Programs & Examples On #Orgchart

An organizational chart. A diagram that shows the structure of an organization and the relationships and relative ranks of its parts and positions/jobs.

Compare two data.frames to find the rows in data.frame 1 that are not present in data.frame 2

Using diffobj package:


diffPrint(a1, a2)
diffObj(a1, a2)

enter image description here

enter image description here

How do you create a Marker with a custom icon for google maps API v3?

marker = new google.maps.Marker({
    // draggable:true,
    // animation: google.maps.Animation.DROP,
    position: new google.maps.LatLng(59.32522, 18.07002),
    icon: '' // null = default icon

What is the different between RESTful and RESTless

'RESTless' is a term not often used.

You can define 'RESTless' as any system that is not RESTful. For that it is enough to not have one characteristic that is required for a RESTful system.

Most systems are RESTless by this definition because they don't implement HATEOAS.

How do I run a Java program from the command line on Windows?

In case your Java class is in some package. Suppose your Java class named is present in com.hello.programs, then you need to run it with the package name.

Compile it in the usual way:

C:\SimpleJavaProject\src\com\hello\programs > javac

But to run it, you need to give the package name and then your java class name:

C:\SimpleJavaProject\src > java com.hello.programs.ABC

When is a CDATA section necessary within a script tag?


An HTML parser will treat everything between <script> and </script> as part of the script. Some implementations don't even need a correct closing tag; they stop script interpretation at "</", which is correct according to the specs.

Update In HTML5, and with current browsers, that is not the case anymore.

So, in HTML, this is not possible:

var x = '</script>';

A CDATA section has no effect at all. That's why you need to write

var x = '<' + '/script>'; // or
var x = '<\/script>';

or similar.

This also applies to XHTML files served as text/html. (Since IE does not support XML content types, this is mostly true.)


In XML, different rules apply. Note that (non IE) browsers only use an XML parser if the XHMTL document is served with an XML content type.

To the XML parser, a script tag is no better than any other tag. Particularly, a script node may contain non-text child nodes, triggered by "<"; and a "&" sign denotes a character entity.

So, in XHTML, this is not possible:

if (a<b && c<d) {

To work around this, you can wrap the whole script in a CDATA section. This tells the parser: 'In this section, don't treat "<" and "&" as control characters.' To prevent the JavaScript engine from interpreting the "<![CDATA[" and "]]>" marks, you can wrap them in comments.

If your script does not contain any "<" or "&", you don't need a CDATA section anyway.

How do I detect IE 8 with jQuery?

Don't forget that you can also use HTML to detect IE8.

<!--[if IE 8]>
<script type="text/javascript">
    ie = 8;

Having that before all your scripts will let you just check the "ie" variable or whatever.

What's the best way to limit text length of EditText in Android

TextView tv = new TextView(this);
tv.setFilters(new InputFilter[]{ new InputFilter.LengthFilter(250) });

How to know that a string starts/ends with a specific string in jQuery?

There is no need of jQuery to do that. You could code a jQuery wrapper but it would be useless so you should better use

var str = "Hello World";

window.alert("Starts with Hello ? " + /^Hello/i.test(str));        

window.alert("Ends with Hello ? " + /Hello$/i.test(str));

as the match() method is deprecated.

PS : the "i" flag in RegExp is optional and stands for case insensitive (so it will also return true for "hello", "hEllo", etc.).

How to send data with angularjs $http.delete() request?

You can do an http DELETE via a URL like /users/1/roles/2. That would be the most RESTful way to do it.

Otherwise I guess you can just pass the user id as part of the query params? Something like

$http.delete('/roles/' + roleid, {params: {userId: userID}}).then...

DataTable: How to get item value with row name and column name? (VB)

'Create a class to hold the pair...

        Public Class ColumnValue
            Public ColumnName As String
            Public ColumnValue As New Object
        End Class

    'Build the pair...

        For Each row In [YourDataTable].Rows

              For Each item As DataColumn In row.Table.Columns
                Dim rowValue As New ColumnValue
                rowValue.ColumnName = item.Caption
                rowValue.ColumnValue = row.item(item.Ordinal)
                rowValue = Nothing

        ' Now you can grab the value by the column name...

        Dim results = (From p In RowValues Where p.ColumnName = "MyColumn" Select  p.ColumnValue).FirstOrDefault    


Localhost not working in chrome and firefox


  1. Search IIS In Visual Studio 2015 Search IIS image

  2. Chose (Use the 64 bit of version of IIS Express for web site and project Use 64 bit image )

Mocking HttpClient in unit tests

As also mentioned in the comments you need to abstract away the HttpClient so as not to be coupled to it. I've done something similar in the past. I'll try to adapt what I did with what you are trying to do.

First look at the HttpClient class and decided on what functionality it provided that would be needed.

Here is a possibility:

public interface IHttpClient {
    System.Threading.Tasks.Task<T> DeleteAsync<T>(string uri) where T : class;
    System.Threading.Tasks.Task<T> DeleteAsync<T>(Uri uri) where T : class;
    System.Threading.Tasks.Task<T> GetAsync<T>(string uri) where T : class;
    System.Threading.Tasks.Task<T> GetAsync<T>(Uri uri) where T : class;
    System.Threading.Tasks.Task<T> PostAsync<T>(string uri, object package);
    System.Threading.Tasks.Task<T> PostAsync<T>(Uri uri, object package);
    System.Threading.Tasks.Task<T> PutAsync<T>(string uri, object package);
    System.Threading.Tasks.Task<T> PutAsync<T>(Uri uri, object package);

Again as stated before this was for particular purposes. I completely abstracted away most dependencies to anything dealing with HttpClient and focused on what I wanted returned. You should evaluate how you want to abstract the HttpClient to provide only the necessary functionality you want.

This will now allow you to mock only what is needed to be tested.

I would even recommend doing away with IHttpHandler completely and use the HttpClient abstraction IHttpClient. But I'm just not picking as you can replace the body of your handler interface with the members of the abstracted client.

An implementation of the IHttpClient can then be used to wrapp/adapt a real/concrete HttpClient or any other object for that matter, that can be used to make HTTP requests as what you really wanted was a service that provided that functionality as apposed to HttpClient specifically. Using the abstraction is a clean (My opinion) and SOLID approach and can make your code more maintainable if you need to switch out the underlying client for something else as the framework changes.

Here is a snippet of how an implementation could be done.

/// <summary>
/// HTTP Client adaptor wraps a <see cref="System.Net.Http.HttpClient"/> 
/// that contains a reference to <see cref="ConfigurableMessageHandler"/>
/// </summary>
public sealed class HttpClientAdaptor : IHttpClient {
    HttpClient httpClient;

    public HttpClientAdaptor(IHttpClientFactory httpClientFactory) {
        httpClient = httpClientFactory.CreateHttpClient(**Custom configurations**);

    //...other code

     /// <summary>
    ///  Send a GET request to the specified Uri as an asynchronous operation.
    /// </summary>
    /// <typeparam name="T">Response type</typeparam>
    /// <param name="uri">The Uri the request is sent to</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task<T> GetAsync<T>(Uri uri) where T : class {
        var result = default(T);
        //Try to get content as T
        try {
            //send request and get the response
            var response = await httpClient.GetAsync(uri).ConfigureAwait(false);
            //if there is content in response to deserialize
            if (response.Content.Headers.ContentLength.GetValueOrDefault() > 0) {
                //get the content
                string responseBodyAsText = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
                //desrialize it
                result = deserializeJsonToObject<T>(responseBodyAsText);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
        return result;

    //...other code

As you can see in the above example, a lot of the heavy lifting usually associated with using HttpClient is hidden behind the abstraction.

You connection class can then be inject with the abstracted client

public class Connection
    private IHttpClient _httpClient;

    public Connection(IHttpClient httpClient)
        _httpClient = httpClient;

Your test can then mock what is needed for your SUT

private IHttpClient _httpClient;

public void TestMockConnection()
    SomeModelObject model = new SomeModelObject();
    var httpClientMock = new Mock<IHttpClient>();
    httpClientMock.Setup(c => c.GetAsync<SomeModelObject>(It.IsAny<string>()))
        .Returns(() => Task.FromResult(model));

    _httpClient = httpClientMock.Object;

    var client = new Connection(_httpClient);

    // Assuming doSomething uses the client to make
    // a request for a model of type SomeModelObject

How to filter WooCommerce products by custom attribute

Try WooCommerce Product Filter, plugin developed by You can filter your products by any criteria. Also, it integrates with your Shop and archive pages perfectly. Here is a screenshot. And this is just one of the layouts, you can customize and make your own. Look at demo site. Thanks! enter image description here

Make file echo displaying "$PATH" string

The make uses the $ for its own variable expansions. E.g. single character variable $A or variable with a long name - ${VAR} and $(VAR).

To put the $ into a command, use the $$, for example:

  @echo "Please execute next commands:"
  @echo 'setenv PATH /usr/local/greenhills/mips5/linux86:$$PATH'

Also note that to make the "" and '' (double and single quoting) do not play any role and they are passed verbatim to the shell. (Remove the @ sign to see what make sends to shell.) To prevent the shell from expanding $PATH, second line uses the ''.

How to disable a input in angular2

I prefer this solution

In HTML file:

<input [disabled]="dynamicVariable" id="name" type="text">

In TS file:

dynamicVariable = false; // true based on your condition 

Bootstrap 3.0 - Fluid Grid that includes Fixed Column Sizes

UPDATE 2014-11-14: The solution below is too old, I recommend using flex box layout method. Here is a overview:

My solution


<li class="grid-list-header row-cw row-cw-msg-list ...">
  <div class="col-md-1 col-cw col-cw-name">
  <div class="col-md-1 col-cw col-cw-keyword">
  <div class="col-md-1 col-cw col-cw-reply">
  <div class="col-md-1 col-cw col-cw-action">

<li class="grid-list-item row-cw row-cw-msg-list ...">
  <div class="col-md-1 col-cw col-cw-name">
  <div class="col-md-1 col-cw col-cw-keyword">
  <div class="col-md-1 col-cw col-cw-reply">
  <div class="col-md-1 col-cw col-cw-action">


.row-cw {
  position: relative;

.col-cw {
  position: absolute;
  top: 0;

.ir-msg-list {

  $col-reply-width: 140px;
  $col-action-width: 130px;

  .row-cw-msg-list {
    padding-right: $col-reply-width + $col-action-width;

  .col-cw-name {
    width: 50%;

  .col-cw-keyword {
    width: 50%;

  .col-cw-reply {
    width: $col-reply-width;
    right: $col-action-width;

  .col-cw-action {
    width: $col-action-width;
    right: 0;

Without modify too much bootstrap layout code.

Update (not from OP): adding code snippet below to facilitate understanding of this answer. But it doesn't seem to work as expected.

ul {_x000D_
  list-style: none;_x000D_
.row-cw {_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
  height: 20px;_x000D_
.col-cw {_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  top: 0;_x000D_
  background-color: rgba(150, 150, 150, .5);_x000D_
.row-cw-msg-list {_x000D_
  padding-right: 270px;_x000D_
.col-cw-name {_x000D_
  width: 50%;_x000D_
  background-color: rgba(150, 0, 0, .5);_x000D_
.col-cw-keyword {_x000D_
  width: 50%;_x000D_
  background-color: rgba(0, 150, 0, .5);_x000D_
.col-cw-reply {_x000D_
  width: 140px;_x000D_
  right: 130px;_x000D_
  background-color: rgba(0, 0, 150, .5);_x000D_
.col-cw-action {_x000D_
  width: 130px;_x000D_
  right: 0;_x000D_
  background-color: rgba(150, 150, 0, .5);_x000D_
<ul class="ir-msg-list">_x000D_
  <li class="grid-list-header row-cw row-cw-msg-list">_x000D_
    <div class="col-md-1 col-cw col-cw-name">name</div>_x000D_
    <div class="col-md-1 col-cw col-cw-keyword">keyword</div>_x000D_
    <div class="col-md-1 col-cw col-cw-reply">reply</div>_x000D_
    <div class="col-md-1 col-cw col-cw-action">action</div>_x000D_
  <li class="grid-list-item row-cw row-cw-msg-list">_x000D_
    <div class="col-md-1 col-cw col-cw-name">name</div>_x000D_
    <div class="col-md-1 col-cw col-cw-keyword">keyword</div>_x000D_
    <div class="col-md-1 col-cw col-cw-reply">reply</div>_x000D_
    <div class="col-md-1 col-cw col-cw-action">action</div>_x000D_

"fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories)" from git status

In my case, the original repository was a bare one.

So, I had to type (in windows):

mkdir   dest
cd dest
git init
git remote add origin a\valid\yet\bare\repository
git pull origin master

To check if a repository is a bare one:

git rev-parse --is-bare-repository 

MySQL date format DD/MM/YYYY select query?

You can use STR_TO_DATE() to convert your strings to MySQL date values and ORDER BY the result:

ORDER BY STR_TO_DATE(datestring, '%d/%m/%Y')

However, you would be wise to convert the column to the DATE data type instead of using strings.

How to write "not in ()" sql query using join

I would opt for NOT EXISTS in this case.

SELECT D1.ShortCode
FROM Domain1 D1
    (SELECT 'X'
     FROM Domain2 D2
     WHERE D2.ShortCode = D1.ShortCode

Replace negative values in an numpy array

Try numpy.clip:

>>> import numpy
>>> a = numpy.arange(-10, 10)
>>> a
array([-10,  -9,  -8,  -7,  -6,  -5,  -4,  -3,  -2,  -1,   0,   1,   2,
         3,   4,   5,   6,   7,   8,   9])
>>> a.clip(0, 10)
array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])

You can clip only the bottom half with clip(0).

>>> a = numpy.array([1, 2, 3, -4, 5])
>>> a.clip(0)
array([1, 2, 3, 0, 5])

You can clip only the top half with clip(max=n). (This is much better than my previous suggestion, which involved passing NaN to the first parameter and using out to coerce the type.):

>>> a.clip(max=2)
array([ 1,  2,  2, -4,  2])

Another interesting approach is to use where:

>>> numpy.where(a <= 2, a, 2)
array([ 1,  2,  2, -4,  2])

Finally, consider aix's answer. I prefer clip for simple operations because it's self-documenting, but his answer is preferable for more complex operations.

How to disable mouse scroll wheel scaling with Google Maps API

As of now (October 2017) Google has implemented a specific property to handle the zooming/scrolling, called gestureHandling. Its purpose is to handle mobile devices operation, but it modifies the behaviour for desktop browsers as well. Here it is from official documentation:

function initMap() {
  var locationRio = {lat: -22.915, lng: -43.197};
  var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), {
    zoom: 13,
    center: locationRio,
    gestureHandling: 'none'

The available values for gestureHandling are:

  • 'greedy': The map always pans (up or down, left or right) when the user swipes (drags on) the screen. In other words, both a one-finger swipe and a two-finger swipe cause the map to pan.
  • 'cooperative': The user must swipe with one finger to scroll the page and two fingers to pan the map. If the user swipes the map with one finger, an overlay appears on the map, with a prompt telling the user to use two fingers to move the map. On desktop applications, users can zoom or pan the map by scrolling while pressing a modifier key (the ctrl or ? key).
  • 'none': This option disables panning and pinching on the map for mobile devices, and dragging of the map on desktop devices.
  • 'auto' (default): Depending on whether the page is scrollable, the Google Maps JavaScript API sets the gestureHandling property to either 'cooperative' or 'greedy'

In short, you can easily force the setting to "always zoomable" ('greedy'), "never zoomable" ('none'), or "user must press CRTL/? to enable zoom" ('cooperative').

ValidateAntiForgeryToken purpose, explanation and example

In ASP.Net Core anti forgery token is automatically added to forms, so you don't need to add @Html.AntiForgeryToken() if you use razor form element or if you use IHtmlHelper.BeginForm and if the form's method isn't GET.

