Programs & Examples On #Gumstix

Gumstix is an American multinational company headquartered in Portola Valley, California that develops and manufactures small computers-on-module (COMs), compatible expansion boards and single-board computers.

auto create database in Entity Framework Core

For EF Core 2.0+ I had to take a different approach because they changed the API. As of March 2019 Microsoft recommends you put your database migration code in your application entry class but outside of the WebHost build code.

public class Program
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        var host = CreateWebHostBuilder(args).Build();
        using (var serviceScope = host.Services.CreateScope())
            var context = serviceScope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<PersonContext>();

    public static IWebHostBuilder CreateWebHostBuilder(string[] args) =>

Stop Excel from automatically converting certain text values to dates

EASIEST SOLUTION I just figured this out today.

  • Open in Word
  • Replace all hyphens with en dashes
  • Save and Close
  • Open in Excel

Once you are done editing, you can always open it back up in Word again to replace the en dashes with hyphens again.

Using PowerShell to write a file in UTF-8 without the BOM

If you want to use [System.IO.File]::WriteAllLines(), you should cast second parameter to String[] (if the type of $MyFile is Object[]), and also specify absolute path with $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($MyPath), like:

$Utf8NoBomEncoding = New-Object System.Text.UTF8Encoding $False
Get-ChildItem | ConvertTo-Csv | Set-Variable MyFile
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllLines($ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($MyPath), [String[]]$MyFile, $Utf8NoBomEncoding)

If you want to use [System.IO.File]::WriteAllText(), sometimes you should pipe the second parameter into | Out-String | to add CRLFs to the end of each line explictly (Especially when you use them with ConvertTo-Csv):

$Utf8NoBomEncoding = New-Object System.Text.UTF8Encoding $False
Get-ChildItem | ConvertTo-Csv | Out-String | Set-Variable tmp
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllText("/absolute/path/to/foobar.csv", $tmp, $Utf8NoBomEncoding)

Or you can use [Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes() with Set-Content -Encoding Byte:

$Utf8NoBomEncoding = New-Object System.Text.UTF8Encoding $False
Get-ChildItem | ConvertTo-Csv | Out-String | % { [Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($_) } | Set-Content -Encoding Byte -Path "/absolute/path/to/foobar.csv"

see: How to write result of ConvertTo-Csv to a file in UTF-8 without BOM

What are static factory methods?

The static factory method pattern is a way to encapsulate object creation. Without a factory method, you would simply call the class's constructor directly: Foo x = new Foo(). With this pattern, you would instead call the factory method: Foo x = Foo.create(). The constructors are marked private, so they cannot be called except from inside the class, and the factory method is marked as static so that it can be called without first having an object.

There are a few advantages to this pattern. One is that the factory can choose from many subclasses (or implementers of an interface) and return that. This way the caller can specify the behavior desired via parameters, without having to know or understand a potentially complex class hierarchy.

Another advantage is, as Matthew and James have pointed out, controlling access to a limited resource such as connections. This a way to implement pools of reusable objects - instead of building, using, and tearing down an object, if the construction and destruction are expensive processes it might make more sense to build them once and recycle them. The factory method can return an existing, unused instantiated object if it has one, or construct one if the object count is below some lower threshold, or throw an exception or return null if it's above the upper threshold.

As per the article on Wikipedia, multiple factory methods also allow different interpretations of similar argument types. Normally the constructor has the same name as the class, which means that you can only have one constructor with a given signature. Factories are not so constrained, which means you can have two different methods that accept the same argument types:

Coordinate c = Coordinate.createFromCartesian(double x, double y)


Coordinate c = Coordinate.createFromPolar(double distance, double angle)

This can also be used to improve readability, as Rasmus notes.

What is the proper declaration of main in C++?

The main function must be declared as a non-member function in the global namespace. This means that it cannot be a static or non-static member function of a class, nor can it be placed in a namespace (even the unnamed namespace).

The name main is not reserved in C++ except as a function in the global namespace. You are free to declare other entities named main, including among other things, classes, variables, enumerations, member functions, and non-member functions not in the global namespace.

You can declare a function named main as a member function or in a namespace, but such a function would not be the main function that designates where the program starts.

The main function cannot be declared as static or inline. It also cannot be overloaded; there can be only one function named main in the global namespace.

The main function cannot be used in your program: you are not allowed to call the main function from anywhere in your code, nor are you allowed to take its address.

The return type of main must be int. No other return type is allowed (this rule is in bold because it is very common to see incorrect programs that declare main with a return type of void; this is probably the most frequently violated rule concerning the main function).

There are two declarations of main that must be allowed:

int main()               // (1)
int main(int, char*[])   // (2)

In (1), there are no parameters.

In (2), there are two parameters and they are conventionally named argc and argv, respectively. argv is a pointer to an array of C strings representing the arguments to the program. argc is the number of arguments in the argv array.

Usually, argv[0] contains the name of the program, but this is not always the case. argv[argc] is guaranteed to be a null pointer.

Note that since an array type argument (like char*[]) is really just a pointer type argument in disguise, the following two are both valid ways to write (2) and they both mean exactly the same thing:

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
int main(int argc, char** argv)

Some implementations may allow other types and numbers of parameters; you'd have to check the documentation of your implementation to see what it supports.

main() is expected to return zero to indicate success and non-zero to indicate failure. You are not required to explicitly write a return statement in main(): if you let main() return without an explicit return statement, it's the same as if you had written return 0;. The following two main() functions have the same behavior:

int main() { }
int main() { return 0; }

There are two macros, EXIT_SUCCESS and EXIT_FAILURE, defined in <cstdlib> that can also be returned from main() to indicate success and failure, respectively.

The value returned by main() is passed to the exit() function, which terminates the program.

Note that all of this applies only when compiling for a hosted environment (informally, an environment where you have a full standard library and there's an OS running your program). It is also possible to compile a C++ program for a freestanding environment (for example, some types of embedded systems), in which case startup and termination are wholly implementation-defined and a main() function may not even be required. If you're writing C++ for a modern desktop OS, though, you're compiling for a hosted environment.

Count with IF condition in MySQL query

Replace this line:

count(if( = 'approved',, 0)) AS comments

With this one:

coalesce(sum( = 'approved'), 0) comments

How to get a jqGrid cell value when editing

I've got a rather indirect way. Your data should have an unique id.

First, setting a formatter

$.extend(true, $.fn.fmatter, {          
numdata: function(cellvalue, options, rowdata){
    return '<span class="numData" data-num="'+rowdata.num+'">'+rowdata.num+'</span>';

Use this formatter in ColModel. To retrieve ID (e.g. selected row)

var grid = $("#grid"), 
    rowId = grid.getGridPara('selrow'),
    num = grid.find("#"+rowId+" span.numData").attr("data-num");

(or you can directly use .data() for latest jquery 1.4.4)

how to save and read array of array in NSUserdefaults in swift?

Just to add on to what @Zaph says in the comments.

I have the same problem as you, as to know, the array of String is not saved. Even though Apple bridges types such as String and NSString, I wasn't able to save an array of [String] neither of [AnyObject].

However an array of [NSString] works for me.

So your code could look like that :

var key = "keySave"

var array1: [NSString] = [NSString]()
array1.append("value 1")
array1.append("value 2")

var defaults = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults()
defaults.setObject(array1, forKey: key)

if let testArray : AnyObject? = defaults.objectForKey(key) {
    var readArray : [NSString] = testArray! as [NSString]

Note that I created an array of NSString and not a dictionary. I didn't check if it works with a dictionary, but probably you will have to define the things as [NSString : NSString] to have it working.


Re-reading your question and your title, you are talking of array of array. I think that as long as you stay with NSString, an array of array will work. However, if you think my answer is irrelevant, just let me know in the comments and I will remove it.

Exporting PDF with jspdf not rendering CSS

Slight change to @rejesh-yadav wonderful answer.

html2canvas now returns a promise.

html2canvas(document.body).then(function (canvas) {
    var img = canvas.toDataURL("image/png");
    var doc = new jsPDF();
    doc.addImage(img, 'JPEG', 10, 10);'test.pdf');        

Hope this helps some!

Split string with multiple delimiters in Python

Luckily, Python has this built-in :)

import re
re.split('; |, ',str)

Following your comment:

>>> a='Beautiful, is; better*than\nugly'
>>> import re
>>> re.split('; |, |\*|\n',a)
['Beautiful', 'is', 'better', 'than', 'ugly']

How to convert HH:mm:ss.SSS to milliseconds?

Using JODA:

PeriodFormatter periodFormat = new PeriodFormatterBuilder()
  .appendHour() // 2 digits minimum
  .appendMinute() // 2 digits minimum
Period result = Period.parse(string, periodFormat);
return result.toStandardDuration().getMillis();

How to use Monitor (DDMS) tool to debug application

I think things (location) have changed little bit. For: Android Studio Build @AI-141.1903250 - built on May 5, 2015

Franco Rondinis answer should be

To track memory allocation of objects:

  1. Start your app as described in Run Your App in Debug Mode.
  2. Click Android to open the Android DDMS tool window.
  3. Select your device from the dropdown list.
  4. Select your app by its package name from the list of running apps.
  5. On the Android DDMS tool window, select Memory tab.
  6. Click Start Allocation Tracking Interact with your app on the device. Click Stop Allocation Tracking (same icon)

how to start allocation tracking in android studio

Restoring database from .mdf and .ldf files of SQL Server 2008

this is what i did

first execute create database x. x is the name of your old database eg the name of the mdf.

Then open sql sever configration and stop the sql sever.

There after browse to the location of your new created database it should be under program file, in my case is

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL14.MSSQL\MSSQL\DATA

and repleace the new created mdf and Idf with the old files/database.

then simply restart the sql server and walla :)

What process is listening on a certain port on Solaris?

If you have access to netstat, that can do precisely that.

jquery can't get data attribute value

You can change the selector and data attributes as you wish!

 <select id="selectVehicle">
       <option value="1" data-year="2011">Mazda</option>
       <option value="2" data-year="2015">Honda</option>
       <option value="3" data-year="2008">Mercedes</option>
       <option value="4" data-year="2005">Toyota</option>

$("#selectVehicle").change(function () {

Here is the working example:

Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow. (Adding integers)

The maximum value of an integer (which is signed) is 2147483647. If that value overflows, an exception is thrown to prevent unexpected behavior of your program.

If that exception wouldn't be thrown, you'd have a value of -2145629296 for your Volume, which is most probably not wanted.

Solution: Use an Int64 for your volume. With a max value of 9223372036854775807, you're probably more on the safe side.

Bootstrap 3.0 Sliding Menu from left

Probably late but here is a plugin that can do the job :

Also v2 can use mobile gesture such as swipe ;)

HTML Drag And Drop On Mobile Devices

I needed to create a drag and drop + rotation that works on desktop, mobile, tablet including windows phone. The last one made it more complicated (mspointer vs. touch events).

The solution came from The great Greensock library

It took some jumping through hoops to make the same object draggable and rotatable but it works perfectly

Center Align on a Absolutely Positioned Div

    position: absolute;
    right: 0;
    left: 0;
    margin: auto;

super() in Java

That is correct. Super is used to call the parent constructor. So suppose you have a code block like so

class A{
    int n;
    public A(int x){
        n = x;

class B extends A{
    int m;
    public B(int x, int y){
        m = y;

Then you can assign a value to the member variable n.

Injecting Mockito mocks into a Spring bean

I can do the following using Mockito:

<bean id="stateMachine" class="org.mockito.Mockito" factory-method="mock">
    <constructor-arg value="com.abcd.StateMachine"/>

How to copy and paste worksheets between Excel workbooks?

You can also do this without any code at all. If you right-click on the little sheet tab at the bottom of the sheet, and select "Move or Copy", you will get a dialog box that lets you choose which open workbook to transfer the sheet to.

See this link for more detailed instructions and screenshots.

curl : (1) Protocol https not supported or disabled in libcurl

I ran into this problem and turned out that there was a space before the https which was causing the problem. " https://" vs "https://"

Create a text file for download on-the-fly

Check out this SO question's accepted solution. Substitute your own filename for basename($File) and change filesize($File) to strlen($your_string). (You may want to use mb_strlen just in case the string contains multibyte characters.)

How to get all options of a select using jQuery?

$("#id option").each(function()
    $(this).prop('selected', true);

Although, the CORRECT way is to set the DOM property of the element, like so:

$("#id option").each(function(){
    $(this).attr('selected', true);

'DataFrame' object has no attribute 'sort'

Pandas Sorting 101

sort has been replaced in v0.20 by DataFrame.sort_values and DataFrame.sort_index. Aside from this, we also have argsort.

Here are some common use cases in sorting, and how to solve them using the sorting functions in the current API. First, the setup.

# Setup
df = pd.DataFrame({'A': list('accab'), 'B': np.random.choice(10, 5)})    
   A  B
0  a  7
1  c  9
2  c  3
3  a  5
4  b  2

Sort by Single Column

For example, to sort df by column "A", use sort_values with a single column name:


   A  B
0  a  7
3  a  5
4  b  2
1  c  9
2  c  3

If you need a fresh RangeIndex, use DataFrame.reset_index.

