Programs & Examples On #At command

AT Commands are text commands for communicating with a modem. Historically also called Hayes Command Set.

Decompile .smali files on an APK

No, APK Manager decompiles the .dex file into .smali and binary .xml to human readable xml.

The sequence (based on APK Manager 4.9) is 22 to select the package, and then 9 to decompile it. If you press 1 instead of 9, then you will just unpack it (useful only if you want to exchange .png images).

There is no tool available to decompile back to .java files and most probably it won't be any. There is an alternative, which is using dex2jar to transform the dex file in to a .class file, and then use a jar decompiler (such as the free jd-gui) to plain text java. The process is far from optimal, though, and it won't generate working code, but it's decent enough to be able to read it.



Edit: I knew there was somewhere here in SO a question with very similar answers... decompiling DEX into Java sourcecode

How to call jQuery function onclick?

Try this:


<input type="submit" value="submit" name="submit" onclick="myfunction()">


<script type="text/javascript">
 function myfunction() 
    var url = $(location).attr('href');
    $('#spn_url').html('<strong>' + url + '</strong>');

Android Recyclerview vs ListView with Viewholder

The other plus of using RecycleView is animation, it can be done in two lines of code

RecyclerView.ItemAnimator itemAnimator = new DefaultItemAnimator();

But the widget is still raw, e.g you can't create header and footer.

OpenSSL: unable to verify the first certificate for Experian URL

Here is what you can do:-

Exim SSL certificates

By default, the /etc/exim.conf will use the cert/key files:


so if you're wondering where to set your files, that's where.

They're controlled by the exim.conf's options:

tls_certificate = /etc/exim.cert
tls_privatekey = /etc/exim.key

Intermediate Certificates

If you have a CA Root certificate (ca bundle, chain, etc.) you'll add the contents of your CA into the exim.cert, after your actual certificate.

Probably a good idea to make sure you have a copy of everything elsewhere in case you make an error.

Dovecot and ProFtpd should also read it correctly, so dovecot no longer needs the ssl_ca option. So for both cases, there is no need to make any changes to either the exim.conf or dovecot.conf(/etc/dovecot/conf/ssl.conf)

How to get text from each cell of an HTML table?

Thanks for the earlier reply.

I figured out the solutions using selenium 2.0 classes.

import java.util.List;

import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;

public class WebTableExample 
    public static void main(String[] args) 
        WebDriver driver = new InternetExplorerDriver();

        WebElement table_element = driver.findElement("testTable"));
        List<WebElement> tr_collection=table_element.findElements(By.xpath("id('testTable')/tbody/tr"));

        System.out.println("NUMBER OF ROWS IN THIS TABLE = "+tr_collection.size());
        int row_num,col_num;
        for(WebElement trElement : tr_collection)
            List<WebElement> td_collection=trElement.findElements(By.xpath("td"));
            System.out.println("NUMBER OF COLUMNS="+td_collection.size());
            for(WebElement tdElement : td_collection)
                System.out.println("row # "+row_num+", col # "+col_num+ "text="+tdElement.getText());

How to enable TLS 1.2 in Java 7

You should probably be looking to the configuration that controls the underlying platform TLS implementation via -Djdk.tls.client.protocols=TLSv1.2.

Does an HTTP Status code of 0 have any meaning?

Short Answer

It's not a HTTP response code, but it is documented by WhatWG as a valid value for the status attribute of an XMLHttpRequest or a Fetch response.

Broadly speaking, it is a default value used when there is no real HTTP status code to report and/or an error occurred sending the request or receiving the response. Possible scenarios where this is the case include, but are not limited to:

  • The request hasn't yet been sent, or was aborted.
  • The browser is still waiting to receive the response status and headers.
  • The connection dropped during the request.
  • The request timed out.
  • The request encountered an infinite redirect loop.
  • The browser knows the response status, but you're not allowed to access it due to security restrictions related to the Same-origin Policy.

Long Answer

First, to reiterate: 0 is not a HTTP status code. There's a complete list of them in RFC 7231 Section 6.1, that doesn't include 0, and the intro to section 6 states clearly that

The status-code element is a three-digit integer code

which 0 is not.

However, 0 as a value of the .status attribute of an XMLHttpRequest object is documented, although it's a little tricky to track down all the relevant details. We begin at, documenting the .status attribute, which simply states:

The status attribute must return the response’s status.

That may sound vacuous and tautological, but in reality there is information here! Remember that this documentation is talking here about the .response attribute of an XMLHttpRequest, not a response, so this tells us that the definition of the status on an XHR object is deferred to the definition of a response's status in the Fetch spec.

But what response object? What if we haven't actually received a response yet? The inline link on the word "response" takes us to, which explains:

An XMLHttpRequest has an associated response. Unless stated otherwise it is a network error.

So the response whose status we're getting is by default a network error. And by searching for everywhere the phrase "set response to" is used in the XHR spec, we can see that it's set in five places:

Looking in the Fetch standard, we can see that:

A network error is a response whose status is always 0

so we can immediately tell that we'll see a status of 0 on an XHR object in any of the cases where the XHR spec says the response should be set to a network error. (Interestingly, this includes the case where the body's stream gets "errored", which the Fetch spec tells us can happen during parsing the body after having received the status - so in theory I suppose it is possible for an XHR object to have its status set to 200, then encounter an out-of-memory error or something while receiving the body and so change its status back to 0.)

We also note in the Fetch standard that a couple of other response types exist whose status is defined to be 0, whose existence relates to cross-origin requests and the same-origin policy:

An opaque filtered response is a filtered response whose ... status is 0...

An opaque-redirect filtered response is a filtered response whose ... status is 0...

(various other details about these two response types omitted).

But beyond these, there are also many cases where the Fetch algorithm (rather than the XHR spec, which we've already looked at) calls for the browser to return a network error! Indeed, the phrase "return a network error" appears 40 times in the Fetch standard. I will not try to list all 40 here, but I note that they include:

  • The case where the request's scheme is unrecognised (e.g. trying to send a request to madeupscheme://
  • The wonderfully vague instruction "When in doubt, return a network error." in the algorithms for handling ftp:// and file:// URLs
  • Infinite redirects: "If request’s redirect count is twenty, return a network error."
  • A bunch of CORS-related issues, such as "If httpRequest’s response tainting is not "cors" and the cross-origin resource policy check with request and response returns blocked, then return a network error."
  • Connection failures: "If connection is failure, return a network error."

In other words: whenever something goes wrong other than getting a real HTTP error status code like a 500 or 400 from the server, you end up with a status attribute of 0 on your XHR object or Fetch response object in the browser. The number of possible specific causes enumerated in spec is vast.

Finally: if you're interested in the history of the spec for some reason, note that this answer was completely rewritten in 2020, and that you may be interested in the previous revision of this answer, which parsed essentially the same conclusions out of the older (and much simpler) W3 spec for XHR, before these were replaced by the more modern and more complicated WhatWG specs this answers refers to.

How does the @property decorator work in Python?

I read all the posts here and realized that we may need a real life example. Why, actually, we have @property? So, consider a Flask app where you use authentication system. You declare a model User in

class User(UserMixin, db.Model):
    __tablename__ = 'users'
    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    email = db.Column(db.String(64), unique=True, index=True)
    username = db.Column(db.String(64), unique=True, index=True)
    password_hash = db.Column(db.String(128))


    def password(self):
        raise AttributeError('password is not a readable attribute')

    def password(self, password):
        self.password_hash = generate_password_hash(password)

    def verify_password(self, password):
        return check_password_hash(self.password_hash, password)

In this code we've "hidden" attribute password by using @property which triggers AttributeError assertion when you try to access it directly, while we used @property.setter to set the actual instance variable password_hash.

Now in auth/ we can instantiate a User with:

@auth.route('/register', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def register():
    form = RegisterForm()
    if form.validate_on_submit():
        user = User(,

Notice attribute password that comes from a registration form when a user fills the form. Password confirmation happens on the front end with EqualTo('password', message='Passwords must match') (in case if you are wondering, but it's a different topic related Flask forms).

I hope this example will be useful

Redis - Connect to Remote Server

In addition to the excellent answer given by Orabîg:

I resolved this issue by removing the bind section entirely and setting protected-mode to no.

protected-mode no

Never use this method on publicly exposed servers.

Loading local JSON file

You can put your json in a javascript file. This can be loaded locally (even in Chrome) using jQuery's getScript() function.

map-01.js file:

var json = '{"layers":6, "worldWidth":500, "worldHeight":400}'


    .done(function (script, textStatus) {
        var map = JSON.parse(json); //json is declared in the js file
        console.log("world width: " + map.worldWidth);
    .fail(function (jqxhr, settings, exception) {
        console.log("error loading map: " + exception);


world width: 500

Notice that the json variable is declared and assigned in the js file.

Getting byte array through input type = file

This is simple way to convert files to Base64 and avoid "maximum call stack size exceeded at FileReader.reader.onload" with the file has big size.

document.querySelector('#fileInput').addEventListener('change',   function () {_x000D_
    var reader = new FileReader();_x000D_
    var selectedFile = this.files[0];_x000D_
    reader.onload = function () {_x000D_
        var comma = this.result.indexOf(',');_x000D_
        var base64 = this.result.substr(comma + 1);_x000D_
}, false);
<input id="fileInput" type="file" />

Conversion of a datetime2 data type to a datetime data type results out-of-range value

Problem with inherited datetime attribute

This error message is often showed when a non-nullable date field has value null at insert/update time. One cause can be inheritance.

If your date is inherit from a base-class and you don't make a mapping EF will not read it's value.

For more information:

Multiple axis line chart in excel

An alternative is to normalize the data. Below are three sets of data with widely varying ranges. In the top chart you can see the variation in one series clearly, in another not so clearly, and the third not at all.

In the second range, I have adjusted the series names to include the data range, using this formula in cell C15 and copying it to D15:E15

=C2&" ("&MIN(C3:C9)&" to "&MAX(C3:C9)&")"

I have normalized the values in the data range using this formula in C15 and copying it to the entire range C16:E22


In the second chart, you can see a pattern: all series have a low in January, rising to a high in March, and dropping to medium-low value in June or July.

