Regarding the question,
” can someone explain why the
function exists if a comparison can be made using simple operands?
Relative to <
and ==
, the compare
function is conceptually simpler and in practice it can be more efficient since it avoids two comparisons per item for ordinary ordering of items.
As an example of simplicity, for small integer values you can write a compare function like this:
auto compare( int a, int b ) -> int { return a - b; }
which is highly efficient.
Now for a structure
struct Foo
int a;
int b;
int c;
auto compare( Foo const& x, Foo const& y )
-> int
if( int const r = compare( x.a, y.a ) ) { return r; }
if( int const r = compare( x.b, y.b ) ) { return r; }
return compare( x.c, y.c );
Trying to express this lexicographic compare directly in terms of <
you wind up with horrendous complexity and inefficiency, relatively speaking.
With C++11, for the simplicity alone ordinary less-than comparison based lexicographic compare can be very simply implemented in terms of tuple comparison.