Programs & Examples On #Punycode

Punycode is a encoding syntax by which a Unicode (UTF-8) string of characters can be translated into the basic ASCII-characters permitted in network host names. Examples: mañ, bü and café.com.

Gradle store on local file system

Gradle caches artifacts in USER_HOME/.gradle folder. The compiled scripts are usually in the .gradle folder in your project folder.

If you can't find the cache, maybe it's because you have not cached any artifacts yet. You can always see where Gradle has cached artifacts with a simple script:

apply plugin: 'java'


  compile ''

task showMeCache << {
  configurations.compile.each { println it }

Now if you run gradle showMeCache it should download the deps into cache and print the full path.

Update query PHP MySQL

Try like this in sql query, It will work fine.

$sql="UPDATE create_test set url= '$_POST[url]' WHERE test_name='$test_name';";

If you have to update multiple columns, Use like this,

$sql="UPDATE create_test set `url`= '$_POST[url]',`platform`='$_POST[platform]' WHERE test_name='$test_name';";

How to install a specific version of a package with pip?

Use ==:

pip install django_modeltranslation==0.4.0-beta2

Difference between String replace() and replaceAll()

String replace(char oldChar, char newChar)

Returns a new string resulting from replacing all occurrences of oldChar in this string with newChar.

String replaceAll(String regex, String replacement

Replaces each substring of this string that matches the given regular expression with the given replacement.

Force IE8 Into IE7 Compatiblity Mode

This can be done in IIS:

Read the comments as well: Wednesday, April 01, 2009 8:57 AM by John Moore

A quick follow-up. This worked great for my site as long as I use the IE=EmulateIE7 value. Trying to use the IE=7 resulted in my site essentially hanging when run on IE8.

Convert this string to datetime

Use DateTime::createFromFormat

$date = date_create_from_format('d/m/Y:H:i:s', $s);

Java JTextField with input hint

If you still look for a solution, here's one that combined other answers (Bart Kiers and culmat) for your reference:

import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.text.JTextComponent;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.FocusEvent;
import java.awt.event.FocusListener;

public class HintTextField extends JTextField implements FocusListener

    private String hint;

    public HintTextField ()

    public HintTextField(final String hint)

    public void setHint(String hint)
        this.hint = hint;
        setUI(new HintTextFieldUI(hint, true));

    public void focusGained(FocusEvent e)
        if(this.getText().length() == 0)

    public void focusLost(FocusEvent e)
        if(this.getText().length() == 0)

    public String getText()
        String typed = super.getText();
        return typed.equals(hint)?"":typed;

class HintTextFieldUI extends javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTextFieldUI implements FocusListener

    private String hint;
    private boolean hideOnFocus;
    private Color color;

    public Color getColor()
        return color;

    public void setColor(Color color)
        this.color = color;

    private void repaint()
        if(getComponent() != null)

    public boolean isHideOnFocus()
        return hideOnFocus;

    public void setHideOnFocus(boolean hideOnFocus)
        this.hideOnFocus = hideOnFocus;

    public String getHint()
        return hint;

    public void setHint(String hint)
        this.hint = hint;

    public HintTextFieldUI(String hint)
        this(hint, false);

    public HintTextFieldUI(String hint, boolean hideOnFocus)
        this(hint, hideOnFocus, null);

    public HintTextFieldUI(String hint, boolean hideOnFocus, Color color)
        this.hint = hint;
        this.hideOnFocus = hideOnFocus;
        this.color = color;

    protected void paintSafely(Graphics g)
        JTextComponent comp = getComponent();
        if(hint != null && comp.getText().length() == 0 && (!(hideOnFocus && comp.hasFocus())))
            if(color != null)
            int padding = (comp.getHeight() - comp.getFont().getSize()) / 2;
            g.drawString(hint, 5, comp.getHeight() - padding - 1);

    public void focusGained(FocusEvent e)
        if(hideOnFocus) repaint();


    public void focusLost(FocusEvent e)
        if(hideOnFocus) repaint();

    protected void installListeners()

    protected void uninstallListeners()

HintTextField field = new HintTextField();
field.setHint("Here's a hint");

Get name of current class?

I think, it should be like this:

    class foo():
        input = get_input(__qualname__)

Javascript / Chrome - How to copy an object from the webkit inspector as code

You can now accomplish this in Chrome by right clicking on the object and selecting "Store as Global Variable":

enter image description here

"Submit is not a function" error in JavaScript

giving a form element a name of submit will simple shadow the submit property . make sure you don't have a form element with the name submit and you should be able to access the submit function just fine .

Extract text from a string

If program name is always the first thing in (), and doesn't contain other )s than the one at end, then $yourstring -match "[(][^)]+[)]" does the matching, result will be in $Matches[0]

Improve subplot size/spacing with many subplots in matplotlib

You can use plt.subplots_adjust to change the spacing between the subplots (source)

call signature:

subplots_adjust(left=None, bottom=None, right=None, top=None, wspace=None, hspace=None)

The parameter meanings (and suggested defaults) are:

left  = 0.125  # the left side of the subplots of the figure
right = 0.9    # the right side of the subplots of the figure
bottom = 0.1   # the bottom of the subplots of the figure
top = 0.9      # the top of the subplots of the figure
wspace = 0.2   # the amount of width reserved for blank space between subplots
hspace = 0.2   # the amount of height reserved for white space between subplots

The actual defaults are controlled by the rc file

PHP array: count or sizeof?

According to phpbench:

Is it worth the effort to calculate the length of the loop in advance?

//pre-calculate the size of array
$size = count($x); //or $size = sizeOf($x);

for ($i=0; $i<$size; $i++) {

//don't pre-calculate
for ($i=0; $i<count($x); $i++) { //or $i<sizeOf($x);

A loop with 1000 keys with 1 byte values are given.

                  | count() | sizeof() |
| With precalc    |     152 |      212 |
| Without precalc |   70401 |    50644 |
+-----------------+---------+----------+  (time in µs)

So I personally prefer to use count() instead of sizeof() with pre calc.

How can I get the key value in a JSON object?

You may need:


To get something like:

[ 'amount', 'job', 'month', 'year' ]

Note: Your JSON is invalid.

Detect all changes to a <input type="text"> (immediately) using JQuery

you can simply identify all changers in the form, like this

           //when form change, show aleart
            $("#FormId").change(function () {
                aleart('Done some change on form');

How can I replace non-printable Unicode characters in Java?

Op De Cirkel is mostly right. His suggestion will work in most cases:

myString.replaceAll("\\p{C}", "?");

But if myString might contain non-BMP codepoints then it's more complicated. \p{C} contains the surrogate codepoints of \p{Cs}. The replacement method above will corrupt non-BMP codepoints by sometimes replacing only half of the surrogate pair. It's possible this is a Java bug rather than intended behavior.

Using the other constituent categories is an option:

myString.replaceAll("[\\p{Cc}\\p{Cf}\\p{Co}\\p{Cn}]", "?");

However, solitary surrogate characters not part of a pair (each surrogate character has an assigned codepoint) will not be removed. A non-regex approach is the only way I know to properly handle \p{C}:

StringBuilder newString = new StringBuilder(myString.length());
for (int offset = 0; offset < myString.length();)
    int codePoint = myString.codePointAt(offset);
    offset += Character.charCount(codePoint);

    // Replace invisible control characters and unused code points
    switch (Character.getType(codePoint))
        case Character.CONTROL:     // \p{Cc}
        case Character.FORMAT:      // \p{Cf}
        case Character.PRIVATE_USE: // \p{Co}
        case Character.SURROGATE:   // \p{Cs}
        case Character.UNASSIGNED:  // \p{Cn}

HTTP get with headers using RestTemplate

The RestTemplate getForObject() method does not support setting headers. The solution is to use the exchange() method.

So instead of restTemplate.getForObject(url, String.class, param) (which has no headers), use

HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
headers.set("Header", "value");
headers.set("Other-Header", "othervalue");

HttpEntity entity = new HttpEntity(headers);

ResponseEntity<String> response =
    url, HttpMethod.GET, entity, String.class, param);

Finally, use response.getBody() to get your result.

This question is similar to this question.

How to delete all files from a specific folder?

Add the following namespace,

using System.IO;

and use the Directory class to reach on the specific folder:

string[] fileNames = Directory.GetFiles(@"your directory path");
foreach (string fileName in fileNames)

In Bootstrap 3,How to change the distance between rows in vertical?


Bootstrap 4 has spacing utilities to handle this

.mt-0 {
  margin-top: 0 !important;



If you are using SASS, this is what I normally do.

$margins: (xs: 0.5rem, sm: 1rem, md: 1.5rem, lg: 2rem, xl: 2.5rem);

@each $name, $value in $margins {
  .margin-top-#{$name} {
    margin-top: $value;

  .margin-bottom-#{$name} {
    margin-bottom: $value;

so you can later use margin-top-xs for example

How to shutdown a Spring Boot Application in a correct way?

For Spring boot web apps, Spring boot provides the out-of-box solution for graceful shutdown from version 2.3.0.RELEASE.

An excerpt from Spring doc

Refer this answer for the Code Snippet

How do I use extern to share variables between source files?

In C a variable inside a file say example.c is given local scope. The compiler expects that the variable would have its definition inside the same file example.c and when it does not find the same , it would throw an error.A function on the other hand has by default global scope . Thus you do not have to explicitly mention to the compiler "look might find the definition of this function here". For a function including the file which contains its declaration is enough.(The file which you actually call a header file). For example consider the following 2 files :

extern int a;
       printf("The value of a is <%d>\n",a);


int a = 5;

Now when you compile the two files together, using the following commands :

step 1)cc -o ex example.c example1.c step 2)./ex

You get the following output : The value of a is <5>

Convert txt to csv python script

I suposse this is the output you need:



It can be done with this changes to your code:

import csv
import itertools

with open('log.txt', 'r') as in_file:
    lines =
    stripped = [line.replace(","," ").split() for line in lines]
    grouped = itertools.izip(*[stripped]*1)
    with open('log.csv', 'w') as out_file:
        writer = csv.writer(out_file)
        writer.writerow(('title', 'intro', 'tagline'))
        for group in grouped:

Java Wait and Notify: IllegalMonitorStateException

You can't wait() on an object unless the current thread owns that object's monitor. To do that, you must synchronize on it:

class Runner implements Runnable
  public void run()
      synchronized(Main.main) {
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {}
    System.out.println("Runner away!");

The same rule applies to notify()/notifyAll() as well.

The Javadocs for wait() mention this:

This method should only be called by a thread that is the owner of this object's monitor. See the notify method for a description of the ways in which a thread can become the owner of a monitor.


IllegalMonitorStateException – if the current thread is not the owner of this object's monitor.

And from notify():

A thread becomes the owner of the object's monitor in one of three ways:

  • By executing a synchronized instance method of that object.
  • By executing the body of a synchronized statement that synchronizes on the object.
  • For objects of type Class, by executing a synchronized static method of that class.

Strings and character with printf


is designed for a single character a char, so it print only one element.Passing the char array as a pointer you are passing the address of the first element of the array(that is a single char) and then will be printed :



will print


and so on ...

Pointer is not needed for the %s because it can work directly with String of characters.

Get Current date & time with [NSDate date]

NSLocale* currentLocale = [NSLocale currentLocale];
[[NSDate date] descriptionWithLocale:currentLocale];  

or use

NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter=[[NSDateFormatter alloc] init]; 
[dateFormatter setDateFormat:@"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"];
// or @"yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss a" if you prefer the time with AM/PM 
NSLog(@"%@",[dateFormatter stringFromDate:[NSDate date]]);

SQL Server: How to check if CLR is enabled?

The correct result for me with SQL Server 2017:

EXEC sp_configure 'clr enabled' ,1

EXEC sp_configure 'clr enabled'   -- make sure it took


EXEC sp_changedbowner 'sa'


From An error occurred in the Microsoft .NET Framework while trying to load assembly id 65675

Difference between final and effectively final

According to the docs:

A variable or parameter whose value is never changed after it is initialized is effectively final.

Basically, if the compiler finds a variable does not appear in assignments outside of its initialization, then the variable is considered effectively final.

For example, consider some class:

public class Foo {

    public void baz(int bar) {
        // While the next line is commented, bar is effectively final
        // and while it is uncommented, the assignment means it is not
        // effectively final.

        // bar = 2;

Importing a Maven project into Eclipse from Git

I have been testing this out for my project.

  1. Eclispe Indigo
  2. "Help > Install New Software" Enable/Install official Git plug-ins at "Eclipse Git Plugin .." and install the lot.
  3. Enable the Maven/EGit connector with these instructions How do you get git integration working with m2eclipse?
  4. Switch to the Git Repository perspective. Right click paste the project git url. The defaults should all work. You may want to change the install folder it guesses.
  5. Expand the cloned repository and right click on "Working Tree" and pick "Import Maven Projects...".
  6. Switch to the Java perspective. Right click on the project and choose "Team > Share Project". Select "Git" and be sure to tick the box "Use or create repository in parent folder of project".

