Programs & Examples On #Html select

An HTML user interface element for choosing one or more option(s) from a finite collection of options.

Drop Down Menu/Text Field in one

I found this question and discussion very helpful and wanted to show the solution I ended up with. It is based on the answer given by @DevangRathod, but I used jQuery and made a couple tweaks to it, so wanted to show a fully commented sample to help anyone else working on something similar. I originally had been using the HTML5 data-list element, but was dissatisfied with that solution since it removes options from the drop down list that don't match text typed in the box. In my application, I wanted the full list to always be available.

Fully functional demo here:


Most style elements I left to the CSS file, but some are here.
Reason being that I am actually calculating my width dynamically
in my application so when I dynamically formulate this HTML, I
want the width and all the factors (such as padding and border
width and margin) that go into determining the proper widths to
be controlled by one piece of code, so those pieces are done in
the in-line style.  Otherwise I leave the styling to the CSS file.
<div class="data-list-input" style="width:190px;">
  <select class="data-list-input" style="width:190px;">
    <option value="">&lt;Free Form Text&gt;</option>
    <option value="Male">Male</option>
    <option value="Female">Female</option>
    <!-- Note that though the select/option allows for a different
    display and internal value, there is no such distinction in the
    text box, so for all the options (except the "none" option) the
    value and content of the option should be identical. -->
  <input class="data-list-input" style="width:160px;padding:4px 6px;border-width:1px;margin:0;" type="text" name="sex" required="required" value="">


jQuery(function() {
  //keep the focus on the input box so that the highlighting
  //I'm using doesn't give away the hidden select box to the user
  $('').focus(function() {
  //when selecting from the select box, put the value in the input box
  $('').change(function() {
  //When editing the input box, reset the select box setting to "free
  //form input". This is important to do so that you can reselect the
  //option you had selected if you want to.
  $('').change(function() {

    position: relative;
    height: 20px;
    display: inline-flex;
    padding: 5px 0 5px 0;
    position: absolute;
    top: 5px;
    left: 0px;
    height: 20px;
    position: absolute;
    top: 0px;
    left: 0px;
    height: 20px;

Any comments for improvement on my implementation welcome. Hope someone finds this helpful.

Set selected option of select box

I had the same problem.

Solution: add a refresh.

$("#gate").val('Gateway 2');

How can I create an editable dropdownlist in HTML?

A combobox is unfortunately something that was left out of the HTML specifications.

The only way to manage it, rather unfortunately, is to roll your own or use a pre-built one. This one looks quite simple. I use this one for an open-source app although unfortunately you have to pay for commercial usage.

Fill drop down list on selection of another drop down list

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here


namespace MvcApplicationrazor.Models
    public class CountryModel
        public List<State> StateModel { get; set; }
        public SelectList FilteredCity { get; set; }
    public class State
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public string StateName { get; set; }
    public class City
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public int StateId { get; set; }
        public string CityName { get; set; }


public ActionResult Index()
            CountryModel objcountrymodel = new CountryModel();
            objcountrymodel.StateModel = new List<State>();
            objcountrymodel.StateModel = GetAllState();
            return View(objcountrymodel);

        //Action result for ajax call
        public ActionResult GetCityByStateId(int stateid)
            List<City> objcity = new List<City>();
            objcity = GetAllCity().Where(m => m.StateId == stateid).ToList();
            SelectList obgcity = new SelectList(objcity, "Id", "CityName", 0);
            return Json(obgcity);
        // Collection for state
        public List<State> GetAllState()
            List<State> objstate = new List<State>();
            objstate.Add(new State { Id = 0, StateName = "Select State" });
            objstate.Add(new State { Id = 1, StateName = "State 1" });
            objstate.Add(new State { Id = 2, StateName = "State 2" });
            objstate.Add(new State { Id = 3, StateName = "State 3" });
            objstate.Add(new State { Id = 4, StateName = "State 4" });
            return objstate;
        //collection for city
        public List<City> GetAllCity()
            List<City> objcity = new List<City>();
            objcity.Add(new City { Id = 1, StateId = 1, CityName = "City1-1" });
            objcity.Add(new City { Id = 2, StateId = 2, CityName = "City2-1" });
            objcity.Add(new City { Id = 3, StateId = 4, CityName = "City4-1" });
            objcity.Add(new City { Id = 4, StateId = 1, CityName = "City1-2" });
            objcity.Add(new City { Id = 5, StateId = 1, CityName = "City1-3" });
            objcity.Add(new City { Id = 6, StateId = 4, CityName = "City4-2" });
            return objcity;


@model MvcApplicationrazor.Models.CountryModel
    ViewBag.Title = "Index";
    Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";

<script src=""></script>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
    function GetCity(_stateId) {
        var procemessage = "<option value='0'> Please wait...</option>";
        var url = "/Test/GetCityByStateId/";

            url: url,
            data: { stateid: _stateId },
            cache: false,
            type: "POST",
            success: function (data) {
                var markup = "<option value='0'>Select City</option>";
                for (var x = 0; x < data.length; x++) {
                    markup += "<option value=" + data[x].Value + ">" + data[x].Text + "</option>";
            error: function (reponse) {
                alert("error : " + reponse);

 MVC Cascading Dropdown List Using Jquery</h4>
@using (Html.BeginForm())
    @Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.StateModel, new SelectList(Model.StateModel, "Id", "StateName"), new { @id = "ddlstate", @style = "width:200px;", @onchange = "javascript:GetCity(this.value);" })
    <br />
    <br />
    <select id="ddlcity" name="ddlcity" style="width: 200px">


    <br /><br />

jQuery - disable selected options

This seems to work:

    var value = $("#theSelect option:selected").val();
    var theDiv = $(".is" + value);

    //Add this...
    $("#theSelect option:selected").attr('disabled', 'disabled');

$("div a.remove").click(function () {     
    $(this).parent().slideUp(function() { $(this).addClass("hidden"); });
    //...and this.
    $("#theSelect option:disabled").removeAttr('disabled');

Working with select using AngularJS's ng-options

For some reason AngularJS allows to get me confused. Their documentation is pretty horrible on this. More good examples of variations would be welcome.

Anyway, I have a slight variation on Ben Lesh's answer.

My data collections looks like this:

items =
   { key:"AD",value:"Andorra" }
,  { key:"AI",value:"Anguilla" }
,  { key:"AO",value:"Angola" }


<select ng-model="countries" ng-options="item.key as item.value for item in items"></select>

still resulted in the options value to be the index (0, 1, 2, etc.).

Adding Track By fixed it for me:

<select ng-model="blah" ng-options="item.value for item in items track by item.key"></select>

I reckon it happens more often that you want to add an array of objects into an select list, so I am going to remember this one!

Be aware that from AngularJS 1.4 you can't use ng-options any more, but you need to use ng-repeat on your option tag:

<select name="test">
   <option ng-repeat="item in items" value="{{item.key}}">{{item.value}}</option>

How to ensure a <select> form field is submitted when it is disabled?

<select disabled="disabled">
<input type="hidden" name="select_name" value="selected value" />

Where select_name is the name that you would normally give the <select>.

Another option.

<select name="myselect" disabled="disabled">
    <option value="myselectedvalue" selected="selected">My Value</option>
<input type="hidden" name="myselect" value="myselectedvalue" />

Now with this one, I have noticed that depending on what webserver you are using, you may have to put the hidden input either before, or after the <select>.

If my memory serves me correctly, with IIS, you put it before, with Apache you put it after. As always, testing is key.

jQuery remove options from select

if your dropdown is in a table and you do not have id for it then you can use the following jquery:

var select_object = purchasing_table.rows[row_index].cells[cell_index].childNodes[1];

Post values from a multiple select

try this : here select is your select element

let select = document.getElementsByClassName('lstSelected')[0],
    options = select.options,
    len = options.length,
while (i<len){
    if (options[i].selected)
        data+= "&" + + '=' + options[i].value;
return data;

Data is in the form of query string

Default text which won't be shown in drop-down list

Kyle's solution worked perfectly fine for me so I made my research in order to avoid any Js and CSS, but just sticking with HTML. Adding a value of selected to the item we want to appear as a header forces it to show in the first place as a placeholder. Something like:

<option selected disabled>Choose here</option>

The complete markup should be along these lines:

    <option selected disabled>Choose here</option>
    <option value="1">One</option>
    <option value="2">Two</option>
    <option value="3">Three</option>
    <option value="4">Four</option>
    <option value="5">Five</option>

You can take a look at this fiddle, and here's the result:

enter image description here

If you do not want the sort of placeholder text to appear listed in the options once a user clicks on the select box just add the hidden attribute like so:

    <option selected disabled hidden>Choose here</option>
    <option value="1">One</option>
    <option value="2">Two</option>
    <option value="3">Three</option>
    <option value="4">Four</option>
    <option value="5">Five</option>

Check the fiddle here and the screenshot below.

enter image description here

Here is the solution:

    <option style="display:none;" selected>Select language</option>
    <option>Option 1</option>
    <option>Option 2</option>

How to get selected value of a html select with

If you would use asp:dropdownlist you could select it easier by testSelect.Text.

Now you'd have to do a Request.Form["testSelect"] to get the value after pressed btnTes.

Hope it helps.

EDIT: You need to specify a name of the select (not only ID) to be able to Request.Form["testSelect"]

Get selected value in dropdown list using JavaScript

var selectedValue = document.getElementById("ddlViewBy").value;

Setting the selected attribute on a select list using jQuery

Something along the lines of...

$('select option:nth(1)').attr("selected","selected"); 

How can I set the default value for an HTML <select> element?

I used this php function to generate the options, and insert it into my HTML

  # code to output a set of options for a numeric drop down list
  # parameters: (start, end, step, format, default)
  function numericoptions($start, $end, $step, $formatstring, $default)
    $retstring = "";
    for($i = $start; $i <= $end; $i = $i + $step)
      $retstring = $retstring . '<OPTION ';
      $retstring = $retstring . 'value="' . sprintf($formatstring,$i) . '"';
      if($default == $i)
        $retstring = $retstring . ' selected="selected"';
      $retstring = $retstring . '>' . sprintf($formatstring,$i) . '</OPTION> ';

  return $retstring;


And then in my webpage code I use it as below;

<select id="endmin" name="endmin">
  <?php echo numericoptions(0,55,5,'%02d',$endmin); ?>

If $endmin is created from a _POST variable every time the page is loaded (and this code is inside a form which posts) then the previously selected value is selected by default.

Is it possible to use JS to open an HTML select to show its option list?

This works on Google Chrome

dropDown = function (elementId) {
    var dropdown = document.getElementById(elementId);
    try {
    } catch(e) {

    return false;

showDropdown = function (element) {
    var event;
    event = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');
    event.initMouseEvent('mousedown', true, true, window);

How to check if an item is selected from an HTML drop down list?

Select select = new Select(_element);
List<WebElement> selectedOptions = select.getAllSelectedOptions();

if(selectedOptions.size() > 0){
    return true;
    return false;

Line Break in HTML Select Option?

An idea could be to use the optgroup. In my case found it better than the disabled approach. It's less confusing for the user than seeing the disabled option I think.

<select id="q1" v-model="selected" v-on:change="setCPost1(selected)">
  <option value="0"></option>
    v-for="(child, idx) in getLevel1"

  <optgroup v-bind:value="" :key="idx"

  <option v-bind:value="" :key="idx"  v-if="!child.label_line_two"
  {{ child.label }}  

  <option v-bind:value="" :key="idx" v-if="child.label_line_two"
  {{ child.label_line_two }}


An external component sounds cool like Vue Select, but I wanted to stick with the native html select at the moment.

How to have a default option in Angular.js select box

Only one answer by Srivathsa Harish Venkataramana mentioned track by which is indeed a solution for this!

Here is an example along with Plunker (link below) of how to use track by in select ng-options:

<select ng-model="selectedCity"
        ng-options="city as for city in cities track by">
  <option value="">-- Select City --</option>

If selectedCity is defined on angular scope, and it has id property with the same value as any id of any city on the cities list, it'll be auto selected on load.

Here is Plunker for this:

See source documentation for more details:

How can I get new selection in "select" in Angular 2?

I ran into this problem while doing the Angular 2 forms tutorial (TypeScript version) at

The select/option block wasn't allowing the value of the selection to be changed by selecting one of the options.

Doing what Mark Rajcok suggested worked, although I'm wondering if there's something I missed in the original tutorial or if there was an update. In any case, adding

onChange(newVal) {
    this.model.power = newVal;

to hero-form.component.ts in the HeroFormComponent class



to hero-form.component.html in the <select> element made it work

How to remove the default arrow icon from a dropdown list (select element)?

Just wanted to complete the thread. To be very clear this does not works in IE9, however we can do it by little css trick.

<div class="customselect">

.customselect {
    width: 80px;
    overflow: hidden;
   border:1px solid;

.customselect select {
   width: 100px;
  -moz-appearance: none;
   -webkit-appearance: none;
   appearance: none;

How do I change an HTML selected option using JavaScript?

An array Index will start from 0. If you want value=11 (Person1), you will get it with position getElementsByTagName('option')[10].selected.

Bootstrap 3 select input form inline

This is how I made it without extra css or jquery:

<div class="form-group">
    <div class="input-group">
        <label class="sr-only" for="extra3">Extra name 3</label>
        <input type="text" id="extra3" class="form-control" placeholder="Extra name">
        <span class="input-group-addon">
            <label class="checkbox-inline">
               Mandatory? <input type="checkbox" id="inlineCheckbox5" value="option1">
        <span class="input-group-addon">
             <label class="checkbox-inline">
               Per person? <input type="checkbox" id="inlineCheckbox6" value="option2">
        <span class="input-group-addon">
            To be paid? 
                <option value="online">Online</option>
                <option value="on spot">On Spot</option>

How to add option to select list in jQuery


Change select box option background color

Simply change bg color

select { background: #6ac17a; color:#fff; }

Change <select>'s option and trigger events with JavaScript

Try this:

<select id="sel">
 <option value='1'>One</option>
  <option value='2'>Two</option> 
  <option value='3'>Three</option> 

  <input type="button" value="Change option to 2"  onclick="changeOpt()"/>


  function changeOpt(){
  document.getElementById("sel").options[1].selected = true;



How do you get the currently selected <option> in a <select> via JavaScript?

var payeeCountry = document.getElementById( "payeeCountry" );
alert( payeeCountry.options[ yourSelect.selectedIndex ].value );

jQuery get selected option value (not the text, but the attribute 'value')

You need to add an id to your select. Then:

<SELECT multiple> - how to allow only one item selected?

Just don't make it a select multiple, but set a size to it, such as:

  <select name="user" id="userID" size="3">

Working example:

Getting an option text/value with JavaScript

In jquery you could try this $("#select_id>option:selected").text()

How do I set an un-selectable default description in a select (drop-down) menu in HTML?

If none of the options in the select have a selected attribute, the first option will be the one selected.

In order to select a default option that is not the first, add a selected attribute to that option:

<option selected="selected">Select a language</option>

You can read the HTML 4.01 spec regarding defaults in select element.

I suggest reading a good HTML book if you need to learn HTML basics like this - I recommend Head First HTML.

How do I clear all options in a dropdown box?

The items should be removed in reverse, otherwise it will cause an error. Also, I do not recommended simply setting the values to null, as that may cause unexpected behaviour.

var select = document.getElementById("myselect");
for (var i = select.options.length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i--)

Or if you prefer, you can make it a function:

function clearOptions(id)
    var select = document.getElementById(id);
    for (var i = select.options.length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i--)

Get selected option from select element

Try following code

$('#ddlCodes').change(function() {
  $('#txtEntry2').val(  $('#ddlCodes :selected').text() );

Set width of dropdown element in HTML select dropdown options

On the server-side:

  1. Define a max length of the string
  2. Clip the string
  3. (optional) append horizontal ellipsis

Alternative solution: the select element is in your case (only guessing) a single-choice form control and you could use a group of radio buttons instead. These you could then style with better control. If you have a select[@multiple] you could do the same with a group of checkboxes instead as they can both be seen as a multiple-choice form control.

Make multiple-select to adjust its height to fit options without scroll bar

I guess you can use the size attribute. It works in all recent browsers.

<select name="courses" multiple="multiple" size="30" style="height: 100%;">

Is it possible to have a HTML SELECT/OPTION value as NULL using PHP?

In php 7 you can do:

$_POST['value'] ?? null;

If value is equal to '' as said in other answers it will also send you null.

How to style a select tag's option element?

Unfortunately, WebKit browsers do not support styling of <option> tags yet, except for color and background-color.

The most widely used cross browser solution is to use <ul> / <li> and style them using CSS. Frameworks like Bootstrap do this well.

What is the best way to add options to a select from a JavaScript object with jQuery?

  1. $.each is slower than a for loop
  2. Each time, a DOM selection is not the best practice in loop $("#mySelect").append();

So the best solution is the following

If JSON data resp is

    {"id":"0001", "name":"Mr. P"},
    {"id":"0003", "name":"Mr. Q"},
    {"id":"0054", "name":"Mr. R"},
    {"id":"0061", "name":"Mr. S"}

use it as

var option = "";
for (i=0; i<resp.length; i++) {
    option += "<option value='" + resp[i].id + "'>" + resp[i].name + "</option>";

Height of an HTML select box (dropdown)


The part that drops down is set to either:

  1. The height needed to show all entries, or
  2. The height needed to show x entries (with scrollbars to see remaining), where x is
    • 20 in Firefox & Chrome
    • 30 in IE 6, 7, 8
    • 16 for Opera 10
    • 14 for Opera 11
    • 22 for Safari 4
    • 18 for Safari 5
    • 11 in IE 5.0, 5.5
  3. In IE/Edge, if there are no options, a stupidly high list of 11 blanks entries.

For (3) above you can see the results in this JSFiddle

Remove Select arrow on IE

I would suggest mine solution that you can find in this GitHub repo. This works also for IE8 and IE9 with a custom arrow that comes from an icon font.

Examples of Custom Cross Browser Drop-down in action: check them with all your browsers to see the cross-browser feature.

Anyway, let's start with the modern browsers and then we will see the solution for the older ones.

Drop-down Arrow for Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer 10+

For these browser, it is easy to set the same background image for the drop-down in order to have the same arrow.

To do so, you have to reset the browser's default style for the select tag and set new background rules (like suggested before).

select {
    /* you should keep these firsts rules in place to maintain cross-browser behaviour */
    -webkit-appearance: none;
    -moz-appearance: none;
    -o-appearance: none;
    appearance: none;
    background-image: url('<custom_arrow_image_url_here>');
    background-position: 98% center;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    outline: none;

The appearance rules are set to none to reset browsers default ones, if you want to have the same aspect for each arrow, you should keep them in place.

The background rules in the examples are set with SVG inline images that represent different arrows. They are positioned 98% from left to keep some margin to the right border (you can easily modify the position as you wish).

In order to maintain the correct cross-browser behavior, the only other rule that have to be left in place is the outline. This rule resets the default border that appears (in some browsers) when the element is clicked. All the others rules can be easily modified if needed.

Drop-down Arrow for Internet Explorer 8 (IE8) and Internet Explorer 9 (IE9) using Icon Font

This is the harder part... Or maybe not.

There is no standard rule to hide the default arrows for these browsers (like the select::-ms-expand for IE10+). The solution is to hide the part of the drop-down that contains the default arrow and insert an arrow icon font (or a SVG, if you prefer) similar to the SVG that is used in the other browsers (see the select CSS rule for more details about the inline SVG used).

The very first step is to set a class that can recognize the browser: this is the reason why I have used the conditional IE IFs at the beginning of the code. These IFs are used to attach specific classes to the html tag to recognize the older IE browser.

After that, every select in the HTML have to be wrapped by a div (or whatever tag that can wraps an element). At this wrapper just add the class that contains the icon font.

<div class="selectTagWrapper prefix-icon-arrow-down-fill">

In easy words, this wrapper is used to simulate the select tag.

To act like a drop-down, the wrapper must have a border, because we hide the one that comes from the select.

Notice that we cannot use the select border because we have to hide the default arrow lengthening it 25% more than the wrapper. Consequently its right border should not be visible because we hide this 25% more by the overflow: hidden rule applied to the select itself.

The custom arrow icon-font is placed in the pseudo class :before where the rule content contains the reference for the arrow (in this case it is a right parenthesis).

We also place this arrow in an absolute position to center it as much as possible (if you use different icon fonts, remember to adjust them opportunely by changing top and left values and the font size).

.ie8 .prefix-icon-arrow-down-fill:before,
.ie9 .prefix-icon-arrow-down-fill:before {
    content: ")";
    position: absolute;
    top: 43%;
    left: 93%;
    font-size: 6px;

You can easily create and substitute the background arrow or the icon font arrow, with every one that you want simply changing it in the background-image rule or making a new icon font file by yourself.

jQuery get specific option tag text

$("#list option:selected").each(function() {

for multiple selected value in the #list element.

How to expand 'select' option width after the user wants to select an option

This mimics most of the behavior your looking for:


     I found this works fairly well.


  <!-- On page load, be sure that something else has focus. -->
  <body onload="document.getElementById('name').focus();">
  <input id=name type=text>

  <!-- This div is for demonstration only.  The parent container may be anything -->
  <div style="height:50; width:100px; border:1px solid red;">

  <!-- Note: static width, absolute position but no top or left specified, Z-Index +1 -->
   style="width:96px; position:absolute; z-index:+1;"
  <!-- "activate" happens before all else and "width='auto'" expands per content -->
  <!-- Both making a selection and moving to another control should return static width -->






This will override some of the key-press behavior.

Change border color on <select> HTML form

I would consinder enclosing that select block within a div block and setting the border property like this:

<div style="border: 2px solid blue;">_x000D_
  <select style="width: 100%;">_x000D_
    <option value="Sal">Sal</option>_x000D_
    <option value="Awesome">Awesome!</option>_x000D_

You should be able to play with that to accomplish what you need.

Is there an onSelect event or equivalent for HTML <select>?

To properly fire an event every time the user selects something(even the same option), you just need to trick the select box.

Like others have said, specify a negative selectedIndex on focus to force the change event. While this does allow you to trick the select box, it won't work after that as long as it still has focus. The simple fix is to force the select box to blur, shown below.

Standard JS/HTML:

<select onchange="myCallback();" onfocus="this.selectedIndex=-1;this.blur();">

jQuery Plugin:


<script type="text/javascript">
    $.fn.alwaysChange = function(callback) {
        return this.each(function(){
            var elem = this;
            var $this = $(this);

                if(callback) callback($this.val());
                elem.selectedIndex = -1;

        // Optional change event callback,
        //    shorthand for $('select').alwaysChange().change(function(){});

You can see a working demo here.

How to use Checkbox inside Select Option

Try multiple-select, especially multiple-items. Looks to be much clean and managed solution, with tons of examples. You can also view the source.

  <div class="form-group row">
    <label class="col-sm-2">
      Basic Select

    <div class="col-sm-10">
      <select multiple="multiple">
        <option value="1">1</option>
        <option value="2">2</option>

  <div class="form-group row">
    <label class="col-sm-2">
      Group Select

    <div class="col-sm-10">
      <select multiple="multiple">
        <optgroup label="Group 1">
          <option value="1">1</option>
          <option value="2">2</option>
        <optgroup label="Group 2">
          <option value="6">6</option>
          <option value="7">7</option>
        <optgroup label="Group 3">
          <option value="11">11</option>
          <option value="12">12</option>

  $(function() {
      multiple: true,
      multipleWidth: 60

HTML SELECT - Change selected option by VALUE using JavaScript

You can select the value using javascript:

document.getElementById('sel').value = 'bike';


Set select option 'selected', by value

You can select on any attribute and its value by using the attribute selector [attributename=optionalvalue], so in your case you can select the option and set the selected attribute.

$("div.id_100 > select > option[value=" + value + "]").prop("selected",true);

Where value is the value you wish to select by.

If you need to removed any prior selected values, as would be the case if this is used multiple times you'd need to change it slightly so as to first remove the selected attribute

$("div.id_100 option:selected").prop("selected",false);
$("div.id_100 option[value=" + value + "]")

Get drop down value

var dd = document.getElementById("dropdownID");
var selectedItem = dd.options[dd.selectedIndex].value;

How can I show and hide elements based on selected option with jQuery?

You are missing a :selected on the selector for show() - see the jQuery documentation for an example of how to use this.

In your case it will probably look something like this:

$('#'+$('#colorselector option:selected').val()).show();

JQuery select2 set default value from an option in list?

The above solutions did not work for me, but this code from Select2's own website did:

$('select').val('US'); // Select the option with a value of 'US'
$('select').trigger('change'); // Notify any JS components that the value changed

Webpage found here

Hope this helps for anyone who is struggling, like I was.

How do I make a placeholder for a 'select' box?

I had the same problem and while searching I came across this question, and after I found a good solution for me, I would like to share it with you guys in case some one can benefit from it.

Here it is:


<select class="place_holder dropdown">
    <option selected="selected" style=" display: none;">Sort by</option>


.place_holder {
    color: gray;
option {
    color: #000000;


jQuery(".dropdown").change(function () {

After the customer makes the first select, there isn't any need for gray color, so the JavaScript code removes the class place_holder.

Thanks to @user1096901, as a workaround for the Internet Explorer browser, you can add the place_holder class again in case the first option is selected again :)

How to select a drop-down menu value with Selenium using Python?

You don't have to click anything. Use find by xpath or whatever you choose and then use send keys

For your example: HTML:

<select id="fruits01" class="select" name="fruits">
    <option value="0">Choose your fruits:</option>
    <option value="1">Banana</option>
    <option value="2">Mango</option>


fruit_field = browser.find_element_by_xpath("//input[@name='fruits']")

That's it.

How to show disable HTML select option in by default?

If you are using jQuery to fill your select element, you can use this:


<select id="tagging"></select>


array_of_options = ['Choose Tagging', 'Option A', 'Option B', 'Option C']

$.each(array_of_options, function(i, item) {
    if(i==0) { sel_op = 'selected'; dis_op = 'disabled'; } else { sel_op = ''; dis_op = ''; }
    $('<option ' + sel_op + ' ' + dis_op + '/>').val(item).html(item).appendTo('#tagging');

This will allow the user to see the first option as a disabled heading ('Choose Tagging'), and select all other options.

enter image description here

How to set the 'selected option' of a select dropdown list with jquery

$(document).ready(function() {_x000D_
  $('#YourID option[value="3"]').attr("selected", "selected");_x000D_
  $('#YourID option:selected').attr("selected",null);_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<select id="YourID">_x000D_
  <option value="1">A</option>_x000D_
  <option value="2">B</option>_x000D_
  <option value="3">C</option>_x000D_
  <option value="4">D</option>_x000D_

How can I change the font-size of a select option?

   background-color: red;
   padding: 3px;

Hide options in a select list using jQuery

Here is my spin, likely a bit faster due to native DOM methods

$.each(results['hide'], function(name, title) {                     
    $(document.getElementById('edit-field-service-sub-cat-value').options).each(function(index, option) {
      if( option.value == title ) {
        option.hidden = true; // not fully compatible. = 'none'; would be an alternative or $(option).hide();

How to fire a change event on a HTMLSelectElement if the new value is the same as the old?

You have to add empty option to solve it,

I also can give you one more solution but its up to you that is fine for you or not Because User select default option after selecting other options than jsFunction will be called twice.

<select onChange="jsFunction()" id="selectOpt">
    <option value="1" onclick="jsFunction()">1</option>
    <option value="2">2</option>
    <option value="3">3</option>

function jsFunction(){
  var myselect = document.getElementById("selectOpt");

Change the selected value of a drop-down list with jQuery

Another option is to set the control param ClientID="Static" in .net and then you can access the object in JQuery by the ID you set.

How to style the <option> with only CSS?

There is no cross-browser way of styling option elements, certainly not to the extent of your second screenshot. You might be able to make them bold, and set the font-size, but that will be about it...

How to use a Bootstrap 3 glyphicon in an html select

To my knowledge the only way to achieve this in a native select would be to use the unicode representations of the font. You'll have to apply the glyphicon font to the select and as such can't mix it with other fonts. However, glyphicons include regular characters, so you can add text. Unfortunately setting the font for individual options doesn't seem to be possible.

<select class="form-control glyphicon">
    <option value="">&#x2212; &#x2212; &#x2212; Hello</option>
    <option value="glyphicon-list-alt">&#xe032; Text</option>

Here's a list of the icons with their unicode:

How to change options of <select> with jQuery?

I threw CMS's excellent answer into a quick jQuery extension:

(function($, window) {
  $.fn.replaceOptions = function(options) {
    var self, $option;

    self = this;

    $.each(options, function(index, option) {
      $option = $("<option></option>")
        .attr("value", option.value)
})(jQuery, window);

It expects an array of objects which contain "text" and "value" keys. So usage is as follows:

var options = [
  {text: "one", value: 1},
  {text: "two", value: 2}


Check if option is selected with jQuery, if not select a default

lencioni's answer is what I'd recommend. You can change the selector for the option ('#mySelect option:last') to select the option with a specific value using "#mySelect option[value='yourDefaultValue']". More on selectors.

If you're working extensively with select lists on the client check out this plugin: Take a look the source if you want to see some more examples of working with select lists.

How do you remove all the options of a select box and then add one option and select it with jQuery?

Hope it will work


Get selected key/value of a combo box using jQuery

I assume by "key" and "value" you mean:

    <option value="KEY">VALUE</option>

If that's the case, this will get you the "VALUE":


And you can get the "KEY" like this:


How to clear exisiting dropdownlist items when its content changes?

just compiled your code and the only thing that is missing from it is that you have to Bind your ddl2 to an empty datasource before binding it again like this:

Protected Sub ddl1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) //ddl2.Items.Clear()

ddl2.DataSource=New List(Of String)()
ddl2.DataSource = sql2
ddl2.DataBind() End Sub

and it worked just fine

Creating a select box with a search option

Here's a handy open source library I made earlier that uses jQuery: And here is a working copy on my VPS: The library is highly customisable with overridable behavours and can have seperate designs on the same web page Hope this helps

HTML Form: Select-Option vs Datalist-Option

I noticed that there is no selected feature in datalist. It only gives you choice but can't have a default option. You can't show the selected option on the next page either.

Removing an item from a select box

I found two pages that seem helpful, it's written for ASP.Net, but the same stuff should apply:

  1. How to add/remove items from a dropdown list using jQuery
  2. jQuery selector expressions

How to use jQuery to select a dropdown option?

 $('select>option:eq(3)').attr('selected', 'selected');

One caveat here is if you have javascript watching for select/option's change event you need to add .trigger('change') so the code become.

 $('select>option:eq(3)').attr('selected', 'selected').trigger('change');

because only calling .attr('selected', 'selected') does not trigger the event

How can change width of dropdown list?

Try this code:

<select name="wgtmsr" id="wgtmsr">
<option value="kg">Kg</option>
<option value="gm">Gm</option>
<option value="pound">Pound</option>
<option value="MetricTon">Metric ton</option>
<option value="litre">Litre</option>
<option value="ounce">Ounce</option>



If you want to change the width of the option you can do this in your css:

#wgtmsr option{

Maybe you have a conflict in your css rules that override the width of your select


Editable 'Select' element

Similar to answer above but without the absolute positioning:

<select style="width: 200px; float: left;" onchange="this.nextElementSibling.value=this.value">
<input style="width: 185px; margin-left: -199px; margin-top: 1px; border: none; float: left;"/>

So create a input box and put it over the top of the combobox

jQuery Set Selected Option Using Next

Find the row, then

var row = $('#yourTable');

the value you want to select

var theValue = "5";

Javascript to Select Multiple options

This type of thing should be done server-side, so as to limit the amount of resources used on the client for such trivial tasks. That being said, if you were to do it on the front-end, I would encourage you to consider using something like underscore.js to keep the code clean and concise:

var values = ["Red", "Green"],
    colors = document.getElementById("colors");

_.each(colors.options, function (option) {
    option.selected = ~_.indexOf(values, option.text);

If you're using jQuery, it could be even more terse:

var values = ["Red", "Green"];

$("#colors option").prop("selected", function () {
    return ~$.inArray(this.text, values);

If you were to do this without a tool like underscore.js or jQuery, you would have a bit more to write, and may find it to be a bit more complicated:

var color, i, j,
    values = ["Red", "Green"],
    options = document.getElementById("colors").options;

for ( i = 0; i < values.length; i++ ) {
    for ( j = 0, color = values[i]; j < options.length; j++ ) {
        options[j].selected = options[j].selected || color === options[j].text;

Is it possible to style a select box?

You should try using some jQuery plugin like ikSelect.

I tried to make it very customizable but easy to use.

How to add Drop-Down list (<select>) programmatically?

