Programs & Examples On #Mkstemp

rsync - mkstemp failed: Permission denied (13)

I encountered the same problem and solved it by chown the user of the destination folder. The current user does not have the permission to read, write and execute the destination folder files. Try adding the permission by chmod a+rwx <folder/file name>.

jQuery date/time picker

By far the nicest and simplest DateTime picker option is

It is an extension of the jQuery UI Datepicker so it will support the same themes as well it works very much the same way, similar syntax, etc. This should be packaged with the jQuery UI imo.

Linq Select Group By

var result = priceLog.GroupBy(s => s.LogDateTime.ToString("MMM yyyy")).Select(grp => new PriceLog() { LogDateTime = Convert.ToDateTime(grp.Key), Price = (int)grp.Average(p => p.Price) }).ToList();

I have converted it to int because my Price field was int and Average method return double .I hope this will help

CSS3 gradient background set on body doesn't stretch but instead repeats?

There is a lot of partial information on this page, but not a complete one. Here is what I do:

  1. Create a gradient here:
  2. Set gradient on HTML instead of BODY.
  3. Fix the background on HTML with "background-attachment: fixed;"
  4. Turn off the top and bottom margins on BODY
  5. (optional) I usually create a <DIV id='container'> that I put all of my content in

Here is an example:

html {  
  background: #a9e4f7; /* Old browsers */
  background: -moz-linear-gradient(-45deg,  #a9e4f7 0%, #0fb4e7 100%); /* FF3.6+ */
  background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, right bottom, color-stop(0%,#a9e4f7), color-stop(100%,#0fb4e7)); /* Chrome,Safari4+ */ 
  background: -webkit-linear-gradient(-45deg,  #a9e4f7 0%,#0fb4e7 100%); /* Chrome10+,Safari5.1+ */
  background: -o-linear-gradient(-45deg,  #a9e4f7 0%,#0fb4e7 100%); /* Opera 11.10+ */
  background: -ms-linear-gradient(-45deg,  #a9e4f7 0%,#0fb4e7 100%); /* IE10+ */
  background: linear-gradient(135deg,  #a9e4f7 0%,#0fb4e7 100%); /* W3C */ 
  filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#a9e4f7', endColorstr='#0fb4e7',GradientType=1 ); /* IE6-9 fallback on horizontal gradient */

  background-attachment: fixed;

body {
  margin-top: 0px;
  margin-bottom: 0px;

/* OPTIONAL: div to store content.  Many of these attributes should be changed to suit your needs */
  width: 800px;
  margin: auto;
  background-color: white;
  border: 1px solid gray;
  border-top: none;
  border-bottom: none;
  box-shadow: 3px 0px 20px #333;
  padding: 10px;

This has been tested with IE, Chrome, and Firefox on pages of various sizes and scrolling needs.

IntelliJ IDEA 13 uses Java 1.5 despite setting to 1.7

File->Project structure->Project Settings->Project->Project Language level

File->Project structure->Project Settings->Modules->Language level

Change level using drop down

How to increment a number by 2 in a PHP For Loop

Simple solution

   $x = 1;
     for($x = 1; $x < 8; $x++) {
        $x = $x + 1;
       echo $x;

gitx How do I get my 'Detached HEAD' commits back into master

If checkout master was the last thing you did, then the reflog entry HEAD@{1} will contain your commits (otherwise use git reflog or git log -p to find them). Use git merge HEAD@{1} to fast forward them into master.


As noted in the comments, Git Ready has a great article on this.

git reflog and git reflog --all will give you the commit hashes of the mis-placed commits.

Git Ready: Reflog, Your Safety Net


SCRIPT5: Access is denied in IE9 on xmlhttprequest

I had faced similar issue on IE10. I had a workaround by using the jQuery ajax request to retrieve data:

    url: YOUR_XML_FILE
    aync: false,
    success: function (data) {   
        // Store data into a variable
    dataType: YOUR_DATA_TYPE,

Where can I read the Console output in Visual Studio 2015

in the "Ouput Window". you can usually do CTRL-ALT-O to make it visible. Or through menus using View->Output.

C# Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute

The error tells you EXACTLY what the problem is (and running in the debugger or reading the stack trace will tell you exactly where the problem is):

C# Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.

Your problem is the loop

foreach (KeyValuePair<int, int> kvp in rankings) {

wherein you modify the collection rankings. In particular, the offensive line is

rankings[kvp.Key] = rankings[kvp.Key] + 4;

Before you enter the loop, add the following line:

var listOfRankingsToModify = new List<int>();

Replace the offending line with


and after you exit the loop

foreach(var key in listOfRankingsToModify) {
    rankings[key] = rankings[key] + 4;

That is, record what changes you need to make, and make them without iterating over the collection that you need to modify.

Writing Python lists to columns in csv

If you are happy to use a 3rd party library, you can do this with Pandas. The benefits include seamless access to specialized methods and row / column labeling:

import pandas as pd

list1 = [1, 2, 3]
list2 = [4, 5, 6]
list3 = [7, 8, 9]

df = pd.DataFrame(list(zip(*[list1, list2, list3]))).add_prefix('Col')

df.to_csv('file.csv', index=False)


   Col0  Col1  Col2
0     1     4     7
1     2     5     8
2     3     6     9

How to store Query Result in variable using mysql

Select count(*) from table_name into @var1; 
Select @var1;

Printing the correct number of decimal points with cout

setprecision(n) applies to the entire number, not the fractional part. You need to use the fixed-point format to make it apply to the fractional part: setiosflags(ios::fixed)

Integrate ZXing in Android Studio

this tutorial help me to integrate to android studio: if down try THIS

just add to AndroidManifest.xml

         android:windowSoftInputMode="stateAlwaysHidden" >
             <action android:name="" />
             <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />

Hope this help!.

Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated

It's really simple to fix the issue, however keep in mind that you should fork and commit your changes for each library you are using in their repositories to help others as well.

Let's say you have something like this in your code:

$str = "test";

since PHP 7.4 curly braces method to get individual characters inside a string has been deprecated, so change the above syntax into this:

$str = "test";

Fixing the code in the question will look something like this:

public function getRecordID(string $zoneID, string $type = '', string $name = ''): string
    $records = $this->listRecords($zoneID, $type, $name);
    if (isset($records->result[0]->id)) {
        return $records->result[0]->id;
    return false;

XML string to XML document

Depending on what document type you want you can use XmlDocument.LoadXml or XDocument.Load.

How do I solve this error, "error while trying to deserialize parameter"

I have a solution for this but not sure on the reason why this would be different from one environment to the other - although one big difference between the two environments is WSS svc pack 1 was installed on the environment where the error was occurring.

To fix this issue I got a good clue from this link - ie to "please check the Xml Schema of your service" and "the sequence in the schema is sorted alphabetically"

Looking at the wsdl generated I noticed that for the serialized class that was causing the error, the properties of this class were not visible in the wsdl.

The Definition of the class had private setters for most of the properties, but not for CustomFields property ie..

public class FileMetaDataDto
    . a constructor...   etc and several other properties edited for brevity

    public int Id { get; private set; }
    public string Version { get; private set; }
    public List<MetaDataValueDto> CustomFields { get; set; }


On removing private from the setter and redeploying the service then looking at the wsdl again, these properties were now visible, and the original error was fixed.

So the wsdl before update was

- <s:complexType name="ArrayOfFileMetaDataDto">
- <s:sequence>
  <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" name="FileMetaDataDto" nillable="true" type="tns:FileMetaDataDto" /> 
- <s:complexType name="FileMetaDataDto">
- <s:sequence>
  <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="CustomFields" type="tns:ArrayOfMetaDataValueDto" /> 

The wsdl after update was

- <s:complexType name="ArrayOfFileMetaDataDto">
- <s:sequence>
  <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" name="FileMetaDataDto" nillable="true" type="tns:FileMetaDataDto" /> 
- <s:complexType name="FileMetaDataDto">
- <s:sequence>
  <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="Id" type="s:int" /> 
  <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="Name" type="s:string" /> 
  <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="Title" type="s:string" /> 
  <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="ContentType" type="s:string" /> 
  <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="Icon" type="s:string" /> 
  <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="ModifiedBy" type="s:string" /> 
  <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="ModifiedDateTime" type="s:dateTime" /> 
  <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="FileSizeBytes" type="s:int" /> 
  <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="Url" type="s:string" /> 
  <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="RelativeFolderPath" type="s:string" /> 
  <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="DisplayVersion" type="s:string" /> 
  <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="Version" type="s:string" /> 
  <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="CustomFields" type="tns:ArrayOfMetaDataValueDto" /> 
  <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="CheckoutBy" type="s:string" /> 

How to select specified node within Xpath node sets by index with Selenium?

(//*[@attribute='value'])[index] to find target of element while your finding multiple matches in it

Microsoft Excel ActiveX Controls Disabled?

Advice in KB and above didn't work for me. I discovered that if one Excel 2007 user (with or without the security update; not sure of exact circumstances that cause this) saves the file, the original error returns.

I discovered that the fastest way to repair the file again is to delete all the VBA code. Save. Then replace the VBA code (copy/paste). Save. Before attempting this, I delete the .EXD files first, because otherwise I get an error on open.

In my case, I cannot upgrade/update all users of my Excel file in various locations. Since the problem comes back after some users save the Excel file, I am going to have to replace the ActiveX control with something else.

How can I change the color of a Google Maps marker?

enter image description here enter image description here Material Design

EDITED MARCH 2019 now with programmatic pin color,


no longer relies on deprecated Charts API

    var pinColor = "#FFFFFF";
    var pinLabel = "A";

    // Pick your pin (hole or no hole)
    var pinSVGHole = "M12,11.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 9.5,9A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 12,6.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 14.5,9A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 12,11.5M12,2A7,7 0 0,0 5,9C5,14.25 12,22 12,22C12,22 19,14.25 19,9A7,7 0 0,0 12,2Z";
    var labelOriginHole = new google.maps.Point(12,15);
    var pinSVGFilled = "M 12,2 C 8.1340068,2 5,5.1340068 5,9 c 0,5.25 7,13 7,13 0,0 7,-7.75 7,-13 0,-3.8659932 -3.134007,-7 -7,-7 z";
    var labelOriginFilled =  new google.maps.Point(12,9);

    var markerImage = {  //
        path: pinSVGFilled,
        anchor: new google.maps.Point(12,17),
        fillOpacity: 1,
        fillColor: pinColor,
        strokeWeight: 2,
        strokeColor: "white",
        scale: 2,
        labelOrigin: labelOriginFilled
    var label = {
        text: pinLabel,
        color: "white",
        fontSize: "12px",
    }; //
    this.marker        = new google.maps.Marker({
        map: map.MapObject,
        //OPTIONAL: label: label,
        position: this.geographicCoordinates,
        icon: markerImage,
        //OPTIONAL: animation: google.maps.Animation.DROP,

How to send a compressed archive that contains executables so that Google's attachment filter won't reject it

Another easy way to circumvent google's check is to use another compression algorithm with tar, like bz2:

tar -cvjf my.tar.bz2 dir/

Note that 'j' (for bz2 compression) is used above instead of 'z' (gzip compression).

Converting an integer to a string in PHP

You can use the strval() function to convert a number to a string.

From a maintenance perspective its obvious what you are trying to do rather than some of the other more esoteric answers. Of course, it depends on your context.

$var = 5;

// Inline variable parsing
echo "I'd like {$var} waffles"; // = I'd like 5 waffles

// String concatenation 
echo "I'd like ".$var." waffles"; // I'd like 5 waffles

// The two examples above have the same end value...
// ... And so do the two below

// Explicit cast 
$items = (string)$var; // $items === "5";

// Function call
$items = strval($var); // $items === "5";

finding multiples of a number in Python

Does this do what you want?

print range(0, (m+1)*n, n)[1:]

For m=5, n=20

[20, 40, 60, 80, 100]

Or better yet,

>>> print range(n, (m+1)*n, n)
[20, 40, 60, 80, 100] 

For Python3+

>>> print(list(range(n, (m+1)*n, n)))
[20, 40, 60, 80, 100] 

how to check the dtype of a column in python pandas

Asked question title is general, but authors use case stated in the body of the question is specific. So any other answers may be used.

But in order to fully answer the title question it should be clarified that it seems like all of the approaches may fail in some cases and require some rework. I reviewed all of them (and some additional) in decreasing of reliability order (in my opinion):

1. Comparing types directly via == (accepted answer).

Despite the fact that this is accepted answer and has most upvotes count, I think this method should not be used at all. Because in fact this approach is discouraged in python as mentioned several times here.
But if one still want to use it - should be aware of some pandas-specific dtypes like pd.CategoricalDType, pd.PeriodDtype, or pd.IntervalDtype. Here one have to use extra type( ) in order to recognize dtype correctly:

s = pd.Series([pd.Period('2002-03','D'), pd.Period('2012-02-01', 'D')])
s.dtype == pd.PeriodDtype   # Not working
type(s.dtype) == pd.PeriodDtype # working 

>>> 0    2002-03-01
>>> 1    2012-02-01
>>> dtype: period[D]
>>> False
>>> True

Another caveat here is that type should be pointed out precisely:

s = pd.Series([1,2])
s.dtype == np.int64 # Working
s.dtype == np.int32 # Not working

>>> 0    1
>>> 1    2
>>> dtype: int64
>>> True
>>> False

2. isinstance() approach.

