I know this is old, but I realize that there isnt a well documented solution to pushing a data container (as backup) to docker hub. I just published a short example on how doing so at https://dzone.com/articles/docker-backup-your-data-volumes-to-docker-hub
Following is the bottom line
The docker tutorial suggest you can backup and restore the data volume locally. We are going to use this technique, add a few more lines to get this backup pushed into docker hub for easy future restoration to any location we desire. So, lets get started. These are the steps to follow:
Backup the data volume from the data container named data-container-to-backup
docker run --rm --volumes-from data-container-backup --name tmp-backup -v $(pwd):/backup ubuntu tar cvf /backup/backup.tar /folderToBackup
Expand this tar file into a new container so we can commit it as part of its image
docker run -d -v $(pwd):/backup --name data-backup ubuntu /bin/sh -c "cd / && tar xvf /backup/backup.tar"
Commit and push the image with a desired tag ($VERSION)
docker commit data-backup repo/data-backup:$VERSION
docker push repo/data-backup:$VERSION
Finally, lets clean up
docker rm data-backup
docker rmi $(docker images -f "dangling=true" -q)
Now we have an image named data-backup in our repo that is simply a filesystem with the backup files and folders. In order use this image (aka restore from backup), we do the following:
Run the data container with the data-backup image
run -v /folderToBackup --entrypoint "bin/sh" --name data-container repo/data-backup:${VERSION}
Run your whatEver image with volumes from the data-conainter
docker run --volumes-from=data-container repo/whatEver
Thats it.
I was surprised there is no documentation for this work around. I hope someone find this helpful. I know it took me a while to think about this.