It will generate input element for your form similar to this:

<input name="__RequestVerificationToken" type="hidden" 

And when user submits form this token is verified on server side if validation is enabled.

[ValidateAntiForgeryToken] attribute can be used against actions. Requests made to actions that have this filter applied are blocked unless the request includes a valid antiforgery token.

[AutoValidateAntiforgeryToken] attribute can be used against controllers. This attribute works identically to the ValidateAntiForgeryToken attribute, except that it doesn't require tokens for requests made using the following HTTP methods: GET HEAD OPTIONS TRACE

Additional information:

What is two way binding?

Actually emberjs supports two-way binding, which is one of the most powerful feature for a javascript MVC framework. You can check it out where it mentioning binding in its user guide.

for emberjs, to create two way binding is by creating a new property with the string Binding at the end, then specifying a path from the global scope:

App.wife = Ember.Object.create({
  householdIncome: 80000

App.husband = Ember.Object.create({
  householdIncomeBinding: 'App.wife.householdIncome'

App.husband.get('householdIncome'); // 80000

// Someone gets raise.
App.husband.set('householdIncome', 90000);
App.wife.get('householdIncome'); // 90000

Note that bindings don't update immediately. Ember waits until all of your application code has finished running before synchronizing changes, so you can change a bound property as many times as you'd like without worrying about the overhead of syncing bindings when values are transient.

Hope it helps in extend of original answer selected.

How to darken an image on mouseover?

How about this...

<style type="text/css">
    div.frame { background-color: #000; }
    img.pic:hover {
      opacity: .6;

<div class="frame">
    <img class="pic" src="path/to/image" />

How to create a JQuery Clock / Timer

    var timeInterval = 5;
    var blinkTime = 1;
    var open_signal = 'signal1';
    var total_signal = 1;

    $(document).ready(function () {
        for (var i = 1; i <= total_signal; i++) {
            var timer = (i == 1) ? timeInterval : (timeInterval * (i - 1));

            var str_html = '<div id="signal' + i + '">' +
                           '<span class="float_left">Signal ' + i + ' : </span>' +
                           '<div class="red float_left"></div>' +
                           '<div class="yellow float_left"></div>' +
                           '<div class="green float_left"></div>' +
                           '<div class="timer float_left">' + timer + '</div>' +
                           '<div style="clear: both;"></div>' +
                           '</div><div class="div_separate"></div>';


        $('.div_demo .green').eq(0).css('background-color', 'green');
        $('.div_demo .red').css('background-color', 'red');
        $('.div_demo .red').eq(0).css('background-color', 'white');

        setInterval(function () {
        }, 1000);

    function manageSignals() {
        var obj_timer = {};

        var temp_i = parseInt(open_signal.substr(6));
        if ($('#' + open_signal + ' .timer').html() == '0')
            open_signal = (temp_i == total_signal) ? 'signal1' : 'signal' + (temp_i + 1);

        for (var i = 1; i <= total_signal; i++) {
            var next_signal = (i == total_signal) ? 'signal1' : 'signal' + (i + 1);

            obj_timer['signal' + i] = parseInt($('#signal' + i + ' .timer').html()) - 1;

            if (obj_timer['signal' + i] == -1 && open_signal == next_signal && total_signal!=1) {
                obj_timer['signal' + i] = (timeInterval * (total_signal - 1)) - 1;

                $('#signal' + i + ' .red').css('background-color', 'red');
                $('#signal' + i + ' .yellow').css('background-color', 'white');
            else if (obj_timer['signal' + i] == -1 && open_signal == 'signal' + i) {
                obj_timer['signal' + i] = (timeInterval - 1);

                $('#signal' + i + ' .red').css('background-color', 'white');
                $('#signal' + i + ' .yellow').css('background-color', 'white');
                $('#signal' + i + ' .green').css('background-color', 'green');
            else if (obj_timer['signal' + i] == blinkTime && open_signal == 'signal' + i) {
                $('#signal' + i + ' .yellow').css('background-color', 'yellow');
                $('#signal' + i + ' .green').css('background-color', 'white');

            $('#signal' + i + ' .timer').html(obj_timer['signal' + i]);

Why does Git tell me "No such remote 'origin'" when I try to push to origin?

I'm guessing you didn't run this command after the commit failed so just actually run this to create the remote :

 git remote add origin

And the commit failed because you need to git add some files you want to track.

How to convert an object to a byte array in C#

I believe what you're trying to do is impossible.

The junk that BinaryFormatter creates is necessary to recover the object from the file after your program stopped.
However it is possible to get the object data, you just need to know the exact size of it (more difficult than it sounds) :

public static unsafe byte[] Binarize(object obj, int size)
    var r = new byte[size];
    var rf = __makeref(obj);
    var a = **(IntPtr**)(&rf);
    Marshal.Copy(a, r, 0, size);
    return res;

this can be recovered via:

public unsafe static dynamic ToObject(byte[] bytes)
    var rf = __makeref(bytes);
    **(int**)(&rf) += 8;
    return GCHandle.Alloc(bytes).Target;

The reason why the above methods don't work for serialization is that the first four bytes in the returned data correspond to a RuntimeTypeHandle. The RuntimeTypeHandle describes the layout/type of the object but the value of it changes every time the program is ran.

EDIT: that is stupid don't do that --> If you already know the type of the object to be deserialized for certain you can switch those bytes for BitConvertes.GetBytes((int)typeof(yourtype).TypeHandle.Value) at the time of deserialization.

Raise warning in Python without interrupting program

import warnings

See the python documentation: here

Default value in Go's method

NO,but there are some other options to implement default value. There are some good blog posts on the subject, but here are some specific examples.

**Option 1:** The caller chooses to use default values
// Both parameters are optional, use empty string for default value
func Concat1(a string, b int) string {
  if a == "" {
    a = "default-a"
  if b == 0 {
    b = 5

  return fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", a, b)

**Option 2:** A single optional parameter at the end
// a is required, b is optional.
// Only the first value in b_optional will be used.
func Concat2(a string, b_optional string {
  b := 5
  if len(b_optional) > 0 {
    b = b_optional[0]

  return fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", a, b)

**Option 3:** A config struct
// A declarative default value syntax
// Empty values will be replaced with defaults
type Parameters struct {
  A string `default:"default-a"` // this only works with strings
  B string // default is 5

func Concat3(prm Parameters) string {
  typ := reflect.TypeOf(prm)

  if prm.A == "" {
    f, _ := typ.FieldByName("A")
    prm.A = f.Tag.Get("default")

  if prm.B == 0 {
    prm.B = 5

  return fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", prm.A, prm.B)

**Option 4:** Full variadic argument parsing (javascript style)
func Concat4(args ...interface{}) string {
  a := "default-a"
  b := 5

  for _, arg := range args {
    switch t := arg.(type) {
      case string:
        a = t
      case int:
        b = t
        panic("Unknown argument")

  return fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", a, b)

'innerText' works in IE, but not in Firefox

Note that the Element::innerText property will not contain the text which has been hidden by CSS style "display:none" in Google Chrome (as well it will drop the content that has been masked by other CSS technics (including font-size:0, color:transparent, and a few other similar effects that cause the text not to be rendered in any visible way).

Other CSS properties are also considered :

  • First the "display:" style of inner elements is parsed to determine if it delimits a block content (such as "display:block" which is the default of HTML block elements in the browser's builtin stylesheet, and whose behavior as not been overriden by your own CSS style); if so a newline will be inserted in the value of the innerText property. This won't happen with the textContent property.
  • The CSS properties that generate inline contents will also be considered : for example the inline element <br \> that generates an inline newline will also generate an newline in the value of innerText.
  • The "display:inline" style causes no newline either in textContent or innerText.
  • The "display:table" style generates newlines around the table and between table rows, but"display:table-cell" will generate a tabulation character.
  • The "position:absolute" property (used with display:block or display:inline, it does not matter) will also cause a line break to be inserted.
  • Some browsers will also include a single space separation between spans

But Element::textContent will still contain ALL contents of inner text elements independantly of the applied CSS even if they are invisible. And no extra newlines or whitespaces will be generated in textContent, which just ignores all styles and the structure and inline/block or positioned types of inner elements.

A copy/paste operation using mouse selection will discard the hidden text in the plain-text format that is put in the clipboard, so it won't contain everything in the textContent, but only what is within innerText (after whitespace/newline generation as above).

Both properties are then supported in Google Chrome, but their content may then be different. Older browsers still included in innetText everything like what textContent now contains (but their behavior in relation with then generation of whitespaces/newlines was inconsistant).

jQuery will solve these inconsistencies between browsers using the ".text()" method added to the parsed elements it returns via a $() query. Internally, it solves the difficulties by looking into the HTML DOM, working only with the "node" level. So it will return something looking more like the standard textContent.

The caveat is that that this jQuery method will not insert any extra spaces or line breaks that may be visible on screen caused by subelements (like <br />) of the content.

If you design some scripts for accessibility and your stylesheet is parsed for non-aural rendering, such as plugins used to communicate with a Braille reader, this tool should use the textContent if it must include the specific punctuation signs that are added in spans styled with "display:none" and that are typically included in pages (for example for superscripts/subscripts), otherwise the innerText will be very confusive on the Braille reader.

Texts hidden by CSS tricks are now typically ignored by major search engines (that will also parse the CSS of your HTML pages, and will also ignore texts that are not in contrasting colors on the background) using an HTML/CSS parser and the DOM property "innerText" exactly like in modern visual browsers (at least this invisible content will not be indexed so hidden text cannot be used as a trick to force the inclusion of some keywords in the page to check its content) ; but this hidden text will be stil displayed in the result page (if the page was still qualified from the index to be included in results), using the "textContent" property instead of the full HTML to strip the extra styles and scripts.

IF you assign some plain-text in any one of these two properties, this will overwrite the inner markup and styles applied to it (only the assigned element will keep its type, attributes and styles), so both properties will then contain the same content. However, some browsers will now no longer honor the write to innerText, and will only let you overwrite the textContent property (you cannot insert HTML markup when writing to these properties, as HTML special characters will be properly encoded using numeric character references to appear literally, if you then read the innerHTML property after the assignment of innerText or textContent.

Go / golang time.Now().UnixNano() convert to milliseconds?

Keep it simple.

func NowAsUnixMilli() int64 {
    return time.Now().UnixNano() / 1e6

How to send data in request body with a GET when using jQuery $.ajax()

You can send your data like the "POST" request through the "HEADERS".

Something like this:

   url: "htttp://$body)",
   type: "GET",
   headers: ['id1':1, 'id2':2, 'id3':3],
   data: "",
   contentType: "text/plain",
   dataType: "json",
   success: onSuccess,
   error: onError

How to forward declare a template class in namespace std?

I solved that problem.

I was implementing an OSI Layer (slider window, Level 2) for a network simulation in C++ (Eclipse Juno). I had frames (template <class T>) and its states (state pattern, forward declaration).

The solution is as follows:

In the *.cpp file, you must include the Header file that you forward, i.e.

ifndef STATE_H_
#define STATE_H_
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "Frame.h"

template <class T>
class LinkFrame;

using namespace std;

template <class T>
class State {

    LinkFrame<int> *myFrame;


Its cpp:

#include "State.h"
#include "Frame.h"
#include  "LinkFrame.h"

template <class T>
bool State<T>::replace(Frame<T> *f){

And... another class.

How to read string from keyboard using C?

I cannot see why there is a recommendation to use scanf() here. scanf() is safe only if you add restriction parameters to the format string - such as %64s or so.

A much better way is to use char * fgets ( char * str, int num, FILE * stream );.

int main()
    char data[64];
    if (fgets(data, sizeof data, stdin)) {
        // input has worked, do something with data


Calculating the position of points in a circle

Placing a number in a circular path

// variable

let number = 12; // how many number to be placed
let size = 260; // size of circle i.e. w = h = 260
let cx= size/2; // center of x(in a circle)
let cy = size/2; // center of y(in a circle)
let r = size/2; // radius of a circle

for(let i=1; i<=number; i++) {
  let ang = i*(Math.PI/(number/2));
  let left = cx + (r*Math.cos(ang));
  let top = cy + (r*Math.sin(ang));
  console.log("top: ", top, ", left: ", left);

Max retries exceeded with URL in requests

just import time and add :


somewhere in the for loop, to avoid sending too many request to the server in a short time. the number 6 means: 6 seconds. keep testing numbers starting from 1, until you reach the minimum seconds that will help to avoid the problem.

T-SQL Format integer to 2-digit string

Another example:

case when teamId < 10 then '0' + cast(teamId as char(1)) 
else cast(teamId as char(2)) end      
as 'pretty id',
* from team

Generate random 5 characters string

Source: PHP Function that Generates Random Characters

This simple PHP function worked for me:

function cvf_ps_generate_random_code($length=10) {

   $string = '';
   // You can define your own characters here.
   $characters = "23456789ABCDEFHJKLMNPRTVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";

   for ($p = 0; $p < $length; $p++) {
       $string .= $characters[mt_rand(0, strlen($characters)-1)];

   return $string;



echo cvf_ps_generate_random_code(5);

How to print color in console using System.out.println?

Here are a list of colors in a Java class with public static fields


System.out.println(ConsoleColors.RED + "RED COLORED" +
ConsoleColors.RESET + " NORMAL");

Note Don't forget to use the RESET after printing as the effect will remain if it's not cleared

public class ConsoleColors {
    // Reset
    public static final String RESET = "\033[0m";  // Text Reset

    // Regular Colors
    public static final String BLACK = "\033[0;30m";   // BLACK
    public static final String RED = "\033[0;31m";     // RED
    public static final String GREEN = "\033[0;32m";   // GREEN
    public static final String YELLOW = "\033[0;33m";  // YELLOW
    public static final String BLUE = "\033[0;34m";    // BLUE
    public static final String PURPLE = "\033[0;35m";  // PURPLE
    public static final String CYAN = "\033[0;36m";    // CYAN
    public static final String WHITE = "\033[0;37m";   // WHITE

    // Bold
    public static final String BLACK_BOLD = "\033[1;30m";  // BLACK
    public static final String RED_BOLD = "\033[1;31m";    // RED
    public static final String GREEN_BOLD = "\033[1;32m";  // GREEN
    public static final String YELLOW_BOLD = "\033[1;33m"; // YELLOW
    public static final String BLUE_BOLD = "\033[1;34m";   // BLUE
    public static final String PURPLE_BOLD = "\033[1;35m"; // PURPLE
    public static final String CYAN_BOLD = "\033[1;36m";   // CYAN
    public static final String WHITE_BOLD = "\033[1;37m";  // WHITE

    // Underline
    public static final String BLACK_UNDERLINED = "\033[4;30m";  // BLACK
    public static final String RED_UNDERLINED = "\033[4;31m";    // RED
    public static final String GREEN_UNDERLINED = "\033[4;32m";  // GREEN
    public static final String YELLOW_UNDERLINED = "\033[4;33m"; // YELLOW
    public static final String BLUE_UNDERLINED = "\033[4;34m";   // BLUE
    public static final String PURPLE_UNDERLINED = "\033[4;35m"; // PURPLE
    public static final String CYAN_UNDERLINED = "\033[4;36m";   // CYAN
    public static final String WHITE_UNDERLINED = "\033[4;37m";  // WHITE

    // Background
    public static final String BLACK_BACKGROUND = "\033[40m";  // BLACK
    public static final String RED_BACKGROUND = "\033[41m";    // RED
    public static final String GREEN_BACKGROUND = "\033[42m";  // GREEN
    public static final String YELLOW_BACKGROUND = "\033[43m"; // YELLOW
    public static final String BLUE_BACKGROUND = "\033[44m";   // BLUE
    public static final String PURPLE_BACKGROUND = "\033[45m"; // PURPLE
    public static final String CYAN_BACKGROUND = "\033[46m";   // CYAN
    public static final String WHITE_BACKGROUND = "\033[47m";  // WHITE

