[java] How to sort List of objects by some property

Java-8 solution using Stream API:

A. When timeStarted and timeEnded are public (as mentioned in the requirement) and therefore do not (need to) have public getter methods:

List<ActiveAlarm> sorted = 
        .sorted(Comparator.comparingLong((ActiveAlarm alarm) -> alarm.timeStarted)
                        .thenComparingLong((ActiveAlarm alarm) -> alarm.timeEnded))

B. When timeStarted and timeEnded have public getter methods:

List<ActiveAlarm> sorted = 

If you want to sort the original list itself:

A. When timeStarted and timeEnded are public (as mentioned in the requirement) and therefore do not (need to) have public getter methods:

list.sort(Comparator.comparingLong((ActiveAlarm alarm) -> alarm.timeStarted)
                    .thenComparingLong((ActiveAlarm alarm) -> alarm.timeEnded));

B. When timeStarted and timeEnded have public getter methods:
