Programs & Examples On #Azure storage blobs

Azure Blob Storage is a cloud service for storing unstructured binary data. It is a part of the Microsoft Azure family of cloud services. Blobs can be of any file type. azure blobs can be Block or Page oriented. Block blobs are optimized for sequential read, while Page blobs are optimized for random read. A single Block Blob can be up to 200 GB in size and a single Page blob - up to 2 TB.

Sending HTML Code Through JSON

You can send it as a String, why not. But you are probably missusing JSON here a bit since as far as I understand the point is to send just the data needed and wrap them into HTML on the client.

Return first N key:value pairs from dict

Python's dicts are not ordered, so it's meaningless to ask for the "first N" keys.

The collections.OrderedDict class is available if that's what you need. You could efficiently get its first four elements as

import itertools
import collections

d = collections.OrderedDict((('foo', 'bar'), (1, 'a'), (2, 'b'), (3, 'c'), (4, 'd')))
x = itertools.islice(d.items(), 0, 4)

for key, value in x:
    print key, value

itertools.islice allows you to lazily take a slice of elements from any iterator. If you want the result to be reusable you'd need to convert it to a list or something, like so:

x = list(itertools.islice(d.items(), 0, 4))

Canvas width and height in HTML5

A canvas has 2 sizes, the dimension of the pixels in the canvas (it's backingstore or drawingBuffer) and the display size. The number of pixels is set using the the canvas attributes. In HTML

<canvas width="400" height="300"></canvas>

Or in JavaScript

someCanvasElement.width = 400;
someCanvasElement.height = 300;

Separate from that are the canvas's CSS style width and height


canvas {  /* or some other selector */
   width: 500px;
   height: 400px;

Or in JavaScript = "500px"; = "400px";

The arguably best way to make a canvas 1x1 pixels is to ALWAYS USE CSS to choose the size then write a tiny bit of JavaScript to make the number of pixels match that size.

function resizeCanvasToDisplaySize(canvas) {
   // look up the size the canvas is being displayed
   const width = canvas.clientWidth;
   const height = canvas.clientHeight;

   // If it's resolution does not match change it
   if (canvas.width !== width || canvas.height !== height) {
     canvas.width = width;
     canvas.height = height;
     return true;

   return false;

Why is this the best way? Because it works in most cases without having to change any code.

Here's a full window canvas:

const ctx = document.querySelector("#c").getContext("2d");_x000D_
function render(time) {_x000D_
  time *= 0.001;_x000D_
  ctx.fillStyle = "#DDE";_x000D_
  ctx.fillRect(0, 0, ctx.canvas.width, ctx.canvas.height);_x000D_;_x000D_
  const spacing = 64;_x000D_
  const size = 48;_x000D_
  const across = ctx.canvas.width / spacing + 1;_x000D_
  const down = ctx.canvas.height / spacing + 1;_x000D_
  const s = Math.sin(time);_x000D_
  const c = Math.cos(time);_x000D_
  for (let y = 0; y < down; ++y) {_x000D_
    for (let x = 0; x < across; ++x) {_x000D_
      ctx.setTransform(c, -s, s, c, x * spacing, y * spacing);_x000D_
      ctx.strokeRect(-size / 2, -size / 2, size, size);_x000D_
function resizeCanvasToDisplaySize(canvas) {_x000D_
   // look up the size the canvas is being displayed_x000D_
   const width = canvas.clientWidth;_x000D_
   const height = canvas.clientHeight;_x000D_
   // If it's resolution does not match change it_x000D_
   if (canvas.width !== width || canvas.height !== height) {_x000D_
     canvas.width = width;_x000D_
     canvas.height = height;_x000D_
     return true;_x000D_
   return false;_x000D_
body { margin: 0; }_x000D_
canvas { display: block; width: 100vw; height: 100vh; }
<canvas id="c"></canvas>

And Here's a canvas as a float in a paragraph

const ctx = document.querySelector("#c").getContext("2d");_x000D_
function render(time) {_x000D_
  time *= 0.001;_x000D_
  ctx.fillStyle = "#DDE";_x000D_
  ctx.fillRect(0, 0, ctx.canvas.width, ctx.canvas.height);_x000D_;_x000D_
  const spacing = 64;_x000D_
  const size = 48;_x000D_
  const across = ctx.canvas.width  / spacing + 1;_x000D_
  const down   = ctx.canvas.height / spacing + 1;_x000D_
  const s = Math.sin(time);_x000D_
  const c = Math.cos(time);_x000D_
  for (let y = 0; y <= down; ++y) {_x000D_
    for (let x = 0; x <= across; ++x) {_x000D_
      ctx.setTransform(c, -s, s, c, x * spacing, y * spacing);_x000D_
      ctx.strokeRect(-size / 2, -size / 2, size, size);_x000D_
function resizeCanvasToDisplaySize(canvas) {_x000D_
   // look up the size the canvas is being displayed_x000D_
   const width = canvas.clientWidth;_x000D_
   const height = canvas.clientHeight;_x000D_
   // If it's resolution does not match change it_x000D_
   if (canvas.width !== width || canvas.height !== height) {_x000D_
     canvas.width = width;_x000D_
     canvas.height = height;_x000D_
     return true;_x000D_
   return false;_x000D_
span { _x000D_
   width: 250px; _x000D_
   height: 100px; _x000D_
   float: left; _x000D_
   padding: 1em 1em 1em 0;_x000D_
   display: inline-block;_x000D_
canvas {_x000D_
   width: 100%;_x000D_
   height: 100%;_x000D_
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent cursus venenatis metus. Mauris ac nibh at odio scelerisque scelerisque. Donec ut enim <span class="diagram"><canvas id="c"></canvas></span>_x000D_
vel urna gravida imperdiet id ac odio. Aenean congue hendrerit eros id facilisis. In vitae leo ullamcorper, aliquet leo a, vehicula magna. Proin sollicitudin vestibulum aliquet. Sed et varius justo._x000D_
Quisque tempor metus in porttitor placerat. Nulla vehicula sem nec ipsum commodo, at tincidunt orci porttitor. Duis porttitor egestas dui eu viverra. Sed et ipsum eget odio pharetra semper. Integer tempor orci quam, eget aliquet velit consectetur sit amet. Maecenas maximus placerat arcu in varius. Morbi semper, quam a ullamcorper interdum, augue nisl sagittis urna, sed pharetra lectus ex nec elit. Nullam viverra lacinia tellus, bibendum maximus nisl dictum id. Phasellus mauris quam, rutrum ut congue non, hendrerit sollicitudin urna._x000D_

Here's a canvas in a sizable control panel

const ctx = document.querySelector("#c").getContext("2d");_x000D_
function render(time) {_x000D_
  time *= 0.001;_x000D_
  ctx.fillStyle = "#DDE";_x000D_
  ctx.fillRect(0, 0, ctx.canvas.width, ctx.canvas.height);_x000D_;_x000D_
  const spacing = 64;_x000D_
  const size = 48;_x000D_
  const across = ctx.canvas.width / spacing + 1;_x000D_
  const down = ctx.canvas.height / spacing + 1;_x000D_
  const s = Math.sin(time);_x000D_
  const c = Math.cos(time);_x000D_
  for (let y = 0; y < down; ++y) {_x000D_
    for (let x = 0; x < across; ++x) {_x000D_
      ctx.setTransform(c, -s, s, c, x * spacing, y * spacing);_x000D_
      ctx.strokeRect(-size / 2, -size / 2, size, size);_x000D_
function resizeCanvasToDisplaySize(canvas) {_x000D_
   // look up the size the canvas is being displayed_x000D_
   const width = canvas.clientWidth;_x000D_
   const height = canvas.clientHeight;_x000D_
   // If it's resolution does not match change it_x000D_
   if (canvas.width !== width || canvas.height !== height) {_x000D_
     canvas.width = width;_x000D_
     canvas.height = height;_x000D_
     return true;_x000D_
   return false;_x000D_
// ----- the code above related to the canvas does not change ----_x000D_
// ---- the code below is related to the slider ----_x000D_
const $ = document.querySelector.bind(document);_x000D_
const left = $(".left");_x000D_
const slider = $(".slider");_x000D_
let dragging;_x000D_
let lastX;_x000D_
let startWidth;_x000D_
slider.addEventListener('mousedown', e => {_x000D_
 lastX = e.pageX;_x000D_
 dragging = true;_x000D_
window.addEventListener('mouseup', e => {_x000D_
 dragging = false;_x000D_
window.addEventListener('mousemove', e => {_x000D_
  if (dragging) {_x000D_
    const deltaX = e.pageX - lastX;_x000D_ = left.clientWidth + deltaX + "px";_x000D_
    lastX = e.pageX;_x000D_
body { _x000D_
  margin: 0;_x000D_
.frame {_x000D_
  display: flex;_x000D_
  align-items: space-between;_x000D_
  height: 100vh;_x000D_
.left {_x000D_
  width: 70%;_x000D_
  left: 0;_x000D_
  top: 0;_x000D_
  right: 0;_x000D_
  bottom: 0;_x000D_
}  _x000D_
canvas {_x000D_
  width: 100%;_x000D_
  height: 100%;_x000D_
pre {_x000D_
  padding: 1em;_x000D_
.slider {_x000D_
  width: 10px;_x000D_
  background: #000;_x000D_
.right {_x000D_
  flex 1 1 auto;_x000D_
<div class="frame">_x000D_
  <div class="left">_x000D_
     <canvas id="c"></canvas>_x000D_
  <div class="slider">_x000D_
  <div class="right">_x000D_
* controls_x000D_
* go _x000D_
* here_x000D_
&lt;- drag this_x000D_

here's a canvas as a background

const ctx = document.querySelector("#c").getContext("2d");_x000D_
function render(time) {_x000D_
  time *= 0.001;_x000D_
  ctx.fillStyle = "#DDE";_x000D_
  ctx.fillRect(0, 0, ctx.canvas.width, ctx.canvas.height);_x000D_;_x000D_
  const spacing = 64;_x000D_
  const size = 48;_x000D_
  const across = ctx.canvas.width / spacing + 1;_x000D_
  const down = ctx.canvas.height / spacing + 1;_x000D_
  const s = Math.sin(time);_x000D_
  const c = Math.cos(time);_x000D_
  for (let y = 0; y < down; ++y) {_x000D_
    for (let x = 0; x < across; ++x) {_x000D_
      ctx.setTransform(c, -s, s, c, x * spacing, y * spacing);_x000D_
      ctx.strokeRect(-size / 2, -size / 2, size, size);_x000D_
function resizeCanvasToDisplaySize(canvas) {_x000D_
   // look up the size the canvas is being displayed_x000D_
   const width = canvas.clientWidth;_x000D_
   const height = canvas.clientHeight;_x000D_
   // If it's resolution does not match change it_x000D_
   if (canvas.width !== width || canvas.height !== height) {_x000D_
     canvas.width = width;_x000D_
     canvas.height = height;_x000D_
     return true;_x000D_
   return false;_x000D_
body { margin: 0; }_x000D_
canvas { _x000D_
  display: block; _x000D_
  width: 100vw; _x000D_
  height: 100vh;  _x000D_
  position: fixed;_x000D_
#content {_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  margin: 0 1em;_x000D_
  font-size: xx-large;_x000D_
  font-family: sans-serif;_x000D_
  font-weight: bold;_x000D_
  text-shadow: 2px  2px 0 #FFF, _x000D_
              -2px -2px 0 #FFF,_x000D_
              -2px  2px 0 #FFF,_x000D_
               2px -2px 0 #FFF;_x000D_
<canvas id="c"></canvas>_x000D_
<div id="content">_x000D_
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent cursus venenatis metus. Mauris ac nibh at odio scelerisque scelerisque. Donec ut enim vel urna gravida imperdiet id ac odio. Aenean congue hendrerit eros id facilisis. In vitae leo ullamcorper, aliquet leo a, vehicula magna. Proin sollicitudin vestibulum aliquet. Sed et varius justo._x000D_
Quisque tempor metus in porttitor placerat. Nulla vehicula sem nec ipsum commodo, at tincidunt orci porttitor. Duis porttitor egestas dui eu viverra. Sed et ipsum eget odio pharetra semper. Integer tempor orci quam, eget aliquet velit consectetur sit amet. Maecenas maximus placerat arcu in varius. Morbi semper, quam a ullamcorper interdum, augue nisl sagittis urna, sed pharetra lectus ex nec elit. Nullam viverra lacinia tellus, bibendum maximus nisl dictum id. Phasellus mauris quam, rutrum ut congue non, hendrerit sollicitudin urna._x000D_

Because I didn't set the attributes the only thing that changed in each sample is the CSS (as far as the canvas is concerned)


  • Don't put borders or padding on a canvas element. Computing the size to subtract from the number of dimensions of the element is troublesome

Python "TypeError: unhashable type: 'slice'" for encoding categorical data

use Values either while creating variable X or while encoding as mentioned above

# Importing the libraries
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd

# Importing the dataset
# dataset = pd.read_csv('50_Startups.csv')

dataset = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(10, 10))
y=dataset.iloc[:, 4].values
X=dataset.iloc[:, 0:4].values

How to get rid of `deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’` warnings in GCC?