This method has not been mentioned in answers so far.

So if direct comparing of types is not a good idea - lets try built-in python function for this purpose, namely - isinstance().
It fails just in the beginning, because assumes that we have some objects, but pd.Series or pd.DataFrame may be used as just empty containers with predefined dtype but no objects in it:

s = pd.Series([], dtype=bool)

>>> Series([], dtype: bool)

But if one somehow overcome this issue, and wants to access each object, for example, in the first row and checks its dtype like something like that:

df = pd.DataFrame({'int': [12, 2], 'dt': [pd.Timestamp('2013-01-02'), pd.Timestamp('2016-10-20')]},
                  index = ['A', 'B'])
for col in df.columns:
    df[col].dtype, 'is_int64 = %s' % isinstance(df.loc['A', col], np.int64)

>>> (dtype('int64'), 'is_int64 = True')
>>> (dtype('<M8[ns]'), 'is_int64 = False')

It will be misleading in the case of mixed type of data in single column:

df2 = pd.DataFrame({'data': [12, pd.Timestamp('2013-01-02')]},
                  index = ['A', 'B'])
for col in df2.columns:
    df2[col].dtype, 'is_int64 = %s' % isinstance(df2.loc['A', col], np.int64)

>>> (dtype('O'), 'is_int64 = False')

And last but not least - this method cannot directly recognize Category dtype. As stated in docs:

Returning a single item from categorical data will also return the value, not a categorical of length “1”.

df['int'] = df['int'].astype('category')
for col in df.columns:
    df[col].dtype, 'is_int64 = %s' % isinstance(df.loc['A', col], np.int64)

>>> (CategoricalDtype(categories=[2, 12], ordered=False), 'is_int64 = True')
>>> (dtype('<M8[ns]'), 'is_int64 = False')

So this method is also almost inapplicable.

3. df.dtype.kind approach.

This method yet may work with empty pd.Series or pd.DataFrames but has another problems.

First - it is unable to differ some dtypes:

df = pd.DataFrame({'prd'  :[pd.Period('2002-03','D'), pd.Period('2012-02-01', 'D')],
                   'str'  :['s1', 's2'],
                   'cat'  :[1, -1]})
df['cat'] = df['cat'].astype('category')
for col in df:
    # kind will define all columns as 'Object'
    print (df[col].dtype, df[col].dtype.kind)

>>> period[D] O
>>> object O
>>> category O

Second, what is actually still unclear for me, it even returns on some dtypes None.

4. df.select_dtypes approach.

This is almost what we want. This method designed inside pandas so it handles most corner cases mentioned earlier - empty DataFrames, differs numpy or pandas-specific dtypes well. It works well with single dtype like .select_dtypes('bool'). It may be used even for selecting groups of columns based on dtype:

test = pd.DataFrame({'bool' :[False, True], 'int64':[-1,2], 'int32':[-1,2],'float': [-2.5, 3.4],
                     'compl':np.array([1-1j, 5]),
                     'dt'   :[pd.Timestamp('2013-01-02'), pd.Timestamp('2016-10-20')],
                     'td'   :[pd.Timestamp('2012-03-02')- pd.Timestamp('2016-10-20'),
                              pd.Timestamp('2010-07-12')- pd.Timestamp('2000-11-10')],
                     'prd'  :[pd.Period('2002-03','D'), pd.Period('2012-02-01', 'D')],
                     'intrv':pd.arrays.IntervalArray([pd.Interval(0, 0.1), pd.Interval(1, 5)]),
                     'str'  :['s1', 's2'],
                     'cat'  :[1, -1],
                     'obj'  :[[1,2,3], [5435,35,-52,14]]
test['int32'] = test['int32'].astype(np.int32)
test['cat'] = test['cat'].astype('category')

Like so, as stated in the docs:


>>>     int64   int32   float   compl   td
>>> 0      -1      -1   -2.5    (1-1j)  -1693 days
>>> 1       2       2    3.4    (5+0j)   3531 days

On may think that here we see first unexpected (at used to be for me: question) results - TimeDelta is included into output DataFrame. But as answered in contrary it should be so, but one have to be aware of it. Note that bool dtype is skipped, that may be also undesired for someone, but it's due to bool and number are in different "subtrees" of numpy dtypes. In case with bool, we may use test.select_dtypes(['bool']) here.

Next restriction of this method is that for current version of pandas (0.24.2), this code: test.select_dtypes('period') will raise NotImplementedError.

And another thing is that it's unable to differ strings from other objects:


>>>     str     obj
>>> 0    s1     [1, 2, 3]
>>> 1    s2     [5435, 35, -52, 14]

But this is, first - already mentioned in the docs. And second - is not the problem of this method, rather the way strings are stored in DataFrame. But anyway this case have to have some post processing.

5. df.api.types.is_XXX_dtype approach.

This one is intended to be most robust and native way to achieve dtype recognition (path of the module where functions resides says by itself) as i suppose. And it works almost perfectly, but still have at least one caveat and still have to somehow distinguish string columns.

Besides, this may be subjective, but this approach also has more 'human-understandable' number dtypes group processing comparing with .select_dtypes('number'):

for col in test.columns:
    if pd.api.types.is_numeric_dtype(test[col]):
        print (test[col].dtype)

>>> bool
>>> int64
>>> int32
>>> float64
>>> complex128

No timedelta and bool is included. Perfect.

My pipeline exploits exactly this functionality at this moment of time, plus a bit of post hand processing.


Hope I was able to argument the main point - that all discussed approaches may be used, but only pd.DataFrame.select_dtypes() and pd.api.types.is_XXX_dtype should be really considered as the applicable ones.

Cycles in an Undirected Graph

A simple DFS does the work of checking if the given undirected graph has a cycle or not.

Here's the C++ code to the same.

The idea used in the above code is:

If a node which is already discovered/visited is found again and is not the parent node , then we have a cycle.

This can also be explained as below(mentioned by @Rafal Dowgird

If an unexplored edge leads to a node visited before, then the graph contains a cycle.

How to loop through all enum values in C#?

static void Main(string[] args)
    foreach (int value in Enum.GetValues(typeof(DaysOfWeek)))

    foreach (string value in Enum.GetNames(typeof(DaysOfWeek)))

public enum DaysOfWeek

Create Hyperlink in Slack

Yes, Slack has the ability to hyperlink words, as long as Format messages with markup is unchecked under Preferences > Advanced to show the formatting toolbar. According to the documentation, start out with one of these:

  • Select text, then click the link icon in the formatting toolbar
  • Select text, then press ?ShiftU on Mac or CtrlShiftU on Windows/Linux.

Then do this:

Copy the link you'd like to share and paste it in the empty field under Link, then click Save.

What follows is how this answer used to read when it first became so famous. It was correct until about February 2020.


As a couple of commenters said, and as the Slack documentation says:

Note: It’s not possible to hyperlink words in a Slack message.

What is the default stack size, can it grow, how does it work with garbage collection?

As you say, local variables and references are stored on the stack. When a method returns, the stack pointer is simply moved back to where it was before the method started, that is, all local data is "removed from the stack". Therefore, there is no garbage collection needed on the stack, that only happens in the heap.

To answer your specific questions:

  • See this question on how to increase the stack size.
  • You can limit the stack growth by:
    • grouping many local variables in an object: that object will be stored in the heap and only the reference is stored on the stack
    • limit the number of nested function calls (typically by not using recursion)
  • For windows, the default stack size is 320k for 32bit and 1024k for 64bit, see this link.

AVD Manager - Cannot Create Android Virtual Device

First, make sure you don't have spaces (or other illegal characters like '+','=','/',etc) in the "AVD Name" field. Spaces broke it for me.

Test if string is a number in Ruby on Rails

Relying on the raised exception is not the fastest, readable nor reliable solution.
I'd do the following :

my_string.should =~ /^[0-9]+$/

How does @synchronized lock/unlock in Objective-C?

It just associates a semaphore with every object, and uses that.

How do I give text or an image a transparent background using CSS?

This gives the desired result -

body {
    background-image: url("\images\dark-cloud.jpg");
    background-size: 100% 100%;
    background-attachment: fixed;
    opacity: .8;

Setting the opacity of the background.

How to generate UL Li list from string array using jquery?

It's possible without jQuery too! :)

let countries = ['United States', 'Canada', 'Argentina', 'Armenia', 'Aruba'];_x000D_
// The <ul> that we will add <li> elements to:_x000D_
let myList = document.querySelector('ul.mylist');_x000D_
// Loop over the Array of country names:_x000D_
countries.forEach(function(value, index, array) {_x000D_
  // Create an <li> element:_x000D_
  let li = document.createElement('li');_x000D_
  // Give it the desired classes & attributes:_x000D_
  li.setAttribute('role', 'menuitem');_x000D_
  // Now create an <a> element:_x000D_
  let a = document.createElement('a');_x000D_
  // Give it the desired classes & attributes:_x000D_
  a.tabIndex = -1;_x000D_
  a.innerText = value; //  <--- the country name from our Array_x000D_
  a.href = "#"_x000D_
  // Now add the <a> to the <li>, and add the <li> to the <ul>_x000D_
<ul class="mylist"></ul>

How can I enable MySQL's slow query log without restarting MySQL?

This should work on mysql > 5.5


SET GLOBAL long_query_time = 1;

How can I limit ngFor repeat to some number of items in Angular?


<table class="table border">
            <ng-container *ngFor="let column of columns; let i = index">
                <th>{{ column }}</th>
        <tr *ngFor="let row of groups;let i = index">
            <td >
                <span class="status" *ngFor="let item of row.Status | slice:0:2;let j = index">
                   </span><span *ngIf = "i < 2" class="dots" (mouseenter) ="onHover(i)" (mouseleave) ="onHover(-1)">.....</span> <span [hidden] ="test" *ngIf = "i == hoverIndex" class="hover-details"><span  *ngFor="let item of row.Status;let j = index">


<p *ngFor="let group of usersg"><input type="checkbox" [checked]="isChecked(" value="{{}}" />{{}}</p>

<p><select [(ngModel)]="">
   <option *ngFor="let role of usersr" value="{{}}">{{}}</option> 


import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { CommonserviceService } from './../utilities/services/commonservice.service';
import { FormBuilder, FormGroup, Validators } from '@angular/forms';
  selector: 'app-home',
  templateUrl: './home.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./home.component.css']
export class HomeComponent implements OnInit {
  getListData: any;
 dataGroup: FormGroup;
 selectedGroups: string[];
    submitted = false;
    hoverIndex:number = -1;
 constructor(private formBuilder: FormBuilder) {

 this.hoverIndex = i;
     columns = ["name", "Items","status"];

public usersr = [{
    "id": 1,
    "name": "test1"

}, {
    "id": 2,
    "name": "test2",


  ngOnInit() {
      this.test = false;
        "id": 1,
        "name": "pencils",
        "items": "red pencil",
        "Status": [{
            "id": 1,
            "name": "green"
        }, {
            "id": 2,
            "name": "red"
        }, {
            "id": 3,
            "name": "yellow"
        "loc": [{
            "id": 1,
            "name": "loc 1"
        }, {
            "id": 2,
            "name": "loc 2"
        }, {
            "id": 3,
            "name": "loc 3"
        "id": 2,
        "name": "rubbers",
        "items": "big rubber",
        "Status": [{
            "id": 1,
            "name": "green"
        }, {
            "id": 2,
            "name": "red"
        "loc": [{
            "id": 1,
            "name": "loc 2"
        }, {
            "id": 2,
            "name": "loc 3"
        "id": 3,
        "name": "rubbers1",
        "items": "big rubber1",
        "Status": [{
            "id": 1,
            "name": "green"
        "loc": [{
            "id": 1,
            "name": "loc 2"
        }, {
            "id": 2,
            "name": "loc 3"


      this.dotsh = false;


this.usersg_checked = [{
    "id": 1,
    "name": "test1"

}, {
    "id": 2,
    "name": "test2",


 this.usersr_selected = {"id":1,"name":"test2"};;

this.selectedGroups = [];
this.dataGroup ={
            email: ['', Validators.required]

  isChecked(id) {
  return this.usersg_checked.some(item => === id);
 get f() { return this.dataGroup.controls; }
onCheckChange(event) {
  if ( {
} else {
 const index = this.selectedGroups.findIndex(item => item ===;
 if (index !== -1) {
  this.selectedGroups.splice(index, 1);

      this.submitted = true;

        // stop here if form is invalid
        if (this.dataGroup.invalid) {
      value['groups'] = this.selectedGroups;



    border: 1px solid;
    border-radius: 4px;
    padding: 0px 10px;
    margin-right: 10px;
    position: absolute;

    border: 1px solid;
    padding: 10px;
    width: 164px;
    text-align: left;
    border-radius: 4px;

How to update Identity Column in SQL Server?

