of dependent targets. Only one of the two should execute.

<target name="prepare-copy" description="copy file based on condition"
    depends="prepare-copy-true, prepare-copy-false">

<target name="prepare-copy-true" description="copy file based on condition"
    <echo>Get file based on condition being true</echo>
    <copy file="${some.dir}/true" todir="." />

<target name="prepare-copy-false" description="copy file based on false condition" 
    <echo>Get file based on condition being false</echo>
    <copy file="${some.dir}/false" todir="." />

If you are using ANT 1.8+, then you can use property expansion and it will evaluate the value of the property to determine the boolean value. So, you could use if="${copy-condition}" instead of if="copy-condition".

In ANT 1.7.1 and earlier, you specify the name of the property. If the property is defined and has any value (even an empty string), then it will evaluate to true.

How to write a cron that will run a script every day at midnight?

Sometimes you'll need to specify PATH and GEM_PATH using crontab with rvm.

Like this:

# top of crontab file

# jobs
00 00 * * * ruby path/to/your/script.rb
00 */4 * * * ruby path/to/your/script2.rb
00 8,12,22 * * * ruby path/to/your/script3.rb

SSL Connection / Connection Reset with IISExpress

KASPERSKY ISSUE!! I'd tried everything, localhost with SSL worked if I ran VS2019 as Administrator, but the connection was lost after a while of debugging, and I had to re-run the app. The only worked for me was uninstall Kaspersky, unbelievable, days ago I'd tried to pause Kaspersky protection and it didn't solve the problem, so I had discarded antivirus issues, after days of trying solutions, I resumed antivirus matter, uninstalled Kaspersky V 21.1 ..., tried and worked, installed V 21.2 ... and it works fine also without running VS as Administrator

How to format font style and color in echo

echo "<span style = 'font-color: #ff0000'> Movie List for {$key} 2013 </span>";

Variables are only expanded inside double quotes, not single quotes. Since the above uses double quotes for the PHP string, I switched to single quotes for the embedded HTML, to avoid having to escape the quotes.

The other problem with your code is that <style> tags are for entering CSS blocks, not for styling individual elements. To style an element, you need an element tag with a style attribute; <span> is the simplest element -- it doesn't have any formatting of its own, it just serves as a place to attach attributes.

Another popular way to write it is with string concatenation:

echo '<span style = "font-color: #ff0000"> Movie List for ' . $key . ' 2013 </span>';

How To Include CSS and jQuery in my WordPress plugin?

To include CSS and jQuery in your plugin is easy, try this:

// register jquery and style on initialization
add_action('init', 'register_script');
function register_script() {
    wp_register_script( 'custom_jquery', plugins_url('/js/custom-jquery.js', __FILE__), array('jquery'), '2.5.1' );

    wp_register_style( 'new_style', plugins_url('/css/new-style.css', __FILE__), false, '1.0.0', 'all');

// use the registered jquery and style above
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'enqueue_style');

function enqueue_style(){

   wp_enqueue_style( 'new_style' );

I found this great snipped from this site How to include jQuery and CSS in WordPress – The WordPress Way

Hope that helps.

how to create dynamic two dimensional array in java?

There are no multi-dimensional arrays in Java, there are, however, arrays of arrays.

Just make an array of however large you want, then for each element make another array however large you want that one to be.

int array[][];

array = new int[10][];

array[0] = new int[9];
array[1] = new int[8];
array[2] = new int[7];
array[3] = new int[6];
array[4] = new int[5];
array[5] = new int[4];
array[6] = new int[3];
array[7] = new int[2];
array[8] = new int[1];
array[9] = new int[0];


List<Integer>[] array;

array = new List<Integer>[10];

// of you can do "new ArrayList<Integer>(the desired size);" for all of the following
array[0] = new ArrayList<Integer>();
array[1] = new ArrayList<Integer>();
array[2] = new ArrayList<Integer>();
array[3] = new ArrayList<Integer>();
array[4] = new ArrayList<Integer>();
array[5] = new ArrayList<Integer>();
array[6] = new ArrayList<Integer>();
array[7] = new ArrayList<Integer>();
array[8] = new ArrayList<Integer>();
array[9] = new ArrayList<Integer>();

proper name for python * operator?

I call it "positional expansion", as opposed to ** which I call "keyword expansion".

How to change XAMPP apache server port?

I had problem too. I switced Port but couldn't start on 8012.

Skype was involved becouse it had the same port - 80. And it couldn't let apache change it's port.

So just restart computer and Before turning on any other programs Open xampp first change port let's say from 80 to 8000 or 8012 on these lines in httpd.conf

Listen 80
ServerName localhost:80

Restart xampp, Start apache, check localhost.

Assert that a method was called in a Python unit test

I'm not aware of anything built-in. It's pretty simple to implement:

class assertMethodIsCalled(object):
    def __init__(self, obj, method):
        self.obj = obj
        self.method = method

    def called(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.method_called = True
        self.orig_method(*args, **kwargs)

    def __enter__(self):
        self.orig_method = getattr(self.obj, self.method)
        setattr(self.obj, self.method, self.called)
        self.method_called = False

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
        assert getattr(self.obj, self.method) == self.called,
            "method %s was modified during assertMethodIsCalled" % self.method

        setattr(self.obj, self.method, self.orig_method)

        # If an exception was thrown within the block, we've already failed.
        if traceback is None:
            assert self.method_called,
                "method %s of %s was not called" % (self.method, self.obj)

class test(object):
    def a(self):
        print "test"
    def b(self):

obj = test()
with assertMethodIsCalled(obj, "a"):

This requires that the object itself won't modify self.b, which is almost always true.

How to set a JVM TimeZone Properly

On windows 7 and for JDK6, I had to add -Duser.timezone="Europe/Sofia" to the JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS system variable located under "My computer=>Properties=>Advanced System Settings=>Environment Variables".

If you already have some other property set for JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS just append a space and then insert your property string.

No route matches "/users/sign_out" devise rails 3

I know this is an old question based on Rails 3 but I just ran into and solved it on Rails 4.0.4. So thought I'd pitch in how I fixed it for anyone encountering this problem with this version. Your mileage may vary but here's what worked for me.

First make sure you have the gems installed and run bundle install.

gem 'jquery-rails'

gem 'turbolinks'

gem 'jquery-turbolinks'

In application.js check that everything is required like below.

Beware if this gotcha: it's //= require jquery.turbolinks and not //= require jquery-turbolinks

//= require jquery
//= require jquery_ujs
//= require jquery.turbolinks
//= require turbolinks
//= require_tree .

Next, add the appropriate links in the header of application.html.erb.

<%= javascript_include_tag  "application", "data-turbolinks-track" => true %>
<%= javascript_include_tag :defaults %>

There seems to be many variations on how to implement the delete method which I assume depends on the version of Rails you are using. This is the delete syntax I used.

<p><%= link_to "Sign Out", destroy_user_session_path, :method => 'delete' %></p>

Hope that helps dig someone out of this very frustrating hole!

Difference between two dates in MySQL

SELECT TIMEDIFF('2007-12-31 10:02:00','2007-12-30 12:01:01');
-- result: 22:00:59, the difference in HH:MM:SS format

SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND,'2007-12-30 12:01:01','2007-12-31 10:02:00'); 
-- result: 79259  the difference in seconds

So, you can use TIMESTAMPDIFF for your purpose.

Anaconda vs. miniconda

Anaconda or Miniconda?

Choose Anaconda if you:

  1. Are new to conda or Python.

  2. Like the convenience of having Python and over 1,500 scientific packages automatically installed at once.

  3. Have the time and disk space---a few minutes and 3 GB.

  4. Do not want to individually install each of the packages you want to use.

Choose Miniconda if you:

  1. Do not mind installing each of the packages you want to use individually.

  2. Do not have time or disk space to install over 1,500 packages at once.

  3. Want fast access to Python and the conda commands and you wish to sort out the other programs later.


Open link in new tab or window

It shouldn't be your call to decide whether the link should open in a new tab or a new window, since ultimately this choice should be done by the settings of the user's browser. Some people like tabs; some like new windows.

Using _blank will tell the browser to use a new tab/window, depending on the user's browser configuration and how they click on the link (e.g. middle click, Ctrl+click, or normal click).

How to set cellpadding and cellspacing in table with CSS?

Here is the solution.


<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">

The CSS:

table { 

Hope this helps.


td, th {padding:0}

Import-Module : The specified module 'activedirectory' was not loaded because no valid module file was found in any module directory

Even better use implicit remoting to use a module from another Machine!

$s = New-PSSession Server-Name
Invoke-Command -Session $s -ScriptBlock {Import-Module ActiveDirectory}
Import-PSSession -Session $s -Module ActiveDirectory -Prefix REM

This will allow you to use the module off a remote PC for as long as the PSSession is connected.

More Information:

How to Convert Datetime to Date in dd/MM/yyyy format

Give a different alias

SELECT  Convert(varchar,A.InsertDate,103) as converted_Tran_Date from table as A
order by A.InsertDate 

How to get the total number of rows of a GROUP BY query?

You have to use rowCount — Returns the number of rows affected by the last SQL statement

$query = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM table_name");
$count =$query->rowCount();
echo $count;

How do I use modulus for float/double?

Unlike C, Java allows using the % for both integer and floating point and (unlike C89 and C++) it is well-defined for all inputs (including negatives):

From JLS §15.17.3:

The result of a floating-point remainder operation is determined by the rules of IEEE arithmetic:

  • If either operand is NaN, the result is NaN.
  • If the result is not NaN, the sign of the result equals the sign of the dividend.
  • If the dividend is an infinity, or the divisor is a zero, or both, the result is NaN.
  • If the dividend is finite and the divisor is an infinity, the result equals the dividend.
  • If the dividend is a zero and the divisor is finite, the result equals the dividend.
  • In the remaining cases, where neither an infinity, nor a zero, nor NaN is involved, the floating-point remainder r from the division of a dividend n by a divisor d is defined by the mathematical relation r=n-(d·q) where q is an integer that is negative only if n/d is negative and positive only if n/d is positive, and whose magnitude is as large as possible without exceeding the magnitude of the true mathematical quotient of n and d.

So for your example, 0.5/0.3 = 1.6... . q has the same sign (positive) as 0.5 (the dividend), and the magnitude is 1 (integer with largest magnitude not exceeding magnitude of 1.6...), and r = 0.5 - (0.3 * 1) = 0.2

pandas unique values multiple columns

In [5]: set(df.Col1).union(set(df.Col2))
Out[5]: {'Bill', 'Bob', 'Joe', 'Mary', 'Steve'}


set(df.Col1) | set(df.Col2)

How to disable a particular checkstyle rule for a particular line of code?

What also works well is the SuppressWithNearbyCommentFilter which uses individual comments to suppress audit events.

For example

public void onClick(View view) { ... }

To configure a filter so that CHECKSTYLE IGNORE check FOR NEXT var LINES avoids triggering any audits for the given check for the current line and the next var lines (for a total of var+1 lines):

<module name="SuppressWithNearbyCommentFilter">
    <property name="commentFormat" value="CHECKSTYLE IGNORE (\w+) FOR NEXT (\d+) LINES"/>
    <property name="checkFormat" value="$1"/>
    <property name="influenceFormat" value="$2"/>

MS Access: how to compact current database in VBA

If you want to compact/repair an external mdb file (not the one you are working in just now):

Application.compactRepair sourecFile, destinationFile

If you want to compact the database you are working with:

Application.SetOption "Auto compact", True

In this last case, your app will be compacted when closing the file.

My opinion: writting a few lines of code in an extra MDB "compacter" file that you can call when you want to compact/repair an mdb file is very usefull: in most situations the file that needs to be compacted cannot be opened normally anymore, so you need to call the method from outside the file.

Otherwise, the autocompact shall by default be set to true in each main module of an Access app.

In case of a disaster, create a new mdb file and import all objects from the buggy file. You will usually find a faulty object (form, module, etc) that you will not be able to import.

How to solve " error=12, Cannot allocate memory" calling Runtime#exec()?

If you look into the source of java.lang.Runtime, you'll see exec finally call protected method: execVM, which means it uses Virtual memory. So for Unix-like system, VM depends on amount of swap space + some ratio of physical memory.

Michael's answer did solve your problem but it might (or to say, would eventually) cause the O.S. deadlock in memory allocation issue since 1 tell O.S. less careful of memory allocation & 0 is just guessing & obviously that you are lucky that O.S. guess you can have memory THIS TIME. Next time? Hmm.....

Better approach is that you experiment your case & give a good swap space & give a better ratio of physical memory used & set value to 2 rather than 1 or 0.

Manifest Merger failed with multiple errors in Android Studio

I was also facing same issues, and after lot of research found the solution:

  1. Your min sdk version should be same as of the modules you are using eg: your module min sdk version is 14 and your app min sdk version is 9 It should be same.
  2. If build version of your app and modules not same. Again it should same ** In short, your app build.gradle file and manifest should have same configurations**
  3. There's no duplicacy like same permissions added in manifest file twice, same activity mention twice.
  4. If you have delete any activity from your project, delete it from your manifest file as well.
  5. Sometimes its because of label, icon etc tag of manifest file:

a) Add the xmlns:tools line in the manifest tag.

b) Add tools:replace= or tools:ignore= in the application tag.


<manifest xmlns:android=""
    android:versionName="1.0" >

      tools:replace="icon, label"
      android:theme="@style/Theme.AppCompat" >

  1. If two dependencies are of not same version example: you are using dependency for appcompat v7:26.0.0 and for facebook[4,5) facebook uses cardview of version and appcompat v7:26.0.0 uses cardview of version v7:26.0.0, So there is discripancy in two libraries and thus give error

Error:Execution failed for task ':app:processDebugManifest'.

Manifest merger failed : Attribute value=(26.0.0-alpha1) from [] AndroidManifest.xml:27:9-38 is also present at [] AndroidManifest.xml:24:9-31 value=(25.3.1). Suggestion: add 'tools:replace="android:value"' to element at AndroidManifest.xml:25:5-27:41 to override.

So by using appcompat of version 25.3.1, We can avoid this error

By considering above points in mind, you will get rid of this irritating issue. You can check my blog too

from jquery $.ajax to angular $http

You may use this :

Download "angular-post-fix": "^0.1.0"

Then add 'httpPostFix' to your dependencies while declaring the angular module.

Ref :

Declaring variables inside loops, good practice or bad practice?

For C++ it depends on what you are doing. OK, it is stupid code but imagine

class myTimeEatingClass
      const unsigned int getTime() const
          return  ms_usedTime;
      static unsigned int ms_usedTime;
    for (int counter = 0; counter <= 10; counter++) {

        myTimeEatingClass timeEater();
        //do something
    cout << "Creating class took "<< timeEater.getTime() <<"seconds at all<<endl;

    myTimeEatingClass timeEater();
    for (int counter = 0; counter <= 10; counter++) {
        //do something
    cout << "Creating class took "<< timeEater.getTime() <<"seconds at all<<endl;


You will wait 55 seconds until you get the output of myFunc. Just because each loop contructor and destructor together need 5 seconds to finish.

You will need 5 seconds until you get the output of myOtherFunc.

