Programs & Examples On #Htmlgenericcontrol

Server-side control that maps to an HTML element not represented by a specific .NET Framework class, such as and

how to add css class to html generic control div?

You don't add the css file to the div, you add a class to it then put your import at the top of the HTML page like so:

<link href="../files/external.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

Then add a class like the following to your code: 'myStyle'.

Then in the css file do something like:

   border-style: 1px solid #DBE0E4;

How to put a new line into a wpf TextBlock control?

You can try putting a new line in the data:

<data>Foo bar baz 
 baz bar</data>

If that does not work you might need to parse the string manually.

If you need direct XAML that's easy by the way:

    Lorem <LineBreak/>

Is Ruby pass by reference or by value?

Try this:--

#=> 3

#=> 5

a = 1
#=> 1
#=> 3

b = 2
#=> 2
#=> 5

identifier a contains object_id 3 for value object 1 and identifier b contains object_id 5 for value object 2.

Now do this:--

a.object_id = 5
#=> error

a = b
#value(object_id) at b copies itself as value(object_id) at a. value object 2 has object_id 5
#=> 2

#=> 5

Now, a and b both contain same object_id 5 which refers to value object 2. So, Ruby variable contains object_ids to refer to value objects.

Doing following also gives error:--

#=> error

but doing this won't give error:--

#=> 11

c = 5
#=> value object 5 provides return type for variable c and saves 5.object_id i.e. 11 at c
#=> 5
#=> 11 

a = c.object_id
#=> object_id of c as a value object changes value at a
#=> 11
#=> 23
a.object_id == 11.object_id
#=> true

#=> Value at a
#=> 11

Here identifier a returns value object 11 whose object id is 23 i.e. object_id 23 is at identifier a, Now we see an example by using method.

def foo(arg)
  p arg
  p arg.object_id
#=> nil
#=> 23
x = 11
#=> 11
#=> 23
#=> 11
#=> 23

arg in foo is assigned with return value of x. It clearly shows that argument is passed by value 11, and value 11 being itself an object has unique object id 23.

Now see this also:--

def foo(arg)
  p arg
  p arg.object_id
  arg = 12
  p arg
  p arg.object_id

#=> nil
#=> 23
x = 11
#=> 11
#=> 23
#=> 11
#=> 23
#=> 12
#=> 25
#=> 11
#=> 23

Here, identifier arg first contains object_id 23 to refer 11 and after internal assignment with value object 12, it contains object_id 25. But it does not change value referenced by identifier x used in calling method.

Hence, Ruby is pass by value and Ruby variables do not contain values but do contain reference to value object.

Simple way to understand Encapsulation and Abstraction

Abstraction is like using a computer.

You have absolutely no idea what's going on with it beyond what you see with the GUI (graphical user interface) and external hardware (e.g. screen). All those pretty colors and such. You're only presented the details relevant to you as a generic consumer.

Encapsulation is the actual act of hiding the irrelevant details.

You use your computer, but you don't see what its CPU (central processing unit) looks like (unless you try to break into it). It's hidden (or encapsulated) behind all that chrome and plastic.

In the context of OOP (object-oriented programming) languages, you usually have this kind of setup:

    *the actual code*

An example of "encapsulation" would be having a METHOD that the regular user can't see (private). "Abstraction" is the regular user using the METHOD that they can (public) in order to use the private one.

Could not load file or assembly version

Just want to share my experience on this.

I, too, encountered this error. I'm using MS Visual Studio 2013 and I have an MS SQL Server 2008, though I have had MS SQL Server 2012 Installed before.

I was banging my head on this error for a day. I tried installing SharedManagementObject, SQLSysClrTypes and Native Client, but it didn't work. Why? Well I finally figured that I was installing 2008 or 2012 version of the said files, while I'm using Visual Studio 2013!! My idea is since it is a database issue, the version of the files should be the same with the MS SQL Server installed on the laptop, but apparently, I should have installed the 2013 version because the error is from the Visual Studio and not from the SQL Server.

How to use Jackson to deserialise an array of objects

try {
    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
    JsonFactory f = new JsonFactory();
    List<User> lstUser = null;
    JsonParser jp = f.createJsonParser(new File("C:\\maven\\user.json"));
    TypeReference<List<User>> tRef = new TypeReference<List<User>>() {};
    lstUser = mapper.readValue(jp, tRef);
    for (User user : lstUser) {

} catch (JsonGenerationException e) {
} catch (JsonMappingException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {

Error when checking Java version: could not find java.dll

Reinstall JDK and set system variable JAVA_HOME on your JDK. (e.g. C:\tools\jdk7)
And add JAVA_HOME variable to your PATH system variable

Type in command line

echo %JAVA_HOME%


java -version

To verify whether your installation was done successfully.

This problem generally occurs in Windows when your "Java Runtime Environment" registry entry is missing or mismatched with the installed JDK. The mismatch can be due to multiple JDKs.

Steps to resolve:

  1. Open the Run window:

    Press windows+R

  2. Open registry window:

    Type regedit and enter.


  4. If Java Runtime Environment is not present inside JavaSoft, then create a new Key and give the name Java Runtime Environment.

  5. For Java Runtime Environment create "CurrentVersion" String Key and give appropriate version as value:

JRE regedit entry

  1. Create a new subkey of 1.8.

  2. For 1.8 create a String Key with name JavaHome with the value of JRE home:

    JRE regedit entry 2


Use Conditional formatting to turn a cell Red, yellow or green depending on 3 values in another sheet

  1. Highlight the range in question.
  2. On the Home tab, in the Styles Group, Click "Conditional Formatting".
  3. Click "Highlight cell rules"

For the first rule,

Click "greater than", then in the value option box, click on the cell criteria you want it to be less than, than use the format drop-down to select your color.

For the second,

Click "less than", then in the value option box, type "=.9*" and then click the cell criteria, then use the formatting just like step 1.

For the third,

Same as the second, except your formula is =".8*" rather than .9.

Enter triggers button click

Where ever you use a <button> element by default it considers that button type="submit" so if you define the button type="button" then it won't consider that <button> as submit button.

jQuery each loop in table row

In jQuery just use:

$('#tblOne > tbody  > tr').each(function() {...code...});

Using the children selector (>) you will walk over all the children (and not all descendents), example with three rows:

$('table > tbody  > tr').each(function(index, tr) { 



In VanillaJS you can use document.querySelectorAll() and walk over the rows using forEach()

[]'#tblOne > tbody  > tr'), function(index, tr) {
    /* console.log(index); */
    /* console.log(tr); */

here-document gives 'unexpected end of file' error

The EOF token must be at the beginning of the line, you can't indent it along with the block of code it goes with.

If you write <<-EOF you may indent it, but it must be indented with Tab characters, not spaces. So it still might not end up even with the block of code.

Also make sure you have no whitespace after the EOF token on the line.

Access to the path denied error in C#

You are trying to create a FileStream object for a directory (folder). Specify a file name (e.g. @"D:\test.txt") and the error will go away.

By the way, I would suggest that you use the StreamWriter constructor that takes an Encoding as its second parameter, because otherwise you might be in for an unpleasant surprise when trying to read the saved file later (using StreamReader).

Adding click event listener to elements with the same class

The problem with using querySelectorAll and a for loop is that it creates a whole new event handler for each element in the array.

Sometimes that is exactly what you want. But if you have many elements, it may be more efficient to create a single event handler and attach it to a container element. You can then use to refer to the specific element which triggered the event:

document.body.addEventListener("click", function (event) {
  if ("delete")) {
    var title ="title");

    if (!confirm("sure u want to delete " + title)) {

In this example we only create one event handler which is attached to the body element. Whenever an element inside the body is clicked, the click event bubbles up to our event handler.

SQL Client for Mac OS X that works with MS SQL Server

I vote for RazorSQL also. It's very powerful in many respects and practically supports most databases out there. I mostly use it for SQL Server, MySQL and PostgreSQL.

How can I count text lines inside an DOM element? Can I?

No, not reliably. There are simply too many unknown variables

  1. What OS (different DPIs, font variations, etc...)?
  2. Do they have their font-size scaled up because they are practically blind?
  3. Heck, in webkit browsers, you can actually resize textboxes to your heart's desire.

The list goes on. Someday I hope there will be such a method of reliably accomplishing this with JavaScript, but until that day comes, your out of luck.

I hate these kinds of answers and I hope someone can prove me wrong.

Twitter Bootstrap Multilevel Dropdown Menu

Since Bootstrap 3 removed the submenu part and we need to adapt ourselves the style, I think it's better to go with SmartMenu Bootstrap:

That would save us time on mobile responsive and style.

This plugin also very promising.

How to upload images into MySQL database using PHP code

Firstly, you should check if your image column is BLOB type!

I don't know anything about your SQL table, but if I'll try to make my own as an example.

We got fields id (int), image (blob) and image_name (varchar(64)).

So the code should look like this (assume ID is always '1' and let's use this mysql_query):

$image = addslashes(file_get_contents($_FILES['image']['tmp_name'])); //SQL Injection defence!
$image_name = addslashes($_FILES['image']['name']);
$sql = "INSERT INTO `product_images` (`id`, `image`, `image_name`) VALUES ('1', '{$image}', '{$image_name}')";
if (!mysql_query($sql)) { // Error handling
    echo "Something went wrong! :("; 

You are doing it wrong in many ways. Don't use mysql functions - they are deprecated! Use PDO or MySQLi. You should also think about storing files locations on disk. Using MySQL for storing images is thought to be Bad Idea™. Handling SQL table with big data like images can be problematic.

Also your HTML form is out of standards. It should look like this:

<form action="insert_product.php" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <label>File: </label><input type="file" name="image" />
    <input type="submit" />


When dealing with files and storing them as a BLOB, the data must be escaped using mysql_real_escape_string(), otherwise it will result in a syntax error.

How to write LDAP query to test if user is member of a group?

If you are using OpenLDAP (i.e. slapd) which is common on Linux servers, then you must enable the memberof overlay to be able to match against a filter using the (memberOf=XXX) attribute.

Also, once you enable the overlay, it does not update the memberOf attributes for existing groups (you will need to delete out the existing groups and add them back in again). If you enabled the overlay to start with, when the database was empty then you should be OK.

Any way to limit border length?

CSS generated content can solve this for you:

div {_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
/* Main div for border to extend to 50% from bottom left corner */_x000D_
div:after {_x000D_
  content: "";_x000D_
  background: black;_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  bottom: 0;_x000D_
  left: 0;_x000D_
  height: 50%;_x000D_
  width: 1px;_x000D_
<div>Lorem Ipsum</div>

(note - the content: ""; declaration is necessary in order for the pseudo-element to render)

Vertically and horizontally centering text in circle in CSS (like iphone notification badge)

Horizontal centering is easy: text-align: center;. Vertical centering of text inside an element can be done by setting line-height equal to the container height, but this has subtle differences between browsers. On small elements, like a notification badge, these are more pronounced.

Better is to set line-height equal to font-size (or slightly smaller) and use padding. You'll have to adjust your height to accomodate.

Here's a CSS-only, single <div> solution that looks pretty iPhone-like. They expand with content.



enter image description here


.badge {
    background: radial-gradient( 5px -9px, circle, white 8%, red 26px );
    background-color: red;
    border: 2px solid white;
    border-radius: 12px; /* one half of ( (border * 2) + height + padding ) */
    box-shadow: 1px 1px 1px black;
    color: white;
    font: bold 15px/13px Helvetica, Verdana, Tahoma;
    height: 16px; 
    min-width: 14px;
    padding: 4px 3px 0 3px;
    text-align: center;


<div class="badge">1</div>
<div class="badge">2</div>
<div class="badge">3</div>
<div class="badge">44</div>
<div class="badge">55</div>
<div class="badge">666</div>
<div class="badge">777</div>
<div class="badge">8888</div>
<div class="badge">9999</div>

What does /p mean in set /p?

The /P switch allows you to set the value of a variable to a line of input entered by the user. Displays the specified promptString before reading the line of input. The promptString can be empty.

Two ways I've used it... first:

SET /P variable=

When batch file reaches this point (when left blank) it will halt and wait for user input. Input then becomes variable.

And second:

SET /P variable=<%temp%\filename.txt

Will set variable to contents (the first line) of the txt file. This method won't work unless the /P is included. Both tested on Windows 8.1 Pro, but it's the same on 7 and 10.

Using mysql concat() in WHERE clause?

There's a few things that could get in the way - is your data clean?

It could be that you have spaces at the end of the first name field, which then means you have two spaces between the firstname and lastname when you concat them? Using trim(first_name)/trim(last_name) will fix this - although the real fix is to update your data.

You could also this to match where two words both occur but not necessarily together (assuming you are in php - which the $search_term variable suggests you are)

$terms = explode(' ', $search_term);
foreach ($terms as $term) {
    $term = mysql_real_escape_string($term);
    $whereclauses[] = "CONCAT(first_name, ' ', last_name) LIKE '%$term%'";
$sql = "select * from table where";
$sql .= implode(' and ', $whereclauses);

Force page scroll position to top at page refresh in HTML

The answer here(scrolling in $(document).ready) doesn't work if there is a video in the page. In that case the page is scrolled after this event is fired, overriding our work.

Best answer should be:

$(window).on('beforeunload', function(){

How do shift operators work in Java?

Signed left shift Logically Simple if 1<<11 it will tends to 2048 and 2<<11 will give 4096

In java programming int a = 2 << 11;

// it will result in 4096

2<<11 = 2*(2^11) = 4096

C# How can I check if a URL exists/is valid?

WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create("");
catch //If exception thrown then couldn't get response from address
     MessageBox.Show("The URL is incorrect");`

How to install mscomct2.ocx file from .cab file (Excel User Form and VBA)

You're correct that this is really painful to hand out to others, but if you have to, this is how you do it.

  1. Just extract the .ocx file from the .cab file (it is similar to a zip)
  2. Copy to the system folder (c:\windows\sysWOW64 for 64 bit systems and c:\windows\system32 for 32 bit)
  3. Use regsvr32 through the command prompt to register the file (e.g. "regsvr32 c:\windows\sysWOW64\mscomct2.ocx")


Order by descending date - month, day and year

I'm guessing EventDate is a char or varchar and not a date otherwise your order by clause would be fine.

You can use CONVERT to change the values to a date and sort by that

   CONVERT(DateTime, EventDate,101)  DESC

The problem with that is, as Sparky points out in the comments, if EventDate has a value that can't be converted to a date the query won't execute.

This means you should either exclude the bad rows or let the bad rows go to the bottom of the results

To exclude the bad rows just add WHERE IsDate(EventDate) = 1

To let let the bad dates go to the bottom you need to use CASE


       WHEN IsDate(EventDate) = 1 THEN CONVERT(DateTime, EventDate,101)
       ELSE null

How to use Jquery how to change the aria-expanded="false" part of a dom element (Bootstrap)?

Since the question asked for either jQuery or vanilla JS, here's an answer with vanilla JS.

