Programs & Examples On #Rfc2445

The RFC defines iCalendar and has been obsoleted by RFC5545 (Internet Calendaring and Scheduling Core Object Specification) on sept 2009.

Difference between iCalendar (.ics) and the vCalendar (.vcs)

Both .ics and .vcs files are in ASCII. If you use "Save As" option to save a calendar entry (Appt, Meeting Request/Response/Postpone/Cancel and etc) in both .ics and .vcs format and use vimdiff, you can easily see the difference.

Both .vcs (vCal) and .ics (iCal) belongs to the same VCALENDAR camp, but .vcs file shows "VERSION:1.0" whereas .ics file uses "VERSION:2.0".

The spec for vCalendar v1.0 can be found at The spec for iCalendar (vCalendar v2.0) is in RFC5545. In general, the newer is better, and that is true for Outlook 2007 and onward, but not for Outlook 2003.

For Outlook 2003, the behavior is peculiar. It can save the same calendar entry in both .ics and .vcs format, but it only read & display .vcs file correctly. It can read .ics file but it omits some fields and does not display it in calendar mode. My guess is that back then Microsoft wanted to provide .ics to be compatible with Mac's iCal but not quite committed to v2.0 yet.

So I would say for Outlook 2003, .vcs is the native format.

How to filter rows containing a string pattern from a Pandas dataframe

If you want to set the column you filter on as a new index, you could also consider to use .filter; if you want to keep it as a separate column then str.contains is the way to go.

Let's say you have

df = pd.DataFrame({'vals': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 'ids': [u'aball', u'bball', u'cnut', u'fball', 'ballxyz']})

       ids  vals
0    aball     1
1    bball     2
2     cnut     3
3    fball     4
4  ballxyz     5

and your plan is to filter all rows in which ids contains ball AND set ids as new index, you can do

df.set_index('ids').filter(like='ball', axis=0)

which gives

aball       1
bball       2
fball       4
ballxyz     5

But filter also allows you to pass a regex, so you could also filter only those rows where the column entry ends with ball. In this case you use

df.set_index('ids').filter(regex='ball$', axis=0)

aball     1
bball     2
fball     4

Note that now the entry with ballxyz is not included as it starts with ball and does not end with it.

If you want to get all entries that start with ball you can simple use

df.set_index('ids').filter(regex='^ball', axis=0)


ballxyz     5

The same works with columns; all you then need to change is the axis=0 part. If you filter based on columns, it would be axis=1.

LINQ extension methods - Any() vs. Where() vs. Exists()

IEnumerable introduces quite a number of extensions to it which helps you to pass your own delegate and invoking the resultant from the IEnumerable back. Most of them are by nature of type Func

The Func takes an argument T and returns TResult.

In case of

Where - Func : So it takes IEnumerable of T and Returns a bool. The where will ultimately returns the IEnumerable of T's for which Func returns true.

So if you have 1,5,3,6,7 as IEnumerable and you write .where(r => r<5) it will return a new IEnumerable of 1,3.

Any - Func basically is similar in signature but returns true only when any of the criteria returns true for the IEnumerable. In our case, it will return true as there are few elements present with r<5.

Exists - Predicate on the other hand will return true only when any one of the predicate returns true. So in our case if you pass .Exists(r => 5) will return true as 5 is an element present in IEnumerable.

Firebase FCM notifications click_action payload

You can handle all your actions in function of your message in onMessageReceived() in your service extending FirebaseMessagingService. In order to do that, you must send a message containing exclusively data, using for example Advanced REST client in Chrome. Then you send a POST to using in "Raw headers":

Content-Type: application/json Authorization: key=YOUR_PERSONAL_FIREBASE_WEB_API_KEY

And a json message in the field "Raw payload".

Warning, if there is the field "notification" in your json, your message will never be received when app in background in onMessageReceived(), even if there is a data field ! For example, doing that, message work just if app in foreground:

    "condition": " 'Symulti' in topics || 'SymultiLite' in topics",
    "priority" : "normal",
    "time_to_live" : 0,
    "notification" : {
        "body" : "new Symulti update !",
        "title" : "new Symulti update !",
        "icon" : "ic_notif_symulti"
    "data" : {
        "id" : 1,
        "text" : "new Symulti update !"

In order to receive your message in all cases in onMessageReceived(), simply remove the "notification" field from your json !


    "condition": " 'Symulti' in topics || 'SymultiLite' in topics",
    "priority" : "normal",
    "time_to_live" : 0,,
    "data" : {
        "id" : 1,
        "text" : "new Symulti update !",
        "link" : "href://"

and in your FirebaseMessagingService :

public class MyFirebaseMessagingService extends FirebaseMessagingService {

    private static final String TAG = "MyFirebaseMsgService";

    public void onMessageReceived(RemoteMessage remoteMessage) {
      String message = "";
      obj = remoteMessage.getData().get("text");
      if (obj != null) {
        try {
          message = obj.toString();
        } catch (Exception e) {
          message = "";

      String link = "";
      obj = remoteMessage.getData().get("link");
      if (obj != null) {
        try {
          link = (String) obj;
        } catch (Exception e) {
          link = "";

      Intent intent;
      PendingIntent pendingIntent;
      if (link.equals("")) { // Simply run your activity
        intent = new Intent(this, MainActivity.class);
      } else { // open a link
        String url = "";
        if (!link.equals("")) {
          intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
      pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 0 /* Request code */, intent,

      NotificationCompat.Builder notificationBuilder = null;

      try {
        notificationBuilder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(this)
            .setSmallIcon(R.drawable.ic_notif_symulti)          // don't need to pass icon with your message if it's already in your app !
            .setContentTitle(URLDecoder.decode(getString(R.string.app_name), "UTF-8"))
            .setContentText(URLDecoder.decode(message, "UTF-8"))
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {

        if (notificationBuilder != null) {
          NotificationManager notificationManager =
              (NotificationManager) getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);
        } else {
          Log.d(TAG, "error NotificationManager");

Enjoy !

MySQL add days to a date

UPDATE table SET nameofdatefield = ADDDATE(nameofdatefield, 2) WHERE ...

On npm install: Unhandled rejection Error: EACCES: permission denied

Simply run on terminal : sudo chown -R $(whoami) ~/.npm

This worked for me !!

How to test if list element exists?

This is actually a bit trickier than you'd think. Since a list can actually (with some effort) contain NULL elements, it might not be enough to check is.null(foo$a). A more stringent test might be to check that the name is actually defined in the list:

foo <- list(a=42, b=NULL)

is.null(foo[["a"]]) # FALSE
is.null(foo[["b"]]) # TRUE, but the element "exists"...
is.null(foo[["c"]]) # TRUE

"a" %in% names(foo) # TRUE
"b" %in% names(foo) # TRUE
"c" %in% names(foo) # FALSE

...and foo[["a"]] is safer than foo$a, since the latter uses partial matching and thus might also match a longer name:

x <- list(abc=4)
x$a  # 4, since it partially matches abc
x[["a"]] # NULL, no match

[UPDATE] So, back to the question why exists('foo$a') doesn't work. The exists function only checks if a variable exists in an environment, not if parts of a object exist. The string "foo$a" is interpreted literary: Is there a variable called "foo$a"? ...and the answer is FALSE...

foo <- list(a=42, b=NULL) # variable "foo" with element "a"
"bar$a" <- 42   # A variable actually called "bar$a"...
ls() # will include "foo" and "bar$a" 
exists("foo$a") # FALSE 
exists("bar$a") # TRUE

How to make an image center (vertically & horizontally) inside a bigger div

another way is to create a table with valign, of course. This would work regardless of you knowing the div's height or not.

   <table width="100%" height="100%" align="center" valign="center">
      <img src="foo.jpg" alt="foo" />

but you should always stick to just css whenever possible.

Mocking HttpClient in unit tests

One alternative would be to setup a stub HTTP server that returns canned responses based on pattern matching the request url, meaning you test real HTTP requests not mocks. Historically this would have taken significant develoment effort and would have been far to slow to be considered for unit testing, however OSS library is easy to use and fast enough to be run with lots of tests so may be worth considering. Setup is a few lines of code:

var server = FluentMockServer.Start();
       .WithHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")

You can find a more details and guidance on using wiremock in tests here.

How to use a client certificate to authenticate and authorize in a Web API

Tracing helped me find what the problem was (Thank you Fabian for that suggestion). I found with further testing that I could get the client certificate to work on another server (Windows Server 2012). I was testing this on my development machine (Window 7) so I could debug this process. So by comparing the trace to an IIS Server that worked and one that did not I was able to pinpoint the relevant lines in the trace log. Here is a portion of a log where the client certificate worked. This is the setup right before the send

System.Net Information: 0 : [17444] InitializeSecurityContext(In-Buffers count=2, Out-Buffer length=0, returned code=CredentialsNeeded).
System.Net Information: 0 : [17444] SecureChannel#54718731 - We have user-provided certificates. The server has not specified any issuers, so try all the certificates.
System.Net Information: 0 : [17444] SecureChannel#54718731 - Selected certificate:

Here is what the trace log looked like on the machine where the client certificate failed.

System.Net Information: 0 : [19616] InitializeSecurityContext(In-Buffers count=2, Out-Buffer length=0, returned code=CredentialsNeeded).
System.Net Information: 0 : [19616] SecureChannel#54718731 - We have user-provided certificates. The server has specified 137 issuer(s). Looking for certificates that match any of the issuers.
System.Net Information: 0 : [19616] SecureChannel#54718731 - Left with 0 client certificates to choose from.
System.Net Information: 0 : [19616] Using the cached credential handle.

Focusing on the line that indicated the server specified 137 issuers I found this Q&A that seemed similar to my issue. The solution for me was not the one marked as an answer since my certificate was in the trusted root. The answer is the one under it where you update the registry. I just added the value to the registry key.


Value name: SendTrustedIssuerList Value type: REG_DWORD Value data: 0 (False)

After adding this value to the registry it started to work on my Windows 7 machine. This appears to be a Windows 7 issue.

How can I add items to an empty set in python

When you assign a variable to empty curly braces {} eg: new_set = {}, it becomes a dictionary. To create an empty set, assign the variable to a 'set()' ie: new_set = set()

How to detect responsive breakpoints of Twitter Bootstrap 3 using JavaScript?

I've made a native jQuery method for Twitter Bootstrap screen size detection. Here is:

// Screen size ID will be stored in this variable (global var for JS)
var CurrentBootstrapScreenSize = 'unknown';

$(document).ready(function () {

    // <div> objects for all screen sizes required for screen size detection.
    // These <div> is hidden for users eyes.
    var currentScreenSizeDetectorObjects = $('<div>').css({
            $('<div>').addClass('device-xs visible-xs').html('&nbsp;'),
            $('<div>').addClass('device-sm visible-sm').html('&nbsp;'),
            $('<div>').addClass('device-md visible-md').html('&nbsp;'),
            $('<div>').addClass('device-lg visible-lg').html('&nbsp;')

    // Attach <div> objects to <body>

    // Core method for detector
    function currentScreenSizeDetectorMethod() {
        $(currentScreenSizeDetectorObjects).find('div').each(function() {
            var className = $(this).attr('class');
            if($(this).is(':visible')) {
                if(String(className).match(/device-xs/)) CurrentBootstrapScreenSize = 'xs';
                else if(String(className).match(/device-sm/)) CurrentBootstrapScreenSize = 'sm';
                else if(String(className).match(/device-md/)) CurrentBootstrapScreenSize = 'md';
                else if(String(className).match(/device-lg/)) CurrentBootstrapScreenSize = 'lg';
                else CurrentBootstrapScreenSize = 'unknown';
        console.log('Current Bootstrap screen size is: '+CurrentBootstrapScreenSize);
        $('.CurrentBootstrapScreenSize').first().html('Bootstrap current screen size: <b>' + CurrentBootstrapScreenSize + '</b>' );

    // Bind screen size and orientation change
    $(window).bind("resize orientationchange", function() {
        // Execute screen detection

    // Execute screen detection on page initialize



JSFillde as fullscreen example:

How to make lists contain only distinct element in Python?

Let me explain to you by an example:

if you have Python list

>>> randomList = ["a","f", "b", "c", "d", "a", "c", "e", "d", "f", "e"]

and you want to remove duplicates from it.

>>> uniqueList = []

>>> for letter in randomList:
    if letter not in uniqueList:

>>> uniqueList
['a', 'f', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']

This is how you can remove duplicates from the list.

How to add to an existing hash in Ruby

If you have a hash, you can add items to it by referencing them by key:

hash = { }
hash[:a] = 'a'
# => 'a'

Here, like [ ] creates an empty array, { } will create a empty hash.

Arrays have zero or more elements in a specific order, where elements may be duplicated. Hashes have zero or more elements organized by key, where keys may not be duplicated but the values stored in those positions can be.

Hashes in Ruby are very flexible and can have keys of nearly any type you can throw at it. This makes it different from the dictionary structures you find in other languages.

It's important to keep in mind that the specific nature of a key of a hash often matters:

hash = { :a => 'a' }

# Fetch with Symbol :a finds the right value
# => 'a'

# Fetch with the String 'a' finds nothing
# => nil

# Assignment with the key :b adds a new entry
hash[:b] = 'Bee'

# This is then available immediately
# => "Bee"

# The hash now contains both keys
# => { :a => 'a', :b => 'Bee' }

Ruby on Rails confuses this somewhat by providing HashWithIndifferentAccess where it will convert freely between Symbol and String methods of addressing.

You can also index on nearly anything, including classes, numbers, or other Hashes.

hash = { Object => true, Hash => false }

# => true

# => false

# => nil

Hashes can be converted to Arrays and vice-versa:

# Like many things, Hash supports .to_a
{ :a => 'a' }.to_a
# => [[:a, "a"]]

# Hash also has a handy Hash[] method to create new hashes from arrays
Hash[[[:a, "a"]]]
# => {:a=>"a"} 

When it comes to "inserting" things into a Hash you may do it one at a time, or use the merge method to combine hashes:

{ :a => 'a' }.merge(:b => 'b')
# {:a=>'a',:b=>'b'}

Note that this does not alter the original hash, but instead returns a new one. If you want to combine one hash into another, you can use the merge! method:

hash = { :a => 'a' }

# Returns the result of hash combined with a new hash, but does not alter
# the original hash.
hash.merge(:b => 'b')
# => {:a=>'a',:b=>'b'}

# Nothing has been altered in the original
# => {:a=>'a'}

# Combine the two hashes and store the result in the original
hash.merge!(:b => 'b')
# => {:a=>'a',:b=>'b'}

# Hash has now been altered
# => {:a=>'a',:b=>'b'}

Like many methods on String and Array, the ! indicates that it is an in-place operation.

How do I determine scrollHeight?

scrollHeight is a regular javascript property so you don't need jQuery.

var test = document.getElementById("foo").scrollHeight;

HTTP GET request in JavaScript?

Here is an alternative to xml files to load your files as an object and access properties as an object in a very fast way.

  • Attention, so that javascript can him and to interpret the content correctly it is necessary to save your files in the same format as your HTML page. If you use UTF 8 save your files in UTF8, etc.

XML works as a tree ok? instead of writing

     <property> value <property> 

write a simple file like this:

      Property1: value
      Property2: value

Save your file .. Now call the function ....

    var objectfile = {};

function getfilecontent(url){
    var cli = new XMLHttpRequest();

    cli.onload = function(){
         if((this.status == 200 || this.status == 0) && this.responseText != null) {
        var r = this.responseText;
        var b=(r.indexOf('\n')?'\n':r.indexOf('\r')?'\r':'');
        if(b=='\n'){var j=r.toString().replace(/\r/gi,'');}else{var j=r.toString().replace(/\n/gi,'');}
        r=r.filter(function(val){if( val == '' || val == NaN || val == undefined || val == null ){return false;}return true;});
        r = => f.trim());
        if(r.length > 0){
            for(var i=0; i<r.length; i++){
                var m = r[i].split(':');
                        var mname = m[0];
                        var n = m.shift();
                        var ivalue = m.join(':');
    }"GET", url);

now you can get your values efficiently.


window.onload = function(){

if(objectfile !== null){
alert (objectfile.property1.value);

It's just a small gift to contibute to the group. Thanks of your like :)

If you want to test the function on your PC locally, restart your browser with the following command (supported by all browsers except safari):

yournavigator.exe '' --allow-file-access-from-files

How to include a sub-view in Blade templates?