Of course, this is a crazy example.

But it illustrates that it might become a performance issue when each loop the same construction is done when the constructor and / or destructor needs some time.

How do you clone a Git repository into a specific folder?

For Windows user 

1> Open command prompt.
2> Change the directory to destination folder (Where you want to store your project in local machine.)
3> Now go to project setting online(From where you want to clone)
4> Click on clone, and copy the clone command.
5> Now enter the same on cmd .

It will start cloning saving on the selected folder you given .

XML Schema (XSD) validation tool?

An XML editor for quick and easy XML validation is available at

You just need to run the installer and after that you can validate your XML files with an easy to use desktop application or the command-line. In addition you also get support for Schematron and RelaxNG. Batch validation is also supported...

Update 1/13/2012: The command line tool is free to use and uses Xerces as XML parser.

Regex empty string or email

This regex pattern will match an empty string:


And this will match (crudely) an email or an empty string:


Playing .mp3 and .wav in Java?

Use this library: import*;

public void Sound(String Path){
        InputStream in = new FileInputStream(new File(Path));
        AudioStream audios = new AudioStream(in);
    catch(Exception e){}

How to implement a confirmation (yes/no) DialogPreference?

Android comes with a built-in YesNoPreference class that does exactly what you want (a confirm dialog with yes and no options). See the official source code here.

Unfortunately, it is in the package, which means it is a part of Android's private APIs and you cannot access it from your application (private API classes are subject to change without notice, hence the reason why Google does not let you access them).

Solution: just re-create the class in your application's package by copy/pasting the official source code from the link I provided. I've tried this, and it works fine (there's no reason why it shouldn't).

You can then add it to your preferences.xml like any other Preference. Example:

    android:dialogMessage="Are you sure you want to revert all settings to their default values?"
    android:summary="Revert all settings to their default values."
    android:title="Reset Settings" />

Which looks like this:


Java get String CompareTo as a comparator object

Solution for Java 8 based on java.util.Comparator.comparing(...):

Comparator<String> c = Comparator.comparing(String::toString);


Comparator<String> c = Comparator.comparing((String x) -> x);

Does VBA have Dictionary Structure?

The scripting runtime dictionary seems to have a bug that can ruin your design at advanced stages.

If the dictionary value is an array, you cannot update values of elements contained in the array through a reference to the dictionary.

Collections.emptyList() returns a List<Object>?

the emptyList method has this signature:

public static final <T> List<T> emptyList()

That <T> before the word List means that it infers the value of the generic parameter T from the type of variable the result is assigned to. So in this case:

List<String> stringList = Collections.emptyList();

The return value is then referenced explicitly by a variable of type List<String>, so the compiler can figure it out. In this case:


There's no explicit return variable for the compiler to use to figure out the generic type, so it defaults to Object.

jquery Ajax call - data parameters are not being passed to MVC Controller action

In my case, if I remove the the contentType, I get the Internal Server Error.

This is what I got working after multiple attempts:

var request =  $.ajax({
    type: 'POST',
    url: '/ControllerName/ActionName' ,
    contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
    data: JSON.stringify({ projId: 1, userId:1 }), //hard-coded value used for simplicity
    dataType: 'json'

request.done(function(msg) {
}); (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
    alert("Request failed: " + jqXHR.responseStart +"-" + textStatus + "-" + errorThrown);

And this is the controller code:

public JsonResult ActionName(int projId, int userId)
    var obj = new ClassName();

    var result = obj.MethodName(projId, userId); // variable used for readability
    return Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

Please note, the case of ASP.NET is little different, we have to apply JSON.stringify() to the data as mentioned in the update of this answer.

Oracle SQL Developer - tables cannot be seen

For me, this wound up being a permissions issue.

I solved the problem by creating a superuser role (CREATE ROLE root WITH SUPERUSER LOGIN PASSWORD 'XXXXX';) and then using that superuser account to connect to the database.

This obviously won't be a viable solution in all situations.

How can I escape latex code received through user input?

When you read the string from the GUI control, it is already a "raw" string. If you print out the string you might see the backslashes doubled up, but that's an artifact of how Python displays strings; internally there's still only a single backslash.

>>> a='\nu + \lambda + \theta'
>>> a
'\nu + \\lambda + \theta'
>>> len(a)
>>> b=r'\nu + \lambda + \theta'
>>> b
'\\nu + \\lambda + \\theta'
>>> len(b)
>>> b[0]
>>> print b
\nu + \lambda + \theta

Func vs. Action vs. Predicate

The difference between Func and Action is simply whether you want the delegate to return a value (use Func) or not (use Action).

Func is probably most commonly used in LINQ - for example in projections:

 list.Select(x => x.SomeProperty)

or filtering:

 list.Where(x => x.SomeValue == someOtherValue)

or key selection:

 list.Join(otherList, x => x.FirstKey, y => y.SecondKey, ...)

Action is more commonly used for things like List<T>.ForEach: execute the given action for each item in the list. I use this less often than Func, although I do sometimes use the parameterless version for things like Control.BeginInvoke and Dispatcher.BeginInvoke.

Predicate is just a special cased Func<T, bool> really, introduced before all of the Func and most of the Action delegates came along. I suspect that if we'd already had Func and Action in their various guises, Predicate wouldn't have been introduced... although it does impart a certain meaning to the use of the delegate, whereas Func and Action are used for widely disparate purposes.

Predicate is mostly used in List<T> for methods like FindAll and RemoveAll.

Handlebars/Mustache - Is there a built in way to loop through the properties of an object?

@Amit's answer is good because it will work in both Mustache and Handlebars.

As far as Handlebars-only solutions, I've seen a few and I like the each_with_key block helper at the best.

  • It allows you to iterate over object literals without having to restructure them first, and
  • It gives you control over what you call the key variable. With many other solutions you have to be careful about using object keys named 'key', or 'property', etc.

Click through div to underlying elements

Allowing the user to click through a div to the underlying element depends on the browser. All modern browsers, including Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and Opera, understand pointer-events:none.

For IE, it depends on the background. If the background is transparent, clickthrough works without you needing to do anything. On the other hand, for something like background:white; opacity:0; filter:Alpha(opacity=0);, IE needs manual event forwarding.

See a JSFiddle test and CanIUse pointer events.

What are the differences between "git commit" and "git push"?

Three things to note:

1)Working Directory ----- folder where our codes file are present

2)Local Repository ------ This is inside our system. When we first time make COMMIT command then this Local Repository is created. in the same place where is our Working directory ,
Checkit ( .git ) file get created.
After that when ever we do commit , this will store the changes we make in the file of Working Directory to local Repository (.git)

3)Remote Repository ----- This is situated outside our system like on servers located any where in the world . like github. When we make PUSH command then codes from our local repository get stored to this Remote Repository

Why isn't sizeof for a struct equal to the sum of sizeof of each member?

C language leaves compiler some freedom about the location of the structural elements in the memory:

  • memory holes may appear between any two components, and after the last component. It was due to the fact that certain types of objects on the target computer may be limited by the boundaries of addressing
  • "memory holes" size included in the result of sizeof operator. The sizeof only doesn't include size of the flexible array, which is available in C/C++
  • Some implementations of the language allow you to control the memory layout of structures through the pragma and compiler options

The C language provides some assurance to the programmer of the elements layout in the structure:

  • compilers required to assign a sequence of components increasing memory addresses
  • Address of the first component coincides with the start address of the structure
  • unnamed bit fields may be included in the structure to the required address alignments of adjacent elements

Problems related to the elements alignment:

  • Different computers line the edges of objects in different ways
  • Different restrictions on the width of the bit field
  • Computers differ on how to store the bytes in a word (Intel 80x86 and Motorola 68000)

How alignment works:

  • The volume occupied by the structure is calculated as the size of the aligned single element of an array of such structures. The structure should end so that the first element of the next following structure does not the violate requirements of alignment

p.s More detailed info are available here: "Samuel P.Harbison, Guy L.Steele C A Reference, (5.6.2 - 5.6.7)"

How to find the minimum value of a column in R?

df <- read.table(text = 
             "X  Y
             1  2  3
             2  4  5
             3  6  7
             4  8  9
             5 10 11",
             header = TRUE)

y_min <- min(df[,"Y"])

# Corresponding X value
x_val_associated <- df[df$Y == y_min, "X"]


First, you find the Y min using the min function on the "Y" column only. Notice the returned result is just an integer value. Then, to find the associated X value, you can subset the data.frame to only the rows where the minimum Y value is located and extract just the "X" column.

You now have two integer values for X and Y where Y is the min.

Creating a file only if it doesn't exist in Node.js

As your intuition correctly guessed, the naive solution with a pair of exists / writeFile calls is wrong. Asynchronous code runs in unpredictable ways. And in given case it is

  • Is there a file a.txt? — No.
  • (File a.txt gets created by another program)
  • Write to a.txt if it's possible. — Okay.

But yes, we can do that in a single call. We're working with file system so it's a good idea to read developer manual on fs. And hey, here's an interesting part.

'w' - Open file for writing. The file is created (if it does not exist) or truncated (if it exists).

'wx' - Like 'w' but fails if path exists.

So all we have to do is just add wx to the call. But hey, we don't like fopen-like IO. Let's read on fs.writeFile a bit more.

fs.readFile(filename[, options], callback)#

filename String

options Object

encoding String | Null default = null

flag String default = 'r'

callback Function

That options.flag looks promising. So we try

fs.writeFile(path, data, { flag: 'wx' }, function (err) {
    if (err) throw err;
    console.log("It's saved!");

And it works perfectly for a single write. I guess this code will fail in some more bizarre ways yet if you try to solve your task with it. You have an atomary "check for a_#.jpg existence, and write there if it's empty" operation, but all the other fs state is not locked, and a_1.jpg file may spontaneously disappear while you're already checking a_5.jpg. Most* file systems are no ACID databases, and the fact that you're able to do at least some atomic operations is miraculous. It's very likely that wx code won't work on some platform. So for the sake of your sanity, use database, finally.

Some more info for the suffering

Imagine we're writing something like memoize-fs that caches results of function calls to the file system to save us some network/cpu time. Could we open the file for reading if it exists, and for writing if it doesn't, all in the single call? Let's take a funny look on those flags. After a while of mental exercises we can see that a+ does what we want: if the file doesn't exist, it creates one and opens it both for reading and writing, and if the file exists it does so without clearing the file (as w+ would). But now we cannot use it neither in (smth)File, nor in create(Smth)Stream functions. And that seems like a missing feature.

So feel free to file it as a feature request (or even a bug) to Node.js github, as lack of atomic asynchronous file system API is a drawback of Node. Though don't expect changes any time soon.

Edit. I would like to link to articles by Linus and by Dan Luu on why exactly you don't want to do anything smart with your fs calls, because the claim was left mostly not based on anything.

How do you properly determine the current script directory?

Note: this answer is now a package

$ pip install locate

>>> from locate import this_dir
>>> print(this_dir())

For .py scripts as well as interactive usage:

I frequently use the directory of my scripts (for accessing files stored along side them), but I also frequently run these scripts in an interactive shell for debugging purposes. I define __dirpath__ as:

  • When running or importing a .py file, the file's base directory. This is always the correct path.
  • When running an .ipyn notebook, the current working directory. This is always the correct path, since Jupyter sets the working directory as the .ipynb base directory.
  • When running in a REPL, the current working directory. Hmm, what is the actual "correct path" when the code is detached from a file? Rather, make it your responsibility to change into the "correct path" before invoking the REPL.

Python 3.4 (and above):

from pathlib import Path
__dirpath__ = Path(globals().get("__file__", "./_")).absolute().parent

Python 2 (and above):

import os
__dirpath__ = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(globals().get("__file__", "./_")))


  • globals() returns all the global variables as a dictionary.
  • .get("__file__", "./_") returns the value from the key "__file__" if it exists in globals(), otherwise it returns the provided default value "./_".
  • The rest of the code just expands __file__ (or "./_") into an absolute filepath, and then returns the filepath's base directory.

How to Import Excel file into mysql Database from PHP

For >= 2nd row values insert into table-

$file = fopen($filename, "r");
//$sql_data = "SELECT * FROM prod_list_1 ";

$count = 0;                                         // add this line
while (($emapData = fgetcsv($file, 10000, ",")) !== FALSE)
    $count++;                                      // add this line

    if($count>1){                                  // add this line
      $sql = "INSERT into prod_list_1(p_bench,p_name,p_price,p_reason) values ('$emapData[0]','$emapData[1]','$emapData[2]','$emapData[3]')";
    }                                              // add this line

Chmod 777 to a folder and all contents

This didn't work for me.

sudo chmod -R 777 /path/to/your/file/or/directory

I used -f also.

sudo chmod -R -f 777 /path/to/your/file/or/directory

Android Animation Alpha

Kotlin Version

Simply use ViewPropertyAnimator like this:

iv.alpha = 0.2f
iv.animate().apply {
    interpolator = LinearInterpolator()
    duration = 500
    startDelay = 1000

Css height in percent not working

height: 100% works if you give a fixed size to the parent element.

How to filter a data frame

You are missing a comma in your statement.

Try this:

data[data[, "Var1"]>10, ]


data[data$Var1>10, ]


subset(data, Var1>10)

As an example, try it on the built-in dataset, mtcars


mtcars[mtcars[, "mpg"]>25, ]

                mpg cyl  disp  hp drat    wt  qsec vs am gear carb
Fiat 128       32.4   4  78.7  66 4.08 2.200 19.47  1  1    4    1
Honda Civic    30.4   4  75.7  52 4.93 1.615 18.52  1  1    4    2
Toyota Corolla 33.9   4  71.1  65 4.22 1.835 19.90  1  1    4    1
Fiat X1-9      27.3   4  79.0  66 4.08 1.935 18.90  1  1    4    1
Porsche 914-2  26.0   4 120.3  91 4.43 2.140 16.70  0  1    5    2
Lotus Europa   30.4   4  95.1 113 3.77 1.513 16.90  1  1    5    2

mtcars[mtcars$mpg>25, ]

                mpg cyl  disp  hp drat    wt  qsec vs am gear carb
Fiat 128       32.4   4  78.7  66 4.08 2.200 19.47  1  1    4    1
Honda Civic    30.4   4  75.7  52 4.93 1.615 18.52  1  1    4    2
Toyota Corolla 33.9   4  71.1  65 4.22 1.835 19.90  1  1    4    1
Fiat X1-9      27.3   4  79.0  66 4.08 1.935 18.90  1  1    4    1
Porsche 914-2  26.0   4 120.3  91 4.43 2.140 16.70  0  1    5    2
Lotus Europa   30.4   4  95.1 113 3.77 1.513 16.90  1  1    5    2

subset(mtcars, mpg>25)

                mpg cyl  disp  hp drat    wt  qsec vs am gear carb
Fiat 128       32.4   4  78.7  66 4.08 2.200 19.47  1  1    4    1
Honda Civic    30.4   4  75.7  52 4.93 1.615 18.52  1  1    4    2
Toyota Corolla 33.9   4  71.1  65 4.22 1.835 19.90  1  1    4    1
Fiat X1-9      27.3   4  79.0  66 4.08 1.935 18.90  1  1    4    1
Porsche 914-2  26.0   4 120.3  91 4.43 2.140 16.70  0  1    5    2
Lotus Europa   30.4   4  95.1 113 3.77 1.513 16.90  1  1    5    2

Python: pandas merge multiple dataframes

Thank you for your help @jezrael, @zipa and @everestial007, both answers are what I need. If I wanted to make a recursive, this would also work as intended:

def mergefiles(dfs=[], on=''):
    """Merge a list of files based on one column"""
    if len(dfs) == 1:
         return "List only have one element."

    elif len(dfs) == 2:
        df1 = dfs[0]
        df2 = dfs[1]
        df = df1.merge(df2, on=on)
        return df

    # Merge the first and second datafranes into new dataframe
    df1 = dfs[0]
    df2 = dfs[1]
    df = dfs[0].merge(dfs[1], on=on)

    # Create new list with merged dataframe
    dfl = []

    # Join lists
    dfl = dfl + dfs[2:] 
    dfm = mergefiles(dfl, on)
    return dfm

What are the differences in die() and exit() in PHP?