I have quickly made a function that can achieve this, it may not be the best way to do this but it simply works and should be cross browser, please also know that i am NOT a expert in JavaScript so any tips are great :)

Pure Javascript Create Element Solution

function createElement(){
    var element  = document.createElement(arguments[0]),
        text     = arguments[1],
        attr     = arguments[2],
        append   = arguments[3],
        appendTo = arguments[4];

    for(var key = 0; key < Object.keys(attr).length ; key++){
        var name = Object.keys(attr)[key],
             value = attr[name],
             tempAttr = document.createAttribute(name);
             tempAttr.value = value;
        for(var _key = 0; _key < append.length; _key++) {

    if(text) element.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text));

        var target = appendTo === 'body' ? document.body : document.getElementById(appendTo);

    return element;

lets see how we make this

<select name="drop1" id="Select1">
  <option value="volvo">Volvo</option>
  <option value="saab">Saab</option>
  <option value="mercedes">Mercedes</option>
  <option value="audi">Audi</option>

here's how it works

    var options = [
        createElement('option', 'Volvo', {value: 'volvo'}),
        createElement('option', 'Saab', {value: 'saab'}),
        createElement('option', 'Mercedes', {value: 'mercedes'}),
        createElement('option', 'Audi', {value: 'audi'})

    createElement('select', null, // 'select' = name of element to create, null = no text to insert
        {id: 'Select1', name: 'drop1'}, // Attributes to attach
        [options[0], options[1], options[2], options[3]], // append all 4 elements
        'body' // append final element to body - this also takes a element by id without the #

this is the params

createElement('tagName', 'Text to Insert', {any: 'attribute', here: 'like', id: 'mainContainer'}, [elements, to, append, to, this, element], 'body || container = where to append this element');

This function would suit if you have to append many element, if there is any way to improve this answer please let me know.


Here is a working demo

JSFiddle Demo

This can be highly customized to suit your project!

How to get equal width of input and select fields

I tried Gaby's answer (+1) above but it only partially solved my problem. Instead I used the following CSS, where content-box was changed to border-box:

input, select {
    -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
       -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
            box-sizing: border-box;

Adding options to a <select> using jQuery?

if u have optgroup inside select, u got error in DOM.

I think a best way:

$("#select option:last").after($('<option value="1">my option</option>'));

On Windows, running "import tensorflow" generates No module named "_pywrap_tensorflow" error

For each Tensorflow's version, it requires different version of CuDnn. On, they did not mentioned about that in installation guide!

My case use tensorflow version 1.3 which uses cuDNN 6.

Please check your tensorfow version and cuDNN version if they are match together.

And please set path environment for cuDNN, if it still does not work, please check the answer from @Chris Han.

How to add item to the beginning of List<T>?

Use the Insert method:

ti.Insert(0, initialItem);

Path to MSBuild

This powershell method gets the path to msBuild from multiple sources. Trying in order:

  1. First using vswhere (because Visual Studio seems to have more up to date versions of msBuild) e.g.

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Professional\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe
  2. If not found trying the registry (framework version) e.g.


Powershell code:

Function GetMsBuildPath {

    Function GetMsBuildPathFromVswhere {
        # Based on
        $vswhere = "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vswhere.exe"
        $path = & $vswhere -latest -prerelease -products * -requires Microsoft.Component.MSBuild -property installationPath
        if ($path) {
            $tool = join-path $path 'MSBuild\Current\Bin\MSBuild.exe'
            if (test-path $tool) {
                return $tool
            $tool = join-path $path 'MSBuild\15.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe'
            if (test-path $tool) {
                return $tool

    Function GetMsBuildPathFromRegistry {
        # Based on Martin Brandl's answer:
        $msBuildDir = Get-ChildItem 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSBuild\ToolsVersions\' |
            Get-ItemProperty -Name MSBuildToolsPath |
            Sort-Object PSChildName |
            Select-Object -ExpandProperty MSBuildToolsPath -last 1
        $msBuildPath = join-path $msBuildDir 'msbuild.exe'
        if (test-path $msBuildPath) {
            return $msBuildPath

    $msBuildPath = GetMsBuildPathFromVswhere
    if (-Not $msBuildPath) {
        $msBuildPath = GetMsBuildPathFromRegistry
    return $msBuildPath

Change old commit message on Git

As Gregg Lind suggested, you can use reword to be prompted to only change the commit message (and leave the commit intact otherwise):

git rebase -i HEAD~n

Here, n is the list of last n commits.

For example, if you use git rebase -i HEAD~4, you may see something like this:

pick e459d80 Do xyz
pick 0459045 Do something
pick 90fdeab Do something else
pick facecaf Do abc

Now replace pick with reword for the commits you want to edit the messages of:

pick e459d80 Do xyz
reword 0459045 Do something
reword 90fdeab Do something else
pick facecaf Do abc

Exit the editor after saving the file, and next you will be prompted to edit the messages for the commits you had marked reword, in one file per message. Note that it would've been much simpler to just edit the commit messages when you replaced pick with reword, but doing that has no effect.

Learn more on GitHub's page for Changing a commit message.

Getting HTTP code in PHP using curl

use this hitCurl method for fetch all type of api response i.e. Get / Post

        function hitCurl($url,$param = [],$type = 'POST'){
        $ch = curl_init();
        if(strtoupper($type) == 'GET'){
            $param = http_build_query((array)$param);
            $url = "{$url}?{$param}";
                CURLOPT_POST => (strtoupper($type) == 'POST'),
                CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => (array)$param,
            CURLOPT_URL => $url,
            CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true,
        $resp = curl_exec($ch);
        $statusCode = curl_getinfo($ch,CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
        return [
            'statusCode' => $statusCode,
            'resp' => $resp

Demo function to test api

 function fetchApiData(){
        $url = '';
        $resp = $this->hitCurl($url,[
        $apiData = "Getting header code {$resp['statusCode']}";
        if($resp['statusCode'] == 200){
            $apiData = json_decode($resp['resp']);
        echo "<pre>";
        print_r ($apiData);
        echo "</pre>";

Get list of databases from SQL Server

Since you are using .NET you can use the SQL Server Management Objects

Dim server As New Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server("localhost")
For Each db As Database In server.Databases

Apache redirect to another port

This might be an old question, but here's what I did:

In a .conf file loaded by apache:

<VirtualHost *:80>
  ProxyPass / http://localhost:8080/

Explanation: Listen on all requests to the local machine's port 80. If I requested "", forward that request to "http://localhost:8080/somethingorother". This should work for an external visitor because, according to the docs, it maps the remote request to the local server's space.

I'm running Apache 2.4.6-2ubuntu2.2, so I'm not sure how the "-2ubuntu2.2" affects the wider applicability of this answer.

After you make these changes, add the needed modules and restart apache

sudo a2enmod proxy && sudo a2enmod proxy_http && sudo service apache2 restart

Calculating Covariance with Python and Numpy

When a and b are 1-dimensional sequences, numpy.cov(a,b)[0][1] is equivalent to your cov(a,b).

The 2x2 array returned by np.cov(a,b) has elements equal to

cov(a,a)  cov(a,b)

cov(a,b)  cov(b,b)

(where, again, cov is the function you defined above.)

How do I center a window onscreen in C#?

In Windows Forms:

this.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen;


this.WindowStartupLocation = WindowStartupLocation.CenterScreen;

That's all you have to do...

Use JAXB to create Object from XML String

To pass XML content, you need to wrap the content in a Reader, and unmarshal that instead:

JAXBContext jaxbContext = JAXBContext.newInstance(Person.class);
Unmarshaller unmarshaller = jaxbContext.createUnmarshaller();

StringReader reader = new StringReader("xml string here");
Person person = (Person) unmarshaller.unmarshal(reader);

Is there way to use two PHP versions in XAMPP?

run this in Command Prompt windows (cmd.exe).

set PATH=C:\xampp\php;%PATH%

change it depending where you put the php 7 installation.

Add JsonArray to JsonObject

here is simple code

List <String> list = new ArrayList <String>();
JSONArray array = new JSONArray();
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
JSONObject obj = new JSONObject();
try {
    obj.put("result", array);
} catch (JSONException e) {
 // TODO Auto-generated catch block

How to include layout inside layout?

Try this

            layout="@layout/YourLayoutName" />

Using .Select and .Where in a single LINQ statement

Did you add the Select() after the Where() or before?

You should add it after, because of the concurrency logic:

 1 Take the entire table  
 2 Filter it accordingly  
 3 Select only the ID's  
 4 Make them distinct.  

If you do a Select first, the Where clause can only contain the ID attribute because all other attributes have already been edited out.

Update: For clarity, this order of operators should work:

db.Items.Where(x=> x.userid == user_ID).Select(x=>x.Id).Distinct();

Probably want to add a .toList() at the end but that's optional :)

Make Bootstrap 3 Tabs Responsive

The solution is just 3 lines:

@media only screen and (max-width: 479px) {
   .nav-tabs > li {
      width: 100%;

..but you have to accept the idea of tabs that wrap to more lines in other dimensions.

Of course you can achieve a horizontal scrolling area with white-space: nowrap trick but the scrollbars look ugly on desktops so you have to write js code and the whole thing starts becoming no trivial at all!

how to read value from string.xml in android?


I hope this code is beneficial


String user = getResources().getString(R.string.muser); 

Getting the last element of a split string array

array.split(' ').slice(-1)[0]

The best one ever and my favorite.

Why would we call cin.clear() and cin.ignore() after reading input?

The cin.clear() clears the error flag on cin (so that future I/O operations will work correctly), and then cin.ignore(10000, '\n') skips to the next newline (to ignore anything else on the same line as the non-number so that it does not cause another parse failure). It will only skip up to 10000 characters, so the code is assuming the user will not put in a very long, invalid line.

Observable Finally on Subscribe

The only thing which worked for me is this

    (data) => {
       //Called when success
    (error) => {
       //Called when error
  ).add(() => {
       //Called when operation is complete (both success and error)

Quicksort: Choosing the pivot

Never ever choose a fixed pivot - this can be attacked to exploit your algorithm's worst case O(n2) runtime, which is just asking for trouble. Quicksort's worst case runtime occurs when partitioning results in one array of 1 element, and one array of n-1 elements. Suppose you choose the first element as your partition. If someone feeds an array to your algorithm that is in decreasing order, your first pivot will be the biggest, so everything else in the array will move to the left of it. Then when you recurse, the first element will be the biggest again, so once more you put everything to the left of it, and so on.

A better technique is the median-of-3 method, where you pick three elements at random, and choose the middle. You know that the element that you choose won't be the the first or the last, but also, by the central limit theorem, the distribution of the middle element will be normal, which means that you will tend towards the middle (and hence, nlog(n) time).

If you absolutely want to guarantee O(nlog(n)) runtime for the algorithm, the columns-of-5 method for finding the median of an array runs in O(n) time, which means that the recurrence equation for quicksort in the worst case will be:

T(n) = O(n) (find the median) + O(n) (partition) + 2T(n/2) (recurse left and right)

By the Master Theorem, this is O(nlog(n)). However, the constant factor will be huge, and if worst case performance is your primary concern, use a merge sort instead, which is only a little bit slower than quicksort on average, and guarantees O(nlog(n)) time (and will be much faster than this lame median quicksort).

Explanation of the Median of Medians Algorithm

SQL Server CTE and recursion example

Would like to outline a brief semantic parallel to an already correct answer.

In 'simple' terms, a recursive CTE can be semantically defined as the following parts:

1: The CTE query. Also known as ANCHOR.

2: The recursive CTE query on the CTE in (1) with UNION ALL (or UNION or EXCEPT or INTERSECT) so the ultimate result is accordingly returned.

3: The corner/termination condition. Which is by default when there are no more rows/tuples returned by the recursive query.

A short example that will make the picture clear:

;WITH SupplierChain_CTE(supplier_id, supplier_name, supplies_to, level)
SELECT S.supplier_id, S.supplier_name, S.supplies_to, 0 as level
FROM Supplier S
WHERE supplies_to = -1    -- Return the roots where a supplier supplies to no other supplier directly


-- The recursive CTE query on the SupplierChain_CTE
SELECT S.supplier_id, S.supplier_name, S.supplies_to, level + 1
FROM Supplier S
ON S.supplies_to = SC.supplier_id
-- Use the CTE to get all suppliers in a supply chain with levels
SELECT * FROM SupplierChain_CTE

Explanation: The first CTE query returns the base suppliers (like leaves) who do not supply to any other supplier directly (-1)

The recursive query in the first iteration gets all the suppliers who supply to the suppliers returned by the ANCHOR. This process continues till the condition returns tuples.

UNION ALL returns all the tuples over the total recursive calls.

Another good example can be found here.

PS: For a recursive CTE to work, the relations must have a hierarchical (recursive) condition to work on. Ex: elementId = elementParentId.. you get the point.

How to read all of Inputstream in Server Socket JAVA

int c;
    String raw = "";
    do {
        c =;
    } while(inputstream.available()>0);

InputStream.available() shows the available bytes only after one byte is read, hence do .. while

Printing out a linked list using toString

I do it the following way:

public static void main(String[] args) {

    LinkedList list = new LinkedList();

String toString() {
    StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
    for(Object item:this) {
        result.append("\n"); //optional
    return result.toString();

What does the KEY keyword mean?

KEY is normally a synonym for INDEX. The key attribute PRIMARY KEY can also be specified as just KEY when given in a column definition. This was implemented for compatibility with other database systems.

      data_type [NOT NULL | NULL] [DEFAULT default_value]


What is the preferred Bash shebang?

/bin/sh is usually a link to the system's default shell, which is often bash but on, e.g., Debian systems is the lighter weight dash. Either way, the original Bourne shell is sh, so if your script uses some bash (2nd generation, "Bourne Again sh") specific features ([[ ]] tests, arrays, various sugary things, etc.), then you should be more specific and use the later. This way, on systems where bash is not installed, your script won't run. I understand there may be an exciting trilogy of films about this evolution...but that could be hearsay.

Also note that when evoked as sh, bash to some extent behaves as POSIX standard sh (see also the GNU docs about this).

Chain-calling parent initialisers in python

You can simply write :

class A(object):

    def __init__(self):
        print "Initialiser A was called"

class B(A):

    def __init__(self):
        # A.__init__(self,<parameters>) if you want to call with parameters
        print "Initialiser B was called"

class C(B):

    def __init__(self):
        # A.__init__(self) # if you want to call most super class...
        print "Initialiser C was called"

How do I get Maven to use the correct repositories?

By default, Maven will always look in the official Maven repository, which is

When Maven tries to build a project, it will look in your local repository (by default ~/.m2/repository but you can configure it by changing the <localRepository> value in your ~/.m2/settings.xml) to find any dependency, plugin or report defined in your pom.xml. If the adequate artifact is not found in your local repository, it will look in all external repositories configured, starting with the default one,

You can configure Maven to avoid this default repository by setting a mirror in your settings.xml file:

        <name>Our mirror for Maven repository</name>

This way, instead of contacting, Maven will contact your entreprise repository (http://the/server in this example).

If you want to add another repository, you can define a new one in your settings.xml file:


You can see the complete settings.xml model here.

Concerning the clean process, you can ask Maven to run it offline. In this case, Maven will not try to reach any external repositories:

mvn -o clean 

Subtracting two lists in Python

Python 2.7 and 3.2 added the collections.Counter class, which is a dictionary subclass that maps elements to the number of occurrences of the element. This can be used as a multiset. You can do something like this:

from collections import Counter
a = Counter([0, 1, 2, 1, 0])
b = Counter([0, 1, 1])
c = a - b  # ignores items in b missing in a

print(list(c.elements()))  # -> [0, 2]

As well, if you want to check that every element in b is in a:

# a[key] returns 0 if key not in a, instead of raising an exception
assert all(a[key] >= b[key] for key in b)

But since you are stuck with 2.5, you could try importing it and define your own version if that fails. That way you will be sure to get the latest version if it is available, and fall back to a working version if not. You will also benefit from speed improvements if if gets converted to a C implementation in the future.

   from collections import Counter
except ImportError:
    class Counter(dict):

You can find the current Python source here.

JDBC ResultSet: I need a getDateTime, but there is only getDate and getTimeStamp

this worked:

    Date date = null;
    String dateStr = rs.getString("doc_date");
    if (dateStr != null) {
        date = dateFormat.parse(dateStr);

using SimpleDateFormat.

Remove decimal values using SQL query

Here column name must be decimal.

select CAST(columnname AS decimal(38,0)) from table

Port 443 in use by "Unable to open process" with PID 4

I ran task manager and looked for httpd.exe in process. Their were two of them running. I stopped one of them gone back to xampp control pannel and started apache. It worked.

