[vba] Wait until ActiveWorkbook.RefreshAll finishes - VBA

I have a sub that calls on ActiveWorkbook.RefreshAll to bring new data in from an XML source, and then performs multiple modifications to it. The problem is that not enough time is given for the RefreshAll command to finish, so the following subs and functions end up not executing correctly, which result in repeated rows not being correctly erased.

I have tried using Application.Wait and the Sleep function, but they seem to pause the refresh process too. I simply want the rest of the code to wait until the refresh process finishes before executing the rest of the code.

Any ideas on how to implement this? Right now I was only able to fix it by not calling on RefreshAll, which gives me the idea of implementing a second flow to be executed afterwards, but that's not a good workaround.

Please let me know if any of this wasn't clear. Thanks

EDIT So I tried a few suggestions from the posts below, and this is what I was able to come up with. Doing a "record macro" and then UNCHECKING the "Enable background refresh" in the table properties did not result in anything. I did a refresh as well afterwards. This was the result of the recorded macro:

With ActiveWorkbook.Connections("XMLTable")
        .Name = "XMLTable"
        .Description = ""
End With

The class ActiveWorkbook.Connections does NOT have a BackgroundQuery option so that I can set it to False. Any ideas?

Just to be clear. This is an XML file hosted on a website which Excel goes and imports into a table. I then call that data into a pivot and other things. The goal here is to allow the import process from the website to the table to finish BEFORE executing any other commands. Thanks

EDIT2: After a little more research, I have found this page: http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/excel-questions/564959-execute-code-after-data-connection-refresh-finished.html It appears that an XML type of connection does not have a BackgroundQuery boolean. That option is only available for ODBC and OLEDB connections, which are types xlConnectionTypeODBC and xlConnectionTypeOLEDB, respectively. The XML connection I am using is of type xlConnectionTypeXMLMAP which does not have a BackgroundQuery option. Does anyone have any idea on where to go from here? The only solution I have in mind right now is to make two seperate macro buttons on the excel sheet, one for refreshing and one for data modification, but I'd rather keep that option to the very last.

This question is related to vba excel

The answer is

You must turn off "background refresh" for all queries. If background refresh is on, Excel works ahead while the refresh occurs and you have problems.

Data > Connections > Properties > (uncheck) enable background refresh

I have had a similar requirement. After a lot of testing I found a simple but not very elegant solution (not sure if it will work for you?)...

After my macro refresh's the data that Excel is getting, I added into my macro the line "Calculate" (normally used to recalculate the workbook if you have set calculation to manual).

While I don't need to do do this, it appears by adding this in, Excel waits while the data is refreshed before continuing with the rest of my macro.

I know, that maybe it sounds stuppid, but perhaps it can be the best and the easiest solution.

You have to create additional Excel file. It can be even empty. Or you can use any other existing Excel file from your directories.



'Excell is waiting till Refresh on first file will finish'
Workbooks("Any_file.xlsx).Close False


or use this:

Workbooks("File_where_you_have_to_do_refresh.xlsx").Close True

It's working properly on all my files.

For Microsoft Query you can go into Connections --> Properties and untick "Enable background refresh".

This will stop anything happening while the refresh is taking place. I needed to refresh data upon entry and then run a userform on the refreshed data, and this method worked perfectly for me.

Though @Wayne G. Dunn has given in code. Here is the place when you don't want to code. And uncheck to disable the background refresh.

enter image description here

For me, "BackgroundQuery:=False" did not work alone But adding a "DoEvents" resolved problem

.QueryTable.Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False

What I've done to solve this problem is save the workbook. This forces it to refresh before closing.

The same approach works for copying many formulas before performing the next operation.

If you're not married to using Excel Web Query, you might try opening the URL as a separate Workbook instead. Going that route lets you work on the resulting data once the web request completes, just like if you turn off "Enable background refresh."

The nice thing is though, Excel displays a progress bar during the request, instead of just freezing up / showing a load message in the destination cell.

See my answer on this question: How can I post-process the data from an Excel web query when the query is complete?

The tradeoff of that approach is you have to manage processing the data you get back yourself - Excel won't put it in a given destination for you.

We ended up going this route after we tried something pretty similar to what you seem to have been doing.

This worked for me:


When you save the workbook it's necessary to complete the refresh.

I was having this same problem, and tried all the above solutions with no success. I finally solved the problem by deleting the entire query and creating a new one.

The new one had the exact same settings as the one that didn't work (literally the same query definition as I simply copied the old one).

I have no idea why this solved the problem, but it did.

I tried a couple of those suggestions above, the best solution for me was to disable backgroundquery for each connection.

With ActiveWorkbook.Connections("Query - DL_3").OLEDBConnection
    .BackgroundQuery = False
    End With

DISCLAIMER: The code below reportedly casued some crashes! Use with care.

according to THIS answer in Excel 2010 and above CalculateUntilAsyncQueriesDone halts macros until refresh is done

Try executing:


I use it in a worksheet in which control buttons change values of a dataset. On each click, Excel runs through this command and the graph updates immediately.

This may not be ideal, but try using "Application.OnTime" to pause execution of the remaining code until enough time has elapsed to assure that all refresh processes have finished.

What if the last table in your refresh list were a faux table consisting of only a flag to indicate that the refresh is complete? This table would be deleted at the beginning of the procedure, then, using "Application.OnTime," a Sub would run every 15 seconds or so checking to see if the faux table had been populated. If populated, cease the "Application.OnTime" checker and proceed with the rest of your procedure.

A little wonky, but it should work.

I had the same issue, however DoEvents didn't help me as my data connections had background-refresh enabled. Instead, using Wayne G. Dunn's answer as a jumping-off point, I created the following solution, which works just fine for me;

Sub Refresh_All_Data_Connections()

    For Each objConnection In ThisWorkbook.Connections
        'Get current background-refresh value
        bBackground = objConnection.OLEDBConnection.BackgroundQuery

        'Temporarily disable background-refresh
        objConnection.OLEDBConnection.BackgroundQuery = False

        'Refresh this connection

        'Set background-refresh value back to original value
        objConnection.OLEDBConnection.BackgroundQuery = bBackground

    MsgBox "Finished refreshing all data connections"

End Sub

The MsgBox is for testing only and can be removed once you're happy the code waits.

Also, I prefer ThisWorkbook to ActiveWorkbook as I know it will target the workbook where the code resides, just in case focus changes. Nine times out of ten this won't matter, but I like to err on the side of caution.

EDIT: Just saw your edit about using an xlConnectionTypeXMLMAP connection which does not have a BackgroundQuery option, sorry. I'll leave the above for anyone (like me) looking for a way to refresh OLEDBConnection types.

Here is a solution found at http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/excel-questions/510011-fails-activeworkbook-refreshall-backgroundquery-%3Dfalse.html:

Either have all the pivotcaches' backgroundquery properties set to False, or loop through all the workbook's pivotcaches:

    For Each pc In ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches
       pc.BackgroundQuery = False

this will leave all pivotcaches backgroundquery properties as false. You could retain each one's settings with:


For Each pc In ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches
  originalBGStatus = pc.BackgroundQuery
  pc.BackgroundQuery = False
  pc.BackgroundQuery = originalBGStatus