I've added some CSS to the demo below to change the button's font color to red when its aria-expanded is set to true

const button = document.querySelector('button');_x000D_
button.addEventListener('click', () => {_x000D_
  button.ariaExpanded = !JSON.parse(button.ariaExpanded);_x000D_
button[aria-expanded="true"] {_x000D_
  color: red;_x000D_
<button type="button" aria-expanded="false">Click me!</button>

How to detect duplicate values in PHP array?

You can use array_count_values function

$array = array('apple', 'orange', 'pear', 'banana', 'apple',
'pear', 'kiwi', 'kiwi', 'kiwi');


will output

   [apple] => 2
   [orange] => 1
   [pear] => 2

Batch file to map a drive when the folder name contains spaces

I just created some directories, shared them and mapped using:

net use y: "\\mycomputername\folder with spaces"

So this solution gets "works on my machine" certificate. What error code do you get?

How to build and use Google TensorFlow C++ api

First, after installing protobuf and eigen, you'd like to build Tensorflow:

bazel build //

Then Copy the following include headers and dynamic shared library to /usr/local/lib and /usr/local/include:

mkdir /usr/local/include/tf
cp -r bazel-genfiles/ /usr/local/include/tf/
cp -r tensorflow /usr/local/include/tf/
cp -r third_party /usr/local/include/tf/
cp -r bazel-bin/ /usr/local/lib/

Lastly, compile using an example:

g++ -std=c++11 -o tf_example \
-I/usr/local/include/tf \
-I/usr/local/include/eigen3 \
-g -Wall -D_DEBUG -Wshadow -Wno-sign-compare -w  \
-L/usr/local/lib/libtensorflow_cc \
`pkg-config --cflags --libs protobuf` -ltensorflow_cc tf_example.cpp

Does SVG support embedding of bitmap images?

It is also possible to include bitmaps. I think you also can use transformations on that.

Is it possible to make Font Awesome icons larger than 'fa-5x'?

Easy — just use Font Awesome 5's default fa-[size]x classes. You can scale icons up to 10x of the parent element's font-size Read the docs about icon sizing.


<span class="fas fa-info-circle fa-6x"></span>
<span class="fas fa-info-circle fa-7x"></span>
<span class="fas fa-info-circle fa-8x"></span>
<span class="fas fa-info-circle fa-9x"></span>
<span class="fas fa-info-circle fa-10x"></span>

Append a tuple to a list - what's the difference between two ways?

I believe tuple() takes a list as an argument For example,

tuple([1,2,3]) # returns (1,2,3)

see what happens if you wrap your array with brackets

When are you supposed to use escape instead of encodeURI / encodeURIComponent?

Inspired by Johann's table, I've decided to extend the table. I wanted to see which ASCII characters get encoded.

screenshot of console.table

var ascii = " !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~";_x000D_
var encoded = [];_x000D_
ascii.split("").forEach(function (char) {_x000D_
    var obj = { char };_x000D_
    if (char != encodeURI(char))_x000D_
        obj.encodeURI = encodeURI(char);_x000D_
    if (char != encodeURIComponent(char))_x000D_
        obj.encodeURIComponent = encodeURIComponent(char);_x000D_
    if (obj.encodeURI || obj.encodeURIComponent)_x000D_

Table shows only the encoded characters. Empty cells mean that the original and the encoded characters are the same.

Just to be extra, I'm adding another table for urlencode() vs rawurlencode(). The only difference seems to be the encoding of space character.

screenshot of console.table

$ascii = str_split(" !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~", 1);
$encoded = [];
foreach ($ascii as $char) {
    $obj = ["char" => $char];
    if ($char != urlencode($char))
        $obj["urlencode"] = urlencode($char);
    if ($char != rawurlencode($char))
        $obj["rawurlencode"] = rawurlencode($char);
    if (isset($obj["rawurlencode"]) || isset($obj["rawurlencode"]))
        $encoded[] = $obj;
echo "var encoded = " . json_encode($encoded) . ";";

How to embed fonts in HTML?

Try Facetype.js, you convert your .TTF font into a Javascript file. Full SEO compatible, supports FF, IE6 and Safari and degrades gracefully on other browsers.

How do you run a script on login in *nix?

If you are on OSX, then it's ~/.profile

how to clear JTable

I think you meant that you want to clear all the cells in the jTable and make it just like a new blank jTable. For an example, if your table is myTable, you can do following.

DefaultTableModel model = new DefaultTableModel();

How to plot multiple functions on the same figure, in Matplotlib?

To plot multiple graphs on the same figure you will have to do:

from numpy import *
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

t = linspace(0, 2*math.pi, 400)
a = sin(t)
b = cos(t)
c = a + b

plt.plot(t, a, 'r') # plotting t, a separately 
plt.plot(t, b, 'b') # plotting t, b separately 
plt.plot(t, c, 'g') # plotting t, c separately

enter image description here

How to completely remove Python from a Windows machine?

Here's the steps (my non-computer-savvy girlfriend had to figure this one out for me, but unlike all the far more complicated processes one can find online, this one works)

  1. Open Control Panel
  2. Click "Uninstall a Program"
  3. Scroll down to Python and click uninstall for each version you don't want anymore.

This works on Windows 7 out of the box, no additional programs or scripts required.

How to get file name when user select a file via <input type="file" />?

I'll answer this question via Simple Javascript that is supported in all browsers that I have tested so far (IE8 to IE11, Chrome, FF etc).

Here is the code.

function GetFileSizeNameAndType()_x000D_
        var fi = document.getElementById('file'); // GET THE FILE INPUT AS VARIABLE._x000D_
        var totalFileSize = 0;_x000D_
        if (fi.files.length > 0)_x000D_
            for (var i = 0; i <= fi.files.length - 1; i++)_x000D_
                var fsize = fi.files.item(i).size;_x000D_
                totalFileSize = totalFileSize + fsize;_x000D_
                document.getElementById('fp').innerHTML =_x000D_
                '<br /> ' + 'File Name is <b>' + fi.files.item(i).name_x000D_
                '</b> and Size is <b>' + Math.round((fsize / 1024)) //DEFAULT SIZE IS IN BYTES SO WE DIVIDING BY 1024 TO CONVERT IT IN KB_x000D_
                '</b> KB and File Type is <b>' + fi.files.item(i).type + "</b>.";_x000D_
        document.getElementById('divTotalSize').innerHTML = "Total File(s) Size is <b>" + Math.round(totalFileSize / 1024) + "</b> KB";_x000D_
        <input type="file" id="file" multiple onchange="GetFileSizeNameAndType()" />_x000D_
    <div id="fp"></div>_x000D_
        <div id="divTotalSize"></div>_x000D_

*Please note that we are displaying filesize in KB (Kilobytes). To get in MB divide it by 1024 * 1024 and so on*.

It'll perform file outputs like these on selecting Snapshot of a sample output of this code

figure of imshow() is too small

Update 2020

as requested by @baxxx, here is an update because random.rand is deprecated meanwhile.

This works with matplotlip 3.2.1:

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import random
import numpy as np

random = np.random.random ([8,90])

plt.figure(figsize = (20,2))
plt.imshow(random, interpolation='nearest')

This plots:

enter image description here

To change the random number, you can experiment with np.random.normal(0,1,(8,90)) (here mean = 0, standard deviation = 1).

C# MessageBox dialog result

DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("Do you want to save changes?", "Confirmation", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel);
if(result == DialogResult.Yes)
else if (result == DialogResult.No)

What is the best way to detect a mobile device?

It's not jQuery, but I found this:

It provides scripts to detect mobile browsers in several languages, one of which is JavaScript. That may help you with what you're looking for.

However, since you are using jQuery, you might want to be aware of the collection. It's a collection of properties for detecting the capabilities of the current browser. Documentation is here:

Since I don't know what exactly what you're trying to accomplish, I don't know which of these will be the most useful.

All that being said, I think your best bet is to either redirect or write a different script to the output using a server-side language (if that is an option). Since you don't really know the capabilities of a mobile browser x, doing the detection, and alteration logic on the server side would be the most reliable method. Of course, all of that is a moot point if you can't use a server side language :)

In PHP with PDO, how to check the final SQL parametrized query?

What I did to print that actual query is a bit complicated but it works :)

In method that assigns variables to my statement I have another variable that looks a bit like this:

$this->fullStmt = str_replace($column, '\'' . str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $param) . '\'', $this->fullStmt);

$column is my token
$param is the actual value being assigned to token
$this->fullStmt is my print only statement with replaced tokens

What it does is a simply replace tokens with values when the real PDO assignment happens.

I hope I did not confuse you and at least pointed you in right direction.

How to perform a sum of an int[] array

When you declare a variable, you need to declare its type - in this case: int. Also you've put a random comma in the while loop. It probably worth looking up the syntax for Java and consider using a IDE that picks up on these kind of mistakes. You probably want something like this:

int [] numbers = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ,6, 7, 8, 9 , 10 };
int sum = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++){
    sum += numbers[i];
System.out.println("The sum is: " + sum);

How do I pass a unique_ptr argument to a constructor or a function?

Here are the possible ways to take a unique pointer as an argument, as well as their associated meaning.

(A) By Value

Base(std::unique_ptr<Base> n)
  : next(std::move(n)) {}

In order for the user to call this, they must do one of the following:

Base newBase(std::move(nextBase));
Base fromTemp(std::unique_ptr<Base>(new Base(...));

To take a unique pointer by value means that you are transferring ownership of the pointer to the function/object/etc in question. After newBase is constructed, nextBase is guaranteed to be empty. You don't own the object, and you don't even have a pointer to it anymore. It's gone.

This is ensured because we take the parameter by value. std::move doesn't actually move anything; it's just a fancy cast. std::move(nextBase) returns a Base&& that is an r-value reference to nextBase. That's all it does.

Because Base::Base(std::unique_ptr<Base> n) takes its argument by value rather than by r-value reference, C++ will automatically construct a temporary for us. It creates a std::unique_ptr<Base> from the Base&& that we gave the function via std::move(nextBase). It is the construction of this temporary that actually moves the value from nextBase into the function argument n.

(B) By non-const l-value reference

Base(std::unique_ptr<Base> &n)
  : next(std::move(n)) {}

This has to be called on an actual l-value (a named variable). It cannot be called with a temporary like this:

Base newBase(std::unique_ptr<Base>(new Base)); //Illegal in this case.

The meaning of this is the same as the meaning of any other use of non-const references: the function may or may not claim ownership of the pointer. Given this code:

Base newBase(nextBase);

There is no guarantee that nextBase is empty. It may be empty; it may not. It really depends on what Base::Base(std::unique_ptr<Base> &n) wants to do. Because of that, it's not very evident just from the function signature what's going to happen; you have to read the implementation (or associated documentation).

Because of that, I wouldn't suggest this as an interface.

(C) By const l-value reference

Base(std::unique_ptr<Base> const &n);

I don't show an implementation, because you cannot move from a const&. By passing a const&, you are saying that the function can access the Base via the pointer, but it cannot store it anywhere. It cannot claim ownership of it.

This can be useful. Not necessarily for your specific case, but it's always good to be able to hand someone a pointer and know that they cannot (without breaking rules of C++, like no casting away const) claim ownership of it. They can't store it. They can pass it to others, but those others have to abide by the same rules.

(D) By r-value reference

Base(std::unique_ptr<Base> &&n)
  : next(std::move(n)) {}

This is more or less identical to the "by non-const l-value reference" case. The differences are two things.

  1. You can pass a temporary:

    Base newBase(std::unique_ptr<Base>(new Base)); //legal now..
  2. You must use std::move when passing non-temporary arguments.

The latter is really the problem. If you see this line:

Base newBase(std::move(nextBase));

You have a reasonable expectation that, after this line completes, nextBase should be empty. It should have been moved from. After all, you have that std::move sitting there, telling you that movement has occurred.

The problem is that it hasn't. It is not guaranteed to have been moved from. It may have been moved from, but you will only know by looking at the source code. You cannot tell just from the function signature.


  • (A) By Value: If you mean for a function to claim ownership of a unique_ptr, take it by value.
  • (C) By const l-value reference: If you mean for a function to simply use the unique_ptr for the duration of that function's execution, take it by const&. Alternatively, pass a & or const& to the actual type pointed to, rather than using a unique_ptr.
  • (D) By r-value reference: If a function may or may not claim ownership (depending on internal code paths), then take it by &&. But I strongly advise against doing this whenever possible.

How to manipulate unique_ptr

You cannot copy a unique_ptr. You can only move it. The proper way to do this is with the std::move standard library function.

If you take a unique_ptr by value, you can move from it freely. But movement doesn't actually happen because of std::move. Take the following statement:

std::unique_ptr<Base> newPtr(std::move(oldPtr));

This is really two statements:

std::unique_ptr<Base> &&temporary = std::move(oldPtr);
std::unique_ptr<Base> newPtr(temporary);

(note: The above code does not technically compile, since non-temporary r-value references are not actually r-values. It is here for demo purposes only).

The temporary is just an r-value reference to oldPtr. It is in the constructor of newPtr where the movement happens. unique_ptr's move constructor (a constructor that takes a && to itself) is what does the actual movement.

If you have a unique_ptr value and you want to store it somewhere, you must use std::move to do the storage.

How do I remove diacritics (accents) from a string in .NET?

This is how i replace diacritic characters to non-diacritic ones in all my .NET program


//Transforms the culture of a letter to its equivalent representation in the 0-127 ascii table, such as the letter 'é' is substituted by an 'e'
public string RemoveDiacritics(string s)
    string normalizedString = null;
    StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
    normalizedString = s.Normalize(NormalizationForm.FormD);
    int i = 0;
    char c = '\0';

    for (i = 0; i <= normalizedString.Length - 1; i++)
        c = normalizedString[i];
        if (CharUnicodeInfo.GetUnicodeCategory(c) != UnicodeCategory.NonSpacingMark)

    return stringBuilder.ToString().ToLower();


'Transforms the culture of a letter to its equivalent representation in the 0-127 ascii table, such as the letter "é" is substituted by an "e"'
Public Function RemoveDiacritics(ByVal s As String) As String
    Dim normalizedString As String
    Dim stringBuilder As New StringBuilder
    normalizedString = s.Normalize(NormalizationForm.FormD)
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim c As Char

    For i = 0 To normalizedString.Length - 1
        c = normalizedString(i)
        If CharUnicodeInfo.GetUnicodeCategory(c) <> UnicodeCategory.NonSpacingMark Then
        End If
    Return stringBuilder.ToString().ToLower()
End Function

reducing number of plot ticks

When a log scale is used the number of major ticks can be fixed with the following command

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt



The value set to numticks determines the number of axis ticks to be displayed.

Credits to @bgamari's post for introducing the locator_params() function, but the nticks parameter throws an error when a log scale is used.

What is the difference between __init__ and __call__?

So, __init__ is called when you are creating an instance of any class and initializing the instance variable also.


class User:

    def __init__(self,first_n,last_n,age):
        self.first_n = first_n
        self.last_n = last_n
        self.age = age

user1 = User("Jhone","Wrick","40")

And __call__ is called when you call the object like any other function.


class USER:
    def __call__(self,arg):
        "todo here"
         print(f"I am in __call__ with arg : {arg} ")

user1("One") #calling the object user1 and that's gonna call __call__ dunder functions

MySQL timezone change?

