Programs & Examples On #Model validation

Model Validation is ASP.NET MVC validation method for your models with property attributes. Model validation works for client and server side validation.

MaxLength Attribute not generating client-side validation attributes

MaxLengthAttribute is working since MVC 5.1 update: change notes

How to ISO 8601 format a Date with Timezone Offset in JavaScript?

I think it is worth considering that you can get the requested info with just a single API call to the standard library...

new Date().toLocaleString( 'sv', { timeZoneName: 'short' } );

// produces "2019-10-30 15:33:47 GMT-4"

You would have to do text swapping if you want to add the 'T' delimiter, remove the 'GMT-', or append the ':00' to the end.

But then you can easily play with the other options if you want to eg. use 12h time or omit the seconds etc.

Note that I'm using Sweden as locale because it is one of the countries that uses ISO 8601 format. I think most of the ISO countries use this 'GMT-4' format for the timezone offset other then Canada which uses the time zone abbreviation eg. "EDT" for eastern-daylight-time.

You can get the same thing from the newer standard i18n function "Intl.DateTimeFormat()" but you have to tell it to include the time via the options or it will just give date.

Exception: There is already an open DataReader associated with this Connection which must be closed first

You are using the same connection for the DataReader and the ExecuteNonQuery. This is not supported, according to MSDN:

Note that while a DataReader is open, the Connection is in use exclusively by that DataReader. You cannot execute any commands for the Connection, including creating another DataReader, until the original DataReader is closed.

Updated 2018: link to MSDN

remove all variables except functions

Here's a one-liner that removes all objects except for functions:

rm(list = setdiff(ls(), lsf.str()))

It uses setdiff to find the subset of objects in the global environment (as returned by ls()) that don't have mode function (as returned by lsf.str())

How to connect to a remote Windows machine to execute commands using python?

pypsrp - Python PowerShell Remoting Protocol Client library

At a basic level, you can use this library to;

Execute a cmd command
Run another executable
Execute PowerShell scripts
Copy a file from the localhost to the remote Windows host
Fetch a file from the remote Windows host to the localhost
Create a Runspace Pool that contains one or multiple PowerShell pipelines and execute them asynchronously
Support for a reference host base implementation of PSRP for interactive scripts


Android studio takes too much memory

I have Android Studio 2.1.1 Bro use genymotion emulator It Faster If Use Android Marshmallow. And My Ram Is 4gb.And Install Plugin for genymotion in Android Studio.You Will see good result in instead of wasting time start android emualtor it will take 5 min.genymotion 10 to 20 second speed and faster so I recommended to you use genymotion.

Installing PHP Zip Extension

This is how I installed it on my machine (ubuntu):

php 7:

sudo apt-get install php7.0-zip

php 5:

sudo apt-get install php5-zip

Make sure to restart your server afterwards.

sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart or sudo service nginx restart

PS: If you are using centOS, please check above cweiske's answer
But if you are using a Debian derivated OS, this solution should help you installing php zip extension.

angularjs: allows only numbers to be typed into a text box

This solution will accept only numeric, '.' and '-'

Also this restricts the space entry on text box. I had used the directive to achieve the same.

Please have the solution on below working example.


<form ng-app="myapp" name="myform" novalidate> 
<div ng-controller="Ctrl">
<input name="number" is-number ng-model="wks.number">
<span ng-show="!wks.validity">Value is invalid</span>


var $scope;
var app = angular.module('myapp', []);

app.controller('Ctrl', function($scope) {
    $scope.wks =  {number: 1, validity: true}

app.directive('isNumber', function () {
    return {
        require: 'ngModel',
        link: function (scope, element, attrs, ngModel) {   
        element.bind("keydown keypress", function (event) {
          if(event.which === 32) {
            event.returnValue = false;
            return false;
            scope.$watch(attrs.ngModel, function(newValue,oldValue) {
                var arr = String(newValue).split("");
                if (arr.length === 0) return;
                if (arr.length === 1 && (arr[0] == '-' || arr[0] === '.' )) return;
                if (arr.length === 2 && newValue === '-.') return;
                if (isNaN(newValue)) {
                    //scope.wks.number = oldValue;


jQuery: Load Modal Dialog Contents via Ajax

<button class="btn" onClick="openDialog('New Type','Sample.html')">Middle</button>

<script type="text/javascript">
    function openDialog(title,url) {

        $('<div class="opened-dialogs">').html('loading...').dialog({
            position:  ['center',20],
            open: function () {

            close: function(event, ui) {

            title: title,
            minWidth: 600            

        return false;

How to read a .xlsx file using the pandas Library in iPython?


sometimes this code gives an error for xlsx files as: XLRDError:Excel xlsx file; not supported

instead , you can use openpyxl engine to read excel file.

df_samples = pd.read_excel(r'filename.xlsx', engine='openpyxl')

It worked for me

Cell Style Alignment on a range

Modifying styles directly in range or cells did not work for me. But the idea to:

  1. create a separate style
  2. apply all the necessary style property values
  3. set the style's name to the Style property of the range

, given in MSDN How to: Programmatically Apply Styles to Ranges in Workbooks did the job.

For example:

var range = worksheet.Range[string.Format("A{0}:C{0}", rowIndex++)];
range.Value = "some value";

var style = workbook.AddStyle();
style.HorizontalAlignment = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignLeft;

range.Style = style.Name;

Change color of PNG image via CSS?

  background: #333 url(/images/classy_fabric.png);_x000D_
  width: 430px;_x000D_
  margin: 0 auto;_x000D_
  padding: 30px;_x000D_
  background: #ccc;_x000D_
  width: 415px;_x000D_
  height: 430px;_x000D_
  border: solid 10px #fff;_x000D_
input[type='radio'] {_x000D_
  -webkit-appearance: none;_x000D_
  -moz-appearance: none;_x000D_
  width: 25px;_x000D_
  height: 25px;_x000D_
  margin: 5px 0 5px 5px;_x000D_
  background-size: 225px 70px;_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
  float: left;_x000D_
  display: inline;_x000D_
  top: 0;_x000D_
  border-radius: 3px;_x000D_
  z-index: 99999;_x000D_
  cursor: pointer;_x000D_
  box-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #000;_x000D_
  -webkit-filter: opacity(.4);_x000D_
  filter: opacity(.4);    _x000D_
  background: red;_x000D_
  background: linear-gradient(brown, red)_x000D_
  background: green;_x000D_
  background: linear-gradient(green, lime);_x000D_
  background: yellow;_x000D_
  background: linear-gradient(orange, yellow);_x000D_
  background: purple;_x000D_
  background: pink;_x000D_
  background: linear-gradient(purple, violet);_x000D_
.red:checked ~ img{_x000D_
  -webkit-filter: opacity(.5) drop-shadow(0 0 0 red);_x000D_
  filter: opacity(.5) drop-shadow(0 0 0 red);_x000D_
.green:checked ~ img{_x000D_
  -webkit-filter: opacity(.5) drop-shadow(0 0 0 green);_x000D_
  filter: opacity(.5) drop-shadow(0 0 0 green);_x000D_
.yellow:checked ~ img{_x000D_
  -webkit-filter: opacity(.5) drop-shadow(0 0 0 yellow);_x000D_
  filter: opacity(.5) drop-shadow(0 0 0 yellow);_x000D_
.purple:checked ~ img{_x000D_
  -webkit-filter: opacity(.5) drop-shadow(0 0 0 purple);_x000D_
  filter: opacity(.5) drop-shadow(0 0 0 purple);_x000D_
.pink:checked ~ img{_x000D_
  -webkit-filter: opacity(.5) drop-shadow(0 0 0 pink);_x000D_
  filter: opacity(.5) drop-shadow(0 0 0 pink);_x000D_
  width: 394px;_x000D_
  height: 375px;_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
  width: 150px;_x000D_
  height: 75px;_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  top: 170px;_x000D_
  margin-left: 130px;_x000D_
  background: #000;_x000D_
<div class="preview">_x000D_
  <input class='red' name='color' type='radio' />_x000D_
  <input class='green' name='color' type='radio' />_x000D_
    <input class='pink' name='color' type='radio' />_x000D_
  <input checked class='yellow' name='color' type='radio' />_x000D_
  <input class='purple' name='color' type='radio' />  _x000D_
  <img src=""/>_x000D_


Making the main scrollbar always visible

html {height: 101%;}

I use this cross browsers solution (note: I always use DOCTYPE declaration in 1st line, I don't know if it works in quirksmode, never tested it).

This will always show an ACTIVE vertical scroll bar in every page, vertical scrollbar will be scrollable only of few pixels.

When page contents is shorter than browser's visible area (view port) you will still see the vertical scrollbar active, and it will be scrollable only of few pixels.

In case you are obsessed with CSS validation (I'm obesessed only with HTML validation) by using this solution your CSS code would also validate for W3C because you are not using non standard CSS attributes like -moz-scrollbars-vertical

Moment js get first and last day of current month

Assuming you are using a Date range Picker to retrieve the dates. You could do something like to to get what you want.

            ranges: {
                'Today': [moment(), moment()],
                'Yesterday': [moment().subtract(1, 'days'), moment().subtract(1, 'days')],
                'Last 7 Days': [moment().subtract(6, 'days'), moment()],
                'Last 30 Days': [moment().subtract(29, 'days'), moment()],
                'This Month': [moment().startOf('month'), moment().endOf('month')],
                'Last Month': [moment().subtract(1, 'month').startOf('month'), moment().subtract(1, 'month').endOf('month')]
            startDate: moment().subtract(29, 'days'),
            endDate: moment()
        }, function (start, end) {
      alert( 'Date is between' + start.format('YYYY-MM-DD h:m') + 'and' + end.format('YYYY-MM-DD h:m')}

How do I generate a random integer between min and max in Java?

You can use Random.nextInt(n). This returns a random int in [0,n). Just using max-min+1 in place of n and adding min to the answer will give a value in the desired range.

Convert seconds to HH-MM-SS with JavaScript?

var  timeInSec = "661"; //even it can be string

String.prototype.toHHMMSS = function () { 
   /* extend the String by using prototypical inheritance */
    var seconds = parseInt(this, 10); // don't forget the second param
    var hours   = Math.floor(seconds / 3600);
    var minutes = Math.floor((seconds - (hours * 3600)) / 60);
    seconds = seconds - (hours * 3600) - (minutes * 60);

    if (hours   < 10) {hours   = "0"+hours;}
    if (minutes < 10) {minutes = "0"+minutes;}
    if (seconds < 10) {seconds = "0"+seconds;}
    var time    = hours+':'+minutes+':'+seconds;
    return time;

alert("5678".toHHMMSS());   // "01:34:38"
console.log(timeInSec.toHHMMSS());   //"00:11:01"

we can make this function lot shorter and crisp but that decreases the readability, so we will write it as simple as possible and as stable as possible.

or you can check this working here:

How do I modify fields inside the new PostgreSQL JSON datatype?

UPDATE table_name SET attrs = jsonb_set(cast(attrs as jsonb), '{key}', '"new_value"', true) WHERE id = 'some_id';

This what worked for me, attrs is a json type field. first cast to jsonb then update.


UPDATE table_name SET attrs = jsonb_set(cast(attrs as jsonb), '{key}', '"new_value"', true) WHERE attrs->>key = 'old_value';

Remove a specific string from an array of string

It is not possible in on step or you need to keep the reference to the array. If you can change the reference this can help:

      String[] n = new String[]{"google","microsoft","apple"};
      final List<String> list =  new ArrayList<String>();
      Collections.addAll(list, n); 
      n = list.toArray(new String[list.size()]);

I not recommend the following but if you worry about performance:

      String[] n = new String[]{"google","microsoft","apple"};
      final String[] n2 = new String[2]; 
      System.arraycopy(n, 0, n2, 0, n2.length);
      for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < n.length; i++)
        if (!n[i].equals("apple"))
          n2[j] = n[i];

I not recommend it because the code is a lot more difficult to read and maintain.

latex tabular width the same as the textwidth

The tabularx package gives you

  1. the total width as a first parameter, and
  2. a new column type X, all X columns will grow to fill up the total width.

For your example:

% ...    
% ...

Input & Output& Action return \\
DNF &  simulation & jsp\\

How can I add a volume to an existing Docker container?

Jérôme Petazzoni has a pretty interesting blog post on how to Attach a volume to a container while it is running. This isn't something that's built into Docker out of the box, but possible to accomplish.

As he also points out

This will not work on filesystems which are not based on block devices.

It will only work if /proc/mounts correctly lists the block device node (which, as we saw above, is not necessarily true).

Also, I only tested this on my local environment; I didn’t even try on a cloud instance or anything like that


How to create a link for all mobile devices that opens google maps with a route starting at the current location, destinating a given place?

I haven't worked much with phones, so I dont't know if this would work. But just from a html/javascript point of view, you could just open a different url depending on what the user's device is?

<a style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="myNavFunc()">Take me there!</a>

function myNavFunc(){
    // If it's an iPhone..
    if( (navigator.platform.indexOf("iPhone") != -1) 
        || (navigator.platform.indexOf("iPod") != -1)
        || (navigator.platform.indexOf("iPad") != -1))"maps://[YOUR_LAT],[YOUR_LNG]");

"The operation is not valid for the state of the transaction" error and transaction scope

For me, this error came up when I was trying to rollback a transaction block after encountering an exception, inside another transaction block.

All I had to do to fix it was to remove my inner transaction block.

Things can get quite messy when using nested transactions, best to avoid this and just restructure your code.

Where is Maven's settings.xml located on Mac OS?

->It is located in $MAVEN_HOME/conf/settings.xml... where $MAVEN_HOME is your environmental variable of Maven that you have downloaded. Else you can do like this also.. ->Path to Maven can also be found from /etc/bashrc file in mac. Get Path to Maven from that file and in that Maven directory you can find conf/ directory inside that directory you can find settings.xml of maven

Process with an ID #### is not running in visual studio professional 2013 update 3

go to Properties of the start up project, increment port number of the Project Url is probably the quickest way to get around this problem which I didn't read anyone mentioned yet.

And you don't need to restart VS as it can be a pain sometimes if you needed a few other instances needed to be running.

Returning value that was passed into a method

The generic Returns<T> method can handle this situation nicely.

_mock.Setup(x => x.DoSomething(It.IsAny<string>())).Returns<string>(x => x);

Or if the method requires multiple inputs, specify them like so:

_mock.Setup(x => x.DoSomething(It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<int>())).Returns((string x, int y) => x);

How do you find the first key in a dictionary?