Sort by Multiple Columns

For example, to sort by both col "A" and "B" in df, you can pass a list to sort_values:

df.sort_values(by=['A', 'B'])

   A  B
3  a  5
0  a  7
4  b  2
2  c  3
1  c  9

Sort By DataFrame Index

df2 = df.sample(frac=1)

   A  B
1  c  9
0  a  7
2  c  3
3  a  5
4  b  2

You can do this using sort_index:


   A  B
0  a  7
1  c  9
2  c  3
3  a  5
4  b  2

# False
# True

Here are some comparable methods with their performance:

%timeit df2.sort_index()                                                                                                                  
%timeit df2.iloc[df2.index.argsort()]                                                                                                     
%timeit df2.reindex(np.sort(df2.index))                                                                                                   

605 µs ± 13.6 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)
610 µs ± 24.2 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)
581 µs ± 7.63 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)

Sort by List of Indices

For example,

idx = df2.index.argsort()
# array([0, 7, 2, 3, 9, 4, 5, 6, 8, 1])

This "sorting" problem is actually a simple indexing problem. Just passing integer labels to iloc will do.


   A  B
1  c  9
0  a  7
2  c  3
3  a  5
4  b  2

How to test if a DataSet is empty?

This code will show an error like Table[0] can not be found! because there will not be any table in position 0.

if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0)

How can I find the product GUID of an installed MSI setup?

For upgrade code retrieval: How can I find the Upgrade Code for an installed MSI file?

Short Version

The information below has grown considerably over time and may have become a little too elaborate. How to get product codes quickly? (four approaches):

1 - Use the Powershell "one-liner"

Scroll down for screenshot and step-by-step. Disclaimer also below - minor or moderate risks depending on who you ask. Works OK for me. Any self-repair triggered by this option should generally be possible to cancel. The package integrity checks triggered does add some event log "noise" though. Note! IdentifyingNumber is the ProductCode (WMI peculiarity).

get-wmiobject Win32_Product | Sort-Object -Property Name |Format-Table IdentifyingNumber, Name, LocalPackage -AutoSize

Quick start of Powershell: hold Windows key, tap R, type in "powershell" and press Enter

2 - Use VBScript (script on

Described below under "Alternative Tools" (section 3). This option may be safer than Powershell for reasons explained in detail below. In essence it is (much) faster and not capable of triggering MSI self-repair since it does not go through WMI (it accesses the MSI COM API directly - at blistering speed). However, it is more involved than the Powershell option (several lines of code).

3 - Registry Lookup

Some swear by looking things up in the registry. Not my recommended approach - I like going through proper APIs (or in other words: OS function calls). There are always weird exceptions accounted for only by the internals of the API-implementation:

  • HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall
  • HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall
  • HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall

4 - Original MSI File / WiX Source

You can find the Product Code in the Property table of any MSI file (and any other property as well). However, the GUID could conceivably (rarely) be overridden by a transform applied at install time and hence not match the GUID the product is registered under (approach 1 and 2 above will report the real product code - that is registered with Windows - in such rare scenarios).

You need a tool to view MSI files. See towards the bottom of the following answer for a list of free tools you can download (or see quick option below): How can I compare the content of two (or more) MSI files?

UPDATE: For convenience and need for speed :-), download SuperOrca without delay and fuss from this direct-download hotlink - the tool is good enough to get the job done - install, open MSI and go straight to the Property table and find the ProductCode row (please always virus check a direct-download hotlink - obviously - you can use to do so - online scan utilizing dozens of anti-virus and malware suites to scan what you upload).

Orca is Microsoft's own tool, it is installed with Visual Studio and the Windows SDK. Try searching for Orca-x86_en-us.msi - under Program Files (x86) and install the MSI if found.

  • Current path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.17763.0\x86
  • Change version numbers as appropriate

And below you will find the original answer which "organically grew" into a lot of detail.

Maybe see "Uninstall MSI Packages" section below if this is the task you need to perform.

Retrieve Product Codes

UPDATE: If you also need the upgrade code, check this answer: How can I find the Upgrade Code for an installed MSI file? (retrieves associated product codes, upgrade codes & product names in a table output - similar to the one below).

  • Can't use PowerShell? See "Alternative Tools" section below.
  • Looking to uninstall? See "Uninstall MSI packages" section below.

Fire up Powershell (hold down the Windows key, tap R, release the Windows key, type in "powershell" and press OK) and run the command below to get a list of installed MSI package product codes along with the local cache package path and the product name (maximize the PowerShell window to avoid truncated names).

Before running this command line, please read the disclaimer below (nothing dangerous, just some potential nuisances). Section 3 under "Alternative Tools" shows an alternative non-WMI way to get the same information using VBScript. If you are trying to uninstall a package there is a section below with some sample msiexec.exe command lines:

get-wmiobject Win32_Product | Format-Table IdentifyingNumber, Name, LocalPackage -AutoSize

The output should be similar to this:

enter image description here

Note! For some strange reason the "ProductCode" is referred to as "IdentifyingNumber" in WMI. So in other words - in the picture above the IdentifyingNumber is the ProductCode.

If you need to run this query remotely against lots of remote computer, see "Retrieve Product Codes From A Remote Computer" section below.

DISCLAIMER (important, please read before running the command!): Due to strange Microsoft design, any WMI call to Win32_Product (like the PowerShell command below) will trigger a validation of the package estate. Besides being quite slow, this can in rare cases trigger an MSI self-repair. This can be a small package or something huge - like Visual Studio. In most cases this does not happen - but there is a risk. Don't run this command right before an important meeting - it is not ever dangerous (it is read-only), but it might lead to a long repair in very rare cases (I think you can cancel the self-repair as well - unless actively prevented by the package in question, but it will restart if you call Win32_Product again and this will persist until you let the self-repair finish - sometimes it might continue even if you do let it finish: How can I determine what causes repeated Windows Installer self-repair?).

And just for the record: some people report their event logs filling up with MsiInstaller EventID 1035 entries (see code chief's answer) - apparently caused by WMI queries to the Win32_Product class (personally I have never seen this). This is not directly related to the Powershell command suggested above, it is in context of general use of the WIM class Win32_Product.

You can also get the output in list form (instead of table):

get-wmiobject -class Win32_Product

In this case the output is similar to this:

enter image description here

Retrieve Product Codes From A Remote Computer

In theory you should just be able to specify a remote computer name as part of the command itself. Here is the same command as above set up to run on the machine "RemoteMachine" (-ComputerName RemoteMachine section added):

get-wmiobject Win32_Product -ComputerName RemoteMachine | Format-Table IdentifyingNumber, Name, LocalPackage -AutoSize

This might work if you are running with domain admin rights on a proper domain. In a workgroup environment (small office / home network), you probably have to add user credentials directly to the WMI calls to make it work.

Additionally, remote connections in WMI are affected by (at least) the Windows Firewall, DCOM settings, and User Account Control (UAC) (plus any additional non-Microsoft factors - for instance real firewalls, third party software firewalls, security software of various kinds, etc...). Whether it will work or not depends on your exact setup.

UPDATE: An extensive section on remote WMI running can be found in this answer: How can I find the Upgrade Code for an installed MSI file?. It appears a firewall rule and suppression of the UAC prompt via a registry tweak can make things work in a workgroup network environment. Not recommended changes security-wise, but it worked for me.

Alternative Tools

PowerShell requires the .NET framework to be installed (currently in version 3.5.1 it seems? October, 2017). The actual PowerShell application itself can also be missing from the machine even if .NET is installed. Finally I believe PowerShell can be disabled or locked by various system policies and privileges.

If this is the case, you can try a few other ways to retrieve product codes. My preferred alternative is VBScript - it is fast and flexible (but can also be locked on certain machines, and scripting is always a little more involved than using tools).

  1. Let's start with a built-in Windows WMI tool: wbemtest.exe.
  • Launch wbemtest.exe (Hold down the Windows key, tap R, release the Windows key, type in "wbemtest.exe" and press OK).
  • Click connect and then OK (namespace defaults to root\cimv2), and click "connect" again.
  • Click "Query" and type in this WQL command (SQL flavor): SELECT IdentifyingNumber,Name,Version FROM Win32_Product and click "Use" (or equivalent - the tool will be localized).
  • Sample output screenshot (truncated). Not the nicest formatting, but you can get the data you need. IdentifyingNumber is the MSI product code:


  1. Next, you can try a custom, more full featured WMI tool such as WMIExplorer.exe
  • This is not included in Windows. It is a very good tool, however. Recommended.
  • Check it out at:
  • Launch the tool, click Connect, double click ROOT\CIMV2
  • From the "Query tab", type in the following query SELECT IdentifyingNumber,Name,Version FROM Win32_Product and press Execute.
  • Screenshot skipped, the application requires too much screen real estate.
  1. Finally you can try a VBScript to access information via the MSI automation interface (core feature of Windows - it is unrelated to WMI).
  • Copy the below script and paste into a *.vbs file on your desktop, and try to run it by double clicking. Your desktop must be writable for you, or you can use any other writable location.
  • This is not a great VBScript. Terseness has been preferred over error handling and completeness, but it should do the job with minimum complexity.
  • The output file is created in the folder where you run the script from (folder must be writable). The output file is called msiinfo.csv.
  • Double click the file to open in a spreadsheet application, select comma as delimiter on import - OR - just open the file in Notepad or any text viewer.
  • Opening in a spreadsheet will allow advanced sorting features.
  • This script can easily be adapted to show a significant amount of further details about the MSI installation. A demonstration of this can be found here: how to find out which products are installed - newer product are already installed MSI windows.
' Retrieve all ProductCodes (with ProductName and ProductVersion)
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set output = fso.CreateTextFile("msiinfo.csv", True, True)
Set installer = CreateObject("WindowsInstaller.Installer")

On Error Resume Next ' we ignore all errors

For Each product In installer.ProductsEx("", "", 7)
   productcode = product.ProductCode
   name = product.InstallProperty("ProductName")
   output.writeline (productcode & ", " & name & ", " & version)


I can't think of any further general purpose options to retrieve product codes at the moment, please add if you know of any. Just edit inline rather than adding too many comments please.

You can certainly access this information from within your application by calling the MSI automation interface (COM based) OR the C++ MSI installer functions (Win32 API). Or even use WMI queries from within your application like you do in the samples above using PowerShell, wbemtest.exe or WMIExplorer.exe.

Uninstall MSI Packages

If what you want to do is to uninstall the MSI package you found the product code for, you can do this as follows using an elevated command prompt (search for cmd.exe, right click and run as admin):

Option 1: Basic, interactive uninstall without logging (quick and easy):

msiexec.exe /x {00000000-0000-0000-0000-00000000000C}

Quick Parameter Explanation:

/X = run uninstall sequence
{00000000-0000-0000-0000-00000000000C} = product code for product to uninstall

You can also enable (verbose) logging and run in silent mode if you want to, leading us to option 2:

Option 2: Silent uninstall with verbose logging (better for batch files):

msiexec.exe /x {00000000-0000-0000-0000-00000000000C} /QN /L*V "C:\My.log" REBOOT=ReallySuppress

Quick Parameter Explanation:

/X = run uninstall sequence
{00000000-0000-0000-0000-00000000000C} = product code for product to uninstall
/QN = run completely silently
/L*V "C:\My.log"= verbose logging at specified path
REBOOT=ReallySuppress = avoid unexpected, sudden reboot

There is a comprehensive reference for MSI uninstall here (various different ways to uninstall MSI packages): Uninstalling an MSI file from the command line without using msiexec. There is a plethora of different ways to uninstall.

If you are writing a batch file, please have a look at section 3 in the above, linked answer for a few common and standard uninstall command line variants.

And a quick link to msiexec.exe (command line options) (overview of the command line for msiexec.exe from MSDN). And the Technet version as well.

Retrieving other MSI Properties / Information (f.ex Upgrade Code)

UPDATE: please find a new answer on how to find the upgrade code for installed packages instead of manually looking up the code in MSI files. For installed packages this is much more reliable. If the package is not installed, you still need to look in the MSI file (or the source file used to compile the MSI) to find the upgrade code. Leaving in older section below:

If you want to get the UpgradeCode or other MSI properties, you can open the cached installation MSI for the product from the location specified by "LocalPackage" in the image show above (something like: C:\WINDOWS\Installer\50c080ae.msi - it is a hex file name, unique on each system). Then you look in the "Property table" for UpgradeCode (it is possible for the UpgradeCode to be redefined in a transform - to be sure you get the right value you need to retrieve the code programatically from the system - I will provide a script for this shortly. However, the UpgradeCode found in the cached MSI is generally correct).

To open the cached MSI files, use Orca or another packaging tool. Here is a discussion of different tools (any of them will do): What installation product to use? InstallShield, WiX, Wise, Advanced Installer, etc. If you don't have such a tool installed, your fastest bet might be to try Super Orca (it is simple to use, but not extensively tested by me).

UPDATE: here is a new answer with information on various free products you can use to view MSI files: How can I compare the content of two (or more) MSI files?