If you have the SUPER privilege, you can set the global server time zone value at runtime with this statement:

mysql> SET GLOBAL time_zone = timezone;

Append an int to a std::string

You are casting ClientID to char* causing the function to assume its a null terinated char array, which it is not.

from :

string& append ( const char * s ); Appends a copy of the string formed by the null-terminated character sequence (C string) pointed by s. The length of this character sequence is determined by the first ocurrence of a null character (as determined by traits.length(s)).

How to use Utilities.sleep() function

Some Google services do not like to be used to much. Quite recently my account was locked because of script, which was sending two e-mails per second to the same user. Google considered it as a spam. So using sleep here is also justified to prevent such situations.

Refresh Excel VBA Function Results

Okay, found this one myself. You can use Ctrl+Alt+F9 to accomplish this.

Read a zipped file as a pandas DataFrame

Please follow this link.

import pandas as pd
traffic_station_df = pd.read_csv('C:\\Folders\\Jupiter_Feed.txt.gz', compression='gzip',
                                 header=1, sep='\t', quotechar='"')

#traffic_station_df['Address'] = 'address'


Android Debug Bridge (adb) device - no permissions

On THL W100 running the device as root (as described above) worked only together with tethering enabled (I used AirDroid for that).

How to make an ImageView with rounded corners?

If you are using Glide Library this would be helpful:

     .into(new BitmapImageViewTarget(imageView) {
        protected void setResource(Bitmap resource) {
          RoundedBitmapDrawable circularBitmapDrawable =
                       RoundedBitmapDrawableFactory.create(getApplicationContext().getResources(), resource);

public int dpToPx(int dp) {
  DisplayMetrics displayMetrics = getApplicationContext().getResources().getDisplayMetrics();
  return Math.round(dp * (displayMetrics.xdpi / DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_DEFAULT));

Assert equals between 2 Lists in Junit

I don't this the all the above answers are giving the exact solution for comparing two lists of Objects. Most of above approaches can be helpful in following limit of comparisons only - Size comparison - Reference comparison

But if we have same sized lists of objects and different data on the objects level then this comparison approaches won't help.

I think the following approach will work perfectly with overriding equals and hashcode method on the user-defined object.

I used Xstream lib for override equals and hashcode but we can override equals and hashcode by out won logics/comparison too.

Here is the example for your reference

    import com.thoughtworks.xstream.XStream;

    import java.text.ParseException;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.List;

    class TestClass {
      private String name;
      private String id;

      public void setName(String value) { = value;

      public String getName() {

      public String getId() {
        return id;

      public void setId(String id) { = id;

       * @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object)
      public boolean equals(Object o) {
        XStream xstream = new XStream();
        String oxml = xstream.toXML(o);
        String myxml = xstream.toXML(this);

        return myxml.equals(oxml);

       * @see java.lang.Object#hashCode()
      public int hashCode() {
        XStream xstream = new XStream();
        String myxml = xstream.toXML(this);
        return myxml.hashCode();

    public class XstreamCompareTest {
      public static void main(String[] args) throws ParseException {

      private static void checkObjectEquals() {
        List<TestClass> testList1 = new ArrayList<TestClass>();
        TestClass tObj1 = new TestClass();

        TestClass tObj2 = new TestClass();

        testList1.sort((TestClass t1, TestClass t2) -> t1.getId().compareTo(t2.getId()));

        List<TestClass> testList2 = new ArrayList<TestClass>();
        TestClass tObj3 = new TestClass();

        TestClass tObj4 = new TestClass();

        testList2.sort((TestClass t1, TestClass t2) -> t1.getId().compareTo(t2.getId()));

        if (isNotMatch(testList1, testList2)) {
          System.out.println("The list are not matched");
        } else {
          System.out.println("The list are matched");


      private static boolean isNotMatch(List<TestClass> clist1, List<TestClass> clist2) {
        return clist1.size() != clist2.size() || !clist1.equals(clist2);

The most important thing is that you can ignore the fields by Annotation (@XStreamOmitField) if you don't want to include any fields on the equal check of Objects. There are many Annotations like this to configure so have a look deep about the annotations of this lib.

I am sure this answer will save your time to identify the correct approach for comparing two lists of objects :). Please comment if you see any issues on this.

CSV in Python adding an extra carriage return, on Windows

You can introduce the lineterminator='\n' parameter in the csv writer command.

import csv
with open('tmp.csv', '+w', encoding='utf-8') as stream:
    writer = csv.writer(stream, delimiter=delimiter, quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE, quotechar='',  lineterminator='\n')
    writer.writerow(['A1' , 'B1', 'C1'])
    writer.writerow(['A2' , 'B2', 'C2'])
    writer.writerow(['A3' , 'B3', 'C3'])

Understanding the main method of python

The Python approach to "main" is almost unique to the language(*).

The semantics are a bit subtle. The __name__ identifier is bound to the name of any module as it's being imported. However, when a file is being executed then __name__ is set to "__main__" (the literal string: __main__).

This is almost always used to separate the portion of code which should be executed from the portions of code which define functionality. So Python code often contains a line like:

#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import print_function
import this, that, other, stuff
class SomeObject(object):

def some_function(*args,**kwargs):

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print("This only executes when %s is executed rather than imported" % __file__)

Using this convention one can have a file define classes and functions for use in other programs, and also include code to evaluate only when the file is called as a standalone script.

It's important to understand that all of the code above the if __name__ line is being executed, evaluated, in both cases. It's evaluated by the interpreter when the file is imported or when it's executed. If you put a print statement before the if __name__ line then it will print output every time any other code attempts to import that as a module. (Of course, this would be anti-social. Don't do that).

I, personally, like these semantics. It encourages programmers to separate functionality (definitions) from function (execution) and encourages re-use.

Ideally almost every Python module can do something useful if called from the command line. In many cases this is used for managing unit tests. If a particular file defines functionality which is only useful in the context of other components of a system then one can still use __name__ == "__main__" to isolate a block of code which calls a suite of unit tests that apply to this module.

(If you're not going to have any such functionality nor unit tests than it's best to ensure that the file mode is NOT executable).

Summary: if __name__ == '__main__': has two primary use cases:

  • Allow a module to provide functionality for import into other code while also providing useful semantics as a standalone script (a command line wrapper around the functionality)
  • Allow a module to define a suite of unit tests which are stored with (in the same file as) the code to be tested and which can be executed independently of the rest of the codebase.

It's fairly common to def main(*args) and have if __name__ == '__main__': simply call main(*sys.argv[1:]) if you want to define main in a manner that's similar to some other programming languages. If your .py file is primarily intended to be used as a module in other code then you might def test_module() and calling test_module() in your if __name__ == '__main__:' suite.

  • (Ruby also implements a similar feature if __file__ == $0).

How can I check if given int exists in array?

I think you are looking for std::any_of, which will return a true/false answer to detect if an element is in a container (array, vector, deque, etc.)

int val = SOME_VALUE; // this is the value you are searching for
bool exists = std::any_of(std::begin(myArray), std::end(myArray), [&](int i)
    return i == val;

If you want to know where the element is, std::find will return an iterator to the first element matching whatever criteria you provide (or a predicate you give it).

int val = SOME_VALUE;
int* pVal = std::find(std::begin(myArray), std::end(myArray), val);
if (pVal == std::end(myArray))
    // not found
    // found

How can I pretty-print JSON using Go?

Edit Looking back, this is non-idiomatic Go. Small helper functions like this add an extra step of complexity. In general, the Go philosophy prefers to include the 3 simple lines over 1 tricky line.

As @robyoder mentioned, json.Indent is the way to go. Thought I'd add this small prettyprint function:

package main

import (

//dont do this, see above edit
func prettyprint(b []byte) ([]byte, error) {
    var out bytes.Buffer
    err := json.Indent(&out, b, "", "  ")
    return out.Bytes(), err

func main() {
    b := []byte(`{"hello": "123"}`)
    b, _ = prettyprint(b)
    fmt.Printf("%s", b)
} or

Delete specific line from a text file?

This can be done in three steps:

// 1. Read the content of the file
string[] readText = File.ReadAllLines(path);

// 2. Empty the file
File.WriteAllText(path, String.Empty);

// 3. Fill up again, but without the deleted line
using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(path))
    foreach (string s in readText)
        if (!s.Equals(lineToBeRemoved))

Parse JSON object with string and value only

You need to get a list of all the keys, loop over them and add them to your map as shown in the example below:

    String s = "{menu:{\"1\":\"sql\", \"2\":\"android\", \"3\":\"mvc\"}}";
    JSONObject jObject  = new JSONObject(s);
    JSONObject  menu = jObject.getJSONObject("menu");

    Map<String,String> map = new HashMap<String,String>();
    Iterator iter = menu.keys();
        String key = (String);
        String value = menu.getString(key);

Determining whether an object is a member of a collection in VBA

This is an old question. I have carefully reviewed all the answers and comments, tested the solutions for performance.

I came up with the fastest option for my environment which does not fail when a collection has objects as well as primitives.

Public Function ExistsInCollection(col As Collection, key As Variant) As Boolean
    On Error GoTo err
    ExistsInCollection = True
    Exit Function
    ExistsInCollection = False
End Function

In addition, this solution does not depend on hard-coded error values. So the parameter col As Collection can be substituted by some other collection type variable, and the function must still work. E.g., on my current project, I will have it as col As ListColumns.

Pandas : compute mean or std (standard deviation) over entire dataframe

You could convert the dataframe to be a single column with stack (this changes the shape from 5x3 to 15x1) and then take the standard deviation:

df.stack().std()         # pandas default degrees of freedom is one

Alternatively, you can use values to convert from a pandas dataframe to a numpy array before taking the standard deviation:

df.values.std(ddof=1)    # numpy default degrees of freedom is zero

Unlike pandas, numpy will give the standard deviation of the entire array by default, so there is no need to reshape before taking the standard deviation.

A couple of additional notes:

  • The numpy approach here is a bit faster than the pandas one, which is generally true when you have the option to accomplish the same thing with either numpy or pandas. The speed difference will depend on the size of your data, but numpy was roughly 10x faster when I tested a few different sized dataframes on my laptop (numpy version 1.15.4 and pandas version 0.23.4).

  • The numpy and pandas approaches here will not give exactly the same answers, but will be extremely close (identical at several digits of precision). The discrepancy is due to slight differences in implementation behind the scenes that affect how the floating point values get rounded.

String format currency

decimal value = 0.00M;
value = Convert.ToDecimal(12345.12345);
Console.WriteLine(".ToString(\"C\") Formates With Currency $ Sign");
//OutPut : $12345.12
//OutPut : $12345.1
//OutPut : $12345.12
//OutPut : $12345.123
//OutPut : $12345.1234
//OutPut : $12345.12345
//OutPut : $12345.123450
Console.WriteLine(".ToString(\"F\") Formates With out Currency Sign");
//OutPut : 12345.12
//OutPut : 12345.1
//OutPut : 12345.12
//OutPut : 12345.123
//OutPut : 12345.1234
//OutPut : 12345.12345
//OutPut : 12345.123450

Output console screen:

Resize to fit image in div, and center horizontally and vertically

This is one way to do it:

Fiddle here:


<div class='container'>
    <a href='#'>
    <img class='resize_fit_center'
      src='' />


.container {
    margin: 10px;
    width: 115px;
    height: 115px;
    line-height: 115px;
    text-align: center;
    border: 1px solid red;
.resize_fit_center {
    vertical-align: middle;

How to escape double quotes in a title attribute

There is at least one situation where using single quotes will not work and that is if you are creating the markup "on the fly" from JavaScript. You use single quotes to contain the string and then any property in the markup can have double quotes for its value.

eloquent laravel: How to get a row count from a ->get()

Answer has been updated

count is a Collection method. The query builder returns an array. So in order to get the count, you would just count it like you normally would with an array:

$wordCount = count($wordlist);

If you have a wordlist model, then you can use Eloquent to get a Collection and then use the Collection's count method. Example:

$wordlist = Wordlist::where('id', '<=', $correctedComparisons)->get();
$wordCount = $wordlist->count();

There is/was a discussion on having the query builder return a collection here:

However as of now, the query builder always returns an array.

Edit: As linked above, the query builder now returns a collection (not an array). As a result, what JP Foster was trying to do initially will work:

$wordlist = \DB::table('wordlist')->where('id', '<=', $correctedComparisons)
$wordCount = $wordlist->count();

However, as indicated by Leon in the comments, if all you want is the count, then querying for it directly is much faster than fetching an entire collection and then getting the count. In other words, you can do this:

// Query builder
$wordCount = \DB::table('wordlist')->where('id', '<=', $correctedComparisons)

// Eloquent
$wordCount = Wordlist::where('id', '<=', $correctedComparisons)->count();

nil detection in Go

In Go 1.13 and later, you can use Value.IsZero method offered in reflect package.

if reflect.ValueOf(v).IsZero() {
    // v is zero, do something

Apart from basic types, it also works for Array, Chan, Func, Interface, Map, Ptr, Slice, UnsafePointer, and Struct. See this for reference.

What is the difference between angular-route and angular-ui-router?

ngRoute is a module developed by the Angular.js team which was earlier part of the Angular core.

ui-router is a framework which was made outside the Angular.js project to improve and enhance routing capabalities.

PHP Checking if the current date is before or after a set date

Here's a list of all possible checks for …

"Did a date pass?"

Possible ways to obtain the value

$date = strtotime( $date );

$date > date( "U" )
$date > mktime( 0, 0, 0 )
$date > strtotime( 'now' )
$date > time()
$date > abs( intval( $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] ) )

Performance Test Result (PHP 5.4.7)

I did some performance test on 1.000.000 iterations and calculated the average – Ordered fastest to slowest.

|        method       |     time      |
|        time()       | 0.0000006732  |
|       $_SERVER      | 0.0000009131  |
|      date("U")      | 0.0000028951  |
|     mktime(0,0,0)   | 0.000003906   |
|   strtotime("now")  | 0.0000045032  |
| new DateTime("now") | 0.0000053365  |

ProTip: You can easily remember what's fastest by simply looking at the length of the function. The longer, the slower the function is.

Performance Test Setup

The following loop was run for each of the above mentioned possibilities. I converted the values to non-scientific notation for easier readability.

$loops = 1000000;
$start = microtime( true );
for ( $i = 0; $i < $loops; $i++ )
    date( "U" );
    '|    date("U")     | %s  |'."\n",
    rtrim( sprintf( '%.10F', ( microtime( true ) - $start ) / $loops ), '0' )


time() still seems to be the fastest.

How to call Stored Procedure in a View?

If you are using Sql Server 2005 you can use table valued functions. You can call these directly and pass paramters, whilst treating them as if they were tables.

For more info check out Table-Valued User-Defined Functions

jQuery - how can I find the element with a certain id?

As all html ids are unique in a valid html document why not search for the ID directly? If you're concerned if they type in an id that isn't a table then you can inspect the tag type that way?

