Programs & Examples On #Xmlreader

xmlreader - Represents a reader that provides fast, noncached, forward-only access to XML data.

How to use XMLReader in PHP?

This Works Better and Faster For Me

function showRSS(str) {
  if (str.length==0) {
  if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
    // code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari
    xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
  } else {  // code for IE6, IE5
    xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
  xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=function() {
    if (this.readyState==4 && this.status==200) {

<select onchange="showRSS(this.value)">
<option value="">Select an RSS-feed:</option>
<option value="Google">Google News</option>
<option value="ZDN">ZDNet News</option>
<option value="job">Job</option>
<div id="rssOutput">RSS-feed will be listed here...</div>

**The Backend File **

//get the q parameter from URL

//find out which feed was selected
if($q=="Google") {
} elseif($q=="ZDN") {
}elseif($q == "job"){

$xmlDoc = new DOMDocument();

//get elements from "<channel>"
$channel_title = $channel->getElementsByTagName('title')
$channel_link = $channel->getElementsByTagName('link')
$channel_desc = $channel->getElementsByTagName('description')

//output elements from "<channel>"
echo("<p><a href='" . $channel_link
  . "'>" . $channel_title . "</a>");
echo($channel_desc . "</p>");

//get and output "<item>" elements

$count = $x->length;

// print_r( $x->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('title')->item(0)->nodeValue);
// print_r( $x->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('link')->item(0)->nodeValue);
// print_r( $x->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('description')->item(0)->nodeValue);
// return;

for ($i=0; $i <= $count; $i++) {
  $item_title = $x->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('title')->item(0)->nodeValue;
  $item_link = $x->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('link')->item(0)->nodeValue;
  $item_desc = $x->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('description')->item(0)->nodeValue;
  $item_cat = $x->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('category')->item(0)->nodeValue;

  echo ("<p>Title: <a href='" . $item_link
  . "'>" . $item_title . "</a>");
  echo ("<br>");
  echo ("Desc: ".$item_desc);
   echo ("<br>");
  echo ("Category: ".$item_cat . "</p>");

Why "Data at the root level is invalid. Line 1, position 1." for XML Document?

I eventually figured out there was a byte mark exception and removed it using this code:

 string _byteOrderMarkUtf8 = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Encoding.UTF8.GetPreamble());
    if (xml.StartsWith(_byteOrderMarkUtf8))
        var lastIndexOfUtf8 = _byteOrderMarkUtf8.Length-1;
        xml = xml.Remove(0, lastIndexOfUtf8);

Reading Xml with XmlReader in C#

    XmlDataDocument xmldoc = new XmlDataDocument();
    XmlNodeList xmlnode ;
    int i = 0;
    string str = null;
    FileStream fs = new FileStream("product.xml", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
    xmlnode = xmldoc.GetElementsByTagName("Product");

You can loop through xmlnode and get the data...... C# XML Reader

Failed to load AppCompat ActionBar with unknown error in android studio

Method 1:

Locate /res/values/styles.xml


<style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar">


<style name="AppTheme" parent="Base.Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar">

Method 2:

Modify template file(locate: android-studio/plugins/android/lib/templates/gradle-projects/NewAndroidModule/root/res/values/styles.xml.ftl)





Watch Solution On YouTube


Textarea Auto height


<textarea id="wmd-input" name="md-content"></textarea>


var textarea = $('#wmd-input'),
    top = textarea.scrollTop(),
    height = textarea.height();
    if(top > 0){
       textarea.css("height",top + height)


    width: 100%;
    overflow: hidden;
    padding: 10px;

How to access Session variables and set them in javascript?

I was able to solve a similar problem with simple URL parameters and auto refresh.

You can get the values from the URL parameters, do whatever you want with them and simply refresh the page.


<a href=\"webpage.aspx?parameterName=parameterValue"> LinkText </a>


string variable = Request.QueryString["parameterName"];
if (parameterName!= null)
   Session["sessionVariable"] += parameterName;
   Response.AddHeader("REFRESH", "1;URL=webpage.aspx");

What is the `zero` value for time.Time in Go?

Invoking an empty time.Time struct literal will return Go's zero date. Thus, for the following print statement:


The output is:

0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC

For the sake of completeness, the official documentation explicitly states:

The zero value of type Time is January 1, year 1, 00:00:00.000000000 UTC.

Create a user with all privileges in Oracle

There are 2 differences:

2 methods creating a user and granting some privileges to him

create user userName identified by password;
grant connect to userName;


grant connect to userName identified by password;

do exactly the same. It creates a user and grants him the connect role.

different outcome

resource is a role in oracle, which gives you the right to create objects (tables, procedures, some more but no views!). ALL PRIVILEGES grants a lot more of system privileges.

To grant a user all privileges run you first snippet or

grant all privileges to userName identified by password;

HTML5 form validation pattern alphanumeric with spaces?

Use below code for HTML5 validation pattern alphanumeric without / with space :-

for HTML5 validation pattern alphanumeric without space :- onkeypress="return event.charCode >= 48 && event.charCode <= 57 || event.charCode >= 97 && event.charCode <= 122 || event.charCode >= 65 && event.charCode <= 90"

for HTML5 validation pattern alphanumeric with space :-

onkeypress="return event.charCode >= 48 && event.charCode <= 57 || event.charCode >= 97 && event.charCode <= 122 || event.charCode >= 65 && event.charCode <= 90 || event.charCode == 32"

Twitter API - Display all tweets with a certain hashtag?

The answer here worked better for me as it isolates the search on the hashtag, not just returning results that contain the search string. In the answer above you would still need to parse the JSON response to see if the entities.hashtags array is not empty.

Comparing Arrays of Objects in JavaScript

Here is my attempt, using Node's assert module + npm package object-hash.

I suppose that you would like to check if two arrays contain the same objects, even if those objects are ordered differently between the two arrays.

var assert = require('assert');
var hash = require('object-hash');

var obj1 = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 333},
    obj2 = {b: 2, a: 1, c: 444},
    obj3 = {b: "AAA", c: 555},
    obj4 = {c: 555, b: "AAA"};

var array1 = [obj1, obj2, obj3, obj4];
var array2 = [obj3, obj2, obj4, obj1]; // [obj3, obj3, obj2, obj1] should work as well

// calling assert.deepEquals(array1, array2) at this point FAILS (throws an AssertionError)
// even if array1 and array2 contain the same objects in different order,
// because array1[0].c !== array2[0].c

// sort objects in arrays by their hashes, so that if the arrays are identical,
// their objects can be compared in the same order, one by one
var array1 = sortArrayOnHash(array1);
var array2 = sortArrayOnHash(array2);

// then, this should output "PASS"
try {
    assert.deepEqual(array1, array2);
} catch (e) {

// You could define as well something like Array.prototype.sortOnHash()...
function sortArrayOnHash(array) {
    return array.sort(function(a, b) {
        return hash(a) > hash(b);

When is a timestamp (auto) updated?

Give the command SHOW CREATE TABLE whatever

Then look at the table definition.

It probably has a line like this


in it. DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP means that any INSERT without an explicit time stamp setting uses the current time. Likewise, ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP means that any update without an explicit timestamp results in an update to the current timestamp value.

You can control this default behavior when creating your table.

Or, if the timestamp column wasn't created correctly in the first place, you can change it.

ALTER TABLE whatevertable
     CHANGE whatevercolumn 
            whatevercolumn TIMESTAMP NOT NULL
                           DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP 
                           ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;

This will cause both INSERT and UPDATE operations on the table automatically to update your timestamp column. If you want to update whatevertable without changing the timestamp, that is,

To prevent the column from updating when other columns change

then you need to issue this kind of update.

UPDATE whatevertable
   SET something = 'newvalue',
       whatevercolumn = whatevercolumn
 WHERE someindex = 'indexvalue'

This works with TIMESTAMP and DATETIME columns. (Prior to MySQL version 5.6.5 it only worked with TIMESTAMPs) When you use TIMESTAMPs, time zones are accounted for: on a correctly configured server machine, those values are always stored in UTC and translated to local time upon retrieval.

Getting individual colors from a color map in matplotlib

In order to get rgba integer value instead of float value, we can do

rgba = cmap(0.5,bytes=True)

So to simplify the code based on answer from Ffisegydd, the code would be like this:

#import colormap
from matplotlib import cm

#normalize item number values to colormap
norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=1000)

#colormap possible values = viridis, jet, spectral
rgba_color = cm.jet(norm(400),bytes=True) 

#400 is one of value between 0 and 1000

Attach (open) mdf file database with SQL Server Management Studio

i don't know if this answer can be found on the links above, but i just run SQL management studio as Administrator and worked. Hope it helps


PHP function to generate v4 UUID

on unix systems, use the system kernel to generate a uuid for you.


Credit Samveen on

Note!: Using this method to get a uuid does in fact exhaust the entropy pool, very quickly! I would avoid using this where it would be called frequently.

Swipe to Delete and the "More" button (like in Mail app on iOS 7)

I have created a new library to implement swippable buttons which supports a variety of transitions and expandable buttons like iOS 8 mail app.

This library is compatible with all the different ways to create a UITableViewCell and its tested on iOS 5, iOS 6, iOS 7 and iOS 8.

Here a sample of some transitions:

Border transition:

Border transition

Clip transition

Clip transition

3D Transition:

enter image description here

PHP unable to load php_curl.dll extension

Usually this is an OpenSSL version mismatch error, between Apache and PHP. In case Apache loads PHP as a DSO module, its own OpenSSL versions (dlls and libs) will be used. So, in case the PHP extension requires a newer version, it may not find the appropriate interface inside the Apache-loaded DLLS and it will fail to work.

Since you need the PHP extension to load, you need the relevant DLL files to be at least the version of what the PHP module asks for. Supposing that you 're using lastest builds for both Apache and PHP and both having been built with the same MVC version, you can copy the following files:

  • libcrypto-1_1.dll
  • libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll
  • libcurl.dll
  • libsasl.dll
  • libssh2.dll
  • libssl-1_1.dll
  • libssl-1_1-x64.dll
  • nghttp2.dll
  • libeay32.dll (if existing in your PHP distribution)
  • ssleay32.dll (if existing in your PHP distribution)

from the PHP root folder to the Apache2/bin folder, in case you 're confident that the PHP build is newer than the Apache build.

In the opposite case, you can copy the same files from the Apache BIN to the PHP root.

In any case, backup the contents of the APache and PHP folders beforehand.

Adding the PHP path as an enviromental variable will give priority to this path for loading the relevant DLLs and may solve the problem. However, you lose in server portability. Additionally, if you have also added the Apache PATH as a variable and the OpenSSL versions are way different (up to loading different linked DLL files), a lot of shit may happen.

Writing your own square root function

A simple solution that can deal with float square root and arbitrary precision using binary search

coded in ruby

include Math

def sqroot_precision num, precision
  upper   = num
  lower   = 0
  middle  = (upper + lower)/2.0

  while true do
    diff = middle**2 - num

    return middle if diff.abs <= precision

    if diff > 0
      upper = middle
    else diff < 0
      lower = middle

    middle = (upper + lower)/2.0

puts sqroot_precision 232.3, 0.0000000001

Detect & Record Audio in Python

I believe the WAVE module does not support recording, just processing existing files. You might want to look at PyAudio for actually recording. WAV is about the world's simplest file format. In paInt16 you just get a signed integer representing a level, and closer to 0 is quieter. I can't remember if WAV files are high byte first or low byte, but something like this ought to work (sorry, I'm not really a python programmer:

from array import array

# you'll probably want to experiment on threshold
# depends how noisy the signal
threshold = 10 
max_value = 0

as_ints = array('h', data)
max_value = max(as_ints)
if max_value > threshold:
    # not silence

PyAudio code for recording kept for reference:

import pyaudio
import sys

chunk = 1024
FORMAT = pyaudio.paInt16
RATE = 44100

p = pyaudio.PyAudio()

stream =,

print "* recording"
for i in range(0, 44100 / chunk * RECORD_SECONDS):
    data =
    # check for silence here by comparing the level with 0 (or some threshold) for 
    # the contents of data.
    # then write data or not to a file

print "* done"


DataTables: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined

OK, thanks all for the help.

However the problem was much easier than that.

All I need to do is to fix my JSON to assign the array, to an attribute called data, as following.

  "data": [{
    "name_en": "hello",
    "phone": "55555555",
    "email": "a.shouman",
    "facebook": "https:\/\/"
  }, ...]

In jQuery, what's the best way of formatting a number to 2 decimal places?

Maybe something like this, where you could select more than one element if you'd like?


Forking vs. Branching in GitHub

It has to do with the general workflow of Git. You're unlikely to be able to push directly to the main project's repository. I'm not sure if GitHub project's repository support branch-based access control, as you wouldn't want to grant anyone the permission to push to the master branch for example.

The general pattern is as follows:

  • Fork the original project's repository to have your own GitHub copy, to which you'll then be allowed to push changes.
  • Clone your GitHub repository onto your local machine
  • Optionally, add the original repository as an additional remote repository on your local repository. You'll then be able to fetch changes published in that repository directly.
  • Make your modifications and your own commits locally.
  • Push your changes to your GitHub repository (as you generally won't have the write permissions on the project's repository directly).
  • Contact the project's maintainers and ask them to fetch your changes and review/merge, and let them push back to the project's repository (if you and them want to).

Without this, it's quite unusual for public projects to let anyone push their own commits directly.

php is null or empty?

Use empty -


$a = '';
if(empty($a)) {
    echo 'is empty';

How to get Chrome to allow mixed content?

On OSX the following works from the command line:

/Applications/Google\\ Chrome --allow-running-insecure-content

What is difference between png8 and png24

You have asked two questions, one in the title about the difference between PNG8 and PNG24, which has received a few answers, namely that PNG24 has 8-bit red, green, and blue channels, and PNG-8 has a single 8-bit index into a palette. Naturally, PNG24 usually has a larger filesize than PNG8. Furthermore, PNG8 usually means that it is opaque or has only binary transparency (like GIF); it's defined that way in ImageMagick/GraphicsMagick.