As of Laravel 5.6, if you have this kind of structure and you want to include another blade file inside a subfolder,

|--- views

|------- parentFolder (Folder)

|---------- name.blade.php (Blade File)

|---------- childFolder (Folder)

|-------------- mypage.blade.php (Blade File)



Rollback to an old Git commit in a public repo

Well, I guess the question is, what do you mean by 'roll back'? If you can't reset because it's public and you want to keep the commit history intact, do you mean you just want your working copy to reflect a specific commit? Use git checkout and the commit hash.

Edit: As was pointed out in the comments, using git checkout without specifying a branch will leave you in a "no branch" state. Use git checkout <commit> -b <branchname> to checkout into a branch, or git checkout <commit> . to checkout into the current branch.

Does the target directory for a git clone have to match the repo name?

Yes, it is possible:

git clone Packages 

You can specify the local root directory when using git clone.


The name of a new directory to clone into.
The "humanish" part of the source repository is used if no directory is explicitly given (repo for /path/to/repo.git and foo for host.xz:foo/.git).
Cloning into an existing directory is only allowed if the directory is empty.

As Chris comments, you can then rename that top directory.
Git only cares about the .git within said top folder, which you can get with various commands:

git rev-parse --show-toplevel git rev-parse --git-dir 

OSError - Errno 13 Permission denied

Probably you are facing problem when a download request is made by the maybe_download function call in file.

There is a conflict in the permissions of the temporary files and I myself couldn't work out a way to change the permissions, but was able to work around the problem.

Do the following...

  • Download the four .gz files of the MNIST data set from the link ( )
  • Then make a folder names MNIST_data (or your choice in your working directory/ site packages folder in the tensorflow\examples folder).
  • Directly copy paste the files into the folder.
  • Copy the address of the folder (it probably will be ( C:\Python\Python35\Lib\site-packages\tensorflow\examples\tutorials\mnist\MNIST_data ))
  • Change the "\" to "/" as "\" is used for escape characters, to access the folder locations.
  • Lastly, if you are following the tutorials, your call function would be ( mnist = input_data.read_data_sets("MNIST_data/", one_hot=True) ) ; change the "MNIST_data/" parameter to your folder location. As in my case would be ( mnist = input_data.read_data_sets("C:/Python/Python35/Lib/site-packages/tensorflow/examples/tutorials/mnist/MNIST_data", one_hot=True) )

Then it's all done. Hope it works for you.

How to iterate through SparseArray?

If you don't care about the keys, then valueAt(int) can be used to while iterating through the sparse array to access the values directly.

for(int i = 0, nsize = sparseArray.size(); i < nsize; i++) {
    Object obj = sparseArray.valueAt(i);

When should I use a table variable vs temporary table in sql server?

Use a table variable if for a very small quantity of data (thousands of bytes)

Use a temporary table for a lot of data

Another way to think about it: if you think you might benefit from an index, automated statistics, or any SQL optimizer goodness, then your data set is probably too large for a table variable.

In my example, I just wanted to put about 20 rows into a format and modify them as a group, before using them to UPDATE / INSERT a permanent table. So a table variable is perfect.

But I am also running SQL to back-fill thousands of rows at a time, and I can definitely say that the temporary tables perform much better than table variables.

This is not unlike how CTE's are a concern for a similar size reason - if the data in the CTE is very small, I find a CTE performs as good as or better than what the optimizer comes up with, but if it is quite large then it hurts you bad.

My understanding is mostly based on, which has a lot more detail.

Given an array of numbers, return array of products of all other numbers (no division)

There also is a O(N^(3/2)) non-optimal solution. It is quite interesting, though.

First preprocess each partial multiplications of size N^0.5(this is done in O(N) time complexity). Then, calculation for each number's other-values'-multiple can be done in 2*O(N^0.5) time(why? because you only need to multiple the last elements of other ((N^0.5) - 1) numbers, and multiply the result with ((N^0.5) - 1) numbers that belong to the group of the current number). Doing this for each number, one can get O(N^(3/2)) time.


4 6 7 2 3 1 9 5 8

partial results: 4*6*7 = 168 2*3*1 = 6 9*5*8 = 360

To calculate the value of 3, one needs to multiply the other groups' values 168*360, and then with 2*1.

Error handling with try and catch in Laravel

You are inside a namespace so you should use \Exception to specify the global namespace:

try {


} catch (\Exception $e) {

    return $e->getMessage();

In your code you've used catch (Exception $e) so Exception is being searched in/as:


Since there is no Exception class inside App\Services\PayUService so it's not being triggered. Alternatively, you can use a use statement at the top of your class like use Exception; and then you can use catch (Exception $e).

How can I capitalize the first letter of each word in a string?

Capitalize string with non-uniform spaces

I would like to add to @Amit Gupta's point of non-uniform spaces:

From the original question, we would like to capitalize every word in the string s = 'the brown fox'. What if the string was s = 'the brown fox' with non-uniform spaces.

def solve(s):
    # If you want to maintain the spaces in the string, s = 'the brown      fox'
    # Use s.split(' ') instead of s.split().
    # s.split() returns ['the', 'brown', 'fox']
    # while s.split(' ') returns ['the', 'brown', '', '', '', '', '', 'fox']
    capitalized_word_list = [word.capitalize() for word in s.split(' ')]
    return ' '.join(capitalized_word_list)

Declare Variable for a Query String

I will point out that in the article linked in the top rated answer The Curse and Blessings of Dynamic SQL the author states that the answer is not to use dynamic SQL. Scroll almost to the end to see this.

From the article: "The correct method is to unpack the list into a table with a user-defined function or a stored procedure."

Of course, once the list is in a table you can use a join. I could not comment directly on the top rated answer, so I just added this comment.

Javascript extends class

Douglas Crockford has some very good explanations of inheritance in JavaScript:

  1. prototypal inheritance: the 'natural' way to do things in JavaScript
  2. classical inheritance: closer to what you find in most OO languages, but kind of runs against the grain of JavaScript

how to remove the dotted line around the clicked a element in html

Like @Lo Juego said, read the article

a, a:active, a:focus {
   outline: none;

Difference between Interceptor and Filter in Spring MVC

From HandlerIntercepter's javadoc:

HandlerInterceptor is basically similar to a Servlet Filter, but in contrast to the latter it just allows custom pre-processing with the option of prohibiting the execution of the handler itself, and custom post-processing. Filters are more powerful, for example they allow for exchanging the request and response objects that are handed down the chain. Note that a filter gets configured in web.xml, a HandlerInterceptor in the application context.

As a basic guideline, fine-grained handler-related pre-processing tasks are candidates for HandlerInterceptor implementations, especially factored-out common handler code and authorization checks. On the other hand, a Filter is well-suited for request content and view content handling, like multipart forms and GZIP compression. This typically shows when one needs to map the filter to certain content types (e.g. images), or to all requests.

With that being said:

So where is the difference between Interceptor#postHandle() and Filter#doFilter()?

postHandle will be called after handler method invocation but before the view being rendered. So, you can add more model objects to the view but you can not change the HttpServletResponse since it's already committed.

doFilter is much more versatile than the postHandle. You can change the request or response and pass it to the chain or even block the request processing.

Also, in preHandle and postHandle methods, you have access to the HandlerMethod that processed the request. So, you can add pre/post-processing logic based on the handler itself. For example, you can add a logic for handler methods that have some annotations.

What is the best practise in which use cases it should be used?

As the doc said, fine-grained handler-related pre-processing tasks are candidates for HandlerInterceptor implementations, especially factored-out common handler code and authorization checks. On the other hand, a Filter is well-suited for request content and view content handling, like multipart forms and GZIP compression. This typically shows when one needs to map the filter to certain content types (e.g. images), or to all requests.

TypeScript static classes

Static classes in languages like C# exist because there are no other top-level constructs to group data and functions. In JavaScript, however, they do and so it is much more natural to just declare an object like you did. To more closely mimick the class syntax, you can declare methods like so:

const myStaticClass = {
    property: 10,

    method() {


Round double value to 2 decimal places

[label setText:@"Value: %.2f", myNumber];

How to decompile to java files intellij idea

Follow instructions for IntelliJ JD plugin. Or see an excerpt from the instructions below.

java -jar fernflower.jar [<source>]+ <destination>

+ means 1 or more times
<source>: file or directory with files to be decompiled. Directories are recursively scanned. Allowed file extensions are class, zip and jar.
<destination>: destination directory


java -jar fernflower.jar -hdc=0 -dgs=1 -rsy=1 -lit=1 c:\Temp\binary\ -e=c:\Java\rt.jar c:\Temp\source\

Be aware that if you pass it a ".jar" file for the source, it will create another ".jar" file in the destination, however, within the new ".jar" file, the files will be .java instead of .class files (it doesn't explode the jar).


People ask me: How do I get the fernflower.jar?

If you have any IntelliJ product installed, chances are that you already have the Fernflower decompiler on your computer. IntelliJ IDEA comes with Java Bytecode Decompiler plugin (bundled) which is a modern extension of Fernflower.

  1. Locate the file in ${IntelliJ_INSTALL_DIR}\plugins\java-decompiler\lib\java-decompiler.jar (example: C:\Program Files\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA 2018\plugins\java-decompiler\lib).
  2. Copy it somewhere and rename to fernflower.jar (optional).
  3. This JAR is not executable, so we can't run it using java -jar. However something like this works:

    java -cp fernflower.jar [<source>]+ <destination>
 is the class that contains the main method to run the decompiler.


    mkdir output_src
    java -cp fernflower.jar -hdc=0 -dgs=1 -rsy=1 -lit=1 ./input.jar ./output_src

If you don't have IntelliJ products installed, either download it now (available on or make your own decompiler executable from sources (available on Github).

Still Reachable Leak detected by Valgrind

Here is a proper explanation of "still reachable":

"Still reachable" are leaks assigned to global and static-local variables. Because valgrind tracks global and static variables it can exclude memory allocations that are assigned "once-and-forget". A global variable assigned an allocation once and never reassigned that allocation is typically not a "leak" in the sense that it does not grow indefinitely. It is still a leak in the strict sense, but can usually be ignored unless you are pedantic.

Local variables that are assigned allocations and not free'd are almost always leaks.

Here is an example

int foo(void)
    static char *working_buf = NULL;
    char *temp_buf;
    if (!working_buf) {
         working_buf = (char *) malloc(16 * 1024);
    temp_buf = (char *) malloc(5 * 1024);



Valgrind will report working_buf as "still reachable - 16k" and temp_buf as "definitely lost - 5k".

INSTALL_FAILED_USER_RESTRICTED : android studio using redmi 4 device

With Xiaomi Redmi note 8 pro (MIUI 10.4.4), Android 9 -

While connecting to Vysor (2.1.2) from Windows PC (via USB cable), received the error message:

"Error installing APK: Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_USER_RESTRICTED]"

even after turning "USB Debugging" On.

So the following settings were required -

  • Developer options (On)
  • USB debugging (On)
  • Install via USB (On)

Leave the following,

  • Turn on MIUI optimization (On)
  • Verify apps over USB (On)

Android Gradle Could not reserve enough space for object heap

My fix using Android Studio 3.0.0 on Windows 10 is to remove entirely any jvm args from the file.

I am using the Android gradle wrapper 3.0.1 with gradle version 4.1. No gradlew commands were working, but a warning says that it's trying to ignore any jvm memory args as they were removed in 8 (which I assume is Java 8).

Prevent row names to be written to file when using write.csv

For completeness, write_csv() from the readr package is faster and never writes row names

# install.packages('readr', dependencies = TRUE)
write_csv(t, "t.csv")

If you need to write big data out, use fwrite() from the data.table package. It's much faster than both write.csv and write_csv

# install.packages('data.table')
fwrite(t, "t.csv")

Below is a benchmark that Edouard published on his site

microbenchmark(write.csv(data, "baseR_file.csv", row.names = F),
               write_csv(data, "readr_file.csv"),
               fwrite(data, "datatable_file.csv"),
               times = 10, unit = "s")

## Unit: seconds
##                                              expr        min         lq       mean     median         uq        max neval
##  write.csv(data, "baseR_file.csv", row.names = F) 13.8066424 13.8248250 13.9118324 13.8776993 13.9269675 14.3241311    10
##                 write_csv(data, "readr_file.csv")  3.6742610  3.7999409  3.8572456  3.8690681  3.8991995  4.0637453    10
##                fwrite(data, "datatable_file.csv")  0.3976728  0.4014872  0.4097876  0.4061506  0.4159007  0.4355469    10

How do you properly return multiple values from a Promise?

Simply make an object and extract arguments from that object.

let checkIfNumbersAddToTen = function (a, b) {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
 let c = parseInt(a)+parseInt(b);
 let promiseResolution = {
     d : c+c,
     x : 'RandomString'
 }else {
     reject('Not 10');

Pull arguments from promiseResolution.

checkIfNumbersAddToTen(5,5).then(function (arguments) {
},function (failure) {

Disable SSL fallback and use only TLS for outbound connections in .NET? (Poodle mitigation)

I had to cast the integer equivalent to get around the fact that I'm still using .NET 4.0

System.Net.ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = (SecurityProtocolType)3072;
/* Note the property type  
   public enum SecurityProtocolType
     Ssl3 = 48,
     Tls = 192,
     Tls11 = 768,
     Tls12 = 3072,

System not declared in scope?

Chances are that you've not included the header file that declares system().

In order to be able to compile C++ code that uses functions which you don't (manually) declare yourself, you have to pull in the declarations. These declarations are normally stored in so-called header files that you pull into the current translation unit using the #include preprocessor directive. As the code does not #include the header file in which system() is declared, the compilation fails.

To fix this issue, find out which header file provides you with the declaration of system() and include that. As mentioned in several other answers, you most likely want to add #include <cstdlib>

Byte[] to ASCII

You can use:


But sometimes you will get a weird number instead of the string you want. In that case, your original string may have some hexadecimal character when you see it. If it's the case, you may want to try this:


Or as a last resort:


Bootstrap Carousel image doesn't align properly

With bootstrap 3, just add the responsive and center classes:

 <img class="img-responsive center-block" src="img/....jpg" alt="First slide">

This automatically does image resizing, and centers the picture.


With bootstrap 4, just add the img-fluid class

<img class="img-fluid" src="img/....jpg">

Converting String To Float in C#

Use Convert.ToDouble("41.00027357629127");

Convert.ToDouble documentation

How to sort an array in Bash

I am not convinced that you'll need an external sorting program in Bash.

Here is my implementation for the simple bubble-sort algorithm.

function bubble_sort()
{   #
    # Sorts all positional arguments and echoes them back.
    # Bubble sorting lets the heaviest (longest) element sink to the bottom.
    local array=($@) max=$(($# - 1))
    while ((max > 0))
        local i=0
        while ((i < max))
            if [ ${array[$i]} \> ${array[$((i + 1))]} ]
                local t=${array[$i]}
                array[$i]=${array[$((i + 1))]}
                array[$((i + 1))]=$t
            ((i += 1))
        ((max -= 1))
    echo ${array[@]}

array=(a c b f 3 5)
echo " input: ${array[@]}"
echo "output: $(bubble_sort ${array[@]})"

This shall print:

 input: a c b f 3 5
output: 3 5 a b c f

long long int vs. long int vs. int64_t in C++

You don't need to go to 64-bit to see something like this. Consider int32_t on common 32-bit platforms. It might be typedef'ed as int or as a long, but obviously only one of the two at a time. int and long are of course distinct types.

It's not hard to see that there is no workaround which makes int == int32_t == long on 32-bit systems. For the same reason, there's no way to make long == int64_t == long long on 64-bit systems.

If you could, the possible consequences would be rather painful for code that overloaded foo(int), foo(long) and foo(long long) - suddenly they'd have two definitions for the same overload?!

The correct solution is that your template code usually should not be relying on a precise type, but on the properties of that type. The whole same_type logic could still be OK for specific cases:

long foo(long x);
std::tr1::disable_if(same_type(int64_t, long), int64_t)::type foo(int64_t);

I.e., the overload foo(int64_t) is not defined when it's exactly the same as foo(long).

[edit] With C++11, we now have a standard way to write this:

long foo(long x);
std::enable_if<!std::is_same<int64_t, long>::value, int64_t>::type foo(int64_t);

[edit] Or C++20

long foo(long x);
int64_t foo(int64_t) requires (!std::is_same_v<int64_t, long>);

Best Regular Expression for Email Validation in C#

I would like to suggest new EmailAddressAttribute().IsValid(emailTxt) for additional validation before/after validating using RegEx

Remember EmailAddressAttribute is part of System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations namespace.

