Programs & Examples On #Pmap

Android Material and appcompat Manifest merger failed

Simple Solutions - migrate into AndroidX

in the, just add below two scripts


What was the reason ?

All packages in AndroidX live in a consistent namespace starting with the string androidx. The Support Library packages have been mapped into the corresponding androidx.* packages. For a full mapping of all the old classes and build artifacts to the new ones, see the Package Refactoring page.

Please see the Package Refactoring page

Warnings Your Apk Is Using Permissions That Require A Privacy Policy: (android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE)

The dependencies you have in your project, will add their own permissions. Please do the below to find from where "READ_PHONE_STATE" is coming.

  1. Rebuild your android application
  2. Press "Ctrl+Shift+F" in android studio (basically do a search all in the editor of your preference).
  3. Search for "READ_PHONE_STATE", you would find the entry in a regenerated manifest file (not the one you originally created). By the path of it you can know, from which dependency the permission is getting added. enter image description here

How to fix: "You need to use a Theme.AppCompat theme (or descendant) with this activity"

If you add the android:theme="@style/Theme.AppCompat.Light" to <application> in AndroidManifest.xml file, problem is solving.

Firebase cloud messaging notification not received by device

I had a similar problem, but in my case I was missing the google-services plugin from my Gradle build (I was adding Firebase to an existing project).

I added the following to my root build.gradle:

classpath ''

and the following to the end of my app-level build.gradle:

apply plugin: ''

I then had to download the google-services.json file from the Firebase Console (having originally imported an existing Google Cloud project) and copy it to my app directory`.

Notification Icon with the new Firebase Cloud Messaging system

atm they are working on that issue

when you send a notification from the Firebase console is uses your app icon by default, and the Android system will turn that icon solid white when in the notification bar.

If you are unhappy with that result you should implement FirebaseMessagingService and create the notifications manually when you receive a message. We are working on a way to improve this but for now that's the only way.

edit: with SDK 9.8.0 add to AndroidManifest.xml

<meta-data android:name="" android:resource="@drawable/my_favorite_pic"/>

How to remove title bar from the android activity?

Add in activity


and add your style.xml file with the following two lines:

<item name="windowActionBar">false</item>
<item name="windowNoTitle">true</item>

Manifest Merger failed with multiple errors in Android Studio

If you're using multiple manifestPlaceholder items in your build.gradle file, you must add them as array elements, instead of separate items.

For example, this will cause a build error or compile error: "java.lang.RuntimeException: Manifest merger failed with multiple errors":

android {
    defaultConfig {
        manifestPlaceholders = [myKey1: "myValue1"]
        manifestPlaceholders = [myKey2: "myValue2"] // Error!

This will fix the error:

android {
    defaultConfig {
        manifestPlaceholders = [myKey1: "myValue1", myKey2: "myValue2"]

ActivityCompat.requestPermissions not showing dialog box

I updated my target SDK version from 22 to 23 and it worked perfectly.

android : Error converting byte to dex


compile ''
compile ''
compile ''
compile ''
compile ''


compile ''
compile ''
compile ''
compile ''
compile ''

Finally got resolved.

READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission for Android

You have to ask for the permission at run time:

        && ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, Manifest.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
    ActivityCompat.requestPermissions(this, new String[]{Manifest.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE},

And in the callback below you can access the storage without a problem.

public void onRequestPermissionsResult(final int requestCode, @NonNull final String[] permissions, @NonNull final int[] grantResults) {
    super.onRequestPermissionsResult(requestCode, permissions, grantResults);
    if (requestCode == REQUEST_PERMISSION) {
        if (grantResults.length > 0 && grantResults[0] == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
            // Permission granted.
        } else {
            // User refused to grant permission.

Android "gps requires ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" error, even though my manifest file contains this

My simple solution is this

if (ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, android.Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION) ==
        PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED &&
        ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, android.Manifest.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION) ==
        PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
} else {
    Toast.makeText(this, R.string.error_permission_map, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

or you can open permission dialog in else like this

} else {
   ActivityCompat.requestPermissions(this, new String[] {
      Manifest.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION }, 

Execution failed for task 'app:mergeDebugResources' Crunching Cruncher....png failed

The best solution is to change buildDir in build.gradle:

For example:

allprojects {
    buildDir = "C:/tmp/${}/${}"
    repositories {

Rebuild and happy coding.

Android Studio drawable folders

If you don't see a drawable folder for the DPI that you need, you can create it yourself. There's nothing magical about it; it's just a folder which needs to have the correct name.

Mipmaps vs. drawable folders

The mipmap folders are for placing your app/launcher icons (which are shown on the homescreen) in only. Any other drawable assets you use should be placed in the relevant drawable folders as before.

According to this Google blogpost:

It’s best practice to place your app icons in mipmap- folders (not the drawable- folders) because they are used at resolutions different from the device’s current density.

When referencing the mipmap- folders ensure you are using the following reference:


The reason they use a different density is that some launchers actually display the icons larger than they were intended. Because of this, they use the next size up.

Mipmap drawables for icons

It seems Google have updated their docs since all these answers, so hopefully this will help someone else in future :) Just came across this question myself, while creating a new (new new) project.

TL;DR: drawables may be stripped out as part of dp-specific resource optimisation. Mipmaps will not be stripped.

Different home screen launcher apps on different devices show app launcher icons at various resolutions. When app resource optimization techniques remove resources for unused screen densities, launcher icons can wind up looking fuzzy because the launcher app has to upscale a lower-resolution icon for display. To avoid these display issues, apps should use the mipmap/ resource folders for launcher icons. The Android system preserves these resources regardless of density stripping, and ensures that launcher apps can pick icons with the best resolution for display.


How to obtain the query string from the current URL with JavaScript?

You can simply use URLSearchParams().

Lets see we have a page with url:


On that page, you can get the query string using and then extract them with URLSearchParams() class.

const params = new URLSearchParams(

// 1

// game

Another example using a dynamic url (not from window.location), you can extract the url using URL object.

const url = new URL('')

// ?v=6xJ27BtlM0c&ab_channel=FliteTest

This is a simple working snippet:

const urlInput = document.querySelector('input[type=url]')
const keyInput = document.querySelector('input[name=key]')
const button = document.querySelector('button')
const outputDiv = document.querySelector('#output')

button.addEventListener('click', () => {
    const url = new URL(urlInput.value)
    const params = new URLSearchParams(
    output.innerHTML = params.get(keyInput.value)
div {
margin-bottom: 1rem;
  <label>URL</label> <br>
  <input type="url" value="">

  <label>Params key</label> <br>
  <input type="text" name="key" value="v">

  <button>Get Value</button>

<div id="output"></div>

Get key from a HashMap using the value

The put method in HashMap is defined like this:

Object  put(Object key, Object value) 

key is the first parameter, so in your put, "one" is the key. You can't easily look up by value in a HashMap, if you really want to do that, it would be a linear search done by calling entrySet(), like this:

for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> e : hashmap.entrySet()) {
    Object key = e.getKey();
    Object value = e.getValue();

However, that's O(n) and kind of defeats the purpose of using a HashMap unless you only need to do it rarely. If you really want to be able to look up by key or value frequently, core Java doesn't have anything for you, but something like BiMap from the Google Collections is what you want.

Namespace not recognized (even though it is there)

In my case removing/adding that assembly worked.

&& (AND) and || (OR) in IF statements

This goes back to the basic difference between & and &&, | and ||

BTW you perform the same tasks many times. Not sure if efficiency is an issue. You could remove some of the duplication.

Z z2 = partialHits.get(req_nr).get(z); // assuming a value cannout be null.
Z z3 = tmpmap.get(z); // assuming z3 cannot be null.
if(z2 == null || z2 < z3){   
    partialHits.get(z).put(z, z3);   

No space left on device

Such difference between the output of du -sh and df -h may happen if some large file has been deleted, but is still opened by some process. Check with the command lsof | grep deleted to see which processes have opened descriptors to deleted files. You can restart the process and the space will be freed.

HTML5 event handling(onfocus and onfocusout) using angular 2

<input name="date" type="text" (focus)="focusFunction()" (focusout)="focusOutFunction()">

works for me from Pardeep Jain

Why am I getting the error "connection refused" in Python? (Sockets)

I was being able to ping my connection but was STILL getting the 'connection refused' error. Turns out I was pinging myself! That's what the problem was.

Filter rows which contain a certain string

The answer to the question was already posted by the @latemail in the comments above. You can use regular expressions for the second and subsequent arguments of filter like this:

dplyr::filter(df, !grepl("RTB",TrackingPixel))

Since you have not provided the original data, I will add a toy example using the mtcars data set. Imagine you are only interested in cars produced by Mazda or Toyota.

mtcars$type <- rownames(mtcars)
dplyr::filter(mtcars, grepl('Toyota|Mazda', type))

   mpg cyl  disp  hp drat    wt  qsec vs am gear carb           type
1 21.0   6 160.0 110 3.90 2.620 16.46  0  1    4    4      Mazda RX4
2 21.0   6 160.0 110 3.90 2.875 17.02  0  1    4    4  Mazda RX4 Wag
3 33.9   4  71.1  65 4.22 1.835 19.90  1  1    4    1 Toyota Corolla
4 21.5   4 120.1  97 3.70 2.465 20.01  1  0    3    1  Toyota Corona

If you would like to do it the other way round, namely excluding Toyota and Mazda cars, the filter command looks like this:

dplyr::filter(mtcars, !grepl('Toyota|Mazda', type))

Setting the default page for ASP.NET (Visual Studio) server configuration

This One Method For Published Solution To Show SpeciFic Page on startup.

Here Is the Route Example to Redirect to Specific Page...

public class RouteConfig
    public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)

            name: "Default",
            url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
            defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional },
            namespaces: new[] { "YourSolutionName.Controllers" }

By Default Home Controllers Index method is executed when application is started, Here You Can Define yours.

Note : I am Using Visual Studio 2013 and "YourSolutionName" is to changed to your project Name..

Debugging Stored Procedure in SQL Server 2008

Yes you can (provided you have at least the professional version of visual studio), although it requires a little setting up once you've done this it's not much different from debugging code. MSDN has a basic walkthrough.

How do I send a file in Android from a mobile device to server using http?

This can be done with a HTTP Post request to the server:

HttpClient http = AndroidHttpClient.newInstance("MyApp");
HttpPost method = new HttpPost("http://url-to-server");

method.setEntity(new FileEntity(new File("path-to-file"), "application/octet-stream"));

HttpResponse response = http.execute(method);

Difference between jQuery parent(), parents() and closest() functions

$(this).closest('div') is same as $(this).parents('div').eq(0).

How does database indexing work?

Now, let’s say that we want to run a query to find all the details of any employees who are named ‘Abc’?

SELECT * FROM Employee 
WHERE Employee_Name = 'Abc'

What would happen without an index?

Database software would literally have to look at every single row in the Employee table to see if the Employee_Name for that row is ‘Abc’. And, because we want every row with the name ‘Abc’ inside it, we can not just stop looking once we find just one row with the name ‘Abc’, because there could be other rows with the name Abc. So, every row up until the last row must be searched – which means thousands of rows in this scenario will have to be examined by the database to find the rows with the name ‘Abc’. This is what is called a full table scan

How a database index can help performance

The whole point of having an index is to speed up search queries by essentially cutting down the number of records/rows in a table that need to be examined. An index is a data structure (most commonly a B- tree) that stores the values for a specific column in a table.

How does B-trees index work?

The reason B- trees are the most popular data structure for indexes is due to the fact that they are time efficient – because look-ups, deletions, and insertions can all be done in logarithmic time. And, another major reason B- trees are more commonly used is because the data that is stored inside the B- tree can be sorted. The RDBMS typically determines which data structure is actually used for an index. But, in some scenarios with certain RDBMS’s, you can actually specify which data structure you want your database to use when you create the index itself.

How does a hash table index work?

The reason hash indexes are used is because hash tables are extremely efficient when it comes to just looking up values. So, queries that compare for equality to a string can retrieve values very fast if they use a hash index.

For instance, the query we discussed earlier could benefit from a hash index created on the Employee_Name column. The way a hash index would work is that the column value will be the key into the hash table and the actual value mapped to that key would just be a pointer to the row data in the table. Since a hash table is basically an associative array, a typical entry would look something like “Abc => 0x28939", where 0x28939 is a reference to the table row where Abc is stored in memory. Looking up a value like “Abc” in a hash table index and getting back a reference to the row in memory is obviously a lot faster than scanning the table to find all the rows with a value of “Abc” in the Employee_Name column.

The disadvantages of a hash index

Hash tables are not sorted data structures, and there are many types of queries which hash indexes can not even help with. For instance, suppose you want to find out all of the employees who are less than 40 years old. How could you do that with a hash table index? Well, it’s not possible because a hash table is only good for looking up key value pairs – which means queries that check for equality

What exactly is inside a database index? So, now you know that a database index is created on a column in a table, and that the index stores the values in that specific column. But, it is important to understand that a database index does not store the values in the other columns of the same table. For example, if we create an index on the Employee_Name column, this means that the Employee_Age and Employee_Address column values are not also stored in the index. If we did just store all the other columns in the index, then it would be just like creating another copy of the entire table – which would take up way too much space and would be very inefficient.

How does a database know when to use an index? When a query like “SELECT * FROM Employee WHERE Employee_Name = ‘Abc’ ” is run, the database will check to see if there is an index on the column(s) being queried. Assuming the Employee_Name column does have an index created on it, the database will have to decide whether it actually makes sense to use the index to find the values being searched – because there are some scenarios where it is actually less efficient to use the database index, and more efficient just to scan the entire table.