Just an idea!


Difference between thread's context class loader and normal classloader

There is an article on that explains the difference => Which ClassLoader should you use


Thread context classloaders provide a back door around the classloading delegation scheme.

Take JNDI for instance: its guts are implemented by bootstrap classes in rt.jar (starting with J2SE 1.3), but these core JNDI classes may load JNDI providers implemented by independent vendors and potentially deployed in the application's -classpath. This scenario calls for a parent classloader (the primordial one in this case) to load a class visible to one of its child classloaders (the system one, for example). Normal J2SE delegation does not work, and the workaround is to make the core JNDI classes use thread context loaders, thus effectively "tunneling" through the classloader hierarchy in the direction opposite to the proper delegation.

(2) from the same source:

This confusion will probably stay with Java for some time. Take any J2SE API with dynamic resource loading of any kind and try to guess which loading strategy it uses. Here is a sampling:

  • JNDI uses context classloaders
  • Class.getResource() and Class.forName() use the current classloader
  • JAXP uses context classloaders (as of J2SE 1.4)
  • java.util.ResourceBundle uses the caller's current classloader
  • URL protocol handlers specified via java.protocol.handler.pkgs system property are looked up in the bootstrap and system classloaders only
  • Java Serialization API uses the caller's current classloader by default

How do I add an existing Solution to GitHub from Visual Studio 2013

OK this worked for me.

  1. Open the solution in Visual Studio 2013
  2. Select File | Add to Source Control
  3. Select the Microsoft Git Provider

That creates a local GIT repository

  1. Surf to GitHub
  2. Create a new repository DO NOT SELECT Initialize this repository with a README

That creates an empty repository with no Master branch

  1. Once created open the repository and copy the URL (it's on the right of the screen in the current version)
  2. Go back to Visual Studio
    • Make sure you have the Microsoft Git Provider selected under Tools/Options/Source Control/Plug-in Selection
  3. Open Team Explorer
  4. Select Home | Unsynced Commits
  5. Enter the GitHub URL into the yellow box (use HTTPS URL, not the default shown SSH one)
  6. Click Publish
  7. Select Home | Changes
  8. Add a Commit comment
  9. Select Commit and Push from the drop down

Your solution is now in GitHub

How do I convert between big-endian and little-endian values in C++?

Byte swapping with ye olde 3-step-xor trick around a pivot in a template function gives a flexible, quick O(ln2) solution that does not require a library, the style here also rejects 1 byte types:

template<typename T>void swap(T &t){
    for(uint8_t pivot = 0; pivot < sizeof(t)/2; pivot ++){
        *((uint8_t *)&t + pivot) ^= *((uint8_t *)&t+sizeof(t)-1- pivot);
        *((uint8_t *)&t+sizeof(t)-1- pivot) ^= *((uint8_t *)&t + pivot);
        *((uint8_t *)&t + pivot) ^= *((uint8_t *)&t+sizeof(t)-1- pivot);

Postgres and Indexes on Foreign Keys and Primary Keys

Yes - for primary keys, no - for foreign keys (more in the docs).

\d <table_name>

in "psql" shows a description of a table including all its indexes.

How do you keep parents of floated elements from collapsing?

Another possible solution which I think is more semantically correct is to change the floated inner elements to be 'display: inline'. This example and what I was working on when I came across this page both use floated divs in much exactly the same way that a span would be used. Instead of using divs, switch to span, or if you are using another element which is by default 'display: block' instead of 'display: inline' then change it to be 'display: inline'. I believe this is the 100% semantically correct solution.

Solution 1, floating the parent, is essentially to change the entire document to be floated.

Solution 2, setting an explicit height, is like drawing a box and saying I want to put a picture here, i.e. use this if you are doing an img tag.

Solution 3, adding a spacer to clear float, is like adding an extra line below your content and will mess with surrounding elements too. If you use this approach you probably want to set the div to be height: 0px.

Solution 4, overflow: auto, is acknowledging that you don't know how to lay out the document and you are admitting that you don't know what to do.

How to convert an Image to base64 string in java?

I think you might want:

String encodedFile = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(bytes);

How to get the week day name from a date?

To do this for oracle sql, the syntax would be:

,SUBSTR(col,INSTR(col,'-',1,2)+1) AS new_field

for this example, I look for the second '-' and take the substring to the end

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: contains a path separator

You cannot use path with directory separators directly, but you will have to make a file object for every directory.

NOTE: This code makes directories, yours may not need that...

File file= context.getFilesDir();

String[] array=filePath.split("/");
for(int t=0; t< array.length -1 ;t++)
    file=new File(file,array[t]);

File f=new File(file,array[array.length-1]);

RandomAccessFileOutputStream rvalue = new RandomAccessFileOutputStream(f,append);

Where to put a textfile I want to use in eclipse?

You should probably take a look at the various flavours of getResource in the ClassLoader class:

R command for setting working directory to source file location in Rstudio

The here package provides the here() function, which returns your project root directory based on some heuristics.

Not the perfect solution, since it doesn't find the location of the script, but it suffices for some purposes so I thought I'd put it here.

shell script. how to extract string using regular expressions

One way would be with sed. For example:

echo $name | sed -e 's?http://www\.??'

Normally the sed regular expressions are delimited by `/', but you can use '?' since you're searching for '/'. Here's another bash trick. @DigitalTrauma's answer reminded me that I ought to suggest it. It's similar:

echo ${name#http://www.}

(DigitalTrauma also gets credit for reminding me that the "http://" needs to be handled.)

how do I change text in a label with swift?

use a simple formula: WHO.WHAT = VALUE


WHO is the element in the storyboard you want to make changes to for eg. label

WHAT is the property of that element you wish to change for eg. text

VALUE is the change that you wish to be displayed

for eg. if I want to change the text from story text to You see a fork in the road in the label as shown in screenshot 1

In this case, our WHO is the label (element in the storyboard), WHAT is the text (property of element) and VALUE will be You see a fork in the road

so our final code will be as follows: Final code

screenshot 1 changes to screenshot 2 once the above code is executed.

I hope this solution helps you solve your issue. Thank you!

How to increment a datetime by one day?

A short solution without libraries at all. :)

d = "8/16/18"
day_value = d[(d.find('/')+1):d.find('/18')]
tomorrow = f"{d[0:d.find('/')]}/{int(day_value)+1}{d[d.find('/18'):len(d)]}".format()
# 8/17/18

Make sure that "string d" is actually in the form of %m/%d/%Y so that you won't have problems transitioning from one month to the next.

Android on-screen keyboard auto popping up

In that version of Android, when a view is inflated, the focus will be set to the first focusable control by default - and if there's no physical keyboard, the on-screen keyboard will pop up.

To fix this, explicitly set focus somewhere else. If focus is set to anything other than an EditText, the on-screen keyboard will not appear.

Have you tried testing this by running Android 1.5 in the emulator?

Checking version of angular-cli that's installed?

Simple run the following commands:

ng --version 


 ng -v

Output on terminal:

      / \   _ __   __ _ _   _| | __ _ _ __     / ___| |   |_ _|
   / ? \ | '_ \ / _` | | | | |/ _` | '__|   | |   | |    | |
  / ___ \| | | | (_| | |_| | | (_| | |      | |___| |___ | |
 /_/   \_\_| |_|\__, |\__,_|_|\__,_|_|       \____|_____|___|

Angular CLI: 6.0.8
Node: 10.15.0
OS: linux x64 

Why is using a wild card with a Java import statement bad?

In a previous project I found that changing from *-imports to specific imports reduced compilation time by half (from about 10 minutes to about 5 minutes). The *-import makes the compiler search each of the packages listed for a class matching the one you used. While this time can be small, it adds up for large projects.

A side affect of the *-import was that developers would copy and paste common import lines rather than think about what they needed.

ERROR 1049 (42000): Unknown database

Very simple solution. Just rename your database and configure your new database name in your project.

The problem is the when you import your database, you got any errors and then the database will be corrupted. The log files will have the corrupted database name. You can rename your database easily using phpmyadmin for mysql.

phpmyadmin -> operations -> Rename database to

jQuery to remove an option from drop down list, given option's text/value

I have used the above option to .hide entries from 2 drops down boxes (first you select the city, then you selected the area within that city). It works fine on screen but the hidden options are still selectable via keyboard inputs.

How can I find the latitude and longitude from address?

This is how you can find the latitude and longitude of where we have click on map.

public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event, MapView mapView) 
    //---when user lifts his finger---
    if (event.getAction() == 1) 
        GeoPoint p = mapView.getProjection().fromPixels(
            (int) event.getX(),
            (int) event.getY());

             p.getLatitudeE6() / 1E6 + "," + 
             p.getLongitudeE6() /1E6 , 
    return false;

it works well.

To get the location's address we can use geocoder class.

Failed to load resource under Chrome


What's a good IDE for Python on Mac OS X?

I've searched on Google for an app like this for a while, and I've found only options with heavy and ugly interfaces.

Then I opened Mac App Store and found CodeRunner. Very nice and clean interface. Support many languages like Python, Lua, Perl, Ruby, Javascript, etc. The price is U$10, but it's worth it!

PHP - If variable is not empty, echo some html code

I don't see how if(!empty($var)) can create confusion, but I do agree that if ($var) is simpler. – vanneto Mar 8 '12 at 13:33

Because empty has the specific purpose of suppressing errors for nonexistent variables. You don't want to suppress errors unless you need to. The Definitive Guide To PHP's isset And empty explains the problem in detail. – deceze? Mar 9 '12 at 1:24

Focusing on the error suppression part, if the variable is an array where a key being accessed may or may not be defined:

  1. if($web['status']) would produce:

    Notice: Undefined index: status

  2. To access that key without triggering errors:
    1. if(isset($web['status']) && $web['status']) (2nd condition is not tested if the 1st one is FALSE) OR
    2. if(!empty($web['status'])).

However, as deceze? pointed out, a truthy value of a defined variable makes !empty redundant, but you still need to remember that PHP assumes the following examples as FALSE:

  • null
  • '' or ""
  • 0.0
  • 0
  • '0' or "0"
  • '0' + 0 + !3

So if zero is a meaningful status that you want to detect, you should actually use string and numeric comparisons:

  1. Error free and zero detection:

      if($web['status'] === '0' || $web['status'] === 0 ||
         $web['status'] === 0.0 || $web['status']) {
        // not empty: use the value
      } else {
        // consider it as empty, since status may be FALSE, null or an empty string

    The generic condition ($web['status']) should be left at the end of the entire statement.

Cast received object to a List<object> or IEnumerable<object>

Problem is, you're trying to upcast to a richer object. You simply need to add the items to a new list:

if (myObject is IEnumerable)
   List<object> list = new List<object>();
   var enumerator = ((IEnumerable) myObject).GetEnumerator();
   while (enumerator.MoveNext())

How to export plots from matplotlib with transparent background?

Png files can handle transparency. So you could use this question Save plot to image file instead of displaying it using Matplotlib so as to save you graph as a png file.

And if you want to turn all white pixel transparent, there's this other question : Using PIL to make all white pixels transparent?

If you want to turn an entire area to transparent, then there's this question: And then use the PIL library like in this question Python PIL: how to make area transparent in PNG? so as to make your graph transparent.

PHP Echo text Color

If you want send ANSI color to console, get this tiny package,

How to enable Auto Logon User Authentication for Google Chrome

While moopasta's answer works, it doesn't appear to allow wildcards and there is another (potentially better) option. The Chromium project has some HTTP authentication documentation that is useful but incomplete.

Specifically the option that I found best is to whitelist sites that you would like to allow Chrome to pass authentication information to, you can do this by:

  • Launching Chrome with the auth-server-whitelist command line switch. e.g. --auth-server-whitelist="*,*,*baz". Downfall to this approach is that opening links from other programs will launch Chrome without the command line switch.
  • Installing, enabling, and configuring the AuthServerWhitelist/"Authentication server whitelist" Group Policy or Local Group Policy. This seems like the most stable option but takes more work to setup. You can set this up locally, no need to have this remotely deployed.

Those looking to set this up for an enterprise can likely follow the directions for using Group Policy or the Admin console to configure the AuthServerWhitelist policy. Those looking to set this up for one machine only can also follow the Group Policy instructions:

  1. Download and unzip the latest Chrome policy templates
  2. Start > Run > gpedit.msc
  3. Navigate to Local Computer Policy > Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates
  4. Right-click Administrative Templates, and select Add/Remove Templates
  5. Add the windows\adm\en-US\chrome.adm template via the dialog
  6. In Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Classic Administrative Templates > Google > Google Chrome > Policies for HTTP Authentication enable and configure Authentication server whitelist
  7. Restart Chrome and navigate to chrome://policy to view active policies

Get the latest record from mongodb collection

This is a rehash of the previous answer but it's more likely to work on different mongodb versions.


Is Java "pass-by-reference" or "pass-by-value"?

So many long answers. Let me give a simple one:

  • Java always passes everything by value
  • that means also references are passed by value

In short, you can not modify value of any parameter passed, but you can call methods or change attributes of an object reference passed.

How can I get the value of a registry key from within a batch script?

With regedit:

@echo off
::if the scrit is not ran as administrator
::  and the key does not require admin permissions
set __COMPAT_LAYER=RunAsInvoker

set "key=%~1"
set "value=%~2"

regedit /e "#.reg" "%key%"

for /f "tokens=1,* delims==" %%a in ('find  """%value%""=" "#.reg"') do if "%%~b" neq "" echo %%~b
del /q #.reg



call regreader.bat "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.0\Setup\1033\" Version



Resource interpreted as Document but transferred with MIME type application/json warning in Chrome Developer Tools

It's actually a quirk in Chrome, not the JavaScript library. Here's the fix:

To prevent the message appearing and also allow chrome to render the response nicely as JSON in the console, append a query string to your request URL.


var xhr_object = new XMLHttpRequest();

var url = ''; // Using this one, Chrome throws error

var url = ''; // Using this one, Chrome works'POST', url, false);

How to randomize (or permute) a dataframe rowwise and columnwise?

This is another way to shuffle the data.frame using package dplyr:


df2 <- slice(df1, sample(1:n()))


df2 <- sample_frac(df1, 1L)


df2 <- select(df1, one_of(sample(names(df1)))) 

Creating a new dictionary in Python

So there 2 ways to create a dict :

  1. my_dict = dict()

  2. my_dict = {}

But out of these two options {} is more efficient than dict() plus its readable. CHECK HERE

pythonw.exe or python.exe?

In my experience the pythonw.exe is faster at least with using pygame.

Get escaped URL parameter

If you don't know what the URL parameters will be and want to get an object with the keys and values that are in the parameters, you can use this:

function getParameters() {
  var searchString =,
      params = searchString.split("&"),
      hash = {};

  if (searchString == "") return {};
  for (var i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
    var val = params[i].split("=");
    hash[unescape(val[0])] = unescape(val[1]);
  return hash;

Calling getParameters() with a url like /posts?date=9/10/11&author=nilbus would return:

  date:   '9/10/11',
  author: 'nilbus'

I won't include the code here since it's even farther away from the question, but posted a library that allows manipulation of the parameters in the URL too:

how to delete all commit history in github?