While passing string constants to functions write it as:

void setpart(const char name[]);


instead of const char name[], you could also write const char \*name

It worked for me to remove this error:

[Warning] deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*' [-Wwrite-strings]

Measuring the distance between two coordinates in PHP

Hello here Code For Get Distance and Time Using Two Different Lat and Long

$url =",80.613266&destinations=23.0225,72.5714";

    $ch = curl_init();
    // Disable SSL verification

    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
    // Will return the response, if false it print the response
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    // Set the url
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$url);
    // Execute
    // Closing


You can check Example Below Link get time between two different locations using latitude and longitude in php

Centering Bootstrap input fields

The best way for centering your element it is using .center-block helper class. But must your bootstrap version not less than 3.1.1

<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />_x000D_
<div class="row">_x000D_
  <div class="col-lg-3 center-block">_x000D_
    <div class="input-group">_x000D_
      <input type="text" class="form-control">_x000D_
      <span class="input-group-btn">_x000D_
             <button class="btn btn-default" type="button">Go!</button>_x000D_
    <!-- /input-group -->_x000D_
  <!-- /.col-lg-6 -->_x000D_
<!-- /.row -->

Where do I find the Instagram media ID of a image

So the most up-voted "Better Way" is a little deprecated so here is my edit and other solutions:

Javascript + jQuery

    type: 'GET',
    url: ''+Url, //You must define 'Url' for yourself
    cache: false,
    dataType: 'json',
    jsonp: false,
    success: function (data) {
       var MediaID = data.media_id;


$your_url = "" //Input your url
$api = file_get_contents("" . your_url);      
$media_id = json_decode($api,true)['media_id'];

So, this is just an updated version of @George's code and is currently working. However, I made other solutions, and some even avoid an ajax request:

Shortcode Ajax Solution

Certain Instagram urls use a shortened url syntax. This allows the client to just use the shortcode in place of the media id if requested properly.

An example shortcode url looks like this:

The Y7GF-5vftL is your shortcode for the picture.

Using Regexp:

var url = ""; //Define this yourself
var Key = /p\/(.*?)\/$/.exec(url)[1];

In the same scope, Key will contain your shortcode. Now to request, let's say, a low res picture using this shortcode, you would do something like the following:

        type: "GET",
        dataType: "json",
        url: "" + Key + "?access_token=" + access_token, //Define your 'access_token'
        success: function (RawData) {
            var LowResURL =;

There is lots of other useful information, including the media id, in the returned RawData structure. Log it or look up the api documentation to see.

Shortcode Conversion Solution

You can actually convert your shortcode to the id fairly easily! Here's a simple way to do it in javascript:

function shortcodeToInstaID(Shortcode) {
      var char;
      var id = 0;
      var alphabet = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_';
      for (var i = 0; i < Shortcode.length; i++) {
          char = Shortcode[i];
          id = (id * 64) + alphabet.indexOf(char);
      return id;

Note: If you want a more robust node.js solution, or want to see how you would convert it back, check out @Slang's module on npm.

Full Page Solution

So what if you have the URL to a full Instagram page like:

Well, you can actually read the HTML to find a meta property that contains the Media ID. There are also a couple other algorithms you can perform on the URL itself to get it, but I believe that requires too much effort so we will keep it simple. Either query the meta tag al:ios:url or iterate through the html. Since reading metatags is posted all over, I'll show you how to iterate.

NOTE: This is a little unstable and is vulnerable to being patched. This method does NOT work on a page that uses a preview box. So if you give it the current HTML when you click on a picture in someone's profile, this WILL break and return a bad Media ID.

function getMediaId(HTML_String) {
  var MediaID = "";
  var e = HTML_String.indexOf("al:ios:url") + 42; //HTML_String is a variable that contains all of the HTML text as a string for the current document. There are many different ways to retrieve this so look one up. 
  for (var i = e; i <= e + 100; i++) { //100 should never come close to being reached
      if (request.source.charAt(i) == "\"")
      MediaID += request.source.charAt(i);
  return MediaID;

And there you go, a bunch of different ways to use Instagram's api to get a Media ID. Hope one fixes your struggles.

Symfony2 Setting a default choice field selection

I think you should simply use $breed->setSpecies($species), for instance in my form I have:

$m = new Member();
$m->setBirthDate(new \DateTime);
$form = $this->createForm(new MemberType, $m);

and that sets my default selection to the current date. Should work the same way for external entities...

CreateProcess: No such file or directory

Its specifically told that you need to reboot after you set the environmental variables in windows for migwin.

Array definition in XML?

Once I've seen such an interesting construction:

<Ids xmlns:id="">

Is it possible to start a shell session in a running container (without ssh)

It's useful assign name when running container. You don't need refer container_id.

docker run --name container_name yourimage docker exec -it container_name bash

Display string as html in mvc view

I had a similar problem recently, and google landed me here, so I put this answer here in case others land here as well, for completeness.

I noticed that when I had badly formatted html, I was actually having all my html tags stripped out, with just the non-tag content remaining. I particularly had a table with a missing opening table tag, and then all my html tags from the entire string where ripped out completely.

So, if the above doesn't work, and you're still scratching your head, then also check you html for being valid.

I notice even after I got it working, MVC was adding tbody tags where I had none. This tells me there is clean up happening (MVC 5), and that when it can't happen, it strips out all/some tags.

How to go back to previous page if back button is pressed in WebView?

use this code to go back on page and when last page came then go out of activity

    public void onBackPressed() {
        Intent intent=new Intent(LiveImage.this,DashBoard.class);

How to change the CHARACTER SET (and COLLATION) throughout a database?

Heres how to change all databases/tables/columns. Run these queries and they will output all of the subsequent queries necessary to convert your entire schema to utf8. Hope this helps!

-- Change DATABASE Default Collation

from information_schema.tables
where TABLE_SCHEMA like  'database_name';

-- Change TABLE Collation / Char Set

SELECT concat('ALTER TABLE `', TABLE_SCHEMA, '`.`', table_name, '` CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci;')
from information_schema.tables
where TABLE_SCHEMA like 'database_name';

-- Change COLUMN Collation / Char Set

SELECT concat('ALTER TABLE `', t1.TABLE_SCHEMA, '`.`', t1.table_name, '` MODIFY `', t1.column_name, '` ', t1.data_type , '(' , t1.CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH , ')' , ' CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci;')
from information_schema.columns t1
where t1.TABLE_SCHEMA like 'database_name' and t1.COLLATION_NAME = 'old_charset_name';

List of Stored Procedures/Functions Mysql Command Line

If you want to list Store Procedure for Current Selected Database,


it will list Routines based on current selected Database

UPDATED to list out functions in your database

select * from information_schema.ROUTINES where ROUTINE_SCHEMA="YOUR DATABASE NAME" and ROUTINE_TYPE="FUNCTION";

to list out routines/store procedures in your database,


to list tables in your database,


to list views in your database,

method 1:


method 2:

select * from information_schema.VIEWS WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA="YOUR DATABASE NAME";

How to resolve a Java Rounding Double issue

See responses to this question. Essentially what you are seeing is a natural consequence of using floating point arithmetic.

You could pick some arbitrary precision (significant digits of your inputs?) and round your result to it, if you feel comfortable doing that.

ReflectionException: Class ClassName does not exist - Laravel

You may try to write app in use uppercase, so App. Worked for me.

Python to print out status bar and percentage

I found useful library tqdm (, previously: It automatically estimates time of completion and can be used as iterator.


import tqdm
import time

for i in tqdm.tqdm(range(1000)):
    # or other long operations

Results in:

|####------| 450/1000  45% [elapsed: 00:04 left: 00:05, 99.15 iters/sec]

tqdm can wrap any iterable.

ORA-06550: line 1, column 7 (PL/SQL: Statement ignored) Error

If the value stored in PropertyLoader.RET_SECONDARY_V_ARRAY is not "V_ARRAY", then you are using different types; even if they are declared identically (e.g. both are table of number) this will not work.

You're hitting this data type compatibility restriction:

You can assign a collection to a collection variable only if they have the same data type. Having the same element type is not enough.

You're trying to call the procedure with a parameter that is a different type to the one it's expecting, which is what the error message is telling you.

C#: Limit the length of a string?

You could extend the "string" class to let you return a limited string.

using System;

namespace ConsoleApplication1
   class Program
      static void Main(string[] args)
         // since specified strings are treated on the fly as string objects...
         string limit5 = "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.".LimitLength(5);
         string limit10 = "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.".LimitLength(10);
         // this line should return us the entire contents of the test string
         string limit100 = "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.".LimitLength(100);

         Console.WriteLine("limit5   - {0}", limit5);
         Console.WriteLine("limit10  - {0}", limit10);
         Console.WriteLine("limit100 - {0}", limit100);


   public static class StringExtensions
      /// <summary>
      /// Method that limits the length of text to a defined length.
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="source">The source text.</param>
      /// <param name="maxLength">The maximum limit of the string to return.</param>
      public static string LimitLength(this string source, int maxLength)
         if (source.Length <= maxLength)
            return source;

         return source.Substring(0, maxLength);


limit5 - The q
limit10 - The quick
limit100 - The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.

What is the (function() { } )() construct in JavaScript?

I think the 2 sets of brackets makes it a bit confusing but I saw another usage in googles example, they used something similar, I hope this will help you understand better:

var app = || ( = {});

so if is not defined, then = {} is immediately executed, so is assigned with {} during the condition evaluation, so the result is both app and now become {}, so console output is:

Object {}
Object {}

ParseError: not well-formed (invalid token) using cElementTree

I was having the same error (with ElementTree). In my case it was because of encodings, and I was able to solve it without having to use an external library. Hope this helps other people finding this question based on the title. (reference)

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
parser = ET.XMLParser(encoding="utf-8")
tree = ET.fromstring(xmlstring, parser=parser)

EDIT: Based on comments, this answer might be outdated. But this did work back when it was answered...

LDAP root query syntax to search more than one specific OU

The answer is NO you can't. Why?

Because the LDAP standard describes a LDAP-SEARCH as kind of function with 4 parameters:

  1. The node where the search should begin, which is a Distinguish Name (DN)
  2. The attributes you want to be brought back
  3. The depth of the search (base, one-level, subtree)
  4. The filter

You are interested in the filter. You've got a summary here (it's provided by Microsoft for Active Directory, it's from a standard). The filter is composed, in a boolean way, by expression of the type Attribute Operator Value.

So the filter you give does not mean anything.

On the theoretical point of view there is ExtensibleMatch that allows buildind filters on the DN path, but it's not supported by Active Directory.

As far as I know, you have to use an attribute in AD to make the distinction for users in the two OUs.

It can be any existing discriminator attribute, or, for example the attribute called OU which is inherited from organizationalPerson class. you can set it (it's not automatic, and will not be maintained if you move the users) with "staff" for some users and "vendors" for others and them use the filter:


How to update Identity Column in SQL Server?



How to make a <button> in Bootstrap look like a normal link in nav-tabs?

Just get rid of the background color, borders and add hover effects. Here's a fiddle:

<form action="..." method="post">
<div class="row-fluid">
<!-- Navigation for the form -->
<div class="span3">
  <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-stacked">
    <li><button type="submit" name="op" value="Link 1" class="button-link">Link 1</button></li>
    <li><button type="submit" name="op" value="Link 2" class="button-link">Link 2</button></li>
    <!-- ... -->
<!-- The actual form -->
<div class="span9">
  <!-- ... -->


.button-link {
background-color: transparent;
border: none;

.button-link:hover {
color: blue;
text-decoration: underline;

How to get row number in dataframe in Pandas?

You can simply use shape method df[df['LastName'] == 'Smith'].shape


Which indicates 1 row and 1 column. This way you can get the idea of whole datasets

Let me explain the above code DataframeName[DataframeName['Column_name'] == 'Value to match in column']

Disabling Warnings generated via _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE

i work on a multi platform project, so i can't use _s function and i don't want pollute my code with visual studio specific code.
my solution is disable the warning 4996 on the visual studio project. go to Project -> Properties -> Configuration properties -> C/C++ -> Advanced -> Disable specific warning add the value 4996.
if you use also the mfc and/or atl library (not my case) define before include mfc _AFX_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE and before include atl _ATL_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE.
i use this solution across visual studio 2003 and 2005.

p.s. if you use only visual studio the secure template overloads could be a good solution.

How do I install Composer on a shared hosting?

You can do it that way:

  • Create a directory where you want to install composer (let's say /home/your_username/composer)
  • Go to this directory - cd /home/your_username/composer
  • Then run the following command:

    php -r "readfile('');" | php

  • After that if you want to run composer, you can do it this way (in this caseyou must be in the composer's dir): php composer.phar

  • As a next step, you can do this:

    alias composer="/home/your_username/composer/composer.phar".

    And run commands like you do it normally: $ composer install

Hope that helps

How to declare empty list and then add string in scala?

Maybe you can use ListBuffers in scala to create empty list and add strings later because ListBuffers are mutable. Also all the List functions are available for the ListBuffers in scala.

import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer 

val dm = ListBuffer[String]()
dm: scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer[String] = ListBuffer()
dm += "text1"
dm += "text2"
dm = ListBuffer(text1, text2)

if you want you can convert this to a list by using .toList

Getting the closest string match

I contest that choice B is closer to the test string, as it's only 4 characters(and 2 deletes) from being the original string. Whereas you see C as closer because it includes both brown and red. It would, however, have a greater edit distance.

There is an algorithm called Levenshtein Distance which measures the edit distance between two inputs.

Here is a tool for that algorithm.

  1. Rates choice A as a distance of 15.
  2. Rates choice B as a distance of 6.
  3. Rates choice C as a distance of 9.

EDIT: Sorry, I keep mixing strings in the levenshtein tool. Updated to correct answers.

How do I update an entity using spring-data-jpa?

This is how I solved the problem:

User inbound = ...
User existing = userRepository.findByFirstname(inbound.getFirstname());
if(existing != null) inbound.setId(existing.getId());;

Javascript Error Null is not an Object

I agree with alex about making sure the DOM is loaded. I also think that the submit button will trigger a refresh.

