[sqlite] How to set Sqlite3 to be case insensitive when string comparing?

I want to select records from sqlite3 database by string matching. But if I use '=' in the where clause, I found that sqlite3 is case sensitive. Can anyone tell me how to use string comparing case-insensitive?

This question is related to sqlite case-insensitive

The answer is

you can use the like query for comparing the respective string with table vales.

select column name from table_name where column name like 'respective comparing value';

Another option is to create your own custom collation. You can then set that collation on the column or add it to your select clauses. It will be used for ordering and comparisons.

This can be used to make 'VOILA' LIKE 'voilà'.


The collating function must return an integer that is negative, zero, or positive if the first string is less than, equal to, or greater than the second, respectively.

This is not specific to sqlite but you can just do

SELECT * FROM ... WHERE UPPER(name) = UPPER('someone')

Another option that may or may not make sense in your case, is to actually have a separate column with pre-lowerscored values of your existing column. This can be populated using the SQLite function LOWER(), and you can then perform matching on this column instead.

Obviously, it adds redundancy and a potential for inconsistency, but if your data is static it might be a suitable option.


Its working for me Perfectly. SELECT NAME FROM TABLE_NAME WHERE NAME = 'test Name' COLLATE NOCASE

Simply, you can use COLLATE NOCASE in your SELECT query:


If the column is of type char then you need to append the value you are querying with spaces, please refer to this question here . This in addition to using COLLATE NOCASE or one of the other solutions (upper(), etc).

You can do it like this:

SELECT * FROM ... WHERE name LIKE 'someone'

(It's not the solution, but in some cases is very convenient)

"The LIKE operator does a pattern matching comparison. The operand to the right contains the pattern, the left hand operand contains the string to match against the pattern. A percent symbol ("%") in the pattern matches any sequence of zero or more characters in the string. An underscore ("_") in the pattern matches any single character in the string. Any other character matches itself or its lower/upper case equivalent (i.e. case-insensitive matching). (A bug: SQLite only understands upper/lower case for ASCII characters. The LIKE operator is case sensitive for unicode characters that are beyond the ASCII range. For example, the expression 'a' LIKE 'A' is TRUE but 'æ' LIKE 'Æ' is FALSE.)."