Disable output buffering

Variant that works without crashing (at least on win32; python 2.7, ipython 0.12) then called subsequently (multiple times):

def DisOutBuffering():
    if == '<stdout>':
        sys.stdout = os.fdopen(sys.stdout.fileno(), 'w', 0)

    if == '<stderr>':
        sys.stderr = os.fdopen(sys.stderr.fileno(), 'w', 0)

Select current element in jQuery

To select the sibling, you'd need something like:


So, Shog9's comment is not correct. First of all, you'd need to name the variable "clicked" outside of the div click function, otherwise, it is lost after the click occurs.

var clicked;

$("div a").click(function(){
   clicked = $(this).next();
   // Do what you need to do to the newly defined click here

// But you can also access the "clicked" element here

How to add custom Http Header for C# Web Service Client consuming Axis 1.4 Web service

I find this code and is resolve my problem.

protected override WebRequest GetWebRequest(Uri uri)
    // Assuming authValue is set from somewhere, such as the config file
    HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)base.GetWebRequest(uri);
    request.Headers.Add("Authorization", string.Format("Basic {0}", authValue));
    return request;

How to convert String to long in Java?

The best approach is Long.valueOf(str) as it relies on Long.valueOf(long) which uses an internal cache making it more efficient since it will reuse if needed the cached instances of Long going from -128 to 127 included.

Returns a Long instance representing the specified long value. If a new Long instance is not required, this method should generally be used in preference to the constructor Long(long), as this method is likely to yield significantly better space and time performance by caching frequently requested values. Note that unlike the corresponding method in the Integer class, this method is not required to cache values within a particular range.

Thanks to auto-unboxing allowing to convert a wrapper class's instance into its corresponding primitive type, the code would then be:

long val = Long.valueOf(str);

Please note that the previous code can still throw a NumberFormatException if the provided String doesn't match with a signed long.

Generally speaking, it is a good practice to use the static factory method valueOf(str) of a wrapper class like Integer, Boolean, Long, ... since most of them reuse instances whenever it is possible making them potentially more efficient in term of memory footprint than the corresponding parse methods or constructors.

Excerpt from Effective Java Item 1 written by Joshua Bloch:

You can often avoid creating unnecessary objects by using static factory methods (Item 1) in preference to constructors on immutable classes that provide both. For example, the static factory method Boolean.valueOf(String) is almost always preferable to the constructor Boolean(String). The constructor creates a new object each time it’s called, while the static factory method is never required to do so and won’t in practice.

How does C#'s random number generator work?

You can use Random.Next(int maxValue):

Return: A 32-bit signed integer greater than or equal to zero, and less than maxValue; that is, the range of return values ordinarily includes zero but not maxValue. However, if maxValue equals zero, maxValue is returned.

var r = new Random();
// print random integer >= 0 and  < 100

For this case however you could use Random.Next(int minValue, int maxValue), like this:

// print random integer >= 1 and < 101
Console.WriteLine(r.Next(1, 101);)
// or perhaps (if you have this specific case)
Console.WriteLine(r.Next(100) + 1);

Laravel update model with unique validation rule for attribute

Working within my question:

public function update($id, $data) {
    $user = $this->findById($id);
    $this->validate($user->toArray(), $id);
    return $user;

public function validate($data, $id=null) {
    $rules = User::$rules;
    if ($id !== null) {
        $rules['username'] .= ",$id";
        $rules['email'] .= ",$id";
    $validation = Validator::make($data, $rules);
    if ($validation->fails()) {
        throw new ValidationException($validation);
    return true;

is what I did, based on the accepted answer above.

EDIT: With Form Requests, everything is made simpler:

<?php namespace App\Http\Requests;

class UpdateUserRequest extends Request
     * Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
     * @return bool
    public function authorize()
        return true;

     * Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
     * @return array
    public function rules()
        return [
            'name' => 'required|unique:users,username,'.$this->id,
            'email' => 'required|unique:users,email,'.$this->id,

You just need to pass the UpdateUserRequest to your update method, and be sure to POST the model id.

How to simulate browsing from various locations?

DNS info is cached at many places. If you have a server in Europe you may want to try to proxy through it

How do I speed up the gwt compiler?

Let's start with the uncomfortable truth: GWT compiler performance is really lousy. You can use some hacks here and there, but you're not going to get significantly better performance.

A nice performance hack you can do is to compile for only specific browsers, by inserting the following line in your gwt.xml:

<define-property name="user.agent" values="ie6,gecko,gecko1_8"></define-property>

or in gwt 2.x syntax, and for one browser only:

<set-property name="user.agent" value="gecko1_8"/>

This, for example, will compile your application for IE and FF only. If you know you are using only a specific browser for testing, you can use this little hack.

Another option: if you are using several locales, and again using only one for testing, you can comment them all out so that GWT will use the default locale, this shaves off some additional overhead from compile time.

Bottom line: you're not going to get order-of-magnitude increase in compiler performance, but taking several relaxations, you can shave off a few minutes here and there.

How do I select the "last child" with a specific class name in CSS?

You can use the adjacent sibling selector to achieve something similar, that might help.

.list-item.other-class + .list-item:not(.other-class)

Will effectively target the immediately following element after the last element with the class other-class.

Read more here:

How do I execute a stored procedure in a SQL Agent job?

You just need to add this line to the window there:

exec (your stored proc name) (and possibly add parameters)

What is your stored proc called, and what parameters does it expect?

Text Editor For Linux (Besides Vi)?

I agree with Mike, though I'm a Vim die-hard. I've been using GEdit quite frequently lately when I'm doing lightweight Ruby scripting. The standard editor (plus Ruby code snippets) is extremely usable and polished, and can provide a nice reprieve from full-strength, always-on programming editors.

Python: can't assign to literal

1 is a literal. name = value is an assignment. 1 = value is an assignment to a literal, which makes no sense. Why would you want 1 to mean something other than 1?

Is this how you define a function in jQuery?

    zigzag: function () {
        var text = $(this).text();
        var zigzagText = '';
        var toggle = true; //lower/uppper toggle
            $.each(text, function(i, nome) {
                zigzagText += (toggle) ? nome.toUpperCase() : nome.toLowerCase();
                toggle = (toggle) ? false : true;
    return zigzagText;

$(document).on('click', '#id', function() {}) vs $('#id').on('click', function(){})

The first example demonstrates event delegation. The event handler is bound to an element higher up the DOM tree (in this case, the document) and will be executed when an event reaches that element having originated on an element matching the selector.

This is possible because most DOM events bubble up the tree from the point of origin. If you click on the #id element, a click event is generated that will bubble up through all of the ancestor elements (side note: there is actually a phase before this, called the 'capture phase', when the event comes down the tree to the target). You can capture the event on any of those ancestors.

The second example binds the event handler directly to the element. The event will still bubble (unless you prevent that in the handler) but since the handler is bound to the target, you won't see the effects of this process.

By delegating an event handler, you can ensure it is executed for elements that did not exist in the DOM at the time of binding. If your #id element was created after your second example, your handler would never execute. By binding to an element that you know is definitely in the DOM at the time of execution, you ensure that your handler will actually be attached to something and can be executed as appropriate later on.

Chrome Uncaught Syntax Error: Unexpected Token ILLEGAL

There's some sort of bogus character at the end of that source. Try deleting the last line and adding it back.

I can't figure out exactly what's there, yet ...

edit — I think it's a zero-width space, Unicode 200B. Seems pretty weird and I can't be sure of course that it's not a Stackoverflow artifact, but when I copy/paste that last function including the complete last line into the Chrome console, I get your error.

A notorious source of such characters are websites like jsfiddle. I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with them — it's just a side-effect of something, maybe the use of content-editable input widgets.

If you suspect you've got a case of this ailment, and you're on MacOS or Linux/Unix, the od command line tool can show you (albeit in a fairly ugly way) the numeric values in the characters of the source code file. Some IDEs and editors can show "funny" characters as well. Note that such characters aren't always a problem. It's perfectly OK (in most reasonable programming languages, anyway) for there to be embedded Unicode characters in string constants, for example. The problems start happening when the language parser encounters the characters when it doesn't expect them.

Find which rows have different values for a given column in Teradata SQL

You can do this using a group by:

select id, addressCode
from t
group by id, addressCode
having min(address) <> max(address)

Another way of writing this may seem clearer, but does not perform as well:

select id, addressCode
from t
group by id, addressCode
having count(distinct address) > 1

Javascript setInterval not working

Try this:

function funcName() {

var run = setInterval(funcName, 10000)

What is the (function() { } )() construct in JavaScript?

One more use case is memoization where a cache object is not global:

var calculate = (function() {
  var cache = {};
  return function(a) {

    if (cache[a]) {
      return cache[a];
    } else {
      // Calculate heavy operation
      cache[a] = heavyOperation(a);
      return cache[a];

Display Last Saved Date on worksheet

thought I would update on this.

Found out that adding to the VB Module behind the spreadsheet does not actually register as a Macro.

So here is the solution:

  1. Press ALT + F11
  2. Click Insert > Module
  3. Paste the following into the window:


Function LastSavedTimeStamp() As Date
  LastSavedTimeStamp = ActiveWorkbook.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Last Save Time")
End Function
  1. Save the module, close the editor and return to the worksheet.
  2. Click in the Cell where the date is to be displayed and enter the following formula:



LoDash: Get an array of values from an array of object properties

If you are using native javascript then you can use this code -

let ids =, index) {


console.log(ids); //[12, 14, 16, 18]

Excel Create Collapsible Indented Row Hierarchies

Create a Pivot Table. It has these features and many more.

If you are dead-set on doing this yourself then you could add shapes to the worksheet and use VBA to hide and unhide rows and columns on clicking the shapes.

What is the best way to paginate results in SQL Server

This is a duplicate of the 2012 old SO question: efficient way to implement paging


Here the topic is discussed in greater details, and with alternate approaches.

How to set default value for HTML select?

you can define attribute selected="selected" in Ex a

How to get the current directory of the cmdlet being executed

Most answers don't work when debugging in the following IDEs:

  • PS-ISE (PowerShell ISE)
  • VS Code (Visual Studio Code)

Because in those the $PSScriptRoot is empty and Resolve-Path .\ (and similars) will result in incorrect paths.

Freakydinde's answer is the only one that resolves those situations, so I up-voted that, but I don't think the Set-Location in that answer is really what is desired. So I fixed that and made the code a little clearer:

$directorypath = if ($PSScriptRoot) { $PSScriptRoot } `
    elseif ($psise) { split-path $psise.CurrentFile.FullPath } `
    elseif ($psEditor) { split-path $psEditor.GetEditorContext().CurrentFile.Path }

Alert handling in Selenium WebDriver (selenium 2) with Java

This is what worked for me using Explicit Wait from here WebDriver: Advanced Usage

public void checkAlert() {
    try {
        WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 2);
        Alert alert = driver.switchTo().alert();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        //exception handling

Getting Textbox value in Javascript

The ID you are trying is an serverside.

That is going to render in the browser differently.

try to get the ID by watching the html in the Browser.

var TestVar = document.getElementById('ctl00_ContentColumn_txt_model_code').value;

this may works.

Or do that ClientID method. That also works but ultimately the browser will get the same thing what i had written.

How can I see all the "special" characters permissible in a varchar or char field in SQL Server?

i think that special characters are # and @ only... query will list both.

SET @str = '[azAB09ram#reddy@wer45' + CHAR(5) + 'a~b$' 
FROM   MASTER..spt_values S 
       CROSS APPLY (SELECT SUBSTRING(@str,NUMBER,1) AS poschar) t 
       AND NUMBER <= LEN(@str) 
       AND NOT (ASCII(t.poschar) BETWEEN 65 AND 90 
                 OR ASCII(t.poschar) BETWEEN 97 AND 122 
                 OR ASCII(t.poschar) BETWEEN 48 AND 57) 

Make browser window blink in task Bar

Supposedly you can do this on windows with the growl for windows javascript API:

Your users will have to install growl though.

Eventually this is going to be part of google gears, in the form of the NotificationAPI:

So I would recommend using the growl approach for now, falling back to window title updates if possible, and already engineering in attempts to use the Gears Notification API, for when it eventually becomes available.

Adjusting and image Size to fit a div (bootstrap)

Most of the time,bootstrap project uses jQuery, so you can use jQuery.

Just get the width and height of parent with JQuery.offsetHeight() and JQuery.offsetWidth(), and set them to the child element with JQuery.width() and JQuery.height().

If you want to make it responsive, repeat the above steps in the $(window).resize(func), as well.

MySQL does not start when upgrading OSX to Yosemite or El Capitan

The re-install fixed it because the installer created a new MySQL instance and the symbolic link to /usr/local/mysql now points to a data directory that does not have an existing pid.

It's worth noting that the mysql prefpane and mysql.server script use the hostname for the pid, so changing the hostname may cause issues with the this.