You can modify the normalizing formula however you need:





Normalizing Data

How to change the port of Tomcat from 8080 to 80?

On a Linux Debian-based (so Ubuntu included) you have also to go to /etc/default/tomcat7, uncomment the #AUTHBIND=no line and set its value to 'yes', in order to let the server bind on a privileged port.

CodeIgniter - How to return Json response from controller

return $this->output
                    'text' => 'Error 500',
                    'type' => 'danger'

Running a Python script from PHP

In my case I needed to create a new folder in the www directory called scripts. Within scripts I added a new file called

I then used sudo chown www-data:root scripts and sudo chown www-data:root

Then I went to the new scripts directory and used sudo chmod +x

My file it looks like this. Note the different Python version:

#!/usr/bin/env python3.5
print("Hello World!")

From php I now do this:

$message = exec("/var/www/scripts/ 2>&1");

And you should see: Hello World!

Parsing CSV files in C#, with header

This solution is using the official Microsoft.VisualBasic assembly to parse CSV.


  • delimiter escaping
  • ignores Header
  • trim spaces
  • ignore comments


    using Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO;

    public static List<List<string>> ParseCSV (string csv)
        List<List<string>> result = new List<List<string>>();

        // To use the TextFieldParser a reference to the Microsoft.VisualBasic assembly has to be added to the project. 
        using (TextFieldParser parser = new TextFieldParser(new StringReader(csv))) 
            parser.CommentTokens = new string[] { "#" };
            parser.SetDelimiters(new string[] { ";" });
            parser.HasFieldsEnclosedInQuotes = true;

            // Skip over header line.

            while (!parser.EndOfData)
                var values = new List<string>();

                var readFields = parser.ReadFields();
                if (readFields != null)

        return result;

Git for beginners: The definitive practical guide

How do you see the history of revisions to a file?

git log -- filename

Use Excel VBA to click on a button in Internet Explorer, when the button has no "name" associated

With the kind help from Tim Williams, I finally figured out the last détails that were missing. Here's the final code below.

Private Sub Open_multiple_sub_pages_from_main_page()

Dim i As Long
Dim IE As Object
Dim Doc As Object
Dim objElement As Object
Dim objCollection As Object
Dim buttonCollection As Object
Dim valeur_heure As Object

' Create InternetExplorer Object
Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
' You can uncoment Next line To see form results
IE.Visible = True

' Send the form data To URL As POST binary request
IE.navigate ""

' Wait while IE loading...
While IE.Busy

Set objCollection = IE.Document.getElementsByTagName("input")

i = 0
While i < objCollection.Length
    If objCollection(i).Name = "txtUserName" Then
        ' Set text for search
        objCollection(i).Value = "1234"
    End If
    If objCollection(i).Name = "txtPwd" Then
        ' Set text for search
        objCollection(i).Value = "password"
    End If

    If objCollection(i).Type = "submit" And objCollection(i).Name = "btnSubmit" Then ' submit button if found and set
        Set objElement = objCollection(i)
    End If
    i = i + 1
objElement.Click    ' click button to load page

' Wait while IE re-loading...
While IE.Busy

' Show IE
IE.Visible = True
Set Doc = IE.Document

Dim links, link

Dim j As Integer                                                                    'variable to count items
j = 0
Set links = IE.Document.getElementById("dgTime").getElementsByTagName("a")
n = links.Length
While j <= n                                    'loop to go thru all "a" item so it loads next page
    While IE.Busy
    '-------------Do stuff here:  copy field value and paste in excel sheet.  Will post another question for this------------------------
    IE.Document.getElementById("DetailToolbar1_lnkBtnSave").Click              'save
    Do While IE.Busy
        Application.Wait DateAdd("s", 1, Now)                                   'wait
    IE.Document.getElementById("DetailToolbar1_lnkBtnCancel").Click            'close
    Do While IE.Busy
        Application.Wait DateAdd("s", 1, Now)                                   'wait
    Set links = IE.Document.getElementById("dgTime").getElementsByTagName("a")
    j = j + 2
End Sub

How to get Activity's content view?

You may want to try View.getRootView().

Visual Studio: How to break on handled exceptions?

A technique I use is something like the following. Define a global variable that you can use for one or multiple try catch blocks depending on what you're trying to debug and use the following structure:

   catch (...)
      // ... Error handling ...

I find this gives me a bit more flexibility in terms of testing because there are still some exceptions I don't want the IDE to break on.

How to wrap text around an image using HTML/CSS

you have to float your image container as follows:


<div id="container">
    <div id="floated">...some other random text</div>
    some random text


    width: 400px;
    background: yellow;
    float: left;
    width: 150px;
    background: red;


How to solve static declaration follows non-static declaration in GCC C code?

I had a similar issue , The function name i was using matched one of the inbuilt functions declared in one of the header files that i included in the program.Reading through the compiler error message will tell you the exact header file and function name.Changing the function name solved this issue for me

Center Triangle at Bottom of Div

You could also use a CSS "calc" to get the same effect instead of using the negative margin or transform properties (in case you want to use those properties for anything else).

.hero:after {
    z-index: -1;
    position: absolute;
    top: 98.1%;
    left: calc(50% - 25px);
    content: '';
    width: 0;
    height: 0;
    border-top: solid 50px #e15915;
    border-left: solid 50px transparent;
    border-right: solid 50px transparent;

jQuery DataTables: control table width

find another useful link about this problem and it resolved my problem.

<table width="100%">
    <td width="20%"> Left TD <td>
    <td width="80%"> Datatable </td>

Datatables force width table

Getting net::ERR_UNKNOWN_URL_SCHEME while calling telephone number from HTML page in Android

The following should work and not require any permissions in the manifest (basically override shouldOverrideUrlLoading and handle links separately from tel, mailto, etc.):

    mWebView = (WebView) findViewById(;

    WebSettings webSettings = mWebView.getSettings();

    mWebView.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient(){
        public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView view, String url) {
            if( url.startsWith("http:") || url.startsWith("https:") ) {
                return false;

            // Otherwise allow the OS to handle things like tel, mailto, etc.
            Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(url));
            startActivity( intent );
            return true;

Also, note that in the above snippet I am enabling JavaScript, which you will also most likely want, but if for some reason you don't, just remove those 2 lines.

Android-java- How to sort a list of objects by a certain value within the object

"Android-java" is here by no means different than "normal java", so yes Collections.sort() would be a good approach.

How to check if an array is empty?

To check array is null:

int arr[] = null;
if (arr == null) {
 System.out.println("array is null");

To check array is empty:

arr = new int[0];
if (arr.length == 0) {
 System.out.println("array is empty");

Git Bash won't run my python files?

Add following line in you .bashrc file

# Environment path setting #
export PATH=/c/Python27:/c/Python27/Scripts:$PATH

How to disable SSL certificate checking with Spring RestTemplate?

@Bean(name = "restTemplateByPassSSL")
public RestTemplate restTemplateByPassSSL()
        throws KeyStoreException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, KeyManagementException {
    TrustStrategy acceptingTrustStrategy = (X509Certificate[] chain, String authType) -> true;
    HostnameVerifier hostnameVerifier = (s, sslSession) -> true;
    SSLContext sslContext = SSLContexts.custom().loadTrustMaterial(null, acceptingTrustStrategy).build();
    SSLConnectionSocketFactory csf = new SSLConnectionSocketFactory(sslContext, hostnameVerifier);
    CloseableHttpClient httpClient = HttpClients.custom().setSSLSocketFactory(csf).build();
    HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory requestFactory = new HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory();

    return new RestTemplate(requestFactory);

How to deal with SQL column names that look like SQL keywords?

I ran in the same issue when trying to update a column which name was a keyword. The solution above didn't help me. I solved it out by simply specifying the name of the table like this:

UPDATE `survey`
SET survey.values='yes,no'
WHERE (question='Did you agree?')

Convert Array to Object

If you can use Map or Object.assign, it's very easy.

Create an array:

const languages = ['css', 'javascript', 'php', 'html'];

The below creates an object with index as keys:

Object.assign({}, languages)

Replicate the same as above with Maps

Converts to an index based object {0 : 'css'} etc...

const indexMap = new Map(, i) => [i, name] ));
indexMap.get(1) // javascript

Convert to an value based object {css : 'css is great'} etc...

const valueMap = new Map( => [name, `${name} is great!`] ));
valueMap.get('css') // css is great

Launching Spring application Address already in use

You need to stop the server before re-launching. Look for the red box icon or server view.

What is the difference between i = i + 1 and i += 1 in a 'for' loop?

In the first example, you are reassigning the variable a, while in the second one you are modifying the data in-place, using the += operator.

See the section about 7.2.1. Augmented assignment statements :

An augmented assignment expression like x += 1 can be rewritten as x = x + 1 to achieve a similar, but not exactly equal effect. In the augmented version, x is only evaluated once. Also, when possible, the actual operation is performed in-place, meaning that rather than creating a new object and assigning that to the target, the old object is modified instead.

+= operator calls __iadd__. This function makes the change in-place, and only after its execution, the result is set back to the object you are "applying" the += on.

__add__ on the other hand takes the parameters and returns their sum (without modifying them).

Ignore cells on Excel line graph

Not for blanks in the middle of a range, but this works for a complex chart from a start date until infinity (ie no need to adjust the chart's data source each time informatiom is added), without showing any lines for dates that have not yet been entered. As you add dates and data to the spreadsheet, the chart expands. Without it, the chart has a brain hemorrhage.

So, to count a complex range of conditions over an extended period of time but only if the date of the events is not blank :

=IF($B6<>"",(COUNTIF($O6:$O6,Q$5)),"") returns “#N/A” if there is no date in column B.

In other words, "count apples or oranges or whatever in column O (as determined by what is in Q5) but only if column B (the dates) is not blank". By returning “#N/A”, the chart will skip the "blank" rows (blank as in a zero value or rather "#N/A").