If you have Visual Studio installed, try searching for Orca-x86_en-us.msi - under Program Files (x86) - and install it (this is Microsoft's own, official MSI viewer and editor). Then find Orca in the start menu. Go time in no time :-). Technically Orca is installed as part of Windows SDK (not Visual Studio), but Windows SDK is bundled with the Visual Studio install. If you don't have Visual Studio installed, perhaps you know someone who does? Just have them search for this MSI and send you (it is a tiny half mb file) - should take them seconds. UPDATE: you need several CAB files as well as the MSI - these are found in the same folder where the MSI is found. If not, you can always download the Windows SDK (it is free, but it is big - and everything you install will slow down your PC). I am not sure which part of the SDK installs the Orca MSI. If you do, please just edit and add details here.

Similar topics (for reference and easy access - I should clean this list up):

Using IF ELSE statement based on Count to execute different Insert statements

If this is in SQL Server, your syntax is correct; however, you need to reference the COUNT(*) as the Total Count from your nested query. This should give you what you need:

  SELECT [Some Column], COUNT(*) TotalCount
  WHERE [Some Column] = 'Target Data'
  GROUP BY [Some Column]
) DerivedTable

Using this, you could assign TotalCount to a variable and then use an IF ELSE statement to execute your INSERT statements:

DECLARE @TotalCount int
SELECT @TotalCount = TotalCount FROM
  SELECT [Some Column], COUNT(*) TotalCount
  WHERE [Some Column] = 'Target Data'
  GROUP BY [Some Column]
) DerivedTable
IF @TotalCount > 0

PostgreSQL CASE ... END with multiple conditions

This kind of code perhaps should work for You

  WHEN (pvc IS NULL OR pvc = '') AND (datepose < 1980) THEN '01'
  WHEN (pvc IS NULL OR pvc = '') AND (datepose >= 1980) THEN '02'
  WHEN (pvc IS NULL OR pvc = '') AND (datepose IS NULL OR datepose = 0) THEN '03'
  ELSE '00'
 END AS modifiedpvc
FROM my_table;

 gid | datepose | pvc | modifiedpvc 
   1 |     1961 | 01  | 00
   2 |     1949 |     | 01
   3 |     1990 | 02  | 00
   1 |     1981 |     | 02
   1 |          | 03  | 00
   1 |          |     | 03
(6 rows)

How to get the dimensions of a tensor (in TensorFlow) at graph construction time?

The method tf.shape is a TensorFlow static method. However, there is also the method get_shape for the Tensor class. See

Tuples( or arrays ) as Dictionary keys in C#

The good, clean, fast, easy and readable ways is:

  • generate equality members (Equals() and GetHashCode()) method for the current type. Tools like ReSharper not only creates the methods, but also generates the necessary code for an equality check and/or for calculating hash code. The generated code will be more optimal than Tuple realization.
  • just make a simple key class derived from a tuple.

add something similar like this:

public sealed class myKey : Tuple<TypeA, TypeB, TypeC>
    public myKey(TypeA dataA, TypeB dataB, TypeC dataC) : base (dataA, dataB, dataC) { }

    public TypeA DataA => Item1; 

    public TypeB DataB => Item2;

    public TypeC DataC => Item3;

So you can use it with dictionary:

var myDictinaryData = new Dictionary<myKey, string>()
    {new myKey(1, 2, 3), "data123"},
    {new myKey(4, 5, 6), "data456"},
    {new myKey(7, 8, 9), "data789"}
  • You also can use it in contracts
  • as a key for join or groupings in linq
  • going this way you never ever mistype order of Item1, Item2, Item3 ...
  • you no need to remember or look into to code to understand where to go to get something
  • no need to override IStructuralEquatable, IStructuralComparable, IComparable, ITuple they all alredy here

How to add chmod permissions to file in Git?

According to official documentation, you can set or remove the "executable" flag on any tracked file using update-index sub-command.

To set the flag, use following command:

git update-index --chmod=+x path/to/file

To remove it, use:

git update-index --chmod=-x path/to/file

Under the hood

While this looks like the regular unix files permission system, actually it is not. Git maintains a special "mode" for each file in its internal storage:

  • 100644 for regular files
  • 100755 for executable ones

You can visualize it using ls-file subcommand, with --stage option:

$ git ls-files --stage
100644 aee89ef43dc3b0ec6a7c6228f742377692b50484 0       .gitignore
100755 0ac339497485f7cc80d988561807906b2fd56172 0

By default, when you add a file to a repository, Git will try to honor its filesystem attributes and set the correct filemode accordingly. You can disable this by setting core.fileMode option to false:

git config core.fileMode false


If at some point the Git filemode is not set but the file has correct filesystem flag, try to remove mode and set it again:

git update-index --chmod=-x path/to/file
git update-index --chmod=+x path/to/file


Starting with Git 2.9, you can stage a file AND set the flag in one command:

git add --chmod=+x path/to/file

How can I specify working directory for popen

subprocess.Popen takes a cwd argument to set the Current Working Directory; you'll also want to escape your backslashes ('d:\\test\\local'), or use r'd:\test\local' so that the backslashes aren't interpreted as escape sequences by Python. The way you have it written, the \t part will be translated to a tab.

So, your new line should look like:

subprocess.Popen(r'c:\mytool\tool.exe', cwd=r'd:\test\local')

To use your Python script path as cwd, import os and define cwd using this:


How to create full compressed tar file using Python?

To build a .tar.gz (aka .tgz) for an entire directory tree:

import tarfile
import os.path

def make_tarfile(output_filename, source_dir):
    with, "w:gz") as tar:
        tar.add(source_dir, arcname=os.path.basename(source_dir))

This will create a gzipped tar archive containing a single top-level folder with the same name and contents as source_dir.

SQL Server command line backup statement

Here's an example you can run as a batch script (copy-paste into a .bat file), using the SQLCMD utility in Sql Server client tools:


echo off
set /p DATABASENAME=Enter database name:

:: filename format Name-Date (eg MyDatabase-2009.5.19.bak)
set DATESTAMP=%DATE:~-4%.%DATE:~7,2%.%DATE:~4,2%
set SERVERNAME=your server name here



echo off
set /p BACKUPFILENAME=Enter backup file name:%CD%\
set /p DATABASENAME=Enter database name:
set SERVERNAME=your server name here

:: WARNING - delete the database, suits me

:: restore

:: remap user/login (
sqlcmd -E -S %SERVERNAME% -d %DATABASENAME% -Q "sp_change_users_login 'Update_One', 'login-name', 'user-name'"

Git mergetool generates unwanted .orig files

To be clear, the correct git command is:

git config --global mergetool.keepBackup false

Both of the other answers have typos in the command line that will cause it to fail or not work correctly.

/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version CXXABI_1.3.8' not found

I had the same problem on my Ubuntu 14.04 when tried to install TopTracker. I got such errors:

/usr/share/toptracker/bin/TopTracker: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version 'CXXABI_1.3.8' not found (required by /usr/share/toptracker/bin/TopTracker) /usr/share/toptracker/bin/TopTracker: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version 'GLIBCXX_3.4.21' not found (required by /usr/share/toptracker/bin/TopTracker) /usr/share/toptracker/bin/TopTracker: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version 'CXXABI_1.3.9' not found (required by /usr/share/toptracker/bin/TopTracker)

But I then installed gcc 4.9 version and problem gone:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gcc-4.9 g++-4.9

LaTeX Optional Arguments

All you need is the following:

\def\sec#1{\def\tempa{#1}\futurelet\next\sec@i}% Save first argument
\def\sec@i{\ifx\next\bgroup\expandafter\sec@ii\else\expandafter\sec@end\fi}%Check brace
\def\sec@ii#1{\section*{\tempa\ and #1}}%Two args
\def\sec@end{\section*{\tempa}}%Single args

%Output: Hello
%Output: Hello and Hi

How can I reorder a list?

One more thing which can be considered is the other interpretation as pointed out by darkless

Code in Python 2.7


  1. Reorder by value - Already solved by AJ above
  2. Reorder by index

    mylist = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']
    myorder = [3, 2, 0, 1, 4]
    mylist = sorted(zip(mylist, myorder), key=lambda x: x[1])
    print [item[0] for item in mylist]

This will print ['c', 'd', 'b', 'a', 'e']

How to flush output after each `echo` call?

The correct function to use is flush().

Hello! I am waiting for the next message...<br />
<?php flush(); sleep(5); ?>
I am the next message!<br />
<?php flush(); sleep(5); ?>
And I am the last message. Good bye.

Please note that there is a "problem" with IE, which only outputs the flushed content when it is at least 256 byte, so your first part of the page needs to be at least 256 byte.

Align Div at bottom on main Div

This isn't really possible in HTML unless you use absolute positioning or javascript. So one solution would be to give this CSS to #bottom_link:

#bottom_link {

Otherwise you'd have to use some javascript. Here's a jQuery block that should do the trick, depending on the simplicity of the page.

    position: 'relative',
    top: $(this).parent().height() - $(this).height()

How to change column order in a table using sql query in sql server 2005?

At the end of the day, you simply cannot do this in MS SQL. I recently created tables on the go (application startup) using a stored Procedure that reads from a lookup table. When I created a view that combined these with another table I had manually created earlier one (same schema, with data), It failed - simply because I was using ''Select * UNION Select * ' for the view. At the same time, if I use only those created through the stored procedure, I am successful.

In conclusion: If there is any application which depends on the order of column it is really not good programming and will for sure create problems in the future. Columns should 'feel' free to be anywhere and be used for any data process (INSERT, UPDATE, SELECT).

Bluetooth pairing without user confirmation

This need is exactly why createInsecureRfcommSocketToServiceRecord() was added to BluetoothDevice starting in Android 2.3.3 (API Level 10) (SDK Docs)...before that there was no SDK support for this. It was designed to allow Android to connect to devices without user interfaces for entering a PIN code (like an embedded device), but it just as usable for setting up a connection between two devices without user PIN entry.

The corollary method listenUsingInsecureRfcommWithServiceRecord() in BluetoothAdapter is used to accept these types of connections. It's not a security breach because the methods must be used as a pair. You cannot use this to simply attempt to pair with any old Bluetooth device.

You can also do short range communications over NFC, but that hardware is less prominent on Android devices. Definitely pick one, and don't try to create a solution that uses both.

Hope that Helps!

P.S. There are also ways to do this on many devices prior to 2.3 using reflection, because the code did exist...but I wouldn't necessarily recommend this for mass-distributed production applications. See this StackOverflow.

Removing spaces from string

String res =" Application " res=res.trim();

o/p: Application

Note: White space ,blank space are trim or removed

R dates "origin" must be supplied

Another option is the lubridate package:


x <- 15103
as_date(x, origin = lubridate::origin)

y <- 1442866615
as_datetime(y, origin = lubridate::origin)
"2015-09-21 20:16:55 UTC"

From the docs:

Origin is the date-time for 1970-01-01 UTC in POSIXct format. This date-time is the origin for the numbering system used by POSIXct, POSIXlt, chron, and Date classes.

How to stop a goroutine

EDIT: I wrote this answer up in haste, before realizing that your question is about sending values to a chan inside a goroutine. The approach below can be used either with an additional chan as suggested above, or using the fact that the chan you have already is bi-directional, you can use just the one...

If your goroutine exists solely to process the items coming out of the chan, you can make use of the "close" builtin and the special receive form for channels.

That is, once you're done sending items on the chan, you close it. Then inside your goroutine you get an extra parameter to the receive operator that shows whether the channel has been closed.

Here is a complete example (the waitgroup is used to make sure that the process continues until the goroutine completes):

package main

import "sync"
func main() {
    var wg sync.WaitGroup

    ch := make(chan int)
    go func() {
        for {
            foo, ok := <- ch
            if !ok {
    ch <- 1
    ch <- 2
    ch <- 3


Flutter: Run method on Widget build complete

You could use

which executes a function only one time after the layout is completed. Or just look at its implementation and add it to your code :-)

Which is basically

  void initState() {
        .addPostFrameCallback((_) => yourFunction(context));

Nginx -- static file serving confusion with root & alias

In other words on keeping this brief: in case of root, location argument specified is part of filesystem's path and URI . On the other hand — for alias directive argument of location statement is part of URI only

So, alias is a different name that maps certain URI to certain path in the filesystem, whereas root appends location argument to the root path given as argument to root directive.

Converting two lists into a matrix

You can use np.c_

np.c_[[1,2,3], [4,5,6]]

It will give you:

np.array([[1,4], [2,5], [3,6]])

Linux command: How to 'find' only text files?

I do it this way: 1) since there're too many files (~30k) to search thru, I generate the text file list daily for use via crontab using below command:

find /to/src/folder -type f -exec file {} \; | grep text | cut -d: -f1 > ~/.src_list &

2) create a function in .bashrc:

findex() {
    cat ~/.src_list | xargs grep "$*" 2>/dev/null

Then I can use below command to do the search:

findex "needle text"


ASP.NET GridView RowIndex As CommandArgument

<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="" ItemStyle-Width="20%" HeaderStyle-HorizontalAlign="Center">
                        <asp:LinkButton runat="server" ID="lnkAdd" Text="Add" CommandName="Add" CommandArgument='<%# Eval("EmpID"))%>' />

This is the traditional way and latest version of framework having strongly typed data and you don't need to use as string like "EMPID"

Make: how to continue after a command fails?