While the prefpane is out of date, it's a nice GUI for someone to start/stop MySQL even if the auto-start function doesn't work.

I've taken a hybrid approach where I've adapted my MySQL install script to use Launchd to auto-start MySQL, but the plist actually calls the mysql.server script. This way the prefpane can still be used to start/stop MySQL on demand, and trying to do a simple MySQL restart won't be too confusing.

Here is script that just enables this Launchd behavior on Yosemite with MySQL already installed:

Here is the script that handles the entire automated installation of MySQL:

Add vertical whitespace using Twitter Bootstrap?

I know this is old and there are several good solutions already posted, but a simple solution that worked for me is the following CSS

    margin: 0cm 0cm .5cm 0cm;

and then create a div in your html

<div class="divider"></div>

Difference between Role and GrantedAuthority in Spring Security

Like others have mentioned, I think of roles as containers for more granular permissions.

Although I found the Hierarchy Role implementation to be lacking fine control of these granular permission.
So I created a library to manage the relationships and inject the permissions as granted authorities in the security context.

I may have a set of permissions in the app, something like CREATE, READ, UPDATE, DELETE, that are then associated with the user's Role.


These permissions are relatively static, but the relationship of roles to them may be dynamic.

Example -

RolePermissionsRepository repository;

public void setup(){
  String roleName = "ROLE_ADMIN";
  List<String> permissions = new ArrayList<String>();
  permissions.add("DELETE"); RolePermissions(roleName, permissions));

You may create APIs to manage the relationship of these permissions to a role.

I don't want to copy/paste another answer, so here's the link to a more complete explanation on SO.

To re-use my implementation, I created a repo. Please feel free to contribute!

javax.persistence.NoResultException: No entity found for query

Another option is to use uniqueResultOptional() method, which gives you Optional in result:

String hql="from DrawUnusedBalance where unusedBalanceDate= :today";
Query query=em.createQuery(hql);
query.setParameter("today",new LocalDate());

Optional<DrawUnusedBalance> drawUnusedBalance=query.uniqueResultOptional();

Making an iframe responsive

I found a solution from from Dave Rupert / Chris Coyier. However, I wanted to make the scroll available so I came up with this:


<div class="myIframe"> 
   <iframe> </iframe> 

// CSS

.myIframe {
     position: relative;
     padding-bottom: 65.25%;
     padding-top: 30px;
     height: 0;
     overflow: auto; 
     -webkit-overflow-scrolling:touch; //<<--- THIS IS THE KEY 
     border: solid black 1px;
.myIframe iframe {
     position: absolute;
     top: 0;
     left: 0;
     width: 100%;
     height: 100%;

Concatenate strings from several rows using Pandas groupby

You can groupby the 'name' and 'month' columns, then call transform which will return data aligned to the original df and apply a lambda where we join the text entries:

In [119]:

df['text'] = df[['name','text','month']].groupby(['name','month'])['text'].transform(lambda x: ','.join(x))
    name         text  month
0  name1       hej,du     11
2  name1        aj,oj     12
4  name2     fin,katt     11
6  name2  mycket,lite     12

I sub the original df by passing a list of the columns of interest df[['name','text','month']] here and then call drop_duplicates

EDIT actually I can just call apply and then reset_index:

In [124]:

df.groupby(['name','month'])['text'].apply(lambda x: ','.join(x)).reset_index()

    name  month         text
0  name1     11       hej,du
1  name1     12        aj,oj
2  name2     11     fin,katt
3  name2     12  mycket,lite


the lambda is unnecessary here:


    name  month         text
0  name1     11           du
1  name1     12        aj,oj
2  name2     11     fin,katt
3  name2     12  mycket,lite

Find the IP address of the client in an SSH session

Usually there is a log entry in /var/log/messages (or similar, depending on your OS) which you could grep with the username.

Insert multiple rows into single column

I believe this should work for inserting multiple rows:

('Hello'), ('World'),...

How can I change the version of npm using nvm?

nvm doesn't handle npm.

So if you want to install node 0.4.x (which many packages still depend on) and use NPM, you can still use npm 1.0.x.

Install node 0.6.x (which comes with npm 1.1.x) and install nvm with npm:

npm install nvm
. ~/nvm/

Install node 0.4.x with nvm:

nvm install v0.4.12
nvm use v0.4.12

Install npm using (note the -L param to follow any redirects):

curl -L | sh

This will detect node 0.4.12 and install npm 1.0.106 in your ~/nvm/v0.4.12/lib/node_modules folder and create symlink for nvm

~/nvm/v0.4.12/bin/npm -> ../lib/node_modules/npm/bin/npm-cli.js

If you try to run npm, it will still give an error but if you do nvm use v0.4.12 again, it should now work.

How to get base64 encoded data from html image

You can try following sample

<img id="preview" src="">
<canvas id="myCanvas" />

var c = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
var ctx = c.getContext("2d");
var img = document.getElementById("preview");
ctx.drawImage(img, 10, 10);

Update one MySQL table with values from another

UPDATE tobeupdated
INNER JOIN original ON (tobeupdated.value = original.value)

That should do it, and really its doing exactly what yours is. However, I prefer 'JOIN' syntax for joins rather than multiple 'WHERE' conditions, I think its easier to read

As for running slow, how large are the tables? You should have indexes on tobeupdated.value and original.value

EDIT: we can also simplify the query

UPDATE tobeupdated
INNER JOIN original USING (value)

USING is shorthand when both tables of a join have an identical named key such as id. ie an equi-join -

Fixed point vs Floating point number

Take the number 123.456789

  • As an integer, this number would be 123
  • As a fixed point (2), this number would be 123.46 (Assuming you rounded it up)
  • As a floating point, this number would be 123.456789

Floating point lets you represent most every number with a great deal of precision. Fixed is less precise, but simpler for the computer..

Xcode - iPhone - profile doesn't match any valid certificate-/private-key pair in the default keychain

My problem was my Target profile didn't have the proper code signing option selected:

Target Menu -> Code Signing -> Code Signing Identity

Choose "iPhone developer" then select the provisional profile you created.

How do you test running time of VBA code?

We've used a solution based on timeGetTime in winmm.dll for millisecond accuracy for many years. See

The article is in German, but the code in the download (a VBA class wrapping the dll function call) is simple enough to use and understand without being able to read the article.

Django URL Redirect

If you are stuck on django 1.2 like I am and RedirectView doesn't exist, another route-centric way to add the redirect mapping is using:

(r'^match_rules/$', 'django.views.generic.simple.redirect_to', {'url': '/new_url'}),  

You can also re-route everything on a match. This is useful when changing the folder of an app but wanting to preserve bookmarks:

(r'^match_folder/(?P<path>.*)', 'django.views.generic.simple.redirect_to', {'url': '/new_folder/%(path)s'}),  

This is preferable to django.shortcuts.redirect if you are only trying to modify your url routing and do not have access to .htaccess, etc (I'm on Appengine and app.yaml doesn't allow url redirection at that level like an .htaccess).

How to write a Python module/package?

A module is a file containing Python definitions and statements. The file name is the module name with the suffix .py

Create a file called with the following function as its content:

def helloworld():
   print "hello"

Then you can

import hello

To group many .py files, put them in a folder. Any folder with an is considered a module by python and you can call them a package.

|-HelloModule |_ |_

C# Threading - How to start and stop a thread

Use a static AutoResetEvent in your spawned threads to call back to the main thread using the Set() method. This guy has a fairly good demo in SO on how to use it.

AutoResetEvent clarification

AngularJS : Custom filters and ng-repeat

If you want to run some custom filter logic you can create a function which takes the array element as an argument and returns true or false based on whether it should be in the search results. Then pass it to the filter instruction just like you do with the search object, for example:


$scope.filterFn = function(car)
    // Do some tests

    if(car.carDetails.doors > 2)
        return true; // this will be listed in the results

    return false; // otherwise it won't be within the results


<article data-ng-repeat="result in results | filter:search | filter:filterFn" class="result">

As you can see you can chain many filters together, so adding your custom filter function doesn't force you to remove the previous filter using the search object (they will work together seamlessly).

What is the minimum I have to do to create an RPM file?

Similarly, I needed to create an rpm with just a few files. Since these files were source controlled, and because it seemed silly, I didn't want to go through taring them up just to have rpm untar them. I came up with the following:

  1. Set up your environment:

    mkdir -p ~/rpm/{BUILD,RPMS}

    echo '%_topdir %(echo "$HOME")/rpm' > ~/.rpmmacros

  2. Create your spec file, foobar.spec, with the following contents:

    Summary: Foo to the Bar
    Name: foobar
    Version: 0.1
    Release: 1
    Group: Foo/Bar
    License: FooBarPL
    Source: %{expand:%%(pwd)}
    BuildRoot: %{_topdir}/BUILD/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}
    rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
    mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/bin
    mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc
    cp %{SOURCEURL0}/foobar ./usr/bin/
    cp %{SOURCEURL0}/foobar.conf ./etc/
    rm -r -f "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT"
    %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/foobar.conf
  3. Build your rpm: rpmbuild -bb foobar.spec

There's a little hackery there specifying the 'source' as your current directory, but it seemed far more elegant then the alternative, which was to, in my case, write a separate script to create a tarball, etc, etc.

Note: In my particular situation, my files were arranged in folders according to where they needed to go, like this:


and so the prep section became:

mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
tar -cC %{SOURCEURL0} --exclude 'foobar.spec' -f - ./ | tar xf -

Which is a little cleaner.

Also, I happen to be on a RHEL5.6 with rpm versions, so your mileage may vary.

Column standard deviation R

The general idea is to sweep the function across. You have many options, one is apply():

R> set.seed(42)
R> M <- matrix(rnorm(40),ncol=4)
R> apply(M, 2, sd)
[1] 0.835449 1.630584 1.156058 1.115269

powershell - extract file name and extension

This is an adaptation, if anyone is curious. I needed to test whether RoboCopy successfully copied one file to multiple servers for its integrity:

   $Comp = get-content c:\myfile.txt

ForEach ($PC in $Comp) {
    dir "\\$PC\Folder\Share\*.*" | Select-Object $_.BaseName

Nice and simple, and it shows the directory and the file inside it. If you want to specify one file name or extension, just replace the *'s with whatever you want.

    Directory: \\SERVER\Folder\Share

Mode                LastWriteTime     Length Name                                                                                                                                             
----                -------------     ------ ----                                                                                                                                             
-a---         2/27/2015   5:33 PM    1458935 Test.pptx                                                                                                             

Make UINavigationBar transparent

In iOS5 you can do this to make the navigation bar transparent:

nav.navigationBar.translucent = YES; // Setting this slides the view up, underneath the nav bar (otherwise it'll appear black)
const float colorMask[6] = {222, 255, 222, 255, 222, 255};
UIImage *img = [[UIImage alloc] init];
UIImage *maskedImage = [UIImage imageWithCGImage: CGImageCreateWithMaskingColors(img.CGImage, colorMask)];

[nav.navigationBar setBackgroundImage:maskedImage forBarMetrics:UIBarMetricsDefault]; 
[img release];

iOS (iPhone, iPad, iPodTouch) view real-time console log terminal

Two options:

libimobiledevice is installable via homebrew and works great. Its idevicesyslog tool works similarly to deviceconsole (below), and it supports wirelessly viewing your device's syslog (!)

I've written more about that on Tumblr tl;dr:

brew install libimobiledevice
idevice_id --list // list available device UDIDs
idevicesyslog -u <device udid>

with the device connected via USB or available on the local wireless network.

(Keeping for the historical record, from 2013:) deviceconsole from rpetrich is a much less wacked-out solution than ideviceconsole above. My fork of it builds and runs in Xcode 5 out of the box, and the Build action will install the binary to /usr/local/bin for ease of use.

As an additional helpful bit of info, I use it in the following style which makes it easy to find the device I want in my shell history and removes unnecessary > lines that deviceconsole prints out.

deviceconsole -d -u <device UDID> | uniq -u && echo "<device name>"

What is the difference between SessionState and ViewState?

Session State contains information that is pertaining to a specific session (by a particular client/browser/machine) with the server. It's a way to track what the user is doing on the site.. across multiple pages...amid the statelessness of the Web. e.g. the contents of a particular user's shopping cart is session data. Cookies can be used for session state.
View State on the other hand is information specific to particular web page. It is stored in a hidden field so that it isn't visible to the user. It is used to maintain the user's illusion that the page remembers what he did on it the last time - dont give him a clean page every time he posts back. Check this page for more.

How to properly -filter multiple strings in a PowerShell copy script

-Filter only accepts a single string. -Include accepts multiple values, but qualifies the -Path argument. The trick is to append \* to the end of the path, and then use -Include to select multiple extensions. BTW, quoting strings is unnecessary in cmdlet arguments unless they contain spaces or shell special characters.

