Programs & Examples On #Microsoft commerce server


How do I give PHP write access to a directory?

I had the same problem:

As I was reluctant to give 0777 to my php directory, I create a tmp directory with rights 0777, where I create the files I need to write to.

My php directory continue to be protected. If somebody hackes the tmp directory, the site continue to work as usual.

How do I get Fiddler to stop ignoring traffic to localhost?

Fiddler v4.5.1.0 will allow you to go to replace "localhost" with "localhost.fiddler", and present localhost as the host name for the receiving server running on your machine.

This avoids "host not recognised" errors when connecting to WCF services with the built in web server that visual studio uses.

i.e. Instead of http://localhost:51900/service.wcf you can use http://localhost.fiddler:51900/service.wcf

Bootstrap Carousel : Remove auto slide

In Bootstrap v5 use: data-bs-interval="false"

<div id="carouselExampleCaptions" class="carousel" data-bs-ride="carousel" data-bs-interval="false">

jQuery ajax post file field

File uploads can not be done this way, no matter how you break it down. If you want to do an ajax/async upload, I would suggest looking into something like Uploadify, or Valums

How do I concatenate strings?

Simple ways to concatenate strings in Rust

There are various methods available in Rust to concatenate strings

First method (Using concat!() ):

fn main() {
    println!("{}", concat!("a", "b"))

The output of the above code is :


Second method (using push_str() and + operator):

fn main() {
    let mut _a = "a".to_string();
    let _b = "b".to_string();
    let _c = "c".to_string();


    println!("{}", _a);

    println!("{}", _a + &_c);

The output of the above code is:



Third method (Using format!()):

fn main() {
    let mut _a = "a".to_string();
    let _b = "b".to_string();
    let _c = format!("{}{}", _a, _b);

    println!("{}", _c);

The output of the above code is :


Check it out and experiment with Rust playground.

Using Composer's Autoload

Just create a symlink in your src folder for the namespace pointing to the folder containing your classes...

ln -s ../src/AppName ./src/AppName

Your autoload in composer will look the same...

"autoload": {
    "psr-0": {"AppName": "src/"}

And your AppName namespaced classes will start a directory up from your current working directory in a src folder now... that should work.

How to unzip a list of tuples into individual lists?

If you want a list of lists:

>>> [list(t) for t in zip(*l)]
[[1, 3, 8], [2, 4, 9]]

If a list of tuples is OK:

>>> zip(*l)
[(1, 3, 8), (2, 4, 9)]

LaTeX table positioning

Table Positioning

Available Parameters

A table can easily be placed with the following parameters:

  • h Place the float here, i.e., approximately at the same point it occurs in the source text (however, not exactly at the spot)
  • t Position at the top of the page.
  • b Position at the bottom of the page.
  • p Put on a special page for floats only.
  • ! Override internal parameters LaTeX uses for determining "good" float positions.
  • H Places the float at precisely the location in the LATEX code. Requires the float package. This is somewhat equivalent to h!.

If you want to make use of H (or h!) for an exact positioning, make sure you got the float package correctly set up in the preamble:



If you want to place the table at the same page, either at the exact place or at least at the top of the page (what fits best for the latex engine), use the parameters h and t like this:

    table content ...


Convert line endings

Doing this with POSIX is tricky:

  • POSIX Sed does not support \r or \15. Even if it did, the in place option -i is not POSIX

  • POSIX Awk does support \r and \15, however the -i inplace option is not POSIX

  • d2u and dos2unix are not POSIX utilities, but ex is

  • POSIX ex does not support \r, \15, \n or \12

To remove carriage returns:

awk 'BEGIN{RS="^$";ORS="";getline;gsub("\r","");print>ARGV[1]}' file

To add carriage returns:

awk 'BEGIN{RS="^$";ORS="";getline;gsub("\n","\r&");print>ARGV[1]}' file

How to add composite primary key to table

In Oracle, you could do this:

create table D (
  ID numeric(1),
  CODE varchar(2),
  constraint PK_D primary key (ID, CODE)

Timeout a command in bash without unnecessary delay

OS X doesn't use bash 4 yet, nor does it have /usr/bin/timeout, so here's a function that works on OS X without home-brew or macports that is similar to /usr/bin/timeout (based on Tino's answer). Parameter validation, help, usage, and support for other signals are an exercise for reader.

# implement /usr/bin/timeout only if it doesn't exist
[ -n "$(type -p timeout 2>&1)" ] || function timeout { (
    set -m +b
    sleep "$1" &
    ("${@:2}"; RETVAL=$?; kill ${SPID}; exit $RETVAL) &
    wait %1
    if [ $SLEEPRETVAL -eq 0 ] && kill ${CPID} >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
      # When you need to make sure it dies
      #(sleep 1; kill -9 ${CPID} >/dev/null 2>&1)&
      wait %2
      wait %2
    return $RETVAL
) }

How to get Client location using Google Maps API v3?

No need to do your own implementation. I can recommend using geolocationmarker from google-maps-utility-library-v3.

Why is this program erroneously rejected by three C++ compilers?

Draw the include below to make it compile:

#include <ChuckNorris>

I hear he can compile syntax errors...

Run Jquery function on window events: load, resize, and scroll?

You can use the following. They all wrap the window object into a jQuery object.


$(window).load(function () {


$(window).resize(function () {


$(window).scroll(function () {

Or bind to them all using on:

$(window).on("load resize scroll",function(e){

How to get Current Directory?

#include <windows.h>
using namespace std;

// The directory path returned by native GetCurrentDirectory() no end backslash
string getCurrentDirectoryOnWindows()
    const unsigned long maxDir = 260;
    char currentDir[maxDir];
    GetCurrentDirectory(maxDir, currentDir);
    return string(currentDir);

How to enable CORS in apache tomcat

Check this answer: Set CORS header in Tomcat

Note that you need Tomcat 7.0.41 or higher.

To know where the current instance of Tomcat is located try this:


You'll see the path in the console view.

Then look for /conf/web.xml on that folder, open it and add the lines of the above link.

android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException with android 4.2

This is the correct way:

public class JSONParser extends AsyncTask <String, Void, String>{

    static InputStream is = null;

static JSONObject jObj = null;
static String json = "";

// constructor
public JSONParser() {

protected String doInBackground(String... params) {

    // Making HTTP request
    try {
        // defaultHttpClient
        DefaultHttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient();
        HttpGet httpPost = new HttpGet(url);

            HttpResponse getResponse = httpClient.execute(httpPost);
           final int statusCode = getResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();

           if (statusCode != HttpStatus.SC_OK) { 
                  "Error " + statusCode + " for URL " + url); 
              return null;

           HttpEntity getResponseEntity = getResponse.getEntity();

        //HttpResponse httpResponse = httpClient.execute(httpPost);
        //HttpEntity httpEntity = httpResponse.getEntity();
        is = getResponseEntity.getContent();            

    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
    } catch (ClientProtocolException e) {
    } catch (IOException e) {
        Log.d("IO", e.getMessage().toString());


    try {
        BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
                is, "iso-8859-1"), 8);
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        String line = null;
        while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
            sb.append(line + "\n");
        json = sb.toString();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        Log.e("Buffer Error", "Error converting result " + e.toString());

    // try parse the string to a JSON object
    try {
        jObj = new JSONObject(json);
    } catch (JSONException e) {
        Log.e("JSON Parser", "Error parsing data " + e.toString());

    // return JSON String
    return jObj;

protected void onPostExecute(String page)

To call it (from main):

mJSONParser = new JSONParser();

python: create list of tuples from lists

You're after the zip function.

Taken directly from the question: How to merge lists into a list of tuples in Python?

>>> list_a = [1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> list_b = [5, 6, 7, 8]
>>> zip(list_a,list_b)
[(1, 5), (2, 6), (3, 7), (4, 8)]

Get GMT Time in Java

Useful Utils methods as below for manage Time in GMT with DST Savings:

public static Date convertToGmt(Date date) {
    TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getDefault();
    Date ret = new Date(date.getTime() - tz.getRawOffset());

    // if we are now in DST, back off by the delta.  Note that we are checking the GMT date, this is the KEY.
    if (tz.inDaylightTime(ret)) {
        Date dstDate = new Date(ret.getTime() - tz.getDSTSavings());

        // check to make sure we have not crossed back into standard time
        // this happens when we are on the cusp of DST (7pm the day before the change for PDT)
        if (tz.inDaylightTime(dstDate)) {
            ret = dstDate;
    return ret;

public static Date convertFromGmt(Date date) {
    TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getDefault();
    Date ret = new Date(date.getTime() + tz.getRawOffset());

    // if we are now in DST, back off by the delta.  Note that we are checking the GMT date, this is the KEY.
    if (tz.inDaylightTime(ret)) {
        Date dstDate = new Date(ret.getTime() + tz.getDSTSavings());

        // check to make sure we have not crossed back into standard time
        // this happens when we are on the cusp of DST (7pm the day before the change for PDT)
        if (tz.inDaylightTime(dstDate)) {
            ret = dstDate;
    return ret;

Concatenation of strings in Lua

Strings can be joined together using the concatenation operator ".."

this is the same for variables I think

Remove legend ggplot 2.2

from r cookbook, where bp is your ggplot:

Remove legend for a particular aesthetic (fill):

bp + guides(fill=FALSE)

It can also be done when specifying the scale:

bp + scale_fill_discrete(guide=FALSE)

This removes all legends:

bp + theme(legend.position="none")

QString to char* conversion

If your string contains non-ASCII characters - it's better to do it this way: s.toUtf8().data() (or s->toUtf8().data())

How to get current domain name in ASP.NET

Try getting the “left part” of the url, like this:

string domainName = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority);

This will give you either http://localhost:5858 or whether you're on local or production. If you want to drop the www part, you should configure IIS to do so, but that's another topic.

Do note that the resulting URL will not have a trailing slash.

How to convert Java String to JSON Object

Converting the String to JsonNode using ObjectMapper object :

ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();

// For text string
JsonNode = mapper.readValue(mapper.writeValueAsString("Text-string"), JsonNode.class)

// For Array String
JsonNode = mapper.readValue("[\"Text-Array\"]"), JsonNode.class)

// For Json String 
String json = "{\"id\" : \"1\"}";
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
JsonFactory factory = mapper.getFactory();
JsonParser jsonParser = factory.createParser(json);
JsonNode node = mapper.readTree(jsonParser); AAPT2 error: check logs for details

I was using on wrong way an coordinator layout attribute, I removed that and it works. Check your layout


That should be a numeric value not literal :/ tiny mistake

Delete rows with foreign key in PostgreSQL

One should not recommend this as a general solution, but for one-off deletion of rows in a database that is not in production or in active use, you may be able to temporarily disable triggers on the tables in question.

In my case, I'm in development mode and have a couple of tables that reference one another via foreign keys. Thus, deleting their contents isn't quite as simple as removing all of the rows from one table before the other. So, for me, it worked fine to delete their contents as follows:


You should be able to add WHERE clauses as desired, of course with care to avoid undermining the integrity of the database.

There's some good, related discussion at

Adding attribute in jQuery

This could be more helpfull....

$("element").prop("id", "modifiedId");
//for boolean
$("element").prop("disabled", true);
//also you can remove attribute

How to edit hosts file via CMD?

Use Hosts Commander. It's simple and powerful. Translated description (from russian) here.

Examples of using

hosts add # Remote host
hosts add test.local # used by default
hosts set # new comment
hosts rem *.local
hosts enable local*
hosts disable localhost

...and many others...


    hosts - run hosts command interpreter
    hosts <command> <params> - execute hosts command

    add  <host> <aliases> <addr> # <comment>   - add new host
    set  <host|mask> <addr> # <comment>        - set ip and comment for host
    rem  <host|mask>   - remove host
    on   <host|mask>   - enable host
    off  <host|mask>   - disable host
    view [all] <mask>  - display enabled and visible, or all hosts
    hide <host|mask>   - hide host from 'hosts view'
    show <host|mask>   - show host in 'hosts view'
    print      - display raw hosts file
    format     - format host rows
    clean      - format and remove all comments
    rollback   - rollback last operation
    backup     - backup hosts file
    restore    - restore hosts file from backup
    recreate   - empty hosts file
    open       - open hosts file in notepad


Easy way to add drop down menu with 1 - 100 without doing 100 different options?

Not with plain HTML I'm afraid.

You could use some jQuery to do this though:

    var $select = $(".1-100");
    for (i=1;i<=100;i++){

-- SEE DEMO --

You can download jQuery here

HTML5: Slider with two inputs possible?

Sure you can simply use two sliders overlaying each other and add a bit of javascript (actually not more than 5 lines) that the selectors are not exceeding the min/max values (like in @Garys) solution.

Attached you'll find a short snippet adapted from a current project including some CSS3 styling to show what you can do (webkit only). I also added some labels to display the selected values.

It uses JQuery but a vanillajs version is no magic though.

@Update: The code below was just a proof of concept. Due to many requests I've added a possible solution for Mozilla Firefox (without changing the original code). You may want to refractor the code below before using it.