Change your clean so rm will not complain:

    rm -f .lambda .lambda_t .activity .activity_t_lambda

Can git undo a checkout of unstaged files

If you are using a "professional" IDE chances are good that you can restore files from a local History. In Rubymine for example you can right click files and watch a history of changes independent from the git changes, saved me a few times now ^^

Add JVM options in Tomcat

For this you need to run the "tomcat6w" application that is part of the standard Tomcat distribution in the "bin" directory. E.g. for windows the default is "C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 6.0\bin\tomcat6w.exe". The "tomcat6w" application starts a GUI. If you select the "Java" tab you can enter all Java options.

It is also possible to pass JVM options via the command line to tomcat. For this you need to use the command:

<tomcatexecutable> //US//<tomcatservicename> ++JvmOptions="<JVMoptions>"

where "tomcatexecutable" refers to your tomcat application, "tomcatservicename" is the tomcat service name you are using and "JVMoptions" are your JVM options. For instance:

"tomcat6.exe" //US//tomcat6 ++JvmOptions="-XX:MaxPermSize=128m" 

spring data jpa @query and pageable

A similar question was asked on the Spring forums, where it was pointed out that to apply pagination, a second subquery must be derived. Because the subquery is referring to the same fields, you need to ensure that your query uses aliases for the entities/tables it refers to. This means that where you wrote:

select * from internal_uddi where urn like

You should instead have:

select * from internal_uddi iu where iu.urn like ...

How to read a file in other directory in python

In case you're not in the specified directory (i.e. direct), you should use (in linux):

x_file = open('path/to/direct/filename.txt')

Note the quotes and the relative path to the directory.

This may be your problem, but you also don't have permission to access that file. Maybe you're trying to open it as another user.

Display number with leading zeros

This is how I do it:


Basically zfill takes the number of leading zeros you want to add, so it's easy to take the biggest number, turn it into a string and get the length, like this:

Python 3.6.5 (default, May 11 2018, 04:00:52) 
[GCC 8.1.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> total = 100
>>> print(str(1).zfill(len(str(total))))
>>> total = 1000
>>> print(str(1).zfill(len(str(total))))
>>> total = 10000
>>> print(str(1).zfill(len(str(total))))

How do I remove the non-numeric character from a string in java?

Are you removing or splitting? This will remove all the non-numeric characters.

myStr = myStr.replaceAll( "[^\\d]", "" )

Iteration ng-repeat only X times in AngularJs

Angular comes with a limitTo:limit filter, it support limiting first x items and last x items:

<div ng-repeat="item in items|limitTo:4">{{item}}</div>

Why doesn't file_get_contents work?

//JUST ADD urlencode();
$url = urlencode("$adr&sensor=false");
<title>Test File</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""> 
$adr = 'Sydney+NSW';
echo $adr;
$url = "$adr&sensor=false";
echo '<p>'.$url.'</p>';
echo file_get_contents($url);
print '<p>'.file_get_contents($url).'</p>';
$jsonData   = file_get_contents($url);
echo $jsonData;

how to fix Cannot call sendRedirect() after the response has been committed?

you have already forwarded the response in catch block:

RequestDispatcher dd = request.getRequestDispatcher("error.jsp");

dd.forward(request, response);

so, you can not again call the :


because it is already forwarded (committed).

So what you can do is: keep a string to assign where you need to forward the response.

    String page = "";
    try {

    } catch (Exception e) {
      page = "error.jsp";
    } finally {
      page = "usertaskpage.jsp";

RequestDispatcher dd=request.getRequestDispatcher(page);
dd.forward(request, response);

How to specify preference of library path?

Add the path to where your new library is to LD_LIBRARY_PATH (it has slightly different name on Mac ...)

Your solution should work with using the -L/my/dir -lfoo options, at runtime use LD_LIBRARY_PATH to point to the location of your library.

Careful with using LD_LIBRARY_PATH - in short (from link):

Security: Remember that the directories specified in LD_LIBRARY_PATH get searched before(!) the standard locations? In that way, a nasty person could get your application to load a version of a shared library that contains malicious code! That’s one reason why setuid/setgid executables do neglect that variable!
Performance: The link loader has to search all the directories specified, until it finds the directory where the shared library resides – for ALL shared libraries the application is linked against! This means a lot of system calls to open(), that will fail with “ENOENT (No such file or directory)”! If the path contains many directories, the number of failed calls will increase linearly, and you can tell that from the start-up time of the application. If some (or all) of the directories are in an NFS environment, the start-up time of your applications can really get long – and it can slow down the whole system!
Inconsistency: This is the most common problem. LD_LIBRARY_PATH forces an application to load a shared library it wasn’t linked against, and that is quite likely not compatible with the original version. This can either be very obvious, i.e. the application crashes, or it can lead to wrong results, if the picked up library not quite does what the original version would have done. Especially the latter is sometimes hard to debug.


Use the rpath option via gcc to linker - runtime library search path, will be used instead of looking in standard dir (gcc option):


This is good for a temporary solution. Linker first searches the LD_LIBRARY_PATH for libraries before looking into standard directories.

If you don't want to permanently update LD_LIBRARY_PATH you can do it on the fly on command line:

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/some/custom/dir ./fooo

You can check what libraries linker knows about using (example):

/sbin/ldconfig -p | grep libpthread (libc6, OS ABI: Linux 2.6.4) => /lib/

And you can check which library your application is using:

ldd foo =>  (0xffffe000) => /lib/ (0xb7f9e000) => /usr/lib/ (0xb7e6e000) => /lib/ (0xb7e65000) => /lib/ (0xb7d5b000) => /lib/ (0xb7c2e000)
        /lib/ (0xb7fc7000) => /lib/ (0xb7c2a000) => /lib/ (0xb7c18000)

Type List vs type ArrayList in Java

Actually there are occasions where (2) is not only preferred but mandatory and I am very surprised, that nobody mentions this here.


If you have a serializable class and you want it to contain a list, then you must declare the field to be of a concrete and serializable type like ArrayList because the List interface does not extend

Obviously most people do not need serialization and forget about this.

An example:

public class ExampleData implements {

// The following also guarantees that strings is always an ArrayList.
private final ArrayList<String> strings = new ArrayList<>();

How do I convert a javascript object array to a string array of the object attribute I want?

Use the map() function native on JavaScript arrays:

var yourArray = [ {

var newArray = function( el ){ 

How to redirect back to form with input - Laravel 5

You can use any of these two:

return redirect()->back()->withInput(Input::all())->with('message', 'Some message');


return redirect('url_goes_here')->withInput(Input::all())->with('message', 'Some message');

Disable submit button when form invalid with AngularJS

Selected response is correct, but someone like me, may have issues with async validation with sending request to the server-side - button will be not disabled during given request processing, so button will blink, which looks pretty strange for the users.

To void this, you just need to handle $pending state of the form:

<form name="myForm">
  <input name="myText" type="text" ng-model="mytext" required />
  <button ng-disabled="myForm.$invalid || myForm.$pending">Save</button>

Count the occurrences of DISTINCT values

Just changed Amber's COUNT(*) to COUNT(1) for the better performance.

SELECT name, COUNT(1) as count 
FROM tablename 
GROUP BY name 

Using SQL LIKE and IN together

You'll need to use multiple LIKE terms, joined by OR.

How to uninstall jupyter

In my case, I have installed it via pip3 on mac.

pip3 uninstall notebook

How can I use getSystemService in a non-activity class (LocationManager)?

One way I have gotten around this is by create a static class for instances. I used it a lot in AS3 I has worked great for me in android development too.

public final class Config {
    public static MyApp context = null;

public class MyApp extends Activity {
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        Config.context = this;

You can then access the context or by using Config.context

LocationManager locationManager;
String context = Context.LOCATION_SERVICE;
locationManager = Config.context.getSystemService(context);

base_url() function not working in codeigniter

Load url helper in controller


CMake not able to find OpenSSL library

Just in case...this works for me. Sorry for specific version of OpenSSL, but might be desirable.

# On macOS, search Homebrew for keg-only versions of OpenSSL
# equivalent of # -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=/usr/local/opt/openssl/ -DOPENSSL_CRYPTO_LIBRARY=/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/
        COMMAND brew --prefix OpenSSL 
        message(STATUS "Found OpenSSL keg installed by Homebrew at ${BREW_OPENSSL_PREFIX}")
        set(OPENSSL_CRYPTO_LIBRARY "${BREW_OPENSSL_PREFIX}/lib/libcrypto.dylib")


find_package(OpenSSL REQUIRED)
  # Add the include directories for compiling
  target_include_directories(${TARGET_SERVER} PUBLIC ${OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR})
  # Add the static lib for linking
  target_link_libraries(${TARGET_SERVER} OpenSSL::SSL OpenSSL::Crypto)
  message(STATUS "Found OpenSSL ${OPENSSL_VERSION}")
  message(STATUS "OpenSSL Not Found")

Get week number (in the year) from a date PHP

This get today date then tell the week number for the week

 echo $date." Week Number";

Twitter Bootstrap inline input with dropdown

Daniel Farrell's Bootstrap Combobox does the job perfectly. Here's an example from his GitHub repository.

  // bonus: add a placeholder_x000D_
  $('.combobox').attr('placeholder', 'For example, start typing "Pennsylvania"');_x000D_
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">_x000D_
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<select class="combobox form-control">_x000D_
  <option value="PA">Pennsylvania</option>_x000D_
  <option value="CT">Connecticut</option>_x000D_
  <option value="NY">New York</option>_x000D_
  <option value="MD">Maryland</option>_x000D_
  <option value="VA">Virginia</option>_x000D_

As an added bonus, I've included a placeholder in script since applying it to the markup does not hold.

Cannot create cache directory .. or directory is not writable. Proceeding without cache in Laravel

Change the group permission for the folder

sudo chown -R w3cert /home/w3cert/.composer/cache/repo/

and the Files folder too

sudo chown -R w3cert /home/w3cert/.composer/cache/files/

I'm assuming w3cert is your username, if not change the 4th parameter to your username.

If the problem still persists try

sudo chown -R w3cert /home/w3cert/.composer

Now, there is a chance that you won't be able to create your app directory, if that happens do the same for your html folder or the folder you are trying to create your laravel project in.

Hope this helps.

Slick Carousel Uncaught TypeError: $(...).slick is not a function

It's hard to tell without looking at the full code but this type of error

Uncaught TypeError: $(...).slick is not a function

Usually means that you either forgot to include slick.js in the page or you included it before jquery.

Make sure jquery is the first js file and you included the slick.js library after it.

How to copy an object in Objective-C

Apple documentation says

A subclass version of the copyWithZone: method should send the message to super first, to incorporate its implementation, unless the subclass descends directly from NSObject.

to add to the existing answer

@interface YourClass : NSObject <NSCopying> 
   SomeOtherObject *obj;

// In the implementation
-(id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone
  YourClass *another = [super copyWithZone:zone];
  another.obj = [obj copyWithZone: zone];

  return another;

Using VBA to get extended file attributes

I was finally able to get this to work for my needs.

The old voted up code does not run on windows 10 system (at least not mine). The referenced MS library link below provides current examples on how to make this work. My example uses them with late bindings.

The attribute codes were different on my computer and like someone mentioned above most return blank values even if they are not. I used a for loop to cycle through all of them and found out that Title and Subject can still be accessed which is more then enough for my purposes.

Private Sub MySubNamek()
Dim objShell  As Object 'Shell
Dim objFolder As Object 'Folder

Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set objFolder = objShell.NameSpace("E:\MyFolder")

If (Not objFolder Is Nothing) Then
Dim objFolderItem As Object 'FolderItem
Set objFolderItem = objFolder.ParseName("Myfilename.txt")
        For i = 0 To 288
           szItem = objFolder.GetDetailsOf(objFolderItem, i)
           Debug.Print i & " - " & szItem
Set objFolderItem = Nothing
End If

Set objFolder = Nothing
Set objShell = Nothing
End Sub

How to split a dos path into its components in Python

I would do

import os
path = os.path.normpath(path)

First normalize the path string into a proper string for the OS. Then os.sep must be safe to use as a delimiter in string function split.

How to create a collapsing tree table in html/css/js?

You can try jQuery treegrid ( or jQuery treetable (

Both are using HTML <table> tag format and styled the as tree.

The jQuery treetable is using data-tt-id and data-tt-parent-id for determining the parent and child of the tree. Usage example:

<table id="tree">
  <tr data-tt-id="1">
  <tr data-tt-id="2" data-tt-parent-id="1">
$("#tree").treetable({ expandable: true });

Meanwhile, jQuery treegrid is using only class for styling the tree. Usage example:

<table class="tree">
    <tr class="treegrid-1">
        <td>Root node</td><td>Additional info</td>
    <tr class="treegrid-2 treegrid-parent-1">
        <td>Node 1-1</td><td>Additional info</td>
    <tr class="treegrid-3 treegrid-parent-1">
        <td>Node 1-2</td><td>Additional info</td>
    <tr class="treegrid-4 treegrid-parent-3">
        <td>Node 1-2-1</td><td>Additional info</td>
<script type="text/javascript">

Bootstrap table without stripe / borders

Using Bootstrap 3.2.0 I had problem with Brett Henderson solution (borders were always there), so I improved it:


<table class="table table-borderless">


.table-borderless > tbody > tr > td,
.table-borderless > tbody > tr > th,
.table-borderless > tfoot > tr > td,
.table-borderless > tfoot > tr > th,
.table-borderless > thead > tr > td,
.table-borderless > thead > tr > th {
    border: none;

/etc/apt/sources.list" E212: Can't open file for writing

You just need to access to Gemfile with root access. Before vi:


sudo su -


vi ~/...