This is an answer to the other one, "I would like to know that if I use either type in my html page, will there be any error? Or is this only quality matter?"

You can put either type on an HTML page and no, this won't cause an error; the files should all be named with the ".png" extension and referred to that way in your HTML. Years ago, early versions of Internet Explorer would not handle PNG with an alpha channel (PNG32) or indexed-color PNG with translucent pixels properly, so it was useful to convert such images to PNG8 (indexed-color with binary transparency conveyed via a PNG tRNS chunk) -- but still use the .png extension, to be sure they would display properly on IE. I think PNG24 was always OK on Internet Explorer because PNG24 is either opaque or has GIF-like single-color transparency conveyed via a PNG tRNS chunk.

The names PNG8 and PNG24 aren't mentioned in the PNG specification, which simply calls them all "PNG". Other names, invented by others, include

  • PNG8 or PNG-8 (indexed-color with 8-bit samples, usually means opaque or with GIF-like, binary transparency, but sometimes includes translucency)
  • PNG24 or PNG-24 (RGB with 8-bit samples, may have GIF-like transparency via tRNS)
  • PNG32 (RGBA with 8-bit samples, opaque, transparent, or translucent)
  • PNG48 (Like PNG24 but with 16-bit R,G,B samples)
  • PNG64 (like PNG32 but with 16-bit R,G,B,A samples)

There are many more possible combinations including grayscale with 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16-bit samples and indexed PNG with 1, 2, or 4-bit samples (and any of those with transparent or translucent pixels), but those don't have special names.

YouTube URL in Video Tag

Video tag supports only video formats (like mp4 etc). Youtube does not expose its raw video files - it only exposes the unique id of the video. Since that id does not correspond to the actual file, video tag cannot be used.

If you do get hold of the actual source file using one of the youtube download sites or soft wares, you will be able to use the video tag. But even then, the url of the actual source will cease to work after a set time. So your video also will work only till then.

How to add a class with React.js?

Since you already have <Tags> component calling a function on its parent, you do not need additional state: simply pass the filter to the <Tags> component as a prop, and use this in rendering your buttons. Like so:

Change your render function inside your <Tags> component to:

render: function() {
  return <div className = "tags">
    <button className = {this._checkActiveBtn('')} onClick = {this.setFilter.bind(this, '')}>All</button>
    <button className = {this._checkActiveBtn('male')} onClick = {this.setFilter.bind(this, 'male')}>male</button>
    <button className = {this._checkActiveBtn('female')} onClick = {this.setFilter.bind(this, 'female')}>female</button>
    <button className = {this._checkActiveBtn('blonde')} onClick = {this.setFilter.bind(this, 'blonde')}>blonde</button>

And add a function inside <Tags>:

_checkActiveBtn: function(filterName) {
  return (filterName == this.props.activeFilter) ? "btn active" : "btn";

And inside your <List> component, pass the filter state to the <tags> component as a prop:

return <div>
  <h2>Kids Finder</h2> 
  <Tags filter = {this.state.filter} onChangeFilter = {this.changeFilter} />

Then it should work as intended. Codepen here (hope the link works)

How to define an enumerated type (enum) in C?

You're trying to declare strategy twice, and that's why you're getting the above error. The following works without any complaints (compiled with gcc -ansi -pedantic -Wall):

#include <stdio.h>


int main(int argc, char** argv){
    printf("strategy: %d\n", strategy);

    return 0;

If instead of the above, the second line were changed to:

enum { RANDOM, IMMEDIATE, SEARCH } strategy;
strategy = IMMEDIATE;

From the warnings, you could easily see your mistake:

enums.c:5:1: warning: data definition has no type or storage class [enabled by default]
enums.c:5:1: warning: type defaults to ‘int’ in declaration of ‘strategy’ [-Wimplicit-int]
enums.c:5:1: error: conflicting types for ‘strategy’
enums.c:4:36: note: previous declaration of ‘strategy’ was here

So the compiler took strategy = IMMEDIATE for a declaration of a variable called strategy with default type int, but there was already a previous declaration of a variable with this name.

However, if you placed the assignment in the main() function, it would be a valid code:

#include <stdio.h>


int main(int argc, char** argv){
    printf("strategy: %d\n", strategy);

    return 0;

Avoiding NullPointerException in Java

If undefined values are not permitted:

You might configure your IDE to warn you about potential null dereferencing. E.g. in Eclipse, see Preferences > Java > Compiler > Errors/Warnings/Null analysis.

If undefined values are permitted:

If you want to define a new API where undefined values make sense, use the Option Pattern (may be familiar from functional languages). It has the following advantages:

  • It is stated explicitly in the API whether an input or output exists or not.
  • The compiler forces you to handle the "undefined" case.
  • Option is a monad, so there is no need for verbose null checking, just use map/foreach/getOrElse or a similar combinator to safely use the value (example).

Java 8 has a built-in Optional class (recommended); for earlier versions, there are library alternatives, for example Guava's Optional or FunctionalJava's Option. But like many functional-style patterns, using Option in Java (even 8) results in quite some boilerplate, which you can reduce using a less verbose JVM language, e.g. Scala or Xtend.

If you have to deal with an API which might return nulls, you can't do much in Java. Xtend and Groovy have the Elvis operator ?: and the null-safe dereference operator ?., but note that this returns null in case of a null reference, so it just "defers" the proper handling of null.

Django DB Settings 'Improperly Configured' Error

In 2017 with django 1.11.5 and python 3.6 (from the comment this also works with Python 2.7):

import django
import os
os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "mysite.settings")

The .py in which you put this code should be in mysite (the parent one)

How to determine the version of Gradle?

At the root of your project type below in the console:

gradlew --version

You will have gradle version with other information (as a sample):

Gradle 5.1.1 << Here is the version                                                         

Build time:   2019-01-10 23:05:02 UTC                                 
Revision:     3c9abb645fb83932c44e8610642393ad62116807                

Kotlin DSL:   1.1.1                                                   
Kotlin:       1.3.11                                                  
Groovy:       2.5.4                                                   
Ant:          Apache Ant(TM) version 1.9.13 compiled on July 10 2018  
JVM:          10.0.2 ("Oracle Corporation" 10.0.2+13)                 
OS:           Windows 10 10.0 amd64                                   

I think for gradle version it uses gradle/wrapper/ under the hood.

Create a .txt file if doesn't exist, and if it does append a new line

Try this.

string path = @"E:\AppServ\Example.txt";
if (!File.Exists(path))
    using (var txtFile = File.AppendText(path))
        txtFile.WriteLine("The very first line!");
else if (File.Exists(path))
    using (var txtFile = File.AppendText(path))
        txtFile.WriteLine("The next line!");

BigDecimal setScale and round

One important point that is alluded to but not directly addressed is the difference between "precision" and "scale" and how they are used in the two statements. "precision" is the total number of significant digits in a number. "scale" is the number of digits to the right of the decimal point.

The MathContext constructor only accepts precision and RoundingMode as arguments, and therefore scale is never specified in the first statement.

setScale() obviously accepts scale as an argument, as well as RoundingMode, however precision is never specified in the second statement.

If you move the decimal point one place to the right, the difference will become clear:

// 1.
new BigDecimal("35.3456").round(new MathContext(4, RoundingMode.HALF_UP));
//result = 35.35
// 2.
new BigDecimal("35.3456").setScale(4, RoundingMode.HALF_UP);
// result = 35.3456

Scroll Element into View with Selenium

Targeting any element and sending down keys (or up/left/right) seems to work also. I know this is a bit of a hack, but I'm not really into the idea of using JavaScript to solve the scrolling problem either.

For example:


How can I get current location from user in iOS

iOS 11.x Swift 4.0 Info.plist needs these two properties

<string>We're watching you</string>
<string>Watch Out</string>

And this code ... making sure of course your a CLLocationManagerDelegate

let locationManager = CLLocationManager()

// MARK location Manager delegate code + more

func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didChangeAuthorization status: CLAuthorizationStatus) {
    switch status {
    case .notDetermined:
        print("User still thinking")
    case .denied:
        print("User hates you")
    case .authorizedWhenInUse:
    case .authorizedAlways:
    case .restricted:
        print("User dislikes you")

And of course this code too which you can put in viewDidLoad().

locationManager.delegate = self
locationManager.distanceFilter = kCLDistanceFilterNone
locationManager.desiredAccuracy = kCLLocationAccuracyBest

And these two for the requestLocation to get you going, aka save you having to get out of your seat :)

func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didFailWithError error: Error) {

func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didUpdateLocations locations: [CLLocation]) {

Installing ADB on macOS

  1. You must download Android SDK from this link.

  2. You can really put it anywhere, but the best place at least for me was right in the YOUR USERNAME folder root.

  3. Then you need to set the path by copying the below text, but edit your username into the path, copy the text into Terminal by hitting command+spacebar type terminal. export PATH = ${PATH}:/Users/**YOURUSERNAME**/android-sdk/platform-tools/

  4. Verify ADB works by hitting command+spacebar and type terminal, and type ADB.

There you go. You have ADB setup on MAC OS X. It works on latest MAC OS X 10.10.3.

adding multiple entries to a HashMap at once in one statement

Maps have also had factory methods added in Java 9. For up to 10 entries Maps have overloaded constructors that take pairs of keys and values. For example we could build a map of various cities and their populations (according to google in October 2016) as follow:

Map<String, Integer> cities = Map.of("Brussels", 1_139000, "Cardiff", 341_000);

The var-args case for Map is a little bit harder, you need to have both keys and values, but in Java, methods can’t have two var-args parameters. So the general case is handled by taking a var-args method of Map.Entry<K, V> objects and adding a static entry() method that constructs them. For example:

Map<String, Integer> cities = Map.ofEntries(
    entry("Brussels", 1139000), 
    entry("Cardiff", 341000)

Collection Factory Methods in Java 9

Appending output of a Batch file To log file

Use log4j in your java program instead. Then you can output to multiple media, create rolling logs, etc. and include timestamps, class names and line numbers.

Can a for loop increment/decrement by more than one?

You certainly can. Others have pointed out correctly that you need to do i += 3. You can't do what you have posted because all you are doing here is adding i + 3 but never assigning the result back to i. i++ is just a shorthand for i = i + 1, similarly i +=3 is a shorthand for i = i + 3.

ASP.NET MVC Conditional validation

Typical usage for conditional removal of error from Model State:

  1. Make conditional first part of controller action
  2. Perform logic to remove error from ModelState
  3. Do the rest of the existing logic (typically Model State validation, then everything else)


public ActionResult MyAction(MyViewModel vm)
    // perform conditional test
    // if true, then remove from ModelState (e.g. ModelState.Remove("MyKey")

    // Do typical model state validation, inside following if:
    //     if (!ModelState.IsValid)

    // Do rest of logic (e.g. fetching, saving

In your example, keep everything as is and add the logic suggested to your Controller's Action. I'm assuming your ViewModel passed to the controller action has the Person and Senior Person objects with data populated in them from the UI.

SCP Permission denied (publickey). on EC2 only when using -r flag on directories

The -i flag specifies the private key (.pem file) to use. If you don't specify that flag (as in your first command) it will use your default ssh key (usually under ~/.ssh/).

So in your first command, you are actually asking scp to upload the .pem file itself using your default ssh key. I don't think that is what you want.

Try instead with:

scp -r -i /Applications/XAMPP/htdocs/keypairfile.pem uploads/* ec2-user@publicdns:/var/www/html/uploads

Html- how to disable <a href>?


This will prevent the default action.

Python: How to increase/reduce the fontsize of x and y tick labels?

One shouldn't use set_yticklabels to change the fontsize, since this will also set the labels (i.e. it will replace any automatic formatter by a FixedFormatter), which is usually undesired. The easiest is to set the respective tick_params:

ax.tick_params(axis="x", labelsize=8)
ax.tick_params(axis="y", labelsize=20)



in case both axes shall have the same size.

Of course using the rcParams as in @tmdavison's answer is possible as well.

Find records from one table which don't exist in another

SELECT name, phone_number FROM Call a
WHERE a.phone_number NOT IN (SELECT b.phone_number FROM Phone_book b)

Import txt file and having each line as a list

Do not create separate lists; create a list of lists:

results = []
with open('inputfile.txt') as inputfile:
    for line in inputfile:

or better still, use the csv module:

import csv

results = []
with open('inputfile.txt', newline='') as inputfile:
    for row in csv.reader(inputfile):

Lists or dictionaries are far superiour structures to keep track of an arbitrary number of things read from a file.

Note that either loop also lets you address the rows of data individually without having to read all the contents of the file into memory either; instead of using results.append() just process that line right there.

Just for completeness sake, here's the one-liner compact version to read in a CSV file into a list in one go:

import csv

with open('inputfile.txt', newline='') as inputfile:
    results = list(csv.reader(inputfile))

Easiest way to read from and write to files

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //Write a file
        string text = "The text inside the file.";
        System.IO.File.WriteAllText("file_name.txt", text);

        //Read a file
        string read = System.IO.File.ReadAllText("file_name.txt");
        MessageBox.Show(read); //Display text in the file

Rails 4 image-path, image-url and asset-url no longer work in SCSS files

In case anyone arrives looking for how to generate a relative path from the rails console

=> "/images/my_image.png"

Or the controller

include ActionView::Helpers::AssetTagHelper
=> "/images/my_image.png"

List of Timezone IDs for use with FindTimeZoneById() in C#?

Here's a full listing of a program and its results.