How to detect a USB drive has been plugged in?

Microsoft API Code Pack. ShellObjectWatcher class.

How to give a user only select permission on a database

For the GUI minded people, you can:

  • Right click the Database in Management Studio.
  • Choose Properties
  • Select Permissions
  • If your user does not show up in the list, choose Search and type their name
  • Select the user in the Users or Roles list
  • In the lower window frame, Check the Select permission under the Grant column

Getting Hour and Minute in PHP

Another way to address the timezone issue if you want to set the default timezone for the entire script to a certian timezone is to use date_default_timezone_set() then use one of the supported timezones.

Sorting string array in C#

Actually I don't see any nulls:


static void Main()
            string[] testArray = new string[]

            Array.Sort(testArray, StringComparer.InvariantCulture);

            Array.ForEach(testArray, x => Console.WriteLine(x));

I obtained:

enter image description here

Copy or rsync command

Keep in mind that while transferring files internally on a machine i.e not network transfer, using the -z flag can have a massive difference in the time taken for the transfer.

Transfer within same machine

Case 1: With -z flag:
    TAR took: 9.48345208168
    Encryption took: 2.79352903366
    CP took = 5.07273387909
    Rsync took = 30.5113282204

Case 2: Without the -z flag:
    TAR took: 10.7535531521
    Encryption took: 3.0386879921
    CP took = 4.85565590858
    Rsync took = 4.94515299797

Spring Security exclude url patterns in security annotation configurartion

When you say adding antMatchers doesnt help - what do you mean? antMatchers is exactly how you do it. Something like the following should work (obviously changing your URL appropriately):

    public void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {

If you are still not having any joy, then you will need to provide more details/stacktrace etc.

Details of XML to Java config switch is here

SVN check out linux

You can use checkout or co

$ svn co directory-name

Some short codes:-

  1. checkout (co)
  2. commit (ci)
  3. copy (cp)
  4. delete (del, remove,rm)
  5. diff (di)

Room - Schema export directory is not provided to the annotation processor so we cannot export the schema

Probably you didn't add your room class to child RoomDatabase child class in @Database(entities = {your_classes})

Should I use .done() and .fail() for new jQuery AJAX code instead of success and error

As stated by user2246674, using success and error as parameter of the ajax function is valid.

To be consistent with precedent answer, reading the doc :

Deprecation Notice:

The jqXHR.success(), jqXHR.error(), and jqXHR.complete() callbacks will be deprecated in jQuery 1.8. To prepare your code for their eventual removal, use jqXHR.done(),, and jqXHR.always() instead.

If you are using the callback-manipulation function (using method-chaining for example), use .done(), .fail() and .always() instead of success(), error() and complete().

Entity Framework .Remove() vs. .DeleteObject()

It's not generally correct that you can "remove an item from a database" with both methods. To be precise it is like so:

  • ObjectContext.DeleteObject(entity) marks the entity as Deleted in the context. (It's EntityState is Deleted after that.) If you call SaveChanges afterwards EF sends a SQL DELETE statement to the database. If no referential constraints in the database are violated the entity will be deleted, otherwise an exception is thrown.

  • EntityCollection.Remove(childEntity) marks the relationship between parent and childEntity as Deleted. If the childEntity itself is deleted from the database and what exactly happens when you call SaveChanges depends on the kind of relationship between the two:

    • If the relationship is optional, i.e. the foreign key that refers from the child to the parent in the database allows NULL values, this foreign will be set to null and if you call SaveChanges this NULL value for the childEntity will be written to the database (i.e. the relationship between the two is removed). This happens with a SQL UPDATE statement. No DELETE statement occurs.

    • If the relationship is required (the FK doesn't allow NULL values) and the relationship is not identifying (which means that the foreign key is not part of the child's (composite) primary key) you have to either add the child to another parent or you have to explicitly delete the child (with DeleteObject then). If you don't do any of these a referential constraint is violated and EF will throw an exception when you call SaveChanges - the infamous "The relationship could not be changed because one or more of the foreign-key properties is non-nullable" exception or similar.

    • If the relationship is identifying (it's necessarily required then because any part of the primary key cannot be NULL) EF will mark the childEntity as Deleted as well. If you call SaveChanges a SQL DELETE statement will be sent to the database. If no other referential constraints in the database are violated the entity will be deleted, otherwise an exception is thrown.

I am actually a bit confused about the Remarks section on the MSDN page you have linked because it says: "If the relationship has a referential integrity constraint, calling the Remove method on a dependent object marks both the relationship and the dependent object for deletion.". This seems unprecise or even wrong to me because all three cases above have a "referential integrity constraint" but only in the last case the child is in fact deleted. (Unless they mean with "dependent object" an object that participates in an identifying relationship which would be an unusual terminology though.)

How to add a Java Properties file to my Java Project in Eclipse

If you have created a Java Project in eclipse by using the 'from existing source' option then it should work as it did before. To be more precise File > New Java Project. In the Contents section select 'Create project from existing source' and then select your existing project folder. The wizard will take care of the rest.

How to create a string with format?

I know a lot's of time has passed since this publish, but I've fallen in a similar situation and create a simples class to simplify my life.

public struct StringMaskFormatter {

    public var pattern              : String    = ""
    public var replecementChar      : Character = "*"
    public var allowNumbers         : Bool      = true
    public var allowText            : Bool      = false

    public init(pattern:String, replecementChar:Character="*", allowNumbers:Bool=true, allowText:Bool=true)
        self.pattern            = pattern
        self.replecementChar    = replecementChar
        self.allowNumbers       = allowNumbers
        self.allowText          = allowText

    private func prepareString(string:String) -> String {

        var charSet : NSCharacterSet!

        if allowText && allowNumbers {
            charSet = NSCharacterSet.alphanumericCharacterSet().invertedSet
        else if allowText {
            charSet = NSCharacterSet.letterCharacterSet().invertedSet
        else if allowNumbers {
            charSet = NSCharacterSet.decimalDigitCharacterSet().invertedSet

        let result = string.componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet(charSet)
        return result.joinWithSeparator("")

    public func createFormattedStringFrom(text:String) -> String
        var resultString = ""
        if text.characters.count > 0 && pattern.characters.count > 0

            var finalText   = ""
            var stop        = false
            let tempString  = prepareString(text)

            var formatIndex = pattern.startIndex
            var tempIndex   = tempString.startIndex

            while !stop
                let formattingPatternRange = formatIndex ..< formatIndex.advancedBy(1)

                if pattern.substringWithRange(formattingPatternRange) != String(replecementChar) {
                    finalText = finalText.stringByAppendingString(pattern.substringWithRange(formattingPatternRange))
                else if tempString.characters.count > 0 {
                    let pureStringRange = tempIndex ..< tempIndex.advancedBy(1)
                    finalText = finalText.stringByAppendingString(tempString.substringWithRange(pureStringRange))
                    tempIndex = tempIndex.advancedBy(1)

                formatIndex = formatIndex.advancedBy(1)

                if formatIndex >= pattern.endIndex || tempIndex >= tempString.endIndex {
                    stop = true

                resultString = finalText


        return resultString


The follow link send to the complete source code:

This solution was base on this article:

Why can't I define my workbook as an object?

It's actually a sensible question. Here's the answer from Excel 2010 help:

"The Workbook object is a member of the Workbooks collection. The Workbooks collection contains all the Workbook objects currently open in Microsoft Excel."

So, since that workbook isn't open - at least I assume it isn't - it can't be set as a workbook object. If it was open you'd just set it like:

Set wbk = workbooks("Master Benchmark Data Sheet.xlsx")

Set color of TextView span in Android

There's a factory for creating the Spannable, and avoid the cast, like this:

Spannable span = Spannable.Factory.getInstance().newSpannable("text");

Rails has_many with alias name

You could do this two different ways. One is by using "as"

has_many :tasks, :as => :jobs


def jobs

Obviously the first one would be the best way to handle it.

insert data into database with codeigniter

function order_summary_insert()
$data = array(


How to get the anchor from the URL using jQuery?

You can use the .indexOf() and .substring(), like this:

var url = "";
var hash = url.substring(url.indexOf("#")+1);

You can give it a try here, if it may not have a # in it, do an if(url.indexOf("#") != -1) check like this:

var url = "", idx = url.indexOf("#");
var hash = idx != -1 ? url.substring(idx+1) : "";

If this is the current page URL, you can just use window.location.hash to get it, and replace the # if you wish.

How to export html table to excel or pdf in php

<script src="jquery.min.js"></script>
<table border="1" id="ReportTable" class="myClass">
    <tr bgcolor="#CCC">
      <td width="100">xxxxx</td>
      <td width="700">xxxxxx</td>
      <td width="170">xxxxxx</td>
      <td width="30">xxxxxx</td>
    <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
            $date = date_create($row_Recordset3['fecha']);
            echo date_format($date, 'd-m-Y');
      <td><?php echo $row_Recordset3['descripcion']; ?></td>
      <td><?php echo $row_Recordset3['producto']; ?></td>
      <td><img src="borrar.png" width="14" height="14" class="clickable" onClick="eliminarSeguimiento(<?php echo $row_Recordset3['idSeguimiento']; ?>)" title="borrar"></td>

  <input type="hidden" id="datatodisplay" name="datatodisplay">  
    <input type="submit" value="Export to Excel"> 


header('Content-Type: application/force-download');
header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename=export.xls');
// Fix for crappy IE bug in download.
header("Pragma: ");
header("Cache-Control: ");
echo $_REQUEST['datatodisplay'];

how to store Image as blob in Sqlite & how to retrieve it?

you may also want to encode and decode to/from base64

    function uncompress(str:String):ByteArray {
            import mx.utils.Base64Decoder;
            var dec:Base64Decoder = new Base64Decoder();
            var newByteArr:ByteArray=dec.toByteArray();        
            return newByteArr;

    // Compress a ByteArray into a Base64 String.
    function compress(bytes:ByteArray):String { 
        import mx.utils.Base64Decoder; //Transform String in a ByteArray.
        import mx.utils.Base64Encoder; //Transform ByteArray in a readable string.
        var enc:Base64Encoder = new Base64Encoder();    
        return enc.drain().split("\n").join("");

SVG gradient using CSS

Here is a solution where you can add a gradient and change its colours using only CSS:

// JS is not required for the solution. It's used only for the interactive demo._x000D_
const svg = document.querySelector('svg');_x000D_
document.querySelector('#greenButton').addEventListener('click', () => svg.setAttribute('class', 'green'));_x000D_
document.querySelector('#redButton').addEventListener('click', () => svg.setAttribute('class', 'red'));
_x000D_ stop:nth-child(1) {_x000D_
  stop-color: #60c50b;_x000D_
}_x000D_ stop:nth-child(2) {_x000D_
  stop-color: #139a26;_x000D_
_x000D_ stop:nth-child(1) {_x000D_
  stop-color: #c84f31;_x000D_
}_x000D_ stop:nth-child(2) {_x000D_
  stop-color: #dA3448;_x000D_
<svg class="green" width="100" height="50" version="1.1" xmlns="">_x000D_
  <linearGradient id="gradient">_x000D_
    <stop offset="0%" />_x000D_
    <stop offset="100%" />_x000D_
  <rect width="100" height="50" fill="url(#gradient)" />_x000D_
<button id="greenButton">Green</button>_x000D_
<button id="redButton">Red</button>

Npm Error - No matching version found for

Probably not the case of everybody but I had the same problem. I was using the last, in my case, the error was because I was using jfrog manage from the company where I am working.

 npm config list

The result was

; cli configs
metrics-registry = ""
scope = ""
user-agent = "npm/6.3.0 node/v8.11.2 win32 x64"

; userconfig C:\Users\USER\.npmrc
always-auth = true
email = "XXXXXXXXX"
registry = ""

; builtin config undefined
prefix = "C:\\Users\\XXXXX\\AppData\\Roaming\\npm"

; node bin location = C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe
; cwd = C:\WINDOWS\system32
; HOME = C:\Users\XXXXXX
; "npm config ls -l" to show all defaults.

I solve the problem by using the global metrics.

Find all CSV files in a directory using Python

use Python OS module to find csv file in a directory.

the simple example is here :

import os

# This is the path where you want to search
path = r'd:'

# this is the extension you want to detect
extension = '.csv'

for root, dirs_list, files_list in os.walk(path):
    for file_name in files_list:
        if os.path.splitext(file_name)[-1] == extension:
            file_name_path = os.path.join(root, file_name)
            print file_name
            print file_name_path   # This is the full path of the filter file

How to exit a function in bash


return [n]

From help return

return: return [n]

Return from a shell function.

Causes a function or sourced script to exit with the return value
specified by N.  If N is omitted, the return status is that of the
last command executed within the function or script.

Exit Status:
Returns N, or failure if the shell is not executing a function or script.

In Oracle, is it possible to INSERT or UPDATE a record through a view?

There are two times when you can update a record through a view:

  1. If the view has no joins or procedure calls and selects data from a single underlying table.
  2. If the view has an INSTEAD OF INSERT trigger associated with the view.

Generally, you should not rely on being able to perform an insert to a view unless you have specifically written an INSTEAD OF trigger for it. Be aware, there are also INSTEAD OF UPDATE triggers that can be written as well to help perform updates.

The view or its master was not found or no view engine supports the searched locations

I had this same issue. I had copied a view "Movie" and renamed it "Customer" accordingly. I also did the same with the models and the controllers.

The resolution was this...I rename the Customer View to Customer1 and just created a new view and called it Customer....I then just copied the Customer1 code into Customer.

This worked.

I would love to know the real cause of the problem.

UPDATE Just for grins....I went back and replicated all the renaming scenario again...and did not get any errors.

Put Excel-VBA code in module or sheet?

In my experience it's best to put as much code as you can into well-named modules, and only put as much code as you need to into the actual worksheet objects.

Example: Any code that uses worksheet events like Worksheet_SelectionChange or Worksheet_Calculate.

How do I get the last character of a string using an Excel function?

No need to apologize for asking a question! Try using the RIGHT function. It returns the last n characters of a string.

=RIGHT(A1, 1)

How to print the current Stack Trace in .NET without any exception?

   private void ExceptionTest()
            int j = 0;
            int i = 5;
            i = 1 / j;
        catch (Exception ex)
            Console.WriteLine("Error: " + ex.Message);
            var stList = ex.StackTrace.ToString().Split('\\');
            Console.WriteLine("Exception occurred at " + stList[stList.Count() - 1]);

Seems to work for me

Unresolved external symbol on static class members

Static data members declarations in the class declaration are not definition of them. To define them you should do this in the .CPP file to avoid duplicated symbols.

The only data you can declare and define is integral static constants. (Values of enums can be used as constant values as well)

You might want to rewrite your code as:

class test {
  const static unsigned char X = 1;
  const static unsigned char Y = 2;

test::test() {

If you want to have ability to modify you static variables (in other words when it is inappropriate to declare them as const), you can separate you code between .H and .CPP in the following way:

.H :

class test {

  static unsigned char X;
  static unsigned char Y;



.CPP :

unsigned char test::X = 1;
unsigned char test::Y = 2;

  // constructor is empty.
  // We don't initialize static data member here, 
  // because static data initialization will happen on every constructor call.

Unable to import a module that is definitely installed

I had the same problem: script with import colorama was throwing and ImportError, but sudo pip install colorama was telling me "package already installed".

My fix: run pip without sudo: pip install colorama. Then pip agreed it needed to be installed, installed it, and my script ran.

My environment is Ubuntu 14.04 32-bit; I think I saw this before and after I activated my virtualenv.

UPDATE: even better, use python -m pip install <package>. The benefit of this is, since you are executing the specific version of python that you want the package in, pip will unequivocally install the package in to the "right" python. Again, don't use sudo in this case... then you get the package in the right place, but possibly with (unwanted) root permissions.

Update built-in vim on Mac OS X

brew install vim --override-system-vi

How do I do an insert with DATETIME now inside of SQL server mgmt studioÜ

Just use GETDATE() or GETUTCDATE() (if you want to get the "universal" UTC time, instead of your local server's time-zone related time).

INSERT INTO [Business]
           (0, 'Joe', 'Thomas', 
           GETDATE(),  <LastUpdatedBy, nvarchar(50),>)

Select second last element with css

In CSS3 you have:



nth-last-child Browser Support:

  • Chrome 2
  • Firefox 3.5
  • Opera 9.5, 10
  • Safari 3.1, 4
  • Internet Explorer 9

How can I specify a branch/tag when adding a Git submodule?