This is what I would do

<script type="text/javascript">
var myButton;
var myTextfield;

function setup() {
  myButton = document.getElementById("myButton");
  myTextfield = document.getElementById("myTextfield");
  myButton.onclick = function() {
    var userName = myTextfield.value;
    return false;

function greetUser(userName) {
  var greeting = "Hello " + userName + "!";
  document.getElementsByTagName("h2")[0].innerHTML = greeting;

<body onload="setup()">
  <h2>Hello World!</h2>
  <p id="myParagraph">This is an example website</p>

    <input type="text" id="myTextfield" placeholder="Type your name" />
    <input type="button" id="myButton" value="Go" />

have fun!

WCF Service Client: The content type text/html; charset=utf-8 of the response message does not match the content type of the binding

My solution was rather simple: backup everything from the application, uninstall it, delete everything from the remaining folders (but not the folders so I won't have to grant the same permissions again) then copy back the files from the backup.

How to format x-axis time scale values in Chart.js v2

I had a different use case, I want different formats based how long between start and end time of data in graph. I found this to be simplest approach

    xAxes = {
        type: "time",
        time: {
            displayFormats: {
                hour: "hA"
        display: true,
        ticks: {
            reverse: true
        gridLines: {display: false}
    // if more than two days between start and end of data,  set format to show date,  not hrs
    if ((parseInt(Cookies.get("epoch_max")) - parseInt(Cookies.get("epoch_min"))) > (1000*60*60*24*2)) {
        xAxes.time.displayFormats.hour = "MMM D";

Algorithm to convert RGB to HSV and HSV to RGB in range 0-255 for both

This isn't C, but it's certainly does work. All the other methods I see here work by casing everything into parts of a hexagon, and approximating "angles" from that. By instead starting with a different equation using cosines, and solving for h s and v, you get a lot nicer relationship between hsv and rgb, and tweening becomes smoother (at the cost of it being way slower).

Assume everything is floating point. If r g and b go from 0 to 1, h goes from 0 to 2pi, v goes from 0 to 4/3, and s goes from 0 to 2/3.

The following code is written in Lua. It's easily translatable into anything else.

local hsv do
    hsv         ={}
    local atan2 =math.atan2
    local cos   =math.cos
    local sin   =math.sin

    function hsv.fromrgb(r,b,g)
        local c=r+g+b
        if c<1e-4 then
            return 0,2/3,0
            local p=2*(b*b+g*g+r*r-g*r-b*g-b*r)^0.5
            local h=atan2(b-g,(2*r-b-g)/3^0.5)
            local s=p/(c+p)
            local v=(c+p)/3
            return h,s,v

    function hsv.torgb(h,s,v)
        local r=v*(1+s*(cos(h)-1))
        local g=v*(1+s*(cos(h-2.09439)-1))
        local b=v*(1+s*(cos(h+2.09439)-1))
        return r,g,b

    function hsv.tween(h0,s0,v0,h1,s1,v1,t)
        local dh=(h1-h0+3.14159)%6.28318-3.14159
        local h=h0+t*dh
        local s=s0+t*(s1-s0)
        local v=v0+t*(v1-v0)
        return h,s,v

Change column type in pandas

Starting pandas 1.0.0, we have pandas.DataFrame.convert_dtypes. You can even control what types to convert!

In [40]: df = pd.DataFrame(
    ...:     {
    ...:         "a": pd.Series([1, 2, 3], dtype=np.dtype("int32")),
    ...:         "b": pd.Series(["x", "y", "z"], dtype=np.dtype("O")),
    ...:         "c": pd.Series([True, False, np.nan], dtype=np.dtype("O")),
    ...:         "d": pd.Series(["h", "i", np.nan], dtype=np.dtype("O")),
    ...:         "e": pd.Series([10, np.nan, 20], dtype=np.dtype("float")),
    ...:         "f": pd.Series([np.nan, 100.5, 200], dtype=np.dtype("float")),
    ...:     }
    ...: )

In [41]: dff = df.copy()

In [42]: df 
   a  b      c    d     e      f
0  1  x   True    h  10.0    NaN
1  2  y  False    i   NaN  100.5
2  3  z    NaN  NaN  20.0  200.0

In [43]: df.dtypes
a      int32
b     object
c     object
d     object
e    float64
f    float64
dtype: object

In [44]: df = df.convert_dtypes()

In [45]: df.dtypes
a      Int32
b     string
c    boolean
d     string
e      Int64
f    float64
dtype: object

In [46]: dff = dff.convert_dtypes(convert_boolean = False)

In [47]: dff.dtypes
a      Int32
b     string
c     object
d     string
e      Int64
f    float64
dtype: object

httpd Server not started: (13)Permission denied: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:88

First kill all the hanged instances of httpd, and then try restarting Apache:

service httpd restart

Loop code for each file in a directory

Try GLOB()

$dir = "/etc/php5/*";  

// Open a known directory, and proceed to read its contents  
foreach(glob($dir) as $file)  
    echo "filename: $file : filetype: " . filetype($file) . "<br />";  

How to SUM and SUBTRACT using SQL?

Simple copy & paste example with subqueries, Note, that both queries should return 1 row:

(select sum(items_1) from items_table_1 where ...)
(select count(items_2) from items_table_1 where ...) 

as difference

JQuery: if div is visible

You can use .is(':visible')

Selects all elements that are visible.

For example:


Also, you can get the div which is visible by:


Live example:

#selectDiv {_x000D_
  display: none;  _x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div id="selectDiv"></div>_x000D_
<div id="visibleDiv"></div>

What's the best way to set a single pixel in an HTML5 canvas?

If you are concerned about the speed then you could also consider WebGL.

How do I start an activity from within a Fragment?

I do it like this, to launch the SendFreeTextActivity from a (custom) menu fragment that appears in multiple activities:

In the MenuFragment class:

public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_menu, container, false);

    final Button sendFreeTextButton = (Button) view.findViewById(;
    sendFreeTextButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View v) {
            Log.d(TAG, "sendFreeTextButton clicked");
            Intent intent = new Intent(getActivity(), SendFreeTextActivity.class);

'JSON' is undefined error in JavaScript in Internet Explorer

Check for extra commas in your JSON response. If the last element of an array has a comma, this will break in IE

How to use <md-icon> in Angular Material?

md-icons aren't in the bower release of angular-material yet. I've been using Polymer's icons, they'll probably be the same anyway.

bower install polymer/core-icons

Change color and appearance of drop down arrow

The <select> element is generated by the application and styling is not part of the CSS/HTML spec.

You would have to fake it with your own DIV and overlay it on top of the existing one, or build your own control emulating the same functionality.

Spring jUnit Testing properties file

I faced the same issue, spent too much calories searching for the right fix until I decided to settle down with file reading:

Properties configProps = new Properties();
InputStream iStream = new ClassPathResource("").getInputStream();
InputStream iStream = getConfigFile();

Selenium WebDriver: Wait for complex page with JavaScript to load

You need to wait for Javascript and jQuery to finish loading. Execute Javascript to check if is 0 and document.readyState is complete, which means the JS and jQuery load is complete.

public boolean waitForJStoLoad() {

    WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 30);

    // wait for jQuery to load
    ExpectedCondition<Boolean> jQueryLoad = new ExpectedCondition<Boolean>() {
      public Boolean apply(WebDriver driver) {
        try {
          return ((Long)executeJavaScript("return") == 0);
        catch (Exception e) {
          return true;

    // wait for Javascript to load
    ExpectedCondition<Boolean> jsLoad = new ExpectedCondition<Boolean>() {
      public Boolean apply(WebDriver driver) {
        return executeJavaScript("return document.readyState")

  return wait.until(jQueryLoad) && wait.until(jsLoad);

How to retrieve form values from HTTPPOST, dictionary or?

Simply, you can use FormCollection like:

public ActionResult SubmitAction(FormCollection collection)
     // Get Post Params Here
 string var1 = collection["var1"];

You can also use a class, that is mapped with Form values, and mvc engine automagically fills it:

//Defined in another file
class MyForm
  public string var1 { get; set; }

public ActionResult SubmitAction(MyForm form)
  string var1 = form1.Var1;

fastest MD5 Implementation in JavaScript

Maybe this package was useful

const latin = md5('hello');_x000D_
console.log('??????: ', md5('??????'));_x000D_
console.log('?: ', md5('?'));
<script src=""></script>

Fatal Error :1:1: Content is not allowed in prolog

It could be not supported file encoding. Change it to UTF-8 for example.

I've done this using Sublime

Show hide fragment in android

I may be way way too late but it could help someone in the future.
This answer is a modification to mangu23 answer
I only added a for loop to avoid repetition and to easily add more fragments without boilerplate code.

We first need a list of the fragments that should be displayed

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity{
    List<Fragment> fragmentList = new ArrayList<>();

Then we need to fill it with our fragments

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    HomeFragment homeFragment = new HomeFragment();
    MessagesFragment messagesFragment = new MessagesFragment();
    UserFragment userFragment = new UserFragment();
    FavoriteFragment favoriteFragment = new FavoriteFragment();
    MapFragment mapFragment = new MapFragment();


And we need a way to know which fragment were selected from the list, so we need getFragmentIndex function

private int getFragmentIndex(Fragment fragment) {
    int index = -1;
    for (int i = 0; i < fragmentList.size(); i++) {
        if (fragment.hashCode() == fragmentList.get(i).hashCode()){
            return i;
    return index;

And finally, the displayFragment method will like this:

private void displayFragment(Fragment fragment) {
        int index = getFragmentIndex(fragment);
        FragmentTransaction transaction = getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
        if (fragment.isAdded()) { // if the fragment is already in container
        } else { // fragment needs to be added to frame container
            transaction.add(, fragment);
        // hiding the other fragments
        for (int i = 0; i < fragmentList.size(); i++) {
            if (fragmentList.get(i).isAdded() && i != index) {

In this way, we can call displayFragment(homeFragment) for example.
This will automatically show the HomeFragment and hide any other fragment in the list.
This solution allows you to append more fragments to the fragmentList without having to repeat the if statements in the old displayFragment version.
I hope someone will find this useful.

Fixing the order of facets in ggplot

Here's a solution that keeps things within a dplyr pipe chain. You sort the data in advance, and then using mutate_at to convert to a factor. I've modified the data slightly to show how this solution can be applied generally, given data that can be sensibly sorted:

# the data
temp <- data.frame(type=rep(c("T", "F", "P"), 4),
                    size=rep(c("50%", "100%", "200%", "150%"), each=3), # cannot sort this
                    size_num = rep(c(.5, 1, 2, 1.5), each=3), # can sort this
                    amount=c(48.4, 48.1, 46.8, 
                             25.9, 26.0, 24.9,
                             20.8, 21.5, 16.5,
                             21.1, 21.4, 20.1))

temp %>% 
  arrange(size_num) %>% # sort
  mutate_at(vars(size), funs(factor(., levels=unique(.)))) %>% # convert to factor

  ggplot() + 
  geom_bar(aes(x = type, y=amount, fill=type), 
           position="dodge", stat="identity") + 
  facet_grid(~ size)

You can apply this solution to arrange the bars within facets, too, though you can only choose a single, preferred order:

    temp %>% 
  arrange(size_num) %>%
  mutate_at(vars(size), funs(factor(., levels=unique(.)))) %>%
  arrange(desc(amount)) %>%
  mutate_at(vars(type), funs(factor(., levels=unique(.)))) %>%
  ggplot() + 
  geom_bar(aes(x = type, y=amount, fill=type), 
           position="dodge", stat="identity") + 
  facet_grid(~ size)

  ggplot() + 
  geom_bar(aes(x = type, y=amount, fill=type), 
           position="dodge", stat="identity") + 
  facet_grid(~ size)

expected assignment or function call: no-unused-expressions ReactJS

In my case it is happened due to curly braces of function if you use jsx then you need to change curly braces to Parentheses, see below code

const [countries] = useState(["USA", "UK", "BD"])

I tried this but not work, don't know why

 { => {
        <MenuItem value={country}>{country}</MenuItem>

But when I change Curly Braces to parentheses and Its working fine for me

  { => ( //Changes is here instead of {
        <MenuItem value={country}>{country}</MenuItem>
  ))} //and here instead of }

Hopefully it will help you too...

Read from file or stdin

You're thinking it wrong.

What you are trying to do:

If stdin exists use it, else check whether the user supplied a filename.

What you should be doing instead:

If the user supplies a filename, then use the filename. Else use stdin.

You cannot know the total length of an incoming stream unless you read it all and keep it buffered. You just cannot seek backwards into pipes. This is a limitation of how pipes work. Pipes are not suitable for all tasks and sometimes intermediate files are required.

Search text in fields in every table of a MySQL database

I have done this using HeidiSQL. It's not easy to find but by pressing Ctrl+Shift+F it displays the "table tools" dialogue. Then select what you want to search (Full database to single table) and enter the "Text to find" value and click "Find". I found it surprisingly fast (870MiB db in less than a minute)

Set value for particular cell in pandas DataFrame using index

From version 0.21.1 you can also use .at method. There are some differences compared to .loc as mentioned here - pandas .at versus .loc, but it's faster on single value replacement

Android Studio: Unable to start the daemon process

Some ways of troubleshooting the Gradle daemon:

  • If you have a problem with your build, try temporarily disabling the daemon (you can pass the command line switch --no-daemon).
  • Occasionally, you may want to stop the daemons either via the --stop command line option or in a more forceful way.
  • There is a daemon log file, which by default is located in the Gradle user home directory.
  • You may want to start the daemon in --foreground mode to observe how the build is executed.

Printing hexadecimal characters in C

You are probably storing the value 0xc0 in a char variable, what is probably a signed type, and your value is negative (most significant bit set). Then, when printing, it is converted to int, and to keep the semantical equivalence, the compiler pads the extra bytes with 0xff, so the negative int will have the same numerical value of your negative char. To fix this, just cast to unsigned char when printing:

printf("%x", (unsigned char)variable);

Using Node.JS, how do I read a JSON file into (server) memory?