    (function() {

        function addSeparator(nStr) {
            nStr += '';
            var x = nStr.split('.');
            var x1 = x[0];
            var x2 = x.length > 1 ? '.' + x[1] : '';
            var rgx = /(\d+)(\d{3})/;
            while (rgx.test(x1)) {
                x1 = x1.replace(rgx, '$1' + '.' + '$2');
            return x1 + x2;

        function rangeInputChangeEventHandler(e){
            var rangeGroup = $(this).attr('name'),
                minBtn = $(this).parent().children('.min'),
                maxBtn = $(this).parent().children('.max'),
                range_min = $(this).parent().children('.range_min'),
                range_max = $(this).parent().children('.range_max'),
                minVal = parseInt($(minBtn).val()),
                maxVal = parseInt($(maxBtn).val()),
                origin = $(this).context.className;

            if(origin === 'min' && minVal > maxVal-5){
            var minVal = parseInt($(minBtn).val());
            $(range_min).html(addSeparator(minVal*1000) + ' €');

            if(origin === 'max' && maxVal-5 < minVal){
                $(maxBtn).val(5+ minVal);
            var maxVal = parseInt($(maxBtn).val());
            $(range_max).html(addSeparator(maxVal*1000) + ' €');

     $('input[type="range"]').on( 'input', rangeInputChangeEventHandler);
font-family: sans-serif;
input[type='range'] {
  width: 210px;
  height: 30px;
  overflow: hidden;
  cursor: pointer;
    outline: none;
input[type='range']::-webkit-slider-thumb {
  -webkit-appearance: none;
    background: none;
input[type='range']::-webkit-slider-runnable-track {
  width: 200px;
  height: 1px;
  background: #003D7C;

  background: none;

input[type='range']::-webkit-slider-thumb {
  position: relative;
  height: 15px;
  width: 15px;
  margin-top: -7px;
  background: #fff;
  border: 1px solid #003D7C;
  border-radius: 25px;
  z-index: 1;

  z-index: 2;

    position: relative;
    height: 60px;
    width: 210px;
    display: inline-block;
    margin-top: -5px;
    margin-left: 20px;
.rangeslider input{
    position: absolute;
    position: absolute;

.rangeslider span{
    position: absolute;
    margin-top: 30px;
    left: 0;

.rangeslider .right{
   position: relative;
   float: right;
   margin-right: -5px;

/* Proof of concept for Firefox */
@-moz-document url-prefix() {
    background: #003D7C;
    position: relative;

    top:35px !important;
    overflow:visible !important;

    top:35px !important;
    overflow:visible !important;
input[type='range']::-moz-range-thumb {
  position: relative;
  height: 15px;
  width: 15px;
  margin-top: -7px;
  background: #fff;
  border: 1px solid #003D7C;
  border-radius: 25px;
  z-index: 1;

  input[type='range']:nth-child(1)::-moz-range-thumb {
      transform: translateY(-20px);    
  input[type='range']:nth-child(2)::-moz-range-thumb {
      transform: translateY(-20px);    
<script src=""></script>
<div class="rangeslider">
                                <input class="min" name="range_1" type="range" min="1" max="100" value="10" />
                                <input class="max" name="range_1" type="range" min="1" max="100" value="90" />
                                <span class="range_min light left">10.000 €</span>
                                <span class="range_max light right">90.000 €</span>

how to configure lombok in eclipse luna

For Integrattion with ECLIPSE LUNA in Windows 7 please foollow the below steps:

  • Download the jar -> lombok-1.14.6.jar.
  • Using command prompt go to java installed directory and type

    java -jar ${your_jar_path}\lombok-1.14.6.jar.

    Here ${your_jar_path} is your lombok-1.14.6.jar jar store directory.

  • After this it will prompt for Eclipse already installed in your system and you need to select where you want to integrate.
  • After this you need to open eclipse.ini file and make entry below



  • Start your eclipse now and create a Maven project and make entry in pom.xml as mentioned below:


After this your are ready to write your code and check it. Without @DATA annotation it looks like: enter image description here With @DATA annotation it looks like: enter image description here

An example i ran the command

C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_75>java -jar C:\Users\Shareef-VM.m2\repository\o rg\projectlombok\lombok\1.14.8\lombok-1.14.8.jar

MySQL SELECT only not null values


Using IS NOT NULL On Join Conditions

 SELECT * FROM users 
 LEFT JOIN posts ON post.user_id = 

 Using IS NOT NULL With AND Logical Operator

 SELECT * FROM users 
 WHERE email_address IS NOT NULL 
 AND mobile_number IS NOT NULL;

Using IS NOT NULL With OR Logical Operator

 SELECT * FROM users 
 WHERE email_address IS NOT NULL 
 OR mobile_number IS NOT NULL;

How to append a jQuery variable value inside the .html tag


<div id="myDiv">
    <form id="myForm">

jQuery :

var chbx='<input type="checkbox" id="Mumbai" name="Mumbai" value="Mumbai" />Mumbai<br /> <input type="checkbox" id=" Delhi" name=" Delhi" value=" Delhi" /> Delhi<br/><input type="checkbox" id=" Bangalore" name=" Bangalore" value=" Bangalore"/>Bangalore<br />';

$("#myDiv form#myForm").html(chbx);

//to insert dynamically created form 
$("#myDiv").html("<form id='dynamicForm'>" +chbx + "'</form>");


How to playback MKV video in web browser?

<video controls width=800 autoplay>
    <source src="file path here">

This will display the video (.mkv) using Google Chrome browser only.

How to perform element-wise multiplication of two lists?

import ast,sys
input_str =

input_list = ast.literal_eval(input_str)

list_1 = input_list[0]

list_2 = input_list[1]

import numpy as np

array_1 = np.array(list_1)

array_2 = np.array(list_2)

array_3 = array_1*array_2


How to convert DataTable to class Object?

Amit, I have used one way to achieve this with less coding and more efficient way.

but it uses Linq.

I posted it here because maybe the answer helps other SO.

Below DAL code converts datatable object to List of YourViewModel and it's easy to understand.

public static class DAL
        public static string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["YourWebConfigConnection"].ConnectionString;

        // function that creates a list of an object from the given data table
        public static List<T> CreateListFromTable<T>(DataTable tbl) where T : new()
            // define return list
            List<T> lst = new List<T>();

            // go through each row
            foreach (DataRow r in tbl.Rows)
                // add to the list

            // return the list
            return lst;

        // function that creates an object from the given data row
        public static T CreateItemFromRow<T>(DataRow row) where T : new()
            // create a new object
            T item = new T();

            // set the item
            SetItemFromRow(item, row);

            // return 
            return item;

        public static void SetItemFromRow<T>(T item, DataRow row) where T : new()
            // go through each column
            foreach (DataColumn c in row.Table.Columns)
                // find the property for the column
                PropertyInfo p = item.GetType().GetProperty(c.ColumnName);

                // if exists, set the value
                if (p != null && row[c] != DBNull.Value)
                    p.SetValue(item, row[c], null);

        //call stored procedure to get data.
        public static DataSet GetRecordWithExtendedTimeOut(string SPName, params SqlParameter[] SqlPrms)
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();
            SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
            SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter();
            SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(connectionString);

                cmd = new SqlCommand(SPName, con);
                cmd.CommandTimeout = 240;
                cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                da.SelectCommand = cmd;
            catch (Exception ex)
               return ex;

            return ds;

Now, The way to pass and call method is below.

    DataSet ds = DAL.GetRecordWithExtendedTimeOut("ProcedureName");

    List<YourViewModel> model = new List<YourViewModel>();

    if (ds != null)
        //Pass datatable from dataset to our DAL Method.
        model = DAL.CreateListFromTable<YourViewModel>(ds.Tables[0]);                

Till the date, for many of my applications, I found this as the best structure to get data.

Sorting a DropDownList? - C#, ASP.NET

Another option is to put the ListItems into an array and sort.

        int i = 0;
        string[] array = new string[items.Count];

        foreach (ListItem li in dropdownlist.items)
            array[i] = li.ToString();



        dropdownlist.DataSource = array;

If statement in aspx page


  if (condition)

  If [Condition] Then
  End If

If else examples with source code... If..else in Asp.Net


Using two values for one switch case statement

You can use:

case text1: case text4: 
     do stuff;

Recursively find files with a specific extension

Recurisvely with ls: (-al for include hidden folders)

ls -1R *.${ftype}  2> /dev/null

Find out if string ends with another string in C++

Use this function:

inline bool ends_with(std::string const & value, std::string const & ending)
    if (ending.size() > value.size()) return false;
    return std::equal(ending.rbegin(), ending.rend(), value.rbegin());

Calling a function every 60 seconds

function random(number) {_x000D_
  return Math.floor(Math.random() * (number+1));_x000D_
setInterval(() => {_x000D_
    const rndCol = 'rgb(' + random(255) + ',' + random(255) + ',' + random(255) + ')';//rgb value (0-255,0-255,0-255)_x000D_ = rndCol;   _x000D_
}, 1000);
<script src="test.js"></script>_x000D_
it changes background color in every 1 second (written as 1000 in JS)

Programmatically set the initial view controller using Storyboards

UPDATED ANSWER for iOS 13 and scene delegate:

make sure in your info.plist file you go into Application Scene Manifest -> Scene Configuration -> Application Session Role -> Item 0 and delete the reference to the main storyboard there as well. Otherwise you'll get the same warning about failing to instantiate from storyboard.

Also, move the code from the app delegate to the scene delegate method scene(_:willConnectTo:options:), since this is where life cycle events are handled now.

How to run a .jar in mac?

You don't need JDK to run Java based programs. JDK is for development which stands for Java Development Kit.

You need JRE which should be there in Mac.

Try: java -jar Myjar_file.jar

EDIT: According to this article, for Mac OS 10

The Java runtime is no longer installed automatically as part of the OS installation.

Then, you need to install JRE to your machine.

How can I merge two commits into one if I already started rebase?

Assuming you were in your own topic branch. If you want to merge the last 2 commits into one and look like a hero, branch off the commit just before you made the last two commits (specified with the relative commit name HEAD~2).

git checkout -b temp_branch HEAD~2

Then squash commit the other branch in this new branch:

git merge branch_with_two_commits --squash

That will bring in the changes but not commit them. So just commit them and you're done.

git commit -m "my message"

Now you can merge this new topic branch back into your main branch.

Date in to UTC format Java

What Time Zones?

No where in your question do you mention time zone. What time zone is implied that input string? What time zone do you want for your output? And, UTC is a time zone (or lack thereof depending on your mindset) not a string format.

ISO 8601

Your input string is in ISO 8601 format, except that it lacks an offset from UTC.


Here is some example code in Joda-Time 2.3 to show you how to handle time zones. Joda-Time has built-in default formatters for parsing and generating String representations of date-time values.

String input = "2013-10-22T01:37:56";
DateTime dateTimeUtc = new DateTime( input, DateTimeZone.UTC );
DateTime dateTimeMontréal = dateTimeUtc.withZone( DateTimeZone.forID( "America/Montreal" );
String output = dateTimeMontréal.toString();

As for generating string representations in other formats, search StackOverflow for "Joda format".

How to use `subprocess` command with pipes

After Python 3.5 you can also use:

    import subprocess

    f = open('test.txt', 'w')
    process =['ls', '-la'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True)

The execution of the command is blocking and the output will be in process.stdout.

max(length(field)) in mysql

SELECT  name, LENGTH(name) AS mlen
FROM    mytable
        mlen DESC

How can I perform a reverse string search in Excel without using VBA?

I found this on google, tested in Excel 2003 & it works for me:

=IF(COUNTIF(A1,"* *"),RIGHT(A1,LEN(A1)-LOOKUP(LEN(A1),FIND(" ",A1,ROW(INDEX($A:$A,1,1):INDEX($A:$A,LEN(A1),1))))),A1)

[edit] I don't have enough rep to comment, so this seems the best place...BradC's answer also doesn't work with trailing spaces or empty cells...
[2nd edit] actually, it doesn't work for single words either...

"java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space" in Maven build

This very annoying error so what I did: Under Windows:

Edit system environment variables - > Edit Variables -> New

then fill

-Xms512m -Xmx2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m

enter image description here

Then restart the console and run the maven build again. No more Maven space/perm size problems.

How to change an input button image using CSS?

You can use blank.gif (1px transparent image) as target in your tag

<input type="image" src="img/blank.gif" class="button"> 

and then style background in css:

.button {border:0;background:transparent url("../img/button.png") no-repeat 0 0;}
.button:hover {background:transparent url("../img/button-hover.png") no-repeat 0 0;}

How to use regex in String.contains() method in Java

As of Java 11 one can use Pattern#asMatchPredicate which returns Predicate<String>.

String string = "stores%store%product";
String regex = "stores.*store.*product.*";
Predicate<String> matchesRegex = Pattern.compile(regex).asMatchPredicate();

boolean match = matchesRegex.test(string);                   // true

The method enables chaining with other String predicates, which is the main advantage of this method as long as the Predicate offers and, or and negate methods.