What is the cost of having a database index?

It takes up space – and the larger your table, the larger your index. Another performance hit with indexes is the fact that whenever you add, delete, or update rows in the corresponding table, the same operations will have to be done to your index. Remember that an index needs to contain the same up to the minute data as whatever is in the table column(s) that the index covers.

As a general rule, an index should only be created on a table if the data in the indexed column will be queried frequently.

See also

  1. What columns generally make good indexes?
  2. How do database indexes work

What do 3 dots next to a parameter type mean in Java?

It means that zero or more String objects (or a single array of them) may be passed as the argument(s) for that method.

See the "Arbitrary Number of Arguments" section here:

In your example, you could call it as any of the following:

myMethod(); // Likely useless, but possible
myMethod("one", "two", "three");
myMethod(new String[]{"a", "b", "c"});

Important Note: The argument(s) passed in this way is always an array - even if there's just one. Make sure you treat it that way in the method body.

Important Note 2: The argument that gets the ... must be the last in the method signature. So, myMethod(int i, String... strings) is okay, but myMethod(String... strings, int i) is not okay.

Thanks to Vash for the clarifications in his comment.

How do I shrink my SQL Server Database?

This may seem bizarre, but it's worked for me and I have written a C# program to automate this.

Step 1: Truncate the transaction log (Back up only the transaction log, turning on the option to remove inactive transactions)

Step 2: Run a database shrink, moving all the pages to the start of the files

Step 3: Truncate the transaction log again, as step 2 adds log entries

Step 4: Run a database shrink again.

My stripped down code, which uses the SQL DMO library, is as follows:

SQLDatabase.Shrink(5, SQLDMO.SQLDMO_SHRINK_TYPE.SQLDMOShrink_NoTruncate);
SQLDatabase.Shrink(5, SQLDMO.SQLDMO_SHRINK_TYPE.SQLDMOShrink_Default);

How to make a variadic macro (variable number of arguments)

C99 way, also supported by VC++ compiler.

#define FOO(fmt, ...) printf(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)

How to calculate percentage with a SQL statement

SELECT Grade, GradeCount / SUM(GradeCount)
FROM (SELECT Grade, COUNT(*) As GradeCount
      FROM myTable
      GROUP BY Grade) Grades

How can I find last row that contains data in a specific column?

All the solutions relying on built-in behaviors (like .Find and .End) have limitations that are not well-documented (see my other answer for details).

I needed something that:

  • Finds the last non-empty cell (i.e. that has any formula or value, even if it's an empty string) in a specific column
  • Relies on primitives with well-defined behavior
  • Works reliably with autofilters and user modifications
  • Runs as fast as possible on 10,000 rows (to be run in a Worksheet_Change handler without feeling sluggish)
  • ...with performance not falling off a cliff with accidental data or formatting put at the very end of the sheet (at ~1M rows)

The solution below:

  • Uses UsedRange to find the upper bound for the row number (to make the search for the true "last row" fast in the common case where it's close to the end of the used range);
  • Goes backwards to find the row with data in the given column;
  • ...using VBA arrays to avoid accessing each row individually (in case there are many rows in the UsedRange we need to skip)

(No tests, sorry)

' Returns the 1-based row number of the last row having a non-empty value in the given column (0 if the whole column is empty)
Private Function getLastNonblankRowInColumn(ws As Worksheet, colNo As Integer) As Long
    ' Force Excel to recalculate the "last cell" (the one you land on after CTRL+END) / "used range"
    ' and get the index of the row containing the "last cell". This is reasonably fast (~1 ms/10000 rows of a used range)
    Dim lastRow As Long: lastRow = ws.UsedRange.Rows(ws.UsedRange.Rows.Count).Row - 1 ' 0-based

    ' Since the "last cell" is not necessarily the one we're looking for (it may be in a different column, have some
    ' formatting applied but no value, etc), we loop backward from the last row towards the top of the sheet).
    Dim wholeRng As Range: Set wholeRng = ws.Columns(colNo)

    ' Since accessing cells one by one is slower than reading a block of cells into a VBA array and looping through the array,
    ' we process in chunks of increasing size, starting with 1 cell and doubling the size on each iteration, until MAX_CHUNK_SIZE is reached.
    ' In pathological cases where Excel thinks all the ~1M rows are in the used range, this will take around 100ms.
    ' Yet in a normal case where one of the few last rows contains the cell we're looking for, we don't read too many cells.
    Const MAX_CHUNK_SIZE = 2 ^ 10 ' (using large chunks gives no performance advantage, but uses more memory)
    Dim chunkSize As Long: chunkSize = 1
    Dim startOffset As Long: startOffset = lastRow + 1 ' 0-based
    Do ' Loop invariant: startOffset>=0 and all rows after startOffset are blank (i.e. wholeRng.Rows(i+1) for i>=startOffset)
        startOffset = IIf(startOffset - chunkSize >= 0, startOffset - chunkSize, 0)
        ' Fill `vals(1 To chunkSize, 1 To 1)` with column's rows indexed `[startOffset+1 .. startOffset+chunkSize]` (1-based, inclusive)
        Dim chunkRng As Range: Set chunkRng = wholeRng.Resize(chunkSize).Offset(startOffset)
        Dim vals() As Variant
        If chunkSize > 1 Then
            vals = chunkRng.Value2
        Else ' reading a 1-cell range requires special handling <>
            ReDim vals(1 To 1, 1 To 1)
            vals(1, 1) = chunkRng.Value2
        End If

        Dim i As Long
        For i = UBound(vals, 1) To LBound(vals, 1) Step -1
            If Not IsEmpty(vals(i, 1)) Then
                getLastNonblankRowInColumn = startOffset + i
                Exit Function
            End If
        Next i

        If chunkSize < MAX_CHUNK_SIZE Then chunkSize = chunkSize * 2
    Loop While startOffset > 0

    getLastNonblankRowInColumn = 0
End Function

Does MS SQL Server's "between" include the range boundaries?

Real world example from SQL Server 2008.

Source data:

ID    Start
1     2010-04-30 00:00:01.000
2     2010-04-02 00:00:00.000
3     2010-05-01 00:00:00.000
4     2010-07-31 00:00:00.000


    Start BETWEEN '2010-04-01 00:00:00' AND '2010-05-01 00:00:00'


ID    Start
1     2010-04-30 00:00:01.000
2     2010-04-02 00:00:00.000

alt text

How to export query result to csv in Oracle SQL Developer?

CSV Export does not escape your data. Watch out for strings which end in \ because the resulting \" will look like an escaped " and not a \. Then you have the wrong number of " and your entire row is broken.

How to check if input is numeric in C++

When cin gets input it can't use, it sets failbit:

int n;
cin >> n;
if(!cin) // or if(
    // user didn't input a number
    cin.clear(); // reset failbit
    cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n'); //skip bad input
    // next, request user reinput

When cin's failbit is set, use cin.clear() to reset the state of the stream, then cin.ignore() to expunge the remaining input, and then request that the user re-input. The stream will misbehave so long as the failure state is set and the stream contains bad input.

Mockito test a void method throws an exception

If you ever wondered how to do it using the new BDD style of Mockito:

willThrow(new Exception()).given(mockedObject).methodReturningVoid(...));

And for future reference one may need to throw exception and then do nothing:

willThrow(new Exception()).willDoNothing().given(mockedObject).methodReturningVoid(...));

How to call gesture tap on UIView programmatically in swift

try the following extension

    extension UIView {

    func  addTapGesture(action : @escaping ()->Void ){
        let tap = MyTapGestureRecognizer(target: self , action: #selector(self.handleTap(_:)))
        tap.action = action
        tap.numberOfTapsRequired = 1

        self.isUserInteractionEnabled = true

    @objc func handleTap(_ sender: MyTapGestureRecognizer) {

class MyTapGestureRecognizer: UITapGestureRecognizer {
    var action : (()->Void)? = nil

and then use it :

submitBtn.addTapGesture {
     //your code

you can even use it for cell

cell.addTapGesture {
     //your code

Sending mail from Python using SMTP

Based on this example I made following function:

import smtplib
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.mime.text import MIMEText

def send_email(host, port, user, pwd, recipients, subject, body, html=None, from_=None):
    """ copied and adapted from
    returns None if all ok, but if problem then returns exception object

    PORT_LIST = (25, 587, 465)

    FROM = from_ if from_ else user 
    TO = recipients if isinstance(recipients, (list, tuple)) else [recipients]
    SUBJECT = subject
    TEXT = body.encode("utf8") if isinstance(body, unicode) else body
    HTML = html.encode("utf8") if isinstance(html, unicode) else html

    if not html:
        # Prepare actual message
        message = """From: %s\nTo: %s\nSubject: %s\n\n%s
        """ % (FROM, ", ".join(TO), SUBJECT, TEXT)
        msg = MIMEMultipart('alternative')
        msg['Subject'] = SUBJECT
        msg['From'] = FROM
        msg['To'] = ", ".join(TO)

        # Record the MIME types of both parts - text/plain and text/html.
        # utf-8 ->
        part1 = MIMEText(TEXT, 'plain', "utf-8")
        part2 = MIMEText(HTML, 'html', "utf-8")

        # Attach parts into message container.
        # According to RFC 2046, the last part of a multipart message, in this case
        # the HTML message, is best and preferred.

        message = msg.as_string()

        if port not in PORT_LIST: 
            raise Exception("Port %s not one of %s" % (port, PORT_LIST))

        if port in (465,):
            server = smtplib.SMTP_SSL(host, port)
            server = smtplib.SMTP(host, port)

        # optional

        if port in (587,): 

        server.login(user, pwd)
        server.sendmail(FROM, TO, message)
        #"SENT_EMAIL to %s: %s" % (recipients, subject))
    except Exception, ex:
        return ex

    return None

if you pass only body then plain text mail will be sent, but if you pass html argument along with body argument, html email will be sent (with fallback to text content for email clients that don't support html/mime types).

Example usage:

ex = send_email(
      host        = ''
   #, port        = 465 # OK
    , port        = 587  #OK
    , user        = "[email protected]"
    , pwd         = "xxx"
    , from_       = '[email protected]'
    , recipients  = ['[email protected]']
    , subject     = "Test from python"
    , body        = "Test from python - body"
if ex: 
    print("Mail sending failed: %s" % ex)
    print("OK - mail sent"

Btw. If you want to use gmail as testing or production SMTP server, enable temp or permanent access to less secured apps:

MySQL: How to set the Primary Key on phpMyAdmin?

MySQL can index the first x characters of a column,but a TEXT type is of variable length so mysql cant assure the uniqueness of the column.If you still want text column,use VARCHAR.

HTML character codes for this ? or this ?

You don't need to use character codes; just use UTF-8 and put them in literally; like so:


If you absolutely must use the entites, they are &#x25b2; and &#x25bc;, respectively.

Change the jquery show()/hide() animation?

Use slidedown():


Are there benefits of passing by pointer over passing by reference in C++?

A pointer can receive a NULL parameter, a reference parameter can not. If there's ever a chance that you could want to pass "no object", then use a pointer instead of a reference.

Also, passing by pointer allows you to explicitly see at the call site whether the object is passed by value or by reference:

// Is mySprite passed by value or by reference?  You can't tell 
// without looking at the definition of func()

// func2 passes "by pointer" - no need to look up function definition

How can I reverse a NSArray in Objective-C?

DasBoot has the right approach, but there are a few mistakes in his code. Here's a completely generic code snippet that will reverse any NSMutableArray in place:

/* Algorithm: swap the object N elements from the top with the object N 
 * elements from the bottom. Integer division will wrap down, leaving 
 * the middle element untouched if count is odd.
for(int i = 0; i < [array count] / 2; i++) {
    int j = [array count] - i - 1;

    [array exchangeObjectAtIndex:i withObjectAtIndex:j];

You can wrap that in a C function, or for bonus points, use categories to add it to NSMutableArray. (In that case, 'array' would become 'self'.) You can also optimize it by assigning [array count] to a variable before the loop and using that variable, if you desire.

If you only have a regular NSArray, there's no way to reverse it in place, because NSArrays cannot be modified. But you can make a reversed copy:

NSMutableArray * copy = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:[array count]];

for(int i = 0; i < [array count]; i++) {
    [copy addObject:[array objectAtIndex:[array count] - i - 1]];

Or use this little trick to do it in one line:

NSArray * copy = [[array reverseObjectEnumerator] allObjects];

If you just want to loop over an array backwards, you can use a for/in loop with [array reverseObjectEnumerator], but it's likely a bit more efficient to use -enumerateObjectsWithOptions:usingBlock::

[array enumerateObjectsWithOptions:NSEnumerationReverse
                        usingBlock:^(id obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) {
    // This is your loop body. Use the object in obj here. 
    // If you need the index, it's in idx.
    // (This is the best feature of this method, IMHO.)
    // Instead of using 'continue', use 'return'.
    // Instead of using 'break', set '*stop = YES' and then 'return'.
    // Making the surrounding method/block return is tricky and probably
    // requires a '__block' variable.
    // (This is the worst feature of this method, IMHO.)

(Note: Substantially updated in 2014 with five more years of Foundation experience, a new Objective-C feature or two, and a couple tips from the comments.)

How to embed HTML into IPython output?