So many answers, and no one ever made a benchmark to compare sync vs async vs require. I described the difference in use cases of reading json in memory via require, readFileSync and readFile here.

How can I add new keys to a dictionary?

your_dict = {}

To add new key:

  1. your_dict[key]=value

  2. your_dict.update(key=value)

Is the size of C "int" 2 bytes or 4 bytes?

This is a good source for answering this question.

But this question is a kind of a always truth answere "Yes. Both."

It depends on your architecture. If you're going to work on a 16-bit machine or less, it can't be 4 byte (=32 bit). If you're working on a 32-bit or better machine, its length is 32-bit.

To figure out, get you program ready to output something readable and use the "sizeof" function. That returns the size in bytes of your declared datatype. But be carfull using this with arrays.

If you're declaring int t[12]; it will return 12*4 byte. To get the length of this array, just use sizeof(t)/sizeof(t[0]). If you are going to build up a function, that should calculate the size of a send array, remember that if

typedef int array[12];
int function(array t){
    int size_of_t = sizeof(t)/sizeof(t[0]);
    return size_of_t;
void main(){
    array t = {1,1,1};  //remember: t= [1,1,1,0,...,0]
    int a = function(t);    //remember: sending t is just a pointer and equal to int* t
   print(a);   // output will be 1, since t will be interpreted as an int itselve. 

So this won't even return something different. If you define an array and try to get the length afterwards, use sizeof. If you send an array to a function, remember the send value is just a pointer on the first element. But in case one, you always knows, what size your array has. Case two can be figured out by defining two functions and miss some performance. Define function(array t) and define function2(array t, int size_of_t). Call "function(t)" measure the length by some copy-work and send the result to function2, where you can do whatever you want on variable array-sizes.

PHP - Check if two arrays are equal

$arraysAreEqual = ($a == $b); // TRUE if $a and $b have the same key/value pairs.
$arraysAreEqual = ($a === $b); // TRUE if $a and $b have the same key/value pairs in the same order and of the same types.

See Array Operators.


The inequality operator is != while the non-identity operator is !== to match the equality operator == and the identity operator ===.

Convert Dictionary to JSON in Swift

private func convertDictToJson(dict : NSDictionary) -> NSDictionary?
    var jsonDict : NSDictionary!

    do {
        let jsonData = try, options:[])
        let jsonDataString = String(data: jsonData, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8)!
        print("Post Request Params : \(jsonDataString)")
        jsonDict = [ParameterKey : jsonDataString]
        return jsonDict
    } catch {
        print("JSON serialization failed:  \(error)")
        jsonDict = nil
    return jsonDict

How to change letter spacing in a Textview?

Since API 21 there is an option set letter spacing. You can call method setLetterSpacing or set it in XML with attribute letterSpacing.

Paste MS Excel data to SQL Server

The simplest way is to create a computed column in XLS that would generate the syntax of the insert statement. Then copy these insert into a text file and then execute on the SQL. The other alternatives are to buy database connectivity add-on's for Excel and write VBA code to accomplish the same.

What are the differences between struct and class in C++?

Class is only meaningful in the context of software engineering. In the context of data structures and algorithms, class and struct are not that different. There's no any rule restricted that class's member must be referenced.

When developing large project with tons of people without class, you may finally get complicated coupled code because everybody use whatever functions and data they want. class provides permission controls and inherents to enhance decoupling and reusing codes.

If you read some software engineering principles, you'll find most standards can not be implemented easily without class. for example:

BTW, When a struct allocates a crunch of memory and includes several variables, value type variables indicates that values are embbeded in where struct is allocated. In contrast, reference type variable's values are external and reference by a pointer which is also embedded in where struct is allocated.

Convert generic list to dataset in C#

Have you tried binding the list to the datagridview directly? If not, try that first because it will save you lots of pain. If you have tried it already, please tell us what went wrong so we can better advise you. Data binding gives you different behaviour depending on what interfaces your data object implements. For example, if your data object only implements IEnumerable (e.g. List), you will get very basic one-way binding, but if it implements IBindingList as well (e.g. BindingList, DataView), then you get two-way binding.

Get the length of a String

In Swift 4 : If the string does not contain unicode characters then use the following

let str : String = "abcd"
let count = str.count // output 4

If the string contains unicode chars then use the following :

let spain = "España"
let count1 = spain.count // output 6
let count2 = spain.utf8.count // output 7

Good MapReduce examples

One set of familiar operations that you can do in MapReduce is the set of normal SQL operations: SELECT, SELECT WHERE, GROUP BY, ect.

Another good example is matrix multiply, where you pass one row of M and the entire vector x and compute one element of M * x.

How do you see the entire command history in interactive Python?

If you want to write the history to a file:

import readline

The help function gives:

Help on built-in function write_history_file in module readline:

    write_history_file([filename]) -> None
    Save a readline history file.
    The default filename is ~/.history.

How to get the Full file path from URI

I had a hard time trying to figure this out on Xamarin. From the suggestions above I came up with this solution.

private string getRealPathFromURI(Android.Net.Uri contentUri)
    string filename = "";
    string thepath = "";
    Android.Net.Uri filePathUri;
    ICursor cursor = this.ContentResolver.Query(contentUri, null, null, null, null);

    if (cursor.MoveToFirst())
        int column_index = cursor.GetColumnIndex(MediaStore.Images.Media.InterfaceConsts.Data);//Instead of "MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA" can be used "_data"
        filePathUri = Android.Net.Uri.Parse(cursor.GetString(column_index));
        filename = filePathUri.LastPathSegment;
        thepath = filePathUri.Path;

    return thepath;

How to suppress Update Links warning?

I wanted to suppress the prompt that asks if you wish to update links to another workbook when my workbook is manually opened in Excel (as opposed to opening it programmatically via VBA). I tried including: Application.AskToUpdateLinks = False as the first line in my Auto_Open() macro but that didn't work. I discovered however that if you put it instead in the Workbook_Open() function in the ThisWorkbook module, it works brilliantly - the dialog is suppressed but the update still occurs silently in the background.

 Private Sub Workbook_Open()
    ' Suppress dialog & update automatically without asking
    Application.AskToUpdateLinks = False
End Sub

Failed to load c++ bson extension

Unfortunately, All the above answers are only half right.. Took a long time to figure this out..

Mongoose bson install via npm throws warning and causes the error...

npm install -g node-gyp

git clone
cd js-bson
npm install
node-gyp rebuild

This works like magic!!

How do I resolve the " Address already in use: JVM_Bind" error?

You can close every Java Process and start again your app:

taskkill /F /IM java.exe

start your app again...

I get "Http failure response for (unknown url): 0 Unknown Error" instead of actual error message in Angular

This error was occurring for me in Firefox but not Chrome while developing locally, and it turned out to be caused by Firefox not trusting my local API's ssl certificate (which is not valid, but I had added it to my local cert store, which let chrome trust it but not ff). Navigating to the API directly and adding an exception in Firefox fixed the issue.

How to launch Safari and open URL from iOS app

openURL(:) was deprecated in iOS 10.0, instead you should use the following instance method on UIApplication: open(:options:completionHandler:)

Example using Swift
This will open "" in Safari.

if let url = URL(string: "") {
    if UIApplication.shared.canOpenURL(url) {, options: [:], completionHandler: nil)

Regex that accepts only numbers (0-9) and NO characters

Your regex ^[0-9] matches anything beginning with a digit, including strings like "1A". To avoid a partial match, append a $ to the end:


This accepts any number of digits, including none. To accept one or more digits, change the * to +. To accept exactly one digit, just remove the *.

UPDATE: You mixed up the arguments to IsMatch. The pattern should be the second argument, not the first:

if (!System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(textbox.Text, "^[0-9]*$"))

CAUTION: In JavaScript, \d is equivalent to [0-9], but in .NET, \d by default matches any Unicode decimal digit, including exotic fare like ? (Myanmar 2) and ? (N'Ko 9). Unless your app is prepared to deal with these characters, stick with [0-9] (or supply the RegexOptions.ECMAScript flag).

Maintaining the final state at end of a CSS3 animation

IF NOT USING THE SHORT HAND VERSION: Make sure the animation-fill-mode: forwards is AFTER the animation declaration or it will not work...

animation-fill-mode: forwards;
animation-name: appear;
animation-duration: 1s;
animation-delay: 1s;


animation-name: appear;
animation-duration: 1s;
animation-fill-mode: forwards;
animation-delay: 1s;

Setting default permissions for newly created files and sub-directories under a directory in Linux?

To get the right ownership, you can set the group setuid bit on the directory with

chmod g+rwxs dirname

This will ensure that files created in the directory are owned by the group. You should then make sure everyone runs with umask 002 or 007 or something of that nature---this is why Debian and many other linux systems are configured with per-user groups by default.

I don't know of a way to force the permissions you want if the user's umask is too strong.

Change Background color (css property) using Jquery

1.Remove onclick method from div element

2.Remove function change() from jQuery code and in place of that create an anonymous function like:




How to add values in a variable in Unix shell scripting?

What is count1 set to? If it is not set, it looks like the empty string - and that would lead to an invalid expression. Which shell are you using?

In Bash 3.x on MacOS X 10.7.1:

$ count7=0
$ count7=$(($count7 + $count1))
-sh: 0 + : syntax error: operand expected (error token is " ")
$ count1=2
$ count7=$(($count7 + $count1))
$ echo $count7

You could also use ${count1:-0} to add 0 if $count1 is unset.

Github permission denied: ssh add agent has no identities

first of all you need to go in your ssh directory
for this type following command in your terminal in mac or whatever you use in window

cd ~/.ssh

now it is in the ssh
here you can find all you ssh key/files related to your all projects. now, type the following command to show you if any ssh key available


this will show you all available ssh, in my case there were two
now, you will need to start an agent to add a ssh in it. For this type following command

eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"

now last but not least you will add a ssh in this agent type following command

ssh-add ~/.ssh/your-ssh


replace your-ssh with your ssh file name which you got a list form second step ls command

How to detect idle time in JavaScript elegantly?

I have created a small lib that does this a year ago:


Tiny javascript library to report activity of user in the browser (away, idle, not looking at webpage, in a different tab, etc). that is independent of any other javascript libraries such as jquery.

Visual Studio users can get it from NuGet by: PM> Install-Package Idle.js

How to get second-highest salary employees in a table

this is the simple query .. if u want the second minimum then just change the max to min and change the less than(<) sign to grater than(>).

    select max(column_name) from table_name where column_name<(select max(column_name) from table_name)

Difference between Activity and FragmentActivity

A FragmentActivity is a subclass of Activity that was built for the Android Support Package.

The FragmentActivity class adds a couple new methods to ensure compatibility with older versions of Android, but other than that, there really isn't much of a difference between the two. Just make sure you change all calls to getLoaderManager() and getFragmentManager() to getSupportLoaderManager() and getSupportFragmentManager() respectively.

How to read the content of a file to a string in C?

If the file is text, and you want to get the text line by line, the easiest way is to use fgets().

char buffer[100];
FILE *fp = fopen("filename", "r");                 // do not use "rb"
while (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fp)) {
... do something

Is there a way to take the first 1000 rows of a Spark Dataframe?

The method you are looking for is .limit.

Returns a new Dataset by taking the first n rows. The difference between this function and head is that head returns an array while limit returns a new Dataset.

Example usage:


Run Android studio emulator on AMD processor

I am using the AMD processor and had the same issue. To solve this go to control panel-> turn windows features on or off -> check the hyper-V checkbox and click Ok and restart your computer. Now you can create virtual device

How do I add an existing directory tree to a project in Visual Studio?

Visual Studio 2017 and newer support a new lightweight .csproj format which has come to be known as "SDK format". One of several advantages of this format is that instead of containing a list of files and folders which are included, files are wildcard included by default. Therefore, with this new format, your files and folders - added in Explorer or on the command line - will get picked up automatically!

The SDK format .csproj file currently works with the following project types:

  • Class library projects

  • Console apps

  • ASP.NET Core web apps

  • .NET Core projects of any type

To use the new format, create a new .NET Core or .NET Standard project. Because the templates haven't been updated for the full .NET Framework even in Visual Studio 2019, to create a .NET class library choose the .NET Standard Library template, and then edit the project file to target the framework version of your choice (the new style project format can be edited inside Visual Studio - just right click the project in the Solution Explorer and select "Edit project file"). For example:

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">

Further reading:

How to get a random number in Ruby

You can simply use random_number.

If a positive integer is given as n, random_number returns an integer: 0 <= random_number < n.

Use it like this:

any_number = SecureRandom.random_number(100) 

The output will be any number between 0 and 100.

How do I use 3DES encryption/decryption in Java?

I had hard times figuring it out myself and this post helped me to find the right answer for my case. When working with financial messaging as ISO-8583 the 3DES requirements are quite specific, so for my especial case the "DESede/CBC/PKCS5Padding" combinations wasn't solving the problem. After some comparative testing of my results against some 3DES calculators designed for the financial world I found the the value "DESede/ECB/Nopadding" is more suited for the the specific task.