String string = "stores$store$product";
String regex = "stores.*store.*product.*";

Predicate<String> matchesRegex = Pattern.compile(regex).asMatchPredicate();
Predicate<String> hasLength = s -> s.length() > 20;

boolean match = hasLength.and(matchesRegex).test(string);    // false

Adding header to all request with Retrofit 2

For Logging your request and response you need an interceptor and also for setting the header you need an interceptor, Here's the solution for adding both the interceptor at once using retrofit 2.1

 public OkHttpClient getHeader(final String authorizationValue ) {
        HttpLoggingInterceptor interceptor = new HttpLoggingInterceptor();
        OkHttpClient okClient = new OkHttpClient.Builder()
                        new Interceptor() {
                            public Response intercept(Interceptor.Chain chain) throws IOException {
                                Request request = null;
                                if (authorizationValue != null) {
                                    Log.d("--Authorization-- ", authorizationValue);

                                    Request original = chain.request();
                                    // Request customization: add request headers
                                    Request.Builder requestBuilder = original.newBuilder()
                                            .addHeader("Authorization", authorizationValue);

                                    request =;
                                return chain.proceed(request);
        return okClient;


Now in your retrofit object add this header in the client

Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()

Spring data JPA query with parameter properties

if we are using JpaRepository then it will internally created the queries.


findByLastnameAndFirstname(String lastname,String firstname)

findByLastnameOrFirstname(String lastname,String firstname)

findByStartDateBetween(Date date1,Date2)

findById(int id)


if suppose we need complex queries then we need to write manual queries like

@Query("SELECT salesOrder FROM SalesOrder salesOrder WHERE salesOrder.clientId=:clientId AND salesOrder.driver_username=:driver_username AND>=:fdate AND<=:tdate ")
 List<SalesOrder> findAllSalesByDriver(@Param("clientId")Integer clientId, @Param("driver_username")String driver_username, @Param("fdate") Date fDate, @Param("tdate") Date tdate);

What do the crossed style properties in Google Chrome devtools mean?

When a CSS property shows as struck-through, it means that the crossed-out style was applied, but then overridden by a more specific selector, a more local rule, or by a later property within the same rule.

(Special cases: a style will also be shown as struck-through if a style exists in an matching rule but is commented out, or if you've manually disabled it by unchecking it within the Chrome developer tools. It will also show as crossed out, but with an error icon, if the style has a syntax error.)

For example, if a background color was applied to all divs, but a different background color was applied to divs with a certain id, the first color will show up but will be crossed out, as the second color has replaced it (in the property list for the div with that id).

Excel: Search for a list of strings within a particular string using array formulas?

  1. Arange your word list with delimiter which never occures in the words, f.e. |
  2. swap arguments in find call - we want search if cell value is matching one of the words in pattern string {=FIND("cell I want to search","list of words I want to search for")}
  3. if the patterns are similar, there is a risk of getting more results than wanted, we restrict just correct results via adding &"|" to the cell value tested (works well with array formulas) cell G3 could contain: {=SUM(FIND($A$1:$A$100&"|";A3))} this ensures spreadsheet will compare strings like "cellvlaue|" againts "pattern1|", "pattern2|" etc. which sorts out conflicts like pattern1="newly added", pattern2="added" (sum of all cells matching "added" would be too high, including the target values for cells matching "newly added", which would be a logical error)

Setting timezone to UTC (0) in PHP

You can always check this maintained list to timezones

Make columns of equal width in <table>

Use following property same as table and its fully dynamic:

ul {_x000D_
    width: 100%;_x000D_
    display: table;_x000D_
    table-layout: fixed; /* optional, for equal spacing */_x000D_
    border-collapse: collapse;_x000D_
li {_x000D_
    display: table-cell;_x000D_
    text-align: center;_x000D_
    border: 1px solid pink;_x000D_
    vertical-align: middle;_x000D_
  <li>baz klxjgkldjklg </li>_x000D_
  <li>baz lds.jklklds</li>_x000D_

May be its solve your issue.

Difference between java.lang.RuntimeException and java.lang.Exception

Exceptions are a good way to handle unexpected events in your application flow. RuntimeException are unchecked by the Compiler but you may prefer to use Exceptions that extend Exception Class to control the behaviour of your api clients as they are required to catch errors for them to compile. Also forms good documentation.

If want to achieve clean interface use inheritance to subclass the different types of exception your application has and then expose the parent exception.

Difference between arguments and parameters in Java

In java, there are two types of parameters, implicit parameters and explicit parameters. Explicit parameters are the arguments passed into a method. The implicit parameter of a method is the instance that the method is called from. Arguments are simply one of the two types of parameters.

How do I parse a string to a float or int?

In Python, how can I parse a numeric string like "545.2222" to its corresponding float value, 542.2222? Or parse the string "31" to an integer, 31? I just want to know how to parse a float string to a float, and (separately) an int string to an int.

It's good that you ask to do these separately. If you're mixing them, you may be setting yourself up for problems later. The simple answer is:

"545.2222" to float:

>>> float("545.2222")

"31" to an integer:

>>> int("31")

Other conversions, ints to and from strings and literals:

Conversions from various bases, and you should know the base in advance (10 is the default). Note you can prefix them with what Python expects for its literals (see below) or remove the prefix:

>>> int("0b11111", 2)
>>> int("11111", 2)
>>> int('0o37', 8)
>>> int('37', 8)
>>> int('0x1f', 16)
>>> int('1f', 16)

If you don't know the base in advance, but you do know they will have the correct prefix, Python can infer this for you if you pass 0 as the base:

>>> int("0b11111", 0)
>>> int('0o37', 0)
>>> int('0x1f', 0)

Non-Decimal (i.e. Integer) Literals from other Bases

If your motivation is to have your own code clearly represent hard-coded specific values, however, you may not need to convert from the bases - you can let Python do it for you automatically with the correct syntax.

You can use the apropos prefixes to get automatic conversion to integers with the following literals. These are valid for Python 2 and 3:

Binary, prefix 0b

>>> 0b11111

Octal, prefix 0o

>>> 0o37

Hexadecimal, prefix 0x

>>> 0x1f

This can be useful when describing binary flags, file permissions in code, or hex values for colors - for example, note no quotes:

>>> 0b10101 # binary flags
>>> 0o755 # read, write, execute perms for owner, read & ex for group & others
>>> 0xffffff # the color, white, max values for red, green, and blue

Making ambiguous Python 2 octals compatible with Python 3

If you see an integer that starts with a 0, in Python 2, this is (deprecated) octal syntax.

>>> 037

It is bad because it looks like the value should be 37. So in Python 3, it now raises a SyntaxError:

>>> 037
  File "<stdin>", line 1
SyntaxError: invalid token

Convert your Python 2 octals to octals that work in both 2 and 3 with the 0o prefix:

>>> 0o37

boundingRectWithSize for NSAttributedString returning wrong size

Looks like you weren't providing the correct options. For wrapping labels, provide at least:

CGRect paragraphRect =
  [attributedText boundingRectWithSize:CGSizeMake(300.f, CGFLOAT_MAX)

Note: if the original text width is under 300.f there won't be line wrapping, so make sure the bound size is correct, otherwise you will still get wrong results.

Using GCC to produce readable assembly?

If you compile with debug symbols, you can use objdump to produce a more readable disassembly.

>objdump --help
-S, --source             Intermix source code with disassembly
-l, --line-numbers       Include line numbers and filenames in output

objdump -drwC -Mintel is nice:

  • -r shows symbol names on relocations (so you'd see puts in the call instruction below)
  • -R shows dynamic-linking relocations / symbol names (useful on shared libraries)
  • -C demangles C++ symbol names
  • -w is "wide" mode: it doesn't line-wrap the machine-code bytes
  • -Mintel: use GAS/binutils MASM-like .intel_syntax noprefix syntax instead of AT&T
  • -S: interleave source lines with disassembly.

You could put something like alias disas="objdump -drwCS -Mintel" in your ~/.bashrc


> gcc -g -c test.c
> objdump -d -M intel -S test.o

test.o:     file format elf32-i386

Disassembly of section .text:

00000000 <main>:
#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
   0:   55                      push   ebp
   1:   89 e5                   mov    ebp,esp
   3:   83 e4 f0                and    esp,0xfffffff0
   6:   83 ec 10                sub    esp,0x10
   9:   c7 04 24 00 00 00 00    mov    DWORD PTR [esp],0x0
  10:   e8 fc ff ff ff          call   11 <main+0x11>

    return 0;
  15:   b8 00 00 00 00          mov    eax,0x0
  1a:   c9                      leave  
  1b:   c3                      ret

Note that this isn't using -r so the call rel32=-4 isn't annotated with the puts symbol name. And looks like a broken call that jumps into the middle of the call instruction in main. Remember that the rel32 displacement in the call encoding is just a placeholder until the linker fills in a real offset (to a PLT stub in this case, unless you statically link libc).

using href links inside <option> tag

    <select name="career" id="career" onchange="location = this.value;">
        <option value="resume" selected> All Applications </option>
        <option value="resume&j=14">Seo Expert</option>
        <option value="resume&j=21">Project Manager</option>
        <option value="resume&j=33">Php Developer</option>

How do I get the position selected in a RecyclerView?

public void onClick(View v) {
     int pos = getAdapterPosition();

Simple as that, on ViewHolder

Best way to implement multi-language/globalization in large .NET project

Most opensource projects use GetText for this purpose. I don't know how and if it's ever been used on a .Net project before.

Label word wrapping

You can use a TextBox and set multiline to true and canEdit to false .

Get current time in milliseconds in Python?

Just sample code:

import time
timestamp = int(time.time()*1000.0)

Output: 1534343781311

Login credentials not working with Gmail SMTP

I had the same issue. The Authentication Error can be because of your security settings, the 2-step verification for instance. It wont allow third party apps to override the authentication.

Log in to your Google account, and use these links:

Step 1 [Link of Disabling 2-step verification]:

Step 2: [Link for Allowing less secure apps]

It should be all good now.

SQL Server Case Statement when IS NULL

  case isnull(B.[stat],0)
  when 0 then dateadd(dd,10,(c.[Eventdate]))

you can add in else statement if you want to add 30 days to the same .

Clearing NSUserDefaults

Try This, It's working for me .

Single line of code

[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] removePersistentDomainForName:[[NSBundle mainBundle] bundleIdentifier]];

A long bigger than Long.MAX_VALUE

Firstly, the below method doesn't compile as it is missing the return type and it should be Long.MAX_VALUE in place of Long.Max_value.

public static boolean isBiggerThanMaxLong(long value) {
      return value > Long.Max_value;

The above method can never return true as you are comparing a long value with Long.MAX_VALUE , see the method signature you can pass only long there.Any long can be as big as the Long.MAX_VALUE, it can't be bigger than that.

You can try something like this with BigInteger class :

public static boolean isBiggerThanMaxLong(BigInteger l){
    return l.compareTo(BigInteger.valueOf(Long.MAX_VALUE))==1?true:false;

The below code will return true :

BigInteger big3 = BigInteger.valueOf(Long.MAX_VALUE).
System.out.println(isBiggerThanMaxLong(big3)); // prints true

Trigger css hover with JS

If you bind events to the onmouseover and onmouseout events in Jquery, you can then trigger that effect using mouseenter().

What are you trying to accomplish?

Center-align a HTML table

Try this -

<table align="center" style="margin: 0px auto;"></table>

Read an Excel file directly from a R script

Expanding on the answer provided by @Mikko you can use a neat trick to speed things up without having to "know" your column classes ahead of time. Simply use read.xlsx to grab a limited number of records to determine the classes and then followed it up with read.xlsx2


# just the first 50 rows should do...
df.temp <- read.xlsx("filename.xlsx", 1, startRow=1, endRow=50) 
df.real <- read.xlsx2("filename.xlsx", 1, 
                      colClasses=as.vector(sapply(df.temp, mode)))

What is the best way to find the users home directory in Java?

I would use the algorithm detailed in the bug report using System.getenv(String), and fallback to using the user.dir property if none of the environment variables indicated a valid existing directory. This should work cross-platform.

I think, under Windows, what you are really after is the user's notional "documents" directory.

css absolute position won't work with margin-left:auto margin-right: auto

I already had this same issue and I've got the solution writing a container (.divtagABS-container, in your case) absolutely positioned and then relatively positioning the content inside it (.divtagABS, in your case).

Done! The margin-left and margin-right AUTO for your .divtagABS will now work.

How do I check to see if a value is an integer in MySQL?

This works well for VARCHAR where it begins with a number or not..

WHERE concat('',fieldname * 1) != fieldname 

may have restrictions when you get to the larger NNNNE+- numbers

How to extract .war files in java? ZIP vs JAR

WAR file is just a JAR file, to extract it, just issue following jar command –

jar -xvf yourWARfileName.war

If the jar command is not found, which sometimes happens in the Windows command prompt, then specify full path i.e. in my case it is,

 c:\java\jdk-1.7.0\bin\jar -xvf my-file.war

How to check cordova android version of a cordova/phonegap project?

Recent versions of Cordova have the version number in www/cordova.js.

JavaScript - Hide a Div at startup (load)

Using CSS you can just set display:none for the element in a CSS file or in a style attribute

#div { display:none; }
<div id="div"></div>

<div style="display:none"></div>

or having the js just after the div might be fast enough too, but not as clean

this in equals method

You have to look how this is called:


This invokes the equals method on the instance of someObject. Now, inside that method:

public boolean equals(Object obj) {   if (obj == this) { //is someObject equal to obj, which in this case is someOtherObj?     return true;//If so, these are the same objects, and return true   } 

You can see that this is referring to the instance of the object that equals is called on. Note that equals() is non-static, and so must be called only on objects that have been instantiated.