Removing an item from a select box

I find the jQuery select box manipulation plugin useful for this type of thing.

You can easily remove an item by index, value, or regex.

removeOption(index/value/regex/array[, selectedOnly])

Remove an option by
- index: $("#myselect2").removeOption(0);
- value: $("#myselect").removeOption("Value");
- regular expression: $("#myselect").removeOption(/^val/i);
- array $("#myselect").removeOption(["myselect_1", "myselect_2"]);

To remove all options, you can do $("#myselect").removeOption(/./);.

How do the PHP equality (== double equals) and identity (=== triple equals) comparison operators differ?

A picture is worth a thousand words:

PHP Double Equals == equality chart:

enter image description here

PHP Triple Equals === Equality chart:

enter image description here

Source code to create these images:

Guru Meditation

Those who wish to keep their sanity, read no further because none of this will make any sense, except to say that this is how the insanity-fractal, of PHP was designed.

  1. NAN != NAN but NAN == true.

  2. == will convert left and right operands to numbers if left is a number. So 123 == "123foo", but "123" != "123foo"

  3. A hex string in quotes is occasionally a float, and will be surprise cast to float against your will, causing a runtime error.

  4. == is not transitive because "0"== 0, and 0 == "" but "0" != ""

  5. PHP Variables that have not been declared yet are false, even though PHP has a way to represent undefined variables, that feature is disabled with ==.

  6. "6" == " 6", "4.2" == "4.20", and "133" == "0133" but 133 != 0133. But "0x10" == "16" and "1e3" == "1000" exposing that surprise string conversion to octal will occur both without your instruction or consent, causing a runtime error.

  7. False == 0, "", [] and "0".

  8. If you add 1 to number and they are already holding their maximum value, they do not wrap around, instead they are cast to infinity.

  9. A fresh class is == to 1.

  10. False is the most dangerous value because False is == to most of the other variables, mostly defeating it's purpose.


If you are using PHP, Thou shalt not use the double equals operator because if you use triple equals, the only edge cases to worry about are NAN and numbers so close to their datatype's maximum value, that they are cast to infinity. With double equals, anything can be surprise == to anything or, or can be surprise casted against your will and != to something of which it should obviously be equal.

Anywhere you use == in PHP is a bad code smell because of the 85 bugs in it exposed by implicit casting rules that seem designed by millions of programmers programming by brownian motion.

Passing parameter using onclick or a click binding with KnockoutJS

If you set up a click binding in Knockout the event is passed as the second parameter. You can use the event to obtain the element that the click occurred on and perform whatever action you want.

Here is a fiddle that demonstrates:

Alternatively, you could create your own custom binding, which will receive the element it is bound to as the first parameter. On init you could attach your own click event handler to do any actions you wish.


    <button data-bind="click: clickMe">Click Me!</button>


var ViewModel = function() {
    var self = this;
    self.clickMe = function(data,event) {

      var target = || event.srcElement;

      if (target.nodeType == 3) // defeat Safari bug
        target = target.parentNode;

      target.parentNode.innerHTML = "something";

ko.applyBindings(new ViewModel());

How to check for the type of a template parameter?

You can specialize your templates based on what's passed into their parameters like this:

template <> void foo<animal> {


Note that this creates an entirely new function based on the type that's passed as T. This is usually preferable as it reduces clutter and is essentially the reason we have templates in the first place.

How can I convert a string to a float in mysql?

mysql> SELECT CAST(4 AS DECIMAL(4,3));
| CAST(4 AS DECIMAL(4,3)) |
|                   4.000 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SELECT CAST('4.5s' AS DECIMAL(4,3));
| CAST('4.5s' AS DECIMAL(4,3)) |
|                        4.500 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SELECT CAST('a4.5s' AS DECIMAL(4,3));
| CAST('a4.5s' AS DECIMAL(4,3)) |
|                         0.000 |
1 row in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)

Getting the name of a variable as a string

Maybe this could be useful:

def Retriever(bar):
    return (list(globals().keys()))[list(map(lambda x: id(x), list(globals().values()))).index(id(bar))]

The function goes through the list of IDs of values from the global scope (the namespace could be edited), finds the index of the wanted/required var or function based on its ID, and then returns the name from the list of global names based on the acquired index.

Using LINQ to remove elements from a List<T>

If you really need to remove items then what about Except()?
You can remove based on a new list, or remove on-the-fly by nesting the Linq.

var authorsList = new List<Author>()
    new Author{ Firstname = "Bob", Lastname = "Smith" },
    new Author{ Firstname = "Fred", Lastname = "Jones" },
    new Author{ Firstname = "Brian", Lastname = "Brains" },
    new Author{ Firstname = "Billy", Lastname = "TheKid" }

var authors = authorsList.Where(a => a.Firstname == "Bob");
authorsList = authorsList.Except(authors).ToList();
authorsList = authorsList.Except(authorsList.Where(a=>a.Firstname=="Billy")).ToList();

How do I get first name and last name as whole name in a MYSQL query?

You can use a query to get the same:

SELECT CONCAT(FirstName , ' ' , MiddleName , ' ' , Lastname) AS Name FROM TableName;

Note: This query return if all columns have some value if anyone is null or empty then it will return null for all, means Name will return "NULL"

To avoid above we can use the IsNull keyword to get the same.

SELECT Concat(Ifnull(FirstName,' ') ,' ', Ifnull(MiddleName,' '),' ', Ifnull(Lastname,' ')) FROM TableName;

If anyone containing null value the ' ' (space) will add with next value.

How do you remove an array element in a foreach loop?

There are already answers which are giving light on how to unset. Rather than repeating code in all your classes make function like below and use it in code whenever required. In business logic, sometimes you don't want to expose some properties. Please see below one liner call to remove

public static function removeKeysFromAssociativeArray($associativeArray, $keysToUnset)
    if (empty($associativeArray) || empty($keysToUnset))
        return array();

    foreach ($associativeArray as $key => $arr) {
        if (!is_array($arr)) {

        foreach ($keysToUnset as $keyToUnset) {
            if (array_key_exists($keyToUnset, $arr)) {
        $associativeArray[$key] = $arr;
    return $associativeArray;

Call like:

removeKeysFromAssociativeArray($arrValues, $keysToRemove);

Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: Yes) after password reset LINUX

I had the same problem. You have to write mysql -u root -p

NOT mysql or mysql -u root -p root_password

How do I force git pull to overwrite everything on every pull?

You could try this:

git reset --hard HEAD
git pull

(from How do I force "git pull" to overwrite local files?)

Another idea would be to delete the entire git and make a new clone.

Javascript array sort and unique

function sort() only is only good if your number has same digit, example:

var myData = ["3","11","1","2"]

will return;

var myData = ["1","11","2","3"]

and here improvement for function from mrmonkington

myData.sort().sort(function(a,b){return a - b;}).filter(function(el,i,a){if(i==a.indexOf(el) & el.length>0)return 1;return 0;})

the above function will also delete empty array and you can checkout the demo below

How to display table data more clearly in oracle sqlplus

Ahhh, the stupid linesize ... Here is what I do in my profile.sql - works only on unixes:

echo SET LINES $(tput cols) > $HOME/.login_tmp.sql

if you find an equivalent for tput on Windows, it might work there as well

Read from file or stdin

Note that what you want is to know if stdin is connected to a terminal or not, not if it exists. It always exists but when you use the shell to pipe something into it or read a file, it is not connected to a terminal.

You can check that a file descriptor is connected to a terminal via the termios.h functions:

#include <termios.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

bool stdin_is_a_pipe(void)
    struct termios t;
    return (tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, &t) < 0);

This will try to fetch the terminal attributes of stdin. If it is not connected to a pipe, it is attached to a tty and the tcgetattr function call will succeed. In order to detect a pipe, we check for tcgetattr failure.

How to fix div on scroll

You can find an example below. Basically you attach a function to window's scroll event and trace scrollTop property and if it's higher than desired threshold you apply position: fixed and some other css properties.

jQuery(function($) {_x000D_
  $(window).scroll(function fix_element() {_x000D_
      $(window).scrollTop() > 100_x000D_
        ? { 'position': 'fixed', 'top': '10px' }_x000D_
        : { 'position': 'relative', 'top': 'auto' }_x000D_
    return fix_element;_x000D_
body {_x000D_
  height: 2000px;_x000D_
  padding-top: 100px;_x000D_
code {_x000D_
  padding: 5px;_x000D_
  background: #efefef;_x000D_
#target {_x000D_
  color: #c00;_x000D_
  font: 15px arial;_x000D_
  padding: 10px;_x000D_
  margin: 10px;_x000D_
  border: 1px solid #c00;_x000D_
  width: 200px;_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div id="target">This <code>div</code> is going to be fixed</div>

How can I stop float left?

You could modify .adm and add


That should make it move to a new line

DLL Load Library - Error Code 126

This error can happen because some MFC library (eg. mfc120.dll) from which the DLL is dependent is missing in windows/system32 folder.

How do I create a URL shortener?

This is my initial thoughts, and more thinking can be done, or some simulation can be made to see if it works well or any improvement is needed:

My answer is to remember the long URL in the database, and use the ID 0 to 9999999999999999 (or however large the number is needed).

But the ID 0 to 9999999999999999 can be an issue, because

  1. it can be shorter if we use hexadecimal, or even base62 or base64. (base64 just like YouTube using A-Z a-z 0-9 _ and -)
  2. if it increases from 0 to 9999999999999999 uniformly, then hackers can visit them in that order and know what URLs people are sending each other, so it can be a privacy issue

We can do this:

  1. have one server allocate 0 to 999 to one server, Server A, so now Server A has 1000 of such IDs. So if there are 20 or 200 servers constantly wanting new IDs, it doesn't have to keep asking for each new ID, but rather asking once for 1000 IDs
  2. for the ID 1, for example, reverse the bits. So 000...00000001 becomes 10000...000, so that when converted to base64, it will be non-uniformly increasing IDs each time.
  3. use XOR to flip the bits for the final IDs. For example, XOR with 0xD5AA96...2373 (like a secret key), and the some bits will be flipped. (whenever the secret key has the 1 bit on, it will flip the bit of the ID). This will make the IDs even harder to guess and appear more random

Following this scheme, the single server that allocates the IDs can form the IDs, and so can the 20 or 200 servers requesting the allocation of IDs. The allocating server has to use a lock / semaphore to prevent two requesting servers from getting the same batch (or if it is accepting one connection at a time, this already solves the problem). So we don't want the line (queue) to be too long for waiting to get an allocation. So that's why allocating 1000 or 10000 at a time can solve the issue.

How to play an android notification sound

Set sound to notification channel

        Uri alarmUri = Uri.fromFile(new File(<path>));

        AudioAttributes attributes = new AudioAttributes.Builder()

        channel.setSound(alarmUri, attributes);

JavaScript: Collision detection

Mozilla has a good article on this, with the code shown below.

2D collision detection

Rectangle collision

if (rect1.x < rect2.x + rect2.width &&
   rect1.x + rect1.width > rect2.x &&
   rect1.y < rect2.y + rect2.height &&
   rect1.height + rect1.y > rect2.y) {
    // Collision detected!

Circle collision

if (distance < circle1.radius + circle2.radius) {
    // Collision detected!

Delete duplicate records from a SQL table without a primary key

           ADD UNIQUE INDEX 'test' ('b'); 

@ here 'b' is column name to uniqueness, @ here 'test' is index name.

Checking character length in ruby

Instead of using a regular expression, just check if string.length > 25

How do I iterate through table rows and cells in JavaScript?

Using a single for loop:

var table = document.getElementById('tableID');  
var count = table.rows.length;  
for(var i=0; i<count; i++) {    

How to add row in JTable?

The TableModel behind the JTable handles all of the data behind the table. In order to add and remove rows from a table, you need to use a DefaultTableModel

To create the table with this model:

JTable table = new JTable(new DefaultTableModel(new Object[]{"Column1", "Column2"}));

To add a row:

DefaultTableModel model = (DefaultTableModel) table.getModel();
model.addRow(new Object[]{"Column 1", "Column 2", "Column 3"});

You can also remove rows with this method.

Full details on the DefaultTableModel can be found here

Can CSS force a line break after each word in an element?

In my case,

    word-break: break-all;

worked perfecly, hope it helps any other newcomer like me.

Check If only numeric values were entered in input. (jQuery)

Try this ... it will make sure that the string "phone" only contains digits and will at least contain one digit

if(phone.match(/^\d+$/)) {
    // your code here

What is the difference between the kernel space and the user space?

