Here's a solution using xml_grep (because xpath wasn't part of our distributable and I didn't want to add it to all production machines)...
If you are looking for a specific setting in an XML file, and if all elements at a given tree level are unique, and there are no attributes, then you can use this handy function:
# File to be parsed
# use xml_grep to find settings in an XML file
# Input ($1): path to setting
function getXmlSetting() {
# Filter out the element name for parsing
local element=`echo $1 | sed 's/^.*\///'`
# Verify the element is not empty
local check=${element:?getXmlSetting invalid input: $1}
# Parse out the CDATA from the XML element
# 1) Find the element (xml_grep)
# 2) Remove newlines (tr -d \n)
# 3) Extract CDATA by looking for *element> CDATA <element*
# 4) Remove leading and trailing spaces
local getXmlSettingResult=`xml_grep --cond $1 $xmlFile 2>/dev/null | tr -d '\n' | sed -n -e "s/.*$element>[[:space:]]*\([^[:space:]].*[^[:space:]]\)[[:space:]]*<\/$element.*/\1/p"`
# Return the result
echo $getXmlSettingResult
logPath=`getXmlSetting //config/logs/path`
check=${logPath:?"XML file missing //config/logs/path"}
This will work with this structure:
It will also work with this (but it won't keep the newlines):
If you have duplicate <config> or <logs> or <path>, then it will only return the last one. You can probably modify the function to return an array if it finds multiple matches.
FYI: This code works on RedHat 6.3 with GNU BASH 4.1.2, but I don't think I'm doing anything particular to that, so should work everywhere.
NOTE: For anybody new to scripting, make sure you use the right types of quotes, all three are used in this code (normal single quote '=literal, backward single quote `=execute, and double quote "=group).