From what I know when I look at this question here

It said there that "in PHP, there is a distinct difference in Header output. In the examples below I chose to use a different header but for sake of showing the difference between exit() and die() that doesn't matter", and tested (personally)

static linking only some libraries

There is also -l:libstatic1.a (minus l colon) variant of -l option in gcc which can be used to link static library (Thanks to Is it documented? Not in the official documentation of gcc (which is not exact for shared libs too):

-l library 

Search the library named library when linking. (The second alternative with the library as a separate argument is only for POSIX compliance and is not recommended.) ... The only difference between using an -l option and specifying a file name is that -l surrounds library with ‘lib’ and ‘.a’ and searches several directories.

The binutils ld doc describes it. The -lname option will do search for then for libname.a adding lib prefix and .so (if enabled at the moment) or .a suffix. But -l:name option will only search exactly for the name specified:

-l namespec

Add the archive or object file specified by namespec to the list of files to link. This option may be used any number of times. If namespec is of the form :filename, ld will search the library path for a file called filename, otherwise it will search the library path for a file called libnamespec.a.

On systems which support shared libraries, ld may also search for files other than libnamespec.a. Specifically, on ELF and SunOS systems, ld will search a directory for a library called before searching for one called libnamespec.a. (By convention, a .so extension indicates a shared library.) Note that this behavior does not apply to :filename, which always specifies a file called filename.

The linker will search an archive only once, at the location where it is specified on the command line. If the archive defines a symbol which was undefined in some object which appeared before the archive on the command line, the linker will include the appropriate file(s) from the archive. However, an undefined symbol in an object appearing later on the command line will not cause the linker to search the archive again.

See the -( option for a way to force the linker to search archives multiple times.

You may list the same archive multiple times on the command line.

This type of archive searching is standard for Unix linkers. However, if you are using ld on AIX, note that it is different from the behaviour of the AIX linker.

The variant -l:namespec is documented since 2.18 version of binutils (2007):

Send email using java

I got the same exception as you got. Reason for this is not having up and running smpt server in your machine(since your host is localhost). If you use windows 7 it does not have SMTP server . so you will have to download, install and configure with domain and creating accounts.I used hmailserver as smtp server installed and configure in my local machine.

How to specify legend position in matplotlib in graph coordinates

The loc parameter specifies in which corner of the bounding box the legend is placed. The default for loc is loc="best" which gives unpredictable results when the bbox_to_anchor argument is used.
Therefore, when specifying bbox_to_anchor, always specify loc as well.

The default for bbox_to_anchor is (0,0,1,1), which is a bounding box over the complete axes. If a different bounding box is specified, is is usually sufficient to use the first two values, which give (x0, y0) of the bounding box.

Below is an example where the bounding box is set to position (0.6,0.5) (green dot) and different loc parameters are tested. Because the legend extents outside the bounding box, the loc parameter may be interpreted as "which corner of the legend shall be placed at position given by the 2-tuple bbox_to_anchor argument".

enter image description here

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = 6, 3
fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=3)
locs = ["upper left", "lower left", "center right"]
for l, ax in zip(locs, axes.flatten()):
    ax.plot([1,2,3],[2,3,1], "b-", label="blue")
    ax.plot([1,2,3],[1,2,1], "r-", label="red")
    ax.legend(loc=l, bbox_to_anchor=(0.6,0.5))
    ax.scatter((0.6),(0.5), s=81, c="limegreen", transform=ax.transAxes)


See especially this answer for a detailed explanation and the question What does a 4-element tuple argument for 'bbox_to_anchor' mean in matplotlib? .

If you want to specify the legend position in other coordinates than axes coordinates, you can do so by using the bbox_transform argument. If may make sense to use figure coordinates

ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1,0), loc="lower right",  bbox_transform=fig.transFigure)

It may not make too much sense to use data coordinates, but since you asked for it this would be done via bbox_transform=ax.transData.

Can anybody tell me details about hs_err_pid.log file generated when Tomcat crashes?

A very very good document regarding this topic is Troubleshooting Guide for Java from (originally) Sun. See the chapter "Troubleshooting System Crashes" for information about hs_err_pid* Files.

See Appendix C - Fatal Error Log

Per the guide, by default the file will be created in the working directory of the process if possible, or in the system temporary directory otherwise. A specific location can be chosen by passing in the -XX:ErrorFile product flag. It says:

If the -XX:ErrorFile= file flag is not specified, the system attempts to create the file in the working directory of the process. In the event that the file cannot be created in the working directory (insufficient space, permission problem, or other issue), the file is created in the temporary directory for the operating system.

What does getActivity() mean?

getActivity()- Return the Activity this fragment is currently associated with.

How do I check if a given string is a legal/valid file name under Windows?

Regular expressions are overkill for this situation. You can use the String.IndexOfAny() method in combination with Path.GetInvalidPathChars() and Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars().

Also note that both Path.GetInvalidXXX() methods clone an internal array and return the clone. So if you're going to be doing this a lot (thousands and thousands of times) you can cache a copy of the invalid chars array for reuse.

Checking version of angular-cli that's installed?

You can use npm list -global to list all the component versions currently installed on your system.
For viewing specific lists at different levels use --depth.


npm list -global --depth 0

Delete multiple rows by selecting checkboxes using PHP

 $deleted = $_POST['checkbox'];
 $sql = "DELETE FROM $tbl_name WHERE id IN (".implode(",", $deleted ) . ")";

Python mysqldb: Library not loaded: libmysqlclient.18.dylib

I solved the problem by creating a symbolic link to the library. I.e.

The actual library resides in


And then I created a symbolic link in


Using the command:

sudo ln -s /usr/local/mysql/lib/libmysqlclient.18.dylib /usr/lib/libmysqlclient.18.dylib

so that I have the following mapping:

ls -l libmysqlclient.18.dylib 
lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  44 16 Jul 14:01 libmysqlclient.18.dylib -> /usr/local/mysql/lib/libmysqlclient.18.dylib

That was it. After that everything worked fine.


Notice, that since MacOS El Capitan the System Integrity Protection (SIP, also known as "rootless") will prevent you from creating links in /usr/lib/. You could disable SIP by following these instructions, but you can create a link in /usr/local/lib/ instead:

sudo ln -s /usr/local/mysql/lib/libmysqlclient.18.dylib /usr/local/lib/libmysqlclient.18.dylib

How can I check out a GitHub pull request with git?

This will fetch without you having to name a branch:

git pull origin pull/939/head

How do I get a specific pull request on my machine?

How to use opencv in using Gradle?

As per OpenCV docs(1), below steps using OpenCV manager is the recommended way to use OpenCV for production runs. But, OpenCV manager(2) is an additional install from Google play store. So, if you prefer a self contained apk(not using OpenCV manager) or is currently in development/testing phase, I suggest answer at

Recommended steps for using OpenCV in Android Studio with OpenCV manager.

  1. Unzip OpenCV Android sdk downloaded from
  2. From File -> Import Module, choose sdk/java folder in the unzipped opencv archive.
  3. Update build.gradle under imported OpenCV module to update 4 fields to match your project's build.gradle a) compileSdkVersion b) buildToolsVersion c) minSdkVersion and 4) targetSdkVersion.
  4. Add module dependency by Application -> Module Settings, and select the Dependencies tab. Click + icon at bottom(or right), choose Module Dependency and select the imported OpenCV module.

As the final step, in your Activity class, add snippet below.

    public class SampleJava extends Activity  {

        private BaseLoaderCallback mLoaderCallback = new BaseLoaderCallback(this) {
        public void onManagerConnected(int status) {
            switch(status) {
                case LoaderCallbackInterface.SUCCESS:
                    Log.i(TAG,"OpenCV Manager Connected");
                    //from now onwards, you can use OpenCV API
                    Mat m = new Mat(5, 10, CvType.CV_8UC1, new Scalar(0));
                case LoaderCallbackInterface.INIT_FAILED:
                    Log.i(TAG,"Init Failed");
                case LoaderCallbackInterface.INSTALL_CANCELED:
                    Log.i(TAG,"Install Cancelled");
                case LoaderCallbackInterface.INCOMPATIBLE_MANAGER_VERSION:
                    Log.i(TAG,"Incompatible Version");
                case LoaderCallbackInterface.MARKET_ERROR:
                    Log.i(TAG,"Market Error");
                    Log.i(TAG,"OpenCV Manager Install");

    protected void onResume() {
        //initialize OpenCV manager
        OpenCVLoader.initAsync(OpenCVLoader.OPENCV_VERSION_2_4_9, this, mLoaderCallback);

Note: You could only make OpenCV calls after you receive success callback on onManagerConnected method. During run, you will be prompted for installation of OpenCV manager from play store, if it is not already installed. During development, if you don't have access to play store or is on emualtor, use appropriate OpenCV manager apk present in apk folder under downloaded OpenCV sdk archive .


  • Apk size reduction by around 40 MB ( consider upgrades too ).
  • OpenCV manager installs optimized binaries for your hardware which could help speed.
  • Upgrades to OpenCV manager might save your app from bugs in OpenCV.
  • Different apps could share same OpenCV library.


  • End user experience - might not like a install prompt from with your application.

Difference between final and effectively final

According to the docs:

A variable or parameter whose value is never changed after it is initialized is effectively final.

Basically, if the compiler finds a variable does not appear in assignments outside of its initialization, then the variable is considered effectively final.

For example, consider some class:

public class Foo {

    public void baz(int bar) {
        // While the next line is commented, bar is effectively final
        // and while it is uncommented, the assignment means it is not
        // effectively final.

        // bar = 2;

Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'simple, ' to data type int

In order to avoid such error you could use CASE + ISNUMERIC to handle scenarios when you cannot convert to int.



        WHEN IsNumeric(CONVERT(VARCHAR(12), a.value)) = 1 THEN CONVERT(VARCHAR(12),a.value)
        ELSE 0 END) 

Basically this is saying if you cannot convert me to int assign value of 0 (in my example)

Alternatively you can look at this article about creating a custom function that will check if a.value is number:

How do I create a constant in Python?

Here is an implementation of a "Constants" class, which creates instances with read-only (constant) attributes. E.g. can use Nums.PI to get a value that has been initialized as 3.14159, and Nums.PI = 22 raises an exception.

# ---------- ----------
class Constants(object):
    Create objects with read-only (constant) attributes.
        Nums = Constants(ONE=1, PI=3.14159, DefaultWidth=100.0)
        print 10 + Nums.PI
        print '----- Following line is deliberate ValueError -----'
        Nums.PI = 22

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self._d = dict(*args, **kwargs)

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self._d)

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self._d)

    # NOTE: This is only called if self lacks the attribute.
    # So it does not interfere with get of 'self._d', etc.
    def __getattr__(self, name):
        return self._d[name]

    # ASSUMES '_..' attribute is OK to set. Need this to initialize 'self._d', etc.
    #If use as keys, they won't be constant.
    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
        if (name[0] == '_'):
            super(Constants, self).__setattr__(name, value)
            raise ValueError("setattr while locked", self)

if (__name__ == "__main__"):
    # Usage example.
    Nums = Constants(ONE=1, PI=3.14159, DefaultWidth=100.0)
    print 10 + Nums.PI
    print '----- Following line is deliberate ValueError -----'
    Nums.PI = 22

Thanks to @MikeGraham 's FrozenDict, which I used as a starting point. Changed, so instead of Nums['ONE'] the usage syntax is Nums.ONE.

And thanks to @Raufio's answer, for idea to override __ setattr __.

Or for an implementation with more functionality, see @Hans_meine 's named_constants at GitHub

How to center align the cells of a UICollectionView?

Based on user3676011 answer, I can suggest more detailed one with small correction. This solution works great on Swift 2.0.

enum CollectionViewContentPosition {
    case Left
    case Center

var collectionViewContentPosition: CollectionViewContentPosition = .Left

func collectionView(collectionView: UICollectionView, layout collectionViewLayout: UICollectionViewLayout,
    insetForSectionAtIndex section: Int) -> UIEdgeInsets {

    if collectionViewContentPosition == .Left {
        return UIEdgeInsetsZero

    // Center collectionView content

    let itemsCount: CGFloat = CGFloat(collectionView.numberOfItemsInSection(section))
    let collectionViewWidth: CGFloat = collectionView.bounds.width

    let itemWidth: CGFloat = 40.0
    let itemsMargin: CGFloat = 10.0

    let edgeInsets = (collectionViewWidth - (itemsCount * itemWidth) - ((itemsCount-1) * itemsMargin)) / 2

    return UIEdgeInsetsMake(0, edgeInsets, 0, 0)

There was an issue in

(CGFloat(elements.count) * 10))

where should be additional -1 mentioned.

best way to create object

Decide if you need an immutable object or not.

If you put public properties in your class, the state of every instance can be changed at every time in your code. So your class could be like this:

public class Person
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public int Age { get; set; }
    public Person(){}
    public Person(string name, int age)
        Name = name;
        Age = age;
    //Other properties, methods, events...

In that case, having a Person(string name, int age) constructor is not so useful.

The second option is to implement an immutable type. For example:

public class Person
    public string Name { get; private set; }
    public int Age { get; private set; }

    public Person(string name, int age)
        Name = name;
        Age = age;
    //Other properties, methods, events...

Now you have a constructor that sets the state for the instance, once, at creation time. Note that now setters for properties are private, so you can't change the state after your object is instantiated.

A best practice is to define classes as immutable every time if possible. To understand advantages of immutable classes I suggest you read this article.

Accessing the index in 'for' loops?

You can use the index method

ints = [8, 23, 45, 12, 78]
inds = [ints.index(i) for i in ints]

EDIT Highlighted in the comment that this method doesn’t work if there are duplicates in ints, the method below should work for any values in ints:

ints = [8, 8, 8, 23, 45, 12, 78]
inds = [tup[0] for tup in enumerate(ints)]

Or alternatively

ints = [8, 8, 8, 23, 45, 12, 78]
inds = [tup for tup in enumerate(ints)]

if you want to get both the index and the value in ints as a list of tuples.

It uses the method of enumerate in the selected answer to this question, but with list comprehension, making it faster with less code.