The code:

using System;

namespace TimeZoneIds
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            foreach (TimeZoneInfo z in TimeZoneInfo.GetSystemTimeZones())

The TimeZoneId results on my Windows 7 workstation:

Dateline Standard Time


Samoa Standard Time

Hawaiian Standard Time

Alaskan Standard Time

Pacific Standard Time (Mexico)

Pacific Standard Time

US Mountain Standard Time

Mountain Standard Time (Mexico)

Mountain Standard Time

Central America Standard Time

Central Standard Time

Central Standard Time (Mexico)

Canada Central Standard Time

SA Pacific Standard Time

Eastern Standard Time

US Eastern Standard Time

Venezuela Standard Time

Paraguay Standard Time

Atlantic Standard Time

Central Brazilian Standard Time

SA Western Standard Time

Pacific SA Standard Time

Newfoundland Standard Time

E. South America Standard Time

Argentina Standard Time

SA Eastern Standard Time

Greenland Standard Time

Montevideo Standard Time


Mid-Atlantic Standard Time

Azores Standard Time

Cape Verde Standard Time

Morocco Standard Time


GMT Standard Time

Greenwich Standard Time

W. Europe Standard Time

Central Europe Standard Time

Romance Standard Time

Central European Standard Time

W. Central Africa Standard Time

Namibia Standard Time

Jordan Standard Time

GTB Standard Time

Middle East Standard Time

Egypt Standard Time

Syria Standard Time

South Africa Standard Time

FLE Standard Time

Israel Standard Time

E. Europe Standard Time

Arabic Standard Time

Arab Standard Time

Russian Standard Time

E. Africa Standard Time

Iran Standard Time

Arabian Standard Time

Azerbaijan Standard Time

Mauritius Standard Time

Georgian Standard Time

Caucasus Standard Time

Afghanistan Standard Time

Ekaterinburg Standard Time

Pakistan Standard Time

West Asia Standard Time

India Standard Time

Sri Lanka Standard Time

Nepal Standard Time

Central Asia Standard Time

Bangladesh Standard Time

N. Central Asia Standard Time

Myanmar Standard Time

SE Asia Standard Time

North Asia Standard Time

China Standard Time

North Asia East Standard Time

Singapore Standard Time

W. Australia Standard Time

Taipei Standard Time

Ulaanbaatar Standard Time

Tokyo Standard Time

Korea Standard Time

Yakutsk Standard Time

Cen. Australia Standard Time

AUS Central Standard Time

E. Australia Standard Time

AUS Eastern Standard Time

West Pacific Standard Time

Tasmania Standard Time

Vladivostok Standard Time

Central Pacific Standard Time

New Zealand Standard Time


Fiji Standard Time

Kamchatka Standard Time

Tonga Standard Time

PHP session handling errors

I got these two error messages, along with two others, and fiddled around for a while before discovering that all I needed to do was restart XAMPP! I hope this helps save someone else from the same wasted time!

Warning: session_start(): open(/var/folders/zw/hdfw48qd25xcch5sz9dd3w600000gn/T/sess_f8bgs41qn3fk6d95s0pfps60n4, O_RDWR) failed: Permission denied (13) in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/foo/bar.php on line 3

Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/foo/bar.php:3) in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/foo/bar.php on line 3

Warning: Unknown: open(/var/lib/php/session/sess_isu2r2bqudeosqvpoo8a67oj02, O_RDWR) failed: Permission denied (13) in Unknown on line 0

Warning: Unknown: Failed to write session data (files). Please verify that the current setting of session.save_path is correct (/var/lib/php/session) in Unknown on line 0

Find the closest ancestor element that has a specific class

Update: Now supported in most major browsers


Note that this can match selectors, not just classes

For legacy browsers that do not support closest() but have matches() one can build selector-matching similar to @rvighne's class matching:

function findAncestor (el, sel) {
    while ((el = el.parentElement) && !((el.matches || el.matchesSelector).call(el,sel)));
    return el;

What is the inclusive range of float and double in Java?

Of course you can use floats or doubles for "critical" things ... Many applications do nothing but crunch numbers using these datatypes.

You might have misunderstood some of the various caveats regarding floating-point numbers, such as the recommendation to never compare for exact equality, and so on.

How to check the version before installing a package using apt-get?

Linux Mint, Debian 9, Ubuntu 16.04 and older:

Short info:

apt policy <package_name>

Detailed info (With Description and Depends):

apt show <package_name>

Appending a line break to an output file in a shell script

I'm betting the problem is that Cygwin is writing Unix line endings (LF) to the file, and you're opening it with a program that expects Windows line-endings (CRLF). To determine if this is the case — and for a bit of a hackish workaround — try:

echo "`date` User `whoami` started the script."$'\r' >> output.log

(where the $'\r' at the end is an extra carriage-return; it, plus the Unix line ending, will result in a Windows line ending).

Streaming a video file to an html5 video player with Node.js so that the video controls continue to work?

Firstly create app.js file in the directory you want to publish.

var http = require('http');
var fs = require('fs');
var mime = require('mime');
    if (req.url != '/app.js') {
    var url = __dirname + req.url;
            if (err) {
            res.end('Your requested URI('+req.url+') wasn\'t found on our server');
            } else {
            var type = mime.getType(url);
            var fileSize = stat.size;
            var range = req.headers.range;
                if (range) {
                    var parts = range.replace(/bytes=/, "").split("-");
                var start = parseInt(parts[0], 10);
                    var end = parts[1] ? parseInt(parts[1], 10) : fileSize-1;
                    var chunksize = (end-start)+1;
                    var file = fs.createReadStream(url, {start, end});
                    var head = {
                'Content-Range': `bytes ${start}-${end}/${fileSize}`,
                'Accept-Ranges': 'bytes',
                'Content-Length': chunksize,
                'Content-Type': type
                    res.writeHead(206, head);
                    } else {    
                    var head = {
                'Content-Length': fileSize,
                'Content-Type': type
                res.writeHead(200, head);
    } else {
    res.end('Sorry, access to that file is Forbidden');

Simply run node app.js and your server shall be running on port 8080. Besides video it can stream all kinds of files.

Get the first N elements of an array?

You can use array_slice as:

$sliced_array = array_slice($array,0,$N);

LaTeX "\indent" creating paragraph indentation / tabbing package requirement?

LaTeX will usually not indent the first paragraph of a section. This is standard typographical practice. However, if you really want to override this default setting, use the package indentfirst available on CTAN.

Maximum number of threads per process in Linux?

We can see the maximum number of threads defined in the following file in linux

cat /proc/sys/kernel/threads-max


sysctl -a | grep threads-max

Recommended website resolution (width and height)?

I target the 1024 pixel monitors (but don't use 100% of that space). I've given up on those with 800x600. I'd rather punish the few with outdated hardware by making them scroll if they need to, versus punishing everyone with new equipment by wasting space.

I suppose it depends on your audience, and the nature of you app though.

Django: TemplateSyntaxError: Could not parse the remainder

Template Syntax Error: is due to many reasons one of them is {{ post.date_posted|date: "F d, Y" }} is the space between colon(:) and quote (") if u remove the space then it work like this ..... {{ post.date_posted|date:"F d, Y" }}

How can I get a List from some class properties with Java 8 Stream?

You can use map :

List<String> names =


In order to combine the Lists of friend names, you need to use flatMap :

List<String> friendNames =

How to compress image size?

I think you are asking about Shrinking image size:

    public Bitmap ShrinkBitmap(String file, int width, int height)
    BitmapFactory.Options bmpFactoryOptions = new BitmapFactory.Options();
    bmpFactoryOptions.inJustDecodeBounds = true;
    Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(file, bmpFactoryOptions);

    int heightRatio = (int) Math.ceil(bmpFactoryOptions.outHeight / (float) height);
    int widthRatio = (int) Math.ceil(bmpFactoryOptions.outWidth / (float) width);

    if(heightRatio > 1 || widthRatio > 1)
        if(heightRatio > widthRatio)
            bmpFactoryOptions.inSampleSize = heightRatio;
            bmpFactoryOptions.inSampleSize = widthRatio;

    bmpFactoryOptions.inJustDecodeBounds = false;
    bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(file, bmpFactoryOptions);
    return bitmap;

HTTP redirect: 301 (permanent) vs. 302 (temporary)

Status 301 means that the resource (page) is moved permanently to a new location. The client/browser should not attempt to request the original location but use the new location from now on.

Status 302 means that the resource is temporarily located somewhere else, and the client/browser should continue requesting the original url.

Tomcat 8 Maven Plugin for Java 8

Since November 2017, one can use tomcat8-maven-plugin:

<!-- -->

Note that this plugin resides in ICM repo (not in Maven Central), hence you should add the repo to your pluginsRepositories in your pom.xml:

        <name>Spring Framework Milestone Repository</name>

C# Equivalent of SQL Server DataTypes

public static string FromSqlType(string sqlTypeString)
    if (! Enum.TryParse(sqlTypeString, out Enums.SQLType typeCode))
        throw new Exception("sql type not found");
    switch (typeCode)
        case Enums.SQLType.varbinary:
        case Enums.SQLType.binary:
        case Enums.SQLType.filestream:
        case Enums.SQLType.image:
        case Enums.SQLType.rowversion:
        case Enums.SQLType.timestamp://?
            return "byte[]";
        case Enums.SQLType.tinyint:
            return "byte";
        case Enums.SQLType.varchar:
        case Enums.SQLType.nvarchar:
        case Enums.SQLType.nchar:
        case Enums.SQLType.text:
        case Enums.SQLType.ntext:
        case Enums.SQLType.xml:
            return "string";
        case Enums.SQLType.@char:
            return "char";
        case Enums.SQLType.bigint:
            return "long";
        case Enums.SQLType.bit:
            return "bool";
        case Enums.SQLType.smalldatetime:
        case Enums.SQLType.datetime:
        case Enums.SQLType.datetime2:
            return "DateTime";
        case Enums.SQLType.datetimeoffset:
            return "DateTimeOffset";
        case Enums.SQLType.@decimal:
        case Enums.SQLType.numeric:
        case Enums.SQLType.smallmoney:
            return "decimal";
        case Enums.SQLType.@float:
            return "double";
        case Enums.SQLType.@int:
            return "int";
        case Enums.SQLType.real:
            return "Single";
        case Enums.SQLType.smallint:
            return "short";
        case Enums.SQLType.uniqueidentifier:
            return "Guid";
        case Enums.SQLType.sql_variant:
            return "object";
        case Enums.SQLType.time:
            return "TimeSpan";
            throw new Exception("none equal type");

public enum SQLType

Calling async method on button click

This is what's killing you:


That's blocking the UI thread until the task has completed - but the task is an async method which is going to try to get back to the UI thread after it "pauses" and awaits an async result. It can't do that, because you're blocking the UI thread...

There's nothing in your code which really looks like it needs to be on the UI thread anyway, but assuming you really do want it there, you should use:

private async void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs 
    Task<List<MyObject>> task = GetResponse<MyObject>("my url");
    var items = await task;
    // Presumably use items here

Or just:

private async void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs 
    var items = await GetResponse<MyObject>("my url");
    // Presumably use items here

Now instead of blocking until the task has completed, the Button_Click method will return after scheduling a continuation to fire when the task has completed. (That's how async/await works, basically.)

Note that I would also rename GetResponse to GetResponseAsync for clarity.

How do I change the background color of a plot made with ggplot2

To change the panel's background color, use the following code:

myplot + theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = 'green', colour = 'red'))

To change the color of the plot (but not the color of the panel), you can do:

myplot + theme(plot.background = element_rect(fill = 'green', colour = 'red'))

See here for more theme details Quick reference sheet for legends, axes and themes.

Convert datatable to JSON in C#

public static string ConvertIntoJson(DataTable dt)
    var jsonString = new StringBuilder();
    if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
        for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < dt.Columns.Count; j++)
                jsonString.Append("\"" + dt.Columns[j].ColumnName + "\":\"" 
                    + dt.Rows[i][j].ToString().Replace('"','\"') + (j < dt.Columns.Count - 1 ? "\"," : "\""));

            jsonString.Append(i < dt.Rows.Count - 1 ? "}," : "}");
        return jsonString.Append("]").ToString();
        return "[]";
public static string ConvertIntoJson(DataSet ds)
    var jsonString = new StringBuilder();
    for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables.Count; i++)
        jsonString.Append("\"" + ds.Tables[i].TableName + "\":");
        if (i < ds.Tables.Count - 1)
    return jsonString.ToString();

Android Studio: Where is the Compiler Error Output Window?

In my case i had a findViewById reference to a view i had deleted in xml

if you are running AS 3.1 and above:

  1. go to Settings > Build, Execution and Deployment > compiler
  2. add --stacktrace to the command line options, click apply and ok
  3. At the bottom of AS click on Console/Build(If you use the stable version 3.1.2 and above) expand the panel and run your app again.

you should see the full stacktrace in the expanded view and the specific error.

MySQL and GROUP_CONCAT() maximum length

You can try this

SET GLOBAL group_concat_max_len = 1000000;

How do I get the full path of the current file's directory?

Let's assume you have the following directory structure: -

main/ fold1 fold2 fold3...

folders = glob.glob("main/fold*")

for fold in folders:
    abspath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(fold))
    fullpath = os.path.join(abspath, sch)

Eclipse EGit Checkout conflict with files: - EGit doesn't want to continue

Right click on the project and select [replace with] -> Head Revision .Now select pull changes in current branch or pull changes from upstream.

Tar a directory, but don't store full absolute paths in the archive

Low reputation (too many years of lurking, sigh) so I can't yet comment inline, but I found the answer from @laktak to be the only one that worked as intended on Ubuntu 18.04 -- using tar -cjf site1.tar.bz2 -C /var/www/site1 . on my machine resulted in all the files I wanted being under ./ inside the tar.bz2 file, which is probably ok but there is some risk of inconsistent behavior across OSs when un-tarring.

Button Center CSS

Consider adding this to your CSS to resolve the problem:

button {
    margin: 0 auto;
    display: block;

How is VIP swapping + CNAMEs better than IP swapping + A records?

A VIP swap is an internal change to Azure's routers/load balancers, not an external DNS change. They're just routing traffic to go from one internal [set of] server[s] to another instead. Therefore the DNS info for doesn't change at all. Therefore the change for people accessing via the IP bound to (and CNAME'd by you) will see the change as soon as the VIP swap is complete.

How to get folder directory from HTML input type "file" or any other way?