    // High Intensity
    public static final String BLACK_BRIGHT = "\033[0;90m";  // BLACK
    public static final String RED_BRIGHT = "\033[0;91m";    // RED
    public static final String GREEN_BRIGHT = "\033[0;92m";  // GREEN
    public static final String YELLOW_BRIGHT = "\033[0;93m"; // YELLOW
    public static final String BLUE_BRIGHT = "\033[0;94m";   // BLUE
    public static final String PURPLE_BRIGHT = "\033[0;95m"; // PURPLE
    public static final String CYAN_BRIGHT = "\033[0;96m";   // CYAN
    public static final String WHITE_BRIGHT = "\033[0;97m";  // WHITE

    // Bold High Intensity
    public static final String BLACK_BOLD_BRIGHT = "\033[1;90m"; // BLACK
    public static final String RED_BOLD_BRIGHT = "\033[1;91m";   // RED
    public static final String GREEN_BOLD_BRIGHT = "\033[1;92m"; // GREEN
    public static final String YELLOW_BOLD_BRIGHT = "\033[1;93m";// YELLOW
    public static final String BLUE_BOLD_BRIGHT = "\033[1;94m";  // BLUE
    public static final String PURPLE_BOLD_BRIGHT = "\033[1;95m";// PURPLE
    public static final String CYAN_BOLD_BRIGHT = "\033[1;96m";  // CYAN
    public static final String WHITE_BOLD_BRIGHT = "\033[1;97m"; // WHITE

    // High Intensity backgrounds
    public static final String BLACK_BACKGROUND_BRIGHT = "\033[0;100m";// BLACK
    public static final String RED_BACKGROUND_BRIGHT = "\033[0;101m";// RED
    public static final String GREEN_BACKGROUND_BRIGHT = "\033[0;102m";// GREEN
    public static final String YELLOW_BACKGROUND_BRIGHT = "\033[0;103m";// YELLOW
    public static final String BLUE_BACKGROUND_BRIGHT = "\033[0;104m";// BLUE
    public static final String PURPLE_BACKGROUND_BRIGHT = "\033[0;105m"; // PURPLE
    public static final String CYAN_BACKGROUND_BRIGHT = "\033[0;106m";  // CYAN
    public static final String WHITE_BACKGROUND_BRIGHT = "\033[0;107m";   // WHITE

Unable to get provider


Add the applicationId to the application's build.gradle:

android {
    defaultConfig {
        applicationId ""

And than Clean Project -> Build or Rebuild Project

2. If your minSdkVersion <= 20 (

Use Multidex correctly.

application's build.gradle

android {
    defaultConfig {
        multiDexEnabled true

dependencies {
    implementation ''


    android:name="" >


If you use a custom Application class

public class MyApplication extends MultiDexApplication {
    protected void attachBaseContext(Context context) {


    android:name="" >

Subset of rows containing NA (missing) values in a chosen column of a data frame

complete.cases gives TRUE when all values in a row are not NA

DF[!complete.cases(DF), ]

How do I provide a username and password when running "git clone [email protected]"?

If you're using http/https and you're looking to FULLY AUTOMATE the process without requiring any user input or any user prompt at all (for example: inside a CI/CD pipeline), you may use the following approach leveraging git credential.helper

# Or you may choose to not specify GIT_CREDS_PATH at all.
# See for the defaults used

git config --global credential.helper "store --file ${GIT_CREDS_PATH}"
echo "https://alice:${ALICE_GITHUB_PASSWORD}" > ${GIT_CREDS_PATH}

where you may choose to set the ALICE_GITHUB_PASSWORD environment variable from a previous shell command or from your pipeline config etc.

Remember that "store" based git-credential-helper stores passwords & values in plain-text. So make sure your token/password has very limited permissions.

Now simply use https://[email protected]/my_repo.git wherever your automated system needs to fetch the repo - it will use the credentials for alice in as store by git-credential-helper.

PermGen elimination in JDK 8

Oracle's JVM implementation for Java 8 got rid of the PermGen model and replaced it with Metaspace.

How do you check "if not null" with Eloquent?

If you want to search deleted record (Soft Deleted Record), do't user Eloquent Model Query. Instead use Db::table query e.g Instead of using Below:

$stu = Student::where('rollNum', '=', $rollNum . '-' . $nursery)->first();


$stu = DB::table('students')->where('rollNum', '=', $newRollNo)->first();

How to extract a single value from JSON response?

Extract single value from JSON response Python

Try this

import json
import sys

#load the data into an element
data={"test1" : "1", "test2" : "2", "test3" : "3"}

#dumps the json object into an element
json_str = json.dumps(data)

#load the json to a string
resp = json.loads(json_str)

#print the resp
print (resp)

#extract an element in the response
print (resp['test1'])

Add 10 seconds to a Date

Just for the performance maniacs among us.


var d = new Date('2014-01-01 10:11:55');
d = new Date(d.getTime() + 10000);

5,196,949 Ops/sec, fastest


var d = new Date('2014-01-01 10:11:55');
d.setSeconds(d.getSeconds() + 10);

2,936,604 Ops/sec, 43% slower


var d = new moment('2014-01-01 10:11:55');
d = d.add(10, 'seconds');

22,549 Ops/sec, 100% slower

So maybe its the least human readable (not that bad) but the fastest way of going :)

jspref online tests

Angular 2 - NgFor using numbers instead collections

Using custom Structural Directive with index:

According Angular documentation:

createEmbeddedView Instantiates an embedded view and inserts it into this container.

abstract createEmbeddedView(templateRef: TemplateRef, context?: C, index?: number): EmbeddedViewRef.

Param          Type           Description
templateRef    TemplateRef    the HTML template that defines the view.
context        C              optional. Default is undefined.
index          number         the 0-based index at which to insert the new view into this container. If not specified, appends the new view as the last entry.

When angular creates template by calling createEmbeddedView it can also pass context that will be used inside ng-template.

Using context optional parameter, you may use it in the component, extracting it within the template just as you would with the *ngFor.


<p *for="number; let i=index; let c=length; let f=first; let l=last; let e=even; let o=odd">
  item : {{i}} / {{c}}
    {{f ? "First,": ""}}
    {{l? "Last,": ""}}
    {{e? "Even." : ""}}
    {{o? "Odd." : ""}}


import { Directive, Input, TemplateRef, ViewContainerRef } from '@angular/core';

class Context {
  constructor(public index: number, public length: number) { }
  get even(): boolean { return this.index % 2 === 0; }
  get odd(): boolean { return this.index % 2 === 1; }
  get first(): boolean { return this.index === 0; }
  get last(): boolean { return this.index === this.length - 1; }

  selector: '[for]'
export class ForDirective {
  constructor(private templateRef: TemplateRef<any>, private viewContainer: ViewContainerRef) { }

  @Input('for') set loop(num: number) {
    for (var i = 0; i < num; i++)
      this.viewContainer.createEmbeddedView(this.templateRef, new Context(i, num));

How to read integer value from the standard input in Java

If you are using Java 6, you can use the following oneliner to read an integer from console:

int n = Integer.parseInt(System.console().readLine());

How to define an empty object in PHP

As others have pointed out, you can use stdClass. However I think it is cleaner without the (), like so:

$obj = new stdClass;

However based on the question, it seems like what you really want is to be able to add properties to an object on the fly. You don't need to use stdClass for that, although you can. Really you can use any class. Just create an object instance of any class and start setting properties. I like to create my own class whose name is simply o with some basic extended functionality that I like to use in these cases and is nice for extending from other classes. Basically it is my own base object class. I also like to have a function simply named o(). Like so:

class o {
  // some custom shared magic, constructor, properties, or methods here

function o() {
  return new o;

If you don't like to have your own base object type, you can simply have o() return a new stdClass. One advantage is that o is easier to remember than stdClass and is shorter, regardless of if you use it as a class name, function name, or both. Even if you don't have any code inside your o class, it is still easier to memorize than the awkwardly capitalized and named stdClass (which may invoke the idea of a 'sexually transmitted disease class'). If you do customize the o class, you might find a use for the o() function instead of the constructor syntax. It is a normal function that returns a value, which is less limited than a constructor. For example, a function name can be passed as a string to a function that accepts a callable parameter. A function also supports chaining. So you can do something like: $result= o($internal_value)->some_operation_or_conversion_on_this_value();

This is a great start for a base "language" to build other language layers upon with the top layer being written in full internal DSLs. This is similar to the lisp style of development, and PHP supports it way better than most people realize. I realize this is a bit of a tangent for the question, but the question touches on what I think is the base for fully utilizing the power of PHP.

How to use adb pull command?

I don't think adb pull handles wildcards for multiple files. I ran into the same problem and did this by moving the files to a folder and then pulling the folder.

I found a link doing the same thing. Try following these steps.

How to copy selected files from Android with adb pull

How to convert/parse from String to char in java?

If the string is 1 character long, just take that character. If the string is not 1 character long, it cannot be parsed into a character.

Convert Unicode data to int in python

int(limit) returns the value converted into an integer, and doesn't change it in place as you call the function (which is what you are expecting it to).

Do this instead:

limit = int(limit)

Or when definiting limit:

if 'limit' in user_data :
    limit = int(user_data['limit'])

Spring Data JPA Update @Query not updating?

I finally understood what was going on.

When creating an integration test on a statement saving an object, it is recommended to flush the entity manager so as to avoid any false negative, that is, to avoid a test running fine but whose operation would fail when run in production. Indeed, the test may run fine simply because the first level cache is not flushed and no writing hits the database. To avoid this false negative integration test use an explicit flush in the test body. Note that the production code should never need to use any explicit flush as it is the role of the ORM to decide when to flush.

When creating an integration test on an update statement, it may be necessary to clear the entity manager so as to reload the first level cache. Indeed, an update statement completely bypasses the first level cache and writes directly to the database. The first level cache is then out of sync and reflects the old value of the updated object. To avoid this stale state of the object, use an explicit clear in the test body. Note that the production code should never need to use any explicit clear as it is the role of the ORM to decide when to clear.

My test now works just fine.

Failed to execute removeChild on Node

Your myCoolDiv element isn't a child of the player container. It's a child of the div you created as a wrapper for it (markerDiv in the first part of the code). Which is why it fails, removeChild only removes children, not descendants.

You'd want to remove that wrapper div, or not add it at all.

Here's the "not adding it at all" option:

var markerDiv = document.createElement("div");_x000D_
markerDiv.innerHTML = "<div id='MyCoolDiv' style='color: #2b0808'>123</div>";_x000D_
// -------------------------------------------------------------^^^^^^^^^^^_x000D_
setTimeout(function(){ _x000D_
    var myCoolDiv = document.getElementById("MyCoolDiv");_x000D_
}, 1500);
<div id="playerContainer"></div>

Or without using the wrapper (although it's quite handy for parsing that HTML):

var myCoolDiv = document.createElement("div");_x000D_
// Don't reall need this: = "MyCoolDiv";_x000D_ = "#2b0808";_x000D_
setTimeout(function(){ _x000D_
    // No need for this, we already have it from the above:_x000D_
    // var myCoolDiv = document.getElementById("MyCoolDiv");_x000D_
}, 1500);
<div id="playerContainer"></div>

Execute multiple command lines with the same process using .NET

You could also tell MySQL to execute the commands in the given file, like so:

mysql --user=root --password=sa casemanager < CaseManager.sql

How to Specify "Vary: Accept-Encoding" header in .htaccess

This was driving me crazy, but it seems that aularon's edit was missing the colon after "Vary". So changing "Vary Accept-Encoding" to "Vary: Accept-Encoding" fixed the issue for me.

I would have commented below the post, but it doesn't seem like it will let me.

Anyhow, I hope this saves someone the same trouble I was having.

Select all elements with a "data-xxx" attribute without using jQuery

var matches = new Array();

var allDom = document.getElementsByTagName("*");
for(var i =0; i < allDom.length; i++){
    var d = allDom[i];
    if(d["data-foo"] !== undefined) {

Not sure who dinged me with a -1, but here's the proof.

Where does the @Transactional annotation belong?

The normal case would be to annotate on a service layer level, but this really depends on your requirements.

Annotating on a service layer will result in longer transactions than annotating on DAO level. Depending on the transaction isolation level that can youse problems, as concurrent transactions wont see each other's changes in eg. REPEATABLE READ.

Annotating on the DAOs will keep the transactions as short as possible, with the drawback that the functionality your service layer is exposing wont be done in a single (rollbackable) transaction.

It does not make sense to annotate both layers if the propagation mode is set to default.

Access elements of parent window from iframe

I think you can just use window.parent from the iframe. window.parent returns the window object of the parent page, so you could do something like:


Then do whatever you want with that div.

What does AngularJS do better than jQuery?


You go around making your webpage, and keep on putting {{data bindings}} whenever you feel you would have dynamic data. Angular will then provide you a $scope handler, which you can populate (statically or through calls to the web server).

This is a good understanding of data-binding. I think you've got that down.

DOM Manipulation

For simple DOM manipulation, which doesnot involve data manipulation (eg: color changes on mousehover, hiding/showing elements on click), jQuery or old-school js is sufficient and cleaner. This assumes that the model in angular's mvc is anything that reflects data on the page, and hence, css properties like color, display/hide, etc changes dont affect the model.

I can see your point here about "simple" DOM manipulation being cleaner, but only rarely and it would have to be really "simple". I think DOM manipulation is one the areas, just like data-binding, where Angular really shines. Understanding this will also help you see how Angular considers its views.

I'll start by comparing the Angular way with a vanilla js approach to DOM manipulation. Traditionally, we think of HTML as not "doing" anything and write it as such. So, inline js, like "onclick", etc are bad practice because they put the "doing" in the context of HTML, which doesn't "do". Angular flips that concept on its head. As you're writing your view, you think of HTML as being able to "do" lots of things. This capability is abstracted away in angular directives, but if they already exist or you have written them, you don't have to consider "how" it is done, you just use the power made available to you in this "augmented" HTML that angular allows you to use. This also means that ALL of your view logic is truly contained in the view, not in your javascript files. Again, the reasoning is that the directives written in your javascript files could be considered to be increasing the capability of HTML, so you let the DOM worry about manipulating itself (so to speak). I'll demonstrate with a simple example.

This is the markup we want to use. I gave it an intuitive name.

<div rotate-on-click="45"></div>

First, I'd just like to comment that if we've given our HTML this functionality via a custom Angular Directive, we're already done. That's a breath of fresh air. More on that in a moment.

Implementation with jQuery

live demo here (click).

function rotate(deg, elem) {
    webkitTransform: 'rotate('+deg+'deg)', 
    mozTransform: 'rotate('+deg+'deg)', 
    msTransform: 'rotate('+deg+'deg)', 
    oTransform: 'rotate('+deg+'deg)', 
    transform: 'rotate('+deg+'deg)'    

function addRotateOnClick($elems) {
  $elems.each(function(i, elem) {
    var deg = 0;
    $(elem).click(function() {
      deg+= parseInt($(this).attr('rotate-on-click'), 10);
      rotate(deg, this);


Implementation with Angular

live demo here (click).

app.directive('rotateOnClick', function() {
  return {
    restrict: 'A',
    link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
      var deg = 0;
      element.bind('click', function() {
        deg+= parseInt(attrs.rotateOnClick, 10);
          webkitTransform: 'rotate('+deg+'deg)', 
          mozTransform: 'rotate('+deg+'deg)', 
          msTransform: 'rotate('+deg+'deg)', 
          oTransform: 'rotate('+deg+'deg)', 
          transform: 'rotate('+deg+'deg)'    

Pretty light, VERY clean and that's just a simple manipulation! In my opinion, the angular approach wins in all regards, especially how the functionality is abstracted away and the dom manipulation is declared in the DOM. The functionality is hooked onto the element via an html attribute, so there is no need to query the DOM via a selector, and we've got two nice closures - one closure for the directive factory where variables are shared across all usages of the directive, and one closure for each usage of the directive in the link function (or compile function).

