Programs & Examples On #Nested includes

Could not load file or assembly System.Web.Http.WebHost after published to Azure web site

If you are still looking for an answer, try checking this question thread. It helped me resolve a similar problem.

edit: The solution that helped me was to run Update-Package Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi -reinstall from the NugGet package manager, as suggested by Pathoschild. I then had to delete my .suo file and restart VS, as suggested by Sergey Osypchuk in this thread.

Count specific character occurrences in a string

Public Class VOWELS

    Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        Dim str1, s, c As String
        Dim i, l As Integer
        str1 = TextBox1.Text
        l = Len(str1)
        c = 0
        i = 0
        Dim intloopIndex As Integer
        For intloopIndex = 1 To l
            s = Mid(str1, intloopIndex, 1)
            If (s = "A" Or s = "a" Or s = "E" Or s = "e" Or s = "I" Or s = "i" Or s = "O" Or s = "o" Or s = "U" Or s = "u") Then
                c = c + 1
            End If
        MsgBox("No of Vowels: " + c.ToString)
    End Sub
End Class

How to set and reference a variable in a Jenkinsfile

A complete example for scripted pipepline:

            withEnv(["GOPATH=/ws","PATH=/ws/bin:${env.PATH}"]) {
                sh 'bash'

How can I schedule a job to run a SQL query daily?

if You want daily backup // following sql script store in C:\Users\admin\Desktop\DBScript\DBBackUpSQL.sql

DECLARE @pathName NVARCHAR(512),
 @databaseName NVARCHAR(512) SET @databaseName = 'Databasename' SET @pathName = 'C:\DBBackup\DBData\DBBackUp' + Convert(varchar(8), GETDATE(), 112) + '_' + Replace((Convert(varchar(8), GETDATE(), 108)),':','-')+ '.bak' BACKUP DATABASE @databaseName TO DISK = @pathName WITH NOFORMAT, 
NAME = N'', 
STATS = 10 

open the Task scheduler

create task-> select Triggers tab Select New .

Button Select Daily Radio button

click Ok Button

then click Action tab Select New.

Button Put "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Binn\SQLCMD.EXE" -S ADMIN-PC -i "C:\Users\admin\Desktop\DBScript\DBBackUpSQL.sql" in the program/script text box(make sure Match your files path and Put the double quoted path in start-> search box and if it find then click it and see the backup is there or not)

-- the above path may be insted 100 write 90 "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\Binn\SQLCMD.EXE" -S ADMIN-PC -i "C:\Users\admin\Desktop\DBScript\DBBackUpSQL.sql"

then click ok button

the Script will execute on time which you select on Trigger tab on daily basis

enjoy it.............

Hbase quickly count number of rows

Go to Hbase home directory and run this command,

./bin/hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce.RowCounter 'namespace:tablename'

This will launch a mapreduce job and the output will show the number of records existing in the hbase table.

How do I remove the title bar from my app?

I have faced the same problem as you, and solve this problem just by changing the class which I extended.

//you will get the app that does not have a title bar at the top.
public class MainActivity extends Activity

//you will get the app that has title bar at top
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity

I hope this will solve your problem.

How do I disable orientation change on Android?

I've always found you need both

android:screenOrientation="nosensor" android:configChanges="keyboardHidden|orientation"

Call a REST API in PHP


Httpful is a simple, chainable, readable PHP library intended to make speaking HTTP sane. It lets the developer focus on interacting with APIs instead of sifting through curl set_opt pages and is an ideal PHP REST client.

Httpful includes...

  • Readable HTTP Method Support (GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, HEAD, and OPTIONS)
  • Custom Headers
  • Automatic "Smart" Parsing
  • Automatic Payload Serialization
  • Basic Auth
  • Client Side Certificate Auth
  • Request "Templates"


Send off a GET request. Get automatically parsed JSON response.

The library notices the JSON Content-Type in the response and automatically parses the response into a native PHP object.

$uri = "";
$response = \Httpful\Request::get($uri)->send();

echo 'The Dead Weather has ' . count($response->body->result->album) . " albums.\n";

Best Python IDE on Linux

Probably the new PyCharm from the makers of IntelliJ and ReSharper.

Using Default Arguments in a Function

I would propose changing the function declaration as follows so you can do what you want:

function foo($blah, $x = null, $y = null) {
    if (null === $x) {
        $x = "some value";

    if (null === $y) {
        $y = "some other value";

    code here!


This way, you can make a call like foo('blah', null, 'non-default y value'); and have it work as you want, where the second parameter $x still gets its default value.

With this method, passing a null value means you want the default value for one parameter when you want to override the default value for a parameter that comes after it.

As stated in other answers,

default parameters only work as the last arguments to the function. If you want to declare the default values in the function definition, there is no way to omit one parameter and override one following it.

If I have a method that can accept varying numbers of parameters, and parameters of varying types, I often declare the function similar to the answer shown by Ryan P.

Here is another example (this doesn't answer your question, but is hopefully informative:

public function __construct($params = null)
    if ($params instanceof SOMETHING) {
        // single parameter, of object type SOMETHING
    } elseif (is_string($params)) {
        // single argument given as string
    } elseif (is_array($params)) {
        // params could be an array of properties like array('x' => 'x1', 'y' => 'y1')
    } elseif (func_num_args() == 3) {
        $args = func_get_args();

        // 3 parameters passed
    } elseif (func_num_args() == 5) {
        $args = func_get_args();
        // 5 parameters passed
    } else {
        throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Could not figure out parameters!");

how to convert object to string in java

maybe you benefit from converting it to JSON string

String jsonString = new;

in my case, I wanted to add an object to the response headers but you cant add objects to the headers,

so to solve this I convert my object to JSON string and in the client side I will return that string to JSON again

JavaScript - Hide a Div at startup (load)

Using CSS you can just set display:none for the element in a CSS file or in a style attribute

#div { display:none; }
<div id="div"></div>

<div style="display:none"></div>

or having the js just after the div might be fast enough too, but not as clean

Convert javascript array to string

Use join() and the separator.

Working example

var arr = ['a', 'b', 'c', 1, 2, '3'];_x000D_
// using toString method_x000D_
var rslt = arr.toString(); _x000D_
// using join method. With a separator '-'_x000D_
rslt = arr.join('-');_x000D_
// using join method. without a separator _x000D_
rslt = arr.join('');_x000D_

PHP executable not found. Install PHP 7 and add it to your PATH or set the php.executablePath setting

For me this setting was working.
In my windows 8.1 the path for php7 is



 "php.validate.executablePath": "/user/test/tools/php7/php.exe"

see also

Deleting all pending tasks in celery / rabbitmq

In Celery 3+


Purge named queue:

 celery -A proj amqp queue.purge <queue name>

Purge configured queue

celery -A proj purge

I’ve purged messages, but there are still messages left in the queue? Answer: Tasks are acknowledged (removed from the queue) as soon as they are actually executed. After the worker has received a task, it will take some time until it is actually executed, especially if there are a lot of tasks already waiting for execution. Messages that are not acknowledged are held on to by the worker until it closes the connection to the broker (AMQP server). When that connection is closed (e.g. because the worker was stopped) the tasks will be re-sent by the broker to the next available worker (or the same worker when it has been restarted), so to properly purge the queue of waiting tasks you have to stop all the workers, and then purge the tasks using celery.control.purge().

So to purge the entire queue workers must be stopped.

NoClassDefFoundError in Java: com/google/common/base/Function

you don't have the "google-collections" library on your classpath.

There are a number of ways to add libraries to your classpath, so please provide more info regarding how you are executing your program.

if from the command line, you can add libraries to the classpath via

java -classpath path/lib.jar ...

How to test if a string contains one of the substrings in a list, in pandas?

Here is a one line lambda that also works:

df["TrueFalse"] = df['col1'].apply(lambda x: 1 if any(i in x for i in searchfor) else 0)


searchfor = ['og', 'at']

df = pd.DataFrame([('cat', 1000.0), ('hat', 2000000.0), ('dog', 1000.0), ('fog', 330000.0),('pet', 330000.0)], columns=['col1', 'col2'])

   col1  col2
0   cat 1000.0
1   hat 2000000.0
2   dog 1000.0
3   fog 330000.0
4   pet 330000.0

Apply Lambda:

df["TrueFalse"] = df['col1'].apply(lambda x: 1 if any(i in x for i in searchfor) else 0)


    col1    col2        TrueFalse
0   cat     1000.0      1
1   hat     2000000.0   1
2   dog     1000.0      1
3   fog     330000.0    1
4   pet     330000.0    0

Open images? Python

Instead of

You should have

from PIL import Image


img ='picture.jpg')

You should probably also think about an other system to show your messages, because this way it will be a lot of manual work. Look into string substitution (using %s or .format()).

How to update a value in a json file and save it through node.js

Save data after task completion

fs.readFile("./sample.json", 'utf8', function readFileCallback(err, data) {
        if (err) {
        } else {
          fs.writeFile("./sample.json", JSON.stringify(result), 'utf8', err => {
            if (err) throw err;
            console.log('File has been saved!');

Format numbers in django templates

Not sure why this has not been mentioned, yet:

{% load l10n %}

{{ value|localize }}

You can also use this in your Django code (outside templates) by calling localize(number).

Flushing buffers in C

Flushing the output buffers:

printf("Buffered, will be flushed");
fflush(stdout); // Prints to screen or whatever your standard out is


fprintf(fd, "Buffered, will be flushed");
fflush(fd);  //Prints to a file

Can be a very helpful technique. Why would you want to flush an output buffer? Usually when I do it, it's because the code is crashing and I'm trying to debug something. The standard buffer will not print everytime you call printf() it waits until it's full then dumps a bunch at once. So if you're trying to check if you're making it to a function call before a crash, it's helpful to printf something like "got here!", and sometimes the buffer hasn't been flushed before the crash happens and you can't tell how far you've really gotten.

Another time that it's helpful, is in multi-process or multi-thread code. Again, the buffer doesn't always flush on a call to a printf(), so if you want to know the true order of execution of multiple processes you should fflush the buffer after every print.

I make a habit to do it, it saves me a lot of headache in debugging. The only downside I can think of to doing so is that printf() is an expensive operation (which is why it doesn't by default flush the buffer).

As far as flushing the input buffer (stdin), you should not do that. Flushing stdin is undefined behavior according to the C11 standard § part 2:

If stream points to an output stream ... the fflush function causes any unwritten data for that stream ... to be written to the file; otherwise, the behavior is undefined.

On some systems, Linux being one as you can see in the man page for fflush(), there's a defined behavior but it's system dependent so your code will not be portable.

Now if you're worried about garbage "stuck" in the input buffer you can use fpurge() on that. See here for more on fflush() and fpurge()

Caesar Cipher Function in Python

>>> def rotate(txt, key):
...   def cipher(i, low=range(97,123), upper=range(65,91)):
...     if i in low or i in upper:
...       s = 65 if i in upper else 97
...       i = (i - s + key) % 26 + s
...     return chr(i)
...   return ''.join([cipher(ord(s)) for s in txt])

# test
>>> rotate('abc', 2)
>>> rotate('xyz', 2)
>>> rotate('ab', 26)
>>> rotate('Hello, World!', 7)
'Olssv, Dvysk!'

What are the aspect ratios for all Android phone and tablet devices?

the best way to calculate the equation is simplified. That is, find the maximum divisor between two numbers and divide:


1920:1080 maximum common divisor 120 = 16:9
1024:768  maximum common divisor 256 = 4:3
1280:768  maximum common divisor 256 = 5:3

may happen also some approaches

Is there any way to wait for AJAX response and halt execution?

The simple answer is to turn off async. But that's the wrong thing to do. The correct answer is to re-think how you write the rest of your code.

Instead of writing this:

function functABC(){
        url: 'myPage.php',
        data: {id: id},
        success: function(data) {
            return data;

function foo () {
    var response = functABC();
    some_result = bar(response);
    // and other stuff and
    return some_result;

You should write it like this:

function functABC(callback){
        url: 'myPage.php',
        data: {id: id},
        success: callback

function foo (callback) {
        var response = data;
        some_result = bar(response);
        // and other stuff and

That is, instead of returning result, pass in code of what needs to be done as callbacks. As I've shown, callbacks can be nested to as many levels as you have function calls.

A quick explanation of why I say it's wrong to turn off async:

Turning off async will freeze the browser while waiting for the ajax call. The user cannot click on anything, cannot scroll and in the worst case, if the user is low on memory, sometimes when the user drags the window off the screen and drags it in again he will see empty spaces because the browser is frozen and cannot redraw. For single threaded browsers like IE7 it's even worse: all websites freeze! Users who experience this may think you site is buggy. If you really don't want to do it asynchronously then just do your processing in the back end and refresh the whole page. It would at least feel not buggy.

How to simulate a touch event in Android?

MotionEvent is generated only by touching the screen.

Regular expressions inside SQL Server

In order to match a digit, you can use [0-9].

So you could use 5[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] and [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]7[0-9][0-9][0-9]. I do this a lot for zip codes.

Responsive css background images

background: url(/static/media/group3x.6bb50026.jpg);
background-size: contain;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: top;

the position property can be used to align top bottom and center as per your need and background-size can be used for center crop(cover) or full image(contain or 100%)

Get table column names in MySQL?

I have write a simple php script to fetch table columns through PHP: Show_table_columns.php

$db = 'Database'; //Database name
$host = 'Database_host'; //Hostname or Server ip
$user = 'USER'; //Database user
$pass = 'Password'; //Database user password
$con = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass);
if ($con) {
    $link = mysql_select_db($db) or die("no database") . mysql_error();
    $count = 0;
    if ($link) {
        $sql = "
            SELECT column_name
            FROM   information_schema.columns
            WHERE  table_schema = '$db'
                   AND table_name = 'table_name'"; // Change the table_name your own table name
        $result = mysql_query($sql, $con);
        if (mysql_query($sql, $con)) {
            echo $sql . "<br> <br>";
            while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
                echo "COLUMN " . ++$count . ": {$row[0]}<br>";
                $table_name = $row[0];
            echo "<br>Total No. of COLUMNS: " . $count;
        } else {
            echo "Error in query.";
    } else {
        echo "Database not found.";
} else {
    echo "Connection Failed.";


Find Process Name by its Process ID

SET /a pid=1600
FOR /f "skip=3delims=" %%a IN ('tasklist') DO (
 SET "found=%%a"
 SET /a foundpid=!found:~26,8!
 IF %pid%==!foundpid! echo found %pid%=!found:~0,24%!