How does createOrReplaceTempView work in Spark?

SparkSQl support writing programs using Dataset and Dataframe API, along with it need to support sql.

In order to support Sql on DataFrames, first it requires a table definition with column names are required, along with if it creates tables the hive metastore will get lot unnecessary tables, because Spark-Sql natively resides on hive. So it will create a temporary view, which temporarily available in hive for time being and used as any other hive table, once the Spark Context stop it will be removed.

In order to create the view, developer need an utility called createOrReplaceTempView

How to get all options in a drop-down list by Selenium WebDriver using C#?

Here is code in Java to get all options in dropdown list.

WebElement sel = myD.findElement("dropdown_name"));
List<WebElement> lists = sel.findElements(By.tagName("option"));
    for(WebElement element: lists)  
        String var2 = tdElement.getText();

Hope it may helpful to someone.

How to show MessageBox on

One of the options is to use the Javascript.

Here is a quick reference where you can start from.

Javascript alert messages

Setting up an MS-Access DB for multi-user access

Access is a great multi-user database. It has lots of built in features to handle the multi-user situation. In fact, it is so very popular because it is such a great multi-user database. There is an upper limit on how many users can all use the database at the same time doing updates and edits - depending on how knowledgeable the developer is about access and how the database has been designed - anywhere from 20 users to approx 50 users. Some access databases can be built to handle up to 50 concurrent users, while many others can handle 20 or 25 concurrent users updating the database. These figures have been observed for databases that have been in use for several or more years and have been discussed many times on the access newsgroups.

Why can't I push to this bare repository?

This related question's answer provided the solution for me... it was just a dumb mistake:

Remember to commit first!

If you have not yet committed to your local repo, there is nothing to push, but the Git error message you get back doesn't help you too much.

No matching client found for package name (Google Analytics) - multiple productFlavors & buildTypes

Open your Google-services.json file and look for this section in the file:

"client": [
  "client_info": {
    "mobilesdk_app_id": "1:857242555489:android:46d8562d82407b11",
    "android_client_info": {
      "package_name": "com.example.duke_davis.project"

check whether the package is the same as your package name. Mine was different, so I changed it and it worked.

C++ Convert string (or char*) to wstring (or wchar_t*)

If you have QT and if you are lazy to implement a function and stuff you can use

std::string str;

How do I deal with certificates using cURL while trying to access an HTTPS url?

Run following command in git bash that works fine for me

git config --global http.sslverify "false"

What is monkey patching?

According to Wikipedia:

In Python, the term monkey patch only refers to dynamic modifications of a class or module at runtime, motivated by the intent to patch existing third-party code as a workaround to a bug or feature which does not act as you desire.

Getting session value in javascript

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Session["MyTest"] = "abcd";

        String csname = "OnSubmitScript";
        Type cstype = this.GetType();

        // Get a ClientScriptManager reference from the Page class.
        ClientScriptManager cs = Page.ClientScript;

        // Check to see if the OnSubmit statement is already registered.
        if (!cs.IsOnSubmitStatementRegistered(cstype, csname))
            string cstext = " document.getElementById(\"TextBox1\").value = getMyvalSession()  ; ";
            cs.RegisterOnSubmitStatement(cstype, csname, cstext);

        if (TextBox1.Text.Equals("")) { }
        else {
              Session["MyTest"] = TextBox1.Text;


<html xmlns="">
<head runat="server">

    <script language=javascript type="text/javascript">
        function getMyvalSession() {

             var txt = "efgh";
             var ff = '<%=Session["MyTest"] %>' + txt;
             return ff ;


    <form id="form1" runat="server">
        <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server"  AutoPostBack=true ></asp:TextBox>
     <input type="submit"  value="Submit" />

Vue.js unknown custom element

I had the same error

[Vue warn]: Unknown custom element: - did you register the component correctly? For recursive components, make sure to provide the "name" option.

however, I totally forgot to run npm install && npm run dev to compiling the js files.

maybe this helps newbies like me.

Create table variable in MySQL

MYSQL 8 does, in a way:

MYSQL 8 supports JSON tables, so you could load your results into a JSON variable and select from that variable using the JSON_TABLE() command.

Left align block of equations

Try to use the fleqn document class option.


(See also for a list of other options.)

Unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str'

You're trying to concatenate a string and an integer, which is incorrect.

Change print(numlist.pop(2)+" has been removed") to any of these:

Explicit int to str conversion:

print(str(numlist.pop(2)) + " has been removed")

Use , instead of +:

print(numlist.pop(2), "has been removed")

String formatting:

print("{} has been removed".format(numlist.pop(2)))

Default optional parameter in Swift function

in case you need to use a bool param, you need just to assign the default value.

func test(WithFlag flag: Bool = false){.....}

then you can use without or with the param:

test() //here flag automatically has the default value: false
test(WithFlag: true) //here flag has the value: true

How can I use a DLL file from Python?

Maybe with Dispatch:

from win32com.client import Dispatch

zk = Dispatch("zkemkeeper.ZKEM") 

Where zkemkeeper is a registered DLL file on the system... After that, you can access functions just by calling them:

zk.Connect_Net(IP_address, port)

How do I create an Excel chart that pulls data from multiple sheets?

Here's some code from Excel 2010 that may work. It has a couple specifics (like filtering bad-encode characters from titles) but it was designed to create multiple multi-series graphs from 4-dimensional data having both absolute and percentage-based data. Modify it how you like:

Sub createAllGraphs()

Const chartWidth As Integer = 260
Const chartHeight As Integer = 200

If Sheets.Count = 1 Then
    Sheets.Add , Sheets(1)
    Sheets(2).Name = "AllCharts"
ElseIf Sheets("AllCharts").ChartObjects.Count > 0 Then
End If
Dim c As Variant
Dim c2 As Variant
Dim cs As Object
Set cs = Sheets("AllCharts")
Dim s As Object
Set s = Sheets(1)

Dim i As Integer

Dim chartX As Integer
Dim chartY As Integer

Dim r As Integer
r = 2

Dim curA As String
curA = s.Range("A" & r)
Dim curB As String
Dim curC As String
Dim startR As Integer
startR = 2

Dim lastTime As Boolean
lastTime = False

Do While s.Range("A" & r) <> ""

    If curC <> s.Range("C" & r) Then

        If r <> 2 Then
            c.SeriesCollection.Add s.Range("D" & startR & ":E" & (r - 1)), , False, True
            c.SeriesCollection(c.SeriesCollection.Count).Name = Replace(s.Range("C" & startR), "Â", "")
            c.SeriesCollection(c.SeriesCollection.Count).XValues = "='" & s.Name & "'!$D$" & startR & ":$D$" & (r - 1)
            c.SeriesCollection(c.SeriesCollection.Count).Values = "='" & s.Name & "'!$E$" & startR & ":$E$" & (r - 1)
            c.SeriesCollection(c.SeriesCollection.Count).HasErrorBars = True
            c.SeriesCollection(c.SeriesCollection.Count).ErrorBar Direction:=xlY, Include:=xlBoth, Type:=xlCustom, Amount:="='" & s.Name & "'!$F$" & startR & ":$F$" & (r - 1), minusvalues:="='" & s.Name & "'!$F$" & startR & ":$F$" & (r - 1)
            c.SeriesCollection(c.SeriesCollection.Count).ErrorBar Direction:=xlX, Include:=xlBoth, Type:=xlFixedValue, Amount:=0

            c2.SeriesCollection.Add s.Range("D" & startR & ":D" & (r - 1) & ",G" & startR & ":G" & (r - 1)), , False, True
            c2.SeriesCollection(c2.SeriesCollection.Count).Name = Replace(s.Range("C" & startR), "Â", "")
            c2.SeriesCollection(c2.SeriesCollection.Count).XValues = "='" & s.Name & "'!$D$" & startR & ":$D$" & (r - 1)
            c2.SeriesCollection(c2.SeriesCollection.Count).Values = "='" & s.Name & "'!$G$" & startR & ":$G$" & (r - 1)
            c2.SeriesCollection(c2.SeriesCollection.Count).HasErrorBars = True
            c2.SeriesCollection(c2.SeriesCollection.Count).ErrorBar Direction:=xlY, Include:=xlBoth, Type:=xlCustom, Amount:="='" & s.Name & "'!$H$" & startR & ":$H$" & (r - 1), minusvalues:="='" & s.Name & "'!$H$" & startR & ":$H$" & (r - 1)
            c2.SeriesCollection(c2.SeriesCollection.Count).ErrorBar Direction:=xlX, Include:=xlBoth, Type:=xlFixedValue, Amount:=0
            If lastTime = True Then GoTo postLoop
        End If

        If curB <> s.Range("B" & r).Value Then

            If curA <> s.Range("A" & r).Value Then
                chartX = chartX + chartWidth * 2
                chartY = 0
                curA = s.Range("A" & r)
            End If

            Set c = cs.ChartObjects.Add(chartX, chartY, chartWidth, chartHeight)
            Set c = c.Chart
            c.ChartWizard , xlXYScatterSmooth, , , , , True, Replace(s.Range("B" & r), "Â", "") & " " & s.Range("A" & r), s.Range("D1"), s.Range("E1")

            Set c2 = cs.ChartObjects.Add(chartX + chartWidth, chartY, chartWidth, chartHeight)
            Set c2 = c2.Chart
            c2.ChartWizard , xlXYScatterSmooth, , , , , True, Replace(s.Range("B" & r), "Â", "") & " " & s.Range("A" & r) & " (%)", s.Range("D1"), s.Range("G1")

            chartY = chartY + chartHeight
            curB = s.Range("B" & r)
            curC = s.Range("C" & r)
        End If

        curC = s.Range("C" & r)
        startR = r
    End If

    If s.Range("A" & r) <> "" Then oneMoreTime = False ' end the loop for real this time
    r = r + 1

lastTime = True
GoTo seriesAdd

End Sub

Why do we have to override the equals() method in Java?

By default .equals() uses == identity function to compare which obviously doesn't work as the instances test1 and test2 are not the same. == only works with primitive data types like int or string. So you need to override it to make it work by comparing all the member variables of the Test class

trim left characters in sql server?

select substring( field, 1, 5 ) from sometable

Checking if form has been submitted - PHP

You could also use:


Convert String value format of YYYYMMDDHHMMSS to C# DateTime

You have to use a custom parsing string. I also suggest to include the invariant culture to identify that this format does not relate to any culture. Plus, it will prevent a warning in some code analysis tools.

var date = DateTime.ParseExact(value, "yyyyMMddHHmmss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

how to convert string into dictionary in python 3.*?

  1. literal_eval, a somewhat safer version of eval (will only evaluate literals ie strings, lists etc):

    from ast import literal_eval
    python_dict = literal_eval("{'a': 1}")
  2. json.loads but it would require your string to use double quotes:

    import json
    python_dict = json.loads('{"a": 1}')

What is the difference between attribute and property?

<property attribute="attributeValue">proopertyValue</property>

would be one way to look at it.

In C#

public class Entity
    private int Property{get; set;};

How to call C++ function from C?

I would do it in the following way:

(If working with MSVC, ignore the GCC compilation commands)

Suppose that I have a C++ class named AAA, defined in files aaa.h, aaa.cpp, and that the class AAA has a method named sayHi(const char *name), that I want to enable for C code.

The C++ code of class AAA - Pure C++, I don't modify it:


#ifndef AAA_H
#define AAA_H

class AAA {
        void sayHi(const char *name);



#include <iostream>

#include "aaa.h"

AAA::AAA() {

void AAA::sayHi(const char *name) {
    std::cout << "Hi " << name << std::endl;

Compiling this class as regularly done for C++. This code "does not know" that it is going to be used by C code. Using the command:

g++ -fpic -shared aaa.cpp -o

Now, also in C++, creating a C connector. Defining it in files aaa_c_connector.h, aaa_c_connector.cpp. This connector is going to define a C function, named AAA_sayHi(cosnt char *name), that will use an instance of AAA and will call its method:



#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

void AAA_sayHi(const char *name);

#ifdef __cplusplus



#include <cstdlib>

#include "aaa_c_connector.h"
#include "aaa.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

// Inside this "extern C" block, I can implement functions in C++, which will externally 
//   appear as C functions (which means that the function IDs will be their names, unlike
//   the regular C++ behavior, which allows defining multiple functions with the same name
//   (overloading) and hence uses function signature hashing to enforce unique IDs),

static AAA *AAA_instance = NULL;

void lazyAAA() {
    if (AAA_instance == NULL) {
        AAA_instance = new AAA();

void AAA_sayHi(const char *name) {

#ifdef __cplusplus

Compiling it, again, using a regular C++ compilation command:

g++ -fpic -shared aaa_c_connector.cpp -L. -laaa -o

Now I have a shared library (, that implements the C function AAA_sayHi(const char *name). I can now create a C main file and compile it all together:


#include "aaa_c_connector.h"

int main() {

    return 0;

Compiling it using a C compilation command:

gcc main.c -L. -laaa_c_connector -o c_aaa

I will need to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to contain $PWD, and if I run the executable ./c_aaa, I will get the output I expect:

Hi David
Hi James


On some linux distributions, -laaa and -lstdc++ may also be required for the last compilation command. Thanks to @AlaaM. for the attention

Select all 'tr' except the first one

Sorry I know this is old but why not style all tr elements the way you want all except the first and the use the psuedo class :first-child where you revoke what you specified for all tr elements.

Better descriped by this example:

tr {
    border-top: 1px solid;
tr:first-child {
    border-top: none;   


Export DataBase with MySQL Workbench with INSERT statements

Go to Menu Server and Click on Data Export. There you can select the table and select the option Dump Structure and Data' from the drop-down.

How can I find and run the keytool

keytool is part of the JDK.

Try to prepend %{JAVA_HOME}\ to the exec statement or c:\{path to jdk}\bin.

How to use PHP's password_hash to hash and verify passwords

There is a distinct lack of discussion on backwards and forwards compatibility that is built in to PHP's password functions. Notably:

  1. Backwards Compatibility: The password functions are essentially a well-written wrapper around crypt(), and are inherently backwards-compatible with crypt()-format hashes, even if they use obsolete and/or insecure hash algorithms.
  2. Forwards Compatibilty: Inserting password_needs_rehash() and a bit of logic into your authentication workflow can keep you your hashes up to date with current and future algorithms with potentially zero future changes to the workflow. Note: Any string that does not match the specified algorithm will be flagged for needing a rehash, including non-crypt-compatible hashes.


class FakeDB {
    public function __call($name, $args) {
        printf("%s::%s(%s)\n", __CLASS__, $name, json_encode($args));
        return $this;

class MyAuth {
    protected $dbh;
    protected $fakeUsers = [
        // old crypt-md5 format
        1 => ['password' => '$1$AVbfJOzY$oIHHCHlD76Aw1xmjfTpm5.'],
        // old salted md5 format
        2 => ['password' => '3858f62230ac3c915f300c664312c63f', 'salt' => 'bar'],
        // current bcrypt format
        3 => ['password' => '$2y$10$3eUn9Rnf04DR.aj8R3WbHuBO9EdoceH9uKf6vMiD7tz766rMNOyTO']

    public function __construct($dbh) {
        $this->dbh = $dbh;

    protected function getuser($id) {
        // just pretend these are coming from the DB
        return $this->fakeUsers[$id];

    public function authUser($id, $password) {
        $userInfo = $this->getUser($id);

        // Do you have old, turbo-legacy, non-crypt hashes?
        if( strpos( $userInfo['password'], '$' ) !== 0 ) {
            printf("%s::legacy_hash\n", __METHOD__);
            $res = $userInfo['password'] === md5($password . $userInfo['salt']);
        } else {
            printf("%s::password_verify\n", __METHOD__);
            $res = password_verify($password, $userInfo['password']);

        // once we've passed validation we can check if the hash needs updating.
        if( $res && password_needs_rehash($userInfo['password'], PASSWORD_DEFAULT) ) {
            printf("%s::rehash\n", __METHOD__);
            $stmt = $this->dbh->prepare('UPDATE users SET pass = ? WHERE user_id = ?');
            $stmt->execute([password_hash($password, PASSWORD_DEFAULT), $id]);

        return $res;

$auth = new MyAuth(new FakeDB());

for( $i=1; $i<=3; $i++) {
    var_dump($auth->authuser($i, 'foo'));
    echo PHP_EOL;


FakeDB::prepare(["UPDATE users SET pass = ? WHERE user_id = ?"])

FakeDB::prepare(["UPDATE users SET pass = ? WHERE user_id = ?"])