Here is a demo implementation of my TripleDes class (using the Bouncy Castle provider)

    import javax.crypto.BadPaddingException;
    import javax.crypto.Cipher;
    import javax.crypto.IllegalBlockSizeException;
    import javax.crypto.NoSuchPaddingException;
    import javax.crypto.SecretKey;
    import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;
    import org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider;

     * @author Jose Luis Montes de Oca
    public class TripleDesCipher {
       private static String TRIPLE_DES_TRANSFORMATION = "DESede/ECB/Nopadding";
       private static String ALGORITHM = "DESede";
       private static String BOUNCY_CASTLE_PROVIDER = "BC";
       private Cipher encrypter;
       private Cipher decrypter;

       public TripleDesCipher(byte[] key) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchProviderException, NoSuchPaddingException,
             InvalidKeyException {
          Security.addProvider(new BouncyCastleProvider());
          SecretKey keySpec = new SecretKeySpec(key, ALGORITHM);
          encrypter = Cipher.getInstance(TRIPLE_DES_TRANSFORMATION, BOUNCY_CASTLE_PROVIDER);
          encrypter.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, keySpec);
          decrypter = Cipher.getInstance(TRIPLE_DES_TRANSFORMATION, BOUNCY_CASTLE_PROVIDER);
          decrypter.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, keySpec);

       public byte[] encode(byte[] input) throws IllegalBlockSizeException, BadPaddingException {
          return encrypter.doFinal(input);

       public byte[] decode(byte[] input) throws IllegalBlockSizeException, BadPaddingException {
          return decrypter.doFinal(input);

How do I calculate someone's age based on a DateTime type birthday?

I would simply do this:

DateTime birthDay = new DateTime(1990, 05, 23);
DateTime age = DateTime.Now - birthDay;

This way you can calculate the exact age of a person, down to the millisecond if you want.

Altering a column to be nullable

This depends on what SQL Engine you are using, in Sybase your command works fine:

ALTER TABLE Merchant_Pending_Functions 
Modify NumberOfLocations NULL;

Managing SSH keys within Jenkins for Git

Have you tried logging in as the jenkins user?

Try this:

sudo -i -u jenkins #For RedHat you might have to do 'su' instead.
git clone [email protected]:your/repo.git

Often times you see failure if the host has not been added or authorized (hence I always manually login as hudson/jenkins for the first connection to github/bitbucket) but that link you included supposedly fixes that.

If the above doesn't work try recopying the key. Make sure its the pub key (ie Maybe you missed some characters?

How do you create a static class in C++?

In C++ you want to create a static function of a class (not a static class).

class BitParser {
  static ... getBitAt(...) {

You should then be able to call the function using BitParser::getBitAt() without instantiating an object which I presume is the desired result.

How do I POST XML data to a webservice with Postman?

Send XML requests with the raw data type, then set the Content-Type to text/xml.

  1. After creating a request, use the dropdown to change the request type to POST.

    Set request type to POST

  2. Open the Body tab and check the data type for raw.

    Setting data type to raw

  3. Open the Content-Type selection box that appears to the right and select either XML (application/xml) or XML (text/xml)

    Selecting content-type text/xml

  4. Enter your raw XML data into the input field below

    Example of XML request in Postman

  5. Click Send to submit your XML Request to the specified server.

    Clicking the Send button

setValue:forUndefinedKey: this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key

For is because is not have 2 function

@implementation CellTableView

- (id)initWithNibName:(NSString *)nibNameOrNil bundle:(NSBundle *)nibBundleOrNil {
    return [self init];
- (void)awakeFromNib {

- (void)setSelected:(BOOL)selected animated:(BOOL)animated {
    [super setSelected:selected animated:animated];


INSERT INTO from two different server database

You cannot directly copy a table into a destination server database from a different database if source db is not in your linked servers. But one way is possible that, generate scripts (schema with data) of the desired table into one table temporarily in the source server DB, then execute the script in the destination server DB to create a table with your data. Finally use INSERT INTO [DESTINATION_TABLE] select * from [TEMPORARY_SOURCE_TABLE]. After getting the data into your destination table drop the temporary one.

I found this solution when I faced the same situation. Hope this helps you too.

MySQL Update Inner Join tables query

The SET clause should come after the table specification.

UPDATE business AS b
INNER JOIN business_geocode g ON b.business_id = g.business_id
SET b.mapx = g.latitude,
  b.mapy = g.longitude
WHERE  (b.mapx = '' or b.mapx = 0) and
  g.latitude > 0

How to represent e^(-t^2) in MATLAB?

If t is a matrix, you need to use the element-wise multiplication or exponentiation. Note the dot.

x = exp( -t.^2 )


x = exp( -t.*t )

AppendChild() is not a function javascript

 function createQuestionPanel() {

        var element = document.createElement("Input");
        element.setAttribute("type", "button");
        element.setAttribute("value", "button");
        element.setAttribute("name", "button");

        var div = document.createElement("div"); <------- Create DIv Node
        document.body.appendChild(div) <------------- Then append it to body


    function formvalidate() {


Rename column SQL Server 2008

Improved version of @Taher

DECLARE @OldColumnName AS VARCHAR(128)
DECLARE @NewColumnName AS VARCHAR(128)
DECLARE @ParamValue AS VARCHAR(1000)

SET @SchemaName = 'dbo'
SET @TableName = 'tableName'
SET @OldColumnName = 'OldColumnName'
SET @NewColumnName = 'NewColumnName'
SET @ParamValue = @SchemaName + '.' + @TableName + '.' + @OldColumnName

    SELECT 1 FROM sys.columns WHERE name = @OldColumnName AND OBJECT_NAME(object_id) = @TableName
    SELECT 1 FROM sys.columns WHERE name = @NewColumnName AND OBJECT_NAME(object_id) = @TableName
    EXEC sp_rename @ParamValue, @NewColumnName, 'COLUMN';

element not interactable exception in selenium web automation

Try setting an implicit wait of maybe 10 seconds.

gmail.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

Or set an explicit wait. An explicit waits is code you define to wait for a certain condition to occur before proceeding further in the code. In your case, it is the visibility of the password input field. (Thanks to ainlolcat's comment)

WebDriver gmail= new ChromeDriver();
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(gmail, 10);
WebElement element = wait.until(

Explanation: The reason selenium can't find the element is because the id of the password input field is initially Passwd-hidden. After you click on the "Next" button, Google first verifies the email address entered and then shows the password input field (by changing the id from Passwd-hidden to Passwd). So, when the password field is still hidden (i.e. Google is still verifying the email id), your webdriver starts searching for the password input field with id Passwd which is still hidden. And hence, an exception is thrown.

Saving and loading objects and using pickle

It seems you want to save your class instances across sessions, and using pickle is a decent way to do this. However, there's a package called klepto that abstracts the saving of objects to a dictionary interface, so you can choose to pickle objects and save them to a file (as shown below), or pickle the objects and save them to a database, or instead of use pickle use json, or many other options. The nice thing about klepto is that by abstracting to a common interface, it makes it easy so you don't have to remember the low-level details of how to save via pickling to a file, or otherwise.

Note that It works for dynamically added class attributes, which pickle cannot do...

dude@hilbert>$ python
Python 2.7.6 (default, Nov 12 2013, 13:26:39) 
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple Clang 4.1 ((tags/Apple/clang-421.11.66))] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from klepto.archives import file_archive 
>>> db = file_archive('fruits.txt')
>>> class Fruits: pass
>>> banana = Fruits()
>>> banana.color = 'yellow'
>>> banana.value = 30
>>> db['banana'] = banana 
>>> db.dump()

Then we restart…

dude@hilbert>$ python
Python 2.7.6 (default, Nov 12 2013, 13:26:39) 
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple Clang 4.1 ((tags/Apple/clang-421.11.66))] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from klepto.archives import file_archive
>>> db = file_archive('fruits.txt')
>>> db.load()
>>> db['banana'].color

Klepto works on python2 and python3.

Get the code here:

SQL Update to the SUM of its joined values

You need something like this :

SET ExtrasPrice = E.TotalPrice
FROM dbo.BookingPitches AS P
INNER JOIN (SELECT BPE.PitchID, Sum(BPE.Price) AS TotalPrice
    FROM BookingPitchExtras AS BPE
    WHERE BPE.[Required] = 1
    GROUP BY BPE.PitchID) AS E ON P.ID = E.PitchID
WHERE P.BookingID = 1

How to add element into ArrayList in HashMap

#i'm also maintaining insertion order here
Map<Integer,ArrayList> d=new LinkedHashMap<>();
for( int i=0; i<2; i++)
int id=s.nextInt();
ArrayList al=new ArrayList<>();
al.add(;  //name
al.add(;  //category
al.add(s.nextInt()); //fee
d.put(id, al);

How to set the color of an icon in Angular Material?

Since for some reason white isn't available for selection, I have found that mat-palette($mat-grey, 50) was close enough to white, for my needs at least.

Apache: The requested URL / was not found on this server. Apache

Non-trivial reasons:

  • if your .htaccess is in DOS format, change it to UNIX format (in Notepad++, click Edit>Convert )
  • if your .htaccess is in UTF8 Without-BOM, make it WITH BOM.

Ruby: kind_of? vs. instance_of? vs. is_a?

What is the difference?

From the documentation:

- (Boolean) instance_of?(class)
Returns true if obj is an instance of the given class.


- (Boolean) is_a?(class)
- (Boolean) kind_of?(class)
Returns true if class is the class of obj, or if class is one of the superclasses of obj or modules included in obj.

If that is unclear, it would be nice to know what exactly is unclear, so that the documentation can be improved.

When should I use which?

Never. Use polymorphism instead.

Why are there so many of them?

I wouldn't call two "many". There are two of them, because they do two different things.

ValueError : I/O operation on closed file

I had this problem when I was using an undefined variable inside the with open(...) as f:. I removed (or I defined outside) the undefined variable and the problem disappeared.

Peak memory usage of a linux/unix process

Here is (based on the other answers) a very simple script that watches an already running process. You just run it with the pid of the process you want to watch as the argument:

#!/usr/bin/env bash


while ps $pid >/dev/null
    ps -o vsz= ${pid}
    sleep 1
done | sort -n | tail -n1

Example usage: 23423

jQuery, checkboxes and .is(":checked")

  $("#checkbox").change(function(e) {

  if ($(this).prop('checked')){

Make a link use POST instead of GET

You create a form with hidden inputs that hold the values to be posted, set the action of the form to the destination url, and the form method to post. Then, when your link is clicked, trigger a JS function that submits the form.

See here, for an example. This example uses pure JavaScript, with no jQuery — you could choose this if you don't want to install anything more than you already have.

<form name="myform" action="handle-data.php" method="post">
  <label for="query">Search:</label>
  <input type="text" name="query" id="query"/>

var button = document.querySelector('form[name="myform"] > button');
button.addEventListener(function() {

Server Error in '/' Application. ASP.NET

Just check connectivity between SQL And your App (if you used SQL)

How to solve "Unresolved inclusion: <iostream>" in a C++ file in Eclipse CDT?

I am running eclipse with cygwin in Windows.

Project > Properties > C/C++ General > Preprocessor Includes... > Providers and selecting "CDT GCC Built-in Compiler settings Cygwin" in providers list solved problem for me.

Find and replace with sed in directory and sub directories

grep -e apple your_site_root/**/*.* -s -l | xargs sed -i "" "s|apple|orage|"

Limiting the output of PHP's echo to 200 characters

This one worked for me and it's also very easy


$position=14; // Define how many character you want to display.

$message="You are now joining over 2000 current"; 
$post = substr($message, 0, $position); 

echo $post;
echo "..."; 


How to pass a callback as a parameter into another function

Example for CoffeeScript:

test = (str, callback) ->
  data = "Input values"
    type: "post"
    url: ""
    data: data
    success: callback

test (data, textStatus, xhr) ->
  alert data + "\t" + textStatus

angularjs to output plain text instead of html

var app = angular.module('myapp', []);

app.filter('htmlToPlaintext', function()
    return function(text)
        return  text ? String(text).replace(/<[^>]+>/gm, '') : '';

<p>{{DetailblogList.description | htmlToPlaintext}}</p>

What exactly is std::atomic?

Each instantiation and full specialization of std::atomic<> represents a type that different threads can simultaneously operate on (their instances), without raising undefined behavior:

Objects of atomic types are the only C++ objects that are free from data races; that is, if one thread writes to an atomic object while another thread reads from it, the behavior is well-defined.

In addition, accesses to atomic objects may establish inter-thread synchronization and order non-atomic memory accesses as specified by std::memory_order.

std::atomic<> wraps operations that, in pre-C++ 11 times, had to be performed using (for example) interlocked functions with MSVC or atomic bultins in case of GCC.

Also, std::atomic<> gives you more control by allowing various memory orders that specify synchronization and ordering constraints. If you want to read more about C++ 11 atomics and memory model, these links may be useful:

Note that, for typical use cases, you would probably use overloaded arithmetic operators or another set of them:

std::atomic<long> value(0);
value++; //This is an atomic op
value += 5; //And so is this

Because operator syntax does not allow you to specify the memory order, these operations will be performed with std::memory_order_seq_cst, as this is the default order for all atomic operations in C++ 11. It guarantees sequential consistency (total global ordering) between all atomic operations.

In some cases, however, this may not be required (and nothing comes for free), so you may want to use more explicit form:

std::atomic<long> value {0};
value.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed); // Atomic, but there are no synchronization or ordering constraints
value.fetch_add(5, std::memory_order_release); // Atomic, performs 'release' operation

Now, your example:

a = a + 12;

will not evaluate to a single atomic op: it will result in a.load() (which is atomic itself), then addition between this value and 12 and (also atomic) of final result. As I noted earlier, std::memory_order_seq_cst will be used here.

However, if you write a += 12, it will be an atomic operation (as I noted before) and is roughly equivalent to a.fetch_add(12, std::memory_order_seq_cst).

As for your comment:

A regular int has atomic loads and stores. Whats the point of wrapping it with atomic<>?