For Python 3 below eliminates overhead of list conversion:

first = next(iter(prices.values()))

Python & Matplotlib: Make 3D plot interactive in Jupyter Notebook

Plotly is missing in this list. I've linked the python binding page. It definitively has animated and interative 3D Charts. And since it is Open Source most of that is available offline. Of course it is working with Jupyter

Bootstrap how to get text to vertical align in a div container

Could you not have simply added:


to a new class in your row div. Essentially:

<div class="row align_center">

.align_center { align-items:center; }

graphing an equation with matplotlib

Your guess is right: the code is trying to evaluate x**3+2*x-4 immediately. Unfortunately you can't really prevent it from doing so. The good news is that in Python, functions are first-class objects, by which I mean that you can treat them like any other variable. So to fix your function, we could do:

import numpy as np  
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  

def graph(formula, x_range):  
    x = np.array(x_range)  
    y = formula(x)  # <- note now we're calling the function 'formula' with x
    plt.plot(x, y)  

def my_formula(x):
    return x**3+2*x-4

graph(my_formula, range(-10, 11))

If you wanted to do it all in one line, you could use what's called a lambda function, which is just a short function without a name where you don't use def or return:

graph(lambda x: x**3+2*x-4, range(-10, 11))

And instead of range, you can look at np.arange (which allows for non-integer increments), and np.linspace, which allows you to specify the start, stop, and the number of points to use.


You have wrong database design and you should take a time to read something about database normalization (wikipedia / stackoverflow).

I assume your table looks somewhat like this

| group_id | user_ids | name   |
| 1        | 1,4,6    | group1 |
| 2        | 4,5,1    | group2 |    

so in your table of user groups, each row represents one group and in user_ids column you have set of user ids assigned to that group.

Normalized version of this table would look like this

| id       | name   |
| 1        | group1 |
| 2        | group2 |    

| group_id | user_id |
| 1        | 1       |
| 1        | 4       |
| 1        | 6       |
| 2        | 4       |
| ...      

Then you can easily select all users with assigned group, or all users in group, or all groups of user, or whatever you can think of. Also, your sql query will work:

/* Your query to select assignments */
SELECT * FROM `group_user_assignment` WHERE user_id IN (1,2,3,4);

/* Select only some users */
SELECT * FROM `group_user_assignment` t1
JOIN `group` t2 ON = t1.group_id
WHERE user_id IN (1,4);

/* Select all groups of user */
SELECT * FROM `group_user_assignment` t1
JOIN `group` t2 ON = t1.group_id
WHERE t1.`user_id` = 1;

/* Select all users of group */
SELECT * FROM `group_user_assignment` t1
JOIN `group` t2 ON = t1.group_id
WHERE t1.`group_id` = 1;

/* Count number of groups user is in */
SELECT COUNT(*) AS `groups_count` FROM `group_user_assignment` WHERE `user_id` = 1;

/* Count number of users in group */
SELECT COUNT(*) AS `users_count` FROM `group_user_assignment` WHERE `group_id` = 1;

This way it will be also easier to update database, when you would like to add new assignment, you just simply insert new row in group_user_assignment, when you want to remove assignment you just delete row in group_user_assignment.

In your database design, to update assignments, you would have to get your assignment set from database, process it and update and then write back to database.

Here is sqlFiddle to play with.

Column/Vertical selection with Keyboard in SublimeText 3

In my case (Linux) is alt+shift up/down

 { "keys": ["alt+shift+up"], "command": "select_lines", "args": {"forward": false} },
 { "keys": ["alt+shift+down"], "command": "select_lines", "args": {"forward": true} },    

Single Result from Database by using mySQLi

If you assume just one result you could do this as in Edwin suggested by using specific users id.

$someUserId = 'abc123';

$stmt = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT ssfullname, ssemail FROM userss WHERE user_id = ?");
$stmt->bind_param('s', $someUserId);


$stmt->bind_result($ssfullname, $ssemail);

ChromePhp::log($ssfullname, $ssemail); //log result in chrome if ChromePhp is used.

OR as "Your Common Sense" which selects just one user.

$stmt = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT ssfullname, ssemail FROM userss ORDER BY ssid LIMIT 1");

$stmt->bind_result($ssfullname, $ssemail);

Nothing really different from the above except for PHP v.5

How to compile LEX/YACC files on Windows?

the easiest method is to download and install cygwin and download gcc and flex packages during installation. Then to run a lex file for eg. abc.l

we write

flex abc.l
gcc lex.yy.c -o abc.exe

Read url to string in few lines of java code

Now that some time has passed since the original answer was accepted, there's a better approach:

String out = new Scanner(new URL("").openStream(), "UTF-8").useDelimiter("\\A").next();

If you want a slightly fuller implementation, which is not a single line, do this:

public static String readStringFromURL(String requestURL) throws IOException
    try (Scanner scanner = new Scanner(new URL(requestURL).openStream(),
        return scanner.hasNext() ? : "";

How do I create a simple Qt console application in C++?

You can call QCoreApplication::exit(0) to exit with code 0

How to create a simple http proxy in node.js?

Here's a proxy server using request that handles redirects. Use it by hitting your proxy URL[your_url]

var http = require('http');
var url = require('url');
var request = require('request');


function onRequest(req, res) {

    var queryData = url.parse(req.url, true).query;
    if (queryData.url) {
            url: queryData.url
        }).on('error', function(e) {
    else {
        res.end("no url found");

How to access global js variable in AngularJS directive

I have tried these methods and find that they dont work for my needs. In my case, I needed to inject json rendered server side into the main template of the page, so when it loads and angular inits, the data is already there and doesnt have to be retrieved (large dataset).

The easiest solution that I have found is to do the following:

In your angular code outside of the app, module and controller definitions add in a global javascript value - this definition MUST come before the angular stuff is defined.


'use strict';

//my data variable that I need access to.
var data = null;

angular.module('sample', [])

Then in your controller:

.controller('SampleApp', function ($scope, $location) {

$scope.availableList = [];

$scope.init = function () {
    $scope.availableList = data;

Finally, you have to init everything (order matters):

  <script src=""></script>
  <script src="/path/to/your/angular/js/sample.js"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript">
      data = <?= json_encode($cproducts); ?>

Finally initialize your controller and init function.

  <div ng-app="samplerrelations" ng-controller="SamplerApp" ng-init="init();">

By doing this you will now have access to whatever data you stuffed into the global variable.

How to append the output to a file?


command >> file to redirect just stdout of command.

command >> file 2>&1 to redirect stdout and stderr to the file (works in bash, zsh)

And if you need to use sudo, remember that just

sudo command >> /file/requiring/sudo/privileges does not work, as privilege elevation applies to command but not shell redirection part. However, simply using tee solves the problem:

command | sudo tee -a /file/requiring/sudo/privileges

Website screenshots

I set up finally using microweber/screen as proposed by @boksiora.
Initially when trying the mentioned link here what I got:

Please download this script from here

I'm on Linux. So if you want to run it, you may adjust my step follow to your environment.
Here are the step I did on my shell on DOCUMENT_ROOT folder:

$ sudo wget
$ sudo unzip
$ sudo mv screen-master screen
$ sudo chmod +x screen/bin/phantomjs
$ sudo yum install fontconfig
$ sudo yum install freetype*
$ cd screen
$ sudo curl -sS | php
$ sudo php composer.phar update
$ cd ..
$ sudo chown -R apache screen
$ sudo chgrp -R www screen
$ sudo service httpd restart

Point your browser to screen/demo/shot.php? When you see the screenshot, you are done. Discussion for more advance setting is available here and here.

Rolling or sliding window iterator?

Trying my part, simple, one liner, pythonic way using islice. But, may not be optimally efficient.

from itertools import islice
array = range(0, 10)
window_size = 4
map(lambda i: list(islice(array, i, i + window_size)), range(0, len(array) - window_size + 1))
# output = [[0, 1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3, 4], [2, 3, 4, 5], [3, 4, 5, 6], [4, 5, 6, 7], [5, 6, 7, 8], [6, 7, 8, 9]]

Explanation: Create window by using islice of window_size and iterate this operation using map over all array.

MessageBox with YesNoCancel - No & Cancel triggers same event

Try this

MsgBox("Are you sure want to Exit", MsgBoxStyle.YesNo, "")
                If True Then
                End If

javax.mail.MessagingException: Could not connect to SMTP host: localhost, port: 25

package sn;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Properties;
import javax.mail.Authenticator;
import javax.mail.Message;
import javax.mail.MessagingException;
import javax.mail.PasswordAuthentication;
import javax.mail.Session;
import javax.mail.Transport;
import javax.mail.internet.AddressException;
import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress;
import javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage;
public class SendEmail {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    final String SSL_FACTORY = "";
 // Get a Properties object
    Properties props = System.getProperties();
    props.setProperty("", "");
    props.setProperty("mail.smtp.socketFactory.class", SSL_FACTORY);
    props.setProperty("mail.smtp.socketFactory.fallback", "false");
    props.setProperty("mail.smtp.port", "465");
    props.setProperty("mail.smtp.socketFactory.port", "465");
    props.put("mail.smtp.auth", "true");
    props.put("mail.debug", "true");
    props.put("", "pop3");
    props.put("mail.transport.protocol", "smtp");
    final String username = "[email protected]";//
    final String password = "0000000";
      Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, 
                          new Authenticator(){
                             protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() {
                                return new PasswordAuthentication(username, password);

   // -- Create a new message --
      Message msg = new MimeMessage(session);

   // -- Set the FROM and TO fields --
      msg.setFrom(new InternetAddress("[email protected]"));
                        InternetAddress.parse("[email protected]",false));
      msg.setText("How are you");
      msg.setSentDate(new Date());
      System.out.println("Message sent.");
    }catch (MessagingException e){ 
      System.out.println("Erreur d'envoi, cause: " + e);

HTML5 File API read as text and binary

Note in 2018: readAsBinaryString is outdated. For use cases where previously you'd have used it, these days you'd use readAsArrayBuffer (or in some cases, readAsDataURL) instead.

readAsBinaryString says that the data must be represented as a binary string, where:

...every byte is represented by an integer in the range [0..255].

JavaScript originally didn't have a "binary" type (until ECMAScript 5's WebGL support of Typed Array* (details below) -- it has been superseded by ECMAScript 2015's ArrayBuffer) and so they went with a String with the guarantee that no character stored in the String would be outside the range 0..255. (They could have gone with an array of Numbers instead, but they didn't; perhaps large Strings are more memory-efficient than large arrays of Numbers, since Numbers are floating-point.)

If you're reading a file that's mostly text in a western script (mostly English, for instance), then that string is going to look a lot like text. If you read a file with Unicode characters in it, you should notice a difference, since JavaScript strings are UTF-16** (details below) and so some characters will have values above 255, whereas a "binary string" according to the File API spec wouldn't have any values above 255 (you'd have two individual "characters" for the two bytes of the Unicode code point).

If you're reading a file that's not text at all (an image, perhaps), you'll probably still get a very similar result between readAsText and readAsBinaryString, but with readAsBinaryString you know that there won't be any attempt to interpret multi-byte sequences as characters. You don't know that if you use readAsText, because readAsText will use an encoding determination to try to figure out what the file's encoding is and then map it to JavaScript's UTF-16 strings.

You can see the effect if you create a file and store it in something other than ASCII or UTF-8. (In Windows you can do this via Notepad; the "Save As" as an encoding drop-down with "Unicode" on it, by which looking at the data they seem to mean UTF-16; I'm sure Mac OS and *nix editors have a similar feature.) Here's a page that dumps the result of reading a file both ways:

<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8">
<title>Show File Data</title>
<style type='text/css'>
body {
    font-family: sans-serif;
<script type='text/javascript'>

    function loadFile() {
        var input, file, fr;

        if (typeof window.FileReader !== 'function') {
            bodyAppend("p", "The file API isn't supported on this browser yet.");

        input = document.getElementById('fileinput');
        if (!input) {
            bodyAppend("p", "Um, couldn't find the fileinput element.");
        else if (!input.files) {
            bodyAppend("p", "This browser doesn't seem to support the `files` property of file inputs.");
        else if (!input.files[0]) {
            bodyAppend("p", "Please select a file before clicking 'Load'");
        else {
            file = input.files[0];
            fr = new FileReader();
            fr.onload = receivedText;

        function receivedText() {
            showResult(fr, "Text");

            fr = new FileReader();
            fr.onload = receivedBinary;

        function receivedBinary() {
            showResult(fr, "Binary");

    function showResult(fr, label) {
        var markup, result, n, aByte, byteStr;

        markup = [];
        result = fr.result;
        for (n = 0; n < result.length; ++n) {
            aByte = result.charCodeAt(n);
            byteStr = aByte.toString(16);
            if (byteStr.length < 2) {
                byteStr = "0" + byteStr;
        bodyAppend("p", label + " (" + result.length + "):");
        bodyAppend("pre", markup.join(" "));

    function bodyAppend(tagName, innerHTML) {
        var elm;

        elm = document.createElement(tagName);
        elm.innerHTML = innerHTML;

<form action='#' onsubmit="return false;">
<input type='file' id='fileinput'>
<input type='button' id='btnLoad' value='Load' onclick='loadFile();'>

If I use that with a "Testing 1 2 3" file stored in UTF-16, here are the results I get:

Text (13):

54 65 73 74 69 6e 67 20 31 20 32 20 33

Binary (28):

ff fe 54 00 65 00 73 00 74 00 69 00 6e 00 67 00 20 00 31 00 20 00 32 00 20 00 33 00

As you can see, readAsText interpreted the characters and so I got 13 (the length of "Testing 1 2 3"), and readAsBinaryString didn't, and so I got 28 (the two-byte BOM plus two bytes for each character).

* XMLHttpRequest.response with responseType = "arraybuffer" is supported in HTML 5.

** "JavaScript strings are UTF-16" may seem like an odd statement; aren't they just Unicode? No, a JavaScript string is a series of UTF-16 code units; you see surrogate pairs as two individual JavaScript "characters" even though, in fact, the surrogate pair as a whole is just one character. See the link for details.

What is the difference between os.path.basename() and os.path.dirname()?

To summarize what was mentioned by Breno above

Say you have a variable with a path to a file

path = '/home/User/Desktop/'

os.path.basename(path) returns the string ''


os.path.dirname(path) returns the string '/home/User/Desktop' (without a trailing slash '/')

These functions are used when you have to get the filename/directory name given a full path name.

In case the file path is just the file name (e.g. instead of path = '/home/User/Desktop/' you just have, os.path.dirname(path) returns an empty string.

How to set a CMake option() at command line

An additional option is to go to your build folder and use the command ccmake .

This is like the GUI but terminal based. This obviously won't help with an installation script but at least it can be run without a UI.

The one warning I have is it won't let you generate sometimes when you have warnings. if that is the case, exit the interface and call cmake .

NumPy array initialization (fill with identical values)

I believe fill is the fastest way to do this.

a = np.empty(10)

You should also always avoid iterating like you are doing in your example. A simple a[:] = v will accomplish what your iteration does using numpy broadcasting.

Java Spring - How to use classpath to specify a file location?

Spring has which is designed for such situations. From context.xml you can pass classpath to the bean

<bean class="test.Test1">
        <property name="path" value="classpath:/test/test1.xml" />

and you get it in your bean as Resource:

public void setPath(Resource path) throws IOException {
    File file = path.getFile();



Now you can use it in new FileReader(file)

Comparing strings, c++

.compare() returns an integer, which is a measure of the difference between the two strings.

  • A return value of 0 indicates that the two strings compare as equal.
  • A positive value means that the compared string is longer, or the first non-matching character is greater.
  • A negative value means that the compared string is shorter, or the first non-matching character is lower.

operator== simply returns a boolean, indicating whether the strings are equal or not.

If you don't need the extra detail, you may as well just use ==.

Types in MySQL: BigInt(20) vs Int(20)

I wanted to add one more point is, if you are storing a really large number like 902054990011312 then one can easily see the difference of INT(20) and BIGINT(20). It is advisable to store in BIGINT.

How do I concatenate two strings in Java?

Using "+" symbol u can concatenate strings.

String a="I"; 
String b="Love."; 
String c="Java.";

How to implement a secure REST API with node.js

There are many questions about REST auth patterns here on SO. These are the most relevant for your question:

Basically you need to choose between using API keys (least secure as the key may be discovered by an unauthorized user), an app key and token combo (medium), or a full OAuth implementation (most secure).

How can I get just the first row in a result set AFTER ordering?

In 12c, here's the new way:

select bla
  from bla
 where bla
 order by finaldate desc
 fetch first 1 rows only; 

How nice is that!

How do I send email with JavaScript without opening the mail client?

There needs to be some type of backend framework to send the email. This can be done via PHP/ASP.NET, or with the local mail client. If you want the user to see nothing, the best way is to tap into those by an AJAX call to a separate send_email file.

How do I add a Font Awesome icon to input field?

Change your input to a button element and you can use the Font Awesome classes on it. The alignment of the glyph isn't great in the demo, but you get the idea:

<div id="search-bar">
  <form method="get" action="search.php" autocomplete="off" name="form_search">
    <input type="hidden" name="type" value="videos" />
        <input autocomplete="on" id="keyword" name="keyword" value="Search Videos" onclick="clickclear(this,
        'Search Videos')" onblur="clickrecall(this,'Search Videos')" style="font-family: verdana; font-weight:bold;
        font-size: 10pt; height: 28px; width:186px; color: #000000; padding-left: 2px; border: 1px solid black; background-color:
        #ffffff" /><!--
        --><button class="icon-search">Search</button>
    <div id="searchBoxSuggestions"></div>

#search-bar .icon-search {
    width: 30px;
    height: 30px;
    background: black;
    color: white;
    border: none;
    overflow: hidden;
    vertical-align: middle;
    padding: 0;

#search-bar .icon-search:before {
    display: inline-block;
    width: 30px;
    height: 30px;

The advantage here is that the form is still fully functional without having to add event handlers for elements that aren't buttons but look like one.

How to correctly save instance state of Fragments in back stack?

To correctly save the instance state of Fragment you should do the following:

1. In the fragment, save instance state by overriding onSaveInstanceState() and restore in onActivityCreated():

class MyFragment extends Fragment {

    public void onActivityCreated(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        if (savedInstanceState != null) {
            //Restore the fragment's state here
    public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {

        //Save the fragment's state here


2. And important point, in the activity, you have to save the fragment's instance in onSaveInstanceState() and restore in onCreate().

class MyActivity extends Activity {

    private MyFragment 

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        if (savedInstanceState != null) {
            //Restore the fragment's instance
            mMyFragment = getSupportFragmentManager().getFragment(savedInstanceState, "myFragmentName");

    protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {

        //Save the fragment's instance
        getSupportFragmentManager().putFragment(outState, "myFragmentName", mMyFragment);


Hope this helps.

How to convert a string Date to long millseconds

you can use the simpleDateFormat to parse the string date.

what does "error : a nonstatic member reference must be relative to a specific object" mean?

Only static functions are called with class name.


Non static functions have to be called using objects.

classname obj;

This is exactly what your error means. Since your function is non static you have to use a object reference to invoke it.

How do I convert array of Objects into one Object in JavaScript?

Update: The world kept turning. Use a functional approach instead.

Here you go:

var arr = [{ key: "11", value: "1100" }, { key: "22", value: "2200" }];
var result = {};
for (var i=0, len=arr.length; i < len; i++) {
    result[arr[i].key] = arr[i].value;
console.log(result); // {11: "1000", 22: "2200"}

tsconfig.json: Build:No inputs were found in config file

I ran into this issue constantly while packing my projects into nugets via Visual Studio 2019. After looking for a solution for ages I seem to have solved this by following advice in this article

MSBuild & Typescript

especially part about <TypeScriptCompile /> where I included all my .ts resources with the Include operator and excluded others such as node_modules with the Remove operator. I then deleted the tsconfig.json file in each offending project and the nuget packages were generated and no more errors

What's the difference between emulation and simulation?

An "emulator" is a term for a software-based hardware-simulator, but in general the two are synonyms.

Default SecurityProtocol in .NET 4.5

The registry change mechanism worked for me after a struggle. Actually my application was running as 32bit. So I had to change the value under path.


The value type needs to be DWORD and value above 0 .Better use 1.Registry settings to get .Net 4.0 app use TLS 1.2 provided .Net 4.5 is installed in the machine.

x86 Assembly on a Mac

After installing any version of Xcode targeting Intel-based Macs, you should be able to write assembly code. Xcode is a suite of tools, only one of which is the IDE, so you don't have to use it if you don't want to. (That said, if there are specific things you find clunky, please file a bug at Apple's bug reporter - every bug goes to engineering.) Furthermore, installing Xcode will install both the Netwide Assembler (NASM) and the GNU Assembler (GAS); that will let you use whatever assembly syntax you're most comfortable with.

You'll also want to take a look at the Compiler & Debugging Guides, because those document the calling conventions used for the various architectures that Mac OS X runs on, as well as how the binary format and the loader work. The IA-32 (x86-32) calling conventions in particular may be slightly different from what you're used to.

Another thing to keep in mind is that the system call interface on Mac OS X is different from what you might be used to on DOS/Windows, Linux, or the other BSD flavors. System calls aren't considered a stable API on Mac OS X; instead, you always go through libSystem. That will ensure you're writing code that's portable from one release of the OS to the next.

Finally, keep in mind that Mac OS X runs across a pretty wide array of hardware - everything from the 32-bit Core Single through the high-end quad-core Xeon. By coding in assembly you might not be optimizing as much as you think; what's optimal on one machine may be pessimal on another. Apple regularly measures its compilers and tunes their output with the "-Os" optimization flag to be decent across its line, and there are extensive vector/matrix-processing libraries that you can use to get high performance with hand-tuned CPU-specific implementations.

Going to assembly for fun is great. Going to assembly for speed is not for the faint of heart these days.

Where can I download mysql jdbc jar from?

If you have WL server installed, pick it up from under

Otherwise, download it from:

check if a key exists in a bucket in s3 using boto3

For boto3, ObjectSummary can be used to check if an object exists.

Contains the summary of an object stored in an Amazon S3 bucket. This object doesn't contain contain the object's full metadata or any of its contents

import boto3
from botocore.errorfactory import ClientError
def path_exists(path, bucket_name):
    """Check to see if an object exists on S3"""
    s3 = boto3.resource('s3')
        s3.ObjectSummary(bucket_name=bucket_name, key=path).load()
    except ClientError as e:
        if e.response['Error']['Code'] == "404":
            return False
            raise e
    return True


In ObjectSummary.load

Calls s3.Client.head_object to update the attributes of the ObjectSummary resource.

This shows that you can use ObjectSummary instead of Object if you are planning on not using get(). The load() function does not retrieve the object it only obtains the summary.

How to escape the equals sign in properties files

Moreover, Please refer to load(Reader reader) method from Property class on javadoc

In load(Reader reader) method documentation it says

The key contains all of the characters in the line starting with the first non-white space character and up to, but not including, the first unescaped '=', ':', or white space character other than a line terminator. All of these key termination characters may be included in the key by escaping them with a preceding backslash character; for example,


would be the two-character key ":=". Line terminator characters can be included using \r and \n escape sequences. Any white space after the key is skipped; if the first non-white space character after the key is '=' or ':', then it is ignored and any white space characters after it are also skipped. All remaining characters on the line become part of the associated element string; if there are no remaining characters, the element is the empty string "". Once the raw character sequences constituting the key and element are identified, escape processing is performed as described above.

Hope that helps.

jquery click event not firing?

Might be useful to some : check for

pointer-events: none;

In the CSS. It prevents clicks from being caught by JS. I think it's relevant because the CSS might be the last place you'd look into in this kind of situation.

What is the best way to dump entire objects to a log in C#?

You could use Visual Studio Immediate Window

Just paste this (change actual to your object name obviously):


It should print object in JSON enter image description here

You should be able to copy it over textmechanic text tool or notepad++ and replace escaped quotes (\") with " and newlines (\r\n) with empty space, then remove double quotes (") from beginning and end and paste it to jsbeautifier to make it more readable.

UPDATE to OP's comment

public static class Dumper
    public static void Dump(this object obj)
        Console.WriteLine(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj)); // your logger

this should allow you to dump any object.

Hope this saves you some time.

How do pointer-to-pointer's work in C? (and when might you use them?)

Pointers to Pointers

Since we can have pointers to int, and pointers to char, and pointers to any structures we've defined, and in fact pointers to any type in C, it shouldn't come as too much of a surprise that we can have pointers to other pointers.

How to send 100,000 emails weekly?

Short answer: While it's technically possible to send 100k e-mails each week yourself, the simplest, easiest and cheapest solution is to outsource this to one of the companies that specialize in it (I did say "cheapest": there's no limit to the amount of development time (and therefore money) that you can sink into this when trying to DIY).

Long answer: If you decide that you absolutely want to do this yourself, prepare for a world of hurt (after all, this is e-mail/e-fail we're talking about). You'll need:

  • e-mail content that is not spam (otherwise you'll run into additional major roadblocks on every step, even legal repercussions)
  • in addition, your content should be easy to distinguish from spam - that may be a bit hard to do in some cases (I heard that a certain pharmaceutical company had to all but abandon e-mail, as their brand names are quite common in spams)
  • a configurable SMTP server of your own, one which won't buckle when you dump 100k e-mails onto it (your ISP's upstream server won't be sufficient here and you'll make the ISP violently unhappy; we used two dedicated boxes)
  • some mail wrapper (e.g. PhpMailer if PHP's your poison of choice; using PHP's mail() is horrible enough by itself)
  • your own sender function to run in a loop, create the mails and pass them to the wrapper (note that you may run into PHP's memory limits if your app has a memory leak; you may need to recycle the sending process periodically, or even better, decouple the "creating e-mails" and "sending e-mails" altogether)

Surprisingly, that was the easy part. The hard part is actually sending it:

  • some servers will ban you when you send too many mails close together, so you need to shuffle and watch your queue (e.g. send one mail to [email protected], then three to other domains, only then another to [email protected])
  • you need to have correct PTR, SPF, DKIM records
  • handling remote server timeouts, misconfigured DNS records and other network pleasantries
  • handling invalid e-mails (and no, regex is the wrong tool for that)
  • handling unsubscriptions (many legitimate newsletters have been reclassified as spam due to many frustrated users who couldn't unsubscribe in one step and instead chose to "mark as spam" - the spam filters do learn, esp. with large e-mail providers)
  • handling bounces and rejects ("no such mailbox [email protected]","mailbox [email protected] full")
  • handling blacklisting and removal from blacklists (Sure, you're not sending spam. Some recipients won't be so sure - with such large list, it will happen sometimes, no matter what precautions you take. Some people (e.g. your not-so-scrupulous competitors) might even go as far to falsely report your mailings as spam - it does happen. On average, it takes weeks to get yourself removed from a blacklist.)

And to top it off, you'll have to manage the legal part of it (various federal, state, and local laws; and even different tangles of laws once you send outside the U.S. (note: you have no way of finding if [email protected] lives in Southwest Elbonia, the country with world's most draconian antispam laws)).

I'm pretty sure I missed a few heads of this hydra - are you still sure you want to do this yourself? If so, there'll be another wave, this time merely the annoying problems inherent in sending an e-mail. (You see, SMTP is a store-and-forward protocol, which means that your e-mail will be shuffled across many SMTP servers around the Internet, in the hope that the next one is a bit closer to the final recipient. Basically, the e-mail is sent to an SMTP server, which puts it into its forward queue; when time comes, it will forward it further to a different SMTP server, until it reaches the SMTP server for the given domain. This forward could happen immediately, or in a few minutes, or hours, or days, or never.) Thus, you'll see the following issues - most of which could happen en route as well as at the destination:

  • the remote SMTP servers don't want to talk to your SMTP server
  • your mails are getting marked as spam (<blink> is not your friend here, nor is <font color=...>)
  • your mails are delivered days, even weeks late (contrary to popular opinion, SMTP is designed to make a best effort to deliver the message sometime in the future - not to deliver it now)
  • your mails are not delivered at all (already sent from e-mail server on hop #4, not sent yet from server on hop #5, the server that currently holds the message crashes, data is lost)
  • your mails are mangled by some braindead server en route (this one is somewhat solvable with base64 encoding, but then the size goes up and the e-mail looks more suspicious)
  • your mails are delivered and the recipients seem not to want them ("I'm sure I didn't sign up for this, I remember exactly what I did a year ago" (of course you do, sir))
  • users with various versions of Microsoft Outlook and its special handling of Internet mail
  • wizard's apprentice mode (a self-reinforcing positive feedback loop - in other words, automated e-mails as replies to automated e-mails as replies to...; you really don't want to be the one to set this off, as you'd anger half the internet at yourself)

and it'll be your job to troubleshoot and solve this (hint: you can't, mostly). The people who run a legit mass-mailing businesses know that in the end you can't solve it, and that they can't solve it either - and they have the reasons well researched, documented and outlined (maybe even as a Powerpoint presentation - complete with sounds and cool transitions - that your bosses can understand), as they've had to explain this a million times before. Plus, for the problems that are actually solvable, they know very well how to solve them.

If, after all this, you are not discouraged and still want to do this, go right ahead: it's even possible that you'll find a better way to do this. Just know that the road ahead won't be easy - sending e-mail is trivial, getting it delivered is hard.

What is context in _.each(list, iterator, [context])?

The context lets you provide arguments at call-time, allowing easy customization of generic pre-built helper functions.

some examples:

// stock footage:
function addTo(x){ "use strict"; return x + this; }
function pluck(x){ "use strict"; return x[this]; }
function lt(x){ "use strict"; return x < this; }

// production:
var r = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9];
var words = "a man a plan a canal panama".split(" ");

// filtering numbers:
_.filter(r, lt, 5); // elements less than 5
_.filter(r, lt, 3); // elements less than 3

// add 100 to the elements:, addTo, 100);

// encode eggy peggy:, addTo, "egg").join(" ");

// get length of words:, pluck, "length"); 

// find words starting with "e" or sooner:
_.filter(words, lt, "e"); 

// find all words with 3 or more chars:
_.filter(words, pluck, 2); 

Even from the limited examples, you can see how powerful an "extra argument" can be for creating re-usable code. Instead of making a different callback function for each situation, you can usually adapt a low-level helper. The goal is to have your custom logic bundling a verb and two nouns, with minimal boilerplate.

Admittedly, arrow functions have eliminated a lot of the "code golf" advantages of generic pure functions, but the semantic and consistency advantages remain.

I always add "use strict" to helpers to provide native [].map() compatibility when passing primitives. Otherwise, they are coerced into objects, which usually still works, but it's faster and safer to be type-specific.

How to request Google to re-crawl my website?

There are two options. The first (and better) one is using the Fetch as Google option in Webmaster Tools that Mike Flynn commented about. Here are detailed instructions:

  1. Go to: and log in
  2. If you haven't already, add and verify the site with the "Add a Site" button
  3. Click on the site name for the one you want to manage
  4. Click Crawl -> Fetch as Google
  5. Optional: if you want to do a specific page only, type in the URL
  6. Click Fetch
  7. Click Submit to Index
  8. Select either "URL" or "URL and its direct links"
  9. Click OK and you're done.

With the option above, as long as every page can be reached from some link on the initial page or a page that it links to, Google should recrawl the whole thing. If you want to explicitly tell it a list of pages to crawl on the domain, you can follow the directions to submit a sitemap.

Your second (and generally slower) option is, as seanbreeden pointed out, submitting here:

Update 2019:

  1. Login to - Google Search Console
  2. Add a site and verify it with the available methods.
  3. After verification from the console, click on URL Inspection.
  4. In the Search bar on top, enter your website URL or custom URLs for inspection and enter.
  5. After Inspection, it'll show an option to Request Indexing
  6. Click on it and GoogleBot will add your website in a Queue for crawling.

How do AX, AH, AL map onto EAX?

The below snippet examines EAX using GDB.

    (gdb) info register eax
    eax            0xaa55   43605
    (gdb) info register ax
    ax             0xaa55   -21931
    (gdb) info register ah
    ah             0xaa -86
    (gdb) info register al
    al             0x55 85
  1. EAX - Full 32 bit value
  2. AX - lower 16 bit value
  3. AH - Bits from 8 to 15
  4. AL - lower 8 bits of EAX/AX

Retrieve data from a ReadableStream object?

Note that you can only read a stream once, so in some cases, you may need to clone the response in order to repeatedly read it:

  .then( json => console.log(json))

  .then( text => console.log(text))

Segmentation Fault - C

char *s  does not have some memory allocated . You need to allocate it manually in your case . You can do it as follows
s = (char *)malloc(100) ;

This would not lead to segmentation fault error as you will not be refering to an unknown location anymore

How to replace deprecated

Adding only android-support-v7-appcompat.jar to library dependencies is not enough, you have also to import in your project the module that you can find in your SDK at the path \android-sdk\extras\android\support\v7\appcompatand after that add module dependencies configuring the project structure in this way

enter image description here

otherwise are included only the class files of support library and the app is not able to load the other resources causing the error.

In addition as reVerse suggested replace this

public CustomActionBarDrawerToggle(Activity mActivity,
                                           DrawerLayout mDrawerLayout) {
            super(mActivity, mDrawerLayout,new Toolbar(MyActivity.this) ,
                    R.string.ns_menu_open, R.string.ns_menu_close);


public CustomActionBarDrawerToggle(Activity mActivity,
                                           DrawerLayout mDrawerLayout) {
            super(mActivity, mDrawerLayout, R.string.ns_menu_open, R.string.ns_menu_close);

Python DNS module import error

You could also install the package with pip by using this command:

pip install git+

Property 'value' does not exist on type EventTarget in TypeScript

I was looking for a solution to a similar TypeScript error with React:

Property 'dataset' does not exist on type EventTarget in TypeScript

I wanted to get to of a clicked button element in React:

  data-name="Foo Bar"
  Delete Candidate

Here is how I was able to get the dataset value to "exist" via TypeScript:

const onClickHandler = (event: React.MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement>) => {
  const { name, index } = ( as HTMLButtonElement).dataset
  console.log({ name, index })
  // do stuff with name and index…

How to read file with space separated values in pandas

you can use regex as the delimiter:

pd.read_csv("whitespace.csv", header=None, delimiter=r"\s+")

What are FTL files

Have a look here.

Following files have FTL extension:

  • Family Tree Legends Family File
  • FreeMarker Template
  • Future Tense Texture

How to make a GridLayout fit screen size

Grid Layout



                    android:src="@drawable/user" />

                    android:layout_marginLeft="15dp" />


                    android:src="@drawable/addusers" />

                    android:text="Add Users"
                    android:layout_marginLeft="15dp" />



                    android:src="@drawable/newspaper" />

                    android:layout_marginLeft="15dp" />


                    android:src="@drawable/settings" />

                    android:layout_marginLeft="15dp" />



Full tutorials can be found here .

[Android Grid Layout With CardView and OnItemClickListener][2]

How to scroll the window using JQuery $.scrollTo() function

To get around the html vs body issue, I fixed this by not animating the css directly but rather calling window.scrollTo(); on each step:

$({myScrollTop:window.pageYOffset}).animate({myScrollTop:300}, {
  duration: 600,
  easing: 'swing',
  step: function(val) {
    window.scrollTo(0, val);

This works nicely without any refresh gotchas as it's using cross-browser JavaScript.

Have a look at for more information on what you can do with jQuery's animate function.

How to find a number in a string using JavaScript?

var str = "you can enter maximum 500 choices";
str.replace(/[^0-9]/g, "");
console.log(str); // "500"

How do I check that a number is float or integer?

function int(a) {
  return a - a === 0 && a.toString(32).indexOf('.') === -1

function float(a) {
  return a - a === 0 && a.toString(32).indexOf('.') !== -1

You can add typeof a === 'number' if you want to exclude strings.

How to run an EXE file in PowerShell with parameters with spaces and quotes

This worked for me:

& 'D:\Server\PSTools\PsExec.exe' @('\\', '-accepteula', '-d', '-i', $id, '-h', '-u', 'domain\user', '-p', 'password', '-w', 'C:\path\to\the\app', 'java', '-jar', 'app.jar')

Just put paths or connection strings in one array item and split the other things in one array item each.

There are a lot of other options here:

Microsoft should make this way simpler and compatible with command prompt syntax.

Specifying a custom DateTime format when serializing with Json.Net

public static JsonSerializerSettings JsonSerializer { get; set; } = new JsonSerializerSettings()
            DateFormatString= "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss",
            NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore,
            ContractResolver = new LowercaseContractResolver()


I'm using this property when I need set JsonSerializerSettings

Check if a string is html or not

Since the original request is not say the solution had to be a RegExp, just that an attempt to use a RegExp was being made. I will offer this up. It says something is HTML if a single child element can be parsed. Note, this will return false if the body contains only comments or CDATA or server directives.

const isHTML = (text) => {
  try {
    const fragment = new DOMParser().parseFromString(text,"text/html");
    return fragment.body.children.length>0
  } catch(error) { ; }  
  return false;

HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host what it returns?

Yes, as long as the url you type into the browser and you aren't using url rewriting then

string currentURL = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host;

will return

Note the difference between a local debugging environment and a production environment

How to remove foreign key constraint in sql server?

alter table <referenced_table_name> drop  primary key;

Foreign key constraint will be removed.

How do you change the formatting options in Visual Studio Code?

A solution that works for me (July 2017), is to utilize ESLint. As everybody knows, you can use the linter in multiple ways, globally or locally. I use it locally and with the google style guide. They way I set it up is as follow...

  • cd to your working directory
  • npm init
  • npm install --save-dev eslint
  • node_modules/.bin/eslint --init
  • I use google style and json config file

Now you will have a .eslintrc.json file the root of your working directory. You can open that file and modify as you please utilizing the eslint rules. Next cmd+, to open vscode system preferences. In the search bar type eslint and look for "eslint.autoFixOnSave": false. Copy the setting and pasted in the user settings file and change false to true. Hope this can help someone utilizing vscode.

Clear data in MySQL table with PHP?

Actually I believe the MySQL optimizer carries out a TRUNCATE when you DELETE all rows.

Reading and writing value from a textfile by using vbscript code

Dim obj : Set obj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim outFile : Set outFile = obj.CreateTextFile("listfile.txt")
Dim inFile: Set inFile = obj.OpenTextFile("listfile.txt")

' read file
data = inFile.ReadAll

' write file
outFile.write (data)

OnChange event using React JS for drop down

If you are using select as inline to other component, then you can also use like given below.

<select onChange={(val) => this.handlePeriodChange(} className="btn btn-sm btn-outline-secondary dropdown-toggle">
    <option value="TODAY">Today</option>
    <option value="THIS_WEEK" >This Week</option>
    <option value="THIS_MONTH">This Month</option>
    <option value="THIS_YEAR">This Year</option>
    <option selected value="LAST_AVAILABLE_DAY">Last Availabe NAV Day</option>

And on the component where select is used, define the function to handle onChange like below:

handlePeriodChange(selVal) {

Convert array of JSON object strings to array of JS objects

If you have a JS array of JSON objects:

var s=['{"Select":"11","PhotoCount":"12"}','{"Select":"21","PhotoCount":"22"}'];

and you want an array of objects:

// JavaScript array of JavaScript objects
var objs =;

// ...or for older browsers
var objs=[];
for (var i=s.length;i--;) objs[i]=JSON.parse(s[i]);

// ...or for maximum speed:
var objs = JSON.parse('['+s.join(',')+']');

See the speed tests for browser comparisons.

If you have a single JSON string representing an array of objects:

var s='[{"Select":"11","PhotoCount":"12"},{"Select":"21","PhotoCount":"22"}]';

and you want an array of objects:

// JavaScript array of JavaScript objects
var objs = JSON.parse(s);

If you have an array of objects:

// A JavaScript array of JavaScript objects
var s = [{"Select":"11", "PhotoCount":"12"},{"Select":"21", "PhotoCount":"22"}];

…and you want JSON representation for it, then:

// JSON string representing an array of objects
var json = JSON.stringify(s);

…or if you want a JavaScript array of JSON strings, then:

// JavaScript array of strings (that are each a JSON object)
var jsons =;

// ...or for older browsers
var jsons=[];
for (var i=s.length;i--;) jsons[i]=JSON.stringify(s[i]);

How to combine GROUP BY, ORDER BY and HAVING

Your code should be contain WHILE before group by and having :


FROM user_log





Change PictureBox's image to image from my resources?

If you loaded the resource using the visual studio UI, then you should be able to do this:

picturebox.Image = project.Properties.Resources.imgfromresource

Tokenizing Error: java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException, dangling metacharacter '*'

It is because * is used as a metacharacter to signify one or more occurences of previous character. So if i write M* then it will look for files MMMMMM..... ! Here you are using * as the only character so the compiler is looking for the character to find multiple occurences of,so it throws the exception.:)

How to fade changing background image

Can I offer an alternative solution?

I had this same issue, and fade didn't work because it faded the entire element, not just the background. In my case the element was body, so I only wanted to fade the background.

An elegant way to tackle this is to class the element and use CSS3 transition for the background.

transition: background 0.5s linear;

When you change the background, either with toggleClass or with your code, $("#large-img").css('background-image', 'url('+$img+')'); it will fade as defined by the class.

Why do we usually use || over |? What is the difference?

In Addition to the fact that | is a bitwise-operator: || is a short-circuit operator - when one element is false, it will not check the others.

 if(something || someotherthing)
 if(something | someotherthing)

if something is TRUE, || will not evaluate someotherthing, while | will do. If the variables in your if-statements are actually function calls, using || is possibly saving a lot of performance.

Why are my PHP files showing as plain text?

Are you using the userdir mod?

In that case the thing is that PHP5 seems to be disabling running scripts from that location by default and you have to comment out the following lines:

<IfModule mod_userdir.c>
    <Directory /home/*/public_html>
        php_admin_flag engine Off

in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/php5.conf (on a ubuntu system)

SQL query to get most recent row for each instance of a given key

I've been using this because I'm returning results from another table. Though I'm trying to avoid the nested join if it helps w/ one less step. Oh well. It returns the same thing.

, lastIP.IP
, lastIP.maxdate

from users

inner join (
    select userid, IP, datetime
    from IPAddresses
    inner join (
        select userid, max(datetime) as maxdate
        from IPAddresses
        group by userid
        ) maxIP on IPAddresses.datetime = maxIP.maxdate and IPAddresses.userid = maxIP.userid
    ) as lastIP on users.userid = lastIP.userid

how to get current datetime in SQL?

I want my datetime, and I want it now()!

For MySQL, anyway.

public static const in TypeScript

Just simply 'export' variable and 'import' in your class

export var GOOGLE_API_URL = '';

// default err string message
export var errStringMsg = 'Something went wrong';

Now use it as,

import appConstants = require('../core/AppSettings');

PHP display current server path

You can also use the following alternative realpath.

Create a file called path.php

Put the following code inside by specifying the name of the created file.

    echo realpath('path.php'); 

A php file that you can move to all your folders to always have the absolute path from where the executed file is located.


Clang vs GCC for my Linux Development project

I use both Clang and GCC, I find Clang has some useful warnings, but for my own ray-tracing benchmarks - its consistently 5-15% slower then GCC (take that with grain of salt of course, but attempted to use similar optimization flags for both).

So for now I use Clang static analysis and its warnings with complex macros: (though now GCC's warnings are pretty much as good - gcc4.8 - 4.9).

Some considerations:

  • Clang has no OpenMP support, only matters if you take advantage of that but since I do, its a limitation for me. (*****)
  • Cross compilation may not be as well supported (FreeBSD 10 for example still use GCC4.x for ARM), gcc-mingw for example is available on Linux... (YMMV).
  • Some IDE's don't yet support parsing Clangs output (QtCreator for example *****). EDIT: QtCreator now supports Clang's output
  • Some aspects of GCC are better documented and since GCC has been around for longer and is widely used, you might find it easier to get help with warnings / error messages.

***** - these areas are in active development and may soon be supported

PHP code to convert a MySQL query to CSV

Check out this question / answer. It's more concise than @Geoff's, and also uses the builtin fputcsv function.

$result = $db_con->query('SELECT * FROM `some_table`');
if (!$result) die('Couldn\'t fetch records');
$num_fields = mysql_num_fields($result);
$headers = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < $num_fields; $i++) {
    $headers[] = mysql_field_name($result , $i);
$fp = fopen('php://output', 'w');
if ($fp && $result) {
    header('Content-Type: text/csv');
    header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="export.csv"');
    header('Pragma: no-cache');
    header('Expires: 0');
    fputcsv($fp, $headers);
    while ($row = $result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_NUM)) {
        fputcsv($fp, array_values($row));

Getting time span between two times in C#?

Two points:

  1. Check your inputs. I can't imagine a situation where you'd get 2 hours by subtracting the time values you're talking about. If I do this:

        DateTime startTime = Convert.ToDateTime("7:00 AM");
        DateTime endtime = Convert.ToDateTime("2:00 PM");
        TimeSpan duration = startTime - endtime;

    ... I get -07:00:00 as the result. And even if I forget to provide the AM/PM value:

        DateTime startTime = Convert.ToDateTime("7:00");
        DateTime endtime = Convert.ToDateTime("2:00");
        TimeSpan duration = startTime - endtime;

    ... I get 05:00:00. So either your inputs don't contain the values you have listed or you are in a machine environment where they are begin parsed in an unexpected way. Or you're not actually getting the results you are reporting.

  2. To find the difference between a start and end time, you need to do endTime - startTime, not the other way around.

Add spaces between the characters of a string in Java?

This is the same problem as joining together an array with commas. This version correctly produces spaces only between characters, and avoids an unnecessary branch within the loop:

String input = "Hello";
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
if (input.length() > 0) {
    for (int i = 1; i < input.length(); i++) {
        result.append(" ");

Reducing video size with same format and reducing frame size

ffmpeg -i <input.mp4> -b:v 2048k -s 1000x600 -fs 2048k -vcodec mpeg4 -acodec copy <output.mp4>
  • -i input file

  • -b:v videobitrate of output video in kilobytes (you have to try)

  • -s dimensions of output video

  • -fs FILESIZE of output video in kilobytes

  • -vcodec videocodec (use ffmpeg -codecs to list all available codecs)

  • -acodec audio codec for output video (only copy the audiostream, don't temper)

MySQL Trigger: Delete From Table AFTER DELETE

create trigger doct_trigger
after delete on doctor
for each row
delete from patient where patient.PrimaryDoctor_SSN=doctor.SSN ;

How to sort pandas data frame using values from several columns?

In my case, the accepted answer didn't work:

f.sort_values(by=["c1","c2"], ascending=[False, True])

Only the following worked as expected:

f = f.sort_values(by=["c1","c2"], ascending=[False, True])

SVN "Already Locked Error"

I had the same problem. This problem is easily solved if you issue the Cleanup command from AnkhSVN.

Python: Pandas pd.read_excel giving ImportError: Install xlrd >= 0.9.0 for Excel support

As @COLDSPEED so eloquently pointed out the error explicitly tells you to install xlrd.

pip install xlrd

And you will be good to go.

Get model's fields in Django

This is something that is done by Django itself when building a form from a model. It is using the _meta attribute, but as Bernhard noted, it uses both _meta.fields and _meta.many_to_many. Looking at django.forms.models.fields_for_model, this is how you could do it:

opts = model._meta
for f in sorted(opts.fields + opts.many_to_many):
    print '%s: %s' % (, f)

Convert an ISO date to the date format yyyy-mm-dd in JavaScript

A better version of answer by @Hozefa.

If you have date-fns installed, you could use formatISO function

const date = new Date(2019, 0, 2)
import { formatISO } from 'date-fns'
formatISO(date, { representation: 'date' }) // '2019-01-02' string

For loop in Objective-C

You mean fast enumeration? You question is very unclear.

A normal for loop would look a bit like this:

unsigned int i, cnt = [someArray count];
for(i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
   // do loop stuff
   id someObject = [someArray objectAtIndex:i];

And a loop with fast enumeration, which is optimized by the compiler, would look like this:

for(id someObject in someArray)
   // do stuff with object

Keep in mind that you cannot change the array you are using in fast enumeration, thus no deleting nor adding when using fast enumeration

How to convert JSON string to array

your string should be in the following format:

$str = '{"action": "create","record": {"type": "n$product","fields": {"n$name": "Bread","n$price": 2.11},"namespaces": { "my.demo": "n" }}}';
$array = json_decode($str, true);

echo "<pre>";


    [action] => create
    [record] => Array
            [type] => n$product
            [fields] => Array
                    [n$name] => Bread
                    [n$price] => 2.11

            [namespaces] => Array
                    [my.demo] => n



Convert a binary NodeJS Buffer to JavaScript ArrayBuffer

No dependencies, fastest, Node.js 4.x and later

Buffers are Uint8Arrays, so you just need to slice (copy) its region of the backing ArrayBuffer.

// Original Buffer
let b = Buffer.alloc(512);
// Slice (copy) its segment of the underlying ArrayBuffer
let ab = b.buffer.slice(b.byteOffset, b.byteOffset + b.byteLength);

The slice and offset stuff is required because small Buffers (less than 4 kB by default, half the pool size) can be views on a shared ArrayBuffer. Without slicing, you can end up with an ArrayBuffer containing data from another Buffer. See explanation in the docs.

If you ultimately need a TypedArray, you can create one without copying the data:

// Create a new view of the ArrayBuffer without copying
let ui32 = new Uint32Array(b.buffer, b.byteOffset, b.byteLength / Uint32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT);

No dependencies, moderate speed, any version of Node.js

Use Martin Thomson's answer, which runs in O(n) time. (See also my replies to comments on his answer about non-optimizations. Using a DataView is slow. Even if you need to flip bytes, there are faster ways to do so.)

Dependency, fast, Node.js = 0.12 or iojs 3.x

You can use to go in either direction (Buffer to ArrayBuffer and back). It's faster than the other answers posted here and is a well-written library. Node 0.12 through iojs 3.x require ngossen's fork (see this).

How to determine the screen width in terms of dp or dip at runtime in Android?

Get Screen Width and Height in terms of DP with some good decoration:

Step 1: Create interface

public interface ScreenInterface {

   float getWidth();

   float getHeight();


Step 2: Create implementer class

public class Screen implements ScreenInterface {
    private Activity activity;

    public Screen(Activity activity) {
        this.activity = activity;

    private DisplayMetrics getScreenDimension(Activity activity) {
        DisplayMetrics displayMetrics = new DisplayMetrics();
        return displayMetrics;

    private float getScreenDensity(Activity activity) {
        return activity.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density;

    public float getWidth() {
        DisplayMetrics displayMetrics = getScreenDimension(activity);
        return displayMetrics.widthPixels / getScreenDensity(activity);

    public float getHeight() {
        DisplayMetrics displayMetrics = getScreenDimension(activity);
        return displayMetrics.heightPixels / getScreenDensity(activity);

Step 3: Get width and height in activity:

Screen screen = new Screen(this); // Setting Screen

jQuery plugin returning "Cannot read property of undefined"

I had same problem with 'parallax' plugin. I changed jQuery librery version to *jquery-1.6.4* from *jquery-1.10.2*. And error cleared.

An object reference is required to access a non-static member

You should make your audioSounds and minTime members static:

public static List<AudioSource> audioSounds = new List<AudioSource>();
public static double minTime = 0.5;

But I would consider using singleton objects instead of static members instead:

public class SoundManager : MonoBehaviour

    public List<AudioSource> audioSounds = new List<AudioSource>();
    public double minTime = 0.5;

    public static SoundManager Instance { get; private set; }

    void Awake()
        Instance = this;

    public void playSound(AudioClip sourceSound, Vector3 objectPosition, int volume, float audioPitch, int dopplerLevel)
        bool playsound = false;
        foreach (AudioSource sound in audioSounds) // Loop through List with foreach
            if ( != && sound.time <= minTime)
                playsound = true;

        if(playsound) {
            AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(sourceSound, objectPosition);


Update from September 2020:

Six years later, it is still one of my most upvoted answers on StackOverflow, so I feel obligated to add: singleton is a pattern that creates a lot of problems down the road, and personally, I consider it to be an anti-pattern. It can be accessed from anywhere, and using singletons for different game systems creates a spaghetti of invisible dependencies between different parts of your project.

If you're just learning to program, using singletons is OK for now. But please, consider reading about Dependency Injection, Inversion of Control and other architectural patterns. At least file it under "stuff I will learn later". This may sound as an overkill when you first learn about them, but a proper architecture can become a life-saver on middle and big projects.

How do I make curl ignore the proxy?

I ran into the same problem because I set the http_proxy and https_proxy environment variables. But occasionally, I connect to a different network and need to bypass the proxy temporarily. The easiest way to do this (without changing the environment variables) is:

curl --noproxy '*'

From the manual: "The only wildcard is a single * character, which matches all hosts, and effectively disables the proxy."

The * character is quoted so that it is not erroneously expanded by the shell.

Execute another jar in a Java program

Hope this helps:

public class JarExecutor {

private BufferedReader error;
private BufferedReader op;
private int exitVal;

public void executeJar(String jarFilePath, List<String> args) throws JarExecutorException {
    // Create run arguments for the

    final List<String> actualArgs = new ArrayList<String>();
    actualArgs.add(0, "java");
    actualArgs.add(1, "-jar");
    actualArgs.add(2, jarFilePath);
    try {
        final Runtime re = Runtime.getRuntime();
        //final Process command = re.exec(cmdString, args.toArray(new String[0]));
        final Process command = re.exec(actualArgs.toArray(new String[0]));
        this.error = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(command.getErrorStream()));
        this.op = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(command.getInputStream()));
        // Wait for the application to Finish
        this.exitVal = command.exitValue();
        if (this.exitVal != 0) {
            throw new IOException("Failed to execure jar, " + this.getExecutionLog());

    } catch (final IOException | InterruptedException e) {
        throw new JarExecutorException(e);

public String getExecutionLog() {
    String error = "";
    String line;
    try {
        while((line = this.error.readLine()) != null) {
            error = error + "\n" + line;
    } catch (final IOException e) {
    String output = "";
    try {
        while((line = this.op.readLine()) != null) {
            output = output + "\n" + line;
    } catch (final IOException e) {
    try {
    } catch (final IOException e) {
    return "exitVal: " + this.exitVal + ", error: " + error + ", output: " + output;

Spring MVC + JSON = 406 Not Acceptable

There is another case where this status will be returned: if the Jackson mapper cannot figure out how to serialize your bean. For example, if you have two accessor methods for the same boolean property, isFoo() and getFoo().

removed getFoo() and put isFoo(). it worked for me.

jQuery - how to write 'if not equal to' (opposite of ==)

if ("one" !== 1 )

would evaluate as true, the string "one" is not equal to the number 1

What is the simplest way to get indented XML with line breaks from XmlDocument?

Based on the other answers, I looked into XmlTextWriter and came up with the following helper method:

static public string Beautify(this XmlDocument doc)
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    XmlWriterSettings settings = new XmlWriterSettings
        Indent = true,
        IndentChars = "  ",
        NewLineChars = "\r\n",
        NewLineHandling = NewLineHandling.Replace
    using (XmlWriter writer = XmlWriter.Create(sb, settings)) {
    return sb.ToString();

It's a bit more code than I hoped for, but it works just peachy.

What is the format specifier for unsigned short int?

Try using the "%h" modifier:

scanf("%hu", &length);

ISO/IEC 9899:201x -

Specifies that a following d , i , o , u , x , X , or n conversion specifier applies to an argument with type pointer to short or unsigned short.

What is difference between mutable and immutable String in java

A mutable variable is one whose value may change in place, whereas in an immutable variable change of value will not happen in place. Modifying an immutable variable will rebuild the same variable.

React: why child component doesn't update when prop changes

define changed props in mapStateToProps of connect method in child component.

function mapStateToProps(state) {
  return {
    chanelList: state.messaging.chanelList,

export default connect(mapStateToProps)(ChannelItem);

In my case, channelList's channel is updated so I added chanelList in mapStateToProps

matplotlib: Group boxplots

How about using colors to differentiate between "apples" and "oranges" and spacing to separate "A", "B" and "C"?

Something like this:

from pylab import plot, show, savefig, xlim, figure, \
                hold, ylim, legend, boxplot, setp, axes

# function for setting the colors of the box plots pairs
def setBoxColors(bp):
    setp(bp['boxes'][0], color='blue')
    setp(bp['caps'][0], color='blue')
    setp(bp['caps'][1], color='blue')
    setp(bp['whiskers'][0], color='blue')
    setp(bp['whiskers'][1], color='blue')
    setp(bp['fliers'][0], color='blue')
    setp(bp['fliers'][1], color='blue')
    setp(bp['medians'][0], color='blue')

    setp(bp['boxes'][1], color='red')
    setp(bp['caps'][2], color='red')
    setp(bp['caps'][3], color='red')
    setp(bp['whiskers'][2], color='red')
    setp(bp['whiskers'][3], color='red')
    setp(bp['fliers'][2], color='red')
    setp(bp['fliers'][3], color='red')
    setp(bp['medians'][1], color='red')

# Some fake data to plot
A= [[1, 2, 5,],  [7, 2]]
B = [[5, 7, 2, 2, 5], [7, 2, 5]]
C = [[3,2,5,7], [6, 7, 3]]

fig = figure()
ax = axes()

# first boxplot pair
bp = boxplot(A, positions = [1, 2], widths = 0.6)

# second boxplot pair
bp = boxplot(B, positions = [4, 5], widths = 0.6)

# thrid boxplot pair
bp = boxplot(C, positions = [7, 8], widths = 0.6)

# set axes limits and labels
ax.set_xticklabels(['A', 'B', 'C'])
ax.set_xticks([1.5, 4.5, 7.5])

# draw temporary red and blue lines and use them to create a legend
hB, = plot([1,1],'b-')
hR, = plot([1,1],'r-')
legend((hB, hR),('Apples', 'Oranges'))


grouped box plot

Splitting a list into N parts of approximately equal length

You can write it fairly simply as a list generator:

def split(a, n):
    k, m = divmod(len(a), n)
    return (a[i * k + min(i, m):(i + 1) * k + min(i + 1, m)] for i in range(n))


>>> list(split(range(11), 3))
[[0, 1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6, 7], [8, 9, 10]]

jQuery ajax error function

          cache: false,
          url: "addInterview_Code.asp",
          type: "POST",
          datatype: "text",
          data: strData,
          success: function (html) {
              alert('successful : ' + html);
          error: function(data, errorThrown)
              alert('request failed :'+errorThrown);

How to include layout inside layout?

Note that if you include android:id... into the <include /> tag, it will override whatever id was defined inside the included layout. For example:

   layout="@layout/yourlayout" />


       android:id="@+id/button1" />

Then you would reference this included layout in code as follows:

View includedLayout = findViewById(;
Button insideTheIncludedLayout = (Button)includedLayout.findViewById(;

Objective-C Static Class Level variables

As of Xcode 8, you can define class properties in Obj-C. This has been added to interoperate with Swift's static properties.

Objective-C now supports class properties, which interoperate with Swift type properties. They are declared as: @property (class) NSString *someStringProperty;. They are never synthesized. (23891898)

Here is an example

@interface YourClass : NSObject

@property (class, nonatomic, assign) NSInteger currentId;


@implementation YourClass

static NSInteger _currentId = 0;

+ (NSInteger)currentId {
    return _currentId;

+ (void)setCurrentId:(NSInteger)newValue {
    _currentId = newValue;


Then you can access it like this:

YourClass.currentId = 1;
val = YourClass.currentId;

Here is a very interesting explanatory post I used as a reference to edit this old answer.

2011 Answer: (don't use this, it's terrible)

If you really really don't want to declare a global variable, there another option, maybe not very orthodox :-), but works... You can declare a "get&set" method like this, with an static variable inside:

+ (NSString*)testHolder:(NSString*)_test {
    static NSString *test;

    if(_test != nil) {
        if(test != nil)
            [test release];
        test = [_test retain];

    // if(test == nil)
    //     test = @"Initialize the var here if you need to";

    return test;

So, if you need to get the value, just call:

NSString *testVal = [MyClass testHolder:nil]

And then, when you want to set it:

[MyClass testHolder:testVal]

In the case you want to be able to set this pseudo-static-var to nil, you can declare testHolder as this:

+ (NSString*)testHolderSet:(BOOL)shouldSet newValue:(NSString*)_test {
    static NSString *test;

    if(shouldSet) {
        if(test != nil)
            [test release];
        test = [_test retain];

    return test;

And two handy methods:

+ (NSString*)test {
    return [MyClass testHolderSet:NO newValue:nil];

+ (void)setTest:(NSString*)_test {
    [MyClass testHolderSet:YES newValue:_test];

Hope it helps! Good luck.

Firebase Storage How to store and Retrieve images

I ended up storing the images in base64 format myself. I translate them from their base64 value when called back from firebase.

Foreign Key to non-primary key

If you really want to create a foreign key to a non-primary key, it MUST be a column that has a unique constraint on it.

From Books Online:

A FOREIGN KEY constraint does not have to be linked only to a PRIMARY KEY constraint in another table; it can also be defined to reference the columns of a UNIQUE constraint in another table.

So in your case if you make AnotherID unique, it will be allowed. If you can't apply a unique constraint you're out of luck, but this really does make sense if you think about it.

Although, as has been mentioned, if you have a perfectly good primary key as a candidate key, why not use that?

Storyboard doesn't contain a view controller with identifier

Use your identifier(@"drivingDetails") as Storyboard ID.

How to Parse JSON Array with Gson

Some of the answers of this post are valid, but using TypeToken, the Gson library generates a Tree objects whit unreal types for your application.

To get it I had to read the array and convert one by one the objects inside the array. Of course this method is not the fastest and I don't recommend to use it if you have the array is too big, but it worked for me.

It is necessary to include the Json library in the project. If you are developing on Android, it is included:

 * Convert JSON string to a list of objects
 * @param sJson String sJson to be converted
 * @param tClass Class
 * @return List<T> list of objects generated or null if there was an error
public static <T> List<T> convertFromJsonArray(String sJson, Class<T> tClass){

        Gson gson = new Gson();
        List<T> listObjects = new ArrayList<>();

        //read each object of array with Json library
        JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(sJson);
        for(int i=0; i<jsonArray.length(); i++){

            //get the object
            JSONObject jsonObject = jsonArray.getJSONObject(i);

            //get string of object from Json library to convert it to real object with Gson library
            listObjects.add(gson.fromJson(jsonObject.toString(), tClass));

        //return list with all generated objects
        return listObjects;

    }catch(Exception e){

    //error: return null
    return null;

How to break/exit from a each() function in JQuery?

You can use return false;

| JavaScript              | PHP          |
|                         |              |
| return false;           | break;       |
|                         |              |
| return true; or return; | continue;    |

CURL Command Line URL Parameters

Felipsmartins is correct.

It is worth mentioning that it is because you cannot really use the -d/--data option if this is not a POST request. But this is still possible if you use the -G option.

Which means you can do this:

curl -X DELETE -G 'http://localhost:5000/locations' -d 'id=3'

Here it is a bit silly but when you are on the command line and you have a lot of parameters, it is a lot tidier.

I am saying this because cURL commands are usually quite long, so it is worth making it on more than one line escaping the line breaks.

curl -X DELETE -G \
'http://localhost:5000/locations' \
-d id=3 \
-d name=Mario \
-d surname=Bros

This is obviously a lot more comfortable if you use zsh. I mean when you need to re-edit the previous command because zsh lets you go line by line. (just saying)

Hope it helps.

How to get the current TimeStamp?

Since Qt 5.8, we now have QDateTime::currentSecsSinceEpoch() to deliver the seconds directly, a.k.a. as real Unix timestamp. So, no need to divide the result by 1000 to get seconds anymore.

Credits: also posted as comment to this answer. However, I think it is easier to find if it is a separate answer.

Predicate Delegates in C#

The predicate-based searching methods allow a method delegate or lambda expression to decide whether a given element is a “match.” A predicate is simply a delegate accepting an object and returning true or false: public delegate bool Predicate (T object);

   static void Main()
            string[] names = { "Lukasz", "Darek", "Milosz" };
            string match1 = Array.Find(names, delegate(string name) { return name.Contains("L"); });
            string match2 = Array.Find(names, delegate(string name) { return name.Contains("L"); });
            string match3 = Array.Find(names, x => x.Contains("L"));

            Console.WriteLine(match1 + " " + match2 + " " + match3);     // Lukasz Lukasz Lukasz
        static bool ContainsL(string name) { return name.Contains("L"); }

Convert Decimal to Varchar

If you are using SQL Server 2012, 2014 or newer, use the Format Function instead:

select Format( decimalColumnName ,'FormatString','en-US' )

Review the Microsoft topic and .NET format syntax for how to define the format string.

An example for this question would be:

select Format( MyDecimalColumn ,'N','en-US' )

Opacity of background-color, but not the text

I use an alpha-transparent PNG for that:

div.semi-transparent {
  background: url('semi-transparent.png');

For IE6, you'd need to use a PNG fix (1, 2), though.

What Are Some Good .NET Profilers?

I've been testing Telerik's JustTrace recently and although it is well away from a finished product the guys are going in the right direction.

How do I properly clean up Excel interop objects?

My answer is late and its only purpose is to support the solution proposed by Govert, Porkbutts, and Dave Cousineau with a complete example. Automating Excel or other COM objects from the COM-agnostic .NET world is a “tough nut,” as we say in German, and you can easily go nuts. I rely on the following steps:

  1. For each interaction with Excel, get one and only one local instance ExcelApp of the Application interface and create a scope within which ExcelApp lives. This is necessary, because the CLR won’t free the resources of Excel before any reference to Excel goes out of scope. A new Excel process is started in the background.

  2. Implement functions that do the tasks by using ExcelApp to generate via Collection properties new objects like Workbook(s), Worksheet(s), and Cell(s). In these functions don’t care for the voodoo one-dot-good, two-dot-bad rule, don’t try to get a reference for each implicitly created object and don’t Marshall.ReleaseComObject anything. That is the job of the Garbage Collection.

  3. Within the scope of ExcelApp, call these functions and pass the reference ExcelApp.

  4. While your Excel instance is loaded, don’t allow any user actions that would bypass the Quit function that unloads this instance again.

  5. When you are done with Excel, call the separate Quit function within the scope made for Excel handling. This should be the last statement within this scope.

Before you run my app, open the task manager and watch in the Processes tab the entries in background processes. When you start the program, a new Excel process entry appears in the list and stays there until the thread wakes up again after 5 seconds. After that the Quit function will be called, stopping the Excel process that gracefully vanishes from the list of background processes.

using System;
using System.Threading;
using Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel;

namespace GCTestOnOffice
  class Program
    //Don't: private  static Excel.Application ExcelApp = new Excel.Application();

    private static void DoSomething(Excel.Application ExcelApp)
        Excel.Workbook Wb = ExcelApp.Workbooks.Open(@"D:\Aktuell\SampleWorkbook.xlsx");
        Excel.Worksheet NewWs = Wb.Worksheets.Add();

        for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++)
            NewWs.Cells[i, 1] = i;

    public static void Quit(Excel.Application ExcelApp)
        if (ExcelApp != null)
            ExcelApp.Quit(); //Don't forget!!!!!
            ExcelApp = null;

    static void Main(string[] args)
        Excel.Application ExcelApp = new Excel.Application();
        //ExcelApp goes out of scope, the CLR can and will(!) release Excel

      Console.WriteLine("Input a digit: ");
      int k = Console.Read(); 

If I changed the Main function to

static void Main(string[] args)
  Excel.Application ExcelApp = new Excel.Application();

  Console.WriteLine("Input a digit: ");
  int k = Console.Read(); 

the user could instead of inputting a number, hit the Close button of the console and my Excel instance lived happily ever after. So, in cases where your Excel instance remains stubbornly loaded, your cleanup feature might not be wrong, but is bypassed by unforeseen user actions.

If the Program class would have a member for the Excel instance, the CLR would not unload the Excel instance before the app terminates. That's why I prefer local references that go out of scope when they are no longer needed.

How to run JUnit tests with Gradle?

If you want to add a sourceSet for testing in addition to all the existing ones, within a module regardless of the active flavor:

sourceSets {
    test {
        java.srcDirs += [
        print(java.srcDirs)   // Clean

Pay attention to the operator += and if you want to run integration tests change test to androidTest.


Handling the window closing event with WPF / MVVM Light Toolkit

Basically, window event may not be assigned to MVVM. In general, the Close button show a Dialog box to ask the user "save : yes/no/cancel", and this may not be achieved by the MVVM.

You may keep the OnClosing event handler, where you call the Model.Close.CanExecute() and set the boolean result in the event property. So after the CanExecute() call if true, OR in the OnClosed event, call the Model.Close.Execute()

How to crop an image using C#?

This is another way. In my case I have:

  • 2 numeric updown controls (called LeftMargin and TopMargin)
  • 1 Picture box (pictureBox1)
  • 1 button that I called generate
  • 1 image on C:\imagenes\myImage.gif

Inside the button I have this code:

Image myImage = Image.FromFile(@"C:\imagenes\myImage.gif");
Bitmap croppedBitmap = new Bitmap(myImage);
croppedBitmap = croppedBitmap.Clone(
            new Rectangle(
                (int)LeftMargin.Value, (int)TopMargin.Value,
                myImage.Width - (int)LeftMargin.Value,
                myImage.Height - (int)TopMargin.Value),
pictureBox1.Image = croppedBitmap;

I tried it in Visual studio 2012 using C#. I found this solution from this page

Setting an int to Infinity in C++

This is a message for me in the future:

Just use: (unsigned)!((int)0)

It creates the largest possible number in any machine by assigning all bits to 1s (ones) and then casts it to unsigned

Even better

#define INF (unsigned)!((int)0)

And then just use INF in your code

How to get an input text value in JavaScript

<script type="text/javascript">
function kk(){
    var lol = document.getElementById('lolz').value;


<body onload="onload();">
    <input type="text" name="enter" class="enter" id="lolz" value=""/>
    <input type="button" value="click" onclick="kk();"/>

use this

Take the content of a list and append it to another list

You can also combine two lists (say a,b) using the '+' operator. For example,

a = [1,2,3,4]
b = [4,5,6,7]
c = a + b

>>> c
[1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 7]

Take a screenshot via a Python script on Linux

Try it:


import gtk.gdk
import time
import random
import socket
import fcntl
import struct
import getpass
import os
import paramiko     

while 1:
    # generate a random time between 120 and 300 sec
    random_time = random.randrange(20,25)
    # wait between 120 and 300 seconds (or between 2 and 5 minutes) 

    print "Next picture in: %.2f minutes" % (float(random_time) / 60)

    w = gtk.gdk.get_default_root_window()   
    sz = w.get_size()
    print "The size of the window is %d x %d" % sz
    pb = gtk.gdk.Pixbuf(gtk.gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB,False,8,sz[0],sz[1])
    pb = pb.get_from_drawable(w,w.get_colormap(),0,0,0,0,sz[0],sz[1])
    ts = time.asctime( time.localtime(time.time()) )
    date = time.strftime("%d-%m-%Y")
    timer = time.strftime("%I:%M:%S%p")
    filename = timer
    filename += ".png"

    if (pb != None):
        username = getpass.getuser() #Get username
        newpath = r'screenshots/'+username+'/'+date #screenshot save path
        if not os.path.exists(newpath): os.makedirs(newpath)
        saveas = os.path.join(newpath,filename)
        print saveas,"png")
        print "Unable to get the screenshot."

Initializing array of structures

This is quite simple: my_data is a before defined structure type. So you want to declare an my_data-array of some elements, as you would do with

char a[] = { 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' };

So the array would have 4 elements and you initialise them as

a[0] = 'a', a[1] = 'b', a[1] = 'c', a[1] ='d';

This is called a designated initializer (as i remember right).

and it just indicates that data has to be of type my_dat and has to be an array that needs to store so many my_data structures that there is a structure with each type member name Peter, James, John and Mike.

Mathematical functions in Swift

For people using swift [2.2] on Linux i.e. Ubuntu, the import is different!

The correct way to do this is to use Glibc. This is because on OS X and iOS, the basic Unix-like API's are in Darwin but in linux, these are located in Glibc. Importing Foundation won't help you here because it doesn't make the distinction by itself. To do this, you have to explicitly import it yourself:

#if os(macOS) || os(iOS)
import Darwin
#elseif os(Linux) || CYGWIN
import Glibc

You can follow the development of the Foundation framework here to learn more

EDIT: December 26th, 2018

As pointed out by @Cœur, starting from swift 3.0 some math functions are now part of the types themselves. For example, Double now has a squareRoot function. Similarly, ceil, floor, round, can all be achieved with Double.rounded(FloatingPointRoundingRule) -> Double.

Furthermore, I just downloaded and installed the latest stable version of swift on Ubuntu 18.04, and it looks like Foundation framework is all you need to import to have access to the math functions now. I tried finding documentation for this, but nothing came up.

? swift          
Welcome to Swift version 4.2.1 (swift-4.2.1-RELEASE). Type :help for assistance.
  1> sqrt(9)
error: repl.swift:1:1: error: use of unresolved identifier 'sqrt'

  1> import Foundation
  2> sqrt(9)
$R0: Double = 3
  3> floor(9.3)
$R1: Double = 9
  4> ceil(9.3) 
$R2: Double = 10

How to run or debug php on Visual Studio Code (VSCode)

It's worth noting that you must open project folder in Visual Studio Code for the debugger to work. I lost few hours to make it work while having only individual file opened in the editor.

Issue explained here

Cannot find the object because it does not exist or you do not have permissions. Error in SQL Server

It can also happen due to a typo in referencing a table such as [dbo.Product] instead of [dbo].[Product].

How to add "class" to host element?

for multiple classes situation, as @jbojcic mentioned above, you can use:

host: {class: 'A B C'}

Passing parameters to a JQuery function

Using POST

function DoAction( id, name )
         type: "POST",
         url: "someurl.php",
         data: "id=" + id + "&name=" + name,
         success: function(msg){
                     alert( "Data Saved: " + msg );

Using GET

function DoAction( id, name )
          type: "GET",
          url: "someurl.php",
          data: "id=" + id + "&name=" + name,
          success: function(msg){
                     alert( "Data Saved: " + msg );


A, perhaps, better way to do this that would work (using GET) if javascript were not enabled would be to generate the URL for the href, then use a click handler to call that URL via ajax instead.

<a href="/someurl.php?id=1&name=Jose" class="ajax-link"> Click </a>
<a href="/someurl.php?id=2&name=Juan" class="ajax-link"> Click </a>
<a href="/someurl.php?id=3&name=Pedro" class="ajax-link"> Click </a>
<a href="/someurl.php?id=n&name=xxx" class="ajax-link"> Click </a>

<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
   $('.ajax-link').click( function() {
         $.get( $(this).attr('href'), function(msg) {
              alert( "Data Saved: " + msg );
         return false; // don't follow the link!

Create database from command line

Change the user to postgres :

su - postgres

Create User for Postgres

$ createuser testuser

Create Database

$ createdb testdb

Acces the postgres Shell

psql ( enter the password for postgressql)

Provide the privileges to the postgres user

$ alter user testuser with encrypted password 'qwerty';
$ grant all privileges on database testdb to testuser;

Submit Button Image

You have to remove the borders and add a background image on the input.

.imgClass { 
    background-image: url(path to image) no-repeat;
    width: 186px;
    height: 53px;
    border: none;

It should be good now, normally.

Image height and width not working?

You have a class on your CSS that is overwriting your width and height, the class reads as such:

.postItem img {
    height: auto;
    width: 450px;

Remove that and your width/height properties on the img tag should work.

How to solve “Microsoft Visual Studio (VS)” error “Unable to connect to the configured development Web server”

Solution 1

If you use a newer version of Visual Studio, you may not have this problem. I'm currently using Visual Studio 2015 and it works great.

Solution 2

You can solve this problem by changing the project's port number.
Because the reason is a port number conflict with some other application.

I had the same issue and fixed by doing that (by changing the port number).
I had solved this here : Changing project port number in Visual Studio 2013

If you use a different version of Visual Studio; you may also change the port number by project's Properties Window in Solution Explorer.

Retrieving the COM class factory for component failed

I have Done the Following Things in IIS 8.5 (Windows Server 2012 R2)Server and its Worked in My Case Without Restart:

  1. Selecting The Application Pool That Connected to The Application in IIS

  2. And Right Click --> Advanced Settings --> Process Model --> Select Local System Instead of Recommended ApplicationPoolIdentity

  3. And Make Sure C:\Windows\SysWOW64\config\systemprofile\desktop Have Enough Access For Users.

  4. Refresh the Website Link that Connected With this Pool

enter image description here

keytool error bash: keytool: command not found

find your jre location ::sudo find / -name jre And then :: sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/keytool keytool /opt/jdk/<jdk.verson>/jre/bin/keytool 100

How do I programmatically change file permissions?

Apache ant chmod (not very elegant, adding it for completeness) credit shared with @msorsky

    Chmod chmod = new Chmod();
    chmod.setProject(new Project());
    FileSet mySet = new FileSet();
    mySet.setDir(new File("/my/path"));
    chmod.setType(new FileDirBoth());

What is

Unfortunately the URL now just redirects to Bing.

You can see what it used to render via

To quote:

Each XML Web Service needs a unique namespace in order for client applications to distinguish it from other services on the Web. By default, ASP.Net Web Services use for this purpose. While this suitable for XML Web Services under development, published services should use a unique, permanent namespace.

Your XML Web Service should be identified by a namespace that you control. For example, you can use your company's Internet domain name as part of the namespace. Although many namespaces look like URLs, they need not point to actual resources on the Web.

For XML Web Services creating[sic] using ASP.NET, the default namespace can be changed using the WebService attribute's Namespace property. The WebService attribute is applied to the class that contains the XML Web Service methods. Below is a code example that sets the namespace to "":


public class MyWebService {
   // implementation

Visual Basic.NET

<WebService(Namespace:="")> Public Class MyWebService
    ' implementation
End Class

Visual J#.NET

/**@attribute WebService(Namespace="")*/
public class MyWebService {
    // implementation

It's also worth reading section 'A 1.3 Generating URIs' at:

Handling InterruptedException in Java

I just wanted to add one last option to what most people and articles mention. As mR_fr0g has stated, it's important to handle the interrupt correctly either by:

  • Propagating the InterruptException

  • Restore Interrupt state on Thread

Or additionally:

  • Custom handling of Interrupt

There is nothing wrong with handling the interrupt in a custom way depending on your circumstances. As an interrupt is a request for termination, as opposed to a forceful command, it is perfectly valid to complete additional work to allow the application to handle the request gracefully. For example, if a Thread is Sleeping, waiting on IO or a hardware response, when it receives the Interrupt, then it is perfectly valid to gracefully close any connections before terminating the thread.

I highly recommend understanding the topic, but this article is a good source of information:

If Browser is Internet Explorer: run an alternative script instead

This article is quite explanatory:

If your JS is unobtrusive, you can just use:

<![if !IE]>
   <script src...

How to cancel a pull request on github?

GitHub now supports closing a pull request

Basically, you need to do the following steps:

  1. Visit the pull request page
  2. Click on the pull request
  3. Click the "close pull request" button

Example (button on the very bottom):

github close pull request

This way the pull request gets closed (and ignored), without merging it.

How to extract text from a PDF?

PdfTextStream (which you said you have been looking at) is now free for single threaded applications. In my opinion its quality is much better than other libraries (esp. for things like funky embedded fonts, etc).

Alternatively, you should have a look at Apache PDFBox, open source.

How to get bitmap from a url in android?

This is a simple one line way to do it:

    try {
        URL url = new URL("http://....");
        Bitmap image = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(url.openConnection().getInputStream());
    } catch(IOException e) {

How do I create a new column from the output of pandas groupby().sum()?

You want to use transform this will return a Series with the index aligned to the df so you can then add it as a new column:

In [74]:

df = pd.DataFrame({'Date': ['2015-05-08', '2015-05-07', '2015-05-06', '2015-05-05', '2015-05-08', '2015-05-07', '2015-05-06', '2015-05-05'], 'Sym': ['aapl', 'aapl', 'aapl', 'aapl', 'aaww', 'aaww', 'aaww', 'aaww'], 'Data2': [11, 8, 10, 15, 110, 60, 100, 40],'Data3': [5, 8, 6, 1, 50, 100, 60, 120]})
df['Data4'] = df['Data3'].groupby(df['Date']).transform('sum')
   Data2  Data3        Date   Sym  Data4
0     11      5  2015-05-08  aapl     55
1      8      8  2015-05-07  aapl    108
2     10      6  2015-05-06  aapl     66
3     15      1  2015-05-05  aapl    121
4    110     50  2015-05-08  aaww     55
5     60    100  2015-05-07  aaww    108
6    100     60  2015-05-06  aaww     66
7     40    120  2015-05-05  aaww    121

How to insert current_timestamp into Postgres via python

Just use




I prefer the latter as I like not having additional parenthesis but thats just personal preference.

Get latitude and longitude automatically using php, API

//add urlencode to your address
$address = urlencode("technopark, Trivandrun, kerala,India");
$region = "IND";
$json = file_get_contents("$address&sensor=false&region=$region");

echo $json;

$decoded = json_decode($json);


limit text length in php and provide 'Read more' link

This is what I use:

// strip tags to avoid breaking any html
$string = strip_tags($string);
if (strlen($string) > 500) {

    // truncate string
    $stringCut = substr($string, 0, 500);
    $endPoint = strrpos($stringCut, ' ');

    //if the string doesn't contain any space then it will cut without word basis.
    $string = $endPoint? substr($stringCut, 0, $endPoint) : substr($stringCut, 0);
    $string .= '... <a href="/this/story">Read More</a>';
echo $string;

You can tweak it further but it gets the job done in production.

Simple prime number generator in Python

def check_prime(x):
    if (x < 2): 
       return 0
    elif (x == 2): 
       return 1
    t = range(x)
    for i in t[2:]:
       if (x % i == 0):
            return 0
    return 1

How can I check if a view is visible or not in Android?

Although View.getVisibility() does get the visibility, its not a simple true/false. A view can have its visibility set to one of three things.

View.VISIBLE The view is visible.

View.INVISIBLE The view is invisible, but any spacing it would normally take up will still be used. Its "invisible"

View.GONE The view is gone, you can't see it and it doesn't take up the "spot".

So to answer your question, you're looking for:

if (myImageView.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE) {
    // Its visible
} else {
    // Either gone or invisible

jquery: $(window).scrollTop() but no $(window).scrollBottom()

I would say that a scrollBottom as a direct opposite of scrollTop should be:

var scrollBottom = $(document).height() - $(window).height() - $(window).scrollTop();

Here is a small ugly test that works for me:

$('<h1 id="st" style="position: fixed; right: 25px; bottom: 25px;"></h1>').insertAfter('body');

$(window).scroll(function () {
  var st = $(window).scrollTop();
  var scrollBottom = $(document).height() - $(window).height() - $(window).scrollTop();

  $('#st').replaceWith('<h1 id="st" style="position: fixed; right: 25px; bottom: 25px;">scrollTop: ' + st + '<br>scrollBottom: ' + scrollBottom + '</h1>');

What are the options for storing hierarchical data in a relational database?

Adjacency Model + Nested Sets Model

I went for it because I could insert new items to the tree easily (you just need a branch's id to insert a new item to it) and also query it quite fast.

| category_id | name                 | parent | lft | rgt |
|           1 | ELECTRONICS          |   NULL |   1 |  20 |
|           2 | TELEVISIONS          |      1 |   2 |   9 |
|           3 | TUBE                 |      2 |   3 |   4 |
|           4 | LCD                  |      2 |   5 |   6 |
|           5 | PLASMA               |      2 |   7 |   8 |
|           6 | PORTABLE ELECTRONICS |      1 |  10 |  19 |
|           7 | MP3 PLAYERS          |      6 |  11 |  14 |
|           8 | FLASH                |      7 |  12 |  13 |
|           9 | CD PLAYERS           |      6 |  15 |  16 |
|          10 | 2 WAY RADIOS         |      6 |  17 |  18 |
  • Every time you need all children of any parent you just query the parent column.
  • If you needed all descendants of any parent you query for items which have their lft between lft and rgt of parent.
  • If you needed all parents of any node up to the root of the tree, you query for items having lft lower than the node's lft and rgt bigger than the node's rgt and sort the by parent.

I needed to make accessing and querying the tree faster than inserts, that's why I chose this

The only problem is to fix the left and right columns when inserting new items. well I created a stored procedure for it and called it every time I inserted a new item which was rare in my case but it is really fast. I got the idea from the Joe Celko's book, and the stored procedure and how I came up with it is explained here in DBA SE

Getting char from string at specified index

If s is your string than you could do it this way:

Mid(s, index, 1)

Edit based on comment below question.

It seems that you need a bit different approach which should be easier. Try in this way:

Dim character As String 'Integer if for numbers
's = ActiveDocument.Content.Text - we don't need it
character = Activedocument.Characters(index)

Can one class extend two classes?

Another solution is to create a private inner class that extends the second class. e.g a class that extends JMenuItem and AbstractAction:

public class MyClass extends JMenuItem {

    private class MyAction extends AbstractAction {
        // This class can access everything from its parent...


How to create and add users to a group in Jenkins for authentication?

According to this posting by the lead Jenkins developer, Kohsuke Kawaguchi, in 2009, there is no group support for the built-in Jenkins user database. Group support is only usable when integrating Jenkins with LDAP or Active Directory. This appears to be the same in 2012.

However, as Vadim wrote in his answer, you don't need group support for the built-in Jenkins user database, thanks to the Role strategy plug-in.

How should I remove all the leading spaces from a string? - swift

The correct way when you want to remove all kinds of whitespaces (based on this SO answer) is:

extension String {
    var stringByRemovingWhitespaces: String {
        let components = componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet(.whitespaceCharacterSet())
        return components.joinWithSeparator("")

Swift 3.0+ (3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 4.0)

extension String {
    func removingWhitespaces() -> String {
        return components(separatedBy: .whitespaces).joined()


This answer was posted when the question was about removing all whitespaces, the question was edited to only mention leading whitespaces. If you only want to remove leading whitespaces use the following:

extension String {
    func removingLeadingSpaces() -> String {
        guard let index = firstIndex(where: { !CharacterSet(charactersIn: String($0)).isSubset(of: .whitespaces) }) else {
            return self
        return String(self[index...])

Running Python from Atom

Follow the steps:

  1. Install Python
  2. Install Atom
  3. Install and configure Atom package for Python
  4. Install and configure Python Linter
  5. Install Script Package in Atom
  6. Download and install Syntax Highlighter for Python
  7. Install Version control package Run Python file

More details for each step Click Here

How do I encode a JavaScript object as JSON?

All major browsers now include native JSON encoding/decoding.

// To encode an object (This produces a string)
var json_str = JSON.stringify(myobject); 

// To decode (This produces an object)
var obj = JSON.parse(json_str);

Note that only valid JSON data will be encoded. For example:

var obj = {'foo': 1, 'bar': (function (x) { return x; })}
JSON.stringify(obj) // --> "{\"foo\":1}"

Valid JSON types are: objects, strings, numbers, arrays, true, false, and null.

Some JSON resources:

Node.js/Windows error: ENOENT, stat 'C:\Users\RT\AppData\Roaming\npm'

Manually creating a folder named 'npm' in the displayed path fixed the problem.

More information can be found on Troubleshooting page

Java collections maintaining insertion order

The collections don't maintain order of insertion. Some just default to add a new value at the end. Maintaining order of insertion is only useful if you prioritize the objects by it or use it to sort objects in some way.

As for why some collections maintain it by default and others don't, this is mostly caused by the implementation and only sometimes part of the collections definition.

  • Lists maintain insertion order as just adding a new entry at the end or the beginning is the fastest implementation of the add(Object ) method.

  • Sets The HashSet and TreeSet implementations don't maintain insertion order as the objects are sorted for fast lookup and maintaining insertion order would require additional memory. This results in a performance gain since insertion order is almost never interesting for Sets.

  • ArrayDeque a deque can used for simple que and stack so you want to have ''first in first out'' or ''first in last out'' behaviour, both require that the ArrayDeque maintains insertion order. In this case the insertion order is maintained as a central part of the classes contract.

How to annotate MYSQL autoincrement field with JPA annotations

As you have define the id in int type at the database creation, you have to use the same data type in the model class too. And as you have defined the id to auto increment in the database, you have to mention it in the model class by passing value 'GenerationType.AUTO' into the attribute 'strategy' within the annotation @GeneratedValue. Then the code becomes as below.

public class Operator{

  @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
  private int id;

  private String username;

  private String password;

  private Integer active;

  //Getters and setters...

How to convert a byte to its binary string representation

You can work with BigInteger like below example, most especially if you have 256 bit or longer:

String string = "10000010";
BigInteger biStr = new BigInteger(string, 2);

System.out.println("binary: " + biStr.toString(2));
System.out.println("hex: " + biStr.toString(16));
System.out.println("dec: " + biStr.toString(10));

Another example which accepts bytes:

String string = "The girl on the red dress.";

byte[] byteString = string.getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
System.out.println("[Input String]: " + string);
System.out.println("[Encoded String UTF-8]: " + byteString);

BigInteger biStr = new BigInteger(byteString);
System.out.println("binary: " + biStr.toString(2)); // binary
System.out.println("hex: " + biStr.toString(16));   // hex or base 16
System.out.println("dec: " + biStr.toString(10));  // this is base 10


[Input String]: The girl on the red dress.
[Encoded String UTF-8]: [B@70dea4e

binary: 101010001101000011001010010000001100111011010010111001001101100001000000110111101101110001000000111010001101000011001010010000001110010011001010110010000100000011001000111001001100101011100110111001100101110
hex: 546865206769726c206f6e20746865207265642064726573732e

You can also work to convert Binary to Byte format

try {
   System.out.println("binary to byte: " + biStr.toString(2).getBytes("UTF-8"));
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {e.printStackTrace();}

Note: For string formatting for your Binary format you can use below sample

String.format("%256s", biStr.toString(2).replace(' ', '0'));  // this is for the 256 bit formatting

How to change font size in html?

You can do this by setting a style in your paragraph tag. For example if you wanted to change the font size to 28px.

<p style="font-size: 28px;"> Hello, World! </p>

You can also set the color by setting:

<p style="color: blue;"> Hello, World! </p>

However, if you want to preview font sizes and colors (which I recommend doing) before you add them to your website and use them. I recommend testing them out beforehand so you pick a good font size and color that contrasts well with the background. I recommend using this site if you wish to do so, couldn't find anything else:

If Python is interpreted, what are .pyc files?

There is no such thing as an interpreted language. Whether an interpreter or a compiler is used is purely a trait of the implementation and has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the language.

Every language can be implemented by either an interpreter or a compiler. The vast majority of languages have at least one implementation of each type. (For example, there are interpreters for C and C++ and there are compilers for JavaScript, PHP, Perl, Python and Ruby.) Besides, the majority of modern language implementations actually combine both an interpreter and a compiler (or even multiple compilers).

A language is just a set of abstract mathematical rules. An interpreter is one of several concrete implementation strategies for a language. Those two live on completely different abstraction levels. If English were a typed language, the term "interpreted language" would be a type error. The statement "Python is an interpreted language" is not just false (because being false would imply that the statement even makes sense, even if it is wrong), it just plain doesn't make sense, because a language can never be defined as "interpreted."

In particular, if you look at the currently existing Python implementations, these are the implementation strategies they are using:

  • IronPython: compiles to DLR trees which the DLR then compiles to CIL bytecode. What happens to the CIL bytecode depends upon which CLI VES you are running on, but Microsoft .NET, GNU Portable.NET and Novell Mono will eventually compile it to native machine code.
  • Jython: interprets Python sourcecode until it identifies the hot code paths, which it then compiles to JVML bytecode. What happens to the JVML bytecode depends upon which JVM you are running on. Maxine will directly compile it to un-optimized native code until it identifies the hot code paths, which it then recompiles to optimized native code. HotSpot will first interpret the JVML bytecode and then eventually compile the hot code paths to optimized machine code.
  • PyPy: compiles to PyPy bytecode, which then gets interpreted by the PyPy VM until it identifies the hot code paths which it then compiles into native code, JVML bytecode or CIL bytecode depending on which platform you are running on.
  • CPython: compiles to CPython bytecode which it then interprets.
  • Stackless Python: compiles to CPython bytecode which it then interprets.
  • Unladen Swallow: compiles to CPython bytecode which it then interprets until it identifies the hot code paths which it then compiles to LLVM IR which the LLVM compiler then compiles to native machine code.
  • Cython: compiles Python code to portable C code, which is then compiled with a standard C compiler
  • Nuitka: compiles Python code to machine-dependent C++ code, which is then compiled with a standard C compiler

You might notice that every single one of the implementations in that list (plus some others I didn't mention, like tinypy, Shedskin or Psyco) has a compiler. In fact, as far as I know, there is currently no Python implementation which is purely interpreted, there is no such implementation planned and there never has been such an implementation.

Not only does the term "interpreted language" not make sense, even if you interpret it as meaning "language with interpreted implementation", it is clearly not true. Whoever told you that, obviously doesn't know what he is talking about.

In particular, the .pyc files you are seeing are cached bytecode files produced by CPython, Stackless Python or Unladen Swallow.

nvm keeps "forgetting" node in new terminal session

nvm does its job by changing the PATH variable, so you need to make sure you aren't somehow changing your PATH to something else after sourcing the script.

In my case, was being called in .bashrc but then the PATH variable was getting updated in .bash_profile which caused my session to find the system node before the nvm node.

How do you put an image file in a json object?

I can think of doing it in two ways:


Storing the file in file system in any directory (say dir1) and renaming it which ensures that the name is unique for every file (may be a timestamp) (say xyz123.jpg), and then storing this name in some DataBase. Then while generating the JSON you pull this filename and generate a complete URL (which will be )and insert it in the JSON.


Base 64 Encoding, It's basically a way of encoding arbitrary binary data in ASCII text. It takes 4 characters per 3 bytes of data, plus potentially a bit of padding at the end. Essentially each 6 bits of the input is encoded in a 64-character alphabet. The "standard" alphabet uses A-Z, a-z, 0-9 and + and /, with = as a padding character. There are URL-safe variants. So this approach will allow you to put your image directly in the MongoDB, while storing it Encode the image and decode while fetching it, it has some of its own drawbacks:

  • base64 encoding makes file sizes roughly 33% larger than their original binary representations, which means more data down the wire (this might be exceptionally painful on mobile networks)
  • data URIs aren’t supported on IE6 or IE7.
  • base64 encoded data may possibly take longer to process than binary data.


Converting Image to DATA URI

A.) Canvas

Load the image into an Image-Object, paint it to a canvas and convert the canvas back to a dataURL.

function convertToDataURLviaCanvas(url, callback, outputFormat){
    var img = new Image();
    img.crossOrigin = 'Anonymous';
    img.onload = function(){
        var canvas = document.createElement('CANVAS');
        var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
        var dataURL;
        canvas.height = this.height;
        canvas.width = this.width;
        ctx.drawImage(this, 0, 0);
        dataURL = canvas.toDataURL(outputFormat);
        canvas = null; 
    img.src = url;


convertToDataURLviaCanvas('', function(base64Img){
    // Base64DataURL

Supported input formats image/png, image/jpeg, image/jpg, image/gif, image/bmp, image/tiff, image/x-icon, image/svg+xml, image/webp, image/xxx

B.) FileReader

Load the image as blob via XMLHttpRequest and use the FileReader API to convert it to a data URL.

function convertFileToBase64viaFileReader(url, callback){
    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    xhr.responseType = 'blob';
    xhr.onload = function() {
      var reader  = new FileReader();
      reader.onloadend = function () {
    };'GET', url);

This approach

  • lacks in browser support
  • has better compression
  • works for other file types as well.


convertFileToBase64viaFileReader('', function(base64Img){
    // Base64DataURL


Meaning of numbers in "col-md-4"," col-xs-1", "col-lg-2" in Bootstrap

From Twitter Bootstrap documentation:

  • small grid (= 768px) = .col-sm-*,
  • medium grid (= 992px) = .col-md-*,
  • large grid (= 1200px) = .col-lg-*.


jQuery get specific option tag text

Try this:

jQuery("#list option[value='2']").text()

How to use ScrollView in Android?

A ScrollView is a special type of FrameLayout in that it allows users to scroll through a list of views that occupy more space than the physical display.I just add some attributes .

<ScrollView xmlns:android=""
     android:scrollbars = "vertical"
        <!-- Add here which you want -->


Getting multiple keys of specified value of a generic Dictionary?

Dictionary class is not optimized for this case, but if you really wanted to do it (in C# 2.0), you can do:

public List<TKey> GetKeysFromValue<TKey, TVal>(Dictionary<TKey, TVal> dict, TVal val)
   List<TKey> ks = new List<TKey>();
   foreach(TKey k in dict.Keys)
      if (dict[k] == val) { ks.Add(k); }
   return ks;

I prefer the LINQ solution for elegance, but this is the 2.0 way.

How to monitor Java memory usage?

If you want to really look at what is going on in the VM memory you should use a good tool like VisualVM. This is Free Software and it's a great way to see what is going on.

Nothing is really "wrong" with explicit gc() calls. However, remember that when you call gc() you are "suggesting" that the garbage collector run. There is no guarantee that it will run at the exact time you run that command.

YouTube embedded video: set different thumbnail

This solution is HTML and CSS based using z-index and hover, which works if JS is disabled or the video isn't yours (since you can add a thumbnail in YouTube).

.videoWrapper {
  position: relative;
  padding-bottom: 56.25%;
.videoWrapper .video-modal-poster img {
  position: absolute;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;
  z-index: 10;
.videoWrapper .video-modal-poster:hover img {
.videoWrapper iframe {
  position: absolute;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  z-index: 1;
<div class="videoWrapper">
  <a href="#" class="video-modal-poster">
    <img alt="" src="" width="353" height="199" />
    <iframe width="353" height="199" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe>

How can I remove space (margin) above HTML header?

Just for completeness, changing overflow to auto/hidden should do the trick too.

body {_x000D_
  margin: 0px;_x000D_
  padding: 0px;_x000D_
header {_x000D_
  margin: 0px;_x000D_
  padding: 0px;_x000D_
  height: 20em;_x000D_
  background-color: #C0C0C0;_x000D_
  overflow: auto;_x000D_
  <h1>OQ Online Judge</h1>_x000D_
  <form action="<?php echo base_url();?>/index.php/base/si" method="post">_x000D_
    <label for="email1">E-mail :</label>_x000D_
    <input type="text" name="email" id="email1">_x000D_
    <label for="password1">Password :</label>_x000D_
    <input type="password" name="password" id="password1">_x000D_
    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Login">_x000D_

POST: sending a post request in a url itself

Based on what you provided, it is pretty simple for what you need to do and you even have a number of ways to go about doing it. You'll need something that'll let you post a body with your request. Almost any programming language can do this as well as command line tools like cURL.

One you have your tool decided, you'll need to create your JSON body and submit it to the server.

An example using cURL would be (all in one line, minus the \ at the end of the first line):

curl -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST \
     -d '{"name":"your name","phonenumber":"111-111"}'

The above command will create a request that should look like the following:

POST /details HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 44

{"name":"your name","phonenumber":"111-111"}