...set PID to suit your circumstance.

How do you delete an ActiveRecord object?

If you are using Rails 5 and above, the following solution will work.

#delete based on id
user_id = 50
User.find(id: user_id).delete_all

#delete based on condition
threshold_age = 20
User.where(age: threshold_age).delete_all

Replacing values from a column using a condition in R

I arrived here from a google search, since my other code is 'tidy' so leaving the 'tidy' way for anyone who else who may find it useful

iris %>% 
  mutate(Species = ifelse(as.character(Species) == "virginica", "newValue", as.character(Species)))

change values in array when doing foreach

The .forEach function can have a callback function(eachelement, elementIndex) So basically what you need to do is :

    arr[index] = "four";   //set the value  
console.log(arr); //the array has been overwritten.

Or if you want to keep the original array, you can make a copy of it before doing the above process. To make a copy, you can use:

var copy = arr.slice();

sql - insert into multiple tables in one query

Multiple SQL statements must be executed with the mysqli_multi_query() function.

Example (MySQLi Object-oriented):

$servername = "localhost";
$username = "username";
$password = "password";
$dbname = "myDB";

// Create connection
$conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);
// Check connection
if ($conn->connect_error) {
    die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error);

$sql = "INSERT INTO names (firstname, lastname)
VALUES ('inpute value here', 'inpute value here');";
$sql .= "INSERT INTO phones (landphone, mobile)
VALUES ('inpute value here', 'inpute value here');";

if ($conn->multi_query($sql) === TRUE) {
    echo "New records created successfully";
} else {
    echo "Error: " . $sql . "<br>" . $conn->error;


Fine control over the font size in Seaborn plots for academic papers

It is all but satisfying, isn't it? The easiest way I have found to specify when setting the context, e.g.:

sns.set_context("paper", rc={"font.size":8,"axes.titlesize":8,"axes.labelsize":5})   

This should take care of 90% of standard plotting usage. If you want ticklabels smaller than axes labels, set the 'axes.labelsize' to the smaller (ticklabel) value and specify axis labels (or other custom elements) manually, e.g.:


you could define it as a function and load it in your scripts so you don't have to remember your standard numbers, or call it every time.

def set_pubfig:
    sns.set_context("paper", rc={"font.size":8,"axes.titlesize":8,"axes.labelsize":5})   

Of course you can use configuration files, but I guess the whole idea is to have a simple, straightforward method, which is why the above works well.

Note: If you specify these numbers, specifying font_scale in sns.set_context is ignored for all specified font elements, even if you set it.

TypeError: only integer scalar arrays can be converted to a scalar index with 1D numpy indices array

Perhaps the error message is somewhat misleading, but the gist is that X_train is a list, not a numpy array. You cannot use array indexing on it. Make it an array first:

out_images = np.array(X_train)[indices.astype(int)]

How to access session variables from any class in ASP.NET?

The answers presented before mine provide apt solutions to the problem, however, I feel that it is important to understand why this error results:

The Session property of the Page returns an instance of type HttpSessionState relative to that particular request. Page.Session is actually equivalent to calling Page.Context.Session.

MSDN explains how this is possible:

Because ASP.NET pages contain a default reference to the System.Web namespace (which contains the HttpContext class), you can reference the members of HttpContext on an .aspx page without the fully qualified class reference to HttpContext.

However, When you try to access this property within a class in App_Code, the property will not be available to you unless your class derives from the Page Class.

My solution to this oft-encountered scenario is that I never pass page objects to classes. I would rather extract the required objects from the page Session and pass them to the Class in the form of a name-value collection / Array / List, depending on the case.

SyntaxError of Non-ASCII character

You should define source code encoding, add this to the top of your script:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

The reason why it works differently in console and in the IDE is, likely, because of different default encodings set. You can check it by running:

import sys
print sys.getdefaultencoding()

Also see:

Get ALL User Friends Using Facebook Graph API - Android

In v2.0 of the Graph API, calling /me/friends returns the person's friends who also use the app.

In addition, in v2.0, you must request the user_friends permission from each user. user_friends is no longer included by default in every login. Each user must grant the user_friends permission in order to appear in the response to /me/friends. See the Facebook upgrade guide for more detailed information, or review the summary below.

The /me/friendlists endpoint and user_friendlists permission are not what you're after. This endpoint does not return the users friends - its lets you access the lists a person has made to organize their friends. It does not return the friends in each of these lists. This API and permission is useful to allow you to render a custom privacy selector when giving people the opportunity to publish back to Facebook.

If you want to access a list of non-app-using friends, there are two options:

  1. If you want to let your people tag their friends in stories that they publish to Facebook using your App, you can use the /me/taggable_friends API. Use of this endpoint requires review by Facebook and should only be used for the case where you're rendering a list of friends in order to let the user tag them in a post.

  2. If your App is a Game AND your Game supports Facebook Canvas, you can use the /me/invitable_friends endpoint in order to render a custom invite dialog, then pass the tokens returned by this API to the standard Requests Dialog.

In other cases, apps are no longer able to retrieve the full list of a user's friends (only those friends who have specifically authorized your app using the user_friends permission).

For apps wanting allow people to invite friends to use an app, you can still use the Send Dialog on Web or the new Message Dialog on iOS and Android.

How can I make an image transparent on Android?

As setAlpha int has been deprecated, setImageAlpha (int) can be used

ImageView img = (ImageView) findViewById(;
img.setImageAlpha(127); //value: [0-255]. Where 0 is fully transparent and 255 is fully opaque.

Disabling vertical scrolling in UIScrollView

Just set the y to be always on top. Need to conform with UIScrollViewDelegate

func scrollViewDidScroll(scrollView: UIScrollView) {
        scrollView.contentOffset.y = 0.0

This will keep the Deceleration / Acceleration effect of the scrolling.

Leave menu bar fixed on top when scrolled

you may want to add:


to trigger the scroll event when you reload an already scrolled page. Otherwise you might get your menu out of position.

        $(window).bind('scroll', function () {
            var pixels = 600; //number of pixels before modifying styles
            if ($(window).scrollTop() > pixels) {
            } else {

Converting SVG to PNG using C#

you can use altsoft xml2pdf lib for this

How to fix 'fs: re-evaluating native module sources is not supported' - graceful-fs

In the case of my Cordova-project, uninstalling and installing cordova -g fixed the problem for me.

npm uninstall -g cordova
npm install -g cordova

Can clearInterval() be called inside setInterval()?

Yes you can. You can even test it:

var i = 0;_x000D_
var timer = setInterval(function() {_x000D_
  if (i === 5) clearInterval(timer);_x000D_
  console.log('post-interval'); //this will still run after clearing_x000D_
}, 200);

In this example, this timer clears when i reaches 5.

How to change spinner text size and text color?

I have done this as following.I have use getDropDownView() and getView() methods.

Use getDropDownView() for opened Spinner.

public View getDropDownView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
  View view = convertView;
  if (view == null) {
    LayoutInflater vi = (LayoutInflater) activity.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);
    view = vi.inflate(R.layout.context_row_icon, null);
  TextView mTitle = (TextView) view.findViewById(;
  ImageView flag = (ImageView) view.findViewById(;                


  if (!((LabelItem) getItem(position)).isEnabled()) {
  } else {
  return view;

And Use getView() for closed Spinner.

public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
  View view = convertView;
  if (view == null) {
    LayoutInflater vi = (LayoutInflater) activity.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);
    view = vi.inflate(R.layout.context_row_icon, null);
  TextView mTitle = (TextView) view.findViewById(;
  ImageView flag = (ImageView) view.findViewById(;


  return view;

Number of elements in a javascript object

To do this in any ES5-compatible environment


(Browser support from here)
(Doc on Object.keys here, includes method you can add to non-ECMA5 browsers)

How to loop and render elements in React-native?

render() {
  return (
    <View style={...}>
       {, key) => {
         return (
           <Button style={{borderColor: prop[0]}}  key={key}>{prop[1]}</Button>

should do the trick

Subscript out of range error in this Excel VBA script

This looks a little better than your previous version but get rid of that .Activate on that line and see if you still get that error.

Dim sh1 As Worksheet
set sh1 = Workbooks.Add(filenum(lngPosition) & ".csv")

Creates a worksheet object. Not until you create that object do you want to start working with it. Once you have that object you can do the following:


The sh1. explicitely tells Excel which object you are saying to work with... otherwise if you start selecting other worksheets while this code is running you could wind up pasting data to the wrong place.

How to insert array of data into mysql using php

First of all you should stop using mysql_*. MySQL supports multiple inserting like

  (100, 'Name 1', 'Value 1', 'Other 1'),
  (101, 'Name 2', 'Value 2', 'Other 2'),
  (102, 'Name 3', 'Value 3', 'Other 3'),
  (103, 'Name 4', 'Value 4', 'Other 4');

You just have to build one string in your foreach loop which looks like that

$values = "(100, 'Name 1', 'Value 1', 'Other 1'), (100, 'Name 1', 'Value 1', 'Other 1'), (100, 'Name 1', 'Value 1', 'Other 1')";

and then insert it after the loop

$sql = "INSERT INTO email_list (R_ID, EMAIL, NAME) VALUES ".$values;

Another way would be Prepared Statements, which are even more suited for your situation.

Functions are not valid as a React child. This may happen if you return a Component instead of from render

I was getting this from webpack lazy loading like this

import Loader from 'some-loader-component';
const WishlistPageComponent = loadable(() => import(/* webpackChunkName: 'WishlistPage' */'../components/WishlistView/WishlistPage'), {
  fallback: Loader, // warning
render() {
    return <WishlistPageComponent />;

// changed to this then it's suddenly fine
const WishlistPageComponent = loadable(() => import(/* webpackChunkName: 'WishlistPage' */'../components/WishlistView/WishlistPage'), {
  fallback: '', // all good

Finding what branch a Git commit came from

Aside from searching through all of the tree until you find a matching hash, no.

proper name for python * operator?

I call *args "star args" or "varargs" and **kwargs "keyword args".

How do I escape special characters in MySQL?

For strings like that, for me the most comfortable way to do it is doubling the ' or ", as explained in the MySQL manual:

There are several ways to include quote characters within a string:

A “'” inside a string quoted with “'” may be written as “''”.

A “"” inside a string quoted with “"” may be written as “""”.

Precede the quote character by an escape character (“\”).

A “'” inside a string quoted with “"” needs no special treatment and need not be doubled or escaped. In the same way, “"” inside a

Strings quoted with “'” need no special treatment.

It is from

How to prevent SIGPIPEs (or handle them properly)

You generally want to ignore the SIGPIPE and handle the error directly in your code. This is because signal handlers in C have many restrictions on what they can do.

The most portable way to do this is to set the SIGPIPE handler to SIG_IGN. This will prevent any socket or pipe write from causing a SIGPIPE signal.

To ignore the SIGPIPE signal, use the following code:


If you're using the send() call, another option is to use the MSG_NOSIGNAL option, which will turn the SIGPIPE behavior off on a per call basis. Note that not all operating systems support the MSG_NOSIGNAL flag.

Lastly, you may also want to consider the SO_SIGNOPIPE socket flag that can be set with setsockopt() on some operating systems. This will prevent SIGPIPE from being caused by writes just to the sockets it is set on.

Oracle Error ORA-06512

ORA-06512 is part of the error stack. It gives us the line number where the exception occurred, but not the cause of the exception. That is usually indicated in the rest of the stack (which you have still not posted).

In a comment you said

"still, the error comes when pNum is not between 12 and 14; when pNum is between 12 and 14 it does not fail"

Well, your code does this:

IF ((pNum < 12) OR (pNum > 14)) THEN     

That is, it raises an exception when pNum is not between 12 and 14. So does the rest of the error stack include this line?

ORA-06510: PL/SQL: unhandled user-defined exception

If so, all you need to do is add an exception block to handle the error. Perhaps:


    IF ((pNum < 12) OR (pNum > 14)) THEN     
        RAISE vSOME_EX;
        EXECUTE IMMEDIATE  'INSERT INTO M'||pNum||'GR (CV, SUP, IDM'||pNum||') VALUES('||pCv||', '||pSup||', '||pIdM||')';
    END IF;
    when vsome_ex then
                                 , 'This is not a valid table:  M'||pNum||'GR');


The documentation covers handling PL/SQL exceptions in depth.

Centos/Linux setting logrotate to maximum file size for all logs

It specifies the size of the log file to trigger rotation. For example size 50M will trigger a log rotation once the file is 50MB or greater in size. You can use the suffix M for megabytes, k for kilobytes, and G for gigabytes. If no suffix is used, it will take it to mean bytes. You can check the example at the end. There are three directives available size, maxsize, and minsize. According to manpage:

minsize size
              Log  files  are  rotated when they grow bigger than size bytes,
              but not before the additionally specified time interval (daily,
              weekly,  monthly, or yearly).  The related size option is simi-
              lar except that it is mutually exclusive with the time interval
              options,  and  it causes log files to be rotated without regard
              for the last rotation time.  When minsize  is  used,  both  the
              size and timestamp of a log file are considered.

size size
              Log files are rotated only if they grow bigger then size bytes.
              If size is followed by k, the size is assumed to  be  in  kilo-
              bytes.  If the M is used, the size is in megabytes, and if G is
              used, the size is in gigabytes. So size 100,  size  100k,  size
              100M and size 100G are all valid.
maxsize size
              Log files are rotated when they grow bigger than size bytes even before
              the additionally specified time interval (daily, weekly, monthly, 
              or yearly).  The related size option is  similar  except  that  it 
              is mutually exclusive with the time interval options, and it causes
              log files to be rotated without regard for the last rotation time.  
              When maxsize is used, both the size and timestamp of a log file are                  

Here is an example:

"/var/log/httpd/access.log" /var/log/httpd/error.log {
           rotate 5
           mail [email protected]
           size 100k
               /usr/bin/killall -HUP httpd

Here is an explanation for both files /var/log/httpd/access.log and /var/log/httpd/error.log. They are rotated whenever it grows over 100k in size, and the old logs files are mailed (uncompressed) to [email protected] after going through 5 rotations, rather than being removed. The sharedscripts means that the postrotate script will only be run once (after the old logs have been compressed), not once for each log which is rotated. Note that the double quotes around the first filename at the beginning of this section allows logrotate to rotate logs with spaces in the name. Normal shell quoting rules apply, with ,, and \ characters supported.