As a final note, given that you can only re-hash a user's password on login you should consider "sunsetting" insecure legacy hashes to protect your users. By this I mean that after a certain grace period you remove all insecure [eg: bare MD5/SHA/otherwise weak] hashes and have your users rely on your application's password reset mechanisms.

How to select all rows which have same value in some column

How about

FROM Employees
WHERE PhoneNumber IN (
    SELECT PhoneNumber
    FROM Employees
    GROUP BY PhoneNumber
    HAVING COUNT(Employee_ID) > 1


What is the best way to modify a list in a 'foreach' loop?

The collection used in foreach is immutable. This is very much by design.

As it says on MSDN:

The foreach statement is used to iterate through the collection to get the information that you want, but can not be used to add or remove items from the source collection to avoid unpredictable side effects. If you need to add or remove items from the source collection, use a for loop.

The post in the link provided by Poko indicates that this is allowed in the new concurrent collections.

Using Git, show all commits that are in one branch, but not the other(s)

Start to Create a Pull Request via the git hosting service you're using. If the branch has been fully merged into the base branch, you'll be unable to create the new PR.

You don't need to actually make the pull request, just use the first step where you pick branches.

For example, on GitHub:

There isn't anything to compare

Can't create a PR for branches that have been merged.

This doesn't use git on the command line, but I often find it's helpful to use the other tools at your disposal with a clear mental model rather than attempt to remember another arcane git command.

How to fix libeay32.dll was not found error

I believe you need to put the libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll files in the systems folder

How to remove all files from directory without removing directory in Node.js

There is package called rimraf that is very handy. It is the UNIX command rm -rf for node.

Nevertheless, it can be too powerful too because you can delete folders very easily using it. The following commands will delete the files inside the folder. If you remove the *, you will remove the log folder.

const rimraf = require('rimraf');
rimraf('./log/*', function () { console.log('done'); });

How to check for Is not Null And Is not Empty string in SQL server?

in basic way

FROM [TableName]
WHERE column_name!='' AND column_name IS NOT NULL

Center div on the middle of screen

Try this:

    position: absolute;
    top: 50%;
    left: 50%;
    margin-top: -50px;
    margin-left: -50px;
    width: 100px;
    height: 100px;
    background: red;

Here div is html tag. You wrote a html tag followed by a dot that is wrong.Only a class is written followed by dot.

In reactJS, how to copy text to clipboard?

 copyclip = (item) => {
    var textField = document.createElement('textarea')
    textField.innerText = item
    setTimeout(() => {
    }, 1000);

 <span   className="cursor-pointer ml-1" onClick={()=> this.copyclip(passTextFromHere)} >Copy</span> <small>{this.state.copy}</small>

Check if string matches pattern

import re

ab = re.compile("^([A-Z]{1}[0-9]{1})+$")

I believe that should work for an uppercase, number pattern.

ExecuteNonQuery: Connection property has not been initialized.

A couple of things wrong here.

  1. Do you really want to open and close the connection for every single log entry?

  2. Shouldn't you be using SqlCommand instead of SqlDataAdapter?

  3. The data adapter (or SqlCommand) needs exactly what the error message tells you it's missing: an active connection. Just because you created a connection object does not magically tell C# that it is the one you want to use (especially if you haven't opened the connection).

I highly recommend a C# / SQL Server tutorial.

Relative path to absolute path in C#?

This worked for me.

//used in an ASP.NET MVC app
private const string BatchFilePath = "/MyBatchFileDirectory/Mybatchfiles.bat"; 
var batchFile = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(BatchFilePath);

Eclipse - java.lang.ClassNotFoundException

I had the same problem. All what I did was,

i). Generated Eclipse artifacts

mvn clean eclipse:eclipse

ii). Refresh the project and rerun your junit test. Should work fine.

Change status bar text color to light in iOS 9 with Objective-C

Using a UINavigationController and setting its navigation bar's barStyle to .Black. past this line in your AppDelegate.m file.

navigationController.navigationBar.barStyle = UIBarStyleBlack;

If you are not using UINavigationController then add following code in your ViewController.m file.

- (UIStatusBarStyle)preferredStatusBarStyle
    return UIStatusBarStyleLightContent;

And call the method to this line :

[self setNeedsStatusBarAppearanceUpdate];

.htaccess redirect all pages to new domain

I've used for my Wordpress blog this as .htaccess. It converts http://www.blah.example/asad, http://blah.example/asad, http://www.blah.example2/asad etc, to http://blah.example/asad Thanks to all other answers I figured this out.

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^YOURDOMAIN\.example$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://YOURDOMAIN.example/$1 [R=301,L]

RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

How do I check if an object's type is a particular subclass in C++?

dynamic_cast can determine if the type contains the target type anywhere in the inheritance hierarchy (yes, it's a little-known feature that if B inherits from A and C, it can turn an A* directly into a C*). typeid() can determine the exact type of the object. However, these should both be used extremely sparingly. As has been mentioned already, you should always be avoiding dynamic type identification, because it indicates a design flaw. (also, if you know the object is for sure of the target type, you can do a downcast with a static_cast. Boost offers a polymorphic_downcast that will do a downcast with dynamic_cast and assert in debug mode, and in release mode it will just use a static_cast).

How do you find the sum of all the numbers in an array in Java?

There is no 'method in a math class' for such thing. Its not like its a square root function or something like that.

You just need to have a variable for the sum and loop through the array adding each value you find to the sum.

How do I merge dictionaries together in Python?

Trey Hunner has a nice blog post outlining several options for merging multiple dictionaries, including (for python3.3+) ChainMap and dictionary unpacking.

How to fix Warning Illegal string offset in PHP

Magic word is: isset

Validate the entry:

if(isset($manta_option['iso_format_recent_works']) && $manta_option['iso_format_recent_works'] == 1){
    $theme_img = 'recent_works_thumbnail';
} else {
    $theme_img = 'recent_works_iso_thumbnail';

MySQL - Trigger for updating same table after insert

On the last entry; this is another trick:

SELECT AUTO_INCREMENT FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = ... and table_name = ...

How to screenshot website in JavaScript client-side / how Google did it? (no need to access HDD)

I needed to snapshot a div on the page (for a webapp I wrote) that is protected by JWT's and makes very heavy use of Angular.

I had no luck with any of the above methods.

I ended up taking the outerHTML of the div I needed, cleaning it up a little (*) and then sending it to the server where I run wkhtmltopdf against it.

This is working very well for me.

(*) various input devices in my pages didn't render as checked or have their text values when viewed in the pdf... So I run a little bit of jQuery on the html before I send it up for rendering. ex: for text input items -- I copy their .val()'s into 'value' attributes, which then can be seen by wkhtmlpdf

javax.persistence.NoResultException: No entity found for query

Another option is to use uniqueResultOptional() method, which gives you Optional in result:

String hql="from DrawUnusedBalance where unusedBalanceDate= :today";
Query query=em.createQuery(hql);
query.setParameter("today",new LocalDate());

Optional<DrawUnusedBalance> drawUnusedBalance=query.uniqueResultOptional();

How do I handle newlines in JSON?

According to the specification,

A string is a sequence of Unicode code points wrapped with quotation marks (U+0022). All characters may be placed within the quotation marks except for the characters that must be escaped: quotation mark (U+0022), reverse solidus (U+005C), and the control characters U+0000 to U+001F. There are two-character escape sequence representations of some characters.

So you can't pass 0x0A or 0x0C codes directly. It is forbidden! The specification suggests to use escape sequences for some well-defined codes from U+0000 to U+001F:

  • \f represents the form feed character (U+000C).
  • \n represents the line feed character (U+000A).

As most of programming languages uses \ for quoting, you should escape the escape syntax (double-escape - once for language/platform, once for JSON itself):

jsonStr = "{ \"name\": \"Multi\\nline.\" }";

How can I use break or continue within for loop in Twig template?

A way to be able to use {% break %} or {% continue %} is to write TokenParsers for them.

I did it for the {% break %} token in the code below. You can, without much modifications, do the same thing for the {% continue %}.

  • AppBundle\Twig\AppExtension.php:

    namespace AppBundle\Twig;
    class AppExtension extends \Twig_Extension
        function getTokenParsers() {
            return array(
                new BreakToken(),
        public function getName()
            return 'app_extension';
  • AppBundle\Twig\BreakToken.php:

    namespace AppBundle\Twig;
    class BreakToken extends \Twig_TokenParser
        public function parse(\Twig_Token $token)
            $stream = $this->parser->getStream();
            // Trick to check if we are currently in a loop.
            $currentForLoop = 0;
            for ($i = 1; true; $i++) {
                try {
                    // if we look before the beginning of the stream
                    // the stream will throw a \Twig_Error_Syntax
                    $token = $stream->look(-$i);
                } catch (\Twig_Error_Syntax $e) {
                if ($token->test(\Twig_Token::NAME_TYPE, 'for')) {
                } else if ($token->test(\Twig_Token::NAME_TYPE, 'endfor')) {
            if ($currentForLoop < 1) {
                throw new \Twig_Error_Syntax(
                    'Break tag is only allowed in \'for\' loops.',
            return new BreakNode();
        public function getTag()
            return 'break';
  • AppBundle\Twig\BreakNode.php:

    namespace AppBundle\Twig;
    class BreakNode extends \Twig_Node
        public function compile(\Twig_Compiler $compiler)

Then you can simply use {% break %} to get out of loops like this:

{% for post in posts %}
    {% if == 10 %}
        {% break %}
    {% endif %}
    <h2>{{ post.heading }}</h2>
{% endfor %}

To go even further, you may write token parsers for {% continue X %} and {% break X %} (where X is an integer >= 1) to get out/continue multiple loops like in PHP.

Change hover color on a button with Bootstrap customization

The color for your buttons comes from the btn-x classes (e.g., btn-primary, btn-success), so if you want to manually change the colors by writing your own custom css rules, you'll need to change:

/*This is modifying the btn-primary colors but you could create your own .btn-something class as well*/
.btn-primary {
    color: #fff;
    background-color: #0495c9;
    border-color: #357ebd; /*set the color you want here*/
.btn-primary:hover, .btn-primary:focus, .btn-primary:active,, .open>.dropdown-toggle.btn-primary {
    color: #fff;
    background-color: #00b3db;
    border-color: #285e8e; /*set the color you want here*/

How to give ASP.NET access to a private key in a certificate in the certificate store?

If you are trying to load a cert from a .pfx file in IIS the solution may be as simple as enabling this option for the Application Pool.

Right click on the App Pool and select Advanced Settings.

Then enable Load User Profile

enter image description here

Webdriver and proxy server for firefox

The WebDriver API has been changed. The current snippet for setting the proxy is

FirefoxProfile profile = new FirefoxProfile();
profile.setPreference("network.proxy.http", "localhost");
profile.setPreference("network.proxy.http_port", "3128");
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(profile);

Hashing with SHA1 Algorithm in C#

This is what I went with. For those of you who want to optimize, check out

    public static string Hash(string stringToHash)
        using (var sha1 = new SHA1Managed())
            return BitConverter.ToString(sha1.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(stringToHash)));

XML element with attribute and content using JAXB

Here is working solution:


public class XmlTest {

    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(XmlTest.class);

    public void createDefaultBook() throws JAXBException {
        JAXBContext jaxbContext = JAXBContext.newInstance(Book.class);
        Marshaller marshaller = jaxbContext.createMarshaller();

        StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
        marshaller.marshal(new Book(), writer);

        log.debug("Book xml:\n {}", writer.toString());

    @XmlRootElement(name = "book")
    public static class Book {

        @XmlElementRef(name = "price")
        private Price price = new Price();


    @XmlRootElement(name = "price")
    public static class Price {
        @XmlAttribute(name = "drawable")
        private Boolean drawable = true; //you may want to set default value here

        private int priceValue = 1234;

        public Boolean getDrawable() {
            return drawable;

        public void setDrawable(Boolean drawable) {
            this.drawable = drawable;

        public int getPriceValue() {
            return priceValue;

        public void setPriceValue(int priceValue) {
            this.priceValue = priceValue;


22:00:18.471 [main] DEBUG com.grebski.stack.XmlTest - Book xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <price drawable="true">1234</price>

Powershell send-mailmessage - email to multiple recipients

$recipients = "Marcel <[email protected]>, Marcelt <[email protected]>"

is type of string you need pass to send-mailmessage a string[] type (an array):

[string[]]$recipients = "Marcel <[email protected]>", "Marcelt <[email protected]>"

I think that not casting to string[] do the job for the coercing rules of powershell:

$recipients = "Marcel <[email protected]>", "Marcelt <[email protected]>"

is object[] type but can do the same job.

ImportError: No module named apiclient.discovery

use this

pip install --upgrade google-api-python-client google-auth-httplib2 google-auth-oauthlib

Only numbers. Input number in React

Here's my solution of plain Javascript

Attach a keyup event to the input field of your choice - id in this example.
In the event-handler function just test the key of event.key with the given regex.

In this case if it doesn't match we prevent the default action of the element - so a "wrong" key-press within the input box won't be registered thus it will never appear in the input box.

  let idField = document.getElementById('id');

  idField.addEventListener('keypress', function(event) {
    if (! /([0-9])/g.test(event.key)) {

The benefit of this solution may be its flexible nature and by changing and/or logically chaining regular expression(s) can fit many requirements. E.g. the regex /([a-z0-9-_])/g should match only lowercase English alphanumeric characters with no spaces and only - and _ allowed.

Note: that if you use /[a-z]/gi (note the i at the end) will ignore letter case and will still accept capital letters.

CSS smooth bounce animation

The long rest in between is due to your keyframe settings. Your current keyframe rules mean that the actual bounce happens only between 40% - 60% of the animation duration (that is, between 1s - 1.5s mark of the animation). Remove those rules and maybe even reduce the animation-duration to suit your needs.

.animated {_x000D_
  -webkit-animation-duration: .5s;_x000D_
  animation-duration: .5s;_x000D_
  -webkit-animation-fill-mode: both;_x000D_
  animation-fill-mode: both;_x000D_
  -webkit-animation-timing-function: linear;_x000D_
  animation-timing-function: linear;_x000D_
  animation-iteration-count: infinite;_x000D_
  -webkit-animation-iteration-count: infinite;_x000D_
@-webkit-keyframes bounce {_x000D_
  0%, 100% {_x000D_
    -webkit-transform: translateY(0);_x000D_
  50% {_x000D_
    -webkit-transform: translateY(-5px);_x000D_
@keyframes bounce {_x000D_
  0%, 100% {_x000D_
    transform: translateY(0);_x000D_
  50% {_x000D_
    transform: translateY(-5px);_x000D_
.bounce {_x000D_
  -webkit-animation-name: bounce;_x000D_
  animation-name: bounce;_x000D_
#animated-example {_x000D_
  width: 20px;_x000D_
  height: 20px;_x000D_
  background-color: red;_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
  top: 100px;_x000D_
  left: 100px;_x000D_
  border-radius: 50%;_x000D_
hr {_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
  top: 92px;_x000D_
  left: -300px;_x000D_
  width: 200px;_x000D_
<div id="animated-example" class="animated bounce"></div>_x000D_

Here is how your original keyframe settings would be interpreted by the browser:

  • At 0% (that is, at 0s or start of animation) - translate by 0px in Y axis.
  • At 20% (that is, at 0.5s of animation) - translate by 0px in Y axis.
  • At 40% (that is, at 1s of animation) - translate by 0px in Y axis.
  • At 50% (that is, at 1.25s of animation) - translate by 5px in Y axis. This results in a gradual upward movement.
  • At 60% (that is, at 1.5s of animation) - translate by 0px in Y axis. This results in a gradual downward movement.
  • At 80% (that is, at 2s of animation) - translate by 0px in Y axis.
  • At 100% (that is, at 2.5s or end of animation) - translate by 0px in Y axis.

How do I clone a generic list in C#?

Use AutoMapper (or whatever mapping lib you prefer) to clone is simple and a lot maintainable.

Define your mapping:

Mapper.CreateMap<YourType, YourType>();

Do the magic:

YourTypeList.ConvertAll(Mapper.Map<YourType, YourType>);

C read file line by line

readLine() returns pointer to local variable, which causes undefined behaviour.

To get around you can:

  1. Create variable in caller function and pass its address to readLine()
  2. Allocate memory for line using malloc() - in this case line will be persistent
  3. Use global variable, although it is generally a bad practice

Boolean operators && and ||

The shorter ones are vectorized, meaning they can return a vector, like this:

((-2:2) >= 0) & ((-2:2) <= 0)

The longer form evaluates left to right examining only the first element of each vector, so the above gives

((-2:2) >= 0) && ((-2:2) <= 0)
# [1] FALSE

As the help page says, this makes the longer form "appropriate for programming control-flow and [is] typically preferred in if clauses."