If you are sure you want to remove all commit history, simply delete the .git directory in your project root (note that it's hidden). Then initialize a new repository in the same folder and link it to the GitHub repository:

git init
git remote add origin [email protected]:user/repo

now commit your current version of code

git add *
git commit -am 'message'

and finally force the update to GitHub:

git push -f origin master

However, I suggest backing up the history (the .git folder in the repository) before taking these steps!

How do you Encrypt and Decrypt a PHP String?

Before you do anything further, seek to understand the difference between encryption and authentication, and why you probably want authenticated encryption rather than just encryption.

To implement authenticated encryption, you want to Encrypt then MAC. The order of encryption and authentication is very important! One of the existing answers to this question made this mistake; as do many cryptography libraries written in PHP.

You should avoid implementing your own cryptography, and instead use a secure library written by and reviewed by cryptography experts.

Update: PHP 7.2 now provides libsodium! For best security, update your systems to use PHP 7.2 or higher and only follow the libsodium advice in this answer.

Use libsodium if you have PECL access (or sodium_compat if you want libsodium without PECL); otherwise...
Use defuse/php-encryption; don't roll your own cryptography!

Both of the libraries linked above make it easy and painless to implement authenticated encryption into your own libraries.

If you still want to write and deploy your own cryptography library, against the conventional wisdom of every cryptography expert on the Internet, these are the steps you would have to take.


  1. Encrypt using AES in CTR mode. You may also use GCM (which removes the need for a separate MAC). Additionally, ChaCha20 and Salsa20 (provided by libsodium) are stream ciphers and do not need special modes.
  2. Unless you chose GCM above, you should authenticate the ciphertext with HMAC-SHA-256 (or, for the stream ciphers, Poly1305 -- most libsodium APIs do this for you). The MAC should cover the IV as well as the ciphertext!


  1. Unless Poly1305 or GCM is used, recalculate the MAC of the ciphertext and compare it with the MAC that was sent using hash_equals(). If it fails, abort.
  2. Decrypt the message.

Other Design Considerations:

  1. Do not compress anything ever. Ciphertext is not compressible; compressing plaintext before encryption can lead to information leaks (e.g. CRIME and BREACH on TLS).
  2. Make sure you use mb_strlen() and mb_substr(), using the '8bit' character set mode to prevent mbstring.func_overload issues.
  3. IVs should be generating using a CSPRNG; If you're using mcrypt_create_iv(), DO NOT USE MCRYPT_RAND!
  4. Unless you're using an AEAD construct, ALWAYS encrypt then MAC!
  5. bin2hex(), base64_encode(), etc. may leak information about your encryption keys via cache timing. Avoid them if possible.

Even if you follow the advice given here, a lot can go wrong with cryptography. Always have a cryptography expert review your implementation. If you are not fortunate enough to be personal friends with a cryptography student at your local university, you can always try the Cryptography Stack Exchange forum for advice.

If you need a professional analysis of your implementation, you can always hire a reputable team of security consultants to review your PHP cryptography code (disclosure: my employer).

Important: When to Not Use Encryption

Don't encrypt passwords. You want to hash them instead, using one of these password-hashing algorithms:

Never use a general-purpose hash function (MD5, SHA256) for password storage.

Don't encrypt URL Parameters. It's the wrong tool for the job.

PHP String Encryption Example with Libsodium

If you are on PHP < 7.2 or otherwise do not have libsodium installed, you can use sodium_compat to accomplish the same result (albeit slower).


 * Encrypt a message
 * @param string $message - message to encrypt
 * @param string $key - encryption key
 * @return string
 * @throws RangeException
function safeEncrypt(string $message, string $key): string
    if (mb_strlen($key, '8bit') !== SODIUM_CRYPTO_SECRETBOX_KEYBYTES) {
        throw new RangeException('Key is not the correct size (must be 32 bytes).');
    $nonce = random_bytes(SODIUM_CRYPTO_SECRETBOX_NONCEBYTES);
    $cipher = base64_encode(
    return $cipher;

 * Decrypt a message
 * @param string $encrypted - message encrypted with safeEncrypt()
 * @param string $key - encryption key
 * @return string
 * @throws Exception
function safeDecrypt(string $encrypted, string $key): string
    $decoded = base64_decode($encrypted);
    $nonce = mb_substr($decoded, 0, SODIUM_CRYPTO_SECRETBOX_NONCEBYTES, '8bit');
    $ciphertext = mb_substr($decoded, SODIUM_CRYPTO_SECRETBOX_NONCEBYTES, null, '8bit');
    $plain = sodium_crypto_secretbox_open(
    if (!is_string($plain)) {
        throw new Exception('Invalid MAC');
    return $plain;

Then to test it out:

// This refers to the previous code block.
require "safeCrypto.php"; 

// Do this once then store it somehow:
$message = 'We are all living in a yellow submarine';

$ciphertext = safeEncrypt($message, $key);
$plaintext = safeDecrypt($ciphertext, $key);


Halite - Libsodium Made Easier

One of the projects I've been working on is an encryption library called Halite, which aims to make libsodium easier and more intuitive.

use \ParagonIE\Halite\KeyFactory;
use \ParagonIE\Halite\Symmetric\Crypto as SymmetricCrypto;

// Generate a new random symmetric-key encryption key. You're going to want to store this:
$key = new KeyFactory::generateEncryptionKey();
// To save your encryption key:
KeyFactory::save($key, '/path/to/secret.key');
// To load it again:
$loadedkey = KeyFactory::loadEncryptionKey('/path/to/secret.key');

$message = 'We are all living in a yellow submarine';
$ciphertext = SymmetricCrypto::encrypt($message, $key);
$plaintext = SymmetricCrypto::decrypt($ciphertext, $key);


All of the underlying cryptography is handled by libsodium.

Example with defuse/php-encryption

 * This requires
 * php composer.phar require defuse/php-encryption

use Defuse\Crypto\Crypto;
use Defuse\Crypto\Key;

require "vendor/autoload.php";

// Do this once then store it somehow:
$key = Key::createNewRandomKey();

$message = 'We are all living in a yellow submarine';

$ciphertext = Crypto::encrypt($message, $key);
$plaintext = Crypto::decrypt($ciphertext, $key);


Note: Crypto::encrypt() returns hex-encoded output.

Encryption Key Management

If you're tempted to use a "password", stop right now. You need a random 128-bit encryption key, not a human memorable password.

You can store an encryption key for long-term use like so:

$storeMe = bin2hex($key);

And, on demand, you can retrieve it like so:

$key = hex2bin($storeMe);

I strongly recommend just storing a randomly generated key for long-term use instead of any sort of password as the key (or to derive the key).

If you're using Defuse's library:

"But I really want to use a password."

That's a bad idea, but okay, here's how to do it safely.

First, generate a random key and store it in a constant.

 * Replace this with your own salt! 
 * Use bin2hex() then add \x before every 2 hex characters, like so:
define('MY_PBKDF2_SALT', "\x2d\xb7\x68\x1a\x28\x15\xbe\x06\x33\xa0\x7e\x0e\x8f\x79\xd5\xdf");

Note that you're adding extra work and could just use this constant as the key and save yourself a lot of heartache!

Then use PBKDF2 (like so) to derive a suitable encryption key from your password rather than encrypting with your password directly.

 * Get an AES key from a static password and a secret salt
 * @param string $password Your weak password here
 * @param int $keysize Number of bytes in encryption key
function getKeyFromPassword($password, $keysize = 16)
    return hash_pbkdf2(
        100000, // Number of iterations

Don't just use a 16-character password. Your encryption key will be comically broken.

How to implement a simple scenario the OO way

The Chapter object should have reference to the book it came from so I would suggest something like chapter.getBook().getTitle();

Your database table structure should have a books table and a chapters table with columns like:


  • id
  • book specific info
  • etc


  • id
  • book_id
  • chapter specific info
  • etc

Then to reduce the number of queries use a join table in your search query.

Where is the file in a Spring Boot project?

You can also create the file manually.

SpringApplication will load properties from files in the following locations and add them to the Spring Environment:

  • A /config subdirectory of the current directory.
  • The current directory
  • A classpath /config package
  • The classpath root

The list is ordered by precedence (properties defined in locations higher in the list override those defined in lower locations). (From the Spring boot features external configuration doc page)

So just go ahead and create it

How to delete file from public folder in laravel 5.1

Follow the steps carefully to get the image first=>

    $img = DB::table('students')->where('id',$id)->first();
    $image_path = $img->photo;

How to set a header for a HTTP GET request, and trigger file download?

I'm adding another option. The answers above were very useful for me, but I wanted to use jQuery instead of ic-ajax (it seems to have a dependency with Ember when I tried to install through bower). Keep in mind that this solution only works on modern browsers.

In order to implement this on jQuery I used jQuery BinaryTransport. This is a nice plugin to read AJAX responses in binary format.

Then you can do this to download the file and send the headers:

    url: url,
    type: 'GET',
    dataType: 'binary',
    headers: headers,
    processData: false,
    success: function(blob) {
        var windowUrl = window.URL || window.webkitURL;
        var url = windowUrl.createObjectURL(blob);
        anchor.prop('href', url);
        anchor.prop('download', fileName);

The vars in the above script mean:

  • url: the URL of the file
  • headers: a Javascript object with the headers to send
  • fileName: the filename the user will see when downloading the file
  • anchor: it is a DOM element that is needed to simulate the download that must be wrapped with jQuery in this case. For example $('').

String.Replace(char, char) method in C#

What about creating an Extension Method like this....

 public static string ReplaceTHAT(this string s)
    return s.Replace("\n\r", "");

And then when you want to replace that wherever you want you can do this.


Best Regards!

QUERY syntax using cell reference

Old Thread but I found this on my journey to the below answer and figure someone else might need it too.

=IFERROR(ArrayFormula(query(index(Sheet3!A:C&""),"select* Where Col1="""&B1&""" ")), ARRAYFORMULA({"*     *","no cells","match"}));

Here is a simply built text Filter from a 3 column data set (A,B and C) located in "sheet3" into the current sheet and calling a comparison to a cell from the current sheet to filter within Col1(A).

This bit is just to get rid of the #N/A error if the filter turns up no results //ARRAYFORMULA({"* *","no cells","match"}))

How to remove items from a list while iterating?

This answer was originally written in response to a question which has since been marked as duplicate: Removing coordinates from list on python

There are two problems in your code:

1) When using remove(), you attempt to remove integers whereas you need to remove a tuple.

2) The for loop will skip items in your list.

Let's run through what happens when we execute your code:

>>> L1 = [(1,2), (5,6), (-1,-2), (1,-2)]
>>> for (a,b) in L1:
...   if a < 0 or b < 0:
...     L1.remove(a,b)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 3, in <module>
TypeError: remove() takes exactly one argument (2 given)

The first problem is that you are passing both 'a' and 'b' to remove(), but remove() only accepts a single argument. So how can we get remove() to work properly with your list? We need to figure out what each element of your list is. In this case, each one is a tuple. To see this, let's access one element of the list (indexing starts at 0):

>>> L1[1]
(5, 6)
>>> type(L1[1])
<type 'tuple'>

Aha! Each element of L1 is actually a tuple. So that's what we need to be passing to remove(). Tuples in python are very easy, they're simply made by enclosing values in parentheses. "a, b" is not a tuple, but "(a, b)" is a tuple. So we modify your code and run it again:

# The remove line now includes an extra "()" to make a tuple out of "a,b"

This code runs without any error, but let's look at the list it outputs:

L1 is now: [(1, 2), (5, 6), (1, -2)]

Why is (1,-2) still in your list? It turns out modifying the list while using a loop to iterate over it is a very bad idea without special care. The reason that (1, -2) remains in the list is that the locations of each item within the list changed between iterations of the for loop. Let's look at what happens if we feed the above code a longer list:

L1 = [(1,2),(5,6),(-1,-2),(1,-2),(3,4),(5,7),(-4,4),(2,1),(-3,-3),(5,-1),(0,6)]
### Outputs:
L1 is now: [(1, 2), (5, 6), (1, -2), (3, 4), (5, 7), (2, 1), (5, -1), (0, 6)]

As you can infer from that result, every time that the conditional statement evaluates to true and a list item is removed, the next iteration of the loop will skip evaluation of the next item in the list because its values are now located at different indices.

The most intuitive solution is to copy the list, then iterate over the original list and only modify the copy. You can try doing so like this:

L2 = L1
for (a,b) in L1:
    if a < 0 or b < 0 :
# Now, remove the original copy of L1 and replace with L2
print L2 is L1
del L1
L1 = L2; del L2
print ("L1 is now: ", L1)

However, the output will be identical to before:

'L1 is now: ', [(1, 2), (5, 6), (1, -2), (3, 4), (5, 7), (2, 1), (5, -1), (0, 6)]

This is because when we created L2, python did not actually create a new object. Instead, it merely referenced L2 to the same object as L1. We can verify this with 'is' which is different from merely "equals" (==).

>>> L2=L1
>>> L1 is L2

We can make a true copy using copy.copy(). Then everything works as expected:

import copy
L1 = [(1,2), (5,6),(-1,-2), (1,-2),(3,4),(5,7),(-4,4),(2,1),(-3,-3),(5,-1),(0,6)]
L2 = copy.copy(L1)
for (a,b) in L1:
    if a < 0 or b < 0 :
# Now, remove the original copy of L1 and replace with L2
del L1
L1 = L2; del L2
>>> L1 is now: [(1, 2), (5, 6), (3, 4), (5, 7), (2, 1), (0, 6)]

Finally, there is one cleaner solution than having to make an entirely new copy of L1. The reversed() function:

L1 = [(1,2), (5,6),(-1,-2), (1,-2),(3,4),(5,7),(-4,4),(2,1),(-3,-3),(5,-1),(0,6)]
for (a,b) in reversed(L1):
    if a < 0 or b < 0 :
print ("L1 is now: ", L1)
>>> L1 is now: [(1, 2), (5, 6), (3, 4), (5, 7), (2, 1), (0, 6)]

Unfortunately, I cannot adequately describe how reversed() works. It returns a 'listreverseiterator' object when a list is passed to it. For practical purposes, you can think of it as creating a reversed copy of its argument. This is the solution I recommend.

How to calculate time elapsed in bash script?

Here is a solution using only the date commands capabilities using "ago", and not using a second variable to store the finish time:


# save the current time
start_time=$( date +%s.%N )

# tested program
sleep 1

# the current time after the program has finished
# minus the time when we started, in seconds.nanoseconds
elapsed_time=$( date +%s.%N --date="$start_time seconds ago" )

echo elapsed_time: $elapsed_time

this gives:

$ ./ 
elapsed_time: 1.002257120

Sort divs in jQuery based on attribute 'data-sort'?

Answered the same question here:

To repost:

After searching through many solutions I decided to blog about how to sort in jquery. In summary, steps to sort jquery "array-like" objects by data attribute...