First, the code:

from random import choices

def random_name(length=6):
    return "".join(choices("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", k=length))
# ---

from IPython.display import IFrame, display, HTML
import tempfile
from os import unlink

def display_html_to_frame(html, width=600, height=600):
    name = f"temp_{random_name()}.html"
    with open(name, "w") as f:
        print(html, file=f)
    display(IFrame(name, width, height), metadata=dict(isolated=True))
    # unlink(name)
def display_html_inline(html):
    display(HTML(html, metadata=dict(isolated=True)))


Some quick notes:

  • You can generally just use inline HTML for simple items. If you are rendering a framework, like a large JavaScript visualization framework, you may need to use an IFrame. Its hard enough for Jupyter to run in a browser without random HTML embedded.
  • The strange parameter, metadata=dict(isolated=True) does not isolate the result in an IFrame, as older documentation suggests. It appears to prevent clear-fix from resetting everything. The flag is no longer documented: I just found using it allowed certain display: grid styles to correctly render.
  • This IFrame solution writes to a temporary file. You could use a data uri as described here but it makes debugging your output difficult. The Jupyter IFrame function does not take a data or srcdoc attribute.
  • The tempfile module creations are not sharable to another process, hence the random_name().
  • If you use the HTML class with an IFrame in it, you get a warning. This may be only once per session.
  • You can use HTML('Hello, <b>world</b>') at top level of cell and its return value will render. Within a function, use display(HTML(...)) as is done above. This also allows you to mix display and print calls freely.
  • Oddly, IFrames are indented slightly more than inline HTML.

.htaccess rewrite to redirect root URL to subdirectory

Formerly I use the following code which is work correctly to redirect root URL of each of my domains/subdomains to their correspondence subdirectories which are named exactly as the sub/domain it self as below:

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !subs/
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ subs/%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [L,QSA]

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !subs/
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ subs/%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [L,QSA]

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !subs/
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ subs/%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [L,QSA]

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !subs/
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ subs/%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [L,QSA]

However when I want to add another subs or domains then it will need to be added in the above code. It should be much more convenient to simplify it to work like wildcard (*) as below:

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^sub
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/subs/
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ subs/%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [L,QSA]

So whenever another subdomains/domains is added as long as the subdomain name has a prefix of sub (like:, etc.) the code will remain valid.

Android get image from gallery into ImageView

Simple pass Intent first:

Intent i = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK,android.provider.MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI);
startActivityForResult(i, RESULT_LOAD_IMAGE);

And you will get picture path on your onActivityResult:

    protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
        super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
        if (requestCode == RESULT_LOAD_IMAGE && resultCode == RESULT_OK && null != data) {
            Uri selectedImage = data.getData();
            String[] filePathColumn = { MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA };
            Cursor cursor = getContentResolver().query(selectedImage,filePathColumn, null, null, null);
            int columnIndex = cursor.getColumnIndex(filePathColumn[0]);
            String picturePath = cursor.getString(columnIndex);
            ImageView imageView = (ImageView) findViewById(;

for full source code here

jQuery exclude elements with certain class in selector

You can use the .not() method:

$(".content_box a").not(".button")

Alternatively, you can also use the :not() selector:

$(".content_box a:not('.button')")

There is little difference between the two approaches, except .not() is more readable (especially when chained) and :not() is very marginally faster. See this Stack Overflow answer for more info on the differences.

How to horizontally center an unordered list of unknown width?

The answer of philfreo is great, it works perfectly (cross-browser, with IE 7+). Just add my exp for the anchor tag inside li.

#footer ul li { display: inline; }
#footer ul li a { padding: 2px 4px; } /* no display: block here */

#footer ul li { position: relative; float: left; display: block; right: 50%; }
#footer ul li a {display: block; left: 0; } 

How do I format a date with Dart?

 String dateConverter(String date) {
    // Input date Format
    final format = DateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy");
    DateTime gettingDate = format.parse(date);
    final DateFormat formatter = DateFormat('yyyy-MM-dd');
    // Output Date Format
    final String formatted = formatter.format(gettingDate);
    return date;

jQuery ajax call to REST service

From the use of 8080 I'm assuming you are using a tomcat servlet container to serve your rest api. If this is the case you can also consider to have your webserver proxy the requests to the servlet container.

With apache you would typically use mod_jk (although there are other alternatives) to serve the api trough the web server behind port 80 instead of 8080 which would solve the cross domain issue.

This is common practice, have the 'static' content in the webserver and dynamic content in the container, but both served from behind the same domain.

The url for the rest api would be http://localhost/restws/json/product/get

Here a description on how to use mod_jk to connect apache to tomcat:

How do I close an Android alertdialog

The AlertDialog.Builder itself does not contain a dismiss() or cancel() method.

It is a convenience class to help you create a Dialog, which DOES have access to those methods.

Here is an example:

AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this); 

AlertDialog alert = builder.create();;

You can then call the alert.cancel() method on the alert (not the builder).

Updating a dataframe column in spark

Just as maasg says you can create a new DataFrame from the result of a map applied to the old DataFrame. An example for a given DataFrame df with two rows:

val newDf = sqlContext.createDataFrame( => 
  Row(row.getInt(0) + SOMETHING, applySomeDef(row.getAs[Double]("y")), df.schema)

Note that if the types of the columns change, you need to give it a correct schema instead of df.schema. Check out the api of org.apache.spark.sql.Row for available methods:

[Update] Or using UDFs in Scala:

import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._

val toLong = udf[Long, String] (_.toLong)

val modifiedDf = df.withColumn("modifiedColumnName", toLong(df("columnName"))).drop("columnName")

and if the column name needs to stay the same you can rename it back:

modifiedDf.withColumnRenamed("modifiedColumnName", "columnName")

mysql query: SELECT DISTINCT column1, GROUP BY column2

Somehow your requirement sounds a bit contradictory ..

group by name (which is basically a distinct on name plus readiness to aggregate) and then a distinct on IP

What do you think should happen if two people (names) worked from the same IP within the time period specified?

Did you try this?

SELECT name, COUNT(name), time, price, ip, SUM(price) 
  FROM tablename 
 WHERE time >= $yesterday AND time <$today 
GROUP BY name,ip

How do I create directory if it doesn't exist to create a file?

To Create

(new FileInfo(filePath)).Directory.Create() Before writing to the file.

....Or, If it exists, then create (else do nothing)

System.IO.FileInfo file = new System.IO.FileInfo(filePath);
file.Directory.Create(); // If the directory already exists, this method does nothing.
System.IO.File.WriteAllText(file.FullName, content);

remove legend title in ggplot

You were almost there : just add theme(legend.title=element_blank())

ggplot(df, aes(x, y, colour=g)) +
  geom_line(stat="identity") + 
  theme(legend.position="bottom") +

This page on Cookbook for R gives plenty of details on how to customize legends.

List only stopped Docker containers

The typical command is:

docker container ls -f 'status=exited'

However, this will only list one of the possible non-running statuses. Here's a list of all possible statuses:

  • created
  • restarting
  • running
  • removing
  • paused
  • exited
  • dead

You can filter on multiple statuses by passing multiple filters on the status:

docker container ls -f 'status=exited' -f 'status=dead' -f 'status=created'

If you are integrating this with an automatic cleanup script, you can chain one command to another with some bash syntax, output just the container id's with -q, and you can also limit to just the containers that exited successfully with an exit code filter:

docker container rm $(docker container ls -q -f 'status=exited' -f 'exited=0')

For more details on filters you can use, see Docker's documentation:

How to revert multiple git commits?

First be sure that your working copy is not modified. Then:

git diff --binary HEAD commit_sha_you_want_to_revert_to | git apply

and then just commit. Don't forget to document what's the reason for revert.

How to resolve conflicts in EGit

GIT has the most irritating way of resolving conflicts (Unlike svn where you can simply compare and do the changes). I strongly feel git has complex conflict resolution process. If I were to resolve, I would simply take another code from GIT as fresh, add my changes and commit them. It simple and not so process oriented.

Plotting a python dict in order of key values

Simply pass the sorted items from the dictionary to the plot() function. concentration.items() returns a list of tuples where each tuple contains a key from the dictionary and its corresponding value.

You can take advantage of list unpacking (with *) to pass the sorted data directly to zip, and then again to pass it into plot():

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

concentration = {
    0: 0.19849878712984576,
    5000: 0.093917341754771386,
    10000: 0.075060643507712022,
    20000: 0.06673074282575861,
    30000: 0.057119318961966224,
    50000: 0.046134834546203485,
    100000: 0.032495766396631424,
    200000: 0.018536317451599615,
    500000: 0.0059499290585381479}


sorted() sorts tuples in the order of the tuple's items so you don't need to specify a key function because the tuples returned by dict.item() already begin with the key value.

Is there a function to make a copy of a PHP array to another?

$arr_one_copy = array_combine(array_keys($arr_one), $arr_one);

Just to post one more solution ;)

Is there a Social Security Number reserved for testing/examples?

all zeros would probably be the most obvious that it wasn't a real SSN.

Embed Google Map code in HTML with marker

The element that you posted looks like it's just copy-pasted from the Google Maps embed feature.

If you'd like to drop markers for the locations that you have, you'll need to write some JavaScript to do so. I'm learning how to do this as well.

Check out the following:

It has several examples and code samples that can be easily re-used and adapted to fit your current problem.

Use Excel pivot table as data source for another Pivot Table

As @nutsch implies, Excel won't do what you need directly, so you have to copy your data from the pivot table to somewhere else first. Rather than using copy and then paste values, however, a better way for many purposes is to create some hidden columns or a whole hidden sheet that copies values using simple formulae. The copy-paste approach isn't very useful when the original pivot table gets refreshed.

For instance, if Sheet1 contains the original pivot table, then:

  • Create Sheet2 and put =Sheet1!A1 into Sheet2!A1
  • Copy that formula around as many cells in Sheet2 as required to match the size of the original pivot table.
  • Assuming that the original pivot table could change size whenever it is refreshed, you could copy the formula in Sheet2 to cover the whole of the potential area the original pivot table could ever take. That will put lots of zeros in cells where the original cells are currently empty, but you could avoid that by using the formula =IF(Sheet1!A1="","",Sheet1!A1) instead.
  • Create your new pivot table based on a range within Sheet2, then hide Sheet2.

PHP executable not found. Install PHP 7 and add it to your PATH or set the php.executablePath setting

For me this setting was working.
In my windows 8.1 the path for php7 is



 "php.validate.executablePath": "/user/test/tools/php7/php.exe"

see also

How to initialize an array in Java?

Rather than learning un-Official websites learn from oracle website

link follows:Click here

*You can find Initialization as well as declaration with full description *

int n; // size of array here 10
int[] a = new int[n];
for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
    a[i] = Integer.parseInt(s.nextLine()); // using Scanner class

Input: 10//array size 10 20 30 40 50 60 71 80 90 91

Displaying data:

for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) 
    System.out.println(a[i] + " ");

Output: 10 20 30 40 50 60 71 80 90 91

Powershell script does not run via Scheduled Tasks

I have another solution for this problem that might apply to some of you.

After I created my power shell (xyz.ps1) script, I opened it in notepad for subsequent editing. Hence Windows made an association between my xyz.ps1 file with notepad.exe and Scheduler was trying to run my power shell script (xyz.ps1) with notepad.exe in the background instead of executing it in Powershell. I found this problem by paying close attention to "Display all running tasks" section in the scheduler, which showed that notepad.exe was being used to run the xyz.ps1 script. To verify this, I right clicked on my xyz.ps1 file in windows explorer, went to "Properties", and it showed Notepad against the "Opens With" section. Then I changed the "Opens With" to %SystemRoot%\SysWOW64\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe. This did the trick. Now the scheduler would execute my xyz.ps1 using powershell.exe and gave me the desired results.

To locate your powershell.exe, refer to this article:

Failed to serialize the response in Web API with Json

Add this code to global.asax below on Application_Start:

Update from .Ignore to .Serialize . It must work.

GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.Formatters.JsonFormatter.SerializerSettings.ReferenceLoopHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.ReferenceLoopHandling.Serialize;

Remove an onclick listener

Setting setOnClickListener(null) is a good idea to remove click listener at runtime.

And also someone commented that calling View.hasOnClickListeners() after this will return true, NO my friend.

Here is the implementation of hasOnClickListeners() taken from android.view.View class

 public boolean hasOnClickListeners() {
        ListenerInfo li = mListenerInfo;
        return (li != null && li.mOnClickListener != null);

Thank GOD. It checks for null.

So everything is safe. Enjoy :-)

What is Type-safe?

Type-safe means that programmatically, the type of data for a variable, return value, or argument must fit within a certain criteria.

In practice, this means that 7 (an integer type) is different from "7" (a quoted character of string type).

PHP, Javascript and other dynamic scripting languages are usually weakly-typed, in that they will convert a (string) "7" to an (integer) 7 if you try to add "7" + 3, although sometimes you have to do this explicitly (and Javascript uses the "+" character for concatenation).

C/C++/Java will not understand that, or will concatenate the result into "73" instead. Type-safety prevents these types of bugs in code by making the type requirement explicit.

Type-safety is very useful. The solution to the above "7" + 3 would be to type cast (int) "7" + 3 (equals 10).

How to force a WPF binding to refresh?