Stumbled on this page as well, and then found out this is possible with just javascript (no plugins like ActiveX or Flash), but just in chrome:

Basically, they added support for a new attribute on the file input element "webkitdirectory". You can use it like this:

<input type="file" id="ctrl" webkitdirectory directory multiple/>

It allows you to select directories. The multiple attribute is a good fallback for browsers that support multiple file selection but not directory selection.

When you select a directory the files are available through the dom object for the control (document.getElementById('ctrl')), just like they are with the multiple attribute. The browsers adds all files in the selected directory to that list recursively.

You can already add the directory attribute as well in case this gets standardized at some point (couldn't find any info regarding that)

Deep copy of a dict in python

A simpler (in my view) solution is to create a new dictionary and update it with the contents of the old one:


my_copy = {}

my_copy.update( my_dict )


Out[34]: 2

Out[35]: 1

The problem with this approach is it may not be 'deep enough'. i.e. is not recursively deep. good enough for simple objects but not for nested dictionaries. Here is an example where it may not be deep enough:



my_dict3={ 'b': my_dict1, 'c':my_dict2 }

my_copy = {}

my_copy.update( my_dict3 )


Out[42]: {'b': {'b': 'z'}, 'c': {'c': 3}}

By using Deepcopy() I can eliminate the semi-shallow behavior, but I think one must decide which approach is right for your application. In most cases you may not care, but should be aware of the possible pitfalls... final example:

import copy

my_copy2 = copy.deepcopy( my_dict3 )


Out[46]: {'b': {'b': 'z'}, 'c': {'c': 3}}

Change font-weight of FontAwesome icons?

Just to help anyone coming to this page. This is an alternate if you are flexible with using some other icon library.

James is correct that you cannot change the font weight however if you are looking for more modern look for icons then you might consider ionicons

It has both ios and android versions for icons.

How to pass arguments to entrypoint in docker-compose.yml

I was facing the same issue with jenkins ssh slave 'jenkinsci/ssh-slave'. However, my case was a bit complicated because it was necessary to pass an argument which contained spaces. I've managed to do it like below (entrypoint in dockerfile is in exec form):

command: ["some argument with space which should be treated as one"]

How do I find the width & height of a terminal window?

To do this in Windows CLI environment, the best way I can find is to use the mode command and parse the output.

function getTerminalSizeOnWindows() {
  $output = array();
  $size = array('width'=>0,'height'=>0);
  foreach($output as $line) {
    $matches = array();
    $w = preg_match('/^\s*columns\:?\s*(\d+)\s*$/i',$line,$matches);
    if($w) {
      $size['width'] = intval($matches[1]);
    } else {
      $h = preg_match('/^\s*lines\:?\s*(\d+)\s*$/i',$line,$matches);
      if($h) {
        $size['height'] = intval($matches[1]);
    if($size['width'] AND $size['height']) {
  return $size;

I hope it's useful!

NOTE: The height returned is the number of lines in the buffer, it is not the number of lines that are visible within the window. Any better options out there?

Is it possible to iterate through JSONArray?

Not with an iterator.

For org.json.JSONArray, you can do:

for (int i = 0; i < arr.length(); i++) {

For javax.json.JsonArray, you can do:

for (int i = 0; i < arr.size(); i++) {

Access POST values in Symfony2 request object

Symfony 2.2

this solution is deprecated since 2.3 and will be removed in 3.0, see documentation


gives you an array for the form parameters

from symfony2 book page 162 (Chapter 12: Forms)

[...] sometimes, you may just want to use a form without a class, and get back an array of the submitted data. This is actually really easy:

public function contactAction(Request $request) {
  $defaultData = array('message' => 'Type your message here');
  $form = $this->createFormBuilder($defaultData)
  ->add('name', 'text')
  ->add('email', 'email')
  ->add('message', 'textarea')
  if ($request->getMethod() == 'POST') {
    // data is an array with "name", "email", and "message" keys
    $data = $form->getData();
  // ... render the form

You can also access POST values (in this case "name") directly through the request object, like so:


Be advised, however, that in most cases using the getData() method is a better choice, since it returns the data (usually an object) after it's been transformed by the form framework.

When you want to access the form token, you have to use the answer of Problematic $postData = $request->request->get('contact'); because the getData() removes the element from the array

Symfony 2.3

since 2.3 you should use handleRequest instead of bindRequest:


see documentation

jquery background-color change on focus and blur

in code there should be coma"," not colon ":"

the code must be $(this).css({'background-color' , '#FFFFEE'});

i hope it helps.

regards Saleha

Google Chrome display JSON AJAX response as tree and not as a plain text

I've found the answer:

You MUST encode your json like this: {"c":21001,"m":"p"} but not {c:21001,m:"p"} or {'c':21001,'m':'p'}

Thus, the key of a dict must be wrapped in double quotes:", then chrome will preview it as json rather than plain text.

If else in stored procedure sql server

if not exists (select dist_id from tbl_stock where dist_id= @cust_id and item_id=@item_id)
    insert into tbl_stock(dist_id,item_id,qty)values(@cust_id, @item_id, @qty); 
    update tbl_stock set qty=(qty + @qty) where dist_id= @cust_id and item_id= @item_id;

Is it possible to import modules from all files in a directory, using a wildcard?

This is not exactly what you asked for but, with this method I can Iterate throught componentsList in my other files and use function such as which I find pretty usefull !

import StepOne from './StepOne';
import StepTwo from './StepTwo';
import StepThree from './StepThree';
import StepFour from './StepFour';
import StepFive from './StepFive';
import StepSix from './StepSix';
import StepSeven from './StepSeven';
import StepEight from './StepEight';

const componentsList= () => [
  { component: StepOne(), key: 'step1' },
  { component: StepTwo(), key: 'step2' },
  { component: StepThree(), key: 'step3' },
  { component: StepFour(), key: 'step4' },
  { component: StepFive(), key: 'step5' },
  { component: StepSix(), key: 'step6' },
  { component: StepSeven(), key: 'step7' },
  { component: StepEight(), key: 'step8' }

export default componentsList;

Generating random strings with T-SQL

Use the following code to return a short string:


Is it possible to simulate key press events programmatically?

I wanted to simulate a 'Tab' press... Expanding on Trevor's answer, we can see that a special key like 'tab' does get pressed but we don't see the actual result which a 'tab' press would have...

tried with dispatching these events for 'activeElement' as well as the global document object both - code for both added below;

snippet below:

var element = document.getElementById("firstInput");

document.addEventListener("keydown", function(event) {

  console.log('we got key:', event.key, '  keyCode:', event.keyCode, '  charCode:', event.charCode);

  /* enter is pressed */
  if (event.keyCode == 13) {
    console.log('enter pressed:', event);

    setTimeout(function() {
      /*  event.keyCode = 13; += 'b';  */

      theKey = 'Tab';
      var e = new window.KeyboardEvent('focus', {
        bubbles: true,
        key: theKey,
        keyCode: 9,
        charCode: 0,
      e = new window.KeyboardEvent('keydown', {
        bubbles: true,
        key: theKey,
        keyCode: 9,
        charCode: 0,
      e = new window.KeyboardEvent('beforeinput', {
        bubbles: true,
        key: theKey,
        keyCode: 9,
        charCode: 0,
      e = new window.KeyboardEvent('keypress', {
        bubbles: true,
        key: theKey,
        keyCode: 9,
        charCode: 0,
      e = new window.KeyboardEvent('input', {
        bubbles: true,
        key: theKey,
        keyCode: 9,
        charCode: 0,
      e = new window.KeyboardEvent('change', {
        bubbles: true,
        key: theKey,
        keyCode: 9,
        charCode: 0,
      e = new window.KeyboardEvent('keyup', {
        bubbles: true,
        key: theKey,
        keyCode: 9,
        charCode: 0,
    }, 4);

    setTimeout(function() {
      theKey = 'Tab';
      var e = new window.KeyboardEvent('focus', {
        bubbles: true,
        key: theKey,
        keyCode: 9,
        charCode: 0,
      e = new window.KeyboardEvent('keydown', {
        bubbles: true,
        key: theKey,
        keyCode: 9,
        charCode: 0,
      e = new window.KeyboardEvent('beforeinput', {
        bubbles: true,
        key: theKey,
        keyCode: 9,
        charCode: 0,
      e = new window.KeyboardEvent('keypress', {
        bubbles: true,
        key: theKey,
        keyCode: 9,
        charCode: 0,
      e = new window.KeyboardEvent('input', {
        bubbles: true,
        key: theKey,
        keyCode: 9,
        charCode: 0,
      e = new window.KeyboardEvent('change', {
        bubbles: true,
        key: theKey,
        keyCode: 9,
        charCode: 0,
      e = new window.KeyboardEvent('keyup', {
        bubbles: true,
        key: theKey,
        keyCode: 9,
        charCode: 0,
    }, 100);

  } else if (event.keyCode != 0) {
    console.log('we got a non-enter press...: :', event.key, '  keyCode:', event.keyCode, '  charCode:', event.charCode);

<h2>convert each enter to a tab in JavaScript... check console for output</h2>
<h3>we dispatchEvents on the activeElement... and the global element as well</h3>

<input type='text' id='firstInput' />
<input type='text' id='secondInput' />

<button type="button" onclick="document.getElementById('demo').innerHTML = Date()">
    Click me to display Date and Time.</button>
<p id="demo"></p>

The smallest difference between 2 Angles

This gives a signed angle for any angles:

a = targetA - sourceA
a = (a + 180) % 360 - 180

Beware in many languages the modulo operation returns a value with the same sign as the dividend (like C, C++, C#, JavaScript, full list here). This requires a custom mod function like so:

mod = (a, n) -> a - floor(a/n) * n

Or so:

mod = (a, n) -> (a % n + n) % n

If angles are within [-180, 180] this also works:

a = targetA - sourceA
a += (a>180) ? -360 : (a<-180) ? 360 : 0

In a more verbose way:

a = targetA - sourceA
a -= 360 if a > 180
a += 360 if a < -180

How to get the height of a body element

Simply use

$(document).height() // - $('body').offset().top

and / or


instead of $('body').height();

Creating a very simple 1 username/password login in php

Your code could look more like:

$errorMsg = "";
$validUser = $_SESSION["login"] === true;
if(isset($_POST["sub"])) {
  $validUser = $_POST["username"] == "admin" && $_POST["password"] == "password";
  if(!$validUser) $errorMsg = "Invalid username or password.";
  else $_SESSION["login"] = true;
if($validUser) {
   header("Location: /login-success.php"); die();
<!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" />
  <form name="input" action="" method="post">
    <label for="username">Username:</label><input type="text" value="<?= $_POST["username"] ?>" id="username" name="username" />
    <label for="password">Password:</label><input type="password" value="" id="password" name="password" />
    <div class="error"><?= $errorMsg ?></div>
    <input type="submit" value="Home" name="sub" />

Now, when the page is redirected based on the header('LOCATION:wherever.php), put session_start() at the top of the page and test to make sure $_SESSION['login'] === true. Remember that == would be true if $_SESSION['login'] == 1 as well. Of course, this is a bad idea for security reasons, but my example may teach you a different way of using PHP.

On localhost, how do I pick a free port number?

If you only need to find a free port for later use, here is a snippet similar to a previous answer, but shorter, using socketserver:

import socketserver

with socketserver.TCPServer(("localhost", 0), None) as s:
    free_port = s.server_address[1]

Note that the port is not guaranteed to remain free, so you may need to put this snippet and the code using it in a loop.

How to iterate through a list of dictionaries in Jinja template?

As a sidenote to @Navaneethan 's answer, Jinja2 is able to do "regular" item selections for the list and the dictionary, given we know the key of the dictionary, or the locations of items in the list.


parent_dict = [{'A':'val1','B':'val2', 'content': [["1.1", "2.2"]]},{'A':'val3','B':'val4', 'content': [["3.3", "4.4"]]}]

in Jinja2 iteration:

{% for dict_item in parent_dict %}
   This example has {{dict_item['A']}} and {{dict_item['B']}}:
       with the content --
       {% for item in dict_item['content'] %}{{item[0]}} and {{item[1]}}{% endfor %}.
{% endfor %}

The rendered output:

This example has val1 and val2:
    with the content --
    1.1 and 2.2.

This example has val3 and val4:
   with the content --
   3.3 and 4.4.

How to use SharedPreferences in Android to store, fetch and edit values

I wanted to add here that most of the snippets for this question will have something like MODE_PRIVATE when using SharedPreferences. Well, MODE_PRIVATE means that whatever you write into this shared preference can only be read by your application only.

Whatever key you pass to getSharedPreferences() method, android creates a file with that name and stores the preference data into it. Also remember that getSharedPreferences() is supposed to be used when you intend to have multiple preference files for your application. If you intend to use single preference file and store all key-value pairs into it then use the getSharedPreference() method. Its weird why everyone (including myself) simply uses getSharedPreferences() flavor without even understanding the difference between the above two.

The following video tutorial should help

Unable to load AWS credentials from the / file on the classpath

You are getting this exception because your AWS SDK is unable to load your credentials. What you should do is goto Preferences then goto AWS and add your secret key and access key. So that your project can retrieve both keys.

Get the records of last month in SQL server

SET @StartDate = DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(mm, 0, getdate()) - 1, 0)    
SET @EndDate = dateadd(dd, -1, DATEADD(mm, 1, @StartDate))

SELECT * FROM Member WHERE date_created BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate 

and another upgrade to mrdenny's solution.
It gives the exact last day of the previous month as well.

How should I print types like off_t and size_t?

You'll want to use the formatting macros from inttypes.h.

See this question: Cross platform format string for variables of type size_t?

get current date with 'yyyy-MM-dd' format in Angular 4


     <h5 style="color:#ffffff;">{{myDate | date:'fullDate'}}</h5>


export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
myDate =;    //date 

How can I get the last 7 characters of a PHP string?

last 7 characters of a string:

$rest = substr( "abcdefghijklmnop", -7); // returns "jklmnop"

How can I show the table structure in SQL Server query?

sp_help tablename in sql server

desc tablename in oracle

No default constructor found; nested exception is java.lang.NoSuchMethodException with Spring MVC?

