[docker] Docker how to change repository name or rename image?

I'm trying to change repository name of the image:

REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             VIRTUAL SIZE
server              latest              d583c3ac45fd        26 minutes ago      685.5 MB

Hence I want to change the name server to something like myname/server:

REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             VIRTUAL SIZE
myname/server       latest              d583c3ac45fd        26 minutes ago      685.5 MB

How can I do this?

This question is related to docker linux-containers

The answer is

docker run -it --name NEW_NAME Existing_name

To change the existing image name.

Recently I had to migrate some images from Docker registry (docker.mycompany.com) to Artifactory (docker.artifactory.mycompany.com)

docker pull docker.mycompany.com/something/redis:4.0.10
docker tag docker.mycompany.com/something/redis:4.0.10 docker.artifactory.mycompany.com/something/redis:4.0.10
docker push docker.artifactory.mycompany.com/something/redis:4.0.10


The accepted answer is great for single renames, but here is a way to rename multiple images that have the same repository all at once (and remove the old images).

If you have old images of the form:

$ docker images
REPOSITORY               TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
old_name/image_name_1    latest              abcdefghijk1        5 minutes ago      1.00GB
old_name/image_name_2    latest              abcdefghijk2        5 minutes ago      1.00GB

And you want:


Then you can use this (subbing in OLD_REPONAME, NEW_REPONAME, and TAG as appropriate):


# extract image name, e.g. "old_name/image_name_1"
for image in $(docker images | awk '{ if( FNR>1 ) { print $1 } }' | grep $OLD_REPONAME)
do \
  OLD_NAME="${image}:${TAG}" && \
  NEW_NAME="${NEW_REPONAME}${image:${#OLD_REPONAME}:${#image}}:${TAG}" && \
  docker image tag $OLD_NAME $NEW_NAME && \
  docker rmi $image:${TAG}  # omit this line if you want to keep the old image

To rename an image, you give it a new tag, and then remove the old tag using the ‘rmi’ command:

$ docker tag $ docker rmi

This second step is scary, as ‘rmi’ means “remove image”. However, docker won’t actually remove the image if it has any other tags. That is, if you were to immediately follow this with: docker rmi , then it would actually remove the image (assuming there are no other tags assigned to the image)

docker image tag #imageId myname/server:latest

This works for me

Acording to docker documentation https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/rename/

docker rename CONTAINER NEW_NAME

As a shorthand you can run:

docker tag d58 myname/server:latest

Where d58 represents the first 3 characters of the IMAGE ID,in this case, that's all you need.

Finally, you can remove the old image as follows:

docker rmi server