Your statement is only true for architectures that provide such guarantee of atomicity for stores and/or loads. There are architectures that do not do this. Also, it is usually required that operations must be performed on word-/dword-aligned address to be atomic std::atomic<> is something that is guaranteed to be atomic on every platform, without additional requirements. Moreover, it allows you to write code like this:

void* sharedData = nullptr;
std::atomic<int> ready_flag = 0;

// Thread 1
void produce()
    sharedData = generateData();, std::memory_order_release);

// Thread 2
void consume()
    while (ready_flag.load(std::memory_order_acquire) == 0)

    assert(sharedData != nullptr); // will never trigger

Note that assertion condition will always be true (and thus, will never trigger), so you can always be sure that data is ready after while loop exits. That is because:

  • store() to the flag is performed after sharedData is set (we assume that generateData() always returns something useful, in particular, never returns NULL) and uses std::memory_order_release order:


A store operation with this memory order performs the release operation: no reads or writes in the current thread can be reordered after this store. All writes in the current thread are visible in other threads that acquire the same atomic variable

  • sharedData is used after while loop exits, and thus after load() from flag will return a non-zero value. load() uses std::memory_order_acquire order:


A load operation with this memory order performs the acquire operation on the affected memory location: no reads or writes in the current thread can be reordered before this load. All writes in other threads that release the same atomic variable are visible in the current thread.

This gives you precise control over the synchronization and allows you to explicitly specify how your code may/may not/will/will not behave. This would not be possible if only guarantee was the atomicity itself. Especially when it comes to very interesting sync models like the release-consume ordering.

Remove duplicates in the list using linq

This is how I was able to group by with Linq. Hope it helps.

var query = collection.GroupBy(x => x.title).Select(y => y.FirstOrDefault());

Unable to load DLL 'SQLite.Interop.dll'

Copy "SQLite.Interop.dll" files for both x86 and x64 in debug folder. these files should copy into "x86" and "x64 folders in debug folder.

Concatenate chars to form String in java

Use StringBuilder:

String str;
Char a, b, c;
a = 'i';
b = 'c';
c = 'e';

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
str = sb.toString();


new StringBuilder().append(a).append(b).append(c).toString();

Doing ""+a+b+c gives:

new StringBuilder().append("").append(a).append(b).append(c).toString();

I asked some time ago related question.

How to change value of process.env.PORT in node.js?

For just one run (from the unix shell prompt):

$ PORT=1234 node app.js

More permanently:

$ export PORT=1234
$ node app.js

In Windows:

set PORT=1234

In Windows PowerShell:

$env:PORT = 1234

How to create a jQuery function (a new jQuery method or plugin)?

Simplest example to making any function in jQuery is

    exists: function() { return this.length }

if($(selector).exists()){/*do something here*/}

Load JSON text into class object in c#

I recommend you to use JSON.NET. it is an open source library to serialize and deserialize your c# objects into json and Json objects into .net objects ...

Serialization Example:

Product product = new Product();
product.Name = "Apple";
product.Expiry = new DateTime(2008, 12, 28);
product.Price = 3.99M;
product.Sizes = new string[] { "Small", "Medium", "Large" };

string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(product);
//  "Name": "Apple",
//  "Expiry": new Date(1230422400000),
//  "Price": 3.99,
//  "Sizes": [
//    "Small",
//    "Medium",
//    "Large"
//  ]

Product deserializedProduct = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Product>(json);

Performance Comparison To Other JSON serializiation Techniques enter image description here

Counting array elements in Python

If you have a multi-dimensional array, len() might not give you the value you are looking for. For instance:

import numpy as np
a = np.arange(10).reshape(2, 5)
print len(a) == 2

This code block will return true, telling you the size of the array is 2. However, there are in fact 10 elements in this 2D array. In the case of multi-dimensional arrays, len() gives you the length of the first dimension of the array i.e.

import numpy as np
len(a) == np.shape(a)[0]

To get the number of elements in a multi-dimensional array of arbitrary shape:

import numpy as np
size = 1
for dim in np.shape(a): size *= dim

regular expression for anything but an empty string

Create "regular expression to detect empty string", and then inverse it. Invesion of regular language is the regular language. I think regular expression library in what you leverage - should support it, but if not you always can write your own library.

grep --invert-match

How to change the current URL in javascript?

Your example wasn't working because you are trying to add 1 to a string that looks like this: "1.html". That will just get you this "1.html1" which is not what you want. You have to isolate the numeric part of the string and then convert it to an actual number before you can do math on it. After getting it to an actual number, you can then increase its value and then combine it back with the rest of the string.

You can use a custom replace function like this to isolate the various pieces of the original URL and replace the number with an incremented number:

function nextImage() {
    return(window.location.href.replace(/(\d+)(\.html)$/, function(str, p1, p2) {
        return((Number(p1) + 1) + p2);

You can then call it like this:

window.location.href = nextImage();

Demo here:

This will work for any URL that ends in some series of digits followed by .html and if you needed a slightly different URL form, you could just tweak the regular expression.

Convert pandas timezone-aware DateTimeIndex to naive timestamp, but in certain timezone

Setting the tz attribute of the index explicitly seems to work:

ts_utc = ts.tz_convert("UTC") = None

Prepend text to beginning of string

You could do it this way ..

var mystr = 'is my name.';_x000D_
mystr = mystr.replace (/^/,'John ');_x000D_


Wait, forgot to escape a space.  Wheeeeee[taptaptap]eeeeee.

Java - get the current class name?

Here is a Android variant, but same principle can be used in plain Java too.

private static final String TAG = YourClass.class.getSimpleName();
private static final String TAG = YourClass.class.getName();

Hex transparency in colors

I realize this is an old question, but I came across it when doing something similar.

Using SASS, you have a very elegant way to convert RGBA to hex ARGB: ie-hex-str. I've used it here in a mixin.

@mixin ie8-rgba ($r, $g, $b, $a){
    $rgba: rgba($r, $g, $b, $a);
    $ie8-rgba: ie-hex-str($rgba);
    .lt-ie9 &{
      background-color: transparent;
      filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(GradientType=0,startColorstr='#{$ie8-rgba}', endColorstr='#{$ie8-rgba}');

    @include ie8-rgba(88,153,131,.8);
    background-color: rgba(88,153,131,.8);


.transparent {_x000D_
  background-color: rgba(88, 153, 131, 0.8);_x000D_
.lt-ie9 .transparent {_x000D_
  background-color: transparent;_x000D_
  filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(GradientType=0,startColorstr='#CC589983', endColorstr='#CC589983');_x000D_
  zoom: 1;_x000D_

splitting a string into an array in C++ without using vector

#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <iterator>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

template <size_t N>
void splitString(string (&arr)[N], string str)
    int n = 0;
    istringstream iss(str);
    for (auto it = istream_iterator<string>(iss); it != istream_iterator<string>() && n < N; ++it, ++n)
        arr[n] = *it;

int main()
    string line = "test one two three.";
    string arr[4];

    splitString(arr, line);

    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
       cout << arr[i] << endl;

Hunk #1 FAILED at 1. What's that mean?

In some cases, there is no difference in file versions, but only in indentation, spacing, line ending or line numbers.

To patch despite those differences, it's possible to use the following two arguments :

--ignore-whitespace : It ignores whitespace differences (indentation, etc).

--fuzz 3 : the "--fuzz X" option sets the maximum fuzz factor to lines. This option only applies to context and unified diffs; it ignores up to X lines while looking for the place to install a hunk. Note that a larger fuzz factor increases the odds of making a faulty patch. The default fuzz factor is 2; there is no point to setting it to more than the number of lines of context in the diff, ordinarily 3.

Don't forget to user "--dry-run" : It'll try the patch without applying it.

Example :

patch --verbose --dry-run --ignore-whitespace --fuzz 3 < /path/to/patch.patch

More informations about Fuzz :

How do I detect if software keyboard is visible on Android Device or not?

I did this by setting a GlobalLayoutListener, as follows:

final View activityRootView = findViewById(;
        new OnGlobalLayoutListener() {
            public void onGlobalLayout() {
                int heightView = activityRootView.getHeight();
                int widthView = activityRootView.getWidth();
                if (1.0 * widthView / heightView > 3) {
                    //Make changes for Keyboard not visible
                } else {
                    //Make changes for keyboard visible

c# open a new form then close the current form?

Suppose you have two Form, First Form Name is Form1 and second form name is Form2.You have to jump from Form1 to Form2 enter code here. Write code like following:

On Form1 I have one button named Button1, and on its click option write below code:

protected void Button1_Click(Object sender,EventArgs e)
    Form frm=new Form2();// I have created object of Form2

Hope this code will help you

Convert XLS to CSV on command line

Building on what Jon of All Trades has provided, the following (~n) removed the pesky double extension issue: FOR /f "delims=" %%i IN ('DIR *.xlsx /b') DO ExcelToCSV.vbs "%%i" "%%~ni.csv"

Find the host name and port using PSQL commands

service postgresql status

returns: 10/main (port 5432): online

I'm running Ubuntu 18.04

Random record from MongoDB

it is tough if there is no data there to key off of. what are the _id field? are they mongodb object id's? If so, you could get the highest and lowest values:

lowest = db.coll.find().sort({_id:1}).limit(1).next()._id;
highest = db.coll.find().sort({_id:-1}).limit(1).next()._id;

then if you assume the id's are uniformly distributed (but they aren't, but at least it's a start):

unsigned long long L = first_8_bytes_of(lowest)
unsigned long long H = first_8_bytes_of(highest)

V = (H - L) * random_from_0_to_1();
N = L + V;
oid = N concat random_4_bytes();

randomobj = db.coll.find({_id:{$gte:oid}}).limit(1);

Is log(n!) = T(n·log(n))?

Remember that

log(n!) = log(1) + log(2) + ... + log(n-1) + log(n)

You can get the upper bound by

log(1) + log(2) + ... + log(n) <= log(n) + log(n) + ... + log(n)
                                = n*log(n)

And you can get the lower bound by doing a similar thing after throwing away the first half of the sum:

log(1) + ... + log(n/2) + ... + log(n) >= log(n/2) + ... + log(n) 
                                       = log(n/2) + log(n/2+1) + ... + log(n-1) + log(n)
                                       >= log(n/2) + ... + log(n/2)
                                        = n/2 * log(n/2) 

How do I run a class in a WAR from the command line?

In Maven project, You can build jar automatically using Maven War plugin by setting archiveClasses to true. Example below.


jQuery return ajax result into outside variable

I solved it by doing like that:

var return_first = (function () {
        var tmp = $.ajax({
            'type': "POST",
            'dataType': 'html',
            'url': "ajax.php?first",
            'data': { 'request': "", 'target': arrange_url, 'method': 
                    method_target },
            'success': function (data) {
                tmp = data;
                return data;
      return tmp;
  • Be careful 'async':fale javascript will be asynchronous.

How can I INSERT data into two tables simultaneously in SQL Server?

I was also struggling with this problem, and find that the best way is to use a CURSOR.

I have tried Denis solution with OUTPUT, but as he mentiond, it's impossible to output external columns in an insert statement, and the MERGE can't work when insert multiple rows by select.

So, i've used a CURSOR, for each row in the outer table, i've done a INSERT, then use the @@IDENTITY for another INSERT.

DECLARE @OuterID int

SELECT  ID FROM   [external_Table]


INSERT INTO [Table]   (data)
    SELECT data
    FROM     [external_Table] where ID = @OuterID 

    INSERT INTO [second_table] (FK,OuterID)


How to split a comma-separated string?

Can try with this worked for me

 sg = sg.replaceAll(", $", "");

or else

if (sg.endsWith(",")) {
                    sg = sg.substring(0, sg.length() - 1);

Simplest SOAP example

This is the simplest JavaScript SOAP Client I can create.

    <title>SOAP JavaScript Client Test</title>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        function soap() {
            var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
  'POST', '', true);

            // build SOAP request
            var sr =
                '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>' +
                '<soapenv:Envelope ' + 
                    'xmlns:xsi="" ' +
                    'xmlns:api="" ' +
                    'xmlns:xsd="" ' +
                    'xmlns:soapenv="">' +
                    '<soapenv:Body>' +
                        '<api:some_api_call soapenv:encodingStyle="">' +
                            '<username xsi:type="xsd:string">login_username</username>' +
                            '<password xsi:type="xsd:string">password</password>' +
                        '</api:some_api_call>' +
                    '</soapenv:Body>' +

            xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function () {
                if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4) {
                    if (xmlhttp.status == 200) {
                        // alert('done. use firebug/console to see network response');
            // Send the POST request
            xmlhttp.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'text/xml');
            // send request
            // ...
    <form name="Demo" action="" method="post">
            <input type="button" value="Soap" onclick="soap();" />
</html> <!-- typo -->

What is a practical use for a closure in JavaScript?

This thread has helped me immensely in gaining a better understanding of how closures work.

I've since done some experimentation of my own and came up with this fairly simple code which may help some other people see how closures can be used in a practical way and how to use the closure at different levels to maintain variables similar to static and/or global variables without risk of them getting overwritten or confused with global variables.

This keeps track of button clicks, both at a local level for each individual button and a global level, counting every button click, contributing towards a single figure. Note I haven't used any global variables to do this, which is kind of the point of the exercise - having a handler that can be applied to any button that also contributes to something globally.

Please experts, do let me know if I've committed any bad practices here! I'm still learning this stuff myself.