ALTER TABLE tablename add newcolumn int
update tablename set newcolumn=existingcolumnname
ALTER TABLE tablename DROP COLUMN existingcolumnname;
EXEC sp_RENAME 'tablename.oldcolumn' , 'newcolumnname', 'COLUMN'
update tablename set newcolumnname=value where condition

However above code works only if there is no primary-foreign key relation

3-dimensional array in numpy

You are right, you are creating a matrix with 2 rows, 3 columns and 4 depth. Numpy prints matrixes different to Matlab:


>>> import numpy as np
>>> np.zeros((2,3,2))
 array([[[ 0.,  0.],
    [ 0.,  0.],
    [ 0.,  0.]],

   [[ 0.,  0.],
    [ 0.,  0.],
    [ 0.,  0.]]])


>> zeros(2, 3, 2)
 ans(:,:,1) =
     0     0     0
     0     0     0
 ans(:,:,2) =
     0     0     0
     0     0     0

However you are calculating the same matrix. Take a look to Numpy for Matlab users, it will guide you converting Matlab code to Numpy.

For example if you are using OpenCV, you can build an image using numpy taking into account that OpenCV uses BGR representation:

import cv2
import numpy as np

a = np.zeros((100, 100,3))
a[:,:,0] = 255

b = np.zeros((100, 100,3))
b[:,:,1] = 255

c = np.zeros((100, 200,3)) 
c[:,:,2] = 255

img = np.vstack((c, np.hstack((a, b))))

cv2.imshow('image', img)

enter image description here

If you take a look to matrix c you will see it is a 100x200x3 matrix which is exactly what it is shown in the image (in red as we have set the R coordinate to 255 and the other two remain at 0).

Convert string to number and add one

The simplest solution here is to change

  var newcurrentpageTemp = $(this).attr("id") + 1;//Get the id from the hyperlink


  var newcurrentpageTemp = (($(this).attr("id")) * 1) + 1;//Get the id from the hyperlink

Post request in Laravel - Error - 419 Sorry, your session/ 419 your page has expired

I got this issue long time ago. I remembered it causes permission of storage/framework/sessions. You may want to change it by chmod -R 0777 storage/framework/sessions command. It worked for me.

MySQL SELECT x FROM a WHERE NOT IN ( SELECT x FROM b ) - Unexpected result

Here is some SQL that actually make sense:


Simple is always better.

How to limit google autocomplete results to City and Country only

    <title>Example Using Google Complete API</title>   

   <input id="geocomplete" type="text" placeholder="Type an address/location"/>
   <script src=";libraries=places"></script>
   <script src=""></script>

  <script src=""></script>

For more information visit this link

What is the difference between HTTP 1.1 and HTTP 2.0?

HTTP/2 supports queries multiplexing, headers compression, priority and more intelligent packet streaming management. This results in reduced latency and accelerates content download on modern web pages.

More details here.

What is the meaning of polyfills in HTML5?

A polyfill is a piece of code (or plugin) that provides the technology that you, the developer, expect the browser to provide natively.

Reset local repository branch to be just like remote repository HEAD

git reset --hard HEAD actually only resets to the last committed state. In this case HEAD refers to the HEAD of your branch.

If you have several commits, this won't work..

What you probably want to do, is reset to the head of origin or whatever you remote repository is called. I'd probably just do something like

git reset --hard origin/HEAD

Be careful though. Hard resets cannot easily be undone. It is better to do as Dan suggests, and branch off a copy of your changes before resetting.

Updating Python on Mac

Instal aws cli via homebrew package manager. It is the simplest and easiest method.

  1. If you dont have homebrew installed , enter this command in your terminal

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

  1. Next 'brew install awscli'

This will install aws cli on your mac

angular2: how to copy object into another object

Object.assign will only work in single level of object reference.

To do a copy in any depth use as below:

let x = {'a':'a','b':{'c':'c'}};
let y = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(x));

If want to use any library instead then go with the loadash.js library.

Dynamically load a JavaScript file

With Promises you can simplify it like this. Loader function:

  const loadCDN = src =>
    new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      if (document.querySelector(`head > script[src="${src}"]`) !== null) return resolve()
      const script = document.createElement("script")
      script.src = src
      script.async = true
      script.onload = resolve
      script.onerror = reject

Usage (async/await):

await loadCDN("https://.../script.js")

Usage (Promise):

loadCDN("https://.../script.js").then(res => {}).catch(err => {})

NOTE: there was one similar solution but it doesn't check if the script is already loaded and loads the script each time. This one checks src property.

How to Convert JSON object to Custom C# object?

JavaScript Serializer: requires using System.Web.Script.Serialization;

public class JavaScriptSerializerDeSerializer<T>
    private readonly JavaScriptSerializer serializer;

    public JavaScriptSerializerDeSerializer()
        this.serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();

    public string Serialize(T t)
        return this.serializer.Serialize(t);

    public T Deseralize(string stringObject)
        return this.serializer.Deserialize<T>(stringObject);

Data Contract Serializer: requires using System.Runtime.Serialization.Json; - The generic type T should be serializable more on Data Contract

public class JsonSerializerDeserializer<T> where T : class
    private readonly DataContractJsonSerializer jsonSerializer;

    public JsonSerializerDeserializer()
        this.jsonSerializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(T));

    public string Serialize(T t)
        using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
            this.jsonSerializer.WriteObject(memoryStream, t);
            memoryStream.Position = 0;
            using (var sr = new StreamReader(memoryStream))
                return sr.ReadToEnd();

    public T Deserialize(string objectString)
        using (var ms = new MemoryStream(System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes((objectString))))
            return (T)this.jsonSerializer.ReadObject(ms);

Razor HtmlHelper Extensions (or other namespaces for views) Not Found

I found that putting this section in my web.config for each view folder solved it.

        <assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">
                <assemblyIdentity name="System.Web.Mvc" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" />
                <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />

UITableView, Separator color where to set?

Swift 3, xcode version 8.3.2, storyboard->choose your table View->inspector->Separator.

Swift 3, xcode version 8.3.2

How to create border in UIButton?

The problem setting the layer's borderWidth and borderColor is that the when you touch the button the border doesn't animate the highlight effect.

Of course, you can observe the button's events and change the border color accordingly but that feels unnecessary.

Another option is to create a stretchable UIImage and setting it as the button's background image. You can create an Image set in your Images.xcassets like this:


Then, you set it as the button's background image:

Button properties

If your image is a template image you can set tint color of the button and the border will change:

Final Button

Now the border will highlight with the rest of the button when touched.

How to make vim paste from (and copy to) system's clipboard?

This would be the lines you need in your vimrc for this purpose:

set clipboard+=unnamed  " use the clipboards of vim and win
set paste               " Paste from a windows or from vim
set go+=a               " Visual selection automatically copied to the clipboard

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class XXX

I encounter the same problem. I inited a bean object in static block like below:

static {
        mqttConfiguration = SpringBootBeanUtils.<MqttConfiguration>getBean(MqttConfiguration.class);
    }catch (Throwable e){

Just because the process the my bean obejct inition caused a NPE, I get trouble into it. So I think you should check you static code block carefully.

Plotting using a CSV file

You can also plot to a png file using gnuplot (which is free):

terminal commands

gnuplot> set title '<title>'
gnuplot> set ylabel '<yLabel>'
gnuplot> set xlabel '<xLabel>'
gnuplot> set grid
gnuplot> set term png
gnuplot> set output '<Output file name>.png'
gnuplot> plot '<fromfile.csv>'

note: you always need to give the right extension (.png here) at set output

Then it is also possible that the ouput is not lines, because your data is not continues. To fix this simply change the 'plot' line to:

plot '<Fromfile.csv>' with line lt -1 lw 2

More line editing options (dashes and line color ect.) at:

  • gnuplot is available in most linux distros via the package manager (e.g. on an apt based distro, run apt-get install gnuplot)
  • gnuplot is available in windows via Cygwin
  • gnuplot is available on macOS via homebrew (run brew install gnuplot)

How to run vbs as administrator from vbs?

Add this to the beginning of your file:

Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
If WScript.Arguments.Length = 0 Then
  Set ObjShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
  ObjShell.ShellExecute "wscript.exe" _
    , """" & WScript.ScriptFullName & """ RunAsAdministrator", , "runas", 1
End if

Dump all tables in CSV format using 'mysqldump'

First, I can give you the answer for one table:

The trouble with all these INTO OUTFILE or --tab=tmpfile (and -T/path/to/directory) answers is that it requires running mysqldump on the same server as the MySQL server, and having those access rights.

My solution was simply to use mysql (not mysqldump) with the -B parameter, inline the SELECT statement with -e, then massage the ASCII output with sed, and wind up with CSV including a header field row:


 mysql -B -u username -p password database -h dbhost -e "SELECT * FROM accounts;" \
 | sed "s/\"/\"\"/g;s/'/\'/;s/\t/\",\"/g;s/^/\"/;s/$/\"/;s/\n//g"

"id","login","password","folder","email" "8","mariana","xxxxxxxxxx","mariana","" "3","squaredesign","xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx","squaredesign","[email protected]" "4","miedziak","xxxxxxxxxx","miedziak","[email protected]" "5","Sarko","xxxxxxxxx","Sarko","" "6","Logitrans Poland","xxxxxxxxxxxxxx","LogitransPoland","" "7","Amos","xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx","Amos","" "9","Annabelle","xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx","Annabelle","" "11","Brandfathers and Sons","xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx","BrandfathersAndSons","" "12","Imagine Group","xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx","ImagineGroup","" "13","","xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx","","" "101","tmp","xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx","_","[email protected]"

Add a > outfile.csv at the end of that one-liner, to get your CSV file for that table.

Next, get a list of all your tables with

mysql -u username -ppassword dbname -sN -e "SHOW TABLES;"

From there, it's only one more step to make a loop, for example, in the Bash shell to iterate over those tables:

 for tb in $(mysql -u username -ppassword dbname -sN -e "SHOW TABLES;"); do
     echo .....;

Between the do and ; done insert the long command I wrote in Part 1 above, but substitute your tablename with $tb instead.

Carriage Return\Line feed in Java

If I understand you right, we talk about a text file attachment. Thats unfortunate because if it was the email's message body, you could always use "\r\n", referring to

But as it's an attachment, you must live with system differences. If I were in your shoes, I would choose one of those options:

a) only support windows clients by using "\r\n" as line end.

b) provide two attachment files, one with linux format and one with windows format.

c) I don't know if the attachment is to be read by people or machines, but if it is people I would consider attaching an HTML file instead of plain text. more portable and much prettier, too :)

Remove all newlines from inside a string

Answering late since I recently had the same question when reading text from file; tried several options such as:

with open('verdict.txt') as f: 

First option below produces a list called alist, with '\n' stripped, then joins back into full text (optional if you wish to have only one text):

alist =
jalist = " ".join(alist)

Second option below is much easier and simple produces string of text called atext replacing '\n' with space;

atext ='\n',' ')

It works; I have done it. This is clean, easier, and efficient.

Change variable name in for loop using R

d <- 5
for(i in 1:10) { 
 nam <- paste("A", i, sep = "")
 assign(nam, rnorm(3)+d)

More info here or even here!

Pandas/Python: Set value of one column based on value in another column

Try out df.apply() if you've a small/medium dataframe,

df['c2'] = df.apply(lambda x: 10 if x['c1'] == 'Value' else x['c1'], axis = 1)

Else, follow the slicing techniques mentioned in the above comments if you've got a big dataframe.

How to delete selected text in the vi editor

I am using PuTTY and the vi editor. If I select five lines using my mouse and I want to delete those lines, how can I do that?

Forget the mouse. To remove 5 lines, either:

  • Go to the first line and type d5d (dd deletes one line, d5d deletes 5 lines) ~or~
  • Type Shift-v to enter linewise selection mode, then move the cursor down using j (yes, use h, j, k and l to move left, down, up, right respectively, that's much more efficient than using the arrows) and type d to delete the selection.

Also, how can I select the lines using my keyboard as I can in Windows where I press Shift and move the arrows to select the text? How can I do that in vi?

As I said, either use Shift-v to enter linewise selection mode or v to enter characterwise selection mode or Ctrl-v to enter blockwise selection mode. Then move with h, j, k and l.

I suggest spending some time with the Vim Tutor (run vimtutor) to get more familiar with Vim in a very didactic way.