From that table of returned values you can make a chart from a date in the past to infinity

What's the "average" requests per second for a production web application?

Note that hit-rate graphs will be sinusoidal patterns with 'peak hours' maybe 2x or 3x the rate that you get while users are sleeping. (Can be useful when you're scheduling the daily batch-processing stuff to happen on servers)

You can see the effect even on 'international' (multilingual, localised) sites like wikipedia

What is the difference between json.dumps and json.load?

dumps takes an object and produces a string:

>>> a = {'foo': 3}
>>> json.dumps(a)
'{"foo": 3}'

load would take a file-like object, read the data from that object, and use that string to create an object:

with open('file.json') as fh:
    a = json.load(fh)

Note that dump and load convert between files and objects, while dumps and loads convert between strings and objects. You can think of the s-less functions as wrappers around the s functions:

def dump(obj, fh):

def load(fh):
    return loads(

Why Does OAuth v2 Have Both Access and Refresh Tokens?

To clear up some confusion you have to understand the roles of the client secret and the user password, which are very different.

The client is an app/website/program/..., backed by a server, that wants to authenticate a user by using a third-party authentication service. The client secret is a (random) string that is known to both this client and the authentication server. Using this secret the client can identify itself with the authentication server, receiving authorization to request access tokens.

To get the initial access token and refresh token, what is required is:

  • The user ID
  • The user password
  • The client ID
  • The client secret

To get a refreshed access token however the client uses the following information:

  • The client ID
  • The client secret
  • The refresh token

This clearly shows the difference: when refreshing, the client receives authorization to refresh access tokens by using its client secret, and can thus re-authenticate the user using the refresh token instead of the user ID + password. This effectively prevents the user from having to re-enter his/her password.

This also shows that losing a refresh token is no problem because the client ID and secret are not known. It also shows that keeping the client ID and client secret secret is vital.

Merging dictionaries in C#

Based on the answers above, but adding a Func-parameter to let the caller handle the duplicates:

public static Dictionary<TKey, TValue> Merge<TKey, TValue>(this IEnumerable<Dictionary<TKey, TValue>> dicts, 
                                                           Func<IGrouping<TKey, TValue>, TValue> resolveDuplicates)
    if (resolveDuplicates == null)
        resolveDuplicates = new Func<IGrouping<TKey, TValue>, TValue>(group => group.First());

    return dicts.SelectMany<Dictionary<TKey, TValue>, KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>>(dict => dict)
                .ToLookup(pair => pair.Key, pair => pair.Value)
                .ToDictionary(group => group.Key, group => resolveDuplicates(group));

How to margin the body of the page (html)?

<body topmargin="0" leftmargin="0" rightmargin="0">

I'm not sure where you read this, but this is the accepted way of setting CSS styles inline is:

<body style="margin-top: 0px; margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 0px;">

And with a stylesheet:

  margin-top: 0px;
  margin-left: 0px;
  margin-right: 0px;

How to parse a JSON string into JsonNode in Jackson?

A slight variation on Richards answer but readTree can take a string so you can simplify it to:

ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
JsonNode actualObj = mapper.readTree("{\"k1\":\"v1\"}");

How do we check if a pointer is NULL pointer?

Apparently the thread you refer is about C++.

In C your snippet will always work. I like the simpler if (p) { /* ... */ }.

member names cannot be the same as their enclosing type C#

just remove this because constructor don't have a return type like void it will be like this :

private Flow()
        X = x;
        Y = y;

Change Git repository directory location.

While the question involves Git for Windows, this seems to be the top result even when searching for Visual Studio Tools For Git (extension in VS 2012, native support in VS 2013).

Using the solutions above as a guide I determined that Visual Studio Git Tools makes moving repos (or even entire directory structure for all repos) locally very easy.

1) Close Visual Studio. 2) Move the Repo folder(s) to new location. 3) Open Visual Studio. Open Team Explorer. Switch to "Connect" view (plug icon at top). 3a) If Repos still show old path, click Refresh to force an update. 4) Repos that were moved locally should no longer be showing in "Local Git Repositories". 5) Click Add (not new or clone) and select the repo folder to add.

In step 5 you really are just providing a search path and the search automatically includes all subfolders. If you have multiple repos organized under a single root (independent repos just having the same parent folder) then selecting the parent will include all repos found below that.

Example: E:\Repos\RepoA E:\Repos\RepoB E:\Repos\RepoC

In Visual Studio Team Explorer [Add] > "E:\Repos\" > [Add] will return all three to the Local Repositories.

Increase bootstrap dropdown menu width

Update 2018

You should be able to just set it using CSS like this..

.dropdown-menu {

This works in both Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4.0.0 (demo).

A no extra CSS option in Bootstrap 4 is using the sizing utils to change the width. For example, here the w-100 (width:100%) class is used for the dropdown menu to fill the width of it's parent....

 <ul class="dropdown-menu w-100">
      <li><a class="nav-link" href="#">Choice1</a></li>
      <li><a class="nav-link" href="#">Choice2</a></li>
      <li><a class="nav-link" href="#">Choice3</a></li>

The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure

.NET is seeing an invalid SSL certificate on the other end of the connection. There is a workaround for it, but obviously not recommended for production code:

// Put this somewhere that is only once - like an initialization method
ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += new RemoteCertificateValidationCallback(ValidateCertificate);

static bool ValidateCertificate(object sender, X509Certificate certificate, X509Chain chain, SslPolicyErrors errors)
   return true;

How can I check if a View exists in a Database?

For people checking the existence to drop View use this

From SQL Server 2016 CTP3 you can use new DIE statements instead of big IF wrappers


DROP VIEW [ IF EXISTS ] [ schema_name . ] view_name [ ...,n ] [ ; ]

Query :


More info here

jsonify a SQLAlchemy result set in Flask

For a flat query (no joins) you can do this

def results():
    data = Table.query.all()
    result = [d.__dict__ for d in data]
    return jsonify(result=result)

and if you only want to return certain columns from the database you can do this

def results():
    cols = ['id', 'url', 'shipping']
    data = Table.query.all()
    result = [{col: getattr(d, col) for col in cols} for d in data]
    return jsonify(result=result)

Generating UML from C++ code?

I've developed a tool called Doxygraph which can parse the XML generated by Doxygen and turn it into an interactive UML class diagram which you can view in a web browser or import into any software that can read Graphviz "dot" files.

How to access the elements of a function's return array?

You can add array keys to your return values and then use these keys to print the array values, as shown here:

function data() {
    $out['a'] = "abc";
    $out['b'] = "def";
    $out['c'] = "ghi";
    return $out;

$data = data();
echo $data['a'];
echo $data['b'];
echo $data['c'];

Sum columns with null values in oracle

You need to use the NVL function, e.g.

SUM(NVL(regular,0) + NVL(overtime,0))

How to change the style of the title attribute inside an anchor tag?

Here is an example of how to do it:

a.tip {_x000D_
    border-bottom: 1px dashed;_x000D_
    text-decoration: none_x000D_
a.tip:hover {_x000D_
    cursor: help;_x000D_
    position: relative_x000D_
a.tip span {_x000D_
    display: none_x000D_
a.tip:hover span {_x000D_
    border: #c0c0c0 1px dotted;_x000D_
    padding: 5px 20px 5px 5px;_x000D_
    display: block;_x000D_
    z-index: 100;_x000D_
    background: url(../images/status-info.png) #f0f0f0 no-repeat 100% 5%;_x000D_
    left: 0px;_x000D_
    margin: 10px;_x000D_
    width: 250px;_x000D_
    position: absolute;_x000D_
    top: 10px;_x000D_
    text-decoration: none_x000D_
<a href="#" class="tip">Link<span>This is the CSS tooltip showing up when you mouse over the link</span></a>

How connect Postgres to localhost server using pgAdmin on Ubuntu?

It helps me:

1. Open the file pg_hba.conf

sudo nano /etc/postgresql/9.x/main/pg_hba.conf

and change this line:

Database administrative login by Unix domain socket
local   all             postgres                                md5


Database administrative login by Unix domain socket
local   all             postgres                                trust
  1. Restart the server

    sudo service postgresql restart

  2. Login into psql and set password

    psql -U postgres

ALTER USER postgres with password 'new password';

  1. Again open the file pg_hba.conf and change this line:
Database administrative login by Unix domain socket
    local   all             postgres                                trust


    Database administrative login by Unix domain socket
    local   all             postgres                                md5
  1. Restart the server

    sudo service postgresql restart

It works.

enter image description here

Helpful links
1: PostgreSQL (from

uint8_t vs unsigned char

The whole point is to write implementation-independent code. unsigned char is not guaranteed to be an 8-bit type. uint8_t is (if available).

How do I retrieve a textbox value using JQuery?

Just Additional Info which took me long time to find.what if you were using the field name and not id for identifying the form field. You do it like this:

For radio button:

var inp= $('input:radio[name=PatientPreviouslyReceivedDrug]:checked').val();

For textbox:

var txt=$('input:text[name=DrugDurationLength]').val();

Perl - If string contains text?

For case-insensitive string search, use index (or rindex) in combination with fc. This example expands on the answer by Eugene Yarmash:

use feature qw( fc ); 
my $str = "Abc"; 
my $substr = "aB"; 

print "found" if index( fc $str, fc $substr ) != -1;
# Prints: found

print "found" if rindex( fc $str, fc $substr ) != -1;
# Prints: found

$str = "Abc";
$substr = "bA";

print "found" if index( fc $str, fc $substr ) != -1;
# Prints nothing

print "found" if rindex( fc $str, fc $substr ) != -1;
# Prints nothing

Both index and rindex return -1 if the substring is not found.
And fc returns a casefolded version of its string argument, and should be used here instead of the (more familiar) uc or lc. Remember to enable this function, for example with use feature qw( fc );.