In my case, spring threw this because i forgot to make an inner class static.

When you found that it doesnt help even adding a no-arg constructor, please check your modifier.

error Failed to build iOS project. We ran "xcodebuild" command but it exited with error code 65

I had the same error, but it was caused by the package manager process port being already used (port 8081).

To fix, I just ran the react-native by specifying a different port, see below.

react-native run-ios --port 8090

How to get user's high resolution profile picture on Twitter?

for me the "workaround" solution was to remove the "_normal" from the end of the string

Check it out below:

IntelliJ shortcut to show a popup of methods in a class that can be searched

I prefer to use the Structure view. To open it, use the menu: View/Tools Window/Structure. The hotkey on Windows is Alt+7

PHP - define constant inside a class

This is a pretty old question, but perhaps this answer can still help someone else.

You can emulate a public constant that is restricted within a class scope by applying the final keyword to a method that returns a pre-defined value, like this:

class Foo {

    // This is a private constant
    final public MYCONSTANT()
        return 'MYCONSTANT_VALUE';

The final keyword on a method prevents an extending class from re-defining the method. You can also place the final keyword in front of the class declaration, in which case the keyword prevents class Inheritance.

To get nearly exactly what Alex was looking for the following code can be used:

final class Constants {

    public MYCONSTANT()
        return 'MYCONSTANT_VALUE';

class Foo {

    static public app()
        return new Constants();

The emulated constant value would be accessible like this:


Batch script loop

(EDITED) I made it so it stops after 100 times

@echo off
goto actual
set /a loopcount=0
set /a loopcount=%loopcount% + 1
echo %random% %random% %random% %random%
timeout 1 /nobreak>nul
if %loopcount%== 100 goto stop
goto actual

This will generate 4 random numbers ever 1 second 100 times. Take out the "timeout 1 /nobreak>nul" to make it go super fast.

Javascript sleep/delay/wait function

Here's a solution using the new async/await syntax.

async function testWait() {
    alert('going to wait for 5 second');
    await wait(5000);
    alert('finally wait is over');

function wait(time) {
    return new Promise(resolve => {
        setTimeout(() => {
        }, time);

Note: You can call function wait only in async functions

IndexError: tuple index out of range ----- Python

Probably one of the indexes is wrong, either the inner one or the outer one.

I suspect you mean to say [0] where you say [1] and [1] where you say [2]. Indexes are 0-based in Python.

How do you access the value of an SQL count () query in a Java program

Statement stmt3 = con.createStatement();

ResultSet rs3 = stmt3.executeQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM "+lastTempTable+" ;");

count = rs3.getInt("count");

Initializing entire 2D array with one value

If you want to initialize the array to -1 then you can use the following,

memset(array, -1, sizeof(array[0][0]) * row * count)

But this will work 0 and -1 only

Android Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0x636f7d89 (code=1). How can it be tracked down?

Add these two lines to your build.gradle in the android section:

    compileOptions {
            sourceCompatibility 1.8
            targetCompatibility 1.8

Check if user is using IE

Try this if you are using jquery version >=1.9,

var browser;
jQuery.uaMatch = function (ua) {
    ua = ua.toLowerCase();

    var match = /(chrome)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec(ua) ||
        /(webkit)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec(ua) ||
        /(opera)(?:.*version|)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec(ua) ||
        /(msie) ([\w.]+)/.exec(ua) || 
        ua.indexOf("compatible") < 0 && /(mozilla)(?:.*? rv:([\w.]+)|)/.exec(ua) ||
       /(Trident)[\/]([\w.]+)/.exec(ua) || [];

    return {
        browser: match[1] || "",
        version: match[2] || "0"
// Don't clobber any existing jQuery.browser in case it's different
if (!jQuery.browser) {
    matched = jQuery.uaMatch(navigator.userAgent);
    browser = {};

    if (matched.browser) {
        browser[matched.browser] = true;
        browser.version = matched.version;

    // Chrome is Webkit, but Webkit is also Safari.
    if ( {
        browser.webkit = true;
    } else if (browser.webkit) {
        browser.safari = true;

    jQuery.browser = browser;

If using jQuery version <1.9 ($.browser was removed in jQuery 1.9) use the following code instead:

$('.myClass').on('click', function (event) {
    if ($.browser.msie) {

What does flex: 1 mean?

In Chrome Ver 84, flex: 1 is equivalent to flex: 1 1 0%. The followings are a bunch of screenshots.

enter image description here

Oracle - What TNS Names file am I using?

On my development machine I have three different versions of Oracle client software. I manage the tnsnames.ora file in one of them. In the other two, I have entered in the tnsnames.ora file:


This way, if for some reason the wrong tnsnames.ora file is used by a client, it will always end up at the up-to-date version.

How to make bootstrap 3 fluid layout without horizontal scrollbar

If it still actual for someone, my solution was as follows:

    overflow: hidden;
    overflow-y: auto;

Linking static libraries to other static libraries

On Linux or MingW, with GNU toolchain:

ar -M <<EOM
    CREATE libab.a
    ADDLIB liba.a
    ADDLIB libb.a
ranlib libab.a

Of if you do not delete liba.a and libb.a, you can make a "thin archive":

ar crsT libab.a liba.a libb.a

On Windows, with MSVC toolchain:

lib.exe /OUT:libab.lib liba.lib libb.lib

How to find whether a number belongs to a particular range in Python?

if num in range(min, max):
  """do stuff..."""
  """do other stuff..."""

When restoring a backup, how do I disconnect all active connections?

SQL Server Management Studio 2005

When you right click on a database and click Tasks and then click Detach Database, it brings up a dialog with the active connections.

Detach Screen

By clicking on the hyperlink under "Messages" you can kill the active connections.

You can then kill those connections without detaching the database.

More information here.

SQL Server Management Studio 2008

The interface has changed for SQL Server Management studio 2008, here are the steps (via: Tim Leung)

  1. Right-click the server in Object Explorer and select 'Activity Monitor'.
  2. When this opens, expand the Processes group.
  3. Now use the drop-down to filter the results by database name.
  4. Kill off the server connections by selecting the right-click 'Kill Process' option.

How to make code wait while calling asynchronous calls like Ajax

If you need wait until the ajax call is completed all do you need is make your call synchronously.

Generating a PNG with matplotlib when DISPLAY is undefined

I will just repeat what @Ivo Bosticky said which can be overlooked. Put these lines at the VERY start of the py file.

import matplotlib

Or one would get error

*/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/matplotlib/ UserWarning:  This call to   matplotlib.use() has no effect
because the the backend has already been chosen;
matplotlib.use() must be called *before* pylab, matplotlib.pyplot,*

This will resolve all Display issue

How to see the CREATE VIEW code for a view in PostgreSQL?

Kept having to return here to look up pg_get_viewdef (how to remember that!!), so searched for a more memorable command... and got it:

\d+ viewname

You can see similar sorts of commands by typing \? at the pgsql command line.

Bonus tip: The emacs command sql-postgres makes pgsql a lot more pleasant (edit, copy, paste, command history).

1114 (HY000): The table is full

I faced same problem because of low disk space. And partition which is hosting the ibdata1 file which is the system tablespace for the InnoDB infrastructure was full.

No templates in Visual Studio 2017

I found the path and wrote it in the options enter image description here

Does Python support short-circuiting?

Short-circuiting behavior in operator and, or:

Let's first define a useful function to determine if something is executed or not. A simple function that accepts an argument, prints a message and returns the input, unchanged.

>>> def fun(i):
...     print "executed"
...     return i

One can observe the Python's short-circuiting behavior of and, or operators in the following example:

>>> fun(1)
>>> 1 or fun(1)    # due to short-circuiting  "executed" not printed
>>> 1 and fun(1)   # fun(1) called and "executed" printed 
>>> 0 and fun(1)   # due to short-circuiting  "executed" not printed 

Note: The following values are considered by the interpreter to mean false:

        False    None    0    ""    ()    []     {}

Short-circuiting behavior in function: any(), all():

Python's any() and all() functions also support short-circuiting. As shown in the docs; they evaluate each element of a sequence in-order, until finding a result that allows an early exit in the evaluation. Consider examples below to understand both.

The function any() checks if any element is True. It stops executing as soon as a True is encountered and returns True.

>>> any(fun(i) for i in [1, 2, 3, 4])   # bool(1) = True
>>> any(fun(i) for i in [0, 2, 3, 4])   
executed                               # bool(0) = False
executed                               # bool(2) = True
>>> any(fun(i) for i in [0, 0, 3, 4])

The function all() checks all elements are True and stops executing as soon as a False is encountered:

>>> all(fun(i) for i in [0, 0, 3, 4])
>>> all(fun(i) for i in [1, 0, 3, 4])

Short-circuiting behavior in Chained Comparison:

Additionally, in Python

Comparisons can be chained arbitrarily; for example, x < y <= z is equivalent to x < y and y <= z, except that y is evaluated only once (but in both cases z is not evaluated at all when x < y is found to be false).

>>> 5 > 6 > fun(3)    # same as:  5 > 6 and 6 > fun(3)
False                 # 5 > 6 is False so fun() not called and "executed" NOT printed
>>> 5 < 6 > fun(3)    # 5 < 6 is True 
executed              # fun(3) called and "executed" printed
>>> 4 <= 6 > fun(7)   # 4 <= 6 is True  
executed              # fun(3) called and "executed" printed
>>> 5 < fun(6) < 3    # only prints "executed" once
>>> 5 < fun(6) and fun(6) < 3 # prints "executed" twice, because the second part executes it again

One more interesting point to note :- Logical and, or operators in Python returns an operand's value instead of a Boolean (True or False). For example:

Operation x and y gives the result if x is false, then x, else y

Unlike in other languages e.g. &&, || operators in C that return either 0 or 1.


>>> 3 and 5    # Second operand evaluated and returned 
>>> 3  and ()
>>> () and 5   # Second operand NOT evaluated as first operand () is  false
()             # so first operand returned 

Similarly or operator return left most value for which bool(value) == True else right most false value (according to short-circuiting behavior), examples:

>>> 2 or 5    # left most operand bool(2) == True
>>> 0 or 5    # bool(0) == False and bool(5) == True
>>> 0 or ()

So, how is this useful? One example is given in Practical Python By Magnus Lie Hetland:
Let’s say a user is supposed to enter his or her name, but may opt to enter nothing, in which case you want to use the default value '<Unknown>'. You could use an if statement, but you could also state things very succinctly:

In [171]: name = raw_input('Enter Name: ') or '<Unknown>'
Enter Name: 

In [172]: name
Out[172]: '<Unknown>'

In other words, if the return value from raw_input is true (not an empty string), it is assigned to name (nothing changes); otherwise, the default '<Unknown>' is assigned to name.

How to match "any character" in regular expression?

Yes, you can. That should work.

  • . = any char except newline
  • \. = the actual dot character
  • .? = .{0,1} = match any char except newline zero or one times
  • .* = .{0,} = match any char except newline zero or more times
  • .+ = .{1,} = match any char except newline one or more times

New og:image size for Facebook share?

According to facebooks best practices it is like this (2016)

Image Sizes

Use images that are at least 1200 x 630 pixels for the best display on high resolution devices. At the minimum, you should use images that are 600 x 315 pixels to display link page posts with larger images. Images can be up to 8MB in size. enter image description here

Small Images

If your image is smaller than 600 x 315 px, it will still display in the link page post, but the size will be much smaller. enter image description here

We've also redesigned link page posts so that the aspect ratio for images is the same across desktop and mobile News Feed. Try to keep your images as close to 1.91:1 aspect ratio as possible to display the full image in News Feed without any cropping.

Minimum Image Size

The minimum image size is 200 x 200 pixels. If you try to use an image smaller than this you will see an error in the Sharing Debugger.

Game Apps Images

There are two different image sizes to use for game apps:

Open Graph Stories Images appear in a square format. Image ratios for these apps should be 600 x 600 px. Non-open Graph Stories Images appear in a rectangular format. You should use a 1.91:1 image ratio, such as 600 x 314 px.

DB query builder toArray() laravel 4

Easiest way is using laravel toArray function itself:

    $result = array_map(function ($value) {
        return $value instanceof Arrayable ? $value->toArray() : $value;
    }, $result);

How to position two divs horizontally within another div

Its quite a common misconception that you need a clear:both div at the bottom, when you really don't. While foxy's answer is correct, you don't need that non-semantic, useless clearing div. All you need to do is stick an overflow:hidden onto the container:

#sub-title { overflow:hidden; }

How to align a <div> to the middle (horizontally/width) of the page

Use justify-content and align-items to horizontally and vertically align a div

.container {_x000D_
  height: 100%;_x000D_
  width: 100%;_x000D_
.container {_x000D_
  display: flex;_x000D_
  align-items: center;_x000D_
  justify-content: center;_x000D_
.mydiv {_x000D_
  width: 80px;_x000D_
<div class="container">_x000D_
  <div class="mydiv">h & v aligned</div>_x000D_

Finding median of list in Python

def median(x):
    x = sorted(x)
    listlength = len(x) 
    num = listlength//2
    if listlength%2==0:
        middlenum = (x[num]+x[num-1])/2
        middlenum = x[num]
    return middlenum

What is PECS (Producer Extends Consumer Super)?

PECS (Producer extends and Consumer super)

mnemonic ? Get and Put principle.

This principle states that:

  • Use an extends wildcard when you only get values out of a structure.
  • Use a super wildcard when you only put values into a structure.
  • And don’t use a wildcard when you both get and put.

Example in Java:

class Super {
        Number testCoVariance() {
            return null;
        void testContraVariance(Number parameter) {
    class Sub extends Super {
        Integer testCoVariance() {
            return null;
        } //compiles successfully i.e. return type is don't care(Integer is subtype of Number)
        void testContraVariance(Integer parameter) {
        } //doesn't support even though Integer is subtype of Number

The Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP) states that “objects in a program should be replaceable with instances of their subtypes without altering the correctness of that program”.