I was fetching data from backend and updated the screen with just one line of code. It worked. Not sure, why we need to implement Interface. (windows 10, UWP)

    private void populateInCurrentScreen()
        (this.FindName("Dets") as Grid).Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

WPF C# button style

Here's my attempt. Looks more similar to the OP's sample and provides settable properties for icon (FrameworkElement), title (string) and subtitle (string). The output looks like this:

enter image description here

Here's XAML:

<Button x:Class="Controls.FancyButton"
             d:DesignHeight="300" d:DesignWidth="300" Width="300" Height="80"
          BorderBrush="{x:Null}" BorderThickness="0">
    <DropShadowEffect BlurRadius="12" Color="Gray" Direction="270" Opacity=".8" ShadowDepth="3" />

    <ControlTemplate TargetType="Button">
      <Grid Width="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType=Button}, Path=ActualWidth}"
        Height="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType=Button}, Path=ActualHeight}">

        <Border x:Name="MainBorder" CornerRadius="3" Grid.ColumnSpan="2" Margin="0,0,4,4" BorderBrush="Black" BorderThickness="1">
            <LinearGradientBrush StartPoint="0.5,0" EndPoint="0.5,1">
              <GradientStop Color="#FF5E5E5E" Offset="0" />
              <GradientStop Color="#FF040404" Offset="1" />

          <Grid >
              <ColumnDefinition Width="1.2*"/>
              <ColumnDefinition Width="3*"/>

            <Border CornerRadius="2" Margin="0" BorderBrush="LightGray" BorderThickness="0,1,0,0" Grid.ColumnSpan="2" Grid.RowSpan="2" />

            <Line X1="10" Y1="0" X2="10" Y2="10" Stretch="Fill" Grid.Column="0" HorizontalAlignment="Right" Stroke="#0C0C0C" Grid.RowSpan="2" />
            <Line X1="10" Y1="0" X2="10" Y2="10" Stretch="Fill" Grid.Column="1" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Grid.RowSpan="2">
                <LinearGradientBrush StartPoint="0,0" EndPoint="0,1">
                  <GradientStop Color="#4D4D4D" Offset="0" />
                  <GradientStop Color="#2C2C2C" Offset="1" />

            <ContentControl HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" Grid.RowSpan="2">
                <Binding RelativeSource="{RelativeSource TemplatedParent}" Path="Image">
                    <Path Data="M0,0 L30,15 L0,30Z">
                        <DropShadowEffect Direction="50" ShadowDepth="2" />
                        <LinearGradientBrush StartPoint="0,0.5" EndPoint="1,0.5">
                          <GradientStop Color="#4B86B2" Offset="0" />
                          <GradientStop Color="#477FA8" Offset="1" />

            <Grid Grid.Column="1" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Center">
                <RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
                <RowDefinition Height="Auto" />

              <TextBlock x:Name="Title" Text="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource TemplatedParent}, Path=Title, FallbackValue='Watch Now'}" Grid.Column="1" VerticalAlignment="Bottom" FontFamily="Calibri" FontWeight="Bold" FontSize="28" Foreground="White" Margin="20,0,0,0" />
              <TextBlock x:Name="SubTitle" Text="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource TemplatedParent}, Path=SubTitle, FallbackValue='Duration: 50 min'}" Grid.Column="1" Grid.Row="1" VerticalAlignment="top" FontFamily="Calibri" FontSize="14" Foreground="White" Margin="20,0,0,0" />

        <Trigger Property="IsMouseOver" Value="True">
          <Setter TargetName="Title" Property="TextDecorations" Value="Underline" />
          <Setter TargetName="SubTitle" Property="TextDecorations" Value="Underline" />
        <Trigger Property="IsPressed" Value="True">
          <Setter TargetName="MainBorder" Property="Background">
              <LinearGradientBrush StartPoint="0.5,0" EndPoint="0.5,1">
                <GradientStop Color="#FF5E5E5E" Offset="0" />
                <GradientStop Color="#FFA4A4A4" Offset="1" />

Here's the code-behind:

using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;

namespace Controls
  public partial class FancyButton : Button
    public FancyButton()

    public string Title
      get { return (string)GetValue(TitleProperty); }
      set { SetValue(TitleProperty, value); }

    public static readonly DependencyProperty TitleProperty =
        DependencyProperty.Register("Title", typeof(string), typeof(FancyButton), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata("Title", FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.AffectsRender));

    public string SubTitle
      get { return (string)GetValue(SubTitleProperty); }
      set { SetValue(SubTitleProperty, value); }

    public static readonly DependencyProperty SubTitleProperty =
        DependencyProperty.Register("SubTitle", typeof(string), typeof(FancyButton), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata("SubTitle", FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.AffectsRender));

    public FrameworkElement Image
      get { return (FrameworkElement)GetValue(ImageProperty); }
      set { SetValue(ImageProperty, value); }

    public static readonly DependencyProperty ImageProperty =
        DependencyProperty.Register("Image", typeof(FrameworkElement), typeof(FancyButton), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(null, FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.AffectsRender));

Here is how to use it:

<controls:FancyButton Grid.Row="1" HorizontalAlignment="Right" Margin="3" Title="Watch Now" SubTitle="Duration: 50 min">
    <Path Data="M0,0 L30,15 L0,30Z">
        <DropShadowEffect Direction="50" ShadowDepth="2" />
        <LinearGradientBrush StartPoint="0,0.5" EndPoint="1,0.5">
          <GradientStop Color="#4B86B2" Offset="0" />
          <GradientStop Color="#477FA8" Offset="1" />

Integration Testing POSTing an entire object to Spring MVC controller

Another way to solve with Reflection, but without marshalling:

I have this abstract helper class:

public abstract class MvcIntegrationTestUtils {

       public static MockHttpServletRequestBuilder postForm(String url,
                 Object modelAttribute, String... propertyPaths) {

              try {
                     MockHttpServletRequestBuilder form = post(url).characterEncoding(

                     for (String path : propertyPaths) {
                            form.param(path, BeanUtils.getProperty(modelAttribute, path));

                     return form;

              } catch (Exception e) {
                     throw new RuntimeException(e);

You use it like this:

// static import (optional)
import static org.springframework.test.web.servlet.result.MockMvcResultMatchers.*;

// in your test method, populate your model attribute object (yes, works with nested properties)
BlogSetup bgs = new BlogSetup();
      bgs.getBlog().setBlogTitle("Test Blog");
      bgs.getUser().setEmail("[email protected]");

// finally put it together
            postForm("/blogs/create", bgs, "blog.blogTitle", "",
                    "user.firstName", "user.lastName", "user.password"))

I have deduced it is better to be able to mention the property paths when building the form, since I need to vary that in my tests. For example, I might want to check if I get a validation error on a missing input and I'll leave out the property path to simulate the condition. I also find it easier to build my model attributes in a @Before method.

The BeanUtils is from commons-beanutils:


How to count the number of files in a directory using Python

If you want to count all files in the directory - including files in subdirectories, the most pythonic way is:

import os

file_count = sum(len(files) for _, _, files in os.walk(r'C:\Dropbox'))

We use sum that is faster than explicitly adding the file counts (timings pending)

Update a submodule to the latest commit

If you update a submodule and commit to it, you need to go to the containing, or higher level repo and add the change there.

git status

will show something like:


The fact that the submodule is out of sync can also be seen with

git submodule

the output will show:

+afafaffa232452362634243523 some/path/to/your/submodule

The plus indicates that the your submodule is pointing ahead of where the top repo expects it to point to.

simply add this change:

git add some/path/to/your/submodule

and commit it:

git commit -m "referenced newer version of my submodule"

When you push up your changes, make sure you push up the change in the submodule first and then push the reference change in the outer repo. This way people that update will always be able to successfully run

git submodule update

More info on submodules can be found here

Invalid character in identifier

Carefully see your quotation, is this correct or incorrect! Sometime double quotation doesn’t work properly, it's depend on your keyboard layout.

How do I clone a specific Git branch?

git clone --single-branch --branch <branchname> <remote-repo>

The --single-branch option is valid from version 1.7.10 and later.

Please see also the other answer which many people prefer.

You may also want to make sure you understand the difference. And the difference is: by invoking git clone --branch <branchname> url you're fetching all the branches and checking out one. That may, for instance, mean that your repository has a 5kB documentation or wiki branch and 5GB data branch. And whenever you want to edit your frontpage, you may end up cloning 5GB of data.

Again, that is not to say git clone --branch is not the way to accomplish that, it's just that it's not always what you want to accomplish, when you're asking about cloning a specific branch.

Converting two lists into a matrix

Simple you can try this

a=list(zip(portfolio, index))

error while loading shared libraries:

Your system likely does not provide the ncurses library at the version android studio uses. My arch linux install only had ncurses 6 but android studio needs version 5. You could check if your distribution has a compatability package, or use the solution that Rahmat Aligos suggested.

What are the integrity and crossorigin attributes?

Technically, the Integrity attribute helps with just that - it enables the proper verification of the data source. That is, it merely allows the browser to verify the numbers in the right source file with the amounts requested by the source file located on the CDN server.

Going a bit deeper, in case of the established encrypted hash value of this source and its checked compliance with a predefined value in the browser - the code executes, and the user request is successfully processed.

Crossorigin attribute helps developers optimize the rates of CDN performance, at the same time, protecting the website code from malicious scripts.

In particular, Crossorigin downloads the program code of the site in anonymous mode, without downloading cookies or performing the authentication procedure. This way, it prevents the leak of user data when you first load the site on a specific CDN server, which network fraudsters can easily replace addresses.


How can I group data with an Angular filter?

Both answers were good so I moved them in to a directive so that it is reusable and a second scope variable doesn't have to be defined.

Here is the fiddle if you want to see it implemented

Below is the directive:

var uniqueItems = function (data, key) {
    var result = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
        var value = data[i][key];
        if (result.indexOf(value) == -1) {
    return result;

            function () {
                return function (collection, key) {
                    if (collection === null) return;
                    return uniqueItems(collection, key);

Then it can be used as follows:

<div ng-repeat="team in players|groupBy:'team'">
    <li ng-repeat="player in players | filter: {team: team}">{{}}</li>        

How to create a Restful web service with input parameters?

If you want query parameters, you use @QueryParam.

public Todo getXML(@QueryParam("summary") String x, 
                   @QueryParam("description") String y)

But you won't be able to send a PUT from a plain web browser (today). If you type in the URL directly, it will be a GET.

Philosophically, this looks like it should be a POST, though. In REST, you typically either POST to a common resource, /todo, where that resource creates and returns a new resource, or you PUT to a specifically-identified resource, like /todo/<id>, for creation and/or update.

Laravel Eloquent get results grouped by days

You can use Carbon (integrated in Laravel)

// Carbon
use Carbon\Carbon;   
$visitorTraffic = PageView::select('id', 'title', 'created_at')
    ->groupBy(function($date) {
        return Carbon::parse($date->created_at)->format('Y'); // grouping by years
        //return Carbon::parse($date->created_at)->format('m'); // grouping by months

Vue 2 - Mutating props vue-warn

YES!, mutating attributes in vue2 is anti-pattern. BUT... Just break the rules by using other rules, and go forward! What you need is adding .sync modifier to your component attribute in paret scope. <your-awesome-components :custom-attribute-as-prob.sync="value" />

It's simple we kill the batman

How can I check if given int exists in array?

You almost never have to write your own loops in C++. Here, you can use std::find.

const int toFind = 42;
int* found = std::find (myArray, std::end (myArray), toFind);
if (found != std::end (myArray))
  std::cout << "Found.\n"
  std::cout << "Not found.\n";

std::end requires C++11. Without it, you can find the number of elements in the array with:

const size_t numElements = sizeof (myArray) / sizeof (myArray[0]);

...and the end with:

int* end = myArray + numElements;

Open terminal here in Mac OS finder

Check out Open Terminal Here. It may be the most similar to "Open Command Window Here." I used >cdto and this is very similar but this seems to be a little better at dealing with Spaces... but not perfect.

What it has that is very nice is the ability to "detect key-down events at the start of the application and used them to modify the behavior of the script" allowing the script to open a new tab in the front most terminal window when invoked by holding down ? key. Neat trick.

Also note PCheese's answer; it is probably more useful for heavy terminal users!

How can I align button in Center or right using IONIC framework?

Css is going to work in same manner i assume.

You can center the content with something like this :



To adjust the width in proper manner, modify your DOM as below :

<div class="item-input-inset">
    <label class="item-input-wrapper"> Date
        <input type="text" placeholder="Text Area" />
<div class="item-input-inset">
    <label class="item-input-wrapper"> Suburb
        <input type="text" placeholder="Text Area" />


label {
    border:1px solid red;

    float:right; /* shift to right for alignment*/
    width:80% /* set a width, you can use max-width to limit this as well*/


final update

If you don't plan to modify existing HTML (one in your question originally), below css would make me your best friend!! :)

html, body, .con {
.item-input-inset {
.item-input-inset > h4 {
    margin-top:0;/* important alignment */
.item-input-wrapper {
input {


Permutation of array

There are n! total permutations for the given array size n. Here is code written in Java using DFS.

public List<List<Integer>> permute(int[] nums) {
    List<List<Integer>> results = new ArrayList<List<Integer>>();
    if (nums == null || nums.length == 0) {
        return results;
    List<Integer> result = new ArrayList<>();
    dfs(nums, results, result);
    return results;

public void dfs(int[] nums, List<List<Integer>> results, List<Integer> result) {
    if (nums.length == result.size()) {
        List<Integer> temp = new ArrayList<>(result);
    for (int i=0; i<nums.length; i++) {
        if (!result.contains(nums[i])) {
            dfs(nums, results, result);
            result.remove(result.size() - 1);

For input array [3,2,1,4,6], there are totally 5! = 120 possible permutations which are:


Hope this helps.