Get-ChildItem $originalPath\* -Include *.gif, *.jpg, *.xls*, *.doc*, *.pdf*, *.wav*, .ppt*

Note that this will work regardless of whether $originalPath ends in a backslash, because multiple consecutive backslashes are interpreted as a single path separator. For example, try:

Get-ChildItem C:\\\\\Windows

Can regular JavaScript be mixed with jQuery?

Why is MichalBE getting downvoted? He's right - using jQuery (or any library) just to fire a function on page load is overkill, potentially costing people money on mobile connections and slowing down the user experience. If the original poster doesn't want to use onload in the body tag (and he's quite right not to), add this after the draw() function:

if (draw) window.onload = draw;

Or this, by Simon Willison, if you want more than one function to be executed:

function addLoadEvent(func) {
    var oldonload = window.onload;
    if (typeof window.onload != 'function') {
        window.onload = func;
    } else {
        window.onload = function() {
            if (oldonload) {

How to get only the last part of a path in Python?

Use os.path.normpath, then os.path.basename:

>>> os.path.basename(os.path.normpath('/folderA/folderB/folderC/folderD/'))

The first strips off any trailing slashes, the second gives you the last part of the path. Using only basename gives everything after the last slash, which in this case is ''.

here-document gives 'unexpected end of file' error

Please try to remove the preceeding spaces before EOF:-

/var/mail -s "$SUBJECT" "$EMAIL" <<-EOF

Using <tab> instead of <spaces> for ident AND using <<-EOF works fine.

The "-" removes the <tabs>, not <spaces>, but at least this works.

Get environment variable value in Dockerfile

Load environment variables from a file you create at runtime.

export MYVAR="my_var_outside"
cat > build/ <<EOF

... then in the Dockerfile

ADD build /build
RUN /build/

where loads MYVAR from

. /build/
echo $MYVAR > /tmp/testfile

Converting RGB to grayscale/intensity

What is the source of these values?

The "source" of the coefficients posted are the NTSC specifications which can be seen in Rec601 and Characteristics of Television.

The "ultimate source" are the CIE circa 1931 experiments on human color perception. The spectral response of human vision is not uniform. Experiments led to weighting of tristimulus values based on perception. Our L, M, and S cones1 are sensitive to the light wavelengths we identify as "Red", "Green", and "Blue" (respectively), which is where the tristimulus primary colors are derived.2

The linear light3 spectral weightings for sRGB (and Rec709) are:

Rlin * 0.2126 + Glin * 0.7152 + Blin * 0.0722 = Y

These are specific to the sRGB and Rec709 colorspaces, which are intended to represent computer monitors (sRGB) or HDTV monitors (Rec709), and are detailed in the ITU documents for Rec709 and also BT.2380-2 (10/2018)

FOOTNOTES (1) Cones are the color detecting cells of the eye's retina.
(2) However, the chosen tristimulus wavelengths are NOT at the "peak" of each cone type - instead tristimulus values are chosen such that they stimulate on particular cone type substantially more than another, i.e. separation of stimulus.
(3) You need to linearize your sRGB values before applying the coefficients. I discuss this in another answer here.

Can't use System.Windows.Forms

Adding System.Windows.Forms reference requires .NET Framework project type:

I was using .NET Core project type. This project type doesn't allow us to add assemblies into its project references. I had to move to .NET Framework project type before adding System.Windows.Forms assembly to my references as described in Kendall Frey answer.

Note: There is reference System_Windows_Forms available under COM tab (for both .NET Core and .NET Framework). It is not the right one. It has to be System.Windows.Forms under Assemblies tab.

receiver type *** for instance message is a forward declaration

Check if you imported the header files of classes that are throwing this error.

TypeError: 'bool' object is not callable

Actually you can fix it with following steps -

  1. Do cls.__dict__
  2. This will give you dictionary format output which will contain {'isFilled':True} or {'isFilled':False} depending upon what you have set.
  3. Delete this entry - del cls.__dict__['isFilled']
  4. You will be able to call the method now.

In this case, we delete the entry which overrides the method as mentioned by BrenBarn.

Best/Most Comprehensive API for Stocks/Financial Data

Yahoo's api provides a CSV dump:


I'm not sure if it is documented or not, but this code sample should showcase all of the features (namely the stat types [parameter f in the query string]. I'm sure you can find documentation (official or not) if you search for it.


I found some unofficial documentation:

Return value of x = os.system(..)

os.system('command') returns a 16 bit number, which first 8 bits from left(lsb) talks about signal used by os to close the command, Next 8 bits talks about return code of command.

Refer my answer for more detail in What is the return value of os.system() in Python?

How to manage a redirect request after a jQuery Ajax call

Use the low-level $.ajax() call:

  url: "/yourservlet",
  data: { },
  complete: function(xmlHttp) {
    // xmlHttp is a XMLHttpRquest object

Try this for a redirect:

if (xmlHttp.code != 200) {
  top.location.href = '/some/other/page';

How to get the first line of a file in a bash script?

line=$(head -1 file)

Will work fine. (As previous answer). But

line=$(read -r FIRSTLINE < filename)

will be marginally faster as read is a built-in bash command.

A simple scenario using wait() and notify() in java

Have you taken a look at this Java Tutorial?

Further, I'd advise you to stay the heck away from playing with this kind of stuff in real software. It's good to play with it so you know what it is, but concurrency has pitfalls all over the place. It's better to use higher level abstractions and synchronized collections or JMS queues if you are building software for other people.

That is at least what I do. I'm not a concurrency expert so I stay away from handling threads by hand wherever possible.

How do I get unique elements in this array?

Instead of using an Array, consider using either a Hash or a Set.

Sets behave similar to an Array, only they contain unique values only, and, under the covers, are built on Hashes. Sets don't retain the order that items are put into them unlike Arrays. Hashes don't retain the order either but can be accessed via a key so you don't have to traverse the hash to find a particular item.

I favor using Hashes. In your application the user_id could be the key and the value would be the entire object. That will automatically remove any duplicates from the hash.

Or, only extract unique values from the database, like John Ballinger suggested.

iPhone - Get Position of UIView within entire UIWindow

Swift 3, with extension:

extension UIView{
    var globalPoint :CGPoint? {
        return self.superview?.convert(self.frame.origin, to: nil)

    var globalFrame :CGRect? {
        return self.superview?.convert(self.frame, to: nil)

Using DISTINCT inner join in SQL

I believe your 1:m relationships should already implicitly create DISTINCT JOINs.

But, if you're goal is just C's in each A, it might be easier to just use DISTINCT on the outer-most query.

SELECT DISTINCT a.valueA, c.valueC
    INNER JOIN B ON B.lookupC =
    INNER JOIN A ON A.lookupB =
ORDER BY a.valueA, c.valueC

How do I calculate square root in Python?

This might be a little late to answer but most simple and accurate way to compute square root is newton's method.

You have a number which you want to compute its square root (num) and you have a guess of its square root (estimate). Estimate can be any number bigger than 0, but a number that makes sense shortens the recursive call depth significantly.

new_estimate = (estimate + num / estimate) / 2

This line computes a more accurate estimate with those 2 parameters. You can pass new_estimate value to the function and compute another new_estimate which is more accurate than the previous one or you can make a recursive function definition like this.

def newtons_method(num, estimate):
    # Computing a new_estimate
    new_estimate = (estimate + num / estimate) / 2
    # Base Case: Comparing our estimate with built-in functions value
    if new_estimate == math.sqrt(num):
        return True
        return newtons_method(num, new_estimate)

For example we need to find 30's square root. We know that the result is between 5 and 6.


number is 30 and estimate is 5. The result from each recursive calls are:


The last result is the most accurate computation of the square root of number. It is the same value as the built-in function math.sqrt().

How to use a keypress event in AngularJS?

You need to add a directive, like this:


app.directive('myEnter', function () {
    return function (scope, element, attrs) {
        element.bind("keydown keypress", function (event) {
            if(event.which === 13) {
                scope.$apply(function (){



<div ng-app="" ng-controller="MainCtrl">
    <input type="text" my-enter="doSomething()">    

How to change font size in html?

If you're just interested in increasing the font size of just the first paragraph of any document, an effect used by online publications, then you can use the first-child pseudo-class to achieve the desired effect.

   font-size:   115%; // Will set the font size to be 115% of the original font-size for the p element.

However, this will change the font size of every p element that is the first-child of any other element. If you're interested in setting the size of the first p element of the body element, then use the following:

body > p:first-child
   font-size:   115%;

The above code will only work with the p element that is a child of the body element.

insert vertical divider line between two nested divs, not full height

Try this. I set the blue box to float right, gave left and right a fixed height, and added a white border on the right of the left div. Also added rounded corners to more match your example (These won't work in ie 8 or less). I also took out the position: relative. You don't need it. Block level elements are set to position relative by default.

See it here:

#left {
  float: left;
  width: 44%;
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;
  border-right: 1px solid white;

#right {
  position: relative;
  float: right;
  width: 49%;
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;

#blue_box {
  border-radius: 10px;
  -webkit-border-radius: 10px;
  width: 45%;
  min-width: 400px;
  max-width: 600px;
  padding: 2%;
  float: right;

Moving all files from one directory to another using Python

This should do the trick. Also read the documentation of the shutil module to choose the function that fits your needs (shutil.copy(), shutil.copy2(), shutil.copyfile() or shutil.move()).

import glob, os, shutil

source_dir = '/path/to/dir/with/files' #Path where your files are at the moment
dst = '/path/to/dir/for/new/files' #Path you want to move your files to
files = glob.iglob(os.path.join(source_dir, "*.txt"))
for file in files:
    if os.path.isfile(file):
        shutil.copy2(file, dst)

How do I serialize an object and save it to a file in Android?

I use SharePrefrences:

package myapps.serializedemo;

import android.content.Context;
import android.content.SharedPreferences;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.util.Log;

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

//Create the SharedPreferences
    SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = this.getSharedPreferences("myapps.serilizerdemo", Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
    ArrayList<String> friends = new ArrayList<>();
    try {

 //Write / Serialize
    } catch (IOException e) {
    ArrayList<String> newFriends = new ArrayList<>();
    try {
        newFriends = (ArrayList<String>) ObjectSerializer.deserialize(
                sharedPreferences.getString("friends", ObjectSerializer.serialize(new ArrayList<String>())));
    } catch (IOException e) {
    Log.i("***NewFriends", newFriends.toString());

How to style a JSON block in Github Wiki?

2019 Github Solution

   "this-json": "looks awesome..."


enter image description here

If you want to have keys a different colour to the parameters, set your language as yaml

@Ankanna's answer gave me the idea of going through github's supported language list and yaml was my best find.

Find all zero-byte files in directory and subdirectories

No, you don't have to bother grep.

find $dir -size 0 ! -name "*.xml"

Difference between static class and singleton pattern?

In many cases, these two have no practical difference, especially if the singleton instance never changes or changes very slowly e.g. holding configurations.

I'd say the biggest difference is a singleton is still a normal Java Bean as oppose to a specialized static-only Java class. And because of this, a singleton is accepted in many more situations; it is in fact the default Spring Framework's instantiation strategy. The consumer may or may not know it's a singleton being passed around, it just treat it like a normal Java bean. If requirement changes and a singleton needs to become a prototype instead, as we often see in Spring, it can be done totally seamlessly without a line of code change to the consumer.

Someone else has mentioned earlier that a static class should be purely procedural e.g. java.lang.Math. In my mind, such a class should never be passed around and they should never hold anything other than static final as attributes. For everything else, use a singleton since it's much more flexible and easier to maintain.

How to model type-safe enum types?

Example use

  object Main extends App {

    object WeekDay extends Enumeration {
      type WeekDay = Value
      val Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun = Value
    import WeekDay._

    def isWorkingDay(d: WeekDay) = ! (d == Sat || d == Sun)

    WeekDay.values filter isWorkingDay foreach println

When should I use GET or POST method? What's the difference between them?

When the user enters information in a form and clicks Submit , there are two ways the information can be sent from the browser to the server: in the URL, or within the body of the HTTP request.

The GET method, which was used in the example earlier, appends name/value pairs to the URL. Unfortunately, the length of a URL is limited, so this method only works if there are only a few parameters. The URL could be truncated if the form uses a large number of parameters, or if the parameters contain large amounts of data. Also, parameters passed on the URL are visible in the address field of the browser not the best place for a password to be displayed.

The alternative to the GET method is the POST method. This method packages the name/value pairs inside the body of the HTTP request, which makes for a cleaner URL and imposes no size limitations on the forms output. It is also more secure.

Number prime test in JavaScript

Cool version:

const isPrime = n => ![...Array(n).keys()].slice(2).map(i => !(n%i)).includes(true) && ![0,1].includes(n)

Single selection in RecyclerView

It's quite late, but I'm still posting it as it may help someone else.

