Programs & Examples On #Web architecture

Get Mouse Position

Try looking at the java.awt.Robot class. It allows you to move the mouse programatically.

Configure Nginx with proxy_pass

Nginx prefers prefix-based location matches (not involving regular expression), that's why in your code block, /stash redirects are going to /.

The algorithm used by Nginx to select which location to use is described thoroughly here:

How to overplot a line on a scatter plot in python?

A one-line version of this excellent answer to plot the line of best fit is:

plt.plot(np.unique(x), np.poly1d(np.polyfit(x, y, 1))(np.unique(x)))

Using np.unique(x) instead of x handles the case where x isn't sorted or has duplicate values.

The call to poly1d is an alternative to writing out m*x + b like in this other excellent answer.

SQL select max(date) and corresponding value

You can use a subquery. The subquery will get the Max(CompletedDate). You then take this value and join on your table again to retrieve the note associate with that date:

select ET1.TrainingID,
from HR_EmployeeTrainings ET1
inner join
  select Max(CompletedDate) CompletedDate, TrainingID
  from HR_EmployeeTrainings
  --where AvantiRecID IS NULL OR AvantiRecID = @avantiRecID
  group by TrainingID
) ET2
  on ET1.TrainingID = ET2.TrainingID
  and ET1.CompletedDate = ET2.CompletedDate
where ET1.AvantiRecID IS NULL OR ET1.AvantiRecID = @avantiRecID

Error: Can't set headers after they are sent to the client

This error happens when you send 2 responses. For example :

if(condition A)

      res.render('Profile', {client:client_});


if (condition B){

      res.render('Profile', {client:client_});

Imagine if for some reason condition A and B are true so in the second render you'll get that error

Writing to a file in a for loop

That is because you are opening , writing and closing the file 10 times inside your for loop

myfile = open('xyz.txt', 'w')

You should open and close your file outside for loop.

myfile = open('xyz.txt', 'w')
for line in lines:
    var1, var2 = line.split(",");
    myfile.write("%s\n" % var1)


You should also notice to use write and not writelines.

writelines writes a list of lines to your file.

Also you should check out the answers posted by folks here that uses with statement. That is the elegant way to do file read/write operations in Python

How can I check if a Perl module is installed on my system from the command line?

For example, to check if the DBI module is installed or not, use

perl -e 'use DBI;'

You will see error if not installed. (from

Copy every nth line from one sheet to another

Add new column and fill it with ascending numbers. Then filter by ([column] mod 7 = 0) or something like that (don't have Excel in front of me to actually try this);

If you can't filter by formula, add one more column and use the formula =MOD([column; 7]) in it then filter zeros and you'll get all seventh rows.

How to encode a URL in Swift

If it's possible that the value that you're adding to your URL can have reserved characters (as defined by section 2 of RFC 3986), you might have to refine your percent-escaping. Notably, while & and + are valid characters in a URL, they're not valid within a URL query parameter value (because & is used as delimiter between query parameters which would prematurely terminate your value, and + is translated to a space character). Unfortunately, the standard percent-escaping leaves those delimiters unescaped.

Thus, you might want to percent escape all characters that are not within RFC 3986's list of unreserved characters:

Characters that are allowed in a URI but do not have a reserved purpose are called unreserved. These include uppercase and lowercase letters, decimal digits, hyphen, period, underscore, and tilde.

     unreserved  = ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "." / "_" / "~"

Later, in section 3.4, the RFC further contemplates adding ? and / to the list of allowed characters within a query:

The characters slash ("/") and question mark ("?") may represent data within the query component. Beware that some older, erroneous implementations may not handle such data correctly when it is used as the base URI for relative references (Section 5.1), apparently because they fail to distinguish query data from path data when looking for hierarchical separators. However, as query components are often used to carry identifying information in the form of "key=value" pairs and one frequently used value is a reference to another URI, it is sometimes better for usability to avoid percent- encoding those characters.

Nowadays, you'd generally use URLComponents to percent escape the query value:

var address = "American Tourister, Abids Road, Bogulkunta, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India"
var components = URLComponents(string: "")!
components.queryItems = [URLQueryItem(name: "address", value: address)]
let url = components.url!

By the way, while it's not contemplated in the aforementioned RFC, section 5.2, URL-encoded form data, of the W3C HTML spec says that application/x-www-form-urlencoded requests should also replace space characters with + characters (and includes the asterisk in the characters that should not be escaped). And, unfortunately, URLComponents won't properly percent escape this, so Apple advises that you manually percent escape it before retrieving the url property of the URLComponents object:

// configure `components` as shown above, and then:

components.percentEncodedQuery = components.percentEncodedQuery?.replacingOccurrences(of: "+", with: "%2B")
let url = components.url!

For Swift 2 rendition, where I manually do all of this percent escaping myself, see the previous revision of this answer.

Task vs Thread differences

Usually you hear Task is a higher level concept than thread... and that's what this phrase means:

  1. You can't use Abort/ThreadAbortedException, you should support cancel event in your "business code" periodically testing token.IsCancellationRequested flag (also avoid long or timeoutless connections e.g. to db, otherwise you will never get a chance to test this flag). By the similar reason Thread.Sleep(delay) call should be replaced with Task.Delay(delay, token) call (passing token inside to have possibility to interrupt delay).

  2. There are no thread's Suspend and Resume methods functionality with tasks. Instance of task can't be reused either.

  3. But you get two new tools:

    a) continuations

    // continuation with ContinueWhenAll - execute the delegate, when ALL
    // tasks[] had been finished; other option is ContinueWhenAny
       () => {
           int answer = tasks[0].Result + tasks[1].Result;
           Console.WriteLine("The answer is {0}", answer);

    b) nested/child tasks

    //StartNew - starts task immediately, parent ends whith child
    var parent = Task.Factory.StartNew
    (() => {
              var child = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
  4. So system thread is completely hidden from task, but still task's code is executed in the concrete system thread. System threads are resources for tasks and ofcourse there is still thread pool under the hood of task's parallel execution. There can be different strategies how thread get new tasks to execute. Another shared resource TaskScheduler cares about it. Some problems that TaskScheduler solves 1) prefer to execute task and its conitnuation in the same thread minimizing switching cost - aka inline execution) 2) prefer execute tasks in an order they were started - aka PreferFairness 3) more effective distribution of tasks between inactive threads depending on "prior knowledge of tasks activity" - aka Work Stealing. Important: in general "async" is not same as "parallel". Playing with TaskScheduler options you can setup async tasks be executed in one thread synchronously. To express parallel code execution higher abstractions (than Tasks) could be used: Parallel.ForEach, PLINQ, Dataflow.

  5. Tasks are integrated with C# async/await features aka Promise Model, e.g there requestButton.Clicked += async (o, e) => ProcessResponce(await client.RequestAsync(e.ResourceName)); the execution of client.RequestAsync will not block UI thread. Important: under the hood Clicked delegate call is absolutely regular (all threading is done by compiler).

That is enough to make a choice. If you need to support Cancel functionality of calling legacy API that tends to hang (e.g. timeoutless connection) and for this case supports Thread.Abort(), or if you are creating multithread background calculations and want to optimize switching between threads using Suspend/Resume, that means to manage parallel execution manually - stay with Thread. Otherwise go to Tasks because of they will give you easy manipulate on groups of them, are integrated into the language and make developers more productive - Task Parallel Library (TPL) .

Writing String to Stream and reading it back does not work

You're using message.Length which returns the number of characters in the string, but you should be using the nubmer of bytes to read. You should use something like:

byte[] messageBytes = uniEncoding.GetBytes(message);
stringAsStream.Write(messageBytes, 0, messageBytes.Length);

You're then reading a single byte and expecting to get a character from it just by casting to char. UnicodeEncoding will use two bytes per character.

As Justin says you're also not seeking back to the beginning of the stream.

Basically I'm afraid pretty much everything is wrong here. Please give us the bigger picture and we can help you work out what you should really be doing. Using a StreamWriter to write and then a StreamReader to read is quite possibly what you want, but we can't really tell from just the brief bit of code you've shown.

Ubuntu: Using curl to download an image

curl without any options will perform a GET request. It will simply return the data from the URI specified. Not retrieve the file itself to your local machine.

When you do,

$ curl

You will receive binary data:

                   |?>?$! <R?HP@T*?Pm?Z??jU???ZP+UAUQ@?
??{X\? K???>0c?yF[i?}4?!?V¸?H_?)nO#?;I??vg^_ ??-Hm$$N0.
???%Y[?L?U3?_^9??P?T?0'u8?l?4 ...

In order to save this, you can use:

$ curl > image.png

to store that raw image data inside of a file.

An easier way though, is just to use wget.

$ wget
$ ls

jquery .on() method with load event

To run function onLoad

jQuery(window).on("load", function(){

To run code onDOMContentLoaded (also called onready)


or the recommended shorthand for onready

    ..code.. ($ is the jQuery object)

onready fires when the document has loaded

onload fires when the document and all the associated content, like the images on the page have loaded.

Restoring MySQL database from physical files

If you are restoring the folder don't forget to chown the files to mysql:mysql

chown -R mysql:mysql /var/lib/mysql-data

otherwise you will get errors when trying to drop a database or add new column etc..

and restart MySQL

service mysql restart

Write-back vs Write-Through caching?

The benefit of write-through to main memory is that it simplifies the design of the computer system. With write-through, the main memory always has an up-to-date copy of the line. So when a read is done, main memory can always reply with the requested data.

If write-back is used, sometimes the up-to-date data is in a processor cache, and sometimes it is in main memory. If the data is in a processor cache, then that processor must stop main memory from replying to the read request, because the main memory might have a stale copy of the data. This is more complicated than write-through.

Also, write-through can simplify the cache coherency protocol because it doesn't need the Modify state. The Modify state records that the cache must write back the cache line before it invalidates or evicts the line. In write-through a cache line can always be invalidated without writing back since memory already has an up-to-date copy of the line.

One more thing - on a write-back architecture software that writes to memory-mapped I/O registers must take extra steps to make sure that writes are immediately sent out of the cache. Otherwise writes are not visible outside the core until the line is read by another processor or the line is evicted.

How to place the "table" at the middle of the webpage?

Try this :

<style type="text/css">

            /*Alternatively you could use: */
              position: fixed;
               bottom: 50%;
               right: 50%;


How to append text to an existing file in Java?


public class Writer {

    public static void main(String args[]){
        doWrite("output.txt","Content to be appended to file");

    public static void doWrite(String filePath,String contentToBeAppended){

            FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(filePath, true);
            BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(fw);
            PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(bw)
        catch( IOException e ){
        // File writing/opening failed at some stage.



Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'split' of undefined

ogdate is itself a string, why are you trying to access it's value property that it doesn't have ?



Filter array to have unique values

Filtering an array to contain unique values can be achieved using the JavaScript Set and Array.from method, as shown below:

Array.from(new Set(arrayOfNonUniqueValues));


The Set object lets you store unique values of any type, whether primitive values or object references.

Return value A new Set object.


The Array.from() method creates a new Array instance from an array-like or iterable object.

Return value A new Array instance.

Example Code:

const array = ["X_row7", "X_row4", "X_row6", "X_row10", "X_row8", "X_row9", "X_row11", "X_row7", "X_row4", "X_row6", "X_row10", "X_row8", "X_row9", "X_row11", "X_row7", "X_row4", "X_row6", "X_row10", "X_row8", "X_row9", "X_row11", "X_row7", "X_row4", "X_row6", "X_row10", "X_row8", "X_row9", "X_row11", "X_row7", "X_row4", "X_row6", "X_row10", "X_row8", "X_row9", "X_row11", "X_row7", "X_row4", "X_row6", "X_row10", "X_row8", "X_row9", "X_row11"]_x000D_
const uniqueArray = Array.from(new Set(array));_x000D_
console.log("uniqueArray: ", uniqueArray);

What does 'IISReset' do?

It operates on the whole IIS process tree, as opposed to just your application pools.

C:\>iisreset /?

IISRESET.EXE (c) Microsoft Corp. 1998-1999

iisreset [computername]

    /RESTART            Stop and then restart all Internet services.
    /START              Start all Internet services.
    /STOP               Stop all Internet services.
    /REBOOT             Reboot the computer.
    /REBOOTONERROR      Reboot the computer if an error occurs when starting,
                        stopping, or restarting Internet services.
    /NOFORCE            Do not forcefully terminate Internet services if
                        attempting to stop them gracefully fails.
    /TIMEOUT:val        Specify the timeout value ( in seconds ) to wait for
                        a successful stop of Internet services. On expiration
                        of this timeout the computer can be rebooted if
                        the /REBOOTONERROR parameter is specified.
                        The default value is 20s for restart, 60s for stop,
                        and 0s for reboot.
    /STATUS             Display the status of all Internet services.
    /ENABLE             Enable restarting of Internet Services
                        on the local system.
    /DISABLE            Disable restarting of Internet Services
                        on the local system.

show all tags in git log

Note: the commit 5e1361c from brian m. carlson (bk2204) (for git 1.9/2.0 Q1 2014) deals with a special case in term of log decoration with tags:

log: properly handle decorations with chained tags

git log did not correctly handle decorations when a tag object referenced another tag object that was no longer a ref, such as when the second tag was deleted.
The commit would not be decorated correctly because parse_object had not been called on the second tag and therefore its tagged field had not been filled in, resulting in none of the tags being associated with the relevant commit.

