Programs & Examples On #Uisearchbardelegate

The UISearchBarDelegate protocol defines the optional methods you implement to make a UISearchBar control functional.

How to get a subset of a javascript object's properties

Using Object Destructuring and Property Shorthand

const object = { a: 5, b: 6, c: 7  };_x000D_
const picked = (({ a, c }) => ({ a, c }))(object);_x000D_
console.log(picked); // { a: 5, c: 7 }

From Philipp Kewisch:

This is really just an anonymous function being called instantly. All of this can be found on the Destructuring Assignment page on MDN. Here is an expanded form

let unwrap = ({a, c}) => ({a, c});_x000D_
let unwrap2 = function({a, c}) { return { a, c }; };_x000D_
let picked = unwrap({ a: 5, b: 6, c: 7 });_x000D_
let picked2 = unwrap2({a: 5, b: 6, c: 7})_x000D_

Android difference between Two Dates

Here is the modern answer. It’s good for anyone who either uses Java 8 or later (which doesn’t go for most Android phones yet) or is happy with an external library.

    String date1 = "20170717141000";
    String date2 = "20170719175500";

    DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
    Duration diff = Duration.between(LocalDateTime.parse(date1, formatter), 
                                     LocalDateTime.parse(date2, formatter));

    if (diff.isZero()) {
    } else {
        long days = diff.toDays();
        if (days != 0) {
            System.out.print("" + days + "d ");
            diff = diff.minusDays(days);
        long hours = diff.toHours();
        if (hours != 0) {
            System.out.print("" + hours + "h ");
            diff = diff.minusHours(hours);
        long minutes = diff.toMinutes();
        if (minutes != 0) {
            System.out.print("" + minutes + "m ");
            diff = diff.minusMinutes(minutes);
        long seconds = diff.getSeconds();
        if (seconds != 0) {
            System.out.print("" + seconds + "s ");

This prints

2d 3h 45m 

In my own opinion the advantage is not so much that it is shorter (it’s not much), but leaving the calculations to an standard library is less errorprone and gives you clearer code. These are great advantages. The reader is not burdened with recognizing constants like 24, 60 and 1000 and verifying that they are used correctly.

I am using the modern Java date & time API (described in JSR-310 and also known under this name). To use this on Android under API level 26, get the ThreeTenABP, see this question: How to use ThreeTenABP in Android Project. To use it with other Java 6 or 7, get ThreeTen Backport. With Java 8 and later it is built-in.

With Java 9 it will be still a bit easier since the Duration class is extended with methods to give you the days part, hours part, minutes part and seconds part separately so you don’t need the subtractions. See an example in my answer here.

How to pass in parameters when use resource service?

I think I see your problem, you need to use the @ syntax to define parameters you will pass in this way, also I'm not sure what loginID or password are doing you don't seem to define them anywhere and they are not being used as URL parameters so are they being sent as query parameters?

This is what I can suggest based on what I see so far:

.factory('MagComments', function ($resource) {
    return $resource('http://localhost/dooleystand/ci/api/magCommenct/:id', {
      loginID : organEntity,
      password : organCommpassword,
      id : '@magId'

The @magId string will tell the resource to replace :id with the property magId on the object you pass it as parameters.

I'd suggest reading over the documentation here (I know it's a bit opaque) very carefully and looking at the examples towards the end, this should help a lot.

In Python, how do I determine if an object is iterable?

I often find convenient, inside my scripts, to define an iterable function. (Now incorporates Alfe's suggested simplification):

import collections

def iterable(obj):
    return isinstance(obj, collections.Iterable):

so you can test if any object is iterable in the very readable form

if iterable(obj):
    # act on iterable
    # not iterable

as you would do with thecallable function

EDIT: if you have numpy installed, you can simply do: from numpy import iterable, which is simply something like

def iterable(obj):
    try: iter(obj)
    except: return False
    return True

If you do not have numpy, you can simply implement this code, or the one above.

How do I get a consistent byte representation of strings in C# without manually specifying an encoding?

bytes[] buffer = UnicodeEncoding.UTF8.GetBytes(string something); //for converting to UTF then get its bytes

bytes[] buffer = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(string something); //for converting to ascii then get its bytes

how to convert object to string in java

toString() is a debug info string. The default implementation returns the class name and the system identity hash. Collections return all elements but arrays not.

Also be aware of NullPointerException creating the log!

In this case a Arrays.toString() may help:

Object temp = data.getParameterValue("request");
String log = temp == null ? "null" : (temp.getClass().isArray() ? Arrays.toString((Object[])temp) : temp.toString());"end " + temp);

You can also use Arrays.asList():

Object temp = data.getParameterValue("request");
Object log = temp == null ? null : (temp.getClass().isArray() ? Arrays.asList((Object[])temp) : temp);"end " + temp);

This may result in a ClassCastException for primitive arrays (int[], ...).

passing argument to DialogFragment

In my case, none of the code above with bundle-operate works; Here is my decision (I don't know if it is proper code or not, but it works in my case):

public class DialogMessageType extends DialogFragment {
    private static String bodyText;

    public static DialogMessageType addSomeString(String temp){
        DialogMessageType f = new DialogMessageType();
        bodyText = temp;
        return f;

    public Dialog onCreateDialog(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        final String[] choiseArray = {"sms", "email"};
        String title = "Send text via:";
        final AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(getActivity());
        builder.setTitle(title).setItems(choiseArray, itemClickListener);
        return builder.create();

    DialogInterface.OnClickListener itemClickListener = new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
            switch (which){
                case 0:
                case 1:

public class SendObjectActivity extends FragmentActivity {

DialogMessageType dialogMessageType = DialogMessageType.addSomeString(stringToSend);,"dialogMessageType");


Ping site and return result in PHP

Another option (if you need/want to ping instead of send an HTTP request) is the Ping class for PHP. I wrote it for just this purpose, and it lets you use one of three supported methods to ping a server (some servers/environments only support one of the three methods).

Example usage:

$host = '';
$ping = new Ping($host);
$latency = $ping->ping();
if ($latency) {
  print 'Latency is ' . $latency . ' ms';
else {
  print 'Host could not be reached.';

Apache 2.4 - Request exceeded the limit of 10 internal redirects due to probable configuration error

This problem can be caused by requests for certain files that don't exist. For example, requests for files in wp-content/uploads/ where the file does not exist.

If this is the situation you're seeing, you can solve the problem by going to .htaccess and changing this line:

RewriteRule ^(wp-(content|admin|includes).*) $1 [L]


RewriteRule ^(wp-(content|admin|includes).*) - [L]

The underlying issue is that the rule above triggers a rewrite to the exact same url with a slash in front and because there was a rewrite, the newly rewritten request goes back through the rules again and the same rule is triggered. By changing that line's "$1" to "-", no rewrite happens and so the rewriting process does not start over again with the same URL.

It's possible that there's a difference in how apache 2.2 and 2.4 handle this situation of only-difference-is-a-slash-in-front and that's why the default rules provided by WordPress aren't working perfectly.

Sorting a set of values

From a comment:

I want to sort each set.

That's easy. For any set s (or anything else iterable), sorted(s) returns a list of the elements of s in sorted order:

>>> s = set(['0.000000000', '0.009518000', '10.277200999', '0.030810999', '0.018384000', '4.918560000'])
>>> sorted(s)
['0.000000000', '0.009518000', '0.018384000', '0.030810999', '10.277200999', '4.918560000']

Note that sorted is giving you a list, not a set. That's because the whole point of a set, both in mathematics and in almost every programming language,* is that it's not ordered: the sets {1, 2} and {2, 1} are the same set.

You probably don't really want to sort those elements as strings, but as numbers (so 4.918560000 will come before 10.277200999 rather than after).

The best solution is most likely to store the numbers as numbers rather than strings in the first place. But if not, you just need to use a key function:

>>> sorted(s, key=float)
['0.000000000', '0.009518000', '0.018384000', '0.030810999', '4.918560000', '10.277200999']

For more information, see the Sorting HOWTO in the official docs.

* See the comments for exceptions.

Programmatically Lighten or Darken a hex color (or rgb, and blend colors)

Your approach is ok :) I simplify your shortest version a little (for saturation control look here)

(col,amt)=> (+('0x'+col)+amt*0x010101).toString(16).padStart(6,0)

// Similar to OP shortest version, we not have here # and colors range checking

var LightenDarkenColor = 
     (col,amt) => (+('0x'+col)+amt*0x010101).toString(16).padStart(6,0);    

// ------
// ------

function update() {
  let c= col.value.padEnd(6,'0').slice(0,6);
  let color = '#'+LightenDarkenColor(c, +amt.value);
  oldColor.innerHTML = 'Old: #'+c; = `background: #${c}`;
  newColor.innerHTML = 'New: '+color = `background: ${color}`;


.box{ width: 100px; height: 100px; margin: 10px; display: inline-block}
<input id="col" value="3F6D2A" oninput="update()">
<input id="amt" value="30" oninput="update()"><br>
<div id="oldColor" class="box"></div>
<div id="newColor" class="box"></div>

And version with # and color ranges checking

// # and colors range checking

var LightenDarkenColor = 
     (col,amt) => '#'+col.slice(1).match(/../g)

// ------
// ------

function update() {
  let c= col.value.padEnd(6,'0').slice(0,7);
  let color = LightenDarkenColor(c, +amt.value);
  oldColor.innerHTML = 'Old: '+c; = `background: ${c}`;
  newColor.innerHTML = 'New: '+color = `background: ${color}`;

.box{ width: 100px; height: 100px; margin: 10px; display: inline-block}
<input id="col" value="#3F6D2A" oninput="update()">
<input id="amt" value="40" oninput="update()"><br>
<div id="oldColor" class="box"></div>
<div id="newColor" class="box"></div>

Powershell: count members of a AD group

How about this?

Get-ADGroupMember 'Group name' | measure-object | select count

How does Junit @Rule work?

The explanation for how it works:

JUnit wraps your test method in a Statement object so statement and Execute() runs your test. Then instead of calling statement.Execute() directly to run your test, JUnit passes the Statement to a TestRule with the @Rule annotation. The TestRule's "apply" function returns a new Statement given the Statement with your test. The new Statement's Execute() method can call the test Statement's execute method (or not, or call it multiple times), and do whatever it wants before and after.

Now, JUnit has a new Statement that does more than just run the test, and it can again pass that to any more rules before finally calling Execute.

Add a prefix string to beginning of each line

Using ed:

ed infile <<'EOE'

This substitutes, for each line (,), the beginning of the line (^) with prefix. wq saves and exits.

If the replacement string contains a slash, we can use a different delimiter for s instead:

ed infile <<'EOE'

I've quoted the here-doc delimiter EOE ("end of ed") to prevent parameter expansion. In this example, it would work unquoted as well, but it's good practice to prevent surprises if you ever have a $ in your ed script.

How to Navigate from one View Controller to another using Swift

SWIFT 3.01

let secondViewController = self.storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "Conversation_VC") as! Conversation_VC
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(secondViewController, animated: true)

Render basic HTML view?

If you want to render HTML file you can use sendFile() method without using any template engine

const express =  require("express")
const path = require("path")
const app = express()
    res.sendFile(**path.join(__dirname, 'htmlfiles\\index.html')**)
    console.log("server is running at Port 8000");

I have an HTML file inside htmlfile so I used path module to render index.html path is default module in node. if your file is present in root folder just used

res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname, 'htmlfiles\\index.html'))

inside app.get() it will work

What in layman's terms is a Recursive Function using PHP

An example would be to print every file in any subdirectories of a given directory (if you have no symlinks inside these directories which may break the function somehow). A pseudo-code of printing all files looks like this:

function printAllFiles($dir) {
    foreach (getAllDirectories($dir) as $f) {
        printAllFiles($f); // here is the recursive call
    foreach (getAllFiles($dir) as $f) {
        echo $f;

The idea is to print all sub directories first and then the files of the current directory. This idea get applied to all sub directories, and thats the reason for calling this function recursively for all sub directories.

If you want to try this example you have to check for the special directories . and .., otherwise you get stuck in calling printAllFiles(".") all the time. Additionally you must check what to print and what your current working directory is (see opendir(), getcwd(), ...).

Define: What is a HashSet?

    1. A HashSet holds a set of objects, but in a way that it allows you to easily and quickly determine whether an object is already in the set or not. It does so by internally managing an array and storing the object using an index which is calculated from the hashcode of the object. Take a look here

    2. HashSet is an unordered collection containing unique elements. It has the standard collection operations Add, Remove, Contains, but since it uses a hash-based implementation, these operations are O(1). (As opposed to List for example, which is O(n) for Contains and Remove.) HashSet also provides standard set operations such as union, intersection, and symmetric difference. Take a look here

  1. There are different implementations of Sets. Some make insertion and lookup operations super fast by hashing elements. However, that means that the order in which the elements were added is lost. Other implementations preserve the added order at the cost of slower running times.

The HashSet class in C# goes for the first approach, thus not preserving the order of elements. It is much faster than a regular List. Some basic benchmarks showed that HashSet is decently faster when dealing with primary types (int, double, bool, etc.). It is a lot faster when working with class objects. So that point is that HashSet is fast.

The only catch of HashSet is that there is no access by indices. To access elements you can either use an enumerator or use the built-in function to convert the HashSet into a List and iterate through that. Take a look here

Graph visualization library in JavaScript

In a commercial scenario, a serious contestant for sure is yFiles for HTML:

It offers:

  • Easy import of custom data (this interactive online demo seems to pretty much do exactly what the OP was looking for)
  • Interactive editing for creating and manipulating the diagrams through user gestures (see the complete editor)
  • A huge programming API for customizing each and every aspect of the library
  • Support for grouping and nesting (both interactive, as well as through the layout algorithms)
  • Does not depend on a specfic UI toolkit but supports integration into almost any existing Javascript toolkit (see the "integration" demos)
  • Automatic layout (various styles, like "hierarchic", "organic", "orthogonal", "tree", "circular", "radial", and more)
  • Automatic sophisticated edge routing (orthogonal and organic edge routing with obstacle avoidance)
  • Incremental and partial layout (adding and removing elements and only slightly or not at all changing the rest of the diagram)
  • Support for grouping and nesting (both interactive, as well as through the layout algorithms)
  • Implementations of graph analysis algorithms (paths, centralities, network flows, etc.)
  • Uses HTML 5 technologies like SVG+CSS and Canvas and modern Javascript leveraging properties and other more ES5 and ES6 features (but for the same reason will not run in IE versions 8 and lower).
  • Uses a modular API that can be loaded on-demand using UMD loaders

Here is a sample rendering that shows most of the requested features:

Screenshot of a sample rendering created by the BPMN demo.

Full disclosure: I work for yWorks, but on Stackoverflow I do not represent my employer.

How can I format a number into a string with leading zeros?

Since nobody has yet mentioned this, if you are using C# version 6 or above (i.e. Visual Studio 2015) then you can use string interpolation to simplify your code. So instead of using string.Format(...), you can just do this:

Key = $"{i:D2}";

Eclipse: Frustration with Java 1.7 (unbound library)

Cause : This is common scenario when we import new project with different lib and JAR path.

I faced this issue and got resolved using exact following steps:

  • Project > Properties
  • Build Path > Configure Build Path
  • Select "Libraries" tab
  • Click "Add Library"
  • Select "JRE System Library" from displayed list
  • Click on "Next" followed by "Finish" button

This will point your system's proper & valid JRE path, which did thing for me. Cheers :)

php & mysql query not echoing in html with tags?

Change <?php echo $proxy ?> to ' . $proxy . '.

You use <?php when you're outputting HTML by leaving PHP mode with ?>. When you using echo, you have to use concatenation, or wrap your string in double quotes and use interpolation.

How can I do GUI programming in C?

Windows API and Windows SDK if you want to build everything yourself (or) Windows API and Visual C Express. Get the 2008 edition. This is a full blown IDE and a remarkable piece of software by Microsoft for Windows development.

All operating systems are written in C. So, any application, console/GUI you write in C is the standard way of writing for the operating system.

Struct Constructor in C++?

Yes structures and classes in C++ are the same except that structures members are public by default whereas classes members are private by default. Anything you can do in a class you should be able to do in a structure.

struct Foo
    // Initialize Foo

Re-render React component when prop changes

componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { // your code here}

I think that is the event you need. componentWillReceiveProps triggers whenever your component receive something through props. From there you can have your checking then do whatever you want to do.

Chrome:The website uses HSTS. Network errors...this page will probably work later

I recently had the same issue while trying to access domains using CloudFlare Origin CA.

The only way I found to workaround/avoid HSTS cert exception on Chrome (Windows build) was following the short instructions in

The workaround:
Add to Chrome shortcut the flag --ignore-certificate-errors, then reopen it and surf to your website.

Use it only for development purposes.

enter image description here

iPhone/iOS JSON parsing tutorial

Here's a link to my tutorial, which walks you through :

  • creating a JSON WCF Web Service from scratch (and the problems you'll want to avoid)
  • adapting it to read/write SQL Server data
  • getting an iOS 6 app to use the JSON servies.
  • using the JSON web services with JavaScript

All source code is provided, free of charge. Enjoy.

What are callee and caller saved registers?

Caller-Saved (AKA volatile or call-clobbered) Registers

  • The values in caller-saved registers are short term and are not preserved from call to call  
  • It holds temporary (i.e. short term) data

Callee-Saved (AKA non-volatile or call-preserved) Registers

  • The callee-saved registers hold values across calls and are long term
  • It holds non-temporary (i.e. long term) data that is used through multiple functions/calls

Add Items to ListView - Android

ListView myListView = (ListView) rootView.findViewById(;
ArrayList<String> myStringArray1 = new ArrayList<String>();
adapter = new CustomAdapter(getActivity(), R.layout.row, myStringArray1);

Try it like this

public OnClickListener moreListener = new OnClickListener() {

    public void onClick(View v) {
        adapter = null;
        adapter = new CustomAdapter(getActivity(), R.layout.row, myStringArray1);

How do you convert a byte array to a hexadecimal string, and vice versa?

This version of ByteArrayToHexViaByteManipulation could be faster.

From my reports:

  • ByteArrayToHexViaByteManipulation3: 1,68 average ticks (over 1000 runs), 17,5X
  • ByteArrayToHexViaByteManipulation2: 1,73 average ticks (over 1000 runs), 16,9X
  • ByteArrayToHexViaByteManipulation: 2,90 average ticks (over 1000 runs), 10,1X
  • ByteArrayToHexViaLookupAndShift: 3,22 average ticks (over 1000 runs), 9,1X
  • ...

    static private readonly char[] hexAlphabet = new char[]
    static string ByteArrayToHexViaByteManipulation3(byte[] bytes)
        char[] c = new char[bytes.Length * 2];
        byte b;
        for (int i = 0; i < bytes.Length; i++)
            b = ((byte)(bytes[i] >> 4));
            c[i * 2] = hexAlphabet[b];
            b = ((byte)(bytes[i] & 0xF));
            c[i * 2 + 1] = hexAlphabet[b];
        return new string(c);

And I think this one is an optimization:

    static private readonly char[] hexAlphabet = new char[]
    static string ByteArrayToHexViaByteManipulation4(byte[] bytes)
        char[] c = new char[bytes.Length * 2];
        for (int i = 0, ptr = 0; i < bytes.Length; i++, ptr += 2)
            byte b = bytes[i];
            c[ptr] = hexAlphabet[b >> 4];
            c[ptr + 1] = hexAlphabet[b & 0xF];
        return new string(c);

Setting the default Java character encoding

Unfortunately, the file.encoding property has to be specified as the JVM starts up; by the time your main method is entered, the character encoding used by String.getBytes() and the default constructors of InputStreamReader and OutputStreamWriter has been permanently cached.

As Edward Grech points out, in a special case like this, the environment variable JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS can be used to specify this property, but it's normally done like this:

java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 … com.x.Main

Charset.defaultCharset() will reflect changes to the file.encoding property, but most of the code in the core Java libraries that need to determine the default character encoding do not use this mechanism.

When you are encoding or decoding, you can query the file.encoding property or Charset.defaultCharset() to find the current default encoding, and use the appropriate method or constructor overload to specify it.

Html.Raw() in ASP.NET MVC Razor view

Html.Raw() returns IHtmlString, not the ordinary string. So, you cannot write them in opposite sides of : operator. Remove that .ToString() calling

@{int count = 0;}
@foreach (var item in Model.Resources)
    @(count <= 3 ? Html.Raw("<div class=\"resource-row\">"): Html.Raw("")) 
    // some code
    @(count <= 3 ? Html.Raw("</div>") : Html.Raw("")) 


By the way, returning IHtmlString is the way MVC recognizes html content and does not encode it. Even if it hasn't caused compiler errors, calling ToString() would destroy meaning of Html.Raw()

Retrieving an element from array list in Android?

U cant try this

for (WordList i : words) {

jQuery’s .bind() vs. .on()

From the jQuery documentation:

As of jQuery 1.7, the .on() method is the preferred method for attaching event handlers to a document. For earlier versions, the .bind() method is used for attaching an event handler directly to elements. Handlers are attached to the currently selected elements in the jQuery object, so those elements must exist at the point the call to .bind() occurs. For more flexible event binding, see the discussion of event delegation in .on() or .delegate().

Simple DatePicker-like Calendar

jquery ui has a great datepicker you can find it here

you can use

to make your own actions when a date is picked

and if you want it to open without a form you could create a form that's hidden and then bind a click event to it like this

$("button").click(function() {

How to search for a part of a word with ElasticSearch

you can use regexp.

{ "_id" : "1", "name" : "John Doeman" , "function" : "Janitor"}
{ "_id" : "2", "name" : "Jane Doewoman","function" : "Teacher"  }
{ "_id" : "3", "name" : "Jimmy Jackal" ,"function" : "Student"  } 

if you use this query :

  "query": {
    "regexp": {
      "name": "J.*"

you will given all of data that their name start with "J".Consider you want to receive just the first two record that their name end with "man" so you can use this query :

  "query": { 
    "regexp": {
      "name": ".*man"

and if you want to receive all record that in their name exist "m" , you can use this query :

  "query": { 
    "regexp": {
      "name": ".*m.*"

This works for me .And I hope my answer be suitable for solve your problem.

How to sort a list of strings?


It really is that simple :)

ToggleButton in C# WinForms

Check FlatStyle property. Setting it to "System" makes the checkbox sunken in my environment.

How do I completely remove root password

Did you try passwd -d root? Most likely, this will do what you want.

You can also manually edit /etc/shadow: (Create a backup copy. Be sure that you can log even if you mess up, for example from a rescue system.) Search for "root". Typically, the root entry looks similar to


There, delete the second field (everything between the first and second colon):


Some systems will make you put an asterisk (*) in the password field instead of blank, where a blank field would allow no password (CentOS 8 for example)


Save the file, and try logging in as root. It should skip the password prompt. (Like passwd -d, this is a "no password" solution. If you are really looking for a "blank password", that is "ask for a password, but accept if the user just presses Enter", look at the manpage of mkpasswd, and use mkpasswd to create the second field for the /etc/shadow.)

How to use curl in a shell script?

content=”$(curl -sLI “$url” | grep HTTP/1.1 | tail -1 | awk {‘print $2'})”
if [ ! -z $content ] && [ $content -eq 200 ]
echo “valid url”
echo “invalid url”

Opening a .ipynb.txt File

These steps work for me:

  • Open the file in Jupyter Notebook.
  • Rename the file: Click File > Rename, change the name so that it ends with '.ipynb' behind, and click OK
  • Close the file.
  • From the Jupyter Notebook's directory tree, click the filename to open it.

Getting JSONObject from JSONArray

Make use of Android Volly library as much as possible. It maps your JSON reponse in respective class objects. You can add getter setter for that response model objects. And then you can access these JSON values/parameter using .operator like normal JAVA Object. It makes response handling very simple.

/usr/bin/ld: cannot find

Add -L/opt/lib to your compiler parameters, this makes the compiler and linker search that path for in that folder.

What is the difference between bottom-up and top-down?

Top down and bottom up DP are two different ways of solving the same problems. Consider a memoized (top down) vs dynamic (bottom up) programming solution to computing fibonacci numbers.

fib_cache = {}

def memo_fib(n):
  global fib_cache
  if n == 0 or n == 1:
     return 1
  if n in fib_cache:
     return fib_cache[n]
  ret = memo_fib(n - 1) + memo_fib(n - 2)
  fib_cache[n] = ret
  return ret

def dp_fib(n):
   partial_answers = [1, 1]
   while len(partial_answers) <= n:
     partial_answers.append(partial_answers[-1] + partial_answers[-2])
   return partial_answers[n]

print memo_fib(5), dp_fib(5)

I personally find memoization much more natural. You can take a recursive function and memoize it by a mechanical process (first lookup answer in cache and return it if possible, otherwise compute it recursively and then before returning, you save the calculation in the cache for future use), whereas doing bottom up dynamic programming requires you to encode an order in which solutions are calculated, such that no "big problem" is computed before the smaller problem that it depends on.

What is context in _.each(list, iterator, [context])?

Simple use of _.each

_.each(['Hello', 'World!'], function(word){_x000D_
<script src=""></script>

Here's simple example that could use _.each:

function basket() {_x000D_
    this.items = [];_x000D_
    this.addItem = function(item) {_x000D_
    };_x000D_ = function() {_x000D_
        console.log('items: ', this.items);_x000D_
var x = new basket();_x000D_


items:  [ 'banana', 'apple', 'kiwi' ]

Instead of calling addItem multiple times you could use underscore this way:

_.each(['banana', 'apple', 'kiwi'], function(item) { x.addItem(item); });

which is identical to calling addItem three times sequentially with these items. Basically it iterates your array and for each item calls your anonymous callback function that calls x.addItem(item). The anonymous callback function is similar to addItem member function (e.g. it takes an item) and is kind of pointless. So, instead of going through anonymous function it's better that _.each avoids this indirection and calls addItem directly:

_.each(['banana', 'apple', 'kiwi'], x.addItem);

but this won't work, as inside basket's addItem member function this won't refer to your x basket that you created. That's why you have an option to pass your basket x to be used as [context]:

_.each(['banana', 'apple', 'kiwi'], x.addItem, x);

Full example that uses _.each and context:

function basket() {_x000D_
    this.items = [];_x000D_
    this.addItem = function(item) {_x000D_
    };_x000D_ = function() {_x000D_
        console.log('items: ', this.items);_x000D_
var x = new basket();_x000D_
_.each(['banana', 'apple', 'kiwi'], x.addItem, x);_x000D_;
<script src=""></script>

In short, if callback function that you pass to _.each in any way uses this then you need to specify what this should be referring to inside your callback function. It may seem like x is redundant in my example, but x.addItem is just a function and could be totally unrelated to x or basket or any other object, for example:

function basket() {_x000D_
    this.items = [];_x000D_ = function() {_x000D_
        console.log('items: ', this.items);_x000D_
function addItem(item) {_x000D_
var x = new basket();_x000D_
_.each(['banana', 'apple', 'kiwi'], addItem, x);_x000D_;
<script src=""></script>

In other words, you bind some value to this inside your callback, or you may as well use bind directly like this:

_.each(['banana', 'apple', 'kiwi'], addItem.bind(x));

how this feature can be useful with some different underscore methods?

In general, if some underscorejs method takes a callback function and if you want that callback be called on some member function of some object (e.g. a function that uses this) then you may bind that function to some object or pass that object as the [context] parameter and that's the primary intention. And at the top of underscorejs documentation, that's exactly what they state: The iteratee is bound to the context object, if one is passed

Inserting image into IPython notebook markdown


IPython/Jupyter now has support for an extension modules that can insert images via copy and paste or drag & drop.

The drag & drop extension seems to work in most browsers

But copy and paste only works in Chrome.

What is Turing Complete?

Turing Complete means that it is at least as powerful as a Turing Machine. This means anything that can be computed by a Turing Machine can be computed by a Turing Complete system.

No one has yet found a system more powerful than a Turing Machine. So, for the time being, saying a system is Turing Complete is the same as saying the system is as powerful as any known computing system (see Church-Turing Thesis).

How to create a DataTable in C# and how to add rows?

You can write one liner using DataRow.Add(params object[] values) instead of four lines.

dt.Rows.Add("Ravi", "500");

As you create new DataTable object, there seems no need to Clear DataTable in very next statement. You can also use DataTable.Columns.AddRange to add columns with on statement. Complete code would be.

DataTable dt = new DataTable();
dt.Columns.AddRange(new DataColumn[] { new DataColumn("Name"), new DataColumn("Marks") });     
dt.Rows.Add("Ravi", "500");

How to update TypeScript to latest version with npm?

Just use the command # npm update -g typescript
For update all global installed module, Use this command# npm update -g

Copy row but with new id

Let us say your table has following fields:

( pk_id int not null auto_increment primary key,
  col1 int,
  col2 varchar(10)

then, to copy values from one row to the other row with new key value, following query may help

insert into my_table( col1, col2 ) select col1, col2 from my_table where pk_id=?;

This will generate a new value for pk_id field and copy values from col1, and col2 of the selected row.

You can extend this sample to apply for more fields in the table.

In due respect to the comments from JohnP and Martin -

We can use temporary table to buffer first from main table and use it to copy to main table again. Mere update of pk reference field in temp table will not help as it might already be present in the main table. Instead we can drop the pk field from the temp table and copy all other to the main table.

With reference to the answer by Tim Ruehsen in the referred posting:

ALTER TABLE tmp drop pk_id; # drop autoincrement field
# UPDATE tmp SET ...; # just needed to change other unique keys
INSERT INTO my_table SELECT 0,tmp.* FROM tmp;

Hope this helps.

How do I break out of a loop in Perl?

Simply last would work here:

for my $entry (@array){
    if ($string eq "text"){

If you have nested loops, then last will exit from the innermost loop. Use labels in this case:

    for my $entry1 (@array1) {
        for my $entry2 (@array2) {
            if ($entry1 eq $entry2) { # Or any condition
                last LBL_SCORE;

Given a last statement will make the compiler to come out from both the loops. The same can be done in any number of loops, and labels can be fixed anywhere.

how to use javascript Object.defineProperty

yes no more function extending for setup setter & getter this is my example Object.defineProperty(obj,name,func)

var obj = {};
['data', 'name'].forEach(function(name) {
    Object.defineProperty(obj, name, {
        get : function() {
            return 'setter & getter';


HTML CSS Button Positioning

as I expected, yeah, it's because the whole DOM element is being pushed down. You have multiple options. You can put the buttons in separate divs, and float them so that they don't affect each other. the simpler solution is to just set the :active button to position:relative; and use top instead of margin or line-height. example fiddle:

correct way to define class variables in Python

Neither way is necessarily correct or incorrect, they are just two different kinds of class elements:

  • Elements outside the __init__ method are static elements; they belong to the class.
  • Elements inside the __init__ method are elements of the object (self); they don't belong to the class.

You'll see it more clearly with some code:

class MyClass:
    static_elem = 123

    def __init__(self):
        self.object_elem = 456

c1 = MyClass()
c2 = MyClass()

# Initial values of both elements
>>> print c1.static_elem, c1.object_elem 
123 456
>>> print c2.static_elem, c2.object_elem
123 456

# Nothing new so far ...

# Let's try changing the static element
MyClass.static_elem = 999

>>> print c1.static_elem, c1.object_elem
999 456
>>> print c2.static_elem, c2.object_elem
999 456

# Now, let's try changing the object element
c1.object_elem = 888

>>> print c1.static_elem, c1.object_elem
999 888
>>> print c2.static_elem, c2.object_elem
999 456

As you can see, when we changed the class element, it changed for both objects. But, when we changed the object element, the other object remained unchanged.

Difference in boto3 between resource, client, and session?

Here's some more detailed information on what Client, Resource, and Session are all about.


  • low-level AWS service access
  • generated from AWS service description
  • exposes botocore client to the developer
  • typically maps 1:1 with the AWS service API
  • all AWS service operations are supported by clients
  • snake-cased method names (e.g. ListBuckets API => list_buckets method)

Here's an example of client-level access to an S3 bucket's objects (at most 1000**):

import boto3

client = boto3.client('s3')
response = client.list_objects_v2(Bucket='mybucket')
for content in response['Contents']:
    obj_dict = client.get_object(Bucket='mybucket', Key=content['Key'])
    print(content['Key'], obj_dict['LastModified'])

** you would have to use a paginator, or implement your own loop, calling list_objects() repeatedly with a continuation marker if there were more than 1000.


  • higher-level, object-oriented API
  • generated from resource description
  • uses identifiers and attributes
  • has actions (operations on resources)
  • exposes subresources and collections of AWS resources
  • does not provide 100% API coverage of AWS services

Here's the equivalent example using resource-level access to an S3 bucket's objects (all):

import boto3

s3 = boto3.resource('s3')
bucket = s3.Bucket('mybucket')
for obj in bucket.objects.all():
    print(obj.key, obj.last_modified)

Note that in this case you do not have to make a second API call to get the objects; they're available to you as a collection on the bucket. These collections of subresources are lazily-loaded.

You can see that the Resource version of the code is much simpler, more compact, and has more capability (it does pagination for you). The Client version of the code would actually be more complicated than shown above if you wanted to include pagination.


  • stores configuration information (primarily credentials and selected region)
  • allows you to create service clients and resources
  • boto3 creates a default session for you when needed

A useful resource to learn more about these boto3 concepts is the introductory re:Invent video.

How to draw circle by canvas in Android?

Try this

enter image description here

The entire code for drawing a circle or download project source code and test it on your android studio. Draw circle on canvas programmatically.

    import android.widget.ImageView;

        public class Shape {

            private Bitmap bmp;
            private ImageView img;
            public Shape(Bitmap bmp, ImageView img) {


            private void onDraw(){
                 Canvas canvas=new Canvas();
                 if (bmp.getWidth() == 0 || bmp.getHeight() == 0) {

                int w = bmp.getWidth(), h = bmp.getHeight();

                Bitmap roundBitmap = getRoundedCroppedBitmap(bmp, w);



            public static Bitmap getRoundedCroppedBitmap(Bitmap bitmap, int radius) {
                Bitmap finalBitmap;
                if (bitmap.getWidth() != radius || bitmap.getHeight() != radius)
                    finalBitmap = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(bitmap, radius, radius,
                    finalBitmap = bitmap;
                Bitmap output = Bitmap.createBitmap(finalBitmap.getWidth(),
                        finalBitmap.getHeight(), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
                Canvas canvas = new Canvas(output);

                final Paint paint = new Paint();
                final Rect rect = new Rect(0, 0, finalBitmap.getWidth(),

                canvas.drawARGB(0, 0, 0, 0);
                canvas.drawCircle(finalBitmap.getWidth() / 2 + 0.7f, finalBitmap.getHeight() / 2 + 0.7f, finalBitmap.getWidth() / 2 + 0.1f, paint);
                paint.setXfermode(new PorterDuffXfermode(PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_IN));
                canvas.drawBitmap(finalBitmap, rect, rect, paint);

                return output;

How do I concatenate two arrays in C#?

int[] scores = { 100, 90, 90, 80, 75, 60 };
int[] alice = { 50, 65, 77, 90, 102 };
int[] scoreBoard = new int[scores.Length + alice.Length];

int j = 0;
for (int i=0;i<(scores.Length+alice.Length);i++)  // to combine two arrays
        scoreBoard[i] = scores[i];
        scoreBoard[i] = alice[j];
        j = j + 1;


for (int l = 0; l < (scores.Length + alice.Length); l++)

Bootstrap 4 File Input

In case you want to use it globally on all custom inputs use following jQuery code:

$(document).ready(function () {
    $('.custom-file-input').on('change', function (e) { =[0].name;

Failed to enable constraints. One or more rows contain values violating non-null, unique, or foreign-key constraints

  • Ensure the fields named in the table adapter query match those in the query you have defined. The DAL does not seem to like mismatches. This will typically happen to your sprocs and queries after you add a new field to a table.

  • If you have changed the length of a varchar field in the database and the XML contained in the XSS file has not picked it up, find the field name and attribute definition in the XML and change it manually.

  • Remove primary keys from select lists in table adapters if they are not related to the data being returned.

  • Run your query in SQL Management Studio and ensure there are not duplicate records being returned. Duplicate records can generate duplicate primary keys which will cause this error.

  • SQL unions can spell trouble. I modified one table adapter by adding a ‘please select an employee’ record preceding the others. For the other fields I provided dummy data including, for example, strings of length one. The DAL inferred the schema from that initial record. Records following with strings of length 12 failed.

Java Security: Illegal key size or default parameters?

If you are using Linux distribution with apt and have added webupd8 PPA, you can simply run the command

apt-get install oracle-java8-unlimited-jce-policy

Other updates:

  1. The Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files are included with Java 9 and used by default
  2. Starting with Java 8 Update 161, Java 8 defaults to the Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy.
  3. Starting with Java 8 Update 151, the Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy is included with Java 8 but not used by default. To enable it, you need to edit the file in <java_home>/jre/lib/security (for JDK) or <java_home>/lib/security (for JRE). Uncomment (or include) the line


    Make sure you edit the file using an editor run as administrator. The policy change only takes effect after restarting the JVM

Before Java 8 Update 151 rest of the answers hold valid. Download JCE Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files and replace.

For more details, you can refer to my personal blog post below - How to install Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) unlimited strength jurisdiction policy files

How to check that a JCheckBox is checked?

Use the isSelected method.

You can also use an ItemListener so you'll be notified when it's checked or unchecked.

How to read numbers from file in Python?

is working with both python2(e.g. Python 2.7.10) and python3(e.g. Python 3.6.4)

with open('in.txt') as f:
  rows,cols=np.fromfile(f, dtype=int, count=2, sep=" ")
  data = np.fromfile(f, dtype=int, count=cols*rows, sep=" ").reshape((rows,cols))

another way: is working with both python2(e.g. Python 2.7.10) and python3(e.g. Python 3.6.4), as well for complex matrices see the example below (only change int to complex)

with open('in.txt') as f:
   data = []
   cols,rows=list(map(int, f.readline().split()))
   for i in range(0, rows):
      data.append(list(map(int, f.readline().split()[:cols])))
print (data)

I updated the code, this method is working for any number of matrices and any kind of matrices(int,complex,float) in the initial in.txt file.

This program yields matrix multiplication as an application. Is working with python2, in order to work with python3 make the following changes

print to print()


print "%7g" %a[i,j],    to     print ("%7g" %a[i,j],end="")

the script:

import numpy as np

def printMatrix(a):
   print ("Matrix["+("%d" %a.shape[0])+"]["+("%d" %a.shape[1])+"]")
   rows = a.shape[0]
   cols = a.shape[1]
   for i in range(0,rows):
      for j in range(0,cols):
         print "%7g" %a[i,j],

def readMatrixFile(FileName):
   rows,cols=np.fromfile(FileName, dtype=int, count=2, sep=" ")
   a = np.fromfile(FileName, dtype=float, count=rows*cols, sep=" ").reshape((rows,cols))
   return a

def readMatrixFileComplex(FileName):
   data = []
   rows,cols=list(map(int, FileName.readline().split()))
   for i in range(0, rows):
      data.append(list(map(complex, FileName.readline().split()[:cols])))
   a = np.array(data)
   return a

f = open('in.txt')

print ("matrix multiplication")
c =,b)
c1 =,b1)

with open('complex_in.txt') as fid:

print ("complex matrix multiplication")
c2 =,b2)
print ("real part of complex matrix")
print ("imaginary part of complex matrix")

as input file I take in.txt:

4 4
1 1 1 1
2 4 8 16
3 9 27 81
4 16 64 256
4 3
4.02 -3.0 4.0
-13.0 19.0 -7.0
3.0 -2.0 7.0
-1.0 1.0 -1.0
3 4
1 2 -2 0
-3 4 7 2
6 0 3 1
4 2
-1 3
0 9
1 -11
4 -5

and complex_in.txt

3 4
1+1j 2+2j -2-2j 0+0j
-3-3j 4+4j 7+7j 2+2j
6+6j 0+0j 3+3j 1+1j
4 2
-1-1j 3+3j
0+0j 9+9j
1+1j -11-11j
4+4j -5-5j

and the output look like:

     1      1      1      1
     2      4      8     16
     3      9     27     81
     4     16     64    256

  4.02     -3      4
   -13     19     -7
     3     -2      7
    -1      1     -1

     1      2     -2      0
    -3      4      7      2
     6      0      3      1

    -1      3
     0      9
     1    -11
     4     -5

matrix multiplication
  -6.98      15       3
 -35.96      70      20
-104.94     189      57
-255.92     420      96

    -3     43
    18    -60
     1    -20

[[ 1.+1.j  2.+2.j -2.-2.j  0.+0.j]
 [-3.-3.j  4.+4.j  7.+7.j  2.+2.j]
 [ 6.+6.j  0.+0.j  3.+3.j  1.+1.j]]
[[ -1. -1.j   3. +3.j]
 [  0. +0.j   9. +9.j]
 [  1. +1.j -11.-11.j]
 [  4. +4.j  -5. -5.j]]
complex matrix multiplication
[[ 0.  -6.j  0. +86.j]
 [ 0. +36.j  0.-120.j]
 [ 0.  +2.j  0. -40.j]]
real part of complex matrix
      0       0
      0       0
      0       0

imaginary part of complex matrix
     -6      86
     36    -120
      2     -40

RestSharp JSON Parameter Posting

This is what worked for me, for my case it was a post for login request :

var client = new RestClient("");
var request = new RestRequest();

request.Method = Method.POST;
request.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json");
request.AddParameter("application/json", body , ParameterType.RequestBody);

var response = client.Execute(request);
var content = response.Content; // raw content as string  

body :

  "userId":"[email protected]" ,

Problems when trying to load a package in R due to rJava

If you have this issue with macOS, there is no easy way here: ( Especially, when you want to use R3.4. I have been there already.

R 3.4, rJava, macOS and even more mess

For R3.3 it's a little bit easier (R3.3 was compiled using different compiler).

R, Java, rJava and macOS adventures

How do you revert to a specific tag in Git?

You can use git checkout.

I tried the accepted solution but got an error, warning: refname '<tagname>' is ambiguous'

But as the answer states, tags do behave like a pointer to a commit, so as you would with a commit hash, you can just checkout the tag. The only difference is you preface it with tags/:

git checkout tags/<tagname>

Naming conventions for Java methods that return boolean

Standard is use is or has as a prefix. For example isValid, hasChildren.

Static array vs. dynamic array in C++

Static arrays are allocated memory at compile time and the memory is allocated on the stack. Whereas, the dynamic arrays are allocated memory at the runtime and the memory is allocated from heap.

int arr[] = { 1, 3, 4 }; // static integer array.   
int* arr = new int[3]; // dynamic integer array.

How to embed a PDF viewer in a page?

You could consider using PDFObject by Philip Hutchison.

Alternatively, if you're looking for a non-Javascript solution, you could use markup like this:

<object data="myfile.pdf" type="application/pdf" width="100%" height="100%">
  <p>Alternative text - include a link <a href="myfile.pdf">to the PDF!</a></p>

c# why can't a nullable int be assigned null as a value

The problem isn't that null cannot be assigned to an int?. The problem is that both values returned by the ternary operator must be the same type, or one must be implicitly convertible to the other. In this case, null cannot be implicitly converted to int nor vice-versus, so an explict cast is necessary. Try this instead:

int? accom = (accomStr == "noval" ? (int?)null : Convert.ToInt32(accomStr));

ngFor with index as value in attribute

In Angular 5/6/7/8:

  <li *ngFor="let item of items; index as i">
    {{i+1}} {{item}}

In older versions

<ul *ngFor="let item of items; index as i">
  <li>{{i+1}} {{item}}</li>
</ul> ? API ? NgForOf

Unit test examples

Another interesting example

Axios having CORS issue

CORS issue can be simply resolved by following this:

Create a new shortcut of Google Chrome(update browser installation path accordingly) with following value:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --disable-web-security --user-data-dir="D:\chrome\temp"

Remove privileges from MySQL database

The USAGE-privilege in mysql simply means that there are no privileges for the user 'phpadmin'@'localhost' defined on global level *.*. Additionally the same user has ALL-privilege on database phpmyadmin phpadmin.*.

So if you want to remove all the privileges and start totally from scratch do the following:

  • Revoke all privileges on database level:

    REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON phpmyadmin.* FROM 'phpmyadmin'@'localhost';

  • Drop the user 'phpmyadmin'@'localhost'

    DROP USER 'phpmyadmin'@'localhost';

Above procedure will entirely remove the user from your instance, this means you can recreate him from scratch.

To give you a bit background on what described above: as soon as you create a user the mysql.user table will be populated. If you look on a record in it, you will see the user and all privileges set to 'N'. If you do a show grants for 'phpmyadmin'@'localhost'; you will see, the allready familliar, output above. Simply translated to "no privileges on global level for the user". Now your grant ALL to this user on database level, this will be stored in the table mysql.db. If you do a SELECT * FROM mysql.db WHERE db = 'nameofdb'; you will see a 'Y' on every priv.

Above described shows the scenario you have on your db at the present. So having a user that only has USAGE privilege means, that this user can connect, but besides of SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES; SHOW GLOBAL STATUS; he has no other privileges.

Why can't C# interfaces contain fields?

Interfaces in C# are intended to define the contract that a class will adhere to - not a particular implementation.

In that spirit, C# interfaces do allow properties to be defined - which the caller must supply an implementation for:

interface ICar
    int Year { get; set; }

Implementing classes can use auto-properties to simplify implementation, if there's no special logic associated with the property:

class Automobile : ICar
    public int Year { get; set; } // automatically implemented

VBA macro that search for file in multiple subfolders

Just for fun, here's a sample with a recursive function which (I hope) should be a bit simpler to understand and to use with your code:

Function Recurse(sPath As String) As String

    Dim FSO As New FileSystemObject
    Dim myFolder As Folder
    Dim mySubFolder As Folder

    Set myFolder = FSO.GetFolder(sPath)
    For Each mySubFolder In myFolder.SubFolders
        Call TestSub(mySubFolder.Path)
        Recurse = Recurse(mySubFolder.Path)

End Function

Sub TestR()

    Call Recurse("D:\Projets\")

End Sub

Sub TestSub(ByVal s As String)

    Debug.Print s

End Sub

Edit: Here's how you can implement this code in your workbook to achieve your objective.

Sub TestSub(ByVal s As String)

    Dim FSO As New FileSystemObject
    Dim myFolder As Folder
    Dim myFile As File

    Set myFolder = FSO.GetFolder(s)
    For Each myFile In myFolder.Files
        If myFile.Name = Range("E1").Value Then
            Debug.Print myFile.Name 'Or do whatever you want with the file
        End If

End Sub

Here, I just debug the name of the found file, the rest is up to you. ;)

Of course, some would say it's a bit clumsy to call twice the FileSystemObject so you could simply write your code like this (depends on wether you want to compartmentalize or not):

Function Recurse(sPath As String) As String

    Dim FSO As New FileSystemObject
    Dim myFolder As Folder
    Dim mySubFolder As Folder
    Dim myFile As File

    Set myFolder = FSO.GetFolder(sPath)

    For Each mySubFolder In myFolder.SubFolders
        For Each myFile In mySubFolder.Files
            If myFile.Name = Range("E1").Value Then
                Debug.Print myFile.Name & " in " & myFile.Path 'Or do whatever you want with the file
                Exit For
            End If
        Recurse = Recurse(mySubFolder.Path)

End Function

Sub TestR()

    Call Recurse("D:\Projets\")

End Sub

How to center a WPF app on screen?


<Window ... WindowStartupLocation="CenterScreen">...

How to update parent's state in React?

As per your question, I understand that you need to display some conditional data in Component 3 which is based on state of Component 5. Approach :

  1. State of Component 3 will hold a variable to check whether Component 5's state has that data
  2. Arrow Function which will change Component 3's state variable.
  3. Passing arrow function to Component 5 with props.
  4. Component 5 has an arrow function which will change Component 3's state variable
  5. Arrow function of Component 5 called on loading itself

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
Class Component3 extends React.Component {
    state = {
        someData = true

    checkForData = (result) => {
        this.setState({someData : result})

    render() {
        if(this.state.someData) {
                <Component5 hasData = {this.checkForData} />
                //Other Data
        else {
                //Other Data

export default Component3;

class Component5 extends React.Component {
    state = {
        dataValue = "XYZ"
    checkForData = () => {
        if(this.state.dataValue === "XYZ") {
        else {
    render() {
            <div onLoad = {this.checkForData}>
                //Conditional Data
export default Component5;

Tomcat view catalina.out log file

Just logged in to the server and type below command

locate catalina.out

It will show all the locations where catalina file exist within this server.

File uploading with Express 4.0: req.files undefined

1) Make sure that your file is really sent from the client side. For example you can check it in Chrome Console: screenshot

2) Here is the basic example of NodeJS backend:

const express = require('express');
const fileUpload = require('express-fileupload');
const app = express();

app.use(fileUpload()); // Don't forget this line!'/upload', function(req, res) {

req.body empty on posts

My problem was creating the route first require("./routes/routes")(app); I shifted it to the end of the code before app.listen and it worked!

How do I get the object if it exists, or None if it does not exist?

There is no 'built in' way to do this. Django will raise the DoesNotExist exception every time. The idiomatic way to handle this in python is to wrap it in a try catch:

    go = SomeModel.objects.get(foo='bar')
except SomeModel.DoesNotExist:
    go = None

What I did do, is to subclass models.Manager, create a safe_get like the code above and use that manager for my models. That way you can write: SomeModel.objects.safe_get(foo='bar').

How to negate code in "if" statement block in JavaScript -JQuery like 'if not then..'

You can use the Logical NOT ! operator:

if (!$(this).parent().next().is('ul')){

Or equivalently (see comments below):

if (! ($(this).parent().next().is('ul'))){

For more information, see the Logical Operators section of the MDN docs.

Query to list all stored procedures

From my understanding the "preferred" method is to use the information_schema tables:

select * 
  from information_schema.routines 
 where routine_type = 'PROCEDURE'

Arrays in unix shell?

The Bourne shell and C shell don't have arrays, IIRC.

In addition to what others have said, in Bash you can get the number of elements in an array as follows:


and do slice-style operations:

arrayname=(apple banana cherry)
echo ${arrayname[@]:1}                   # yields "banana cherry"
echo ${arrayname[@]: -1}                 # yields "cherry"
echo ${arrayname[${#arrayname[@]}-1]}    # yields "cherry"
echo ${arrayname[@]:0:2}                 # yields "apple banana"
echo ${arrayname[@]:1:1}                 # yields "banana"

When to use DataContract and DataMember attributes?

Since a lot of programmers were overwhelmed with the [DataContract] and [DataMember] attributes, with .NET 3.5 SP1, Microsoft made the data contract serializer handle all classes - even without any of those attributes - much like the old XML serializer.

So as of .NET 3.5 SP1, you don't have to add data contract or data member attributes anymore - if you don't then the data contract serializer will serialize all public properties on your class, just like the XML serializer would.

HOWEVER: by not adding those attributes, you lose a lot of useful capabilities:

  • without [DataContract], you cannot define an XML namespace for your data to live in
  • without [DataMember], you cannot serialize non-public properties or fields
  • without [DataMember], you cannot define an order of serialization (Order=) and the DCS will serialize all properties alphabetically
  • without [DataMember], you cannot define a different name for your property (Name=)
  • without [DataMember], you cannot define things like IsRequired= or other useful attributes
  • without [DataMember], you cannot leave out certain public properties - all public properties will be serialized by the DCS

So for a "quick'n'dirty" solution, leaving away the [DataContract] and [DataMember] attributes will work - but it's still a good idea to have them on your data classes - just to be more explicit about what you're doing, and to give yourself access to all those additional features that you don't get without them...

How to get Javascript Select box's selected text

Please try this code:


Converting string to date in mongodb

How about using a library like momentjs by writing a script like this:

function get_moment(){
    // shim to get UMD module to load as CommonJS
    var module = {exports:{}};

    copy your favorite UMD module (i.e. moment.js) here

    return module.exports
//load the module generator into the stored procedures: {
        value: get_moment,

Then load the script at the command line like so:

> mongo install_moment.js

Finally, in your next mongo session, use it like so:


var moment = get_moment();

// parse a date-time string
var a = moment("23 Feb 1997 at 3:23 pm","DD MMM YYYY [at] hh:mm a");

// reformat the string as you wish:
a.format("[The] DDD['th day of] YYYY"): //"The 54'th day of 1997"

How to find lines containing a string in linux


first line text
wanted text
other text

the command

$ grep -n "wanted text" /tmp/myfile | awk -F  ":" '{print $1}'

Iterating over Typescript Map

This worked for me.

Object.keys(myMap).map( key => {
    console.log("key: " + key);
    console.log("value: " + myMap[key]);

Make text wrap in a cell with FPDF?

Text Wrap:

The MultiCell is used for print text with multiple lines. It has the same atributes of Cell except for ln and link.

$pdf->MultiCell( 200, 40, $reportSubtitle, 1);

Line Height:

What multiCell does is to spread the given text into multiple cells, this means that the second parameter defines the height of each line (individual cell) and not the height of all cells (collectively).

MultiCell(float w, float h, string txt [, mixed border [, string align [, boolean fill]]])

You can read the full documentation here.


SELECT train, dest, time FROM ( 
  SELECT train, dest, time, 
    RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY train ORDER BY time DESC) dest_rank
    FROM traintable
  ) where dest_rank = 1

Change MySQL root password in phpMyAdmin

I had to do 2 steps:

  • follow Tiep Phan solution ... edit file ...

  • follow Mahmoud Zalt solution ... change password within phpmyadmin

Convert timestamp to date in MySQL query

If you are getting the query in your output you need to show us the code that actually echos the result. Can you post the code that calls requeteSQL?

For example, if you have used single quotes in php, it will print the variable name, not the value

echo 'foo is $foo'; // foo is $foo

This sounds exactly like your problem and I am positive this is the cause.

Also, try removing the @ symbol to see if that helps by giving you more infromation.

so that

$SQL_result = @mysql_query($SQL_requete); // run the query


  $SQL_result = mysql_query($SQL_requete); // run the query

This will stop any error suppression if the query is throwing an error.

How to get UTC+0 date in Java 8?

In java8, I would use the Instant class which is already in UTC and is convenient to work with.

import java.time.Instant;

Instant ins =;
long ts = ins.toEpochMilli();

Instant ins2 = Instant.ofEpochMilli(ts)

Alternatively, you can use the following:

import java.time.*;

Instant ins =; 

OffsetDateTime odt = ins.atOffset(ZoneOffset.UTC);
ZonedDateTime zdt = ins.atZone(ZoneId.of("UTC"));

Back to Instant

Instant ins4 = Instant.from(odt);

Select Rows with id having even number

MOD() function exists in both Oracle and MySQL, but not in SQL Server.

In SQL Server, try this:

 SELECT * FROM Orders where OrderID % 2 = 0;

Clear and refresh jQuery Chosen dropdown list

MVC 4:

    function Cargar_BS(bs) {
        $.getJSON('@Url.Action("GetBienServicio", "MonitoreoAdministracion")',
                            id: bs
                        function (d) {
                            $("#txtIdItem").empty().append('<option value="">-Seleccione-</option>');
                            $.each(d, function (idx, item) {
                                jQuery("<option/>").text(item.C_DescBs).attr("value", item.C_CodBs).appendTo("#txtIdItem");

Can I check if Bootstrap Modal Shown / Hidden?

The best method is given in the docs

$('#myModal').on('', function () {
  // will only come inside after the modal is shown

for more info refer

Access Control Origin Header error using Axios in React Web throwing error in Chrome

I had a similar problem when I tried to create the React Axios instance.

I resolved it using the below approach.

const instance = axios.create({
  baseURL: "",
  withCredentials: false,
  headers: {
    'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' : '*',

iOS 6 apps - how to deal with iPhone 5 screen size?

You need to add a 640x1136 pixels PNG image ([email protected]) as a 4 inch default splash image of your project, and it will use extra spaces (without efforts on simple table based applications, games will require more efforts).

I've created a small UIDevice category in order to deal with all screen resolutions. You can get it here, but the code is as follows:

File UIDevice+Resolutions.h:

enum {
    UIDeviceResolution_Unknown           = 0,
    UIDeviceResolution_iPhoneStandard    = 1,    // iPhone 1,3,3GS Standard Display  (320x480px)
    UIDeviceResolution_iPhoneRetina4    = 2,    // iPhone 4,4S Retina Display 3.5"  (640x960px)
    UIDeviceResolution_iPhoneRetina5     = 3,    // iPhone 5 Retina Display 4"       (640x1136px)
    UIDeviceResolution_iPadStandard      = 4,    // iPad 1,2,mini Standard Display   (1024x768px)
    UIDeviceResolution_iPadRetina        = 5     // iPad 3 Retina Display            (2048x1536px)
}; typedef NSUInteger UIDeviceResolution;

@interface UIDevice (Resolutions)

- (UIDeviceResolution)resolution;

NSString *NSStringFromResolution(UIDeviceResolution resolution);


File UIDevice+Resolutions.m:

#import "UIDevice+Resolutions.h"

@implementation UIDevice (Resolutions)

- (UIDeviceResolution)resolution
    UIDeviceResolution resolution = UIDeviceResolution_Unknown;
    UIScreen *mainScreen = [UIScreen mainScreen];
    CGFloat scale = ([mainScreen respondsToSelector:@selector(scale)] ? mainScreen.scale : 1.0f);
    CGFloat pixelHeight = (CGRectGetHeight(mainScreen.bounds) * scale);

    if (UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPhone){
        if (scale == 2.0f) {
            if (pixelHeight == 960.0f)
                resolution = UIDeviceResolution_iPhoneRetina4;
            else if (pixelHeight == 1136.0f)
                resolution = UIDeviceResolution_iPhoneRetina5;

        } else if (scale == 1.0f && pixelHeight == 480.0f)
            resolution = UIDeviceResolution_iPhoneStandard;

    } else {
        if (scale == 2.0f && pixelHeight == 2048.0f) {
            resolution = UIDeviceResolution_iPadRetina;

        } else if (scale == 1.0f && pixelHeight == 1024.0f) {
            resolution = UIDeviceResolution_iPadStandard;

    return resolution;


This is how you need to use this code.

1) Add the above UIDevice+Resolutions.h & UIDevice+Resolutions.m files to your project

2) Add the line #import "UIDevice+Resolutions.h" to your ViewController.m

3) Add this code to check what versions of device you are dealing with

int valueDevice = [[UIDevice currentDevice] resolution];

    NSLog(@"valueDevice: %d ...", valueDevice);

    if (valueDevice == 0)
        //unknow device - you got me!
    else if (valueDevice == 1)
        //standard iphone 3GS and lower
    else if (valueDevice == 2)
        //iphone 4 & 4S
    else if (valueDevice == 3)
        //iphone 5
    else if (valueDevice == 4)
        //ipad 2
    else if (valueDevice == 5)
        //ipad 3 - retina display

input[type='text'] CSS selector does not apply to default-type text inputs?

try this

   background:red !important;

Group array items using object

Try (h={})

myArray.forEach(x=> h[]= (h[]||[]).concat(x.color) );
myArray = Object.keys(h).map(k=> ({group:k, color:h[k]}))

let myArray = [_x000D_
  {group: "one", color: "red"},_x000D_
  {group: "two", color: "blue"},_x000D_
  {group: "one", color: "green"},_x000D_
  {group: "one", color: "black"},_x000D_
let h={};_x000D_
myArray.forEach(x=> h[]= (h[]||[]).concat(x.color) );_x000D_
myArray = Object.keys(h).map(k=> ({group:k, color:h[k]}))_x000D_

How do I make my string comparison case insensitive?

  • The best would be using s1.equalsIgnoreCase(s2): (see javadoc)
  • You can also convert them both to upper/lower case and use s1.equals(s2)

How to do a Jquery Callback after form submit?

You'll have to do things manually with an AJAX call to the server. This will require you to override the form as well.

But don't worry, it's a piece of cake. Here's an overview on how you'll go about working with your form:

  • override the default submit action (thanks to the passed in event object, that has a preventDefault method)
  • grab all necessary values from the form
  • fire off an HTTP request
  • handle the response to the request

First, you'll have to cancel the form submit action like so:

$("#myform").submit(function(event) {
    // Cancels the form's submit action.

And then, grab the value of the data. Let's just assume you have one text box.

$("#myform").submit(function(event) {
    var val = $(this).find('input[type="text"]').val();

And then fire off a request. Let's just assume it's a POST request.

$("#myform").submit(function(event) {
    var val = $(this).find('input[type="text"]').val();

    // I like to use defers :)
    deferred = $.post("", { val: val });

    deferred.success(function () {
        // Do your stuff.

    deferred.error(function () {
        // Handle any errors here.

And this should about do it.

Note 2: For parsing the form's data, it's preferable that you use a plugin. It will make your life really easy, as well as provide a nice semantic that mimics an actual form submit action.

Note 2: You don't have to use defers. It's just a personal preference. You can equally do the following, and it should work, too.

$.post("", { val: val }, function () {
    // Start partying here.
}, function () {
    // Handle the bad news here.

HTML Button Close Window

This site: answers it with the script below

< input type="button" value="Close this window" onclick="self.close()">

Retrieving JSON Object Literal from HttpServletRequest

There is another way to do it, using to extract the String from the request

String jsonString = IOUtils.toString(request.getInputStream());

Then you can do whatever you want, convert it to JSON or other object with Gson, etc.

JSONObject json = new JSONObject(jsonString);
MyObject myObject = new Gson().fromJson(jsonString, MyObject.class);

Import one schema into another new schema - Oracle

The issue was with the dmp file itself. I had to re-export the file and the command works fine. Thank you @Justin Cave

Preventing twitter bootstrap carousel from auto sliding on page load

I think maybe you should go to check the official instruction about carousel, for me, i have not found answer above, because of multiple versions of bootstrap, I'm using b4-alpha and i want the autoplay effect stop.


this script does not make any effect while mouse leave that page, exactly carousel area. go to official definition and find those :

enter image description here

So you will find why.if carousel page onmouseover event triggered, page will pause, while mouse out of that page, it'll resume again.

So, if you want a page stop forever and rotate manually, you can just set data-interval='false'.

Nested JSON: How to add (push) new items to an object?

library is an object, not an array. You push things onto arrays. Unlike PHP, Javascript makes a distinction.

Your code tries to make a string that looks like the source code for a key-value pair, and then "push" it onto the object. That's not even close to how it works.

What you want to do is add a new key-value pair to the object, where the key is the title and the value is another object. That looks like this:

library[title] = {"foregrounds" : foregrounds, "backgrounds" : backgrounds};

"JSON object" is a vague term. You must be careful to distinguish between an actual object in memory in your program, and a fragment of text that is in JSON format.

Angular @ViewChild() error: Expected 2 arguments, but got 1

Angular 8

In Angular 8, ViewChild has another param

@ViewChild('nameInput', {static: false}) component : Component

You can read more about it here and here

Angular 9 & Angular 10

In Angular 9 default value is static: false, so doesn't need to provide param unless you want to use {static: true}

Difference between style = "position:absolute" and style = "position:relative"


  1. An element with position: relative; is positioned relative to its normal position.

  2. If you add no positioning attributes (top, left, bottom or right) on a relative element it will have no effect on it's positioning at all. It will behave exactly as a position: static element.

  3. But if you do add some other positioning attribute, say, top: 10px;, it will shift its position 10 pixels down from where it would normally be.

  4. An element with this type of positioning gets affected by other elements and it itself also affects others.


  1. An element with position: absolute; allows you to place any element exactly where you want it to be. You use the positioning attributes top, left, bottom. and right to set the location.

  2. It is placed relative to the nearest non-static ancestor. If there is no such container, it is placed relative to the page itself.

  3. It gets removed from the normal flow of elements on the page.

  4. An element with this type of positioning is not affected by other elements and also it doesn't affect flow of other elements.

See this self-explanatory example for better clarity.

PHP display current server path

  • To get your current working directory: getcwd() (documentation)
  • To get the document root directory: $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']
  • To get the filename of the current script: $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']

Loop over array dimension in plpgsql

Since PostgreSQL 9.1 there is the convenient FOREACH:

   m   varchar[];
   arr varchar[] := array[['key1','val1'],['key2','val2']];
      RAISE NOTICE 'another_func(%,%)',m[1], m[2];

Solution for older versions:

   arr varchar[] := '{{key1,val1},{key2,val2}}';
   FOR i IN array_lower(arr, 1) .. array_upper(arr, 1)
      RAISE NOTICE 'another_func(%,%)',arr[i][1], arr[i][2];

Also, there is no difference between varchar[] and varchar[][] for the PostgreSQL type system. I explain in more detail here.

The DO statement requires at least PostgreSQL 9.0, and LANGUAGE plpgsql is the default (so you can omit the declaration).

READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission for Android

You have two solutions for your problem. The quick one is to lower targetApi to 22 (build.gradle file). Second is to use new and wonderful ask-for-permission model:

if (checkSelfPermission(Manifest.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE)
        != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {

    // Should we show an explanation?
    if (shouldShowRequestPermissionRationale(
            Manifest.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE)) {
        // Explain to the user why we need to read the contacts

    requestPermissions(new String[]{Manifest.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE},

    // app-defined int constant that should be quite unique


Sniplet found here:

Solutions 2: If it does not work try this:

    && ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, Manifest.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
ActivityCompat.requestPermissions(this, new String[]{Manifest.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE},



and then in callback

public void onRequestPermissionsResult(final int requestCode, @NonNull final String[] permissions, @NonNull final int[] grantResults) {
super.onRequestPermissionsResult(requestCode, permissions, grantResults);
if (requestCode == REQUEST_PERMISSION) {
    if (grantResults.length > 0 && grantResults[0] == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
        // Permission granted.
    } else {
        // User refused to grant permission.

that is from comments. thanks

Transform only one axis to log10 scale with ggplot2

The simplest is to just give the 'trans' (formerly 'formatter' argument the name of the log function:

m + geom_boxplot() + scale_y_continuous(trans='log10')

EDIT: Or if you don't like that, then either of these appears to give different but useful results:

m <- ggplot(diamonds, aes(y = price, x = color), log="y")
m + geom_boxplot() 
m <- ggplot(diamonds, aes(y = price, x = color), log10="y")
m + geom_boxplot()

EDIT2 & 3: Further experiments (after discarding the one that attempted successfully to put "$" signs in front of logged values):

fmtExpLg10 <- function(x) paste(round_any(10^x/1000, 0.01) , "K $", sep="")
ggplot(diamonds, aes(color, log10(price))) + 
  geom_boxplot() + 
  scale_y_continuous("Price, log10-scaling", trans = fmtExpLg10)

alt text

Note added mid 2017 in comment about package syntax change:

scale_y_continuous(formatter = 'log10') is now scale_y_continuous(trans = 'log10') (ggplot2 v2.2.1)

How to set environment variables in PyCharm?

I was able to figure out this using a PyCharm plugin called EnvFile. This plugin, basically allows setting environment variables to run configurations from one or multiple files.

The installation is pretty simple:

Preferences > Plugins > Browse repositories... > Search for "Env File" > Install Plugin.

Then, I created a file, in my project root, called environment.env which contains:


Then I went to Run->Edit Configurations, and I followed the steps in the next image:

Set Environment Variables

In 3, I chose the file environment.env, and then I could just click the play button in PyCharm, and everything worked like a charm.

Concept behind putting wait(),notify() methods in Object class

wait and notify operations work on implicit lock, and implicit lock is something that make inter thread communication possible. And all objects have got their own copy of implicit object. so keeping wait and notify where implicit lock lives is a good decision.

Alternatively wait and notify could have lived in Thread class as well. than instead of wait() we may have to call Thread.getCurrentThread().wait(), same with notify. For wait and notify operations there are two required parameters, one is thread who will be waiting or notifying other is implicit lock of the object . both are these could be available in Object as well as thread class as well. wait() method in Thread class would have done the same as it is doing in Object class, transition current thread to waiting state wait on the lock it had last acquired.

So yes i think wait and notify could have been there in Thread class as well but its more like a design decision to keep it in object class.

C# - What does the Assert() method do? Is it still useful?

From Code Complete

8 Defensive Programming

8.2 Assertions

An assertion is code that’s used during development—usually a routine or macro—that allows a program to check itself as it runs. When a assertion is true, that means everything is operating as expected. When it’s false, that means it has detected an unexpected error in the code. For example, if the system assumes that a customer-information file will never have more than 50,000 records, the program might contain an assertion that the number of records is less than or equal to 50,000. As long as the number of records is less than or equal to 50,000, the assertion will be silent. If it encounters more than 50,000 records, however, it will loudly “assert” that there is a error in the program.

Assertions are especially useful in large, complicated programs and in high-reliability programs. They enable programmers to more quickly flush out mismatched interface assumptions, errors that creep in when the code is modified, and so on.

An assertion usually takes two arguments: a boolean expression that describes the assumption that’s supposed to be true and a message to display if it isn’t.


Normally, you don’t want users to see assertion messages in production code; assertions are primarily for use during development and maintenance. Assertions are normally compiled into the code at development time and compiled out of the code for production. During development, assertions flush out contradictory assumptions, unexpected conditions, bad values passed to routines, and so on. During production, they are compiled out of the code so that the assertions don’t degrade system performance.

How to use onClick event on react Link component?

You should use this:

<Link to={this.props.myroute} onClick={hello}>Here</Link>

Or (if method hello lays at this class):

<Link to={this.props.myroute} onClick={this.hello}>Here</Link>

Update: For ES6 and latest if you want to bind some param with click method, you can use this:

    const someValue = 'some';  
    <Link to={this.props.myroute} onClick={() => hello(someValue)}>Here</Link>

Math functions in AngularJS bindings

Angular Typescript example using a pipe.


import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';

  name: 'math',

export class MathPipe implements PipeTransform {

  transform(value: number, args: any = null):any {
      if(value) {
        return Math[args](value);
      return 0;

Add to @NgModule declarations

  declarations: [

then use in your template like so:

{{(100*count/total) | math:'round'}}

(XML) The markup in the document following the root element must be well-formed. Start location: 6:2

In XML there can be only one root element - you have two - heading and song.

If you restructure to something like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 The Twelve Days of Christmas

The error about well-formed XML on the root level should disappear (though there may be other issues).

Setting dropdownlist selecteditem programmatically

Assuming the list is already data bound you can simply set the SelectedValue property on your dropdown list.

list.DataSource = GetListItems(); // <-- Get your data from somewhere.
list.DataValueField = "ValueProperty";
list.DataTextField = "TextProperty";

list.SelectedValue = myValue.ToString();

The value of the myValue variable would need to exist in the property specified within the DataValueField in your controls databinding.

UPDATE: If the value of myValue doesn't exist as a value with the dropdown list options it will default to select the first option in the dropdown list.

Finish all previous activities

I found this way, it'll clear all history and exit

Intent startMain = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN);
Intent intent = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), SplashScreen.class);


How to loop over directories in Linux?

find . -type d -maxdepth 1

Simulate limited bandwidth from within Chrome?

In Chrome Canary now you can limit the network throughput. This can be done in the "Network" options of the "Emulation" tab of the Console in the Dev Tools.

You might need to activate the Chrome flag "Enable Developer Tools experiments" (chrome://flags/#enable-devtools-experiments) (chrome://flags) to see this new feature. You can simulate some low bandwidth (GSM, GPRS, EDGE, 3G) for mobile connections.

numpy matrix vector multiplication

Simplest solution

Use or See the documentation here.

>>> a = np.array([[ 5, 1 ,3], 
                  [ 1, 1 ,1], 
                  [ 1, 2 ,1]])
>>> b = np.array([1, 2, 3])
>>> print
array([16, 6, 8])

This occurs because numpy arrays are not matrices, and the standard operations *, +, -, / work element-wise on arrays. Instead, you could try using numpy.matrix, and * will be treated like matrix multiplication.

Other Solutions

Also know there are other options:

  • As noted below, if using python3.5+ the @ operator works as you'd expect:

    >>> print(a @ b)
    array([16, 6, 8])
  • If you want overkill, you can use numpy.einsum. The documentation will give you a flavor for how it works, but honestly, I didn't fully understand how to use it until reading this answer and just playing around with it on my own.

    >>> np.einsum('ji,i->j', a, b)
    array([16, 6, 8])
  • As of mid 2016 (numpy 1.10.1), you can try the experimental numpy.matmul, which works like with two major exceptions: no scalar multiplication but it works with stacks of matrices.

    >>> np.matmul(a, b)
    array([16, 6, 8])
  • numpy.inner functions the same way as for matrix-vector multiplication but behaves differently for matrix-matrix and tensor multiplication (see Wikipedia regarding the differences between the inner product and dot product in general or see this SO answer regarding numpy's implementations).

    >>> np.inner(a, b)
    array([16, 6, 8])
    # Beware using for matrix-matrix multiplication though!
    >>> b = a.T
    >>>, b)
    array([[35,  9, 10],
           [ 9,  3,  4],
           [10,  4,  6]])
    >>> np.inner(a, b) 
    array([[29, 12, 19],
           [ 7,  4,  5],
           [ 8,  5,  6]])

Rarer options for edge cases

  • If you have tensors (arrays of dimension greater than or equal to one), you can use numpy.tensordot with the optional argument axes=1:

    >>> np.tensordot(a, b, axes=1)
    array([16,  6,  8])
  • Don't use numpy.vdot if you have a matrix of complex numbers, as the matrix will be flattened to a 1D array, then it will try to find the complex conjugate dot product between your flattened matrix and vector (which will fail due to a size mismatch n*m vs n).

Setting an image for a UIButton in code

    UIButton *btn = (UIButton *)sender;

    if( [[btn imageForState:UIControlStateNormal] isEqual:[UIImage imageNamed:@"icon-Locked.png"]])
        [btn setImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"icon-Unlocked.png"] forState:UIControlStateNormal];
        // other statements....
        [btn setImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"icon-Locked.png"] forState:UIControlStateNormal];
        // other statements....

Get name of object or class

Try this:

var classname = ("" + obj.constructor).split("function ")[1].split("(")[0];

What could cause java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException?

The error vanished after I did Clean->Run xDoclet->Run xPackaging.

In my workspace, in ecllipse.

Path to MSBuild

add vswhere branch for, works fine in my computer, and the vswhere branch works on my mate's computer. May be, the vswhere branch should move forward as the first check.

@echo off
if "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%"=="x86" set PROGRAMS=%ProgramFiles%
if defined ProgramFiles(x86) set PROGRAMS=%ProgramFiles(x86)%
for %%e in (Community Professional Enterprise) do (
    if exist "%PROGRAMS%\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\%%e\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe" (
        set "MSBUILD=%PROGRAMS%\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\%%e\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe"
if exist "%MSBUILD%" goto :build

for /f "usebackq tokens=1* delims=: " %%i in (`"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vswhere.exe" -latest -requires Microsoft.Component.MSBuild`) do (
  if /i "%%i"=="installationPath" set InstallDir=%%j

if exist "%InstallDir%\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe" (
  set "MSBUILD=%InstallDir%\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe"
if exist "%MSBUILD%" goto :build
for %%i in (MSBuild.exe) do set MSBUILD=%%~dpnx$PATH:i
if not defined MSBUILD goto :nomsbuild
for /f "delims=. tokens=1,2,3,4" %%m in ('msbuild /version /nologo') do (
if not defined MSBUILD_VERSION_MAJOR goto :nomsbuild
if not defined MSBUILD_VERSION_MINOR goto :nomsbuild
if %MSBUILD_VERSION_MAJOR% lss 15    goto :nomsbuild
if %MSBUILD_VERSION_MINOR% lss 1     goto :nomsbuild
for %%i in (NuGet.exe) do set nuget=%%~dpnx$PATH:i
if "%nuget%"=="" (
    echo WARNING! NuGet executable not found in PATH so build may fail!
    echo For more on NuGet, see
pushd "%~dp0"
goto :EOF

"%MSBUILD%" -restore -maxcpucount %1 /p:Configuration=%2 /v:m %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
goto :EOF

echo Microsoft Build version 15.1 (or later) does not appear to be
echo installed on this machine, which is required to build the solution.
exit /b 1

Rails 3.1 and Image Assets

For what it's worth, when I did this I found that no folder should be include in the path in the css file. For instance if I have app/assets/images/example.png, and I put this in my css file...

div.example { background: url('example.png'); }

... then somehow it magically works. I figured this out by running the rake assets:precompile task, which just sucks everything out of all your load paths and dumps it in a junk drawer folder: public/assets. That's ironic, IMO...

In any case this means you don't need to put any folder paths, everything in your assets folders will all end up living in one huge directory. How this system resolves file name conflicts is unclear, you may need to be careful about that.

Kind of frustrating there aren't better docs out there for this big of a change.

Hibernate Auto Increment ID

If you have a numeric column that you want to auto-increment, it might be an option to set columnDefinition directly. This has the advantage, that the schema auto-generates the value even if it is used without hibernate. This might make your code db-specific though:

import javax.persistence.Column;
@Column(columnDefinition = "serial") // postgresql

How do I limit the number of returned items?

Like this, using .limit():

var q = models.Post.find({published: true}).sort('date', -1).limit(20);
q.execFind(function(err, posts) {
  // `posts` will be of length 20

How to emit an event from parent to child?

Using RxJs, you can declare a Subject in your parent component and pass it as Observable to child component, child component just need to subscribe to this Observable.


eventsSubject: Subject<void> = new Subject<void>();

emitEventToChild() {;


<child [events]="eventsSubject.asObservable()"> </child>    


private eventsSubscription: Subscription;

@Input() events: Observable<void>;

  this.eventsSubscription = => doSomething());

ngOnDestroy() {

Editor does not contain a main type in Eclipse

Right click your project > Run As > Run Configuration... > Java Application (in left side panel) - double click on it. That will create new configuration. click on search button under Main Class section and select your main class from it.

Git fast forward VS no fast forward merge

I can give an example commonly seen in project.

Here, option --no-ff (i.e. true merge) creates a new commit with multiple parents, and provides a better history tracking. Otherwise, --ff (i.e. fast-forward merge) is by default.

$ git checkout master
$ git checkout -b newFeature
$ ...
$ git commit -m 'work from day 1'
$ ...
$ git commit -m 'work from day 2'
$ ...
$ git commit -m 'finish the feature'
$ git checkout master
$ git merge --no-ff newFeature -m 'add new feature'
$ git log
// something like below
commit 'add new feature'         // => commit created at merge with proper message
commit 'finish the feature'
commit 'work from day 2'
commit 'work from day 1'
$ gitk                           // => see details with graph

$ git checkout -b anotherFeature        // => create a new branch (*)
$ ...
$ git commit -m 'work from day 3'
$ ...
$ git commit -m 'work from day 4'
$ ...
$ git commit -m 'finish another feature'
$ git checkout master
$ git merge anotherFeature       // --ff is by default, message will be ignored
$ git log
// something like below
commit 'work from day 4'
commit 'work from day 3'
commit 'add new feature'
commit 'finish the feature'
commit ...
$ gitk                           // => see details with graph

(*) Note that here if the newFeature branch is re-used, instead of creating a new branch, git will have to do a --no-ff merge anyway. This means fast forward merge is not always eligible.

What's the best way to check if a String represents an integer in Java?

You can also use the Scanner class, and use hasNextInt() - and this allows you to test for other types, too, like floats, etc.

Map isn't showing on Google Maps JavaScript API v3 when nested in a div tag

Understand this has been solved, but the solution provided above might not work in all situation.

For my case,

<div style="height: 490px; position:relative; overflow:hidden">
    <div id="map-canvas"></div>

Java SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'") gives timezone as IST

From ISO 8601 String to Java Date Object

SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'");
sdf.parse("2013-09-29T18:46:19Z"); //prints-> Mon Sep 30 02:46:19 CST 2013

if you don't set TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT") then it will output Sun Sep 29 18:46:19 CST 2013

From Java Date Object to ISO 8601 String

And to convert Dateobject to ISO 8601 Standard (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z') use following code

SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'", Locale.US);
System.out.println(sdf.format(new Date())); //-prints-> 2015-01-22T03:23:26Z

Also note that without ' ' at Z yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ prints 2015-01-22T03:41:02+0000

How to enable TLS 1.2 support in an Android application (running on Android 4.1 JB)

You should use


for specific protocol version.

The second exception occured because default socketFactory used fallback SSLv3 protocol for failures.

You can use NoSSLFactory from main answer here for its suppression How to disable SSLv3 in android for HttpsUrlConnection?

Also you should init SSLContext with all your certificates(client and trusted ones if you need them)

But all of that is useless without using


Here is more information with proper usage scenario

Hope it helps.

Remove 'standalone="yes"' from generated XML

If you make document dependent on DOCTYPE (e.g. use named entities) then it will stop being standalone, thus standalone="yes" won't be allowed in XML declaration.

However standalone XML can be used anywhere, while non-standalone is problematic for XML parsers that don't load externals.

I don't see how this declaration could be a problem, other than for interoperability with software that doesn't support XML, but some horrible regex soup.

How to tackle daylight savings using TimeZone in Java

Implementing the TimeZone class to set the timezone to the Calendar takes care of the daylight savings.

java.util.TimeZone represents a time zone offset, and also figures out daylight savings.

sample code:

TimeZone est_timeZone = TimeZoneIDProvider.getTimeZoneID(TimeZoneID.US_EASTERN).getTimeZone();
Calendar enteredCalendar = Calendar.getInstance();

Making button go full-width?

I simply used this:

<div class="col-md-4 col-sm-4 col-xs-4">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-block">Sign In</button>

How do I solve this "Cannot read property 'appendChild' of null" error?

Your condition id !== 0 will always be different that zero because you are assigning a string value. On pages where the element with id views_slideshow_controls_text_next_slideshow-block is not found, you will still try to append the img element, which causes the Cannot read property 'appendChild' of null error.

Instead of assigning a string value, you can assign the DOM element and verify if it exists within the page.

window.onload = function loadContIcons() {
    var elem = document.createElement("img");
    elem.src = "";
    elem.setAttribute("class", "up_icon");

    var container = document.getElementById("views_slideshow_controls_text_next_slideshow-block");
    if (container !== null) {
    } else console.log("aaaaa");

    var elem1 = document.createElement("img");
    elem1.src = "";
    elem1.setAttribute("class", "down_icon");

    container = document.getElementById("views_slideshow_controls_text_previous_slideshow-block");
    if (container !== null) {
    } else console.log("aaaaa");

What is the behavior difference between return-path, reply-to and from?

for those who got here because the title of the question:

I use Reply-To: address with webforms. when someone fills out the form, the webpage sends an automatic email to the page's owner. the From: is the automatic mail sender's address, so the owner knows it is from the webform. but the Reply-To: address is the one filled in in the form by the user, so the owner can just hit reply to contact them.

POSTing JsonObject With HttpClient From Web API

If using Newtonsoft.Json:

using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Text;

public static class Extensions
    public static StringContent AsJson(this object o)
        => new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(o), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");


var httpClient = new HttpClient();
var url = "";
var data = new { identifier = "username", password = "password" };
var result = await httpClient.PostAsync(url, data.AsJson())

How to get jSON response into variable from a jquery script

Look out for this pitfal:

Searched several houres before I found there were some linebreaks in the included files.

Compute row average in pandas

If you are looking to average column wise. Try this,

df.drop('Region', axis=1).apply(lambda x: x.mean())

# it drops the Region column
df.drop('Region', axis=1,inplace=True)

What is MATLAB good for? Why is it so used by universities? When is it better than Python?

First Mover Advantage. Matlab has been around since the late 1970s. Python came along more recently, and the libraries that make it suitable for Matlab type tasks came along even more recently. People are used to Matlab, so they use it.

How can I represent an infinite number in Python?

Since Python 3.5 you can use math.inf:

>>> import math
>>> math.inf

Count with IF condition in MySQL query

Replace this line:

count(if( = 'approved',, 0)) AS comments

With this one:

coalesce(sum( = 'approved'), 0) comments

DataTable, How to conditionally delete rows

Here's a one-liner using LINQ and avoiding any run-time evaluation of select strings:

    r => r.ItemArray[0] == someValue).ToList().ForEach(r => r.Delete());

Convert float to std::string in C++

As of C++11, the standard C++ library provides the function std::to_string(arg) with various supported types for arg.

How to disable mouse scroll wheel scaling with Google Maps API

I created a more developed jQuery plugin that allows you to lock or unlock the map with a nice button.

This plugin disables the Google Maps iframe with a transparent overlay div and adds a button for unlockit. You must press for 650 milliseconds to unlock it.

You can change all the options for your convenience. Check it at

Here's some example.

(function() {_x000D_
  $(function() {_x000D_
    $("#btn-start").click(function() {_x000D_
        printLog: true_x000D_
      return $("#btn-stop").click(function() {_x000D_
        return $("iframe[src*='']").scrollprevent().stop();_x000D_
    return $("#btn-start").trigger("click");_x000D_
.embed-container {_x000D_
  position: relative !important;_x000D_
  padding-bottom: 56.25% !important;_x000D_
  height: 0 !important;_x000D_
  overflow: hidden !important;_x000D_
  max-width: 100% !important;_x000D_
.embed-container iframe {_x000D_
  position: absolute !important;_x000D_
  top: 0 !important;_x000D_
  left: 0 !important;_x000D_
  width: 100% !important;_x000D_
  height: 100% !important;_x000D_
.mapscroll-wrap {_x000D_
  position: static !important;_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div class="embed-container">_x000D_
  <iframe src="!1m18!1m12!1m3!1d12087.746318586604!2d-71.64614110000001!3d-40.76341959999999!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x9610bf42e48faa93%3A0x205ebc786470b636!2sVilla+la+Angostura%2C+Neuqu%C3%A9n!5e0!3m2!1ses-419!2sar!4v1425058155802"_x000D_
  width="400" height="300" frameborder="0" style="border:0"></iframe>_x000D_
<p><a id="btn-start" href="#">"Start Scroll Prevent"</a>  <a id="btn-stop" href="#">"Stop Scroll Prevent"</a>_x000D_

ImageView in circular through xml

As was described in Orhan Obut's answer but with the changes:

    android:layout_width="0dp"  //or use your own value
    android:layout_weight="75" />// in case of use of weight

to avoid stretches of the image. And img.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><layer-list xmlns:android="">
<item android:drawable="@drawable/profile" />
<item android:drawable="@drawable/circle" /></layer-list>

(without changes), and circle.xml:

<shape xmlns:android=""
<solid android:color="@android:color/white"/>

here the thickness of the ring gotten maximal - 1000dp
and radiusRatio is a half of image width(max ring width, yes?) - 2
and the stroke is for required border if needed.
I used square png image ( profile.png ), btw. With same width and height. This is correct for arbitrary ImageView dimentions. enter image description here

Get current URL/URI without some of $_GET variables


This will output something in the following format:

ORA-28040: No matching authentication protocol exception

just install ojdbc-full, That contains the release.

How do I fix MSB3073 error in my post-build event?

I had the same problem for my Test project. I found out why my post build event wasn't working and that's because I was copying files before running the $(ProjectName).exe command and some of these files were required for Test project itself. Hence, by just moving $(ProjectName).exe as the first command fix the issue.

(HTML) Download a PDF file instead of opening them in browser when clicked

When you want to direct download any image or pdf file from browser instead on opening it in new tab then in javascript you should set value to download attribute of create dynamic link

    var path= "your file path will be here"; 
    var save = document.createElement('a');  
    save.href = filePath; = "Your file name here"; = '_blank'; 
    var event = document.createEvent('Event');
    event.initEvent('click', true, true); 
   (window.URL || window.webkitURL).revokeObjectURL(save.href);

For new Chrome update some time event is not working. for that following code will be use

  var path= "your file path will be here"; 
    var save = document.createElement('a');  
    save.href = filePath; = "Your file name here"; = '_blank'; 

Appending child and removing child is useful for Firefox, Internet explorer browser only. On chrome it will work without appending and removing child

C# loop - break vs. continue

break causes the program counter to jump out of the scope of the innermost loop

for(i = 0; i < 10; i++)
    if(i == 2)

Works like this

for(i = 0; i < 10; i++)
    if(i == 2)
        goto BREAK;

continue jumps to the end of the loop. In a for loop, continue jumps to the increment expression.

for(i = 0; i < 10; i++)
    if(i == 2)

    printf("%d", i);

Works like this

for(i = 0; i < 10; i++)
    if(i == 2)
        goto CONTINUE;

    printf("%d", i);


Pyinstaller setting icons don't change

I had similar problem. If no errors from pyinstaller try to change name of .exe file. It works for me

How do I get specific properties with Get-AdUser

This worked for me as well:

Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase "ou=OU,dc=Domain,dc=com" -Properties Enabled, CanonicalName, Displayname, Givenname, Surname, EmployeeNumber, EmailAddress, Department, StreetAddress, Title | select Enabled, CanonicalName, Displayname, GivenName, Surname, EmployeeNumber, EmailAddress, Department, Title | Export-CSV "C:\output.csv"

How to write a unit test for a Spring Boot Controller endpoint

Adding @WebAppConfiguration (org.springframework.test.context.web.WebAppConfiguration) annotation to your DemoApplicationTests class will work.

How to uninstall / completely remove Oracle 11g (client)?

Do everything suggested by ziesemer.

You may also want to :

  • Stop the Oracle-related services (before deleting them from the registry).
  • In the registry, look not only for entries named "Oracle" but also e.g. for "ODP".

How do I get the path of the Python script I am running in?

os.path.realpath(__file__) will give you the path of the current file, resolving any symlinks in the path. This works fine on my mac.

Remove all items from RecyclerView

private void clearRecyclerView() {

use this func

c# - How to get sum of the values from List?

How about this?

List<string> monValues = Application["mondayValues"] as List<string>;
int sum = monValues.ConvertAll(Convert.ToInt32).Sum();

How to set JAVA_HOME environment variable on Mac OS X 10.9?

In Mac OSX 10.5 or later, Apple recommends to set the $JAVA_HOME variable to /usr/libexec/java_home, just export $JAVA_HOME in file ~/. bash_profile or ~/.profile.

Open the terminal and run the below command.

$ vim .bash_profile

export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home)

save and exit from vim editor, then run the source command on .bash_profile

$ source .bash_profile

$ echo $JAVA_HOME


Fatal error: Call to a member function fetch_assoc() on a non-object

Most likely your query failed, and the query call returned a boolean FALSE (or an error object of some sort), which you then try to use as if was a resultset object, causing the error. Try something like var_dump($result) to see what you really got.

Check for errors after EVERY database query call. Even if the query itself is syntactically valid, there's far too many reasons for it to fail anyways - checking for errors every time will save you a lot of grief at some point.

Reactjs: Unexpected token '<' Error

In my case, besides the babel presets, I also had to add this to my .eslintrc:

  "extends": "react-app",

Insert a new row into DataTable

// create table
var dt = new System.Data.DataTable("tableName");

// create fields
dt.Columns.Add("field1", typeof(int));
dt.Columns.Add("field2", typeof(string));
dt.Columns.Add("field3", typeof(DateTime));

// insert row values
dt.Rows.Add(new Object[]{

Rotating x axis labels in R for barplot


Here's a kind of hackish way. I'm guessing there's an easier way. But you could suppress the bar labels and the plot text of the labels by saving the bar positions from barplot and do a little tweaking up and down. Here's an example with the mtcars data set:

x <- barplot(table(mtcars$cyl), xaxt="n")
labs <- paste(names(table(mtcars$cyl)), "cylinders")
text(cex=1, x=x-.25, y=-1.25, labs, xpd=TRUE, srt=45)

Sublime Text 2 - View whitespace characters

To view whitespace the setting is:

// Set to "none" to turn off drawing white space, "selection" to draw only the
// white space within the selection, and "all" to draw all white space
"draw_white_space": "selection",

You can see it if you go into Preferences->Settings Default. If you edit your user settings (Preferences->Settings - User) and add the line as per below, you should get what you want:

    "color_scheme": "Packages/Color Scheme - Default/Slush & Poppies.tmTheme",
    "font_size": 10,
    "draw_white_space": "all"

Remember the settings are JSON so no trailing commas.

"Integer number too large" error message for 600851475143

Or, you can declare input number as long, and then let it do the code tango :D ...

public static void main(String[] args) {

    Scanner in = new Scanner(;
    System.out.println("Enter a number");
    long n = in.nextLong();

    for (long i = 2; i <= n; i++) {
        while (n % i == 0) {
            System.out.print(", " + i);
            n /= i;

How to switch position of two items in a Python list?

for i in range(len(arr)):
    if l[-1] > l[i]:
        l[-1], l[i] = l[i], l[-1]

as a result of this if last element is greater than element at position i then they both get swapped .

Set cookies for cross origin requests

In order for the client to be able to read cookies from cross-origin requests, you need to have:

  1. All responses from the server need to have the following in their header:

    Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true

  2. The client needs to send all requests with withCredentials: true option

In my implementation with Angular 7 and Spring Boot, I achieved that with the following:


@CrossOrigin(origins = "", allowCredentials = "true")
@RequestMapping(path = "/something")
public class SomethingController {

The origins = "" part will add Access-Control-Allow-Origin: to every server's response header

The allowCredentials = "true" part will add Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true to every server's response header, which is what we need in order for the client to read the cookies


import { HttpInterceptor, HttpXsrfTokenExtractor, HttpRequest, HttpHandler, HttpEvent } from "@angular/common/http";
import { Injectable } from "@angular/core";
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';

export class CustomHttpInterceptor implements HttpInterceptor {

    constructor(private tokenExtractor: HttpXsrfTokenExtractor) {

    intercept(req: HttpRequest<any>, next: HttpHandler): Observable<HttpEvent<any>> {
        // send request with credential options in order to be able to read cross-origin cookies
        req = req.clone({ withCredentials: true });

        // return XSRF-TOKEN in each request's header (anti-CSRF security)
        const headerName = 'X-XSRF-TOKEN';
        let token = this.tokenExtractor.getToken() as string;
        if (token !== null && !req.headers.has(headerName)) {
            req = req.clone({ headers: req.headers.set(headerName, token) });
        return next.handle(req);

With this class you actually inject additional stuff to all your request.

The first part req = req.clone({ withCredentials: true });, is what you need in order to send each request with withCredentials: true option. This practically means that an OPTION request will be send first, so that you get your cookies and the authorization token among them, before sending the actual POST/PUT/DELETE requests, which need this token attached to them (in the header), in order for the server to verify and execute the request.

The second part is the one that specifically handles an anti-CSRF token for all requests. Reads it from the cookie when needed and writes it in the header of every request.

The desired result is something like this:

response request

How to call a Python function from Node.js

Easiest way I know of is to use "child_process" package which comes packaged with node.

Then you can do something like:

const spawn = require("child_process").spawn;
const pythonProcess = spawn('python',["path/to/", arg1, arg2, ...]);

Then all you have to do is make sure that you import sys in your python script, and then you can access arg1 using sys.argv[1], arg2 using sys.argv[2], and so on.

To send data back to node just do the following in the python script:


And then node can listen for data using:

pythonProcess.stdout.on('data', (data) => {
    // Do something with the data returned from python script

Since this allows multiple arguments to be passed to a script using spawn, you can restructure a python script so that one of the arguments decides which function to call, and the other argument gets passed to that function, etc.

Hope this was clear. Let me know if something needs clarification.

SQL: capitalize first letter only

Please check the query without using a function:

declare @T table(Insurance varchar(max))

insert into @T values ('wezembeek-oppem')
insert into @T values ('roeselare')
insert into @T values ('BRUGGE')
insert into @T values ('louvain-la-neuve')

select (
       select upper(T.N.value('.', 'char(1)'))+
                lower(stuff(T.N.value('.', 'varchar(max)'), 1, 1, ''))+(CASE WHEN RIGHT(T.N.value('.', 'varchar(max)'), 1)='-' THEN '' ELSE ' ' END)
       from X.InsXML.nodes('/N') as T(N)
       for xml path(''), type
       ).value('.', 'varchar(max)') as Insurance
  select cast('<N>'+replace(
                ' ', '</N><N>'),
            '-', '-</N><N>')+'</N>' as xml) as InsXML
  from @T
  ) as X

Is there a way to delete all the data from a topic or delete the topic before every run?

As a dirty workaround, you can adjust per-topic runtime retention settings, e.g. bin/ --zookeeper localhost:2181 --alter --topic my_topic --config retention.bytes=1 (retention.bytes=0 might also work)

After a short while kafka should free the space. Not sure if this has any implications compared to re-creating the topic.

ps. Better bring retention settings back, once kafka done with cleaning.

You can also use to persist historical data

ImportError: No module named model_selection

Update sklearn

conda update scikit-learn

Android - running a method periodically using postDelayed() call

You should set andrid:allowRetainTaskState="true" to Launch Activity in Manifest.xml. If this Activty is not Launch Activity. you should set android:launchMode="singleTask" at this activity

What are the most widely used C++ vector/matrix math/linear algebra libraries, and their cost and benefit tradeoffs?

What about GLM?

It's based on the OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL) specification and released under the MIT license. Clearly aimed at graphics programmers

AttributeError: Can only use .dt accessor with datetimelike values

Your problem here is that to_datetime silently failed so the dtype remained as str/object, if you set param errors='coerce' then if the conversion fails for any particular string then those rows are set to NaT.

df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Date'], errors='coerce')

So you need to find out what is wrong with those specific row values.

See the docs

How to set $_GET variable

I know this is an old thread, but I wanted to post my 2 cents...

Using Javascript you can achieve this without using $_POST, and thus avoid reloading the page..

function ButtonPressed()
window.location='index.php?view=next'; //this will set $_GET['view']='next'

<button type='button' onClick='ButtonPressed()'>Click me!</button>

          echo "This will display after pressing the 'Click Me' button!";

OS X Sprite Kit Game Optimal Default Window Size

You should target the smallest, not the largest, supported pixel resolution by the devices your app can run on.

Say if there's an actual Mac computer that can run OS X 10.9 and has a native screen resolution of only 1280x720 then that's the resolution you should focus on. Any higher and your game won't correctly run on this device and you could as well remove that device from your supported devices list.

You can rely on upscaling to match larger screen sizes, but you can't rely on downscaling to preserve possibly important image details such as text or smaller game objects.

The next most important step is to pick a fitting aspect ratio, be it 4:3 or 16:9 or 16:10, that ideally is the native aspect ratio on most of the supported devices. Make sure your game only scales to fit on devices with a different aspect ratio.

You could scale to fill but then you must ensure that on all devices the cropped areas will not negatively impact gameplay or the use of the app in general (ie text or buttons outside the visible screen area). This will be harder to test as you'd actually have to have one of those devices or create a custom build that crops the view accordingly.

Alternatively you can design multiple versions of your game for specific and very common screen resolutions to provide the best game experience from 13" through 27" displays. Optimized designs for iMac (desktop) and a Macbook (notebook) devices make the most sense, it'll be harder to justify making optimized versions for 13" and 15" plus 21" and 27" screens.

But of course this depends a lot on the game. For example a tile-based world game could simply provide a larger viewing area onto the world on larger screen resolutions rather than scaling the view up. Provided that this does not alter gameplay, like giving the player an unfair advantage (specifically in multiplayer).

You should provide @2x images for the Retina Macbook Pro and future Retina Macs.

How to do a join in linq to sql with method syntax?

Justin has correctly shown the expansion in the case where the join is just followed by a select. If you've got something else, it becomes more tricky due to transparent identifiers - the mechanism the C# compiler uses to propagate the scope of both halves of the join.

So to change Justin's example slightly:

var result = from sc in enumerableOfSomeClass
             join soc in enumerableOfSomeOtherClass
             on sc.Property1 equals soc.Property2
             where sc.X + sc.Y == 10
             select new { SomeClass = sc, SomeOtherClass = soc }

would be converted into something like this:

var result = enumerableOfSomeClass
          sc => sc.Property1,
          soc => soc.Property2,
          (sc, soc) => new { sc, soc })
    .Where(z => + == 10)
    .Select(z => new { SomeClass =, SomeOtherClass = z.soc });

The z here is the transparent identifier - but because it's transparent, you can't see it in the original query :)

How many times a substring occurs

Scenario 1: Occurrence of a word in a sentence. eg: str1 = "This is an example and is easy". The occurrence of the word "is". lets str2 = "is"

count = str1.count(str2)

Scenario 2 : Occurrence of pattern in a sentence.

string = "ABCDCDC"
substring = "CDC"

def count_substring(string,sub_string):
    len1 = len(string)
    len2 = len(sub_string)
    j =0
    counter = 0
    while(j < len1):
        if(string[j] == sub_string[0]):
            if(string[j:j+len2] == sub_string):
                counter += 1
        j += 1

    return counter


'Field required a bean of type that could not be found.' error spring restful API using mongodb

Using this solved my issue.

@SpringBootApplication(scanBasePackages={"com.example.something", "com.example.application"})

How to get the azure account tenant Id?

Use the Azure CLI

az account get-access-token --query tenant --output tsv

CSS - Make divs align horizontally

You can now use css flexbox to align divs horizontally and vertically if you need to. general formula goes like this

parent-div {
  display: flex;
  flex-wrap: wrap;
  /* for horizontal aligning of child divs */
  justify-content: center;
  /* for vertical aligning */
  align-items: center;

child-div {
  width: /* yoursize for each div */

How to uninstall pip on OSX?

The first thing you should try is:

sudo pip uninstall pip

On many environments that doesn't work. So given the lack of info on that problem, I ended up removing pip manually from /usr/local/bin.

Scripting SQL Server permissions

Thanks to Chris for his awesome answer, I took it one step further and automated the process of running those statements (my table had over 8,000 permissions)

if object_id('dbo.tempPermissions') is not null
Drop table dbo.tempPermissions

Create table tempPermissions(ID int identity , Queries Varchar(255))

Insert into tempPermissions(Queries)

select 'GRANT ' + dp.permission_name collate latin1_general_cs_as
   + ' ON ' + + '.' + + ' TO ' + 
   FROM sys.database_permissions AS dp
   INNER JOIN sys.objects AS o ON dp.major_id=o.object_id
   INNER JOIN sys.schemas AS s ON o.schema_id = s.schema_id
   INNER JOIN sys.database_principals AS dpr ON dp.grantee_principal_id=dpr.principal_id
   WHERE NOT IN ('public','guest')

declare @count int, @max int, @query Varchar(255)
set @count =1
set @max = (Select max(ID) from tempPermissions)
set @query = (Select Queries from tempPermissions where ID = @count)

while(@count < @max)
set @count += 1
set @query = (Select Queries from tempPermissions where ID = @count)

select * from tempPermissions

drop table tempPermissions

additionally to restrict it to a single table add:

  and = 'tablename'

after the WHERE NOT IN ('public','guest') and remember to edit the select statement so that it generates statements for the table you want to grant permissions 'TO' Not the table the permissions are coming 'FROM' (which is what the script does).

How can I check if a scrollbar is visible?

There's two area sizes to consider, the window and the html. If the html width, for example, is greater than window width then a scroll bar may be present on the user interface. So it's a matter of reading the window proportions and the html proportions and doing the basic math.

As for displaying an arrow overlaid atop the page, that's done with a simple classlist toggle, e.g. .hidden{display:none}

Here's a crossbrowser method for getting these proportions. (credit W3 Schools)

|| document.body.clientWidth;

var h = window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight ||
document.body.clientHeight; ```

push() a two-dimensional array

You have some errors in your code:

  1. Use myArray[i].push( 0 ); to add a new column. Your code (myArray[i][j].push(0);) would work in a 3-dimensional array as it tries to add another element to an array at position [i][j].
  2. You only expand (col-d)-many columns in all rows, even in those, which haven't been initialized yet and thus have no entries so far.

One correct, although kind of verbose version, would be the following:

var r = 3; //start from rows 3

var rows = 8;
var cols = 7;

// expand to have the correct amount or rows
for( var i=r; i<rows; i++ ) {
  myArray.push( [] );

// expand all rows to have the correct amount of cols
for (var i = 0; i < rows; i++)
    for (var j =  myArray[i].length; j < cols; j++)

How can I read numeric strings in Excel cells as string (not numbers)?

There is a ready-to-use wrapper (some additional optimizations can be applied)

  • it supports numeric and String cells

  • formulas are recognized and handled automatically

  • avoid some boilerplate

     public final class Cell {
     private final static DataFormatter FORMATTER = new DataFormatter();
     private XSSFCell mCell;
     public Cell(@NotNull XSSFCell cell) {
         mCell = cell;
         if (isFormula()) {
             XSSFWorkbook book = mCell.getSheet().getWorkbook();
             FormulaEvaluator evaluator = book.getCreationHelper().createFormulaEvaluator();
             mCell = (XSSFCell) evaluator.evaluateInCell(mCell);
      * Get content
     public final int getInt() {
         return (int) getLong();
     public final long getLong() {
         return Math.round(getDouble());
     public final double getDouble() {
         return mCell.getNumericCellValue();
     public final String getString() {
         if (!isString()) {
             return FORMATTER.formatCellValue(mCell);
         return mCell.getStringCellValue();
      * Get properties
     public final boolean isNumber() {
         if (isFormula()) {
             return mCell.getCachedFormulaResultType().equals(CellType.NUMERIC);
         return mCell.getCellType().equals(CellType.NUMERIC);
     public final boolean isString() {
         if (isFormula()) {
             return mCell.getCachedFormulaResultType().equals(CellType.STRING);
         return mCell.getCellType().equals(CellType.STRING);
     public final boolean isFormula() {
         return mCell.getCellType().equals(CellType.FORMULA);
      * Debug info
     public String toString() {
         return getString();

Jquery: Find Text and replace

I was looking for something similar and I use code that Doug Owings posted, but my text had some br tags and the code was erasing it.

So I use this: ( Just note that I replaced .text() to .html() )


< p class = "textcontent" > 
     Here some text replace me 
     < br > here an other text
     < br > here is more text 
< /p>


$('.textcontent').each(function() {

   var text = $(this).html();
   $(this).html(text.replace('replace me', 'I love this text')); 


Also if you want to edit several text create an array:

var replacetext = {
    "Text 0": "New Text 0",
    "Text 1": "New Text 1",
    "Text 2": "New Text 2",
    "Text 3": "New Text 3",
    "Text 4": "New Text 4"

$.each(replacetext, function(txtorig, txtnew) {
    var text = $('#parentid').html();
    $('#parentid').html(text.replace(txtorig, txtnew)); 

Neatest way to remove linebreaks in Perl

In your example, you can just go:



$_=join("", @lines);


@lines = split /[\r\n]+/, join("", @lines);

Using these directly on a file:

perl -e '$_=join("",<>); s/[\r\n]+//g; print' <a.txt |less

perl -e 'chomp(@a=<>);print @a' <a.txt |less

how to get text from textview

split with the + sign like this way

String a = tv.getText().toString();
String aa[];
    aa = a.split("+");

now convert the array

Integer.parseInt(aa[0]); // and so on

How can I show a combobox in Android?

For a combobox ( which allows free text input and has a dropdown listbox I used a AutoCompleteTextView as suggested by vbence.

I used the onClickListener to display the dropdown list box when the user selects the control.

I believe this resembles this kind of a combobox best.

private static final String[] STUFF = new String[] { "Thing 1", "Thing 2" };

public void onCreate(Bundle b) {
    final AutoCompleteTextView view = 
        (AutoCompleteTextView) findViewById(;

    view.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener()
        public void onClick(View v)

    final ArrayAdapter<String> adapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(