Load local HTML file in a C# WebBrowser

  1. Place it in the Applications setup folder or in a separte folder beneath
  2. Reference it relative to the current directory when your app runs.

How can I set the color of a selected row in DataGrid

I had this problem and I nearly tore my hair out, and I wasn't able to find the appropriate answer on the net. I was trying to control the background color of the selected row in a WPF DataGrid. It just wouldn't do it. In my case, the reason was that I also had a CellStyle in my datagrid, and the CellStyle overrode the RowStyle I was setting. Interestingly so, because the CellStyle wasn't even setting the background color, which was instead bing set by the RowBackground and AlternateRowBackground properties. Nevertheless, trying to set the background colour of the selected row did not work at all when I did this:

        <DataGrid ... >
            <Style TargetType="{x:Type DataGridRow}">
                    <Trigger Property="IsSelected" Value="True">
                        <Setter Property="Background" Value="Pink"/>
                        <Setter Property="Foreground" Value="White"/>
            <Style TargetType="{x:Type DataGridCell}">
                <Setter Property="Foreground" Value="{Binding MyProperty}" />

and it did work when I moved the desired style for the selected row out of the row style and into the cell style, like so:

    <DataGrid ... >
            <Style TargetType="{x:Type DataGridCell}">
                <Setter Property="Foreground" Value="{Binding MyProperty}" />
                    <Trigger Property="IsSelected" Value="True">
                        <Setter Property="Background" Value="Pink"/>
                        <Setter Property="Foreground" Value="White"/>

Just posting this in case someone has the same problem.

How to sort a dataframe by multiple column(s)

if SQL comes naturally to you, sqldf package handles ORDER BY as Codd intended.

C++, How to determine if a Windows Process is running?

You can never check and see if a process is running, you can only check to see if a process was running at some point in the recent past. A process is an entity that is not controlled by your application and can exit at any moment in time. There is no way to guaranteed that a process will not exit in between the check to see if it's running and the corresponding action.

The best approach is to just do the action required and catch the exception that would be thrown if the process was not running.

Getters \ setters for dummies

Getters and setters really only make sense when you have private properties of classes. Since Javascript doesn't really have private class properties as you would normally think of from Object Oriented Languages, it can be hard to understand. Here is one example of a private counter object. The nice thing about this object is that the internal variable "count" cannot be accessed from outside the object.

var counter = function() {
    var count = 0; = function() {

    this.getCount = function() {
        return count;

var i = new Counter();;;
// writes "2" to the document
document.write( i.getCount());

If you are still confused, take a look at Crockford's article on Private Members in Javascript.

Could not find a part of the path ... bin\roslyn\csc.exe

If you were adding ASPNETCOMPILER to compile your Razor views in MVC, like in this StackOverflow question, then change PhysicalPath to place where Roslyn nuget package is located (usually pointed via $CscToolPath variable):

<Target Name="AfterBuild" Condition="'$(MvcBuildViews)'=='true'">
<AspNetCompiler VirtualPath="temp" PhysicalPath="$(CscToolPath)" />

How to fix: Error device not found with ADB.exe

I switched to a different USB port and it suddenly got recognized...

How to get the element clicked (for the whole document)?

$(document).click(function (e) {

Extract text from a string

Using -replace

 $string = '% O0033(SUB RAD MSD 50R III) G91G1X-6.4Z-2.F500 G3I6.4Z-8.G3I6.4 G3R3.2X6.4F500 G91G0Z5. G91G1X-10.4 G3I10.4 G3R5.2X10.4 G90G0Z2. M99 %'
 $program = $string -replace '^%\sO\d{4}\((.+?)\).+$','$1'


Relation between CommonJS, AMD and RequireJS?

RequireJS implements the AMD API (source).

CommonJS is a way of defining modules with the help of an exports object, that defines the module contents. Simply put, a CommonJS implementation might work like this:

// someModule.js
exports.doSomething = function() { return "foo"; };

var someModule = require('someModule'); // in the vein of node    
exports.doSomethingElse = function() { return someModule.doSomething() + "bar"; };

Basically, CommonJS specifies that you need to have a require() function to fetch dependencies, an exports variable to export module contents and a module identifier (which describes the location of the module in question in relation to this module) that is used to require the dependencies (source). CommonJS has various implementations, including Node.js, which you mentioned.

CommonJS was not particularly designed with browsers in mind, so it doesn't fit in the browser environment very well (I really have no source for this--it just says so everywhere, including the RequireJS site.) Apparently, this has something to do with asynchronous loading, etc.

On the other hand, RequireJS implements AMD, which is designed to suit the browser environment (source). Apparently, AMD started as a spinoff of the CommonJS Transport format and evolved into its own module definition API. Hence the similarities between the two. The new feature in AMD is the define() function that allows the module to declare its dependencies before being loaded. For example, the definition could be:

define('module/id/string', ['module', 'dependency', 'array'], 
function(module, factory function) {
  return ModuleContents;  

So, CommonJS and AMD are JavaScript module definition APIs that have different implementations, but both come from the same origins.

  • AMD is more suited for the browser, because it supports asynchronous loading of module dependencies.
  • RequireJS is an implementation of AMD, while at the same time trying to keep the spirit of CommonJS (mainly in the module identifiers).

To confuse you even more, RequireJS, while being an AMD implementation, offers a CommonJS wrapper so CommonJS modules can almost directly be imported for use with RequireJS.

define(function(require, exports, module) {
  var someModule = require('someModule'); // in the vein of node    
  exports.doSomethingElse = function() { return someModule.doSomething() + "bar"; };

I hope this helps to clarify things!

Switch statement fallthrough in C#?

They changed the switch statement (from C/Java/C++) behavior for c#. I guess the reasoning was that people forgot about the fall through and errors were caused. One book I read said to use goto to simulate, but this doesn't sound like a good solution to me.

Does Python have an argc argument?

I often use a quick-n-dirty trick to read a fixed number of arguments from the command-line:

[filename] = sys.argv[1:]

in_file = open(filename)   # Don't need the "r"

This will assign the one argument to filename and raise an exception if there isn't exactly one argument.

Can I nest a <button> element inside an <a> using HTML5?

It would be really weird if that was valid, and I would expect it to be invalid. What should it mean to have one clickable element inside of another clickable element? Which is it -- a button, or a link?

Excel 2010 VBA - Close file No Save without prompt

If you're not wanting to save changes set savechanges to false

    Sub CloseBook2()
        ActiveWorkbook.Close savechanges:=False
    End Sub

for more examples, and i believe in the past I've just used

    ActiveWorkbook.Close False

Form Validation With Bootstrap (jQuery)

Please try after removing divs from formor try to use onclick method on submit button.

NULL values inside NOT IN clause

IF you want to filter with NOT IN for a subquery containg NULLs justcheck for not null

        (SELECT someotherBlah FROM t2 WHERE someotherBlah IS NOT NULL )

How can one display images side by side in a GitHub

This will display the three images side by side if the images are not too wide.

<p float="left">
  <img src="/img1.png" width="100" />
  <img src="/img2.png" width="100" /> 
  <img src="/img3.png" width="100" />

Clearing content of text file using php

Use 'w' and not, 'a'.

if (!$handle = fopen($file, 'w'))

C# - Simplest way to remove first occurrence of a substring from another string

If you'd like a simple method to resolve this problem. (Can be used as an extension)

See below:

    public static string RemoveFirstInstanceOfString(this string value, string removeString)
        int index = value.IndexOf(removeString, StringComparison.Ordinal);
        return index < 0 ? value : value.Remove(index, removeString.Length);


    string valueWithPipes = "| 1 | 2 | 3";
    string valueWithoutFirstpipe = valueWithPipes.RemoveFirstInstanceOfString("|");
    //Output, valueWithoutFirstpipe = " 1 | 2 | 3";

Inspired by and modified @LukeH's and @Mike's answer.

Don't forget the StringComparison.Ordinal to prevent issues with Culture settings.

Python: BeautifulSoup - get an attribute value based on the name attribute

theharshest answered the question but here is another way to do the same thing. Also, In your example you have NAME in caps and in your code you have name in lowercase.

s = '<div class="question" id="get attrs" name="python" x="something">Hello World</div>'
soup = BeautifulSoup(s)

attributes_dictionary = soup.find('div').attrs
print attributes_dictionary
# prints: {'id': 'get attrs', 'x': 'something', 'class': ['question'], 'name': 'python'}

print attributes_dictionary['class'][0]
# prints: question

print soup.find('div').get_text()
# prints: Hello World

How to generate a Makefile with source in sub-directories using just one makefile

Usually, you create a Makefile in each subdirectory, and write in the top-level Makefile to call make in the subdirectories.

This page may help:

How to display custom view in ActionBar?

I struggled with this myself, and tried Tomik's answer. However, this didn't made the layout to full available width on start, only when you add something to the view.

You'll need to set the LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT when adding the view:

//I'm using actionbarsherlock, but it's the same.
LayoutParams layout = new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT);
getSupportActionBar().setCustomView(overlay, layout); 

This way it completely fills the available space. (You may need to use Tomik's solution too).

Cannot kill Python script with Ctrl-C

KeyboardInterrupt and signals are only seen by the process (ie the main thread)... Have a look at Ctrl-c i.e. KeyboardInterrupt to kill threads in python

How can I use the HTML5 canvas element in IE?

Currently, ExplorerCanvas is the only option to emulate HTML5 canvas for IE6, 7, and 8. You're also right about its performance, which is pretty poor.

I found a particle simulatior that benchmarks the difference between true HTML5 canvas handling in Google Chrome, Safari, and Firefox, vs ExplorerCanvas in IE. The results show that the major browsers that do support the canvas tag run about 20 to 30 times faster than the emulated HTML5 in IE with ExplorerCanvas.

I doubt that anyone will go through the effort of creating an alternative because 1) excanvas.js is about as cleanly coded as it gets and 2) when IE9 is released all of the major browsers will finally support the canvas object. Hopefully, We'll get IE9 within a year

Eric @

codeigniter, result() vs. result_array()

result() returns Object type data. . . . result_array() returns Associative Array type data.

Count number of files within a directory in Linux?

this is one:

ls -l . | egrep -c '^-'


ls -1 | wc -l

Which means: ls: list files in dir

-1: (that's a ONE) only one entry per line. Change it to -1a if you want hidden files too

|: pipe output onto...

wc: "wordcount"

-l: count lines.

How to hide underbar in EditText

Simply Use This


Check if string contains only letters in javascript

You need


Currently, you are matching a single character at the start of the input. If your goal is to match letter characters (one or more) from start to finish, then you need to repeat the a-z character match (using +) and specify that you want to match all the way to the end (via $)

How do you setLayoutParams() for an ImageView?

An ImageView gets setLayoutParams from View which uses ViewGroup.LayoutParams. If you use that, it will crash in most cases so you should use getLayoutParams() which is in View.class. This will inherit the parent View of the ImageView and will work always. You can confirm this here: ImageView extends view

Assuming you have an ImageView defined as 'image_view' and the width/height int defined as 'thumb_size'

The best way to do this:

ViewGroup.LayoutParams iv_params_b = image_view.getLayoutParams();
iv_params_b.height = thumb_size;
iv_params_b.width = thumb_size;

Force IE10 to run in IE10 Compatibility View?

I had the exact same problem, this - "meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=7">" works great in IE8 and IE9, but not in IE10. There is a bug in the server browser definition files that shipped with .NET 2.0 and .NET 4, namely that they contain definitions for a certain range of browser versions. But the versions for some browsers (like IE 10) aren't within those ranges any more. Therefore, ASP.NET sees them as unknown browsers and defaults to a down-level definition, which has certain inconveniences, like that it does not support features like JavaScript.

My thanks to Scott Hanselman for this fix.

Here is the link -

This MS KP fix just adds missing files to the on your server. I installed it and rebooted my server and it now works perfectly. I would have thought that MS would have given this fix a wider distribution.


Jquery- Get the value of first td in table

   var values = [];
   var table = $(this).closest("table");
   table.find("tr").each(function() {


You should avoid $(".hit") it's really inefficient. Try using event delegation instead.

How do you add an ActionListener onto a JButton in Java

Your best bet is to review the Java Swing tutorials, specifically the tutorial on Buttons.

The short code snippet is:

jBtnDrawCircle.addActionListener( /*class that implements ActionListener*/ );

Getting data-* attribute for onclick event for an html element

Like this:


Working example:

How to implement drop down list in flutter?

Use StatefulWidget and setState to update dropdown.

  String _dropDownValue;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return DropdownButton(
      hint: _dropDownValue == null
          ? Text('Dropdown')
          : Text(
              style: TextStyle(color:,
      isExpanded: true,
      iconSize: 30.0,
      style: TextStyle(color:,
      items: ['One', 'Two', 'Three'].map(
        (val) {
          return DropdownMenuItem<String>(
            value: val,
            child: Text(val),
      onChanged: (val) {
          () {
            _dropDownValue = val;

initial state of dropdown:

Initial State

Open dropdown and select value:

Select Value

Reflect selected value to dropdown:

Value selected

How can I exclude one word with grep?

grep provides '-v' or '--invert-match' option to select non-matching lines.


grep -v 'unwanted_pattern' file_name

This will output all the lines from file file_name, which does not have 'unwanted_pattern'.

If you are searching the pattern in multiple files inside a folder, you can use the recursive search option as follows

grep -r 'wanted_pattern' * | grep -v 'unwanted_pattern'

Here grep will try to list all the occurrences of 'wanted_pattern' in all the files from within currently directory and pass it to second grep to filter out the 'unwanted_pattern'. '|' - pipe will tell shell to connect the standard output of left program (grep -r 'wanted_pattern' *) to standard input of right program (grep -v 'unwanted_pattern').

How do I import CSV file into a MySQL table?

Yet another solution is to use csvsql tool from amazing csvkit suite.

Usage example:

csvsql --db mysql://$user:$password@localhost/$database --insert --tables $tablename  $file

This tool can automatically infer the data types (default behavior), create table and insert the data into the created table. --overwrite option can be used to drop table if it already exists. --insert option — to populate the table from the file.

To install the suite

pip install csvkit

Prerequisites: python-dev, libmysqlclient-dev, MySQL-python

apt-get install python-dev libmysqlclient-dev
pip install MySQL-python

How to examine processes in OS X's Terminal?

To sort by cpu usage: top -o cpu

How to get current date in jquery?

//convert month to 2 digits<p>
var twoDigitMonth = ((fullDate.getMonth().length+1) === 1)? (fullDate.getMonth()+1) : '0' + (fullDate.getMonth()+1);

var currentDate =  fullDate.getFullYear()+ "/" + twoDigitMonth + "/" + fullDate.getDate();

correct PHP headers for pdf file download

Can you try this, readfile need the full file path.