Use the code below as a reference to check a single item in RecyclerView:

 * Created by subrahmanyam on 28-01-2016, 04:02 PM.
public class SampleAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter<SampleAdapter.ViewHolder> {

    private final String[] list;
    private int lastCheckedPosition = -1;

    public SampleAdapter(String[] list) {
        this.list = list;

    public ViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup parent, int viewType) {
        View view = View.inflate(parent.getContext(), R.layout.sample_layout, null);
        ViewHolder holder = new ViewHolder(view);
        return holder;

    public void onBindViewHolder(ViewHolder holder, int position) {
        holder.radioButton.setChecked(position == lastCheckedPosition);

    public int getItemCount() {
        return list.length;

    public class ViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder {
        TextView choiceName;
        RadioButton radioButton;

        public ViewHolder(View itemView) {
            ButterKnife.bind(this, itemView);
            radioButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
                public void onClick(View v) {
                    int copyOfLastCheckedPosition = lastCheckedPosition;
            lastCheckedPosition = getAdapterPosition();


String.format() to format double in java

String.format("%1$,.2f", myDouble);

String.format automatically uses the default locale.

Get loop counter/index using for…of syntax in JavaScript

In ES6, it is good to use for - of loop. You can get index in for of like this

for (let [index, val] of array.entries()) {
        // your code goes here    

Note that Array.entries() returns an iterator, which is what allows it to work in the for-of loop; don't confuse this with Object.entries(), which returns an array of key-value pairs.

Read from file in eclipse

Have you tried using an absolute path:

File file = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/file.txt");

Python's most efficient way to choose longest string in list?

def longestWord(some_list): 
    count = 0    #You set the count to 0
    for i in some_list: # Go through the whole list
        if len(i) > count: #Checking for the longest word(string)
            count = len(i)
            word = i
    return ("the longest string is " + word)

or much easier:

max(some_list , key = len)


PYTHONPATH is an environment variable those content is added to the sys.path where Python looks for modules. You can set it to whatever you like.

However, do not mess with PYTHONPATH. More often than not, you are doing it wrong and it will only bring you trouble in the long run. For example, virtual environments could do strange things…

I would suggest you learned how to package a Python module properly, maybe using this easy setup. If you are especially lazy, you could use cookiecutter to do all the hard work for you.

How to execute a file within the python interpreter?

Surprised I haven't seen this yet. You can execute a file and then leave the interpreter open after execution terminates using the -i option:

| |
testvar = 10

def bar(bing):
  return bing*3


$ python -i
>>> testvar 
>>> bar(6)

How to list all Git tags?

git tag

should be enough. See git tag man page

You also have:

git tag -l <pattern>

List tags with names that match the given pattern (or all if no pattern is given).
Typing "git tag" without arguments, also lists all tags.

More recently ("How to sort git tags?", for Git 2.0+)

git tag --sort=<type>

Sort in a specific order.

Supported type is:

  • "refname" (lexicographic order),
  • "version:refname" or "v:refname" (tag names are treated as versions).

Prepend "-" to reverse sort order.

That lists both:

  • annotated tags: full objects stored in the Git database. They’re checksummed; contain the tagger name, e-mail, and date; have a tagging message; and can be signed and verified with GNU Privacy Guard (GPG).
  • lightweight tags: simple pointer to an existing commit

Note: the git ready article on tagging disapproves of lightweight tag.

Without arguments, git tag creates a “lightweight” tag that is basically a branch that never moves.
Lightweight tags are still useful though, perhaps for marking a known good (or bad) version, or a bunch of commits you may need to use in the future.
Nevertheless, you probably don’t want to push these kinds of tags.

Normally, you want to at least pass the -a option to create an unsigned tag, or sign the tag with your GPG key via the -s or -u options.

That being said, Charles Bailey points out that a 'git tag -m "..."' actually implies a proper (unsigned annotated) tag (option '-a'), and not a lightweight one. So you are good with your initial command.

This differs from:

git show-ref --tags -d

Which lists tags with their commits (see "Git Tag list, display commit sha1 hashes").
Note the -d in order to dereference the annotated tag object (which have their own commit SHA1) and display the actual tagged commit.

Similarly, git show --name-only <aTag> would list the tag and associated commit.

How to edit the legend entry of a chart in Excel?

Left Click on chart. «PivotTable Field List» will appear on right. On the right down quarter of PivotTable Field List (S Values), you see the names of the legends. Left Click on the legend name. Left Click on the «Value field settings». At the top there is «Source Name». You can’t change it. Below there is «Custom Name». Change the Custom Name as you wish. Now the legend name on the chart has the new name you gave.

How do I update the GUI from another thread?

Label lblText; //initialized elsewhere

void AssignLabel(string text)
   if (InvokeRequired)
      BeginInvoke((Action<string>)AssignLabel, text);

   lblText.Text = text;           

Note that BeginInvoke() is preferred over Invoke() because it's less likely to cause deadlocks (however, this is not an issue here when just assigning text to a label):

When using Invoke() you are waiting for the method to return. Now, it may be that you do something in the invoked code that will need to wait for the thread, which may not be immediately obvious if it's buried in some functions that you are calling, which itself may happen indirectly via event handlers. So you would be waiting for the thread, the thread would be waiting for you and you are deadlocked.

This actually caused some of our released software to hang. It was easy enough to fix by replacing Invoke() with BeginInvoke(). Unless you have a need for synchronous operation, which may be the case if you need a return value, use BeginInvoke().

Difference between dict.clear() and assigning {} in Python

In addition to @odano 's answer, it seems using d.clear() is faster if you would like to clear the dict for many times.

import timeit

p1 = ''' 
d = {}
for i in xrange(1000):
    d[i] = i * i
for j in xrange(100):
    d = {}
    for i in xrange(1000):
        d[i] = i * i

p2 = ''' 
d = {}
for i in xrange(1000):
    d[i] = i * i
for j in xrange(100):
    for i in xrange(1000):
        d[i] = i * i

print timeit.timeit(p1, number=1000)
print timeit.timeit(p2, number=1000)

The result is:


TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'str' and 'str'

The first thing you should do is learn to read error messages. What does it tell you -- that you can't use two strings with the divide operator.

So, ask yourself why they are strings and how do you make them not-strings. They are strings because all input is done via strings. And the way to make then not-strings is to convert them.

One way to convert a string to an integer is to use the int function. For example:

percent = (int(pyc) / int(tpy)) * 100

How to clear the text of all textBoxes in the form?

We had a problem like this some weeks before. If you set a breakpoint and have a deep look into this.Controls, the problem reveals it's nature: you have to recurse through all child controls.

The code could look like this:

private void CleanForm()
private void traverseControlsAndSetTextEmpty(Control control)

    foreach(var c in control.Controls)
        if (c is TextBox) ((TextBox)c).Text = String.Empty;

How can I exclude multiple folders using Get-ChildItem -exclude?

You could also do this in a single statement:

$j = "Somepath"
$files = Get-ChildItem -Path $j -Include '*.xlsx','*.zip' -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue –File | ? {$_.Directory -notlike "$j\donotwantfoldername"}

CORS: Cannot use wildcard in Access-Control-Allow-Origin when credentials flag is true

Had this problem with angular, using an auth interceptor to edit the header, before the request gets executed. We used an api-token for authentification, so i had credentials enabled. now, it seems it is not neccessary/allowed anymore

export class AuthInterceptor implements HttpInterceptor {
  intercept(req: HttpRequest<any>, next: HttpHandler): Observable<HttpEvent<any>> {
    req = req.clone({
      //withCredentials: true, //not needed anymore
      setHeaders: {
        'Content-Type' : 'application/json',
        'API-TOKEN' : 'xxx'
    return next.handle(req);

Besides that, there is no side effects right now.

How to create a POJO?

public class UserInfo {
        String LoginId;
        String Password;
        String FirstName;
        String LastName;
        String Email;
        String Mobile;
        String Address;
        String DOB;

        public String getLoginId() {
            return LoginId;

        public void setLoginId(String loginId) {
            LoginId = loginId;

        public String getPassword() {
            return Password;

        public void setPassword(String password) {
            Password = password;

        public String getFirstName() {
            return FirstName;

        public void setFirstName(String firstName) {
            FirstName = firstName;

        public String getLastName() {
            return LastName;

        public void setLastName(String lastName) {
            LastName = lastName;

        public String getEmail() {
            return Email;

        public void setEmail(String email) {
            Email = email;

        public String getMobile() {
            return Mobile;

        public void setMobile(String mobile) {
            Mobile = mobile;

        public String getAddress() {
            return Address;

        public void setAddress(String address) {
            Address = address;

        public String getDOB() {
            return DOB;

        public void setDOB(String DOB) {
            this.DOB = DOB;

How to trim white spaces of array values in php

I had trouble with the existing answers when using multidimensional arrays. This solution works for me.

if (is_array($array)) {
    foreach ($array as $key => $val) {
        $array[$key] = trim($val);

I want to delete all bin and obj folders to force all projects to rebuild everything

For the solution in batch. I am using the following command:

FOR /D /R %%G in (obj,bin) DO @IF EXIST %%G IF %%~aG geq d RMDIR /S /Q "%%G"

The reason not using DIR /S /AD /B xxx
1. DIR /S /AD /B obj will return empty list (at least on my Windows10) enter image description here
2. DIR /S /AD /B *obj will contain the result which is not expected (tobj folder) enter image description here

How to export SQL Server 2005 query to CSV

I had to do one more thing than what Sijin said to get it to add quotes properly in SQL Server Management Studio 2005. Go to

Tools->Options->Query Results->Sql Server->Results To Grid

Put a check next to this option:

Quote strings containing list separators when saving .csv results

Note: the above method will not work for SSMS 2005 Express! As far as I know there's no way to quote the fields when exporting results to .csv using SSMS 2005 Express.

Python Pandas Replacing Header with Top Row

If you want a one-liner, you can do:


convert string to char*

First of all, you would have to allocate memory:

char * S = new char[R.length() + 1];

then you can use strcpy with S and R.c_str():


You can also use R.c_str() if the string doesn't get changed or the c string is only used once. However, if S is going to be modified, you should copy the string, as writing to R.c_str() results in undefined behavior.

Note: Instead of strcpy you can also use str::copy.

Jenkins: Cannot define variable in pipeline stage

Agree with @Pom12, @abayer. To complete the answer you need to add script block

Try something like this:

pipeline {
    agent any
    environment {
        ENV_NAME = "${env.BRANCH_NAME}"

    // ----------------

    stages {
        stage('Build Container') {
            steps {
                echo 'Building Container..'

                script {
                    if (ENVIRONMENT_NAME == 'development') {
                        ENV_NAME = 'Development'
                    } else if (ENVIRONMENT_NAME == 'release') {
                        ENV_NAME = 'Production'
                echo 'Building Branch: ' + env.BRANCH_NAME
                echo 'Build Number: ' + env.BUILD_NUMBER
                echo 'Building Environment: ' + ENV_NAME

                echo "Running your service with environemnt ${ENV_NAME} now"

Can Linux apps be run in Android?

android only use linux kernel, that means the GNU tool chain like gcc as are not implemented in android, so if you want run a linux app in android, you need recompile it with google's tool chain( NDK ).

How to access session variables from any class in ASP.NET?

This should be more efficient both for the application and also for the developer.

Add the following class to your web project:

/// <summary>
/// This holds all of the session variables for the site.
/// </summary>
public class SessionCentralized
protected internal static void Save<T>(string sessionName, T value)
    HttpContext.Current.Session[sessionName] = value;

protected internal static T Get<T>(string sessionName)
    return (T)HttpContext.Current.Session[sessionName];

public static int? WhatEverSessionVariableYouWantToHold
        return Get<int?>(nameof(WhatEverSessionVariableYouWantToHold));
        Save(nameof(WhatEverSessionVariableYouWantToHold), value);


Here is the implementation:

SessionCentralized.WhatEverSessionVariableYouWantToHold = id;

Create a custom callback in JavaScript

My 2 cent. Same but different...

    dosomething("blaha", function(){
        alert("Yay just like jQuery callbacks!");

    function dosomething(damsg, callback){
        if(typeof callback == "function") 

Displaying a Table in Django from Database

The easiest way is to use a for loop template tag.

Given the view:

def MyView(request):
    query_results = YourModel.objects.all()
    #return a response to your template and add query_results to the context

You can add a snippet like this your template...

        <th>Field 1</th>
        <th>Field N</th>
    {% for item in query_results %}
        <td>{{ item.field1 }}</td>
        <td>{{ item.fieldN }}</td>
    {% endfor %}

This is all covered in Part 3 of the Django tutorial. And here's Part 1 if you need to start there.