See also

how to check for datatype in node js- specifically for integer

You can check your numbers by checking their constructor.

var i = "5";

if( i.constructor !== Number )
 console.log('This is not number'));

Typescript: How to define type for a function callback (as any function type, not universal any) used in a method parameter

Here's an example of a function that accepts a callback

const sqk = (x: number, callback: ((_: number) => number)): number => {
  // callback will receive a number and expected to return a number
  return callback (x * x);

// here our callback will receive a number
sqk(5, function(x) {
  console.log(x); // 25
  return x;       // we must return a number here

If you don't care about the return values of callbacks (most people don't know how to utilize them in any effective way), you can use void

const sqk = (x: number, callback: ((_: number) => void)): void => {
  // callback will receive a number, we don't care what it returns
  callback (x * x);

// here our callback will receive a number
sqk(5, function(x) {
  console.log(x); // 25
  // void

Note, the signature I used for the callback parameter ...

const sqk = (x: number, callback: ((_: number) => number)): number

I would say this is a TypeScript deficiency because we are expected to provide a name for the callback parameters. In this case I used _ because it's not usable inside the sqk function.

However, if you do this

// danger!! don't do this
const sqk = (x: number, callback: ((number) => number)): number

It's valid TypeScript, but it will interpreted as ...

// watch out! typescript will think it means ...
const sqk = (x: number, callback: ((number: any) => number)): number

Ie, TypeScript will think the parameter name is number and the implied type is any. This is obviously not what we intended, but alas, that is how TypeScript works.

So don't forget to provide the parameter names when typing your function parameters... stupid as it might seem.

For loop example in MySQL

Assume you have one table with name 'table1'. It contain one column 'col1' with varchar type. Query to crate table is give below

CREATE TABLE `table1` (

Now if you want to insert number from 1 to 50 in that table then use following stored procedure


      DECLARE a INT Default 1 ;
      simple_loop: LOOP         
         insert into table1 values(a);
         SET a=a+1;
         IF a=51 THEN
            LEAVE simple_loop;
         END IF;
   END LOOP simple_loop;
END $$

To call that stored procedure use


How can I set a DateTimePicker control to a specific date?

Use the Value property.

MyDateTimePicker.Value = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1);

DateTime.Today holds today's date, from which you can subtract 1 day (add -1 days) to become yesterday.

DateTime.Now, on the other hand, contains time information as well. DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1) will return this time one day ago.

GDB: break if variable equal value

First, you need to compile your code with appropriate flags, enabling debug into code.

$ gcc -Wall -g -ggdb -o ex1 ex1.c

then just run you code with your favourite debugger

$ gdb ./ex1

show me the code.

(gdb) list
1   #include <stdio.h>
2   int main(void)
3   { 
4     int i = 0;
5     for(i=0;i<7;++i)
6       printf("%d\n", i);
8     return 0;
9   }

break on lines 5 and looks if i == 5.

(gdb) b 5
Breakpoint 1 at 0x4004fb: file ex1.c, line 5.
(gdb) rwatch i if i==5
Hardware read watchpoint 5: i

checking breakpoints

(gdb) info b
Num     Type           Disp Enb Address            What
1       breakpoint     keep y   0x00000000004004fb in main at ex1.c:5
    breakpoint already hit 1 time
5       read watchpoint keep y                      i
    stop only if i==5

running the program

(gdb) c
Hardware read watchpoint 5: i

Value = 5
0x0000000000400523 in main () at ex1.c:5
5     for(i=0;i<7;++i)

Expand a random range from 1–5 to 1–7

This answer is more an experiment in obtaining the most entropy possible from the Rand5 function. t is therefore somewhat unclear and almost certainly a lot slower than other implementations.

Assuming the uniform distribution from 0-4 and resulting uniform distribution from 0-6:

public class SevenFromFive
  public SevenFromFive()
    // this outputs a uniform ditribution but for some reason including it 
    // screws up the output distribution
    // open question Why?
    this.fifth = new ProbabilityCondensor(5, b => {});
    this.eigth = new ProbabilityCondensor(8, AddEntropy);

  private static Random r = new Random();
  private static uint Rand5()
    return (uint)r.Next(0,5);

  private class ProbabilityCondensor
    private readonly int samples;
    private int counter;
    private int store;
    private readonly Action<bool> output;

    public ProbabilityCondensor(int chanceOfTrueReciprocal,
      Action<bool> output)
      this.output = output;
      this.samples = chanceOfTrueReciprocal - 1;  

    public void Add(bool bit)
      if (bit);   
      if (counter == samples)
        bool? e;
        if (store == 0)
          e = false;
        else if (store == 1)
          e = true;
          e = null;// discard for now       
        counter = 0;
        store = 0;
        if (e.HasValue)

  ulong buffer = 0;
  const ulong Mask = 7UL;
  int bitsAvail = 0;
  private readonly ProbabilityCondensor fifth;
  private readonly ProbabilityCondensor eigth;

  private void AddEntropy(bool bit)
    buffer <<= 1;
    if (bit)
      buffer |= 1;      

  private void AddTwoBitsEntropy(uint u)
    buffer <<= 2;
    buffer |= (u & 3UL);    
    bitsAvail += 2;

  public uint Rand7()
    uint selection;   
      while (bitsAvail < 3)
        var x = Rand5();
        if (x < 4)
          // put the two low order bits straight in
      // read 3 bits
      selection = (uint)((buffer & Mask));
      bitsAvail -= 3;     
      buffer >>= 3;
      if (selection == 7)
    while (selection == 7);   
    return selection;

The number of bits added to the buffer per call to Rand5 is currently 4/5 * 2 so 1.6. If the 1/5 probability value is included that increases by 0.05 so 1.65 but see the comment in the code where I have had to disable this.

Bits consumed by call to Rand7 = 3 + 1/8 * (3 + 1/8 * (3 + 1/8 * (...
This is 3 + 3/8 + 3/64 + 3/512 ... so approx 3.42

By extracting information from the sevens I reclaim 1/8*1/7 bits per call so about 0.018

This gives a net consumption 3.4 bits per call which means the ratio is 2.125 calls to Rand5 for every Rand7. The optimum should be 2.1.

I would imagine this approach is significantly slower than many of the other ones here unless the cost of the call to Rand5 is extremely expensive (say calling out to some external source of entropy).

Error 'tunneling socket' while executing npm install

If you are behind a proxy, set it correctly in npm.

>npm config set proxy http://proxyhost:proxyport
>npm config set https-proxy http://proxyhost:proxyport


  1. For SSL/https proxies, the protocol in URL should be http not https

  2. If your set up is on a Docker/Vagrant instance or a hosted VM, use IP address instead of hostname for proxy as the later might not be resolvable.

  3. If there is no proxy , remove proxy config from npm

    >npm config set proxy null
    >npm config set https-proxy null

What is the meaning of "this" in Java?

It refers to the instance on which the method is called

class A {

  public boolean is(Object o) {
    return o == this;


A someA = new A();
A anotherA = new A();; // returns true; // returns false

How to get std::vector pointer to the raw data?

&something gives you the address of the std::vector object, not the address of the data it holds. &something.begin() gives you the address of the iterator returned by begin() (as the compiler warns, this is not technically allowed because something.begin() is an rvalue expression, so its address cannot be taken).

Assuming the container has at least one element in it, you need to get the address of the initial element of the container, which you can get via

  • &something[0] or &something.front() (the address of the element at index 0), or

  • &*something.begin() (the address of the element pointed to by the iterator returned by begin()).

In C++11, a new member function was added to std::vector: data(). This member function returns the address of the initial element in the container, just like &something.front(). The advantage of this member function is that it is okay to call it even if the container is empty.

What is LDAP used for?

  • LDAP main usage is to provider faster retrieval of data . It acts as a central repository for storing user details that can be accessed by various application at same time .

  • The data that is read various time but we rarely update the data then LDAP is better option as it is faster to read in it because of its structure but updating(add/updatee or delete) is bit tedious job in case of LDAP

  • Security provided by LDAP : LDAP can work with SSL & TLS and thus can be used for sensitive information .

  • LDAP also can work with number of database providing greater flexibility to choose database best suited for our environment

  • Can be a better option for synchronising information between master and its replicase
  • LDAP apart from supporting the data recovery capability .Also , allows us to export data into LDIF file that can be read by various software available in the market

Set CSS property in Javascript?

For most styles do this:

var obj = document.createElement('select'); "100px";

For styles that have hyphens in the name do this instead:

var obj = document.createElement('select');["-webkit-background-size"] = "100px"

Reset/remove CSS styles for element only

if you set your CSS within classes, you can easly remove them using jQuery removeClass() Method. The code below removes .element class:

    <div class="element">source</div>   
    <div class="destination">destination</div>

If no parameter is specified, this method will remove ALL class names from the selected elements.

Sorting Directory.GetFiles()

A more succinct VB.Net version, if anyone is interested

Dim filePaths As Linq.IOrderedEnumerable(Of IO.FileInfo) = _
  New DirectoryInfo("c:\temp").GetFiles() _
   .OrderBy(Function(f As FileInfo) f.CreationTime)
For Each fi As IO.FileInfo In filePaths
  ' Do whatever you wish here

Capturing count from an SQL query

int count = 0;    
using (new SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection("connectionString"))
    sqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table_name", connection);
    count = (int32)cmd.ExecuteScalar();

Use LINQ to get items in one List<>, that are not in another List<>

Bit late to the party but a good solution which is also Linq to SQL compatible is:

List<string> list1 = new List<string>() { "1", "2", "3" };
List<string> list2 = new List<string>() { "2", "4" };

List<string> inList1ButNotList2 = (from o in list1
                                   join p in list2 on o equals p into t
                                   from od in t.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                   where od == null
                                   select o).ToList<string>();

List<string> inList2ButNotList1 = (from o in list2
                                   join p in list1 on o equals p into t
                                   from od in t.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                   where od == null
                                   select o).ToList<string>();

List<string> inBoth = (from o in list1
                       join p in list2 on o equals p into t
                       from od in t.DefaultIfEmpty()
                       where od != null
                       select od).ToList<string>();

Kudos to

How to disable scrolling the document body?

with css


Converting data frame column from character to numeric

If we need only one column to be numeric

yyz$b <- as.numeric(as.character(yyz$b))

But, if all the columns needs to changed to numeric, use lapply to loop over the columns and convert to numeric by first converting it to character class as the columns were factor.

yyz[] <- lapply(yyz, function(x) as.numeric(as.character(x)))

Both the columns in the OP's post are factor because of the string "n/a". This could be easily avoided while reading the file using na.strings = "n/a" in the read.table/read.csv or if we are using data.frame, we can have character columns with stringsAsFactors=FALSE (the default is stringsAsFactors=TRUE)

Regarding the usage of apply, it converts the dataset to matrix and matrix can hold only a single class. To check the class, we need

lapply(yyz, class)


sapply(yyz, class)

Or check


What does "<html xmlns="">" do?

It sounds like your site has CSS or JS that depends on running in quirks mode. Which is why you need garbage above your doctype to render "correctly". I suggest removing said garbage and then fixing your CSS+JS to actually work in standards mode; you'll save yourself a lot of pain in the long run.

How to use Google Translate API in my Java application?

You can use google script which has FREE translate API. All you need is a common google account and do these THREE EASY STEPS.
1) Create new script with such code on google script:

var mock = {

function doGet(e) {
  e = e || mock;

  var sourceText = ''
  if (e.parameter.q){
    sourceText = e.parameter.q;

  var sourceLang = '';
  if (e.parameter.source){
    sourceLang = e.parameter.source;

  var targetLang = 'en';
  if ({
    targetLang =;

  var translatedText = LanguageApp.translate(sourceText, sourceLang, targetLang, {contentType: 'html'});

  return ContentService.createTextOutput(translatedText).setMimeType(ContentService.MimeType.JSON);

2) Click Publish -> Deploy as webapp -> Who has access to the app: Anyone even anonymous -> Deploy. And then copy your web app url, you will need it for calling translate API.
google script deploy

3) Use this java code for testing your API:


public class Translator {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        String text = "Hello world!";
        //Translated text: Hallo Welt!
        System.out.println("Translated text: " + translate("en", "de", text));

    private static String translate(String langFrom, String langTo, String text) throws IOException {
        String urlStr = "" +
                "?q=" + URLEncoder.encode(text, "UTF-8") +
                "&target=" + langTo +
                "&source=" + langFrom;
        URL url = new URL(urlStr);
        StringBuilder response = new StringBuilder();
        HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
        con.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0");
        BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(con.getInputStream()));
        String inputLine;
        while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) {
        return response.toString();


As it is free, there are QUATA LIMITS:

Updating address bar with new URL without hash or reloading the page

Update to Davids answer to even detect browsers that do not support pushstate:

if (history.pushState) {
  window.history.pushState("object or string", "Title", "/new-url");
} else {
  document.location.href = "/new-url";

How to wrap text in LaTeX tables?

If you want to wrap your text but maintain alignment then you can wrap that cell in a minipage or varwidth environment (varwidth comes from the varwidth package). Varwidth will be "as wide as it's contents but no wider than X". You can create a custom column type which acts like "p{xx}" but shrinks to fit by using


which may require the array package. Then when you use something like \begin{tabular}{llM{2in}} the first two columns we be normal left-aligned and the third column will be normal left aligned but if it gets wider than 2in then the text will be wrapped. AAPT2 error: check logs for details

I also encountered this error. For me, it was when changing the target SDK from 26 down to 25. I was able to fix the problem by changing the appcompat dependency version from

implementation ''


implementation ''

This will allow the compiler to access the styling attributes that it is currently unable to find. This will actually fix the problem instead of masking the real issue as Enzokie suggested.