Within the type system of a programming language, a typing rule

  • covariant if it preserves the ordering of types (=), which orders types from more specific to more generic;
  • contravariant if it reverses this ordering;
  • invariant or nonvariant if neither of these applies.

Covariance and contravariance

  • Read-only data types (sources) can be covariant;
  • write-only data types (sinks) can be contravariant.
  • Mutable data types which act as both sources and sinks should be invariant.

To illustrate this general phenomenon, consider the array type. For the type Animal we can make the type Animal[]

  • covariant: a Cat[] is an Animal[];
  • contravariant: an Animal[] is a Cat[];
  • invariant: an Animal[] is not a Cat[] and a Cat[] is not an Animal[].

Java Examples:

Object name= new String("prem"); //works
List<Number> numbers = new ArrayList<Integer>();//gets compile time error

Integer[] myInts = {1,2,3,4};
Number[] myNumber = myInts;
myNumber[0] = 3.14; //attempt of heap pollution i.e. at runtime gets java.lang.ArrayStoreException: java.lang.Double(we can fool compiler but not run-time)

List<String> list=new ArrayList<>();
List<Object> listObject=list; //Type mismatch: cannot convert from List<String> to List<Object> at Compiletime  

more examples

enter image description here Image src

bounded(i.e. heading toward somewhere) wildcard : There are 3 different flavours of wildcards:

  • In-variance/Non-variance: ? or ? extends Object - Unbounded Wildcard. It stands for the family of all types. Use when you both get and put.
  • Co-variance: ? extends T (the family of all types that are subtypes of T) - a wildcard with an upper bound. T is the upper-most class in the inheritance hierarchy. Use an extends wildcard when you only Get values out of a structure.
  • Contra-variance: ? super T ( the family of all types that are supertypes of T) - a wildcard with a lower bound. T is the lower-most class in the inheritance hierarchy. Use a super wildcard when you only Put values into a structure.

Note: wildcard ? means zero or one time, represents an unknown type. The wildcard can be used as the type of a parameter, never used as a type argument for a generic method invocation, a generic class instance creation.(i.e. when used wildcard that reference not used in elsewhere in program like we use T)

enter image description here

 import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

class Shape { void draw() {}}

class Circle extends Shape {void draw() {}}

class Square extends Shape {void draw() {}}

class Rectangle extends Shape {void draw() {}}

public class Test {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //? extends Shape i.e. can use any sub type of Shape, here Shape is Upper Bound in inheritance hierarchy
        List<? extends Shape> intList5 = new ArrayList<Shape>();
        List<? extends Shape> intList6 = new ArrayList<Cricle>();
        List<? extends Shape> intList7 = new ArrayList<Rectangle>();
        List<? extends Shape> intList9 = new ArrayList<Object>();//ERROR.

        //? super Shape i.e. can use any super type of Shape, here Shape is Lower Bound in inheritance hierarchy
        List<? super Shape> inList5 = new ArrayList<Shape>();
        List<? super Shape> inList6 = new ArrayList<Object>();
        List<? super Shape> inList7 = new ArrayList<Circle>(); //ERROR.

        Circle circle = new Circle();
        Shape shape = circle; // OK. Circle IS-A Shape

        List<Circle> circles = new ArrayList<>();
        List<Shape> shapes = circles; // ERROR. List<Circle> is not subtype of List<Shape> even when Circle IS-A Shape

        List<? extends Circle> circles2 = new ArrayList<>();
        List<? extends Shape> shapes2 = circles2; // OK. List<? extends Circle> is subtype of List<? extends Shape>

        Shape shape2 = new Shape();
        Circle circle2= (Circle) shape2; // OK. with type casting

        List<Shape> shapes3 = new ArrayList<>();
        List<Circle> circles3 = shapes3; //ERROR. List<Circle> is not subtype of  List<Shape> even Circle is subetype of Shape

        List<? super Shape> shapes4 = new ArrayList<>();
        List<? super Circle> circles4 = shapes4; //OK.

     * Example for an upper bound wildcard (Get values i.e Producer `extends`)
     * */
    public void testCoVariance(List<? extends Shape> list) {
        list.add(new Object());//ERROR
        list.add(new Shape()); //ERROR
        list.add(new Circle()); // ERROR
        list.add(new Square()); // ERROR
        list.add(new Rectangle()); // ERROR
        Shape shape= list.get(0);//OK so list act as produces only
     * You can't add a Shape,Circle,Square,Rectangle to a List<? extends Shape>
     * You can get an object and know that it will be an Shape
     * Example for  a lower bound wildcard (Put values i.e Consumer`super`)
     * */
    public void testContraVariance(List<? super Shape> list) {
        list.add(new Object());//ERROR
        list.add(new Shape());//OK
        list.add(new Circle());//OK
        list.add(new Square());//OK
        list.add(new Rectangle());//OK
        Shape shape= list.get(0); // ERROR. Type mismatch, so list acts only as consumer
        Object object= list.get(0); //OK gets an object, but we don't know what kind of Object it is.
         * You can add a Shape,Circle,Square,Rectangle to a List<? super Shape>
         * You can't get an Shape(but can get Object) and don't know what kind of Shape it is.

generics and examples

Covariance and contravariance determine compatibility based on types. In either case, variance is a directed relation. Covariance can be translated as "different in the same direction," or with-different, whereas contravariance means "different in the opposite direction," or against-different. Covariant and contravariant types are not the same, but there is a correlation between them. The names imply the direction of the correlation.

DateTime format to SQL format using C#

The correct answer was already given "use parameters". Formatting a date and passing it as a string to SQL-Server can lead to errors as it depends on the settings how the date is interpreted on the server side. In europe, we write '1.12.2012' to indicate december 1st 2012, whereas in other countries this might be treated as january 12th.

When issuing statements directly in SSMS I use the format yyyymmdd which seem to be quite general. I did not encounter any problems on the various installations I worked on so far.

There is another seldom used format, which is a bit weird but works for all versions:

select { d '2013-10-01' }

will return the first of october 2013.

select { ts '2013-10-01 13:45:01' }

will return october 1st, 1:45:01 PM

I strongly advice to use parameters and never format your own SQL code by pasting together homegrown formatted statement fragments. It is an entry for SQL injection and strange errors (formatting a float value is another potential issue)

How to create a file in Android?

Write to a file test.txt:

String filepath ="/mnt/sdcard/test.txt";
FileOutputStream fos = null;
try {
        fos = new FileOutputStream(filepath);
        byte[] buffer = "This will be writtent in test.txt".getBytes();
        fos.write(buffer, 0, buffer.length);
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
    } catch (IOException e) {
        if(fos != null)

Read from file test.txt:

String filepath ="/mnt/sdcard/test.txt";        
FileInputStream fis = null;
try {
       fis = new FileInputStream(filepath);
       int length = (int) new File(filepath).length();
       byte[] buffer = new byte[length];, 0, length);
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
    } catch (IOException e) {
        if(fis != null)

Note: don't forget to add these two permission in AndroidManifest.xml

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />

How to Execute stored procedure from SQL Plus?

You forgot to put z as an bind variable.

The following EXECUTE command runs a PL/SQL statement that references a stored procedure:


Note that the value returned by the stored procedure is being return into :Z

Global variables in

Just declare the variable at the starting of a class.

e.g. for string variable:

public partial class Login : System.Web.UI.Page
    public string sError;

    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
         //Page Load Code

How do I get client IP address in ASP.NET CORE?

try this.

var host = Dns.GetHostEntry(Dns.GetHostName());
        foreach (var ip in host.AddressList)
            if (ip.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork)
                 ipAddress = ip.ToString();

MySQL SELECT query string matching

You can use regular expressions like this:

SELECT * FROM pet WHERE name REGEXP 'Bob|Smith'; 

Where are static variables stored in C and C++?

The answer might very well depend on the compiler, so you probably want to edit your question (I mean, even the notion of segments is not mandated by ISO C nor ISO C++). For instance, on Windows an executable doesn't carry symbol names. One 'foo' would be offset 0x100, the other perhaps 0x2B0, and code from both translation units is compiled knowing the offsets for "their" foo.

HTML5 event handling(onfocus and onfocusout) using angular 2

I've created a little directive that bind with the tabindex attribute. It adds/removes the has-focus class dynamically.

    selector: "[tabindex]"
export class TabindexDirective {
    constructor(private elementHost: ElementRef) {}

    setInputFocus(): void {

    setInputFocusOut(): void {

iOS Simulator to test website on Mac

You could look into using BrowserStack:

While not free, it is rather cheap. It allows you to test against several iOS versions on both iPhone and iPad, along with Android, and various desktop browsers and OSs. It has proved quite invaluable to my workplace for doing just these sort of tests.

python: [Errno 10054] An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host

This can be caused by the two sides of the connection disagreeing over whether the connection timed out or not during a keepalive. (Your code tries to reused the connection just as the server is closing it because it has been idle for too long.) You should basically just retry the operation over a new connection. (I'm surprised your library doesn't do this automatically.)

Send POST data via raw json with postman

Install Postman native app, Chrome extension has been deprecated. (Mine was opening in own window but still ran as Chrome app)

Show hide fragment in android

From my code, comparing to above solution, the simplest way is to define a layout which contains the fragment, then you could hide or unhide the fragment by controlling the layout attribute which is align with the general way of view. No additional code needed in this case and the additional deployment attributes of the fragment could be moved to the outer layout.

<LinearLayout style="@style/StHorizontalLinearView"



Angular: How to update queryParams without changing route

The answer with most vote partially worked for me. The browser url stayed the same but my routerLinkActive was not longer working after navigation.

My solution was to use lotation.go:

import { Component } from "@angular/core";
import { Location } from "@angular/common";
import { HttpParams } from "@angular/common/http";

export class whateverComponent {
  constructor(private readonly location: Location, private readonly router: Router) {}

  addQueryString() {
    const params = new HttpParams();
    params.append("param1", "value1");
    params.append("param2", "value2");
    this.location.go(this.router.url.split("?")[0], params.toString());

I used HttpParams to build the query string since I was already using it to send information with httpClient. but you can just build it yourself.

and the this._router.url.split("?")[0], is to remove all previous query string from current url.

How to compute the similarity between two text documents?

Identical to @larsman, but with some preprocessing

import nltk, string
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer'punkt') # if necessary...

stemmer = nltk.stem.porter.PorterStemmer()
remove_punctuation_map = dict((ord(char), None) for char in string.punctuation)

def stem_tokens(tokens):
    return [stemmer.stem(item) for item in tokens]

'''remove punctuation, lowercase, stem'''
def normalize(text):
    return stem_tokens(nltk.word_tokenize(text.lower().translate(remove_punctuation_map)))

vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(tokenizer=normalize, stop_words='english')

def cosine_sim(text1, text2):
    tfidf = vectorizer.fit_transform([text1, text2])
    return ((tfidf * tfidf.T).A)[0,1]

print cosine_sim('a little bird', 'a little bird')
print cosine_sim('a little bird', 'a little bird chirps')
print cosine_sim('a little bird', 'a big dog barks')

How to get html table td cell value by JavaScript?

I gave the table an id so I could find it. On onload (when the page is loaded by the browser), I set onclick event handlers to all rows of the table. Those handlers alert the content of the first cell.

<!DOCTYPE html>
            var p = {
                onload: function() {
                    var rows = document.getElementById("mytable").rows;
                    for(var i = 0, ceiling = rows.length; i < ceiling; i++) {
                        rows[i].onclick = function() {
    <body onload="p.onload()">
        <table id="mytable">
                <td>row 1 cell 2</td>
                <td>row 2 cell 2</td>

How to avoid warning when introducing NAs by coercion

Use suppressWarnings():

suppressWarnings(as.numeric(c("1", "2", "X")))
[1]  1  2 NA

This suppresses warnings.

Regular expression containing one word or another

You just missed an extra pair of brackets for the "OR" symbol. The following should do the trick:


Without those you were either matching a number followed by seconds OR just the word minutes

Create table with jQuery - append

To add multiple columns and rows, we can also do a string concatenation. Not the best way, but it sure works.

             var resultstring='<table>';
      for(var j=0;j<arr.length;j++){
              //array arr contains the field names in this case
          resultstring+= '<th>'+ arr[j] + '</th>';
      $(resultset).each(function(i, result) {
          // resultset is in json format
          for(var j=0;j<arr.length;j++){
              resultstring+='<td>'+ result[arr[j]]+ '</td>';

This also allows you to add rows and columns to the table dynamically, without hardcoding the fieldnames.

How do I start Mongo DB from Windows?

Step 1: First download the .msi i.e is the installation file from

Step 2: Perform the installation using the so downloaded .msi file.Automatically it gets stored in program files. You could perform a custom installation and change the directory.

After this you should be able to see a Mongodb folder

Step 3: Create a new folder in this Mongodb folder with name 'data'. Create another new folder in your data directory with the name 'db'.

Step 4: Open cmd. Go to the directory where your mongodb folder exists and go to a path like C:\MongoDB\Server\3.0\bin. In the bin folder you should have mongodb.exe

Step 5: Now use

mongod --port 27017 --dbpath "C:\MongoDB\data\db"

Split string with PowerShell and do something with each token

-split outputs an array, and you can save it to a variable like this:

$a = -split 'Once  upon    a     time'


Another cute thing, you can have arrays on both sides of an assignment statement:

$a,$b,$c = -split 'Once  upon    a'


Calculating moving average

The caTools package has very fast rolling mean/min/max/sd and few other functions. I've only worked with runmean and runsd and they are the fastest of any of the other packages mentioned to date.

How to round a floating point number up to a certain decimal place?

If you round 8.8333333333339 to 2 decimals, the correct answer is 8.83, not 8.84. The reason you got 8.83000000001 is because 8.83 is a number that cannot be correctly reprecented in binary, and it gives you the closest one. If you want to print it without all the zeros, do as VGE says:

print "%.2f" % 8.833333333339   #(Replace number with the variable?)