How to access parameters in a RESTful POST method

Your @POST method should be accepting a JSON object instead of a string. Jersey uses JAXB to support marshaling and unmarshaling JSON objects (see the jersey docs for details). Create a class like:

public class MyJaxBean {
    @XmlElement public String param1;
    @XmlElement public String param2;

Then your @POST method would look like the following:

@POST @Consumes("application/json")
public void create(final MyJaxBean input) {
    System.out.println("param1 = " + input.param1);
    System.out.println("param2 = " + input.param2);

This method expects to receive JSON object as the body of the HTTP POST. JAX-RS passes the content body of the HTTP message as an unannotated parameter -- input in this case. The actual message would look something like:

POST /create HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 35


Using JSON in this way is quite common for obvious reasons. However, if you are generating or consuming it in something other than JavaScript, then you do have to be careful to properly escape the data. In JAX-RS, you would use a MessageBodyReader and MessageBodyWriter to implement this. I believe that Jersey already has implementations for the required types (e.g., Java primitives and JAXB wrapped classes) as well as for JSON. JAX-RS supports a number of other methods for passing data. These don't require the creation of a new class since the data is passed using simple argument passing.


The parameters would be annotated using @FormParam:

public void create(@FormParam("param1") String param1,
                   @FormParam("param2") String param2) {

The browser will encode the form using "application/x-www-form-urlencoded". The JAX-RS runtime will take care of decoding the body and passing it to the method. Here's what you should see on the wire:

POST /create HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 25


The content is URL encoded in this case.

If you do not know the names of the FormParam's you can do the following:

@POST @Consumes("application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
public void create(final MultivaluedMap<String, String> formParams) {

HTTP Headers

You can using the @HeaderParam annotation if you want to pass parameters via HTTP headers:

public void create(@HeaderParam("param1") String param1,
                   @HeaderParam("param2") String param2) {

Here's what the HTTP message would look like. Note that this POST does not have a body.

POST /create HTTP/1.1
Content-Length: 0
param1: hello
param2: world

I wouldn't use this method for generalized parameter passing. It is really handy if you need to access the value of a particular HTTP header though.

HTTP Query Parameters

This method is primarily used with HTTP GETs but it is equally applicable to POSTs. It uses the @QueryParam annotation.

public void create(@QueryParam("param1") String param1,
                   @QueryParam("param2") String param2) {

Like the previous technique, passing parameters via the query string does not require a message body. Here's the HTTP message:

POST /create?param1=hello&param2=world HTTP/1.1
Content-Length: 0

You do have to be particularly careful to properly encode query parameters on the client side. Using query parameters can be problematic due to URL length restrictions enforced by some proxies as well as problems associated with encoding them.

HTTP Path Parameters

Path parameters are similar to query parameters except that they are embedded in the HTTP resource path. This method seems to be in favor today. There are impacts with respect to HTTP caching since the path is what really defines the HTTP resource. The code looks a little different than the others since the @Path annotation is modified and it uses @PathParam:

public void create(@PathParam("param1") String param1,
                   @PathParam("param2") String param2) {

The message is similar to the query parameter version except that the names of the parameters are not included anywhere in the message.

POST /create/hello/world HTTP/1.1
Content-Length: 0

This method shares the same encoding woes that the query parameter version. Path segments are encoded differently so you do have to be careful there as well.

As you can see, there are pros and cons to each method. The choice is usually decided by your clients. If you are serving FORM-based HTML pages, then use @FormParam. If your clients are JavaScript+HTML5-based, then you will probably want to use JAXB-based serialization and JSON objects. The MessageBodyReader/Writer implementations should take care of the necessary escaping for you so that is one fewer thing that can go wrong. If your client is Java based but does not have a good XML processor (e.g., Android), then I would probably use FORM encoding since a content body is easier to generate and encode properly than URLs are. Hopefully this mini-wiki entry sheds some light on the various methods that JAX-RS supports.

Note: in the interest of full disclosure, I haven't actually used this feature of Jersey yet. We were tinkering with it since we have a number of JAXB+JAX-RS applications deployed and are moving into the mobile client space. JSON is a much better fit that XML on HTML5 or jQuery-based solutions.

Iterator Loop vs index loop

Iterators are first choice over operator[]. C++11 provides std::begin(), std::end() functions.

As your code uses just std::vector, I can't say there is much difference in both codes, however, operator [] may not operate as you intend to. For example if you use map, operator[] will insert an element if not found.

Also, by using iterator your code becomes more portable between containers. You can switch containers from std::vector to std::list or other container freely without changing much if you use iterator such rule doesn't apply to operator[].

SQL Query - Using Order By in UNION


Try this. It worked for me.

Plotting 4 curves in a single plot, with 3 y-axes

In your case there are 3 extra y axis (4 in total) and the best code that could be used to achieve what you want and deal with other cases is illustrated above:


x = linspace(0,1,10);
N = numel(x);
y = rand(1,N);
y_extra_1 = 5.*rand(1,N)+5;
y_extra_2 = 50.*rand(1,N)+20;
Y = [y;y_extra_1;y_extra_2];

xLimit = [min(x) max(x)];
xWidth = xLimit(2)-xLimit(1);
numberOfExtraPlots = 2;
a = 0.05;
N_ = numberOfExtraPlots+1;

for i=1:N_
    axesPosition = [(0.1+(numberOfExtraPlots*a)) 0.1 L 0.8];
        color = [rand(1),rand(1),rand(1)];
        figure('Units','pixels','Position',[200 200 1200 600])
            'XLim',xLimit,'YLim',[min(Y(i,:)) max(Y(i,:))],...
        xlabel('Time (s)');

        ylab = strcat('Values of dataset 0',num2str(i));

        numberOfExtraPlots = numberOfExtraPlots - 1;
        color = [rand(1),rand(1),rand(1)];
            'XLim',xLimit,'YLim',[min(Y(i,:)) max(Y(i,:))],...
        V = (xWidth*a*(i-1))/L;
        b=xLimit+[V 0];
        ylab = strcat('Values of dataset 0',num2str(i));

        numberOfExtraPlots = numberOfExtraPlots - 1;

The code above will produce something like this:

When does socket.recv(recv_size) return?

It'll have the same behavior as the underlying recv libc call see the man page for an official description of behavior (or read a more general description of the sockets api).

Converting Java objects to JSON with Jackson

This might be useful:

objectMapper.writeValue(new File("c:\\employee.json"), employee);

// display to console
Object json = objectMapper.readValue(
     objectMapper.writeValueAsString(employee), Object.class);


GenyMotion Unable to start the Genymotion virtual device

The number of CPUs is insufficient. Select 1 CPU in Genymotion and restart the device.

Genymotion device configuration

Extracting the top 5 maximum values in excel

Put the data into a Pivot Table and do a top n filter on it

Excel Demo

No @XmlRootElement generated by JAXB

In case my experience of this problem gives someone a Eureka! moment.. I'll add the following:

I was also getting this problem, when using an xsd file that I had generated using IntelliJ's "Generate xsd from Instance document" menu option.

When I accepted all the defaults of this tool, it generated an xsd file that when used with jaxb, generated java files with no @XmlRootElement. At runtime when I tried to marshal I got the same exception as discussed in this question.

I went back to the IntellJ tool, and saw the default option in the "Desgin Type" drop down (which of course I didn't understand.. and still don't if I'm honest) was:

Desgin Type:

"local elements/Global complex types"

I changed this to

"local elements/types"

, now it generated a (substantially) different xsd, that produced the @XmlRootElement when used with jaxb. Can't say I understand the in's and out's of it, but it worked for me.

Regular expression for exact match of a string

A more straight forward way is to check for equality

if string1 == string2
  puts "match"
  puts "not match"

however, if you really want to stick to regular expression,

string1 =~ /^123456$/

How do I find if a string starts with another string in Ruby?

The method mentioned by steenslag is terse, and given the scope of the question it should be considered the correct answer. However it is also worth knowing that this can be achieved with a regular expression, which if you aren't already familiar with in Ruby, is an important skill to learn.

Have a play with Rubular:

But in this case, the following ruby statement will return true if the string on the left starts with 'abc'. The \A in the regex literal on the right means 'the beginning of the string'. Have a play with rubular - it will become clear how things work.

'abcdefg' =~  /\Aabc/ 

How to use boost bind with a member function

Use the following instead:

boost::function<void (int)> f2( boost::bind( &myclass::fun2, this, _1 ) );

This forwards the first parameter passed to the function object to the function using place-holders - you have to tell Boost.Bind how to handle the parameters. With your expression it would try to interpret it as a member function taking no arguments.
See e.g. here or here for common usage patterns.

Note that VC8s cl.exe regularly crashes on Boost.Bind misuses - if in doubt use a test-case with gcc and you will probably get good hints like the template parameters Bind-internals were instantiated with if you read through the output.

ssh: Could not resolve hostname Name or service not known; fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly

Recently, I have seen this problem too. Below, you have my solution:

  1. ping, if ping failed. it is DNS error.
  2. sudo vim /etc/resolv.conf, the add: nameserver nameserver

Or it can be a genuine network issue. Restart your network-manager using sudo service network-manager restart or fix it up

I have just received this error after switching from HTTPS to SSH (for my origin remote). To fix, I simply ran the following command (for each repo):

ssh -T [email protected]

Upon receiving a successful response, I could fetch/push to the repo with ssh.

I took that command from Git's Testing your SSH connection guide, which is part of the greater Connecting to GitHub with with SSH guide.

Hibernate - A collection with cascade=”all-delete-orphan” was no longer referenced by the owning entity instance

Actually, my problem was about equals and hashcode of my entities. A legacy code can bring a lot of problems, never forget to check it out. All I've done was just keep delete-orphan strategy and correct equals and hashcode.

How to make Java Set?

Like this:

import java.util.*;
Set<Integer> a = new HashSet<Integer>();
a.add( 1);
a.add( 2);
a.add( 3);

Or adding from an Array/ or multiple literals; wrap to a list, first.

Integer[] array = new Integer[]{ 1, 4, 5};
Set<Integer> b = new HashSet<Integer>();
b.addAll( Arrays.asList( b));         // from an array variable
b.addAll( Arrays.asList( 8, 9, 10));  // from literals

To get the intersection:

// copies all from A;  then removes those not in B.
Set<Integer> r = new HashSet( a);
r.retainAll( b);
// and print;   r.toString() implied.
System.out.println("A intersect B="+r);

Hope this answer helps. Vote for it!

Measuring elapsed time with the Time module

Here is an update to Vadim Shender's clever code with tabular output:

import collections
import time
from functools import wraps

PROF_DATA = collections.defaultdict(list)

def profile(fn):
    def with_profiling(*args, **kwargs):
        start_time = time.time()
        ret = fn(*args, **kwargs)
        elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
        return ret
    return with_profiling

Metrics = collections.namedtuple("Metrics", "sum_time num_calls min_time max_time avg_time fname")

def print_profile_data():
    results = []
    for fname, elapsed_times in PROF_DATA.items():
        num_calls = len(elapsed_times)
        min_time = min(elapsed_times)
        max_time = max(elapsed_times)
        sum_time = sum(elapsed_times)
        avg_time = sum_time / num_calls
        metrics = Metrics(sum_time, num_calls, min_time, max_time, avg_time, fname)
    total_time = sum([m.sum_time for m in results])
    print("\t".join(["Percent", "Sum", "Calls", "Min", "Max", "Mean", "Function"]))
    for m in sorted(results, reverse=True):
        print("%.1f\t%.3f\t%d\t%.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f\t%s" % (100 * m.sum_time / total_time, m.sum_time, m.num_calls, m.min_time, m.max_time, m.avg_time, m.fname))
    print("%.3f Total Time" % total_time)

Why is Github asking for username/password when following the instructions on screen and pushing a new repo?

I've just had an email from a admin stating the following: "We normally advise people to use the HTTPS URL unless they have a specific reason to be using the SSH protocol. HTTPS is secure and easier to set up, so we default to that when a new repository is created."

The password prompt does indeed accept the normal login details. A tutorial on how to set up password caching can be found here. I followed the steps in the tutorial, and it worked for me.

Best database field type for a URL

  1. Lowest common denominator max URL length among popular web browsers: 2,083 (Internet Explorer)
    Values in VARCHAR columns are variable-length strings. The length can be specified as a value from 0 to 255 before MySQL 5.0.3, and 0 to 65,535 in 5.0.3 and later versions. The effective maximum length of a VARCHAR in MySQL 5.0.3 and later is subject to the maximum row size (65,535 bytes, which is shared among all columns) and the character set used.
  1. So ...
    < MySQL 5.0.3 use TEXT
    >= MySQL 5.0.3 use VARCHAR(2083)

Select all columns except one in MySQL?