So you want to use the long forms only when you are certain the vectors are length one.

You should be absolutely certain your vectors are only length 1, such as in cases where they are functions that return only length 1 booleans. You want to use the short forms if the vectors are length possibly >1. So if you're not absolutely sure, you should either check first, or use the short form and then use all and any to reduce it to length one for use in control flow statements, like if.

The functions all and any are often used on the result of a vectorized comparison to see if all or any of the comparisons are true, respectively. The results from these functions are sure to be length 1 so they are appropriate for use in if clauses, while the results from the vectorized comparison are not. (Though those results would be appropriate for use in ifelse.

One final difference: the && and || only evaluate as many terms as they need to (which seems to be what is meant by short-circuiting). For example, here's a comparison using an undefined value a; if it didn't short-circuit, as & and | don't, it would give an error.

# Error: object 'a' not found
TRUE || a
# [1] TRUE
FALSE && a
# [1] FALSE
TRUE | a
# Error: object 'a' not found
# Error: object 'a' not found

Finally, see section 8.2.17 in The R Inferno, titled "and and andand".

How to convert all tables in database to one collation?

Taking the answer from @Petr Stastny a step further by adding a password variable. I'd prefer if it actually took it in like a regular password rather than as an argument, but it's working for what I needed.


# <database> <password> [<charset> <collation>]
# changes MySQL/MariaDB charset and collation for one database - all tables and
# all columns in all tables


[ -n "$DB" ] || exit 1
[ -n "$PW" ]
[ -n "$CHARSET" ] || CHARSET="utf8mb4"
[ -n "$COLL" ] || COLL="utf8mb4_bin"


echo $DB

echo "USE $DB; SHOW TABLES;" | mysql -s "$PW" | (
    while read TABLE; do
        echo $DB.$TABLE


Determining type of an object in ruby

I would say "Yes". As "Matz" had said something like this in one of his talks, "Ruby objects have no types." Not all of it but the part that he is trying to get across to us. Why would anyone have said "Everything is an Object" then? To add he said "Data has Types not objects".

So we might enjoy this.

But Ruby doesn't care to much about the type of object just the class. We use classes not types. All data then has a class.


'my string'.class

They may also have ancestors


They also have meta classes but I'll save you the details on that.

Once you know the class then you'll be able to lookup what methods you may use for it. That's where the "data type" is needed. If you really want to get into details the look up...

"The Ruby Object Model"

This is the term used for how Ruby handles objects. It's all internal so you don't really see much of this but it's nice to know. But that's another topic.

Yes! The class is the data type. Objects have classes and data has types. So if you know about data bases then you know there are only a finite set of types.

text blocks numbers

How do I empty an array in JavaScript?


I just did this on some code I am working on. It cleared the array.

curl usage to get header

curl --head

I was pointed to this by curl itself; when I issued the command with -X HEAD, it printed:

Warning: Setting custom HTTP method to HEAD with -X/--request may not work the 
Warning: way you want. Consider using -I/--head instead.

Error installing mysql2: Failed to build gem native extension

download the right version of mysqllib.dll then copy it to ruby bin really works for me. Follow this link plases mysql2 gem compiled for wrong mysql client library

ComboBox- SelectionChanged event has old value, not new value

This worked for me:

private void AppName_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
   ComboBoxItem cbi = (ComboBoxItem)AppName.SelectedItem;
   string selectedText = cbi.Content.ToString();

How to convert latitude or longitude to meters?

    'below is from
Public Function distance(ByVal lat1 As Double, ByVal lon1 As Double, _
                         ByVal lat2 As Double, ByVal lon2 As Double, _
                         Optional ByVal unit As Char = "M"c) As Double
    Dim theta As Double = lon1 - lon2
    Dim dist As Double = Math.Sin(deg2rad(lat1)) * Math.Sin(deg2rad(lat2)) + _
                            Math.Cos(deg2rad(lat1)) * Math.Cos(deg2rad(lat2)) * _
    dist = Math.Acos(dist)
    dist = rad2deg(dist)
    dist = dist * 60 * 1.1515
    If unit = "K" Then
        dist = dist * 1.609344
    ElseIf unit = "N" Then
        dist = dist * 0.8684
    End If
    Return dist
End Function
Public Function Haversine(ByVal lat1 As Double, ByVal lon1 As Double, _
                         ByVal lat2 As Double, ByVal lon2 As Double, _
                         Optional ByVal unit As Char = "M"c) As Double
    Dim R As Double = 6371 'earth radius in km
    Dim dLat As Double
    Dim dLon As Double
    Dim a As Double
    Dim c As Double
    Dim d As Double
    dLat = deg2rad(lat2 - lat1)
    dLon = deg2rad((lon2 - lon1))
    a = Math.Sin(dLat / 2) * Math.Sin(dLat / 2) + Math.Cos(deg2rad(lat1)) * _
            Math.Cos(deg2rad(lat2)) * Math.Sin(dLon / 2) * Math.Sin(dLon / 2)
    c = 2 * Math.Atan2(Math.Sqrt(a), Math.Sqrt(1 - a))
    d = R * c
    Select Case unit.ToString.ToUpper
        Case "M"c
            d = d * 0.62137119
        Case "N"c
            d = d * 0.5399568
    End Select
    Return d
End Function
Private Function deg2rad(ByVal deg As Double) As Double
    Return (deg * Math.PI / 180.0)
End Function
Private Function rad2deg(ByVal rad As Double) As Double
    Return rad / Math.PI * 180.0
End Function

How to expand and compute log(a + b)?

In general, one doesn't expand out log(a + b); you just deal with it as is. That said, there are occasionally circumstances where it makes sense to use the following identity:

log(a + b) = log(a * (1 + b/a)) = log a + log(1 + b/a)

(In fact, this identity is often used when implementing log in math libraries).

What is a semaphore?

Mutex: exclusive-member access to a resource

Semaphore: n-member access to a resource

That is, a mutex can be used to syncronize access to a counter, file, database, etc.

A sempahore can do the same thing but supports a fixed number of simultaneous callers. For example, I can wrap my database calls in a semaphore(3) so that my multithreaded app will hit the database with at most 3 simultaneous connections. All attempts will block until one of the three slots opens up. They make things like doing naive throttling really, really easy.

How to implement zoom effect for image view in android?

Here is one of the most efficient way, it works smoothly:

Place in your project. It can then be used the same as ImageView.


TouchImageView img = (TouchImageView) findViewById(;

If you are using TouchImageView in xml, then you must provide the full package name, because it is a custom view.


            android:layout_height="match_parent" />

DateTime "null" value

For normal DateTimes, if you don't initialize them at all then they will match DateTime.MinValue, because it is a value type rather than a reference type.

You can also use a nullable DateTime, like this:

DateTime? MyNullableDate;

Or the longer form:

Nullable<DateTime> MyNullableDate;

And, finally, there's a built in way to reference the default of any type. This returns null for reference types, but for our DateTime example it will return the same as DateTime.MinValue:


or, in more recent versions of C#,


Set font-weight using Bootstrap classes

I found this on the Bootstrap website, but it really isn't a Bootstrap class, it's just HTML.

<strong>rendered as bold text</strong>

Android Emulator: Installation error: INSTALL_FAILED_VERSION_DOWNGRADE

I was having same problem. I was getting error when i tried to run in my android device not emulator.

sudo ionic run android 

I am able to fix this by running

adb uninstall

How to run functions in parallel?

This can be done elegantly with Ray, a system that allows you to easily parallelize and distribute your Python code.

To parallelize your example, you'd need to define your functions with the @ray.remote decorator, and then invoke them with .remote.

import ray


dir1 = 'C:\\folder1'
dir2 = 'C:\\folder2'
filename = 'test.txt'
addFiles = [25, 5, 15, 35, 45, 25, 5, 15, 35, 45]

# Define the functions. 
# You need to pass every global variable used by the function as an argument.
# This is needed because each remote function runs in a different process,
# and thus it does not have access to the global variables defined in 
# the current process.
def func1(filename, addFiles, dir):
    # func1() code here...

def func2(filename, addFiles, dir):
    # func2() code here...

# Start two tasks in the background and wait for them to finish.
ray.get([func1.remote(filename, addFiles, dir1), func2.remote(filename, addFiles, dir2)]) 

If you pass the same argument to both functions and the argument is large, a more efficient way to do this is using ray.put(). This avoids the large argument to be serialized twice and to create two memory copies of it:

largeData_id = ray.put(largeData)

ray.get([func1(largeData_id), func2(largeData_id)])

Important - If func1() and func2() return results, you need to rewrite the code as follows:

ret_id1 = func1.remote(filename, addFiles, dir1)
ret_id2 = func2.remote(filename, addFiles, dir2)
ret1, ret2 = ray.get([ret_id1, ret_id2])

There are a number of advantages of using Ray over the multiprocessing module. In particular, the same code will run on a single machine as well as on a cluster of machines. For more advantages of Ray see this related post.

how to display full stored procedure code?

use pgAdmin or use pg_proc to get the source of your stored procedures. pgAdmin does the same.

View array in Visual Studio debugger?

I use the ArrayDebugView add-in for Visual Studio (

It seems to be a long dead project (but one I'm looking at continuing myself) but the add-in still works beautifully for me in VS2010 for both C++ and C#.

It has a few quirks (tab order, modal dialog, no close button) but the ability to plot the contents of an array in a graph more than make up for it.

Edit July 2014: I have finally built a new Visual Studio extension to replace ArrayebugView's functionality. It is available on the VIsual Studio Gallery, search for ArrayPlotter or go to

HRESULT: 0x80131040: The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference

My WPF project referenced 3 custom dlls. I updated one of them, deleted the reference and added the reference to the new dll. It also showed the correct version number in the properties of the reference. It was rebuilding without an error.

But when the application was running, the failure "The located assembly's manifest .." occured, mentioning the old version.

After searching for a solution for hours and reading couple of threads like this, I remembered the other dlls. One of the other dlls was referencing the old version, and that's why the failure occured. After rebuilding the 2nd dll and recreating both references in my WPF project, the failure was gone.

Don't forget to check your other dlls!

Retrieve column values of the selected row of a multicolumn Access listbox

Use listboxControl.Column(intColumn,intRow). Both Column and Row are zero-based.

Import cycle not allowed

I just encountered this. You may be accessing a method/type from within the same package using the package name itself.

Here is an example to illustrate what I mean:

In foo.go:

// foo.go
package foo

func Foo() {...}

In foo_test.go:

// foo_test.go
package foo

// try to access Foo()
foo.Foo() // WRONG <== This was the issue. You are already in package foo, there is no need to use foo.Foo() to access Foo()
Foo() // CORRECT

Image vs Bitmap class

This is a clarification because I have seen things done in code which are honestly confusing - I think the following example might assist others.

As others have said before - Bitmap inherits from the Abstract Image class

Abstract effectively means you cannot create a New() instance of it.

    Image imgBad1 = new Image();        // Bad - won't compile
    Image imgBad2 = new Image(200,200); // Bad - won't compile

But you can do the following:

    Image imgGood;  // Not instantiated object!
    // Now you can do this
    imgGood = new Bitmap(200, 200);

You can now use imgGood as you would the same bitmap object if you had done the following:

    Bitmap bmpGood = new Bitmap(200,200);

The nice thing here is you can draw the imgGood object using a Graphics object

    Graphics gr = default(Graphics);
    gr = Graphics.FromImage(new Bitmap(1000, 1000));
    Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(50, 50, imgGood.Width, imgGood.Height); // where to draw
    gr.DrawImage(imgGood, rect);

Here imgGood can be any Image object - Bitmap, Metafile, or anything else that inherits from Image!

Convert base64 string to ArrayBuffer

Pure JS - no string middlestep (no atob)

I write following function which convert base64 in direct way (without conversion to string at the middlestep). IDEA

  • get 4 base64 characters chunk
  • find index of each character in base64 alphabet
  • convert index to 6-bit number (binary string)
  • join four 6 bit numbers which gives 24-bit numer (stored as binary string)
  • split 24-bit string to three 8-bit and covert each to number and store them in output array
  • corner case: if input base64 string ends with one/two = char, remove one/two numbers from output array

Below solution allows to process large input base64 strings. Similar function for convert bytes to base64 without btoa is HERE

function base64ToBytesArr(str) {
  const abc = [..."ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"]; // base64 alphabet
  let result = [];

  for(let i=0; i<str.length/4; i++) {
    let chunk = [...str.slice(4*i,4*i+4)]
    let bin => abc.indexOf(x).toString(2).padStart(6,0)).join(''); 
    let bytes = bin.match(/.{1,8}/g).map(x=> +('0b'+x));
    result.push(...bytes.slice(0,3 - (str[4*i+2]=="=") - (str[4*i+3]=="=")));
  return result;

// --------
// --------

let test = "Alice's Adventure in Wonderland.";  

console.log('test string:', test.length, test);
let b64_btoa = btoa(test);
console.log('encoded string:', b64_btoa);

let decodedBytes = base64ToBytesArr(b64_btoa); // decode base64 to array of bytes
console.log('decoded bytes:', JSON.stringify(decodedBytes));
let decodedTest = => String.fromCharCode(b) ).join``;
console.log('Uint8Array', JSON.stringify(new Uint8Array(decodedBytes)));
console.log('decoded string:', decodedTest.length, decodedTest);

How to upgrade scikit-learn package in anaconda

If you are using Jupyter in anaconda, after conda update scikit-learn in terminal, close anaconda and restart, otherwise the error will occur again.

What is the difference between instanceof and Class.isAssignableFrom(...)?

instanceof can only be used with reference types, not primitive types. isAssignableFrom() can be used with any class objects:

a instanceof int  // syntax error
3 instanceof Foo  // syntax error
int.class.isAssignableFrom(int.class)  // true


How to create Windows EventLog source from command line?

If someone is interested, it is also possible to create an event source manually by adding some registry values.

Save the following lines as a .reg file, then import it to registry by double clicking it:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


This creates an event source named YOUR_EVENT_SOURCE_NAME_GOES_HERE.

Integrating Dropzone.js into existing HTML form with other fields

This is just another example of how you can use Dropzone.js in an existing form.

dropzone.js :

 init: function() {

   this.on("success", function(file, responseText) {
     //alert("HELLO ?" + responseText); 

   return noop;

Then, later in the file I put

function mylittlefix(responseText) {
  $('#botofform').append('<input type="hidden" name="files[]" value="'+ responseText +'">');

This assumes you have a div with id #botofform that way when uploading you can use the uploaded files' names.

Note: my upload script returned theuploadedfilename.jpeg dubblenote you also would need to make a cleanup script that checks the upload directory for files not in use and deletes them ..if in a front end non authenticated form :)

How to autosize and right-align GridViewColumn data in WPF?

I know that this is too late but here is my approach:

<GridViewColumn x:Name="GridHeaderLocalSize"  Width="100">      
    <GridViewColumnHeader HorizontalContentAlignment="Right">
        <Grid Width="Auto" HorizontalAlignment="Right">
                <ColumnDefinition Width="100"/>
            <TextBlock Grid.Column="0" Text="Local size" TextAlignment="Right" Padding="0,0,5,0"/>
        <TextBlock Width="{Binding ElementName=GridHeaderLocalSize, Path=Width, FallbackValue=100}"  HorizontalAlignment="Right" TextAlignment="Right" Padding="0,0,5,0" Text="Text" >

The main idea is to bind the width of the cellTemplete element to the width of the ViewGridColumn. Width=100 is default width used until first resize. There isn't any code behind. Everything is in xaml.

Set angular scope variable in markup

ngInit can help to initialize variables.

<div ng-app='app'>
    <div ng-controller="MyController" ng-init="myVar='test'">

jsfiddle example

Environment variable substitution in sed

?. bad way: change delimiter

sed 's/xxx/'"$PWD"'/'
sed 's:xxx:'"$PWD"':'
sed 's@xxx@'"$PWD"'@'

maybe those not the final answer,

you can not known what character will occur in $PWD, / : OR @.

the good way is replace(escape) the special character in $PWD.