By Sunil Yadav, on Quora:

The Linux Kernel refers to everything that runs in Kernel mode and is made up of several distinct layers. At the lowest layer, the Kernel interacts with the hardware via the HAL. At the middle level, the UNIX Kernel is divided into 4 distinct areas. The first of the four areas handles character devices, raw and cooked TTY and terminal handling. The second area handles network device drivers, routing protocols and sockets. The third area handles disk device drivers, page and buffer caches, file system, virtual memory, file naming and mapping. The fourth and last area handles process dispatching, scheduling, creation and termination as well as signal handling. Above all this we have the top layer of the Kernel which includes system calls, interrupts and traps. This level serves as the interface to each of the lower level functions. A programmer uses the various system calls and interrupts to interact with the features of the operating system.

Check if a string is a palindrome

int length = myString.Length;
for (int i = 0; i < length / 2; i++)
    if (myString[i] != myString[length - i - 1])
        return false;
return true;

Explode PHP string by new line

It doesn't matter what your system uses as newlines if the content might be generated outside of the system.

I am amazed after receiving all of these answers, that no one has simply advised the use of the \R escape sequence. There is only one way that I would ever consider implementing this in one of my own projects. \R provides the most succinct and direct approach.\n,%20\r%20and%20\r\n

Code: (Demo)

$text = "one\ntwo\r\nthree\rfour\r\n\nfive";

var_export(preg_split('~\R~', $text));


array (
  0 => 'one',
  1 => 'two',
  2 => 'three',
  3 => 'four',
  4 => '',
  5 => 'five',

Git fatal: protocol 'https' is not supported

You tried this:

clt + V

Just right click and click on paste

Hope this will work

cout is not a member of std

add #include <iostream> to the start of io.cpp too.

Get size of all tables in database

For Azure I used this:

You should have SSMS v17.x+

I used;

enter image description here

With this, as User Sparrow has mentioned:

Open your Databases> and select Tables,
Then press key F7 You should see the row count
as: enter image description here

SSMS here is connected to Azure databases

How to fluently build JSON in Java?

it's much easier than you think to write your own, just use an interface for JsonElementInterface with a method string toJson(), and an abstract class AbstractJsonElement implementing that interface,

then all you have to do is have a class for JSONProperty that implements the interface, and JSONValue(any token), JSONArray ([...]), and JSONObject ({...}) that extend the abstract class

JSONObject has a list of JSONProperty's
JSONArray has a list of AbstractJsonElement's

your add function in each should take a vararg list of that type, and return this

now if you don't like something you can just tweak it

the benifit of the inteface and the abstract class is that JSONArray can't accept properties, but JSONProperty can accept objects or arrays

android activity has leaked window$decorview Issue

Thank you Guys to give me many suggestions. Finally I got a solution. That is i have started the NetErrorPage intent two times. One time, i have checked the net connection availability and started the intent in page started event. second time, if the page has error, then i have started the intent in OnReceivedError event. So the first time dialog is not closed, before that the second dialog is called. So that i got a error.

Reason for the Error: I have called the showInfoMessageDialog method two times before closing the first one.

Now I have removed the second call and Cleared error :-).

Javascript Regexp dynamic generation from variables?

The RegExp constructor creates a regular expression object for matching text with a pattern.

    var pattern1 = ':\\(|:=\\(|:-\\(';
    var pattern2 = ':\\(|:=\\(|:-\\(|:\\(|:=\\(|:-\\(';
    var regex = new RegExp(pattern1 + '|' + pattern2, 'gi');

Above code works perfectly for me...

How do I print out the value of this boolean? (Java)

There are a couple of ways to address your problem, however this is probably the most straightforward:

Your main method is static, so it does not have access to instance members (isLeapYear field and isLeapYear method. One approach to rectify this is to make both the field and the method static as well:

static boolean isLeapYear;
/* (snip) */
public static boolean isLeapYear(int year)
  /* (snip) */

Lastly, you're not actually calling your isLeapYear method (which is why you're not seeing any results). Add this line after int year = kboard.nextInt();:


That should be a start. There are some other best practices you could follow but for now just focus on getting your code to work; you can refactor later.

Call An Asynchronous Javascript Function Synchronously

The idea that you hope to achieve can be made possible if you tweak the requirement a little bit

The below code is possible if your runtime supports the ES6 specification.

More about async functions

async function myAsynchronousCall(param1) {
    // logic for myAsynchronous call
    return d;

function doSomething() {

  var data = await myAsynchronousCall(param1); //'blocks' here until the async call is finished
  return data;

LinkButton Send Value to Code Behind OnClick

Try and retrieve the text property of the link button in the code behind:

protected void ENameLinkBtn_Click (object sender, EventArgs e)
   string val = ((LinkButton)sender).Text

open link of google play store in mobile version android

Below code may helps you for display application link of google play sore in mobile version.

For Application link :

Uri uri = Uri.parse("market://details?id=" + mContext.getPackageName());
Intent myAppLinkToMarket = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, uri);

  try {

      } catch (ActivityNotFoundException e) {

        //the device hasn't installed Google Play
        Toast.makeText(Setting.this, "You don't have Google Play installed", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

For Developer link :

Uri uri = Uri.parse("market://search?q=pub:" + YourDeveloperName);
Intent myAppLinkToMarket = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, uri);

            try {


            } catch (ActivityNotFoundException e) {

                //the device hasn't installed Google Play
                Toast.makeText(Settings.this, "You don't have Google Play installed", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();


How to set layout_gravity programmatically?

If you want to put a view in the center of parent, you can do with following code..

public class myLayout extends LinearLayout {

    public myLayout(Context context) {

      RelativeLayout vi = (RelativeLayout) ((LayoutInflater) context
            R.layout.activity_main, null);
      LinearLayout.LayoutParams cc = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(
            LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT);
      cc.gravity = Gravity.CENTER;

these code section make LinearLayout put the first view elements in the center of parent. So, we system don't consider the initial width and high to arrange view in the center . I do the code section well.

Youtube autoplay not working on mobile devices with embedded HTML5 player

As it turns out, autoplay cannot be done on iOS devices (iPhone, iPad, iPod touch) and Android.

See and

flow 2 columns of text automatically with CSS

Using jQuery

Create a second column and move over the elements you need into it.

<script type="text/javascript">
  $(document).ready(function() {
    var size = $("#data > p").size();
 $(".Column1 > p").each(function(index){
  if (index >= size/2){

<div id="data" class="Column1" style="float:left;width:300px;">
<!--   data Start -->
<p>This is paragraph 1. Lorem ipsum ... </p>
<p>This is paragraph 2. Lorem ipsum ... </p>
<p>This is paragraph 3. Lorem ipsum ... </p>
<p>This is paragraph 4. Lorem ipsum ... </p>
<p>This is paragraph 5. Lorem ipsum ... </p>
<p>This is paragraph 6. Lorem ipsum ... </p>
<!--   data Emd-->
<div id="Column2" style="float:left;width:300px;"></div>


Or Since the requirement now is to have them equally sized. I would suggest using the prebuilt jQuery plugins: Columnizer jQuery Plugin

AngularJS multiple filter with custom filter function

Hope below answer in this link will help, Multiple Value Filter

And take a look into the fiddle with example

arrayOfObjectswithKeys | filterMultiple:{key1:['value1','value2','value3',...etc],key2:'value4',key3:[value5,value6,...etc]}


Python unittest - opposite of assertRaises?

I am the original poster and I accepted the above answer by DGH without having first used it in the code.

Once I did use I realised that it needed a little tweaking to actually do what I needed it to do (to be fair to DGH he/she did say "or something similar" !).

I thought it was worth posting the tweak here for the benefit of others:

        a = Application("abcdef", "")
    except pySourceAidExceptions.PathIsNotAValidOne:

What I was attempting to do here was to ensure that if an attempt was made to instantiate an Application object with a second argument of spaces the pySourceAidExceptions.PathIsNotAValidOne would be raised.

I believe that using the above code (based heavily on DGH's answer) will do that.

Prepend text to beginning of string

You can use

var mystr = "Doe";
mystr = "John " + mystr;

What is the MySQL JDBC driver connection string?

update for mySQL 8 :

String jdbcUrl="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/youdatabase?useSSL=false&serverTimezone=UTC";

Check whether your Jdbc configurations and URL correct or wrong using the following code snippet.

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;

public class TestJdbc {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        //db name:testdb_version001
        //useSSL=false (get rid of MySQL SSL warnings)

        String jdbcUrl = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/testdb_version001?useSSL=false";
        String username="testdb";
        String password ="testdb";


            System.out.println("Connecting to database :" +jdbcUrl);
            Connection myConn =

            System.out.println("Connection Successful...!");

        }catch (Exception e){



ASP.NET Web API : Correct way to return a 401/unauthorised response

As an alternative to the other answers, you can also use this code if you want to return an IActionResult within an ASP.NET controller.


 return Content(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, "My error message");

Update: ASP.NET Core

Above code does not work in ASP.NET Core, you can use one of these instead:

 return StatusCode((int)System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, "My error message");
 return StatusCode(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.StatusCodes.Status401Unauthorized, "My error message");
 return StatusCode(401, "My error message");

Apparently the reason phrase is pretty optional (Can an HTTP response omit the Reason-Phrase?)

How to install lxml on Ubuntu

I also had to install lib32z1-dev before lxml would compile (Ubuntu 13.04 x64).

sudo apt-get install lib32z1-dev

Or all the required packages together:

sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev libxslt-dev python-dev lib32z1-dev

How to group dataframe rows into list in pandas groupby

You can do this using groupby to group on the column of interest and then apply list to every group:

In [1]: df = pd.DataFrame( {'a':['A','A','B','B','B','C'], 'b':[1,2,5,5,4,6]})

   a  b
0  A  1
1  A  2
2  B  5
3  B  5
4  B  4
5  C  6

In [2]: df.groupby('a')['b'].apply(list)
A       [1, 2]
B    [5, 5, 4]
C          [6]
Name: b, dtype: object

In [3]: df1 = df.groupby('a')['b'].apply(list).reset_index(name='new')
   a        new
0  A     [1, 2]
1  B  [5, 5, 4]
2  C        [6]

Using OpenSSL what does "unable to write 'random state'" mean?

In practice, the most common reason for this happening seems to be that the .rnd file in your home directory is owned by root rather than your account. The quick fix:

sudo rm ~/.rnd

For more information, here's the entry from the OpenSSL FAQ:

Sometimes the openssl command line utility does not abort with a "PRNG not seeded" error message, but complains that it is "unable to write 'random state'". This message refers to the default seeding file (see previous answer). A possible reason is that no default filename is known because neither RANDFILE nor HOME is set. (Versions up to 0.9.6 used file ".rnd" in the current directory in this case, but this has changed with 0.9.6a.)

So I would check RANDFILE, HOME, and permissions to write to those places in the filesystem.

If everything seems to be in order, you could try running with strace and see what exactly is going on.

Rendering partial view on button click in ASP.NET MVC

Change the button to

<button id="search">Search</button>

and add the following script

var url = '@Url.Action("DisplaySearchResults", "Search")';
$('#search').click(function() {
  var keyWord = $('#Keyword').val();
  $('#searchResults').load(url, { searchText: keyWord });

and modify the controller method to accept the search text

public ActionResult DisplaySearchResults(string searchText)
  var model = // build list based on parameter searchText
   return PartialView("SearchResults", model);

The jQuery .load method calls your controller method, passing the value of the search text and updates the contents of the <div> with the partial view.

Side note: The use of a <form> tag and @Html.ValidationSummary() and @Html.ValidationMessageFor() are probably not necessary here. Your never returning the Index view so ValidationSummary makes no sense and I assume you want a null search text to return all results, and in any case you do not have any validation attributes for property Keyword so there is nothing to validate.


Based on OP's comments that SearchCriterionModel will contain multiple properties with validation attributes, then the approach would be to include a submit button and handle the forms .submit() event

<input type="submit" value="Search" />

var url = '@Url.Action("DisplaySearchResults", "Search")';
$('form').submit(function() {
  if (!$(this).valid()) { 
    return false; // prevent the ajax call if validation errors
  var form = $(this).serialize();
  $('#searchResults').load(url, form);
  return false; // prevent the default submit action

and the controller method would be

public ActionResult DisplaySearchResults(SearchCriterionModel criteria)
  var model = // build list based on the properties of criteria
  return PartialView("SearchResults", model);

DIV height set as percentage of screen?

By using absolute positioning, you can make <body> or <form> or <div>, fit to your browser page. For example:

<body style="position: absolute; bottom: 0px; top: 0px; left: 0px; right: 0px;">

and then simply put a <div> inside it and use whatever percentage of either height or width you wish

<div id="divContainer" style="height: 100%;">

How to Get Element By Class in JavaScript?