I have this in my .gitconfig file. It is still a draft, but proved useful as of now. It helps me to always reattach the submodules to their branch.


#Submodules aliases

#git sm-trackbranch : places all submodules on their respective branch specified in .gitmodules
#This works if submodules are configured to track a branch, i.e if .gitmodules looks like :
#[submodule "my-submodule"]
#   path = my-submodule
#   url = [email protected]/my-submodule.git
#   branch = my-branch
sm-trackbranch = "! git submodule foreach -q --recursive 'branch=\"$(git config -f $toplevel/.gitmodules submodule.$name.branch)\"; git checkout $branch'"

#sm-pullrebase :
# - pull --rebase on the master repo
# - sm-trackbranch on every submodule
# - pull --rebase on each submodule
# Important note :
#- have a clean master repo and subrepos before doing this !
#- this is *not* equivalent to getting the last committed 
#  master repo + its submodules: if some submodules are tracking branches 
#  that have evolved since the last commit in the master repo,
#  they will be using those more recent commits !
#  (Note : On the contrary, git submodule update will stick 
#to the last committed SHA1 in the master repo)
sm-pullrebase = "! git pull --rebase; git submodule update; git sm-trackbranch ; git submodule foreach 'git pull --rebase' "

# git sm-diff will diff the master repo *and* its submodules
sm-diff = "! git diff && git submodule foreach 'git diff' "

#git sm-push will ask to push also submodules
sm-push = push --recurse-submodules=on-demand

#git alias : list all aliases
#useful in order to learn git syntax
alias = "!git config -l | grep alias | cut -c 7-"

Find Oracle JDBC driver in Maven repository

Up to now, its not possible to use maven repositories. I'm using ivy as dependency management tool, but also use maven2' s ibiblio repositories. And this is working for ivy:

<dependency org="oracle" name="ojdbc14" rev="" conf="*->default"/>

Maven2' s dependency could be something like that:


Notice that i define and[organisation]/[module]/[revision]/[artifact]-[revision].[ext] as external maven2 repos on my ivy settings.

request exceeds the configured maxQueryStringLength when using [Authorize]

In the root web.config for your project, under the system.web node:

    <httpRuntime maxUrlLength="10999" maxQueryStringLength="2097151" />

In addition, I had to add this under the system.webServer node or I got a security error for my long query strings:

        <requestLimits maxUrl="10999" maxQueryString="2097151" />

Open popup and refresh parent page on close popup

You can use the below code in the parent page.

    window.onunload = refreshParent;
    function refreshParent() {

How to get All input of POST in Laravel

You can get all post data into this function :-

$postData = $request->post();

and if you want specific filed then use it :-


How do I ignore all files in a folder with a Git repository in Sourcetree?

Ignore full folder on source tree.

   Just Open Repository >Repository setting > Edit git ignore File and 
   you can rite some thing like this :


For bin folder and obj folder just write : */bin/ */obj/

Spring @Value is not resolving to value from property file

Have a read of pedjaradenkovic's comment.

Further to the link he provides, the reason this isn't working is that @Value processing requires a PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer instead of a PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer.

How to get input from user at runtime

a number;
b number;
a:= :a;
b:= :b;
if a>b then
dbms_output.put_line('Large number is '||a);
dbms_output.put_line('Large number is '||b);
end if;

Memory address of an object in C#

You can use GCHandleType.Weak instead of Pinned. On the other hand, there is another way to get a pointer to an object:

object o = new object();
TypedReference tr = __makeref(o);
IntPtr ptr = **(IntPtr**)(&tr);

Requires unsafe block and is very, very dangerous and should not be used at all. ?

Back in the day when by-ref locals weren't possible in C#, there was one undocumented mechanism that could accomplish a similar thing – __makeref.

object o = new object();
ref object r = ref o;
//roughly equivalent to
TypedReference tr = __makeref(o);

There is one important difference in that TypedReference is "generic"; it can be used to store a reference to a variable of any type. Accessing such a reference requires to specify its type, e.g. __refvalue(tr, object), and if it doesn't match, an exception is thrown.

To implement the type checking, TypedReference must have two fields, one with the actual address to the variable, and one with a pointer to its type representation. It just so happens that the address is the first field.

Therefore, __makeref is used first to obtain a reference to the variable o. The cast (IntPtr**)(&tr) treats the structure as an array (represented via a pointer) of IntPtr* (pointers to a generic pointer type), accessed via a pointer to it. The pointer is first dereferenced to obtain the first field, then the pointer there is dereferenced again to obtain the value actually stored in the variable o – the pointer to the object itself.

However, since 2012, I have come up with a better and safer solution:

public static class ReferenceHelpers
    public static readonly Action<object, Action<IntPtr>> GetPinnedPtr;

    static ReferenceHelpers()
        var dyn = new DynamicMethod("GetPinnedPtr", typeof(void), new[] { typeof(object), typeof(Action<IntPtr>) }, typeof(ReferenceHelpers).Module);
        var il = dyn.GetILGenerator();
        il.DeclareLocal(typeof(object), true);
        il.Emit(OpCodes.Call, typeof(Action<IntPtr>).GetMethod("Invoke"));
        GetPinnedPtr = (Action<object, Action<IntPtr>>)dyn.CreateDelegate(typeof(Action<object, Action<IntPtr>>));

This creates a dynamic method that first pins the object (so its storage doesn't move in the managed heap), then executes a delegate that receives its address. During the execution of the delegate, the object is still pinned and thus safe to be manipulated via the pointer:

object o = new object();
ReferenceHelpers.GetPinnedPtr(o, ptr => Console.WriteLine(Marshal.ReadIntPtr(ptr) == typeof(object).TypeHandle.Value)); //the first pointer in the managed object header in .NET points to its run-time type info

This is the easiest way to pin an object, since GCHandle requires the type to be blittable in order to pin it. It has the advantage of not using implementation details, undocumented keywords and memory hacking.

How to encode URL to avoid special characters in Java?

I also spent quite some time with this issue, so that's my solution:

String urlString2Decode = "äüö/path with blanks/";
String decodedURL = URLDecoder.decode(urlString2Decode, "UTF-8");
URL url = new URL(decodedURL);
URI uri = new URI(url.getProtocol(), url.getUserInfo(), url.getHost(), url.getPort(), url.getPath(), url.getQuery(), url.getRef());
String decodedURLAsString = uri.toASCIIString();

Can I use conditional statements with EJS templates (in JMVC)?

Conditionals work if they're structured correctly, I ran into this issue and figured it out.

For conditionals, the tag before else has to be paired with the end tag of the previous if otherwise the statements will evaluate separately and produce an error.


<% if(true){ %>
<% } %>
<% else{ %>
 <% } %>


<% if(true){ %>
 <% } else{ %>  
<% } %>

hope this helped.

Basic example for sharing text or image with UIActivityViewController in Swift

Just as a note you can also use this for iPads:

activityViewController.popoverPresentationController?.sourceView = sender

So the popover pops from the sender (the button in that case).

Handling the TAB character in Java

Or you could just perform a trim() on the string to handle the case when people use spaces instead of tabs (unless you are reading makefiles)

PHP output showing little black diamonds with a question mark

Using the same charset (as suggested here) in both the database and the HTML has not worked for me... So remembering that the code is generated as HTML, I chose to use the &quot;(HTML code) or the &#34; (ISO Latin-1 code) in my database text where quotes were used. This solved the problem while providing me a quotation mark. It is odd to note that prior to this solution, only some of the quotation marks and apostrophes did not display correctly while others did, however, the special code did work in all instances.

How do you detect where two line segments intersect?

Based on @Gareth Rees answer, version for Python:

import numpy as np

def np_perp( a ) :
    b = np.empty_like(a)
    b[0] = a[1]
    b[1] = -a[0]
    return b

def np_cross_product(a, b):
    return, np_perp(b))

def np_seg_intersect(a, b, considerCollinearOverlapAsIntersect = False):
    r = a[1] - a[0]
    s = b[1] - b[0]
    v = b[0] - a[0]
    num = np_cross_product(v, r)
    denom = np_cross_product(r, s)
    # If r x s = 0 and (q - p) x r = 0, then the two lines are collinear.
    if np.isclose(denom, 0) and np.isclose(num, 0):
        # 1. If either  0 <= (q - p) * r <= r * r or 0 <= (p - q) * s <= * s
        # then the two lines are overlapping,
            vDotR =, r)
            aDotS =, s)
            if (0 <= vDotR  and vDotR <=,r)) or (0 <= aDotS  and aDotS <=,s)):
                return True
        # 2. If neither 0 <= (q - p) * r = r * r nor 0 <= (p - q) * s <= s * s
        # then the two lines are collinear but disjoint.
        # No need to implement this expression, as it follows from the expression above.
        return None
    if np.isclose(denom, 0) and not np.isclose(num, 0):
        # Parallel and non intersecting
        return None
    u = num / denom
    t = np_cross_product(v, s) / denom
    if u >= 0 and u <= 1 and t >= 0 and t <= 1:
        res = b[0] + (s*u)
        return res
    # Otherwise, the two line segments are not parallel but do not intersect.
    return None

Nested Recycler view height doesn't wrap its content

Yes the workaround shown in all answer is correct , that is we need to customize the linear layout manager to calculate the height of its child items dynamically at run time. But all answers not working as expected .Please the below answer for custom layout manger with all orientation support.

public class MyLinearLayoutManager extends {

private static boolean canMakeInsetsDirty = true;
private static Field insetsDirtyField = null;

private static final int CHILD_WIDTH = 0;
private static final int CHILD_HEIGHT = 1;
private static final int DEFAULT_CHILD_SIZE = 100;

private final int[] childDimensions = new int[2];
private final RecyclerView view;

private int childSize = DEFAULT_CHILD_SIZE;
private boolean hasChildSize;
private int overScrollMode = ViewCompat.OVER_SCROLL_ALWAYS;
private final Rect tmpRect = new Rect();

public MyLinearLayoutManager(Context context) {
    this.view = null;

public MyLinearLayoutManager(Context context, int orientation, boolean reverseLayout) {
    super(context, orientation, reverseLayout);
    this.view = null;

public MyLinearLayoutManager(RecyclerView view) {
    this.view = view;
    this.overScrollMode = ViewCompat.getOverScrollMode(view);

public MyLinearLayoutManager(RecyclerView view, int orientation, boolean reverseLayout) {
    super(view.getContext(), orientation, reverseLayout);
    this.view = view;
    this.overScrollMode = ViewCompat.getOverScrollMode(view);

public void setOverScrollMode(int overScrollMode) {
    if (overScrollMode < ViewCompat.OVER_SCROLL_ALWAYS || overScrollMode > ViewCompat.OVER_SCROLL_NEVER)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown overscroll mode: " + overScrollMode);
    if (this.view == null) throw new IllegalStateException("view == null");
    this.overScrollMode = overScrollMode;
    ViewCompat.setOverScrollMode(view, overScrollMode);

public static int makeUnspecifiedSpec() {
    return View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(0, View.MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED);

public void onMeasure(RecyclerView.Recycler recycler, RecyclerView.State state, int widthSpec, int heightSpec) {
    final int widthMode = View.MeasureSpec.getMode(widthSpec);
    final int heightMode = View.MeasureSpec.getMode(heightSpec);

    final int widthSize = View.MeasureSpec.getSize(widthSpec);
    final int heightSize = View.MeasureSpec.getSize(heightSpec);

    final boolean hasWidthSize = widthMode != View.MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED;
    final boolean hasHeightSize = heightMode != View.MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED;

    final boolean exactWidth = widthMode == View.MeasureSpec.EXACTLY;
    final boolean exactHeight = heightMode == View.MeasureSpec.EXACTLY;

    final int unspecified = makeUnspecifiedSpec();

    if (exactWidth && exactHeight) {
        // in case of exact calculations for both dimensions let's use default "onMeasure" implementation
        super.onMeasure(recycler, state, widthSpec, heightSpec);

    final boolean vertical = getOrientation() == VERTICAL;

    initChildDimensions(widthSize, heightSize, vertical);

    int width = 0;
    int height = 0;

    // it's possible to get scrap views in recycler which are bound to old (invalid) adapter entities. This
    // happens because their invalidation happens after "onMeasure" method. As a workaround let's clear the
    // recycler now (it should not cause any performance issues while scrolling as "onMeasure" is never
    // called whiles scrolling)

    final int stateItemCount = state.getItemCount();
    final int adapterItemCount = getItemCount();
    // adapter always contains actual data while state might contain old data (f.e. data before the animation is
    // done). As we want to measure the view with actual data we must use data from the adapter and not from  the
    // state
    for (int i = 0; i < adapterItemCount; i++) {
        if (vertical) {
            if (!hasChildSize) {
                if (i < stateItemCount) {
                    // we should not exceed state count, otherwise we'll get IndexOutOfBoundsException. For such items
                    // we will use previously calculated dimensions
                    measureChild(recycler, i, widthSize, unspecified, childDimensions);
                } else {
            height += childDimensions[CHILD_HEIGHT];
            if (i == 0) {
                width = childDimensions[CHILD_WIDTH];
            if (hasHeightSize && height >= heightSize) {
        } else {
            if (!hasChildSize) {
                if (i < stateItemCount) {
                    // we should not exceed state count, otherwise we'll get IndexOutOfBoundsException. For such items
                    // we will use previously calculated dimensions
                    measureChild(recycler, i, unspecified, heightSize, childDimensions);
                } else {
            width += childDimensions[CHILD_WIDTH];
            if (i == 0) {
                height = childDimensions[CHILD_HEIGHT];
            if (hasWidthSize && width >= widthSize) {

    if (exactWidth) {
        width = widthSize;
    } else {
        width += getPaddingLeft() + getPaddingRight();
        if (hasWidthSize) {
            width = Math.min(width, widthSize);

    if (exactHeight) {
        height = heightSize;
    } else {
        height += getPaddingTop() + getPaddingBottom();
        if (hasHeightSize) {
            height = Math.min(height, heightSize);

    setMeasuredDimension(width, height);

    if (view != null && overScrollMode == ViewCompat.OVER_SCROLL_IF_CONTENT_SCROLLS) {
        final boolean fit = (vertical && (!hasHeightSize || height < heightSize))
                || (!vertical && (!hasWidthSize || width < widthSize));

        ViewCompat.setOverScrollMode(view, fit ? ViewCompat.OVER_SCROLL_NEVER : ViewCompat.OVER_SCROLL_ALWAYS);

private void logMeasureWarning(int child) {
    if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) {
        Log.w("MyLinearLayoutManager", "Can't measure child #" + child + ", previously used dimensions will be reused." +
                "To remove this message either use #setChildSize() method or don't run RecyclerView animations");

private void initChildDimensions(int width, int height, boolean vertical) {
    if (childDimensions[CHILD_WIDTH] != 0 || childDimensions[CHILD_HEIGHT] != 0) {
        // already initialized, skipping
    if (vertical) {
        childDimensions[CHILD_WIDTH] = width;
        childDimensions[CHILD_HEIGHT] = childSize;
    } else {
        childDimensions[CHILD_WIDTH] = childSize;
        childDimensions[CHILD_HEIGHT] = height;

public void setOrientation(int orientation) {
    // might be called before the constructor of this class is called
    //noinspection ConstantConditions
    if (childDimensions != null) {
        if (getOrientation() != orientation) {
            childDimensions[CHILD_WIDTH] = 0;
            childDimensions[CHILD_HEIGHT] = 0;

public void clearChildSize() {
    hasChildSize = false;

public void setChildSize(int childSize) {
    hasChildSize = true;
    if (this.childSize != childSize) {
        this.childSize = childSize;

private void measureChild(RecyclerView.Recycler recycler, int position, int widthSize, int heightSize, int[] dimensions) {
    final View child;
    try {
        child = recycler.getViewForPosition(position);
    } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
        if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) {
            Log.w("MyLinearLayoutManager", "MyLinearLayoutManager doesn't work well with animations. Consider switching them off", e);

    final RecyclerView.LayoutParams p = (RecyclerView.LayoutParams) child.getLayoutParams();

    final int hPadding = getPaddingLeft() + getPaddingRight();
    final int vPadding = getPaddingTop() + getPaddingBottom();

    final int hMargin = p.leftMargin + p.rightMargin;
    final int vMargin = p.topMargin + p.bottomMargin;

    // we must make insets dirty in order calculateItemDecorationsForChild to work
    // this method should be called before any getXxxDecorationXxx() methods
    calculateItemDecorationsForChild(child, tmpRect);

    final int hDecoration = getRightDecorationWidth(child) + getLeftDecorationWidth(child);
    final int vDecoration = getTopDecorationHeight(child) + getBottomDecorationHeight(child);

    final int childWidthSpec = getChildMeasureSpec(widthSize, hPadding + hMargin + hDecoration, p.width, canScrollHorizontally());
    final int childHeightSpec = getChildMeasureSpec(heightSize, vPadding + vMargin + vDecoration, p.height, canScrollVertically());

    child.measure(childWidthSpec, childHeightSpec);

    dimensions[CHILD_WIDTH] = getDecoratedMeasuredWidth(child) + p.leftMargin + p.rightMargin;
    dimensions[CHILD_HEIGHT] = getDecoratedMeasuredHeight(child) + p.bottomMargin + p.topMargin;

    // as view is recycled let's not keep old measured values

private static void makeInsetsDirty(RecyclerView.LayoutParams p) {
    if (!canMakeInsetsDirty) {
    try {
        if (insetsDirtyField == null) {
            insetsDirtyField = RecyclerView.LayoutParams.class.getDeclaredField("mInsetsDirty");
        insetsDirtyField.set(p, true);
    } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
    } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {

private static void onMakeInsertDirtyFailed() {
    canMakeInsetsDirty = false;
    if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) {
        Log.w("MyLinearLayoutManager", "Can't make LayoutParams insets dirty, decorations measurements might be incorrect");

How to get/generate the create statement for an existing hive table?

As of Hive 0.10 this patch-967 implements SHOW CREATE TABLE which "shows the CREATE TABLE statement that creates a given table, or the CREATE VIEW statement that creates a given view."



JsonMappingException: No suitable constructor found for type [simple type, class ]: can not instantiate from JSON object

When I ran into this problem, it was a result of trying to use an inner class to serve as the DO. Construction of the inner class (silently) required an instance of the enclosing class -- which wasn't available to Jackson.

In this case, moving the inner class to its own .java file fixed the problem.

Format Date as "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'"

function converToLocalTime(serverDate) {

    var dt = new Date(Date.parse(serverDate));
    var localDate = dt;
    var gmt = localDate;
        var min = gmt.getTime() / 1000 / 60; // convert gmt date to minutes
        var localNow = new Date().getTimezoneOffset(); // get the timezone
        // offset in minutes
        var localTime = min - localNow; // get the local time

    var dateStr = new Date(localTime * 1000 * 60);
    // dateStr = dateStr.toISOString("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'"); // this will return as just the server date format i.e., yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'
    dateStr = dateStr.toString("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'");
    return dateStr;

Whoops, looks like something went wrong. Laravel 5.0

For windows users, make sure apache's ssl_module is checked.

Please see image below:

enter image description here

Convert NSArray to NSString in Objective-C

One approach would be to iterate over the array, calling the description message on each item:

NSMutableString * result = [[NSMutableString alloc] init];
for (NSObject * obj in array)
    [result appendString:[obj description]];
NSLog(@"The concatenated string is %@", result);

Another approach would be to do something based on each item's class:

NSMutableString * result = [[NSMutableString alloc] init];
for (NSObject * obj in array)
    if ([obj isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]])
        // append something
        [result appendString:[obj description]];
NSLog(@"The concatenated string is %@", result);

If you want commas and other extraneous information, you can just do:

NSString * result = [array description];

Position one element relative to another in CSS

position: absolute will position the element by coordinates, relative to the closest positioned ancestor, i.e. the closest parent which isn't position: static.

Have your four divs nested inside the target div, give the target div position: relative, and use position: absolute on the others.

Structure your HTML similar to this:

<div id="container">
  <div class="top left"></div>
  <div class="top right"></div>
  <div class="bottom left"></div>
  <div class="bottom right"></div>

And this CSS should work:

#container {
  position: relative;

#container > * {
  position: absolute;

.left {
  left: 0;

.right {
  right: 0;

.top {
  top: 0;

.bottom {
  bottom: 0;


Displaying a webcam feed using OpenCV and Python

An update to show how to do it in the recent versions of OpenCV:

import cv2

vc = cv2.VideoCapture(0)

if vc.isOpened(): # try to get the first frame
    rval, frame =
    rval = False

while rval:
    cv2.imshow("preview", frame)
    rval, frame =
    key = cv2.waitKey(20)
    if key == 27: # exit on ESC


It works in OpenCV-2.4.2 for me.

How to output loop.counter in python jinja template?

if you are using django use forloop.counter instead of loop.counter

{% for user in userlist %}
      {{ user }} {{forloop.counter}}
      {% if forloop.counter == 1 %}
          This is the First user
      {% endif %}
{% endfor %}

java.util.Date format conversion yyyy-mm-dd to mm-dd-yyyy

It is simple use below codes.

final Date todayDate = new Date();


System.out.println(new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd-yyyy").format(todayDate));

System.out.println(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").format(todayDate));


Convert HTML + CSS to PDF

After some investigation and general hair-pulling the solution seems to be HTML2PDF. DOMPDF did a terrible job with tables, borders and even moderately complex layout and htmldoc seems reasonably robust but is almost completely CSS-ignorant and I don't want to go back to doing HTML layout without CSS just for that program.

HTML2PDF looked the most promising but I kept having this weird error about null reference arguments to node_type. I finally found the solution to this. Basically, PHP 5.1.x worked fine with regex replaces (preg_replace_*) on strings of any size. PHP 5.2.1 introduced a php.ini config directive called pcre.backtrack_limit. What this config parameter does is limits the string length for which matching is done. Why this was introduced I don't know. The default value was chosen as 100,000. Why such a low value? Again, no idea.

A bug was raised against PHP 5.2.1 for this, which is still open almost two years later.

What's horrifying about this is that when the limit is exceeded, the replace just silently fails. At least if an error had been raised and logged you'd have some indication of what happened, why and what to change to fix it. But no.

So I have a 70k HTML file to turn into PDF. It requires the following php.ini settings:

  • pcre.backtrack_limit = 2000000; # probably more than I need but that's OK
  • memory_limit = 1024M; # yes, one gigabyte; and
  • max_execution_time = 600; # yes, 10 minutes.

Now the astute reader may have noticed that my HTML file is smaller than 100k. The only reason I can guess as to why I hit this problem is that html2pdf does a conversion into xhtml as part of the process. Perhaps that took me over (although nearly 50% bloat seems odd). Whatever the case, the above worked.

Now, html2pdf is a resource hog. My 70k file takes approximately 5 minutes and at least 500-600M of RAM to create a 35 page PDF file. Not quick enough (by far) for a real-time download unfortunately and the memory usage puts the memory usage ratio in the order of 1000-to-1 (600M of RAM for a 70k file), which is utterly ridiculous.

Unfortunately, that's the best I've come up with.

Auto Resize Image in CSS FlexBox Layout and keeping Aspect Ratio?

img {max-width:100%;} is one way of doing this. Just add it to your CSS code.

What are all the common ways to read a file in Ruby?

file_content ='filename with extension');
puts file_content;

Task not serializable: when calling function outside closure only on classes not objects

I solved this problem using a different approach. You simply need to serialize the objects before passing through the closure, and de-serialize afterwards. This approach just works, even if your classes aren't Serializable, because it uses Kryo behind the scenes. All you need is some curry. ;)

Here's an example of how I did it:

def genMapper(kryoWrapper: KryoSerializationWrapper[(Foo => Bar)])
               (foo: Foo) : Bar = {
val mapper = genMapper(KryoSerializationWrapper(new Blah(abc))) _

object Blah(abc: ABC) extends (Foo => Bar) {
    def apply(foo: Foo) : Bar = { //This is the real function }

Feel free to make Blah as complicated as you want, class, companion object, nested classes, references to multiple 3rd party libs.

KryoSerializationWrapper refers to:

Convert JSON array to an HTML table in jQuery

I found a duplicate over here: Convert json data to a html table

Well, there are many plugins exists, including commercial one (Make this as commercial project?! Kinda overdone... but you can checkout over here:

This one has more fork:

//Example data, Object 
var objectArray = [{
    "Total": "34",
    "Version": "1.0.4",
    "Office": "New York"
}, {
    "Total": "67",
    "Version": "1.1.0",
    "Office": "Paris"

//Example data, Array
var stringArray = ["New York", "Berlin", "Paris", "Marrakech", "Moscow"];

//Example data, nested Object. This data will create nested table also.
var nestedTable = [{
    key1: "val1",
    key2: "val2",
    key3: {
        tableId: "tblIdNested1",
        tableClassName: "clsNested",
        linkText: "Download",
        data: [{
            subkey1: "subval1",
            subkey2: "subval2",
            subkey3: "subval3"

Apply the code

//Only first parameter is required
var jsonHtmlTable = ConvertJsonToTable(objectArray, 'jsonTable', null, 'Download');

Or you might want to checkout this jQuery plugins as well:

I think jongha's plugins is easier to use

<div id="jsontotable" class="jsontotable"></div>

var data = [[1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]];
$.jsontotable(data, { id: '#jsontotable', header: false });

The intel x86 emulator accelerator (HAXM installer) revision 6.0.5 is showing not compatible with windows

Did you read

It says "Make sure "Hyper-V", a Windows feature, is not installed/enabled on your system. Hyper-V captures the VT virtualization capability of the CPU, and HAXM and Hyper-V cannot run at the same time. Read this blog: Creating a "no hypervisor" boot entry."

I've created the boot entry that disables HyperV and it's working

android.widget.Switch - on/off event listener?

The layout for Switch widget is something like this.

        android:id="@+id/list_toggle" />

In the Activity class, you can code by two ways. Depends on the use you can code.

First Way

public class ActivityClass extends Activity implements CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener {
Switch list_toggle;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


public void onCheckedChanged(CompoundButton buttonView,boolean isChecked) {
    if(isChecked) {
        list_toggle.setText("Only Today's");  //To change the text near to switch
        Log.d("You are :", "Checked");
    else {
        list_toggle.setText("All List");   //To change the text near to switch
        Log.d("You are :", " Not Checked");

Second way

public class ActivityClass extends Activity {
Switch list_toggle;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    list_toggle.setOnCheckedChangeListener(new CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener() {
       public void onCheckedChanged(CompoundButton buttonView, boolean isChecked) {
          if(isChecked) {
             list_toggle.setText("Only Today's");  //To change the text near to switch
             Log.d("You are :", "Checked");
          else {
             list_toggle.setText("All List");  //To change the text near to switch
             Log.d("You are :", " Not Checked");

Multiple GitHub Accounts & SSH Config

In my case none of the solutions above solved my issue, but ssh-agent does. Basically, I did the following:

  1. Generate key pair using ssh-keygen shown below. It will generate a key pair (in this example .\keyfile and .\

    ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "yourname@yourdomain" -f keyfile

  2. Upload to the git provider

  3. Start ssh-agent on your machine (you can check with ps -ef | grep ssh-agent to see if it is running already)
  4. Run ssh-add .\keyfile to add credentials
  5. Now you can run git clone git@provider:username/project.git

How to set Sqlite3 to be case insensitive when string comparing?

You can do it like this:

SELECT * FROM ... WHERE name LIKE 'someone'

(It's not the solution, but in some cases is very convenient)

"The LIKE operator does a pattern matching comparison. The operand to the right contains the pattern, the left hand operand contains the string to match against the pattern. A percent symbol ("%") in the pattern matches any sequence of zero or more characters in the string. An underscore ("_") in the pattern matches any single character in the string. Any other character matches itself or its lower/upper case equivalent (i.e. case-insensitive matching). (A bug: SQLite only understands upper/lower case for ASCII characters. The LIKE operator is case sensitive for unicode characters that are beyond the ASCII range. For example, the expression 'a' LIKE 'A' is TRUE but 'æ' LIKE 'Æ' is FALSE.)."

Check substring exists in a string in C

Using C - No built in functions

string_contains() does all the heavy lifting and returns 1 based index. Rest are driver and helper codes.

Assign a pointer to the main string and the substring, increment substring pointer when matching, stop looping when substring pointer is equal to substring length.

read_line() - A little bonus code for reading the user input without predefining the size of input user should provide.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int string_len(char * string){
  int len = 0;
  return len;

int string_contains(char *string, char *substring){
  int start_index = 0;
  int string_index=0, substring_index=0;
  int substring_len =string_len(substring);
  int s_len = string_len(string);
  while(substring_index<substring_len && string_index<s_len){
      return string_index-substring_len+1;

  return 0;


#define INPUT_BUFFER 64
char *read_line(){
  int buffer_len = INPUT_BUFFER;
  char *input = malloc(buffer_len*sizeof(char));
  int c, count=0;

    c = getchar();

      return input;

      input = realloc(input, buffer_len*sizeof(char));


int main(void) {
    printf("\nEnter the string: ");
    char *string = read_line();
    printf("Enter the sub-string: ");
    char *substring = read_line(); 
    int position = string_contains(string,substring);
      printf("Found at position: %d\n", position);
      printf("Not Found\n");
  return 0;

Add multiple items to already initialized arraylist in java

If you have another list that contains all the items you would like to add you can do arList.addAll(otherList). Alternatively, if you will always add the same elements to the list you could create a new list that is initialized to contain all your values and use the addAll() method, with something like

Integer[] otherList = new Integer[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};

or, if you don't want to create that unnecessary array:

arList.addAll(Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5));

Otherwise you will have to have some sort of loop that adds the values to the list individually.

npm install errors with Error: ENOENT, chmod

In my case (multiple code ENOENT errno 34) problem was with ~/.npm/ directory access. Inside it there were some subdirs having root:root rights, which were causing problems while I run commands as normal user (without sudo). So I changed ownership of all subdirs and files inside ~/.npm/ dir into my local user and group. That did the trick on my Ubuntu (on Mac should work too).

$ sudo chown yourusername.yourgroupname ~/.npm/ -R

You should know your user name, right? If no then run $ whoami and substitute your group name with it too, like this:

$ sudo chown johnb.johnb ~/.npm/ -R


Test case:

From my local account /home/johnb I npm-installed globally some generator for yeoman, like this:

$ sudo npm install -g generator-laravel

Problem nature:

Above action caused some dependencies being installed inside ~/.npm/ dir, having root:root ownership (because of sudo ...). Evidently npm does not run as local user (or change dependencies subdirs ownership afterwards) when pulling dependencies and writing them to a local user subdir ~/.npm/. As long as npm would be so careless against fundamental unix filesystem security issues the problem would reoccur.


  1. Continuosly check if ~/.npm/ contains subdirs with ownership (and/or permissions) other than your local user account, especially when you install or update something with sodo (root). If so, change the ownership inside ~/.npm/ to a local user recursively.

  2. Ask npm, bower, grunt, ... community that they address this issue as I described it above.

Redirect Windows cmd stdout and stderr to a single file

You want:

dir > a.txt 2>&1

The syntax 2>&1 will redirect 2 (stderr) to 1 (stdout). You can also hide messages by redirecting to NUL, more explanation and examples on MSDN.

How to align this span to the right of the div?

If you can modify the HTML:

<div class="title">
  <span class="name">Cumulative performance</span>
  <span class="date">20/02/2011</span>

.title .date { float:right }
.title .name { float:left }

create a white rgba / CSS3

For completely transparent color, use:


A little more visible:


How to cast Object to its actual type?

Implement an interface to call your function in your method
interface IMyInterface
 void MyinterfaceMethod();

IMyInterface MyObj = obj as IMyInterface;
if ( MyObj != null)
MyMethod(IMyInterface MyObj );

How to enumerate an object's properties in Python?

for property, value in vars(theObject).items():
    print(property, ":", value)

Be aware that in some rare cases there's a __slots__ property, such classes often have no __dict__.

Calling a javascript function in another js file

// module.js
export function hello() {
  return "Hello";

// main.js
import {hello} from 'module'; // or './module'
let val = hello(); // val is "Hello";

reference from

@Nullable annotation usage

This annotation is commonly used to eliminate NullPointerExceptions. @Nullable says that this parameter might be null. A good example of such behaviour can be found in Google Guice. In this lightweight dependency injection framework you can tell that this dependency might be null. If you would try to pass null without an annotation the framework would refuse to do it's job.