Two-way data binding and directives for DOM manipulation are only the start of what makes Angular awesome. Angular promotes all code being modular, reusable, and easily testable and also includes a single-page app routing system. It is important to note that jQuery is a library of commonly needed convenience/cross-browser methods, but Angular is a full featured framework for creating single page apps. The angular script actually includes its own "lite" version of jQuery so that some of the most essential methods are available. Therefore, you could argue that using Angular IS using jQuery (lightly), but Angular provides much more "magic" to help you in the process of creating apps.

This is a great post for more related information: How do I “think in AngularJS” if I have a jQuery background?

General differences.

The above points are aimed at the OP's specific concerns. I'll also give an overview of the other important differences. I suggest doing additional reading about each topic as well.

Angular and jQuery can't reasonably be compared.

Angular is a framework, jQuery is a library. Frameworks have their place and libraries have their place. However, there is no question that a good framework has more power in writing an application than a library. That's exactly the point of a framework. You're welcome to write your code in plain JS, or you can add in a library of common functions, or you can add a framework to drastically reduce the code you need to accomplish most things. Therefore, a more appropriate question is:

Why use a framework?

Good frameworks can help architect your code so that it is modular (therefore reusable), DRY, readable, performant and secure. jQuery is not a framework, so it doesn't help in these regards. We've all seen the typical walls of jQuery spaghetti code. This isn't jQuery's fault - it's the fault of developers that don't know how to architect code. However, if the devs did know how to architect code, they would end up writing some kind of minimal "framework" to provide the foundation (achitecture, etc) I discussed a moment ago, or they would add something in. For example, you might add RequireJS to act as part of your framework for writing good code.

Here are some things that modern frameworks are providing:

  • Templating
  • Data-binding
  • routing (single page app)
  • clean, modular, reusable architecture
  • security
  • additional functions/features for convenience

Before I further discuss Angular, I'd like to point out that Angular isn't the only one of its kind. Durandal, for example, is a framework built on top of jQuery, Knockout, and RequireJS. Again, jQuery cannot, by itself, provide what Knockout, RequireJS, and the whole framework built on top them can. It's just not comparable.

If you need to destroy a planet and you have a Death Star, use the Death star.

Angular (revisited).

Building on my previous points about what frameworks provide, I'd like to commend the way that Angular provides them and try to clarify why this is matter of factually superior to jQuery alone.

DOM reference.

In my above example, it is just absolutely unavoidable that jQuery has to hook onto the DOM in order to provide functionality. That means that the view (html) is concerned about functionality (because it is labeled with some kind of identifier - like "image slider") and JavaScript is concerned about providing that functionality. Angular eliminates that concept via abstraction. Properly written code with Angular means that the view is able to declare its own behavior. If I want to display a clock:



Yes, we need to go to JavaScript to make that mean something, but we're doing this in the opposite way of the jQuery approach. Our Angular directive (which is in it's own little world) has "augumented" the html and the html hooks the functionality into itself.

MVW Architecure / Modules / Dependency Injection

Angular gives you a straightforward way to structure your code. View things belong in the view (html), augmented view functionality belongs in directives, other logic (like ajax calls) and functions belong in services, and the connection of services and logic to the view belongs in controllers. There are some other angular components as well that help deal with configuration and modification of services, etc. Any functionality you create is automatically available anywhere you need it via the Injector subsystem which takes care of Dependency Injection throughout the application. When writing an application (module), I break it up into other reusable modules, each with their own reusable components, and then include them in the bigger project. Once you solve a problem with Angular, you've automatically solved it in a way that is useful and structured for reuse in the future and easily included in the next project. A HUGE bonus to all of this is that your code will be much easier to test.

It isn't easy to make things "work" in Angular.

THANK GOODNESS. The aforementioned jQuery spaghetti code resulted from a dev that made something "work" and then moved on. You can write bad Angular code, but it's much more difficult to do so, because Angular will fight you about it. This means that you have to take advantage (at least somewhat) to the clean architecture it provides. In other words, it's harder to write bad code with Angular, but more convenient to write clean code.

Angular is far from perfect. The web development world is always growing and changing and there are new and better ways being put forth to solve problems. Facebook's React and Flux, for example, have some great advantages over Angular, but come with their own drawbacks. Nothing's perfect, but Angular has been and is still awesome for now. Just as jQuery once helped the web world move forward, so has Angular, and so will many to come.

Changing CSS style from ASP.NET code

I find that code gets messy fast when C# code is used to modify CSS values. Perhaps a better approach is for your code to dynamically set the class attribute on the div tag and then store any specific CSS settings in the style sheet.

That might not work for your situation, but its a decent default position if you need to change the style on the fly in server side code.

Is there a way to get the git root directory in one command?

Pre-Configured Shell Aliases in Shell Frameworks

If you use a shell framework, there might already be a shell alias available:

  • $ grt in oh-my-zsh (68k) (cd $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel || echo "."))
  • $ git-root in prezto (8.8k) (displays the path to the working tree root)
  • $ g.. zimfw (1k) (changes the current directory to the top level of the working tree.)

Convert timestamp to readable date/time PHP

strtotime makes a date string into a timestamp. You want to do the opposite, which is date. The typical mysql date format is date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); Check the manual page for what other letters represent.

If you have a timestamp that you want to use (apparently you do), it is the second argument of date().

Composer require runs out of memory. PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 1610612736 bytes exhausted

You can use a specific php Version when running Composer

If, like me, for some reason, you are using PHP 32 bits even though your computer is 64 bits, this will always limit the amount of memory allocated to Composer. I solved my problem this way:

  • Install a 64 bits php version somewhere on your computer (let's say in C:/php64)
  • In composer (using cygwin in my case), run:

COMPOSER_MEMORY_LIMIT=-1 C:/php64/php.exe ../composer.phar update

How to delete selected text in the vi editor

If you want to remove all lines in a file from your current line number, use dG, it will delete all lines (shift g) mean end of file

Access multiple elements of list knowing their index

Kind of pythonic way:

c = [x for x in a if a.index(x) in b]

Creating new database from a backup of another Database on the same server?

It's even possible to restore without creating a blank database at all.

In Sql Server Management Studio, right click on Databases and select Restore Database... enter image description here

In the Restore Database dialog, select the Source Database or Device as normal. Once the source database is selected, SSMS will populate the destination database name based on the original name of the database.

It's then possible to change the name of the database and enter a new destination database name.

enter image description here

With this approach, you don't even need to go to the Options tab and click the "Overwrite the existing database" option.

Also, the database files will be named consistently with your new database name and you still have the option to change file names if you want.

MSIE and addEventListener Problem in Javascript?

try adding

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> 

right after the opening head tag

'this' is undefined in JavaScript class methods

JavaScript's OOP is a little funky (or a lot) and it takes some getting used to. This first thing you need to keep in mind is that there are no Classes and thinking in terms of classes can trip you up. And in order to use a method attached to a Constructor (the JavaScript equivalent of a Class definition) you need to instantiate your object. For example:

Ninja = function (name) { = name;
aNinja = new Ninja('foxy');; //-> 'foxy'

enemyNinja = new Ninja('boggis');; //=> 'boggis'

Note that Ninja instances have the same properties but aNinja cannot access the properties of enemyNinja. (This part should be really easy/straightforward) Things get a bit different when you start adding stuff to the prototype:

Ninja.prototype.jump = function () {
   return + ' jumped!';
Ninja.prototype.jump(); //-> Error.
aNinja.jump(); //-> 'foxy jumped!'
enemyNinja.jump(); //-> 'boggis jumped!'

Calling this directly will throw an error because this only points to the correct object (your "Class") when the Constructor is instantiated (otherwise it points to the global object, window in a browser)

Checking if form has been submitted - PHP

Try this

 <form action="" method="POST" id="formaddtask">
      Add Task: <input type="text"name="newtaskname" />
      <input type="submit" value="Submit"/>

    //Check if the form is submitted
    if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && !empty($_POST['newtaskname'])){


How can I use the python HTMLParser library to extract data from a specific div tag?

Little correction at Line 3


it should be


The following worked for me though

import urllib2 

from HTMLParser import HTMLParser  

class MyHTMLParser(HTMLParser):

  def __init__(self):
    self.recording = 0 = []
  def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
    if tag == 'required_tag':
      for name, value in attrs:
        if name == 'somename' and value == 'somevale':
          print name, value
          print "Encountered the beginning of a %s tag" % tag 
          self.recording = 1 

  def handle_endtag(self, tag):
    if tag == 'required_tag':
      self.recording -=1 
      print "Encountered the end of a %s tag" % tag 

  def handle_data(self, data):
    if self.recording:

 p = MyHTMLParser()
 f = urllib2.urlopen('')
 html =


How to get the indexpath.row when an element is activated?

Extend UITableView to create function that get indexpath for a view:

extension UITableView {
    func indexPath(for view: UIView) -> IndexPath? {
        self.indexPathForRow(at: view.convert(.zero, to: self))

How to use:

let row = tableView.indexPath(for: sender)?.row

Is there an equivalent of lsusb for OS X

system_profiler SPUSBDataType

it your need command on macos

Disable/turn off inherited CSS3 transitions

The use of transition: none seems to be supported (with a specific adjustment for Opera) given the following HTML:

<a href="#" class="transition">Content</a>
<a href="#" class="transition">Content</a>
<a href="#" class="noTransition">Content</a>
<a href="#" class="transition">Content</a>

...and CSS:

a {
    color: #f90;
    -webkit-transition:color 0.8s ease-in, background-color 0.1s ease-in ;  
    -moz-transition:color 0.8s ease-in, background-color 0.1s ease-in;  
    -o-transition:color 0.8s ease-in, background-color 0.1s ease-in;  
    transition:color 0.8s ease-in, background-color 0.1s ease-in; 
a:hover {
    color: #f00;
    -webkit-transition:color 0.8s ease-in, background-color 0.1s ease-in ;  
    -moz-transition:color 0.8s ease-in, background-color 0.1s ease-in;  
    -o-transition:color 0.8s ease-in, background-color 0.1s ease-in;  
    transition:color 0.8s ease-in, background-color 0.1s ease-in; 
a.noTransition {
    -moz-transition: none;
    -webkit-transition: none;
    -o-transition: color 0 ease-in;
    transition: none;

JS Fiddle demo.

Tested with Chromium 12, Opera 11.x and Firefox 5 on Ubuntu 11.04.

The specific adaptation to Opera is the use of -o-transition: color 0 ease-in; which targets the same property as specified in the other transition rules, but sets the transition time to 0, which effectively prevents the transition from being noticeable. The use of the a.noTransition selector is simply to provide a specific selector for the elements without transitions.

Edited to note that @Frédéric Hamidi's answer, using all (for Opera, at least) is far more concise than listing out each individual property-name that you don't want to have transition.

Updated JS Fiddle demo, showing the use of all in Opera: -o-transition: all 0 none, following self-deletion of @Frédéric's answer.

PHP executable not found. Install PHP 7 and add it to your PATH or set the php.executablePath setting

You installed PHP IntelliSense extension, and this error because of it.
So if you want to fix this problem go to this menu:
File -> Preferences -> Settings
Now you can see 2 window. In the right window add below codes:

    "php.validate.executablePath": "C:\\wamp64\\bin\\php\\php7.0.4\\php.exe",
    "php.executablePath": "C:\\wamp64\\bin\\php\\php7.0.4\\php.exe"

Just like below image.

enter image description here

NOTICE: This address C:\\wamp64\\bin\\php\\php7.0.4\\php.exe is my php7.exe file address. Replace this address with own php7.exe.

Get a filtered list of files in a directory

You can use subprocess.check_ouput() as

import subprocess

list_files = subprocess.check_output("ls 145992*.jpg", shell=True) 

Of course, the string between quotes can be anything you want to execute in the shell, and store the output.

Pointer arithmetic for void pointer in C

Final conclusion: arithmetic on a void* is illegal in both C and C++.

GCC allows it as an extension, see Arithmetic on void- and Function-Pointers (note that this section is part of the "C Extensions" chapter of the manual). Clang and ICC likely allow void* arithmetic for the purposes of compatibility with GCC. Other compilers (such as MSVC) disallow arithmetic on void*, and GCC disallows it if the -pedantic-errors flag is specified, or if the -Werror-pointer-arith flag is specified (this flag is useful if your code base must also compile with MSVC).

The C Standard Speaks

Quotes are taken from the n1256 draft.

The standard's description of the addition operation states:

6.5.6-2: For addition, either both operands shall have arithmetic type, or one operand shall be a pointer to an object type and the other shall have integer type.

So, the question here is whether void* is a pointer to an "object type", or equivalently, whether void is an "object type". The definition for "object type" is: Types are partitioned into object types (types that fully describe objects) , function types (types that describe functions), and incomplete types (types that describe objects but lack information needed to determine their sizes).

And the standard defines void as:

6.2.5-19: The void type comprises an empty set of values; it is an incomplete type that cannot be completed.

Since void is an incomplete type, it is not an object type. Therefore it is not a valid operand to an addition operation.

Therefore you cannot perform pointer arithmetic on a void pointer.


Originally, it was thought that void* arithmetic was permitted, because of these sections of the C standard:

6.2.5-27: A pointer to void shall have the same representation and alignment requirements as a pointer to a character type.


The same representation and alignment requirements are meant to imply interchangeability as arguments to functions, return values from functions, and members of unions.

So this means that printf("%s", x) has the same meaning whether x has type char* or void*, but it does not mean that you can do arithmetic on a void*.

Editor's note: This answer has been edited to reflect the final conclusion.

jQuery - Get Width of Element when Not Visible (Display: None)

One solution, though it won't work in all situations, is to hide the element by setting the opacity to 0. A completely transparent element will have width.

The draw back is that the element will still take up space, but that won't be an issue in all cases.

For example:

$(img).css("opacity", 0)  //element cannot be seen
width = $(img).width()    //but has width

Checking if a folder exists (and creating folders) in Qt, C++

To check if a directory named "Folder" exists use:


To create a new folder named "MyFolder" use:


Spring configure @ResponseBody JSON format

Doesn't answer the question but this is the top google result.

If anybody comes here and wants do do it for Spring 4 (as it happened to me), you can use the annotation


on the returning class.

Get current language in CultureInfo

I tried {CultureInfo currentCulture = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture;} but it didn`t work for me, since my UI culture was different from my number/currency culture. So I suggest you to use:

CultureInfo currentCulture = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture;

This will give you the culture your UI is (texts on windows, message boxes, etc).

Read all worksheets in an Excel workbook into an R list with data.frames

Since this is the number one hit to the question: Read multi sheet excel to list:

here is the openxlsx solution:

filename <-"myFilePath"

sheets <- openxlsx::getSheetNames(filename)
SheetList <- lapply(sheets,openxlsx::read.xlsx,xlsxFile=filename)
names(SheetList) <- sheets

How can I convert a Word document to PDF?

I agree with posters listing OpenOffice as a high-fidelity import/export facility of word / pdf docs with a Java API and it also works across platforms. OpenOffice import/export filters are pretty powerful and preserve most formatting during conversion to various formats including PDF. Docmosis and JODReports value-add to make life easier than learning the OpenOffice API directly which can be challenging because of the style of the UNO api and the crash-related bugs.

Prevent jQuery UI dialog from setting focus to first textbox

If you're using dialog buttons, just set the autofocus attribute on one of the buttons:

  buttons: [_x000D_
      text: 'OK',_x000D_
      autofocus: 'autofocus'_x000D_
      text: 'Cancel'_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>_x000D_
<div id="dialog" title="Basic dialog">_x000D_
  This is some text._x000D_
  <a href="">This is a link.</a>_x000D_
  <input value="This is a textbox.">_x000D_

Click a button with XPath containing partial id and title in Selenium IDE

Now that you have provided your HTML sample, we're able to see that your XPath is slightly wrong. While it's valid XPath, it's logically wrong.

You've got:

//*[contains(@id, 'ctl00_btnAircraftMapCell')]//*[contains(@title, 'Select Seat')]

Which translates into:

Get me all the elements that have an ID that contains ctl00_btnAircraftMapCell. Out of these elements, get any child elements that have a title that contains Select Seat.

What you actually want is:

//a[contains(@id, 'ctl00_btnAircraftMapCell') and contains(@title, 'Select Seat')]

Which translates into:

Get me all the anchor elements that have both: an id that contains ctl00_btnAircraftMapCell and a title that contains Select Seat.

getting "No column was specified for column 2 of 'd'" in sql server cte?

I had a similar query and a similar issue.

    Users ru
        SELECT ru1.UserID, COUNT(*)
        FROM Referral r
        LEFT OUTER JOIN Users ru1 ON r.ReferredUserId = ru1.UserID
        GROUP BY ru1.UserID
    ) ReferralTotalCount ON ru.UserID = ReferralTotalCount.UserID

I found that SQL Server was choking on the COUNT(*) column, and was giving me the error No column was specified for column 2.

Putting an alias on the COUNT(*) column fixed the issue.

        Users ru
            SELECT ru1.UserID, COUNT(*) AS -->MyCount<--
            FROM Referral r
            LEFT OUTER JOIN Users ru1 ON r.ReferredUserId = ru1.UserID
            GROUP BY ru1.UserID
        ) ReferralTotalCount ON ru.UserID = ReferralTotalCount.UserID

get UTC timestamp in python with datetime

The accepted answer seems not work for me. My solution:

import time
utc_0 = int(time.mktime(datetime(1970, 01, 01).timetuple()))
def datetime2ts(dt):
    """Converts a datetime object to UTC timestamp"""
    return int(time.mktime(dt.utctimetuple())) - utc_0

float:left; vs display:inline; vs display:inline-block; vs display:table-cell;

For the record only, to add to Spudley's answer, there is also the possibility to use position: absolute and margins if you know the column widths.

For me, the main issue when chossing a method is whether you need the columns to fill the whole height (equal heights), where table-cell is the easiest method (if you don't care much for older browsers).

Query error with ambiguous column name in SQL

it's because some of the fields (specifically InvoiceID on the Invoices table and on the InvoiceLineItems) are present on both table. The way to answer of question is to add an ALIAS on it.

    a.VendorName,  Invoices.InvoiceID, .. -- or use full tableName
FROM Vendors a   -- This is an `ALIAS` of table Vendors
JOIN Invoices ON (Vendors.VendorID = Invoices.VendorID)
JOIN InvoiceLineItems ON (Invoices.InvoiceID = InvoiceLineItems.InvoiceID)
    Invoices.InvoiceID IN
        (SELECT InvoiceSequence 
         FROM InvoiceLineItems
         WHERE InvoiceSequence > 1)
    VendorName, InvoiceID, InvoiceSequence, InvoiceLineItemAmount

Is there a label/goto in Python?

Python 2 & 3

pip3 install goto-statement

Tested on Python 2.6 through 3.6 and PyPy.

Link: goto-statement

from goto import with_goto

def bar():

    label .bar_begin


    goto .bar_begin

What can lead to "IOError: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor" during os.system()?

You get this error message if a Python file was closed from "the outside", i.e. not from the file object's close() method:

>>> f = open(".bashrc")
>>> os.close(f.fileno())
>>> del f
close failed in file object destructor:
IOError: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor

The line del f deletes the last reference to the file object, causing its destructor file.__del__ to be called. The internal state of the file object indicates the file is still open since f.close() was never called, so the destructor tries to close the file. The OS subsequently throws an error because of the attempt to close a file that's not open.

Since the implementation of os.system() does not create any Python file objects, it does not seem likely that the system() call is the origin of the error. Maybe you could show a bit more code?

Undo git update-index --assume-unchanged <file>

To synthesize the excellent original answers from @adardesign, @adswebwork and @AnkitVishwakarma, and comments from @Bdoserror, @Retsam, @seanf, and @torek, with additional documentation links and concise aliases...

Basic Commands

To reset a file that is assume-unchanged back to normal:

git update-index --no-assume-unchanged <file>

To list all files that are assume-unchanged:

git ls-files -v | grep '^[a-z]' | cut -c3-

To reset all assume-unchanged files back to normal:

git ls-files -v | grep '^[a-z]' | cut -c3- | xargs git update-index --no-assume-unchanged --

Note: This command which has been listed elsewhere does not appear to reset all assume-unchanged files any longer (I believe it used to and previously listed it as a solution):

git update-index --really-refresh


To make these common tasks easy to execute in git, add/update the following alias section to .gitconfig for your user (e.g. ~/.gitconfig on a *nix or macOS system):

    hide = update-index --assume-unchanged
    unhide = update-index --no-assume-unchanged
    unhide-all = ! git ls-files -v | grep '^[a-z]' | cut -c3- | xargs git unhide --
    hidden = ! git ls-files -v | grep '^[a-z]' | cut -c3-

jquery how to get the page's current screen top position?

var top = $('html').offset().top;

should do it.

edit: this is the negative of $(document).scrollTop()

Error - trustAnchors parameter must be non-empty

For my case I didn't had specified VM Arguments fully.

(Run Configurations.. > (under Apache Tomcat) any server > (x)= Arguments > VM arguments:)

Make sure all VM Arguments are set tup correctly.

Finding the index of elements based on a condition using python list comprehension

For me it works well:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> a = np.array([1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3])
>>> np.where(a > 2)[0]
[2 5]

Java NoSuchAlgorithmException - SunJSSE,$DefaultSSLContext

Well after doing some more searching I discovered the error may be related to other issues as invalid keystores, passwords etc.

I then remembered that I had set two VM arguments for when I was testing SSL for my network connectivity.

I removed the following VM arguments to fix the problem:

Note: this keystore no longer exists so that's probably why the Exception.

Check if program is running with bash shell script?

You can achieve almost everything in PROCESS_NUM with this one-liner:

[ `pgrep $1` ] && return 1 || return 0

if you're looking for a partial match, i.e. program is named foobar and you want your $1 to be just foo you can add the -f switch to pgrep:

[[ `pgrep -f $1` ]] && return 1 || return 0

Putting it all together your script could be reworked like this:


check_process() {
  echo "$ts: checking $1"
  [ "$1" = "" ]  && return 0
  [ `pgrep -n $1` ] && return 1 || return 0

while [ 1 ]; do 
  # timestamp
  ts=`date +%T`

  echo "$ts: begin checking..."
  check_process "dropbox"
  [ $? -eq 0 ] && echo "$ts: not running, restarting..." && `dropbox start -i > /dev/null`
  sleep 5

Running it would look like this:

# SHELL #1
22:07:26: begin checking...
22:07:26: checking dropbox
22:07:31: begin checking...
22:07:31: checking dropbox

# SHELL #2
$ dropbox stop
Dropbox daemon stopped.

# SHELL #1
22:07:36: begin checking...
22:07:36: checking dropbox
22:07:36: not running, restarting...
22:07:42: begin checking...
22:07:42: checking dropbox

Hope this helps!

Kill some processes by .exe file name

You can use Process.GetProcesses() to get the currently running processes, then Process.Kill() to kill a process.

How to use ScrollView in Android?

How to use ScrollView

Using ScrollView is not very difficult. You can just add one to your layout and put whatever you want to scroll inside. ScrollView only takes one child so if you want to put a few things inside then you should make the first thing be something like a LinearLayout.



        <!-- things to scroll -->


If you want to scroll things horizontally, then use a HorizontalScrollView.

Making the content fill the screen

As is talked about in this post, sometimes you want the ScrollView content to fill the screen. For example, if you had some buttons at the end of a readme. You want the buttons to always be at the end of the text and at bottom of the screen, even if the text doesn't scroll.

If the content scrolls, everything is fine. However, if the content is smaller than the size of the screen, the buttons are not at the bottom.

enter image description here

This can be solved with a combination of using fillViewPort on the ScrollView and using a layout weight on the content. Using fillViewPort makes the ScrollView fill the parent area. Setting the layout_weight on one of the views in the LinearLayout makes that view expand to fill any extra space.

enter image description here

Here is the XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    android:fillViewport="true">                        <--- fillViewport


            android:layout_height="0dp"                <--- 
            android:layout_weight="1"                  <--- set layout_weight

            android:layout_height="wrap_content"       <--- wrap_content

                android:text="Accept" />

                android:text="Refuse" />


The idea for this answer came from a previous answer that is now deleted (link for 10K users). The content of this answer is an update and adaptation of this post.

Difference between applicationContext.xml and spring-servlet.xml in Spring Framework

Scenario 1

In client application (application is not web application, e.g may be swing app)

private static ApplicationContext context = new  ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("test-client.xml");


No need of web.xml. ApplicationContext as container for getting bean service. No need for web server container. In test-client.xml there can be Simple bean with no remoting, bean with remoting.

Conclusion: In Scenario 1 applicationContext and DispatcherServlet are not related.

Scenario 2

In a server application (application deployed in server e.g Tomcat). Accessed service via remoting from client program (e.g Swing app)

Define listener in web.xml


At server startup ContextLoaderListener instantiates beans defined in applicationContext.xml.

Assuming you have defined the following in applicationContext.xml:

<import resource="test1.xml" />
<import resource="test2.xml" />
<import resource="test3.xml" />
<import resource="test4.xml" />

The beans are instantiated from all four configuration files test1.xml, test2.xml, test3.xml, test4.xml.

Conclusion: In Scenario 2 applicationContext and DispatcherServlet are not related.

Scenario 3

In a web application with spring MVC.

In web.xml define:



When Tomcat starts, beans defined in springweb-servlet.xml are instantiated. DispatcherServlet extends FrameworkServlet. In FrameworkServlet bean instantiation takes place for springweb . In our case springweb is FrameworkServlet.

Conclusion: In Scenario 3 applicationContext and DispatcherServlet are not related.

Scenario 4

In web application with spring MVC. springweb-servlet.xml for servlet and applicationContext.xml for accessing the business service within the server program or for accessing DB service in another server program.

In web.xml the following are defined:




At server startup, ContextLoaderListener instantiates beans defined in applicationContext.xml; assuming you have declared herein:

<import resource="test1.xml" />
<import resource="test2.xml" />
<import resource="test3.xml" />
<import resource="test4.xml" />

The beans are all instantiated from all four test1.xml, test2.xml, test3.xml, test4.xml. After the completion of bean instantiation defined in applicationContext.xml, beans defined in springweb-servlet.xml are instantiated.

So the instantiation order is: the root (application context), then FrameworkServlet.

Now it should be clear why they are important in which scenario.

How to display a content in two-column layout in LaTeX?

Load the multicol package, like this \usepackage{multicol}. Then use:

Column 1
Column 2

If you omit the \columnbreak, the columns will balance automatically.

ERROR: object LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored

The linker takes some environment variables into account. one is LD_PRELOAD

from man 8 ld-linux:

          A whitespace-separated list of additional,  user-specified,  ELF
          shared  libraries  to  be loaded before all others.  This can be
          used  to  selectively  override  functions   in   other   shared
          libraries.   For  setuid/setgid  ELF binaries, only libraries in
          the standard search directories that are  also  setgid  will  be

Therefore the linker will try to load libraries listed in the LD_PRELOAD variable before others are loaded.

What could be the case that inside the variable is listed a library that can't be pre-loaded. look inside your .bashrc or .bash_profile environment where the LD_PRELOAD is set and remove that library from the variable.

Java: random long number in 0 <= x < n range

The below Method will Return you a value between 10000000000 to 9999999999

long min = 1000000000L
long max = 9999999999L    

public static long getRandomNumber(long min, long max){

    Random random = new Random();         
    return random.nextLong() % (max - min) + max;


How to map atan2() to degrees 0-360

The R packages geosphere will calculate bearingRhumb, which is a constant bearing line given an origin point and easting/northing. The easting and northing must be in a matrix or vector. The origin point for a wind rose is 0,0. The following code seems to readily resolve the issue:

wind_matrix<-cbind(windE, windN)
wind$wind_dir<-bearingRhumb(c(0,0), wind_matrix)
wind$wind_dir<-round(wind$wind_dir, 0)

How to set selected item of Spinner by value, not by position?

You can use this way, just make your code more simple and more clear.

ArrayAdapter<String> adapter = (ArrayAdapter<String>) spinnerCountry.getAdapter();
int position = adapter.getPosition(obj.getCountry());

Hope it helps.

Android: Flush DNS

Perform a hard reboot of your phone. The easiest way to do this is to remove the phone's battery. Wait for at least 30 seconds, then replace the battery. The phone will reboot, and upon completing its restart will have an empty DNS cache.

Read more: How to Flush the DNS on an Android Phone |

Modify tick label text

This also works in matplotlib 3:

x1 = [0,1,2,3]
squad = ['Fultz','Embiid','Dario','Simmons']

plt.xticks(x1, squad, rotation=45)

How can I trigger an onchange event manually?

MDN suggests that there's a much cleaner way of doing this in modern browsers:

// Assuming we're listening for e.g. a 'change' event on `element`

// Create a new 'change' event
var event = new Event('change');

// Dispatch it.

How to convert Nonetype to int or string?

You should check to make sure the value is not None before trying to perform any calculations on it:

my_value = None
if my_value is not None:
    print int(my_value) / 2

Note: my_value was intentionally set to None to prove the code works and that the check is being performed.

jQuery - selecting elements from inside a element

Why not just use:

$("#foo span")


$("#foo > span")

$('span', $('#foo')); works fine on my machine ;)

How do I generate a stream from a string?

public Stream GenerateStreamFromString(string s)
    return new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(s));

App.settings - the Angular way?

Here's my solution, loads from .json to allow changes without rebuilding

import { Injectable, Inject } from '@angular/core';
import { Http } from '@angular/http';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
import { Location } from '@angular/common';

export class ConfigService {

    private config: any;

    constructor(private location: Location, private http: Http) {

    async apiUrl(): Promise<string> {
        let conf = await this.getConfig();
        return Promise.resolve(conf.apiUrl);

    private async getConfig(): Promise<any> {
        if (!this.config) {
            this.config = (await this.http.get(this.location.prepareExternalUrl('/assets/config.json')).toPromise()).json();
        return Promise.resolve(this.config);

and config.json

    "apiUrl": "http://localhost:3000/api"

calling parent class method from child class object in java

Say the hierarchy is C->B->A with A being the base class.

I think there's more to fixing this than renaming a method. That will work but is that a fix?

One way is to refactor all the functionality common to B and C into D, and let B and C inherit from D: (B,C)->D->A Now the method in B that was hiding A's implementation from C is specific to B and stays there. This allows C to invoke the method in A without any hokery.

What are the differences between WCF and ASMX web services?

There's a lot of talks going on regarding the simplicity of asmx web services over WCF. Let me clarify few points here.

  • Its true that novice web service developers will get started easily in asmx web services. Visual Studio does all the work for them and readily creates a Hello World project.
  • But if you can learn WCF (which off course wont take much time) then you can get to see that WCF is also quite simple, and you can go ahead easily.
  • Its important to remember that these said complexities in WCF are actually attributed to the beautiful features that it brings along with it. There are addressing, bindings, contracts and endpoints, services & clients all mentioned in the config file. The beauty is your business logic is segregated and maintained safely. Tomorrow if you need to change the binding from basicHttpBinding to netTcpBinding you can easily create a binding in config file and use it. So all the changes related to clients, communication channels, bindings etc are to be done in the configuration leaving the business logic safe & intact, which makes real good sense.
  • WCF "web services" are part of a much broader spectrum of remote communication enabled through WCF. You will get a much higher degree of flexibility and portability doing things in WCF than through traditional ASMX because WCF is designed, from the ground up, to summarize all of the different distributed programming infrastructures offered by Microsoft. An endpoint in WCF can be communicated with just as easily over SOAP/XML as it can over TCP/binary and to change this medium is simply a configuration file mod. In theory, this reduces the amount of new code needed when porting or changing business needs, targets, etc.
  • Web Services can be accessed only over HTTP & it works in stateless environment, where WCF is flexible because its services can be hosted in different types of applications. You can host your WCF services in Console, Windows Services, IIS & WAS, which are again different ways of creating new projects in Visual Studio.
  • ASMX is older than WCF, and anything ASMX can do so can WCF (and more). Basically you can see WCF as trying to logically group together all the different ways of getting two apps to communicate in the world of Microsoft; ASMX was just one of these many ways and so is now grouped under the WCF umbrella of capabilities.
  • You will always like to use Visual Studio for NET 4.0 or 4.5 as it makes life easy while creating WCF services.
  • The major difference is that Web Services Use XmlSerializer. But WCF Uses DataContractSerializer which is better in Performance as compared to XmlSerializer. That's why WCF performs way better than other communication technology counterparts from .NET like asmx, .NET remoting etc.

Not to forget that I was one of those guys who liked asmx services more than WCF, but that time I was not well aware of WCF services and its capabilities. I was scared of the WCF configurations. But I dared and and tried writing few WCF services of my own, and when I learnt more of WCF, now I have no inhibitions about WCF and I recommend them to anyone & everyone. Happy coding!!!

String Concatenation using '+' operator

It doesn't - the C# compiler does :)

So this code:

string x = "hello";
string y = "there";
string z = "chaps";
string all = x + y + z;

actually gets compiled as:

string x = "hello";
string y = "there";
string z = "chaps";
string all = string.Concat(x, y, z);

(Gah - intervening edit removed other bits accidentally.)

The benefit of the C# compiler noticing that there are multiple string concatenations here is that you don't end up creating an intermediate string of x + y which then needs to be copied again as part of the concatenation of (x + y) and z. Instead, we get it all done in one go.

EDIT: Note that the compiler can't do anything if you concatenate in a loop. For example, this code:

string x = "";
foreach (string y in strings)
    x += y;

just ends up as equivalent to:

string x = "";
foreach (string y in strings)
    x = string.Concat(x, y);

... so this does generate a lot of garbage, and it's why you should use a StringBuilder for such cases. I have an article going into more details about the two which will hopefully answer further questions.

Why SpringMVC Request method 'GET' not supported?

method = POST will work if you 'post' a form to the url /test.

if you type a url in address bar of a browser and hit enter, it's always a GET request, so you had to specify POST request.

Google for HTTP GET and HTTP POST (there are several others like PUT DELETE). They all have their own meaning.

Unable to update the EntitySet - because it has a DefiningQuery and no <UpdateFunction> element exist

This is the case for me. Simply removing resulted in another error. I followed the steps of this post except the last one. For your convenience, I copied the 4 steps from the post that I followed to solve the problem as following:

  1. Right click on the edmx file, select Open with, XML editor
  2. Locate the entity in the edmx:StorageModels element
  3. Remove the DefiningQuery entirely
  4. Rename the store:Schema="dbo" to Schema="dbo" (otherwise, the code will generate an error saying the name is invalid)

How to resolve git stash conflict without commit?

It seems that this may be the answer you're looking for, I haven't tried this personally yet, but it seems like it may do the trick. With this command GIT will try to apply the changes as they were before, without trying to add all of them for commit.

git stash apply --index

here is the full explanation:

Installation failed with message Invalid File

For me it's:

Click Build tab ---> Clean Project

Rebuild Project

Build APK

Error 0x80005000 and DirectoryServices

I had this error as well and for me it was an OU with a forward slash in the name: "File/Folder Access Groups".

This forum thread pointed me in the right direction. In the end, calling .Replace("/","\\/") on each path value before use solved the problem for me.

Create Word Document using PHP in Linux

PHPWord can generate Word documents in docx format. It can also use an existing .docx file as a template - template variables can be added to the document in the format ${varname}

It has an LGPL license and the examples that came with the code worked nicely for me.

regex pattern to match the end of a string

Use following pattern:


Extract the first word of a string in a SQL Server query


SET @string = 'CUT STRING'

SELECT LEFT(@string,(PATINDEX('% %',@string)))

Setting the height of a SELECT in IE

  *zoom: 1.6;
  *font-size: 9px;

If you change properties, size of select will change also in IE7.

How can I stage and commit all files, including newly added files, using a single command?

Not sure why these answers all dance around what I believe to be the right solution but for what it's worth here is what I use:

1. Create an alias:

git config --global alias.coa "!git add -A && git commit -m"

2. Add all files & commit with a message:

git coa "A bunch of horrible changes"

NOTE: coa is short for commit all and can be replaced with anything your heart desires

Show ImageView programmatically

int id = getResources().getIdentifier("gameover", "drawable", getPackageName());
ImageView imageView = new ImageView(this);
LinearLayout.LayoutParams vp = 
    new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, 

Check if cookie exists else set cookie to Expire in 10 days

You need to read and write document.cookie

if (document.cookie.indexOf("visited=") >= 0) {
  // They've been here before.
  alert("hello again");
else {
  // set a new cookie
  expiry = new Date();
  expiry.setTime(expiry.getTime()+(10*60*1000)); // Ten minutes

  // Date()'s toGMTSting() method will format the date correctly for a cookie
  document.cookie = "visited=yes; expires=" + expiry.toGMTString();
  alert("this is your first time");

Image Processing: Algorithm Improvement for 'Coca-Cola Can' Recognition

Hmm, I actually think I'm onto something (this is like the most interesting question ever - so it'd be a shame not to continue trying to find the "perfect" answer, even though an acceptable one has been found)...

Once you find the logo, your troubles are half done. Then you only have to figure out the differences between what's around the logo. Additionally, we want to do as little extra as possible. I think this is actually this easy part...

What is around the logo? For a can, we can see metal, which despite the effects of lighting, does not change whatsoever in its basic colour. As long as we know the angle of the label, we can tell what's directly above it, so we're looking at the difference between these:

Here, what's above and below the logo is completely dark, consistent in colour. Relatively easy in that respect.

Here, what's above and below is light, but still consistent in colour. It's all-silver, and all-silver metal actually seems pretty rare, as well as silver colours in general. Additionally, it's in a thin slither and close enough to the red that has already been identified so you could trace its shape for its entire length to calculate a percentage of what can be considered the metal ring of the can. Really, you only need a small fraction of that anywhere along the can to tell it is part of it, but you still need to find a balance that ensures it's not just an empty bottle with something metal behind it.

And finally, the tricky one. But not so tricky, once we're only going by what we can see directly above (and below) the red wrapper. Its transparent, which means it will show whatever is behind it. That's good, because things that are behind it aren't likely to be as consistent in colour as the silver circular metal of the can. There could be many different things behind it, which would tell us that it's an empty (or filled with clear liquid) bottle, or a consistent colour, which could either mean that it's filled with liquid or that the bottle is simply in front of a solid colour. We're working with what's closest to the top and bottom, and the chances of the right colours being in the right place are relatively slim. We know it's a bottle, because it hasn't got that key visual element of the can, which is relatively simplistic compared to what could be behind a bottle.

(that last one was the best I could find of an empty large coca cola bottle - interestingly the cap AND ring are yellow, indicating that the redness of the cap probably shouldn't be relied upon)

In the rare circumstance that a similar shade of silver is behind the bottle, even after the abstraction of the plastic, or the bottle is somehow filled with the same shade of silver liquid, we can fall back on what we can roughly estimate as being the shape of the silver - which as I mentioned, is circular and follows the shape of the can. But even though I lack any certain knowledge in image processing, that sounds slow. Better yet, why not deduce this by for once checking around the sides of the logo to ensure there is nothing of the same silver colour there? Ah, but what if there's the same shade of silver behind a can? Then, we do indeed have to pay more attention to shapes, looking at the top and bottom of the can again.

Depending on how flawless this all needs to be, it could be very slow, but I guess my basic concept is to check the easiest and closest things first. Go by colour differences around the already matched shape (which seems the most trivial part of this anyway) before going to the effort of working out the shape of the other elements. To list it, it goes:

  • Find the main attraction (red logo background, and possibly the logo itself for orientation, though in case the can is turned away, you need to concentrate on the red alone)
  • Verify the shape and orientation, yet again via the very distinctive redness
  • Check colours around the shape (since it's quick and painless)
  • Finally, if needed, verify the shape of those colours around the main attraction for the right roundness.

In the event you can't do this, it probably means the top and bottom of the can are covered, and the only possible things that a human could have used to reliably make a distinction between the can and the bottle is the occlusion and reflection of the can, which would be a much harder battle to process. However, to go even further, you could follow the angle of the can/bottle to check for more bottle-like traits, using the semi-transparent scanning techniques mentioned in the other answers.

Interesting additional nightmares might include a can conveniently sitting behind the bottle at such a distance that the metal of it just so happens to show above and below the label, which would still fail as long as you're scanning along the entire length of the red label - which is actually more of a problem because you're not detecting a can where you could have, as opposed to considering that you're actually detecting a bottle, including the can by accident. The glass is half empty, in that case!

As a disclaimer, I have no experience in nor have ever thought about image processing outside of this question, but it is so interesting that it got me thinking pretty deeply about it, and after reading all the other answers, I consider this to possibly be the easiest and most efficient way to get it done. Personally, I'm just glad I don't actually have to think about programming this!


bad drawing of a can in MS paint Additionally, look at this drawing I did in MS Paint... It's absolutely awful and quite incomplete, but based on the shape and colours alone, you can guess what it's probably going to be. In essence, these are the only things that one needs to bother scanning for. When you look at that very distinctive shape and combination of colours so close, what else could it possibly be? The bit I didn't paint, the white background, should be considered "anything inconsistent". If it had a transparent background, it could go over almost any other image and you could still see it.

Checkout subdirectories in Git?

There is no real way to do that in git. And if you won’t be making changes that affect both trees at once as a single work unit, there is no good reason to use a single repository for both. I thought I would miss this Subversion feature, but I found that creating repositories has so little administrative mental overhead (simply due to the fact that repositories are stored right next to their working copy, rather than requiring me to explicitly pick some place outside of the working copy) that I got used to just making lots of small single-purpose repositories.

If you insist (or really need it), though, you could make a git repository with just mytheme and myplugins directories and symlink those from within the WordPress install.

MDCore wrote:

making a commit to, e.g., mytheme will increment the revision number for myplugin

Note that this is not a concern for git, if you do decide to put both directories in a single repository, because git does away entirely with the concept of monotonically increasing revision numbers of any form.

The sole criterion for what things to put together in a single repository in git is whether it constitutes a single unit, ie. in your case whether there are changes where it does not make sense to look at the edits in each directory in isolation. If you have changes where you need to edit files in both directories at once and the edits belong together, they should be one repository. If not, then don’t glom them together.

Git really really wants you to use separate repositories for separate entities.


Submodules do not address the desire to keep both directories in one repository, because they would actually enforce having a separate repository for each directory, which are then brought together in another repository using submodules. Worse, since the directories inside the WordPress install are not direct subdirectories of the same directory and are also part of a hierarchy with many other files, using the per-directory repositories as submodules in a unified repository would offer no benefit whatsoever, because the unified repository would not reflect any use case/need.

What are all the differences between src and data-src attributes?

data-src attribute is part of the data-* attributes collection introduced in HTML5. data-src allow us to store extra data that have no meaning to the browser but that can be use by Javascript Code or CSS rules.


A TCP connection is specified by the tuple (source IP, source port, destination IP, destination port).

The reason why there is a TIME_WAIT state following session shutdown is because there may still be live packets out in the network on their way to you (or from you which may solicit a response of some sort). If you were to re-create that same tuple and one of those packets showed up, it would be treated as a valid packet for your connection (and probably cause an error due to sequencing).

So the TIME_WAIT time is generally set to double the packets maximum age. This value is the maximum age your packets will be allowed to get to before the network discards them.

That guarantees that, before you're allowed to create a connection with the same tuple, all the packets belonging to previous incarnations of that tuple will be dead.

That generally dictates the minimum value you should use. The maximum packet age is dictated by network properties, an example being that satellite lifetimes are higher than LAN lifetimes since the packets have much further to go.

How do you do a deep copy of an object in .NET?

I wrote a deep object copy extension method, based on recursive "MemberwiseClone". It is fast (three times faster than BinaryFormatter), and it works with any object. You don't need a default constructor or serializable attributes.

Source code:

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
using System.ArrayExtensions;

namespace System
    public static class ObjectExtensions
        private static readonly MethodInfo CloneMethod = typeof(Object).GetMethod("MemberwiseClone", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);

        public static bool IsPrimitive(this Type type)
            if (type == typeof(String)) return true;
            return (type.IsValueType & type.IsPrimitive);

        public static Object Copy(this Object originalObject)
            return InternalCopy(originalObject, new Dictionary<Object, Object>(new ReferenceEqualityComparer()));
        private static Object InternalCopy(Object originalObject, IDictionary<Object, Object> visited)
            if (originalObject == null) return null;
            var typeToReflect = originalObject.GetType();
            if (IsPrimitive(typeToReflect)) return originalObject;
            if (visited.ContainsKey(originalObject)) return visited[originalObject];
            if (typeof(Delegate).IsAssignableFrom(typeToReflect)) return null;
            var cloneObject = CloneMethod.Invoke(originalObject, null);
            if (typeToReflect.IsArray)
                var arrayType = typeToReflect.GetElementType();
                if (IsPrimitive(arrayType) == false)
                    Array clonedArray = (Array)cloneObject;
                    clonedArray.ForEach((array, indices) => array.SetValue(InternalCopy(clonedArray.GetValue(indices), visited), indices));

            visited.Add(originalObject, cloneObject);
            CopyFields(originalObject, visited, cloneObject, typeToReflect);
            RecursiveCopyBaseTypePrivateFields(originalObject, visited, cloneObject, typeToReflect);
            return cloneObject;

        private static void RecursiveCopyBaseTypePrivateFields(object originalObject, IDictionary<object, object> visited, object cloneObject, Type typeToReflect)
            if (typeToReflect.BaseType != null)
                RecursiveCopyBaseTypePrivateFields(originalObject, visited, cloneObject, typeToReflect.BaseType);
                CopyFields(originalObject, visited, cloneObject, typeToReflect.BaseType, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic, info => info.IsPrivate);

        private static void CopyFields(object originalObject, IDictionary<object, object> visited, object cloneObject, Type typeToReflect, BindingFlags bindingFlags = BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy, Func<FieldInfo, bool> filter = null)
            foreach (FieldInfo fieldInfo in typeToReflect.GetFields(bindingFlags))
                if (filter != null && filter(fieldInfo) == false) continue;
                if (IsPrimitive(fieldInfo.FieldType)) continue;
                var originalFieldValue = fieldInfo.GetValue(originalObject);
                var clonedFieldValue = InternalCopy(originalFieldValue, visited);
                fieldInfo.SetValue(cloneObject, clonedFieldValue);
        public static T Copy<T>(this T original)
            return (T)Copy((Object)original);

    public class ReferenceEqualityComparer : EqualityComparer<Object>
        public override bool Equals(object x, object y)
            return ReferenceEquals(x, y);
        public override int GetHashCode(object obj)
            if (obj == null) return 0;
            return obj.GetHashCode();

    namespace ArrayExtensions
        public static class ArrayExtensions
            public static void ForEach(this Array array, Action<Array, int[]> action)
                if (array.LongLength == 0) return;
                ArrayTraverse walker = new ArrayTraverse(array);
                do action(array, walker.Position);
                while (walker.Step());

        internal class ArrayTraverse
            public int[] Position;
            private int[] maxLengths;

            public ArrayTraverse(Array array)
                maxLengths = new int[array.Rank];
                for (int i = 0; i < array.Rank; ++i)
                    maxLengths[i] = array.GetLength(i) - 1;
                Position = new int[array.Rank];

            public bool Step()
                for (int i = 0; i < Position.Length; ++i)
                    if (Position[i] < maxLengths[i])
                        for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
                            Position[j] = 0;
                        return true;
                return false;


$(this).attr("id") not working

Remove the inline event handler and do it completly unobtrusive, like

?$('????#race').bind('change', function(){
  var $this = $(this),
      id    = $this[0].id;

      $this.replaceWith($('<input/>', {
          type: 'text',
          name:  id,
          id: id

Returning the product of a list

import operator
reduce(operator.mul, list, 1)

Read a text file in R line by line

I write a code to read file line by line to meet my demand which different line have different data type follow articles: read-line-by-line-of-a-file-in-r and determining-number-of-linesrecords. And it should be a better solution for big file, I think. My R version (3.3.2).

con = file("pathtotargetfile", "r")
readsizeof<-2    # read size for one step to caculate number of lines in file
nooflines<-0     # number of lines
while((linesread<-length(readLines(con,readsizeof)))>0)    # calculate number of lines. Also a better solution for big file

con = file("pathtotargetfile", "r")    # open file again to variable con, since the cursor have went to the end of the file after caculating number of lines
typelist = list(0,'c',0,'c',0,0,'c',0)    # a list to specific the lines data type, which means the first line has same type with 0 (e.g. numeric)and second line has same type with 'c' (e.g. character). This meet my demand.
for(i in 1:nooflines) {
  tmp <- scan(file=con, nlines=1, what=typelist[[i]], quiet=TRUE)

Spring Test & Security: How to mock authentication?

It turned out that the SecurityContextPersistenceFilter, which is part of the Spring Security filter chain, always resets my SecurityContext, which I set calling SecurityContextHolder.getContext().setAuthentication(principal) (or by using the .principal(principal) method). This filter sets the SecurityContext in the SecurityContextHolder with a SecurityContext from a SecurityContextRepository OVERWRITING the one I set earlier. The repository is a HttpSessionSecurityContextRepository by default. The HttpSessionSecurityContextRepository inspects the given HttpRequest and tries to access the corresponding HttpSession. If it exists, it will try to read the SecurityContext from the HttpSession. If this fails, the repository generates an empty SecurityContext.

Thus, my solution is to pass a HttpSession along with the request, which holds the SecurityContext:

import static org.springframework.test.web.servlet.request.MockMvcRequestBuilders.get;
import static org.springframework.test.web.servlet.result.MockMvcResultMatchers.status;

import org.junit.Test;
import org.springframework.mock.web.MockHttpSession;

import eu.ubicon.webapp.test.WebappTestEnvironment;

public class Test extends WebappTestEnvironment {

    public static class MockSecurityContext implements SecurityContext {

        private static final long serialVersionUID = -1386535243513362694L;

        private Authentication authentication;

        public MockSecurityContext(Authentication authentication) {
            this.authentication = authentication;

        public Authentication getAuthentication() {
            return this.authentication;

        public void setAuthentication(Authentication authentication) {
            this.authentication = authentication;

    public void signedIn() throws Exception {

        UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken principal = 

        MockHttpSession session = new MockHttpSession();
                new MockSecurityContext(principal));


get the value of DisplayName attribute

From within a view that has Class1 as it's strongly typed view model:

ModelMetadata.FromLambdaExpression<Class1, string>(x => x.Name, ViewData).DisplayName;

jQuery first child of "this"

please use it like this first thing give a class name to tag p like "myp"

then on use the following code

$(document).ready(function() {
    $(".myp").click(function() {
        $(this).children(":first").toggleClass("classname"); // this will access the span.

Modifying CSS class property values on the fly with JavaScript / jQuery

Why not just use a .class selector to modify the properties of every object in that class?


$('.myclass').css('color: red;');

Insert a background image in CSS (Twitter Bootstrap)

For more modularity and in case you have many background images that you want to incorporate wherever you want you can for each image create a class :

background: url(image1.jpg);
background: url(image2.jpg);

and then insert the image wherever you want by adding a div

<div class='background-image1'>
    <div class="page-header text-center", style='margin: 20px 0 0px;'>

NuGet behind a proxy

Just a small addition...

If it works for you to only supply the http_proxy setting and not username and password I'd recommend putting the proxy settings in a project local nuget.config file and commit it to source control. That way all team members get the same settings.

Create an empty .\nuget.config

   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


   nuget config -Set http_proxy="" -ConfigFile .\Nuget.Config

And finally commit your new project local Nuget.config file.

get path for my .exe

in visualstudio 2008 you could use this code :

   var _assembly = System.Reflection.Assembly

   var _path = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(_assembly) ;

Regular Expression to match only alphabetic characters

You may use any of these 2 variants:


to match an input string of ASCII alphabets.

  • [A-Za-z] will match all the alphabets (both lowercase and uppercase).
  • ^ and $ will make sure that nothing but these alphabets will be matched.


preg_match('/^[A-Z]+$/i', "abcAbc^Xyz", $m);


array(0) {

Test case is for OP's comment that he wants to match only if there are 1 or more alphabets present in the input. As you can see in the test case that matches failed because there was ^ in the input string abcAbc^Xyz.

Note: Please note that the above answer only matches ASCII alphabets and doesn't match Unicode characters. If you want to match Unicode letters then use:


Here, \p{L} matches any kind of letter from any language


In Android 5, check your settings -> apps. Instead of deleting for just the active user (since android 5 can have multiple users and my phone had a guest user) tap on the accessory button in the top right corner of the action/toolbar and choose "uninstall for all users". It appears that in Android 5 when you just uninstall from launcher you only uninstall the app for the active user.

The app is still on the device.. This had me dazzled to since I was trying to install a release version, didn't work so I thought ow right must be because I still have the debug version installed, uninstalled the app. But than still couldn't install.. First clue was a record in the app list of the uninstalled app with the message next to it that it was uninstalled (image).

Uninstalled app still showing up in apps Uninstalled for all users

Fixed positioned div within a relative parent div

An easy solution that doesn't involve resorting to JavaScript and will not break CSS transforms is to simply have a non-scrolling element, the same size as your scrolling element, absolute-positioned over it.

The basic HTML structure would be


    .parent-to-position-by {
        position: relative;
        top: 40px; /* just to show it's relative positioned */
    .scrolling-contents {
        display: inline-block;
        width: 100%;
        height: 200px;
        line-height: 20px;
        white-space: nowrap;
        background-color: #CCC;
        overflow: scroll;
    .fixed-elements {
        display: inline-block;
        position: absolute;
        top: 0;
        left: 0;
    .fixed {
        position: absolute; /* effectively fixed */
        top: 20px;
        left: 20px;
        background-color: #F00;
        width: 200px;
        height: 20px;


<div class="parent-to-position-by">
    <div class="fixed-elements">
        <div class="fixed">
            I am &quot;fixed positioned&quot;
    <div class="scrolling-contents">
        Lots of contents which may be scrolled.
  • parent-to-position-by would be the relative div to position something fixed with respect to.
  • scrolling-contents would span the size of this div and contain its main contents
  • fixed-elements is just an absolute-positioned div spanning the same space over top of the scrolling-contents div.
  • by absolute-positioning the div with the fixed class, it achieves the same effect as if it were fixed-positioned with respect to the parent div. (or the scrolling contents, as they span that full space)

Here's a js-fiddle with a working example

How do I view the SQLite database on an Android device?

First post ( does not working for me.

I wrote own script for get DB file from device. Without root. Working OK.

  1. Copy script to directory with adb (e.g.:~/android-sdk/platform-tools).
  2. Device have to be connected to PC.
  3. Use ./ -p <packageName> for get name of databases.

Usage: ./ -p <packageName> -n <name of DB> -s <store in mobile device> for get DB file to this (where script is executed) directory.

I recommend you set filename of DB as *.sqlite and open it with Firefox addon: SQLite Manager.

(It's a long time, when i have written something in Bash. You can edit this code.)

# Get DB from Android device.


helpFunc(){ #help
echo "Get names of DB's files in your Android app.
Usage: ./getDB -h
       ./getDB -p packageName -n nameOfDB -s storagePath
   -h                                           Show help.
   -p packageName                               List of databases for package name.
   -p packageName -n nameOfDB -s storagePath    Save DB from device to this directory."

while getopts 'p:n:s:h' options; do
    case $options in

        p) Poption=true

        n) Noption=true

        s) Soption=true

        h) Hoption=true;;

#echo "-------------------------------------------------------
#Hoption: $Hoption
#Poption: $Poption
#Noption: $Noption
#Soption: $Soption
#Parg: $Parg
#Narg: $Narg
#Sarg: $Sarg
#echo $#    #count of params

if [ $Hoption = true ];then
elif [ $# -eq 2 -a $Poption = true ];then #list
    ./adb -d shell run-as $Parg ls /data/data/$Parg/databases/
    exit 0
elif [ $# -eq 6 -a $Poption = true -a $Noption = true -a $Soption = true ];then #get DB file
    #Change permissions
    ./adb shell run-as $Parg chmod 777 /data/data/$Parg/databases/
    ./adb shell run-as $Parg chmod 777 /data/data/$Parg/databases/$Narg
    ./adb shell cp /data/data/$Parg/databases/$Narg $Sarg
    #Pull file to this machine
    ./adb pull $Sarg/$Narg
    exit 0
    echo "Wrong params or arguments. Use -h for help."
    exit 1;

exit 0;

Group by & count function in sqlalchemy

You can also count on multiple groups and their intersection:

self.session.query(func.count(Table.column1),Table.column1, Table.column2).group_by(Table.column1, Table.column2).all()

The query above will return counts for all possible combinations of values from both columns.

How to modify a specified commit?

Completely non-interactive command(1)

I just thought I'd share an alias that I'm using for this. It's based on non-interactive interactive rebase. To add it to your git, run this command (explanation given below):

git config --global alias.amend-to '!f() { SHA=`git rev-parse "$1"`; git commit --fixup "$SHA" && GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR=true git rebase --interactive --autosquash "$SHA^"; }; f'

Or, a version that can also handle unstaged files (by stashing and then un-stashing them):

git config --global alias.amend-to '!f() { SHA=`git rev-parse "$1"`; git stash -k && git commit --fixup "$SHA" && GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR=true git rebase --interactive --autosquash "$SHA^" && git stash pop; }; f'

The biggest advantage of this command is the fact that it's no-vim.

(1)given that there are no conflicts during rebase, of course


git amend-to <REV> # e.g.
git amend-to HEAD~1
git amend-to aaaa1111

The name amend-to seems appropriate IMHO. Compare the flow with --amend:

git add . && git commit --amend --no-edit
# vs
git add . && git amend-to <REV>


  • git config --global alias.<NAME> '!<COMMAND>' - creates a global git alias named <NAME> that will execute non-git command <COMMAND>
  • f() { <BODY> }; f - an "anonymous" bash function.
  • SHA=`git rev-parse "$1"`; - converts the argument to git revision, and assigns the result to variable SHA
  • git commit --fixup "$SHA" - fixup-commit for SHA. See git-commit docs
  • GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR=true git rebase --interactive --autosquash "$SHA^"
    • git rebase --interactive "$SHA^" part has been covered by other answers.
    • --autosquash is what's used in conjunction with git commit --fixup, see git-rebase docs for more info
    • GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR=true is what makes the whole thing non-interactive. This hack I learned from this blog post.

Entity Framework - "An error occurred while updating the entries. See the inner exception for details"

It could be caused by a data conversion from .NET to SQL, for instance a datetime conversion error. For me it was a null reference to a datetime column.

Also, that is not an exact error message. You can see the exact error in watch at exception.InnerException.InnerException -> ResultView.

Safest way to run BAT file from Powershell script

To run the .bat, and have access to the last exit code, run it as:

 & .\my-app\my-fle.bat

Getting file names without extensions

using System;

using System.IO;

public class GetwithoutExtension

    public static void Main()
        //D:Dir dhould exists in ur system
        DirectoryInfo dir1 = new DirectoryInfo(@"D:Dir");
        FileInfo [] files = dir1.GetFiles("*xls", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
        foreach (FileInfo f in files)
            string filename = f.Name.ToString();
            filename= filename.Replace(".xls", "");



Return datetime object of previous month

import datetime
date_str = '08/01/2018'
format_str = '%d/%m/%Y'
datetime_obj = datetime.datetime.strptime(date_str, format_str)   

Simple solution, no need for special libraries.

How to execute an Oracle stored procedure via a database link

for me, this worked

exec utl_mail.send@myotherdb(
  sender => '[email protected]',recipients => '[email protected], 
  cc => null, subject => 'my subject', message => 'my message'

Set a form's action attribute when submitting?

You can try this:

<form action="/home">_x000D_
  <input type="submit" value="cancel">_x000D_
  <input type="submit" value="login" formaction="/login">_x000D_
  <input type="submit" value="signup" formaction="/signup">_x000D_

How to use z-index in svg elements?

Another solution would be to use divs, which do use zIndex to contain the SVG elements.As here:

Percentage calculation

Mathematically, to get percentage from two numbers:

percentage = (yourNumber / totalNumber) * 100;

And also, to calculate from a percentage :

number = (percentage / 100) * totalNumber;

Ignore duplicates when producing map using streams

This is possible using the mergeFunction parameter of Collectors.toMap(keyMapper, valueMapper, mergeFunction):

Map<String, String> phoneBook =
             (address1, address2) -> {
                 System.out.println("duplicate key found!");
                 return address1;

mergeFunction is a function that operates on two values associated with the same key. adress1 corresponds to the first address that was encountered when collecting elements and adress2 corresponds to the second address encountered: this lambda just tells to keep the first address and ignores the second.

Angular 2 Sibling Component Communication

You need to set up the parent-child relationship between your components. The problem is that you might simply inject the child components in the constructor of the parent component and store it in a local variable. Instead, you should declare the child components in your parent component by using the @ViewChild property declarator. This is how your parent component should look like:

import { Component, ViewChild, AfterViewInit } from '@angular/core';
import { ListComponent } from './list.component';
import { DetailComponent } from './detail.component';

  selector: 'app-component',
  template: '<list-component></list-component><detail-component></detail-component>',
  directives: [ListComponent, DetailComponent]
class AppComponent implements AfterViewInit {
  @ViewChild(ListComponent) listComponent:ListComponent;
  @ViewChild(DetailComponent) detailComponent: DetailComponent;

  ngAfterViewInit() {
    // afther this point the children are set, so you can use them

Beware, the child component will not be available in the constructor of the parent component, just after the ngAfterViewInit lifecycle hook is called. To catch this hook simple implement the AfterViewInit interface in you parent class the same way you would do with OnInit.

But, there are other property declarators as explained in this blog note:

Using PHP variables inside HTML tags?

I recommend using the short ' instead of ". If you do so, you wont longer have to escape the double quote (\").

In that case you would write

echo '<a href="'. $param .'">Click Here</a>';

But look onto nicolaas' answer "what you really should do" to learn how to produce cleaner code.

How to get AIC from Conway–Maxwell-Poisson regression via COM-poisson package in R?

I figured out myself.

cmp calls ComputeBetasAndNuHat which returns a list which has objective as minusloglik

So I can change the function cmp to get this value.

How to print all session variables currently set?

this worked for me:-

<?php echo '<pre>' . print_r($_SESSION, TRUE) . '</pre>'; ?>

thanks for sharing code...

    [__ci_last_regenerate] => 1490879962

    [user_id] => 3

    [designation_name] => Admin
    [region_name] => admin
    [territory_name] => admin
    [designation_id] => 2
    [region_id] => 1
    [territory_id] => 1
    [employee_user_id] => mosin11

How to toggle font awesome icon on click?

You can change the code by using class definition for the i element:

<a href="javascript:void"><i class="fa fa-plus-circle"></i>Category 1</a>

Then you can switch the classes rapresenting the plus/minus state using toggleClass with multiple classes:

$('#category-tabs li a').click(function(){
    $(this).find('i').toggleClass('fa-plus-circle fa-minus-circle');


Is there a shortcut to make a block comment in Xcode?

in Macbooks, you can use shift + cmd + 7 to comment a previously highlighted block

Python: finding an element in a list

Here is another way using list comprehension (some people might find it debatable). It is very approachable for simple tests, e.g. comparisons on object attributes (which I need a lot):

el = [x for x in mylist if x.attr == "foo"][0]

Of course this assumes the existence (and, actually, uniqueness) of a suitable element in the list.

Multiple models in a view

There are lots of ways...

  1. with your BigViewModel you do:

    @model BigViewModel    
    @using(Html.BeginForm()) {
        @Html.EditorFor(o => o.LoginViewModel.Email)
  2. you can create 2 additional views


    @model ViewModel.LoginViewModel
    @using (Html.BeginForm("Login", "Auth", FormMethod.Post))
        @Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.Email)
        @Html.PasswordFor(model => model.Password)

    and register.cshtml same thing

    after creation you have to render them in the main view and pass them the viewmodel/viewdata

    so it could be like this:

    @{Html.RenderPartial("login", ViewBag.Login);}
    @{Html.RenderPartial("register", ViewBag.Register);}


    @{Html.RenderPartial("login", Model.LoginViewModel)}
    @{Html.RenderPartial("register", Model.RegisterViewModel)}
  3. using ajax parts of your web-site become more independent

  4. iframes, but probably this is not the case

ImportError: No module named request

from @Zzmilanzz's answer I used

try: #python3
    from urllib.request import urlopen
except: #python2
    from urllib2 import urlopen

#1146 - Table 'phpmyadmin.pma_recent' doesn't exist


sudo dpkg-reconfigure phpmyadmin

in your unix/linux/Mac console

How to get value of Radio Buttons?

You can also use a Common Event for your RadioButtons, and you can use the Tag property to pass information to your string or you can use the Text Property if you want your string to hold the same value as the Text of your RadioButton.

Something like this.

private void radioButton_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (((RadioButton)sender).Checked == true)
        sex = ((RadioButton)sender).Tag.ToString();

PHP cURL vs file_get_contents

This is old topic but on my last test on one my API, cURL is faster and more stable. Sometimes file_get_contents on larger request need over 5 seconds when cURL need only from 1.4 to 1.9 seconds what is double faster.

I need to add one note on this that I just send GET and recive JSON content. If you setup cURL properly, you will have a great response. Just "tell" to cURL what you need to send and what you need to recive and that's it.

On your exampe I would like to do this setup:

$ch =  curl_init('');
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 5);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 3);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Accept: application/json'));
$result = curl_exec($ch);

This request will return data in 0.10 second max

HTTP Error 401.2 - Unauthorized You are not authorized to view this page due to invalid authentication headers

Make sure Anonymous access is enabled on IIS -> Authentication.

But also right click on it, then click on Edit, and choose a domain\username and password. (With access to the physical folder of the application).

How do I get console input in javascript?

You can try something like process.argv, that is if you are using node.js to run the program.
console.log(process.argv) => Would print an array containing


You get the user provided input via array index, i.e., console.log(process.argv[3]) This should provide you with the input which you can store.


var somevariable = process.argv[3]; // input one
var somevariable2 = process.argv[4]; // input two


If you are building a command-line program then the npm package yargs would be really helpful.

Could not find 3.2.25 4.0.30 4.1.32 4.2.40 4.2.42 4.3.23 4.4.52 5.0.77 5.0.89 5.2.08 6.1.11 6.1.71 6.5.87

In addition to installing the repository and the SDK packages one should be aware that the version number changes periodically. A simple solution at this point is to replace the specific version number with a plus (+) symbol.

compile ''

Google instructions indicate that one should be sure to upgrade the version numbers, however adding the plus deals with the changes in versioning. Also note that when building in Android Studio a message will appear in the status line when a new version is available.

One can view the available versions of play services by drilling down on the correct repository path:

play-services repository path


This site also has instructions for Eclipse, and other IDE's.


Maintain/Save/Restore scroll position when returning to a ListView

To clarify the excellent answer of Ryan Newsom and to adjust it for fragments and for the usual case that we want to navigate from a "master" ListView fragment to a "details" fragment and then back to the "master"

    private View root;
    public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState)
           if(root == null){
             root = inflater.inflate(R.layout.myfragmentid,container,false);
           return root; 

    public void InitializeView()
        ListView listView = (ListView)root.findViewById(;
        BaseAdapter adapter = CreateAdapter();//Create your adapter here
        //other initialization code

The "magic" here is that when we navigate back from the details fragment to the ListView fragment, the view is not recreated, we don't set the ListView's adapter, so everything stays as we left it!

Adding sheets to end of workbook in Excel (normal method not working?)

mainWB.Sheets.Add(After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)).Name = new_sheet_name 

should probably be

mainWB.Sheets.Add(After:=mainWB.Sheets(mainWB.Sheets.Count)).Name = new_sheet_name 

Pushing an existing Git repository to SVN

I just want to share some of my experience with the accepted answer. I did all steps and all was fine before I ran the last step:

git svn dcommit

$ git svn dcommit

Use of uninitialized value $u in substitution (s///) at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.22/Git/ line 101.

Use of uninitialized value $u in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.22/Git/ line 101. refs/remotes/origin/HEAD: '' not found in ''

I found the thread and finally the solution which I applied in the following file in line 101 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.22/Git/

I replaced

$u =~ s!^\Q$url\E(/|$)!! or die


if (!$u) {
    $u = $pathname;
else {
       $u =~ s!^\Q$url\E(/|$)!! or die
      "$refname: '$url' not found in '$u'\n";

This fixed my issue.

pip not working in Python Installation in Windows 10

Make sure the path to scripts folder for the python version is added to the path environment/system variable in order to use pip command directly without the whole path to pip.exe which is inside the scripts folder.

The scripts folder would be inside the python folder for the version that you are using, which by default would be inside c drive or in c:/program files or c:/program files (x86).

Then use commands as mentioned below. You may have to run cmd as administrator to perform these tasks. You can do it by right clicking on cmd icon and selecting run as administrator.

python -m pip install packagename
python -m pip uninstall packagename
python -m pip install --upgrade packagename

In case you have more than one version of python. You may replace python with py -versionnumber for example py -2 for python 2 or you may replace it with the path to the corresponding python.exe file. For example "c:\python27\python".

Can you "compile" PHP code and upload a binary-ish file, which will just be run by the byte code interpreter?

If you are simply looking for producing a binary executable from a PHP script, then please avoid trying to make your question extremely precise because it will make it appear that you know exactly what you need. Besides, most PHP developer have absolutely zero clue about what a bytecode is.

With that said, the answers is YES. I have just finished compiling a PHP script into a binary. And not just any binary. I have used the CDE application (link to Wayback Machine, the original link is now broken) to turn it into an portable binary that can be distributed with all the dependencies and executed without any issue… and it works beautifully.

All you need is to use phc.

Your content must have a ListView whose id attribute is ''

<ListView android:id="@id/android:list"

gpg decryption fails with no secret key error

Looks like the secret key isn't on the other machine, so even with the right passphrase (read from a file) it wouldn't work.

These options should work, to

  • Either copy the keyrings (maybe only secret keyring required, but public ring is public anyway) over to the other machine
  • Or export the secret key & then import it on the other machine

A few useful looking options from man gpg:

Either export all keys from all keyrings (default keyrings and those registered via option --keyring), or if at least one name is given, those of the given name. The new keyring is written to STDOUT or to the file given with option --output. Use together with --armor to mail those keys.

Same as --export, but exports the secret keys instead.

Import/merge keys. This adds the given keys to the keyring. The fast version is currently just a synonym.

And maybe

--keyring file
Add file to the current list of keyrings. If file begins with a tilde and a slash, these are replaced by the $HOME directory. If the file- name does not contain a slash, it is assumed to be in the GnuPG home directory ("~/.gnupg" if --homedir or $GNUPGHOME is not used).

Note that this adds a keyring to the current list. If the intent is to use the specified keyring alone, use --keyring along with --no-default-keyring.

--secret-keyring file
Same as --keyring but for the secret keyrings.

comma separated string of selected values in mysql

Just so for people doing it in SQL server: use STRING_AGG to get similar results.

Differences between cookies and sessions?

Cookie is a way to implement the session between client and server, in this way session information stored in cookie. But this is not the only way to hold the session info, another way is store session info in Url.

Difference between File.separator and slash in paths

With the Java libraries for dealing with files, you can safely use / (slash, not backslash) on all platforms. The library code handles translating things into platform-specific paths internally.

You might want to use File.separator in UI, however, because it's best to show people what will make sense in their OS, rather than what makes sense to Java.

Update: I have not been able, in five minutes of searching, to find the "you can always use a slash" behavior documented. Now, I'm sure I've seen it documented, but in the absense of finding an official reference (because my memory isn't perfect), I'd stick with using File.separator because you know that will work.

Get Environment Variable from Docker Container

To view all env variables:

docker exec container env

To get one:

docker exec container env | grep VARIABLE | cut -d'=' -f2

bundle install fails with SSL certificate verification error

I was getting a similar error. Here is how I solved this: In your path directory, check for Gemfile. Edit the source in the gemfile to http instead of https and save it. This might install the bundler without the SSL certificate issue.l

get UTC time in PHP

$time = time();
$check = $time+date("Z",$time);
echo strftime("%B %d, %Y @ %H:%M:%S UTC", $check);

getting error while updating Composer

Your error message is pretty explicit about what is going wrong:

laravel/framework v5.2.9 requires ext-mbstring * -> the requested PHP extension mbstring is missing from your system.

Do you have mbstring installed on your server and is it enabled?

You can install mbstring as part of the libapache2-mod-php5 package:

sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5

Or standalone with:

sudo apt-get install php-mbstring

Installing it will also enable it, however you can also enable it by editing your php.ini file and remove the ; that is commenting it out if it is already installed.

If this is on your local machine, then follow the appropriate steps to install this on your environment.

How do you find the current user in a Windows environment?

Just type whoami in command prompt and you'll get the current username.

How do I shut down a python simpleHTTPserver?

Hitting ctrl + c once(wait for traceback), then hitting ctrl+c again did the trick for me :)

Create SQLite Database and table

The next link will bring you to a great tutorial, that helped me a lot!

How to SQLITE in C#

I nearly used everything in that article to create the SQLite database for my own C# Application.

Don't forget to download the SQLite.dll, and add it as a reference to your project. This can be done using NuGet and by adding the dll manually.

After you added the reference, refer to the dll from your code using the following line on top of your class:

using System.Data.SQLite;

You can find the dll's here:

SQLite DLL's

You can find the NuGet way here:


Up next is the create script. Creating a database file:


SQLiteConnection m_dbConnection = new SQLiteConnection("Data Source=MyDatabase.sqlite;Version=3;");

string sql = "create table highscores (name varchar(20), score int)";

SQLiteCommand command = new SQLiteCommand(sql, m_dbConnection);

sql = "insert into highscores (name, score) values ('Me', 9001)";

command = new SQLiteCommand(sql, m_dbConnection);


After you created a create script in C#, I think you might want to add rollback transactions, it is safer and it will keep your database from failing, because the data will be committed at the end in one big piece as an atomic operation to the database and not in little pieces, where it could fail at 5th of 10 queries for example.

Example on how to use transactions:

 using (TransactionScope tran = new TransactionScope())
     //Insert create script here.

     //Indicates that creating the SQLiteDatabase went succesfully, so the database can be committed.

Change package name for Android in React Native

After running this:

react-native-rename "MyApp" -b com.mycompany.myapp

Make sure to also goto Build.gradle under android/app/... and rename the application Id as shown below:

defaultConfig {

How to find Control in TemplateField of GridView?

If your GridView is databond, make an index column in the resultset you retrive like this:

select row_number() over(order by YourIdentityColumn asc)-1 as RowIndex, * from YourTable where [Expresion]

In the command control you want to use make the value of CommandArgument property equal to the row index of the DataSet table RowIndex like this:

<asp:LinkButton ID="lbnMsgSubj" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("MsgSubj") %>' Font-Underline="false" CommandArgument='<%#Eval("RowIndex") %>' />

Use the OnRowCommand event to fire on clicking the link button like this:

<asp:GridView ID="gvwStuMsgBoard" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="false" GridLines="Horizontal" BorderColor="Transparent" Width="100%" OnRowCommand="gvwStuMsgBoard_RowCommand">

Finally the code behind you can then do whatever you like when the event is triggered like this:

protected void gvwStuMsgBoard_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e)
    Panel pnlMsgBody = (Panel)gvwStuMsgBoard.Rows[Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument)].FindControl("pnlMsgBody");
    if(pnlMsgBody.Visible == false)
        pnlMsgBody.Visible = true;
        pnlMsgBody.Visible = false;

How can I SELECT rows with MAX(Column value), DISTINCT by another column in SQL?

The fastest MySQL solution, without inner queries and without GROUP BY:

SELECT m.*                    -- get the row that contains the max value
FROM topten m                 -- "m" from "max"
    LEFT JOIN topten b        -- "b" from "bigger"
        ON m.home = b.home    -- match "max" row with "bigger" row by `home`
        AND m.datetime < b.datetime           -- want "bigger" than "max"
WHERE b.datetime IS NULL      -- keep only if there is no bigger than max


Join the table with itself using the home column. The use of LEFT JOIN ensures all the rows from table m appear in the result set. Those that don't have a match in table b will have NULLs for the columns of b.

The other condition on the JOIN asks to match only the rows from b that have bigger value on the datetime column than the row from m.

Using the data posted in the question, the LEFT JOIN will produce this pairs:

|              the row from `m`            |    the matching row from `b`   |
| id  home  datetime     player   resource | id    home   datetime      ... |
| 1  | 10  | 04/03/2009 | john   | 399     | NULL | NULL | NULL       | ... | *
| 2  | 11  | 04/03/2009 | juliet | 244     | NULL | NULL | NULL       | ... | *
| 5  | 12  | 04/03/2009 | borat  | 555     | NULL | NULL | NULL       | ... | *
| 3  | 10  | 03/03/2009 | john   | 300     | 1    | 10   | 04/03/2009 | ... |
| 4  | 11  | 03/03/2009 | juliet | 200     | 2    | 11   | 04/03/2009 | ... |
| 6  | 12  | 03/03/2009 | borat  | 500     | 5    | 12   | 04/03/2009 | ... |
| 7  | 13  | 24/12/2008 | borat  | 600     | 8    | 13   | 01/01/2009 | ... |
| 8  | 13  | 01/01/2009 | borat  | 700     | NULL | NULL | NULL       | ... | *

Finally, the WHERE clause keeps only the pairs that have NULLs in the columns of b (they are marked with * in the table above); this means, due to the second condition from the JOIN clause, the row selected from m has the biggest value in column datetime.

Read the SQL Antipatterns: Avoiding the Pitfalls of Database Programming book for other SQL tips.

What in layman's terms is a Recursive Function using PHP

If you add a certain value (say, "1") to Anthony Forloney's example, everything would be clear:

function fact(1) {
  if (1 === 0) { // our base case
  return 1;
  else {
  return 1 * fact(1-1); // <--calling itself.


function fact($n) {
  if ($n === 0) { // our base case
    return 1;
  else {
  return $n * fact($n-1); // <--calling itself.

Error loading the SDK when Eclipse starts

Working fine after removing the Android Wear ARM EABI v7a system image and wear intel x86 Atom System image.

How do you store Java objects in HttpSession?

Here you can do it by using HttpRequest or HttpSession. And think your problem is within the JSP.

If you are going to use the inside servlet do following,

Object obj = new Object();
session.setAttribute("object", obj);


HttpSession session = request.getSession();
Object obj = new Object();
session.setAttribute("object", obj);

and after setting your attribute by using request or session, use following to access it in the JSP,

<%= request.getAttribute("object")%>


<%= session.getAttribute("object")%>

So seems your problem is in the JSP.

If you want use scriptlets it should be as follows,

Object obj = request.getSession().getAttribute("object");

Or can use expressions as follows,

<%= session.getAttribute("object")%>

or can use EL as follows, ${object} or ${sessionScope.object}