How to convert Moment.js date to users local timezone?

You do not need to use moment-timezone for this. The main moment.js library has full functionality for working with UTC and the local time zone.

var testDateUtc = moment.utc("2015-01-30 10:00:00");
var localDate = moment(testDateUtc).local();

From there you can use any of the functions you might expect:

var s = localDate.format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss");
var d = localDate.toDate();
// etc...

Note that by passing testDateUtc, which is a moment object, back into the moment() constructor, it creates a clone. Otherwise, when you called .local(), it would also change the testDateUtc value, instead of just the localDate value. Moments are mutable.

Also note that if your original input contains a time zone offset such as +00:00 or Z, then you can just parse it directly with moment. You don't need to use .utc or .local. For example:

var localDate = moment("2015-01-30T10:00:00Z");

Start service in Android

startService(new Intent(this, MyService.class));

Just writing this line was not sufficient for me. Service still did not work. Everything had worked only after registering service at manifest

    android:label="@string/app_name" >


        android:label="My Service" >

SVN- How to commit multiple files in a single shot

Use a changeset. You can add as many files as you like to the changeset, all at once, or over several commands; and then commit them all in one go.

How can I commit a single file using SVN over a network?

  1. svn add filename.html
  2. svn commit -m"your comment"
  3. You dont have to push

removing html element styles via javascript

you can just do:


List distinct values in a vector in R

If the data is actually a factor then you can use the levels() function, e.g.

levels( data$product_code )

If it's not a factor, but it should be, you can convert it to factor first by using the factor() function, e.g.

levels( factor( data$product_code ) )

Another option, as mentioned above, is the unique() function:

unique( data$product_code )

The main difference between the two (when applied to a factor) is that levels will return a character vector in the order of levels, including any levels that are coded but do not occur. unique will return a factor in the order the values first appear, with any non-occurring levels omitted (though still included in levels of the returned factor).

CS0234: Mvc does not exist in the System.Web namespace

You need to include the reference to the assembly System.Web.Mvc in you project.

you may not have the System.Web.Mvc in your C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework.NETFramework\v4.0

So you need to add it and then to include it as reference to your projrect

Swift - How to hide back button in navigation item?

enter image description here

Go to attributes inspector and uncheck show Navigation Bar to hide back button.

How to replace NaN values by Zeroes in a column of a Pandas Dataframe?

To replace nan in different columns with different ways:

   replacement= {'column_A': 0, 'column_B': -999, 'column_C': -99999}

C# How to determine if a number is a multiple of another?

I don't get that part about the string stuff, but why don't you use the modulo operator (%) to check if a number is dividable by another? If a number is dividable by another, the other is automatically a multiple of that number.

It goes like that:

   int a = 10; int b = 5;

   // is a a multiple of b 
   if ( a % b == 0 )  ....

JQuery - File attributes

The input.files attribute is an HTML5 feature. That's why some browsers din't return anything. Simply add a fallback to the plain old input.value (string) if files doesn't exist.


Slick Carousel Uncaught TypeError: $(...).slick is not a function

I've had the same problem before recognized that I've put the code after closing the body tag. After moving it into tag, it's OK now

        infinite: true,
        slidesToShow: 3,
        slidesToScroll: 3

I can't find my git.exe file in my Github folder

The last update for "windows git" did move the git.exe file from the /bin folder to the /cmd folder. So, to use git with IDEs such as webStorm or Android Studio you can use the path :


But if you want to have linux-like commands such as git, ssh, ls, cp under windows powerShell or cmd add to your windows PATH variables :


change <user> and <...numbers...> to your values and reboot!

Also, you will have to update this everytime git updates since it might change the portable folder name. If folder structure changes I will update this post.

Thx @dennisschagt for the comment above! ;)

Wait 5 seconds before executing next line

Here's a solution using the new async/await syntax.

Be sure to check browser support as this is a language feature introduced with ECMAScript 6.

Utility function:

const delay = ms => new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, ms));


const yourFunction = async () => {
  await delay(5000);
  console.log("Waited 5s");

  await delay(5000);
  console.log("Waited an additional 5s");

The advantage of this approach is that it makes your code look and behave like synchronous code.

How do I download and save a file locally on iOS using objective C?

NSURLSession introduced in iOS 7, is the recommended SDK way of downloading a file. No need to import 3rd party libraries.

NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:@""];
NSURLRequest *downloadRequest = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:url];
NSURLSessionConfiguration *sessionConfig = [NSURLSessionConfiguration defaultSessionConfiguration];
NSURLSession *urlSession = [NSURLSession sessionWithConfiguration:sessionConfig delegate:self delegateQueue:nil];
self.downloadTask = [self.urlSession downloadTaskWithRequest:downloadRequest];
[self.downloadTask resume];

You can then use the NSURLSessionDownloadDelegate delegate methods to monitor errors, download completion, download progress etc... There are inline block completion handler callback methods too if you prefer. Apples docs explain when you need to use one over the other.

Have a read of these articles: NSURLConnection to NSURLSession

URL Loading System Programming Guide

Eclipse - no Java (JRE) / (JDK) ... no virtual machine

One problem is the conflict between the Eclipse-64bit version and our Java installation being 32bit version. This doesn't get solved easily because the Java installation page doesn't give the option for 64bit - it assumes 32bit and downloads and installs the 32bit version. To overcome this issue, please follow the following steps:

  1. Download the 64bit version by going to Java SE Runtime Environment 7 (this link gives us the option to download a 64bit version of Java). Download and install this.
  2. Now, trying to install Eclipse will still throw an error. So, we copy the jre7 folder from C:/program files/Java/ and copy it in our Eclipse installation folder.
  3. Now, we rename it to jre.

Install Eclipse.

--launcher.appendVmargs -vm C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_79\jre\bin\javaw.exe -vmargs

Java "lambda expressions not supported at this language level"

This solution works in Android Studio 3.0 or later.

  1. File > Project Structure > Modules > app > Properties tab

enter image description here

Change both of Source Compatibility and Target Compatibility to 1.8

  1. Edit config file

You can also configure it directly in the corresponding build.gradle file

android {
  // Configure only for each module that uses Java 8
  // language features (either in its source code or
  // through dependencies).
  compileOptions {
    sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
    targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8

How do I enable MSDTC on SQL Server?

Use this for windows Server 2008 r2 and Windows Server 2012 R2

  1. Click Start, click Run, type dcomcnfg and then click OK to open Component Services.

  2. In the console tree, click to expand Component Services, click to expand Computers, click to expand My Computer, click to expand Distributed Transaction Coordinator and then click Local DTC.

  3. Right click Local DTC and click Properties to display the Local DTC Properties dialog box.

  4. Click the Security tab.

  5. Check mark "Network DTC Access" checkbox.

  6. Finally check mark "Allow Inbound" and "Allow Outbound" checkboxes.

  7. Click Apply, OK.

  8. A message will pop up about restarting the service.

  9. Click OK and That's all.

Reference :

Note: Sometimes the network firewall on the Local Computer or the Server could interrupt your connection so make sure you create rules to "Allow Inbound" and "Allow Outbound" connection for C:\Windows\System32\msdtc.exe

Getting value of HTML Checkbox from onclick/onchange events

Use this

<input type="checkbox" onclick="onClickHandler()" id="box" />

function onClickHandler(){
    var chk=document.getElementById("box").value;

    //use this value


How do you import an Eclipse project into Android Studio now?

Android Studio has been improved since this question was posted, and the latest versions of Android Studio (as of this writing, we are at 2.1.1) have fairly good Eclipse importing capabilities, so importing Eclipse projects directly into Android Studio is now the best approach for migrating projects from Eclipse into Android Studio.

I will describe how to do this below, including a few of the pitfalls that one might encounter. I will deal in particular with importing an Eclipse workspace that contains multiple apps sharing one or more project libraries (the approaches posted thus far seem limited to importing just one Eclipse app project and its project libraries). While I don't deal with every possible issue, I do go into a lot of detail regarding some of them, which I hope will be helpful to those going through this process for the first time themselves.

I recently imported the projects from an Eclipse workspace. This workspace included four library projects that were shared between up to nine projects each.

Some background:

An Eclipse workspace contains multiple projects, which may be library projects or apps.

An Android Studio project is analogous to an Eclipse workspace, in that it can contain both library projects and apps. However, a library project or an app is represented by a "module" in Android Studio, whereas it is represented by a "project" in Eclipse.

So, to summarize: Eclipse workspaces will end up as Android Studio projects, and Eclipse projects inside a workspace will end up as Android Studio modules inside a project.

You should start the import process by creating an Android Studio project (File / New / New Project). You might give this project the same (or similar) name as you gave your Eclipse workspace. This project will eventually hold all of your modules, one each for each Eclipse project (including project libraries) that you will import.

The import process does not change your original Eclipse files, so long as you place the imported files in a different folder hierarchy, so you should choose a folder for this project that is not in your original Eclipse hierarchy. For example, if your Eclipse projects are all in a folder called Android, you might create a sibling folder called AStudio.

Your Android Studio project can then be created as a sub-folder of this new folder. The New Project wizard will prompt you to enter this top-level project folder, into which it will create your project.

Android Studio's new project wizard will then ask you to configure a single module at the time you create the project. This can be a little confusing at first, because they never actually tell you that you are creating a module, but you are; you are creating a project with a single module in it. Apparently, every project is required to have at least one module, so, since you are relying on Eclipse to provide your modules, your initial module will be a placeholder to vacuously satisfy that formal requirement.

Thus, you probably will want to create an initial module for your project that does as little as possible. Therefore, select Phone and Tablet as the type of your module, accept the default minimum SDK (API level 8), and select Add No Activity for your module.

Next, select one of the Eclipse app projects in your workspace that requires the largest number of libraries as your first project to import. The advantage of doing this is that when you import that project, all the library projects that it uses (directly, or indirectly, if some of your library projects themselves require other library projects) will get imported along with it as part of the importing process.

Each of these imported projects will get its own module within your Android Studio project. All of these modules will be siblings of one another (both in your project hierarchy, and in the folder hierarchy where their files are placed), just as if you had imported the modules separately. However, the dependencies between the modules will be created for you (in your app's build.gradle files) as part of the importing process.

Note that after you finish importing, testing and debugging this "most dependent" Eclipse project and its supporting library projects, you will go on to import a second Eclipse app project (if you have a second one in your workspace) and its library project modules (with those imported earlier getting found by the import wizard as existing modules and re-used for this new module, rather than being duplicated).

So, you should never have to import even a single library project from Eclipse directly; they will all be brought in indirectly, based on their dependencies upon app projects that you import. This is assuming that all of your library projects in the workspace are created to serve the needs of one or more app projects in that same workspace.

To perform the import of this first app project, back in Android Studio, while you are in the project that you just created, select File / New / New Module. You might think that you should be using File / New / Import Module, but no, you should not, because if you do that, Android Studio will create a new project to hold your imported module, and it will import your module to that project. You actually could create your first module that way, but then the second through Nth modules would still require that you use this other method (for importing a module into an existing project), and so I think that just starting with an "empty" project (or rather, one with its own vacuous, do-nothing placeholder module), and then importing each of your Eclipse projects as a new module into that project (i.e., the approach we are taking here), may be less confusing.

So, you are going to take your practically-empty new project, and perform a File / New / New Module in it. The wizard that this invokes will give you a choice of what kind of module you want to create. You must select "Import Eclipse ADT Project." That is what accesses the wizard that knows how to convert an Eclipse project into an Android Studio module (along with the library modules on which it depends) within your current Android Studio project.

When prompted for a source folder, you should enter the folder for your Eclipse project (this is the folder that contains that project's AndroidManifest.xml file).

The import wizard will then display the module name that it intends to create (similar to your original Eclipse project's name, but with a lower-case first letter because that is a convention that distinguishes module names from project names (which start with an upper-case letter). It usually works pretty well to accept this default.

Below the module name is a section titled "Additional required modules." This will list every library required by the module you are importing (or by any of its libraries, etc.). Since this is the first module you are importing, none of these will already be in your project, so each of them will have its Import box checked by default. You should leave these checked because you need these modules. (Note that when you import later Eclipse app projects, if a library that they need has already been imported, those libraries will still appear here, but there will be a note that "Project already contains module with this name," and the Import box will be un-checked by default. In that case, you should leave the box unchecked, so that the importer will hook up your newly-imported module(s) to the libraries that have already been imported. It may be that accepting the default names that Android Studio creates for your modules will be important for allowing the IDE to find and re-use these library modules.

Next, the importer will offer to replace any jars and library sources with Gradle dependencies, and to create camelCase module names for any dependent modules, checking all those options by default. You should generally leave these options checked and continue. Read the warning, though, about possible problems. Remember that you can always delete an imported module or modules (via the Project Structure dialog) and start the import process over again.

The next display that I got (YMMV) claims that the Android Support Repository is not installed in my SDK installation. It provides a button to open the Android SDK Manager for purposes of installing it. However, that button did not work for me. I manually opened the SDK manager as a separate app, and found that the Android Support Repository was already installed. There was an update, however. I installed that, and tapped the Refresh button in the import dialog, but that did nothing. So, I proceeded, and the perceived lack of this Repository did not seem to hurt the importing process (although I did get messages regarding it being missing from time to time later on, while working with the imported code, which I was able to appease by clicking a supplied link that corrected the problem - at least temporarily). Eventually this problem went away when I installed an update to the repository, so you may not experience it at all.