Set QLineEdit to accept only numbers

The best is QSpinBox.

And for a double value use QDoubleSpinBox.

QSpinBox myInt;
myInt.setSingleStep(1);// Will increment the current value with 1 (if you use up arrow key) (if you use down arrow key => -1)
myInt.setValue(2);// Default/begining value
myInt.value();// Get the current value
//connect(&myInt, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(myValueChanged(int)));

Check if a value is an object in JavaScript

Ready to use functions for checking

function isObject(o) {
  return null != o && 
    typeof o === 'object' && === '[object Object]';

function isDerivedObject(o) {
  return !isObject(o) && 
    null != o && 
    (typeof o === 'object' || typeof o === 'function') &&
    /^\[object /.test(;

// Loose equality operator (==) is intentionally used to check
// for undefined too

// Also note that, even null is an object, within isDerivedObject
// function we skip that and always return false for null


  • In Javascript, null, Object, Array, Date and functions are all objects. Although, null is bit contrived. So, it's better to check for the null first, to detect it's not null.

  • Checking for typeof o === 'object' guarantees that o is an object. Without this check, Object.prototype.toString would be meaningless, since it would return object for everthing, even for undefined and null! For example: toString(undefined) returns [object Undefined]!

    After typeof o === 'object' check, is a great method to check whether o is an object, a derived object like Array, Date or a function.

  • In isDerivedObject function, it checks for the o is a function. Because, function also an object, that's why it's there. If it didn't do that, function will return as false. Example: isDerivedObject(function() {}) would return false, however now it returns true.

  • One can always change the definition of what is an object. So, one can change these functions accordingly.


function isObject(o) {_x000D_
  return null != o && _x000D_
    typeof o === 'object' && _x000D_ === '[object Object]';_x000D_
function isDerivedObject(o) {_x000D_
  return !isObject(o) && _x000D_
    null != o && _x000D_
    (typeof o === 'object' || typeof o === 'function') &&_x000D_
    /^\[object /.test(;_x000D_
// TESTS_x000D_
// is null an object?_x000D_
  'is null an object?', isObject(null)_x000D_
  'is null a derived object?', isDerivedObject(null)_x000D_
// is 1234 an object?_x000D_
  'is 1234 an object?', isObject(1234)_x000D_
  'is 1234 a derived object?', isDerivedObject(1234)_x000D_
// is new Number(1234) an object?_x000D_
  'is new Number(1234) an object?', isObject(new Number(1234))_x000D_
  'is new Number(1234) a derived object?', isDerivedObject(1234)_x000D_
// is function object an object?_x000D_
  'is (new (function (){})) an object?', _x000D_
  isObject((new (function (){})))_x000D_
  'is (new (function (){})) a derived object?', _x000D_
  isObject((new (function (){})))_x000D_
// is {} an object?_x000D_
  'is {} an object?', isObject({})_x000D_
  'is {} a derived object?', isDerivedObject({})_x000D_
// is Array an object?_x000D_
  'is Array an object?',_x000D_
  'is Array a derived object?',_x000D_
// is Date an object?_x000D_
  'is Date an object?', isObject(new Date())_x000D_
  'is Date a derived object?', isDerivedObject(new Date())_x000D_
// is function an object?_x000D_
  'is function an object?', isObject(function(){})_x000D_
  'is function a derived object?', isDerivedObject(function(){})_x000D_

Loaded nib but the 'view' outlet was not set

select the files owner and goto open the identity inspecter give the class name to which it corresponds to. If none of the above methods works and still you can't see the view outlet then give new referencing outlet Connection to the File's Owner then you can able to see the view outlet. Click on the view Outlet to make a connection between the View Outlet and File's owner. Run the Application this works fine.

How do I lowercase a string in Python?

Use .lower() - For example:

s = "Kilometer"

The official 2.x documentation is here: str.lower()
The official 3.x documentation is here: str.lower()

Get Client Machine Name in PHP

Not in PHP.
phpinfo(32) contains everything PHP able to know about particular client, and there is no [windows] computer name

C string append

You'll have to strncpy str1 into new_string first then.

How can I read and manipulate CSV file data in C++?

Using boost tokenizer to parse records, see here for more details.

ifstream in(data.c_str());
if (!in.is_open()) return 1;

typedef tokenizer< escaped_list_separator<char> > Tokenizer;

vector< string > vec;
string line;

while (getline(in,line))
    Tokenizer tok(line);

    /// do something with the record
    if (vec.size() < 3) continue;

    copy(vec.begin(), vec.end(),
         ostream_iterator<string>(cout, "|"));

    cout << "\n----------------------" << endl;

RegEx to extract all matches from string using RegExp.exec

I would definatly recommend using the String.match() function, and creating a relevant RegEx for it. My example is with a list of strings, which is often necessary when scanning user inputs for keywords and phrases.

    // 1) Define keywords
    var keywords = ['apple', 'orange', 'banana'];

    // 2) Create regex, pass "i" for case-insensitive and "g" for global search
    regex = new RegExp("(" + keywords.join('|') + ")", "ig");
    => /(apple|orange|banana)/gi

    // 3) Match it against any string to get all matches 
    "Test string for ORANGE's or apples were mentioned".match(regex);
    => ["ORANGE", "apple"]

Hope this helps!

How to: Install Plugin in Android Studio

Recently I started using the Mac Pc for android development. When I go to

Android Studio => File => Other setting => Preference for New Projects..

I was not able to find plugin option in the setting page.

enter image description here

Later while clicking option on the toolbar, I clicked on "SDK Manager" it prompted the Settings where the Plugin option was visible and I was able to add the plugins from here.

[enter image description here

After this, it opens the following setting enter image description here

On clicking the **Plugin**  it will open above tab

Python Socket Receive Large Amount of Data

I think this question has been pretty well answered, but I just wanted to add a method using Python 3.8 and the new assignment expression (walrus operator) since it is stylistically simple.

import socket

host = ""
port = 31337
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
con, addr = s.accept()
msg_list = []

while (walrus_msg := con.recv(3)) != b'\r\n':


In this case, 3 bytes are received from the socket and immediately assigned to walrus_msg. Once the socket receives a b'\r\n' it breaks the loop. walrus_msg are added to a msg_list and printed after the loop breaks. This script is basic but was tested and works with a telnet session.

NOTE: The parenthesis around the (walrus_msg := con.recv(3)) are needed. Without this, while walrus_msg := con.recv(3) != b'\r\n': evaluates walrus_msg to True instead of the actual data on the socket.

Switch between python 2.7 and python 3.5 on Mac OS X

How to set the python version back to 2.7 if you have installed Anaconda3 (Python 3.6) on MacOS High Sierra 10.13.5

Edit the .bash_profile file in your home directory.

vi $HOME/.bash_profile

hash out the line # export PATH="/Users/YOURUSERNAME/anaconda3/bin:$PATH"

Close the shell open again you should see 2.7 when you run python.

Then if you want 3.6 you can simply uncomment your anaconda3 line in your bash profile.

Trying to unlink python will end in tears in Mac OSX.

You will something like this

unlink: /usr/bin/python: Operation not permitted

Hope that helps someone out !! :) :)

How can I replace a newline (\n) using sed?

gnu sed has an option -z for null separated records (lines). You can just call:

sed -z 's/\n/ /g'

pg_config executable not found

This was partly suggested before, adding it here for clarity.

From the documentation at
they suggest running: $ pip install psycopg2-binary

That solved the issue for me.

How can we run a test method with multiple parameters in MSTest?

I couldn't get The DataRowAttribute to work in Visual Studio 2015, and this is what I ended up with:

public class Tests
    private Foo _toTest;

    public void Setup()
        this._toTest = new Foo();

    public void ATest()
        this.Perform_ATest(1, 1, 2);

        this.Perform_ATest(100, 200, 300);

        this.Perform_ATest(817001, 212, 817213);

    private void Perform_ATest(int a, int b, int expected)
        // Obviously this would be way more complex...

        Assert.IsTrue(this._toTest.Add(a,b) == expected);

public class Foo
    public int Add(int a, int b)
        return a + b;

The real solution here is to just use NUnit (unless you're stuck in MSTest like I am in this particular instance).

How to permanently add a private key with ssh-add on Ubuntu?

Adding the following lines in "~/.bashrc" solved the issue for me. I'm using Ubuntu 14.04 desktop.

eval `gnome-keyring-daemon --start`
export SSH_AUTH_SOCK="$(ls /run/user/$(id -u $USERNAME)/keyring*/ssh|head -1)"
export SSH_AGENT_PID="$(pgrep gnome-keyring)"

Valid to use <a> (anchor tag) without href attribute?

It is valid. You can, for example, use it to show modals (or similar things that respond to data-toggle and data-target attributes).

Something like:

<a role="button" data-toggle="modal" data-target=".bs-example-modal-sm" aria-hidden="true"><i class="fa fa-phone"></i></a>

Here I use the font-awesome icon, which is better as a a tag rather than a button, to show a modal. Also, setting role="button" makes the pointer change to an action type. Without either href or role="button", the cursor pointer does not change.

How to print table using Javascript?

You can also use a jQuery plugin to do that

jQuery PrintPage plugin


How can I run a PHP script inside a HTML file?

     echo '<p>Hello World</p>' 

As simple as placing something along those lines within your HTML assuming your server is set-up to execute PHP in files with the HTML extension.

Get month name from date in Oracle

to_char(mydate, 'MONTH') will do the job.

What is the proper REST response code for a valid request but an empty data?

According to Microsoft: Controller action return types in ASP.NET Core web API, scroll down almost to the bottom, you find the following blurb about 404 relating to an object not found in the database. Here they suggest that a 404 is appropriate for Empty Data.

enter image description here

scale fit mobile web content using viewport meta tag

I had same problem as yours, but my concern was list view. When i try to scroll list view fixed header also scroll little bit. Problem was list view height smaller than viewport (browser) height. You just need to reduce your viewport height lower than content tag (list view within content tag) height. Here is my meta tag;

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,height=90%,  user-scalable = no"> 

Hope this will help.Thnks.

C# how to wait for a webpage to finish loading before continuing

If you are using the InternetExplorer.Application COM object, check the ReadyState property for the value of 4.

Maven error in eclipse (pom.xml) : Failure to transfer org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:pom:2.12.4

In my case it was a failed import to eclipse. I had to delete the project from eclipse (without deleting form the filesystem of course) and reimport it. After that the error was gone immediately.

Is it possible to clone html element objects in JavaScript / JQuery?

In one line:


How to convert binary string value to decimal

int num = Integer.parseInt("binaryString",2);

How to match a substring in a string, ignoring case

you can also use: s.lower() in str.lower()

How to check if a MySQL query using the legacy API was successful?

if using MySQLi bind_param try to put this line above the query


An ASP.NET setting has been detected that does not apply in Integrated managed pipeline mode

The 2nd option is the one you want.

In your web.config, make sure these keys exist:

        <validation validateIntegratedModeConfiguration="false"/>

Cannot perform runtime binding on a null reference, But it is NOT a null reference

My solution to this error was that a copy and paste from another project that had a reference to @Model.Id. This particular page didn't have a model but the error line was so far off from the actual error I about never found it!

Java String encoding (UTF-8)

This could be complicated way of doing

String newString = new String(oldString);

This shortens the String is the underlying char[] used is much longer.

However more specifically it will be checking that every character can be UTF-8 encoded.

There are some "characters" you can have in a String which cannot be encoded and these would be turned into ?

Any character between \uD800 and \uDFFF cannot be encoded and will be turned into '?'

String oldString = "\uD800";
String newString = new String(oldString.getBytes("UTF-8"), "UTF-8");



Git - how delete file from remote repository

Use commands :

git rm /path to file name /

followed by

git commit -m "Your Comment"

git push

your files will get deleted from the repository

How to run html file on localhost?

You can run your file in http-server.

1> Have Node.js installed in your system.

2> In CMD, run the command npm install http-server -g

3> Navigate to the specific path of your file folder in CMD and run the command http-server

4> Go to your browser and type localhost:8080. Your Application should run there.


Why does javascript replace only first instance when using replace?

You can use:

String.prototype.replaceAll = function(search, replace) {
if (replace === undefined) {
    return this.toString();
return this.split(search).join(replace);

Valid values for android:fontFamily and what they map to?

As far as I'm aware, you can't declare custom fonts in xml or themes. I usually just make custom classes extending textview that set their own font on instantiation and use those in my layout xml files.


public class Museo500TextView extends TextView {
    public Museo500TextView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        super(context, attrs);      
        this.setTypeface(Typeface.createFromAsset(context.getAssets(), "path/to/font.ttf"));


        android:textSize="12sp" />

django - get() returned more than one topic

I had same problem and solution was obj = ClassName.objects.filter()

Django Rest Framework -- no module named rest_framework

Yeh for me it was the python version as well ...
much better to use pipenv ...
create a virtual env using using python 3 ...

install pipenv : pip3 install pipenv
create the virtualenv: pipenv --python 3
activate the virtual env: pipenv shell

What is the difference between CMD and ENTRYPOINT in a Dockerfile?