Cannot find "Package Explorer" view in Eclipse

You might be in debug mode. If this is the problem, you can simply click on the "Java" button (next to the "Debug" button) in the upper-right hand corner, or click on "Open Perspective" and then select "Java (default)" from the "Open Perspective" window.

Where does Git store files?

It will create your repository in the .git folder in the current directory.

Check if event exists on element

$('body').click(function(){ alert('test' )})

var foo = $.data( $('body').get(0), 'events' ).click
// you can query $.data( object, 'events' ) and get an object back, then see what events are attached to it.

$.each( foo, function(i,o) {
    alert(i) // guid of the event
    alert(o) // the function definition of the event handler

You can inspect by feeding the object reference ( not the jQuery object though ) to $.data, and for the second argument feed 'events' and that will return an object populated with all the events such as 'click'. You can loop through that object and see what the event handler does.

How to fix the error; 'Error: Bootstrap tooltips require Tether ('

For you Laravel Mix users out there running Bootstrap4, you will need to run

npm installer tether --save

Then update you resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js to load Tether and bring it to the window object.

Here is what mine looks like: (Note I also had to run npm install popper.js --save)

window.$ = window.jQuery = require('jquery');
window.Popper = require('popper.js').default;
window.Tether = require('tether');

Case-insensitive string comparison in C++

Just a note on whatever method you finally choose, if that method happens to include the use of strcmp that some answers suggest:

strcmp doesn't work with Unicode data in general. In general, it doesn't even work with byte-based Unicode encodings, such as utf-8, since strcmp only makes byte-per-byte comparisons and Unicode code points encoded in utf-8 can take more than 1 byte. The only specific Unicode case strcmp properly handle is when a string encoded with a byte-based encoding contains only code points below U+00FF - then the byte-per-byte comparison is enough.

How to create string with multiple spaces in JavaScript

var a = 'something' + Array(10).fill('\xa0').join('') + 'something'

number inside Array(10) can be changed to needed number of spaces

Spring 3 MVC accessing HttpRequest from controller

I know that is a old question, but...

You can also use this in your class:

private HttpServletRequest context;

And this will provide the current instance of HttpServletRequest for you use on your method.

How to remove all .svn directories from my application directories

As an important issue, when you want to utilize shell to delete .svn folders You need -depth argument to prevent find command entering the directory that was just deleted and showing error messages like e.g.

"find: ./.svn: No such file or directory"

As a result, You can use find command like below:

cd [dir_to_delete_svn_folders]
find . -depth -name .svn -exec rm -fr {} \;

m2eclipse not finding maven dependencies, artifacts not found

For me maven was downloading the dependency but was unable to add it to the classpath. I saw my .classpath of the project,it didnt have any maven-related entry. When I added

<classpathentry kind="con" path="org.eclipse.m2e.MAVEN2_CLASSPATH_CONTAINER"/>

the issue got resolved for me.

How to install OpenSSL for Python

SSL development libraries have to be installed


$ yum install openssl-devel libffi-devel


$ apt-get install libssl-dev libffi-dev

OS X (with Homebrew installed):

$ brew install openssl

Regex to remove all special characters from string?

[^a-zA-Z0-9] is a character class matches any non-alphanumeric characters.

Alternatively, [^\w\d] does the same thing.


string regExp = "[^\w\d]";
string tmp = Regex.Replace(n, regExp, "");

Can we pass parameters to a view in SQL?

As I know view can be something just like select command. You also can add parameters to this select for example in where statements like this:

 WHERE  (exam_id = @var)

Terminating a Java Program

  • Well, first System.exit(0) is used to terminate the program and having statements below it is not correct, although the compiler does not throw any errors.
  • a plain return; is used in a method of void return type to return the control of execution to its parent method.

Stretch and scale a CSS image in the background - with CSS only

In order to scale your images appropriately based on the container size, use the following:

background-size: contain;
background-repeat: no-repeat;

AngularJS : Difference between the $observe and $watch methods

I think this is pretty obvious :

  • $observe is used in linking function of directives.
  • $watch is used on scope to watch any changing in its values.

Keep in mind : both the function has two arguments,

$observe/$watch(value : string, callback : function);
  • value : is always a string reference to the watched element (the name of a scope's variable or the name of the directive's attribute to be watched)
  • callback : the function to be executed of the form function (oldValue, newValue)

I have made a plunker, so you can actually get a grasp on both their utilization. I have used the Chameleon analogy as to make it easier to picture.

How can I prevent a window from being resized with tkinter?

Below code will fix root = tk.Tk() to its size before it was called:

root.resizable(False, False)

#1064 -You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version

One obvious thing is that you will have to remove the comma here

receipt int(10),

but the actual problem is because of the line

amount double(10) NOT NULL,

change it to

amount double NOT NULL,

Failed to resolve:

From the docs:-

Your app gradle file now has to explicitly list as a dependency for Firebase services to work as expected.


 implementation ''

and in top level gradle file use the latest version of google play services:

classpath ''


You need to add the google() repo in the top level gradle file, as specified in the firebase docs and also it should be before jcenter():

 buildscript {
  repositories {

dependencies {
  classpath ''
  classpath ''

allprojects {
     repositories {

task clean(type: Delete) {
  delete rootProject.buildDir

How to use Git?

Using Git for version control

Visual studio code have Integrated Git Support.

  • Steps to use git.

Install Git :

1) Initialize your repository

Navigate to directory where you want to initialize Git

Use git init command This will create a empty .git repository

2) Stage the changes

Staging is process of making Git to track our newly added files. For example add a file and type git status. You will find the status that untracked file. So to stage the changes use git add filename. If now type git status, you will find that new file added for tracking.

You can also unstage files. Use git reset

3) Commit Changes

Commiting is the process of recording your changes to repository. To commit the statges changes, you need to add a comment that explains the changes you made since your previous commit.

Use git commit -m message string

We can also commit the multiple files of same type using command git add '*.txt'. This command will commit all files with txt extension.

4) Follow changes

The aim of using version control is to keep all versions of each and every file in our project, Compare the the current version with last commit and keep the log of all changes.

Use git log to see the log of all changes.

Visual studio code’s integrated git support help us to compare the code by double clicking on the file OR Use git diff HEAD

You can also undo file changes at the last commit. Use git checkout -- file_name

5) Create remote repositories

Till now we have created a local repository. But in order to push it to remote server. We need to add a remote repository in server.

Use git remote add origin server_git_url

Then push it to server repository

Use git push -u origin master

Let assume some time has passed. We have invited other people to our project who have pulled our changes, made their own commits, and pushed them.

So to get the changes from our team members, we need to pull the repository.

Use git pull origin master

6) Create Branches

Lets think that you are working on a feature or a bug. Better you can create a copy of your code(Branch) and make separate commits to. When you have done, merge this branch back to their master branch.

Use git branch branch_name

Now you have two local branches i.e master and XXX(new branch). You can switch branches using git checkout master OR git checkout new_branch_name

Commiting branch changes using git commit -m message

Switch back to master using git checkout master

Now we need to merge changes from new branch into our master Use git merge branch_name

Good! You just accomplished your bugfix Or feature development and merge. Now you don’t need the new branch anymore. So delete it using git branch -d branch_name

Now we are in the last step to push everything to remote repository using git push

Hope this will help you

How to convert a HTMLElement to a string

You can get the 'outer-html' by cloning the element, adding it to an empty,'offstage' container, and reading the container's innerHTML.

This example takes an optional second parameter.

Call document.getHTML(element, true) to include the element's descendents.

document.getHTML= function(who, deep){
    if(!who || !who.tagName) return '';
    var txt, ax, el= document.createElement("div");
    txt= el.innerHTML;
        ax= txt.indexOf('>')+1;
        txt= txt.substring(0, ax)+who.innerHTML+ txt.substring(ax);
    el= null;
    return txt;

Get ID from URL with jQuery

Get a substring after the last index of /.

var url = '';
var id = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
alert(id); // 234234234

It's just basic JavaScript, no jQuery involved.

What to do on TransactionTooLargeException

This is not a definitive answer, but it may shed some light on the causes of a TransactionTooLargeException and help pinpoint the problem.

Although most answers refer to large amounts of data transferred, I see this exception being thrown incidentally after heavy scrolling and zooming and repeatedly opening an ActionBar spinner menu. The crash happens on tapping the action bar. (this is a custom mapping app)

The only data being passed around seem to be touches from the "Input Dispatcher" to the app. I think this cannot reasonably amount to anywhere near 1 mb in the "Transaction Buffer".

My app is running on a quad core 1.6 GHz device and uses 3 threads for heavylifting, keeping one core free for the UI thread. Furthermore, the app uses android:largeHeap, has 10 mb of unused heap left and has 100 mb of room left to grow the heap. So I wouldn't say it is a resource issue.

The crash is always immediately preceded by these lines:

W/InputDispatcher( 2271): channel ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred.  events=0x9
E/InputDispatcher( 2271): channel ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed!
E/JavaBinder(28182): !!! FAILED BINDER TRANSACTION !!!

Which are not neccesarily printed in that order, but (as far as I checked) happen on the same millisecond.

And the stack trace itself, for clarity, is the same as in the question:

E/AndroidRuntime(28182): java.lang.RuntimeException: Adding window failed
E/AndroidRuntime(28182): Caused by: android.os.TransactionTooLargeException

Delving into the source code of android one finds these lines:


    // TransactionTooLargeException is a checked exception, only throw from certain methods.
    // FIXME: Transaction too large is the most common reason for FAILED_TRANSACTION
    //        but it is not the only one.  The Binder driver can return BR_FAILED_REPLY
    //        for other reasons also, such as if the transaction is malformed or
    //        refers to an FD that has been closed.  We should change the driver
    //        to enable us to distinguish these cases in the future.
    jniThrowException(env, canThrowRemoteException
            ? "android/os/TransactionTooLargeException"
                    : "java/lang/RuntimeException", NULL);

To me it sounds like I'm possibly hitting this undocumented feature, where the transaction fails for other reasons than a Transaction being TooLarge. They should have named it TransactionTooLargeOrAnotherReasonException.