This code should work in all browsers.

function replaceContentInContainer(matchClass, content) {
    var elems = document.getElementsByTagName('*'), i;
    for (i in elems) {
        if((' ' + elems[i].className + ' ').indexOf(' ' + matchClass + ' ')
                > -1) {
            elems[i].innerHTML = content;

The way it works is by looping through all of the elements in the document, and searching their class list for matchClass. If a match is found, the contents is replaced.

jsFiddle Example, using Vanilla JS (i.e. no framework)

Stripping non printable characters from a string in python

Yet another option in python 3:

re.sub(f'[^{re.escape(string.printable)}]', '', my_string)

Find rows that have the same value on a column in MySQL

select email from mytable group by email having count(*) >1

how to add script src inside a View when using Layout

If you are using Razor view engine then edit the _Layout.cshtml file. Move the @Scripts.Render("~/bundles/jquery") present in footer to the header section and write the javascript / jquery code as you want:

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function () {
        var divLength = $('div').length;

How can I plot a confusion matrix?

enter image description here

you can use plt.matshow() instead of plt.imshow() or you can use seaborn module's heatmap (see documentation) to plot the confusion matrix

import seaborn as sn
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
array = [[33,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,3], 
df_cm = pd.DataFrame(array, index = [i for i in "ABCDEFGHIJK"],
                  columns = [i for i in "ABCDEFGHIJK"])
plt.figure(figsize = (10,7))
sn.heatmap(df_cm, annot=True)

How to check if BigDecimal variable == 0 in java?

Use compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) instead of equals():

if (price.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == 0) // see below

Comparing with the BigDecimal constant BigDecimal.ZERO avoids having to construct a new BigDecimal(0) every execution.

FYI, BigDecimal also has constants BigDecimal.ONE and BigDecimal.TEN for your convenience.


The reason you can't use BigDecimal#equals() is that it takes scale into consideration:

new BigDecimal("0").equals(BigDecimal.ZERO) // true
new BigDecimal("0.00").equals(BigDecimal.ZERO) // false!

so it's unsuitable for a purely numeric comparison. However, BigDecimal.compareTo() doesn't consider scale when comparing:

new BigDecimal("0").compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == 0 // true
new BigDecimal("0.00").compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == 0 // true

How to allow remote access to my WAMP server for Mobile(Android)

I assume you are using windows. Open the command prompt and type ipconfig and find out your local address (on your pc) it should look something like or where the end digit is the one that changes. It should be next to IPv4 Address.

If your WAMP does not use virtual hosts the next step is to enter that IP address on your phones browser ie If you have a virtual host then you will need root to edit the hosts file.

If you want to test the responsiveness / mobile design of your website you can change your user agent in chrome or other browsers to mimic a mobile.


Edit: Chrome dev tools now has a mobile debug tool where you can change the size of the viewport, spoof user agents, connections (4G, 3G etc).

If you get forbidden access then see this question WAMP error: Forbidden You don't have permission to access /phpmyadmin/ on this server. Basically, change the occurrances of deny,allow to allow,deny in the httpd.conf file. You can access this by the WAMP menu.

To eliminate possible causes of the issue for now set your config file to

<Directory />
    Options FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride All
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all
        Require all granted

As thatis working for my windows PC, if you have the directory config block as well change that also to allow all.

Config file that fixed the problem:

Problem was that the /www apache directory config block still had deny set as default and only allowed from localhost.

How can I get the values of data attributes in JavaScript code?

Modern browsers accepts HTML and SVG DOMnode.dataset

Using pure Javascript's DOM-node dataset property.

It is an old Javascript standard for HTML elements (since Chorme 8 and Firefox 6) but new for SVG (since year 2017 with Chorme 55.x and Firefox 51)... It is not a problem for SVG because in nowadays (2019) the version's usage share is dominated by modern browsers.

The values of dataset's key-values are pure strings, but a good practice is to adopt JSON string format for non-string datatypes, to parse it by JSON.parse().

Using the dataset property in any context

Code snippet to get and set key-value datasets at HTML and SVG contexts.

console.log("-- GET values --")_x000D_
var x = document.getElementById('html_example').dataset;_x000D_
console.log("s:", x.s );_x000D_
for (var i of JSON.parse(x.list)) console.log("list_i:",i)_x000D_
var y = document.getElementById('g1').dataset;_x000D_
console.log("s:", y.s );_x000D_
for (var i of JSON.parse(y.list)) console.log("list_i:",i)_x000D_
console.log("-- SET values --");_x000D_
y.s="BYE!"; y.list="null";_x000D_
console.log( document.getElementById('svg_example').innerHTML )
<p id="html_example" data-list="[1,2,3]" data-s="Hello123">Hello!</p>_x000D_
<svg id="svg_example">_x000D_
  <g id="g1" data-list="[4,5,6]" data-s="Hello456 SVG"></g>_x000D_

Regular expression to match a line that doesn't contain a word

Here's how I'd do it:


Accurate and more efficient than the other answers. It implements Friedl's "unrolling-the-loop" efficiency technique and requires much less backtracking.

use mysql SUM() in a WHERE clause

You can only use aggregates for comparison in the HAVING clause:

  HAVING SUM(cash) > 500

The HAVING clause requires you to define a GROUP BY clause.

To get the first row where the sum of all the previous cash is greater than a certain value, use:

               (SELECT SUM(
                  FROM TABLE x
                 WHERE <= AS running_total
         FROM TABLE t
     ORDER BY y
 WHERE y.running_total > 500
   LIMIT 1

Because the aggregate function occurs in a subquery, the column alias for it can be referenced in the WHERE clause.

How to create an array of object literals in a loop?

This will work:

 var myColumnDefs = new Object();
 for (var i = 0; i < oFullResponse.results.length; i++) {
     myColumnDefs[i] = ({key:oFullResponse.results[i].label, sortable:true, resizeable:true});

How to use IntelliJ IDEA to find all unused code?

Just use Analyze | Inspect Code with appropriate inspection enabled (Unused declaration under Declaration redundancy group).

Using IntelliJ 11 CE you can now "Analyze | Run Inspection by Name ... | Unused declaration"

Find everything between two XML tags with RegEx

It is not good to use this method but if you really want to split it with regex


the verified answer returns the tags but this just return the value between tags.

What is the proper way to test if a parameter is empty in a batch file?

To sum things up:

set str=%~1
if not defined str ( echo Empty string )

This code will output "Empty string" if %1 is either "" or " or empty. Added it to the accepted answer that's currently incorrect.

JavaScript require() on client side

I asked myself the very same questions. When I looked into it I found the choices overwhelming.

Fortunately I found this excellent spreadsheet that helps you choice the best loader based on your requirements:

How to convert date in to yyyy-MM-dd Format?

String s;
Format formatter;
Date date = new Date();

// 2012-12-01
formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
s = formatter.format(date);

Limit the output of the TOP command to a specific process name

Here's the only solution so far for MacOS:

top -pid `pgrep java | awk 'ORS=" -pid "' | sed 's/.\{6\}$//'`

though this will undesirably report invalid option or syntax: -pid if there are no java processes alive.


The other solutions posted here use the format top -p id1,id2,id3, but MacOS' top only supports the unwieldy format top -pid id1 -pid id2 -pid id3.

So firstly, we obtain the list of process ids which have process name "java":

pgrep java

and we pipe this to awk which joins the results with delimitor " -pid "

| awk 'ORS=" -pid "'

Alas, this leaves a trailing delimitor! For example, we may so far have obtained the string "123 -pid 456 -pid 789 -pid ".

We then just use sed to shave off the final 6 characters of the delimitor.

| sed 's/.\{6\}$//'`

We're ready to pass the results to top:

top -pid `...`

Difference between single and double quotes in Bash

Single quotes won't interpolate anything, but double quotes will. For example: variables, backticks, certain \ escapes, etc.


$ echo "$(echo "upg")"
$ echo '$(echo "upg")'
$(echo "upg")

The Bash manual has this to say: Single Quotes

Enclosing characters in single quotes (') preserves the literal value of each character within the quotes. A single quote may not occur between single quotes, even when preceded by a backslash. Double Quotes

Enclosing characters in double quotes (") preserves the literal value of all characters within the quotes, with the exception of $, `, \, and, when history expansion is enabled, !. The characters $ and ` retain their special meaning within double quotes (see Shell Expansions). The backslash retains its special meaning only when followed by one of the following characters: $, `, ", \, or newline. Within double quotes, backslashes that are followed by one of these characters are removed. Backslashes preceding characters without a special meaning are left unmodified. A double quote may be quoted within double quotes by preceding it with a backslash. If enabled, history expansion will be performed unless an ! appearing in double quotes is escaped using a backslash. The backslash preceding the ! is not removed.

The special parameters * and @ have special meaning when in double quotes (see Shell Parameter Expansion).

jQuery "blinking highlight" effect on div?

You may want to look into jQuery UI. Specifically, the highlight effect:

How to find sum of multiple columns in a table in SQL Server 2005?

You must also be aware of null records:

SELECT  (ISNULL(Val1,0) + ISNULL(Val2,0) + ISNULL(Val3,0)) as 'Total'

Usage of ISNULL:

ISNULL(col_Name, replace value)

C++ cout hex values?

Use std::uppercase and std::hex to format integer variable a to be displayed in hexadecimal format.

#include <iostream>
int main() {
   int a = 255;

   // Formatting Integer
   std::cout << std::uppercase << std::hex << a << std::endl; // Output: FF
   std::cout << std::showbase  << std::hex << a << std::endl; // Output: 0XFF
   std::cout << std::nouppercase << std::showbase  << std::hex << a << std::endl; // Output: 0xff

   return 0;

Cannot deserialize the current JSON array (e.g. [1,2,3])

That's because the json you're getting is an array of your RootObject class, rather than a single instance, change your DeserialiseObject<RootObject> to be something like DeserialiseObject<RootObject[]> (un-tested).

You'll then have to either change your method to return a collection of RootObject or do some further processing on the deserialised object to return a single instance.

If you look at a formatted version of the response you provided:


You can see two instances in there.

A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the login process. (Error Number: 233)

I had to do 2 things: Do what Joseph Wu said and change the authentication to be SQL and Windows. But I also had to go to Server Properties > Advanced and change "Enable Contained Databases" to True.

How to input a path with a white space?

Use one of these threee variants:

SOME_PATH="/mnt/someProject/some path"
SOME_PATH='/mnt/someProject/some path'
SOME_PATH=/mnt/someProject/some\ path

I want to align the text in a <td> to the top

Use <td valign="top" style="width: 259px"> instead...

adb server version doesn't match this client

It would appear that the ADB daemon on the device (adbd) is disagreeing with the ADB server process on your host computer as to which version of the protocol they are speaking. Which version of the SDK are you running and what is the OS version on the device you are debugging?

What you might need to do is actually downgrade your version of the SDK tools so that the ADB daemon and process are in agreement. I thought the server process was completely backward compatible, but this could be one of those corner cases where it doesn't. Google doesn't advertise the fact that you can get their old SDK tools packages, but they can be found by looking in the archives area at

Comparing strings in Java

[EDIT] I made a mistake earlier, because, to get the text, you need to use .getText().toString().

Here is a full working example:

package com.psegina.passwordTest01;

import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.View.OnClickListener;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.widget.EditText;
import android.widget.LinearLayout;
import android.widget.Toast;

public class Main extends Activity implements OnClickListener {
    LinearLayout l;
    EditText user;
    EditText pwd;
    Button btn;

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        l = new LinearLayout(this);
        user = new EditText(this);
        pwd = new EditText(this);
        btn = new Button(this);



    public void onClick(View v){
        String u = user.getText().toString();
        String p = pwd.getText().toString();
        if( u.equals( p ) )
            Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Matches", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
            Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), user.getText()+" != "+pwd.getText(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

Original answer (Will not work because of the lack of toString())

Try using .getText() instead of .toString().

if( passw1.getText() == passw2.getText() )
#do something

.toString() returns a String representation of the whole object, meaning it won't return the text you entered in the field (see for yourself by adding a Toast which will show the output of .toString())

How to position background image in bottom right corner? (CSS)

Did you try something like:

body {background: url('[url to your image]') no-repeat right bottom;}

Stored procedure or function expects parameter which is not supplied

Your stored procedure expects 5 parameters as input

@userID int, 
@userName varchar(50), 
@password nvarchar(50), 
@emailAddress nvarchar(50), 
@preferenceName varchar(20) 

So you should add all 5 parameters to this SP call:

    cmd.CommandText = "SHOWuser";
    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@userName", userName);
    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@password", password);
    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@emailAddress", emailAddress);
    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@preferenceName", preferences);

PS: It's not clear what these parameter are for. You don't use these parameters in your SP body so your SP should looks like:


R: Print list to a text file

Format won't be completely the same, but it does write the data to a text file, and R will be able to reread it using dget when you want to retrieve it again as a list.

dput(mylist, "mylist.txt")

Python Checking a string's first and last character

When you set a string variable, it doesn't save quotes of it, they are a part of its definition. so you don't need to use :1

How to get browser width using JavaScript code?

Here is a shorter version of the function presented above:

function getWidth() {
    if (self.innerWidth) {
       return self.innerWidth;
    else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientHeight){
        return document.documentElement.clientWidth;
    else if (document.body) {
        return document.body.clientWidth;
    return 0;

Can .NET load and parse a properties file equivalent to Java Properties class?

C# generally uses xml-based config files rather than the *.ini-style file like you said, so there's nothing built-in to handle this. However, google returns a number of promising results.

Vertically and horizontally centering text in circle in CSS (like iphone notification badge)

Here is an example of flat badges that play well with zurb foundation css framework
Note: you might have to adjust the height for different fonts.