• A Dockerfile should specify at least one CMD or ENTRYPOINT instruction

• Only the last CMD and ENTRYPOINT in a Dockerfile will be used

• ENTRYPOINT should be defined when using the container as an executable

• You should use the CMD instruction as a way of defining default arguments for the command defined as ENTRYPOINT or for executing an ad-hoc command in a container

• CMD will be overridden when running the container with alternative arguments

• ENTRYPOINT sets the concrete default application that is used every time a container is created using the image

• If you couple ENTRYPOINT with CMD, you can remove an executable from CMD and just leave its arguments which will be passed to ENTRYPOINT

• The best use for ENTRYPOINT is to set the image's main command, allowing that image to be run as though it was that command (and then use CMD as the default flags)

How to disable spring security for particular url

If you want to ignore multiple API endpoints you can use as follow:

    protected void configure(HttpSecurity httpSecurity) throws Exception {

How do I get a button to open another activity?

Apply the following steps:

  1. insert new layout xml in folder layout
  2. rename window2
  3. add new button and add this line: android:onClick="window2"

public void openWindow2(View v) {
        //call window2

JavaScript alert not working in Android WebView

Check this link , and last comment , You have to use WebChromeClient for your purpose.

MySQL: Quick breakdown of the types of joins

Full Outer join don't exist in mysql , you might need to use a combination of left and right join.

Gradle DSL method not found: 'runProguard'

By changing runProguard to minifyEnabled, part of the issue gets fixed.

But the fix can cause "Library Projects cannot set application Id" (you can find the fix for this here Android Studio 1.0 and error "Library projects cannot set applicationId").

By removing application Id in the build.gradle file, you should be good to go.

Hexadecimal string to byte array in C

char *hexstring = "deadbeef10203040b00b1e50", *pos = hexstring;
unsigned char val[12];
while( *pos )
  if( !((pos-hexstring)&1) )

sizeof(val)/sizeof(val[0]) is redundant!

Creating a new ArrayList in Java

You are looking for Java generics

List<MyClass> list = new ArrayList<MyClass>();

Here's a tutorial

How to convert a Date to a formatted string in

myDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")

the capital HH is for 24 hours format as you specified

Javascript getElementsByName.value not working

You have mentioned Wrong id


if you want to use name attribute then



input type="text" id="name" name="username"  

id is different from name

Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:1.2:java (default-cli)

I had the same problem but after deleting the old plugin for org.codehaus.mojo it worked.

I use this


Laravel 5 route not defined, while it is?

One more cause for this:

If the routes are overridden with the same URI (Unknowingly), it causes this error:


Route::get('dashboard', ['uses' => 'SomeController@index', 'as' => 'my.dashboard']);
Route::get('dashboard/', ['uses' => 'SomeController@dashboard', 'as' => 'my.home_dashboard']);

In this case route 'my.dashboard' is invalidate as the both routes has same URI ('dashboard', 'dashboard/')

Solution: You should change the URI for either one


Route::get('dashboard', ['uses' => 'SomeController@index', 'as' => 'my.dashboard']);
Route::get('home-dashboard', ['uses' => 'SomeController@dashboard', 'as' => 'my.home_dashboard']); 

// See the URI changed for this 'home-dashboard'

Hope it helps some once.

font-family is inherit. How to find out the font-family in chrome developer pane?

I think op wants to know what the font that is used on a webpage is, and hoped that info might be findable in the 'inspect' pane.

Try adding the Whatfont Chrome extension.

Regex for remove everything after | (with | )

If you want to get everything after | excluding set character use this code.


Others solutions \|.*$

Results : | mypcworld

This one [^|]*$

Results : mypcworld

What's the reason I can't create generic array types in Java?


Arrays of generic types are not allowed because they're not sound. The problem is due to the interaction of Java arrays, which are not statically sound but are dynamically checked, with generics, which are statically sound and not dynamically checked. Here is how you could exploit the loophole:

class Box<T> {
    final T x;
    Box(T x) {
        this.x = x;

class Loophole {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Box<String>[] bsa = new Box<String>[3];
        Object[] oa = bsa;
        oa[0] = new Box<Integer>(3); // error not caught by array store check
        String s = bsa[0].x; // BOOM!

We had proposed to resolve this problem using statically safe arrays (aka Variance) bute that was rejected for Tiger.

-- gafter

(I believe it is Neal Gafter, but am not sure)

See it in context here:

How to push both value and key into PHP array

There are some great example already given here. Just adding a simple example to push associative array elements to root numeric index index.

`$intial_content = array();

if (true) {
 $intial_content[] = array('name' => 'xyz', 'content' => 'other content');

Python Threading String Arguments

from threading import Thread
from time import sleep
def run(name):
    for x in range(10):
        print("helo "+name)
def run1():
    for x in range(10):

How do you use variables in a simple PostgreSQL script?

For the official CLI client "psql" see here. And "pgAdmin3" 1.10 (still in beta) has "pgScript".

format statement in a string resource file

Quote from Android Docs:

If you need to format your strings using String.format(String, Object...), then you can do so by putting your format arguments in the string resource. For example, with the following resource:

<string name="welcome_messages">Hello, %1$s! You have %2$d new messages.</string>

In this example, the format string has two arguments: %1$s is a string and %2$d is a decimal number. You can format the string with arguments from your application like this:

Resources res = getResources();
String text = String.format(res.getString(R.string.welcome_messages), username, mailCount);

Uninstalling an MSI file from the command line without using msiexec

The msi file extension is mapped to msiexec (same way typing a .txt filename on a command prompt launches Notepad/default .txt file handler to display the file).

Thus typing in a filename with an .msi extension really runs msiexec with the MSI file as argument and takes the default action, install. For that reason, uninstalling requires you to invoke msiexec with uninstall switch to unstall it.

Convert object of any type to JObject with Json.NET

JObject implements IDictionary, so you can use it that way. For ex,

var cycleJson  = JObject.Parse(@"{""name"":""john""}");

//add surname
cycleJson["surname"] = "doe";

//add a complex object
cycleJson["complexObj"] = JObject.FromObject(new { id = 1, name = "test" });

So the final json will be

  "name": "john",
  "surname": "doe",
  "complexObj": {
    "id": 1,
    "name": "test"

You can also use dynamic keyword

dynamic cycleJson  = JObject.Parse(@"{""name"":""john""}");
cycleJson.surname = "doe";
cycleJson.complexObj = JObject.FromObject(new { id = 1, name = "test" });

Kotlin unresolved reference in IntelliJ

Sometimes this could happen because you are trying to use a project with incompatible versions of Kotlin plugin in Gradle with plugin in your IDE. Check the versions of org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm and other Kotlin plugins in build.gradle, and version of installed kotlin plugin in your IDE, and try to make it similar:

enter image description here

enter image description here

Absolute position of an element on the screen using jQuery

See .offset() here in the jQuery doc. It gives the position relative to the document, not to the parent. You perhaps have .offset() and .position() confused. If you want the position in the window instead of the position in the document, you can subtract off the .scrollTop() and .scrollLeft() values to account for the scrolled position.

Here's an excerpt from the doc:

The .offset() method allows us to retrieve the current position of an element relative to the document. Contrast this with .position(), which retrieves the current position relative to the offset parent. When positioning a new element on top of an existing one for global manipulation (in particular, for implementing drag-and-drop), .offset() is the more useful.

To combine these:

var offset = $("selector").offset();
var posY = - $(window).scrollTop();
var posX = offset.left - $(window).scrollLeft(); 

You can try it here (scroll to see the numbers change):

Using the "animated circle" in an ImageView while loading stuff

For the ones developing in Kotlin, there is a sweet method provided by the Anko library that makes the process of displaying a ProgressDialog a breeze!

Based on that link:

val dialog = progressDialog(message = "Please wait a bit…", title = "Fetching data")

This will show a Progress Dialog with the progress % displayed (for which you have to pass the init parameter also to calculate the progress).

There is also the indeterminateProgressDialog() method, which provides the Spinning Circle animation indefinitely until dismissed:


Shout out to this blog which led me to this solution.

How to get 30 days prior to current date?

Try this

var today = new Date()
var priorDate = new Date().setDate(today.getDate()-30)

As noted by @Neel, this method returns in Javascript Timestamp format. To convert it back to date object, you need to pass the above to a new Date object; new Date(priorDate).

insert data into database using servlet and jsp in eclipse

Check that doPost() method of servlet is called from the jsp form and remove conn.commit.

Running CMake on Windows

There is a vcvars32.bat in your Visual Studio installation directory. You can add call cmd.exe at the end of that batch program and launch it. From that shell you can use CMake or cmake-gui and cl.exe would be known to CMake.

How to display two digits after decimal point in SQL Server

select cast(your_float_column as decimal(10,2))
from your_table

decimal(10,2) means you can have a decimal number with a maximal total precision of 10 digits. 2 of them after the decimal point and 8 before.
The biggest possible number would be 99999999.99

Should functions return null or an empty object?

We use CSLA.NET, and it takes the view that a failed data fetch should return an "empty" object. This is actually quite annoying, as it demands the convention of checking whether obj.IsNew rathern than obj == null.

As a previous poster mentioned, null return values will cause code to fail straight away, reducing the likelihood of stealth problems caused by empty objects.

Personally, I think null is more elegant.

It's a very common case, and I'm surprised that people here seem surprised by it: on any web application, data is often fetched using a querystring parameter, which can obviously be mangled, so requiring that the developer handle incidences of "not found".

You could handle this by:

if (User.Exists(id)) {
  this.User = User.Fetch(id);
} else {

...but that's an extra call to the database every time, which may be an issue on high-traffic pages. Whereas:

this.User = User.Fetch(id);

if (this.User == null) {

...requires only one call.

Return number of rows affected by UPDATE statements

You might need to collect the stats as you go, but @@ROWCOUNT captures this:

declare @Fish table (
Name varchar(32)

insert into @Fish values ('Cod')
insert into @Fish values ('Salmon')
insert into @Fish values ('Butterfish')
update @Fish set Name = 'LurpackFish' where Name = 'Butterfish'
select @@ROWCOUNT  --gives 1

update @Fish set Name = 'Dinner'
select @@ROWCOUNT -- gives 3

Compiling/Executing a C# Source File in Command Prompt

If you have installed Visual Studio then you have Developer Command Prompt for VS. You can easily build your program using csc command and run your application with the name of the application inside the developer command prompt.

You can open Developer command prompt as given below.

Start => Developer Command Prompt for VS

Hope this helps!

Form Submission without page refresh

<!-- index.php -->
    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <script src=""></script>
    <form id="myForm">
        <input type="text" name="fname" id="fname"/>
        <input type="submit" name="click" value="button" />

                    method: 'POST',
                    url: 'submit.php',
                    dataType: "json",
                    contentType: "application/json",
                    data : $('#myForm').serialize(),
                    success: function(data){
                    error: function(xhr, desc, err){
<!-- submit.php -->
$value ="call";
header('Content-Type: application/json');
echo json_encode($value);

Break or return from Java 8 stream forEach?

Either you need to use a method which uses a predicate indicating whether to keep going (so it has the break instead) or you need to throw an exception - which is a very ugly approach, of course.

So you could write a forEachConditional method like this:

public static <T> void forEachConditional(Iterable<T> source,
                                          Predicate<T> action) {
    for (T item : source) {
        if (!action.test(item)) {

Rather than Predicate<T>, you might want to define your own functional interface with the same general method (something taking a T and returning a bool) but with names that indicate the expectation more clearly - Predicate<T> isn't ideal here.

How do you develop Java Servlets using Eclipse?

I use Eclipse Java EE edition

Create a "Dynamic Web Project"

Install a local server in the server view, for the version of Tomcat I'm using. Then debug, and run on that server for testing.

When I deploy I export the project to a war file.

How can I remove file extension from a website address?

For those who are still looking for a simple answer to this; You can remove your file extension by using .htaccessbut this solution is just saving the day maybe even not. Because when user copies the URL from address bar or tries to reload or even coming back from history, your standart Apache Router will not be able to realize what are you looking for and throw you a 404 Error. You need a dedicated Router for this purpose to make your app understand what does the URL actually means by saying something Server and File System has no idea about.

I leave here my solution for this. This is tested and used many times for my clients and for my projects too. It supports multi language and language detection too. Read Readme file is recommended. It also provides you a good structure to have a tidy project with differenciated language files (you can even have different designs for each language) and separated css,js and phpfiles even more like images or whatever you have.

Cr8Router - Simple PHP Router

How to cut first n and last n columns?

Cut can take several ranges in -f:

Columns up to 4 and from 7 onwards:

cut -f -4,7-

or for fields 1,2,5,6 and from 10 onwards:

cut -f 1,2,5,6,10-


How to pass values between Fragments

I´ve made something really easy for begginers like me. I made a textview in my activity_main.xml and put


then I get this textview from the first fragment

index= (Textview) getActivity().findviewbyid(
index.setText("fill me with the value")

and then in the second fragment I get the value

index= (Textview) getActivity().findviewbyid(
String get_the_value= index.getText().toString();

How to copy part of an array to another array in C#?

See this question. LINQ Take() and Skip() are the most popular answers, as well as Array.CopyTo().

A purportedly faster extension method is described here.

How to set Spinner Default by its Value instead of Position?

If the list you use for the spinner is an object then you can find its position like this

private int selectSpinnerValue( List<Object> ListSpinner,String myString) 
    int index = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < ListSpinner.size(); i++){
    return index;


 int index=selectSpinnerValue(ListOfSpinner,StringEquals);

How to make use of ng-if , ng-else in angularJS

There is no directive for ng-else

You can use ng-if to achieve if(){..} else{..} in angularJs.