Open the terminal in visual studio?

In Visual Studio 2019, You can open Command/PowerShell window from Tools > Command Line >

enter image description here

If you want an integrated terminal, try

enter image description here

You can also try WhackWhackTerminal (does not support VS 2019 by this date).

Sql Server 'Saving changes is not permitted' error ? Prevent saving changes that require table re-creation

Actually, You are blocked by SSMS not the SQL Server.

So the solution are either change setting of SSMS or use a SQL query.

How to detect when a UIScrollView has finished scrolling

I had a case of tapping and dragging actions and I found out that the dragging was calling scrollViewDidEndDecelerating

And the change offset manually with code ([_scrollView setContentOffset:contentOffset animated:YES];) was calling scrollViewDidEndScrollingAnimation.

//This delegate method is called when the dragging scrolling happens, but no when the     tapping
- (void)scrollViewDidEndDecelerating:(UIScrollView *)scrollView
    //do whatever you want to happen when the scroll is done

//This delegate method is called when the tapping scrolling happens, but no when the  dragging
-(void)scrollViewDidEndScrollingAnimation:(UIScrollView *)scrollView
     //do whatever you want to happen when the scroll is done

Best practices for copying files with Maven

The ant solution above is easiest to configure, but I have had luck using the maven-upload-plugin from Atlassian. I was unable to find good documentation, here is how I use it:


The variables like "${}" referenced above are defined in my ~/.m2/settings.xml and are activated using maven profiles. This solution is not constrained to JBoss, this is just what I named my variables. I have a profile for dev, test, and live. So to upload my ear to a jboss instance in test environment I would execute:

mvn upload:upload -P test

Here is a snipet from settings.xml:

  <password>{Pz+6YRsDJ8dUJD7XE8=} an encrypted password. Supported since maven 2.1</password>

Notes: The Atlassian maven repo that has this plugin is here:

I recommend downloading the sources and looking at the documentation inside to see all the features the plugin provides.


Why Python 3.6.1 throws AttributeError: module 'enum' has no attribute 'IntFlag'?

If anyone is having this problem when trying to run Jupyter kernel from a virtualenv, just add correct PYTHONPATH to kernel.json of your virtualenv kernel (Python 3 in example):

 "argv": [
 "display_name": "Python 3 (TensorFlow)",
 "language": "python",
 "env": {
     "PYTHONPATH":     "/Users/dimitrijer/git/mlai/.venv/lib/python3.6:/Users/dimitrijer/git/mlai/.venv/lib/python3.6/lib-dynload:/usr/local/Cellar/python/3.6.5/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6:/Users/dimitrijer/git/mlai/.venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages"

NameError: global name 'unicode' is not defined - in Python 3

You can use the six library to support both Python 2 and 3:

import six
if isinstance(value, six.string_types):

Possible cases for Javascript error: "Expected identifier, string or number"

Typescript for Windows issue

This works in IE, chrome, FF

export const OTP_CLOSE = { 'outcomeCode': 'OTP_CLOSE' };

This works in chrome, FF, Does not work in IE 11

export const OTP_CLOSE = { outcomeCode: 'OTP_CLOSE' };

I guess it somehow related to Windows reserved wordsenter image description here

TypeError: tuple indices must be integers, not str

Just adding a parameter like the below worked for me.


I hope this would be helpful either.

How to Determine the Screen Height and Width in Flutter

The below code doesn't return the correct screen size sometimes:


I tested on SAMSUNG SM-T580, which returns {width: 685.7, height: 1097.1} instead of the real resolution 1920x1080.

Please use:

import 'dart:ui';


Laravel 5 Eloquent where and or in Clauses

When we use multiple and (where) condition with last (where + or where) the where condition fails most of the time. for that we can use the nested where function with parameters passing in that.

$feedsql = DB::table('feeds as t1')
                   ->leftjoin('groups as t2', 't1.groups_id', '=', '')
                    ->where('t2.status', 1)
                    ->whereRaw("t1.published_on <= NOW()") 
                    >whereIn('t1.groupid', $group_ids)
                   ->where(function($q)use ($userid) {
                            $q->where('t2.contact_users_id', $userid)
                            ->orWhere('t1.users_id', $userid);
                  ->orderBy('t1.published_on', 'desc')->get();

The above query validate all where condition then finally checks where t2.status=1 and (where t2.contact_users_id='$userid' or where t1.users_id='$userid')

How to get 2 digit year w/ Javascript?

The specific answer to this question is found in this one line below:

//pull the last two digits of the year_x000D_
//logs to console_x000D_
//creates a new date object (has the current date and time by default)_x000D_
//gets the full year from the date object (currently 2017)_x000D_
//converts the variable to a string_x000D_
//gets the substring backwards by 2 characters (last two characters)    _x000D_
console.log(new Date().getFullYear().toString().substr(-2));

Formatting Full Date Time Example (MMddyy): jsFiddle


//A function for formatting a date to MMddyy_x000D_
function formatDate(d)_x000D_
    //get the month_x000D_
    var month = d.getMonth();_x000D_
    //get the day_x000D_
    //convert day to string_x000D_
    var day = d.getDate().toString();_x000D_
    //get the year_x000D_
    var year = d.getFullYear();_x000D_
    //pull the last two digits of the year_x000D_
    year = year.toString().substr(-2);_x000D_
    //increment month by 1 since it is 0 indexed_x000D_
    //converts month to a string_x000D_
    month = (month + 1).toString();_x000D_
    //if month is 1-9 pad right with a 0 for two digits_x000D_
    if (month.length === 1)_x000D_
        month = "0" + month;_x000D_
    //if day is between 1-9 pad right with a 0 for two digits_x000D_
    if (day.length === 1)_x000D_
        day = "0" + day;_x000D_
    //return the string "MMddyy"_x000D_
    return month + day + year;_x000D_
var d = new Date();_x000D_

Xcode stops working after set "xcode-select -switch"

You should be pointing it towards the Developer directory, not the Xcode application bundle. Run this:

sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/

With recent versions of Xcode, you can go to Xcode ? Preferences… ? Locations and pick one of the options for Command Line Tools to set the location.

Postgresql: error "must be owner of relation" when changing a owner object

Thanks to Mike's comment, I've re-read the doc and I've realised that my current user (i.e. userA that already has the create privilege) wasn't a direct/indirect member of the new owning role...

So the solution was quite simple - I've just done this grant:

grant userB to userA;

That's all folks ;-)


Another requirement is that the object has to be owned by user userA before altering it...

Find where java class is loaded from

Take a look at this similar question. Tool to discover same class..

I think the most relevant obstacle is if you have a custom classloader ( loading from a db or ldap )

When do you use varargs in Java?

Varargs is the feature added in java version 1.5.

Why to use this?

  1. What if, you don't know the number of arguments to pass for a method?
  2. What if, you want to pass unlimited number of arguments to a method?

How this works?

It creates an array with the given arguments & passes the array to the method.

Example :

public class Solution {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

    public static void add(int... s){
        int sum=0;
        for(int num:s)
        System.out.println("sum is "+sum );


Output :


sum is 12


sum is 21

How to get a float result by dividing two integer values using T-SQL?

If you came here (just like me) to find the solution for integer value, here is the answer:


returns 5

pthread function from a class

You can't do it the way you've written it because C++ class member functions have a hidden this parameter passed in. pthread_create() has no idea what value of this to use, so if you try to get around the compiler by casting the method to a function pointer of the appropriate type, you'll get a segmetnation fault. You have to use a static class method (which has no this parameter), or a plain ordinary function to bootstrap the class:

class C
    void *hello(void)
        std::cout << "Hello, world!" << std::endl;
        return 0;

    static void *hello_helper(void *context)
        return ((C *)context)->hello();
C c;
pthread_t t;
pthread_create(&t, NULL, &C::hello_helper, &c);

Display HTML snippets in HTML

<textarea ><?php echo htmlentities($page_html); ?></textarea>

works fine for me..

"keeping in mind Alexander's suggestion, here is why I think this is a good approach"

if we just try plain <textarea> it may not always work since there may be closing textarea tags which may wrongly close the parent tag and display rest of the HTML source on the parent document, which would look awkward.

using htmlentities converts all applicable characters such as < > to HTML entities which eliminates any possibility of leaks.

There maybe benefits or shortcomings to this approach or a better way of achieving the same results, if so please comment as I would love to learn from them :)

..The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a receive

Before Execute query I put the statement as below and it resolved my error. Just FYI in case it will help someone.

ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = (SecurityProtocolType)3072; ctx.ExecuteQuery();

Get text of label with jquery

It's simple, set a specific value for that label (XXXXXXX for example) and run it, open html source of output (in browser) and look for XXXXXXX, you will see something like this <span id="mylabel">XXXXXX</span> it's what you want, the ID of <span> (I think it's usually same as Label name in asp code) now you can get its value by innerHTML or another method in JQuery

unix - count of columns in file

Unless you're using spaces in there, you should be able to use | wc -w on the first line.

wc is "Word Count", which simply counts the words in the input file. If you send only one line, it'll tell you the amount of columns.

Bootstrap 4 datapicker.js not included

Maybe you want to try this:

It's a flexible datepicker widget in the Bootstrap style.

Why maven settings.xml file is not there?

settings.xml is not required (and thus not autocreated in ~/.m2 folder) unless you want to change the default settings.

Standalone maven and the maven in eclipse will use the same local repository (~/.m2 folder). This means if some artifacts/dependencies are downloaded by standalone maven, it will not be again downloaded by maven in eclipse.

Based on the version of Eclipse that you use, you may have different maven version in eclipse compared to the standalone. It should not matter in most cases.

Clearing content of text file using C#

 using (FileStream fs = File.Create(path))


Will create or overwrite a file.

Centering FontAwesome icons vertically and horizontally

the simplest solution to both horizontally and vertically centers the icon:

<div class="d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center">
    <i class="fas fa-crosshairs fa-lg"></i>

How to get the last row of an Oracle a table

You can do it like this:

SELECT * FROM (SELECT your_table.your_field, versions_starttime
               FROM your_table


SELECT your_field,ora_rowscn,scn_to_timestamp(ora_rowscn) from your_table WHERE ROWNUM = 1;

Calculate cosine similarity given 2 sentence strings

A simple pure-Python implementation would be:

import math
import re
from collections import Counter

WORD = re.compile(r"\w+")

def get_cosine(vec1, vec2):
    intersection = set(vec1.keys()) & set(vec2.keys())
    numerator = sum([vec1[x] * vec2[x] for x in intersection])

    sum1 = sum([vec1[x] ** 2 for x in list(vec1.keys())])
    sum2 = sum([vec2[x] ** 2 for x in list(vec2.keys())])
    denominator = math.sqrt(sum1) * math.sqrt(sum2)

    if not denominator:
        return 0.0
        return float(numerator) / denominator

def text_to_vector(text):
    words = WORD.findall(text)
    return Counter(words)

text1 = "This is a foo bar sentence ."
text2 = "This sentence is similar to a foo bar sentence ."

vector1 = text_to_vector(text1)
vector2 = text_to_vector(text2)

cosine = get_cosine(vector1, vector2)

print("Cosine:", cosine)


Cosine: 0.861640436855

The cosine formula used here is described here.

This does not include weighting of the words by tf-idf, but in order to use tf-idf, you need to have a reasonably large corpus from which to estimate tfidf weights.

You can also develop it further, by using a more sophisticated way to extract words from a piece of text, stem or lemmatise it, etc.

Submitting a form on 'Enter' with jQuery?

Return false to prevent the keystroke from continuing.

Pass multiple arguments into std::thread

Had the same problem. I was passing a non-const reference of custom class and the constructor complained (some tuple template errors). Replaced the reference with pointer and it worked.

How can I trigger the click event of another element in ng-click using angularjs?

If your input and button are siblings (and they are in your case OP):

<input id="upload"
    style="display: none;">

<button type="button" uploadfile>Upload</button>

Use a directive to bind the click of your button to the file input like so:

app.directive('uploadfile', function () {
    return {
      restrict: 'A',
      link: function(scope, element) {

        element.bind('click', function(e) {

Is there a method to generate a UUID with go language

As part of the uuid spec, if you generate a uuid from random it must contain a "4" as the 13th character and a "8", "9", "a", or "b" in the 17th (source).

// this makes sure that the 13th character is "4"
u[6] = (u[6] | 0x40) & 0x4F
// this makes sure that the 17th is "8", "9", "a", or "b"
u[8] = (u[8] | 0x80) & 0xBF 

How to represent e^(-t^2) in MATLAB?