?. good way: escape delimiter

for example: try to replace URL as $url (has : / in content)

in string $tmp

<a href="URL">URL</a>

A. use / as delimiter

escape / as \/ in var (before use in sed expression)

echo ${url//\//\\/}\/aa\/bb\/aa.js   #escape fine

echo ${url//\//\/}      #escape not success

echo "${url//\//\/}"\/aa\/bb\/aa.js   #escape fine, notice `"`

echo $tmp | sed "s/URL/${url//\//\\/}/"
<a href="">URL</a>

echo $tmp | sed "s/URL/${url//\//\/}/"
<a href="">URL</a>


B. use : as delimiter (more readable than /)

escape : as \: in var (before use in sed expression)

echo ${url//:/\:}     #escape not success

echo "${url//:/\:}"\:80/aa/bb/aa.js    #escape fine, notice `"`

echo $tmp | sed "s:URL:${url//:/\:}:g"
<a href=""></a>

Writing an Excel file in EPPlus

It's best if you worked with DataSets and/or DataTables. Once you have that, ideally straight from your stored procedure with proper column names for headers, you can use the following method:

ws.Cells.LoadFromDataTable(<DATATABLE HERE>, true, OfficeOpenXml.Table.TableStyles.Light8);

.. which will produce a beautiful excelsheet with a nice table!

Now to serve your file, assuming you have an ExcelPackage object as in your code above called pck..


Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet";
Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=" + sFilename);


Entityframework Join using join method and lambdas

If you have configured navigation property 1-n I would recommend you to use:

var query = db.Categories                                  // source
   .SelectMany(c=>c.CategoryMaps,                          // join
      (c, cm) => new { Category = c, CategoryMaps = cm })  // project result
   .Select(x => x.Category);                               // select result

Much more clearer to me and looks better with multiple nested joins.

CSS opacity only to background color, not the text on it?

My trick is to create a transparent .png with the color and use background:url().

PreparedStatement IN clause alternatives?

I've never tried it, but would .setArray() do what you're looking for?

Update: Evidently not. setArray only seems to work with a java.sql.Array that comes from an ARRAY column that you've retrieved from a previous query, or a subquery with an ARRAY column.

What is the simplest jQuery way to have a 'position:fixed' (always at top) div?

Beautiful! Your solution was 99%... instead of "this.scrollY", I used "$(window).scrollTop()". What's even better is that this solution only requires the jQuery1.2.6 library (no additional libraries needed).

The reason I wanted that version in particular is because that's what ships with MVC currently.

Here's the code:

$(document).ready(function() {
    $("#topBar").css("position", "absolute");

$(window).scroll(function() {
    $("#topBar").css("top", $(window).scrollTop() + "px");

Read XML file into XmlDocument

var doc = new XmlDocument(); 

Beamer: How to show images as step-by-step images

I found a solution to my problem, by using the visble-command.


   \textbf{Some text}

What is a good alternative to using an image map generator?

I have found Adobe Dreamweaver to be quite good at that. However, it's not free.

Spring not autowiring in unit tests with JUnit

You need to use the Spring JUnit runner in order to wire in Spring beans from your context. The code below assumes that you have a application context called testContest.xml available on the test classpath.

import org.hibernate.SessionFactory;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.test.context.ContextConfiguration;
import org.springframework.test.context.junit4.SpringJUnit4ClassRunner;
import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional;

import java.sql.SQLException;

import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.startsWith;

@ContextConfiguration(locations = {"classpath*:**/testContext.xml"})
public class someDaoTest {

    protected SessionFactory sessionFactory;

    public void testDBSourceIsCorrect() throws SQLException {
        String databaseProductName = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession()
        assertThat("Test container is pointing at the wrong DB.", databaseProductName, startsWith("HSQL"));

Note: This works with Spring 2.5.2 and Hibernate 3.6.5

How to skip a iteration/loop in while-loop

    if(f.exists() && !f.isDirectory())
      continue;  //then skip the iteration


Image Processing: Algorithm Improvement for 'Coca-Cola Can' Recognition

This may be a very naive idea (or may not work at all), but the dimensions of all the coke cans are fixed. So may be if the same image contains both a can and a bottle then you can tell them apart by size considerations (bottles are going to be larger). Now because of missing depth (i.e. 3D mapping to 2D mapping) its possible that a bottle may appear shrunk and there isn't a size difference. You may recover some depth information using stereo-imaging and then recover the original size.

Get most recent file in a directory on Linux

A note about reliability:

Since the newline character is as valid as any in a file name, any solution that relies on lines like the head/tail based ones are flawed.

With GNU ls, another option is to use the --quoting-style=shell-always option and a bash array:

eval "files=($(ls -t --quoting-style=shell-always))"
((${#files[@]} > 0)) && printf '%s\n' "${files[0]}"

(add the -A option to ls if you also want to consider hidden files).

If you want to limit to regular files (disregard directories, fifos, devices, symlinks, sockets...), you'd need to resort to GNU find.

With bash 4.4 or newer (for readarray -d) and GNU coreutils 8.25 or newer (for cut -z):

readarray -t -d '' files < <(
  LC_ALL=C find . -maxdepth 1 -type f ! -name '.*' -printf '%T@/%f\0' |
  sort -rzn | cut -zd/ -f2)

((${#files[@]} > 0)) && printf '%s\n' "${files[0]}"

Or recursively:

readarray -t -d '' files < <(
  LC_ALL=C find . -name . -o -name '.*' -prune -o -type f -printf '%T@%p\0' |
  sort -rzn | cut -zd/ -f2-)

Best here would be to use zsh and its glob qualifiers instead of bash to avoid all this hassle:

Newest regular file in the current directory:

printf '%s\n' *(.om[1])

Including hidden ones:

printf '%s\n' *([1])

Second newest:

printf '%s\n' *(.om[2])

Check file age after symlink resolution:

printf '%s\n' *([1])


printf '%s\n' **/*(.om[1])

Also, with the completion system (compinit and co) enabled, Ctrl+Xm becomes a completer that expands to the newest file.


vi Ctrl+Xm

Would make you edit the newest file (you also get a chance to see which it before you press Return).

vi Alt+2Ctrl+Xm

For the second-newest file.

vi *.cCtrl+Xm

for the newest c file.

vi *(.)Ctrl+Xm

for the newest regular file (not directory, nor fifo/device...), and so on.

Troubleshooting BadImageFormatException

For anyone who may arrive here at a later time...
For Desktop solution I got BadImageFormatException exception.
All project's build options was fine (all x86). But StartUp project of solution was changed to some other project(class library project).

Changing StartUp project to the original(.exe application project) was a solution in my case

View's getWidth() and getHeight() returns 0

Maybe this helps someone:

Create an extension function for the View class

filename: ViewExt.kt

fun View.afterLayout(what: () -> Unit) {
    if(isLaidOut) {
    } else {
        viewTreeObserver.addOnGlobalLayoutListener(object : ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener {
            override fun onGlobalLayout() {

This can then be used on any view with:

view.afterLayout {
    do something with view.height

Powershell command to hide user from exchange address lists

I was getting the exact same error, however I solved it by running $false first and then $true.

How to make a vertical SeekBar in Android?

I tried in many different ways, but the one which worked for me was. Use Seekbar inside FrameLayout


And in Code.

Setup Pre Draw callback on Seekbar, Where you can change the Width and height of the Seekbar I did this part in c#, so Code i used was

            var volumeSlider = view.FindViewById<SeekBar>(Resource.Id.home_link_volume);

            var volumeFrameLayout = view.FindViewById<FrameLayout>(Resource.Id.linkVolumeFrameLayout);

            void OnPreDrawVolume(object sender, ViewTreeObserver.PreDrawEventArgs e)
                volumeSlider.ViewTreeObserver.PreDraw -= OnPreDrawVolume;
                var h = volumeFrameLayout.Height;
                volumeSlider.Rotation = 270.0f;
                volumeSlider.LayoutParameters.Width = h;

            volumeSlider.ViewTreeObserver.PreDraw += OnPreDrawVolume;

Here i Add listener to PreDraw Event and when its triggered, I remove the PreDraw so that it doesnt go into Infinite loop.

So when Pre Draw gets executed, I fetch the Height of FrameLayout and assign it to Seekbar. And set the rotation of seekbar to 270. As my seekbar is inside frame Layout and its Gravity is set as Center. I dont need to worry about the Translation. As Seekbar always stay in middle of Frame Layout.

Reason i remove EventHandler is because seekbar.RequestLayout(); Will make this event to be executed again.

What does '<?=' mean in PHP?

<?=$a; ?>

is a shortcut for:

<?php echo $a; ?>

Get git branch name in Jenkins Pipeline/Jenkinsfile

For pipeline:

pipeline {
  environment {
     BRANCH_NAME = "${GIT_BRANCH.split("/")[1]}"

Listing only directories using ls in Bash?

Here is a variation using tree which outputs directory names only on separate lines, yes it's ugly, but hey, it works.

tree -d | grep -E '^[+|+]' | cut -d ' ' -f2

or with awk

tree -d | grep -E '^[+|+]' | awk '{print $2}'

This is probably better however and will retain the / after directory name.

ls -l | grep "^d" | awk '{print $9}'

Two Divs next to each other, that then stack with responsive change

Do like this:


<div class="parent">
    <div class="child"></div>
    <div class="child"></div>


    width: 400px;
    background: red;
    float: left;
    height: 100px;

This is working jsfiddle. Change child width to more then 200px and they will stack.

urlencoded Forward slash is breaking URL

On my hosting account this problem was caused by a ModSecurity rule that was set for all accounts automatically. Upon my reporting this problem, their admin quickly removed this rule for my account.

"Rate This App"-link in Google Play store app on the phone

I use the following approach by combining this and this answer without using exception based programming and also supports pre-API 21 intent flag.

private Intent getRateIntent()
  String url        = isMarketAppInstalled() ? "market://details" : "";
  Intent rateIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(String.format("%s?id=%s", url, getPackageName())));
  return rateIntent;

private boolean isMarketAppInstalled()
  Intent marketIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse("market://search?q=anyText"));
  return getPackageManager().queryIntentActivities(marketIntent, 0).size() > 0;

// use

Since the intent flag FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_WHEN_TASK_RESET is deprecated from API 21 I use the @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") tag on the getRateIntent method because my app target SDK is below API 21.

I also tried the official Google way suggested on their website (Dec. 6th 2019). To what I see it doesn't handle the case if the Play Store app isn't installed:

Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);

Java Round up Any Number

10 years later but that problem still caught me.

So this is the answer to those that are too late as me.

This does not work

int b = (int) Math.ceil(a / 100);

Cause the result a / 100 turns out to be an integer and it's rounded so Math.ceil can't do anything about it.

You have to avoid the rounded operation with this

int b = (int) Math.ceil((float) a / 100);

Now it works.

How can I create numbered map markers in Google Maps V3?

It's quite feasible to generate labeled icons server-side, if you have some programming skills. You'll need the GD library at the server, in addition to PHP. Been working well for me for several years now, but admittedly tricky to get the icon images in synch.

I do that via AJAX by sending the few parameters to define the blank icon and the text and color as well as bgcolor to be applied. Here's my PHP:

header("Content-type: image/png");
//$img_url = "./icons/gen_icon5.php?blank=7&text=BB";

function do_icon ($icon, $text, $color) {
$im = imagecreatefrompng($icon);
imageAlphaBlending($im, true);
imageSaveAlpha($im, true);

$len = strlen($text);
$p1 = ($len <= 2)? 1:2 ;
$p2 = ($len <= 2)? 3:2 ;
$px = (imagesx($im) - 7 * $len) / 2 + $p1;
$font = 'arial.ttf';
$contrast = ($color)? imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 255, 255): imagecolorallocate($im, 0, 0, 0); // white on dark?

imagestring($im, $p2, $px, 3, $text, $contrast);    // imagestring  ( $image, $font, $x, $y, $string, $color)

$icons =   array("black.png", "blue.png", "green.png", "red.png", "white.png", "yellow.png", "gray.png", "lt_blue.png", "orange.png");      // 1/9/09
$light =   array( TRUE,         TRUE,       FALSE,       FALSE,     FALSE,      FALSE,      FALSE,          FALSE,      FALSE);     // white text?

$the_icon = $icons[$_GET['blank']];             // 0 thru 8 (note: total 9)
$the_text = substr($_GET['text'], 0, 3);        // enforce 2-char limit
do_icon ($the_icon, $the_text,$light[$_GET['blank']] ); 

It's invoked client-side via something like the following: var image_file = "./our_icons/gen_icon.php?blank=" + escape(icons[color]) + "&text=" + iconStr;

Oracle timestamp data type

The number in parentheses specifies the precision of fractional seconds to be stored. So, (0) would mean don't store any fraction of a second, and use only whole seconds. The default value if unspecified is 6 digits after the decimal separator.

So an unspecified value would store a date like:


And specifying (0) stores only:

TIMESTAMP(0) 24-JAN-2012 08.00.05 AM

See Oracle documentation on data types.

raw_input function in Python

raw_input is a form of input that takes the argument in the form of a string whereas the input function takes the value depending upon your input. Say, a=input(5) returns a as an integer with value 5 whereas a=raw_input(5) returns a as a string of "5"

Create a mocked list by mockito

OK, this is a bad thing to be doing. Don't mock a list; instead, mock the individual objects inside the list. See Mockito: mocking an arraylist that will be looped in a for loop for how to do this.

Also, why are you using PowerMock? You don't seem to be doing anything that requires PowerMock.

But the real cause of your problem is that you are using when on two different objects, before you complete the stubbing. When you call when, and provide the method call that you are trying to stub, then the very next thing you do in either Mockito OR PowerMock is to specify what happens when that method is called - that is, to do the thenReturn part. Each call to when must be followed by one and only one call to thenReturn, before you do any more calls to when. You made two calls to when without calling thenReturn - that's your error.

Found a swap file by the name

I've also had this error when trying to pull the changes into a branch which is not created from the upstream branch from which I'm trying to pull.

Eg - This creates a new branch matching night-version of upstream

git checkout upstream/night-version -b testnightversion

This creates a branch testmaster in local which matches the master branch of upstream.

git checkout upstream/master -b testmaster 

Now if I try to pull the changes of night-version into testmaster branch leads to this error.

git pull upstream night-version //while I'm in `master` cloned branch

I managed to solve this by navigating to proper branch and pull the changes.

git checkout testnightversion
git pull upstream night-version // works fine.

How to change active class while click to another link in bootstrap use jquery?

guys try this is a perfect answer for this question:

        $('.nav li a').filter(function(){return this.href==location.href}).parent().addClass('active').siblings().removeClass('active')
        $('.nav li a').click(function(){

How to detect when a UIScrollView has finished scrolling

Using Ashley Smart logic and is being converted into Swift 4.0 and above.

    func scrollViewDidScroll(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
         NSObject.cancelPreviousPerformRequests(withTarget: self)
        perform(#selector(UIScrollViewDelegate.scrollViewDidEndScrollingAnimation(_:)), with: scrollView, afterDelay: 0.3)

    func scrollViewDidEndScrollingAnimation(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
        NSObject.cancelPreviousPerformRequests(withTarget: self)

The logic above solve issues such as when user is scrolling off the tableview. Without the logic, when you scroll off the tableview, didEnd will be called but it will not execute anything. Currently using it in year 2020.

Java, looping through result set

List<String> sids = new ArrayList<String>();
List<String> lids = new ArrayList<String>();

String query = "SELECT rlink_id, COUNT(*)"
             + "FROM dbo.Locate  "
             + "GROUP BY rlink_id ";

Statement stmt = yourconnection.createStatement();
try {
    ResultSet rs4 = stmt.executeQuery(query);

    while ( {
} finally {

String show[] = sids.toArray(sids.size());
String actuate[] = lids.toArray(lids.size());

Center content vertically on Vuetify

Here's another approach using Vuetify grid system available in Vuetify 2.x:

    <v-row align="center">
        Hello I am center to vertically using "grid".

How to download an entire directory and subdirectories using wget?

This link just gave me the best answer:

$ wget --no-clobber --convert-links --random-wait -r -p --level 1 -E -e robots=off -U mozilla

Worked like a charm.

Get selected option from select element

if you have this already and use jquery this will be your answer:


ConnectionTimeout versus SocketTimeout

A connection timeout occurs only upon starting the TCP connection. This usually happens if the remote machine does not answer. This means that the server has been shut down, you used the wrong IP/DNS name, wrong port or the network connection to the server is down.

A socket timeout is dedicated to monitor the continuous incoming data flow. If the data flow is interrupted for the specified timeout the connection is regarded as stalled/broken. Of course this only works with connections where data is received all the time.

By setting socket timeout to 1 this would require that every millisecond new data is received (assuming that you read the data block wise and the block is large enough)!