Note that == is only checking to see if there is referential equality; that is, the reference of this and obj are pointing to the same place in memory. Such references are naturally equal:

Object a = new Object(); Object b = a; //sets the reference to b to point to the same place as a Object c = a; //same with c b.equals(c);//true, because everything is pointing to the same place 

Further note that equals() is generally used to also determine value equality. Thus, even if the object references are pointing to different places, it will check the internals to determine if those objects are the same:

FancyNumber a = new FancyNumber(2);//Internally, I set a field to 2 FancyNumber b = new FancyNumber(2);//Internally, I set a field to 2 a.equals(b);//true, because we define two FancyNumber objects to be equal if their internal field is set to the same thing. 

How to install a Python module via its in Windows? is designed to be run from the command line. You'll need to open your command prompt (In Windows 7, hold down shift while right-clicking in the directory with the file. You should be able to select "Open Command Window Here").

From the command line, you can type

python --help get a list of commands. What you are looking to do is...

python install

How to install OpenSSL in windows 10?

You can install openssl using one single line if you have chocolatey installed

  1. open command in admin mode
  2. type choco install openssl

SQL: How to perform string does not equal

NULL-safe condition would looks like:

select * from table
where NOT (tester <=> 'username')

How to correctly assign a new string value?

The first example doesn't work because you can't assign values to arrays - arrays work (sort of) like const pointers in this respect. What you can do though is copy a new value into the array:

strcpy(, "Jane");

Char arrays are fine to use if you know the maximum size of the string in advance, e.g. in the first example you are 100% sure that the name will fit into 19 characters (not 20 because one character is always needed to store the terminating zero value).

Conversely, pointers are better if you don't know the possible maximum size of your string, and/or you want to optimize your memory usage, e.g. avoid reserving 512 characters for the name "John". However, with pointers you need to dynamically allocate the buffer they point to, and free it when not needed anymore, to avoid memory leaks.

Update: example of dynamically allocated buffers (using the struct definition in your 2nd example):

char* firstName = "Johnnie";
char* surname = "B. Goode";
person p; = malloc(strlen(firstName) + 1);
p.surname = malloc(strlen(surname) + 1);

p.age = 25;
strcpy(, firstName);
strcpy(p.surname, surname);

printf("Name: %s; Age: %d\n",,p.age);


How to get the current TimeStamp?

In Qt 4.7, there is the QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch() static function, which does exactly what you need, without any intermediary steps. Hence I'd recommend that for projects using Qt 4.7 or newer.

JavaScript array to CSV

I created this code for creating a nice, readable csv files:

var objectToCSVRow = function(dataObject) {
    var dataArray = new Array;
    for (var o in dataObject) {
        var innerValue = dataObject[o]===null?'':dataObject[o].toString();
        var result = innerValue.replace(/"/g, '""');
        result = '"' + result + '"';
    return dataArray.join(' ') + '\r\n';

var exportToCSV = function(arrayOfObjects) {

    if (!arrayOfObjects.length) {

    var csvContent = "data:text/csv;charset=utf-8,";

    // headers
    csvContent += objectToCSVRow(Object.keys(arrayOfObjects[0]));

        csvContent += objectToCSVRow(item);

    var encodedUri = encodeURI(csvContent);
    var link = document.createElement("a");
    link.setAttribute("href", encodedUri);
    link.setAttribute("download", "customers.csv");
    document.body.appendChild(link); // Required for FF;

In your case, since you use arrays in array instead of objects in array, You will skip the header part, but you could add the column names yourself by putting this instead of that part:

// headers
csvContent += '"Column name 1" "Column name 2" "Column name 3"\n';

The secret is that a space separates the columns in the csv file, and we put the column values in the double quotes to allow spaces, and escape any double quotes in the values themselves.

Also note that I replace null values with empty string, because that suited my needs, but you can change that and replace it with anything you like.

Best way to parse RSS/Atom feeds with PHP

If feed isn't well-formed XML, you're supposed to reject it, no exceptions. You're entitled to call feed creator a bozo.

Otherwise you're paving way to mess that HTML ended up in.

Combining multiple commits before pushing in Git

What you want to do is referred to as "squashing" in git. There are lots of options when you're doing this (too many?) but if you just want to merge all of your unpushed commits into a single commit, do this:

git rebase -i origin/master

This will bring up your text editor (-i is for "interactive") with a file that looks like this:

pick 16b5fcc Code in, tests not passing
pick c964dea Getting closer
pick 06cf8ee Something changed
pick 396b4a3 Tests pass
pick 9be7fdb Better comments
pick 7dba9cb All done

Change all the pick to squash (or s) except the first one:

pick 16b5fcc Code in, tests not passing
squash c964dea Getting closer
squash 06cf8ee Something changed
squash 396b4a3 Tests pass
squash 9be7fdb Better comments
squash 7dba9cb All done

Save your file and exit your editor. Then another text editor will open to let you combine the commit messages from all of the commits into one big commit message.

Voila! Googling "git squashing" will give you explanations of all the other options available.

C# static class why use?

Static classes can be useful in certain situations, but there is a potential to abuse and/or overuse them, like most language features.

As Dylan Smith already mentioned, the most obvious case for using a static class is if you have a class with only static methods. There is no point in allowing developers to instantiate such a class.

The caveat is that an overabundance of static methods may itself indicate a flaw in your design strategy. I find that when you are creating a static function, its a good to ask yourself -- would it be better suited as either a) an instance method, or b) an extension method to an interface. The idea here is that object behaviors are usually associated with object state, meaning the behavior should belong to the object. By using a static function you are implying that the behavior shouldn't belong to any particular object.

Polymorphic and interface driven design are hindered by overusing static functions -- they cannot be overriden in derived classes nor can they be attached to an interface. Its usually better to have your 'helper' functions tied to an interface via an extension method such that all instances of the interface have access to that shared 'helper' functionality.

One situation where static functions are definitely useful, in my opinion, is in creating a .Create() or .New() method to implement logic for object creation, for instance when you want to proxy the object being created,

public class Foo
    public static Foo New(string fooString)
        ProxyGenerator generator = new ProxyGenerator();

        return (Foo)generator.CreateClassProxy
             (typeof(Foo), new object[] { fooString }, new Interceptor()); 

This can be used with a proxying framework (like Castle Dynamic Proxy) where you want to intercept / inject functionality into an object, based on say, certain attributes assigned to its methods. The overall idea is that you need a special constructor because technically you are creating a copy of the original instance with special added functionality.

How can I tell gcc not to inline a function?

I know the question is about GCC, but I thought it might be useful to have some information about compilers other compilers as well.

GCC's noinline function attribute is pretty popular with other compilers as well. It is supported by at least:

  • Clang (check with __has_attribute(noinline))
  • Intel C/C++ Compiler (their documentation is terrible, but I'm certain it works on 16.0+)
  • Oracle Solaris Studio back to at least 12.2
  • ARM C/C++ Compiler back to at least 4.1
  • IBM XL C/C++ back to at least 10.1
  • TI 8.0+ (or 7.3+ with --gcc, which will define __TI_GNU_ATTRIBUTE_SUPPORT__)

Additionally, MSVC supports __declspec(noinline) back to Visual Studio 7.1. Intel probably supports it too (they try to be compatible with both GCC and MSVC), but I haven't bothered to verify that. The syntax is basically the same:

static void foo(void) { }

PGI 10.2+ (and probably older) supports a noinline pragma which applies to the next function:

#pragma noinline
static void foo(void) { }

TI 6.0+ supports a FUNC_CANNOT_INLINE pragma which (annoyingly) works differently in C and C++. In C++, it's similar to PGI's:

static void foo(void) { }

In C, however, the function name is required:

#pragma FUNC_CANNOT_INLINE(foo);
static void foo(void) { }

Cray 6.4+ (and possibly earlier) takes a similar approach, requiring the function name:

#pragma _CRI inline_never foo
static void foo(void) { }

Oracle Developer Studio also supports a pragma which takes the function name, going back to at least Forte Developer 6, but note that it needs to come after the declaration, even in recent versions:

static void foo(void);
#pragma no_inline(foo)

Depending on how dedicated you are, you could create a macro that would work everywhere, but you would need to have the function name as well as the declaration as arguments.

If, OTOH, you're okay with something that just works for most people, you can get away with something which is a little more aesthetically pleasing and doesn't require repeating yourself. That's the approach I've taken for Hedley, where the current version of HEDLEY_NEVER_INLINE looks like:

#if \
  HEDLEY_GNUC_HAS_ATTRIBUTE(noinline,4,0,0) || \
#  define HEDLEY_NEVER_INLINE __attribute__((__noinline__))
#  define HEDLEY_NEVER_INLINE __declspec(noinline)
#  define HEDLEY_NEVER_INLINE _Pragma("noinline")

If you don't want to use Hedley (it's a single public domain / CC0 header) you can convert the version checking macros without too much effort, but more than I'm willing to put in ?.

How can I resolve the error: "The command [...] exited with code 1"?

This builds on the answer from JaredPar... and is for VS2017. The same "Build and Run" options are present in Visual Studio 2017.

I was getting, The command "chmod +x """ exited with code 1

In the build output window, I searched for "Error" and found a few errors in the same general area. I was able to click on a link in the build output, and found that the error involved this entry in the .targets file:

  <Target Name="ChmodChromeDriver" BeforeTargets="BeforeBuild" Condition="'$(WebDriverPlatform)' != 'win32'">
    <Exec Command="chmod +x &quot;$(ChromeDriverSrcPath)&quot;" />

In the build output, I also found a more detailed error message that essentially stated that it couldn't find Selenium.WebDriver.ChromeDriver v2.36 in the packages folder it was looking in. I checked the project's NuGet packages, and version 2.36 was indeed in the list of installed packages. I did find the package files for 2.36, and changed the attributes on the folder, subfolders and files from "Read Only" to "Read/Write". Built, but same failure. Sometimes "updating" to a different version of the package and then updating back to the original can fix this type of error. So I "updated" the reference in Manage NuGet packages to 2.37, built, failed, then "updated" back to 2.36, built, and the build succeeded without the "chmod +x" error message.

The project I was building was based on a Visual Studio Project template for Appium test tooling, template name "Develop_Automated_Test".

mysql -> insert into tbl (select from another table) and some default values

If you you want to copy a sub-set of the source table you can do:

INSERT INTO def (field_1, field_2, field3)

SELECT other_field_1, other_field_2, other_field_3 from `abc`

or to copy ALL fields from the source table to destination table you can do more simply:

SELECT * from `abc`

Node.JS: Getting error : [nodemon] Internal watch failed: watch ENOSPC

in my case closing the visual studio code then starting the server did the trick

Operating system - ubuntu 16.4 lts

node.js version - 8.11.1

npm version - 6.0.0

Bootstrap 3, 4 and 5 .container-fluid with grid adding unwanted padding

I have used <div class="container-fluid" style="padding: 0px !important"> and it seems to be working.

How to hide console window in python?

Simply save it with a .pyw extension. This will prevent the console window from opening.

On Windows systems, there is no notion of an “executable mode”. The Python installer automatically associates .py files with python.exe so that a double-click on a Python file will run it as a script. The extension can also be .pyw, in that case, the console window that normally appears is suppressed.

Explanation at the bottom of section 2.2.2

What is the maximum value for an int32?


(is there a minimum length for answers?)

How do I convert a org.w3c.dom.Document object to a String?

This worked for me, as documented on this page:

TransformerFactory tf = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
Transformer trans = tf.newTransformer();
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
trans.transform(new DOMSource(document), new StreamResult(sw));
return sw.toString();

Learning Ruby on Rails

I learnt Ruby with the help of Mr. Neighborly's Humble Little Ruby Book. It's an excellent free-to-download introduction to Ruby with lots of examples, which I'd 100% recommend.

Best way to compare dates in Android

String date = "03/26/2012 11:00:00";
    String dateafter = "03/26/2012 11:59:00";
    SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(
            "MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss");
    Date convertedDate = new Date();
    Date convertedDate2 = new Date();
    try {
        convertedDate = dateFormat.parse(date);
        convertedDate2 = dateFormat.parse(dateafter);
        if (convertedDate2.after(convertedDate)) {
        } else {
    } catch (ParseException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block

it return true.. and you can also check before and equal with help of date.before and date.equal..

Creating a byte array from a stream

It really depends on whether or not you can trust s.Length. For many streams, you just don't know how much data there will be. In such cases - and before .NET 4 - I'd use code like this:

public static byte[] ReadFully(Stream input)
    byte[] buffer = new byte[16*1024];
    using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
        int read;
        while ((read = input.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0)
            ms.Write(buffer, 0, read);
        return ms.ToArray();

With .NET 4 and above, I'd use Stream.CopyTo, which is basically equivalent to the loop in my code - create the MemoryStream, call stream.CopyTo(ms) and then return ms.ToArray(). Job done.

I should perhaps explain why my answer is longer than the others. Stream.Read doesn't guarantee that it will read everything it's asked for. If you're reading from a network stream, for example, it may read one packet's worth and then return, even if there will be more data soon. BinaryReader.Read will keep going until the end of the stream or your specified size, but you still have to know the size to start with.

The above method will keep reading (and copying into a MemoryStream) until it runs out of data. It then asks the MemoryStream to return a copy of the data in an array. If you know the size to start with - or think you know the size, without being sure - you can construct the MemoryStream to be that size to start with. Likewise you can put a check at the end, and if the length of the stream is the same size as the buffer (returned by MemoryStream.GetBuffer) then you can just return the buffer. So the above code isn't quite optimised, but will at least be correct. It doesn't assume any responsibility for closing the stream - the caller should do that.

See this article for more info (and an alternative implementation).