  1. select all object via jquery selector
  2. convert to actual array (not array-like jquery object)
  3. sort the array of objects
  4. convert back to jquery object with the array of dom objects


<div class="item" data-order="2">2</div>
<div class="item" data-order="1">1</div>
<div class="item" data-order="4">4</div>
<div class="item" data-order="3">3</div>

Plain jquery selector

[<div class="item" data-order="2">2</div>,
 <div class="item" data-order="1">1</div>,
 <div class="item" data-order="4">4</div>,
 <div class="item" data-order="3">3</div>

Lets sort this by data-order

function getSorted(selector, attrName) {
    return $($(selector).toArray().sort(function(a, b){
        var aVal = parseInt(a.getAttribute(attrName)),
            bVal = parseInt(b.getAttribute(attrName));
        return aVal - bVal;
> getSorted('.item', 'data-order')
[<div class="item" data-order="1">1</div>,
 <div class="item" data-order="2">2</div>,
 <div class="item" data-order="3">3</div>,
 <div class="item" data-order="4">4</div>

See how getSorted() works.

Hope this helps!

Deserializing JSON data to C# using JSON.NET

I found my I had built my object incorrectly. I used to generate me my object class from the JSON. Once I had the correct Oject I was able to cast without issue. Norbit, Noob mistake. Thought I'd add it in case you have the same issue.

UNC path to a folder on my local computer

On Windows, you can also use the Win32 File Namespace prefixed with \\?\ to refer to your local directories:


See this answer for description.

How to use goto statement correctly

goto doesn't do anything in Java.

How to get difference between two rows for a column field?

   ISNULL([next].Value, 0) - [current].Value
   sourceTable       AS [current]
   sourceTable       AS [next]
      ON [next].rowInt = (SELECT MIN(rowInt) FROM sourceTable WHERE rowInt > [current].rowInt)


Thinking about it, using a subquery in the select (ala Quassnoi's answer) may be more efficient. I would trial different versions, and look at the execution plans to see which would perform best on the size of data set that you have...


I still see this garnering votes, though it's unlikely many people still use SQL Server 2005.

If you have access to Windowed Functions such as LEAD(), then use that instead...

  LEAD(Value, 1, 0) OVER (ORDER BY RowInt) - Value

Git merge error "commit is not possible because you have unmerged files"

You need to do two things. First add the changes with

git add .
git stash  

git checkout <some branch>

It should solve your issue as it solved to me.

How to debug a GLSL shader?

The GLSL Shader source code is compiled and linked by the graphics driver and executed on the GPU.
If you want to debug the shader, then you have to use graphics debugger like RenderDoc or NVIDIA Nsight.

Example of multipart/form-data

EDIT: I am maintaining a similar, but more in-depth answer at:

To see exactly what is happening, use nc -l or an ECHO server and an user agent like a browser or cURL.

Save the form to an .html file:

<form action="http://localhost:8000" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
  <p><input type="text" name="text" value="text default">
  <p><input type="file" name="file1">
  <p><input type="file" name="file2">
  <p><button type="submit">Submit</button>

Create files to upload:

echo 'Content of a.txt.' > a.txt
echo '<!DOCTYPE html><title>Content of a.html.</title>' > a.html


nc -l localhost 8000

Open the HTML on your browser, select the files and click on submit and check the terminal.

nc prints the request received. Firefox sent:

Host: localhost:8000
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux i686; rv:29.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/29.0
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Cookie: __atuvc=34%7C7; permanent=0; _gitlab_session=226ad8a0be43681acf38c2fab9497240; __profilin=p%3Dt; request_method=GET
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------9051914041544843365972754266
Content-Length: 554

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="text"

text default
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file1"; filename="a.txt"
Content-Type: text/plain

Content of a.txt.

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file2"; filename="a.html"
Content-Type: text/html

<!DOCTYPE html><title>Content of a.html.</title>


Aternativelly, cURL should send the same POST request as your a browser form:

nc -l localhost 8000
curl -F "text=default" -F "[email protected]" -F "[email protected]" localhost:8000

You can do multiple tests with:

while true; do printf '' | nc -l localhost 8000; done

Git merge without auto commit

You're misunderstanding the meaning of the merge here.

The --no-commit prevents the MERGE COMMIT from occuring, and that only happens when you merge two divergent branch histories; in your example that's not the case since Git indicates that it was a "fast-forward" merge and then Git only applies the commits already present on the branch sequentially.

Problems with entering Git commit message with Vim

I am assuming you are using msys git. If you are, the editor that is popping up to write your commit message is vim. Vim is not friendly at first. You may prefer to switch to a different editor. If you want to use a different editor, look at this answer: How do I use Notepad++ (or other) with msysgit?

If you want to use vim, type i to type in your message. When happy hit ESC. Then type :wq, and git will then be happy.

Or just type git commit -m "your message here" to skip the editor altogether.

Ignoring SSL certificate in Apache HttpClient 4.3

One small addition to the answer by vasekt:

The provided solution with the SocketFactoryRegistry works when using PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager.

However, connections via plain http don't work any longer then. You have to add a PlainConnectionSocketFactory for the http protocol additionally to make them work again:

Registry<ConnectionSocketFactory> socketFactoryRegistry = 
  RegistryBuilder.<ConnectionSocketFactory> create()
  .register("https", sslsf)
  .register("http", new PlainConnectionSocketFactory()).build();

PostgreSQL: Resetting password of PostgreSQL on Ubuntu

Assuming you're the administrator of the machine, Ubuntu has granted you the right to sudo to run any command as any user.
Also assuming you did not restrict the rights in the pg_hba.conf file (in the /etc/postgresql/9.1/main directory), it should contain this line as the first rule:

# Database administrative login by Unix domain socket  
local   all             postgres                                peer

(About the file location: 9.1 is the major postgres version and main the name of your "cluster". It will differ if using a newer version of postgres or non-default names. Use the pg_lsclusters command to obtain this information for your version/system).

Anyway, if the pg_hba.conf file does not have that line, edit the file, add it, and reload the service with sudo service postgresql reload.

Then you should be able to log in with psql as the postgres superuser with this shell command:

sudo -u postgres psql

Once inside psql, issue the SQL command:

ALTER USER postgres PASSWORD 'newpassword';

In this command, postgres is the name of a superuser. If the user whose password is forgotten was ritesh, the command would be:

ALTER USER ritesh PASSWORD 'newpassword';

References: PostgreSQL 9.1.13 Documentation, Chapter 19. Client Authentication

Keep in mind that you need to type postgres with a single S at the end

If leaving the password in clear text in the history of commands or the server log is a problem, psql provides an interactive meta-command to avoid that, as an alternative to ALTER USER ... PASSWORD:

\password username

It asks for the password with a double blind input, then hashes it according to the password_encryption setting and issue the ALTER USER command to the server with the hashed version of the password, instead of the clear text version.

How to read a file without newlines?

import csv

with open(filename) as f:
    csvreader = csv.reader(f)
    for line in csvreader:

Why Visual Studio 2015 can't run exe file (ucrtbased.dll)?

An easy way to fix this issue is to do the following (click on images to zoom):

Make sure to close Visual Studio, then go to your Windows Start -> Control Panel -> Programs and Features. Now do this:

enter image description here

A Visual Studio window will open up. Here go on doing this:

Select the checkbox for Common Tools for Visual C++ 2015 and install the update.

enter image description here

The update may takes some time (~5-10 minutes). After Visual Studio was successfully updated, reopen your project and hit Ctrl + F5. Your project should now compile and run without any problems.

SQL Server: Best way to concatenate multiple columns?

Through discourse it's clear that the problem lies in using VS2010 to write the query, as it uses the canonical CONCAT() function which is limited to 2 parameters. There's probably a way to change that, but I'm not aware of it.

An alternative:

SELECT '1'+'2'+'3'

This approach requires non-string values to be cast/converted to strings, as well as NULL handling via ISNULL() or COALESCE():

      + COALESCE(CONVERT(VARCHAR(50),Col2),'')

Know relationships between all the tables of database in SQL Server

My solution is based on @marc_s solution, i just concatenated columns in cases that a constraint is based on more than one column:

   FK.[name] AS ForeignKeyConstraintName
  ,SCHEMA_NAME(FT.schema_id) + '.' + FT.[name] AS ForeignTable
  ,STUFF(ForeignColumns.ForeignColumns, 1, 2, '') AS ForeignColumns
  ,SCHEMA_NAME(RT.schema_id) + '.' + RT.[name] AS ReferencedTable
  ,STUFF(ReferencedColumns.ReferencedColumns, 1, 2, '') AS ReferencedColumns
  sys.foreign_keys FK
  INNER JOIN sys.tables FT
  ON FT.object_id = FK.parent_object_id
  INNER JOIN sys.tables RT
  ON RT.object_id = FK.referenced_object_id
      ', ' + iFC.[name] AS [text()]
      sys.foreign_key_columns iFKC
      INNER JOIN sys.columns iFC
      ON iFC.object_id = iFKC.parent_object_id
        AND iFC.column_id = iFKC.parent_column_id
      iFKC.constraint_object_id = FK.object_id
    FOR XML PATH('')
  ) ForeignColumns (ForeignColumns)
      ', ' + iRC.[name]AS [text()]
      sys.foreign_key_columns iFKC
      INNER JOIN sys.columns iRC
      ON iRC.object_id = iFKC.referenced_object_id
        AND iRC.column_id = iFKC.referenced_column_id
      iFKC.constraint_object_id = FK.object_id
    FOR XML PATH('')
  ) ReferencedColumns (ReferencedColumns)

Splitting string into multiple rows in Oracle

Here is an alternative implementation using XMLTABLE that allows for casting to different data types:

from xmltable(
  'for $text in tokenize("a,b,c", ",") return $text'
    txt varchar2(4000) path '.'
) xmltab

... or if your delimited strings are stored in one or more rows of a table:

from (
  select 'a;b;c' inpt from dual union all
  select 'd;e;f' from dual
) base
inner join xmltable(
  'for $text in tokenize($input, ";") return $text'
  passing base.inpt as "input"
    txt varchar2(4000) path '.'
) xmltab
  on 1=1

Can you explain the HttpURLConnection connection process?

On which point does HTTPURLConnection try to establish a connection to the given URL?

On the port named in the URL if any, otherwise 80 for HTTP and 443 for HTTPS. I believe this is documented.

On which point can I know that I was able to successfully establish a connection?

When you call getInputStream() or getOutputStream() or getResponseCode() without getting an exception.

Are establishing a connection and sending the actual request done in one step/method call? What method is it?

No and none.

Can you explain the function of getOutputStream() and getInputStream() in layman's term?

Either of them first connects if necessary, then returns the required stream.

I notice that when the server I'm trying to connect to is down, I get an Exception at getOutputStream(). Does it mean that HTTPURLConnection will only start to establish a connection when I invoke getOutputStream()? How about the getInputStream()? Since I'm only able to get the response at getInputStream(), then does it mean that I didn't send any request at getOutputStream() yet but simply establishes a connection? Do HttpURLConnection go back to the server to request for response when I invoke getInputStream()?

See above.

Am I correct to say that openConnection() simply creates a new connection object but does not establish any connection yet?


How can I measure the read overhead and connect overhead?

Connect: take the time getInputStream() or getOutputStream() takes to return, whichever you call first. Read: time from starting first read to getting the EOS.

Add a common Legend for combined ggplots

Roland's answer needs updating. See:

This method has been updated for ggplot2 v1.0.0.


grid_arrange_shared_legend <- function(...) {
    plots <- list(...)
    g <- ggplotGrob(plots[[1]] + theme(legend.position="bottom"))$grobs
    legend <- g[[which(sapply(g, function(x) x$name) == "guide-box")]]
    lheight <- sum(legend$height)
    grid.arrange(, lapply(plots, function(x)
            x + theme(legend.position="none"))),
        ncol = 1,
        heights = unit.c(unit(1, "npc") - lheight, lheight))

dsamp <- diamonds[sample(nrow(diamonds), 1000), ]
p1 <- qplot(carat, price, data=dsamp, colour=clarity)
p2 <- qplot(cut, price, data=dsamp, colour=clarity)
p3 <- qplot(color, price, data=dsamp, colour=clarity)
p4 <- qplot(depth, price, data=dsamp, colour=clarity)
grid_arrange_shared_legend(p1, p2, p3, p4)

Note the lack of ggplot_gtable and ggplot_build. ggplotGrob is used instead. This example is a bit more convoluted than the above solution but it still solved it for me.

How to detect the currently pressed key?

Most of these answers are either far too complicated or don't seem to work for me (e.g. System.Windows.Input doesn't seem to exist). Then I found some sample code which works fine:

In case the page disappears in the future I am posting the relevant source code below:

using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace MouseKeyboardStateTest
  public abstract class Keyboard
    private enum KeyStates
      None = 0,
      Down = 1,
      Toggled = 2

    [DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, ExactSpelling = true)]
    private static extern short GetKeyState(int keyCode);

    private static KeyStates GetKeyState(Keys key)
      KeyStates state = KeyStates.None;

      short retVal = GetKeyState((int)key);

      //If the high-order bit is 1, the key is down
      //otherwise, it is up.
      if ((retVal & 0x8000) == 0x8000)
        state |= KeyStates.Down;

      //If the low-order bit is 1, the key is toggled.
      if ((retVal & 1) == 1)
        state |= KeyStates.Toggled;

      return state;

    public static bool IsKeyDown(Keys key)
      return KeyStates.Down == (GetKeyState(key) & KeyStates.Down);

    public static bool IsKeyToggled(Keys key)
      return KeyStates.Toggled == (GetKeyState(key) & KeyStates.Toggled);

Directly export a query to CSV using SQL Developer

Click in the grid so it has focus.


This will force the rest of the records back into the grid.

All credit to

Create a rounded button / button with border-radius in Flutter

You can also achieve it by using StadiumBorder shape

  onPressed: () {},
  child: Text('StadiumBorder'),
  shape: StadiumBorder(),
  textColor: Colors.white,

enter image description here

Detect click outside element

You can create new component which handle outside click

Vue.component('click-outside', {
  created: function () {
    document.body.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
       if (!this.$el.contains( {
  template: `

And use this component:

    <click-outside @clickOutside="console.log('Click outside Worked!')">
      <div> Your code...</div>

MIME types missing in IIS 7 for ASP.NET - 404.17

There are two reasons you might get this message:

  1. ASP.Net is not configured. For this run from Administrator command %FrameworkDir%\%FrameworkVersion%\aspnet_regiis -i. Read the message carefully. On Windows8/IIS8 it may say that this is no longer supported and you may have to use Turn Windows Features On/Off dialog in Install/Uninstall a Program in Control Panel.
  2. Another reason this may happen is because your App Pool is not configured correctly. For example, you created website for WordPress and you also want to throw in few aspx files in there, WordPress creates app pool that says don't run CLR stuff. To fix this just open up App Pool and enable CLR.

How to find my Subversion server version number?