        $url_download = BASE_URL . RELATIVE_PATH . $filename;            

        header("Content-type: application/octet-stream");                       
        header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($filename));
        header("Cache-control: private"); //use this to open files directly                     

Debugging iframes with Chrome developer tools

In the Developer Tools in Chrome, there is a bar along the top, called the Execution Context Selector (h/t felipe-sabino), just under the Elements, Network, Sources... tabs, that changes depending on the context of the current tab. When in the Console tab there is a dropdown in that bar that allows you to select the frame context in which the Console will operate. Select your frame in this drop down and you will find yourself in the appropriate frame context. :D

Chrome v59 Chrome version 59

Chrome v33 Chrome version 33

Chrome v32 & lower Chrome pre-version 32

Python class input argument

You just need to do it in correct syntax. Let me give you a minimal example I just did with Python interactive shell:

>>> class MyNameClass():
...   def __init__(self, myname):
...       print myname
>>> p1 = MyNameClass('John')

Select query to remove non-numeric characters

In case if there are some characters possible between digits (e.g. thousands separators), you may try following:

declare @table table (DirtyCol varchar(100))
insert into @table values
    ('AB ABCDE # 123')
    ,('ABCDE# 123')
    ,('AB: ABC# 123')
    ,('AB # 1 000 000')
    ,('AB # 1`234`567')
    ,('AB # (9)(876)(543)')

;with tally as (select top (100) N=row_number() over (order by @@spid) from sys.all_columns),
data as (
    select DirtyCol, Col
    from @table
        cross apply (
            select (select C + ''
            from (select N, substring(DirtyCol, N, 1) C from tally where N<=datalength(DirtyCol)) [1]
            where C between '0' and '9'
            order by N
            for xml path(''))
        ) p (Col)
    where p.Col is not NULL
select DirtyCol, cast(Col as int) IntCol
from data

Output is:

DirtyCol              IntCol
--------------------- -------
AB ABCDE # 123        123
ABCDE# 123            123
AB: ABC# 123          123
AB # 1 000 000        1000000
AB # 1`234`567        1234567
AB # (9)(876)(543)    9876543

For update, add ColToUpdate to select list of the data cte:

;with num as (...),
data as (
    select ColToUpdate, /*DirtyCol, */Col
    from ...
update data
set ColToUpdate = cast(Col as int)

How to make return key on iPhone make keyboard disappear?

You can add an IBAction to the uiTextField(the releation event is "Did End On Exit"),and the IBAction may named hideKeyboard,

    [uitextfield resignFirstResponder];

also,you can apply it to the other textFields or buttons,for example,you may add a hidden button to the view,when you click it to hide the keyboard.

Python calling method in class

Let's say you have a shiny Foo class. Well you have 3 options:

1) You want to use the method (or attribute) of a class inside the definition of that class:

class Foo(object):
    attribute1 = 1                   # class attribute (those don't use 'self' in declaration)
    def __init__(self):
        self.attribute2 = 2          # instance attribute (those are accessible via first
                                     # parameter of the method, usually called 'self'
                                     # which will contain nothing but the instance itself)
    def set_attribute3(self, value): 
        self.attribute3 = value

    def sum_1and2(self):
        return self.attribute1 + self.attribute2

2) You want to use the method (or attribute) of a class outside the definition of that class

def get_legendary_attribute1():
    return Foo.attribute1

def get_legendary_attribute2():
    return Foo.attribute2

def get_legendary_attribute1_from(cls):
    return cls.attribute1

get_legendary_attribute1()           # >>> 1
get_legendary_attribute2()           # >>> AttributeError: type object 'Foo' has no attribute 'attribute2'
get_legendary_attribute1_from(Foo)   # >>> 1

3) You want to use the method (or attribute) of an instantiated class:

f = Foo()
f.attribute1                         # >>> 1
f.attribute2                         # >>> 2
f.attribute3                         # >>> AttributeError: 'Foo' object has no attribute 'attribute3'
f.attribute3                         # >>> 3

How do emulators work and how are they written?

I wrote an article about emulating the Chip-8 system in JavaScript.

It's a great place to start as the system isn't very complicated, but you still learn how opcodes, the stack, registers, etc work.

I will be writing a longer guide soon for the NES.

Remove multiple items from a Python list in just one statement

You can do it in one line by converting your lists to sets and using set.difference:

item_list = ['item', 5, 'foo', 3.14, True]
list_to_remove = ['item', 5, 'foo']

final_list = list(set(item_list) - set(list_to_remove))

Would give you the following output:

final_list = [3.14, True]

Note: this will remove duplicates in your input list and the elements in the output can be in any order (because sets don't preserve order). It also requires all elements in both of your lists to be hashable.

Unloading classes in java?

Classes have an implicit strong reference to their ClassLoader instance, and vice versa. They are garbage collected as with Java objects. Without hitting the tools interface or similar, you can't remove individual classes.

As ever you can get memory leaks. Any strong reference to one of your classes or class loader will leak the whole thing. This occurs with the Sun implementations of ThreadLocal, java.sql.DriverManager and java.beans, for instance.

How a thread should close itself in Java?

If you simply call interrupt(), the thread will not automatically be closed. Instead, the Thread might even continue living, if isInterrupted() is implemented accordingly. The only way to guaranteedly close a thread, as asked for by OP, is


Method is deprecated, however.

Calling return only returns from the current method. This only terminates the thread if you're at its top level.

Nevertheless, you should work with interrupt() and build your code around it.

How to iterate over a std::map full of strings in C++

In c++11 you can use:

for ( auto iter : table ) {

React js change child component's state from parent component

You can send a prop from the parent and use it in child component so you will base child's state changes on the sent prop changes and you can handle this by using getDerivedStateFromProps in the child component.

Truncate number to two decimal places without rounding

All these answers seem a bit complicated. I would just subtract 0.5 from your number and use toFixed().

Sending Windows key using SendKeys

OK turns out what you really want is this:

Which has done all the hard work of exposing the Win32 SendInput methods to C#. This allows you to directly send the windows key. This is tested and works:

InputSimulator.SimulateModifiedKeyStroke(VirtualKeyCode.LWIN, VirtualKeyCode.VK_E);

Note however that in some cases you want to specifically send the key to the application (such as ALT+F4), in which case use the Form library method. In others, you want to send it to the OS in general, use the above.


Keeping this here for reference, it will not work in all operating systems, and will not always behave how you want. Note that you're trying to send these key strokes to the app, and the OS usually intercepts them early. In the case of Windows 7 and Vista, too early (before the E is sent).

SendWait("^({ESC}E)") or Send("^({ESC}E)")

Note from here:

To specify that any combination of SHIFT, CTRL, and ALT should be held down while several other keys are pressed, enclose the code for those keys in parentheses. For example, to specify to hold down SHIFT while E and C are pressed, use "+(EC)". To specify to hold down SHIFT while E is pressed, followed by C without SHIFT, use "+EC".

Note that since you want ESC and (say) E pressed at the same time, you need to enclose them in brackets.

How can I catch a ctrl-c event?

Yeah, this is a platform dependent question.

If you are writing a console program on POSIX, use the signal API (#include <signal.h>).

In a WIN32 GUI application you should handle the WM_KEYDOWN message.

Predefined type 'System.ValueTuple´2´ is not defined or imported

Make sure you have .NET 4.6.2 Developer Pack for VS installed and then pull in System.ValueTuple package from NuGet.

How to convert characters to HTML entities using plain JavaScript

I adapted one of the answers from the referenced question, but added the ability to define an explicit mapping for character names.

var char_names = {

function HTMLEncode(str){
     var aStr = str.split(''),
         i = aStr.length,
         aRet = [];

     while (--i >= 0) {
      var iC = aStr[i].charCodeAt();
       if (iC < 32 || (iC > 32 && iC < 65) || iC > 127 || (iC>90 && iC<97)) {
        if(char_names[iC]!=undefined) {
        else {
       } else {
    return aRet.reverse().join('');

var text = "Übergroße Äpfel mit Würmer";


TypeError: only integer scalar arrays can be converted to a scalar index with 1D numpy indices array

A simple case that generates this error message:

In [8]: [1,2,3,4,5][np.array([1])]
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-8-55def8e1923d> in <module>()
----> 1 [1,2,3,4,5][np.array([1])]

TypeError: only integer scalar arrays can be converted to a scalar index

Some variations that work:

In [9]: [1,2,3,4,5][np.array(1)]     # this is a 0d array index
Out[9]: 2
In [10]: [1,2,3,4,5][np.array([1]).item()]    
Out[10]: 2
In [11]: np.array([1,2,3,4,5])[np.array([1])]
Out[11]: array([2])

Basic python list indexing is more restrictive than numpy's:

In [12]: [1,2,3,4,5][[1]]
TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not list


Looking again at

indices = np.random.choice(range(len(X_train)), replace=False, size=50000, p=train_probs)

indices is a 1d array of integers - but it certainly isn't scalar. It's an array of 50000 integers. List's cannot be indexed with multiple indices at once, regardless of whether they are in a list or array.

Remove by _id in MongoDB console

The answer is that the web console/shell at behaves differently and not as I expected it to. An installed version at home worked perfectly without problem ie; the auto generated _id on the web shell was saved like this :

"_id" : { "$oid" : "4d512b45cc9374271b02ec4f" },

The same document setup at home and the auto generated _id was saved like this :

"_id" : ObjectId("4d5192665777000000005490")

Queries worked against the latter without problem.

How to get hostname from IP (Linux)?

In order to use nslookup, host or gethostbyname() then the target's name will need to be registered with DNS or statically defined in the hosts file on the machine running your program. Yes, you could connect to the target with SSH or some other application and query it directly, but for a generic solution you'll need some sort of DNS entry for it.

Dropdown select with images

If you think about it the concept behind a dropdown select it's pretty simple. For what you're trying to accomplish, a simple <ul> will do.

<ul id="menu">
        <a href="#"><img src="" alt=""/></a> <!-- Selected -->
            <li><a href="#"><img src="" alt=""/></a></li>
            <li><a href="#"><img src="" alt=""/></a></li>
            <li><a href="#"><img src="" alt=""/></a></li>
            <li><a href="#"><img src="" alt=""/></a></li>

You style it with css and then some simple jQuery will do. I haven't tried this tho:

$('#menu ul li').click(function(){
    var $a = $(this).find('a');
    $(this).parents('#menu').children('li a').replaceWith($a).

How can I create directories recursively?

Try using os.makedirs:

import os
import errno

except OSError as e:
    if errno.EEXIST != e.errno:

How does functools partial do what it does?

Also worth to mention, that when partial function passed another function where we want to "hard code" some parameters, that should be rightmost parameter

def func(a,b):
    return a*b
prt = partial(func, b=7)
#return 28

but if we do the same, but changing a parameter instead

def func(a,b):
    return a*b
 prt = partial(func, a=7)

it will throw error, "TypeError: func() got multiple values for argument 'a'"

How to set proper codeigniter base url?

Base URL should be absolute, including the protocol:

$config['base_url'] = "http://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']."/mysite/";

This configuration will work in both localhost and server.

Don't forget to enable on autoload:

$autoload['helper'] = array('url','file');

Then base_url() will output as below

echo base_url('assets/style.css'); //

How does paintComponent work?

Calling object.paintComponent(g) is an error.

Instead this method is called automatically when the panel is created. The paintComponent() method can also be called explicitly by the repaint() method defined in Component class.

The effect of calling repaint() is that Swing automatically clears the graphic on the panel and executes the paintComponent method to redraw the graphics on this panel.

How to POST form data with Spring RestTemplate?

here is the full program to make a POST rest call using spring's RestTemplate.

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import org.springframework.http.HttpEntity;
import org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity;
import org.springframework.util.LinkedMultiValueMap;
import org.springframework.util.MultiValueMap;
import org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate;

import com.ituple.common.dto.ServiceResponse;

   public class PostRequestMain {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        MultiValueMap<String, String> headers = new LinkedMultiValueMap<String, String>();
        Map map = new HashMap<String, String>();
        map.put("Content-Type", "application/json");


        Map req_payload = new HashMap();
        req_payload.put("name", "piyush");

        HttpEntity<?> request = new HttpEntity<>(req_payload, headers);
        String url = "http://localhost:8080/xxx/xxx/";

        ResponseEntity<?> response = new RestTemplate().postForEntity(url, request, String.class);
        ServiceResponse entityResponse = (ServiceResponse) response.getBody();


Sublime Text 2 Code Formatting

I can't speak for the 2nd or 3rd, but if you install Node first, Sublime-HTMLPrettify works pretty well. You have to setup your own key shortcut once it is installed. One thing I noticed on Windows, you may need to edit your path for Node in the %PATH% variable if it is already long (I think the limit is 1024 for the %PATH% variable, and anything after that is ignored.)

There is a Windows bug, but in the issues there is a fix for it. You'll need to edit the file -

Histogram Matplotlib

If you're willing to use pandas:


Better way to represent array in java properties file

I have custom loading. Properties must be defined as:


Custom loading:

/** Return array from properties file. Array must be defined as "key.0=value0", "key.1=value1", ... */
public List<String> getSystemStringProperties(String key) {

    // result list
    List<String> result = new LinkedList<>();

    // defining variable for assignment in loop condition part
    String value;

    // next value loading defined in condition part
    for(int i = 0; (value = YOUR_PROPERTY_OBJECT.getProperty(key + "." + i)) != null; i++) {

    // return
    return result;

PHP Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context

If you are invoking foobarfunc with resolution scope operator (::), then you are calling it statically, e.g. on the class level instead of the instance level, thus you are using $this when not in object context. $this does not exist in class context.

If you enable E_STRICT, PHP will raise a Notice about this:

Strict Standards: 
Non-static method foobar::foobarfunc() should not be called statically

Do this instead

$fb = new foobar;
echo $fb->foobarfunc();

On a sidenote, I suggest not to use global inside your classes. If you need something from outside inside your class, pass it through the constructor. This is called Dependency Injection and it will make your code much more maintainable and less dependant on outside things.

How to read a CSV file into a .NET Datatable

I have been using OleDb provider. However, it has problems if you are reading in rows that have numeric values but you want them treated as text. However, you can get around that issue by creating a schema.ini file. Here is my method I used:

// using System.Data;
// using System.Data.OleDb;
// using System.Globalization;
// using System.IO;

static DataTable GetDataTableFromCsv(string path, bool isFirstRowHeader)
    string header = isFirstRowHeader ? "Yes" : "No";

    string pathOnly = Path.GetDirectoryName(path);
    string fileName = Path.GetFileName(path);

    string sql = @"SELECT * FROM [" + fileName + "]";

    using(OleDbConnection connection = new OleDbConnection(
              @"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + pathOnly + 
              ";Extended Properties=\"Text;HDR=" + header + "\""))
    using(OleDbCommand command = new OleDbCommand(sql, connection))
    using(OleDbDataAdapter adapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(command))
        DataTable dataTable = new DataTable();
        dataTable.Locale = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture;
        return dataTable;

How can I use regex to get all the characters after a specific character, e.g. comma (",")

Another idea is to do myVar.split(',')[1];

For simple case, not using a regexp is a good idea...

Check whether a path is valid

I haven't had any problems with the code below. (Relative paths must start with '/' or '\').

private bool IsValidPath(string path, bool allowRelativePaths = false)
    bool isValid = true;

        string fullPath = Path.GetFullPath(path);

        if (allowRelativePaths)
            isValid = Path.IsPathRooted(path);
            string root = Path.GetPathRoot(path);
            isValid = string.IsNullOrEmpty(root.Trim(new char[] { '\\', '/' })) == false;
    catch(Exception ex)
        isValid = false;

    return isValid;

For example these would return false:

IsValidPath("./abc", true);
IsValidPath("abc", true);

And these would return true:

IsValidPath(@"/abc", true);
IsValidPath(@"\abc", true);

What is the difference between Python's list methods append and extend?