How can I copy a file from a remote server to using Putty in Windows?

One of the putty tools is pscp.exe; it will allow you to copy files from your remote host.

How to import component into another root component in Angular 2

above answers In simple words, you have to register under @NgModule's

declarations: [
    AppComponent, YourNewComponentHere

of app.module.ts

do not forget to import that component.

Create table (structure) from existing table

SELECT * INTO newtable
from Oldtable

VBA setting the formula for a cell

Not sure what isn't working in your case, but the following code will put a formula into cell A1 that will retrieve the value in the cell G2.

strProjectName = "Sheet1"
Cells(1, 1).Formula = "=" & strProjectName & "!" & Cells(2, 7).Address

The workbook and worksheet that strProjectName references must exist at the time that this formula is placed. Excel will immediately try to evaluate the formula. You might be able to stop that from happening by turning off automatic recalculation until the workbook does exist.

Mac OS X and multiple Java versions

I find this Java version manager called Jabba recently and the usage is very similar to version managers of other languages like rvm(ruby), nvm(node), pyenv(python), etc. Also it's cross platform so definitely it can be used on Mac.

After installation, it will create a dir in ~/.jabba to put all the Java versions you install. It "Supports installation of Oracle JDK (default) / Server JRE, Zulu OpenJDK (since 0.3.0), IBM SDK, Java Technology Edition (since 0.6.0) and from custom URLs.".

Basic usage is listed on their Github. A quick summary to start:

curl -sL | bash && . ~/.jabba/

# install Oracle JDK
jabba install 1.8 # "jabba use 1.8" will be called automatically  
jabba install 1.7 # "jabba use 1.7" will be called automatically 

# list all installed JDK's
jabba ls

# switch to a different version of JDK
jabba use 1.8

Can't install via pip because of egg_info error

In my case, I had to uninstall pip and reinstall it. So I could install my specific version.

sudo apt-get purge --auto-remove python-pip
sudo easy_install pip 

The remote server returned an error: (407) Proxy Authentication Required

Thought of writing this answer as nothing worked from above & you don't want to specify proxy location.

If you're using httpClient then consider this.

HttpClientHandler handler = new HttpClientHandler();

IWebProxy proxy = WebRequest.GetSystemWebProxy();
proxy.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
handler.Proxy = proxy;

var client = new HttpClient(handler);
// your next steps...

And if you're using HttpWebRequest:

HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(uri + _endpoint);

IWebProxy proxy = WebRequest.GetSystemWebProxy();
proxy.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
request.Proxy = proxy;

Kind referencce:

'and' (boolean) vs '&' (bitwise) - Why difference in behavior with lists vs numpy arrays?

Example 1:

This is how the and operator works.

x and y => if x is false, then x, else y

So in other words, since mylist1 is not False, the result of the expression is mylist2. (Only empty lists evaluate to False.)

Example 2:

The & operator is for a bitwise and, as you mention. Bitwise operations only work on numbers. The result of a & b is a number composed of 1s in bits that are 1 in both a and b. For example:

>>> 3 & 1

It's easier to see what's happening using a binary literal (same numbers as above):

>>> 0b0011 & 0b0001

Bitwise operations are similar in concept to boolean (truth) operations, but they work only on bits.

So, given a couple statements about my car

  1. My car is red
  2. My car has wheels

The logical "and" of these two statements is:

(is my car red?) and (does car have wheels?) => logical true of false value

Both of which are true, for my car at least. So the value of the statement as a whole is logically true.

The bitwise "and" of these two statements is a little more nebulous:

(the numeric value of the statement 'my car is red') & (the numeric value of the statement 'my car has wheels') => number

If python knows how to convert the statements to numeric values, then it will do so and compute the bitwise-and of the two values. This may lead you to believe that & is interchangeable with and, but as with the above example they are different things. Also, for the objects that can't be converted, you'll just get a TypeError.

Example 3 and 4:

Numpy implements arithmetic operations for arrays:

Arithmetic and comparison operations on ndarrays are defined as element-wise operations, and generally yield ndarray objects as results.

But does not implement logical operations for arrays, because you can't overload logical operators in python. That's why example three doesn't work, but example four does.

So to answer your and vs & question: Use and.

The bitwise operations are used for examining the structure of a number (which bits are set, which bits aren't set). This kind of information is mostly used in low-level operating system interfaces (unix permission bits, for example). Most python programs won't need to know that.

The logical operations (and, or, not), however, are used all the time.

Calling async method on button click

This is what's killing you:


That's blocking the UI thread until the task has completed - but the task is an async method which is going to try to get back to the UI thread after it "pauses" and awaits an async result. It can't do that, because you're blocking the UI thread...

There's nothing in your code which really looks like it needs to be on the UI thread anyway, but assuming you really do want it there, you should use:

private async void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs 
    Task<List<MyObject>> task = GetResponse<MyObject>("my url");
    var items = await task;
    // Presumably use items here

Or just:

private async void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs 
    var items = await GetResponse<MyObject>("my url");
    // Presumably use items here

Now instead of blocking until the task has completed, the Button_Click method will return after scheduling a continuation to fire when the task has completed. (That's how async/await works, basically.)

Note that I would also rename GetResponse to GetResponseAsync for clarity.

Autoresize View When SubViews are Added

Yes, it is because you are using auto layout. Setting the view frame and resizing mask will not work.

You should read Working with Auto Layout Programmatically and Visual Format Language.

You will need to get the current constraints, add the text field, adjust the contraints for the text field, then add the correct constraints on the text field.

Multiple commands in an alias for bash


alias lock='gnome-screensaver; gnome-screensaver-command --lock'


lock() {
    gnome-screensaver-command --lock

in your .bashrc

The second solution allows you to use arguments.

I can't find my git.exe file in my Github folder

The last update for "windows git" did move the git.exe file from the /bin folder to the /cmd folder. So, to use git with IDEs such as webStorm or Android Studio you can use the path :


But if you want to have linux-like commands such as git, ssh, ls, cp under windows powerShell or cmd add to your windows PATH variables :


change <user> and <...numbers...> to your values and reboot!

Also, you will have to update this everytime git updates since it might change the portable folder name. If folder structure changes I will update this post.

Thx @dennisschagt for the comment above! ;)

Decimal separator comma (',') with numberDecimal inputType in EditText

It's more than 8 years passed and I am surprised, this issue isn't fixed yet...
I struggled with this simple issue since the most upvoted answer by @Martin lets typing multiple separators, i.e. user can type in "12,,,,,,12,1,,21,2,"
Also, the second concern is that on some devices comma is not shown on the numerical keyboard (or requires multiple pressing of a dot button)

Here is my workaround solution, which solves the mentioned problems and lets user typing '.' and ',', but in EditText he will see the only decimal separator which corresponds to current locale:

editText.apply { addTextChangedListener(DoubleTextChangedListener(this)) }

And the text watcher:

  open class DoubleTextChangedListener(private val et: EditText) : TextWatcher {

    init {
        et.inputType = InputType.TYPE_CLASS_NUMBER or InputType.TYPE_NUMBER_FLAG_DECIMAL
        et.keyListener = DigitsKeyListener.getInstance("0123456789.,")

    private val separator = DecimalFormatSymbols.getInstance().decimalSeparator

    override fun beforeTextChanged(s: CharSequence?, start: Int, count: Int, after: Int) {

    override fun onTextChanged(s: CharSequence, start: Int, before: Int, count: Int) { {
            val formatted = toLocalizedDecimal(s.toString(), separator)

    override fun afterTextChanged(s: Editable?) {
        // empty

     * Formats input to a decimal. Leaves the only separator (or none), which matches [separator].
     * Examples:
     * 1. [s]="12.12", [separator]=',' -> result= "12,12"
     * 2. [s]="12.12", [separator]='.' -> result= "12.12"
     * 4. [s]="12,12", [separator]='.' -> result= "12.12"
     * 5. [s]="12,12,,..,,,,,34..,", [separator]=',' -> result= "12,1234"
     * 6. [s]="12.12,,..,,,,,34..,", [separator]='.' -> result= "12.1234"
     * 7. [s]="5" -> result= "5"
    private fun toLocalizedDecimal(s: String, separator: Char): String {
        val cleared = s.replace(",", ".")
        val splitted = cleared.split('.').filter { it.isNotBlank() }
        return when (splitted.size) {
            0 -> s
            1 -> cleared.replace('.', separator).replaceAfter(separator, "")
            2 -> splitted.joinToString(separator.toString())
            else -> splitted[0]
                    .plus(splitted.subList(1, splitted.size - 1).joinToString(""))

T-SQL: Looping through an array of known values

use a static cursor variable and a split function:

declare @comma_delimited_list varchar(4000)
set @comma_delimited_list = '4,7,12,22,19'

declare @cursor cursor
set @cursor = cursor static for 
  select convert(int, Value) as Id from dbo.Split(@comma_delimited_list) a

declare @id int
open @cursor
while 1=1 begin
  fetch next from @cursor into @id
  if @@fetch_status <> 0 break something....
-- not strictly necessary w/ cursor variables since they will go out of scope like a normal var
close @cursor
deallocate @cursor

Cursors have a bad rep since the default options when declared against user tables can generate a lot of overhead.

But in this case the overhead is quite minimal, less than any other methods here. STATIC tells SQL Server to materialize the results in tempdb and then iterate over that. For small lists like this, it's the optimal solution.

Converting string to integer

The function you need is CInt.

ie CInt(PrinterLabel)

See Type Conversion Functions (Visual Basic) on MSDN

Edit: Be aware that CInt and its relatives behave differently in and VBScript. For example, in, CInt casts to a 32-bit integer, but in VBScript, CInt casts to a 16-bit integer. Be on the lookout for potential overflows!

Chrome sendrequest error: TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON

One approach is to strip object and functions from main object. And stringify the simpler form

function simpleStringify (object){
    var simpleObject = {};
    for (var prop in object ){
        if (!object.hasOwnProperty(prop)){
        if (typeof(object[prop]) == 'object'){
        if (typeof(object[prop]) == 'function'){
        simpleObject[prop] = object[prop];
    return JSON.stringify(simpleObject); // returns cleaned up JSON

Encoding Error in Panda read_csv

Try calling read_csv with encoding='latin1', encoding='iso-8859-1' or encoding='cp1252' (these are some of the various encodings found on Windows).

How to echo text during SQL script execution in SQLPLUS

The prompt command will echo text to the output:

prompt A useful comment.
select(*) from TableA;

Will be displayed as:

SQL> A useful comment.

How to use Lambda in LINQ select statement

You appear to be trying to mix query expression syntax and "normal" lambda expression syntax. You can either use:

IEnumerable<SelectListItem> stores =
        from store in database.Stores
        where store.CompanyID == curCompany.ID
        select new SelectListItem { Value = store.Name, Text = store.ID};
ViewBag.storeSelector = stores;


IEnumerable<SelectListItem> stores = database.Stores
        .Where(store => store.CompanyID == curCompany.ID)
        .Select(s => new SelectListItem { Value = s.Name, Text = s.ID});
ViewBag.storeSelector = stores;

You can't mix the two like you're trying to.

Uncompress tar.gz file

gunzip <filename>


tar -xvf <tar-file-name>

Fetch API request timeout?

there's no timeout support in the fetch API yet. But it could be achieved by wrapping it in a promise.

for eg.

  function fetchWrapper(url, options, timeout) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      fetch(url, options).then(resolve, reject);

      if (timeout) {
        const e = new Error("Connection timed out");
        setTimeout(reject, timeout, e);

How do I enable --enable-soap in php on linux?

In case that you have Ubuntu in your machine, the following steps will help you:

  1. Check first in your php testing file if you have soap (client / server)or not by using phpinfo(); and check results in the browser. In case that you have it, it will seems like the following image ( If not go to step 2 ):

enter image description here

  1. Open your terminal and paste: sudo apt-get install php-soap.

  2. Restart your apache2 server in terminal : service apache2 restart.

  3. To check use your php test file again to be seems like mine in step 1.

PHP $_POST not working?

Try get instead for test reasons

<form action="#?name=test" method="GET">
  <input type="text" name="firstname" />
  <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" />


    echo $_GET['name'] . '<br>';
    echo $_GET['firstname'];

SQL Server 2012 column identity increment jumping from 6 to 1000+ on 7th entry

Got the same problem, found the following bug report in SQL Server 2012 If still relevant see conditions that cause the issue - there are some workarounds there as well (didn't try though). Failover or Restart Results in Reseed of Identity

How to extract the nth word and count word occurrences in a MySQL string?

I don't think such a thing is possible. You can use SUBSTRING function to extract the part you want.

R solve:system is exactly singular

Using solve with a single parameter is a request to invert a matrix. The error message is telling you that your matrix is singular and cannot be inverted.

can you add HTTPS functionality to a python flask web server?

For a quick n' dirty self-signed cert, you can also use flask run --cert adhoc or set the FLASK_RUN_CERT env var.

$ export FLASK_APP=""
$ export FLASK_ENV=development
$ export FLASK_RUN_CERT=adhoc

$ flask run
 * Serving Flask app "" (lazy loading)
 * Environment: development
 * Debug mode: on
 * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
 * Restarting with stat
 * Debugger is active!
 * Debugger PIN: 329-665-000

The adhoc option isn't well documented (for good reason, never do this in production), but it's mentioned in the source code.