To find the version of the subversion REPOSITORY you can:

  1. Look to the repository on the web and on the bottom of the page it will say something like:
    "Powered by Subversion version 1.5.2 (r32768)."
  2. From the command line: <insert curl, grep oneliner here>

If not displayed, view source of the page

<svn version="1.6.13 (r1002816)" href=""> 

Now for the subversion CLIENT:

svn --version

will suffice

css padding is not working in outlook

Just use
<Table cellpadding="10" ..> ... </Table>
Don't use px.Works in MS-Outlook.

How to sort an array in Bash

If you don't need to handle special shell characters in the array elements:

array=(a c b f 3 5)
sorted=($(printf '%s\n' "${array[@]}"|sort))

With bash you'll need an external sorting program anyway.

With zsh no external programs are needed and special shell characters are easily handled:

% array=('a a' c b f 3 5); printf '%s\n' "${(o)array[@]}" 
a a

ksh has set -s to sort ASCIIbetically.

Unzipping files

I wrote an unzipper in Javascript. It works.

It relies on Andy G.P. Na's binary file reader and some RFC1951 inflate logic from notmasteryet. I added the ZipFile class.

working example: (dead link)

The source: (dead link)

NB: the links are dead; I'll find a new host soon.

Included in the source is a ZipFile.htm demonstration page, and 3 distinct scripts, one for the zipfile class, one for the inflate class, and one for a binary file reader class. The demo also depends on jQuery and jQuery UI. If you just download the file, all of the necessary source is there.

Here's what the application code looks like in Javascript:

// In my demo, this gets attached to a click event.
// it instantiates a ZipFile, and provides a callback that is
// invoked when the zip is read.  This can take a few seconds on a
// large zip file, so it's asynchronous. 
var readFile = function(){
    var url= $("#urlToLoad").val();
    var doneReading = function(zip){

    var zipFile = new ZipFile(url, doneReading);

// this function extracts the entries from an instantiated zip
function extractEntries(zip){

    // clear

    var extractCb = function(id) {
        // this callback is invoked with the entry name, and entry text
        // in my demo, the text is just injected into an accordion panel.
        return (function(entryName, entryText){
            var content = entryText.replace(new RegExp( "\\n", "g" ), "<br/>");
            $("#status").append("extract cb, entry(" + entryName + ")  id(" + id + ")<br/>");
            $('#report').accordion({collapsible:true, active:false});

    // for each entry in the zip, extract it. 
    for (var i=0; i<zip.entries.length;  i++) {
        var entry = zip.entries[i];

        var entryInfo = "<h4><a>" + + "</a></h4>\n<div>";

        // contrive an id for the entry, make it unique
        var randomId = "id-"+ Math.floor((Math.random() * 1000000000));

        entryInfo += "<span class='inputDiv'><h4>Content:</h4><span id='" + randomId +

        // insert the info for one entry as the last child within the report div

        // extract asynchronously

The demo works in a couple of steps: The readFile fn is triggered by a click, and instantiates a ZipFile object, which reads the zip file. There's an asynchronous callback for when the read completes (usually happens in less than a second for reasonably sized zips) - in this demo the callback is held in the doneReading local variable, which simply calls extractEntries, which just blindly unzips all the content of the provided zip file. In a real app you would probably choose some of the entries to extract (allow the user to select, or choose one or more entries programmatically, etc).

The extractEntries fn iterates over all entries, and calls extract() on each one, passing a callback. Decompression of an entry takes time, maybe 1s or more for each entry in the zipfile, which means asynchrony is appropriate. The extract callback simply adds the extracted content to an jQuery accordion on the page. If the content is binary, then it gets formatted as such (not shown).

It works, but I think that the utility is somewhat limited.

For one thing: It's very slow. Takes ~4 seconds to unzip the 140k AppNote.txt file from PKWare. The same uncompress can be done in less than .5s in a .NET program. EDIT: The Javascript ZipFile unpacks considerably faster than this now, in IE9 and in Chrome. It is still slower than a compiled program, but it is plenty fast for normal browser usage.

For another: it does not do streaming. It basically slurps in the entire contents of the zipfile into memory. In a "real" programming environment you could read in only the metadata of a zip file (say, 64 bytes per entry) and then read and decompress the other data as desired. There's no way to do IO like that in javascript, as far as I know, therefore the only option is to read the entire zip into memory and do random access in it. This means it will place unreasonable demands on system memory for large zip files. Not so much a problem for a smaller zip file.

Also: It doesn't handle the "general case" zip file - there are lots of zip options that I didn't bother to implement in the unzipper - like ZIP encryption, WinZip encryption, zip64, UTF-8 encoded filenames, and so on. (EDIT - it handles UTF-8 encoded filenames now). The ZipFile class handles the basics, though. Some of these things would not be hard to implement. I have an AES encryption class in Javascript; that could be integrated to support encryption. Supporting Zip64 would probably useless for most users of Javascript, as it is intended to support >4gb zipfiles - don't need to extract those in a browser.

I also did not test the case for unzipping binary content. Right now it unzips text. If you have a zipped binary file, you'd need to edit the ZipFile class to handle it properly. I didn't figure out how to do that cleanly. It does binary files now, too.

EDIT - I updated the JS unzip library and demo. It now does binary files, in addition to text. I've made it more resilient and more general - you can now specify the encoding to use when reading text files. Also the demo is expanded - it shows unzipping an XLSX file in the browser, among other things.

So, while I think it is of limited utility and interest, it works. I guess it would work in Node.js.

Java - How to create new Entry (key, value)

I defined a generic Pair class that I use all the time. It's great. As a bonus, by defining a static factory method (Pair.create) I only have to write the type arguments half as often.

public class Pair<A, B> {

    private A component1;
    private B component2;

    public Pair() {

    public Pair(A component1, B component2) {
            this.component1 = component1;
            this.component2 = component2;

    public A fst() {
            return component1;

    public void setComponent1(A component1) {
            this.component1 = component1;

    public B snd() {
            return component2;

    public void setComponent2(B component2) {
            this.component2 = component2;

    public String toString() {
            return "<" + component1 + "," + component2 + ">";

    public int hashCode() {
            final int prime = 31;
            int result = 1;
            result = prime * result
                            + ((component1 == null) ? 0 : component1.hashCode());
            result = prime * result
                            + ((component2 == null) ? 0 : component2.hashCode());
            return result;

    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
            if (this == obj)
                    return true;
            if (obj == null)
                    return false;
            if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
                    return false;
            final Pair<?, ?> other = (Pair<?, ?>) obj;
            if (component1 == null) {
                    if (other.component1 != null)
                            return false;
            } else if (!component1.equals(other.component1))
                    return false;
            if (component2 == null) {
                    if (other.component2 != null)
                            return false;
            } else if (!component2.equals(other.component2))
                    return false;
            return true;

    public static <A, B> Pair<A, B> create(A component1, B component2) {
            return new Pair<A, B>(component1, component2);


Change image size with JavaScript

Changing an image is easy, but how do you change it back to the original size after it has been changed? You may try this to change all images in a document back to the original size:

var i,L=document.images.length;
 document.images[i].style.height = 'auto'; //setting CSS value
 document.images[i].style.width = 'auto'; //setting CSS value
// document.images[i].height = ''; (don't need this, would be setting img.attribute)
// document.images[i].width = ''; (don't need this, would be setting img.attribute)

Check if a String contains numbers Java

As you don't only want to look for a number but also extract it, you should write a small function doing that for you. Go letter by letter till you spot a digit. Ah, just found the necessary code for you on stackoverflow: find integer in string. Look at the accepted answer.

SQL QUERY replace NULL value in a row with a value from the previous known value

This will work on Snowflake (credit to Darren Gardner):

create temp table ss (id int, val int);
insert into ss (id,val) select 1, 3;
insert into ss (id,val) select 2, null;
insert into ss (id,val) select 3, 5;
insert into ss (id,val) select 4, null;
insert into ss (id,val) select 5, null;
insert into ss (id,val) select 6, 2;

select *
      ,last_value(val ignore nulls) over 
       (order by id rows between unbounded preceding and current row) as val2
  from ss;

new DateTime() vs default(DateTime)

If you want to use default value for a DateTime parameter in a method, you can only use default(DateTime).

The following line will not compile:

    private void MyMethod(DateTime syncedTime = DateTime.MinValue)

This line will compile:

    private void MyMethod(DateTime syncedTime = default(DateTime))

Performing a query on a result from another query?

I don't know if you even need to wrap it. Won't this work?

SELECT COUNT(*), SUM(DATEDIFF(now(),availables.updated_at))
FROM availables
INNER JOIN rooms    ON
WHERE availables.bookdate BETWEEN '2009-06-25' 
  AND date_add('2009-06-25', INTERVAL 4 DAY)
  AND rooms.hostel_id = 5094
GROUP BY availables.bookdate);

If your goal is to return both result sets then you'll need to store it some place temporarily.

The endpoint reference (EPR) for the Operation not found is

As described by Eran Chinthaka at

If Axis2 engine cannot find a service and an operation for a message, it immediately fails, sending a fault to the sender. If service not found - "Service Not found EPR is " If service found but not an operation- "Operation Not found EPR is and WSA Action = "

In your case the service is found but the operation not. The Axis2 engine uses SOAPAction in order to figure out the requested operation and, in your example, the SOAPAction is missing, therefore I would try to define the SOAPAction header

How to get first character of string?

What you want is charAt.

var x = 'some string';
alert(x.charAt(0)); // alerts 's'

How to render a DateTime object in a Twig template

you can render in following way

{{ post.published_at|date("m/d/Y") }}

For more details can visit

Codeigniter $this->input->post() empty while $_POST is working correctly

You can check, if your view looks something like this (correct):

<form method="post" action="/controller/submit/">

vs (doesn't work):

<form method="post" action="/controller/submit">

Second one here is incorrect, because it redirects without carrying over post variables.


When url doesn't have slash in the end, it means that this points to a file.

Now, when web server looks up the file, it sees, that this is really a directory and sends a redirect to the browser with a slash in the end.

Browser makes new query to the new URL with slash, but doesn't post the form contents. That's where the form contents are lost.

Android Studio Google JAR file causing GC overhead limit exceeded error

I disable my Instant Run by:

Menu Preference ? Build ? Instant Run "Enable Instant Run to hot swap code"

I guess it is the Instant Run that makes the build slow and creates a large size pidXXX.hprof file which causes the AndroidStudio gc overhead limit exceeded.

(My device SDK is 19.)

Gulp command not found after install

If you're using tcsh (which is my default shell on Mac OS X), you probably just need to type rehash into the shell just after the install completes:

npm install -g gulp

followed immediately by:


Otherwise, if this is your very first time installing gulp, your shell may not recognize that there's a new executable installed -- so you either need to start a new shell, or type rehash in the current shell.

(This is basically a one-time thing for each command you install globally.)

GenyMotion Unable to start the Genymotion virtual device

Follow following step to work genemotion like charm.

  1. Open Oracle VM virtual Box

  2. File -> Preferences ( ctrl + g ) -> open one dialog box -> select Network -> select Host only network choose you adapter ( there are three button on right side -add -remove -Edit host only nw.,

    If you dont have any adapter then create.

  3. After selecting your adapater choose Edit Edit host only network(space)

  4. Open one dialog box then choose DHCP server choose Enable Server and fill all ip addresses.


    IPv4 address/netmask: (on Adapter tab)

    DHCP server enabled checked (on DHCP server tab)

    Server address/netmask:

    Server lower/upper address:

  5. Give ok.

  6. In starting of the oracle virtual machine there are different tab like General ,system , Display ,storage,Network etc.. Click on Network

  7. Open one dialog box, select Enable Network adapter attached to ->host only network and main thing is that in Name tab, choose adapter that you are choosing in preference both adapter much be match example you choose virtualbox...2 then here also choose that one.

  8. Ok.

  9. Now play your genemotion. if again error come then again restart to play you succedd.

  10. :)

See full video here to see above all step and work well with genemotion.

How to generate javadoc comments in Android Studio

i recommendated Dokka for geneate javadoc with comment and more

How do I 'foreach' through a two-dimensional array?

I'm not a big fan of this method because of the memory usage involved, but if you use the arrays it produces, it isn't such a waste.

public static void ForEachRow<T>(this T[,] list, Action<int, T[]> action)
    var len = list.GetLength(0);
    var sub = list.GetLength(1);

    T[] e;
    int i, j;

    for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
        e = new T[sub];

        for (j = 0; j < sub; j++)
            e[j] = list[i, j];

        action(i, e);


var list = new[,]{0x0, 0x1, 0x2, 0x4, 0x8};

list.ForEachRow((i, row) =>
    for (var j = 0; j < row.Length; j++)
        Console.WriteLine("[{0},{1}]: {2}", i, j, row[j]);

The other solution I found is less memory intensive, but will use more CPU, especially when the dimensions of the arrays' entries are larger.

public static void ForEachRow<T>(this T[,] list, Action<int, IEnumerable<T>> action)
    var len = list.GetLength(0);
    var sub = list.GetLength(1);

    int i, j;
    IEnumerable<T> e;

    for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
        e = Enumerable.Empty<T>();

        for (j = 0; j < sub; j++)
            e = e.Concat(AsEnumerable(list[i, j]));

        action(i, e);

private static IEnumerable<T> AsEnumerable<T>(T add)
    yield return add;


var list = new[,]{0x0, 0x1, 0x2, 0x4, 0x8};

list.ForEachRow((i, row) =>
    var j = 0;

    forrach (var o in row)
        Console.WriteLine("[{0},{1}]: {2}", i, j, o);


As a whole, I find the first option to be more intuitive, especially if you want to access the produced array by its indexer.

At the end of the day, this is all just eye candy, neither methods should really be used in favour of directly accessing the source array;

for (var i = 0; i < list.GetLength(0); i++)
    foreach (var j = 0; j < list.GetLength(1); j++)
        Console.WriteLine("[{0},{1}]: {2}", i, j, list[i, j]);

Grant execute permission for a user on all stored procedures in database?

This is a solution that means that as you add new stored procedures to the schema, users can execute them without having to call grant execute on the new stored procedure:

IF  EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.database_principals WHERE name = N'asp_net')
DROP USER asp_net

IF  EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.database_principals 
WHERE name = N'db_execproc' AND type = 'R')
DROP ROLE [db_execproc]

--Create a database role....

--...with EXECUTE permission at the schema level...
GRANT EXECUTE ON SCHEMA::dbo TO db_execproc;

--Any stored procedures that are created in the dbo schema can be 
--executed by users who are members of the db_execproc database role

--...add a user e.g. for the NETWORK SERVICE login that uses
CREATE USER asp_net 

--...and add them to the roles you need
EXEC sp_addrolemember N'db_execproc', 'asp_net';
EXEC sp_addrolemember N'db_datareader', 'asp_net';
EXEC sp_addrolemember N'db_datawriter', 'asp_net';

Reference: Grant Execute Permission on All Stored Procedures

How can I clone a JavaScript object except for one key?