What is more @Nullable might be used with @NotNull annotation. Here you can find some tips on how to use them properly. Code inspection in IntelliJ checks the annotations and helps to debug the code.

How to change scroll bar position with CSS?

Try this out. Hope this helps

<div id="single" dir="rtl">
    <div class="common">Single</div>

<div id="both" dir="ltr">
    <div class="common">Both</div>

#single, #both{
    width: 100px;
    height: 100px;
    overflow: auto;
    margin: 0 auto;
    border: 1px solid gray;

    height: 150px;
    width: 150px;

Pandas groupby: How to get a union of strings

You can use the apply method to apply an arbitrary function to the grouped data. So if you want a set, apply set. If you want a list, apply list.

>>> d
   A       B
0  1    This
1  2      is
2  3       a
3  4  random
4  1  string
5  2       !
>>> d.groupby('A')['B'].apply(list)
1    [This, string]
2           [is, !]
3               [a]
4          [random]
dtype: object

If you want something else, just write a function that does what you want and then apply that.

Revert to a commit by a SHA hash in Git?

This might work:

git checkout 56e05f
echo ref: refs/heads/master > .git/HEAD
git commit

Cannot set property 'innerHTML' of null

This error can appear even if you load your script after the html render is finished. In this given example your code

<div id="hello"></div>

has no value inside the div. So the error is raised, because there is no value to change inside. It should have been

<div id="hello">Some random text to change</div>


How do I test a website using XAMPP?

create a folder inside htdocs, place your website there, access it via localhost or Internal IP (if you're behind a router) - check out this video demo here

How can I trigger another job from a jenkins pipeline (jenkinsfile) with GitHub Org Plugin?

You can use the build job step from Jenkins Pipeline (Minimum Jenkins requirement: 2.130).

Here's the full API for the build step:

How to use build:

  • job: Name of a downstream job to build. May be another Pipeline job, but more commonly a freestyle or other project.
    • Use a simple name if the job is in the same folder as this upstream Pipeline job;
    • You can instead use relative paths like ../sister-folder/downstream
    • Or you can use absolute paths like /top-level-folder/nested-folder/downstream

Trigger another job using a branch as a param

At my company many of our branches include "/". You must replace any instances of "/" with "%2F" (as it appears in the URL of the job).

In this example we're using relative paths

    stage('Trigger Branch Build') {
        steps {
            script {
                    echo "Triggering job for branch ${env.BRANCH_NAME}"
                    build job: "../my-relative-job/${BRANCH_TO_TAG}", wait: false

Trigger another job using build number as a param

build job: 'your-job-name', 
    parameters: [
        string(name: 'passed_build_number_param', value: String.valueOf(BUILD_NUMBER)),
        string(name: 'complex_param', value: 'prefix-' + String.valueOf(BUILD_NUMBER))

Trigger many jobs in parallel


More info on Parallel here:

    stage ('Trigger Builds In Parallel') {
        steps {
            // Freestyle build trigger calls a list of jobs
            // Pipeline build() step only calls one job
            // To run all three jobs in parallel, we use "parallel" step
            parallel (
                linux: {
                    build job: 'full-build-linux', parameters: [string(name: 'GIT_BRANCH_NAME', value: env.BRANCH_NAME)]
                mac: {
                    build job: 'full-build-mac', parameters: [string(name: 'GIT_BRANCH_NAME', value: env.BRANCH_NAME)]
                windows: {
                    build job: 'full-build-windows', parameters: [string(name: 'GIT_BRANCH_NAME', value: env.BRANCH_NAME)]
                failFast: false)

Or alternatively:

    stage('Build A and B') {
            failFast true
            parallel {
                stage('Build A') {
                    steps {
                            build job: "/project/A/${env.BRANCH}", wait: true
                stage('Build B') {
                    steps {
                            build job: "/project/B/${env.BRANCH}", wait: true

Constantly print Subprocess output while process is running

For anyone trying the answers to this question to get the stdout from a Python script note that Python buffers its stdout, and therefore it may take a while to see the stdout.

This can be rectified by adding the following after each stdout write in the target script:


What would be the best method to code heading/title for <ul> or <ol>, Like we have <caption> in <table>?

how about making the heading a list-element with different styles like so

 <li class="heading">heading</li>
 <li>list item</li>
 <li>list item</li>
 <li>list item</li>
 <li>list item</li>

and the CSS

ul .heading {font-weight: normal; list-style: none;}

additionally, use a reset CSS to set margins and paddings right on the ul and li. here's a good reset CSS. once you've reset the margins and paddings, you can apply some margin on the list-elements other than the one's with the heading class, to indent them.

determine DB2 text string length

Mostly we write below statement select * from table where length(ltrim(rtrim(field)))=10;

How can I convert a date to GMT?


Matt Johnsons answer is much better than this one was.

new Date("Fri Jan 20 2012 11:51:36 GMT-0500").toUTCString()

how to prevent adding duplicate keys to a javascript array

A better alternative is provided in ES6 using Sets. So, instead of declaring Arrays, it is recommended to use Sets if you need to have an array that shouldn't add duplicates.

var array = new Set();

// Prints: Set(3) {1, 2, 3}

array.add(2); // does not add any new element

// Still Prints: Set(3) {1, 2, 3}

How to perform element-wise multiplication of two lists?

gahooa's answer is correct for the question as phrased in the heading, but if the lists are already numpy format or larger than ten it will be MUCH faster (3 orders of magnitude) as well as more readable, to do simple numpy multiplication as suggested by NPE. I get these timings:

0.0049ms -> N = 4, a = [i for i in range(N)], c = [a*b for a,b in zip(a, b)]
0.0075ms -> N = 4, a = [i for i in range(N)], c = a * b
0.0167ms -> N = 4, a = np.arange(N), c = [a*b for a,b in zip(a, b)]
0.0013ms -> N = 4, a = np.arange(N), c = a * b
0.0171ms -> N = 40, a = [i for i in range(N)], c = [a*b for a,b in zip(a, b)]
0.0095ms -> N = 40, a = [i for i in range(N)], c = a * b
0.1077ms -> N = 40, a = np.arange(N), c = [a*b for a,b in zip(a, b)]
0.0013ms -> N = 40, a = np.arange(N), c = a * b
0.1485ms -> N = 400, a = [i for i in range(N)], c = [a*b for a,b in zip(a, b)]
0.0397ms -> N = 400, a = [i for i in range(N)], c = a * b
1.0348ms -> N = 400, a = np.arange(N), c = [a*b for a,b in zip(a, b)]
0.0020ms -> N = 400, a = np.arange(N), c = a * b

i.e. from the following test program.

import timeit

init = ['''
import numpy as np
N = {}
a = {}
b = np.linspace(0.0, 0.5, len(a))
'''.format(i, j) for i in [4, 40, 400] 
                  for j in ['[i for i in range(N)]', 'np.arange(N)']]

func = ['''c = [a*b for a,b in zip(a, b)]''',
'''c = a * b''']

for i in init:
  for f in func:
    lines = i.split('\n')
    print('{:6.4f}ms -> {}, {}, {}'.format(
           timeit.timeit(f, setup=i, number=1000), lines[2], lines[3], f))

Open existing file, append a single line

Choice one! But the first is very simple. The last maybe util for file manipulation:

//Method 1 (I like this)
    new string[] { "line1", "line2", "line3" });

//Method 2
    "line1" + Environment.NewLine +
    "line2" + Environment.NewLine +
    "line3" + Environment.NewLine);

//Method 3
using (StreamWriter stream = File.AppendText("FileAppendText.txt"))

//Method 4
using (StreamWriter stream = new StreamWriter("StreamWriter.txt", true))

//Method 5
using (StreamWriter stream = new FileInfo("FileInfo.txt").AppendText())

Convert hex string to int in Python

Or ast.literal_eval (this is safe, unlike eval):



>>> import ast
>>> ast.literal_eval("0xffff")

How to stop a JavaScript for loop?

The logic is incorrect. It would always return the result of last element in the array.

remIndex = -1;

for (i = 0; i < remSize.length; i++) {      
    if (remSize[i].size == remData.size) {
        remIndex = i

Response Content type as CSV

Just Use like that

Response.ContentType = "application/CSV";
Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=\"" + filename + ".csv\"");

flutter corner radius with transparent background

class MyApp2 extends StatelessWidget {

  Widget build(BuildContext context) { 
    return MaterialApp( 
      debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
      theme: ThemeData(
        appBarTheme: AppBarTheme(
          elevation: 0,
          color: Colors.blueAccent,
      title: 'Welcome to flutter ',
      home: HomePage()

class HomePage extends StatefulWidget {
  _HomePageState createState() => _HomePageState();

class _HomePageState extends State<HomePage> {

  int number = 0;
  void _increment(){
   setState(() {
      number ++;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
        backgroundColor: Colors.blueAccent,
        appBar: AppBar(
          title: Text('MyApp2'), 
          leading: Icon(,
          // backgroundColor: Colors.blueAccent,

        body: Container(
          decoration: BoxDecoration(
            borderRadius: BorderRadius.only(
              topLeft: Radius.circular(200.0),
              topRight: Radius.circular(200)
            color: Colors.white,

How to check if X server is running?

$DISPLAY is the standard way. That's how users communicate with programs about which X server to use, if any.

How do I remove all null and empty string values from an object?

Note: this doen't sanitize arrays:

import { isPlainObject } from 'lodash';

export const sanitize = (obj: {}) => {
  if (isPlainObject(obj)) {
    const sanitizedObj = {};

    for (const key in obj) {
      if (obj[key]) {
        sanitizedObj[key] = sanitize(obj[key]);

    return sanitizedObj;
  } else {
    return obj;


  describe('sanitize', () => {
    it('should keep an object if there are no empty fields', () => {
      expect(sanitize({ foo: 'bar' })).toEqual({ foo: 'bar' });
      expect(sanitize({ content: { foo: 'bar' } })).toEqual({
        content: { foo: 'bar' },

    it('should remove empty fields from top level', () => {
      expect(sanitize({ foo: '', bar: 'baz' })).toEqual({ bar: 'baz' });
      expect(sanitize({ foo: null, bar: 'baz' })).toEqual({ bar: 'baz' });
      expect(sanitize({ foo: undefined, bar: 'baz' })).toEqual({ bar: 'baz' });

    it('should remove nested empty fields', () => {
      expect(sanitize({ content: { foo: '', bar: 'baz' } })).toEqual({
        content: { bar: 'baz' },
      expect(sanitize({ content: { foo: null, bar: 'baz' } })).toEqual({
        content: { bar: 'baz' },
      expect(sanitize({ content: { foo: undefined, bar: 'baz' } })).toEqual({
        content: { bar: 'baz' },

(413) Request Entity Too Large | uploadReadAheadSize

In my case I had to increase the "Maximum received message size" of the Receive Location in BizTalk. That also has a default value of 64K and so every message was bounced by BizTAlk regardless of what I configured in my web.config

Cannot implicitly convert type from Task<>

Depending on what you're trying to do, you can either block with GetIdList().Result ( generally a bad idea, but it's hard to tell the context) or use a test framework that supports async test methods and have the test method do var results = await GetIdList();

How to get temporary folder for current user

I have this same requirement - we want to put logs in a specific root directory that should exist within the environment.

public static readonly string DefaultLogFilePath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile);

If I want to combine this with a sub-directory, I should be able to use Path.Combine( ... ).

The GetFolderPath method has an overload for special folder options which allows you to control whether the specified path be created or simply verified.

asynchronous vs non-blocking

They differ in spelling only. There is no difference in what they refer to. To be technical you could say they differ in emphasis. Non blocking refers to control flow(it doesn't block.) Asynchronous refers to when the event\data is handled(not synchronously.)

What is the correct way to represent null XML elements?

In many cases the purpose of a Null value is to serve for a data value that was not present in a previous version of your application.

So say you have an xml file from your application "ReportMaster" version 1.

Now in ReportMaster version 2 a some more attributes have been added that may or not be defined.

If you use the 'no tag means null' representation you get automatic backward compatibility for reading your ReportMaster 1 xml file.

What does "hashable" mean in Python?

All the answers here have good working explanation of hashable objects in python, but I believe one needs to understand the term Hashing first.

Hashing is a concept in computer science which is used to create high performance, pseudo random access data structures where large amount of data is to be stored and accessed quickly.

For example, if you have 10,000 phone numbers, and you want to store them in an array (which is a sequential data structure that stores data in contiguous memory locations, and provides random access), but you might not have the required amount of contiguous memory locations.

So, you can instead use an array of size 100, and use a hash function to map a set of values to same indices, and these values can be stored in a linked list. This provides a performance similar to an array.

Now, a hash function can be as simple as dividing the number with the size of the array and taking the remainder as the index.

For more detail refer to

Here is another good reference:

Ignore 'Security Warning' running script from command line

To avoid warnings, you can:

Set-ExecutionPolicy bypass

How do you upload a file to a document library in sharepoint?

You can upload documents to SharePoint libraries using the Object Model or SharePoint Webservices.

Upload using Object Model:

String fileToUpload = @"C:\YourFile.txt";
String sharePointSite = "";
String documentLibraryName = "Shared Documents";

using (SPSite oSite = new SPSite(sharePointSite))
    using (SPWeb oWeb = oSite.OpenWeb())
        if (!System.IO.File.Exists(fileToUpload))
            throw new FileNotFoundException("File not found.", fileToUpload);                    

        SPFolder myLibrary = oWeb.Folders[documentLibraryName];

        // Prepare to upload
        Boolean replaceExistingFiles = true;
        String fileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(fileToUpload);
        FileStream fileStream = File.OpenRead(fileToUpload);

        // Upload document
        SPFile spfile = myLibrary.Files.Add(fileName, fileStream, replaceExistingFiles);

        // Commit 

Quickly create large file on a Windows system

Another GUI solution : WinHex.

“File” > “New” > “Desired file size” = [X]
“File” > “Save as” = [Name]

Contrary to some of the already proposed solutions, it actually writes the (empty) data on the device.

It also allows to fill the new file with a selectable pattern or random data :

“Edit” > “Fill file” (or “Fill block” if a block is selected)

Getting input values from text box

// NOTE: Using "this.pass" and "" will create a global variable even though it is inside the function, so be weary of your naming convention

function submit()
    var userPass = document.getElementById("pass").value;
    var userName = document.getElementById("user").value;
    this.pass = userPass; = userName; 
    alert("whatever you want to display"); 

Convert an NSURL to an NSString

I just fought with this very thing and this update didn't work.

This eventually did in Swift:

let myUrlStr : String = myUrl!.relativePath!

XAMPP permissions on Mac OS X?

If you use Mac OS X and XAMPP, let's assume that your folder with your site or API located in folder /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/API. Then you can grant access like this:

$ chmod 777 /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/API

And now open the page inside the folder:


CSS to hide INPUT BUTTON value text

I use

button {text-indent:-9999px;}
* html button{font-size:0;display:block;line-height:0}  /* ie6 */
*+html button{font-size:0;display:block;line-height:0}  /* ie7 */

How do I iterate over a JSON structure?

this is a pure commented JavaScript example.

  <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
  function iterate_json(){
            // Create our XMLHttpRequest object
            var hr = new XMLHttpRequest();
            // Create some variables we need to send to our PHP file
  "GET", "json-note.php", true);//this is your php file containing json

            hr.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/json", true);
            // Access the onreadystatechange event for the XMLHttpRequest object
            hr.onreadystatechange = function() {
                if(hr.readyState == 4 && hr.status == 200) {
                    var data = JSON.parse(hr.responseText);
                    var results = document.getElementById("myDiv");//myDiv is the div id
                    for (var obj in data){
                    results.innerHTML += data[obj].id+ "is"+data[obj].class + "<br/>";

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">iterate_json();</script>// call function here

SQL query to get the deadlocks in SQL SERVER 2008

You can use a deadlock graph and gather the information you require from the log file.

The only other way I could suggest is digging through the information by using EXEC SP_LOCK (Soon to be deprecated), EXEC SP_WHO2 or the sys.dm_tran_locks table.