For your current situation,

<div ng-if=" == 5">
<!-- If block -->
<div ng-if=" != 5">
<!-- Your Else Block -->

Plot smooth line with PyPlot

For this example spline works well, but if the function is not smooth inherently and you want to have smoothed version you can also try:

from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter1d

ysmoothed = gaussian_filter1d(y, sigma=2)
plt.plot(x, ysmoothed)

if you increase sigma you can get a more smoothed function.

Proceed with caution with this one. It modifies the original values and may not be what you want.

Eclipse returns error message "Java was started but returned exit code = 1"

it can be like this as well:

C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\server\jvm.dll

Structs data type in php?

Closest you'd get to a struct is an object with all members public.

class MyStruct {
    public $foo;
    public $bar;

$obj = new MyStruct();
$obj->foo = 'Hello';
$obj->bar = 'World';

I'd say looking at the PHP Class Documentation would be worth it. If you need a one-off struct, use the StdObject as mentioned in alex's answer.

Facebook Access Token for Pages

  1. Go to the Graph API Explorer
  2. Choose your app from the dropdown menu
  3. Click "Get Access Token"
  4. Choose the manage_pages permission (you may need the user_events permission too, not sure)
  5. Now access the me/accounts connection and copy your page's access_token
  6. Click on your page's id
  7. Add the page's access_token to the GET fields
  8. Call the connection you want (e.g.: PAGE_ID/events)

Storing images in SQL Server?

While performance issues are valid the real reasons in practice that you should avoid storing images in a database are for database management reasons. Your database will grow very rapidly and databases cost much more than simple file storage. Database backups and restores are much more expensive and time-consuming than file backup restores. In a pinch, you can restore a smaller database much more quickly than one bloated with images. Compare 1 TB of file storage on Azure to a 1 TB database and you'll see the vast difference in cost.

Javascript setInterval not working

A lot of other answers are focusing on a pattern that does work, but their explanations aren't really very thorough as to why your current code doesn't work.

Your code, for reference:

function funcName() {

var func = funcName();
var run = setInterval("func",10000)

Let's break this up into chunks. Your function funcName is fine. Note that when you call funcName (in other words, you run it) you will be alerting "test". But notice that funcName() -- the parentheses mean to "call" or "run" the function -- doesn't actually return a value. When a function doesn't have a return value, it defaults to a value known as undefined.

When you call a function, you append its argument list to the end in parentheses. When you don't have any arguments to pass the function, you just add empty parentheses, like funcName(). But when you want to refer to the function itself, and not call it, you don't need the parentheses because the parentheses indicate to run it.

So, when you say:

var func = funcName();

You are actually declaring a variable func that has a value of funcName(). But notice the parentheses. funcName() is actually the return value of funcName. As I said above, since funcName doesn't actually return any value, it defaults to undefined. So, in other words, your variable func actually will have the value undefined.

Then you have this line:

var run = setInterval("func",10000)

The function setInterval takes two arguments. The first is the function to be ran every so often, and the second is the number of milliseconds between each time the function is ran.

However, the first argument really should be a function, not a string. If it is a string, then the JavaScript engine will use eval on that string instead. So, in other words, your setInterval is running the following JavaScript code:

// 10 seconds later....
// and so on

However, func is just a variable (with the value undefined, but that's sort of irrelevant). So every ten seconds, the JS engine evaluates the variable func and returns undefined. But this doesn't really do anything. I mean, it technically is being evaluated every 10 seconds, but you're not going to see any effects from that.

The solution is to give setInterval a function to run instead of a string. So, in this case:

var run = setInterval(funcName, 10000);

Notice that I didn't give it func. This is because func is not a function in your code; it's the value undefined, because you assigned it funcName(). Like I said above, funcName() will call the function funcName and return the return value of the function. Since funcName doesn't return anything, this defaults to undefined. I know I've said that several times now, but it really is a very important concept: when you see funcName(), you should think "the return value of funcName". When you want to refer to a function itself, like a separate entity, you should leave off the parentheses so you don't call it: funcName.

So, another solution for your code would be:

var func = funcName;
var run = setInterval(func, 10000);

However, that's a bit redundant: why use func instead of funcName?

Or you can stay as true as possible to the original code by modifying two bits:

var func = funcName;
var run = setInterval("func()", 10000);

In this case, the JS engine will evaluate func() every ten seconds. In other words, it will alert "test" every ten seconds. However, as the famous phrase goes, eval is evil, so you should try to avoid it whenever possible.

Another twist on this code is to use an anonymous function. In other words, a function that doesn't have a name -- you just drop it in the code because you don't care what it's called.

setInterval(function () {
}, 10000);

In this case, since I don't care what the function is called, I just leave a generic, unnamed (anonymous) function there.

Android Failed to install HelloWorld.apk on device (null) Error

restart the ADT or Try changing the ADB connection timeout. I think it defaults that to 5000ms and I changed mine to 10000ms to get rid of that problem. If you are in Eclipse, you can do this by going through Window -> Preferences and then it is in DDMS under Android.

How do I implement interfaces in python?

interface supports Python 2.7 and Python 3.4+.

To install interface you have to

pip install python-interface

Example Code:

from interface import implements, Interface

class MyInterface(Interface):

    def method1(self, x):

    def method2(self, x, y):

class MyClass(implements(MyInterface)):

    def method1(self, x):
        return x * 2

    def method2(self, x, y):
        return x + y

Add/remove class with jquery based on vertical scroll?

Add some transition effect to it if you like:,css,js

.clearHeader {

  -webkit-transition: background 2s; /* For Safari 3.1 to 6.0 */
  transition: background 2s;

.clearHeader.darkHeader {

SQL: How to perform string does not equal

Try the following query

select * from table
where NOT (tester = 'username')

pretty-print JSON using JavaScript

Couldn't find any solution that had good syntax highlighting for the console, so here's my 2p

Install & Add cli-highlight dependency

npm install cli-highlight --save

Define logjson globally

const highlight = require('cli-highlight').highlight
console.logjson = (obj) => console.log(
                               highlight( JSON.stringify(obj, null, 4), 
                                          { language: 'json', ignoreIllegals: true } ));


console.logjson({foo: "bar", someArray: ["string1", "string2"]});


How to create a function in a cshtml template?

You can use the @helper Razor directive:

@helper WelcomeMessage(string username)
    <p>Welcome, @username.</p>

Then you invoke it like this:

@WelcomeMessage("John Smith")

send mail to multiple receiver with HTML mailto

"There are no safe means of assigning multiple recipients to a single mailto: link via HTML. There are safe, non-HTML, ways of assigning multiple recipients from a mailto: link."

For a quick fix to your problem, change your ; to a comma , and eliminate the spaces between email addresses

<a href='mailto:[email protected],[email protected]'>Email Us</a>

Can I run CUDA on Intel's integrated graphics processor?

Portland group have a commercial product called CUDA x86, it is hybrid compiler which creates CUDA C/ C++ code which can either run on GPU or use SIMD on CPU, this is done fully automated without any intervention for the developer. Hope this helps.


When do I have to use interfaces instead of abstract classes?

Use an abstract class when you want to define a template for a group of sub-classes , and you have at least some implementation code that call sub-classes could use.

Use an interface when you want to define the role that other classes can play, regardless of where those classes are in the inheritance tree

you extend an abstract class

you implement an interface :)

in an interface all the fields are automatically public static final and all the methods are public whereas an abstract class allows you a bit of flexibility here.

How do I escape a percentage sign in T-SQL?

You can use the code below to find a specific value.

WHERE col1 LIKE '%[%]75%'

When you want a single digit number after the% sign, you can write the following code.

WHERE col2 LIKE '%[%]_'

Write string to output stream

You may use Apache Commons IO:

try (OutputStream outputStream = ...) {
    IOUtils.write("data", outputStream, "UTF-8");

How to get instance variables in Python?

Although not directly an answer to the OP question, there is a pretty sweet way of finding out what variables are in scope in a function. take a look at this code:

>>> def f(x, y):
    z = x**2 + y**2
    sqrt_z = z**.5
    return sqrt_z

>>> f.func_code.co_varnames
('x', 'y', 'z', 'sqrt_z')

The func_code attribute has all kinds of interesting things in it. It allows you todo some cool stuff. Here is an example of how I have have used this:

def exec_command(self, cmd, msg, sig):

    def message(msg):
        a =

    def error(msg):

    def set_usrlist(msg):
        self.client.connected_users = msg

    def chatmessage(msg):

    if not locals().has_key(cmd): return
    cmd = locals()[cmd]

        if 'sig' in cmd.func_code.co_varnames and \
                       'msg' in cmd.func_code.co_varnames: 
            cmd(msg, sig)
        elif 'msg' in cmd.func_code.co_varnames: 
    except Exception, e:
        print '\n-----------ERROR-----------'
        print 'error: ', e
        print 'Error proccessing: ', cmd.__name__
        print 'Message: ', msg
        print 'Sig: ', sig
        print '-----------ERROR-----------\n'

How to submit a form with JavaScript by clicking a link?

<form id="mailajob" method="post" action="emailthijob.php">
    <input type="hidden" name="action" value="emailjob" />
    <input type="hidden" name="jid" value="<?php echo $jobid; ?>" />

<a class="emailjob" onclick="document.getElementById('mailajob').submit();">Email this job</a>

How to remove all null elements from a ArrayList or String Array?

Pre-Java 8 you should use:


Post-Java 8 use:


The reason here is time complexity. The problem with arrays is that a remove operation can take O(n) time to complete. Really in Java this is an array copy of the remaining elements being moved to replace the empty spot. Many other solutions offered here will trigger this issue. The former is technically O(n*m) where m is 1 because it's a singleton null: so O(n)

You should removeAll of the singleton, internally it does a batchRemove() which has a read position and a write position. And iterates the list. When it hits a null, it simply iterates the read position by 1. When they are the same it passes, when they are different it keeps moving along copying the values. Then at the end it trims to size.

It effectively does this internally:

public static <E> void removeNulls(ArrayList<E> list) {
    int size = list.size();
    int read = 0;
    int write = 0;
    for (; read < size; read++) {
        E element = list.get(read);
        if (element == null) continue;
        if (read != write) list.set(write, element);
    if (write != size) {
        list.subList(write, size).clear();

Which you can explicitly see is an O(n) operation.

The only thing that could ever be faster is if you iterated the list from both ends, and when you found a null, you set its value equal to the value you found at the end, and decremented that value. And iterated until the two values matched. You'd mess up the order, but would vastly reduce the number of values you set vs. ones you left alone. Which is a good method to know but won't help much here as .set() is basically free, but that form of delete is a useful tool for your belt.

for (Iterator<Tourist> itr = tourists.iterator(); itr.hasNext();) {
      if ( == null) { itr.remove(); }

While this seems reasonable enough, the .remove() on the iterator internally calls:


Which is again the O(n) operation within the remove. It does an System.arraycopy() which is again not what you want, if you care about speed. This makes it n^2.

There's also:


Which is O(m*n^2). Here we not only iterate the list. We reiterate the entire list, each time we match the null. Then we do n/2 (average) operations to do the System.arraycopy() to perform the remove. You could quite literally, sort the entire collection between items with values and items with null values and trim the ending in less time. In fact, that's true for all the broken ones. At least in theory, the actual system.arraycopy isn't actually an N operation in practice. In theory, theory and practice are the same thing; in practice they aren't.

The type initializer for 'System.Data.Entity.Internal.AppConfig' threw an exception

I had the duplicate definition of connection string in my Project Cms.And the Context class is named:CmsContext

In my case, the problem was solved, as I changed the connectionsting in Web.config as follow:in first one name is CmsContext and it's related to main project .in second one name is DefaultConnection and it's related to Identity

<add name="CmsContext" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" connectionString="Data Source=DESKTOP-2NQSP1P\SQLEXPRESS;  Initial Catalog=CmsDB;Integrated Security=True;" />

' << ' operator in verilog

<< is the left-shift operator, as it is in many other languages.

Here RAM_DEPTH will be 1 left-shifted by 8 bits, which is equivalent to 2^8, or 256.

How to print VARCHAR(MAX) using Print Statement?

You can use this

declare @i int = 1
while Exists(Select(Substring(@Script,@i,4000))) and (@i < LEN(@Script))
     print Substring(@Script,@i,4000)
     set @i = @i+4000

Java regular expression OR operator

You can just use the pipe on its own:


for example:

String s = "string1, string2, string3";
System.out.println(s.replaceAll("string1|string2", "blah"));


blah, blah, string3

The main reason to use parentheses is to limit the scope of the alternatives:

String s = "string1, string2, string3";
System.out.println(s.replaceAll("string(1|2)", "blah"));

has the same output. but if you just do this:

String s = "string1, string2, string3";
System.out.println(s.replaceAll("string1|2", "blah"));

you get:

blah, stringblah, string3

because you've said "string1" or "2".