There's a thorough explanation of this by Miguel Grinberg at Running Your Flask Application Over HTTPS.

Setting up FTP on Amazon Cloud Server

maybe worth mentioning in addition to clone45's answer:

Fixing Write Permissions for Chrooted FTP Users in vsftpd

The vsftpd version that comes with Ubuntu 12.04 Precise does not permit chrooted local users to write by default. By default you will have this in /etc/vsftpd.conf:


In order to allow local users to write, you need to add the following parameter:


Note: Issues with write permissions may show up as following FileZilla errors:

Error: GnuTLS error -15: An unexpected TLS packet was received.
Error: Could not connect to server

Fixing Write Permissions for Chrooted FTP Users in vsftpd
VSFTPd stopped working after update

How do I output text without a newline in PowerShell?

The answer by shufler is correct. Stated another way: Instead of passing the values to Write-Output using the ARRAY FORM,

Write-Output "Parameters are:" $Year $Month $Day

or the equivalent by multiple calls to Write-Output,

Write-Output "Parameters are:"
Write-Output $Year
Write-Output $Month
Write-Output $Day
Write-Output "Done."

concatenate your components into a STRING VARIABLE first:

$msg="Parameters are: $Year $Month $Day"
Write-Output $msg

This will prevent the intermediate CRLFs caused by calling Write-Output multiple times (or ARRAY FORM), but of course will not suppress the final CRLF of the Write-Output commandlet. For that, you will have to write your own commandlet, use one of the other convoluted workarounds listed here, or wait until Microsoft decides to support the -NoNewline option for Write-Output.

Your desire to provide a textual progress meter to the console (i.e. "....") as opposed to writing to a log file, should also be satisfied by using Write-Host. You can accomplish both by collecting the msg text into a variable for writing to the log AND using Write-Host to provide progress to the console. This functionality can be combined into your own commandlet for greatest code reuse.

How to get the width and height of an android.widget.ImageView?

I could get image width and height by its drawable;

int width = imgView.getDrawable().getIntrinsicWidth();
int height = imgView.getDrawable().getIntrinsicHeight();


Use a seperate column to indicate the join condition

SELECT  t.importid, 
            when t.importid = g.home 
            then 'home' 
            else 'away' 
        end as join_condition,, 
FROM    game g
INNER JOIN team t ON (t.importid = g.home OR t.importid = g.away)
ORDER BY date_start DESC 

How to calculate UILabel height dynamically?

You need to create an extension of String and call this method

func height(withConstrainedWidth width: CGFloat, font: UIFont) -> CGFloat {
    let constraintRect = CGSize(width: width, height: .greatestFiniteMagnitude)
    let boundingBox = self.boundingRect(with: constraintRect, options: .usesLineFragmentOrigin, attributes: [NSFontAttributeName: font], context: nil)
    return ceil(boundingBox.height)

You must send the width of your label

Angular 2 - innerHTML styling

If you're trying to style dynamically added HTML elements inside an Angular component, this might be helpful:

// inside component class...
constructor(private hostRef: ElementRef) { }
getContentAttr(): string {
  const attrs = this.hostRef.nativeElement.attributes
  for (let i = 0, l = attrs.length; i < l; i++) {
    if (attrs[i].name.startsWith('_nghost-c')) {
      return `_ngcontent-c${attrs[i].name.substring(9)}`
ngAfterViewInit() {
  // dynamically add HTML element
  dynamicallyAddedHtmlElement.setAttribute(this.getContentAttr(), '')

My guess is that the convention for this attribute is not guaranteed to be stable between versions of Angular, so that one might run into problems with this solution when upgrading to a new version of Angular (although, updating this solution would likely be trivial in that case).

How to set up datasource with Spring for HikariCP?

You can create a datasource bean in servlet context as:

<beans:bean id="dataSource"
    class="com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource" destroy-method="close">
    <beans:property name="dataSourceClassName"
        value="com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlDataSource" />
    <beans:property name="maximumPoolSize" value="5" />
    <beans:property name="maxLifetime" value="30000" />
    <beans:property name="idleTimeout" value="30000" />
    <beans:property name="dataSourceProperties">
            <beans:prop key="url">jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/exampledb</beans:prop>
            <beans:prop key="user">root</beans:prop>
            <beans:prop key="password"></beans:prop>
            <beans:prop key="prepStmtCacheSize">250</beans:prop>
            <beans:prop key="prepStmtCacheSqlLimit">2048</beans:prop>
            <beans:prop key="cachePrepStmts">true</beans:prop>
            <beans:prop key="useServerPrepStmts">true</beans:prop>

How do I pull my project from github?

First, you'll need to tell git about yourself. Get your username and token together from your settings page.

Then run:

git config --global github.user YOUR_USERNAME
git config --global github.token YOURTOKEN

You will need to generate a new key if you don't have a back-up of your key.

Then you should be able to run:

git clone [email protected]:YOUR_USERNAME/YOUR_PROJECT.git

Cannot set content-type to 'application/json' in jQuery.ajax

It would seem that removing http:// from the url option ensures the the correct HTTP POST header is sent.

I dont think you need to fully qualify the name of the host, just use a relative URL as below.

      type: "POST",
      contentType: "application/json",
      url: '/Hello',
      data: { name: 'norm' },
      dataType: "json"

An example of mine that works:

            type: "POST",
            url: siteRoot + "api/SpaceGame/AddPlayer",
            async: false,
            data: JSON.stringify({ Name:, Credits: playersShip.credits }),
            contentType: "application/json",
            complete: function (data) {
            wait = false;

Possibly related: jQuery $.ajax(), $.post sending "OPTIONS" as REQUEST_METHOD in Firefox

Edit: After some more research I found out the OPTIONS header is used to find out if the request from the originating domain is allowed. Using fiddler, I added the following to the response headers from my server.

 Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
 Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Content-Type
 Access-Control-Allow-Methods: POST, GET, OPTIONS

Once the browser received this response it then sent off the correct POST request with json data. It would seem that the default form-urlencoded content type is considered safe and so does not undergo the extra cross domain checks.

It looks like you will need to add the previously mentioned headers to your servers response to the OPTIONS request. You should of course configure them to allow requests from specific domains rather then all.

I used the following jQuery to test this.

   type: "POST",
   url: "",
   data: JSON.stringify({
      Name: "Test",
       Credits: 0
   //contentType: "application/json",
   dataType: 'json',
   complete: function(data) {


SQL Server NOLOCK and joins

I was pretty sure that you need to specify the NOLOCK for each JOIN in the query. But my experience was limited to SQL Server 2005.

When I looked up MSDN just to confirm, I couldn't find anything definite. The below statements do seem to make me think, that for 2008, your two statements above are equivalent though for 2005 it is not the case:

[SQL Server 2008 R2]

All lock hints are propagated to all the tables and views that are accessed by the query plan, including tables and views referenced in a view. Also, SQL Server performs the corresponding lock consistency checks.

[SQL Server 2005]

In SQL Server 2005, all lock hints are propagated to all the tables and views that are referenced in a view. Also, SQL Server performs the corresponding lock consistency checks.

Additionally, point to note - and this applies to both 2005 and 2008:

The table hints are ignored if the table is not accessed by the query plan. This may be caused by the optimizer choosing not to access the table at all, or because an indexed view is accessed instead. In the latter case, accessing an indexed view can be prevented by using the OPTION (EXPAND VIEWS) query hint.

Set adb vendor keys

In this case what you can do is : Go in developer options on the device Uncheck "USB Debugging" then check it again A confirmation box should then appear DvxWifiScan

how to check if string contains '+' character

[+]is simpler

    String s = "ddjdjdj+kfkfkf";

    if(s.contains ("+"))
        String parts[] = s.split("[+]");
        s =  parts[0]; // i want to strip part after  +

Importing CSV File to Google Maps

We have now (jan2017) a csv layer import inside Google Maps itself.enter image description here

Google Maps > "Your Places" > "Open in My Maps"

add id to dynamically created <div>

If I got you correctly, it is as easy as = "someID";

No need for jQuery.

Have a look at the properties of a DOM Element.

For classes it is the same:

cartDiv.className = "classes here";

But note that this will overwrite already existing class names. If you want to add and remove classes dynamically, you either have to use jQuery or write your own function that does some string replacement.

Foreach in a Foreach in MVC View

Try this:

It looks like you are looping for every product each time, now this is looping for each product that has the same category ID as the current category being looped

<div id="accordion1" style="text-align:justify">
@using (Html.BeginForm())
    foreach (var category in Model.Categories)

                @foreach (var product in Model.Product.Where(m=> m.CategoryID= category.CategoryID)
                        @if (System.Web.Security.UrlAuthorizationModule.CheckUrlAccessForPrincipal("/admin", User, "GET"))
                            @Html.Raw(" - ")  
                            @Html.ActionLink("Edit", "Edit", new { id = product.ID })

How to deal with http status codes other than 200 in Angular 2

Yes you can handle with the catch operator like this and show alert as you want but firstly you have to import Rxjs for the same like this way

import {Observable} from 'rxjs/Rx';

return this.http.request(new Request(this.requestoptions))
            .map((res: Response) => {
                if (res) {
                    if (res.status === 201) {
                        return [{ status: res.status, json: res }]
                    else if (res.status === 200) {
                        return [{ status: res.status, json: res }]
            }).catch((error: any) => {
                if (error.status === 500) {
                    return Observable.throw(new Error(error.status));
                else if (error.status === 400) {
                    return Observable.throw(new Error(error.status));
                else if (error.status === 409) {
                    return Observable.throw(new Error(error.status));
                else if (error.status === 406) {
                    return Observable.throw(new Error(error.status));

also you can handel error (with err block) that is throw by catch block while .map function,

like this -

           err => {//handel here});


as required for any status without checking particluar one you can try this: -

return this.http.request(new Request(this.requestoptions))
            .map((res: Response) => {
                if (res) {
                    if (res.status === 201) {
                        return [{ status: res.status, json: res }]
                    else if (res.status === 200) {
                        return [{ status: res.status, json: res }]
            }).catch((error: any) => {
                if (error.status < 400 ||  error.status ===500) {
                    return Observable.throw(new Error(error.status));
            .subscribe(res => {...},
                       err => {console.log(err)} );

How to determine the version of the C++ standard used by the compiler?

Use __cplusplus as suggested. Only one note for Microsoft compiler, use Zc:__cplusplus compiler switch to enable __cplusplus


How to actually search all files in Visual Studio

I think you are talking about ctrl + shift + F, by default it should be on "look in: entire solution" and there you go.

WebSocket connection failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 400

The problem for me was not got the port from process.env.PORT it is very important because Heroku and other services properly do a random port numbers to use.

So that is the code that work for me eventuly :

var app = require('express')();
var http = require('http').createServer(app);
const serverPort = process.env.PORT ; //<----- important 

const io = require('')(http,{
  cors: {
    origin: '*',
    methods: 'GET,PUT,POST,DELETE,OPTIONS'.split(','),
    credentials: true

  console.log(`server listening on port ${serverPort}`)

How do I convert a file path to a URL in ASP.NET

For get the left part of the URL:


For get the application (web) name:


With this, you are available to add your relative path after that obtaining the complete URL.

ASP.NET MVC: Html.EditorFor and multi-line text boxes

Use data type 'MultilineText':

public string Text { get; set; }

See ASP.NET MVC3 - textarea with @Html.EditorFor

SQL Server equivalent to Oracle's CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW

The solutions above though they will get the job done do so at the risk of dropping user permissions. I prefer to do my create or replace views or stored procedures as follows.

IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.views WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[vw_myView]'))
    EXEC sp_executesql N'CREATE VIEW [dbo].[vw_myView] AS SELECT ''This is a code stub which will be replaced by an Alter Statement'' as [code_stub]'

ALTER VIEW [dbo].[vw_myView]
SELECT 'This is a code which should be replaced by the real code for your view' as [real_code]

mysql datetime comparison

But this is obviously performing a 'string' comparison

No. The string will be automatically cast into a DATETIME value.

See 11.2. Type Conversion in Expression Evaluation.

When an operator is used with operands of different types, type conversion occurs to make the operands compatible. Some conversions occur implicitly. For example, MySQL automatically converts numbers to strings as necessary, and vice versa.

getContext is not a function

Actually we get this error also when we create canvas in javascript as below.


Here point to be noted we have to provide argument name correctly as 'canvas' not anything else.


How do you make a div tag into a link

If you have to set your anchor tag inside the div, you can also use CSS to set the anchor to fill the div via display:block.

As such:

<div style="height: 80px"><a href="#" style="display: block">Text</a></div>

Now when the user floats their cursor in that div the anchor tag will fill the div.

How to know if a DateTime is between a DateRange in C#

Usually I create Fowler's Range implementation for such things.

public interface IRange<T>
    T Start { get; }
    T End { get; }
    bool Includes(T value);
    bool Includes(IRange<T> range);

public class DateRange : IRange<DateTime>         
    public DateRange(DateTime start, DateTime end)
        Start = start;
        End = end;

    public DateTime Start { get; private set; }
    public DateTime End { get; private set; }

    public bool Includes(DateTime value)
        return (Start <= value) && (value <= End);

    public bool Includes(IRange<DateTime> range)
        return (Start <= range.Start) && (range.End <= End);

Usage is pretty simple:

DateRange range = new DateRange(startDate, endDate);

Replace line break characters with <br /> in ASP.NET MVC Razor view

Applying the DRY principle to Omar's solution, here's an HTML Helper extension:

using System.Web.Mvc;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

namespace System.Web.Mvc.Html {
    public static class MyHtmlHelpers {
        public static MvcHtmlString EncodedReplace(this HtmlHelper helper, string input, string pattern, string replacement) {
            return new MvcHtmlString(Regex.Replace(helper.Encode(input), pattern, replacement));

Usage (with improved regex):

@Html.EncodedReplace(Model.CommentText, "[\n\r]+", "<br />")

This also has the added benefit of putting less onus on the Razor View developer to ensure security from XSS vulnerabilities.