Web Reference vs. Service Reference

Add Web Reference is the old-style, deprecated ASP.NET webservices (ASMX) technology (using only the XmlSerializer for your stuff) - if you do this, you get an ASMX client for an ASMX web service. You can do this in just about any project (Web App, Web Site, Console App, Winforms - you name it).

Add Service Reference is the new way of doing it, adding a WCF service reference, which gives you a much more advanced, much more flexible service model than just plain old ASMX stuff.

Since you're not ready to move to WCF, you can also still add the old-style web reference, if you really must: when you do a "Add Service Reference", on the dialog that comes up, click on the [Advanced] button in the button left corner:

alt text

and on the next dialog that comes up, pick the [Add Web Reference] button at the bottom.

Create XML file using java

I liked the Xembly syntax, but it is not a statically typed API. You can get this with XMLBeam:

// Declare a projection
public interface Projection {

    Projection setID(int id);

    Projection setValue(String value);

public static void main(String[] args) {
    // create a projector
    XBProjector projector = new XBProjector();

    // use it to create a projection instance
    Projection projection = projector.projectEmptyDocument(Projection.class);

    // You get a fluent API, with java types in parameters 

    // Use the projector again to do IO stuff or create an XML-string

My experience is that this works great even when the XML gets more complicated. You can just decouple the XML structure from your java code structure.

Converting HTML to Excel?

We copy/paste html pages from our ERP to Excel using "paste special.. as html/unicode" and it works quite well with tables.

How do I query for all dates greater than a certain date in SQL Server?

To sum it all up, the correct answer is :

select * from db where Date >= '20100401'  (Format of date yyyymmdd)

This will avoid any problem with other language systems and will use the index.

Does WGET timeout?

Prior to version 1.14, wget timeout arguments were not adhered to if downloading over https due to a bug.

jquery $(window).height() is returning the document height

With no doctype tag, Chrome reports the same value for both calls.

Adding a strict doctype like <!DOCTYPE html> causes the values to work as advertised.

The doctype tag must be the very first thing in your document. E.g., you can't have any text before it, even if it doesn't render anything.

css h1 - only as wide as the text

An easy fix for this is to float your H1 element left:

.centercol h1{
    background: #F2EFE9;
    border-left: 3px solid #C6C1B8;
    color: #006BB6;
    display: block;
    float: left;
    font-weight: normal;
    font-size: 18px;
    padding: 3px 3px 3px 6px;

I have put together a simple jsfiddle example that shows the effect of the "float: left" style on the width of your H1 element for anyone looking for a more generic answer:

Convert StreamReader to byte[]

You can also use CopyTo:

var ms = new MemoryStream();
yourStreamReader.BaseStream.CopyTo(ms); // blocking call till the end of the stream
ms.GetBuffer().CopyTo(yourArray, ms.Length);


var ms = new MemoryStream();
var ct = yourStreamReader.BaseStream.CopyToAsync(ms);
await ct;
ms.GetBuffer().CopyTo(yourArray, ms.Length);

"pip install unroll": "python egg_info" failed with error code 1

I ran into the same error code when trying to install a Python module with pip. @Hackndo noted that the documentation indicate a security issue.

Based on that answer, my problem was solved by running the pip install command with sudo prefixed:

sudo pip install python-mpd2

Clearing an HTML file upload field via JavaScript

really like keep things simple like this :)


Replace an element into a specific position of a vector

You can do that using at. You can try out the following simple example:

const size_t N = 20;
std::vector<int> vec(N);
try { - 1) = 7;
} catch (std::out_of_range ex) {
    std::cout << ex.what() << std::endl;
assert( - 1) == 7);

Notice that method at returns an allocator_type::reference, which is that case is a int&. Using at is equivalent to assigning values like vec[i]=....

There is a difference between at and insert as it can be understood with the following example:

const size_t N = 8;
std::vector<int> vec(N);
for (size_t i = 0; i<5; i++){
    vec[i] = i + 1;

vec.insert(vec.begin()+2, 10);

If we now print out vec we will get:

1 2 10 3 4 5 0 0 0

If, instead, we did = 10, or vec[2]=10, we would get

1 2 10 4 5 0 0 0

How to change href of <a> tag on button click through javascript

Here's my take on it. I needed to create a URL by collecting the value from a text box , when the user presses a Submit button.

Hi everyone_x000D_
<p id="result"></p>_x000D_
<textarea cols="40" id="SearchText" rows="2"></textarea>_x000D_
<button onclick="myFunction()" type="button">Submit!</button>_x000D_
function myFunction() {_x000D_
    var result = document.getElementById("SearchText").value;_x000D_
 document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = result;_x000D_
 document.getElementById("abc").href="" + result;_x000D_
}  _x000D_
<a href="#" id="abc">abc</a>_x000D_

Getting "Could not find function xmlCheckVersion in library libxml2. Is libxml2 installed?" when installing lxml through pip

It is not strange for me that none of the solutions above came up, but I saw how the igd installation removed the new version and installed the old one, for the solution I downloaded this archive:

and changed the recommended version of the new version: 'lxml==4.3.0' in It works!

Extract time from date String

Date date = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").parse("2010-07-14 09:00:02");
String time = new SimpleDateFormat("H:mm").format(date);

JavaScript for detecting browser language preference

I can't find a single reference that state that it's possible without involving the serverside.

MSDN on:

From browserLanguage:

In Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 and earlier, the browserLanguage property reflects the language of the installed browser's user interface. For example, if you install a Japanese version of Windows Internet Explorer on an English operating system, browserLanguage would be ja.

In Internet Explorer 5 and later, however, the browserLanguage property reflects the language of the operating system regardless of the installed language version of Internet Explorer. However, if Microsoft Windows 2000 MultiLanguage version is installed, the browserLanguage property indicates the language set in the operating system's current menus and dialogs, as found in the Regional Options of the Control Panel. For example, if you install a Japanese version of Internet Explorer 5 on an English (United Kingdom) operating system, browserLanguage would be en-gb. If you install Windows 2000 MultiLanguage version and set the language of the menus and dialogs to French, browserLanguage would be fr, even though you have a Japanese version of Internet Explorer.

Note This property does not indicate the language or languages set by the user in Language Preferences, located in the Internet Options dialog box.

Furthermore, it looks like browserLanguage is deprecated cause IE8 doesn't list it

How to check which locks are held on a table

I use a Dynamic Management View (DMV) to capture locks as well as the object_id or partition_id of the item that is locked.

(MUST switch to the Database you want to observe to get object_id)

     WT.blocking_session_id, AS [object name],
     O.type_desc AS [object descr],
     P.partition_id AS [partition id],
     P.rows AS [partition/page rows],
     AU.type_desc AS [index descr],
     AU.container_id AS [index/page container_id]
FROM sys.dm_tran_locks AS TL
INNER JOIN sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks AS WT 
 ON TL.lock_owner_address = WT.resource_address
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.objects AS O 
 ON O.object_id = TL.resource_associated_entity_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.partitions AS P 
 ON P.hobt_id = TL.resource_associated_entity_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.allocation_units AS AU 
 ON AU.allocation_unit_id = TL.resource_associated_entity_id;

Steps to upload an iPhone application to the AppStore

Check that your singing identity IN YOUR TARGET properties is correct. This one over-rides what you have in your project properties.

Also: I dunno if this is true - but I wasn't getting emails detailing my binary rejections when I did the "ready for binary upload" from a PC - but I DID get an email when I did this on the MAC

Stopword removal with NLTK

You can use string.punctuation with built-in NLTK stopwords list:

from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize, sent_tokenize
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from string import punctuation

words = tokenize(text)
wordsWOStopwords = removeStopWords(words)

def tokenize(text):
        sents = sent_tokenize(text)
        return [word_tokenize(sent) for sent in sents]

def removeStopWords(words):
        customStopWords = set(stopwords.words('english')+list(punctuation))
        return [word for word in words if word not in customStopWords]

NLTK stopwords complete list

Unable to import path from django.urls

Create setting.json file in your project

       "python.pythonPath": "${workspaceFolder}/env/bin/python3",
       "editor.formatOnSave": true,
       "python.linting.pep8Enabled": true,
       "python.linting.pylintPath": "pylint",
       "python.linting.pylintArgs": ["--load-plugins", "pylint_django"],
       "python.linting.pylintEnabled": true,
       "python.venvPath": "${workspaceFolder}/env/bin/python3",
       "python.linting.pep8Args": ["--ignore=E501"],
       "files.exclude": {
           "**/*.pyc": true

Convert Xml to Table SQL Server

This is the answer, hope it helps someone :)

First there are two variations on how the xml can be written:




       Tbl.Col.value('IdInvernadero[1]', 'smallint'),  
       Tbl.Col.value('IdProducto[1]', 'smallint'),  
       Tbl.Col.value('IdCaracteristica1[1]', 'smallint'),
       Tbl.Col.value('IdCaracteristica2[1]', 'smallint'),
       Tbl.Col.value('Cantidad[1]', 'int'),
       Tbl.Col.value('Folio[1]', 'varchar(7)')
FROM   @xml.nodes('//row') Tbl(Col)  


<row IdInvernadero="8" IdProducto="3" IdCaracteristica1="8" IdCaracteristica2="8" Cantidad ="25" Folio="4568457" />                         
<row IdInvernadero="3" IdProducto="3" IdCaracteristica1="1" IdCaracteristica2="2" Cantidad ="72" Folio="4568457" />


       Tbl.Col.value('@IdInvernadero', 'smallint'),  
       Tbl.Col.value('@IdProducto', 'smallint'),  
       Tbl.Col.value('@IdCaracteristica1', 'smallint'),
       Tbl.Col.value('@IdCaracteristica2', 'smallint'),
       Tbl.Col.value('@Cantidad', 'int'),
       Tbl.Col.value('@Folio', 'varchar(7)')

FROM   @xml.nodes('//row') Tbl(Col)

Taken from:



How to find if an array contains a specific string in JavaScript/jQuery?

You really don't need jQuery for this.

var myarr = ["I", "like", "turtles"];
var arraycontainsturtles = (myarr.indexOf("turtles") > -1);

Hint: indexOf returns a number, representing the position where the specified searchvalue occurs for the first time, or -1 if it never occurs


function arrayContains(needle, arrhaystack)
    return (arrhaystack.indexOf(needle) > -1);

It's worth noting that array.indexOf(..) is not supported in IE < 9, but jQuery's indexOf(...) function will work even for those older versions.

ReSharper "Cannot resolve symbol" even when project builds

For me, inspecting the solution gave me hundreds of errors, including many "cannot find file in search paths". I tried every suggestion out there to fix it and none of them worked. I ended up finding out inspecting the project, instead of the solution, worked perfectly.

What are the differences between json and simplejson Python modules?

I've been benchmarking json, simplejson and cjson.

  • cjson is fastest
  • simplejson is almost on par with cjson
  • json is about 10x slower than simplejson

$ python 
   Encoding Tests
Encoding: 100000 x {'m': 'asdsasdqwqw', 't': 3}
[      json] 1.12385 seconds for 100000 runs. avg: 0.011239ms
[simplejson] 0.44356 seconds for 100000 runs. avg: 0.004436ms
[     cjson] 0.09593 seconds for 100000 runs. avg: 0.000959ms

Encoding: 10000 x {'m': [['0', 1, '2', 3, '4', 5, '6', 7, '8', 9, '10', 11, '12', 13, '14', 15, '16', 17, '18', 19], ['0', 1, '2', 3, '4', 5, '6', 7, '8', 9, '10', 11, '12', 13, '14', 15, '16', 17, '18', 19], ['0', 1, '2', 3, '4', 5, '6', 7, '8', 9, '10', 11, '12', 13, '14', 15, '16', 17, '18', 19], ['0', 1, '2', 3, '4', 5, '6', 7, '8', 9, '10', 11, '12', 13, '14', 15, '16', 17, '18', 19], ['0', 1, '2', 3, '4', 5, '6', 7, '8', 9, '10', 11, '12', 13, '14', 15, '16', 17, '18', 19], ['0', 1, '2', 3, '4', 5, '6', 7, '8', 9, '10', 11, '12', 13, '14', 15, '16', 17, '18', 19], ['0', 1, '2', 3, '4', 5, '6', 7, '8', 9, '10', 11, '12', 13, '14', 15, '16', 17, '18', 19], ['0', 1, '2', 3, '4', 5, '6', 7, '8', 9, '10', 11, '12', 13, '14', 15, '16', 17, '18', 19], ['0', 1, '2', 3, '4', 5, '6', 7, '8', 9, '10', 11, '12', 13, '14', 15, '16', 17, '18', 19], ['0', 1, '2', 3, '4', 5, '6', 7, '8', 9, '10', 11, '12', 13, '14', 15, '16', 17, '18', 19], ['0', 1, '2', 3, '4', 5, '6', 7, '8', 9, '10', 11, '12', 13, '14', 15, '16', 17, '18', 19], ['0', 1, '2', 3, '4', 5, '6', 7, '8', 9, '10', 11, '12', 13, '14', 15, '16', 17, '18', 19], ['0', 1, '2', 3, '4', 5, '6', 7, '8', 9, '10', 11, '12', 13, '14', 15, '16', 17, '18', 19], ['0', 1, '2', 3, '4', 5, '6', 7, '8', 9, '10', 11, '12', 13, '14', 15, '16', 17, '18', 19], ['0', 1, '2', 3, '4', 5, '6', 7, '8', 9, '10', 11, '12', 13, '14', 15, '16', 17, '18', 19], ['0', 1, '2', 3, '4', 5, '6', 7, '8', 9, '10', 11, '12', 13, '14', 15, '16', 17, '18', 19], ['0', 1, '2', 3, '4', 5, '6', 7, '8', 9, '10', 11, '12', 13, '14', 15, '16', 17, '18', 19], ['0', 1, '2', 3, '4', 5, '6', 7, '8', 9, '10', 11, '12', 13, '14', 15, '16', 17, '18', 19], ['0', 1, '2', 3, '4', 5, '6', 7, '8', 9, '10', 11, '12', 13, '14', 15, '16', 17, '18', 19], ['0', 1, '2', 3, '4', 5, '6', 7, '8', 9, '10', 11, '12', 13, '14', 15, '16', 17, '18', 19]], 't': 3}
[      json] 7.76628 seconds for 10000 runs. avg: 0.776628ms
[simplejson] 0.51179 seconds for 10000 runs. avg: 0.051179ms
[     cjson] 0.44362 seconds for 10000 runs. avg: 0.044362ms