<!doctype html>

    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Closures on button presses</title>

    <script type="text/javascript">

        window.addEventListener("load" , function () {
                Grab the function from the first closure,
                and assign to a temporary variable
                this will set the totalButtonCount variable
                that is used to count the total of all button clicks
            var buttonHandler = buttonsCount();

                Using the result from the first closure (a function is returned)
                assign and run the sub closure that carries the
                individual variable for button count and assign to the click handlers
            document.getElementById("button1").addEventListener("click" , buttonHandler() );
            document.getElementById("button2").addEventListener("click" , buttonHandler() );
            document.getElementById("button3").addEventListener("click" , buttonHandler() );

            // Now that buttonHandler has served its purpose it can be deleted if needs be
            buttonHandler = null;

        function buttonsCount() {
                First closure level
                - totalButtonCount acts as a sort of global counter to count any button presses
            var totalButtonCount = 0;

            return  function () {
                // Second closure level
                var myButtonCount = 0;

                return function (event) {
                    // Actual function that is called on the button click
                       Increment the button counts.
                       myButtonCount only exists in the scope that is
                       applied to each event handler and therefore acts
                       to count each button individually, whereas because
                       of the first closure totalButtonCount exists at
                       the scope just outside, it maintains a sort
                       of static or global variable state


                        Do something with the values ... fairly pointless
                        but it shows that each button contributes to both
                        its own variable and the outer variable in the
                        first closure
                    console.log("Total button clicks: "+totalButtonCount);
                    console.log("This button count: "+myButtonCount);

    <a href="#" id="button1">Button 1</a>
    <a href="#" id="button2">Button 2</a>
    <a href="#" id="button3">Button 3</a>


Drawing in Java using Canvas

Why would the first way not work. Canvas object is created and the size is set and the grahpics are set. I always find this strange. Also if a class extends JComponent you can override the


and then shouldn't you be able to create and instance of the class inside of another class and then just call NewlycreateinstanceOfAnyClass.repaint();

I have tried this approach for some game programming I have been working and it doesn't seem to work the way I think that it should be.

Doug Hauf

extract column value based on another column pandas dataframe

df[df['B']==3]['A'], assuming df is your pandas.DataFrame.

Checkout remote branch using git svn

Standard Subversion layout

Create a git clone of that includes your Subversion trunk, tags, and branches with

git svn clone -T trunk -b branches -t tags

The --stdlayout option is a nice shortcut if your Subversion repository uses the typical structure:

git svn clone --stdlayout

Make your git repository ignore everything the subversion repo does:

git svn show-ignore >> .git/info/exclude

You should now be able to see all the Subversion branches on the git side:

git branch -r

Say the name of the branch in Subversion is waldo. On the git side, you'd run

git checkout -b waldo-svn remotes/waldo

The -svn suffix is to avoid warnings of the form

warning: refname 'waldo' is ambiguous.

To update the git branch waldo-svn, run

git checkout waldo-svn
git svn rebase

Starting from a trunk-only checkout

To add a Subversion branch to a trunk-only clone, modify your git repository's .git/config to contain

[svn-remote "svn-mybranch"]
        url =
        fetch = :refs/remotes/mybranch

You'll need to develop the habit of running

git svn fetch --fetch-all

to update all of what git svn thinks are separate remotes. At this point, you can create and track branches as above. For example, to create a git branch that corresponds to mybranch, run

git checkout -b mybranch-svn remotes/mybranch

For the branches from which you intend to git svn dcommit, keep their histories linear!

Further information

You may also be interested in reading an answer to a related question.

Xcode - How to fix 'NSUnknownKeyException', reason: … this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key X" error?

I just had this issue in my duplicated project and solved by checking 2 places:

1- Make sure you have the .m file in the list -> Project - Build Phases - Compile Sources
2- After that, go to interface builder (probably this is an error occures with only IB) and unlink all properties, labels, images, etc... Then re-link all. I have realized that I've removed an attribute but it was still linked in IB.

Hope it works for some.

Linq with group by having count

Like this:

from c in db.Company
group c by c.Name into grp
where grp.Count() > 1
select grp.Key

Or, using the method syntax:

    .GroupBy(c => c.Name)
    .Where(grp => grp.Count() > 1)
    .Select(grp => grp.Key);

INFO: No Spring WebApplicationInitializer types detected on classpath


This is the important plugin that should be in pom.xml. I spent my two days debugging and researching. This was the solution. This is Apache plugin to tell maven to use the the given Compiler.

How do I find out which DOM element has the focus?

JQuery does support the :focus pseudo-class as of current. If you are looking for it in the JQuery documentation, check under "Selectors" where it points you to the W3C CSS docs. I've tested with Chrome, FF, and IE 7+. Note that for it to work in IE, <!DOCTYPE... must exist on the html page. Here is an example assuming you've assigned an id to the element that has focus:

$(":focus").each(function() {
  alert($(this).attr("id") + " has focus!");

Get single row result with Doctrine NativeQuery

I use fetchObject() here a small example using Symfony 4.4

    use Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\Connection;

    class MyController{

    public function index($username){
      $queryBuilder = $connection->createQueryBuilder();
        ->select('id', 'name')
        ->where('name = ?')
        ->setParameter(0, $username)
      $stmUser = $queryBuilder->execute();


      //get_class_methods($stmUser) -> to see all methods


"id": "2", "name":"myuser"

How to bundle an Angular app for production

2.0.1 Final using Gulp (TypeScript - Target: ES5)

OneTime Setup

  • npm install (run in cmd when direcory is projectFolder)

Bundling Steps

  • npm run bundle (run in cmd when direcory is projectFolder)

    bundles are generated to projectFolder / bundles /


  • bundles/dependencies.bundle.js [ size: ~ 1 MB (as small as possible) ]
    • contains rxjs and angular dependencies, not the whole frameworks
  • bundles/app.bundle.js [ size: depends on your project, mine is ~ 0.5 MB ]
    • contains your project

File Structure

  • projectFolder / app / (all components, directives, templates, etc)
  • projectFolder / gulpfile.js

var gulp = require('gulp'),
  tsc = require('gulp-typescript'),
  Builder = require('systemjs-builder'),
  inlineNg2Template = require('gulp-inline-ng2-template');

gulp.task('bundle', ['bundle-app', 'bundle-dependencies'], function(){});

gulp.task('inline-templates', function () {
  return gulp.src('app/**/*.ts')
    .pipe(inlineNg2Template({ useRelativePaths: true, indent: 0, removeLineBreaks: true}))
      "target": "ES5",
      "module": "system",
      "moduleResolution": "node",
      "sourceMap": true,
      "emitDecoratorMetadata": true,
      "experimentalDecorators": true,
      "removeComments": true,
      "noImplicitAny": false

gulp.task('bundle-app', ['inline-templates'], function() {
  // optional constructor options
  // sets the baseURL and loads the configuration file
  var builder = new Builder('', 'dist-systemjs.config.js');

  return builder
    .bundle('dist/app/**/* - [@angular/**/*.js] - [rxjs/**/*.js]', 'bundles/app.bundle.js', { minify: true})
    .then(function() {
      console.log('Build complete');
    .catch(function(err) {
      console.log('Build error');

gulp.task('bundle-dependencies', ['inline-templates'], function() {
  // optional constructor options
  // sets the baseURL and loads the configuration file
  var builder = new Builder('', 'dist-systemjs.config.js');

  return builder
    .bundle('dist/app/**/*.js - [dist/app/**/*.js]', 'bundles/dependencies.bundle.js', { minify: true})
    .then(function() {
      console.log('Build complete');
    .catch(function(err) {
      console.log('Build error');
  • projectFolder / package.json (same as Quickstart guide, just shown devDependencies and npm-scripts required to bundle)

  "name": "angular2-quickstart",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "scripts": {
     "gulp": "gulp",
     "rimraf": "rimraf",
     "bundle": "gulp bundle",
     "postbundle": "rimraf dist"
  "license": "ISC",
  "dependencies": {
  "devDependencies": {
    "rimraf": "^2.5.2",
    "gulp": "^3.9.1",
    "gulp-typescript": "2.13.6",
    "gulp-inline-ng2-template": "2.0.1",
    "systemjs-builder": "^0.15.16"
  • projectFolder / systemjs.config.js (same as Quickstart guide, not available there anymore)

(function(global) {

  // map tells the System loader where to look for things
  var map = {
    'app':                        'app',
    'rxjs':                       'node_modules/rxjs',
    'angular2-in-memory-web-api': 'node_modules/angular2-in-memory-web-api',
    '@angular':                   'node_modules/@angular'

  // packages tells the System loader how to load when no filename and/or no extension
  var packages = {
    'app':                        { main: 'app/boot.js',  defaultExtension: 'js' },
    'rxjs':                       { defaultExtension: 'js' },
    'angular2-in-memory-web-api': { defaultExtension: 'js' }

  var packageNames = [

  // add package entries for angular packages in the form '@angular/common': { main: 'index.js', defaultExtension: 'js' }
  packageNames.forEach(function(pkgName) {
    packages[pkgName] = { main: 'index.js', defaultExtension: 'js' };

  var config = {
    map: map,
    packages: packages

  // filterSystemConfig - index.asp's chance to modify config before we register it.
  if (global.filterSystemConfig) { global.filterSystemConfig(config); }


  • projetcFolder / dist-systemjs.config.js (just shown the difference with systemjs.config.json)

var map = {
    'app':                        'dist/app',
  • projectFolder / index.html (production) - The order of the script tags is critical. Placing the dist-systemjs.config.js tag after the bundle tags would still allow the program to run but the dependency bundle would be ignored and dependencies would be loaded from the node_modules folder.

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="utf-8"/>
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"/>
  <base href="/"/>
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css"/>


<!-- Polyfill(s) for older browsers -->
<script src="node_modules/core-js/client/shim.min.js"></script>

<script src="node_modules/zone.js/dist/zone.min.js"></script>
<script src="node_modules/reflect-metadata/Reflect.js"></script>
<script src="node_modules/systemjs/dist/system.js"></script>

<script src="dist-systemjs.config.js"></script>
<!-- Project Bundles. Note that these have to be loaded AFTER the systemjs.config script -->
<script src="bundles/dependencies.bundle.js"></script>
<script src="bundles/app.bundle.js"></script>

    System.import('app/boot').catch(function (err) {
  • projectFolder / app / boot.ts is where the bootstrap is.

The best I could do yet :)

Aren't promises just callbacks?

Yes, Promises are asynchronous callbacks. They can't do anything that callbacks can't do, and you face the same problems with asynchrony as with plain callbacks.

However, Promises are more than just callbacks. They are a very mighty abstraction, allow cleaner and better, functional code with less error-prone boilerplate.

So what's the main idea?

Promises are objects representing the result of a single (asynchronous) computation. They resolve to that result only once. There's a few things what this means:

Promises implement an observer pattern:

  • You don't need to know the callbacks that will use the value before the task completes.
  • Instead of expecting callbacks as arguments to your functions, you can easily return a Promise object
  • The promise will store the value, and you can transparently add a callback whenever you want. It will be called when the result is available. "Transparency" implies that when you have a promise and add a callback to it, it doesn't make a difference to your code whether the result has arrived yet - the API and contracts are the same, simplifying caching/memoisation a lot.
  • You can add multiple callbacks easily

Promises are chainable (monadic, if you want):

  • If you need to transform the value that a promise represents, you map a transform function over the promise and get back a new promise that represents the transformed result. You cannot synchronously get the value to use it somehow, but you can easily lift the transformation in the promise context. No boilerplate callbacks.
  • If you want to chain two asynchronous tasks, you can use the .then() method. It will take a callback to be called with the first result, and returns a promise for the result of the promise that the callback returns.

Sounds complicated? Time for a code example.

var p1 = api1(); // returning a promise
var p3 = p1.then(function(api1Result) {
    var p2 = api2(); // returning a promise
    return p2; // The result of p2 …
}); // … becomes the result of p3

// So it does not make a difference whether you write
api1().then(function(api1Result) {
    return api2().then(console.log)
// or the flattened version
api1().then(function(api1Result) {
    return api2();

Flattening does not come magically, but you can easily do it. For your heavily nested example, the (near) equivalent would be

api1().then(api2).then(api3).then(/* do-work-callback */);

If seeing the code of these methods helps understanding, here's a most basic promise lib in a few lines.

What's the big fuss about promises?

The Promise abstraction allows much better composability of functions. For example, next to then for chaining, the all function creates a promise for the combined result of multiple parallel-waiting promises.

Last but not least Promises come with integrated error handling. The result of the computation might be that either the promise is fulfilled with a value, or it is rejected with a reason. All the composition functions handle this automatically and propagate errors in promise chains, so that you don't need to care about it explicitly everywhere - in contrast to a plain-callback implementation. In the end, you can add a dedicated error callback for all occurred exceptions.

Not to mention having to convert things to promises.

That's quite trivial actually with good promise libraries, see How do I convert an existing callback API to promises?

IIS 500.19 with 0x80070005 The requested page cannot be accessed because the related configuration data for the page is invalid error

The message is saying that your configuration file is corrupt in some way. However it also says that it can't actually access the config file. So I'd ignore the original message about corruption/lack of validity as this is most likely just the effect of not being able to read the file due to a lack of authorization.

The reason it cannot read the config file is because the process running your web app does not have permission to access the file/directory. So you need to give the process running your web app those permissions.

The access rights should be fairly straightforward, i.e. at least Read, and, depending on your app, maybe Write.

Above, you mention IUSR etc. not being in the properties for web.config. If by that you mean that IUSR is not listed in the security tab of the file then it's a good thing. One doesn't want to give IUSR any kind of permission to web.config. The role IUSR is an anonymous internet user.

The file web.config should only be accessible through your application.

The problem is you haven't said which OS and IIS version you are using so it's difficult to advise which steps to take.

I.e. in IIS 7.5, the error message you're quoting is likely to occur due to your ApplicationPoolIdentity not being assigned the permissions. Your web application belongs to an application pool and so you need to give the permissions to the OS account that your web application's application pool runs under. Often this is something like NetworkService but you may have customized it to run under a purpose made account. Without more info it's difficult to help you.