At this time I did not solve the issue, but if I find something useful I will update this answer.

update: it turned out my code leaked some file descriptors, the number of which is maximized in linux (typically 1024), and this seems to have triggered the exception. So it was a resource issue after all. I verified this by opening /dev/zero 1024 times, which resulted in all kinds of weird exceptions in UI related actions, including the exception above, and even some SIGSEGV's. Apparently failure to open a file/socket is not something which is handled/reported very cleanly throughout Android.

How can I insert into a BLOB column from an insert statement in sqldeveloper?

Yes, it's possible, e.g. using the implicit conversion from RAW to BLOB:

insert into blob_fun values(1, hextoraw('453d7a34'));

453d7a34 is a string of hexadecimal values, which is first explicitly converted to the RAW data type and then inserted into the BLOB column. The result is a BLOB value of 4 bytes.

Display milliseconds in Excel

I did this in Excel 2000.

This statement should be: ms = Round(temp - Int(temp), 3) * 1000

You need to create a custom format for the result cell of [h]:mm:ss.000

Javascript - get array of dates between 2 dates

This may help someone,

You can get the row output from this and format the row_date object as you want.

var from_date = '2016-01-01';
var to_date = '2016-02-20';

var dates = getDates(from_date, to_date);


function getDates(from_date, to_date) {
  var current_date = new Date(from_date);
  var end_date     = new Date(to_date);

  var getTimeDiff = Math.abs(current_date.getTime() - end_date.getTime());
  var date_range = Math.ceil(getTimeDiff / (1000 * 3600 * 24)) + 1 ;

  var weekday = ["SUN", "MON", "TUE", "WED", "THU", "FRI", "SAT"];
  var months = ["JAN", "FEB", "MAR", "APR", "MAY", "JUN", "JUL", "AUG", "SEP", "OCT", "NOV", "DEC"];
  var dates = new Array();

  for (var i = 0; i <= date_range; i++) {
     var getDate, getMonth = '';

     if(current_date.getDate() < 10) { getDate = ('0'+ current_date.getDate());}
     else{getDate = current_date.getDate();}

    if(current_date.getMonth() < 9) { getMonth = ('0'+ (current_date.getMonth()+1));}
    else{getMonth = current_date.getMonth();}

    var row_date = {day: getDate, month: getMonth, year: current_date.getFullYear()};
    var fmt_date = {weekDay: weekday[current_date.getDay()], date: getDate, month: months[current_date.getMonth()]};
    var is_weekend = false;
    if (current_date.getDay() == 0 || current_date.getDay() == 6) {
        is_weekend = true;
    dates.push({row_date: row_date, fmt_date: fmt_date, is_weekend: is_weekend});
    current_date.setDate(current_date.getDate() + 1);
 return dates;

What's the best way to send a signal to all members of a process group?

I can't comment (not enough reputation), so I am forced to add a new answer, even though this is not really an answer.

There is a slight problem with the otherwise very nice and thorough answer given by @olibre on Feb 28. The output of ps opgid= $PID will contain leading spaces for a PID shorter than five digits because ps is justifying the column (rigth align the numbers). Within the entire command line, this results in a negative sign, followed by space(s), followed by the group PID. Simple solution is to pipe ps to tr to remove spaces:

kill -- -$( ps opgid= $PID | tr -d ' ' )

Exporting functions from a DLL with dllexport

If you want plain C exports, use a C project not C++. C++ DLLs rely on name-mangling for all the C++isms (namespaces etc...). You can compile your code as C by going into your project settings under C/C++->Advanced, there is an option "Compile As" which corresponds to the compiler switches /TP and /TC.

If you still want to use C++ to write the internals of your lib but export some functions unmangled for use outside C++, see the second section below.

Exporting/Importing DLL Libs in VC++

What you really want to do is define a conditional macro in a header that will be included in all of the source files in your DLL project:

#    define LIBRARY_API __declspec(dllexport)
#    define LIBRARY_API __declspec(dllimport)

Then on a function that you want to be exported you use LIBRARY_API:

LIBRARY_API int GetCoolInteger();

In your library build project create a define LIBRARY_EXPORTS this will cause your functions to be exported for your DLL build.

Since LIBRARY_EXPORTS will not be defined in a project consuming the DLL, when that project includes the header file of your library all of the functions will be imported instead.

If your library is to be cross-platform you can define LIBRARY_API as nothing when not on Windows:

#ifdef _WIN32
#        define LIBRARY_API __declspec(dllexport)
#    else
#        define LIBRARY_API __declspec(dllimport)
#    endif
#    define LIBRARY_API

When using dllexport/dllimport you do not need to use DEF files, if you use DEF files you do not need to use dllexport/dllimport. The two methods accomplish the same task different ways, I believe that dllexport/dllimport is the recommended method out of the two.

Exporting unmangled functions from a C++ DLL for LoadLibrary/PInvoke

If you need this to use LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress, or maybe importing from another language (i.e PInvoke from .NET, or FFI in Python/R etc) you can use extern "C" inline with your dllexport to tell the C++ compiler not to mangle the names. And since we are using GetProcAddress instead of dllimport we don't need to do the ifdef dance from above, just a simple dllexport:

The Code:

#define EXTERN_DLL_EXPORT extern "C" __declspec(dllexport)

EXTERN_DLL_EXPORT int getEngineVersion() {
  return 1;

EXTERN_DLL_EXPORT void registerPlugin(Kernel &K) {
    auto_ptr<GraphicsServer::GraphicsDriver>(new OpenGLGraphicsDriver())

And here's what the exports look like with Dumpbin /exports:

  Dump of file opengl_plugin.dll

  File Type: DLL

  Section contains the following exports for opengl_plugin.dll

    00000000 characteristics
    49866068 time date stamp Sun Feb 01 19:54:32 2009
        0.00 version
           1 ordinal base
           2 number of functions
           2 number of names

    ordinal hint RVA      name

          1    0 0001110E getEngineVersion = @ILT+265(_getEngineVersion)
          2    1 00011028 registerPlugin = @ILT+35(_registerPlugin)

So this code works fine:

m_hDLL = ::LoadLibrary(T"opengl_plugin.dll");

m_pfnGetEngineVersion = reinterpret_cast<fnGetEngineVersion *>(
  ::GetProcAddress(m_hDLL, "getEngineVersion")
m_pfnRegisterPlugin = reinterpret_cast<fnRegisterPlugin *>(
  ::GetProcAddress(m_hDLL, "registerPlugin")

Show/Hide Table Rows using Javascript classes

It's difficult to figure out what you're trying to do with this sample but you're actually on the right track thinking about using classes. I've created a JSFiddle to help demonstrate a slightly better way (I hope) of doing this.

Here's the fiddle: link.

What you do is, instead of working with IDs, you work with classes. In your code sample, there are Oranges and Apples. I treat them as product categories (as I don't really know what your purpose is), with their own ids. So, I mark the product <tr>s with class="cat1" or class="cat2".

I also mark the links with a simple .toggler class. It's not good practice to have onclick attributes on elements themselves. You should 'bind' the events on page load using JavaScript. I do this using jQuery.

    // you handle the event here

With this format, you are binding an event handler to the click event of links with class toggler. In my code, I add a data-prod-cat attribute to the toggler links to specify which product rows they should control. (The reason for my using a data-* attribute is explained here. You can Google 'html5 data attributes' for more information.)

In the event handler, I do this:


With this code, I'm actually trying to create a selector like $('.cat1') so I can select rows for a specific product category, and change their visibility. I use $(this).attr('data-prod-cat') this to access the data-prod-cat attribute of the link the user clicks. I use the jQuery toggle function, so that I don't have to write logic like if visible, then hide element, else make it visible like you do in your JS code. jQuery deals with that. The toggle function does what it says and toggles the visibility of the specified element(s).

I hope this was explanatory enough.

Error "The input device is not a TTY"

Using docker-compose exec -T fixed the problem for me via Jenkins

docker-compose exec -T containerName php script.php

Could not find or load main class with a Jar File

This is very difficult to debug without complete information.

The two most likely-looking things at this point are that either the file in the jar is not stored in a directory WITHIN THE JAR, or that it is not the correct file.

You need to be storing TestClass.class - some people new at this store the source file,

And you need to create the jar file so that TestClass.class appears with a path of classes. Make sure it is not "/classes". Use zip to look at the file and make sure it has a path of "classes".

How to get the selected date of a MonthCalendar control in C#

For those who are still trying, this link helped me out, too; it just puts it all together:

private void MonthCalendar1_DateChanged(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.DateRangeEventArgs e)
//Display the dates for selected range
Label1.Text = "Dates Selected from :" + (MonthCalendar1.SelectionRange.Start() + " to " + MonthCalendar1.SelectionRange.End);

//To display single selected of date
//MonthCalendar1.MaxSelectionCount = 1;

//To display single selected of date use MonthCalendar1.SelectionRange.Start/ MonthCalendarSelectionRange.End
Label2.Text = "Date Selected :" + MonthCalendar1.SelectionRange.Start;

Partly cherry-picking a commit with Git

Actually, the best solution for this question is to use checkout commend

git checkout <branch> <path1>,<path2> ..

For example, assume you are in master, you want to the changes from dev1 on project1/Controller/ and project1/Service/, you can use this:

git checkout dev1 project1/Controller/ project1/Service/

That means the master branch only updates from dev1 on those two paths.

