this should be on here: it works anyway. And it looks good compared to the above ones.
hlsl code
float3 Hue(float H)
half R = abs(H * 6 - 3) - 1;
half G = 2 - abs(H * 6 - 2);
half B = 2 - abs(H * 6 - 4);
return saturate(half3(R,G,B));
half4 HSVtoRGB(in half3 HSV)
return half4(((Hue(HSV.x) - 1) * HSV.y + 1) * HSV.z,1);
float3 is 16 bit precision vector3 data type, i.e. float3 hue() is returns a data type (x,y,z) e.g. (r,g,b), half is same with half precision, 8bit, a float4 is (r,g,b,a) 4 values.