My concern with Jacob's solution is that rendering the line breaks with CSS breaks the HTML semantics.

How to use ADB in Android Studio to view an SQLite DB

Depending on devices you might not find sqlite3 command in adb shell. In that case you might want to follow this :

adb shell

$ run-as
$ cd ./databases/
$ ls -l #Find the current permissions - r=4, w=2, x=1
$ chmod 666 ./dbname.db
$ exit
$ exit
adb pull /data/data/ ~/Desktop/
adb push ~/Desktop/dbname.db /data/data/
adb shell
$ run-as
$ chmod 660 ./databases/dbname.db #Restore original permissions
$ exit
$ exit

for reference go to

There might be cases when you get "remote object not found" after following above procedure. Then change permission of your database folder to 755 in adb shell.

$ chmod 755 databases/

But please mind that it'll work only on android version < 21.

rake assets:precompile RAILS_ENV=production not working as required

I found out that my back-up project worked well if I precompile without bundle update. Maybe something went wrong with gem updated but I don't know which gem has an error.

Apply style ONLY on IE

A bit late on this one but this worked perfectly for me when trying to hide the background for IE6 & 7

    background-image: url("images/myimg.png");
    background-position: right top;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-size: 22px auto;
    padding-left: 48px;
    height: 42px;
    _background-image: none;
    *background-image: none;

I got this hack via:

    color: #999; /* shows in all browsers */
    *color: #999; /* notice the * before the property - shows in IE7 and below */
    _color: #999; /* notice the _ before the property - shows in IE6 and below */

What's the best way to identify hidden characters in the result of a query in SQL Server (Query Analyzer)?

To find them, you can use this

;WITH cte AS
   SELECT 0 AS CharCode
   SELECT CharCode + 1 FROM cte WHERE CharCode <31
   mytable T
     cross join cte
        FROM mytable Tx
        WHERE Tx.PKCol = T.PKCol
              Tx.MyField LIKE '%' + CHAR(cte.CharCode) + '%'

Replacing the EXISTS with a JOIN will allow you to REPLACE them, but you'll get multiple rows... I can't think of a way around that...

matching query does not exist Error in Django

You can use this in your case, it will work fine.

user = UniversityDetails.objects.filter(email=email).first()

Set QLineEdit to accept only numbers

If you're using QT Creator 5.6 you can do that like this:

#include <QIntValidator>

ui->myLineEditName->setValidator( new QIntValidator);

I recomend you put that line after ui->setupUi(this);

I hope this helps.

Provide static IP to docker containers via docker-compose

I was facing some difficulties with an environment variable that is with custom name (not with container name /port convention for KAPACITOR_BASE_URL and KAPACITOR_ALERTS_ENDPOINT). If we give service name in this case it wouldn't resolve the ip as

KAPACITOR_BASE_URL:  http://kapacitor:9092

In above http://[**kapacitor**]:9092 would not resolve to

I resolved the static IPs issues using subnetting configurations.

version: "3.3"

        - subnet:
        image: postgres:9.4.4
            - "5432:5432"
            - postgres_data:/var/lib/postgresql/data

        image: redis:latest
            - "6379"

        image: influxdb:latest
            - "8086:8086"
            - "8083:8083"
            - ../influxdb/influxdb.conf:/etc/influxdb/influxdb.conf
            - ../influxdb/inxdb:/var/lib/influxdb
          INFLUXDB_ADMIN_ENABLED: "true"
          INFLUXDB_USERNAME: "db_username"
          INFLUXDB_PASSWORD: "12345678"
          INFLUXDB_DB: db_customers

        image: kapacitor:latest
            - "9092:9092"
            - influxdb
            - ../kapacitor/kapacitor.conf:/etc/kapacitor/kapacitor.conf
            - ../kapacitor/kapdb:/var/lib/kapacitor
          KAPACITOR_INFLUXDB_0_URLS_0: http://influxdb:8086

        build: .
        command: bundle exec rails s -b
            - "3000:3000"
            - db
            - kapacitor
            - db
            - .:/var/app/current
          DATABASE_URL: postgres://postgres@db
          DATABASE_USERNAME: postgres
          DATABASE_PASSWORD: postgres
          INFLUX_URL: http://influxdb:8086
          INFLUX_USER: db_username
          INFLUX_PWD: 12345678


Does a VPN Hide my Location on Android?

Your question can be conveniently divided into several parts:

Does a VPN hide location? Yes, he is capable of this. This is not about GPS determining your location. If you try to change the region via VPN in an application that requires GPS access, nothing will work. However, sites define your region differently. They get an IP address and see what country or region it belongs to. If you can change your IP address, you can change your region. This is exactly what VPNs can do.

How to hide location on Android? There is nothing difficult in figuring out how to set up a VPN on Android, but a couple of nuances still need to be highlighted. Let's start with the fact that not all Android VPNs are created equal. For example, VeePN outperforms many other services in terms of efficiency in circumventing restrictions. It has 2500+ VPN servers and a powerful IP and DNS leak protection system.

You can easily change the location of your Android device by using a VPN. Follow these steps for any device model (Samsung, Sony, Huawei, etc.):

  1. Download and install a trusted VPN.

  2. Install the VPN on your Android device.

  3. Open the application and connect to a server in a different country.

  4. Your Android location will now be successfully changed!

Is it legal? Yes, changing your location on Android is legal. Likewise, you can change VPN settings in Microsoft Edge on your PC, and all this is within the law. VPN allows you to change your IP address, safeguarding your privacy and protecting your actual location from being exposed. However, VPN laws may vary from country to country. There are restrictions in some regions.

Brief summary: Yes, you can change your region on Android and a VPN is a necessary assistant for this. It's simple, safe and legal. Today, VPN is the best way to change the region and unblock sites with regional restrictions.

Get the index of a certain value in an array in PHP

// or considering your array structure:

$array = array(
  'string1' => array('a' => '', 'b' => '', 'c' => ''),
  'string2' => array('a' => '', 'b' => '', 'c' => ''),
  'string3' => array('a' => '', 'b' => '', 'c' => ''),

// you could just

function findIndexOfKey($key_to_index,$array){
  return array_search($key_to_index,array_keys($array));

// executed

print "\r\n//-- Method 1 --//\r\n";
print '#index of: string1 = '.findIndexofKey('string1',$array)."\r\n";
print '#index of: string2 = '.findIndexofKey('string2',$array)."\r\n";
print '#index of: string3 = '.findIndexofKey('string3',$array)."\r\n";

// alternatively

print "\r\n//-- Method 2 --//\r\n";
print '#index of: string1 = '.array_search('string1',array_keys($array))."\r\n";
print '#index of: string2 = '.array_search('string2',array_keys($array))."\r\n";
print '#index of: string3 = '.array_search('string3',array_keys($array))."\r\n";

// recursersively

print "\r\n//-- Method 3 --//\r\n";
foreach(array_keys($array) as $key => $value){
  print '#index of: '.$value.' = '.$key."\r\n";

// outputs

//-- Method 1 --//
#index of: string1 = 0
#index of: string2 = 1
#index of: string3 = 2

//-- Method 2 --//
#index of: string1 = 0
#index of: string2 = 1
#index of: string3 = 2

//-- Method 3 --//
#index of: string1 = 0
#index of: string2 = 1
#index of: string3 = 2

Is there a way to get a <button> element to link to a location without wrapping it in an <a href ... tag?

Just do this

<button OnClick=" location.href='link.html' ">Visit Page Now</button>

Although, it's been a while since I've touched JavaScript - maybe location.href is outdated? Anyways, that's how I would do it.

How to Implement Custom Table View Section Headers and Footers with Storyboard

Here is @Vitaliy Gozhenko's answer, in Swift.
To summarize you will create a UITableViewHeaderFooterView that contains a UITableViewCell. This UITableViewCell will be "dequeuable" and you can design it in your storyboard.

  1. Create a UITableViewHeaderFooterView class

    class CustomHeaderFooterView: UITableViewHeaderFooterView {
    var cell : UITableViewCell? {
        willSet {
        didSet {
            if let cell = cell {
                cell.frame = self.bounds
                cell.autoresizingMask = [UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleHeight, UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleWidth]
                self.contentView.backgroundColor = UIColor .clearColor()
                self.contentView .addSubview(cell)
  2. Plug your tableview with this class in your viewDidLoad function:

    self.tableView.registerClass(CustomHeaderFooterView.self, forHeaderFooterViewReuseIdentifier: "SECTION_ID")
  3. When asking, for a section header, dequeue a CustomHeaderFooterView, and insert a cell into it

    func tableView(tableView: UITableView, viewForHeaderInSection section: Int) -> UIView? {
        let view = self.tableView.dequeueReusableHeaderFooterViewWithIdentifier("SECTION_ID") as! CustomHeaderFooterView
        if view.cell == nil {
            let cell = self.tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("Cell")
            view.cell = cell;
        // Fill the cell with data here
        return view;

Setting a minimum/maximum character count for any character using a regular expression

Like this: .

The . means any character except newline (which sometimes is but often isn't included, check your regex flavour).

You can rewrite your expression as ^.{1,35}$, which should match any line of length 1-35.

Keep SSH session alive

The ssh daemon (sshd), which runs server-side, closes the connection from the server-side if the client goes silent (i.e., does not send information). To prevent connection loss, instruct the ssh client to send a sign-of-life signal to the server once in a while.

The configuration for this is in the file $HOME/.ssh/config, create the file if it does not exist (the config file must not be world-readable, so run chmod 600 ~/.ssh/config after creating the file). To send the signal every e.g. four minutes (240 seconds) to the remote host, put the following in that configuration file:

Host remotehost
    ServerAliveInterval 240

To enable sending a keep-alive signal for all hosts, place the following contents in the configuration file:

Host *
    ServerAliveInterval 240

Java's L number (long) specification

To understand why it is necessary to distinguish between int and long literals, consider:

long l = -1 >>> 1;


int a = -1;
long l = a >>> 1;

Now as you would rightly expect, both code fragments give the same value to variable l. Without being able to distinguish int and long literals, what is the interpretation of -1 >>> 1?

-1L >>> 1 // ?


(int)-1 >>> 1 // ?

So even if the number is in the common range, we need to specify type. If the default changed with magnitude of the literal, then there would be a weird change in the interpretations of expressions just from changing the digits.

This does not occur for byte, short and char because they are always promoted before performing arithmetic and bitwise operations. Arguably their should be integer type suffixes for use in, say, array initialisation expressions, but there isn't. float uses suffix f and double d. Other literals have unambiguous types, with there being a special type for null.

SQL Format as of Round off removing decimals

CAST(Round(MySum * 20.0 /100, 0) AS INT)


MySum * 20 /100, I get 11

This is because when all 3 operands are INTs, SQL Server will do perform integer maths, from left to right, truncating all intermediate results.

58 * 20 / 100 => 1160 / 100 => 11 (truncated from 11.6)

Also for the record ROUND(m,n) returns the result to n decimal places, not n significant figures.

TypeError : Unhashable type

You'll find that instances of list do not provide a __hash__ --rather, that attribute of each list is actually None (try print [].__hash__). Thus, list is unhashable.

The reason your code works with list and not set is because set constructs a single set of items without duplicates, whereas a list can contain arbitrary data.

How to fetch data from local JSON file on react native?

ES6/ES2015 version:

import customData from './customData.json';

Passing in class names to react components

In Typescript you need to set types of HTMLAttributes and React.FunctionComponent.

In most cases you will need will be extending it to another interface or type.

const List: React.FunctionComponent<ListProps &
  React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>> = (
  props: ListProps & React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>
) => {
  return (
    <div className={props.className}>
      <img className="mr-3" src={props.icon} alt="" />

interface ListProps {
  context: string;
  icon: string;

Unable to open a file with fopen()

How are you running the file? Is it from the command line or from an IDE? The directory that your executable is in is not necessarily your working directory.

Try using the full path name in the fopen and see if that fixes it. If so, then the problem is as described.

For example:

file = fopen("c:\\MyDirectory\\TestFile1.txt", "r");
file = fopen("/full/path/to/TestFile1.txt", "r");

Or open up a command window and navigate to the directory where your executable is, then run it manually.

As an aside, you can insert a simple (for Windows or Linux/UNIX/BSD/etc respectively):

system ("cd")

before the fopen to show which directory you're actually in.

Prevent onmouseout when hovering child element of the parent absolute div WITHOUT jQuery

I think Quirksmode has all the answers you need (different browsers bubbling behaviour and the mouseenter/mouseleave events), but I think the most common conclusion to that event bubbling mess is the use of a framework like JQuery or Mootools (which has the mouseenter and mouseleave events, which are exactly what you intuited would happen).

Have a look at how they do it, if you want, do it yourself
or you can create your custom "lean mean" version of Mootools with just the event part (and its dependencies).

