[mysql] MySQL how to join tables on two fields

I have two tables with date and id fields. I want to join on both fields. I tried

JOIN t2 ON CONCAT(t1.id, t1.date)=CONCAT(t2.id, t2.date)

that works, but it is very slow. is there a better way to do this?

This question is related to mysql join

The answer is

JOIN t2 ON (t2.id = t1.id AND t2.date = t1.date)

JOIN t2 USING (id, date)

perhaps you'll need to use INNEER JOIN or where t2.id is not null if you want results only matching both conditions

JOIN t2 ON (t2.id = t1.id AND t2.date = t1.date)

JOIN t2 ON (t2.id = t1.id AND t2.date = t1.date)

JOIN t2 USING (id, date)

perhaps you'll need to use INNEER JOIN or where t2.id is not null if you want results only matching both conditions