How to construct a REST API that takes an array of id's for the resources

You can build a Rest API or a restful project using ASP.NET MVC and return data as a JSON. An example controller function would be:

        public JsonpResult GetUsers(string userIds)
           var values = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<int>>(userIds);

            var users = _userRepository.GetAllUsersByIds(userIds);

            var collection = users.Select(user => new { id = user.Id, fullname = user.FirstName +" "+ user.LastName });
            var result = new { users = collection };

            return this.Jsonp(result);
        public IQueryable<User> GetAllUsersByIds(List<int> ids)
            return _db.Users.Where(c=> ids.Contains(c.Id));

Then you just call the GetUsers function via a regular AJAX function supplying the array of Ids(in this case I am using jQuery stringify to send the array as string and dematerialize it back in the controller but you can just send the array of ints and receive it as an array of int's in the controller). I've build an entire Restful API using ASP.NET MVC that returns the data as cross domain json and that can be used from any app. That of course if you can use ASP.NET MVC.

function GetUsers()
           var link = '<%= ResolveUrl("~")%>users?callback=?';
           var userIds = [];
            $('#multiselect :selected').each(function (i, selected) {
                userIds[i] = $(selected).val();

                url: link,
                traditional: true,
                data: { 'userIds': JSON.stringify(userIds) },
                dataType: "jsonp",
                jsonpCallback: "refreshUsers"

Best way to get the max value in a Spark dataframe column

I used another solution (by @satprem rath) already present in this chain.

To find the min value of age in the dataframe:


|      29|

edit: to add more context.

While the above method printed the result, I faced issues when assigning the result to a variable to reuse later.

Hence, to get only the int value assigned to a variable:

from pyspark.sql.functions import max, min  

maxValueA = df.agg(max("A")).collect()[0][0]
maxValueB = df.agg(max("B")).collect()[0][0]

Comparing two files in linux terminal

Use comm -13 (requires sorted files):

$ cat file1

$ cat file2

$ comm -13 <(sort file1) <(sort file2)

Python conversion from binary string to hexadecimal

>>> import string
>>> s="0000 0100 1000 1101"
>>> ''.join([ "%x"%string.atoi(bin,2) for bin in s.split() ]  )


>>> s="0000 0100 1000 1101"
>>> hex(string.atoi(s.replace(" ",""),2))

How do I convert an Array to a List<object> in C#?

You can try this,

using System.Linq;
string[] arrString = { "A", "B", "C"};
List<string> listofString = arrString.OfType<string>().ToList();

Hope, this code helps you.

endsWith in JavaScript

I just learned about this string library:

Include the js file and then use the S variable like this:

S('hi there').endsWith('hi there')

It can also be used in NodeJS by installing it:

npm install string

Then requiring it as the S variable:

var S = require('string');

The web page also has links to alternate string libraries, if this one doesn't take your fancy.

How to get a list of properties with a given attribute?

If you deal regularly with Attributes in Reflection, it is very, very practical to define some extension methods. You will see that in many projects out there. This one here is one I often have:

public static bool HasAttribute<T>(this ICustomAttributeProvider provider) where T : Attribute
  var atts = provider.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(T), true);
  return atts.Length > 0;

which you can use like typeof(Foo).HasAttribute<BarAttribute>();

Other projects (e.g. StructureMap) have full-fledged ReflectionHelper classes that use Expression trees to have a fine syntax to identity e.g. PropertyInfos. Usage then looks like that:

ReflectionHelper.GetProperty<Foo>(x => x.MyProperty).HasAttribute<BarAttribute>()

Android - Activity vs FragmentActivity?

If you use the Eclipse "New Android Project" wizard in a recent ADT bundle, you'll automatically get tabs implemented as a Fragments. This makes the conversion of your application to the tablet format much easier in the future.

For simple single screen layouts you may still use Activity.

ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small

PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small

is due to the fact that you declare a string to be of a fixed length (say 20), and at some point in your code you assign it a value whose length exceeds what you declared.

for example:

myString VARCHAR2(20);
myString :='abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; --length 26

will fire such an error

"Full screen" <iframe>

Use this code instead of it:

    <frameset rows="100%,*">
        <frame src="-------------------------URL-------------------------------">
                Your browser does not support frames. To wiew this page please use supporting browsers.

How to capitalize the first letter of text in a TextView in an Android Application

You can add Apache Commons Lang in Gradle like compile 'org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:3.4'

And use WordUtils.capitalizeFully(name)

optional parameters in SQL Server stored proc?

You can declare like this

    @Parameter1 INT = 1,
    @Parameter2 VARCHAR (100) = 'StringValue',
    @Parameter3 VARCHAR (100) = NULL

/* check for the NULL / default value (indicating nothing was passed */
if (@Parameter3 IS NULL)
    /* whatever code you desire for a missing parameter*/
    INSERT INTO ........

/* and use it in the query as so*/
FROM Table
WHERE Column = @Parameter

How to comment and uncomment blocks of code in the Office VBA Editor

Have you checked MZTools?? It does a lot of cool stuff...

If I'm not wrong, one of the functionalities it offers is to set your own shortcuts.

How to dump raw RTSP stream to file?

With this command I had poor image quality

ffmpeg -i rtsp://192.168.XXX.XXX:554/live.sdp -vcodec copy -acodec copy -f mp4 -y MyVideoFFmpeg.mp4

With this, almost without delay, I got good image quality.

ffmpeg -i rtsp://192.168.XXX.XXX:554/live.sdp -b 900k -vcodec copy -r 60 -y MyVdeoFFmpeg.avi

Cannot run Eclipse; JVM terminated. Exit code=13

I fixed it reinstalling the jdk. In my case it was necessary to do:

java -version
sudo apt-get purge openjdk*
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-installer
java -version
javac -version

taken from Install Java JDK+JRE (oracle) in Kubuntu 13.04 from apt

Differences between JDK and Java SDK

From this wikipedia entry:

The JDK is a subset of what is loosely defined as a software development kit (SDK) in the general sense. In the descriptions which accompany their recent releases for Java SE, EE, and ME, Sun acknowledge that under their terminology, the JDK forms the subset of the SDK which is responsible for the writing and running of Java programs. The remainder of the SDK is composed of extra software, such as Application Servers, Debuggers, and Documentation.

The "extra software" seems to be Glassfish, MySQL, and NetBeans. This page gives a comparison of the various packages you can get for the Java EE SDK.

Java: Find .txt files in specified folder

I made my solution based on the posts I found here with Google. And I thought there is no harm to post mine as well even if it is an old thread.

The only plus this code gives is that it can iterate through sub-directories as well.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

Method is as follows:

List <File> exploreThis(String dirPath){

    File topDir = new File(dirPath);

    List<File> directories = new ArrayList<>();

    List<File> textFiles = new ArrayList<>();

    List<String> filterWildcards = new ArrayList<>();

    FileFilter typeFilter = new WildcardFileFilter(filterWildcards);

    while (directories.isEmpty() == false)
        List<File> subDirectories = new ArrayList();

        for(File f : directories)


    return textFiles;

Visually managing MongoDB documents and collections

The real answer is ... No.

So far as I have found there is no reasonable or publicly available Windows MonogoDB client which is really very sad since MongoDB is pretty sweet.

I've thought about throwing together a simple app with WPF on Codeplex ... but I haven't been super motivated.

What would features would you be interested in having? Maybe you can inspire me or others?

For example, do you just want to view DBs / collections & perhaps simple edits (so you don't have to use the shell) or do you require something more complex?

What is mutex and semaphore in Java ? What is the main difference?

The object of synchronization Semaphore implements a classical traffic light. A traffic light controls access to a resource shared by a counter. If the counter is greater than zero, access is granted; If it is zero, access is denied. The counter counts the permissions that allow access to the shared resource. Then, to access the resource, a thread must receive permission from the traffic light. In general, to use a traffic light, the thread that wants to access the shared resource tries to acquire a permit. If the traffic light count is greater than zero, the thread acquires a permit, and the traffic light count is decremented. Otherwise the thread is locked until it can get a permission. When the thread no longer needs to access the shared resource, it releases the permission, so the traffic light count is increased. If there is another thread waiting for a permit, it acquires a permit at that time. The Semaphore class of Java implements this mechanism.

Semaphore has two builders:

Semaphore(int num)
Semaphore(int num, boolean come)

num specifies the initial count of the permit. Then num specifies the number of threads that can access a shared resource at a given time. If num is one, it can access the resource one thread at a time. By setting come as true, you can guarantee that the threads you are waiting for are granted permission in the order they requested.

How can I close a login form and show the main form without my application closing?

This is the most elegant solution.

private void buttonLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    MainForm mainForm = new MainForm();


What's the difference between <mvc:annotation-driven /> and <context:annotation-config /> in servlet?

mvc:annotation-driven is a tag added in Spring 3.0 which does the following:

  1. Configures the Spring 3 Type ConversionService (alternative to PropertyEditors)
  2. Adds support for formatting Number fields with @NumberFormat
  3. Adds support for formatting Date, Calendar, and Joda Time fields with @DateTimeFormat, if Joda Time is on the classpath
  4. Adds support for validating @Controller inputs with @Valid, if a JSR-303 Provider is on the classpath
  5. Adds support for support for reading and writing XML, if JAXB is on the classpath (HTTP message conversion with @RequestBody/@ResponseBody)
  6. Adds support for reading and writing JSON, if Jackson is o n the classpath (along the same lines as #5)

context:annotation-config Looks for annotations on beans in the same application context it is defined and declares support for all the general annotations like @Autowired, @Resource, @Required, @PostConstruct etc etc.

Using DISTINCT and COUNT together in a MySQL Query


SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT productId) from  table_name WHERE keyword='$keyword'

T-test in Pandas

it depends what sort of t-test you want to do (one sided or two sided dependent or independent) but it should be as simple as:

from scipy.stats import ttest_ind

cat1 = my_data[my_data['Category']=='cat1']
cat2 = my_data[my_data['Category']=='cat2']

ttest_ind(cat1['values'], cat2['values'])
>>> (1.4927289925706944, 0.16970867501294376)

it returns a tuple with the t-statistic & the p-value

see here for other t-tests

How to check whether a Button is clicked by using JavaScript

if(button.clicked==true) {
    console.log("Button Clicked");
} ==> // This Code Doesn't Work Properly So Please Use Below One // 

function check() { 
    console.log("Button Clicked");
}; // This Code Works Fine // 

var button= document.querySelector("button"); // Accessing The Button // 
button.addEventListener("click", check); // Adding event to call function when clicked // 

Find text in string with C#

First find the index of text and then substring

        var ind = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory().ToString().IndexOf("TEXT To find");

        string productFolder = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory().ToString().Substring(0, ind);

Calculate rolling / moving average in C++

a simple moving average for 10 items, using a list:

#include <list>

std::list<float> listDeltaMA;

float getDeltaMovingAverage(float delta)
    if (listDeltaMA.size() > 10) listDeltaMA.pop_front();
    float sum = 0;
    for (std::list<float>::iterator p = listDeltaMA.begin(); p != listDeltaMA.end(); ++p)
        sum += (float)*p;
    return sum / listDeltaMA.size();

Correct way to synchronize ArrayList in java

Yes it is the correct way, but the synchronised block is required if you want all the removals together to be safe - unless the queue is empty no removals allowed. My guess is that you just want safe queue and dequeue operations, so you can remove the synchronised block.