I liked the answer from @Mahomedalid besides this fact informed in comment from @Bill Karwin. The possible problem raised by @Jan Koritak is true I faced that but I have found a trick for that and just want to share it here for anyone facing the issue.

we can replace the REPLACE function with where clause in the sub-query of Prepared statement like this:

Using my table and column name

EXECUTE stmt1;

So, this is going to exclude only the field id but not company_id

Undefined columns selected when subsetting data frame

You want rows where that condition is true so you need a comma:

data[data$Ozone > 14, ]

Fixed Table Cell Width

Now in HTML5/CSS3 we have better solution for the problem. In my opinion this purely CSS solution is recommended:

table.fixed {table-layout:fixed; width:90px;}/*Setting the table width is important!*/_x000D_
table.fixed td {overflow:hidden;}/*Hide text outside the cell.*/_x000D_
table.fixed td:nth-of-type(1) {width:20px;}/*Setting the width of column 1.*/_x000D_
table.fixed td:nth-of-type(2) {width:30px;}/*Setting the width of column 2.*/_x000D_
table.fixed td:nth-of-type(3) {width:40px;}/*Setting the width of column 3.*/
<table class="fixed">_x000D_
        <td>We should use spaces tooooooooooooo</td>_x000D_

You need to set the table's width even in haunter's solution. Otherwise it doesn't work.
Also a new CSS3 feature that vsync suggested is: word-break:break-all;. This will break the words without spaces in them to multiple lines too. Just modify the code like this:

table.fixed { table-layout:fixed; width:90px; word-break:break-all;}

Final result

Rendered table

Difference between npx and npm?

npx runs a command of a package without installing it explicitly.

Use cases:

  • You don't want to install packages neither globally nor locally.
  • You don't have permission to install it globally.
  • Just want to test some commands.
  • Sometime, you want to have a script command (generate, convert something, ...) in package.json to execute something without installing these packages as project's dependencies.


npx [options] [-p|--package <package>] <command> [command-arg]...

Package is optional:

npx   -p uglify-js         uglifyjs --output app.min.js app.js common.js
      +----------------+   +--------------------------------------------+
      package (optional)   command, followed by arguments

For example:

Start a HTTP Server      : npx http-server
Lint code                : npx eslint ./src
                         # Run uglifyjs command in the package uglify-js
Minify JS                : npx -p uglify-js uglifyjs -o app.min.js app.js common.js
Minify CSS               : npx clean-css-cli -o style.min.css css/bootstrap.css style.css
Minify HTML              : npx html-minifier index-2.html -o index.html --remove-comments --collapse-whitespace
Scan for open ports      : npx evilscan --port=10-9999
Cast video to Chromecast : npx castnow

More about command:

Sorting string array in C#

This code snippet is working properly enter image description here

How to measure height, width and distance of object using camera?

You can't.. You would have to know:

  • How far is the object (you can know your location from GPS.. but the object's location?)
  • What is the focal length of the camera

Maybe, just maybe if the object was optically tagged with for example a QR code, and you have a code-to-loc map...

How do you count the number of occurrences of a certain substring in a SQL varchar?

for SQL Server 2017

declare @hits int = 0;
select @hits = count(*) from STRING_SPLIT('F609,4DFA,8499',',')
select @hits;

How do I clear/delete the current line in terminal?

An alternative to Ctrl+A, Ctrl+K is Ctrl+E, Ctrl+U.

What are "named tuples" in Python?

namedtuples are a great feature, they are perfect container for data. When you have to "store" data you would use tuples or dictionaries, like:

user = dict(name="John", age=20)


user = ("John", 20)

The dictionary approach is overwhelming, since dict are mutable and slower than tuples. On the other hand, the tuples are immutable and lightweight but lack readability for a great number of entries in the data fields.

namedtuples are the perfect compromise for the two approaches, the have great readability, lightweightness and immutability (plus they are polymorphic!).

How can I trigger a JavaScript event click


This was an old answer. Nowadays you should just use click. For more advanced event firing, use dispatchEvent.

const body = document.body;_x000D_
body.addEventListener('click', e => {_x000D_
  console.log('clicked body');_x000D_
console.log('Using click()');_x000D_;_x000D_
console.log('Using dispatchEvent');_x000D_
body.dispatchEvent(new Event('click'));

Original Answer

Here is what I use:

Updated to work with IE9+

 * Fire an event handler to the specified node. Event handlers can detect that the event was fired programatically
 * by testing for a 'synthetic=true' property on the event object
 * @param {HTMLNode} node The node to fire the event handler on.
 * @param {String} eventName The name of the event without the "on" (e.g., "focus")
function fireEvent(node, eventName) {
    // Make sure we use the ownerDocument from the provided node to avoid cross-window problems
    var doc;
    if (node.ownerDocument) {
        doc = node.ownerDocument;
    } else if (node.nodeType == 9){
        // the node may be the document itself, nodeType 9 = DOCUMENT_NODE
        doc = node;
    } else {
        throw new Error("Invalid node passed to fireEvent: " +;

     if (node.dispatchEvent) {
        // Gecko-style approach (now the standard) takes more work
        var eventClass = "";

        // Different events have different event classes.
        // If this switch statement can't map an eventName to an eventClass,
        // the event firing is going to fail.
        switch (eventName) {
            case "click": // Dispatching of 'click' appears to not work correctly in Safari. Use 'mousedown' or 'mouseup' instead.
            case "mousedown":
            case "mouseup":
                eventClass = "MouseEvents";

            case "focus":
            case "change":
            case "blur":
            case "select":
                eventClass = "HTMLEvents";

                throw "fireEvent: Couldn't find an event class for event '" + eventName + "'.";
        var event = doc.createEvent(eventClass);
        event.initEvent(eventName, true, true); // All events created as bubbling and cancelable.

        event.synthetic = true; // allow detection of synthetic events
        // The second parameter says go ahead with the default action
        node.dispatchEvent(event, true);
    } else  if (node.fireEvent) {
        // IE-old school style, you can drop this if you don't need to support IE8 and lower
        var event = doc.createEventObject();
        event.synthetic = true; // allow detection of synthetic events
        node.fireEvent("on" + eventName, event);

Note that calling fireEvent(inputField, 'change'); does not mean it will actually change the input field. The typical use case for firing a change event is when you set a field programmatically and you want event handlers to be called since calling input.value="Something" won't trigger a change event.

HTML - Alert Box when loading page

<script type="text/javascript">
    window.alert("My name is George. Welcome!")

are there dictionaries in javascript like python?

Have created a simple dictionary in JS here:

function JSdict() {
    this.Keys = [];
    this.Values = [];

// Check if dictionary extensions aren't implemented yet.
// Returns value of a key
if (!JSdict.prototype.getVal) {
    JSdict.prototype.getVal = function (key) {
        if (key == null) {
            return "Key cannot be null";
        for (var i = 0; i < this.Keys.length; i++) {
            if (this.Keys[i] == key) {
                return this.Values[i];
        return "Key not found!";

// Check if dictionary extensions aren't implemented yet.
// Updates value of a key
if (!JSdict.prototype.update) {
    JSdict.prototype.update = function (key, val) {
        if (key == null || val == null) {
            return "Key or Value cannot be null";
        // Verify dict integrity before each operation
        if (keysLength != valsLength) {
            return "Dictionary inconsistent. Keys length don't match values!";
        var keysLength = this.Keys.length;
        var valsLength = this.Values.length;
        var flag = false;
        for (var i = 0; i < keysLength; i++) {
            if (this.Keys[i] == key) {
                this.Values[i] = val;
                flag = true;
        if (!flag) {
            return "Key does not exist";

// Check if dictionary extensions aren't implemented yet.
// Adds a unique key value pair
if (!JSdict.prototype.add) {
    JSdict.prototype.add = function (key, val) {
        // Allow only strings or numbers as keys
        if (typeof (key) == "number" || typeof (key) == "string") {
            if (key == null || val == null) {
                return "Key or Value cannot be null";
            if (keysLength != valsLength) {
                return "Dictionary inconsistent. Keys length don't match values!";
            var keysLength = this.Keys.length;
            var valsLength = this.Values.length;
            for (var i = 0; i < keysLength; i++) {
                if (this.Keys[i] == key) {
                    return "Duplicate keys not allowed!";
        else {
            return "Only number or string can be key!";

// Check if dictionary extensions aren't implemented yet.
// Removes a key value pair
if (!JSdict.prototype.remove) {
    JSdict.prototype.remove = function (key) {
        if (key == null) {
            return "Key cannot be null";
        if (keysLength != valsLength) {
            return "Dictionary inconsistent. Keys length don't match values!";
        var keysLength = this.Keys.length;
        var valsLength = this.Values.length;
        var flag = false;
        for (var i = 0; i < keysLength; i++) {
            if (this.Keys[i] == key) {
                flag = true;
        if (!flag) {
            return "Key does not exist";

The above implementation can now be used to simulate a dictionary as:

var dict = new JSdict();

dict.add(1, "one")

dict.add(1, "one more")
"Duplicate keys not allowed!"


dict.update(1, "onne")



"Key not found!"

This is just a basic simulation. It can be further optimized by implementing a better running time algorithm to work in atleast O(nlogn) time complexity or even less. Like merge/quick sort on arrays and then some B-search for lookups. I Didn't give a try or searched about mapping a hash function in JS.

Also, Key and Value for the JSdict obj can be turned into private variables to be sneaky.

Hope this helps!

EDIT >> After implementing the above, I personally used the JS objects as associative arrays that are available out-of-the-box.

However, I would like to make a special mention about two methods that actually proved helpful to make it a convenient hashtable experience.

Viz: dict.hasOwnProperty(key) and delete dict[key]

Read this post as a good resource on this implementation/usage. Dynamically creating keys in JavaScript associative array


Add missing dates to pandas dataframe

One issue is that reindex will fail if there are duplicate values. Say we're working with timestamped data, which we want to index by date:

df = pd.DataFrame({
    'timestamps': pd.to_datetime(
        ['2016-11-15 1:00','2016-11-16 2:00','2016-11-16 3:00','2016-11-18 4:00']),
df.index = pd.DatetimeIndex(df['timestamps']).floor('D')


            timestamps             values
2016-11-15  "2016-11-15 01:00:00"  a
2016-11-16  "2016-11-16 02:00:00"  b
2016-11-16  "2016-11-16 03:00:00"  c
2016-11-18  "2016-11-18 04:00:00"  d

Due to the duplicate 2016-11-16 date, an attempt to reindex:

all_days = pd.date_range(df.index.min(), df.index.max(), freq='D')

fails with:

ValueError: cannot reindex from a duplicate axis

(by this it means the index has duplicates, not that it is itself a dup)

Instead, we can use .loc to look up entries for all dates in range:



            timestamps             values
2016-11-15  "2016-11-15 01:00:00"  a
2016-11-16  "2016-11-16 02:00:00"  b
2016-11-16  "2016-11-16 03:00:00"  c
2016-11-17  NaN                    NaN
2016-11-18  "2016-11-18 04:00:00"  d

fillna can be used on the column series to fill blanks if needed.

How can I apply a function to every row/column of a matrix in MATLAB?

I can't comment on how efficient this is, but here's a solution:

applyToGivenRow = @(func, matrix) @(row) func(matrix(row, :))
applyToRows = @(func, matrix) arrayfun(applyToGivenRow(func, matrix), 1:size(matrix,1))'

% Example
myMx = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9];
myFunc = @sum;

applyToRows(myFunc, myMx)

Node.js: Difference between req.query[] and req.params

You should be able to access the query using dot notation now.

If you want to access say you are receiving a GET request at /checkEmail?type=email&utm_source=xxxx&email=xxxxx&utm_campaign=XX and you want to fetch out the query used.

var type = req.query.type,
    email =,
    utm = {
     source: req.query.utm_source,
     campaign: req.query.utm_campaign

Params are used for the self defined parameter for receiving request, something like (example):

router.get('/:userID/food/edit/:foodID', function(req, res){
 //sample GET request at '/xavg234/food/edit/jb3552'

 var userToFind = req.params.userID;//gets xavg234
 var foodToSearch = req.params.foodID;//gets jb3552
 User.findOne({'userid':userToFind}) //dummy code

Angularjs prevent form submission when input validation fails

I know it's late and was answered, but I'd like to share the neat stuff I made. I created an ng-validate directive that hooks the onsubmit of the form, then it issues prevent-default if the $eval is false:

app.directive('ngValidate', function() {
  return function(scope, element, attrs) {
    if (!'form'))
        throw new Error("ng-validate must be set on a form elment!");

    element.bind("submit", function(event) {
        if (!scope.$eval(attrs.ngValidate, {'$event': event}))
        if (!scope.$$phase)

In your html:

<form name="offering" method="post" action="offer" ng-validate="<boolean expression">

Ansible: How to delete files and folders inside a directory?

Just a small cleaner copy & paste template of ThorSummoners answer, if you are using Ansible >= 2.3 (distinction between files and dirs not necessary anymore.)

- name: Collect all fs items inside dir
    path: "{{ target_directory_path }}"
    hidden: true
    file_type: any
  changed_when: false
  register: collected_fsitems
- name: Remove all fs items inside dir
    path: "{{ item.path }}"
    state: absent
  with_items: "{{ collected_fsitems.files }}"
  when: collected_fsitems.matched|int != 0

How can I download HTML source in C#

You can get it with:

var html = new System.Net.WebClient().DownloadString(siteUrl)

Retrieve data from website in android app

Use this

DefaultHttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient();
HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet("");
ResponseHandler<String> resHandler = new BasicResponseHandler();
String page = httpClient.execute(httpGet, resHandler);

This can be used to grab the whole webpage as a string of html, i.e., "<html>...</html>"

Note You need to declare the following 'uses-permission' in the android manifest xml file... answer by @Squonk here

And also check this answer

How to store an array into mysql?

you should have three tables: users, comments and comment_users.

comment_users has just two fields: fk_user_id and fk_comment_id

That way you can keep your performance up to a maximum :)

Oracle - Why does the leading zero of a number disappear when converting it TO_CHAR

Seems like the only way to get decimal in a pretty (for me) form requires some ridiculous code.