All the 3 first ways are identical. You have make sure that if t is a matrix you add . before using multiplication or the power.

for matrix:

t= [1 2 3;2 3 4;3 4 5];

gives the results:

x =

0.3679    0.0183    0.0001
0.0183    0.0001    0.0000
0.0001    0.0000    0.0000

y =

0.3679    0.0183    0.0001
0.0183    0.0001    0.0000
0.0001    0.0000    0.0000


0.3679    0.0183    0.0001
0.0183    0.0001    0.0000
0.0001    0.0000    0.0000

And using a scalar:


gives the results:

x =


y =


z =


Div with horizontal scrolling only

overflow-x: scroll;
overflow-y: hidden;


It works for me:

<div style='overflow-x:scroll;overflow-y:hidden;width:250px;height:200px'>
    <div style='width:400px;height:250px'></div>

How do you push just a single Git branch (and no other branches)?

Better answer will be

git config push.default current

upsteam works but when you have no branch on origin then you will need to set the upstream branch. Changing it to current will automatically set the upsteam branch and will push the branch immediately.

Chart won't update in Excel (2007)

To update a chart just put a Sheets("Sheet1").Calculate into your sub procedure. If you have more charts on different tabs, then just create a worksheet loop.

PHP sessions that have already been started

session_status() === PHP_SESSION_ACTIVE ?: session_start();

Closed Game

How to set up a PostgreSQL database in Django

You can install "psycopg" with the following command:

# sudo easy_install psycopg2

Alternatively, you can use pip :

# pip install psycopg2

easy_install and pip are included with ActivePython, or manually installed from the respective project sites.

Or, simply get the pre-built Windows installer.

Save results to csv file with Python

You can save it as follow if you have Pandas Dataframe


Favicon dimensions?

The simplest solution in 2021 is to use one(!) PNG image

Simply add this to the head of your document:

<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/png" href="/img/icon-192x192.png">
<link rel="shortcut icon" sizes="192x192" href="/img/icon-192x192.png">
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="/img/icon-192x192.png">

The last link is for Apple (home screen), the second one for Android (home screen) and the first one for the rest.

Note that this solution does not support "tiles" in Windows 8/10. It does, however, support images in shortcuts, bookmarks and browser-tabs.

The size is exactly the size the Android home screen uses. The Apple home screen icon size is 60px (3x), so 180px and will be scaled down. Other platforms use the default shortcut icon, which will be scaled down too.

Parse JSON from HttpURLConnection object

The JSON string will just be the body of the response you get back from the URL you have called. So add this code

BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
String inputLine;
while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) 

That will allow you to see the JSON being returned to the console. The only missing piece you then have is using a JSON library to read that data and provide you with a Java representation.

Here's an example using JSON-LIB

Laravel orderBy on a relationship

It is possible to extend the relation with query functions:

public function comments()
    return $this->hasMany('Comment')->orderBy('column');

[edit after comment]

class User
    public function comments()
        return $this->hasMany('Comment');

class Controller
    public function index()
        $column = Input::get('orderBy', 'defaultColumn');
        $comments = User::find(1)->comments()->orderBy($column)->get();

        // use $comments in the template

default User model + simple Controller example; when getting the list of comments, just apply the orderBy() based on Input::get(). (be sure to do some input-checking ;) )

Why am I getting a FileNotFoundError?

The mistake I did was my code :

x = open('python.txt')


But the problem was in file directory ,I saved it as python.txt instead of just python .

So my file path was ->C:\Users\noob\Desktop\Python\Course 2\python.txt.txt

That is why it was giving a error.

Name your file without .txt it will run.

Shell script "for" loop syntax

Try the arithmetic-expression version of for:

for (( i=2; i <= $max; ++i ))
    echo "$i"

This is available in most versions of bash, and should be Bourne shell (sh) compatible also.

How can I programmatically invoke an onclick() event from a anchor tag while keeping the ‘this’ reference in the onclick function?

You need to apply the event handler in the context of that element:

var elem = document.getElementById("linkid");
if (typeof elem.onclick == "function") {

Otherwise this would reference the context the above code is executed in.

How to set a maximum execution time for a mysql query?

If you're using the mysql native driver (common since php 5.3), and the mysqli extension, you can accomplish this with an asynchronous query:


// Here's an example query that will take a long time to execute.
$sql = "
    select *
    from information_schema.tables t1
    join information_schema.tables t2
    join information_schema.tables t3
    join information_schema.tables t4
    join information_schema.tables t5
    join information_schema.tables t6
    join information_schema.tables t7
    join information_schema.tables t8

$mysqli = mysqli_connect('localhost', 'root', '');
$mysqli->query($sql, MYSQLI_ASYNC | MYSQLI_USE_RESULT);
$links = $errors = $reject = [];
$links[] = $mysqli;

// wait up to 1.5 seconds
$seconds = 1;
$microseconds = 500000;

$timeStart = microtime(true);

if (mysqli_poll($links, $errors, $reject, $seconds, $microseconds) > 0) {
    echo "query finished executing. now we start fetching the data rows over the network...\n";
    $result = $mysqli->reap_async_query();
    if ($result) {
        while ($row = $result->fetch_row()) {
            // print_r($row);
            if (microtime(true) - $timeStart > 1.5) {
                // we exceeded our time limit in the middle of fetching our result set.
                echo "timed out while fetching results\n";
} else {
    echo "timed out while waiting for query to execute\n";

The flags I'm giving to mysqli_query accomplish important things. It tells the client driver to enable asynchronous mode, while forces us to use more verbose code, but lets us use a timeout(and also issue concurrent queries if you want!). The other flag tells the client not to buffer the entire result set into memory.

By default, php configures its mysql client libraries to fetch the entire result set of your query into memory before it lets your php code start accessing rows in the result. This can take a long time to transfer a large result. We disable it, otherwise we risk that we might time out while waiting for the buffering to complete.

Note that there's two places where we need to check for exceeding a time limit:

  • The actual query execution
  • while fetching the results(data)

You can accomplish similar in the PDO and regular mysql extension. They don't support asynchronous queries, so you can't set a timeout on the query execution time. However, they do support unbuffered result sets, and so you can at least implement a timeout on the fetching of the data.

For many queries, mysql is able to start streaming the results to you almost immediately, and so unbuffered queries alone will allow you to somewhat effectively implement timeouts on certain queries. For example, a

select * from tbl_with_1billion_rows

can start streaming rows right away, but,

select sum(foo) from tbl_with_1billion_rows

needs to process the entire table before it can start returning the first row to you. This latter case is where the timeout on an asynchronous query will save you. It will also save you from plain old deadlocks and other stuff.

ps - I didn't include any timeout logic on the connection itself.

Returning a pointer to a vector element in c++

Returning &iterator will return the address of the iterator. If you want to return a way of referring to the element return the iterator itself.

Beware that you do not need the vector to be a global in order to return the iterator/pointer, but that operations in the vector can invalidate the iterator. Adding elements to the vector, for example, can move the vector elements to a different position if the new size() is greater than the reserved memory. Deletion of an element before the given item from the vector will make the iterator refer to a different element.

In both cases, depending on the STL implementation it can be hard to debug with just random errors happening each so often.

EDIT after comment: 'yes, I didn't want to return the iterator a) because its const, and b) surely it is only a local, temporary iterator? – Krakkos'

Iterators are not more or less local or temporary than any other variable and they are copyable. You can return it and the compiler will make the copy for you as it will with the pointer.

Now with the const-ness. If the caller wants to perform modifications through the returned element (whether pointer or iterator) then you should use a non-const iterator. (Just remove the 'const_' from the definition of the iterator).


I would be using laravel whereDoesntHave to achieve this.


How to start a Process as administrator mode in C#

You probably need to set your application as an x64 app.

The IIS Snap In only works in 64 bit and doesn't work in 32 bit, and a process spawned from a 32 bit app seems to work to be a 32 bit process and the same goes for 64 bit apps.

Look at: Start process as 64 bit

Java: Get first item from a collection

If you know that the collection is a queue then you can cast the collection to a queue and get it easily.

There are several structures you can use to get the order, but you will need to cast to it.

Docker remove <none> TAG images

docker images | grep none | awk '{ print $3; }' | xargs docker rmi

You can try this simply

Easy way of running the same junit test over and over?

In JUnit 5 it is much simpler by using @RepeatedTest

@RepeatedTest is used to signal that the annotated method is a test template method that should be repeated a specified number of times.

    @RepeatedTest(3) // Runs N Times
    public void test_Prime() {

More info on

How to inspect Javascript Objects

The for-in loops for each property in an object or array. You can use this property to get to the value as well as change it.

Note: Private properties are not available for inspection, unless you use a "spy"; basically, you override the object and write some code which does a for-in loop inside the object's context.

For in looks like:

for (var property in object) loop();

Some sample code:

function xinspect(o,i){
    if(typeof i=='undefined')i='';
    if(i.length>50)return '[MAX ITERATIONS]';
    var r=[];
    for(var p in o){
        var t=typeof o[p];
        r.push(i+'"'+p+'" ('+t+') => '+(t=='object' ? 'object:'+xinspect(o[p],i+'  ') : o[p]+''));
    return r.join(i+'\n');

// example of use:

Edit: Some time ago, I wrote my own inspector, if you're interested, I'm happy to share.

Edit 2: Well, I wrote one up anyway.

Add CSS box shadow around the whole DIV

Use this below code

 border:2px soild #eee;

 margin: 15px 15px;
 -webkit-box-shadow: 2px 3px 8px #eee;
-moz-box-shadow: 2px 3px 8px #eee;
box-shadow: 2px 3px 8px #eee;


box-shadow requires you to set the horizontal & vertical offsets, you can then optionally set the blur and colour, you can also choose to have the shadow inset instead of the default outset. Colour can be defined as hex or rgba.

box-shadow : inset/outset h-offset v-offset blur spread color;

Explanation of the values...

inset/outset -- whether the shadow is inside or outside the box. If not specified it will default to outset.

h-offset -- the horizontal offset of the shadow (required value)

v-offset -- the vertical offset of the shadow (required value)

blur -- as it says, the blur of the shadow

spread -- moves the shadow away from the box equally on all sides. A positive value causes the shadow to expand, negative causes it to contract. Though this value isn't often used, it is useful with multiple shadows.

color -- as it says, the color of the shadow


box-shadow:2px 3px 8px #eee; a gray shadow with a horizontal outset of 2px, vertical of 3px and a blur of 8px

When to use DataContract and DataMember attributes?

In terms of WCF, we can communicate with the server and client through messages. For transferring messages, and from a security prospective, we need to make a data/message in a serialized format.

For serializing data we use [datacontract] and [datamember] attributes. In your case if you are using datacontract WCF uses DataContractSerializer else WCF uses XmlSerializer which is the default serialization technique.

Let me explain in detail:

basically WCF supports 3 types of serialization:

  1. XmlSerializer
  2. DataContractSerializer
  3. NetDataContractSerializer

XmlSerializer :- Default order is Same as class

DataContractSerializer/NetDataContractSerializer :- Default order is Alphabetical

XmlSerializer :- XML Schema is Extensive

DataContractSerializer/NetDataContractSerializer :- XML Schema is Constrained

XmlSerializer :- Versioning support not possible

DataContractSerializer/NetDataContractSerializer :- Versioning support is possible

XmlSerializer :- Compatibility with ASMX

DataContractSerializer/NetDataContractSerializer :- Compatibility with .NET Remoting

XmlSerializer :- Attribute not required in XmlSerializer

DataContractSerializer/NetDataContractSerializer :- Attribute required in this serializing

so what you use depends on your requirements...

Using C++ base class constructors?

No, that's not how it is done. Normal way to initialize the base class is in the initialization list :

class A
    A(int val) {}

class B : public A
  B( int v) : A( v )

void main()
    B b(10);

ServletException, HttpServletResponse and HttpServletRequest cannot be resolved to a type

if you are using maven:


How can I list all commits that changed a specific file?

It should be as simple as git log <somepath>; check the manpage (git-log(1)).

Personally I like to use git log --stat <path> so I can see the impact of each commit on the file.

Converting Integer to Long

Oddly enough I found that if you parse from a string it works.

 int i = 0;
 Long l = Long.parseLong(String.valueOf(i));
 int back = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(l));


How to get array keys in Javascript?

Say your array looked like arr = [ { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }, { a: 4, b: 5, c: 6 }, { a: 7, b: 8, c: 9 } ] (or possibly other keys) you could do => {
    return Object.keys(o)
}).reduce((prev, curr) => {
    return prev.concat(curr)
}).filter((col, i, array) => {
    return array.indexOf(col) === i

["a", "b", "c"]

How to get Current Timestamp from Carbon in Laravel 5

$time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()); 

Handling file renames in git

You have to add the two modified files to the index before git will recognize it as a move.

The only difference between mv old new and git mv old new is that the git mv also adds the files to the index.

mv old new then git add -A would have worked, too.

Note that you can't just use git add . because that doesn't add removals to the index.

See Difference between "git add -A" and "git add ."