If you don't want to capture that part of the expression use ?::

String s = "string1, string2, string3";
System.out.println(s.replaceAll("string(?:1|2)", "blah"));

How to print a query string with parameter values when using Hibernate

<!-- A time/date based rolling appender -->
<appender name="FILE" class="org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender">
    <param name="File" value="logs/system.log" />
    <param name="Append" value="true" />
    <param name="ImmediateFlush" value="true" />
    <param name="MaxFileSize" value="200MB" />
    <param name="MaxBackupIndex" value="100" />

    <layout class="org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout">
        <param name="ConversionPattern" value="%d %d{Z} [%t] %-5p (%F:%L) - %m%n" />

<appender name="journaldev-hibernate" class="org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender">
    <param name="File" value="logs/project.log" />
    <param name="Append" value="true" />
    <param name="ImmediateFlush" value="true" />
    <param name="MaxFileSize" value="200MB" />
    <param name="MaxBackupIndex" value="50" />

    <layout class="org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout">
        <param name="ConversionPattern" value="%d %d{Z} [%t] %-5p (%F:%L) - %m%n" />

<logger name="com.journaldev.hibernate" additivity="false">
    <level value="DEBUG" />
    <appender-ref ref="journaldev-hibernate" />

<logger name="org.hibernate" additivity="false">
    <level value="INFO" />
    <appender-ref ref="FILE" />

<logger name="org.hibernate.type" additivity="false">
    <level value="TRACE" />
    <appender-ref ref="FILE" />

    <priority value="INFO"></priority>
    <appender-ref ref="FILE" />

How to get the request parameters in Symfony 2?

public function indexAction(Request $request)
   $data = $request->get('corresponding_arg');
   // this also works
   $data1 = $request->query->get('corresponding_arg1');

How to pass data to view in Laravel?

If you want to pass just one variable to view, you may use

In Controller

return view('blog')->withTitle('Laravel Magic method.');

In view

  Post title is {{$title}}.

If you want to pass multiple variables to view, you may use

In Controller

return view('blog')->withTitle('Laravel magic method')->withAuthor('Mister Tandon');

In view

   Post title is {{$title}}.Author Name is {{$author}}

How can I get enum possible values in a MySQL database?

Here is a solution for a custom WordPress table. This will work for ENUM values without a comma (,) in them

function get_enum_values($wpdb, $table, $field) {

    $values = array();
    $table = "{$wpdb->prefix}{$table}";
    $query = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM {$table} WHERE Field = '{$field}'";
    $results = $wpdb->get_results($query, ARRAY_A);

    if (is_array($results) && count($results) > 0) {

        preg_match("/^enum\(\'(.*)\'\)$/", $results[0]['Type'], $matches);

        if (is_array($matches) && isset($matches[1])) {

            $values = explode("','", $matches[1]);



    return $values;


load external css file in body tag

No, it is not okay to put a link element in the body tag. See the specification (links to the HTML4.01 specs, but I believe it is true for all versions of HTML):

“This element defines a link. Unlike A, it may only appear in the HEAD section of a document, although it may appear any number of times.”

How do I install a color theme for IntelliJ IDEA 7.0.x

Step 1: Do File -> Import Settings... and select the settings jar file

Step 2: Go to Settings -> Editor -> Colors and Fonts to choose the theme you just installed.

How to picture "for" loop in block representation of algorithm

The Algorithm for given flow chart :

enter image description here


Step :01

  • Start

Step :02 [Variable initialization]

  • Set counter: i<----K [Where K:Positive Number]

Step :03[Condition Check]

  • If condition True then Do your task, set i=i+N and go to Step :03 [Where N:Positive Number]
  • If condition False then go to Step :04


  • Stop

Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysqli_connect()

So this may not be the issue for you, but I was struggling with this error. I discovered what was causing my problem, though I can't really explain as to why.

For me, mysqli_connect was working fine where the connection was made on pages in any various sub-directory. For some reason though, the same code referenced on pages in the root directory was returning this error. The strange thing is that it was working fine on my localhost environment in MAMP in the root directory, however on my shared host it was not.

After struggling to figure out what was giving me "Error 500" white screen from this "PHP Fatal Error," I went through the code and stumbled upon this code in the error handling that was suggested by the PHP Manual (

if (!mysqli_query($link, "SET a=1")) {
    printf("Error message: %s\n", mysqli_error($link));

I randomly decided to remove it and, voila, connection to the database working in root directories. Maybe someone smarter than me can explain this, for anyone struggling with a similar issue.

Convert list into a pandas data frame

You need convert list to numpy array and then reshape:

df = pd.DataFrame(np.array(my_list).reshape(3,3), columns = list("abc"))
print (df)
   a  b  c
0  1  2  3
1  4  5  6
2  7  8  9

Rounding SQL DateTime to midnight

You can convert the datetime to a date then back to a datetime. This will reset the timestamp.

select getdate() --2020-05-05 13:53:35.863

select cast(cast(GETDATE() as date) as datetime) --2020-05-05 00:00:00.000

OpenSSL and error in reading openssl.conf file

Just try to run openssl.exe as administrator.

Get int value from enum in C#

Since Enums can be any integral type (byte, int, short, etc.), a more robust way to get the underlying integral value of the enum would be to make use of the GetTypeCode method in conjunction with the Convert class:

enum Sides {
    Left, Right, Top, Bottom
Sides side = Sides.Bottom;

object val = Convert.ChangeType(side, side.GetTypeCode());

This should work regardless of the underlying integral type.

How can I get the key value in a JSON object?

You can simply traverse through the object and return if a match is found.

Here is the code:

returnKeyforValue : function() {
    var JsonObj= { "one":1, "two":2, "three":3, "four":4, "five":5 };
        for (key in JsonObj) {
        if(JsonObj[key] === "Keyvalue") {
            return key;

What is %timeit in python?

%timeit is an ipython magic function, which can be used to time a particular piece of code (A single execution statement, or a single method).

From the docs:


Time execution of a Python statement or expression

Usage, in line mode:
    %timeit [-n<N> -r<R> [-t|-c] -q -p<P> -o] statement

To use it, for example if we want to find out whether using xrange is any faster than using range, you can simply do:

In [1]: %timeit for _ in range(1000): True
10000 loops, best of 3: 37.8 µs per loop

In [2]: %timeit for _ in xrange(1000): True
10000 loops, best of 3: 29.6 µs per loop

And you will get the timings for them.

The major advantage of %timeit are:

  • that you don't have to import timeit.timeit from the standard library, and run the code multiple times to figure out which is the better approach.

  • %timeit will automatically calculate number of runs required for your code based on a total of 2 seconds execution window.

  • You can also make use of current console variables without passing the whole code snippet as in case of timeit.timeit to built the variable that is built in an another environment that timeit works.

How can I check if a scrollbar is visible?

I made a new custom :pseudo selector for jQuery to test whether an item has one of the following css properties:

  1. overflow: [scroll|auto]
  2. overflow-x: [scroll|auto]
  3. overflow-y: [scroll|auto]

I wanted to find the closest scrollable parent of another element so I also wrote another little jQuery plugin to find the closest parent with overflow.

This solution probably doesn't perform the best, but it does appear to work. I used it in conjunction with the $.scrollTo plugin. Sometimes I need to know whether an element is inside another scrollable container. In that case I want to scroll the parent scrollable element vs the window.

I probably should have wrapped this up in a single plugin and added the psuedo selector as a part of the plugin, as well as exposing a 'closest' method to find the closest (parent) scrollable container. it is.

$.isScrollable jQuery plugin:

$.fn.isScrollable = function(){
    var elem = $(this);
    return (
    elem.css('overflow') == 'scroll'
        || elem.css('overflow') == 'auto'
        || elem.css('overflow-x') == 'scroll'
        || elem.css('overflow-x') == 'auto'
        || elem.css('overflow-y') == 'scroll'
        || elem.css('overflow-y') == 'auto'

$(':scrollable') jQuery pseudo selector:

$.expr[":"].scrollable = function(a) {
    var elem = $(a);
    return elem.isScrollable();

$.scrollableparent() jQuery plugin:

$.fn.scrollableparent = function(){
    return $(this).closest(':scrollable') || $(window); //default to $('html') instead?

Implementation is pretty simple

//does a specific element have overflow scroll?
var somedivIsScrollable = $(this).isScrollable();
//use :scrollable psuedo selector to find a collection of child scrollable elements
var scrollableChildren = $(this).find(':scrollable');
//use $.scrollableparent to find closest scrollable container
var scrollableparent = $(this).scrollableparent();

UPDATE: I found that Robert Koritnik already came up with a much more powerful :scrollable pseudo selector that will identify the scrollable axes and height of scrollable containers, as a part of his $.scrollintoview() jQuery plugin. scrollintoview plugin

Here is his fancy pseudo selector (props):

    $.extend($.expr[":"], {

    scrollable: function (element, index, meta, stack) {

        var direction = converter[typeof (meta[3]) === "string" && meta[3].toLowerCase()] || converter.both;

        var styles = (document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle ? document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(element, null) : element.currentStyle);

        var overflow = {

            x: scrollValue[styles.overflowX.toLowerCase()] || false,

            y: scrollValue[styles.overflowY.toLowerCase()] || false,

            isRoot: rootrx.test(element.nodeName)


        // check if completely unscrollable (exclude HTML element because it's special)

        if (!overflow.x && !overflow.y && !overflow.isRoot)


            return false;


        var size = {

            height: {

                scroll: element.scrollHeight,

                client: element.clientHeight


            width: {

                scroll: element.scrollWidth,

                client: element.clientWidth


            // check overflow.x/y because iPad (and possibly other tablets) don't dislay scrollbars

            scrollableX: function () {

                return (overflow.x || overflow.isRoot) && this.width.scroll > this.width.client;


            scrollableY: function () {

                return (overflow.y || overflow.isRoot) && this.height.scroll > this.height.client;



        return direction.y && size.scrollableY() || direction.x && size.scrollableX();



Return current date plus 7 days

$now = date('Y-m-d');
$start_date = strtotime($now);
$end_date = strtotime("+7 day", $start_date);
echo date('Y-m-d', $start_date) . '  + 7 days =  ' . date('Y-m-d', $end_date);

How to mock a final class with mockito

If you trying to run unit-test under the test folder, the top solution is fine. Just follow it adding an extension.

But if you want to run it with android related class like context or activity which is under androidtest folder, the answer is for you.

docker : invalid reference format

I ran into this issue when I didn't have an environment variable set.

docker push ${repo}${image_name}:${tag}

repo and image_name were defined but tag wasn't.

This resulted in docker push repo/image_name:.

Which threw the docker: invalid reference format.

Moving uncommitted changes to a new branch

Just move to the new branch. The uncommited changes get carried over.

git checkout -b ABC_1

git commit -m <message>

Error QApplication: no such file or directory

I suggest you to update your SDK and start new project and recompile everything you have. It seems you have some inner program errors. Or you are missing package.

And ofc do what Abdijeek said.

Switch to another Git tag

As of Git v2.23.0 (August 2019), git switch is preferred over git checkout when you’re simply switching branches/tags. I’m guessing they did this since git checkout had two functions: for switching branches and for restoring files. So in v2.23.0, they added two new commands, git switch, and git restore, to separate those concerns. I would predict at some point in the future, git checkout will be deprecated.

To switch to a normal branch, use git switch <branch-name>. To switch to a commit-like object, including single commits and tags, use git switch --detach <commitish>, where <commitish> is the tag name or commit number.

The --detach option forces you to recognize that you’re in a mode of “inspection and discardable experiments”. To create a new branch from the commitish you’re switching to, use git switch -c <new-branch> <start-point>.

Math operations from string

Warning: this way is not a safe way, but is very easy to use. Use it wisely.

Use the eval function.

print eval('2 + 4')



You can even use variables or regular python code.

a = 5
print eval('a + 4')



You also can get return values:

d = eval('4 + 5')
print d



Or call functions:

def add(a, b):
    return a + b

def subtract(a, b):
    return a - b

a = 20
b = 10    
print eval('add(a, b)')
print eval('subtract(a, b)')



In case you want to write a parser, maybe instead you can built a python code generator if that is easier and use eval to run the code. With eval you can execute any Python evalution.

Why eval is unsafe?

Since you can put literally anything in the eval, e.g. if the input argument is:

os.system(‘rm -rf /’)

It will remove all files on your system (at least on Linux/Unix). So only use eval when you trust the input.

Create a folder if it doesn't already exist

This is the most up-to-date solution without error suppression:

if (!is_dir('path/to/directory')) {

Check whether values in one data frame column exist in a second data frame

Use %in% as follows

A$C %in% B$C

Which will tell you which values of column C of A are in B.

What is returned is a logical vector. In the specific case of your example, you get:

A$C %in% B$C

Which you can use as an index to the rows of A or as an index to A$C to get the actual values:

# as a row index
A[A$C %in% B$C,  ]  # note the comma to indicate we are indexing rows

# as an index to A$C
A$C[A$C %in% B$C]
[1] 1 3 4  # returns all values of A$C that are in B$C

We can negate it too:

A$C[!A$C %in% B$C]
[1] 2   # returns all values of A$C that are NOT in B$C

If you want to know if a specific value is in B$C, use the same function:

  2 %in% B$C   # "is the value 2 in B$C ?"  

  A$C[2] %in% B$C  # "is the 2nd element of A$C in B$C ?"  

Convert NSData to String?

Prior Swift 3.0 :

String(data: yourData, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding)

For Swift 4.0:

String(data: yourData, encoding: .utf8)

cast a List to a Collection

Not knowing your code, it's a bit hard to answer your question, but based on all the info here, I believe the issue is you're trying to use Collections.sort passing in an object defined as Collection, and sort doesn't support that.

First question. Why is client defined so generically? Why isn't it a List, Map, Set or something a little more specific?

If client was defined as a List, Map or Set, you wouldn't have this issue, as then you'd be able to directly use Collections.sort(client).


java calling a method from another class

You have to initialise the object (create the object itself) in order to be able to call its methods otherwise you would get a NullPointerException.

WordList words = new WordList();