Python Dictionary contains List as Value - How to update?

An accessed dictionary value (a list in this case) is the original value, separate from the dictionary which is used to access it. You would increment the values in the list the same way whether it's in a dictionary or not:

l = dictionary.get('C1')
for i in range(len(l)):
    l[i] += 10

Taking the record with the max date

If date and col_date are the same columns you should simply do:


Why not use:

SELECT A, date FROM TABLENAME t JOIN x ON x.A = t.A AND x.m = t.col_date



Portable way to get file size (in bytes) in shell?

Cross platform fastest solution (only uses single fork() for ls, doesn't attempt to count actual characters, doesn't spawn unneeded awk, perl, etc).

Tested on MacOS, Linux - may require minor modification for Solaris:

__ln=( $( ls -Lon "$1" ) )
echo "Size is: $__size bytes"

If required, simplify ls arguments, and adjust offset in ${__ln[3]}.

Note: will follow symlinks.

Why should C++ programmers minimize use of 'new'?

There are two widely-used memory allocation techniques: automatic allocation and dynamic allocation. Commonly, there is a corresponding region of memory for each: the stack and the heap.


The stack always allocates memory in a sequential fashion. It can do so because it requires you to release the memory in the reverse order (First-In, Last-Out: FILO). This is the memory allocation technique for local variables in many programming languages. It is very, very fast because it requires minimal bookkeeping and the next address to allocate is implicit.

In C++, this is called automatic storage because the storage is claimed automatically at the end of scope. As soon as execution of current code block (delimited using {}) is completed, memory for all variables in that block is automatically collected. This is also the moment where destructors are invoked to clean up resources.


The heap allows for a more flexible memory allocation mode. Bookkeeping is more complex and allocation is slower. Because there is no implicit release point, you must release the memory manually, using delete or delete[] (free in C). However, the absence of an implicit release point is the key to the heap's flexibility.

Reasons to use dynamic allocation

Even if using the heap is slower and potentially leads to memory leaks or memory fragmentation, there are perfectly good use cases for dynamic allocation, as it's less limited.

Two key reasons to use dynamic allocation:

  • You don't know how much memory you need at compile time. For instance, when reading a text file into a string, you usually don't know what size the file has, so you can't decide how much memory to allocate until you run the program.

  • You want to allocate memory which will persist after leaving the current block. For instance, you may want to write a function string readfile(string path) that returns the contents of a file. In this case, even if the stack could hold the entire file contents, you could not return from a function and keep the allocated memory block.

Why dynamic allocation is often unnecessary

In C++ there's a neat construct called a destructor. This mechanism allows you to manage resources by aligning the lifetime of the resource with the lifetime of a variable. This technique is called RAII and is the distinguishing point of C++. It "wraps" resources into objects. std::string is a perfect example. This snippet:

int main ( int argc, char* argv[] )
    std::string program(argv[0]);

actually allocates a variable amount of memory. The std::string object allocates memory using the heap and releases it in its destructor. In this case, you did not need to manually manage any resources and still got the benefits of dynamic memory allocation.

In particular, it implies that in this snippet:

int main ( int argc, char* argv[] )
    std::string * program = new std::string(argv[0]);  // Bad!
    delete program;

there is unneeded dynamic memory allocation. The program requires more typing (!) and introduces the risk of forgetting to deallocate the memory. It does this with no apparent benefit.

Why you should use automatic storage as often as possible

Basically, the last paragraph sums it up. Using automatic storage as often as possible makes your programs:

  • faster to type;
  • faster when run;
  • less prone to memory/resource leaks.

Bonus points

In the referenced question, there are additional concerns. In particular, the following class:

class Line {
    std::string* mString;

Line::Line() {
    mString = new std::string("foo_bar");

Line::~Line() {
    delete mString;

Is actually a lot more risky to use than the following one:

class Line {
    std::string mString;

Line::Line() {
    mString = "foo_bar";
    // note: there is a cleaner way to write this.

The reason is that std::string properly defines a copy constructor. Consider the following program:

int main ()
    Line l1;
    Line l2 = l1;

Using the original version, this program will likely crash, as it uses delete on the same string twice. Using the modified version, each Line instance will own its own string instance, each with its own memory and both will be released at the end of the program.

Other notes

Extensive use of RAII is considered a best practice in C++ because of all the reasons above. However, there is an additional benefit which is not immediately obvious. Basically, it's better than the sum of its parts. The whole mechanism composes. It scales.

If you use the Line class as a building block:

 class Table
      Line borders[4];


 int main ()
     Table table;

allocates four std::string instances, four Line instances, one Table instance and all the string's contents and everything is freed automagically.

How to run Tensorflow on CPU

Just using the code below.

import os
os.environ["CUDA_DEVICE_ORDER"] = "PCI_BUS_ID"
os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = '-1'

Create a string and append text to it

Another way to do this is to add the new characters to the string as follows:

Dim str As String

str = ""

To append text to your string this way:

str = str & "and this is more text"

function to return a string in java

Your code is fine. There's no problem with returning Strings in this manner.

In Java, a String is a reference to an immutable object. This, coupled with garbage collection, takes care of much of the potential complexity: you can simply pass a String around without worrying that it would disapper on you, or that someone somewhere would modify it.

If you don't mind me making a couple of stylistic suggestions, I'd modify the code like so:

public String time_to_string(long t) // time in milliseconds
    if (t < 0)
        return "-";
        int secs = (int)(t/1000);
        int mins = secs/60;
        secs = secs - (mins * 60);
        return String.format("%d:%02d", mins, secs);

As you can see, I've pushed the variable declarations as far down as I could (this is the preferred style in C++ and Java). I've also eliminated ans and have replaced the mix of string concatenation and String.format() with a single call to String.format().

Bootstrap 3 Carousel fading to new slide instead of sliding to new slide

you can use transition in css3:

.carousel-fade .carousel-inner .item {_x000D_
  -webkit-transition-property: opacity;_x000D_
  transition-property: opacity;_x000D_
.carousel-fade .carousel-inner .item,_x000D_
.carousel-fade .carousel-inner .active.left,_x000D_
.carousel-fade .carousel-inner .active.right {_x000D_
  opacity: 0;_x000D_
.carousel-fade .carousel-inner .active,_x000D_
.carousel-fade .carousel-inner .next.left,_x000D_
.carousel-fade .carousel-inner .prev.right {_x000D_
  opacity: 1;_x000D_
.carousel-fade .carousel-inner .next,_x000D_
.carousel-fade .carousel-inner .prev,_x000D_
.carousel-fade .carousel-inner .active.left,_x000D_
.carousel-fade .carousel-inner .active.right {_x000D_
  left: 0;_x000D_
  -webkit-transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);_x000D_
          transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);_x000D_
.carousel-fade .carousel-control {_x000D_
  z-index: 2;_x000D_

Calculate percentage Javascript

For percent increase and decrease, using 2 different methods:

const a = 541
const b = 394

// Percent increase 
  `Increase (from ${b} to ${a}) => `,
  (((a/b)-1) * 100).toFixed(2) + "%",

// Percent decrease
  `Decrease (from ${a} to ${b}) => `,
  (((b/a)-1) * 100).toFixed(2) + "%",

// Alternatives, using .toLocaleString() 
  `Increase (from ${b} to ${a}) => `,
  ((a/b)-1).toLocaleString('fullwide', {maximumFractionDigits:2, style:'percent'}),

  `Decrease (from ${a} to ${b}) => `,
  ((b/a)-1).toLocaleString('fullwide', {maximumFractionDigits:2, style:'percent'}),

Get screen width and height in Android

Two steps. First, extend Activity class

class Example extends Activity

Second: Use this code

 DisplayMetrics displayMetrics = new DisplayMetrics();
 WindowManager windowmanager = (WindowManager) getApplicationContext().getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE);
 int deviceWidth = displayMetrics.widthPixels;
 int deviceHeight = displayMetrics.heightPixels;

CMD: How do I recursively remove the "Hidden"-Attribute of files and directories

if you wanna remove attributes for all files in all folders on whole flash drive do this:

attrib -r -s -h /S /D

this command will remove attrubutes for all files folders and subfolders:

-read only -system file -is hidden -Processes matching files and all subfolders. -Processes folders as well

Retrieve only the queried element in an object array in MongoDB collection

Thanks to JohnnyHK.

Here I just want to add some more complex usage.

// Document 
"_id" : 1
"shapes" : [
  {"shape" : "square",  "color" : "red"},
  {"shape" : "circle",  "color" : "green"}

"_id" : 2
"shapes" : [
  {"shape" : "square",  "color" : "red"},
  {"shape" : "circle",  "color" : "green"}

// The Query   
    "_id" : ObjectId(1),
    "_id": 0,
    "shapes" :{
           "color" : "red"

//And the Result

       "shape" : "square",
       "color" : "red"

How do I make WRAP_CONTENT work on a RecyclerView

Update your view with null value instead of parent viewgroup in Adapter viewholder onCreateViewHolder method.

public AdapterItemSku.MyViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup parent, int viewType) {

    View view = inflator.inflate(R.layout.layout_item, null, false);
    return new MyViewHolder(view);

Using underscores in Java variables and method names

I don't think using _ or m_ to indicate member variables is bad in Java or any other language. It my opinion it improves readability of your code because it allows you to look at a snippet and quickly identify out all of the member variables from locals.

You can also achieve this by forcing users to prepend instance variables with "this" but I find this slighly draconian. In many ways it violates DRY because it's an instance variable, why qualify it twice.

My own personal style is to use m_ instead of _. The reason being that there are also global and static variables. The advantage to m_/_ is it distinguishes a variables scope. So you can't reuse _ for global or static and instead I choose g_ and s_ respectively.

How to use refs in React with Typescript

I always do this, in that case to grab a ref

let input: HTMLInputElement = ReactDOM.findDOMNode<HTMLInputElement>(this.refs.input);

How to detect page zoom level in all modern browsers?

This is for Chrome, in the wake of user800583 answer ...

I spent a few hours on this problem and have not found a better approach, but :

  • There are 16 'zoomLevel' and not 10
  • When Chrome is fullscreen/maximized the ratio is window.outerWidth/window.innerWidth, and when it is not, the ratio seems to be (window.outerWidth-16)/window.innerWidth, however the 1st case can be approached by the 2nd one.

So I came to the following ...

But this approach has limitations : for example if you play the accordion with the application window (rapidly enlarge and reduce the width of the window) then you will get gaps between zoom levels although the zoom has not changed (may be outerWidth and innerWidth are not exactly updated in the same time).

var snap = function (r, snaps)
    var i;
    for (i=0; i < 16; i++) { if ( r < snaps[i] ) return i; }
var w, l, r;
w = window.outerWidth, l = window.innerWidth;
return snap((w - 16) / l,
            [ 0.29, 0.42, 0.58, 0.71, 0.83, 0.95, 1.05, 1.18, 1.38, 1.63, 1.88, 2.25, 2.75, 3.5, 4.5, 100 ],

And if you want the factor :

var snap = function (r, snaps, ratios)
    var i;
    for (i=0; i < 16; i++) { if ( r < snaps[i] ) return eval(ratios[i]); }
var w, l, r;
w = window.outerWidth, l = window.innerWidth;
return snap((w - 16) / l,
            [ 0.29, 0.42, 0.58, 0.71, 0.83, 0.95, 1.05, 1.18, 1.38, 1.63, 1.88, 2.25, 2.75, 3.5, 4.5, 100 ],
            [ 0.25, '1/3', 0.5, '2/3', 0.75, 0.9, 1, 1.1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5 ]

Selecting multiple classes with jQuery

Have you tried this?

$('.myClass, .myOtherClass').removeClass('theclass');

MySQL "incorrect string value" error when save unicode string in Django

I had the same problem and resolved it by changing the character set of the column. Even though your database has a default character set of utf-8 I think it's possible for database columns to have a different character set in MySQL. Here's the SQL QUERY I used:

    ALTER TABLE database.table MODIFY COLUMN col VARCHAR(255)
    CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL;

Error:Cannot fit requested classes in a single dex file.Try supplying a main-dex list. # methods: 72477 > 65536

What are dex files: Android app (APK) files contain executable bytecode files in the form of Dalvik Executable (DEX) files, which contain the compiled code used to run your app.

Reason for this exception: The DEX specification limits the total number of methods that can be referenced within a single DEX file to 65,536 (64K reference limit) —including Android framework methods, library methods, and methods in your own code.

Step 01. Add the following dependency as follows

For Non-Androidx Users,

dependencies {
  implementation ''
defaultConfig {
    minSdkVersion 16
    targetSdkVersion 28
    multiDexEnabled true  //ADD THIS LINE

For Androidx Users,

dependencies {
  implementation 'androidx.multidex:multidex:2.0.1'
    defaultConfig {
        minSdkVersion 16
        targetSdkVersion 28
        multiDexEnabled true  //ADD THIS LINE

Step 02:

After adding those Sync projects and before you run the project make sure to Build a project before the run. otherwise, you will get an exception.

How can I find out if I have Xcode commandline tools installed?

/usr/bin/xcodebuild -version

will give you the xcode version, run it via Terminal command

How can I listen for keypress event on the whole page?

Just to add to this in 2019 w Angular 8,

instead of keypress I had to use keydown

@HostListener('document:keypress', ['$event'])


@HostListener('document:keydown', ['$event'])

Working Stacklitz