Call parse_object to fill in this field if it is absent so that the chain of tags can be dereferenced and the commit can be properly decorated.
Include tests as well to prevent future regressions.


git tag -a tag1 -m tag1 &&
git tag -a tag2 -m tag2 tag1 &&
git tag -d tag1 &&
git commit --amend -m shorter &&
git log --no-walk --tags --pretty="%H %d" --decorate=full

Adding Counter in shell script

You may do this with a for loop instead of a while:

for ((count = 0; count < max_loop; count++)); do
  if /home/hadoop/latest/bin/hadoop fs -ls /apps/hdtech/bds/quality-rt/dt=$DATE_YEST_FORMAT2 then
       echo "Files Present" | mailx -s "File Present"  -r [email protected] [email protected]
       echo "Sleeping for half an hour" | mailx -s "Time to Sleep Now"  -r [email protected] [email protected]
       sleep 1800

if [ "$count" -eq "$max_loop" ]; then
  echo "Maximum number of trials reached" >&2
  exit 1

Why use argparse rather than optparse?

The best source for rationale for a Python addition would be its PEP: PEP 389: argparse - New Command Line Parsing Module, in particular, the section entitled, Why aren't getopt and optparse enough?

PostgreSQL Autoincrement

Since PostgreSQL 10

CREATE TABLE test_new (
    payload text

How does PHP 'foreach' actually work?

Some points to note when working with foreach():

a) foreach works on the prospected copy of the original array. It means foreach() will have SHARED data storage until or unless a prospected copy is not created foreach Notes/User comments.

b) What triggers a prospected copy? A prospected copy is created based on the policy of copy-on-write, that is, whenever an array passed to foreach() is changed, a clone of the original array is created.

c) The original array and foreach() iterator will have DISTINCT SENTINEL VARIABLES, that is, one for the original array and other for foreach; see the test code below. SPL , Iterators, and Array Iterator.

Stack Overflow question How to make sure the value is reset in a 'foreach' loop in PHP? addresses the cases (3,4,5) of your question.

The following example shows that each() and reset() DOES NOT affect SENTINEL variables (for example, the current index variable) of the foreach() iterator.

$array = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);

list($key2, $val2) = each($array);
echo "each() Original (outside): $key2 => $val2<br/>";

foreach($array as $key => $val){
    echo "foreach: $key => $val<br/>";

    list($key2,$val2) = each($array);
    echo "each() Original(inside): $key2 => $val2<br/>";

    echo "--------Iteration--------<br/>";
    if ($key == 3){
        echo "Resetting original array pointer<br/>";

list($key2, $val2) = each($array);
echo "each() Original (outside): $key2 => $val2<br/>";


each() Original (outside): 0 => 1
foreach: 0 => 1
each() Original(inside): 1 => 2
foreach: 1 => 2
each() Original(inside): 2 => 3
foreach: 2 => 3
each() Original(inside): 3 => 4
foreach: 3 => 4
each() Original(inside): 4 => 5
Resetting original array pointer
foreach: 4 => 5
each() Original(inside): 0=>1
each() Original (outside): 1 => 2

Python method for reading keypress?

Figured it out by testing all the stuff by myself. Couldn't find any topics about it tho, so I'll just leave the solution here. This might not be the only or even the best solution, but it works for my purposes (within getch's limits) and is better than nothing.

Note: proper keyDown() which would recognize all the keys and actual key presses, is still valued.

Solution: using ord()-function to first turn the getch() into an integer (I guess they're virtual key codes, but not too sure) works fine, and then comparing the result to the actual number representing the wanted key. Also, if I needed to, I could add an extra chr() around the number returned so that it would convert it to a character. However, I'm using mostly down arrow, esc, etc. so converting those to a character would be stupid. Here's the final code:

from msvcrt import getch
while True:
    key = ord(getch())
    if key == 27: #ESC
    elif key == 13: #Enter
    elif key == 224: #Special keys (arrows, f keys, ins, del, etc.)
        key = ord(getch())
        if key == 80: #Down arrow
        elif key == 72: #Up arrow

Also if someone else needs to, you can easily find out the keycodes from google, or by using python and just pressing the key:

from msvcrt import getch
while True:

What is the most effective way for float and double comparison?

The code you wrote is bugged :

return (diff < EPSILON) && (-diff > EPSILON);

The correct code would be :

return (diff < EPSILON) && (diff > -EPSILON);

(...and yes this is different)

I wonder if fabs wouldn't make you lose lazy evaluation in some case. I would say it depends on the compiler. You might want to try both. If they are equivalent in average, take the implementation with fabs.

If you have some info on which of the two float is more likely to be bigger than then other, you can play on the order of the comparison to take better advantage of the lazy evaluation.

Finally you might get better result by inlining this function. Not likely to improve much though...

Edit: OJ, thanks for correcting your code. I erased my comment accordingly

How can I change the language (to english) in Oracle SQL Developer?

Try to set user.language and properties in sqldeveloper.conf file located in sqldeveloper\bin folder (%APPDATA%\sqldeveloper\<version>\product.conf for more recent versions) .
Sample for set french language:

IncludeConfFile ../../ide/bin/ide.conf

SetJavaHome D:\jdk1.6.0_25

AddVMOption  -Doracle.ide.util.AddinPolicyUtils.OVERRIDE_FLAG=true

AddVMOption -Dsun.java2d.ddoffscreen=false

AddVMOption -Duser.language=fr
AddVMOption  -XX:MaxPermSize=128M

AddVMOption -Doracle.jdbc.mapDateToTimestamp=false  
IncludeConfFile  sqldeveloper-nondebug.conf

To switch off language try to remove its support by editing oracle.translated.locales option in ide.boot file (located in ide\bin folder).
For example, if I want to 'break' french language support this option will be:

oracle.translated.locales = de,es,it,ja,ko,pt_BR,zh_CN,zh_TW

The original value was:

oracle.translated.locales = de,fr,es,it,ja,ko,pt_BR,zh_CN,zh_TW

The configuration above (sqldeveloper.conf file) will be wrong after remove french support and the french language does not appear as GUI localization.

How to add a string to a string[] array? There's no .Add function

I would not use an array in this case. Instead I would use a StringCollection.

using System.Collections.Specialized;

private StringCollection ColeccionDeCortes(string Path)   

    DirectoryInfo X = new DirectoryInfo(Path);

    FileInfo[] listaDeArchivos = X.GetFiles();
    StringCollection Coleccion = new StringCollection();

    foreach (FileInfo FI in listaDeArchivos)
        Coleccion.Add( FI.Name );
    return Coleccion;

How are SSL certificate server names resolved/Can I add alternative names using keytool?

How host name verification should be done is defined in RFC 6125, which is quite recent and generalises the practice to all protocols, and replaces RFC 2818, which was specific to HTTPS. (I'm not even sure Java 7 uses RFC 6125, which might be too recent for this.)

From RFC 2818 (Section 3.1):

If a subjectAltName extension of type dNSName is present, that MUST be used as the identity. Otherwise, the (most specific) Common Name field in the Subject field of the certificate MUST be used. Although the use of the Common Name is existing practice, it is deprecated and Certification Authorities are encouraged to use the dNSName instead.


In some cases, the URI is specified as an IP address rather than a hostname. In this case, the iPAddress subjectAltName must be present in the certificate and must exactly match the IP in the URI.

Essentially, the specific problem you have comes from the fact that you're using IP addresses in your CN and not a host name. Some browsers might work because not all tools follow this specification strictly, in particular because "most specific" in RFC 2818 isn't clearly defined (see discussions in RFC 6215).

If you're using keytool, as of Java 7, keytool has an option to include a Subject Alternative Name (see the table in the documentation for -ext): you could use -ext or -ext san=ip:


You can request a SAN in OpenSSL by changing openssl.cnf (it will pick the copy in the current directory if you don't want to edit the global configuration, as far as I remember, or you can choose an explicit location using the OPENSSL_CONF environment variable).

Set the following options (find the appropriate sections within brackets first):

req_extensions = v3_req

[ v3_req ]
# or

There's also a nice trick to use an environment variable for this (rather in than fixing it in a configuration file) here:

What Java FTP client library should I use?

Commons-net surely. :) Most open source projects use it these days.


How do I write stderr to a file while using "tee" with a pipe?

This may be useful for people finding this via google. Simply uncomment the example you want to try out. Of course, feel free to rename the output files.



### All output to screen
### Do nothing, this is the default

### All Output to one file, nothing to the screen
#exec > ${LOGFILE} 2>&1

### All output to one file and all output to the screen
#exec > >(tee ${LOGFILE}) 2>&1

### All output to one file, STDOUT to the screen
#exec > >(tee -a ${LOGFILE}) 2> >(tee -a ${LOGFILE} >/dev/null)

### All output to one file, STDERR to the screen
### Note you need both of these lines for this to work
#exec 3>&1
#exec > >(tee -a ${LOGFILE} >/dev/null) 2> >(tee -a ${LOGFILE} >&3)

### STDOUT to STATUSFILE, stderr to LOGFILE, nothing to the screen
#exec > ${STATUSFILE} 2>${LOGFILE}

### STDOUT to STATUSFILE, stderr to LOGFILE and all output to the screen
#exec > >(tee ${STATUSFILE}) 2> >(tee ${LOGFILE} >&2)

#exec > >(tee ${STATUSFILE}) 2>${LOGFILE}

#exec > ${STATUSFILE} 2> >(tee ${LOGFILE} >&2)

echo "This is a test"
ls -l sdgshgswogswghthb_this_file_will_not_exist_so_we_get_output_to_stderr_aronkjegralhfaff
ls -l ${0}

Is there a way to list open transactions on SQL Server 2000 database?

For all databases query sys.sysprocesses

SELECT * FROM sys.sysprocesses WHERE open_tran = 1

For the current database use:


How to find out the location of currently used MySQL configuration file in linux

login to mysql with proper credential and used mysql>SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'datadir'; that will give you path of where mysql stored

How can I write these variables into one line of code in C#?

You could theoretically do the entire thing as simply:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq; 
using System.Text;

namespace consoleHelloWorld {
class Program {
    static void Main(string[] args) {

Android - how to replace part of a string by another string?

You're doing only one mistake.

use replaceAll() function over there.


String str = "Hi";
String str1 = "hello";
str.replaceAll( str, str1 );

if, elif, else statement issues in Bash

I would recommend you having a look at the basics of conditioning in bash.

The symbol "[" is a command and must have a whitespace prior to it. If you don't give whitespace after your elif, the system interprets elif[ as a a particular command which is definitely not what you'd want at this time.



In short, edit your code segment to:

elif [ "$seconds" -gt 0 ]

You'd be fine with no compilation errors. Your final code segment should look like this:

if [ "$seconds" -eq 0 ];then
    elif [ "$seconds" -gt 0 ]
       $timezone_string=`printf "%02d:%02d" $seconds/3600 ($seconds/60)%60`
       echo "Unknown parameter"

How to set the color of an icon in Angular Material?

<mat-icon style="-webkit-text-fill-color:blue">face</mat-icon>

How do you append rows to a table using jQuery?

I'm assuming you want to add this row to the <tbody> element, and simply using append() on the <table> will insert the <tr> outside the <tbody>, with perhaps undesirable results.

$('a').click(function() {
   $('#myTable tbody').append('<tr class="child"><td>blahblah</td></tr>');

EDIT: Here is the complete source code, and it does indeed work: (Note the $(document).ready(function(){});, which was not present before.

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
    $('a').click(function() {
       $('#myTable tbody').append('<tr class="child"><td>blahblah</td></tr>');
<a href="javascript:void(0);">Link</a>
<table id="myTable">

what is reverse() in Django

reverse() | Django documentation

Let's suppose that in your you have defined this:

url(r'^foo$', some_view, name='url_name'),

In a template you can then refer to this url as:

<!-- django <= 1.4 -->
<a href="{% url url_name %}">link which calls some_view</a>

<!-- django >= 1.5 or with {% load url from future %} in your template -->
<a href="{% url 'url_name' %}">link which calls some_view</a>

This will be rendered as:

<a href="/foo/">link which calls some_view</a>

Now say you want to do something similar in your - e.g. you are handling some other url (not /foo/) in some other view (not some_view) and you want to redirect the user to /foo/ (often the case on successful form submission).

You could just do:

return HttpResponseRedirect('/foo/')

But what if you want to change the url in future? You'd have to update your and all references to it in your code. This violates DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself), the whole idea of editing one place only, which is something to strive for.

Instead, you can say:

from django.urls import reverse
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('url_name'))

This looks through all urls defined in your project for the url defined with the name url_name and returns the actual url /foo/.

This means that you refer to the url only by its name attribute - if you want to change the url itself or the view it refers to you can do this by editing one place only -

Python: how to capture image from webcam on click using OpenCV

i'm not too experienced with open cv but if you want the code in the for loop to be called when a key is pressed, you can use a while loop and an raw_input and a condition to prevent the loop from executing forever

import cv2

camera = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
i = 0
while i < 10:
    raw_input('Press Enter to capture')
    return_value, image =
    cv2.imwrite('opencv'+str(i)+'.png', image)
    i += 1

Check if a string is a valid Windows directory (folder) path

I actually disagree with SLaks. That solution did not work for me. Exception did not happen as expected. But this code worked for me:


SSH to AWS Instance without key pairs

Answer to Question 1

Here's what I did on a Ubuntu EC2:

A) Login as root using the keypairs

B) Setup the necessary users and their passwords with

# sudo adduser USERNAME
# sudo passwd USERNAME

C) Edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config setting

For a valid user to login with no key

PasswordAuthentication yes

Also want root to login also with no key

PermitRootLogin yes

D) Restart the ssh daemon with

# sudo service ssh restart

just change ssh to sshd if you are using centOS

Now you can login into your ec2 instance without key pairs.