Calling JavaScript Function From CodeBehind

Since I couldn't find a solution that was code behind, which includes trying the ClientScript and ScriptManager like mutanic and Orlando Herrera said in this question (they both somehow failed), I'll offer a front-end solution that utilizes button clicks to others if they're in the same position as me. This worked for me:

HTML Markup:

<asp:button ID="myButton" runat="server" Text="Submit" OnClientClick="return myFunction();"></asp:button>


function myFunction() {
    // Your JavaScript code
    return false;

I am simply using an ASP.NET button which utilizes the OnClientClick property, which fires client-side scripting functions, that being JavaScript. The key things to note here are the uses of the return keyword in the function call and in the function itself. I've read docs that don't use return but still get the button click to work - somehow it didn't work for me. The return false; statement in the function specifies a postback should NOT happen. You could also use that statement in the OnClientClick property: OnClientClick="myFunction() return false;"

Check if a folder exist in a directory and create them using C#

This should work

if(!Directory.Exists(@"C:\MP_Upload")) {

How do I group Windows Form radio buttons?

I like the concept of grouping RadioButtons in WPF. There is a property GroupName that specifies which RadioButton controls are mutually exclusive (

So I wrote a derived class for WinForms that supports this feature:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Windows.Forms.VisualStyles;
using System.Drawing;
using System.ComponentModel;

namespace Use.your.own
    public class AdvancedRadioButton : CheckBox
        public enum Level { Parent, Form };

        Description("Gets or sets the level that specifies which RadioButton controls are affected."),
        public Level GroupNameLevel { get; set; }

        Description("Gets or sets the name that specifies which RadioButton controls are mutually exclusive.")]
        public string GroupName { get; set; }

        protected override void OnCheckedChanged(EventArgs e)

            if (Checked)
                var arbControls = (dynamic)null;
                switch (GroupNameLevel)
                    case Level.Parent:
                        if (this.Parent != null)
                            arbControls = GetAll(this.Parent, typeof(AdvancedRadioButton));
                    case Level.Form:
                        Form form = this.FindForm();
                        if (form != null)
                            arbControls = GetAll(this.FindForm(), typeof(AdvancedRadioButton));
                if (arbControls != null)
                    foreach (Control control in arbControls)
                        if (control != this &&
                            (control as AdvancedRadioButton).GroupName == this.GroupName)
                            (control as AdvancedRadioButton).Checked = false;

        protected override void OnClick(EventArgs e)
            if (!Checked)

        protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs pevent)
            CheckBoxRenderer.DrawParentBackground(pevent.Graphics, pevent.ClipRectangle, this);

            RadioButtonState radioButtonState;
            if (Checked)
                radioButtonState = RadioButtonState.CheckedNormal;
                if (Focused)
                    radioButtonState = RadioButtonState.CheckedHot;
                if (!Enabled)
                    radioButtonState = RadioButtonState.CheckedDisabled;
                radioButtonState = RadioButtonState.UncheckedNormal;
                if (Focused)
                    radioButtonState = RadioButtonState.UncheckedHot;
                if (!Enabled)
                    radioButtonState = RadioButtonState.UncheckedDisabled;

            Size glyphSize = RadioButtonRenderer.GetGlyphSize(pevent.Graphics, radioButtonState);
            Rectangle rect = pevent.ClipRectangle;
            rect.Width -= glyphSize.Width;
            rect.Location = new Point(rect.Left + glyphSize.Width, rect.Top);

            RadioButtonRenderer.DrawRadioButton(pevent.Graphics, new System.Drawing.Point(0, rect.Height / 2 - glyphSize.Height / 2), rect, this.Text, this.Font, this.Focused, radioButtonState);

        private IEnumerable<Control> GetAll(Control control, Type type)
            var controls = control.Controls.Cast<Control>();

            return controls.SelectMany(ctrl => GetAll(ctrl, type))
                                      .Where(c => c.GetType() == type);

Writelines writes lines without newline, Just fills the file

As others have noted, writelines is a misnomer (it ridiculously does not add newlines to the end of each line).

To do that, explicitly add it to each line:

with open(dst_filename, 'w') as f:
    f.writelines(s + '\n' for s in lines)

How to save all files from source code of a web site?

Try Winhttrack

...offline browser utility.

It allows you to download a World Wide Web site from the Internet to a local directory, building recursively all directories, getting HTML, images, and other files from the server to your computer. HTTrack arranges the original site's relative link-structure. Simply open a page of the "mirrored" website in your browser, and you can browse the site from link to link, as if you were viewing it online. HTTrack can also update an existing mirrored site, and resume interrupted downloads. HTTrack is fully configurable, and has an integrated help system.

WinHTTrack is the Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Seven release of HTTrack, and WebHTTrack the Linux/Unix/BSD release...

isolating a sub-string in a string before a symbol in SQL Server 2008

This can achieve using two SQL functions- SUBSTRING and CHARINDEX

You can read strings to a variable as shown in the above answers, or can add it to a SELECT statement as below:

SELECT SUBSTRING('Net Operating Loss - 2007' ,0, CHARINDEX('-','Net Operating Loss - 2007'))

How to set button click effect in Android?

It is simpler when you have a lot of image buttons, and you don't want to write xml-s for every button.

Kotlin Version:

fun buttonEffect(button: View) {
    button.setOnTouchListener { v, event ->
        when (event.action) {
            MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN -> {
                v.background.setColorFilter(-0x1f0b8adf, PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_ATOP)
            MotionEvent.ACTION_UP -> {

Java Version:

public static void buttonEffect(View button){
    button.setOnTouchListener(new OnTouchListener() {

        public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
            switch (event.getAction()) {
                case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: {
                case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP: {
            return false;

Android - drawable with rounded corners at the top only

Try to do something like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<layer-list xmlns:android="">
    <item android:bottom="-20dp" android:left="-20dp">
        <shape android:shape="rectangle">
            <solid android:color="@color/white" />

            <corners android:radius="20dp" />

It seems does not suitable to set different corner radius of rectangle. So you can use this hack.

How to redirect docker container logs to a single file?

First check your container id

docker ps -a

You can see first row in CONTAINER ID columns. Probably it looks like this "3fd0bfce2806" then type it in shell

docker inspect --format='{{.LogPath}}' 3fd0bfce2806

You will see something like this


then you can see it as

cat /var/lib/docker/containers/3fd0bfce2806b3f20c2f5aeea2b70e8a7cff791a9be80f43cdf045c83373b1f1/3fd0bfce2806b3f20c2f5aeea2b70e8a7cff791a9be80f43cdf045c83373b1f1-json.log

It would be in JSON format, you can use the timestamp to trace errors

Docker container will automatically stop after "docker run -d"

I had the same issue, just opening another terminal with a bash on it worked for me :

create container:

docker run -d

start container:

docker start 52bbc9b30557

start bash to keep container running:

docker exec -it 52bbc9b30557 bash

start process you need:

docker exec -it 52bbc9b30557 /path_to_cool_your_app

How to insert DECIMAL into MySQL database

I noticed something else about your coding.... look

INSERT INTO reports_services (id,title,description,cost) VALUES (0, 'test title', 'test decription ', '3.80')

in your "CREATE TABLE" code you have the id set to "AUTO_INCREMENT" which means it's automatically generating a result for that field.... but in your above code you include it as one of the insertions and in the "VALUES" you have a 0 there... idk if that's your way of telling us you left it blank because it's set to AUTO_INC. or if that's the actual code you have... if it's the code you have not only should you not be trying to send data to a field set to generate it automatically, but the RIGHT WAY to do it WRONG would be


you put

0, that might be causing some of the problem... I also just noticed in the code after "test description" you have a space before the '.... that might be throwing something off too.... idk.. I hope this helps n maybe resolves some other problem you might be pulling your hair out about now.... speaking of which.... I need to figure out my problem before I tear all my hair out..... good luck.. :)


I almost forgot... if you have the 0 there to show that it's blank... you could be entering "test title" as the id and "test description" as the title then "3.whatever cents" for the description leaving "cost" empty...... which could be why it maxed out because if I'm not mistaking you have it set to NOT NULL.... and you left it null... so it forced something... maybe.... lol

Invoking JavaScript code in an iframe from the parent page

Continuing with JoelAnair's answer:

For more robustness, use as follows:

var el = document.getElementById('targetFrame');

else if(el.contentDocument)

Workd like charm :)

Specifying a custom DateTime format when serializing with Json.Net

Some times decorating the json convert attribute will not work ,it will through exception saying that "2010-10-01" is valid date. To avoid this types i removed json convert attribute on the property and mentioned in the deserilizedObject method like below.

var addresss = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<AddressHistory>(address, new IsoDateTimeConverter { DateTimeFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd" });

Checking something isEmpty in Javascript?


isEmpty_.isEmpty(object) Returns true if an enumerable object contains no values (no enumerable own-properties). For strings and array-like objects _.isEmpty checks if the length property is 0.

How to form a correct MySQL connection string?

string MyConString = "Data Source='';" +
"Port=3306;" +
"Database='a455555_test';" +
"UID='a455555_me';" +

Excel concatenation quotes


=Char(34)&"This is in quotes"&Char(34)

Should evaluate to:

"This is in quotes"

Where does PostgreSQL store the database?

On Windows, the PGDATA directory that the PostgresSQL docs describe is at somewhere like C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.1\data. The data for a particular database is under (for example) C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.1\data\base\100929, where I guess 100929 is the database number.

Recover from git reset --hard?

I did git reset --hard on the wrong project by mistake (I know...). I had just worked on one file and it was still open during and after I ran the command.

Even though I had not committed, I was able to retrieve the old file with the simple COMMAND + Z.

How do I get elapsed time in milliseconds in Ruby?

You can add a little syntax sugar to the above solution with the following:

class Time
  def to_ms
    (self.to_f * 1000.0).to_i

start_time =
end_time =
elapsed_time = end_time.to_ms - start_time.to_ms  # => 3004

How to find the sum of an array of numbers

You can also use reduceRight.

[1,2,3,4,5,6].reduceRight(function(a,b){return a+b;})

which results output as 21.


MongoDB and "joins"

If you use mongoose, you can just use(assuming you're using subdocuments and population):

Profile.findById profileId
  .select 'friends'
  .exec (err, profile) ->
    if err or not profile
      handleError err, profile, res
      Status.find { profile: { $in: profile.friends } }, (err, statuses) ->
        if err
          handleErr err, statuses, res
          res.json createJSON statuses

It retrieves Statuses which belong to one of Profile (profileId) friends. Friends is array of references to other Profiles. Profile schema with friends defined:

schema = new mongoose.Schema
  # ...

  friends: [
    type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId
    ref: 'Profile'
    unique: true
    index: true

Twitter bootstrap scrollable modal

The problem with @grenoult's CSS solution (which does work, mostly), is that it is fully responsive and on mobile when the keyboard pops up (i.e. when they click in an input in the modal dialog) the screen size changes and the modal dialog's size changes and it can hide the input they just clicked on so they can't see what they are typing.

The better solution for me was to use jquery as follows:

$(".modal-body").css({ "max-height" : $(window).height() - 212, "overflow-y" : "auto" });

It isn't responsive to changing the window size, but that doesn't happen that often anyway.

PHP function to make slug (URL string)


Since this answer is getting some attention, I'm adding some explanation.

The solution provided will essentially replace everything except A-Z, a-z, 0-9, & - (hyphen) with - (hyphen). So, it won't work properly with other unicode characters (which are valid characters for a URL slug/string). A common scenario is when the input string contains non-English characters.

Only use this solution if you're confident that the input string won't have unicode characters which you might want to be a part of output/slug.

Eg. "???? ?????" will become "----------" (all hyphens) instead of "????-?????" (valid URL slug).

Original Answer

How about...

$slug = strtolower(trim(preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9-]+/', '-', $string)));


How to shrink temp tablespace in oracle?

It will be increasing because you have a need for temporary storage space, possibly due to a cartesian product or a large sort operation.

The dynamic performance view V$TEMPSEG_USAGE will help diagnose the cause.

'Connect-MsolService' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet

Following worked for me:

  1. Uninstall the previously installed ‘Microsoft Online Service Sign-in Assistant’ and ‘Windows Azure Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShell’.
  2. Install 64-bit versions of ‘Microsoft Online Service Sign-in Assistant’ and ‘Windows Azure Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShell’.

If you get the following error In order to install Windows Azure Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShell, you must have Microsoft Online Services Sign-In Assistant version 7.0 or greater installed on this computer, then install the Microsoft Online Services Sign-In Assistant for IT Professionals BETA:

  1. Copy the folders called MSOnline and MSOnline Extended from the source


to the folder


(But I have actually copied all the possible files from




(For copying you need to alter the security permissions of that folder))

ERROR: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it

Restart your wampServer... that should solve it. and if it doesn't.. Resta

JQuery: How to get selected radio button value?