At this point, you will click Finish, and after a bit it should create your modules and build them. If all goes well, you should get a BUILD SUCCESSFUL message in your Gradle Console.

One quirk is that if the build fails, you may not see your imported modules in the Project hierarchy. It seems that you need to get to the first valid build before the new modules will appear there (my experience, anyway). You may still be able to see the new modules in the File / Project Structure dialog (e.g., if you want to delete them and start your import over).

Remember that since you are not changing your original Eclipse projects, you can always delete the modules that you have just imported (if importing goes badly), and start all over again. You can even make changes to the Eclipse side after deleting your Android Studio modules, if that will make importing go better the second time (so long as you preserve your fallback ability to build your existing source under Eclipse). As you'll see when we discuss version control below, it may be necessary for you to retain your ability to build under Eclipse, because the project structure is changed under Android Studio, so if you need to go back to a commit that precedes your move to Android Studio (e.g., to make a bug fix), you will want to have the ability to build that earlier commit in Eclipse.

To delete a module, you must select File / Project Structure, then select the module from the left side of the dialog, and then hit the delete key. For some reason, I was not able to delete a module directly in the Project hierarchy; it had to be done using this Project Structure dialog.

The import wizard generates an import-summary.txt file containing a detailed list of any issues it may have encountered, along with actions taken to resolve them. You should read it carefully, as it may provide clues as to what is happening if you have trouble building or running the imported code. It will also help you to find things that the importer moves around to accommodate the different structure of Android Studio projects.

If all does not go well, then have at look at these possible problems that you may encounter, along with solutions for those problems:

Generally speaking, there are two main kinds of problems that I encountered:

  1. Proguard problems
  2. Manifest problems

When Proguard is messed up, the (obfuscated) names of methods in your libraries may not match the names being used to invoke them from your app, and you will get compiler errors like "error: cannot find symbol class ..."

In Eclipse, Proguard stuff is pretty much ignored for library projects, with the Proguard stuff for any app project that you are building determining the obfuscation, etc. for not just itself, but for processing all of the libraries on which it depends. And that is generally what you want.

In Android Studio, however, you need to make some changes to attain this same effect. Basically, in the build.gradle files for each of your library project modules, you will want something like this:

buildTypes {
    release {
        minifyEnabled false
        consumerProguardFiles 'proguard.cfg'

Where proguard.cfg is your library module's own proguard configuration file.

The term "consumer" in "consumerProguardFiles" apparently refers to the app module that is using this library module. So the proguard commands from that app are used in preference to those of the library module itself, and apparently this results in obfuscations that are coordinated and compatible, so that all calls from the app module to its library modules are made with matching symbols.

These "consumerProguardFiles" entries are not created automatically during the import process (at least that was my own experience) so you will want to make sure to edit that into your library modules' build.gradle files if they are not created for you during importing.

If you wanted to distribute your library projects separately, with obfuscation, then you would need an individual proguard file for them; I have not done this myself, and so that is beyond the scope of this answer.

In the app module, you will want something like this:

buildTypes {
    release {
        minifyEnabled true
        proguardFiles 'proguard.cfg'

(BTW, as of this writing, while my apps are running just fine, I have not yet directly confirmed that things are actually getting obfuscated using this approach, so do check this yourself - e.g., by using a decompiler like apktool. I will be checking this later on, and will edit this answer when I get that info).

The second kind of problem is due to the fact that Eclipse pretty much ignores the manifest files for library projects when compiling an app project that uses those library projects, while in Android Studio, there is an interleaving of the two that apparently does not consistently prioritize the app's manifest over those of its libraries.

I encountered this because I had a library manifest that listed (just for documentation purposes) an abstract Activity class as the main activity. There was a class derived from this abstract class in my app that was declared in the manifest of each app that used the library.

In Eclipse, this never caused any problems, because the library manifests were ignored. But in Android Studio, I ended up with that abstract class as my activity class for the app, which caused a run-time error when the code made an attempt to instantiate that abstract class.

You have two choices in this case:

  1. Use tools syntax to override specific library manifest stuff in your app manifest - for example:
<manifest xmlns:android=""


  1. Strip out practically everything from your library modules' manifests, and rely upon the app module's manifest to provide every value. Note that you do need to have a manifest for each library module, but not much more is required than the header and a bare manifest element with just a package attribute in it.

I tried both and ended up with approach 2., above, as the simpler method. However, if you wanted to distribute your library modules separately, you would need to create a more meaningful manifest file that reflects each library module's own individual requirements.

There is probably a more "correct" way to do this which puts requirements (e.g., permissions) for each library in the library manifest itself, and allows the automatic interleaving process to combine these with those declared for the app. However, given that Eclipse ignores the manifests for libraries, it seems safer at least initially to rely entirely on the app manifests and just strip the library manifests down to the bare bones.

Be aware that some of the project properties, and also the manifest attributes, from your Eclipse project will have been used to construct portions of your build.gradle files. Specifically, your compileSdkVersion in build.gradle is set to the project build version from the Eclipse project properties, applicationId is the package name from your app's manifest, and minSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion are also copied from the app's manifest file. The dependencies section of build.gradle comes from the library project dependencies in your project's properties.

Note that this may make some of your AndroidManifest.xml values redundant and quite possibly residual (i.e., unused). This could create confusion. My understanding is that the build.gradle values are the ones that actually have an effect, and that the manifest values like targetSdkVersion are not used any more for purposes of building. However, they may still be used by app stores such as Google Play; I don't know for certain one way or the other, so at this point I am just maintaining them in tandem.

Besides the above two kinds of issue, there are more routine things like importing a project that has a project build level of 22 when you have only installed SDK level 23 in Android Studio. In that situation, it is probably better to edit your app module's build.gradle file to move compileSdkVersion from 22 (the imported value) to 23, than it would be to install the SDK for level 22, but either approach should work.

Throughout this entire process, when something does not build properly and you make a change to try to address it, you might want to try Build / Rebuild Project and/or Tools / Android / Sync Project with Gradle Files, and/or File / Invalidate Caches/Restart, to make sure that your changes have been fully incorporated. I don't know exactly when these are truly necessary, because I don't know how much is done incrementally when you haven't yet had a successful build, but I performed them all fairly regularly as a kind of superstitious ritual, and I'm fairly certain that it helped. For example, when I got a Resources$NotFound runtime error that appeared to be from an inability to find the launch icon resource, I tried all three, and the problem was fixed.

When you have performed the above for your first Eclipse project and have attained a successful build, then with luck, you can select your app module from the dropdown at the top of the Android Studio display to the left of the play button, then click the play button itself, then select a device or Android Virtual Device, and the app should be loaded for running.

Likewise, you should be able to create a signed copy of your app using the Build / Generate Signed APK feature. Note that some import-related errors may appear when running your signed copy that do not appear when using the play button, so you need to confirm that both are working before deciding that your import is complete.

Following this, you will probably want to turn on version control. I am using git myself, but there are a number of other options available.

Version control is mostly beyond the scope of this answer, but there are a few things that are affected by the importing process. First, in Eclipse you might have your various projects in various folders stuck all over the place, but when you import into Android Studio, all modules will be created as direct child folders of your main project folder. So if you had a separate git folder for each project in Eclipse, or for related groups of projects organized under a parent folder for each group (as I did), that is not going to translate very well to Android Studio.

My knowledge of this is limited as I have not worked with version control yet in Android Studio, so maybe there is a way around this, but it appears that all version control in Android Studio is unified at the project level, and so all of your modules will be under a single git archive.

This means that you may need to abandon your old git archive and start fresh with a new archive for your imported source code. And that means that you will want to keep your old git archive around, so that it can be used with Eclipse to perform any needed bug fixes, etc., at least for a while. And you also will want it to preserve a history of your project.

If you are fortunate enough to have had all of your projects organized under a single Eclipse workspace, and if you were using a single git archive for those projects, then it is possible that you might just copy your old git archive from in and under your Eclipse workspace folder to in and under your Android Studio project folder. Then, you could edit any still-relevant .gitignore items from you Eclipse project into the auto-generated .gitignore file for your Android Studio project, and let git figure out what has been changed during the importing process (and some things will have been moved around - for example, the manifest file is no longer at the top level of your module). Others have reported that git is pretty good at figuring out what has changed; I have not tried this myself.

But even if you did this, going back to a commit that precedes your move from Eclipse to Android Studio would be going back to a set of files that would only make sense from inside Eclipse. So it sounds, well, "difficult" to work with. Especially since Eclipse will still be pointing to its original set of project folders.

I personally had multiple git archives for my various sets of related projects, and so I decided to just make a clean break and start git over again in Android Studio. If you had to do this, it could affect your planning, because you would want to be at a very stable point in your code development before making the move in that case, since you will lose some accessibility to that older code within your version control system (e.g., ability to merge with post-import code) once you have made the move to Android Studio.

The part of this answer that pertains to git is partly speculative, since I have not actually worked with version control yet on my imported project files, but I wanted to include it to give some idea of the challenges, and I plan to update my answer after I have worked more with version control inside Android Studio.

Displaying one div on top of another

There are many ways to do it, but this is pretty simple and avoids issues with disrupting inline content positioning. You might need to adjust for margins/padding, too.

#backdrop, #curtain {
  height: 100px;
  width: 200px;

#curtain {
  position: relative;
  top: -100px;

Why should we include ttf, eot, woff, svg,... in a font-face

WOFF 2.0, based on the Brotli compression algorithm and other improvements over WOFF 1.0 giving more than 30 % reduction in file size, is supported in Chrome, Opera, and Firefox. has an example on how to use it.

Basically you add a src url to the woff2 file and specify the woff2 format. It is important to have this before the woff-format: the browser will use the first format that it supports.

Difference between Amazon EC2 and AWS Elastic Beanstalk

First off, EC2 and Elastic Compute Cloud are the same thing.

Next, AWS encompasses the range of Web Services that includes EC2 and Elastic Beanstalk. It also includes many others such as S3, RDS, DynamoDB, and all the others.


EC2 is Amazon's service that allows you to create a server (AWS calls these instances) in the AWS cloud. You pay by the hour and only what you use. You can do whatever you want with this instance as well as launch n number of instances.

Elastic Beanstalk

Elastic Beanstalk is one layer of abstraction away from the EC2 layer. Elastic Beanstalk will setup an "environment" for you that can contain a number of EC2 instances, an optional database, as well as a few other AWS components such as a Elastic Load Balancer, Auto-Scaling Group, Security Group. Then Elastic Beanstalk will manage these items for you whenever you want to update your software running in AWS. Elastic Beanstalk doesn't add any cost on top of these resources that it creates for you. If you have 10 hours of EC2 usage, then all you pay is 10 compute hours.

Running Wordpress

For running Wordpress, it is whatever you are most comfortable with. You could run it straight on a single EC2 instance, you could use a solution from the AWS Marketplace, or you could use Elastic Beanstalk.

What to pick?

In the case that you want to reduce system operations and just focus on the website, then Elastic Beanstalk would be the best choice for that. Elastic Beanstalk supports a PHP stack (as well as others). You can keep your site in version control and easily deploy to your environment whenever you make changes. It will also setup an Autoscaling group which can spawn up more EC2 instances if traffic is growing.

Here's the first result off of Google when searching for "elastic beanstalk wordpress":

How should I use try-with-resources with JDBC?

What about creating an additional wrapper class?

package com.naveen.research.sql;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;

public abstract class PreparedStatementWrapper implements AutoCloseable {

    protected PreparedStatement stat;

    public PreparedStatementWrapper(Connection con, String query, Object ... params) throws SQLException {
        this.stat = con.prepareStatement(query);

    protected abstract void prepareStatement(Object ... params) throws SQLException;

    public ResultSet executeQuery() throws SQLException {
        return this.stat.executeQuery();

    public int executeUpdate() throws SQLException {
        return this.stat.executeUpdate();

    public void close() {
        try {
        } catch (SQLException e) {

Then in the calling class you can implement prepareStatement method as:

try (Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(JDBC_URL, prop);
    PreparedStatementWrapper stat = new PreparedStatementWrapper(con, query,
                new Object[] { 123L, "TEST" }) {
            protected void prepareStatement(Object... params) throws SQLException {
                stat.setLong(1, Long.class.cast(params[0]));
                stat.setString(2, String.valueOf(params[1]));
        ResultSet rs = stat.executeQuery();) {
    while (
        System.out.println(String.format("%s, %s", rs.getString(2), rs.getString(1)));
} catch (SQLException e) {

Entity Framework 6 Code first Default value

What I did, I initialized values in the constructor of the entity

Note: DefaultValue attributes won't set the values of your properties automatically, you have to do it yourself

Javascript - How to extract filename from a file input control

Assuming your <input type="file" > has an id of upload this should hopefully do the trick:

var fullPath = document.getElementById('upload').value;
if (fullPath) {
    var startIndex = (fullPath.indexOf('\\') >= 0 ? fullPath.lastIndexOf('\\') : fullPath.lastIndexOf('/'));
    var filename = fullPath.substring(startIndex);
    if (filename.indexOf('\\') === 0 || filename.indexOf('/') === 0) {
        filename = filename.substring(1);

jQuery OR Selector?

I have written an incredibly simple (5 lines of code) plugin for exactly this functionality:

It allows you to effectively say "get this element, or if that element doesnt exist, use this element". For example:

$( '#doesntExist' ).or( '#exists' );

Whilst the accepted answer provides similar functionality to this, if both selectors (before & after the comma) exist, both selectors will be returned.

I hope it proves helpful to anyone who might land on this page via google.

Retrieve list of tasks in a queue in Celery

The celery inspect module appears to only be aware of the tasks from the workers perspective. If you want to view the messages that are in the queue (yet to be pulled by the workers) I suggest to use pyrabbit, which can interface with the rabbitmq http api to retrieve all kinds of information from the queue.

An example can be found here: Retrieve queue length with Celery (RabbitMQ, Django)

Semaphore vs. Monitors - what's the difference?

A semaphore is a signaling mechanism used to coordinate between threads. Example: One thread is downloading files from the internet and another thread is analyzing the files. This is a classic producer/consumer scenario. The producer calls signal() on the semaphore when a file is downloaded. The consumer calls wait() on the same semaphore in order to be blocked until the signal indicates a file is ready. If the semaphore is already signaled when the consumer calls wait, the call does not block. Multiple threads can wait on a semaphore, but each signal will only unblock a single thread.

A counting semaphore keeps track of the number of signals. E.g. if the producer signals three times in a row, wait() can be called three times without blocking. A binary semaphore does not count but just have the "waiting" and "signalled" states.

A mutex (mutual exclusion lock) is a lock which is owned by a single thread. Only the thread which have acquired the lock can realease it again. Other threads which try to acquire the lock will be blocked until the current owner thread releases it. A mutex lock does not in itself lock anything - it is really just a flag. But code can check for ownership of a mutex lock to ensure that only one thread at a time can access some object or resource.

A monitor is a higher-level construct which uses an underlying mutex lock to ensure thread-safe access to some object. Unfortunately the word "monitor" is used in a few different meanings depending on context and platform and context, but in Java for example, a monitor is a mutex lock which is implicitly associated with an object, and which can be invoked with the synchronized keyword. The synchronized keyword can be applied to a class, method or block and ensures only one thread can execute the code at a time.

How to write a simple Html.DropDownListFor()?

See this MSDN article and an example usage here on Stack Overflow.

Let's say that you have the following Linq/POCO class:

public class Color
    public int ColorId { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }

And let's say that you have the following model:

public class PageModel 
   public int MyColorId { get; set; }

And, finally, let's say that you have the following list of colors. They could come from a Linq query, from a static list, etc.:

public static IEnumerable<Color> Colors = new List<Color> { 
    new Color {
        ColorId = 1,
        Name = "Red"
    new Color {
        ColorId = 2,
        Name = "Blue"

In your view, you can create a drop down list like so:

<%= Html.DropDownListFor(n => n.MyColorId, 
                         new SelectList(Colors, "ColorId", "Name")) %>

How to set auto increment primary key in PostgreSQL?

I have tried the following script to successfully auto-increment the primary key in PostgreSQL.

CREATE SEQUENCE dummy_id_seq

CREATE table dummyTable (
    id bigint DEFAULT nextval('dummy_id_seq'::regclass) NOT NULL,
    name character varying(50)


CREATE table dummyTable (
    name character varying(50)

SERIAL keyword automatically create a sequence for respective column.

Is the Javascript date object always one day off?

nevermind, didn't notice the GMT -0400, wich causes the date to be yesterday

You could try to set a default "time" to be 12:00:00

Removing Spaces from a String in C?

I assume the C string is in a fixed memory, so if you replace spaces you have to shift all characters.

The easiest seems to be to create new string and iterate over the original one and copy only non space characters.

indexOf method in an object array?

You can create your own prototype to do this:

something like:

Array.prototype.indexOfObject = function (object) {
    for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
        if (JSON.stringify(this[i]) === JSON.stringify(object))
            return i;

How to encode a URL in Swift

Swift 3:

let escapedString = originalString.addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters:NSCharacterSet.urlQueryAllowed)

Set transparent background using ImageMagick and commandline prompt

Yep. Had this same problem too. Here's the command I ran and it worked perfectly: convert transparent-img1.png transparent-img2.png transparent-img3.png -channel Alpha favicon.ico

How to specify the actual x axis values to plot as x axis ticks in R

Take a closer look at the ?axis documentation. If you look at the description of the labels argument, you'll see that it is:

"a logical value specifying whether (numerical) annotations are 
to be made at the tickmarks,"

So, just change it to true, and you'll get your tick labels.

x <- seq(10,200,10)
y <- runif(x)
axis(side = 1, at = x,labels = T)
# Since TRUE is the default for labels, you can just use axis(side=1,at=x)

Be careful that if you don't stretch your window width, then R might not be able to write all your labels in. Play with the window width and you'll see what I mean.

It's too bad that you had such trouble finding documentation! What were your search terms? Try typing r axis into Google, and the first link you will get is that Quick R page that I mentioned earlier. Scroll down to "Axes", and you'll get a very nice little guide on how to do it. You should probably check there first for any plotting questions, it will be faster than waiting for a SO reply.

Alert after page load

If you can use jquery then you can put the alert inside the $(document).ready() function. it would look something like this:

    alert('<%: TempData["Resultat"]%>');

To include jQuery, include the following in the <head> tag of your code:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Here's a quick example in jsFiddle:

Setting query string using Fetch GET request

I know this is stating the absolute obvious, but I feel it's worth adding this as an answer as it's the simplest of all:

const orderId = 1;
fetch('' + orderId);

Laravel PHP Command Not Found

For Developers use zsh Add the following to .zshrc file

vi ~/.zshrc or nano ~/.zshrc

export PATH="$HOME/.composer/vendor/bin:$PATH"

at the end of the file.

zsh doesn't know ~ so instead it by use $HOME.

source ~/.zshrc

Done! try command laravel you will see.

How to define several include path in Makefile

You have to prepend every directory with -I:

INC=-I/usr/informix/incl/c++ -I/opt/informix/incl/public

Using psql how do I list extensions installed in a database?

This SQL query gives output similar to \dx:

SELECT e.extname AS "Name", e.extversion AS "Version", n.nspname AS "Schema", c.description AS "Description" 
FROM pg_catalog.pg_extension e 
LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = e.extnamespace 
LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_description c ON c.objoid = e.oid AND c.classoid = 'pg_catalog.pg_extension'::pg_catalog.regclass 

Thanks to

Do I need Content-Type: application/octet-stream for file download?


The content-type should be whatever it is known to be, if you know it. application/octet-stream is defined as "arbitrary binary data" in RFC 2046, and there's a definite overlap here of it being appropriate for entities whose sole intended purpose is to be saved to disk, and from that point on be outside of anything "webby". Or to look at it from another direction; the only thing one can safely do with application/octet-stream is to save it to file and hope someone else knows what it's for.

You can combine the use of Content-Disposition with other content-types, such as image/png or even text/html to indicate you want saving rather than display. It used to be the case that some browsers would ignore it in the case of text/html but I think this was some long time ago at this point (and I'm going to bed soon so I'm not going to start testing a whole bunch of browsers right now; maybe later).

RFC 2616 also mentions the possibility of extension tokens, and these days most browsers recognise inline to mean you do want the entity displayed if possible (that is, if it's a type the browser knows how to display, otherwise it's got no choice in the matter). This is of course the default behaviour anyway, but it means that you can include the filename part of the header, which browsers will use (perhaps with some adjustment so file-extensions match local system norms for the content-type in question, perhaps not) as the suggestion if the user tries to save.


Content-Type: application/octet-stream
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="picture.png"

Means "I don't know what the hell this is. Please save it as a file, preferably named picture.png".

Content-Type: image/png
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="picture.png"

Means "This is a PNG image. Please save it as a file, preferably named picture.png".

Content-Type: image/png
Content-Disposition: inline; filename="picture.png"

Means "This is a PNG image. Please display it unless you don't know how to display PNG images. Otherwise, or if the user chooses to save it, we recommend the name picture.png for the file you save it as".

Of those browsers that recognise inline some would always use it, while others would use it if the user had selected "save link as" but not if they'd selected "save" while viewing (or at least IE used to be like that, it may have changed some years ago).

ERROR: Google Maps API error: MissingKeyMapError

The same issue i was facing couple of months back and that is because end of free google map usage effective from i think June 11, 2018. Google does not provide free google maps now. You need to have a valid API key and valid billing used, which may give you 200$ of free usage.

Refer link for more details: Google map pricing

Follow the process here to get your api key.

If you are upto using only maps with specific user, you can try other map tools.

Have a reloadData for a UITableView animate when changing

Have more freedom using CATransition class.

It isn't limited to fading, but can do movements as well..

For example:

(don't forget to import QuartzCore)

CATransition *transition = [CATransition animation];
transition.type = kCATransitionPush;
transition.timingFunction = [CAMediaTimingFunction functionWithName:kCAMediaTimingFunctionEaseInEaseOut];
transition.fillMode = kCAFillModeForwards;
transition.duration = 0.5;
transition.subtype = kCATransitionFromBottom;

[[self.tableView layer] addAnimation:transition forKey:@"UITableViewReloadDataAnimationKey"];

Change the type to match your needs, like kCATransitionFade etc.

Implementation in Swift:

let transition = CATransition()
transition.type = kCATransitionPush
transition.timingFunction = CAMediaTimingFunction(name: kCAMediaTimingFunctionEaseInEaseOut)
transition.fillMode = kCAFillModeForwards
transition.duration = 0.5
transition.subtype = kCATransitionFromTop
self.tableView.layer.addAnimation(transition, forKey: "UITableViewReloadDataAnimationKey")
// Update your data source here

Reference for CATransition

Swift 5:

let transition = CATransition()
transition.type = CATransitionType.push
transition.timingFunction = CAMediaTimingFunction(name: CAMediaTimingFunctionName.easeInEaseOut)
transition.fillMode = CAMediaTimingFillMode.forwards
transition.duration = 0.5
transition.subtype = CATransitionSubtype.fromTop
self.tableView.layer.add(transition, forKey: "UITableViewReloadDataAnimationKey")
// Update your data source here

SQL JOIN - WHERE clause vs. ON clause

They are not the same thing.

Consider these queries:

FROM Orders
LEFT JOIN OrderLines ON OrderLines.OrderID=Orders.ID
WHERE Orders.ID = 12345


FROM Orders
LEFT JOIN OrderLines ON OrderLines.OrderID=Orders.ID 
    AND Orders.ID = 12345

The first will return an order and its lines, if any, for order number 12345. The second will return all orders, but only order 12345 will have any lines associated with it.

With an INNER JOIN, the clauses are effectively equivalent. However, just because they are functionally the same, in that they produce the same results, does not mean the two kinds of clauses have the same semantic meaning.

How to write an inline IF statement in JavaScript?

In plain English, the syntax explained:


Can be written as:

condition ? do_something_if_condition_is_met : do_something_else_if_condition_is_not_met;

Convert UTC to local time in Rails 3

Rails has its own names. See them with:

rake time:zones:us

You can also run rake time:zones:all for all time zones. To see more zone-related rake tasks: rake -D time

So, to convert to EST, catering for DST automatically:"Eastern Time (US & Canada)")

Quicker way to get all unique values of a column in VBA?

PowerShell is a very powerful and efficient tool. This is cheating a little, but shelling PowerShell via VBA opens up lots of options

The bulk of the code below is simply to save the current sheet as a csv file. The output is another csv file with just the unique values

Sub AnotherWay()
Dim strPath As String
Dim strPath2 As String

Application.DisplayAlerts = False
strPath = "C:\Temp\test.csv"
strPath2 = "C:\Temp\testout.csv"
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs strPath, xlCSV
x = Shell("powershell.exe $csv = import-csv -Path """ & strPath & """ -Header A | Select-Object -Unique A | Export-Csv """ & strPath2 & """ -NoTypeInformation", 0)
Application.DisplayAlerts = True

End Sub

Difference between h:button and h:commandButton

Here is what the JSF javadocs have to say about the commandButton action attribute:

MethodExpression representing the application action to invoke when this component is activated by the user. The expression must evaluate to a public method that takes no parameters, and returns an Object (the toString() of which is called to derive the logical outcome) which is passed to the NavigationHandler for this application.

It would be illuminating to me if anyone can explain what that has to do with any of the answers on this page. It seems pretty clear that action refers to some page's filename and not a method.

D3 transform scale and translate

I realize this question is fairly old, but wanted to share a quick demo of group transforms, paths/shapes, and relative positioning, for anyone else who found their way here looking for more info:

How do I get a UTC Timestamp in JavaScript?

Once you do this

new Date(dateString).getTime() / 1000

It is already UTC time stamp

   const getUnixTimeUtc = (dateString = new Date()) => Math.round(new Date(dateString).getTime() / 1000)

I tested on

Finding last occurrence of substring in string, replacing that

You can use the function below which replaces the first occurrence of the word from right.

def replace_from_right(text: str, original_text: str, new_text: str) -> str:
    """ Replace first occurrence of original_text by new_text. """
    return text[::-1].replace(original_text[::-1], new_text[::-1], 1)[::-1]

Regex to extract substring, returning 2 results for some reason

I think your problem is that the match method is returning an array. The 0th item in the array is the original string, the 1st thru nth items correspond to the 1st through nth matched parenthesised items. Your "alert()" call is showing the entire array.

Using "label for" on radio buttons

You almost got it. It should be this:

<input type="radio" name="group1" id="r1" value="1" />_x000D_
<label for="r1"> button one</label>

The value in for should be the id of the element you are labeling.

What are all the uses of an underscore in Scala?

There is a specific example that "_" be used:

  type StringMatcher = String => (String => Boolean)

  def starts: StringMatcher = (prefix:String) => _ startsWith prefix

may be equal to :

  def starts: StringMatcher = (prefix:String) => (s)=>s startsWith prefix

Applying “_” in some scenarios will automatically convert to “(x$n) => x$n ”

How to use multiprocessing with multiple arguments?

I think the below will be better

def multi_run_wrapper(args):
   return add(*args)
def add(x,y):
    return x+y
if __name__ == "__main__":
    from multiprocessing import Pool
    pool = Pool(4)
    results =,[(1,2),(2,3),(3,4)])
    print results


[3, 5, 7]

How can I backup a Docker-container with its data-volumes?

This is a volume-folder-backup way.
If you have docker registry infra, This method is very helpful.
This uses docker registry for moving the zip file easily.

#volume folder backup script. !/bin/bash

#common bash variables. set these variable before running scripts

#zip local folder for volume files
tar cvfz volume-backup.tar.gz $VFOLDER

#copy the zip file to volume-backup container.
#zip file must be in current folder.
docker run -d -v $(pwd):/temp --name volume-backup ubuntu \
       bash -c "cd / && cp /temp/volume-backup.tar.gz ."

#commit for pushing into REPO
docker commit volume-backup $REPO/volume-backup:$TAG

#check gz files in this container
#docker run --rm -it --entrypoint bash --name check-volume-backup \

#push into REPO
docker push $REPO/volume-backup:$TAG

In another server

#pull the image in another server
docker pull $REPO/volume-backup:$TAG

#restore files in another server filesystem
docker run --rm -v $VFOLDER:$VFOLDER --name volume-backup $REPO/volume-backup:$TAG \
       bash -c "cd / && tar xvfz volume-backup.tar.gz"

Run your image which uses this volume folder.
You can make a image which has both one run-image and one volume zip file easily.
But I do not recommened for various reasons(image size, entry command, ..).

How to use sys.exit() in Python

I think you can use


You may check it here in the python 2.7 doc:

The optional argument arg can be an integer giving the exit status (defaulting to zero), or another type of object. If it is an integer, zero is considered “successful termination” and any nonzero value is considered “abnormal termination” by shells and the like.

Convert date to YYYYMM format

Actually, this is the proper way to get what you want, unless you can use MS SQL 2014 (which finally enables custom format strings for date times).

To get yyyymm instead of yyyym, you can use this little trick:

 right('0000' + cast(datepart(year, getdate()) as varchar(4)), 4)
 + right('00' + cast(datepart(month, getdate()) as varchar(2)), 2)

It's faster and more reliable than gettings parts of convert(..., 112).

Insert current date into a date column using T-SQL?

You could use getdate() in a default as this SO question's accepted answer shows. This way you don't provide the date, you just insert the rest and that date is the default value for the column.

You could also provide it in the values list of your insert and do it manually if you wish.

Python String and Integer concatenation

for i in range (1,10):

To get string0, string1 ..... string10, you could do like

>>> ["string"+str(i) for i in range(11)]
['string0', 'string1', 'string2', 'string3', 'string4', 'string5', 'string6', 'string7', 'string8', 'string9', 'string10']

Unsupported major.minor version 52.0 when rendering in Android Studio

This error "Unsupported major.minor version 52.0" refers to the java compiler, although the string "major.minor" looks very similar to the Android SDK version format.

On Windows platform, asides updating jdk to 1.8, make sure JAVA_HOME point to where your jdk 1.8 is installed (i.e. C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_91).

How to access a dictionary key value present inside a list?

You haven't provided enough context to provide an accurate answer (i.e. how do you want to handle identical keys in multiple dicts?)

One answer is to iterate the list, and attempt to get 'd'

mylist = [{'a': 1, 'b': 2}, {'c': 3, 'd': 4}, {'e': 5, 'f': 6}]
myvalues = [i['d'] for i in mylist if 'd' in i]

Another answer is to access the dict directly (by list index), though you have to know that the key is present


Android load from URL to Bitmap

If you load URL from bitmap without using AsyncTask, write two lines after setContentView(;

StrictMode.ThreadPolicy policy = new StrictMode.ThreadPolicy.Builder().permitAll().build();

try {
    URL url = new URL("http://....");
    Bitmap image = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(url.openConnection().getInputStream());
} catch(IOException e) {

How to delete columns in a CSV file?

Use of Pandas module will be much easier.

import pandas as pd
keep_col = ['day','month','lat','long']
new_f = f[keep_col]
new_f.to_csv("newFile.csv", index=False)

And here is short explanation:

>>> f
   day  month  year  lat  long
0    1      4  2001   45   120
1    2      4  2003   44   118
>>> keep_col = ['day','month','lat','long'] 
>>> f[keep_col]
    day  month  lat  long
0    1      4   45   120
1    2      4   44   118

Some projects cannot be imported because they already exist in the workspace error in Eclipse

delete it from eclipse......u might have closed the project in eclipse by "(Rightclick)-->close project" even if you delete this project from workspace stays there in eclipse IDE as closed should delete it from Eclipse IDE...!!!

How does internationalization work in JavaScript?

You can also try another library - .

In addition to parameter replacement and multiple plural forms, it has support for gender a rather unique feature of custom grammar rules that some languages need.

Seeking useful Eclipse Java code templates

Spring Injection

I know this is sort of late to the game, but here is one I use for Spring Injection in a class:

private ${class_to_inject} ${var_name};

public void set${class_to_inject}(${class_to_inject} ${var_name}) {
  this.${var_name} = ${var_name};

public ${class_to_inject} get${class_to_inject}() {
  return this.${var_name};

Not able to access adb in OS X through Terminal, "command not found"

Or the alternative solution could be

  1. Make sure you already install for android SDK. Usually it is located under /Users/your-user-name/Library/Android/sdk
  2. If the SDK is there then run this command. ./platform-tools/adb install your-apk-location

  3. From there you can generate the APK file That's the only sample to check if adb command is there

How do I run a command on an already existing Docker container?

This is a combined answer I made up using the CDR LDN answer above and the answer I found here.

The following example starts an Arch Linux container from an image, and then installs git on that container using the pacman tool:

sudo docker run -it -d archlinux /bin/bash
sudo docker ps -l
sudo docker exec -it [container_ID] script /dev/null -c "pacman -S git --noconfirm"

That is all.

MySQL how to join tables on two fields

JOIN t2 ON ( = AND =

How to implement the Softmax function in Python

In order to maintain for numerical stability, max(x) should be subtracted. The following is the code for softmax function;

def softmax(x):

if len(x.shape) > 1:
    tmp = np.max(x, axis = 1)
    x -= tmp.reshape((x.shape[0], 1))
    x = np.exp(x)
    tmp = np.sum(x, axis = 1)
    x /= tmp.reshape((x.shape[0], 1))
    tmp = np.max(x)
    x -= tmp
    x = np.exp(x)
    tmp = np.sum(x)
    x /= tmp

return x

Trim spaces from end of a NSString

NSString *trimmedString = [string stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:
                              [NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet]];
//for remove whitespace and new line character

NSString *trimmedString = [string stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:
                              [NSCharacterSet punctuationCharacterSet]]; 
//for remove characters in punctuation category

There are many other CharacterSets. Check it yourself as per your requirement.

Hive: Filtering Data between Specified Dates when Date is a String

The great thing about yyyy-mm-dd date format is that there is no need to extract month() and year(), you can do comparisons directly on strings:

  FROM your_table
  WHERE your_date_column >= '2010-09-01' AND your_date_column <= '2013-08-31';

Resizing a button

Use inline styles:

<div class="button" style="width:60px;height:100px;">This is a button</div>


Best way to parse RSS/Atom feeds with PHP

The HTML Tidy library is able to fix some malformed XML files. Running your feeds through that before passing them on to the parser may help.

Overlapping Views in Android

Android handles transparency across views and drawables (including PNG images) natively, so the scenario you describe (a partially transparent ImageView in front of a Gallery) is certainly possible.

If you're having problems it may be related to either the layout or your image. I've replicated the layout you describe and successfully achieved the effect you're after. Here's the exact layout I used.


Note that I've changed the parent RelativeLayout to a height and width of fill_parent as is generally what you want for a main Activity. Then I've aligned the top and bottom of the ImageView to the top and bottom of the Gallery to ensure it's centered in front of it.

I've also explicitly set the background of the ImageView to be transparent.

As for the image drawable itself, if you put the PNG file somewhere for me to look at I can use it in my project and see if it's responsible.

Composer could not find a composer.json

In my case I'm in wrong directory,

My directory Path

I am in inside eCommerce-shop and executing this command composer intsall so that't it throwing this error.

When to use React setState callback

Yes there is, since setState works in an asynchronous way. That means after calling setState the this.state variable is not immediately changed. so if you want to perform an action immediately after setting state on a state variable and then return a result, a callback will be useful

Consider the example below

changeTitle: function changeTitle (event) {
  this.setState({ title: });
validateTitle: function validateTitle () {
  if (this.state.title.length === 0) {
    this.setState({ titleError: "Title can't be blank" });

The above code may not work as expected since the title variable may not have mutated before validation is performed on it. Now you may wonder that we can perform the validation in the render() function itself but it would be better and a cleaner way if we can handle this in the changeTitle function itself since that would make your code more organised and understandable

In this case callback is useful

changeTitle: function changeTitle (event) {
  this.setState({ title: }, function() {

validateTitle: function validateTitle () {
  if (this.state.title.length === 0) {
    this.setState({ titleError: "Title can't be blank" });

Another example will be when you want to dispatch and action when the state changed. you will want to do it in a callback and not the render() as it will be called everytime rerendering occurs and hence many such scenarios are possible where you will need callback.

Another case is a API Call

A case may arise when you need to make an API call based on a particular state change, if you do that in the render method, it will be called on every render onState change or because some Prop passed down to the Child Component changed.

In this case you would want to use a setState callback to pass the updated state value to the API call

changeTitle: function (event) {
  this.setState({ title: }, () => this.APICallFunction());
APICallFunction: function () {
  // Call API with the updated value

MySQL Fire Trigger for both Insert and Update

unfortunately we can't use in MySQL after INSERT or UPDATE description, like in Oracle

MySQL "WITH" clause

Building on the answer from @Mosty Mostacho, here's how you might do something equivalent in MySQL,for a specific case of determining what entries don't exist in a table, and are not in any other database.

select col1 from (
   select 'value1' as col1 union
   select 'value2' as col1 union
   select 'value3' as col1
) as subquery
left join mytable as mytable.mycol = col1
where mytable.mycol is null
order by col1

You may want to use a text editor with macro capabilities to convert a list of values to the quoted select union clause.

Parse String date in (yyyy-MM-dd) format

DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy");
String cunvertCurrentDate="06/09/2015";
Date date = new Date();
date = df.parse(cunvertCurrentDate);

AngularJS - add HTML element to dom in directive without jQuery

In angularJS, you can use angular.element which is the lite version of jQuery. You can do pretty much everything with it, so you don't need to include jQuery.

So basically, you can rewrite your code to something like this:

link: function (scope, iElement, iAttrs) {
  var svgTag = angular.element('<svg width="600" height="100" class="svg"></svg>');

Loading basic HTML in Node.js

The easy way to do is, put all your files including index.html or something with all resources such as CSS, JS etc. in a folder public or you can name it whatever you want and now you can use express js and just tell app to use the _dirname as :

In your server.js using express add these

var express = require('express');
var app = express();
app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public'));

and if you want to have seprate directory add new dir under public directory and use that path "/public/YourDirName"

SO what we are doing here exactly? we are creating express instance named app and we are giving the adress if the public directory to access all the resources. Hope this helps !

How to close current tab in a browser window?

As for the people who are still visiting this page, you are only allowed to close a tab that is opened by a script OR by using the anchor tag of HTML with target _blank. Both those can be closed using the


How to get an object's property's value by property name?

Expanding upon @aquinas:

Get-something | select -ExpandProperty PropertyName


Get-something | select -expand PropertyName


Get-something | select -exp PropertyName

I made these suggestions for those that might just be looking for a single-line command to obtain some piece of information and wanted to include a real-world example.

In managing Office 365 via PowerShell, here was an example I used to obtain all of the users/groups that had been added to the "BookInPolicy" list:

Get-CalendarProcessing [email protected] | Select -expand BookInPolicy

Just using "Select BookInPolicy" was cutting off several members, so thank you for this information!

How to force input to only allow Alpha Letters?

Nice one-liner HTML only:

 <input type="text" id='nameInput' onkeypress='return ((event.charCode >= 65 && event.charCode <= 90) || (event.charCode >= 97 && event.charCode <= 122) || (event.charCode == 32))'>

How to show one layout on top of the other programmatically in my case?

FrameLayout is not the better way to do this:

Use RelativeLayout instead. You can position the elements anywhere you like. The element that comes after, has the higher z-index than the previous one (i.e. it comes over the previous one).


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""
    android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent">

        android:text="This is a text."

enter image description here

Is there a way to make HTML5 video fullscreen?

2020 answer

HTML 5 provides no way to make a video fullscreen, but the parallel Fullscreen API defines an API for elements to display themselves fullscreen.

This can be applied to any element, including videos.

Browser support is good, but Internet Explorer and Safari need prefixed versions.

An external demo is provided as Stack Snippet sandboxing rules break it.

<div id="one">

<div id="two">


div {
    width: 200px;
    height: 200px;
#one { background: yellow; }
#two { background: pink; }

addEventListener("click", event => {
    const btn =;
    if (btn.tagName.toLowerCase() !== "button") return;
    const id = btn.textContent;
    const div = document.getElementById(id);
    if (div.requestFullscreen) 
    else if (div.webkitRequestFullscreen) 
    else if (div.msRequestFullScreen) 

2012 answer

HTML 5 provides no way to make a video fullscreen, but the parallel Fullscreen specification supplies the requestFullScreen method which allows arbitrary elements (including <video> elements) to be made fullscreen.

It has experimental support in a number of browsers.

2009 answer

Note: this has since been removed from the specification.

From the HTML5 spec (at the time of writing: June '09):

User agents should not provide a public API to cause videos to be shown full-screen. A script, combined with a carefully crafted video file, could trick the user into thinking a system-modal dialog had been shown, and prompt the user for a password. There is also the danger of "mere" annoyance, with pages launching full-screen videos when links are clicked or pages navigated. Instead, user-agent specific interface features may be provided to easily allow the user to obtain a full-screen playback mode.

Browsers may provide a user interface, but shouldn't provide a programmable one.

Invalid length for a Base-64 char array

    string stringToDecrypt = CypherText.Replace(" ", "+");
    int len = stringToDecrypt.Length;
    byte[] inputByteArray = Convert.FromBase64String(stringToDecrypt); 

How to generate a random number in C++?

Can get full Randomer class code for generating random numbers from here!

If you need random numbers in different parts of the project you can create a separate class Randomer to incapsulate all the random stuff inside it.

Something like that:

class Randomer {
    // random seed by default
    std::mt19937 gen_;
    std::uniform_int_distribution<size_t> dist_;

    /*  ... some convenient ctors ... */ 

    Randomer(size_t min, size_t max, unsigned int seed = std::random_device{}())
        : gen_{seed}, dist_{min, max} {

    // if you want predictable numbers
    void SetSeed(unsigned int seed) {

    size_t operator()() {
        return dist_(gen_);

Such a class would be handy later on:

int main() {
    Randomer randomer{0, 10};
    std::cout << randomer() << "\n";

You can check this link as an example how i use such Randomer class to generate random strings. You can also use Randomer if you wish.

How do I break out of a loop in Scala?

An approach that generates the values over a range as we iterate, up to a breaking condition, instead of generating first a whole range and then iterating over it, using Iterator, (inspired in @RexKerr use of Stream)

var sum = 0
for ( i <- Iterator.from(1).takeWhile( _ => sum < 1000) ) sum += i

Xcode - iPhone - profile doesn't match any valid certificate-/private-key pair in the default keychain

I had a similar situation: multiple developers using the same private key, but I couldn't find mine anymore after upgrade to Lion. The very simple fix was to export the private key for the specific certificate (in my case the Development cert) from the other machine, move it to my computer and drag it into keychain access there. Xcode immediately picked it up and I was good to go.

How do I bottom-align grid elements in bootstrap fluid layout

This is an updated solution for Bootstrap 3 (should work for older versions though) that uses CSS/LESS only:

You set the font-size to 0 on the row (otherwise you'll end up with a pesky space between columns), then remove the column floats, set display to inline-block, re-set their font-size, and then vertical-align can be set to anything you need.

No jQuery required.

Binding value to style

  • In your app.component.html use:

  • In app.ts declare variable of string type backcolor:string.

  • Set the variable this.backcolor="red".

How can I deserialize JSON to a simple Dictionary<string,string> in ASP.NET?

I would suggest using System.Runtime.Serialization.Json that is part of .NET 4.5.

public class Foo
   [DataMember(Name = "data")]
   public Dictionary<string,string> Data { get; set; }

Then use it like this:

var serializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(List<Foo>));
var jsonParams = @"{""data"": [{""Key"":""foo"",""Value"":""bar""}] }";
var stream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(jsonParams));

var obj = serializer.ReadObject(stream);

TypeError: 'DataFrame' object is not callable

It seems you need DataFrame.var:

Normalized by N-1 by default. This can be changed using the ddof argument

var1 = credit_card.var()


#random dataframe
credit_card = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(10, size=(5,5)), columns=list('ABCDE'))
print (credit_card)
   A  B  C  D  E
0  8  8  3  7  7
1  0  4  2  5  2
2  2  2  1  0  8
3  4  0  9  6  2
4  4  1  5  3  4

var1 = credit_card.var()
print (var1)
A     8.8
B    10.0
C    10.0
D     7.7
E     7.8
dtype: float64

var2 = credit_card.var(axis=1)
print (var2)
0     4.3
1     3.8
2     9.8
3    12.2
4     2.3
dtype: float64

If need numpy solutions with numpy.var:

print (np.var(credit_card.values, axis=0))
[ 7.04  8.    8.    6.16  6.24]

print (np.var(credit_card.values, axis=1))
[ 3.44  3.04  7.84  9.76  1.84]

Differences are because by default ddof=1 in pandas, but you can change it to 0:

var1 = credit_card.var(ddof=0)
print (var1)
A    7.04
B    8.00
C    8.00
D    6.16
E    6.24
dtype: float64

var2 = credit_card.var(ddof=0, axis=1)
print (var2)
0    3.44
1    3.04
2    7.84
3    9.76
4    1.84
dtype: float64

How can I change the Java Runtime Version on Windows (7)?

For Java applications, i.e. programs that are delivered (usually) as .jar files and started with java -jar xxx.jar or via a shortcut that does the same, the JRE that will be launched will be the first one found on the PATH.

If you installed a JRE or JDK, the likely places to find the .exes are below directories like C:\Program Files\JavaSoft\JRE\x.y.z. However, I've found some "out of the box" Windows installations to (also?) have copies of java.exe and javaw.exe in C:\winnt\system32 (NT and 2000) or C:\windows\system (Windows 95, 98). This is usually a pretty elderly version of Java: 1.3, maybe? You'll want to do java -version in a command window to check that you're not running some antiquated version of Java.

You can of course override the PATH setting or even do without it by explicitly stating the path to java.exe / javaw.exe in your command line or shortcut definition.

If you're running applets from the browser, or possibly also Java Web Start applications (they look like applications insofar as they have their own window, but you start them from the browser), the choice of JRE is determined by a set of registry settings:

Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment
Name: CurrentVersion
Value: (e.g.) 1.3

More registry keys are created using this scheme:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment\1.3   
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment\1.3.1

i.e. one for the major and one including the minor version number. Each of these keys has values like these (examples shown):

JavaHome    : C:\program Files\JavaSoft\JRE\1.3.1
RuntimeLib  : C:\Program Files\JavaSoft\JRE\1.3.1\bin\hotspot\jvm.dll
MicroVersion: 1

... and your browser will look to these settings to determine which JRE to fire up.

Since Java versions are changing pretty frequently, there's now a "wizard" called the "Java Control Panel" for manually switching your browser's Java version. This works for IE, Firefox and probably others like Opera and Chrome as well: It's the 'Java' applet in Windows' System Settings app. You get to pick any one of the installed JREs. I believe that wizard fiddles with those registry entries.

If you're like me and have "uninstalled" old Java versions by simply wiping out directories, you'll find these "ghosts" among the choices too; so make sure the JRE you choose corresponds to an intact Java installation!

Some other answers are recommending setting the environment variable JAVA_HOME. This is meanwhile outdated advice. Sun came to realize, around Java 2, that this environment setting is

  1. unreliable, as users often set it incorrectly, and
  2. unnecessary, as it's easy enough for the runtime to find the Java library directories, knowing they're in a fixed path relative to the path from which java.exe or javaw.exe was launched.

There's hardly any modern Java software left that needs or respects the JAVA_HOME environment variable.

More Information:

...and some useful information on multi-version support:

Nginx: Permission denied for nginx on Ubuntu

Make sure you are running the test as a superuser.

sudo nginx -t

Or the test wont have all the permissions needed to complete the test properly.

Spark java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

I have a few suggestions:

  • If your nodes are configured to have 6g maximum for Spark (and are leaving a little for other processes), then use 6g rather than 4g, spark.executor.memory=6g. Make sure you're using as much memory as possible by checking the UI (it will say how much mem you're using)
  • Try using more partitions, you should have 2 - 4 per CPU. IME increasing the number of partitions is often the easiest way to make a program more stable (and often faster). For huge amounts of data you may need way more than 4 per CPU, I've had to use 8000 partitions in some cases!
  • Decrease the fraction of memory reserved for caching, using If you don't use cache() or persist in your code, this might as well be 0. It's default is 0.6, which means you only get 0.4 * 4g memory for your heap. IME reducing the mem frac often makes OOMs go away. UPDATE: From spark 1.6 apparently we will no longer need to play with these values, spark will determine them automatically.
  • Similar to above but shuffle memory fraction. If your job doesn't need much shuffle memory then set it to a lower value (this might cause your shuffles to spill to disk which can have catastrophic impact on speed). Sometimes when it's a shuffle operation that's OOMing you need to do the opposite i.e. set it to something large, like 0.8, or make sure you allow your shuffles to spill to disk (it's the default since 1.0.0).
  • Watch out for memory leaks, these are often caused by accidentally closing over objects you don't need in your lambdas. The way to diagnose is to look out for the "task serialized as XXX bytes" in the logs, if XXX is larger than a few k or more than an MB, you may have a memory leak. See
  • Related to above; use broadcast variables if you really do need large objects.
  • If you are caching large RDDs and can sacrifice some access time consider serialising the RDD Or even caching them on disk (which sometimes isn't that bad if using SSDs).
  • (Advanced) Related to above, avoid String and heavily nested structures (like Map and nested case classes). If possible try to only use primitive types and index all non-primitives especially if you expect a lot of duplicates. Choose WrappedArray over nested structures whenever possible. Or even roll out your own serialisation - YOU will have the most information regarding how to efficiently back your data into bytes, USE IT!
  • (bit hacky) Again when caching, consider using a Dataset to cache your structure as it will use more efficient serialisation. This should be regarded as a hack when compared to the previous bullet point. Building your domain knowledge into your algo/serialisation can minimise memory/cache-space by 100x or 1000x, whereas all a Dataset will likely give is 2x - 5x in memory and 10x compressed (parquet) on disk.

EDIT: (So I can google myself easier) The following is also indicative of this problem:

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError : GC overhead limit exceeded

How to get the max of two values in MySQL?




Note: Whenever if any single value contains null at that time this function always returns null (Thanks to user @sanghavi7)

How can I control Chromedriver open window size?

In java/groovy try:

import java.awt.Toolkit;
import org.openqa.selenium.Dimension;         
import org.openqa.selenium.Point;


java.awt.Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();

Dimension maximizedScreenSize = new Dimension((int) screenSize.getWidth(), (int) screenSize.getHeight());
driver.manage().window().setPosition(new Point(0, 0));

this will open browser in fullscreen

How to fix 'Unchecked runtime.lastError: The message port closed before a response was received' chrome issue?

In case you're an extension developer who googled your way here trying to stop causing this error:

The issue isn't CORB (as another answer here states) as blocked CORs manifest as warnings like -

Cross-Origin Read Blocking (CORB) blocked cross-origin response with MIME type text/html. See for more details.

The issue is most likely a mishandled async response to runtime.sendMessage. As MDN says:

To send an asynchronous response, there are two options:

  • return true from the event listener. This keeps the sendResponse function valid after the listener returns, so you can call it later.
  • return a Promise from the event listener, and resolve when you have the response (or reject it in case of an error).

When you send an async response but fail to use either of these mechanisms, the supplied sendResponse argument to sendMessage goes out of scope and the result is exactly as the error message says: your message port (the message-passing apparatus) is closed before the response was received.

Webextension-polyfill authors have already written about it in June 2018.

So bottom line, if you see your extension causing these errors - inspect closely all your onMessage listeners. Some of them probably need to start returning promises (marking them as async should be enough). [Thanks @vdegenne]

Call Javascript function from URL/address bar

About the window.location.hash property:

Return the anchor part of a URL.

Example 1:

//Assume that the current URL is 

var URL = "";

var x = window.location.hash;

//The result of x will be:

x = "#part2"

Exmaple 2:

        var id = document.location.hash;
    }, 200);

Example 3:

var hash = "#search" || window.location.hash;
window.location.hash = hash; 

case "#search":  
case "#advsearch":    

case "#admin":  


Are types like uint32, int32, uint64, int64 defined in any stdlib header?

If you are using C99 just include stdint.h. BTW, the 64bit types are there iff the processor supports them.

How to display 3 buttons on the same line in css

The following will display all 3 buttons on the same line provided there is enough horizontal space to display them:

<button type="submit" class="msgBtn" onClick="return false;" >Save</button>
<button type="submit" class="msgBtn2" onClick="return false;">Publish</button>
<button class="msgBtnBack">Back</button>
// Note the lack of unnecessary divs, floats, etc. 

The only reason the buttons wouldn't display inline is if they have had display:block applied to them within your css.

How to print out more than 20 items (documents) in MongoDB's shell?

In the mongo shell, if the returned cursor is not assigned to a variable using the var keyword, the cursor is automatically iterated to access up to the first 20 documents that match the query. You can set the DBQuery.shellBatchSize variable to change the number of automatically iterated documents.

Reference -

Set field value with reflection

The method below sets a field on your object even if the field is in a superclass

 * Sets a field value on a given object
 * @param targetObject the object to set the field value on
 * @param fieldName    exact name of the field
 * @param fieldValue   value to set on the field
 * @return true if the value was successfully set, false otherwise
public static boolean setField(Object targetObject, String fieldName, Object fieldValue) {
    Field field;
    try {
        field = targetObject.getClass().getDeclaredField(fieldName);
    } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
        field = null;
    Class superClass = targetObject.getClass().getSuperclass();
    while (field == null && superClass != null) {
        try {
            field = superClass.getDeclaredField(fieldName);
        } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
            superClass = superClass.getSuperclass();
    if (field == null) {
        return false;
    try {
        field.set(targetObject, fieldValue);
        return true;
    } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
        return false;

How can I pair socks from a pile efficiently?

As the architecture of the human brain is completely different than a modern CPU, this question makes no practical sense.

Humans can win over CPU algorithms using the fact that "finding a matching pair" can be one operation for a set that isn't too big.

My algorithm:

while (socks_left_on_a_surface()) {
     // Thanks to human visual SIMD, this is one, quick operation.
     pair = notice_any_matching_pair();

At least this is what I am using in real life, and I find it very efficient. The downside is it requires a flat surface, but it's usually abundant.

Regular expression to extract numbers from a string

if you know for sure that there are only going to be 2 places where you have a list of digits in your string and that is the only thing you are going to pull out then you should be able to simply use


What does '--set-upstream' do?

When you push to a remote and you use the --set-upstream flag git sets the branch you are pushing to as the remote tracking branch of the branch you are pushing.

Adding a remote tracking branch means that git then knows what you want to do when you git fetch, git pull or git push in future. It assumes that you want to keep the local branch and the remote branch it is tracking in sync and does the appropriate thing to achieve this.

You could achieve the same thing with git branch --set-upstream-to or git checkout --track. See the git help pages on tracking branches for more information.

How to create a stopwatch using JavaScript?

This is my simple take on this question, I hope it helps someone out oneday, somewhere...

let output = document.getElementById('stopwatch');
let ms = 0;
let sec = 0;
let min = 0;

function timer() {
    if(ms >= 100){
        ms = 0
    if(sec === 60){
        sec = 0
    if(min === 60){
        ms, sec, min = 0;

    //Doing some string interpolation
    let milli = ms < 10 ? `0`+ ms : ms;
    let seconds = sec < 10 ? `0`+ sec : sec;
    let minute = min < 10 ? `0` + min : min;

    let timer= `${minute}:${seconds}:${milli}`;
    output.innerHTML =timer;
//Start timer
function start(){
 time = setInterval(timer,10);
//stop timer
function stop(){
//reset timer
function reset(){
    ms = 0;
    sec = 0;
    min = 0;

    output.innerHTML = `00:00:00`
const startBtn = document.getElementById('startBtn');
const stopBtn =  document.getElementById('stopBtn');
const resetBtn = document.getElementById('resetBtn');

    <p class="stopwatch" id="stopwatch">
        <!-- stopwatch goes here -->
    <button class="btn-start" id="startBtn">Start</button>
    <button class="btn-stop" id="stopBtn">Stop</button>
    <button class="btn-reset" id="resetBtn">Reset</button>

linking jquery in html


for change the CDN check this website.

the first one is JQuery

How to escape regular expression special characters using javascript?