ZIP file content type for HTTP request

[request setValue:@"application/zip" forHTTPHeaderField:@"Content-Type"];

What is the actual use of Class.forName("oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver") while connecting to a database?

Pre Java 6 the DriverManager class wouldn't have known which JDBC driver you wanted to use. Class.forName("...") was a way on pre-loading the driver classes.

If you are using Java 6 you no longer need to do this.

ClientAbortException: Connection reset by peer: socket write error

I have got this error on open page from Google Cache.

I think, cached page(client) disconnecting on page loading.

You can ignore this error log with try-catch on filter.

Where is android studio building my .apk file?

After compiling my code in Android Studio, I found it here:


JavaScript REST client Library

You can also use mvc frameworks like Backbone.js that will provide a javascript model of the data. Changes to the model will be translated into REST calls.

Using css transform property in jQuery

Setting a -vendor prefix that isn't supported in older browsers can cause them to throw an exception with .css. Instead detect the supported prefix first:

// Start with a fall back
var newCss = { 'zoom' : ui.value };

// Replace with transform, if supported
if('WebkitTransform' in 
    newCss = { '-webkit-transform': 'scale(' + ui.value + ')'};
// repeat for supported browsers
else if('transform' in 
    newCss = { 'transform': 'scale(' + ui.value + ')'};

// Set the CSS

That works in old browsers. I've done scale here but you could replace it with whatever other transform you wanted.

Create a git patch from the uncommitted changes in the current working directory

If you haven't yet commited the changes, then:

git diff > mypatch.patch

But sometimes it happens that part of the stuff you're doing are new files that are untracked and won't be in your git diff output. So, one way to do a patch is to stage everything for a new commit (git add each file, or just git add .) but don't do the commit, and then:

git diff --cached > mypatch.patch

Add the 'binary' option if you want to add binary files to the patch (e.g. mp3 files):

git diff --cached --binary > mypatch.patch

You can later apply the patch:

git apply mypatch.patch

Check if value is in select list with JQuery

Here is another similar option. In my case, I'm checking values in another box as I build a select list. I kept running into undefined values when I would compare, so I set my check this way:

if ( $("#select-box option[value='" + thevalue + "']").val() === undefined) { //do stuff }

I've no idea if this approach is more expensive.

Get year, month or day from numpy datetime64

There should be an easier way to do this, but, depending on what you're trying to do, the best route might be to convert to a regular Python datetime object:

datetime64Obj = np.datetime64('2002-07-04T02:55:41-0700')
print datetime64Obj.astype(object).year
# 2002
print datetime64Obj.astype(object).day
# 4

Based on comments below, this seems to only work in Python 2.7.x and Python 3.6+

How do I alter the precision of a decimal column in Sql Server?

ALTER TABLE (Your_Table_Name) MODIFY (Your_Column_Name) DATA_TYPE();

For you problem:

ALTER TABLE (Your_Table_Name) MODIFY (Your_Column_Name) DECIMAL(Precision, Scale); 

Python Variable Declaration

Variables have scope, so yes it is appropriate to have variables that are specific to your function. You don't always have to be explicit about their definition; usually you can just use them. Only if you want to do something specific to the type of the variable, like append for a list, do you need to define them before you start using them. Typical example of this.

list = []
for i in stuff:

By the way, this is not really a good way to setup the list. It would be better to say:

list = [i for i in stuff] # list comprehension

...but I digress.

Your other question. The custom object should be a class itself.

class CustomObject(): # always capitalize the class name...this is not syntax, just style.
customObj = CustomObject()

Clear the entire history stack and start a new activity on Android

Case 1:Only two activity A and B:

Here Activity flow is A->B .On clicking backbutton from B we need to close the application then while starting Activity B from A just call finish() this will prevent android from storing Activity A in to the for activity A is Loding/Splash screen of application.

Intent newIntent = new Intent(A.this, B.class);

Case 2:More than two activitiy:

If there is a flow like A->B->C->D->B and on clicking back button in Activity B while coming from Activity D.In that case we should use.

Intent newIntent = new Intent(D.this,B.class);

Here Activity B will be started from the backstack rather than a new instance because of Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP and Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK clears the stack and makes it the top one.So when we press back button the whole application will be terminated.

How to clear an EditText on click?

that is called hint in android use android:hint="Enter Name"

How do ports work with IPv6?

The protocols used in IPv6 are the same as the protocols in IPv4. The only thing that changed between the two versions is the addressing scheme, DHCP [DHCPv6] and ICMP [ICMPv6]. So basically, anything TCP/UDP related, including the port range (0-65535) remains unchanged.

Edit: Port 0 is a reserved port in TCP but it does exist. See RFC793

Correct way to synchronize ArrayList in java

You're synchronizing twice, which is pointless and possibly slows down the code: changes while iterating over the list need a synchronnization over the entire operation, which you are doing with synchronized (in_queue_list) Using Collections.synchronizedList() is superfluous in that case (it creates a wrapper that synchronizes individual operations).

However, since you are emptying the list completely, the iterated removal of the first element is the worst possible way to do it, sice for each element all following elements have to be copied, making this an O(n^2) operation - horribly slow for larger lists.

Instead, simply call clear() - no iteration needed.

Edit: If you need the single-method synchronization of Collections.synchronizedList() later on, then this is the correct way:

List<Record> in_queue_list = Collections.synchronizedList(in_queue);
in_queue_list.clear(); // synchronized implicitly, 

But in many cases, the single-method synchronization is insufficient (e.g. for all iteration, or when you get a value, do computations based on it, and replace it with the result). In that case, you have to use manual synchronization anyway, so Collections.synchronizedList() is just useless additional overhead.

iOS 7 - Failing to instantiate default view controller

Check Is Initial View Controller in the Attributes Inspector.

enter image description here error in opening zip file

It could be related to log4j.

Do you have log4j.jar file in the websphere java classpath (as defined in the startup file) as well as the application classpath ?

If you do make sure that the log4j.jar file is in the java classpath and that it is NOT in the web-inf/lib directory of your webapp.

It can also be related with the ant version (may be not your case, but I do put it here for reference):

You have a .class file in your class path (i.e. not a directory or a .jar file). Starting with ant 1.6, ant will open the files in the classpath checking for manifest entries. This attempted opening will fail with the error ""

The problem does not exist with ant 1.5 as it does not try to open the files. - so make sure that your classpath's do not contain .class files.

On a side note, did you consider having separate jars ?
You could in the manifest of your main jar, refer to the other jars with this attribute:

Class-Path: one.jar two.jar three.jar

Then, place all of your jars in the same folder.
Again, may be not valid for your case, but still there for reference.

Aborting a shell script if any command returns a non-zero value

An expression like

dosomething1 && dosomething2 && dosomething3

will stop processing when one of the commands returns with a non-zero value. For example, the following command will never print "done":

cat nosuchfile && echo "done"
echo $?

PHP: How to check if a date is today, yesterday or tomorrow

Here is a more polished version of the accepted answer. It accepts only timestamps and returns a relative date or a formatted date string for everything +/-2 days


 * Relative time
 * date Format
 * strftime Format
 * latter can be used with setlocale(LC_ALL, 'de_DE@euro', 'de_DE', 'deu_deu');
 * @param  timestamp $target
 * @param  timestamp $base   start time, defaults to time()
 * @param  string $format use date('Y') or strftime('%Y') format string
 * @return string
function relative_time($target, $base = NULL, $format = 'Y-m-d H:i:s')

    if(is_null($base)) {
        $base = time();

    $baseDate = new DateTime();
    $targetDate = new DateTime();


    // don't modify original dates
    $baseDateTemp = clone $baseDate;
    $targetDateTemp = clone $targetDate;

    // normalize times -> reset to midnight that day
    $baseDateTemp = $baseDateTemp->modify('midnight');
    $targetDateTemp = $targetDateTemp->modify('midnight');

    $interval = (int) $baseDateTemp->diff($targetDateTemp)->format('%R%a');


    switch($interval) {
        case 0:
            return (string) 'today';

        case -1:
            return (string) 'yesterday';

        case 1:
            return (string) 'tomorrow';

            if(strpos($format,'%') !== false )
                return (string) strftime($format,  $targetDate->getTimestamp());
            return (string) $targetDate->format($format);


setlocale(LC_ALL, 'de_DE@euro', 'de_DE', 'deu_deu');
echo relative_time($weather->time, null, '%A, %#d. %B'); // Montag, 6. August 
echo relative_time($weather->time, null, 'l, j. F'); // Monday, 6. August

Add padding on view programmatically

If you store the padding in resource files, you can simply call

int padding = getResources().getDimensionPixelOffset(R.dimen.padding);

It does the conversion for you.

Force the origin to start at 0

xlim and ylim don't cut it here. You need to use expand_limits, scale_x_continuous, and scale_y_continuous. Try:

df <- data.frame(x = 1:5, y = 1:5)
p <- ggplot(df, aes(x, y)) + geom_point()
p <- p + expand_limits(x = 0, y = 0)
p # not what you are looking for

enter image description here

p + scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) + scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0))

enter image description here

You may need to adjust things a little to make sure points are not getting cut off (see, for example, the point at x = 5 and y = 5.

Add st, nd, rd and th (ordinal) suffix to a number

Intl.PluralRules, the standard method.

I would just like to drop the canonical way of doing this in here, as nobody seems to know it.

If you want your code to be

  • self-documenting
  • easy to understand
  • with the modern standard

- this is the way to go.

const english_ordinal_rules = new Intl.PluralRules("en", {type: "ordinal"});
const suffixes = {
    one: "st",
    two: "nd",
    few: "rd",
    other: "th"
function ordinal(number) {
    const suffix = suffixes[];
    return (number + suffix);

const test = Array(201)
    .map((_, index) => index - 100)
    .join(" ");

Bootstrap 3 - set height of modal window according to screen size

To expand on Ryand's answer, if you're using Bootstrap.ui, this on your modal-instance will do the trick:

    modalInstance.rendered.then(function (result) {
        $('.modal .modal-body').css('overflow-y', 'auto'); 
        $('.modal .modal-body').css('max-height', $(window).height() * 0.7);
        $('.modal .modal-body').css('height', $(window).height() * 0.7);

How to convert .pem into .key?

I assume you want the DER encoded version of your PEM private key.

openssl rsa -outform der -in private.pem -out private.key

How to show live preview in a small popup of linked page on mouse over on link?

I have done a little plugin to show a iframe window to preview a link. Still in beta version. Maybe it fits your case:

Two Radio Buttons ASP.NET C#

Set the GroupName property of both radio buttons to the same value. You could also try using a RadioButtonGroup, which does this for you automatically.

Specify sudo password for Ansible

This worked for me... Created file /etc/sudoers.d/90-init-users file with NOPASSWD

echo "user ALL=(ALL)       NOPASSWD:ALL" > 90-init-users

where "user" is your userid.

Recursively find files with a specific extension

As a script you can use:

find "${2:-.}" -iregex ".*${1:-Robert}\.\(h\|cpp\)$" -print
  • save it as findcc
  • chmod 755 findcc

and use it as

findcc [name] [[search_direcory]]


findcc                 # default name 'Robert' and directory .
findcc Joe             # default directory '.'
findcc Joe /somewhere  # no defaults

note you cant use

findcc /some/where    #eg without the name...

also as alternative, you can use

find "$1" -print | grep "$@" 


findcc directory grep_options


findcc . -P '/Robert\.(h|cpp)$'

In Java, how to find if first character in a string is upper case without regex

Make sure you first check for null and empty and ten converts existing string to upper. Use S.O.P if want to see outputs otherwise boolean like Rabiz did.

 public static void main(String[] args)
     System.out.println("Enter name");
     Scanner kb = new Scanner (;
     String text =;

     if ( null == text || text.isEmpty())
         System.out.println("Text empty");
     else if (text.charAt(0) == (text.toUpperCase().charAt(0)))
         System.out.println("First letter in word "+ text + " is upper case");

Java: how to import a jar file from command line

You could run it without the -jar command line argument if you happen to know the name of the main class you wish to run:

java -classpath .;myjar.jar;lib/referenced-class.jar my.package.MainClass

If perchance you are using linux, you should use ":" instead of ";" in the classpath.

Batch File; List files in directory, only filenames?

1.Open notepad

2.Create new file

3.type bellow line

dir /b > fileslist.txt

4.Save "list.bat"

Thats it. now you can copy & paste this "list.bat" file any of your folder location and double click it, it will create a "fileslist.txt" along with that directory folder and file name list.

Sample Output: enter image description here

Note: If you want create file name list along with sub folder, then you can create batch file with bellow code.

dir /b /s > fileslist.txt

How to get the Power of some Integer in Swift language?

Other than that your variable declarations have syntax errors, this works exactly how you expected it to. All you have to do is cast a and b to Double and pass the values to pow. Then, if you're working with 2 Ints and you want an Int back on the other side of the operation, just cast back to Int.

import Darwin 

let a: Int = 3
let b: Int = 3

let x: Int = Int(pow(Double(a),Double(b)))

ESLint - "window" is not defined. How to allow global variables in package.json

If you are using Angular you can get it off with:

"env": {
    "browser": true,
    "node": true
"rules" : {
    "angular/window-service": 0

xlrd.biffh.XLRDError: Excel xlsx file; not supported

As noted in the release email, linked to from the release tweet and noted in large orange warning that appears on the front page of the documentation, and less orange, but still present, in the readme on the repository and the release on pypi:

xlrd has explicitly removed support for anything other than xls files.

In your case, the solution is to:

  • make sure you are on a recent version of Pandas, at least 1.0.1, and preferably the latest release. 1.2 will make his even clearer.
  • install openpyxl:
  • change your Pandas code to be:
    df1 = pd.read_excel(
         os.path.join(APP_PATH, "Data", "aug_latest.xlsm"),