An interesting point that has been hinted, but not explained, is that extend is faster than append. For any loop that has append inside should be considered to be replaced by list.extend(processed_elements).

Bear in mind that apprending new elements might result in the realloaction of the whole list to a better location in memory. If this is done several times because we are appending 1 element at a time, overall performance suffers. In this sense, list.extend is analogous to "".join(stringlist).

Adding a new array element to a JSON object

var Str_txt = '{"theTeam":[{"teamId":"1","status":"pending"},{"teamId":"2","status":"member"},{"teamId":"3","status":"member"}]}';

If you want to add at last position then use this:

var parse_obj = JSON.parse(Str_txt);
Str_txt = JSON.stringify(parse_obj);
Output //"{"theTeam":[{"teamId":"1","status":"pending"},{"teamId":"2","status":"member"},{"teamId":"3","status":"member"},{"teamId":"4","status":"pending"}]}"

If you want to add at first position then use the following code:

var parse_obj = JSON.parse(Str_txt);
Str_txt = JSON.stringify(parse_obj);
Output //"{"theTeam":[{"teamId":"4","status":"pending"},{"teamId":"1","status":"pending"},{"teamId":"2","status":"member"},{"teamId":"3","status":"member"}]}"

Anyone who wants to add at a certain position of an array try this:

parse_obj['theTeam'].splice(2, 0, {"teamId":"4","status":"pending"});
Output //"{"theTeam":[{"teamId":"1","status":"pending"},{"teamId":"2","status":"member"},{"teamId":"4","status":"pending"},{"teamId":"3","status":"member"}]}"

Above code block adds an element after the second element.

Generate Java class from JSON?

If you're using Jackson (the most popular library there), try

Its open source (last updated on Jun 7, 2013 as of year 2020) and anyone should be able to contribute.


A JsonToJava source class file generator that deduces the schema based on supplied sample json data and generates the necessary java data structures.

It encourages teams to think in Json first, before writing actual code.


  • Can generate classes for an arbitrarily complex hierarchy (recursively)
  • Can read your existing Java classes and if it can deserialize into those structures, will do so
  • Will prompt for user input when ambiguous cases exist

Url.Action parameters?

The following is the correct overload (in your example you are missing a closing } to the routeValues anonymous object so your code will throw an exception):

<a href="<%: Url.Action("GetByList", "Listing", new { name = "John", contact = "calgary, vancouver" }) %>">

Assuming you are using the default routes this should generate the following markup:

<a href="/Listing/GetByList?name=John&amp;contact=calgary%2C%20vancouver">

which will successfully invoke the GetByList controller action passing the two parameters:

public ActionResult GetByList(string name, string contact) 

Download multiple files as a zip-file using php

You can use the ZipArchive class to create a ZIP file and stream it to the client. Something like:

$files = array('readme.txt', 'test.html', 'image.gif');
$zipname = '';
$zip = new ZipArchive;
$zip->open($zipname, ZipArchive::CREATE);
foreach ($files as $file) {

and to stream it:

header('Content-Type: application/zip');
header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename='.$zipname);
header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($zipname));

The second line forces the browser to present a download box to the user and prompts the name The third line is optional but certain (mainly older) browsers have issues in certain cases without the content size being specified.

How can I hide/show a div when a button is clicked?

This works:

     function showhide(id) {_x000D_
        var e = document.getElementById(id);_x000D_ = ( == 'block') ? 'none' : 'block';_x000D_
    <!DOCTYPE html>_x000D_
    <html>   _x000D_
     <a href="javascript:showhide('uniquename')">_x000D_
      Click to show/hide._x000D_
     <div id="uniquename" style="display:none;">_x000D_
      <p>Content goes here.</p>_x000D_

filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient is not working in ie7

You didn't specify a GradientType:

background: #f0f0f0; /* Old browsers */
background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #ffffff 0%, #eeeeee 100%); /* FF3.6+ */
background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0%,#ffffff), color-stop(100%,#eeeeee)); /* Chrome,Safari4+ */
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #ffffff 0%,#eeeeee 100%); /* Chrome10+,Safari5.1+ */
background: -o-linear-gradient(top, #ffffff 0%,#eeeeee 100%); /* Opera11.10+ */
background: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #ffffff 0%,#eeeeee 100%); /* IE10+ */
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#ffffff', endColorstr='#eeeeee',GradientType=0 ); /* IE6-9 */
background: linear-gradient(top, #ffffff 0%,#eeeeee 100%); /* W3C */


Add JavaScript object to JavaScript object

// Merge object2 into object1, recursively

$.extend( true, object1, object2 );

// Merge object2 into object1

$.extend( object1, object2 );

How to restore the dump into your running mongodb

You can also restore your downloaded Atlas Backup .wt WiredTiger files (which unzips or untar as a restore folder) to your local MongoDB.

First, make a backup of your /data/db path. Call it /data_20200407/db. Second, copy paste all the .wt files from your Atlas Backup restore folder into your local /data/db path. Restart your Ubuntu or MongoDB server. Start your Mongo shell and you should have those restored files there.

split string in two on given index and return both parts

You can also do it like this.

var str, result;
str = prompt("Enter Any Number");

var valueSplit = function (value, length) {
    if (length < 7) {
        var index = length - 3;
        return str.slice(0, index) + ',' + str.slice(index);
    else if (length < 10 && length > 6) {
        var index1, index2;
        index1 = length - 6;
        index2 = length - 3;
        return str.slice(0,index1) + "," + str.slice(index1,index2) + "," + str.slice(index2);

result = valueSplit(str, str.length);

Python: print a generator expression?

Or you can always map over an iterator, without the need to build an intermediate list:

>>> _ = map(sys.stdout.write, (x for x in string.letters if x in (y for y in "BigMan on campus")))

Group a list of objects by an attribute

public class Test9 {

    static class Student {

        String stud_id;
        String stud_name;
        String stud_location;

        public Student(String stud_id, String stud_name, String stud_location) {
            this.stud_id = stud_id;
            this.stud_name = stud_name;
            this.stud_location = stud_location;

        public String getStud_id() {
            return stud_id;

        public void setStud_id(String stud_id) {
            this.stud_id = stud_id;

        public String getStud_name() {
            return stud_name;

        public void setStud_name(String stud_name) {
            this.stud_name = stud_name;

        public String getStud_location() {
            return stud_location;

        public void setStud_location(String stud_location) {
            this.stud_location = stud_location;

        public String toString() {
            return " [stud_id=" + stud_id + ", stud_name=" + stud_name + "]";


    public static void main(String[] args) {

        List<Student> list = new ArrayList<Student>();
        list.add(new Student("1726", "John Easton", "Lancaster"));
        list.add(new Student("4321", "Max Carrados", "London"));
        list.add(new Student("2234", "Andrew Lewis", "Lancaster"));
        list.add(new Student("5223", "Michael Benson", "Leeds"));
        list.add(new Student("5225", "Sanath Jayasuriya", "Leeds"));
        list.add(new Student("7765", "Samuael Vatican", "California"));
        list.add(new Student("3442", "Mark Farley", "Ladykirk"));
        list.add(new Student("3443", "Alex Stuart", "Ladykirk"));
        list.add(new Student("4321", "Michael Stuart", "California"));

        Map<String, List<Student>> map1  =




                ch -> ch.stud_location



  Output :

{Ladykirk=[ [stud_id=3442, stud_name=Mark Farley], 
 [stud_id=3443, stud_name=Alex Stuart]], 

 Leeds=[ [stud_id=5223, stud_name=Michael Benson],  
 [stud_id=5225, stud_name=Sanath Jayasuriya]],

  London=[ [stud_id=4321, stud_name=Max Carrados]],

   Lancaster=[ [stud_id=1726, stud_name=John Easton],  

   [stud_id=2234, stud_name=Andrew Lewis]], 

   California=[ [stud_id=4321, stud_name=Michael Stuart],  
   [stud_id=7765, stud_name=Samuael Vatican]]}

    }// main

Spring 3 MVC resources and tag <mvc:resources />

As said by @Nancom

<mvc:resources location="/resources/" mapping="/resource/**"/>

So for clarity lets our image is in


The location attribute of the mvc:resources tag defines the base directory location of static resources that you want to serve. It can be images path that are available under the src/main/webapp/resources/images/ directory; you may wonder why we have given only /resources/ as the location value instead of src/main/webapp/resources/images/. This is because we consider the resources directory as the base directory for all resources, we can have multiple sub-directories under resources directory to put our images and other static resource files.

The second attribute, mapping, just indicates the request path that needs to be mapped to this resources directory. In our case, we have assigned /resource/** as the mapping value. So, if any web request starts with the /resource request path, then it will be mapped to the resources directory, and the /** symbol indicates the recursive look for any resource files underneath the base resources directory.

So for url like http://localhost:8080/webstore/resource/images/logo.png. So, while serving this web request, Spring MVC will consider /resource/images/logo.png as the request path. So, it will try to map /resource to the base directory specified by the location attribute, resources. From this directory, it will try to look for the remaining path of the URL, which is /images/logo.png. Since we have the images directory under the resources directory, Spring can easily locate the image file from the images directory.


 <mvc:resources location="/resources/" mapping="/resource/**"/>

gives us for given [requests] -> [resource mapping]:

http://localhost:8080/webstore/resource/images/logo.png -> searches in resources/images/logo.png

http://localhost:8080/webstore/resource/images/small/picture.png -> searches in resources/images/small/picture.png

http://localhost:8080/webstore/resource/css/main.css -> searches in resources/css/main.css

http://localhost:8080/webstore/resource/pdf/index.pdf -> searches in resources/pdf/index.pdf

QByteArray to QString

You may find QString::fromUtf8() also useful.

For QByteArray input of "\010" and "\000",

QString::fromLocal8Bit(input, 1) returns "\010" and ""

QString::fromUtf8(input, 1) correctly returns "\010" and "\000".

Characters allowed in GET parameter

From RFC 1738 on which characters are allowed in URLs:

Only alphanumerics, the special characters "$-_.+!*'(),", and reserved characters used for their reserved purposes may be used unencoded within a URL.

The reserved characters are ";", "/", "?", ":", "@", "=" and "&", which means you would need to URL encode them if you wish to use them.

Setting a backgroundImage With React Inline Styles

For a local File in case of ReactJS. Try

import Image from "../../assets/image.jpg";

style={{ background-image: 'url(' + Image + ')', background-size: 'auto' }}

This is the case of ReactJS with inline styling where Image is a local file that you must have imported with a path.

Understanding Bootstrap's clearfix class

.clearfix is defined in less/mixins.less. Right above its definition is a comment with a link to this article:

A new micro clearfix hack

The article explains how it all works.

UPDATE: Yes, link-only answers are bad. I knew this even at the time that I posted this answer, but I didn't feel like copying and pasting was OK due to copyright, plagiarism, and what have you. However, I now feel like it's OK since I have linked to the original article. I should also mention the author's name, though, for credit: Nicolas Gallagher. Here is the meat of the article (note that "Thierry’s method" is referring to Thierry Koblentz’s “clearfix reloaded”):

This “micro clearfix” generates pseudo-elements and sets their display to table. This creates an anonymous table-cell and a new block formatting context that means the :before pseudo-element prevents top-margin collapse. The :after pseudo-element is used to clear the floats. As a result, there is no need to hide any generated content and the total amount of code needed is reduced.

Including the :before selector is not necessary to clear the floats, but it prevents top-margins from collapsing in modern browsers. This has two benefits:

  • It ensures visual consistency with other float containment techniques that create a new block formatting context, e.g., overflow:hidden

  • It ensures visual consistency with IE 6/7 when zoom:1 is applied.

N.B.: There are circumstances in which IE 6/7 will not contain the bottom margins of floats within a new block formatting context. Further details can be found here: Better float containment in IE using CSS expressions.

The use of content:" " (note the space in the content string) avoids an Opera bug that creates space around clearfixed elements if the contenteditable attribute is also present somewhere in the HTML. Thanks to Sergio Cerrutti for spotting this fix. An alternative fix is to use font:0/0 a.

Legacy Firefox

Firefox < 3.5 will benefit from using Thierry’s method with the addition of visibility:hidden to hide the inserted character. This is because legacy versions of Firefox need content:"." to avoid extra space appearing between the body and its first child element, in certain circumstances (e.g.,

Alternative float-containment methods that create a new block formatting context, such as applying overflow:hidden or display:inline-block to the container element, will also avoid this behaviour in legacy versions of Firefox.

Display all views on oracle database

Open a new worksheet on the related instance (Alt-F10) and run the following query

SELECT view_name, owner
FROM sys.all_views 
ORDER BY owner, view_name

Making HTTP Requests using Chrome Developer tools

I know, old post ... but it might be helpful to leave this here.

Modern browsers are now supporting the Fetch API.

You can use it like this:

    .then(data => data.json()) // could be .text() or .blob() depending on the data you are expecting
    .then(console.log); // print your data

ps: It will make all CORS checks, since it's an improved XmlHttpRequest.

How to send email from MySQL 5.1

If you have vps or dedicated server, You can code your own module using C programming.


 * File:   para.h
 * Author: rahul
 * Created on 10 February, 2016, 11:24 AM

#ifndef PARA_H
#define  PARA_H

#ifdef  __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#define From "<[email protected]>"
#define To "<[email protected]>" 
#define From_header "Rahul<[email protected]>"   
#define TO_header "Mini<[email protected]>"   
#define UID "smtp server account ID"
#define PWD "smtp server account PWD"
#define domain ""

#ifdef  __cplusplus

/* PARA_H */


 * File:   main.c
 * Author: rahul
 * Created on 10 February, 2016, 10:29 AM
#include <my_global.h>
#include <mysql.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "time.h"
#include "para.h"


my_bool SendEmail_init(UDF_INIT *initid,UDF_ARGS *arg,char *message);
void SendEmail_deinit(UDF_INIT *initid __attribute__((unused)));
char* SendEmail(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *arg,char *result,unsigned long *length, char *is_null,char* error);

 * base64
int Base64encode_len(int len);
int Base64encode(char * coded_dst, const char *plain_src,int len_plain_src);

int Base64decode_len(const char * coded_src);
int Base64decode(char * plain_dst, const char *coded_src);

/* aaaack but it's fast and const should make it shared text page. */
static const unsigned char pr2six[256] =
    /* ASCII table */
    64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64,
    64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64,
    64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 62, 64, 64, 64, 63,
    52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64,
    64,  0,  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,
    15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64,
    64, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40,
    41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64,
    64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64,
    64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64,
    64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64,
    64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64,
    64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64,
    64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64,
    64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64,
    64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64

int Base64decode_len(const char *bufcoded)
    int nbytesdecoded;
    register const unsigned char *bufin;
    register int nprbytes;

    bufin = (const unsigned char *) bufcoded;
    while (pr2six[*(bufin++)] <= 63);

    nprbytes = (bufin - (const unsigned char *) bufcoded) - 1;
    nbytesdecoded = ((nprbytes + 3) / 4) * 3;

    return nbytesdecoded + 1;

int Base64decode(char *bufplain, const char *bufcoded)
    int nbytesdecoded;
    register const unsigned char *bufin;
    register unsigned char *bufout;
    register int nprbytes;

    bufin = (const unsigned char *) bufcoded;
    while (pr2six[*(bufin++)] <= 63);
    nprbytes = (bufin - (const unsigned char *) bufcoded) - 1;
    nbytesdecoded = ((nprbytes + 3) / 4) * 3;

    bufout = (unsigned char *) bufplain;
    bufin = (const unsigned char *) bufcoded;

    while (nprbytes > 4) {
    *(bufout++) =
        (unsigned char) (pr2six[*bufin] << 2 | pr2six[bufin[1]] >> 4);
    *(bufout++) =
        (unsigned char) (pr2six[bufin[1]] << 4 | pr2six[bufin[2]] >> 2);
    *(bufout++) =
        (unsigned char) (pr2six[bufin[2]] << 6 | pr2six[bufin[3]]);
    bufin += 4;
    nprbytes -= 4;

    /* Note: (nprbytes == 1) would be an error, so just ingore that case */
    if (nprbytes > 1) {
    *(bufout++) =
        (unsigned char) (pr2six[*bufin] << 2 | pr2six[bufin[1]] >> 4);
    if (nprbytes > 2) {
    *(bufout++) =
        (unsigned char) (pr2six[bufin[1]] << 4 | pr2six[bufin[2]] >> 2);
    if (nprbytes > 3) {
    *(bufout++) =
        (unsigned char) (pr2six[bufin[2]] << 6 | pr2six[bufin[3]]);

    *(bufout++) = '\0';
    nbytesdecoded -= (4 - nprbytes) & 3;
    return nbytesdecoded;

static const char basis_64[] =

int Base64encode_len(int len)
    return ((len + 2) / 3 * 4) + 1;

int Base64encode(char *encoded, const char *string, int len)
    int i;
    char *p;

    p = encoded;
    for (i = 0; i < len - 2; i += 3) {
    *p++ = basis_64[(string[i] >> 2) & 0x3F];
    *p++ = basis_64[((string[i] & 0x3) << 4) |
                    ((int) (string[i + 1] & 0xF0) >> 4)];
    *p++ = basis_64[((string[i + 1] & 0xF) << 2) |
                    ((int) (string[i + 2] & 0xC0) >> 6)];
    *p++ = basis_64[string[i + 2] & 0x3F];
    if (i < len) {
    *p++ = basis_64[(string[i] >> 2) & 0x3F];
    if (i == (len - 1)) {
        *p++ = basis_64[((string[i] & 0x3) << 4)];
        *p++ = '=';
    else {
        *p++ = basis_64[((string[i] & 0x3) << 4) |
                        ((int) (string[i + 1] & 0xF0) >> 4)];
        *p++ = basis_64[((string[i + 1] & 0xF) << 2)];
    *p++ = '=';

    *p++ = '\0';
    return p - encoded;

 end of base64

const char* GetIPAddress(const char* target_domain) {
    const char* target_ip;
    struct in_addr *host_address;
    struct hostent *raw_list = gethostbyname(target_domain);
    int i = 0;
    for (i; raw_list->h_addr_list[i] != 0; i++) {
        host_address = raw_list->h_addr_list[i];
        target_ip = inet_ntoa(*host_address);
    return target_ip;

char * MailHeader(const char* from, const char* to, const char* subject, const char* mime_type, const char* charset) {

    time_t now;
    char *app_brand = "Codevlog Test APP";
    char* mail_header = NULL;
    char date_buff[26];
    char Branding[6 + strlen(date_buff) + 2 + 10 + strlen(app_brand) + 1 + 1];
    char Sender[6 + strlen(from) + 1 + 1];
    char Recip[4 + strlen(to) + 1 + 1];
    char Subject[8 + 1 + strlen(subject) + 1 + 1];
    char mime_data[13 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 13 + 1 + strlen(mime_type) + 1 + 1 + 8 + strlen(charset) + 1 + 1 + 2];

    strftime(date_buff, (33), "%a , %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S", localtime(&now));

    sprintf(Branding, "DATE: %s\r\nX-Mailer: %s\r\n", date_buff, app_brand);
    sprintf(Sender, "FROM: %s\r\n", from);
    sprintf(Recip, "To: %s\r\n", to);
    sprintf(Subject, "Subject: %s\r\n", subject);
    sprintf(mime_data, "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\nContent-type: %s; charset=%s\r\n\r\n", mime_type, charset);

    int mail_header_length = strlen(Branding) + strlen(Sender) + strlen(Recip) + strlen(Subject) + strlen(mime_data) + 10;

    mail_header = (char*) malloc(mail_header_length);

    memcpy(&mail_header[0], &Branding, strlen(Branding));
    memcpy(&mail_header[0 + strlen(Branding)], &Sender, strlen(Sender));
    memcpy(&mail_header[0 + strlen(Branding) + strlen(Sender)], &Recip, strlen(Recip));
    memcpy(&mail_header[0 + strlen(Branding) + strlen(Sender) + strlen(Recip)], &Subject, strlen(Subject));
    memcpy(&mail_header[0 + strlen(Branding) + strlen(Sender) + strlen(Recip) + strlen(Subject)], &mime_data, strlen(mime_data));
    return mail_header;

my_bool SendEmail_init(UDF_INIT *initid,UDF_ARGS *arg,char *message){
     if (!(arg->arg_count == 2)) {
        strcpy(message, "Expected two arguments");
        return 1;

    arg->arg_type[0] = STRING_RESULT;// smtp server address
    arg->arg_type[1] = STRING_RESULT;// email body
    initid->ptr = (char*) malloc(2050 * sizeof (char));
    memset(initid->ptr, '\0', sizeof (initid->ptr));
    return 0;

void SendEmail_deinit(UDF_INIT *initid __attribute__((unused))){
    if (initid->ptr) {

char* SendEmail(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *arg,char *result,unsigned long *length, char *is_null,char* error){
   char *header = MailHeader(From_header, TO_header, "Hello Its a test Mail from Codevlog", "text/plain", "US-ASCII");
    int connected_fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_IP);
    struct sockaddr_in addr;
    memset(&addr, 0, sizeof (addr));
    addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
    addr.sin_port = htons(25);
    if (inet_pton(AF_INET, GetIPAddress(arg->args[0]), &addr.sin_addr) == 1) {
        connect(connected_fd, (struct sockaddr*) &addr, sizeof (addr));
    if (connected_fd != -1) {
        int recvd = 0;
        const char recv_buff[4768];
        int sdsd;
        sdsd = recv(connected_fd, recv_buff + recvd, sizeof (recv_buff) - recvd, 0);
        recvd += sdsd;

        char buff[1000];
        strcpy(buff, "EHLO "); //"EHLO\r\n"
        strcat(buff, domain);
        strcat(buff, "\r\n");
        send(connected_fd, buff, strlen(buff), 0);
        sdsd = recv(connected_fd, recv_buff + recvd, sizeof (recv_buff) - recvd, 0);
        recvd += sdsd;

        char _cmd2[1000];
        strcpy(_cmd2, "AUTH LOGIN\r\n");
        int dfdf = send(connected_fd, _cmd2, strlen(_cmd2), 0);
        sdsd = recv(connected_fd, recv_buff + recvd, sizeof (recv_buff) - recvd, 0);
        recvd += sdsd;

        char _cmd3[1000];
        Base64encode(&_cmd3, UID, strlen(UID));
        strcat(_cmd3, "\r\n");
        send(connected_fd, _cmd3, strlen(_cmd3), 0);
        sdsd = recv(connected_fd, recv_buff + recvd, sizeof (recv_buff) - recvd, 0);
        recvd += sdsd;

        char _cmd4[1000];
        Base64encode(&_cmd4, PWD, strlen(PWD));
        strcat(_cmd4, "\r\n");
        send(connected_fd, _cmd4, strlen(_cmd4), 0);
        sdsd = recv(connected_fd, recv_buff + recvd, sizeof (recv_buff) - recvd, 0);
        recvd += sdsd;

        char _cmd5[1000];
        strcpy(_cmd5, "MAIL FROM: ");
        strcat(_cmd5, From);
        strcat(_cmd5, "\r\n");
        send(connected_fd, _cmd5, strlen(_cmd5), 0);
        char skip[1000];
        sdsd = recv(connected_fd, skip, sizeof (skip), 0);

        char _cmd6[1000];
        strcpy(_cmd6, "RCPT TO: ");
        strcat(_cmd6, To); //
        strcat(_cmd6, "\r\n");
        send(connected_fd, _cmd6, strlen(_cmd6), 0);
        sdsd = recv(connected_fd, recv_buff + recvd, sizeof (recv_buff) - recvd, 0);
        recvd += sdsd;

        char _cmd7[1000];
        strcpy(_cmd7, "DATA\r\n");
        send(connected_fd, _cmd7, strlen(_cmd7), 0);
        sdsd = recv(connected_fd, recv_buff + recvd, sizeof (recv_buff) - recvd, 0);
        recvd += sdsd;

        send(connected_fd, header, strlen(header), 0);
        send(connected_fd, arg->args[1], strlen(arg->args[1]), 0);
        char _cmd9[1000];
        strcpy(_cmd9, "\r\n.\r\n.");
        send(connected_fd, _cmd9, sizeof (_cmd9), 0);
        sdsd = recv(connected_fd, recv_buff + recvd, sizeof (recv_buff) - recvd, 0);
        recvd += sdsd;

        char _cmd10[1000];
        strcpy(_cmd10, "QUIT\r\n");
        send(connected_fd, _cmd10, sizeof (_cmd10), 0);
        sdsd = recv(connected_fd, recv_buff + recvd, sizeof (recv_buff) - recvd, 0);

        memcpy(initid->ptr, recv_buff, strlen(recv_buff));
        *length = recvd;
    return initid->ptr;

To configure your project go through this video: (Send Email from MySQL on Linux) It will work for any mysql version (5.5, 5.6, 5.7)

I will resolve if any error appear in above code, Just Inform in comment

Resolving tree conflict

What you can do to resolve your conflict is

svn resolve --accept working -R <path>

where <path> is where you have your conflict (can be the root of your repo).


  • resolve asks svn to resolve the conflict
  • accept working specifies to keep your working files
  • -R stands for recursive

Hope this helps.


To sum up what was said in the comments below:

  • <path> should be the directory in conflict (C:\DevBranch\ in the case of the OP)
  • it's likely that the origin of the conflict is
    • either the use of the svn switch command
    • or having checked the Switch working copy to new branch/tag option at branch creation
  • more information about conflicts can be found in the dedicated section of Tortoise's documentation.
  • to be able to run the command, you should have the CLI tools installed together with Tortoise:

Command line client tools

How to replace all special character into a string using C#

You can use a regular expresion to for example replace all non-alphanumeric characters with commas:

s = Regex.Replace(s, "[^0-9A-Za-z]+", ",");

Note: The + after the set will make it replace each group of non-alphanumeric characters with a comma. If you want to replace each character with a comma, just remove the +.

how do you insert null values into sql server

If you're using SSMS (or old school Enterprise Manager) to edit the table directly, press CTRL+0 to add a null.

Cannot open backup device. Operating System error 5

My issue was that the "File Ownership" was set to my company. I changed it to "Personal" and it worked. Right click the file and click the "File Ownership >" option and then change it to "Personal". I believe this happens with all files sent over Microsoft Teams.

How to programmatically set cell value in DataGridView?

Do you remember to refresh the dataGridView?


Find size of object instance in bytes in c#

For arrays of structs/values, I have different results with:

first = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(array, 0).ToInt64();
second = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(array, 1).ToInt64();
arrayElementSize = second - first;

(oversimplified example)

Whatever the approach, you really need to understand how .Net works to correctly interpret the results. For instance, the returned element size is the "aligned" element size, with some padding. The overhead and thus the size is different depending on the usage of a type: "boxed" on the GC heap, on the stack, as a field, as an array element.

(I wanted to know what would be the memory impact of using "dummy" empty structs (without any field) to mimic "optional" arguments of generics; making tests with different layouts involving empty structs, I can see that an empty struct uses (at least) 1 byte per element; I vaguely remember it is because .Net needs a different address for each field, which wouldn't work if a field really was empty/0-sized).

Find duplicate values in R

Here, I summarize a few ways which may return different results to your question, so be careful:

# First assign your "id"s to an R object.
# Here's a hypothetical example:
id <- c("a","b","b","c","c","c","d","d","d","d")

#To return ALL MINUS ONE duplicated values:
## [1] "b" "c" "c" "d" "d" "d"

#To return ALL duplicated values by specifying fromLast argument:
id[duplicated(id) | duplicated(id, fromLast=TRUE)]
## [1] "b" "b" "c" "c" "c" "d" "d" "d" "d"

#Yet another way to return ALL duplicated values, using %in% operator:
id[ id %in% id[duplicated(id)] ]
## [1] "b" "b" "c" "c" "c" "d" "d" "d" "d"

Hope these help. Good luck.

Automatically deleting related rows in Laravel (Eloquent ORM)

You can actually set this up in your migrations:



You may also specify the desired action for the "on delete" and "on update" properties of the constraint:


Setting PATH environment variable in OSX permanently

For a new path to be added to PATH environment variable in MacOS just create a new file under /etc/paths.d directory and add write path to be set in the file. Restart the terminal. You can check with echo $PATH at the prompt to confirm if the path was added to the environment variable.

For example: to add a new path /usr/local/sbin to the PATH variable:

cd /etc/paths.d
sudo vi newfile

Add the path to the newfile and save it.

Restart the terminal and type echo $PATH to confirm

How to check type of files without extensions in python?

With newer subprocess library, you can now use the following code (*nix only solution):

import subprocess
import shlex

filename = 'your_file'
cmd = shlex.split('file --mime-type {0}'.format(filename))
result = subprocess.check_output(cmd)
mime_type = result.split()[-1]
print mime_type

Detecting input change in jQuery?

UPDATED for clarification and example


Method 1. input event

In modern browsers use the input event. This event will fire when the user is typing into a text field, pasting, undoing, basically anytime the value changed from one value to another.

In jQuery do that like this

$('#someInput').bind('input', function() { 
    $(this).val() // get the current value of the input field.

starting with jQuery 1.7, replace bind with on:

$('#someInput').on('input', function() { 
    $(this).val() // get the current value of the input field.

Method 2. keyup event

For older browsers use the keyup event (this will fire once a key on the keyboard has been released, this event can give a sort of false positive because when "w" is released the input value is changed and the keyup event fires, but also when the "shift" key is released the keyup event fires but no change has been made to the input.). Also this method doesn't fire if the user right-clicks and pastes from the context menu:

$('#someInput').keyup(function() {
    $(this).val() // get the current value of the input field.

Method 3. Timer (setInterval or setTimeout)

To get around the limitations of keyup you can set a timer to periodically check the value of the input to determine a change in value. You can use setInterval or setTimeout to do this timer check. See the marked answer on this SO question: jQuery textbox change event or see the fiddle for a working example using focus and blur events to start and stop the timer for a specific input field

Determine when a ViewPager changes pages

You can also use ViewPager.SimpleOnPageChangeListener instead of ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener and override only those methods you want to use.

viewPager.addOnPageChangeListener(new ViewPager.SimpleOnPageChangeListener() {

    // optional 
    public void onPageScrolled(int position, float positionOffset, int positionOffsetPixels) { }

    // optional 
    public void onPageSelected(int position) { }

    // optional 
    public void onPageScrollStateChanged(int state) { }

Hope this help :)

Edit: As per android APIs, setOnPageChangeListener (ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener listener) is deprecated. Please check this url:- Android ViewPager API

Sleep function in ORACLE

It would be better to implement a synchronization mechanism. The easiest is to write a file after the first file is complete. So you have a sentinel file.

So the external programs looks for the sentinel file to exist. When it does it knows that it can safely use the data in the real file.

Another way to do this, which is similar to how some browsers do it when downloading files, is to have the file named base-name_part until the file is completely downloaded and then at the end rename the file to base-name. This way the external program can't "see" the file until it is complete. This way wouldn't require rewrite of the external program. Which might make it best for this situation.

AlertDialog styling - how to change style (color) of title, message, etc

I changed color programmatically in this way :

var builder = new AlertDialog.Builder (this);
var dialog = builder.Show ();
int textColorId = Resources.GetIdentifier ("alertTitle", "id", "android");
TextView textColor = dialog.FindViewById<TextView> (textColorId);
textColor?.SetTextColor (Color.DarkRed);

as alertTitle, you can change other data by this way (next example is for titleDivider):

int titleDividerId = Resources.GetIdentifier ("titleDivider", "id", "android");
View titleDivider = dialog.FindViewById (titleDividerId);
titleDivider?.SetBackgroundColor (Color.Red);

this is in C#, but in java it is the same.

How do I exit from the text window in Git?

On windows I used the following command


and it aborts the previous commit because of the empty commit message

Test a string for a substring

There are several other ways, besides using the in operator (easiest):


>>> try:
...   "xxxxABCDyyyy".index("test")
... except ValueError:
...   print "not found"
... else:
...   print "found"
not found


>>> if "xxxxABCDyyyy".find("ABCD") != -1:
...   print "found"


>>> import re
>>> if"ABCD" , "xxxxABCDyyyy"):
...  print "found"

Right HTTP status code to wrong input

409 Conflict could be an acceptable solution.

According to:

The request could not be completed due to a conflict with the current state of the resource. This code is only allowed in situations where it is expected that the user might be able to resolve the conflict and resubmit the request. The response body SHOULD include enough information for the user to recognize the source of the conflict. Ideally, the response entity would include enough information for the user or user agent to fix the problem; however, that might not be possible and is not required.

The doc continues with an example:

Conflicts are most likely to occur in response to a PUT request. For example, if versioning were being used and the entity being PUT included changes to a resource which conflict with those made by an earlier (third-party) request, the server might use the 409 response to indicate that it can't complete the request. In this case, the response entity would likely contain a list of the differences between the two versions in a format defined by the response Content-Type.

In my case, I would like to PUT a string, that must be unique, to a database via an API. Before adding it to the database, I am checking that it is not already in the database.

If it is, I will return "Error: The string is already in the database", 409.

I believe this is what the OP wanted: an error code suitable for when the data does not pass the server's criteria.

Move SQL data from one table to another

Try this




Angular 2 filter/search list

Pipes in Angular 2+ are a great way to transform and format data right from your templates.

Pipes allow us to change data inside of a template; i.e. filtering, ordering, formatting dates, numbers, currencies, etc. A quick example is you can transfer a string to lowercase by applying a simple filter in the template code.

List of Built-in Pipes from API List Examples

{{ | uppercase }}

Example of Angular version 4.4.7. ng version

Custom Pipes which accepts multiple arguments.

HTML « *ngFor="let student of students | jsonFilterBy:[searchText, 'name'] "
TS   « transform(json: any[], args: any[]) : any[] { ... }

Filtering the content using a Pipe « json-filter-by.pipe.ts

import { Pipe, PipeTransform, Injectable } from '@angular/core';

@Pipe({ name: 'jsonFilterBy' })
export class JsonFilterByPipe implements PipeTransform {

  transform(json: any[], args: any[]) : any[] {
    var searchText = args[0];
    var jsonKey = args[1];

    // json = undefined, args = (2) [undefined, "name"]
    if(searchText == null || searchText == 'undefined') return json;
    if(jsonKey    == null || jsonKey    == 'undefined') return json;

    // Copy all objects of original array into new Array.
    var returnObjects = json;
    json.forEach( function ( filterObjectEntery ) {

      if( filterObjectEntery.hasOwnProperty( jsonKey ) ) {
        console.log('Search key is available in JSON object.');

        if ( typeof filterObjectEntery[jsonKey] != "undefined" && 
        filterObjectEntery[jsonKey].toLowerCase().indexOf(searchText.toLowerCase()) > -1 ) {
            // object value contains the user provided text.
        } else {
            // object didn't match a filter value so remove it from array via filter
            returnObjects = returnObjects.filter(obj => obj !== filterObjectEntery);
      } else {
        console.log('Search key is not available in JSON object.');

    return returnObjects;

Add to @NgModule « Add JsonFilterByPipe to your declarations list in your module; if you forget to do this you'll get an error no provider for jsonFilterBy. If you add to module then it is available to all the component's of that module.

  imports: [
    FormsModule, ReactiveFormsModule,
  providers: [ StudentDetailsService ],
  declarations: [
    UsersComponent, UserComponent,

  exports : [UsersComponent, UserComponent]
export class UsersModule {
    // ...

File Name: users.component.ts and StudentDetailsService is created from this link.

import { MyStudents } from './../../services/student/my-students';
import { Component, OnInit, OnDestroy } from '@angular/core';
import { StudentDetailsService } from '../../services/student/student-details.service';

  selector: 'app-users',
  templateUrl: './users.component.html',
  styleUrls: [ './users.component.css' ],

export class UsersComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy  {

  students: MyStudents[];
  selectedStudent: MyStudents;

  constructor(private studentService: StudentDetailsService) { }

  ngOnInit(): void {
  ngOnDestroy(): void {
    // ONDestroy to prevent memory leaks

  loadAllUsers(): void {
    this.studentService.getStudentsList().then(students => this.students = students);

  onSelect(student: MyStudents): void {
    this.selectedStudent = student;


File Name: users.component.html

    <br />
    <div class="form-group">
        <div class="col-md-6" >
            Filter by Name: 
            <input type="text" [(ngModel)]="searchText" 
                   class="form-control" placeholder="Search By Category" />

    <h2>Present are Students</h2>
    <ul class="students">
    <li *ngFor="let student of students | jsonFilterBy:[searchText, 'name'] " >
        <a *ngIf="student" routerLink="/users/update/{{}}">
            <span class="badge">{{}}</span> {{ | uppercase}}

Angular 5, HTML, boolean on checkbox is checked

Here is my answer,

In row.model.ts

export interface Row {
   otherProperty : type;
   checked : bool;
   otherProperty : type;

In .html

<tr class="even" *ngFor="let item of rows">
   <input [checked]="item.checked" type="checkbox">

In .ts

rows : Row[] = [];

update the rows in component.ts

how to permit an array with strong parameters

If you want to permit an array of hashes(or an array of objects from the perspective of JSON)

params.permit(:foo, array: [:key1, :key2])

2 points to notice here:

  1. array should be the last argument of the permit method.
  2. you should specify keys of the hash in the array, otherwise you will get an error Unpermitted parameter: array, which is very difficult to debug in this case.

Delete files or folder recursively on Windows CMD

For completely wiping a folder with native commands and getting a log on what's been done.

here's an unusual way to do it :

let's assume we want to clear the d:\temp dir

mkdir d:\empty
robocopy /mir d:\empty d:\temp
rmdir d:\empty


I have come across exactly the same problem when trying to write a client for the National Rail SOAP service with Perl.

The problem was caused because the Perl module that I'm using 'SOAP::Lite' inserts a '#' in the SOAPAction header ...

SOAPAction: ""

This is not interpreted correctly by .NET servers. I found this out from Example 3-19 in O'Reilly's Programming Web Services with SOAP . The solution was given below in section 3-20, namely you need to explicitly specify the format of the header with the 'on_action' method.

print SOAP::Lite
  -> uri('urn:Example1')
  -> on_action(sub{sprintf '%s/%s', @_ })
  -> proxy('http://localhost:8080/helloworld/example1.asmx')
  -> sayHello($name)
  -> result . "\n\n";

My guess is that is using SOAP::Lite behind the scenes and so are hitting the same problem when talking to National Rail.

The solution is to write your own client so that you have control over the format of the SOAPAction header ... but you've probably done that already.

Copy a table from one database to another in Postgres

Using dblink would be more convenient!

truncate table tableA;

insert into tableA
select *
from dblink(' dbname=mydb user=postgres',
            'select a,b from tableA')
       as t1(a text,b text);

How to sort mongodb with pymongo

Say, you want to sort by 'created_on' field, then you can do like this,

.sort('{}'.format('created_on'), 1 if sort_type == 'asc' else -1)

Inserting a Python datetime.datetime object into MySQL

For a time field, use:

import time    
time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')

I think strftime also applies to datetime.

PHP + MySQL transactions examples

The idea I generally use when working with transactions looks like this (semi-pseudo-code):

try {
    // First of all, let's begin a transaction
    // A set of queries; if one fails, an exception should be thrown
    $db->query('first query');
    $db->query('second query');
    $db->query('third query');
    // If we arrive here, it means that no exception was thrown
    // i.e. no query has failed, and we can commit the transaction
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
    // An exception has been thrown
    // We must rollback the transaction
    throw $e; // but the error must be handled anyway

Note that, with this idea, if a query fails, an Exception must be thrown:
  • PDO can do that, depending on how you configure it
  • else, with some other API, you might have to test the result of the function used to execute a query, and throw an exception yourself.

Unfortunately, there is no magic involved. You cannot just put an instruction somewhere and have transactions done automatically: you still have to specific which group of queries must be executed in a transaction.

For example, quite often you'll have a couple of queries before the transaction (before the begin) and another couple of queries after the transaction (after either commit or rollback) and you'll want those queries executed no matter what happened (or not) in the transaction.

Python/Django: log to console under runserver, log to file under Apache

I use this:








args=('applog.log', 'a', 10000, 9)


import logging
import logging.config

def main():
    logger = logging.getLogger('applog')

    logger.debug('debug message')'info message')
    logger.warn('warn message')
    logger.error('error message')
    logger.critical('critical message')

if __name__ == '__main__':

Element count of an array in C++

It seems that if you know the type of elements in the array you can also use that to your advantage with sizeof.

int numList[] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 };

cout << sizeof(numList) / sizeof(int);

// => 5

How do I loop through items in a list box and then remove those item?

How about:

foreach(var s in listBox1.Items.ToArray())
    //do stuff with (s);

The ToArray makes a copy of the list, so you don't need to worry about it changing the list while you are processing it.

JavaScript sleep/wait before continuing

JS does not have a sleep function, it has setTimeout() or setInterval() functions.

If you can move the code that you need to run after the pause into the setTimeout() callback, you can do something like this:

//code before the pause
    //do what you need here
}, 2000);

see example here :

This won't halt the execution of your script, but due to the fact that setTimeout() is an asynchronous function, this code

    console.log("THIS IS");
}, 2000);

will print this in the console:


(note that DOG is printed before THIS IS)

You can use the following code to simulate a sleep for short periods of time:

function sleep(milliseconds) {
  var start = new Date().getTime();
  for (var i = 0; i < 1e7; i++) {
    if ((new Date().getTime() - start) > milliseconds){

now, if you want to sleep for 1 second, just use:



please note that this code will keep your script busy for n milliseconds. This will not only stop execution of Javascript on your page, but depending on the browser implementation, may possibly make the page completely unresponsive, and possibly make the entire browser unresponsive. In other words this is almost always the wrong thing to do.

How to split the name string in mysql?

concat(upper(substring(substring_index(NAME, ' ', 1) FROM 1 FOR 1)), lower(substring(substring_index(NAME, ' ', 1) FROM 2 FOR length(substring_index(NAME, ' ', 1))))) AS fname,
WHEN length(substring_index(substring_index(NAME, ' ', 2), ' ', -1)) > 2 THEN 
  concat(upper(substring(substring_index(substring_index(NAME, ' ', 2), ' ', -1) FROM 1 FOR 1)), lower(substring(substring_index(substring_index(f.nome, ' ', 2), ' ', -1) FROM 2 FOR length(substring_index(substring_index(f.nome, ' ', 2), ' ', -1)))))
  WHEN length(substring_index(substring_index(f.nome, ' ', 3), ' ', -1)) > 2 THEN 
    concat(upper(substring(substring_index(substring_index(f.nome, ' ', 3), ' ', -1) FROM 1 FOR 1)), lower(substring(substring_index(substring_index(f.nome, ' ', 3), ' ', -1) FROM 2 FOR length(substring_index(substring_index(f.nome, ' ', 3), ' ', -1)))))
AS mname

UTF-8 encoded html pages show ? (questions marks) instead of characters

The problem is the charset that is being used by apache to serve the pages. I work with Linux, so I don't know anything about XAMPP. I had the same problem too, what I did to solve the problem was to add the charset to the charset config file (It is commented by default).

In my case I have it in /etc/apache2/conf.d/charset but, since you're using Windows the location is different. So I'm giving you this like an idea of how to solve it.

At the end, my charset config file is like this:

# Read the documentation before enabling AddDefaultCharset.
# In general, it is only a good idea if you know that all your files
# have this encoding. It will override any encoding given in the files
# in meta http-equiv or xml encoding tags.

AddDefaultCharset UTF-8

I hope it helps.

Get hostname of current request in node.js Express

If you're talking about an HTTP request, you can find the request host in:

But that relies on an incoming request.

More at

If you're looking for machine/native information, try the process object.

How can I get the sha1 hash of a string in node.js?

Please read and strongly consider my advice in the comments of your post. That being said, if you still have a good reason to do this, check out this list of crypto modules for Node. It has modules for dealing with both sha1 and base64.

Parsing HTTP Response in Python

When I printed I noticed that b was preprended to the string (e.g. b'{"a":1,..). The "b" stands for bytes and serves as a declaration for the type of the object you're handling. Since, I knew that a string could be converted to a dict by using json.loads('string'), I just had to convert the byte type to a string type. I did this by decoding the response to utf-8 decode('utf-8'). Once it was in a string type my problem was solved and I was easily able to iterate over the dict.

I don't know if this is the fastest or most 'pythonic' way of writing this but it works and theres always time later of optimization and improvement! Full code for my solution:

from urllib.request import urlopen
import json

# Get the dataset
url = ''
response = urlopen(url)

# Convert bytes to string type and string type to dict
string ='utf-8')
json_obj = json.loads(string)

print(json_obj['source_name']) # prints the string with 'source_name' key