The only solution I got so far:

CASE WHEN xy>0 and xy<1 then '0' || to_char(xy) else to_char(xy)

xy is a decimal.

xy             query result
0.8            0.8  --not sth like .80
10             10  --not sth like 10.00

tell pip to install the dependencies of packages listed in a requirement file

Given your comment to the question (where you say that executing the install for a single package works as expected), I would suggest looping over your requirement file. In bash:

while read p; do
  pip install $p
done < requirements.pip


How do I measure time elapsed in Java?

Which types to use in order to accomplish this in Java?

The short answer is a long. Now, more on how to measure...


The "traditional" way to do this is indeed to use System.currentTimeMillis():

long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
// ... do something ...
long estimatedTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;


Note that Commons Lang has a StopWatch class that can be used to measure execution time in milliseconds. It has methods methods like split(), suspend(), resume(), etc that allow to take measure at different points of the execution and that you may find convenient. Have a look at it.


You may prefer to use System.nanoTime() if you are looking for extremely precise measurements of elapsed time. From its javadoc:

long startTime = System.nanoTime();    
// ... the code being measured ...    
long estimatedTime = System.nanoTime() - startTime;


Another option would be to use JAMon, a tool that gathers statistics (execution time, number of hit, average execution time, min, max, etc) for any code that comes between start() and stop() methods. Below, a very simple example:

import com.jamonapi.*;
Monitor mon=MonitorFactory.start("myFirstMonitor");
...Code Being Timed...

Check out this article on for a nice introduction.

Using AOP

Finally, if you don't want to clutter your code with these measurement (or if you can't change existing code), then AOP would be a perfect weapon. I'm not going to discuss this very deeply but I wanted at least to mention it.

Below, a very simple aspect using AspectJ and JAMon (here, the short name of the pointcut will be used for the JAMon monitor, hence the call to thisJoinPoint.toShortString()):

public aspect MonitorAspect {
    pointcut monitor() : execution(* *.ClassToMonitor.methodToMonitor(..));

    Object arround() : monitor() {
        Monitor monitor = MonitorFactory.start(thisJoinPoint.toShortString());
        Object returnedObject = proceed();
        return returnedObject;

The pointcut definition could be easily adapted to monitor any method based on the class name, the package name, the method name, or any combination of these. Measurement is really a perfect use case for AOP.

Vertically align an image inside a div with responsive height



<div class="responsive-container">
     <div class="img-container">
         <IMG HERE>


.img-container {
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;
.img-container img {

Align div right in Bootstrap 3

The class pull-right is still there in Bootstrap 3 See the 'helper classes' here

pull-right is defined by

.pull-right {
  float: right !important;

without more info on styles and content, it's difficult to say.

It definitely pulls right in this JSBIN when the page is wider than 990px - which is when the col-md styling kicks in, Bootstrap 3 being mobile first and all.

Bootstrap 4

Note that for Bootstrap 4 .pull-right has been replaced with .float-right,based%20on%20the%20Bootstrap%20Grid.

How to find a number in a string using JavaScript?

var str = "you can enter maximum 500 choices";
str.replace(/[^0-9]/g, "");
console.log(str); // "500"

C# equivalent of C++ map<string,double>

The closest equivalent of C++ std::map<> (a tree internally) is C# OrderedDictionary<> (a tree internally), while C# OrderedDictionary<> is missing some very important methods from C++ std::map<>, namely: std::map::find, std::map::lower_bound, std::map::upper_bound, std::map::equal_range, and std::map iterators, which are basically the backbone for the previous 4 methods.

Why those 4 methods are important? Because it gives us the ability to locate the "whereabouts" of a given key, in addition to only being able to check if a key exists, or the SortedDictionary is guaranteed to be ordered.

What is "whereabouts" of a key in a std::map? The key doesn't necessarily have to exist in the collection, we want to know the location the key might be at, usually between two iterators pointing to two adjacent existing keys respectively in the collection, so we can operate on the range the key falls into in a O(logN) complexity. Without such 4 methods (with iterators), one has to do an O(N) iteration through the collection every time a range is queried against a key.

Append Char To String in C?

I do not think you can declare a string like that in c. You may only do that for const char* and of course you can not modify a const char * as it is const.

You may use dynamic char array but you will have to take care of the reallocation.

EDIT: in fact this syntax compiles correctly. Still you can should not modify what str points to if it is initialized in the way you do it (from string literal)

Facebook Architecture

Facebook is using LAMP structure. Facebook’s back-end services are written in a variety of different programming languages including C++, Java, Python, and Erlang and they are used according to requirement. With LAMP Facebook uses some technologies ,to support large number of requests, like

  1. Memcache - It is a memory caching system that is used to speed up dynamic database-driven websites (like Facebook) by caching data and objects in RAM to reduce reading time. Memcache is Facebook’s primary form of caching and helps alleviate the database load. Having a caching system allows Facebook to be as fast as it is at recalling your data.

  2. Thrift (protocol) - It is a lightweight remote procedure call framework for scalable cross-language services development. Thrift supports C++, PHP, Python, Perl, Java, Ruby, Erlang, and others.

  3. Cassandra (database) - It is a database management system designed to handle large amounts of data spread out across many servers.

  4. HipHop for PHP - It is a source code transformer for PHP script code and was created to save server resources. HipHop transforms PHP source code into optimized C++. After doing this, it uses g++ to compile it to machine code.

If we go into more detail, then answer to this question go longer. We can understand more from following posts:

  1. How Does Facebook Work?
  2. Data Management, Facebook-style
  3. Facebook database design?
  4. Facebook wall's database structure
  5. Facebook "like" data structure

Modify request parameter with servlet filter

For the record, here is the class I ended up writing:


import javax.servlet.Filter;
import javax.servlet.FilterChain;
import javax.servlet.FilterConfig;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.ServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.ServletResponse;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequestWrapper;

public final class XssFilter implements Filter {

    static class FilteredRequest extends HttpServletRequestWrapper {

        /* These are the characters allowed by the Javascript validation */
        static String allowedChars = "+-0123456789#*";

        public FilteredRequest(ServletRequest request) {

        public String sanitize(String input) {
            String result = "";
            for (int i = 0; i < input.length(); i++) {
                if (allowedChars.indexOf(input.charAt(i)) >= 0) {
                    result += input.charAt(i);
            return result;

        public String getParameter(String paramName) {
            String value = super.getParameter(paramName);
            if ("dangerousParamName".equals(paramName)) {
                value = sanitize(value);
            return value;

        public String[] getParameterValues(String paramName) {
            String values[] = super.getParameterValues(paramName);
            if ("dangerousParamName".equals(paramName)) {
                for (int index = 0; index < values.length; index++) {
                    values[index] = sanitize(values[index]);
            return values;

    public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response,
            FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException {
        chain.doFilter(new FilteredRequest(request), response);

    public void destroy() {

    public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) {

How to create a Jar file in Netbeans

I also tried to make an executable jar file that I could run with the following command:

java -jar <jarfile>

After some searching I found the following link:

Packaging and Deploying Desktop Java Applications

I set the project's main class:

  1. Right-click the project's node and choose Properties
  2. Select the Run panel and enter the main class in the Main Class field
  3. Click OK to close the Project Properties dialog box
  4. Clean and build project

Then in the fodler dist the newly created jar should be executable with the command I mentioned above.

PHP : send mail in localhost

You will need to install a local mailserver in order to do this. If you want to send it to external e-mail addresses, it might end up in unwanted e-mails or it may not arrive at all.

A good mailserver which I use (I use it on Linux, but it's also available for Windows) is Axigen:

You might need some experience with mailservers to install it, but once it works, you can do anything you want with it.

Get value of a merged cell of an excel from its cell address in vba

Even if it is really discouraged to use merge cells in Excel (use Center Across Selection for instance if needed), the cell that "contains" the value is the one on the top left (at least, that's a way to express it).

Hence, you can get the value of merged cells in range B4:B11 in several ways:

  • Range("B4").Value
  • Range("B4:B11").Cells(1).Value
  • Range("B4:B11").Cells(1,1).Value

You can also note that all the other cells have no value in them. While debugging, you can see that the value is empty.

Also note that Range("B4:B11").Value won't work (raises an execution error number 13 if you try to Debug.Print it) because it returns an array.

Is there a 'foreach' function in Python 3?

I think this answers your question, because it is like a "for each" loop.
The script below is valid in python (version 3.8):

if (n := len(a)) > 10:
    print(f"List is too long ({n} elements, expected <= 10)")

Where does Android emulator store SQLite database?

The filesystem of the emulator doesn't map to a directory on your hard drive. The emulator's disk image is stored as an image file, which you can manage through either Eclipse (look for the G1-looking icon in the toolbar), or through the emulator binary itself (run "emulator -help" for a description of options).

You're best off using adb from the command line to jack into a running emulator. If you can get the specific directory and filename, you can do an "adb pull" to get the database file off of the emulator and onto your regular hard drive.

Edit: Removed suggestion that this works for unrooted devices too - it only works for emulators, and devices where you are operating adb as root.

How to remove a character at the end of each line in unix

Try doing this :

awk '{print substr($0, 1, length($0)-1)}' file.txt

This is more generic than just removing the final comma but any last character

If you'd want to only remove the last comma with awk :

awk '{gsub(/,$/,""); print}' file.txt

Getting the location from an IP address

You can also use "smart-ip" service:

    function (data) {

How do I delete virtual interface in Linux?

Have you tried:

ifconfig 10:35978f0 down

As the physical interface is 10 and the virtual aspect is after the colon :.

See also

Show pop-ups the most elegant way

  • Create a 'popup' directive and apply it to the container of the popup content
  • In the directive, wrap the content in a absolute position div along with the mask div below it.
  • It is OK to move the 2 divs in the DOM tree as needed from within the directive. Any UI code is OK in the directives, including the code to position the popup in center of screen.
  • Create and bind a boolean flag to controller. This flag will control visibility.
  • Create scope variables that bond to OK / Cancel functions etc.

Editing to add a high level example (non functional)

<div id='popup1-content' popup='showPopup1'>

<div id='popup2-content' popup='showPopup2'>

.directive('popup', function() {
  var p = {
      link : function(scope, iElement, iAttrs){
           //code to wrap the div (iElement) with a abs pos div (parentDiv)
          // code to add a mask layer div behind 
          // if the parent is already there, then skip adding it again.
         //use jquery ui to make it dragable etc.
, function(newVal, oldVal){
               if(newVal === true){

  return p;

java comparator, how to sort by integer?

public class DogAgeComparator implements Comparator<Dog> {
    public int compare(Dog o1, Dog o2) {
        return, o2.getId());

Handling onchange event in HTML.DropDownList Razor MVC


You can use another overload of the DropDownList method. Pick the one you need and pass in a object with your html attributes.


@Html.DropDownList("CategoryID", null, new { @onchange="location = this.value;" })

More Information

Error:Conflict with dependency ''

METHOD 1: I deleted the androidTestCompile on espresso-core line which was automatically included in a new project. Then my Android Studio compiles clean.

The androidTestCompile is in "build.gradle (Module:app)":

dependencies {
    androidTestCompile('', {
        exclude group: '', module: 'support-annotations'

I don't know whether this deletion will have any problem down the road, but it surely works for my current project now.

METHOD 2: Adding an exclude on findbugs works too:

dependencies {
    androidTestCompile('', {
        exclude group: '', module: 'support-annotations'
        exclude group: ''

METHOD 3: Forcing compiling with a specific version:

(In the following I force it to compile with the higher version.)

dependencies {
    androidTestCompile ''

Open PDF in new browser full window

<a href="#" onclick="'MyPDF.pdf', '_blank', 'fullscreen=yes'); return false;">MyPDF</a>

The above link will open the PDF in full screen mode, that's the best you can achieve.

Hide separator line on one UITableViewCell

Better solution for iOS 7 & 8

-(void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView willDisplayCell:(UITableViewCell *)cell forRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
    if (cell && indexPath.row == 0 && indexPath.section == 0) {

        DLog(@"cell.bounds.size.width %f", cell.bounds.size.width);
        cell.separatorInset = UIEdgeInsetsMake(0.f, cell.bounds.size.width, 0.f, 0.0f);

If your app is rotatable — use 3000.0f for left inset constant or calc it on the fly. If you try to set right inset you have visible part of separator on the left side of cell on iOS 8.