Convert varchar to float IF ISNUMERIC

..extending Mikaels' answers

  • Two data types requires two columns
  • Adding e0 fixes some ISNUMERIC issues (such as + - . and empty string being accepted)

Installing Tomcat 7 as Service on Windows Server 2008

  1. Edit service.bat – Swap two lines so that they appear in following order: if not “%JAVA_HOME%“ == ““ goto got JdkHome if not “%JRE_HOME%“ == ““ goto got JreHome
  2. Open cmd and run command service.bat install
  3. Open Services and find Apache Tomcat 7.0 Tomcat7. Right click and Properties. Change its startup type to Automatic (with delay).
  4. Reboot machine to verify if the service started automatically

Permutation of array

Here is an implementation of the Permutation in Java:

Permutation - Java

You should have a check on it!

Edit: code pasted below to protect against link-death:

// -- A class generating all permutations

import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;

public class Permute implements Iterator {

   private final int size;
   private final Object [] elements;  // copy of original 0 .. size-1
   private final Object ar;           // array for output,  0 .. size-1
   private final int [] permutation;  // perm of nums 1..size, perm[0]=0

   private boolean next = true;

   // int[], double[] array won't work :-(
   public Permute (Object [] e) {
      size = e.length;
      elements = new Object [size];    // not suitable for primitives
      System.arraycopy (e, 0, elements, 0, size);
      ar = Array.newInstance (e.getClass().getComponentType(), size);
      System.arraycopy (e, 0, ar, 0, size);
      permutation = new int [size+1];
      for (int i=0; i<size+1; i++) {
         permutation [i]=i;

   private void formNextPermutation () {
      for (int i=0; i<size; i++) {
         // i+1 because perm[0] always = 0
         // perm[]-1 because the numbers 1..size are being permuted
         Array.set (ar, i, elements[permutation[i+1]-1]);

   public boolean hasNext() {
      return next;

   public void remove() throws UnsupportedOperationException {
      throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

   private void swap (final int i, final int j) {
      final int x = permutation[i];
      permutation[i] = permutation [j];
      permutation[j] = x;

   // does not throw NoSuchElement; it wraps around!
   public Object next() throws NoSuchElementException {

      formNextPermutation ();  // copy original elements

      int i = size-1;
      while (permutation[i]>permutation[i+1]) i--;

      if (i==0) {
         next = false;
         for (int j=0; j<size+1; j++) {
            permutation [j]=j;
         return ar;

      int j = size;

      while (permutation[i]>permutation[j]) j--;
      swap (i,j);
      int r = size;
      int s = i+1;
      while (r>s) { swap(r,s); r--; s++; }

      return ar;

   public String toString () {
      final int n = Array.getLength(ar);
      final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer ("[");
      for (int j=0; j<n; j++) {
         sb.append (Array.get(ar,j).toString());
         if (j<n-1) sb.append (",");
      return new String (sb);

   public static void main (String [] args) {
      for (Iterator i = new Permute(args); i.hasNext(); ) {
         final String [] a = (String []);
         System.out.println (i);

How to make Twitter bootstrap modal full screen

The snippet from @Chris J had some issues with margins and overflow. The proposed changes by @YanickRochon and @Joana, based on the fiddel from @Chris J can be found in the following jsfiddle.

That's the CSS code that worked for me:

.modal-dialog {
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    padding: 0;
    margin: 0;
.modal-content {
    height: 100%;
    min-height: 100%;
    height: auto;
    border-radius: 0;

How to pass value from <option><select> to form action

Like @Shoaib answered, you dont need any jQuery or Javascript. You can to this simply with pure html!

<form method="POST" action="index.php?action=contact_agent">
  <select name="agent_id" required>
    <option value="1">Agent Homer</option>
    <option value="2">Agent Lenny</option>
    <option value="3">Agent Carl</option>
  <input type="submit" value="Submit">
  1. Remove &agent_id= from form action since you don't need it there.
  2. Add name="agent_id" to the select
  3. Optionally add word required do indicate that this selection is required.

Since you are using PHP, then by posting the form to index.php you can catch agent_id with $_POST

/** Since you reference action on `form action` then value of $_GET['action'] will be contact_agent */
$action = $_GET['action'];

/** Value of $_POST['agent_id'] will be selected option value */
$agent_id = $_POST['agent_id']; 

As conclusion for such a simple task you should not use any javascript or jQuery. To @FelipeAlvarez that answers your comment

Create Map in Java

Map <Integer, Point2D.Double> hm = new HashMap<Integer, Point2D>();
hm.put(1, new Point2D.Double(50, 50));

How to get JavaScript variable value in PHP

If you want to use a js variable in a php script you MUST pass it within a HTTP request.

There are basically two ways:

  • Submitting or reloading the page (as per Chris answer).
  • Using AJAX, which is made exactly for communicating between a web page (js) and the server(php) without reloading/changing the page.

A basic example can be:

var profile_viewer_uid = 1;
  url: "serverScript.php",
  method: "POST",
  data: { "profile_viewer_uid": profile_viewer_uid }

And in the serverScript.php file, you can do:

 $profile_viewer_uid = $_POST['profile_viewer_uid'];
 // prints 1

Note: in this example I used jQuery AJAX, which is quicker to implement. You can do it in pure js as well.

jQuery: how to scroll to certain anchor/div on page load?

Have a look at this

Appending the #value into the address is default behaviour that browsers such as IE use to identify named anchor positions on the page, seeing this comes from Netscape.

You can intercept it and remove it, read this article.

Display/Print one column from a DataFrame of Series in Pandas

By using to_string



unsigned APK can not be installed

You could also send your testers the apk that is signed with your debug key. You can find that in the bin folder of your project after building in debug mode.

Example on ToggleButton

Try this Toggle Buttons



public class Test extends Activity {

private ToggleButton togglebutton;

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    togglebutton = (ToggleButton) findViewById(;

public void toggleclick(View v){
        Toast.makeText(TestActivity.this, "ON", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
        Toast.makeText(TestActivity.this, "OFF", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

Relative paths based on file location instead of current working directory

Just one line will be OK.

cat "`dirname $0`"/../some.txt

Convert DataTable to IEnumerable<T>

Universal extension method for DataTable. May be somebody be interesting. Idea creating dynamic properties I take from another post:

    public static IEnumerable<dynamic> AsEnumerable(this DataTable dt)
        List<dynamic> result = new List<dynamic>();
        Dictionary<string, object> d;
        foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
            d = new Dictionary<string, object>();

            foreach (DataColumn dc in dt.Columns)
                d.Add(dc.ColumnName, dr[dc]);

        return result.AsEnumerable<dynamic>();

    public static dynamic GetDynamicObject(Dictionary<string, object> properties)
        return new MyDynObject(properties);

    public sealed class MyDynObject : DynamicObject
        private readonly Dictionary<string, object> _properties;

        public MyDynObject(Dictionary<string, object> properties)
            _properties = properties;

        public override IEnumerable<string> GetDynamicMemberNames()
            return _properties.Keys;

        public override bool TryGetMember(GetMemberBinder binder, out object result)
            if (_properties.ContainsKey(binder.Name))
                result = _properties[binder.Name];
                return true;
                result = null;
                return false;

        public override bool TrySetMember(SetMemberBinder binder, object value)
            if (_properties.ContainsKey(binder.Name))
                _properties[binder.Name] = value;
                return true;
                return false;

SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder". error

I had the similar issue for my Spring Boot - Gradle application running on Eclipse Luna. I could resolve it by manually adding an entry in my project's .classpath

<classpathentry sourcepath="C:/Users/<username>/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.slf4j/slf4j-simple/1.7.7/3150039466ad03e6ef1c7ec1c2cbb0d96710cf64/slf4j-simple-1.7.7-sources.jar" kind="lib" path="C:/Users/<username>/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.slf4j/slf4j-simple/1.7.7/8095d0b9f7e0a9cd79a663c740e0f8fb31d0e2c8/slf4j-simple-1.7.7.jar"/>

Idea is to follow this solution. But how to implement is dependent on case to case. One way of fixing is the one that I used above.

Hope this helps.

AngularJS performs an OPTIONS HTTP request for a cross-origin resource

I gave up trying to fix this issue.

My IIS web.config had the relevant "Access-Control-Allow-Methods" in it, I experimented adding config settings to my Angular code, but after burning a few hours trying to get Chrome to call a cross-domain JSON web service, I gave up miserably.

In the end, I added a dumb ASP.Net handler webpage, got that to call my JSON web service, and return the results. It was up and running in 2 minutes.

Here's the code I used:

public class LoadJSONData : IHttpHandler
    public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
        context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain";

        string URL = "......";

        using (var client = new HttpClient())
            // New code:
            client.BaseAddress = new Uri(URL);
            client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
            client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Authorization", "Basic AUTHORIZATION_STRING");

            HttpResponseMessage response = client.GetAsync(URL).Result;
            if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                var content = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
                context.Response.Write("Success: " + content);
                context.Response.Write(response.StatusCode + " : Message - " + response.ReasonPhrase);

    public bool IsReusable
            return false;

And in my Angular controller...

   .success(function (data) {

I'm sure there's a simpler/more generic way of doing this, but life's too short...

This worked for me, and I can get on with doing normal work now !!

HQL ERROR: Path expected for join

You need to name the entity that holds the association to User. For example,

... INNER JOIN ug.user u ...

That's the "path" the error message is complaining about -- path from UserGroup to User entity.

Hibernate relies on declarative JOINs, for which the join condition is declared in the mapping metadata. This is why it is impossible to construct the native SQL query without having the path.

How do I remove documents using Node.js Mongoose?

You can just use the query directly within the remove function, so:

FBFriendModel.remove({ id: 333}, function(err){});

Finding repeated words on a string and counting the repetitions

please try these it may be help for you.

public static void main(String[] args) {
        String str1="House, House, House, Dog, Dog, Dog, Dog";
        String str2=str1.replace(",", "");
        Map<String,Integer> map=findFrquenciesInString(str2);
        Set<String> keys=map.keySet();
        Collection<Integer> vals=map.values();

private static Map<String,Integer> findFrquenciesInString(String str1) {
        String[] strArr=str1.split(" ");
        Map<String,Integer> map=new HashMap<>();
        for(int i=0;i<strArr.length;i++) {
            int count=1;
            for(int j=i+1;j<strArr.length;j++) {
                if(strArr[i].equals(strArr[j]) && strArr[i]!="-1") {
            if(count>1 && strArr[i]!="-1") {
                map.put(strArr[i], count);
        return map;

WiX tricks and tips

  • We display the product version somewhere (tiny) in the first screen of the GUI. Because people tend to make mistakes in picking the right version every time. (And keep us developers searching for ages..)

  • We've set up TFSBuild to also generate transforms (.mst files) with the configuration for our different environments. (We know about all environments we need to deploy to).

Since the original weblog post by Grant Holliday is down, I copy pasted its contents here:

MSBuild task to generate MSI Transform files from XMLMarch 11 2008

In my previous post I described how you can use MSI Transform (*.mst) files to separate environment-specific configuration settings from a generic MSI package.

Although this provides a level of flexibility in your configuration, there are two down-sides of Transform files:

  1. They’re a binary format
  2. You can’t “edit” or “view” a transform file. You have to apply it or re-create it to see what changes it includes.

Fortunately we can use the Microsoft Windows Installer Object Library (c:windowssystem32msi.dll) to open MSI “databases” and create transform files.

Credits go again to Alex Shevchuk – From MSI to WiX – Part 7 – Customising installation using Transforms for showing us how to achieve this with VbScript. Essentially all I’ve done is taken Alex’s example and using Interop.WindowsInstaller.dll I’ve implemented an MSBuild task. The MSBuild Task

Download the source code & example transforms.xml here (~7Kb Zipped VS2008 Solution)

How do I convert a org.w3c.dom.Document object to a String?

use some thing like

import javax.xml.transform.*;
import javax.xml.transform.dom.*;

//method to convert Document to String
public String getStringFromDocument(Document doc)
       DOMSource domSource = new DOMSource(doc);
       StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
       StreamResult result = new StreamResult(writer);
       TransformerFactory tf = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
       Transformer transformer = tf.newTransformer();
       transformer.transform(domSource, result);
       return writer.toString();
    catch(TransformerException ex)
       return null;

NumPy first and last element from array

arr = np.array([1,2,3,4])
arr[-1] # last element

How to write trycatch in R

Here goes a straightforward example:

# Do something, or tell me why it failed
my_update_function <- function(x){
        # This is what I want to do...
        y = x * 2
        # ... but if an error occurs, tell me what happened: 
        error=function(error_message) {
            message("This is my custom message.")
            message("And below is the error message from R:")

If you also want to capture a "warning", just add warning= similar to the error= part.

Regular Expression: Allow letters, numbers, and spaces (with at least one letter or number)

for me @"^[\w ]+$" is working, allow number, alphabet and space, but need to type at least one letter or number.

"Logging out" of phpMyAdmin?

enter image description here

click on this button out your phpAdmin home page

How to uninstall mini conda? python

The proper way to fully uninstall conda (Anaconda / Miniconda):

  1. Remove all conda-related files and directories using the Anaconda-Clean package

    conda activate your_conda_env_name
    conda install anaconda-clean
    anaconda-clean # add `--yes` to avoid being prompted to delete each one
  2. Remove your entire conda directory

    rm -rf ~/miniconda3
  3. Remove the line which adds the conda path to the PATH environment variable

    vi ~/.bashrc
    # -> Search for conda and delete the lines containing it
    # -> If you're not sure if the line belongs to conda, comment it instead of deleting it just to be safe
    source ~/.bashrc
  4. Remove the backup folder created by the the Anaconda-Clean package NOTE: Think twice before doing this, because after that you won't be able to restore anything from your old conda installation!

    rm -rf ~/.anaconda_backup

Reference: Official conda documentation

Android Color Picker

I ended up here looking for a HSV color picker that offered transparency and copy/paste of the hex value. None of the existing answers met those needs, so here's the library I ended up writing:

HSV-Alpha Color Picker for Android (GitHub).

HSV-Alpha Color Picker Demo (Google Play).

I hope it's useful for somebody else.

Color Picker Dialog

Run a mySQL query as a cron job?

It depends on what runs cron on your system, but all you have to do to run a php script from cron is to do call the location of the php installation followed by the script location. An example with crontab running every hour:

# crontab -e
00 * * * * /usr/local/bin/php /home/path/script.php

On my system, I don't even have to put the path to the php installation:

00 * * * * php /home/path/script.php

On another note, you should not be using mysql extension because it is deprecated, unless you are using an older installation of php. Read here for a comparison.

How to construct a WebSocket URI relative to the page URI?

Assuming your WebSocket server is listening on the same port as from which the page is being requested, I would suggest:

function createWebSocket(path) {
    var protocolPrefix = (window.location.protocol === 'https:') ? 'wss:' : 'ws:';
    return new WebSocket(protocolPrefix + '//' + + path);

Then, for your case, call it as follows:

var socket = createWebSocket(location.pathname + '/to/ws');

How can I write an anonymous function in Java?

Anonymous inner classes implementing or extending the interface of an existing type has been done in other answers, although it is worth noting that multiple methods can be implemented (often with JavaBean-style events, for instance).

A little recognised feature is that although anonymous inner classes don't have a name, they do have a type. New methods can be added to the interface. These methods can only be invoked in limited cases. Chiefly directly on the new expression itself and within the class (including instance initialisers). It might confuse beginners, but it can be "interesting" for recursion.

private static String pretty(Node node) {
    return "Node: " + new Object() {
        String print(Node cur) {
            return cur.isTerminal() ?

(I originally wrote this using node rather than cur in the print method. Say NO to capturing "implicitly final" locals?)

How to tell PowerShell to wait for each command to end before starting the next?

Including the option -NoNewWindow gives me an error: Start-Process : This command cannot be executed due to the error: Access is denied.

The only way I could get it to work was to call:

Start-Process <path to exe> -Wait

How to stop/cancel 'git log' command in terminal?

You can hit the key q (for quit) and it should take you to the prompt.

Please see this link.

Using the HTML5 "required" attribute for a group of checkboxes?

Really simple way to verify if at least one checkbox is checked:

function isAtLeastOneChecked(name) {
    let checkboxes = Array.from(document.getElementsByName(name));
    return checkboxes.some(e => e.checked);

Then you can implement whatever logic you want to display an error.

How to style a clicked button in CSS

Unfortunately, there is no :click pseudo selector. If you want to change styling on click, you should use Jquery/Javascript. It certainly is better than the "hack" for pure HTML / CSS. But if you insist...

input {_x000D_
display: none;_x000D_
span {_x000D_
padding: 20px;_x000D_
font-family: sans-serif;_x000D_
input:checked + span {_x000D_
  background: #444;_x000D_
  color: #fff;_x000D_
  <label for="input">_x000D_
  <input id="input" type="radio" />_x000D_
  <span>NO JS styling</span>_x000D_

Or, if you prefer, you can toggle the styling:

input {_x000D_
display: none;_x000D_
span {_x000D_
padding: 20px;_x000D_
font-family: sans-serif;_x000D_
input:checked + span {_x000D_
  background: #444;_x000D_
  color: #fff;_x000D_
  <label for="input">_x000D_
  <input id="input" type="checkbox" />_x000D_
  <span>NO JS styling</span>_x000D_

What is newline character -- '\n'

NewLine (\n) is 10 (0xA) and CarriageReturn (\r) is 13 (0xD).

Different operating systems picked different end of line representations for files. Windows uses CRLF (\r\n). Unix uses LF (\n). Older Mac OS versions use CR (\r), but OS X switched to the Unix character.

Here is a relatively useful FAQ.

Compare 2 arrays which returns difference

function subtractarrays(array1, array2){
    var difference = [];
    for( var i = 0; i < array1.length; i++ ) {
        if( $.inArray( array1[i], array2 ) == -1 ) {

    return difference;

You can then call the function anywhere in your code.

var I_like    = ["love", "sex", "food"];
var she_likes = ["love", "food"];

alert( "what I like and she does't like is: " + subtractarrays( I_like, she_likes ) ); //returns "Naughty"!

This works in all cases and avoids the problems in the methods above. Hope that helps!

Read a Csv file with powershell and capture corresponding data

Old topic, but never clearly answered. I've been working on similar as well, and found the solution:

The pipe (|) in this code sample from Austin isn't the delimiter, but to pipe the ForEach-Object, so if you want to use it as delimiter, you need to do this:

Import-Csv H:\Programs\scripts\SomeText.csv -delimiter "|" |`
ForEach-Object {
    $Name += $_.Name
    $Phone += $_."Phone Number"

Spent a good 15 minutes on this myself before I understood what was going on. Hope the answer helps the next person reading this avoid the wasted minutes! (Sorry for expanding on your comment Austin)

How to hide the Google Invisible reCAPTCHA badge

Google now allows to hide the Badge, from the FAQ :

I'd like to hide the reCAPTCHA v3 badge. What is allowed?

You are allowed to hide the badge as long as you include the reCAPTCHA
branding visibly in the user flow. Please include the following text:

This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google
    <a href="">Privacy Policy</a> and
    <a href="">Terms of Service</a> apply.

For example:

enter image description here

So you can simply hide it using the following CSS :

.grecaptcha-badge { 
    visibility: hidden;

enter image description here Do not use display: none; as it appears to disable the spam checking (thanks @Zade)

How to set HTML5 required attribute in Javascript?

And the jquery version:

$('input').attr('required', true)
$('input').attr('required', false)

I know it's beyond the question, but maybe someone will find this helpful :)

JAVA_HOME should point to a JDK not a JRE

Be sure to use the correct path!

I mistakenly had written C:\Program Files\Java\. Changing it to C:\Program Files\Java\jdk\11.0.6\ fixed the issue.

In cmd I then checked for the version of maven with mvn -version.

Disabling SSL Certificate Validation in Spring RestTemplate

This problem is about SSL connection. When you try to connect to some resource https protocol requires to create secured connection. That means only your browser and website server know what data is being sent in requests bodies. This security is achieved by ssl certificates that stored on website and are being downloaded by your browser (or any other client, Spring RestTemplate with Apache Http Client behind in our case) with first connection to host. There are RSA256 encryption and many other cool things around. But in the end of a day: In case certificate is not registered or is invalid you will see certificate error (HTTPS connection is not secure). To fix certificate error website provider need to buy it for particular website or fix somehow e.g.

Right way how problem can be solved

  • Register SSL certificate

Not a right way how problem can be solved

  • download broken SSL certificate from website
  • import SSL certificate to Java cacerts (certificate storage)

    keytool -importcert -trustcacerts -noprompt -storepass changeit -alias citrix -keystore "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11.0.2\lib\security\cacerts" -file citrix.cer

Dirty (Insecure) way how problem can be solved

  • make RestTemplate to ignore SSL verification

    public RestTemplateBuilder restTemplateBuilder(@Autowired SSLContext sslContext) {
        return new RestTemplateBuilder() {
            public ClientHttpRequestFactory buildRequestFactory() {
                return new HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory(
                                new SSLConnectionSocketFactory(sslContext
                                        , NoopHostnameVerifier.INSTANCE)).build());
        public SSLContext insecureSslContext() throws KeyStoreException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, KeyManagementException {
           return SSLContexts.custom()
                    .loadTrustMaterial(null, (x509Certificates, s) -> true)

How to select into a variable in PL/SQL when the result might be null?

You can simply handle the NO_DATA_FOUND exception by setting your variable to NULL. This way, only one query is required.

    v_column my_table.column%TYPE;


      select column into v_column from my_table where ...;
        v_column := NULL;

    ... use v_column here

How to get the cookie value in website

HttpCookie cook = new HttpCookie("testcook");
cook = Request.Cookies["CookName"];
if (cook != null)
    lbl_cookie_value.Text = cook.Value;
    lbl_cookie_value.Text = "Empty value";

Reference Click here

casting int to char using C++ style casting

You should use static_cast<char>(i) to cast the integer i to char.

reinterpret_cast should almost never be used, unless you want to cast one type into a fundamentally different type.

Also reinterpret_cast is machine dependent so safely using it requires complete understanding of the types as well as how the compiler implements the cast.

For more information about C++ casting see:

Get value of a merged cell of an excel from its cell address in vba

Even if it is really discouraged to use merge cells in Excel (use Center Across Selection for instance if needed), the cell that "contains" the value is the one on the top left (at least, that's a way to express it).

Hence, you can get the value of merged cells in range B4:B11 in several ways:

  • Range("B4").Value
  • Range("B4:B11").Cells(1).Value
  • Range("B4:B11").Cells(1,1).Value

You can also note that all the other cells have no value in them. While debugging, you can see that the value is empty.

Also note that Range("B4:B11").Value won't work (raises an execution error number 13 if you try to Debug.Print it) because it returns an array.

How to terminate a process in vbscript

The Win32_Process class provides access to both 32-bit and 64-bit processes when the script is run from a 64-bit command shell.

If this is not an option for you, you can try using the taskkill command:

Dim oShell : Set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

' Launch notepad '
oShell.Run "notepad"
WScript.Sleep 3000

' Kill notepad '
oShell.Run "taskkill /im notepad.exe", , True

How to join components of a path when you are constructing a URL in Python

To improve slightly over Alex Martelli's response, the following will not only cleanup extra slashes but also preserve trailing (ending) slashes, which can sometimes be useful :

>>> items = ["", "/api", "v2/"]
>>> url = "/".join([(u.strip("/") if index + 1 < len(items) else u.lstrip("/")) for index, u in enumerate(items)])
>>> print(url)

It's not as easy to read though, and won't cleanup multiple extra trailing slashes.

How does origin/HEAD get set?

Note first that your question shows a bit of misunderstanding. origin/HEAD represents the default branch on the remote, i.e. the HEAD that's in that remote repository you're calling origin. When you switch branches in your repo, you're not affecting that. The same is true for remote branches; you might have master and origin/master in your repo, where origin/master represents a local copy of the master branch in the remote repository.

origin's HEAD will only change if you or someone else actually changes it in the remote repository, which should basically never happen - you want the default branch a public repo to stay constant, on the stable branch (probably master). origin/HEAD is a local ref representing a local copy of the HEAD in the remote repository. (Its full name is refs/remotes/origin/HEAD.)

I think the above answers what you actually wanted to know, but to go ahead and answer the question you explicitly asked... origin/HEAD is set automatically when you clone a repository, and that's about it. Bizarrely, that it's not set by commands like git remote update - I believe the only way it will change is if you manually change it. (By change I mean point to a different branch; obviously the commit it points to changes if that branch changes, which might happen on fetch/pull/remote update.)

Edit: The problem discussed below was corrected in Git; see this update.

There is a tiny caveat, though. HEAD is a symbolic ref, pointing to a branch instead of directly to a commit, but the git remote transfer protocols only report commits for refs. So Git knows the SHA1 of the commit pointed to by HEAD and all other refs; it then has to deduce the value of HEAD by finding a branch that points to the same commit. This means that if two branches happen to point there, it's ambiguous. (I believe it picks master if possible, then falls back to first alphabetically.) You'll see this reported in the output of git remote show origin:

$ git remote show origin
* remote origin
  Fetch URL: ...
  Push  URL: ...
  HEAD branch (remote HEAD is ambiguous, may be one of the following):

Oddly, although the notion of HEAD printed this way will change if things change on the remote (e.g. if foo is removed), it doesn't actually update refs/remotes/origin/HEAD. This can lead to really odd situations. Say that in the above example origin/HEAD actually pointed to foo, and origin's foo branch was then removed. We can then do this:

$ git remote show origin
HEAD branch: master
$ git symbolic-ref refs/remotes/origin/HEAD
$ git remote update --prune origin
Fetching origin
 x [deleted]         (none)     -> origin/foo
   (refs/remotes/origin/HEAD has become dangling)

So even though remote show knows HEAD is master, it doesn't update anything. The stale foo branch is correctly pruned, and HEAD becomes dangling (pointing to a nonexistent branch), and it still doesn't update it to point to master. If you want to fix this, use git remote set-head origin -a, which automatically determines origin's HEAD as above, and then actually sets origin/HEAD to point to the appropriate remote branch.

Windows batch script to move files

Create a file called MoveFiles.bat with the syntax

move c:\Sourcefoldernam\*.* e:\destinationFolder

then schedule a task to run that MoveFiles.bat every 10 hours.

Deep copy in ES6 using the spread syntax

const a = {
  foods: {
    dinner: 'Pasta'
let b = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(a))
b.foods.dinner = 'Soup'
console.log(b.foods.dinner) // Soup
console.log(a.foods.dinner) // Pasta

Using JSON.stringify and JSON.parse is the best way. Because by using the spread operator we will not get the efficient answer when the json object contains another object inside it. we need to manually specify that.

Rolling back bad changes with svn in Eclipse

I have written a couple of blog posts on this subject. One that is Subclipse centric: and one that is command-line centric:

NoClassDefFoundError while trying to run my jar with java.exe -jar...what's wrong?

I have found when I am using a manifest that the listing of jars for the classpath need to have a space after the listing of each jar e.g. "required_lib/sun/pop3.jar required_lib/sun/smtp.jar ". Even if it is the last in the list.

How to get current html page title with javascript

Like this :

jQuery(document).ready(function () {
    var title = jQuery(this).attr('title');

works for IE, Firefox and Chrome.

How to test if list element exists?

A slight modified version of @salient.salamander , if one wants to check on full path, this can be used.

Element_Exists_Check = function( full_index_path ){
    len_element = length(full_index_path)
    exists_indicator = ifelse(len_element > 0, T, F)
  }, error = function(e) {

How can moment.js be imported with typescript?

I've just noticed that the answer that I upvoted and commented on is ambiguous. So the following is exactly what worked for me. I'm currently on Moment 2.26.0 and TS 3.8.3:

In code:

import moment from 'moment';

In TS config:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "esModuleInterop": true,

I am building for both CommonJS and EMS so this config is imported into other config files.

The insight comes from this answer which relates to using Express. I figured it was worth adding here though, to help anyone who searches in relation to Moment.js, rather than something more general.

Run / Open VSCode from Mac Terminal

For Mac users:

One thing that made the accepted answer not work for me is that I didn't drag the vs code package into the applications folder

So you need to drag it to the applications folder then you run the command inside vs code (shown below) as per the official document

  • Launch VS Code.
  • Open the Command Palette (??P) and type 'shell command' to find the Shell Command: Install 'code' command in PATH command.

How do function pointers in C work?

One of the big uses for function pointers in C is to call a function selected at run-time. For example, the C run-time library has two routines, qsort and bsearch, which take a pointer to a function that is called to compare two items being sorted; this allows you to sort or search, respectively, anything, based on any criteria you wish to use.

A very basic example, if there is one function called print(int x, int y) which in turn may require to call a function (either add() or sub(), which are of the same type) then what we will do, we will add one function pointer argument to the print() function as shown below:

#include <stdio.h>

int add()
   return (100+10);

int sub()
   return (100-10);

void print(int x, int y, int (*func)())
    printf("value is: %d\n", (x+y+(*func)()));

int main()
    int x=100, y=200;

    return 0;

The output is:

value is: 410
value is: 390

Get size of folder or file

If you want to use Java 8 NIO API, the following program will print the size, in bytes, of the directory it is located in.

import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;

public class PathSize {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Path path = Paths.get(".");
        long size = calculateSize(path);

     * Returns the size, in bytes, of the specified <tt>path</tt>. If the given
     * path is a regular file, trivially its size is returned. Else the path is
     * a directory and its contents are recursively explored, returning the
     * total sum of all files within the directory.
     * <p>
     * If an I/O exception occurs, it is suppressed within this method and
     * <tt>0</tt> is returned as the size of the specified <tt>path</tt>.
     * @param path path whose size is to be returned
     * @return size of the specified path
    public static long calculateSize(Path path) {
        try {
            if (Files.isRegularFile(path)) {
                return Files.size(path);

            return Files.list(path).mapToLong(PathSize::calculateSize).sum();
        } catch (IOException e) {
            return 0L;


The calculateSize method is universal for Path objects, so it also works for files. Note that if a file or directory is inaccessible, in this case the returned size of the path object will be 0.

parseInt with jQuery

var test = parseInt($("#testid").val());

How to deal with http status codes other than 200 in Angular 2

Include required imports and you can make ur decision in handleError method Error status will give the error code

import { HttpClient, HttpErrorResponse } from '@angular/common/http';
import {Observable, throwError} from "rxjs/index";
import { catchError, retry } from 'rxjs/operators';
import {ApiResponse} from "../model/api.response";
import { TaxType } from '../model/taxtype.model'; 

private handleError(error: HttpErrorResponse) {
if (error.error instanceof ErrorEvent) {
  // A client-side or network error occurred. Handle it accordingly.
  console.error('An error occurred:', error.error.message);
} else {
  // The backend returned an unsuccessful response code.
  // The response body may contain clues as to what went wrong,
    `Backend returned code ${error.status}, ` +
    `body was: ${error.error}`);
// return an observable with a user-facing error message
return throwError(
  'Something bad happened; please try again later.');

  getTaxTypes() : Observable<ApiResponse> {
return this.http.get<ApiResponse>(this.baseUrl).pipe(

How to use Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel on a machine without installed MS Office?

you can create a service and generate excel on server and then allow clients download excel. cos buying excel license for 1000 ppl, it is better to have one license for server.

hope that helps.

How to start http-server locally

When you're running npm install in the project's root, it installs all of the npm dependencies into the project's node_modules directory.

If you take a look at the project's node_modules directory, you should see a directory called http-server, which holds the http-server package, and a .bin folder, which holds the executable binaries from the installed dependencies. The .bin directory should have the http-server binary (or a link to it).

So in your case, you should be able to start the http-server by running the following from your project's root directory (instead of npm start):

./node_modules/.bin/http-server -a localhost -p 8000 -c-1

This should have the same effect as running npm start.

If you're running a Bash shell, you can simplify this by adding the ./node_modules/.bin folder to your $PATH environment variable:

export PATH=./node_modules/.bin:$PATH

This will put this folder on your path, and you should be able to simply run

http-server -a localhost -p 8000 -c-1

how to use "AND", "OR" for RewriteCond on Apache?

After many struggles and to achive a general, flexible and more readable solution, in my case I ended up saving the ORs results into ENV variables and doing the ANDs of those variables.

RewriteRule ^ - [E=RESULT_ONE:False]
RewriteCond ...A... [OR]
RewriteCond ...B...
RewriteRule ^ - [E=RESULT_ONE:True]

RewriteRule ^ - [E=RESULT_TWO:False]
RewriteCond ...C... [OR]
RewriteCond ...D...
RewriteRule ^ - [E=RESULT_TWO:True]

# if ( RESULT_ONE AND RESULT_TWO ) then ( RewriteRule ...something... )
RewriteCond %{ENV:RESULT_ONE} =True
RewriteCond %{ENV:RESULT_TWO} =True
RewriteRule ...something...


Intellij idea subversion checkout error: `Cannot run program "svn"`

Disabling Use command-line client from the settings on IntelliJ Ultimate 14.0.3 works for me.

I checked IDEA's document, IDEA don't need a SVN client software anymore. see below description from



IntelliJ IDEA comes bundled with Subversion plugin. This plugin is turned on by default. If it is not, make sure that the plugin is enabled. IntelliJ IDEA's Subversion integration does not require a standalone Subversion client. All you need is an account in your Subversion repository. Subversion integration is enabled for the current project root or directory.


How to disable registration new users in Laravel

As of Laravel 5.7 you can pass an array of options to Auth::routes(). You can then disable the register routes with:

Auth::routes(['register' => false]);

You can see how this works from the source code: src/Illuminate/Routing/Router.php.

How to grant remote access permissions to mysql server for user?

In my case I was trying to connect to a remote mysql server on cent OS. After going through a lot of solutions (granting all privileges, removing ip bindings,enabling networking) problem was still not getting solved.

As it turned out, while looking into various solutions,I came across iptables, which made me realize mysql port 3306 was not accepting connections.

Here is a small note on how I checked and resolved this issue.

  • Checking if port is accepting connections:
telnet (mysql server ip) [portNo]

-Adding ip table rule to allow connections on the port:

iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 3306 -j ACCEPT

-Would not recommend this for production environment, but if your iptables are not configured properly, adding the rules might not still solve the issue. In that case following should be done:

service iptables stop

Hope this helps.

Node.js: Difference between req.query[] and req.params

Given this route

app.get('/hi/:param1', function(req,res){} );

and given this URL

You will have:


  qs1: 'you',
  qs2: 'tube'


  param1: 'there'

Express req.params >>

Object of class mysqli_result could not be converted to string in

mysqli:query() returns a mysqli_result object, which cannot be serialized into a string.

You need to fetch the results from the object. Here's how to do it.

If you need a single value.

Fetch a single row from the result and then access column index 0 or using an associative key. Use the null-coalescing operator in case no rows are present in the result.

$result = $con->query($tourquery);  // or mysqli_query($con, $tourquery);

$tourresult = $result->fetch_array()[0] ?? '';
// OR
$tourresult = $result->fetch_array()['roomprice'] ?? '';

echo '<strong>Per room amount:  </strong>'.$tourresult;

If you need multiple values.

Use foreach loop to iterate over the result and fetch each row one by one. You can access each column using the column name as an array index.

$result = $con->query($tourquery);  // or mysqli_query($con, $tourquery);

foreach($result as $row) {
    echo '<strong>Per room amount:  </strong>'.$row['roomprice'];

How to disassemble a binary executable in Linux to get the assembly code?

An interesting alternative to objdump is gdb. You don't have to run the binary or have debuginfo.

$ gdb -q ./a.out 
Reading symbols from ./a.out...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
(gdb) info functions 
All defined functions:

Non-debugging symbols:
0x00000000004003a8  _init
0x00000000004003e0  __libc_start_main@plt
0x00000000004003f0  __gmon_start__@plt
0x0000000000400400  _start
0x0000000000400430  deregister_tm_clones
0x0000000000400460  register_tm_clones
0x00000000004004a0  __do_global_dtors_aux
0x00000000004004c0  frame_dummy
0x00000000004004f0  fce
0x00000000004004fb  main
0x0000000000400510  __libc_csu_init
0x0000000000400580  __libc_csu_fini
0x0000000000400584  _fini
(gdb) disassemble main
Dump of assembler code for function main:
   0x00000000004004fb <+0>:     push   %rbp
   0x00000000004004fc <+1>:     mov    %rsp,%rbp
   0x00000000004004ff <+4>:     sub    $0x10,%rsp
   0x0000000000400503 <+8>:     callq  0x4004f0 <fce>
   0x0000000000400508 <+13>:    mov    %eax,-0x4(%rbp)
   0x000000000040050b <+16>:    mov    -0x4(%rbp),%eax
   0x000000000040050e <+19>:    leaveq 
   0x000000000040050f <+20>:    retq   
End of assembler dump.
(gdb) disassemble fce
Dump of assembler code for function fce:
   0x00000000004004f0 <+0>:     push   %rbp
   0x00000000004004f1 <+1>:     mov    %rsp,%rbp
   0x00000000004004f4 <+4>:     mov    $0x2a,%eax
   0x00000000004004f9 <+9>:     pop    %rbp
   0x00000000004004fa <+10>:    retq   
End of assembler dump.

With full debugging info it's even better.

(gdb) disassemble /m main
Dump of assembler code for function main:
9       {
   0x00000000004004fb <+0>:     push   %rbp
   0x00000000004004fc <+1>:     mov    %rsp,%rbp
   0x00000000004004ff <+4>:     sub    $0x10,%rsp

10        int x = fce ();
   0x0000000000400503 <+8>:     callq  0x4004f0 <fce>
   0x0000000000400508 <+13>:    mov    %eax,-0x4(%rbp)

11        return x;
   0x000000000040050b <+16>:    mov    -0x4(%rbp),%eax

12      }
   0x000000000040050e <+19>:    leaveq 
   0x000000000040050f <+20>:    retq   

End of assembler dump.

objdump has a similar option (-S)

Find the index of a dict within a list, by matching the dict's value

Seems most logical to use a filter/index combo:

names=[{}, {'name': 'Tom'},{'name': 'Tony'}]
names.index(filter(lambda n: n.get('name') == 'Tom', names)[0])

And if you think there could be multiple matches:

[names.index(n) for item in filter(lambda n: n.get('name') == 'Tom', names)]

Show pop-ups the most elegant way

  • Create a 'popup' directive and apply it to the container of the popup content
  • In the directive, wrap the content in a absolute position div along with the mask div below it.
  • It is OK to move the 2 divs in the DOM tree as needed from within the directive. Any UI code is OK in the directives, including the code to position the popup in center of screen.
  • Create and bind a boolean flag to controller. This flag will control visibility.
  • Create scope variables that bond to OK / Cancel functions etc.

Editing to add a high level example (non functional)

<div id='popup1-content' popup='showPopup1'>

<div id='popup2-content' popup='showPopup2'>

.directive('popup', function() {
  var p = {
      link : function(scope, iElement, iAttrs){
           //code to wrap the div (iElement) with a abs pos div (parentDiv)
          // code to add a mask layer div behind 
          // if the parent is already there, then skip adding it again.
         //use jquery ui to make it dragable etc.
, function(newVal, oldVal){
               if(newVal === true){

  return p;

Which is best data type for phone number in MySQL and what should Java type mapping for it be?

My requirement is to display 10 digit phone number in the jsp. So here's the setup for me.
MySQL: numeric(10)

Java Side:

@NumberFormat(pattern = "#")  
private long mobileNumber;

and it worked!

Simplest way to have a configuration file in a Windows Forms C# application

I agree with the other answers that point you to app.config. However, rather than reading values directly from app.config, you should create a utility class (AppSettings is the name I use) to read them and expose them as properties. The AppSettings class can be used to aggregate settings from several stores, such as values from app.config and application version info from the assembly (AssemblyVersion and AssemblyFileVersion).

Java List.contains(Object with field value equal to x)


If you are using Java 8, perhaps you could try something like this:

public boolean containsName(final List<MyObject> list, final String name){
    return -> o.getName().equals(name)).findFirst().isPresent();

Or alternatively, you could try something like this:

public boolean containsName(final List<MyObject> list, final String name){

This method will return true if the List<MyObject> contains a MyObject with the name name. If you want to perform an operation on each of the MyObjects that getName().equals(name), then you could try something like this:

public void perform(final List<MyObject> list, final String name){ -> o.getName().equals(name)).forEach(
            o -> {

Where o represents a MyObject instance.

Alternatively, as the comments suggest (Thanks MK10), you could use the Stream#anyMatch method:

public boolean containsName(final List<MyObject> list, final String name){
    return -> o.getName().equals(name));

In Python, how to display current time in readable format

import time
time.strftime('%H:%M%p %Z on %b %d, %Y')

This may come in handy

How can I add a PHP page to WordPress?

Just create a page-mytitle.php file to the folder of the current theme, and from the Dashboard a page "mytitle".

Then when you invoke the page by the URL you are going to see the page-mytitle.php. You must add HTML, CSS, JavaScript, wp-loop, etc. to this PHP file (page-mytitle.php).

Java format yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSz to yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss

Gooye if it's possible to use Joda Time in your project then this code works for me:

String dateStr = "2012-10-01T09:45:00.000+02:00";
String customFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss";

DateTimeFormatter dtf = ISODateTimeFormat.dateTime();
LocalDateTime parsedDate = dtf.parseLocalDateTime(dateStr);

String dateWithCustomFormat = parsedDate.toString(DateTimeFormat.forPattern(customFormat));

Return JSON with error status code MVC

A simple way to send a error to Json is control Http Status Code of response object and set a custom error message.


public JsonResult Create(MyObject myObject) 
  return Json(new { IsCreated = True, Content = ViewGenerator(myObject));

  //Use input may be wrong but nothing crashed
  return Json(new { IsCreated = False, Content = ViewGenerator(myObject));  

  Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError;
  return Json(new { IsCreated = false, ErrorMessage = 'My error message');


     type: "POST",
     dataType: "json",
     url: "MyController/Create",
     data: JSON.stringify(myObject),
     success: function (result) {
    //... ALL FINE
    //... Use input may be wrong but nothing crashed
    error: function (error) {
            alert("Error:" + erro.responseJSON.ErrorMessage ); //Error

Submit a form using jQuery

you could do it like this :

$('#myform').bind('submit', function(){ ... });

How to handle login pop up window using Selenium WebDriver?

Now in 2020 Selenium 4 supports authenticating using Basic and Digest auth . Its using the CDP and currently only supports chromium-derived browsers

Example :

Java Example :

    Webdriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
    ((HasAuthentication) driver).register(UsernameAndPassword.of("username", "pass"));


Note : In Alpha-7 there is bug where it send username for both user/password. Need to wait for next release of selenium version as fix is available in trunk

How to format JSON in notepad++

I was unable to find JSTool. Please see below url to see how I installed Notepad++

How to view Plugin Manager in Notepad++

I created JSMinNPP folder in C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\plugins and copied JSMinNPP to it.

enter image description here

enter image description here

How can I add JAR files to the web-inf/lib folder in Eclipse?

  • Add the jar file to your WEB-INF/lib folder.
  • Right-click your project in Eclipse, and go to "Build Path > Configure Build Path"
  • Add the "Web App Libraries" library

This will ensure all WEB-INF/lib jars are included on the classpath.

PHP: Return all dates between two dates in an array

Here's a way of doing this using Carbon

public function buildDateRangeArray($first, $last)
    while ($first <= $last) {
        $dates[] = $first->toDateString();


    return $dates;

This, of course, can be tweaked to not use Carbon. The $first and $last parameters passed to the function are Carbon instances.

Html table tr inside td

You must add a full table inside the td


Array or List in Java. Which is faster?

Depending on the implementation. it's possible that an array of primitive types will be smaller and more efficient than ArrayList. This is because the array will store the values directly in a contiguous block of memory, while the simplest ArrayList implementation will store pointers to each value. On a 64-bit platform especially, this can make a huge difference.

Of course, it's possible for the jvm implementation to have a special case for this situation, in which case the performance will be the same.

Adding two Java 8 streams, or an extra element to a stream

Just do:

Stream.of(stream1, stream2, Stream.of(element)).flatMap(identity());

where identity() is a static import of Function.identity().

Concatenating multiple streams into one stream is the same as flattening a stream.

However, unfortunately, for some reason there is no flatten() method on Stream, so you have to use flatMap() with the identity function.

Automatically add all files in a folder to a target using CMake?

Extension for @Kleist answer:

Since CMake 3.12 additional option CONFIGURE_DEPENDS is supported by commands file(GLOB) and file(GLOB_RECURSE). With this option there is no needs to manually re-run CMake after addition/deletion of a source file in the directory - CMake will be re-run automatically on next building the project.

However, the option CONFIGURE_DEPENDS implies that corresponding directory will be re-checked every time building is requested, so build process would consume more time than without CONFIGURE_DEPENDS.

Even with CONFIGURE_DEPENDS option available CMake documentation still does not recommend using file(GLOB) or file(GLOB_RECURSE) for collect the sources.

Remove Fragment Page from ViewPager in Android

I had some problems with FragmentStatePagerAdapter. After removing an item:

  • there was another item used for a position (an item which did not belong to the position but to a position next to it)
  • or some fragment was not loaded (there was only blank background visible on that page)

After lots of experiments, I came up with the following solution.

public class SomeAdapter extends FragmentStatePagerAdapter {

    private List<Item> items = new ArrayList<Item>();

    private boolean removing;

    public Fragment getItem(int position) {
        ItemFragment fragment = new ItemFragment();
        Bundle args = new Bundle();
        // use items.get(position) to configure fragment
        return fragment;

    public int getCount() {
        return items.size();

    public int getItemPosition(Object object) {
        if (removing) {
            return PagerAdapter.POSITION_NONE;

        Item item = getItemOfFragment(object);

        int index = items.indexOf(item);
        if (index == -1) {
            return POSITION_NONE;
        } else {
            return index;

   public void addItem(Item item) {

    public void removeItem(int position) {

        removing = true;
        removing = false;

This solution only uses a hack in case of removing an item. Otherwise (e.g. when adding an item) it retains the cleanliness and performance of an original code.

Of course, from the outside of the adapter, you call only addItem/removeItem, no need to call notifyDataSetChanged().

Splitting strings using a delimiter in python

So, your input is 'dan|warrior|54' and you want "warrior". You do this like so:

>>> dan = 'dan|warrior|54'
>>> dan.split('|')[1]

Ifelse statement in R with multiple conditions

another solution using dplyr is:

df <- ## your data ##
df <- df %>%
        mutate(Den = ifelse(any( | any(Den != 1), 0, 1))

How do I request and receive user input in a .bat and use it to run a certain program?

I don't know the platform you're doing this on but I assume Windows due to the .bat extension.

Also I don't have a way to check this but this seems like the batch processor skips the If lines due to some errors and then executes the one with -dev.

You could try this by chaning the two jump targets (:yes and :no) along with the code. If then the line without -dev is executed you know your If lines are erroneous.

If so, please check if == is really the right way to do a comparison in .bat files.

Also, judging from the way bash does this stuff, %foo=="y" might evaluate to true only if %foo includes the quotes. So maybe "%foo"=="y" is the way to go.

How to load external webpage in WebView

try this;

webView.loadData("<iframe src='' style='border: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%'></iframe>", "text/html; charset=utf-8", "UTF-8");

Server configuration by allow_url_fopen=0 in

Use this code in your php script (first lines)


Node.js fs.readdir recursive directory search

Just in case anyone finds it useful, I also put together a synchronous version.

var walk = function(dir) {
    var results = [];
    var list = fs.readdirSync(dir);
    list.forEach(function(file) {
        file = dir + '/' + file;
        var stat = fs.statSync(file);
        if (stat && stat.isDirectory()) { 
            /* Recurse into a subdirectory */
            results = results.concat(walk(file));
        } else { 
            /* Is a file */
    return results;

Tip: To use less resources when filtering. Filter within this function itself. E.g. Replace results.push(file); with below code. Adjust as required:

    file_type = file.split(".").pop();
    file_name = file.split(/(\\|\/)/g).pop();
    if (file_type == "json") results.push(file);

Couldn't load memtrack module Logcat Error

This error, as you can read on the question linked in comments above, results to be:

"[...] a problem with loading {some} hardware module. This could be something to do with GPU support, sdcard handling, basically anything."

The step 1 below should resolve this problem. Also as I can see, you have some strange package names inside your manifest:

  • package="com.example.hive" in <manifest> tag,
  • android:name="" for <application>
  • and android:name="com.sit.gems.activity" in <activity>

As you know, these things do not prevent your app to be displayed. But I think:

the Couldn't load memtrack module error could occur because of emulators configurations problems and, because your project contains many organization problems, it might help to give a fresh redesign.

For better using and with few things, this can be resolved by following these tips:

1. Try an other emulator...

And even a real device! The memtrack module error seems related to your emulator. So change it into Run configuration, don't forget to change the API too.

2. OpenGL error logs

For OpenGl errors, as called unimplemented OpenGL ES API, it's not an error but a statement! You should enable it in your manifest (you can read this answer if you're using GLSurfaceView inside, it might help you):

<uses-feature android:glEsVersion="0x00020000"></uses-feature>  
// or
<uses-feature android:glEsVersion="0x00010001" android:required="true" />

3. Use the same package

Don't declare different package names to all the tags in Manifest. You should have the same for Manifest, Activities, etc. Something like this looks right:

<!-- set the general package -->
<manifest xmlns:android=""
    android:versionName="1.0" >

    <!-- don't set a package name in <application> -->
    <application ... >

        <!-- then, declare the activities -->
            android:name="com.sit.gems.activity.SplashActivity" ... >
                <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
                <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
        <!-- same package here -->
            android:name="com.sit.gems.activity.HomeActivity" ... >

4. Don't get lost with layouts:

You should set another layout for because you're not using the TabHost for the splash screen and this is not a safe resource way. Declare a specific layout with something different, like the app name and the logo:

// inside SplashScreen class

// layout splash_screen.xml
<TextView xmlns:android=""
     android:text="@string/appname" />  

Avoid using a layout in activities which don't use it.

5. Splash Screen?

Finally, I don't understand clearly the purpose of your SplashScreenActivity. It sets a content view and directly finish. This is useless.

As its name is Splash Screen, I assume that you want to display a screen before launching your HomeActivity. Therefore, you should do this and don't use the TabHost layout ;):

// FragmentActivity is also useless here! You don't use a Fragment into it, so, use traditional Activity
public class SplashActivity extends Activity {
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        // set your splash_screen layout

        // create a new Thread
        new Thread(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                try {
                    // sleep during 800ms
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                // start HomeActivity
                startActivity(new Intent(SplashActivity.this, HomeActivity.class));

I hope this kind of tips help you to achieve what you want.
If it's not the case, let me know how can I help you.

How to fix Terminal not loading ~/.bashrc on OS X Lion

Renaming .bashrc to .profile (or soft-linking the latter to the former) should also do the trick. See here.

$('body').on('click', '.anything', function(){})

You should use $(document). It is a function trigger for any click event in the document. Then inside you can use the jquery on("click","body *",somefunction), where the second argument specifies which specific element to target. In this case every element inside the body.

$(document).on('click','body *',function(){
    //  $(this) = your current element that clicked.
    // additional code

Changing the image source using jQuery

Just an addition, to make it even more tiny:

    $(this).attr("src",$(this).attr('src') == 'img1_on.gif' ? 'img1_off.gif':'img1_on.gif');

Android Studio update -Error:Could not run build action using Gradle distribution

Try updating gradle dependency to 2.4. For that you need to go to File -> Project Structure -> Project -> Gradle version.

There you need to change from 2.2.1 to 2.4. Wait for new gradle version to be downloaded.

And you are ready to go.

How to find index position of an element in a list when contains returns true


It either returns an index or -1 if the items is not found.

I strongly recommend wrapping the map in some object and use generics if possible.

AngularJS does not send hidden field value

You can always use a type=text and display:none; since Angular ignores hidden elements. As OP says, normally you wouldn't do this, but this seems like a special case.

<input type="text" name="someData" ng-model="data" style="display: none;"/>

how to check for special characters php

preg_match('/'.preg_quote('^\'£$%^&*()}{@#~?><,@|-=-_+-¬', '/').'/', $string);

How to make an image center (vertically & horizontally) inside a bigger div

I would set your larger div with position:relative; then for your image do this:


This only works because you know the dimensions of both the image and the containing div. This will also let you have other items within the containing div... where solutions like using line-height will not.

EDIT: Note... your margins are negative half of the size of the image.

SQL Column definition : default value and not null redundant?

In case of Oracle since 12c you have DEFAULT ON NULL which implies a NOT NULL constraint.




If you specify the ON NULL clause, then Oracle Database assigns the DEFAULT column value when a subsequent INSERT statement attempts to assign a value that evaluates to NULL.

When you specify ON NULL, the NOT NULL constraint and NOT DEFERRABLE constraint state are implicitly specified. If you specify an inline constraint that conflicts with NOT NULL and NOT DEFERRABLE, then an error is raised.

How to use NULL or empty string in SQL




How to cherry pick from 1 branch to another

When you cherry-pick, it creates a new commit with a new SHA. If you do:

git cherry-pick -x <sha>

then at least you'll get the commit message from the original commit appended to your new commit, along with the original SHA, which is very useful for tracking cherry-picks.

How to toggle boolean state of react component?

Depending on your context; this will allow you to update state given the mouseEnter function. Either way, by setting a state value to either true:false you can update that state value given any function by setting it to the opposing value with !this.state.variable

state = {
  hover: false

onMouseEnter = () => {
    hover: !this.state.hover

Breaking/exit nested for in

Make the outer loop a while loop, and "Exit While" in the if statement.

ng-change not working on a text input

I've got the same issue, my model is binding from another form, I've added ng-change and ng-model and it still doesn't work:

<input type="hidden" id="pdf-url" class="form-control" ng-model="pdfUrl"/>


An input #pdf-url gets data from dropzone (two ways binding), however, ng-change doesn't work in this case. $scope.$watch is a solution for me:

$scope.$watch('pdfUrl', function updatePdfUrl(newPdfUrl, oldPdfUrl) {
  if (newPdfUrl !== oldPdfUrl) {
    // It's updated - Do something you want here.

Hope this help.

How do I get textual contents from BLOB in Oracle SQL

Use TO_CHAR function.

select TO_CHAR(BLOB_FIELD) from TABLE_WITH_BLOB where ID = '<row id>'

Converts NCHAR, NVARCHAR2, CLOB, or NCLOB data to the database character set. The value returned is always VARCHAR2.

What is the best practice for creating a favicon on a web site?

  1. you can work with this website for generate favin.ico
  2. I recommend use .ico format because the png don't work with method 1 and ico could have more detail!
  3. both method work with all browser but when it's automatically work what you want type a code for it? so i think method 1 is better.

Can a variable number of arguments be passed to a function?

If I may, Skurmedel's code is for python 2; to adapt it to python 3, change iteritems to items and add parenthesis to print. That could prevent beginners like me to bump into: AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'iteritems' and search elsewhere (e.g. Error “ 'dict' object has no attribute 'iteritems' ” when trying to use NetworkX's write_shp()) why this is happening.

def myfunc(**kwargs):
for k,v in kwargs.items():
   print("%s = %s" % (k, v))

myfunc(abc=123, efh=456)
# abc = 123
# efh = 456


def myfunc2(*args, **kwargs):
   for a in args:
   for k,v in kwargs.items():
       print("%s = %s" % (k, v))

myfunc2(1, 2, 3, banan=123)
# 1
# 2
# 3
# banan = 123

How to adjust text font size to fit textview

/* get your context */
Context c = getActivity().getApplicationContext();

LinearLayout l = new LinearLayout(c);
LayoutParams params = new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, 0);


TextView tv=new TextView(c);
tv.setText(" your text here");

/* set typeface if needed */
Typeface tf = Typeface.createFromAsset(c.getAssets(),"fonts/VERDANA.TTF");  

// LayoutParams lp = new LayoutParams();


tv.setGravity(Gravity.CENTER | Gravity.BOTTOM);
//  tv.setLayoutParams(lp);


return l;

Firefox 'Cross-Origin Request Blocked' despite headers

Try this, it should solve your issue

  1. In your config.php, add www pre in your For example:

    HTTP define('HTTP_SERVER', 'http://domain name with www/');
    HTTPS define('HTTPS_SERVER', 'http://domain name with www/');
  2. Add this to your .htaccess file

    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_METHOD} OPTIONS RewriteRule ^(.*)$ $1 [R=200,L]

How to get file path in iPhone app

If your tiles are not in your bundle, either copied from the bundle or downloaded from the internet you can get the directory like this

NSString *documentdir = [NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES) lastObject];
NSString *tileDirectory = [documentdir stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"xxxx/Tiles"];
NSLog(@"Tile Directory: %@", tileDirectory);

How to suppress Pandas Future warning ?

@bdiamante's answer may only partially help you. If you still get a message after you've suppressed warnings, it's because the pandas library itself is printing the message. There's not much you can do about it unless you edit the Pandas source code yourself. Maybe there's an option internally to suppress them, or a way to override things, but I couldn't find one.

For those who need to know why...

Suppose that you want to ensure a clean working environment. At the top of your script, you put pd.reset_option('all'). With Pandas 0.23.4, you get the following:

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> pd.reset_option('all')
html.border has been deprecated, use display.html.border instead
(currently both are identical)

C:\projects\stackoverflow\venv\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\ FutureWarning: html.bord
er has been deprecated, use display.html.border instead
(currently both are identical)

  warnings.warn(d.msg, FutureWarning)

: boolean
    use_inf_as_null had been deprecated and will be removed in a future
    version. Use `use_inf_as_na` instead.

C:\projects\stackoverflow\venv\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\ FutureWarning:
: boolean
    use_inf_as_null had been deprecated and will be removed in a future
    version. Use `use_inf_as_na` instead.

  warnings.warn(d.msg, FutureWarning)


Following the @bdiamante's advice, you use the warnings library. Now, true to it's word, the warnings have been removed. However, several pesky messages remain:

>>> import warnings
>>> warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=FutureWarning)
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> pd.reset_option('all')
html.border has been deprecated, use display.html.border instead
(currently both are identical)

: boolean
    use_inf_as_null had been deprecated and will be removed in a future
    version. Use `use_inf_as_na` instead.


In fact, disabling all warnings produces the same output:

>>> import warnings
>>> warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=Warning)
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> pd.reset_option('all')
html.border has been deprecated, use display.html.border instead
(currently both are identical)

: boolean
    use_inf_as_null had been deprecated and will be removed in a future
    version. Use `use_inf_as_na` instead.


In the standard library sense, these aren't true warnings. Pandas implements its own warnings system. Running grep -rn on the warning messages shows that the pandas warning system is implemented in core/

$ grep -rn "html.border has been deprecated"
core/ has been deprecated, use display.html.border instead

Further chasing shows that I don't have time for this. And you probably don't either. Hopefully this saves you from falling down the rabbit hole or perhaps inspires someone to figure out how to truly suppress these messages!

"Use of undeclared type" in Swift, even though type is internal, and exists in same module

This can also happen if you have a function with the same name as an object type in your signature. For example:

class func Player(playerObj: Player)

will cause the compiler to get confused (and rightfully so) since the compiler will first look locally within the file before looking at other files. So it looks at "Player" in the signature and thinks, that's not an object in this scope, but a function, so something is wrong.

Perhaps this is a good reason why I shouldn't capitalize class functions. :)

How to disable mouse right click on a web page?

<body oncontextmenu="return false;"> works for me in Google Chrome. Not sure about other browsers.

Note, all someone has to do is disable JavaScript in order to see the right-click menu anyway.

Set variable with multiple values and use IN

Use a Temp Table or a Table variable, e.g.

select 'A' as [value]
into #tmp
select 'B'
select 'C'

and then

FROM    foo 
WHERE   myField IN (select [value] from #tmp) 


FROM foo f INNER JOIN #tmp t ON f.myField = t.[value]

Bash Script : what does #!/bin/bash mean?

In bash script, what does #!/bin/bash at the 1st line mean ?

In Linux system, we have shell which interprets our UNIX commands. Now there are a number of shell in Unix system. Among them, there is a shell called bash which is very very common Linux and it has a long history. This is a by default shell in Linux.

When you write a script (collection of unix commands and so on) you have a option to specify which shell it can be used. Generally you can specify which shell it wold be by using Shebang(Yes that's what it's name).

So if you #!/bin/bash in the top of your scripts then you are telling your system to use bash as a default shell.

Now coming to your second question :Is there a difference between #!/bin/bash and #!/bin/sh ?

The answer is Yes. When you tell #!/bin/bash then you are telling your environment/ os to use bash as a command interpreter. This is hard coded thing.

Every system has its own shell which the system will use to execute its own system scripts. This system shell can be vary from OS to OS(most of the time it will be bash. Ubuntu recently using dash as default system shell). When you specify #!/bin/sh then system will use it's internal system shell to interpreting your shell scripts.

Visit this link for further information where I have explained this topic.

Hope this will eliminate your confusions...good luck.

How to increase maximum execution time in php

You can try to set_time_limit(n). However, if your PHP setup is running in safe mode, you can only change it from the php.ini file.

How do I apply a perspective transform to a UIView?

Swift 5.0

func makeTransform(horizontalDegree: CGFloat, verticalDegree: CGFloat, maxVertical: CGFloat,rotateDegree: CGFloat, maxHorizontal: CGFloat) -> CATransform3D {
    var transform = CATransform3DIdentity
    transform.m34 = 1 / -500
    let xAnchor = (horizontalDegree / (2 * maxHorizontal)) + 0.5
    let yAnchor = (verticalDegree / (-2 * maxVertical)) + 0.5
    let anchor = CGPoint(x: xAnchor, y: yAnchor)
    setAnchorPoint(anchorPoint: anchor, forView: self.imgView)
    let hDegree  = (CGFloat(horizontalDegree) * .pi)  / 180
    let vDegree  = (CGFloat(verticalDegree) * .pi)  / 180
    let rDegree  = (CGFloat(rotateDegree) * .pi)  / 180
    transform = CATransform3DRotate(transform, vDegree , 1, 0, 0)
    transform = CATransform3DRotate(transform, hDegree , 0, 1, 0)
    transform = CATransform3DRotate(transform, rDegree , 0, 0, 1)
    return transform

func setAnchorPoint(anchorPoint: CGPoint, forView view: UIView) {
    var newPoint = CGPoint(x: view.bounds.size.width * anchorPoint.x, y: view.bounds.size.height * anchorPoint.y)
    var oldPoint = CGPoint(x: view.bounds.size.width * view.layer.anchorPoint.x, y: view.bounds.size.height * view.layer.anchorPoint.y)
    newPoint = newPoint.applying(view.transform)
    oldPoint = oldPoint.applying(view.transform)
    var position = view.layer.position
    position.x -= oldPoint.x
    position.x += newPoint.x
    position.y -= oldPoint.y
    position.y += newPoint.y
    print("Anchor: \(anchorPoint)")
    view.layer.position = position
    view.layer.anchorPoint = anchorPoint

you only need to call the function with your degree. for example:

var transform = makeTransform(horizontalDegree: 20.0 , verticalDegree: 25.0, maxVertical: 25, rotateDegree: 20, maxHorizontal: 25)
imgView.layer.transform = transform

How to calculate age in T-SQL with years, months, and days

I use this Function I modified (the Days part) From @Dane answer:

            @tmpdate DATETIME
          , @years   INT
          , @months  INT
          , @days    INT
          , @EdadAMD NVARCHAR(10);

        SELECT @tmpdate = @FECHA;

        SELECT @years = DATEDIFF(yy, @tmpdate, GETDATE()) - CASE
                                          WHEN (MONTH(@FECHA) >    MONTH(GETDATE()))
                                             OR (
                                                MONTH(@FECHA) = MONTH(GETDATE())
                                          AND DAY(@FECHA) > DAY(GETDATE())
                                          ) THEN
    SELECT @tmpdate = DATEADD(yy, @years, @tmpdate);
    SELECT @months = DATEDIFF(m, @tmpdate, GETDATE()) - CASE
                              WHEN DAY(@FECHA) > DAY(GETDATE()) THEN
    SELECT @tmpdate = DATEADD(m, @months, @tmpdate);

          SELECT @days = 
            DAY(EOMONTH(GETDATE(), -1)) - (DAY(@FECHA) - DAY(GETDATE()));
        SELECT @days = DATEDIFF(d, @tmpdate, GETDATE());

    SELECT @EdadAMD = CONCAT(@years, 'a', @months, 'm', @days, 'd');

    RETURN @EdadAMD;


It works pretty well.

How to get maximum value from the Collection (for example ArrayList)?


Update Item to Revision vs Revert to Revision

The text from the Tortoise reference:

Update item to revision Update your working copy to the selected revision. Useful if you want to have your working copy reflect a time in the past, or if there have been further commits to the repository and you want to update your working copy one step at a time. It is best to update a whole directory in your working copy, not just one file, otherwise your working copy could be inconsistent.

If you want to undo an earlier change permanently, use Revert to this revision instead.

Revert to this revision Revert to an earlier revision. If you have made several changes, and then decide that you really want to go back to how things were in revision N, this is the command you need. The changes are undone in your working copy so this operation does not affect the repository until you commit the changes. Note that this will undo all changes made after the selected revision, replacing the file/folder with the earlier version.

If your working copy is in an unmodified state, after you perform this action your working copy will show as modified. If you already have local changes, this command will merge the undo changes into your working copy.

What is happening internally is that Subversion performs a reverse merge of all the changes made after the selected revision, undoing the effect of those previous commits.

If after performing this action you decide that you want to undo the undo and get your working copy back to its previous unmodified state, you should use TortoiseSVN ? Revert from within Windows Explorer, which will discard the local modifications made by this reverse merge action.

If you simply want to see what a file or folder looked like at an earlier revision, use Update to revision or Save revision as... instead.

Open firewall port on CentOS 7

CentOS (RHEL) 7, has changed the firewall to use firewall-cmd which has a notion of zones which is like a Windows version of Public, Home, and Private networks. You should look here to figure out which one you think you should use. EL7 uses public by default so that is what my examples below use.

You can check which zone you are using with firewall-cmd --list-all and change it with firewall-cmd --set-default-zone=<zone>.

You will then know what zone to allow a service (or port) on:

firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=<zone> --add-service=http

firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=<zone> --add-port=80/tcp

You can check if the port has actually be opened by running:

firewall-cmd --zone=<zone> --query-port=80/tcp

firewall-cmd --zone=<zone> --query-service=http

According to the documentation,

When making changes to the firewall settings in Permanent mode, your selection will only take effect when you reload the firewall or the system restarts.

You can reload the firewall settings with: firewall-cmd --reload.

Android - Launcher Icon Size

I had the same problem but then realized the arrangement of my icon graphic within the square allowed (512 x 512 in my case) was not maximized. So I rotated the image and was able to scale it up to fill the corners better. Then I right clicked on my res folder in my project in Android Studio, then choose New then Image Asset, it took me through a wizard where I got to select my image file to use. Then if you check the box that says "Trim surrounding blank space", it makes sure all edges, that are able, touch the sides of your square. These steps got it much bigger than the original.

Getting values from JSON using Python

If you want to iterate over both keys and values of the dictionary, do this:

for key, value in data.items():
    print key, value

How to undo local changes to a specific file

You don't want git revert. That undoes a previous commit. You want git checkout to get git's version of the file from master.

git checkout -- filename.txt

In general, when you want to perform a git operation on a single file, use -- filename.

2020 Update

Git introduced a new command git restore in version 2.23.0. Therefore, if you have git version 2.23.0+, you can simply git restore filename.txt - which does the same thing as git checkout -- filename.txt. The docs for this command do note that it is currently experimental.

How to get the mysql table columns data type?

Query to find out all the datatype of columns being used in any database

WHERE table_schema = '<db_name>' AND column_name like '%';

Can't create project on Netbeans 8.2

@ubuntu 18.04

sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk
sudo update-alternatives --config java

  Selection    Path                                            Priority   Status
  0            /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64/bin/java      1111      auto mode
  1            /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64/bin/java      1111      manual mode
* 2            /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/java   1081      manual mode

Press <enter> to keep the current choice[*], or type selection number: 

choose java 8 then restart netbeans

If else embedding inside html

 <?php if (date("H") < "12" && date("H")>"6") { ?>
   src="<?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?>/images/img/morning.gif" 
 <?php } elseif (date("H") > "12" && date("H")<"17") { ?>
 src="<?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?>/images/img/noon.gif" 
  <?php } elseif (date("H") > "17" && date("H")<"21") { ?>
   src="<?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?>/images/img/evening.gif" 
  <?php } elseif (date("H") > "21" && date("H")<"24") { ?>
  src="<?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?>/images/img/night.gif" 
  <?php }else { ?>
  src="<?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?>/images/img/mid_night.gif" 
  <?php } ?>

Apply function to pandas groupby

I saw a nested function technique for computing a weighted average on S.O. one time, altering that technique can solve your issue.

def group_weight(overall_size):
    def inner(group):
        return len(group)/float(overall_size)
    inner.__name__ = 'weight'
    return inner

d = {"my_label": pd.Series(['A','B','A','C','D','D','E'])}
df = pd.DataFrame(d)
print df.groupby('my_label').apply(group_weight(len(df)))

A    0.285714
B    0.142857
C    0.142857
D    0.285714
E    0.142857
dtype: float64

Here is how to do a weighted average within groups

def wavg(val_col_name,wt_col_name):
    def inner(group):
        return (group[val_col_name] * group[wt_col_name]).sum() / group[wt_col_name].sum()
    inner.__name__ = 'wgt_avg'
    return inner

d = {"P": pd.Series(['A','B','A','C','D','D','E'])
     ,"Q": pd.Series([1,2,3,4,5,6,7])
    ,"R": pd.Series([0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7])

df = pd.DataFrame(d)
print df.groupby('P').apply(wavg('Q','R'))

A    2.500000
B    2.000000
C    4.000000
D    5.545455
E    7.000000
dtype: float64

Have a reloadData for a UITableView animate when changing

The way to approach this is to tell the tableView to remove and add rows and sections with the

insertSections:withRowAnimation: and

methods of UITableView.

When you call these methods, the table will animate in/out the items you requested, then call reloadData on itself so you can update the state after this animation. This part is important - if you animate away everything but don't change the data returned by the table's dataSource, the rows will appear again after the animation completes.

So, your application flow would be:

[self setTableIsInSecondState:YES];

[myTable deleteSections:[NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex:0] withRowAnimation:YES]];

As long as your table's dataSource methods return the correct new set of sections and rows by checking [self tableIsInSecondState] (or whatever), this will achieve the effect you're looking for.

How to select a specific node with LINQ-to-XML

Assuming the ID is unique:

var result = xmldoc.Element("Customers")
                   .Single(x => (int?)x.Attribute("ID") == 2);

You could also use First, FirstOrDefault, SingleOrDefault or Where, instead of Single for different circumstances.

VB.NET 'If' statement with 'Or' conditional has both sides evaluated?

It's your "fault" in that that's how Or is defined, so it's the behaviour you should expect:

In a Boolean comparison, the Or operator always evaluates both expressions, which could include making procedure calls. The OrElse Operator (Visual Basic) performs short-circuiting, which means that if expression1 is True, then expression2 is not evaluated.

But you don't have to endure it. You can use OrElse to get short-circuiting behaviour.

So you probably want:

If (example Is Nothing OrElse Not example.Item = compare.Item) Then
End If

I can't say it reads terribly nicely, but it should work...

"find: paths must precede expression:" How do I specify a recursive search that also finds files in the current directory?

I came across this question when I was trying to find multiple filenames that I could not combine into a regular expression as described in @Chris J's answer, here is what worked for me

find . -name one.pdf -o -name two.txt -o -name anotherone.jpg

-o or -or is logical OR. See Finding Files on for more information.

I was running this on CygWin.

How to change spinner text size and text color?

I have done this as following.I have use getDropDownView() and getView() methods.

Use getDropDownView() for opened Spinner.

public View getDropDownView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
  View view = convertView;
  if (view == null) {
    LayoutInflater vi = (LayoutInflater) activity.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);
    view = vi.inflate(R.layout.context_row_icon, null);
  TextView mTitle = (TextView) view.findViewById(;
  ImageView flag = (ImageView) view.findViewById(;                


  if (!((LabelItem) getItem(position)).isEnabled()) {
  } else {
  return view;

And Use getView() for closed Spinner.

public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
  View view = convertView;
  if (view == null) {
    LayoutInflater vi = (LayoutInflater) activity.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);
    view = vi.inflate(R.layout.context_row_icon, null);
  TextView mTitle = (TextView) view.findViewById(;
  ImageView flag = (ImageView) view.findViewById(;


  return view;

Set background image in CSS using jquery

Try this

    $(this).parent().css("background", "url('../images/r-srchbg_white.png') no-repeat");

How can I close a Twitter Bootstrap popover with a click from anywhere (else) on the page?

Add btn-popover class to your popover button/link that opens the popover. This code will close the popovers when clicking outside of it.

$('body').on('click', function(event) {
  if (!$('.btn-popover, .popover').length) {

Java: Calculating the angle between two points in degrees

angle = Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(target.x - x, target.y - y));

now for orientation of circular values to keep angle between 0 and 359 can be:

angle = angle + Math.ceil( -angle / 360 ) * 360

How to replace sql field value

You could just use REPLACE:

UPDATE myTable SET emailCol = REPLACE(emailCol, '.com', '.org')`.

But take into account an email address such as [email protected] will be updated to [email protected].

If you want to be on a safer side, you should check for the last 4 characters using RIGHT, and append .org to the SUBSTRING manually instead. Notice the usage of UPPER to make the search for the .com ending case insensitive.

UPDATE myTable 
SET emailCol = SUBSTRING(emailCol, 1, LEN(emailCol)-4) + '.org'
WHERE UPPER(RIGHT(emailCol,4)) = '.COM';

See it working in this SQLFiddle.

Creating all possible k combinations of n items in C++

From Rosetta code

#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
void comb(int N, int K)
    std::string bitmask(K, 1); // K leading 1's
    bitmask.resize(N, 0); // N-K trailing 0's
    // print integers and permute bitmask
    do {
        for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) // [0..N-1] integers
            if (bitmask[i]) std::cout << " " << i;
        std::cout << std::endl;
    } while (std::prev_permutation(bitmask.begin(), bitmask.end()));
int main()
    comb(5, 3);


 0 1 2
 0 1 3
 0 1 4
 0 2 3
 0 2 4
 0 3 4
 1 2 3
 1 2 4
 1 3 4
 2 3 4

Analysis and idea

The whole point is to play with the binary representation of numbers for example the number 7 in binary is 0111

So this binary representation can also be seen as an assignment list as such:

For each bit i if the bit is set (i.e is 1) means the ith item is assigned else not.

Then by simply computing a list of consecutive binary numbers and exploiting the binary representation (which can be very fast) gives an algorithm to compute all combinations of N over k.

The sorting at the end (of some implementations) is not needed. It is just a way to deterministicaly normalize the result, i.e for same numbers (N, K) and same algorithm same order of combinations is returned

For further reading about number representations and their relation to combinations, permutations, power sets (and other interesting stuff), have a look at Combinatorial number system , Factorial number system

PS: You may want to check out my combinatorics framework Abacus which computes many types of combinatorial objects efficiently and its routines (originaly in JavaScript) can be adapted easily to many other languages.

How do I free memory in C?

You have to free() the allocated memory in exact reverse order of how it was allocated using malloc().

Note that You should free the memory only after you are done with your usage of the allocated pointers.

memory allocation for 1D arrays:

    buffer = malloc(num_items*sizeof(double));

memory deallocation for 1D arrays:


memory allocation for 2D arrays:

    double **cross_norm=(double**)malloc(150 * sizeof(double *));
    for(i=0; i<150;i++)

memory deallocation for 2D arrays:

    for(i=0; i<150;i++)


Installing a dependency with Bower from URL and specify version

Just an update.

Now if it's a github repository then using just a github shorthand is enough if you do not mind the version of course.

GitHub shorthand

$ bower install desandro/masonry

ld cannot find -l<library>

Add directory dir to the list of directories to be searched for -l.

How to set the max value and min value of <input> in html5 by javascript or jquery?

Try this:

<input type="number" max="???" min="???" step="0.5" id="myInput"/>

   "max" : 10,
   "min" : 2

Note:This will set max and min value only to single input

What is copy-on-write?

A good example is Git, which uses a strategy to store blobs. Why does it use hashes? Partly because these are easier to perform diffs on, but also because makes it simpler to optimise a COW strategy. When you make a new commit with few files changes the vast majority of objects and trees will not change. Therefore the commit, will through various pointers made of hashes reference a bunch of object that already exist, making the storage space required to store the entire history much smaller.

Eclipse: Java was started but returned error code=13

This is often caused by the (accidental) removal of the JRE folder that is set in the Eclipse configuration. You can try following these instructions from the Eclipse wiki on how to configure the eclipse.ini file to include the the JRE location, or alternatively, launch eclipse from the command prompt using VM arguments. I have tried them both myself and in my opinion, the command prompt option works much better.

Once you are able to launch Eclipse, make sure you verify the installed JRE location under Java --> Installed JREs in the Preferences window.

Checking if a textbox is empty in Javascript

your validation should be occur before your event suppose you are going to submit your form.

anyway if you want this on onchange, so here is code.

function valid(id)
    var textVal=document.getElementById(id).value;
    if (!textVal.match(/\S/)) 
        alert("Field is blank");
        return false;
        return true;

Convert to Datetime MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss in Sql Server


select convert(varchar(10),GETDATE(), 103) + 
       ' '+
       right(convert(varchar(32),GETDATE(),108),8) AS Date_Time

It will Produce:

Date_Time 30/03/2015 11:51:40

Read text file into string array (and write)

func readToDisplayUsingFile1(f *os.File){
    defer f.Close()
    reader := bufio.NewReader(f)
    contents, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(reader)
    lines := strings.Split(string(contents), '\n')


func readToDisplayUsingFile1(f *os.File){
    defer f.Close()
    slice := make([]string,0)

    reader := bufio.NewReader(f)


    str, err := reader.ReadString('\n')
    if err == io.EOF{

        slice = append(slice, str)

How to keep one variable constant with other one changing with row in excel

Yeah. Just put the $ sign in front of your desired constant cell.

Like $A6 if you wish to just change the number 6 serially and keep a constant, or $A$6 if you do not want anything from that reference to change at all.

Example: Cell A5 contains my exchange rate. In B1 you put say ( = C1 * $A$1). when you fill B1 through B....... the value in A5 remains constant and the value in C1 increases serially.

I am by far not be good at teacher, but I hope this helps!!!! Wink wink

How to plot a very simple bar chart (Python, Matplotlib) using input *.txt file?

You're talking about histograms, but this doesn't quite make sense. Histograms and bar charts are different things. An histogram would be a bar chart representing the sum of values per year, for example. Here, you just seem to be after bars.

Here is a complete example from your data that shows a bar of for each required value at each date:

import pylab as pl
import datetime

data = """0 14-11-2003
1 15-03-1999
12 04-12-2012
33 09-05-2007
44 16-08-1998
55 25-07-2001
76 31-12-2011
87 25-06-1993
118 16-02-1995
119 10-02-1981
145 03-05-2014"""

values = []
dates = []

for line in data.split("\n"):
    x, y = line.split()
    dates.append(datetime.datetime.strptime(y, "%d-%m-%Y").date())

fig = pl.figure()
ax = pl.subplot(111), values, width=100)

You need to parse the date with strptime and set the x-axis to use dates (as described in this answer).

If you're not interested in having the x-axis show a linear time scale, but just want bars with labels, you can do this instead:

fig = pl.figure()
ax = pl.subplot(111), values)

EDIT: Following comments, for all the ticks, and for them to be centred, pass the range to set_ticks (and move them by half the bar width):

fig = pl.figure()
ax = pl.subplot(111)
width=0.8, values, width=width)
ax.set_xticks(np.arange(len(dates)) + width/2)
ax.set_xticklabels(dates, rotation=90)

How to handle the click event in Listview in android?

I can not see where do you declare context. For the purpose of the intent creation you can use MainActivity.this

 lv.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener() {
            public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position,
                    long id) {
                Intent intent = new Intent(MainActivity.this, SendMessage.class);
                String message = "abc";
                intent.putExtra(EXTRA_MESSAGE, message);

To retrieve the object upon you have clicked you can use the AdapterView:

ListEntry entry = (ListEntry) parent.getItemAtPosition(position);

how to read certain columns from Excel using Pandas - Python

"usecols" should help, use range of columns (as per excel worksheet, A,B...etc.) below are the examples

  1. Selected Columns
df = pd.read_excel(file_location,sheet_name='Sheet1', usecols="A,C,F")
  1. Range of Columns and selected column
df = pd.read_excel(file_location,sheet_name='Sheet1', usecols="A:F,H")
  1. Multiple Ranges
df = pd.read_excel(file_location,sheet_name='Sheet1', usecols="A:F,H,J:N")
  1. Range of columns
df = pd.read_excel(file_location,sheet_name='Sheet1', usecols="A:N")