If only the incoming stream stalls for more than a millisecond you are running into a timeout.

Generating Unique Random Numbers in Java

This isn't significantly different from other answers, but I wanted the array of integers in the end:

    Integer[] indices = new Integer[n];
    Arrays.setAll(indices, i -> i);

Could not connect to SMTP host: localhost, port: 25; nested exception is: Connection refused: connect

The mail server on CentOS 6 and other IPv6 capable server platforms may be bound to IPv6 localhost (::1) instead of IPv4 localhost (

Typical symptoms:

[root@host /]# telnet 25
telnet: connect to address Connection refused

[root@host /]# telnet localhost 25
Trying ::1...
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
220 host ESMTP Exim 4.72 Wed, 14 Aug 2013 17:02:52 +0100

[root@host /]# netstat -plant | grep 25
tcp        0      0 :::25                       :::*                        LISTEN      1082/exim           

If this happens, make sure that you don't have two entries for localhost in /etc/hosts with different IP addresses, like this (bad) example:

[root@host /]# cat /etc/hosts localhost.localdomain localhost localhost4.localdomain4 localhost4
::1       localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6

To avoid confusion, make sure you only have one entry for localhost, preferably an IPv4 address, like this:

[root@host /]# cat /etc/hosts localhost  localhost.localdomain   localhost4.localdomain4 localhost4
::1       localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6 Trust anchor for certification path not found

There are 4 ways that I know of:

  • import the certificate to your app and use it for the connection
  • disable certificate checking
  • add your certificate to the trusted system certificates in Android
  • buy a verified certificate that is accepted by Android

I assume you don't want to pay for this, so I think the most elegant solution is the first one, what can be accomplished this way:

How to load html string in a webview?

I had the same requirement and I have done this in following way.You also can try out this..

Use loadData method

web.loadData("<p style='text-align:center'><img class='aligncenter size-full wp-image-1607' title='' src="+movImage+" alt='' width='240px' height='180px' /></p><p><center><U><H2>"+movName+"("+movYear+")</H2></U></center></p><p><strong>Director : </strong>"+movDirector+"</p><p><strong>Producer : </strong>"+movProducer+"</p><p><strong>Character : </strong>"+movActedAs+"</p><p><strong>Summary : </strong>"+movAnecdotes+"</p><p><strong>Synopsis : </strong>"+movSynopsis+"</p>\n","text/html", "UTF-8");

movDirector movProducer like all are my string variable.

In short i retain custom styling for my url.

When to use LinkedList over ArrayList in Java?

Here is the Big-O notation in both ArrayList and LinkedList and also CopyOnWrite-ArrayList:


get                 O(1)
add                 O(1)
contains            O(n)
next                O(1)
remove              O(n)
iterator.remove     O(n)


get                 O(n)
add                 O(1)
contains            O(n)
next                O(1)
remove              O(1)
iterator.remove     O(1)


get                 O(1)
add                 O(n)
contains            O(n)
next                O(1)
remove              O(n)
iterator.remove     O(n)

Based on these you have to decide what to choose. :)

How can I make Bootstrap columns all the same height?

Solution 4 using Bootstrap 4

Bootstrap 4 uses Flexbox so there is no need for extra CSS.


<div class="container">
    <div class="row ">
        <div class="col-md-4" style="background-color: red">
          some content
        <div class="col-md-4" style="background-color: yellow">
          <img width="100" height="100" src="">
        <div class="col-md-4" style="background-color: green">
          some more content

Solution 1 using negative margins (doesn't break responsiveness)


    overflow: hidden; 

    margin-bottom: -99999px;
    padding-bottom: 99999px;

Solution 2 using table


.row {
    display: table;

[class*="col-"] {
    float: none;
    display: table-cell;
    vertical-align: top;

Solution 3 using flex added August 2015. Comments posted before this don't apply to this solution.


.row {
  display: -webkit-box;
  display: -webkit-flex;
  display: -ms-flexbox;
  display:         flex;
  flex-wrap: wrap;
.row > [class*='col-'] {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;

JavaScript naming conventions

I follow Douglas Crockford's code conventions for JavaScript. I also use his JSLint tool to validate following those conventions.

Disable button in jQuery

For Jquery UI buttons this works :

$("#buttonId").button( "option", "disabled", true | false );

Skip first couple of lines while reading lines in Python file

for line in dropwhile(isBadLine, lines):
    # process as you see fit

Full demo:

from itertools import *

def isBadLine(line):
    return line=='0'

with open(...) as f:
    for line in dropwhile(isBadLine, f):
        # process as you see fit

Advantages: This is easily extensible to cases where your prefix lines are more complicated than "0" (but not interdependent).

How to enable assembly bind failure logging (Fusion) in .NET

I wrote an assembly binding log viewer named Fusion++ and put it on GitHub.

You can get the latest release from here or via chocolatey (choco install fusionplusplus).

I hope you and some of the visitors in here can save some worthy lifetime minutes with it.


Change URL without refresh the page

When you use a function ...

<p onclick="update_url('/en/step2');">Link</p>

function update_url(url) {
    history.pushState(null, null, url);

Select 50 items from list at random to write to file

One easy way to select random items is to shuffle then slice.

import random
a = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
print a[:4] # prints 4 random variables

What is the difference between HTTP status code 200 (cache) vs status code 304?

This threw me for a long time too. The first thing I'd verify is that you're not reloading the page by clicking the refresh button, that will always issue a conditional request for resources and will return 304s for many of the page elements. Instead go up to the url bar select the page and hit enter as if you had just typed in the same URL again, that will give you a better indicator of what's being cached properly. This article does a great job explaining the difference between conditional and unconditional requests and how the refresh button affects them:

HttpClient does not exist in .net 4.0: what can I do?

Here's a "translation" to HttpWebRequest (needed rather than WebClient in order to set the referrer). (Uses System.Net and System.IO):

    HttpWebRequest http = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(requestUrl))
    http.Referer = referrer;
    HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse )http.GetResponse();
    using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
        string responseJson = sr.ReadToEnd();
        // more stuff

Pretty Printing a pandas dataframe

A simple approach is to output as html, which pandas does out of the box:


Vertical Tabs with JQuery?

super simple function that will allow you to create your own tab / accordion structure here:

bindSets = function (tabClass, tabClassActive, contentClass, contentClassHidden) {
        //Dependent on jQuery
        //tabClass: 'the class name of the DOM elements that will be clicked',
        //tabClassActive: 'the class name that will be applied to the active tabClass element when clicked (must write your own css)',
        //contentClass: 'the class name of the DOM elements that will be modified when the corresponding tab is clicked',
        //contentClassHidden: 'the class name that will be applied to all contentClass elements except the active one (must write your own css)',
        //MUST call bindSets() after dom has rendered

        var tabs = $('.' + tabClass);
        var tabContent = $('.' + contentClass);
        if(tabs.length !== tabContent.length){console.log('JS bindSets: sets contain a different number of elements')};
        tabs.each(function (index) {
            this.matchedElement = tabContent[index];
            $(this).click(function () {
                tabs.each(function () {
                tabContent.each(function () {
        tabContent.each(function () {


MongoDB vs Firebase

Apples and oranges. Firebase is a Backend-as-a-Service containing identity management, realtime data views and a document database. It runs in the cloud.

MongoDB on the other hand is a full fledged database with a rich query language. In principle it runs on your own machine, but there are cloud providers.

If you are looking for the database component only MongoDB is much more mature and feature-rich.

How to perform OR condition in django queryset?

Both options are already mentioned in the existing answers:

from django.db.models import Q
q1 = User.objects.filter(Q(income__gte=5000) | Q(income__isnull=True))


q2 = User.objects.filter(income__gte=5000) | User.objects.filter(income__isnull=True)

However, there seems to be some confusion regarding which one is to prefer.

The point is that they are identical on the SQL level, so feel free to pick whichever you like!

The Django ORM Cookbook talks in some detail about this, here is the relevant part:

queryset = User.objects.filter(
    ) | User.objects.filter(

leads to

In [5]: str(queryset.query)
Out[5]: 'SELECT "auth_user"."id", "auth_user"."password", "auth_user"."last_login",
"auth_user"."is_superuser", "auth_user"."username", "auth_user"."first_name",
"auth_user"."last_name", "auth_user"."email", "auth_user"."is_staff",
"auth_user"."is_active", "auth_user"."date_joined" FROM "auth_user"
WHERE ("auth_user"."first_name"::text LIKE R% OR "auth_user"."last_name"::text LIKE D%)'


qs = User.objects.filter(Q(first_name__startswith='R') | Q(last_name__startswith='D'))

leads to

In [9]: str(qs.query)
Out[9]: 'SELECT "auth_user"."id", "auth_user"."password", "auth_user"."last_login",
 "auth_user"."is_superuser", "auth_user"."username", "auth_user"."first_name",
  "auth_user"."last_name", "auth_user"."email", "auth_user"."is_staff",
  "auth_user"."is_active", "auth_user"."date_joined" FROM "auth_user"
  WHERE ("auth_user"."first_name"::text LIKE R% OR "auth_user"."last_name"::text LIKE D%)'

source: django-orm-cookbook

WebSocket connection failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 400

Judging from the messages you send via Socket.IO socket.emit('greet', { hello: 'Hey, Mr.Client!' });, it seems that you are using the hackathon-starter boilerplate. If so, the issue might be that express-status-monitor module is creating its own instance, as per:

You can either:

  1. Remove that module
  2. Pass in your instance and port as websocket when you create the expressStatusMonitor instance like below:

    const server = require('http').Server(app);
    const io = require('')(server);
    app.use(expressStatusMonitor({ websocket: io, port: app.get('port') })); 

How do I do redo (i.e. "undo undo") in Vim?

First press the Esc key to exit from edit mode.


For undo, use u key as many times you want to undo.

For redo, use Ctrl +r key

How to get number of rows using SqlDataReader in C#

I also face a situation when I needed to return a top result but also wanted to get the total rows that where matching the query. i finaly get to this solution:

   public string Format(SelectQuery selectQuery)
      string result;

      if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(selectQuery.WherePart))
        result = string.Format(
declare @maxResult  int;
set @maxResult = {0};

SELECT count(*) as [Count] FROM {2}
SELECT top (@maxResult) Total.[Count], {1} FROM Total, {2}", m_limit.To, selectQuery.SelectPart, selectQuery.FromPart);
        result = string.Format(
declare @maxResult  int;
set @maxResult = {0};

SELECT count(*) as [Count] FROM {2} WHERE {3}
SELECT top (@maxResult) Total.[Count], {1} FROM Total, {2} WHERE {3}", m_limit.To, selectQuery.SelectPart, selectQuery.FromPart, selectQuery.WherePart);

      if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(selectQuery.OrderPart))
        result = string.Format("{0} ORDER BY {1}", result, selectQuery.OrderPart);

      return result;

Target class controller does not exist - Laravel 8

Happened to me when I passing null to the middleware function

Route::middleware(null)->group(function () {
    Route::get('/some-path', [SomeController::class, 'search']);

Passing [] for no middleware works or probably just remove the middleware call if not using middleware :D

SOAP-UI - How to pass xml inside parameter

To send CDATA in a request object use the SoapObject.setInnerText("..."); method.

How to permanently remove few commits from remote branch

Important: Make sure you specify which branches on "git push -f" or you might inadvertently modify other branches![*]

There are three options shown in this tutorial. In case the link breaks I'll leave the main steps here.

  1. Revert the full commit
  2. Delete the last commit
  3. Delete commit from a list

1 Revert the full commit

git revert dd61ab23

2 Delete the last commit

git push <<remote>> +dd61ab23^:<<BRANCH_NAME_HERE>>

or, if the branch is available locally

git reset HEAD^ --hard
git push <<remote>> -f

where +dd61... is your commit hash and git interprets x^ as the parent of x, and + as a forced non-fastforwared push.

3 Delete the commit from a list

git rebase -i dd61ab23^

This will open and editor showing a list of all commits. Delete the one you want to get rid off. Finish the rebase and push force to repo.

git rebase --continue
git push <remote_repo> <remote_branch> -f

Write output to a text file in PowerShell

Another way this could be accomplished is by using the Start-Transcript and Stop-Transcript commands, respectively before and after command execution. This would capture the entire session including commands.



For this particular case Out-File is probably your best bet though.

Get length of array?


Public Function ArrayLen(arr As Variant) As Integer
    ArrayLen = UBound(arr) - LBound(arr) + 1
End Function


Dim arr(1 To 3) As String  ' Array starting at 1 instead of 0: nightmare fuel
Debug.Print ArrayLen(arr)  ' Prints 3.  Everything's going to be ok.

How to turn off caching on Firefox?

Have you tried to use CTRL-F5 to update the page?

Eloquent: find() and where() usage laravel

Not Found Exceptions

Sometimes you may wish to throw an exception if a model is not found. This is particularly useful in routes or controllers. The findOrFail and firstOrFail methods will retrieve the first result of the query. However, if no result is found, a Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\ModelNotFoundException will be thrown:

$model = App\Flight::findOrFail(1);

$model = App\Flight::where('legs', '>', 100)->firstOrFail();

If the exception is not caught, a 404 HTTP response is automatically sent back to the user. It is not necessary to write explicit checks to return 404 responses when using these methods:

Route::get('/api/flights/{id}', function ($id) {
    return App\Flight::findOrFail($id);

Make hibernate ignore class variables that are not mapped

Placing @Transient on getter with private field worked for me.

private String name;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public void setName(String name) { = name;

Installing Node.js (and npm) on Windows 10

New installers (.msi downloaded from have "Add to PATH" option. By default it is selected. Make sure that you leave it checked.

Add to PATH

Add and remove multiple classes in jQuery

You can separate multiple classes with the space:

$("p").addClass("myClass yourClass");

Catch a thread's exception in the caller thread in Python

Although it is not possible to directly catch an exception thrown in a different thread, here's a code to quite transparently obtain something very close to this functionality. Your child thread must subclass the ExThread class instead of threading.Thread and the parent thread must call the child_thread.join_with_exception() method instead of child_thread.join() when waiting for the thread to finish its job.

Technical details of this implementation: when the child thread throws an exception, it is passed to the parent through a Queue and thrown again in the parent thread. Notice that there's no busy waiting in this approach .

#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys
import threading
import Queue

class ExThread(threading.Thread):
    def __init__(self):
        self.__status_queue = Queue.Queue()

    def run_with_exception(self):
        """This method should be overriden."""
        raise NotImplementedError

    def run(self):
        """This method should NOT be overriden."""
        except BaseException:

    def wait_for_exc_info(self):
        return self.__status_queue.get()

    def join_with_exception(self):
        ex_info = self.wait_for_exc_info()
        if ex_info is None:
            raise ex_info[1]

class MyException(Exception):

class MyThread(ExThread):
    def __init__(self):

    def run_with_exception(self):
        thread_name = threading.current_thread().name
        raise MyException("An error in thread '{}'.".format(thread_name))

def main():
    t = MyThread()
    except MyException as ex:
        thread_name = threading.current_thread().name
        print "Caught a MyException in thread '{}': {}".format(thread_name, ex)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Difference between 2 dates in seconds

$timeFirst  = strtotime('2011-05-12 18:20:20');
$timeSecond = strtotime('2011-05-13 18:20:20');
$differenceInSeconds = $timeSecond - $timeFirst;

You will then be able to use the seconds to find minutes, hours, days, etc.

Convert string to date in bash

just use the -d option of the date command, e.g.

date -d '20121212' +'%Y %m'

Multiple Where clauses in Lambda expressions


x=> x.Lists.Include(l => l.Title)
    .Where(l => l.Title != string.Empty)
    .Where(l => l.InternalName != string.Empty)


You can probably also put it in the same where clause:

x=> x.Lists.Include(l => l.Title)
    .Where(l => l.Title != string.Empty && l.InternalName != string.Empty)

Which to use <div class="name"> or <div id="name">?

ID provides a unique indentifier for the element, in case you want to manipulate it in JavaScript. The class attribute can be used to treat a group of HTML elements the same, particularly in regards to fonts, colors and other style properties...

What is the difference between Views and Materialized Views in Oracle?

A view uses a query to pull data from the underlying tables.

A materialized view is a table on disk that contains the result set of a query.

Materialized views are primarily used to increase application performance when it isn't feasible or desirable to use a standard view with indexes applied to it. Materialized views can be updated on a regular basis either through triggers or by using the ON COMMIT REFRESH option. This does require a few extra permissions, but it's nothing complex. ON COMMIT REFRESH has been in place since at least Oracle 10.