To add to Ilya Palkin's answer: you can even dynamically remove keys:

const x = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, z:26};

const objectWithoutKey = (object, key) => {
  const {[key]: deletedKey, ...otherKeys} = object;
  return otherKeys;

console.log(objectWithoutKey(x, 'b')); // {a: 1, c: 3, z:26}
console.log(x); // {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, z:26};

Demo in Babel REPL


Store List to session

Yes. Which platform are you writing for? ASP.NET C#?

List<string> myList = new List<string>();
Session["var"] = myList;

Then, to retrieve:

myList = (List<string>)Session["var"];

How do you post to the wall on a facebook page (not profile)

Harish has the answer here - except you need to request manage_pages permission when authenticating and then using the page-id instead of me when posting....

$result = $facebook->api('page-id/feed/','post',$attachment);

How do I write a for loop in bash

Bash 3.0+ can use this syntax:

for i in {1..10} ; do ... ; done

..which avoids spawning an external program to expand the sequence (such as seq 1 10).

Of course, this has the same problem as the for(()) solution, being tied to bash and even a particular version (if this matters to you).

How to create a service running a .exe file on Windows 2012 Server?

You can just do that too, it seems to work well too. sc create "Servicename" binPath= "Path\To\your\App.exe" DisplayName= "My Custom Service"

You can open the registry and add a string named Description in your service's registry key to add a little more descriptive information about it. It will be shown in services.msc.

syntaxerror: "unexpected character after line continuation character in python" math

The division operator is / rather than \.

Also, the backslash has a special meaning inside a Python string. Either escape it with another backslash:

"\\ 1.5 = "`

or use a raw string

r" \ 1.5 = "

Get list of databases from SQL Server

To exclude system databases :

SELECT name FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases where sid <>0x01

Testing HTML email rendering

If you don't want to use a submission service like Litmus (Litmus is the best, BTW) then you're just going to have to run Outlook 2007 to test your email.

It sounds like you want something a little more automatic (though I'm not sure why), but fortunately Outlook is easy to automate using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA).

You can write a VBA tool that runs from the command line to generate an email, load the email up in Outlook, and even capture a screenshot if you wish. (Presumably this is what the Litmus team does on the backend.)

(BTW, do not attempt to use MS Word to test mail; the renderer is similar but subtle differences in page layout can affect the rendering of your email.)

How to set Spinner Default by its Value instead of Position?

If the list you use for the spinner is an object then you can find its position like this

private int selectSpinnerValue( List<Object> ListSpinner,String myString) 
    int index = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < ListSpinner.size(); i++){
    return index;


 int index=selectSpinnerValue(ListOfSpinner,StringEquals);

How to make div's percentage width relative to parent div and not viewport

Specifying a non-static position, e.g., position: absolute/relative on a node means that it will be used as the reference for absolutely positioned elements within it


We can change the positioning context — which element the absolutely positioned element is positioned relative to. This is done by setting positioning on one of the element's ancestors.

#outer {_x000D_
  min-width: 2000px; _x000D_
  min-height: 1000px; _x000D_
  background: #3e3e3e; _x000D_
#inner {_x000D_
  left: 1%; _x000D_
  top: 45px; _x000D_
  width: 50%; _x000D_
  height: auto; _x000D_
  position: absolute; _x000D_
  z-index: 1;_x000D_
#inner-inner {_x000D_
  background: #efffef;_x000D_
  position: absolute; _x000D_
  height: 400px; _x000D_
  right: 0px; _x000D_
  left: 0px;_x000D_
<div id="outer">_x000D_
  <div id="inner">_x000D_
    <div id="inner-inner"></div>_x000D_

exception in thread 'main' java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:

if your is in "src/mypkg/subpkg/" directory:

go to "src" dir

Then to compile use "javac mypkg/subpkg/"

To run use "java mypkg.subpkg.Program.class"

View's SELECT contains a subquery in the FROM clause

As per documentation:

MySQL Docs

  • The SELECT statement cannot contain a subquery in the FROM clause.

Your workaround would be to create a view for each of your subqueries.

Then access those views from within your view view_credit_status

Sending images using Http Post

I'm going to assume that you know the path and filename of the image that you want to upload. Add this string to your NameValuePair using image as the key-name.

Sending images can be done using the HttpComponents libraries. Download the latest HttpClient (currently 4.0.1) binary with dependencies package and copy apache-mime4j-0.6.jar and httpmime-4.0.1.jar to your project and add them to your Java build path.

You will need to add the following imports to your class.

import org.apache.http.entity.mime.HttpMultipartMode;
import org.apache.http.entity.mime.MultipartEntity;
import org.apache.http.entity.mime.content.FileBody;
import org.apache.http.entity.mime.content.StringBody;

Now you can create a MultipartEntity to attach an image to your POST request. The following code shows an example of how to do this:

public void post(String url, List<NameValuePair> nameValuePairs) {
    HttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient();
    HttpContext localContext = new BasicHttpContext();
    HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost(url);

    try {
        MultipartEntity entity = new MultipartEntity(HttpMultipartMode.BROWSER_COMPATIBLE);

        for(int index=0; index < nameValuePairs.size(); index++) {
            if(nameValuePairs.get(index).getName().equalsIgnoreCase("image")) {
                // If the key equals to "image", we use FileBody to transfer the data
                entity.addPart(nameValuePairs.get(index).getName(), new FileBody(new File (nameValuePairs.get(index).getValue())));
            } else {
                // Normal string data
                entity.addPart(nameValuePairs.get(index).getName(), new StringBody(nameValuePairs.get(index).getValue()));


        HttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(httpPost, localContext);
    } catch (IOException e) {

I hope this helps you a bit in the right direction.

How to combine 2 plots (ggplot) into one plot?

Dummy data (you should supply this for us)

visual1 = data.frame(ISSUE_DATE=runif(100,2006,2008),COUNTED=runif(100,0,50))
visual2 = data.frame(ISSUE_DATE=runif(100,2006,2008),COUNTED=runif(100,0,50))


visuals = rbind(visual1,visual2)
visuals$vis=c(rep("visual1",100),rep("visual2",100)) # 100 points of each flavour

Now do:

 ggplot(visuals, aes(ISSUE_DATE,COUNTED,group=vis,col=vis)) + 
   geom_point() + geom_smooth()

and adjust colours etc to taste.

enter image description here

Converting between strings and ArrayBuffers

For node.js and also for browsers using

function ab2str(buf: Uint8Array) {
  return Buffer.from(buf).toString('base64');
function str2ab(str: string) {
  return new Uint8Array(Buffer.from(str, 'base64'))

Note: Solutions here didn't work for me. I need to support node.js and browsers and just serialize UInt8Array to a string. I could serialize it as a number[] but that occupies unnecessary space. With that solution I don't need to worry about encodings since it's base64. Just in case other people struggle with the same problem... My two cents

Regarding C++ Include another class

When you want to convert your code to result( executable, library or whatever ), there is 2 steps:
1) compile
2) link
In first step compiler should now about some things like sizeof objects that used by you, prototype of functions and maybe inheritance. on the other hand linker want to find implementation of functions and global variables in your code.

Now when you use ClassTwo in File1.cpp compiler know nothing about it and don't know how much memory should allocate for it or for example witch members it have or is it a class and enum or even a typedef of int, so compilation will be failed by the compiler. adding File2.cpp solve the problem of linker that look for implementation but the compiler is still unhappy, because it know nothing about your type.

So remember, in compile phase you always work with just one file( and of course files that included by that one file ) and in link phase you need multiple files that contain implementations. and since C/C++ are statically typed and they allow their identifier to work for many purposes( definition, typedef, enum class, ... ) so you should always identify you identifier to the compiler and then use it and as a rule compiler should always know size of your variable!!

python: after installing anaconda, how to import pandas

  1. Another alternative is to use Pycharm IDE. For each project, you can set the Project Interpreter in Settings.

  2. For example, if anaconda is installed in /home/user/anaconda2/bin/python, you can select the Project Interpreter and set to this folder.

  3. Since the whole project is set to Anaconda's path, you can import any module which is packaged within Anaconda.

Best way to extract a subvector from a vector?

vector<T>::const_iterator first = myVec.begin() + 100000;
vector<T>::const_iterator last = myVec.begin() + 101000;
vector<T> newVec(first, last);

It's an O(N) operation to construct the new vector, but there isn't really a better way.

input type=file show only button

For me, the simplest way is using a font color like background color. Simple, not elegant, but usefull.

<div style="color:#FFFFFF">   <!-- if background page is white, of course -->
<input class="fileInput" type="file" name="file1"/></div>

Cookies vs. sessions

Session and Cookie are not a same.

A session is used to store the information from the web pages. Normally web pages don’t have any memories to store these information. But using we can save the necessary information.

But Cookie is used to identifying the users. Using cookie we can store the data’s. It is a small part of data which will store in user web browser. So whenever user browse next time browser send back the cookie data information to server for getting the previous activities.

Credits : Session and Cookie

How I can print to stderr in C?

If you don't want to modify current codes and just for debug usage.

Add this macro:

#define printf(args...) fprintf(stderr, ##args)
//under GCC
#define printf(args...) fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__)
//under MSVC

Change stderr to stdout if you want to roll back.

It's helpful for debug, but it's not a good practice.

How do I get a value of a <span> using jQuery?

VERY IMPORTANT Additional info on difference between .text() and .html():

If your selector selects more than one item, e.g you have two spans like so <span class="foo">bar1</span> <span class="foo">bar2</span> ,


$('.foo').text(); appends the two texts and give you that; whereas

$('.foo').html(); gives you only one of those.

How to add google-services.json in Android?

It should be on Project -> app folder

Please find the screenshot from Firebase website

enter image description here

Why is Python running my module when I import it, and how do I stop it?

Unfortunately, you don't. That is part of how the import syntax works and it is important that it does so -- remember def is actually something executed, if Python did not execute the import, you'd be, well, stuck without functions.

Since you probably have access to the file, though, you might be able to look and see what causes the error. It might be possible to modify your environment to prevent the error from happening.

Convert a String to Modified Camel Case in Java or Title Case as is otherwise called

You can easily write the method to do that :

  public static String toCamelCase(final String init) {
    if (init == null)
        return null;

    final StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder(init.length());

    for (final String word : init.split(" ")) {
        if (!word.isEmpty()) {
        if (!(ret.length() == init.length()))
            ret.append(" ");

    return ret.toString();

Append an empty row in dataframe using pandas

Assuming your df.index is sorted you can use:

df.loc[df.index.max() + 1] = None

It handles well different indexes and column types.

[EDIT] it works with pd.DatetimeIndex if there is a constant frequency, otherwise we must specify the new index exactly e.g:

df.loc[df.index.max() + pd.Timedelta(milliseconds=1)] = None

long example:

df = pd.DataFrame([[pd.Timestamp(12432423), 23, 'text_field']], 
                    columns=["timestamp", "speed", "text"],
                    index=pd.DatetimeIndex(start='2111-11-11',freq='ms', periods=1))

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> DatetimeIndex: 1 entries, 2111-11-11 to 2111-11-11 Freq: L Data columns (total 3 columns): timestamp 1 non-null datetime64[ns] speed 1 non-null int64 text 1 non-null object dtypes: datetime64[ns](1), int64(1), object(1) memory usage: 32.0+ bytes

df.loc[df.index.max() + 1] = None

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> DatetimeIndex: 2 entries, 2111-11-11 00:00:00 to 2111-11-11 00:00:00.001000 Data columns (total 3 columns): timestamp 1 non-null datetime64[ns] speed 1 non-null float64 text 1 non-null object dtypes: datetime64[ns](1), float64(1), object(1) memory usage: 64.0+ bytes


                            timestamp                   speed      text
2111-11-11 00:00:00.000 1970-01-01 00:00:00.012432423   23.0    text_field
2111-11-11 00:00:00.001 NaT NaN NaN

How do I update the GUI from another thread?

Fire and forget extension method for .NET 3.5+

using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;

public static class ControlExtensions
    /// <summary>
    /// Executes the Action asynchronously on the UI thread, does not block execution on the calling thread.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="control"></param>
    /// <param name="code"></param>
    public static void UIThread(this Control @this, Action code)
        if (@this.InvokeRequired)

This can be called using the following line of code:

this.UIThread(() => this.myLabel.Text = "Text Goes Here");

JPG vs. JPEG image formats

There is no difference between them, it just a file extension for image/jpeg mime type. In fact file extension for image/jpeg is .jpg, .jpeg, .jpe .jif, .jfif, .jfi

jQuery datepicker set selected date, on the fly

please Find below one it helps me a lot to set data function

$('#datepicker').datepicker({dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd'}).datepicker('setDate', '2010-07-25');

to_string is not a member of std, says g++ (mingw)

#include <string>
#include <sstream>

namespace patch
    template < typename T > std::string to_string( const T& n )
        std::ostringstream stm ;
        stm << n ;
        return stm.str() ;

#include <iostream>

int main()
    std::cout << patch::to_string(1234) << '\n' << patch::to_string(1234.56) << '\n' ;

do not forget to include #include <sstream>

Routing with Multiple Parameters using ASP.NET MVC

You can pass arbitrary parameters through the query string, but you can also set up custom routes to handle it in a RESTful way:

That could be:

    new { ws = "2.0", controller="artists" artist = "", action="", apikey="" }

So if someone used the following route:

It would take them to the same place your example querystring did.

The above is just an example, and doesn't apply the business rules and constraints you'd have to set up to make sure people didn't 'hack' the URL.

In UML class diagrams, what are Boundary Classes, Control Classes, and Entity Classes?

Actually, the Robustness Diagrams (or Analysis Diagrams, as they are sometimes called) are just specialized Class Diagrams. They are a part of UML, and have been from the beginning (see Jacobson's book, The Unified Software Development Process - part of the "Three Amigos" series of books). The aforementioned book has a good definition of these three classes on pp 183-185.

Concatenate two string literals

The difference between a string (or to be precise, std::string) and a character literal is that for the latter there is no + operator defined. This is why the second example fails.

In the first case, the compiler can find a suitable operator+ with the first argument being a string and the second a character literal (const char*) so it used that. The result of that operation is again a string, so it repeats the same trick when adding "!" to it.

Update Tkinter Label from variable

Maybe I'm not understanding the question but here is my simple solution that works -

# I want to Display total heads bent this machine so I define a label -
TotalHeadsLabel3 = Label(leftFrame)
TotalHeadsLabel3.config(font=Helv12,fg='blue',text="Total heads " + str(TotalHeads))

# I update the int variable adding the quantity bent -
TotalHeads = TotalHeads + headQtyBent # update ready to write to file & display
TotalHeadsLabel3.config(text="Total Heads "+str(TotalHeads)) # update label with new qty

I agree that labels are not automatically updated but can easily be updated with the

<label name>.config(text="<new text>" + str(<variable name>))

That just needs to be included in your code after the variable is updated.

How to remove duplicates from a list?

As others have mentioned, you are probably not implementing equals() correctly.

However, you should also note that this code is considered quite inefficient, since the runtime could be the number of elements squared.

You might want to consider using a Set structure instead of a List instead, or building a Set first and then turning it into a list.