$('input[name=myradiobutton]:radio:checked') will get you the selected radio button $('input[name=myradiobutton]:radio:not(:checked)') will get you the unselected radio buttons

Using this you can do this


Update: After reading your Update I think I understand You will want to do something like this

var myRadioValue;

function radioValue(jqRadioButton){
  if (jqRadioButton.length) {
    myRadioValue = jqRadioButton.val();
  else {
    myRadioValue = 0;

$(document).ready(function () {
  $('input[name=myradiobutton]:radio').click(function () {   //Hook the click event for selected elements

  radioValue($('input[name=myradiobutton]:radio:checked')); //check for value on page load

display:inline vs display:block

a block or inline-block can have a width (e.g. width: 400px) while inline element is not affected by width. inline element can span to the next line of text (example resize your browser window to see that) while block element can't.

 .inline {
      background: lemonchiffon;
      div {
        display: inline;
        border: 1px dashed darkgreen;

Make Frequency Histogram for Factor Variables

Data as factor can be used as input to the plot function.

An answer to a similar question has been given here:

 x=sample(c("Richard", "Minnie", "Albert", "Helen", "Joe", "Kingston"),  
 50, replace=T)

Javascript ES6 export const vs export let

In ES6, imports are live read-only views on exported-values. As a result, when you do import a from "somemodule";, you cannot assign to a no matter how you declare a in the module.

However, since imported variables are live views, they do change according to the "raw" exported variable in exports. Consider the following code (borrowed from the reference article below):

//------ lib.js ------
export let counter = 3;
export function incCounter() {

//------ main1.js ------
import { counter, incCounter } from './lib';

// The imported value `counter` is live
console.log(counter); // 3
console.log(counter); // 4

// The imported value can’t be changed
counter++; // TypeError

As you can see, the difference really lies in lib.js, not main1.js.

To summarize:

  • You cannot assign to import-ed variables, no matter how you declare the corresponding variables in the module.
  • The traditional let-vs-const semantics applies to the declared variable in the module.
    • If the variable is declared const, it cannot be reassigned or rebound in anywhere.
    • If the variable is declared let, it can only be reassigned in the module (but not the user). If it is changed, the import-ed variable changes accordingly.


Convert AM/PM time to 24 hours format?

You'll want to become familiar with Custom Date and Time Format Strings.

DateTime localTime = DateTime.Now;

// 24 hour format -- use 'H' or 'HH'
string timeString24Hour = localTime.ToString("HH:mm", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);

Checking if sys.argv[x] is defined

I use this - it never fails:

startingpoint = 'blah'
if sys.argv[1:]:
   startingpoint = sys.argv[1]

How can I ask the Selenium-WebDriver to wait for few seconds in Java?


is the worse: being a static wait, it will make test script slower.


this is a dynamic wait

  • it is valid till webdriver existence or has a scope till driver lifetime
  • we can implicit wait also.

Finally, what I suggest is

WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver,20);
wait.until(ExpectedConditions.<different canned or predefined conditions are there>);

with some predefined conditions:

  • It is also dynamic wait
  • in this the wait will only be in seconds
  • we have to use explicit wait for a particular web element on which we want to use.

What is the ellipsis (...) for in this method signature?

Those are Java varargs. They let you pass any number of objects of a specific type (in this case they are of type JID).

In your example, the following function calls would be valid:

MessageBuilder msgBuilder; //There should probably be a call to a constructor here ;)
MessageBuilder msgBuilder2;
msgBuilder.withRecipientJids(jid1, jid2);
msgBuilder2.withRecipientJids(jid1, jid2, jid78_a, someOtherJid);

See more here:

Is there a MySQL option/feature to track history of changes to records?

Here is how we solved it

a Users table looked like this

id | name | address | phone | email | created_on | updated_on

And the business requirement changed and we were in a need to check all previous addresses and phone numbers a user ever had. new schema looks like this

Users (the data that won't change over time)
id | name

UserData (the data that can change over time and needs to be tracked)
id | id_user | revision | city | address | phone | email | created_on
 1 |   1     |    0     | NY   | lake st | 9809  | @long | 2015-10-24 10:24:20
 2 |   1     |    2     | Tokyo| lake st | 9809  | @long | 2015-10-24 10:24:20
 3 |   1     |    3     | Sdny | lake st | 9809  | @long | 2015-10-24 10:24:20
 4 |   2     |    0     | Ankr | lake st | 9809  | @long | 2015-10-24 10:24:20
 5 |   2     |    1     | Lond | lake st | 9809  | @long | 2015-10-24 10:24:20

To find the current address of any user, we search for UserData with revision DESC and LIMIT 1

To get the address of a user between a certain period of time we can use created_on bewteen (date1 , date 2)

MySQL Results as comma separated list

Instead of using group concat() you can use just concat()

Select concat(Col1, ',', Col2) as Foo_Bar from Table1;

edit this only works in mySQL; Oracle concat only accepts two arguments. In oracle you can use something like select col1||','||col2||','||col3 as foobar from table1; in sql server you would use + instead of pipes.

How to add a new schema to sql server 2008?

Use the CREATE SCHEMA syntax or, in SSMS, drill down through Databases -> YourDatabaseName -> Security -> Schemas. Right-click on the Schemas folder and select "New Schema..."

Maven won't run my Project : Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:1.2.1:exec

Had the same problem, I worked around it by changing ${java.home}/../bin/javafxpackager to ${java.home}/bin/javafxpackager

Using a scanner to accept String input and storing in a String Array

Would this work better?

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Work {

public static void main(String[] args){

    System.out.println("Please enter the following information");

    String name = "0";
    String num = "0";
    String address = "0";

    int i = 0;

    Scanner input = new Scanner(;

    //The Arrays
    String [] contactName = new String [7];
    String [] contactNum = new String [7];
    String [] contactAdd = new String [7];

    //I set these as the Array titles
    contactName[0] = "Name";
    contactNum[0] = "Phone Number";
    contactAdd[0] = "Address";

    //This asks for the information and builds an Array for each
    //i -= i resets i back to 0 so the arrays are not 7,14,21+
    while (i < 6){

        System.out.println("Enter contact name." + i);
        name = input.nextLine();
        contactName[i] = name;

    i -= i;
    while (i < 6){
        System.out.println("Enter contact number." + i);
        num = input.nextLine();
        contactNum[i] = num;

    i -= i;
    while (i < 6){
        System.out.println("Enter contact address." + i);
        num = input.nextLine();
        contactAdd[i] = num;

    //Now lets print out the Arrays
    i -= i;
    while(i < 6){
    System.out.print( i + " " + contactName[i] + " / " );

    //These are set to print the array on one line so println will skip a line
    i -= i;
    i -= 1;

    while(i < 6){

    System.out.print( i + " " + contactNum[i] + " / " );

    i -= i;
    i -= 1;

    while(i < 6){

    System.out.print( i + " " + contactAdd[i] + " / " );


    System.out.println("End of program");



Converting 'ArrayList<String> to 'String[]' in Java

You can use the toArray() method for List:

ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();


String[] array = list.toArray(new String[list.size()]);

Or you can manually add the elements to an array:

ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();


String[] array = new String[list.size()];

for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
    array[i] = list.get(i);

Hope this helps!

Where value in column containing comma delimited values

Where value in column containing comma delimited values search with multiple comma delimited

            declare @d varchar(1000)='-11,-12,10,121'

            set @d=replace(@d,',',',%'' or '',''+a+'','' like ''%,')

            print @d
            declare @d1 varchar(5000)=
            'select * from (
            select ''1,21,13,12'' as a
            select ''11,211,131,121''
            select ''411,211,131,1211'') as t
             where '',''+a+'','' like ''%,'+@d+ ',%'''

             print @d1
             exec (@d1)

Check if a number is int or float

I know it's an old thread but this is something that I'm using and I thought it might help.

It works in python 2.7 and python 3< .

def is_float(num):
    Checks whether a number is float or integer

        num(float or int): The number to check

        True if the number is float
    return not (float(num)).is_integer()

class TestIsFloat(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_float(self):

    def test_int(self):

Is there a .NET/C# wrapper for SQLite?


System.Data.SQLite is an ADO.NET adapter for SQLite.

System.Data.SQLite was started by Robert Simpson. Robert still has commit privileges on this repository but is no longer an active contributor. Development and maintenance work is now mostly performed by the SQLite Development Team. The SQLite team is committed to supporting System.Data.SQLite long-term.

"System.Data.SQLite is the original SQLite database engine and a complete ADO.NET 2.0 provider all rolled into a single mixed mode assembly. It is a complete drop-in replacement for the original sqlite3.dll (you can even rename it to sqlite3.dll). Unlike normal mixed assemblies, it has no linker dependency on the .NET runtime so it can be distributed independently of .NET."

It even supports Mono.

How to "wait" a Thread in Android

You can try this one it is short :)


It will sleep for 7 sec look at documentation

jquery .html() vs .append()

They are not the same. The first one replaces the HTML without creating another jQuery object first. The second creates an additional jQuery wrapper for the second div, then appends it to the first.

One jQuery Wrapper (per example):

$("#myDiv").html('<div id="mySecondDiv"></div>');

$("#myDiv").append('<div id="mySecondDiv"></div>');

Two jQuery Wrappers (per example):

var mySecondDiv=$('<div id="mySecondDiv"></div>');

var mySecondDiv=$('<div id="mySecondDiv"></div>');

You have a few different use cases going on. If you want to replace the content, .html is a great call since its the equivalent of innerHTML = "...". However, if you just want to append content, the extra $() wrapper set is unneeded.

Only use two wrappers if you need to manipulate the added div later on. Even in that case, you still might only need to use one:

var mySecondDiv = $("<div id='mySecondDiv'></div>").appendTo("#myDiv");
// other code here

Changing variable names with Python for loops

Use a list.

groups = [0]*3
for i in xrange(3):
    groups[i] = self.getGroup(selected, header + i)

or more "Pythonically":

groups = [self.getGroup(selected, header + i) for i in xrange(3)]

For what it's worth, you could try to create variables the "wrong" way, i.e. by modifying the dictionary which holds their values:

l = locals()
for i in xrange(3):
    l['group' + str(i)] = self.getGroup(selected, header + i)

but that's really bad form, and possibly not even guaranteed to work.

How to remove line breaks from a file in Java?

As noted in other answers, your code is not working primarily because String.replace(...) does not change the target String. (It can't - Java strings are immutable!) What replace actually does is to create and return a new String object with the characters changed as required. But your code then throws away that String ...

Here are some possible solutions. Which one is most correct depends on what exactly you are trying to do.

// #1
text = text.replace("\n", "");

Simply removes all the newline characters. This does not cope with Windows or Mac line terminations.

// #2
text = text.replace(System.getProperty("line.separator"), "");

Removes all line terminators for the current platform. This does not cope with the case where you are trying to process (for example) a UNIX file on Windows, or vice versa.

// #3
text = text.replaceAll("\\r|\\n", "");

Removes all Windows, UNIX or Mac line terminators. However, if the input file is text, this will concatenate words; e.g.

Goodbye cruel


Goodbye cruelworld.

So you might actually want to do this:

// #4
text = text.replaceAll("\\r\\n|\\r|\\n", " ");

which replaces each line terminator with a space1. Since Java 8 you can also do this:

// #5
text = text.replaceAll("\\R", " ");

And if you want to replace multiple line terminator with one space:

// #6
text = text.replaceAll("\\R+", " ");

1 - Note there is a subtle difference between #3 and #4. The sequence \r\n represents a single (Windows) line terminator, so we need to be careful not to replace it with two spaces.

How to asynchronously call a method in Java

You may wish to also consider the class java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.

If you are using Java 5 or later, FutureTask is a turnkey implementation of "A cancellable asynchronous computation."

There are even richer asynchronous execution scheduling behaviors available in the java.util.concurrent package (for example, ScheduledExecutorService), but FutureTask may have all the functionality you require.

I would even go so far as to say that it is no longer advisable to use the first code pattern you gave as an example ever since FutureTask became available. (Assuming you are on Java 5 or later.)

T-SQL How to create tables dynamically in stored procedures?

First up, you seem to be mixing table variables and tables.

Either way, You can't pass in the table's name like that. You would have to use dynamic TSQL to do that.

If you just want to declare a table variable:

CREATE PROC sp_createATable 
  @name        VARCHAR(10), 
  @properties  VARCHAR(500) 
  declare @tablename TABLE
    id  CHAR(10)  PRIMARY KEY 

The fact that you want to create a stored procedure to dynamically create tables might suggest your design is wrong.

Can I make a function available in every controller in angular?

I'm a bit newer to Angular but what I found useful to do (and pretty simple) is I made a global script that I load onto my page before the local script with global variables that I need to access on all pages anyway. In that script, I created an object called "globalFunctions" and added the functions that I need to access globally as properties. e.g. = myFunc();. Then, in each local script, I wrote $scope.globalFunctions = globalFunctions; and I instantly have access to any function I added to the globalFunctions object in the global script.

This is a bit of a workaround and I'm not sure it helps you but it definitely helped me as I had many functions and it was a pain adding all of them to each page.