SELECT  L.request_session_id AS SPID, 
    DB_NAME(L.resource_database_id) AS DatabaseName,
    O.Name AS LockedObjectName, 
    P.object_id AS LockedObjectId, 
    L.resource_type AS LockedResource, 
    L.request_mode AS LockType,
    ST.text AS SqlStatementText,        
    ES.login_name AS LoginName,
    ES.host_name AS HostName,
    TST.is_user_transaction as IsUserTransaction, as TransactionName,
    CN.auth_scheme as AuthenticationMethod
FROM    sys.dm_tran_locks L
    JOIN sys.partitions P ON P.hobt_id = L.resource_associated_entity_id
    JOIN sys.objects O ON O.object_id = P.object_id
    JOIN sys.dm_exec_sessions ES ON ES.session_id = L.request_session_id
    JOIN sys.dm_tran_session_transactions TST ON ES.session_id = TST.session_id
    JOIN sys.dm_tran_active_transactions AT ON TST.transaction_id = AT.transaction_id
    JOIN sys.dm_exec_connections CN ON CN.session_id = ES.session_id
    CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(CN.most_recent_sql_handle) AS ST
WHERE   resource_database_id = db_id()
ORDER BY L.request_session_id

Can I store images in MySQL

You can store images in MySQL as blobs. However, this is problematic for a couple of reasons:

  • The images can be harder to manipulate: you must first retrieve them from the database before bulk operations can be performed.
  • Except in very rare cases where the entire database is stored in RAM, MySQL databases are ultimately stored on disk. This means that your DB images are converted to blobs, inserted into a database, and then stored on disk; you can save a lot of overhead by simply storing them on disk.

Instead, consider updating your table to add an image_path field. For example:

ALTER TABLE `your_table`
ADD COLUMN `image_path` varchar(1024)

Then store your images on disk, and update the table with the image path. When you need to use the images, retrieve them from disk using the path specified.

An advantageous side-effect of this approach is that the images do not necessarily be stored on disk; you could just as easily store a URL instead of an image path, and retrieve images from any internet-connected location.

How to call a function in shell Scripting?

You don't specify which shell (there are many), so I am assuming Bourne Shell, that is I think your script starts with:


Please remember to tag future questions with the shell type, as this will help the community answer your question.

You need to define your functions before you call them. Using ():

    echo "Performing process_install() commands, using arguments [${*}]..."

    echo "Performing process_exit() commands, using arguments [${*}]..."

Then you can call your functions, just as if you were calling any command:

if [ "$choice" = "true" ]
    process_install foo bar
elif [ "$choice" = "false" ]
    process_exit baz qux

You may also wish to check for invalid choices at this juncture...

    echo "Invalid choice [${choice}]..."

See it run with three different values of ${choice}.

Good luck!

Can you detect "dragging" in jQuery?

You've need to set a timer. When the timer times out, start the throbber and register the click. When drag occurs, clear the timer so it never completes.

How do I get the web page contents from a WebView?

Per issue 12987, Blundell's answer crashes (at least on my 2.3 VM). Instead, I intercept a call to console.log with a special prefix:

// intercept calls to console.log
web.setWebChromeClient(new WebChromeClient() {
    public boolean onConsoleMessage(ConsoleMessage cmsg)
        // check secret prefix
        if (cmsg.message().startsWith("MAGIC"))
            String msg = cmsg.message().substring(5); // strip off prefix

            /* process HTML */

            return true;

        return false;

// inject the JavaScript on page load
web.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient() {
    public void onPageFinished(WebView view, String address)
        // have the page spill its guts, with a secret prefix


Is "&#160;" a replacement of "&nbsp;"?

Those do both mean non-breaking space, yes. &#xA0; is another synonym, in hex.

Powershell: count members of a AD group

$users = Get-ADGroupMember -Identity 'Client Services' -Recursive ; $users.count

The above one-liner gives a clean count of recursive members found. Simple, easy, and one line.

How do I add a bullet symbol in TextView?

You may try BulletSpan as described in Android docs.

SpannableString string = new SpannableString("Text with\nBullet point");
string.setSpan(new BulletSpan(40, color, 20), 10, 22, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);


How to use Scanner to accept only valid int as input

Try this:

    public static void main(String[] args)
        Pattern p = Pattern.compile("^\\d+$");
        Scanner kb = new Scanner(;
        int num1;
        int num2 = 0;
        String temp;
        Matcher numberMatcher;
        System.out.print("Enter number 1: ");
            num1 = kb.nextInt();

        catch (java.util.InputMismatchException e)
            System.out.println("Invalid Input");
            System.out.print("Enter number 2: ");
            temp =;
            numberMatcher = p.matcher(temp);
            if (numberMatcher.matches())
                num2 = Integer.parseInt(temp);

                System.out.println("Invalid Number");

You could try to parse the string into an int as well, but usually people try to avoid throwing exceptions.

What I have done is that I have defined a regular expression that defines a number, \d means a numeric digit. The + sign means that there has to be one or more numeric digits. The extra \ in front of the \d is because in java, the \ is a special character, so it has to be escaped.

How can I make content appear beneath a fixed DIV element?

I just added a padding-top to the div below the nav. Hope it helps. I'm new on this. C:

#nav {
    position: fixed;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;
    width: 100%;
    margin: 0 auto;
    padding: 0;
    background: url(../css/patterns/black_denim.png);
    z-index: 9999;

#container {
    display: block;
    padding: 6em 0 3em;

ASP.NET Background image

write code in body tag like this

<body style="background-image: url('Image URL');" >

how to import csv data into django models

Use the Pandas library to create a dataframe of the csv data.
Name the fields either by including them in the csv file's first line or in code by using the dataframe's columns method.
Then create a list of model instances.
Finally use the django method .bulk_create() to send your list of model instances to the database table.

The read_csv function in pandas is great for reading csv files and gives you lots of parameters to skip lines, omit fields, etc.

import pandas as pd

#ensure fields are named~ID,Product_ID,Name,Ratio,Description
#concatenate name and Product_id to make a new field a la Dr.Dee's answer
products = [
        name = tmp_data.ix[row]['Name'] 
        description = tmp_data.ix[row]['Description'],
        price = tmp_data.ix[row]['price'],
    for row in tmp_data['ID']

I was using the answer by mmrs151 but saving each row (instance) was very slow and any fields containing the delimiting character (even inside of quotes) were not handled by the open() -- line.split(';') method.

Pandas has so many useful caveats, it is worth getting to know

How to avoid mysql 'Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction'

You might try having that delete job operate by first inserting the key of each row to be deleted into a temp table like this pseudocode

create temporary table deletetemp (userid int);

insert into deletetemp (userid)
  select userid from onlineusers where datetime <= now - interval 900 second;

delete from onlineusers where userid in (select userid from deletetemp);

Breaking it up like this is less efficient but it avoids the need to hold a key-range lock during the delete.

Also, modify your select queries to add a where clause excluding rows older than 900 seconds. This avoids the dependency on the cron job and allows you to reschedule it to run less often.

Theory about the deadlocks: I don't have a lot of background in MySQL but here goes... The delete is going to hold a key-range lock for datetime, to prevent rows matching its where clause from being added in the middle of the transaction, and as it finds rows to delete it will attempt to acquire a lock on each page it is modifying. The insert is going to acquire a lock on the page it is inserting into, and then attempt to acquire the key lock. Normally the insert will wait patiently for that key lock to open up but this will deadlock if the delete tries to lock the same page the insert is using because thedelete needs that page lock and the insert needs that key lock. This doesn't seem right for inserts though, the delete and insert are using datetime ranges that don't overlap so maybe something else is going on.

Ruby: How to post a file via HTTP as multipart/form-data?

Well the solution with NetHttp has a drawback that is when posting big files it loads the whole file into memory first.

After playing a bit with it I came up with the following solution:

class Multipart

  def initialize( file_names )
    @file_names = file_names

  def post( to_url )
    boundary = '----RubyMultipartClient' + rand(1000000).to_s + 'ZZZZZ'

    parts = []
    streams = []
    @file_names.each do |param_name, filepath|
      pos = filepath.rindex('/')
      filename = filepath[pos + 1, filepath.length - pos]
      parts << ( "--" + boundary + "\r\n" +
      "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"" + param_name.to_s + "\"; filename=\"" + filename + "\"\r\n" +
      "Content-Type: video/x-msvideo\r\n\r\n")
      stream =, "rb")
      streams << stream
      parts << (stream, File.size(filepath))
    parts << ( "\r\n--" + boundary + "--\r\n" )

    post_stream = parts )

    url = URI.parse( to_url )
    req =
    req.content_length = post_stream.size
    req.content_type = 'multipart/form-data; boundary=' + boundary
    req.body_stream = post_stream
    res =, url.port).start {|http| http.request(req) }

    streams.each do |stream|



class StreamPart
  def initialize( stream, size )
    @stream, @size = stream, size

  def size

  def read ( offset, how_much ) ( how_much )

class StringPart
  def initialize ( str )
    @str = str

  def size

  def read ( offset, how_much )
    @str[offset, how_much]

class MultipartStream
  def initialize( parts )
    @parts = parts
    @part_no = 0;
    @part_offset = 0;

  def size
    total = 0
    @parts.each do |part|
      total += part.size

  def read ( how_much )

    if @part_no >= @parts.size
      return nil;

    how_much_current_part = @parts[@part_no].size - @part_offset

    how_much_current_part = if how_much_current_part > how_much

    how_much_next_part = how_much - how_much_current_part

    current_part = @parts[@part_no].read(@part_offset, how_much_current_part )

    if how_much_next_part > 0
      @part_no += 1
      @part_offset = 0
      next_part = read ( how_much_next_part  )
      current_part + if next_part
      @part_offset += how_much_current_part

How to make a rest post call from ReactJS code?

Here is a util function modified (another post on stack) for get and post both. Make Util.js file.

let cachedData = null;
let cachedPostData = null;

const postServiceData = (url, params) => {
    console.log('cache status' + cachedPostData );
    if (cachedPostData === null) {
        console.log('post-data: requesting data');
        return fetch(url, {
            method: 'POST',
            headers: {
              'Accept': 'application/json',
              'Content-Type': 'application/json',
            body: JSON.stringify(params)
        .then(response => {
            cachedPostData = response.json();
            return cachedPostData;
    } else {
        console.log('post-data: returning cachedPostData data');
        return Promise.resolve(cachedPostData);

const getServiceData = (url) => {
    console.log('cache status' + cachedData );
    if (cachedData === null) {
        console.log('get-data: requesting data');
        return fetch(url, {})
        .then(response => {
            cachedData = response.json();
            return cachedData;
    } else {
        console.log('get-data: returning cached data');
        return Promise.resolve(cachedData);

export  { getServiceData, postServiceData };

Usage like below in another component

import { getServiceData, postServiceData } from './../Utils/Util';

constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      datastore : []

componentDidMount = () => {  
    let posturl = 'yoururl'; 
    let getdataString = { name: "xys", date:"today"};  
    postServiceData(posturl, getdataString)
      .then(items => { 
        this.setState({ datastore: items }) 

Compare and contrast REST and SOAP web services?

SOAP uses WSDL for communication btw consumer and provider, whereas REST just uses XML or JSON to send and receive data

WSDL defines contract between client and service and is static by its nature. In case of REST contract is somewhat complicated and is defined by HTTP, URI, Media Formats and Application Specific Coordination Protocol. It's highly dynamic unlike WSDL.

SOAP doesn't return human readable result, whilst REST result is readable with is just plain XML or JSON

This is not true. Plain XML or JSON are not RESTful at all. None of them define any controls(i.e. links and link relations, method information, encoding information etc...) which is against REST as far as messages must be self contained and coordinate interaction between agent/client and service.

With links + semantic link relations clients should be able to determine what is next interaction step and follow these links and continue communication with service.

It is not necessary that messages be human readable, it's possible to use cryptic format and build perfectly valid REST applications. It doesn't matter whether message is human readable or not.

Thus, plain XML(application/xml) or JSON(application/json) are not sufficient formats for building REST applications. It's always reasonable to use subset of these generic media types which have strong semantic meaning and offer enough control information(links etc...) to coordinate interactions between client and server.

REST is over only HTTP

Not true, HTTP is most widely used and when we talk about REST web services we just assume HTTP. HTTP defines interface with it's methods(GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH etc) and various headers which can be used uniformly for interacting with resources. This uniformity can be achieved with other protocols as well.

P.S. Very simple, yet very interesting explanation of REST:

Convert one date format into another in PHP

The Basics

The simplist way to convert one date format into another is to use strtotime() with date(). strtotime() will convert the date into a Unix Timestamp. That Unix Timestamp can then be passed to date() to convert it to the new format.

$timestamp = strtotime('2008-07-01T22:35:17.02');
$new_date_format = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $timestamp);

Or as a one-liner:

$new_date_format = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime('2008-07-01T22:35:17.02'));

Keep in mind that strtotime() requires the date to be in a valid format. Failure to provide a valid format will result in strtotime() returning false which will cause your date to be 1969-12-31.

Using DateTime()

As of PHP 5.2, PHP offered the DateTime() class which offers us more powerful tools for working with dates (and time). We can rewrite the above code using DateTime() as so:

$date = new DateTime('2008-07-01T22:35:17.02');
$new_date_format = $date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');

Working with Unix timestamps

date() takes a Unix timeatamp as its second parameter and returns a formatted date for you:

$new_date_format = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', '1234567890');

DateTime() works with Unix timestamps by adding an @ before the timestamp:

$date = new DateTime('@1234567890');
$new_date_format = $date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');

If the timestamp you have is in milliseconds (it may end in 000 and/or the timestamp is thirteen characters long) you will need to convert it to seconds before you can can convert it to another format. There's two ways to do this:

  • Trim the last three digits off using substr()

Trimming the last three digits can be acheived several ways, but using substr() is the easiest:

$timestamp = substr('1234567899000', -3);
  • Divide the substr by 1000

You can also convert the timestamp into seconds by dividing by 1000. Because the timestamp is too large for 32 bit systems to do math on you will need to use the BCMath library to do the math as strings:

$timestamp = bcdiv('1234567899000', '1000');

To get a Unix Timestamp you can use strtotime() which returns a Unix Timestamp:

$timestamp = strtotime('1973-04-18');

With DateTime() you can use DateTime::getTimestamp()

$date = new DateTime('2008-07-01T22:35:17.02');
$timestamp = $date->getTimestamp();

If you're running PHP 5.2 you can use the U formatting option instead:

$date = new DateTime('2008-07-01T22:35:17.02');
$timestamp = $date->format('U');

Working with non-standard and ambiguous date formats

Unfortunately not all dates that a developer has to work with are in a standard format. Fortunately PHP 5.3 provided us with a solution for that. DateTime::createFromFormat() allows us to tell PHP what format a date string is in so it can be successfully parsed into a DateTime object for further manipulation.

$date = DateTime::createFromFormat('F-d-Y h:i A', 'April-18-1973 9:48 AM');
$new_date_format = $date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');

In PHP 5.4 we gained the ability to do class member access on instantiation has been added which allows us to turn our DateTime() code into a one-liner:

$new_date_format = (new DateTime('2008-07-01T22:35:17.02'))->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');

$new_date_format = DateTime::createFromFormat('F-d-Y h:i A', 'April-18-1973 9:48 AM')->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');

Creating Threads in python

You don't need to use a subclass of Thread to make this work - take a look at the simple example I'm posting below to see how:

from threading import Thread
from time import sleep

def threaded_function(arg):
    for i in range(arg):

if __name__ == "__main__":
    thread = Thread(target = threaded_function, args = (10, ))
    print("thread finished...exiting")

Here I show how to use the threading module to create a thread which invokes a normal function as its target. You can see how I can pass whatever arguments I need to it in the thread constructor.

What is the difference between concurrency and parallelism?

Say you have a program that has two threads. The program can run in two ways:

Concurrency                 Concurrency + parallelism
(Single-Core CPU)           (Multi-Core CPU)
 ___                         ___ ___
|th1|                       |th1|th2|
|   |                       |   |___|
|___|___                    |   |___
    |th2|                   |___|th2|
 ___|___|                    ___|___|
|th1|                       |th1|
|___|___                    |   |___
    |th2|                   |   |th2|

In both cases we have concurrency from the mere fact that we have more than one thread running.

If we ran this program on a computer with a single CPU core, the OS would be switching between the two threads, allowing one thread to run at a time.

If we ran this program on a computer with a multi-core CPU then we would be able to run the two threads in parallel - side by side at the exact same time.

No newline after div?