Use the \ character to escape a character that has special meaning inside a regular expression.

To automate it, you could use this:

function escapeRegExp(text) {
  return text.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, '\\$&');

Update: There is now a proposal to standardize this method, possibly in ES2016:

Update: The abovementioned proposal was rejected, so keep implementing this yourself if you need it.

Send File Attachment from Form Using phpMailer and PHP

In my own case, i was using serialize() on the form, Hence the files were not being sent to php. If you are using jquery, use FormData(). For example

<form id='form'>
<input type='file' name='file' />
<input type='submit' />

Using jquery,

$('#form').submit(function (e) {
var formData = new FormData(this); // grab all form contents including files
//you can then use formData and pass to ajax


"Input string was not in a correct format."

It looks like some space include in the text. Use


and convert to int32.

hope this code will solve you

From comments

if your ListView is in report mode (i.e. it looks like a grid) then you will need the SubItems property. lvTwoOrMoreOptions.SelectedItems gets you each items in the list view - SubItems gets you the columns. So lvTwoOrMoreOptions.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[0] is the first column value,

Use tnsnames.ora in Oracle SQL Developer

This helped me:

Posted: 8/12/2011 4:54

Set tnsnames directory tools->Preferences->Database->advanced->Tnsnames Directory

How to install a private NPM module without my own registry?

Config to install from public Github repository, even if machine is under firewall:

dependencies: {
   "foo": ""

Primitive type 'short' - casting in Java

Given that the "why int by default" question hasn't been answered ...

First, "default" is not really the right term (although close enough). As noted by VonC, an expression composed of ints and longs will have a long result. And an operation consisting of ints/logs and doubles will have a double result. The compiler promotes the terms of an expression to whatever type provides a greater range and/or precision in the result (floating point types are presumed to have greater range and precision than integral, although you do lose precision converting large longs to double).

One caveat is that this promotion happens only for the terms that need it. So in the following example, the subexpression 5/4 uses only integral values and is performed using integer math, even though the overall expression involves a double. The result isn't what you might expect...

(5/4) * 1000.0

OK, so why are byte and short promoted to int? Without any references to back me up, it's due to practicality: there are a limited number of bytecodes.

"Bytecode," as its name implies, uses a single byte to specify an operation. For example iadd, which adds two ints. Currently, 205 opcodes are defined, and integer math takes 18 for each type (ie, 36 total between integer and long), not counting conversion operators.

If short, and byte each got their own set of opcodes, you'd be at 241, limiting the ability of the JVM to expand. As I said, no references to back me up on this, but I suspect that Gosling et al said "how often do people actually use shorts?" On the other hand, promoting byte to int leads to this not-so-wonderful effect (the expected answer is 96, the actual is -16):

byte x = (byte)0xC0;
System.out.println(x >> 2);

How to check for changes on remote (origin) Git repository

git status does not always show the difference between master and origin/master even after a fetch.

If you want the combination git fetch origin && git status to work, you need to specify the tracking information between the local branch and origin:

# git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/<branch> <branch>

For the master branch:

git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/master master

How to delay the .keyup() handler until the user stops typing?

This function extends the function from Gaten's answer a bit in order to get the element back:

$.fn.delayKeyup = function(callback, ms){
    var timer = 0;
    var el = $(this);
    clearTimeout (timer);
    timer = setTimeout(function(){
        }, ms);
    return $(this);

    // Here I need the input element (value for ajax call) for further process

An efficient compression algorithm for short text strings

Huffman has a static cost, the Huffman table, so I disagree it's a good choice.

There are adaptative versions which do away with this, but the compression rate may suffer. Actually, the question you should ask is "what algorithm to compress text strings with these characteristics". For instance, if long repetitions are expected, simple Run-Lengh Encoding might be enough. If you can guarantee that only English words, spaces, punctiation and the occasional digits will be present, then Huffman with a pre-defined Huffman table might yield good results.

Generally, algorithms of the Lempel-Ziv family have very good compression and performance, and libraries for them abound. I'd go with that.

With the information that what's being compressed are URLs, then I'd suggest that, before compressing (with whatever algorithm is easily available), you CODIFY them. URLs follow well-defined patterns, and some parts of it are highly predictable. By making use of this knowledge, you can codify the URLs into something smaller to begin with, and ideas behind Huffman encoding can help you here.

For example, translating the URL into a bit stream, you could replace "http" with the bit 1, and anything else with the bit "0" followed by the actual procotol (or use a table to get other common protocols, like https, ftp, file). The "://" can be dropped altogether, as long as you can mark the end of the protocol. Etc. Go read about URL format, and think on how they can be codified to take less space.

How to check if a file exists in a shell script

If you're using a NFS, "test" is a better solution, because you can add a timeout to it, in case your NFS is down:

time timeout 3 test -f 
real    0m3.004s <<== timeout is taken into account
user    0m0.001s
sys     0m0.004s
echo $?
124   <= 124 means the timeout has been reached

A "[ -e my_file ]" construct will freeze until the NFS is functional again:

if [ -e /nfs/my_nfs_is_currently_down ]; then echo "ok" else echo "ko" ; fi

<no answer from the system, my session is "frozen">

Matplotlib color according to class labels

The accepted answer has it spot on, but if you might want to specify which class label should be assigned to a specific color or label you could do the following. I did a little label gymnastics with the colorbar, but making the plot itself reduces to a nice one-liner. This works great for plotting the results from classifications done with sklearn. Each label matches a (x,y) coordinate.

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

x = [4,8,12,16,1,4,9,16]
y = [1,4,9,16,4,8,12,3]
label = [0,1,2,3,0,1,2,3]
colors = ['red','green','blue','purple']

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,8))
plt.scatter(x, y, c=label, cmap=matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap(colors))

cb = plt.colorbar()
loc = np.arange(0,max(label),max(label)/float(len(colors)))

Scatter plot color labels

Using a slightly modified version of this answer, one can generalise the above for N colors as follows:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

N = 23 # Number of labels

# setup the plot
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1, figsize=(6,6))
# define the data
x = np.random.rand(1000)
y = np.random.rand(1000)
tag = np.random.randint(0,N,1000) # Tag each point with a corresponding label    

# define the colormap
cmap =
# extract all colors from the .jet map
cmaplist = [cmap(i) for i in range(cmap.N)]
# create the new map
cmap = cmap.from_list('Custom cmap', cmaplist, cmap.N)

# define the bins and normalize
bounds = np.linspace(0,N,N+1)
norm = mpl.colors.BoundaryNorm(bounds, cmap.N)

# make the scatter
scat = ax.scatter(x,y,c=tag,s=np.random.randint(100,500,N),cmap=cmap,     norm=norm)
# create the colorbar
cb = plt.colorbar(scat, spacing='proportional',ticks=bounds)
cb.set_label('Custom cbar')
ax.set_title('Discrete color mappings')

Which gives:

enter image description here

JDBC connection failed, error: TCP/IP connection to host failed

If you are using a named instance, the port you using likely is 1434, instead of 1433, so please check that out using telnet or netstat aforementioned too.

How do I make the scrollbar on a div only visible when necessary?

I found that there is height of div still showing, when it have text or not. So you can use this for best results.

<div style=" overflow:auto;max-height:300px; max-width:300px;"></div>

How do I properly force a Git push?

use this following command:

git push -f origin master

How to auto-format code in Eclipse?

Also note that you can also "protect" a block from being formatted with @formatter:off and @formatter:on, avoiding a reformat on a comment for example, like in:

// Master dataframe
Dataset<Row> countyStateDf = df
        split(df.col("label"), ", "));

// I could split the column in one operation if I wanted:
// @formatter:off
//    Dataset<Row> countyState0Df = df
//        .withColumn(
//            "state",
//            split(df.col("label"), ", ").getItem(1))
//        .withColumn(
//            "county",
//            split(df.col("label"), ", ").getItem(0));
// @formatter:on

countyStateDf.sample(.01).show(5, false);

How to use onBlur event on Angular2?

Try to use (focusout) instead of (blur)

iterrows pandas get next rows value

Firstly, your "messy way" is ok, there's nothing wrong with using indices into the dataframe, and this will not be too slow. iterrows() itself isn't terribly fast.

A version of your first idea that would work would be:

row_iterator = df.iterrows()
_, last =  # take first item from row_iterator
for i, row in row_iterator:
    last = row

The second method could do something similar, to save one index into the dataframe:

last = df.irow(0)
for i in range(1, df.shape[0]):
    last = df.irow(i)

When speed is critical you can always try both and time the code.

Oracle: how to set user password unexpire?

If you create a user using a profile like this:

ALTER USER scott PROFILE my_profile;

then you can change the password lifetime like this:


I hope that helps.

In mocha testing while calling asynchronous function how to avoid the timeout Error: timeout of 2000ms exceeded

You can either set the timeout when running your test:

mocha --timeout 15000

Or you can set the timeout for each suite or each test programmatically:

describe('...', function(){

  it('...', function(done){
    setTimeout(done, 15000);

For more info see the docs.

Git: How to remove file from index without deleting files from any repository

My solution is to pull on the other working copy and then do:

git log --pretty="format:" --name-only -n1 | xargs git checkout HEAD^1

which says get all the file paths in the latest comment, and check them out from the parent of HEAD. Job done.

IIS Express Windows Authentication

In addition to these great answers, in the context of an IISExpress dev environment, and in order to thwart the infamous "system.web/identity@impersonate" error, you can simply ensure the following setting is in place in your applicationhost.config file.

        <validation validateIntegratedModeConfiguration="false" />

This will allow you more flexibility during development and testing, though be sure you understand the implications of using this setting in a production environment before doing so.

Helpful Posts:

How to clear Flutter's Build cache?

If in android studio Tools->Flutter->Clean

enter image description here

How to remove indentation from an unordered list item?

Can you provide a link ? thanks I can take a look Most likely your css selector isnt strong enough or can you try


How do I free memory in C?

You actually can't manually "free" memory in C, in the sense that the memory is released from the process back to the OS ... when you call malloc(), the underlying libc-runtime will request from the OS a memory region. On Linux, this may be done though a relatively "heavy" call like mmap(). Once this memory region is mapped to your program, there is a linked-list setup called the "free store" that manages this allocated memory region. When you call malloc(), it quickly looks though the free-store for a free block of memory at the size requested. It then adjusts the linked list to reflect that there has been a chunk of memory taken out of the originally allocated memory pool. When you call free() the memory block is placed back in the free-store as a linked-list node that indicates its an available chunk of memory.

If you request more memory than what is located in the free-store, the libc-runtime will again request more memory from the OS up to the limit of the OS's ability to allocate memory for running processes. When you free memory though, it's not returned back to the OS ... it's typically recycled back into the free-store where it can be used again by another call to malloc(). Thus, if you make a lot of calls to malloc() and free() with varying memory size requests, it could, in theory, cause a condition called "memory fragmentation", where there is enough space in the free-store to allocate your requested memory block, but not enough contiguous space for the size of the block you've requested. Thus the call to malloc() fails, and you're effectively "out-of-memory" even though there may be plenty of memory available as a total amount of bytes in the free-store.

jQuery to retrieve and set selected option value of html select element

$('#myId').val() should do it, failing that I would try:

$('#myId option:selected').val()

How do you round a floating point number in Perl?

cat table |
  perl -ne '/\d+\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)/ && print "".**int**(log($1)/log(2))."\t$2\n";' 

ORA-01652: unable to extend temp segment by 128 in tablespace SYSTEM: How to extend?

Each tablespace has one or more datafiles that it uses to store data.

The max size of a datafile depends on the block size of the database. I believe that, by default, that leaves with you with a max of 32gb per datafile.

To find out if the actual limit is 32gb, run the following:

select value from v$parameter where name = 'db_block_size';

Compare the result you get with the first column below, and that will indicate what your max datafile size is.

I have Oracle Personal Edition 11g r2 and in a default install it had an 8,192 block size (32gb per data file).

Block Sz   Max Datafile Sz (Gb)   Max DB Sz (Tb)

--------   --------------------   --------------

   2,048                  8,192          524,264

   4,096                 16,384        1,048,528

   8,192                 32,768        2,097,056

  16,384                 65,536        4,194,112

  32,768                131,072        8,388,224

You can run this query to find what datafiles you have, what tablespaces they are associated with, and what you've currrently set the max file size to (which cannot exceed the aforementioned 32gb):

select bytes/1024/1024 as mb_size,
       maxbytes/1024/1024 as maxsize_set,
from   dba_data_files x

MAXSIZE_SET is the maximum size you've set the datafile to. Also relevant is whether you've set the AUTOEXTEND option to ON (its name does what it implies).

If your datafile has a low max size or autoextend is not on you could simply run:

alter database datafile 'path_to_your_file\that_file.DBF' autoextend on maxsize unlimited;

However if its size is at/near 32gb an autoextend is on, then yes, you do need another datafile for the tablespace:

alter tablespace system add datafile 'path_to_your_datafiles_folder\name_of_df_you_want.dbf' size 10m autoextend on maxsize unlimited;

MongoDB: How to find out if an array field contains an element?

I am trying to explain by putting problem statement and solution to it. I hope it will help

Problem Statement:

Find all the published products, whose name like ABC Product or PQR Product, and price should be less than 15/-


Below are the conditions that need to be taken care of

  1. Product price should be less than 15
  2. Product name should be either ABC Product or PQR Product
  3. Product should be in published state.

Below is the statement that applies above criterion to create query and fetch data.

$elements = $collection->find(
                [price] => Array( [$lt] => 15 ),
                [$or] => Array(
                                            [0] => ABC Product,
                                            [1]=> PQR Product

AsyncTask Android example


LongOperation MyTask = new LongOperation();