The Magic sauce!

.label {
  border-radius: 12px;
  color: white;
  font-weight: bold;
  height: 17px; 
  padding: 2px 3px 2px 3px;
  text-align: center;
  min-width: 16px;

Error launching Eclipse 4.4 "Version 1.6.0_65 of the JVM is not suitable for this product."

Here's how to fix this error when launching Eclipse:

Version 1.6.0_65 of the JVM is not suitable for this product. Version: 1.7 or greater is required.

  1. Go and install latest JDK

  2. Make sure you have installed 64 bit Eclipse

How to replace all occurrences of a string in Javascript?

Most people are likely doing this to encode a URL. To encode a URL, you shouldn't only consider spaces, but convert the entire string properly with encodeURI.

encodeURI(" file with spaces.html")

to get:

Can I open a dropdownlist using jQuery

As has been stated, you can't programmatically open a <select> using JavaScript.

However, you could write your own <select> managing the entire look and feel yourself. Something like what you see for the autocomplete search terms on Google or Yahoo! or the Search for Location box at The Weather Network.

I found one for jQuery here. I have no idea whether it would meet your needs, but even if it doesn't completely meet your needs, it should be possible to modify it so it would open as the result of some other action or event. This one actually looks more promising.

How to retrieve raw post data from HttpServletRequest in java

We had a situation where IE forced us to post as text/plain, so we had to manually parse the parameters using getReader. The servlet was being used for long polling, so when AsyncContext::dispatch was executed after a delay, it was literally reposting the request empty handed.

So I just stored the post in the request when it first appeared by using HttpServletRequest::setAttribute. The getReader method empties the buffer, where getParameter empties the buffer too but stores the parameters automagically.

    String input = null;

    // we have to store the string, which can only be read one time, because when the
    // servlet awakens an AsyncContext, it reposts the request and returns here empty handed
    if ((input = (String) request.getAttribute("com.xp.input")) == null) {
        StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
        BufferedReader reader = request.getReader();

        String line;
        while((line = reader.readLine()) != null){
        // reqBytes = buffer.toString().getBytes();

        input = buffer.toString();
        request.setAttribute("com.xp.input", input);

    if (input == null) {
        PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();

Converting JSON to XLS/CSV in Java

you can use commons csv to convert into CSV format. or use POI to convert into xls. if you need helper to convert into xls, you can use jxls, it can convert java bean (or list) into excel with expression language.

Basically, the json doc maybe is a json array, right? so it will be same. the result will be list, and you just write the property that you want to display in excel format that will be read by jxls. See

If the problem is the json can't be read in the jxls excel property, just serialize it into collection of java bean first.

TestNG ERROR Cannot find class in classpath

Was facing a similar issue using IntelliJ and in case it may be helpful to someone else what fixed it for me was to change the Use classpath of module field, to have it as the one that shows the package name.

enter image description here

Getting Class type from String

Not sure what you are asking, but... Class.forname, maybe?

How to run a Python script in the background even after I logout SSH?

You could also use GNU screen which just about every Linux/Unix system should have.

If you are on Ubuntu/Debian, its enhanced variant byobu is rather nice too.

How to determine the IP address of a Solaris system

hostname and uname will give you the name of the host. Then use nslookup to translate that to an IP address.

NPM clean modules

I added this to my package.json:

"build": "npm build",
"clean": "rm -rf node_modules", 
"reinstall": "npm run clean && npm install", 
"rebuild": "npm run clean && npm install && npm run build",

Seems to work well.

NGinx Default public www location?

On Mac install nginx with brew:


location / { 
    root   html;  # **means /usr/local/Cellar/nginx/1.8.0/html and it soft linked to /usr/local/var/www**
    index  index.html;

Can you 'exit' a loop in PHP?

You can use the break keyword.

Add onclick event to newly added element in JavaScript


elemm.attr("onclick", "yourFunction(this)");


elemm.attr("onclick", "alert('Hi!')");

Open URL in new window with JavaScript

Just use function? The third parameter lets you specify window size.


var strWindowFeatures = "location=yes,height=570,width=520,scrollbars=yes,status=yes";
var URL = ";url=" + location.href;
var win =, "_blank", strWindowFeatures);

Sending POST data without form

function redir(data) {_x000D_
  document.getElementById('redirect').innerHTML = '<form style="display:none;" position="absolute" method="post" action="location.php"><input id="redirbtn" type="submit" name="value" value=' + data + '></form>';_x000D_
<button onclick="redir('dataToBeSent');">Next Page</button>_x000D_
<div id="redirect"></div>

You can use this method which creates a new hidden form whose "data" is sent by "post" to "location.php" when a button[Next Page] is clicked.

When should I use GET or POST method? What's the difference between them?

You should use POST if there is a lot of data, or sort-of sensitive information (really sensitive stuff needs a secure connection as well).

Use GET if you want people to be able to bookmark your page, because all the data is included with the bookmark.

Just be careful of people hitting REFRESH with the GET method, because the data will be sent again every time without warning the user (POST sometimes warns the user about resending data).

Enabling SSL with XAMPP

In case you are on Mac OS (catalina or mojave) and wants to enable HTTPS/SSL on XAMPP for Mac, you need to enable the virtual host and use the default certificates included in XAMPP. On your httpd-vhosts.conf file add a new vhost:

<VirtualHost *:443>
    ServerAdmin [email protected]
    DocumentRoot "/Users/your-user/your-site"
    ServerName your-site.local
    SSLEngine on
    SSLCertificateFile "etc/ssl.crt/server.crt" 
    SSLCertificateKeyFile "etc/ssl.key/server.key"
    <Directory "/Users/your-user/your-site">
        Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
        AllowOverride All
        Require all granted
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all

How do you use bcrypt for hashing passwords in PHP?

The password_hash() function in PHP is an inbuilt function , used to create a new password hash with different algorithms and options. the function uses a strong hashing algorithm.

the function take 2 mandetory parametres ($password and $algorithm,) and 1 optional parameter ($options).

$strongPassword = password_hash( $password, $algorithm, $options )

Algoristrong textthms allowed right now for password_hash() are :





example : echo password_hash("abcDEF", PASSWORD_DEFAULT);

answer : $2y$10$KwKceUaG84WInAif5ehdZOkE4kHPWTLp0ZK5a5OU2EbtdwQ9YIcGy

example: `echo password_hash("abcDEF", PASSWORD_BCRYPT);`

answer :$2y$10$SNly5bFzB/R6OVbBMq1bj.yiOZdsk6Mwgqi4BLR2sqdCvMyv/AyL2

to use the BCRYPT as password, use option cost =12 in an array , also change 1st parameter $password to some strong password like "wgt167yuWBGY@#1987__"

Example: echo password_hash("wgt167yuWBGY@#1987__", PASSWORD_BCRYPT ,['cost' => 12]);

Answer : $2y$12$TjSggXiFSidD63E.QP8PJOds2texJfsk/82VaNU8XRZ/niZhzkJ6S

git: can't push (unpacker error) related to permission issues

In case anyone else is stuck with this: it just means the write permissions are wrong in the repo that you’re pushing to. Go and chmod -R it so that the user you’re accessing the git server with has write access.

It just works.

Set the default value in dropdownlist using jQuery

$('#userZipFiles option').prop('selected', function() {
        return this.defaultSelected;

Renaming files in a folder to sequential numbers

If your rename doesn't support -N, you can do something like this:

ls -1 --color=never -c | xargs rename -n 's/.*/our $i; sprintf("%04d.jpg", $i++)/e'

Edit To start with a given number, you can use the (somewhat ugly-looking) code below, just replace 123 with the number you want:

ls -1 --color=never  -c | xargs rename -n 's/.*/our $i; if(!$i) { $i=123; } sprintf("%04d.jpg", $i++)/e'

This lists files in order by creation time (newest first, add -r to ls to reverse sort), then sends this list of files to rename. Rename uses perl code in the regex to format and increment counter.

However, if you're dealing with JPEG images with EXIF information, I'd recommend exiftool

This is from the exiftool documentation, under "Renaming Examples"

   exiftool '-FileName<CreateDate' -d %Y%m%d_%H%M%S%%-c.%%e dir

   Rename all images in "dir" according to the "CreateDate" date and time, adding a copy number with leading '-' if the file already exists ("%-c"), and
   preserving the original file extension (%e).  Note the extra '%' necessary to escape the filename codes (%c and %e) in the date format string.

Format of the initialization string does not conform to specification starting at index 0

I had the same error. In my case, this was because I was missing an closing quote for the password in the connection string.

Changed from this

<add name="db" connectionString="server=local;database=dbanme;user id=dbuser;password='password" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />


<add name="db" connectionString="server=local;database=dbanme;user id=dbuser;password='password'" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

How can I check if a key exists in a dictionary?

If you want to retrieve the key's value if it exists, you can also use

    value = a[key]
except KeyError:
    # Key is not present

If you want to retrieve a default value when the key does not exist, use value = a.get(key, default_value). If you want to set the default value at the same time in case the key does not exist, use value = a.setdefault(key, default_value).

How do I properly compare strings in C?

Welcome to the concept of the pointer. Generations of beginning programmers have found the concept elusive, but if you wish to grow into a competent programmer, you must eventually master this concept — and moreover, you are already asking the right question. That's good.

Is it clear to you what an address is? See this diagram:

----------     ----------
| 0x4000 |     | 0x4004 |
|    1   |     |    7   |
----------     ----------

In the diagram, the integer 1 is stored in memory at address 0x4000. Why at an address? Because memory is large and can store many integers, just as a city is large and can house many families. Each integer is stored at a memory location, as each family resides in a house. Each memory location is identified by an address, as each house is identified by an address.

The two boxes in the diagram represent two distinct memory locations. You can think of them as if they were houses. The integer 1 resides in the memory location at address 0x4000 (think, "4000 Elm St."). The integer 7 resides in the memory location at address 0x4004 (think, "4004 Elm St.").

You thought that your program was comparing the 1 to the 7, but it wasn't. It was comparing the 0x4000 to the 0x4004. So what happens when you have this situation?

----------     ----------
| 0x4000 |     | 0x4004 |
|    1   |     |    1   |
----------     ----------

The two integers are the same but the addresses differ. Your program compares the addresses.

Charts for Android

SciChart for Android is a relative newcomer, but brings extremely fast high performance real-time charting to the Android platform.

SciChart is a commercial control but available under royalty free distribution / per developer licensing. There is also free licensing available for educational use with some conditions.

Some useful links can be found below:

enter image description here

Disclosure: I am the tech lead on the SciChart project!

Could not load dynamic library 'cudart64_101.dll' on tensorflow CPU-only installation

This solution worked for me :

I preinstalled the environnement with anaconda (here is the code)

conda create -n YOURENVNAME python=3.6 // 3.6> incompatible with keras
conda activate YOURENVNAME
conda install tensorflow-gpu
conda install -c anaconda keras
conda install -c anaconda scikit-learn
conda install matplotlib

but after I had still these warnings

2020-02-23 13:31:44.910213: W tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/] Could not load dynamic library 'cudart64_101.dll'; dlerror: cudart64_101.dll not found

2020-02-23 13:31:44.925815: I tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/] Successfully opened dynamic library cublas64_10.dll

2020-02-23 13:31:44.941384: I tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/] Successfully opened dynamic library cufft64_10.dll

2020-02-23 13:31:44.947427: I tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/] Successfully opened dynamic library curand64_10.dll

2020-02-23 13:31:44.965893: I tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/] Successfully opened dynamic library cusolver64_10.dll

2020-02-23 13:31:44.982990: I tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/] Successfully opened dynamic library cusparse64_10.dll

2020-02-23 13:31:44.990036: W tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/] Could not load dynamic library 'cudnn64_7.dll'; dlerror: cudnn64_7.dll not found

How I solved the first warning : I just download a zip file wich contained all the cudnn files (dll, etc) here :

How I solved the second warning : I looked the last missing file (cudart64_101.dll) in my virtual env created by conda and I just copy/pasted it in the same lib folder than for the .dll cudnn

What does IFormatProvider do?

In adition to Ian Boyd's answer:

Also CultureInfo implements this interface and can be used in your case. So you could parse a French date string for example; you could use

var ci = new CultureInfo("fr-FR");
DateTime dt = DateTime.ParseExact(yourDateInputString, yourFormatString, ci);

AngularJS - convert dates in controller

create a filter.js and you can make this as reusable

angular.module('yourmodule').filter('date', function($filter)
    return function(input)
        if(input == null){ return ""; }
        var _date = $filter('date')(new Date(input), 'dd/MM/yyyy');
        return _date.toUpperCase();


<span>{{ d.time | date }}</span>

or in controller

var filterdatetime = $filter('date')( yourdate );

Date filtering and formatting in Angular js.

Java, reading a file from current directory?

Try this:

BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("java_module_name/src/file_name.txt"));

load iframe in bootstrap modal

It seems that your

$(".modal").on('')   // One way Or

You can do this in a slight different way, like this

    // Send the src on click of button to the iframe. Which will make it load.
    // Hide the loading message
    $(".openifrmahere").find('iframe').load(function() {