   Decoding Tests
Decoding: 100000 x {"m": "asdsasdqwqw", "t": 3}
[      json] 3.32861 seconds for 100000 runs. avg: 0.033286ms
[simplejson] 0.37164 seconds for 100000 runs. avg: 0.003716ms
[     cjson] 0.03893 seconds for 100000 runs. avg: 0.000389ms

Decoding: 10000 x {"m": [["0", 1, "2", 3, "4", 5, "6", 7, "8", 9, "10", 11, "12", 13, "14", 15, "16", 17, "18", 19], ["0", 1, "2", 3, "4", 5, "6", 7, "8", 9, "10", 11, "12", 13, "14", 15, "16", 17, "18", 19], ["0", 1, "2", 3, "4", 5, "6", 7, "8", 9, "10", 11, "12", 13, "14", 15, "16", 17, "18", 19], ["0", 1, "2", 3, "4", 5, "6", 7, "8", 9, "10", 11, "12", 13, "14", 15, "16", 17, "18", 19], ["0", 1, "2", 3, "4", 5, "6", 7, "8", 9, "10", 11, "12", 13, "14", 15, "16", 17, "18", 19], ["0", 1, "2", 3, "4", 5, "6", 7, "8", 9, "10", 11, "12", 13, "14", 15, "16", 17, "18", 19], ["0", 1, "2", 3, "4", 5, "6", 7, "8", 9, "10", 11, "12", 13, "14", 15, "16", 17, "18", 19], ["0", 1, "2", 3, "4", 5, "6", 7, "8", 9, "10", 11, "12", 13, "14", 15, "16", 17, "18", 19], ["0", 1, "2", 3, "4", 5, "6", 7, "8", 9, "10", 11, "12", 13, "14", 15, "16", 17, "18", 19], ["0", 1, "2", 3, "4", 5, "6", 7, "8", 9, "10", 11, "12", 13, "14", 15, "16", 17, "18", 19], ["0", 1, "2", 3, "4", 5, "6", 7, "8", 9, "10", 11, "12", 13, "14", 15, "16", 17, "18", 19], ["0", 1, "2", 3, "4", 5, "6", 7, "8", 9, "10", 11, "12", 13, "14", 15, "16", 17, "18", 19], ["0", 1, "2", 3, "4", 5, "6", 7, "8", 9, "10", 11, "12", 13, "14", 15, "16", 17, "18", 19], ["0", 1, "2", 3, "4", 5, "6", 7, "8", 9, "10", 11, "12", 13, "14", 15, "16", 17, "18", 19], ["0", 1, "2", 3, "4", 5, "6", 7, "8", 9, "10", 11, "12", 13, "14", 15, "16", 17, "18", 19], ["0", 1, "2", 3, "4", 5, "6", 7, "8", 9, "10", 11, "12", 13, "14", 15, "16", 17, "18", 19], ["0", 1, "2", 3, "4", 5, "6", 7, "8", 9, "10", 11, "12", 13, "14", 15, "16", 17, "18", 19], ["0", 1, "2", 3, "4", 5, "6", 7, "8", 9, "10", 11, "12", 13, "14", 15, "16", 17, "18", 19], ["0", 1, "2", 3, "4", 5, "6", 7, "8", 9, "10", 11, "12", 13, "14", 15, "16", 17, "18", 19], ["0", 1, "2", 3, "4", 5, "6", 7, "8", 9, "10", 11, "12", 13, "14", 15, "16", 17, "18", 19]], "t": 3}
[      json] 37.26270 seconds for 10000 runs. avg: 3.726270ms
[simplejson] 0.56643 seconds for 10000 runs. avg: 0.056643ms
[     cjson] 0.33007 seconds for 10000 runs. avg: 0.033007ms

Simplest way to detect keypresses in javascript

Don't over complicate.

  document.addEventListener('keydown', logKey);
    function logKey(e) {
      if (`${e.code}` == "ArrowRight") {
        //code here
          if (`${e.code}` == "ArrowLeft") {
        //code here
          if (`${e.code}` == "ArrowDown") {
        //code here
          if (`${e.code}` == "ArrowUp") {
        //code here

How to convert date to string and to date again?

For converting date to string check this thread

Convert java.util.Date to String

And for converting string to date try this,

import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;

public class StringToDate
    public static void main(String[] args) throws ParseException
        SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss");
        String strDate = "14/03/2003 08:05:10";     
        System.out.println("Date - " + sdf.parse(strDate));

Core dumped, but core file is not in the current directory?

I'm on Linux Mint 19 (Ubuntu 18 based). I wanted to have coredump files in current folder. I had to do two things:

  1. Change /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern (by # echo "core.%p.%s.%c.%d.%P > /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern or by # sysctl -w kernel.core_pattern=core.%p.%s.%c.%d.%P)
  2. Raising limit for core file size by $ ulimit -c unlimited

That was written already in the answers, but I wrote to summarize succinctly. Interestingly changing limit did not require root privileges (as per non-root can only lower the limit, so that was unexpected - comments about it are welcome).

SQL Server convert string to datetime

For instance you can use

update tablename set datetimefield='19980223 14:23:05'
update tablename set datetimefield='02/23/1998 14:23:05'
update tablename set datetimefield='1998-12-23 14:23:05'
update tablename set datetimefield='23 February 1998 14:23:05'
update tablename set datetimefield='1998-02-23T14:23:05'

You need to be careful of day/month order since this will be language dependent when the year is not specified first. If you specify the year first then there is no problem; date order will always be year-month-day.

How to create an integer-for-loop in Ruby?

Try Below Simple Ruby Magics :)

(1..x).each { |n| puts n }
x.times { |n| puts n }
1.upto(x) { |n| print n }

"The POM for ... is missing, no dependency information available" even though it exists in Maven Repository

Read carefully the warning message :

The POM for org.raml:jaxrs-code-generator:jar:2.0.0 is missing, no dependency information available

The problem is not the jar, but the pom.xml that is missing.
The pom.xml lists the required dependencies for this jar that Maven will pull during the build and overall the packaging of your application. So, you may really need it.

Note that this problem may of course occur for other Maven dependencies and the ideas to solve that is always the same.

The Mule website documents very well that in addition to some information related to.

How to solve ?

1) Quick workaround : looking for in the internet the pom.xml of the artifact

Googling the artifact id, the group id and its version gives generally interesting results : maven repository links to download it.
In the case of the org.raml:jaxrs-code-generator:jar:2.0.0 dependency, you can download the pom.xml from the Maven mule repository :

2) Clean workaround for a single Maven project : adding the repository declaration in your pom.

In your case, add the Maven mule repositories :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
            <name>MuleSoft Repository</name>
            <name>MuleSoft Snapshot Repository</name>

3) Clean workaround for any Maven projects : add the repository declaration in your settings.xml

      <name>MuleSoft Repository</name>
      <name>MuleSoft Snapshot Repository</name>

Note that in some rare cases, the pom.xml declaring the dependencies is nowhere. So, you have to identify yourself whether the artifact requires dependencies.

Open page in new window without popup blocking

function openLinkNewTab (url){
    $('body').append('<a id="openLinkNewTab" href="' + url + '" target="_blank"><span></span></a>').find('#openLinkNewTab span').click().remove();

Spring @PropertySource using YAML

@PropertySource only supports properties files (it's a limitation from Spring, not Boot itself). Feel free to open a feature request ticket in JIRA.


I have tried to install the missing packages. Installing the toolchain and restarting CLion solved all in my case:

pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-cmake mingw-w64-x86_64-extra-cmake-modules
pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-make
pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-gdb
pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain

The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by merge, but I don't care

Neither clean/reset/hard checkout/rebase worked for me.

So I just removed files that git complained about*

rm /path/to/files/that/git/complained/about

*I checked if this files can be removed by checking out a brand new repo in a separate folder (files were not there)

How to revert a "git rm -r ."?

I had exactly the same issue: was cleaning up my folders, rearranging and moving files. I entered: git rm . and hit enter; and then felt my bowels loosen a bit. Luckily, I didn't type in git commit -m "" straightaway.

However, the following command

git checkout .

restored everything, and saved my life.

Reverse a string in Python

This is simple and meaningful reverse function, easy to understand and code

def reverse_sentence(text):
    words = text.split(" ")
    reverse =""
    for word in reversed(words):
        reverse += word+ " "
    return reverse

hibernate: LazyInitializationException: could not initialize proxy

I think Piko means in his response that there is the hbm file. I have a file called The mapping information are saved in the hbm (=hibernate mapping) file. In the class tag there is a property called lazy. Set that property to true. The following hbm example shows a way to set the lazy property to false.

` id ...'

If you are using Annotations instead look in the hibernate documenation.

I hope that helped.

What Vim command(s) can be used to quote/unquote words?

If you use the vim plugin (or use VSCode Vim plugin, which comes with vim-surround pre-installed), its pretty convinient!


ysiw' // surround in word `'`


ds' // drop surround `'`


cs'" // change surround from `'` to `"`

It even works for html tags!

cst<em> // change surround from current tag to `<em>`

check out the readme on github for better examples

Why boolean in Java takes only true or false? Why not 1 or 0 also?

Being specific about this keeps you away from the whole TRUE in VB is -1 and in other langauges true is just NON ZERO. Keeping the boolean field as true or false keeps java outside of this argument.

Serializing and submitting a form with jQuery and PHP

You can add extra data with form data

use serializeArray and add the additional data:

var data = $('#myForm').serializeArray();
    data.push({name: 'tienn2t', value: 'love'});
      type: "POST",
      url: "your url.php",
      data: data,
      dataType: "json",
      success: function(data) {
          //var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(data); if the dataType is not     specified as json uncomment this
        // do what ever you want with the server response
    error: function() {
        alert('error handing here');

How to ping a server only once from within a batch file?

Having 2 scripts called test.bat and ping.bat in same folder:

Script test.bat contains one line:


Script ping.bat contains below lines:

@echo off
echo Hello!

Executing "test.bat" the result on CMD will be:

Press any key to continue . . .

Why? Because "test.bat" is calling the "ping.bat" ("ping" is interpreted as calling the "ping.bat" script). Same is happening if script "ping.bat" contains "ping". The script will execute himself in a loop.

Easy ways to avoid this:

  1. Do not name your script "ping.bat".
  2. You can name the script as "ping.bat" but inside the script use "ping.exe" instead of "ping".

C++ Cout & Cin & System "Ambiguous"

This kind of thing doesn't just magically happen on its own; you changed something! In industry we use version control to make regular savepoints, so when something goes wrong we can trace back the specific changes we made that resulted in that problem.

Since you haven't done that here, we can only really guess. In Visual Studio, Intellisense (the technology that gives you auto-complete dropdowns and those squiggly red lines) works separately from the actual C++ compiler under the bonnet, and sometimes gets things a bit wrong.

In this case I'd ask why you're including both cstdlib and stdlib.h; you should only use one of them, and I recommend the former. They are basically the same header, a C header, but cstdlib puts them in the namespace std in order to "C++-ise" them. In theory, including both wouldn't conflict but, well, this is Microsoft we're talking about. Their C++ toolchain sometimes leaves something to be desired. Any time the Intellisense disagrees with the compiler has to be considered a bug, whichever way you look at it!

Anyway, your use of using namespace std (which I would recommend against, in future) means that std::system from cstdlib now conflicts with system from stdlib.h. I can't explain what's going on with std::cout and std::cin.

Try removing #include <stdlib.h> and see what happens.

If your program is building successfully then you don't need to worry too much about this, but I can imagine the false positives being annoying when you're working in your IDE.

Java - Access is denied

When you create a new File, you are supposed to provide the file name, not only the directory you want to put your file in.

Try with something like

File file = new File("D:/Data/" + item.getFileName());

R not finding package even after package installation

So the package will be downloaded in a temp folder C:\Users\U122337.BOSTONADVISORS\AppData\Local\Temp\Rtmp404t8Y\downloaded_packages from where it will be installed into your library folder, e.g. C:\R\library\zoo

What you have to do once install command is done: Open Packages menu -> Load package...

You will see your package on the list. You can automate this: How to load packages in R automatically?

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'appendChild' of null

add your script tag on the bottom of the body tag. so that script loads after html content then you won't get such error and add=

Bash: If/Else statement in one line

&& means "and if successful"; by placing your if statement on the right-hand side of it, you ensure that it will only run if grep returns 0. To fix it, use ; instead:

ps aux | grep some_proces[s] > /tmp/test.txt ; if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi

(or just use a line-break).

The listener supports no services

You need to add your ORACLE_HOME definition in your listener.ora file. Right now its not registered with any ORACLE_HOME.

Sample listener.ora

abc =
      (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))

SID_LIST_abc =
    (SID_DESC =
      (ORACLE_HOME= /abc/DbTier/11.2.0)
      (SID_NAME = abc)

How to make the first option of <select> selected with jQuery

For me, it only worked when I added the following line of code


How can I detect when an Android application is running in the emulator?

Actually, ANDROID_ID on 2.2 always equals 9774D56D682E549C (according to this thread + my own experiments).

So, you could check something like this:

String androidID = ...;
if(androidID == null || androidID.equals("9774D56D682E549C"))
    do stuff;

Not the prettiest, but it does the job.

How do I print bold text in Python?

Some terminals allow to print colored text. Some colors look like if they are "bold". Try:

print ('\033[1;37mciao!')

The sequence '\033[1;37m' makes some terminals to start printing in "bright white" that may look a bit like bolded white. '\033[0;0m' will turn it off.