This works the best, in my case, I tried it all

.div_class {
    clear: left;

Output (echo/print) everything from a PHP Array

This is a little function I use all the time its handy if you are debugging arrays. Its pretty much the same thing Darryl and Karim posted. I just added a parameter title so you have some debug info as what array you are printing. it also checks if you have supplied it with a valid array and lets you know if you didn't.

function print_array($title,$array){


            echo $title."<br/>".
            echo "</pre>".
            "END ".$title."<br/>".

             echo $title." is not an array.";

Basic usage:

//your array
$array = array('cat','dog','bird','mouse','fish','gerbil');
print_array("PETS", $array);



    [0] => cat
    [1] => dog
    [2] => bird
    [3] => mouse
    [4] => fish
    [5] => gerbil


Get string after character

${word:$(expr index "$word" "="):1}

that gets the 7. Assuming you mean the entire rest of the string, just leave off the :1.

How to convert NUM to INT in R?

Use as.integer:

x <- runif(5, 0, 100)
[1] 26.55087 37.21239 57.28534 90.82078 20.16819

[1] 26 37 57 90 20

Test for class:

xx <- as.integer(x)
 int [1:5] 26 37 57 90 20

How to get query string parameter from MVC Razor markup?

I think a more elegant solution is to use the controller and the ViewData dictionary:

public ActionResult Action(int IFRAME)
        ViewData["IsIframe"] = IFRAME == 1;
        return View();

    string classToUse = (bool)ViewData["IsIframe"] ? "iframe-page" : "";
   <div id="wrap" class='@classToUse'></div>

How to check if a String contains another String in a case insensitive manner in Java?

import java.text.Normalizer;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;

public class ContainsIgnoreCase {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        String in = "   Annulée ";
        String key = "annulee";

        // 100% java
        if (Normalizer.normalize(in, Normalizer.Form.NFD).replaceAll("[\\p{InCombiningDiacriticalMarks}]", "").toLowerCase().contains(key)) {
        } else {

        // use commons.lang lib
        if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(Normalizer.normalize(in, Normalizer.Form.NFD).replaceAll("[\\p{InCombiningDiacriticalMarks}]", ""), key)) {
        } else {



Extreme wait-time when taking a SQL Server database offline

In SSMS, set the database to read-only then back. The connections will be closed, which frees up the locks.

In my case there was a website that had open connections to the database. This method was easy enough:

  1. Right-click the database -> Properties -> Options
  2. Set Database Read-Only to True
  3. Click 'Yes' at the dialog warning SQL Server will close all connections to the database.
  4. Re-open Options and turn read-only back off
  5. Now try renaming the database or taking it offline.

Scroll part of content in fixed position container

It seems to work if you use

div#scrollable {
    overflow-y: scroll;
    height: 100%;

and add padding-bottom: 60px to div.sidebar.

For example:

However, I am unsure why it must be 60px.

Also, you missed the f from overflow-y: scroll;

What is the difference between logical data model and conceptual data model?

In this table you can see the difference between each model: Difference between data models

See for more information and some data model examples.

OpenCV & Python - Image too big to display

Try with this code:

from PIL import Image


Sort arrays of primitive types in descending order

Heres a one-liner, using streams in Java 8

int arr = new int[]{1,2,3,4,5};;

Android checkbox style

The correct way to do it for Material design is :

Style :

<style name="MyCheckBox" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light">  
    <item name="colorControlNormal">@color/foo</item>
    <item name="colorControlActivated">@color/bar</item>

Layout :

    android:text="Check Box"

It will preserve Material animations on Lollipop+.

Select default option value from typescript angular 6

I think the best way to do it to bind it with ngModel.

<select name="num" [(ngModel)]="number">
                <option *ngFor="let n of numbers" [value]="n">{{n}}</option>

and in ts file add


Comparing boxed Long values 127 and 128

Java caches the primitive values from -128 to 127. When we compare two Long objects java internally type cast it to primitive value and compare it. But above 127 the Long object will not get type caste. Java caches the output by .valueOf() method.

This caching works for Byte, Short, Long from -128 to 127. For Integer caching works From -128 to java.lang.Integer.IntegerCache.high or 127, whichever is bigger.(We can set top level value upto which Integer values should get cached by using java.lang.Integer.IntegerCache.high).

 For example:
    If we set java.lang.Integer.IntegerCache.high=500;
    then values from -128 to 500 will get cached and 

    Integer a=498;
    Integer b=499;

    Output will be "true".

Float and Double objects never gets cached.

Character will get cache from 0 to 127

You are comparing two objects. so == operator will check equality of object references. There are following ways to do it.

1) type cast both objects into primitive values and compare

    (long)val3 == (long)val4

2) read value of object and compare

    val3.longValue() == val4.longValue()

3) Use equals() method on object comparison.


How do I get the old value of a changed cell in Excel VBA?

Place the following in the CODE MODULE of a WORKSHEET to track the last value for every cell in the used range:

Option Explicit

Private r As Range
Private Const d = "||"

Public Function ValueLast(r As Range)
    On Error Resume Next
    ValueLast = Split(r.ID, d)(1)
End Function

Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
    For Each r In Me.UsedRange: Record r: Next
End Sub

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    For Each r In Target: Record r: Next
End Sub

Private Sub Record(r)
    r.ID = r.Value & d & Split(r.ID, d)(0)
End Sub

And that's it.

This solution uses the obscure and almost never used Range.ID property, which allows the old values to persist when the workbook is saved and closed.

At any time you can get at the old value of a cell and it will indeed be different than a new current value:

With Sheet1
    MsgBox .[a1].Value
    MsgBox .ValueLast(.[a1])
End With

Subtract two dates in Java

Date d1 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-M-dd").parse((String) request.
Date d2 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-M-dd").parse((String) request.

long diff = d2.getTime() - d1.getTime();

System.out.println("Difference between  " + d1 + " and "+ d2+" is "
        + (diff / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)) + " days.");

How to pass parameters using ui-sref in ui-router to controller

You simply misspelled $stateParam, it should be $stateParams (with an s). That's why you get undefined ;)

Create a new TextView programmatically then display it below another TextView

You're not assigning any id to the text view, but you're using tv.getId() to pass it to the addRule method as a parameter. Try to set a unique id via tv.setId(int).

You could also use the LinearLayout with vertical orientation, that might be easier actually. I prefer LinearLayout over RelativeLayouts if not necessary otherwise.

TypeError: 'int' object is not callable

As mentioned you might have a variable named round (of type int) in your code and removing that should get rid of the error. For Jupyter notebooks however, simply clearing a cell or deleting it might not take the variable out of scope. In such a case, you can restart your notebook to start afresh after deleting the variable.

Python: Total sum of a list of numbers with the for loop

l = [1,2,3,4,5]
sum = 0
for x in l:
    sum = sum + x

And you can change l for any list you want.

Increase bootstrap dropdown menu width

If you have BS4 another option could be:

.dropdown-item { 
  width: max-content !important;

.dropdown-menu {

    max-height: max-content;
    max-width: max-content;

How to create NSIndexPath for TableView

indexPathForRow is a class method!

The code should read:

NSIndexPath *myIP = [NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:0 inSection:0] ;

Stacked Tabs in Bootstrap 3

To get left and right tabs (now also with sideways) support for Bootstrap 3, bootstrap-vertical-tabs component can be used.

Sync data between Android App and webserver

If you write this yourself these are some of the points to keep in mind

Proper authentication between the device and the Sync Server

A sync protocol between the device and the server. It will usually go in 3 phases, authentication, data exchange, status exchange (which operations worked and which failed)

Pick your payload format. I suggest SyncML based XML mixed with JSON based format to represent the actual data. So SyncML for the protocol, and JSON for the actual data being exchanged. Using JSON Array while manipulating the data is always preferred as it is easy to access data using JSON Array.

Keeping track of data changes on both client and server. You can maintain a changelog of ids that change and pick them up during a sync session. Also, clear the changelog as the objects are successfully synchronized. You can also use a boolean variable to confirm the synchronization status, i.e. last time of sync. It will be helpful for end users to identify the time when last sync is done.

Need to have a way to communicate from the server to the device to start a sync session as data changes on the server. You can use C2DM or write your own persistent tcp based communication. The tcp approach is a lot seamless

A way to replicate data changes across multiple devices

And last but not the least, a way to detect and handle conflicts

Hope this helps as a good starting point.

A tool to convert MATLAB code to Python

There's also oct2py which can call .m files within python

It requires GNU Octave, which is highly compatible with MATLAB.

How to get function parameter names/values dynamically?

Since JavaScript is a scripting language, I feel that its introspection should support getting function parameter names. Punting on that functionality is a violation of first principles, so I decided to explore the issue further.

That led me to this question but no built-in solutions. Which led me to this answer which explains that arguments is only deprecated outside the function, so we can no longer use myFunction.arguments or we get:

TypeError: 'caller', 'callee', and 'arguments' properties may not be accessed on strict mode functions or the arguments objects for calls to them

Time to roll up our sleeves and get to work:

? Retrieving function parameters requires a parser because complex expressions like 4*(5/3) can be used as default values. So Gaafar's answer or James Drew's answer are so far the best approaches.

I tried the babylon and esprima parsers but unfortunately they can't parse standalone anonymous functions, as pointed out in Mateusz Charytoniuk's answer. I figured out another workaround though by surrounding the code in parentheses, so as not to change the logic:

const ast = parser.parse("(\n" + func.toString() + "\n)")

The newlines prevent issues with // (single-line comments).

? If a parser is not available, the next-best option is to use a tried-and-true technique like Angular.js's dependency injector regular expressions. I combined a functional version of Lambder's answer with humbletim's answer and added an optional ARROW boolean for controlling whether ES6 fat arrow functions are allowed by the regular expressions.

Here are two solutions I put together. Note that these have no logic to detect whether a function has valid syntax, they only extract the arguments. This is generally ok since we usually pass parsed functions to getArguments() so their syntax is already valid.

I will try to curate these solutions as best I can, but without effort from the JavaScript maintainers, this will remain an open problem.

Node.js version (not runnable until StackOverflow supports Node.js):

const parserName = 'babylon';_x000D_
// const parserName = 'esprima';_x000D_
const parser = require(parserName);_x000D_
function getArguments(func) {_x000D_
    const maybe = function (x) {_x000D_
        return x || {}; // optionals support_x000D_
    try {_x000D_
        const ast = parser.parse("(\n" + func.toString() + "\n)");_x000D_
        const program = parserName == 'babylon' ? ast.program : ast;_x000D_
        return program_x000D_
            .map(function(node) {_x000D_
                return || maybe(node.left).name || '...' + maybe(node.argument).name;_x000D_
    } catch (e) {_x000D_
        return []; // could also return null_x000D_
////////// TESTS //////////_x000D_
function logArgs(func) {_x000D_
 let object = {};_x000D_
 object[func] = getArguments(func);_x000D_
//  console.log(/*JSON.stringify(*/getArguments(func)/*)*/);_x000D_
console.log('////////// MISC //////////');_x000D_
logArgs((a, b) => {});_x000D_
logArgs((a, b = 1) => {});_x000D_
logArgs((a, b, ...args) => {});_x000D_
logArgs(function(a, b, ...args) {});_x000D_
logArgs(function(a, b = 1, c = 4 * (5 / 3), d = 2) {});_x000D_
logArgs(async function(a, b, ...args) {});_x000D_
logArgs(function async(a, b, ...args) {});_x000D_
console.log('////////// FUNCTIONS //////////');_x000D_
logArgs(function(a, b, c) {});_x000D_
logArgs(function() {});_x000D_
logArgs(function named(a, b, c) {});_x000D_
logArgs(function(a /* = 1 */, b /* = true */) {});_x000D_
logArgs(function fprintf(handle, fmt /*, ...*/) {});_x000D_
logArgs(function(a, b = 1, c) {});_x000D_
logArgs(function(a = 4 * (5 / 3), b) {});_x000D_
// logArgs(function (a, // single-line comment xjunk) {});_x000D_
// logArgs(function (a /* fooled you {});_x000D_
// logArgs(function (a /* function() yes */, \n /* no, */b)/* omg! */ {});_x000D_
// logArgs(function ( A, b \n,c ,d \n ) \n {});_x000D_
logArgs(function(a, b) {});_x000D_
logArgs(function $args(func) {});_x000D_
logArgs(function Object() {});_x000D_
console.log('////////// STRINGS //////////');_x000D_
logArgs('function (a,b,c) {}');_x000D_
logArgs('function () {}');_x000D_
logArgs('function named(a, b, c) {}');_x000D_
logArgs('function (a /* = 1 */, b /* = true */) {}');_x000D_
logArgs('function fprintf(handle, fmt /*, ...*/) {}');_x000D_
logArgs('function( a, b = 1, c ) {}');_x000D_
logArgs('function (a=4*(5/3), b) {}');_x000D_
logArgs('function (a, // single-line comment xjunk) {}');_x000D_
logArgs('function (a /* fooled you {}');_x000D_
logArgs('function (a /* function() yes */, \n /* no, */b)/* omg! */ {}');_x000D_
logArgs('function ( A, b \n,c ,d \n ) \n {}');_x000D_
logArgs('function (a,b) {}');_x000D_
logArgs('function $args(func) {}');_x000D_
logArgs('function Object() {}');

Full working example:

Browser version (note that it stops at the first complex default value):

function getArguments(func) {_x000D_
    const ARROW = true;_x000D_
    const FUNC_ARGS = ARROW ? /^(function)?\s*[^\(]*\(\s*([^\)]*)\)/m : /^(function)\s*[^\(]*\(\s*([^\)]*)\)/m;_x000D_
    const FUNC_ARG_SPLIT = /,/;_x000D_
    const FUNC_ARG = /^\s*(_?)(.+?)\1\s*$/;_x000D_
    const STRIP_COMMENTS = /((\/\/.*$)|(\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\/))/mg;_x000D_
    return ((func || '').toString().replace(STRIP_COMMENTS, '').match(FUNC_ARGS) || ['', '', ''])[2]_x000D_
        .map(function(arg) {_x000D_
            return arg.replace(FUNC_ARG, function(all, underscore, name) {_x000D_
                return name.split('=')[0].trim();_x000D_
////////// TESTS //////////_x000D_
function logArgs(func) {_x000D_
 let object = {};_x000D_
 object[func] = getArguments(func);_x000D_
//  console.log(/*JSON.stringify(*/getArguments(func)/*)*/);_x000D_
console.log('////////// MISC //////////');_x000D_
logArgs((a, b) => {});_x000D_
logArgs((a, b = 1) => {});_x000D_
logArgs((a, b, ...args) => {});_x000D_
logArgs(function(a, b, ...args) {});_x000D_
logArgs(function(a, b = 1, c = 4 * (5 / 3), d = 2) {});_x000D_
logArgs(async function(a, b, ...args) {});_x000D_
logArgs(function async(a, b, ...args) {});_x000D_
console.log('////////// FUNCTIONS //////////');_x000D_
logArgs(function(a, b, c) {});_x000D_
logArgs(function() {});_x000D_
logArgs(function named(a, b, c) {});_x000D_
logArgs(function(a /* = 1 */, b /* = true */) {});_x000D_
logArgs(function fprintf(handle, fmt /*, ...*/) {});_x000D_
logArgs(function(a, b = 1, c) {});_x000D_
logArgs(function(a = 4 * (5 / 3), b) {});_x000D_
// logArgs(function (a, // single-line comment xjunk) {});_x000D_
// logArgs(function (a /* fooled you {});_x000D_
// logArgs(function (a /* function() yes */, \n /* no, */b)/* omg! */ {});_x000D_
// logArgs(function ( A, b \n,c ,d \n ) \n {});_x000D_
logArgs(function(a, b) {});_x000D_
logArgs(function $args(func) {});_x000D_
logArgs(function Object() {});_x000D_
console.log('////////// STRINGS //////////');_x000D_
logArgs('function (a,b,c) {}');_x000D_
logArgs('function () {}');_x000D_
logArgs('function named(a, b, c) {}');_x000D_
logArgs('function (a /* = 1 */, b /* = true */) {}');_x000D_
logArgs('function fprintf(handle, fmt /*, ...*/) {}');_x000D_
logArgs('function( a, b = 1, c ) {}');_x000D_
logArgs('function (a=4*(5/3), b) {}');_x000D_
logArgs('function (a, // single-line comment xjunk) {}');_x000D_
logArgs('function (a /* fooled you {}');_x000D_
logArgs('function (a /* function() yes */, \n /* no, */b)/* omg! */ {}');_x000D_
logArgs('function ( A, b \n,c ,d \n ) \n {}');_x000D_
logArgs('function (a,b) {}');_x000D_
logArgs('function $args(func) {}');_x000D_
logArgs('function Object() {}');

Full working example: