[python] What is MATLAB good for? Why is it so used by universities? When is it better than Python?

I believe you have a very good point and it's one that has been raised in the company where I work. The company is limited in it's ability to apply matlab because of the licensing costs involved. One developer proved that Python was a very suitable replacement but it fell on ignorant ears because to the owners of those ears...

  1. No-one in the company knew Python although many of us wanted to use it.
  2. MatLab has a name, a company, and task force behind it to solve any problems.
  3. There were some (but not a lot) of legacy MatLab projects that would need to be re-written.

If it's worth £10,000 (??) it's gotta be worth it!!

I'm with you here. Python is a very good replacement for MatLab.

I should point out that I've been told the company uses maybe 5% to 10% of MatLabs capabilities and that is the basis for my agreement with the original poster