However, there are far advanced concurrent queues in Java such as ConcurrentLinkedQueue

Bootstrap Carousel Full Screen

Simply Add 'carousel-item' class in place of item class.

How to make use of SQL (Oracle) to count the size of a string?

Regardless to Your example

select length('Burger') from dual;

I hope this will help :)

Read .mat files in Python

First save the .mat file as:

save('test.mat', '-v7')

After that, in Python, use the usual loadmat function:

import as sio
test = sio.loadmat('test.mat')

Put current changes in a new Git branch

You can simply check out a new branch, and then commit:

git checkout -b my_new_branch
git commit

Checking out the new branch will not discard your changes.

How to fix: "You need to use a Theme.AppCompat theme (or descendant) with this activity"

Your application has an AppCompat theme


But, you overwrote the Activity (which extends AppCompatActivity) with a theme that isn't descendant of an AppCompat theme

<activity android:name=".MainActivity"
    android:theme="@android:style/Theme.NoTitleBar.Fullscreen" >

You could define your own fullscreen theme like so (notice AppCompat in the parent=)

<style name="AppFullScreenTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar">
    <item name="android:windowNoTitle">true</item>
    <item name="android:windowActionBar">false</item>
    <item name="android:windowFullscreen">true</item>
    <item name="android:windowContentOverlay">@null</item>

Then set that on the Activity.

<activity android:name=".MainActivity"
    android:theme="@style/AppFullScreenTheme" >

Note: There might be an AppCompat theme that's already full screen, but don't know immediately

node.js string.replace doesn't work?

According to the Javascript standard, String.replace isn't supposed to modify the string itself. It just returns the modified string. You can refer to the Mozilla Developer Network documentation for more info.

You can always just set the string to the modified value:

variableABC = variableABC.replace('B', 'D')

Edit: The code given above is to only replace the first occurrence.

To replace all occurrences, you could do:

 variableABC = variableABC.replace(/B/g, "D");  

To replace all occurrences and ignore casing

 variableABC = variableABC.replace(/B/gi, "D");  

Writing files in Node.js

Point 1:

If you want to write something into a file. means: it will remove anything already saved in the file and write the new content. use fs.promises.writeFile()

Point 2:

If you want to append something into a file. means: it will not remove anything already saved in the file but append the new item in the file content.then first read the file, and then add the content into the readable value, then write it to the file. so use fs.promises.readFile and fs.promises.writeFile()

example 1: I want to write a JSON object in my JSON file .

const fs = require('fs');
writeFile  ('./my_data.json' , {id:1, name:'my name'} )
async function writeFile  (filename ,writedata) {
    try {
        await fs.promises.writeFile(filename, JSON.stringify(writedata,null, 4), 'utf8');
       console.log ('data is written successfully in the file')
    catch(err) {
        console.log ('not able to write data in the file ')

example2 : if you want to append data to a JSON file. you want to add data {id:1, name:'my name'} to file my_data.json on the same folder root. just call append_data (file_path , data ) function.

It will append data in the JSON file if the file existed . or it will create the file and add the data to it.

   const fs = require('fs');
   data = {id:1, name:'my name'}
   file_path = './my_data.json'
   append_data (file_path , data )

   async function append_data (filename , data ) {

      if (fs.existsSync(filename)) {
         read_data = await readFile(filename)
         if (read_data == false) {
             console.log('not able to read file')
         else {
             dataWrittenStatus = await writeFile(filename, read_data)
             if dataWrittenStatus == true {
               console.log('data added successfully')
               console.log('data adding failed')
          dataWrittenStatus = await writeFile(filename, [data])
          if dataWrittenStatus == true {
             console.log('data added successfully')
             console.log('data adding failed')

async function readFile  (filePath) {
  try {
    const data = await fs.promises.readFile(filePath, 'utf8')
    return JSON.parse(data)
 catch(err) {
     return false;

async function writeFile  (filename ,writedata) {
  try {
      await fs.promises.writeFile(filename, JSON.stringify(writedata,null, 4), 'utf8');
      return true
  catch(err) {
      return false

How do I get the SelectedItem or SelectedIndex of ListView in

If you want to select the same item in a listbox using a listview, you can use:

Private Sub ListView1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ListView1.SelectedIndexChanged
    For aa As Integer = 0 To ListView1.SelectedItems.Count - 1
        ListBox1.SelectedIndex = ListView1.SelectedIndices(aa)
End Sub

Translating touch events from Javascript to jQuery

jQuery 'fixes up' events to account for browser differences. When it does so, you can always access the 'native' event with event.originalEvent (see the Special Properties subheading on this page).

Regex for parsing directory and filename

In languages that support regular expressions with non-capturing groups:


I'll explain the gnarly regex by exploding it...


What the parts mean:

(  -- capture group 1 starts
  (?:  -- non-capturing group starts
    [^/]*  -- greedily match as many non-directory separators as possible
    /  -- match a single directory-separator character
  )  -- non-capturing group ends
  *  -- repeat the non-capturing group zero-or-more times
)  -- capture group 1 ends
(.*)  -- capture all remaining characters in group 2


To test the regular expression, I used the following Perl script...

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use warnings;

sub test {
  my $str = shift;
  my $testname = shift;

  $str =~ m#((?:[^/]*/)*)(.*)#;

  print "$str -- $testname\n";
  print "  1: $1\n";
  print "  2: $2\n\n";

test('/var/log/xyz/10032008.log', 'absolute path');
test('var/log/xyz/10032008.log', 'relative path');
test('10032008.log', 'filename-only');
test('/10032008.log', 'file directly under root');

The output of the script...

/var/log/xyz/10032008.log -- absolute path
  1: /var/log/xyz/
  2: 10032008.log

var/log/xyz/10032008.log -- relative path
  1: var/log/xyz/
  2: 10032008.log

10032008.log -- filename-only
  2: 10032008.log

/10032008.log -- file directly under root
  1: /
  2: 10032008.log

I want to calculate the distance between two points in Java

Math.sqrt returns a double so you'll have to cast it to int as well

distance = (int)Math.sqrt((x1-x2)*(x1-x2) + (y1-y2)*(y1-y2));

What does "opt" mean (as in the "opt" directory)? Is it an abbreviation?


It holds optional software and packages that you install that are not required for the system to run.

oracle - what statements need to be committed?

DML (Data Manipulation Language) commands need to be commited/rolled back. Here is a list of those commands.

Data Manipulation Language (DML) statements are used for managing data within schema objects. Some examples:

INSERT - insert data into a table
UPDATE - updates existing data within a table
DELETE - deletes records from a table, the space for the records remain
MERGE - UPSERT operation (insert or update)
CALL - call a PL/SQL or Java subprogram
EXPLAIN PLAN - explain access path to data
LOCK TABLE - control concurrency

selecting rows with id from another table

Try this (subquery):

   (SELECT term_id FROM terms_relation WHERE taxonomy = "categ")

Or you can try this (JOIN):

SELECT t.* FROM terms AS t 
   INNER JOIN terms_relation AS tr 
   ON = tr.term_id AND tr.taxonomy = "categ"

If you want to receive all fields from two tables:

SELECT,, t.slug, tr.description, tr.created_at, tr.updated_at 
  FROM terms AS t 
   INNER JOIN terms_relation AS tr 
   ON = tr.term_id AND tr.taxonomy = "categ"

How to sort in-place using the merge sort algorithm?

Including its "big result", this paper describes a couple of variants of in-place merge sort (PDF):

In-place sorting with fewer moves

Jyrki Katajainen, Tomi A. Pasanen

It is shown that an array of n elements can be sorted using O(1) extra space, O(n log n / log log n) element moves, and n log2n + O(n log log n) comparisons. This is the first in-place sorting algorithm requiring o(n log n) moves in the worst case while guaranteeing O(n log n) comparisons, but due to the constant factors involved the algorithm is predominantly of theoretical interest.

I think this is relevant too. I have a printout of it lying around, passed on to me by a colleague, but I haven't read it. It seems to cover basic theory, but I'm not familiar enough with the topic to judge how comprehensively:

Optimal Stable Merging

Antonios Symvonis

This paper shows how to stably merge two sequences A and B of sizes m and n, m = n, respectively, with O(m+n) assignments, O(mlog(n/m+1)) comparisons and using only a constant amount of additional space. This result matches all known lower bounds...

Asp Net Web API 2.1 get client IP address

With Web API 2.2: Request.GetOwinContext().Request.RemoteIpAddress

Getting XML Node text value with Java DOM

If your XML goes quite deep, you might want to consider using XPath, which comes with your JRE, so you can access the contents far more easily using:

String text = xp.evaluate("//add[@job='351']/tag[position()=1]/text()", 

Full example:

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPath;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory;    
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;

public class XPathTest {

    private Document document;

    public void setup() throws Exception {
        String xml = "<add job=\"351\"><tag>foobar</tag><tag>foobar2</tag></add>";
        DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
        DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
        document = db.parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(xml)));

    public void testXPath() throws Exception {
        XPathFactory xpf = XPathFactory.newInstance();
        XPath xp = xpf.newXPath();
        String text = xp.evaluate("//add[@job='351']/tag[position()=1]/text()",
        assertEquals("foobar", text);

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlObject Error

When trying to translate Excel file with .xlsx suffix, you need to add additional jar, xmlbeansxxx.jar. xxxx is version, such as xmlbeans-2.3.0.jar

Cast Object to Generic Type for returning

If you do not want to depend on throwing exception (which you probably should not) you can try this:

public static <T> T cast(Object o, Class<T> clazz) {
    return clazz.isInstance(o) ? clazz.cast(o) : null;

Similarity String Comparison in Java

There are indeed a lot of string similarity measures out there:

  • Levenshtein edit distance;
  • Damerau-Levenshtein distance;
  • Jaro-Winkler similarity;
  • Longest Common Subsequence edit distance;
  • Q-Gram (Ukkonen);
  • n-Gram distance (Kondrak);
  • Jaccard index;
  • Sorensen-Dice coefficient;
  • Cosine similarity;
  • ...

You can find explanation and java implementation of these here:

How to multiply a BigDecimal by an integer in Java

If I were you, I would set the scale of the BigDecimal so that I dont end up on lengthy numbers. The integer 2 in the BigDecimal initialization below sets the scale.

Since you have lots of mismatch of data type, I have changed it accordingly to adjust.

class Payment   
      BigDecimal itemCost=new BigDecimal(BigInteger.ZERO,  2);
      BigDecimal totalCost=new BigDecimal(BigInteger.ZERO,  2);

     public BigDecimal calculateCost(int itemQuantity,BigDecimal itemPrice)
           BigDecimal   itemCost = itemPrice.multiply(new BigDecimal(itemQuantity)); 
             return totalCost.add(itemCost); 

BigDecimals are Object , not primitives, so make sure you initialize itemCost and totalCost , otherwise it can give you nullpointer while you try to add on totalCost or itemCost

When do items in HTML5 local storage expire?

You can use lscache. It handles this for you automatically, including instances where the storage size exceeds the limit. If that happens, it begins pruning items that are the closest to their specified expiration.

From the readme:


Stores the value in localStorage. Expires after specified number of minutes.

key (string)
value (Object|string)
time (number: optional)

This is the only real difference between the regular storage methods. Get, remove, etc work the same.

If you don't need that much functionality, you can simply store a time stamp with the value (via JSON) and check it for expiry.

Noteworthy, there's a good reason why local storage is left up to the user. But, things like lscache do come in handy when you need to store extremely temporary data.

Center Div inside another (100% width) div

for detail info, let's say the code below will make a div aligned center:

margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;

or simply use:

margin: 0 auto;

but bear in mind, the above CSS code only works when you specify a fixed width (not 100%) on your html element. so the complete solution for your issue would be:

.your-inner-div {
      margin: 0 auto;
      width: 900px;

Default passwords of Oracle 11g?

actually during the installation will prompt u to enter the password..At the last step of installation, a window will appear showing cloning database files..After copying,there will be a password managament..there we hav to set our password..and user name will be default..

How do I query using fields inside the new PostgreSQL JSON datatype?

With Postgres 9.3+, just use the -> operator. For example,

SELECT data->'images'->'thumbnail'->'url' AS thumb FROM instagram;

see for some nice examples and a tutorial.

How do I put the image on the right side of the text in a UIButton?

Swift -Extend the UiButton and put these lines

    if let imageWidth = self.imageView?.frame.width {
        self.titleEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(0, -imageWidth, 0, imageWidth);

    if let titleWidth = self.titleLabel?.frame.width {
        let spacing = titleWidth + 20
        self.imageEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(0, spacing, 0, -spacing);

Replacing Pandas or Numpy Nan with a None to use with MysqlDB

df = df.replace({np.nan: None})

Credit goes to this guy here on this Github issue.

PHP Array to CSV

I know this is old, I had a case where I needed the array key to be included in the CSV also, so I updated the script by Jesse Q to do that. I used a string as output, as implode can't add new line (new line is something I added, and should really be there).

Please note, this only works with single value arrays (key, value). but could easily be updated to handle multi-dimensional (key, array()).

function arrayToCsv( array &$fields, $delimiter = ',', $enclosure = '"', $encloseAll = false, $nullToMysqlNull = false ) {
    $delimiter_esc = preg_quote($delimiter, '/');
    $enclosure_esc = preg_quote($enclosure, '/');

    $output = '';
    foreach ( $fields as $key => $field ) {
        if ($field === null && $nullToMysqlNull) {
            $output = '';

        // Enclose fields containing $delimiter, $enclosure or whitespace
        if ( $encloseAll || preg_match( "/(?:${delimiter_esc}|${enclosure_esc}|\s)/", $field ) ) {
            $output .= $key;
            $output .= $delimiter;
            $output .= $enclosure . str_replace($enclosure, $enclosure . $enclosure,     $field) . $enclosure;
            $output .= PHP_EOL;
        else {
            $output .= $key;
            $output .= $delimiter;
            $output .= $field;
            $output .= PHP_EOL;

    return  $output ;

RuntimeWarning: DateTimeField received a naive datetime

make sure has USE_TZ = True

In your python file:

from django.utils import timezone # use its value in model field

Cannot kill Python script with Ctrl-C

I think it's best to call join() on your threads when you expect them to die. I've taken some liberty with your code to make the loops end (you can add whatever cleanup needs are required to there as well). The variable die is checked for truth on each pass and when it's True then the program exits.

import threading
import time

class MyThread (threading.Thread):
    die = False
    def __init__(self, name):
        threading.Thread.__init__(self) = name

    def run (self):
        while not self.die:
            print (

    def join(self):
        self.die = True

if __name__ == '__main__':
    f = MyThread('first')
    s = MyThread('second')
        while True:
    except KeyboardInterrupt:

'str' object has no attribute 'decode'. Python 3 error?

For Python3

html = """\\u003Cdiv id=\\u0022contenedor\\u0022\\u003E \\u003Ch2 class=\\u0022text-left m-b-2\\u0022\\u003EInformaci\\u00f3n del veh\\u00edculo de patente AA345AA\\u003C\\/h2\\u003E\\n\\n\\n\\n \\u003Cdiv class=\\u0022panel panel-default panel-disabled m-b-2\\u0022\\u003E\\n \\u003Cdiv class=\\u0022panel-body\\u0022\\u003E\\n \\u003Ch2 class=\\u0022table_title m-b-2\\u0022\\u003EInformaci\\u00f3n del Registro Automotor\\u003C\\/h2\\u003E\\n \\u003Cdiv class=\\u0022col-md-6\\u0022\\u003E\\n \\u003Clabel class=\\u0022control-label\\u0022\\u003ERegistro Seccional\\u003C\\/label\\u003E\\n \\u003Cp\\u003ESAN MIGUEL N\\u00b0 1\\u003C\\/p\\u003E\\n \\u003Clabel class=\\u0022control-label\\u0022\\u003EDirecci\\u00f3n\\u003C\\/label\\u003E\\n \\u003Cp\\u003EMAESTRO ANGEL D\\u0027ELIA 766\\u003C\\/p\\u003E\\n \\u003Clabel class=\\u0022control-label\\u0022\\u003EPiso\\u003C\\/label\\u003E\\n \\u003Cp\\u003EPB\\u003C\\/p\\u003E\\n \\u003Clabel class=\\u0022control-label\\u0022\\u003EDepartamento\\u003C\\/label\\u003E\\n \\u003Cp\\u003E-\\u003C\\/p\\u003E\\n \\u003Clabel class=\\u0022control-label\\u0022\\u003EC\\u00f3digo postal\\u003C\\/label\\u003E\\n \\u003Cp\\u003E1663\\u003C\\/p\\u003E\\n \\u003C\\/div\\u003E\\n \\u003Cdiv class=\\u0022col-md-6\\u0022\\u003E\\n \\u003Clabel class=\\u0022control-label\\u0022\\u003ELocalidad\\u003C\\/label\\u003E\\n \\u003Cp\\u003ESAN MIGUEL\\u003C\\/p\\u003E\\n \\u003Clabel class=\\u0022control-label\\u0022\\u003EProvincia\\u003C\\/label\\u003E\\n \\u003Cp\\u003EBUENOS AIRES\\u003C\\/p\\u003E\\n \\u003Clabel class=\\u0022control-label\\u0022\\u003ETel\\u00e9fono\\u003C\\/label\\u003E\\n \\u003Cp\\u003E(11)46646647\\u003C\\/p\\u003E\\n \\u003Clabel class=\\u0022control-label\\u0022\\u003EHorario\\u003C\\/label\\u003E\\n \\u003Cp\\u003E08:30 a 12:30\\u003C\\/p\\u003E\\n \\u003C\\/div\\u003E\\n \\u003C\\/div\\u003E\\n\\u003C\\/div\\u003E \\n\\n\\u003Cp class=\\u0022text-center m-t-3 m-b-1 hidden-print\\u0022\\u003E\\n \\u003Ca href=\\u0022javascript:window.print();\\u0022 class=\\u0022btn btn-default\\u0022\\u003EImprim\\u00ed la consulta\\u003C\\/a\\u003E \\u0026nbsp; \\u0026nbsp;\\n \\u003Ca href=\\u0022\\u0022 class=\\u0022btn use-ajax btn-primary\\u0022\\u003EHacer otra consulta\\u003C\\/a\\u003E\\n\\u003C\\/p\\u003E\\n\\u003C\\/div\\u003E"""
print(html.replace("\\/", "/").encode().decode('unicode_escape'))

SQL UPDATE with sub-query that references the same table in MySQL

UPDATE user_account student

SET (student.student_education_facility_id) = (

   SELECT teacher.education_facility_id

   FROM user_account teacher

   WHERE teacher.user_account_id = student.teacher_id AND teacher.user_type = 'ROLE_TEACHER'


WHERE student.user_type = 'ROLE_STUDENT';

Angularjs - simple form submit

var app = angular.module( "myApp", [] );_x000D_
app.controller( "myCtrl", ["$scope", function($scope) {_x000D_
    $scope.submit_form = function(formData) {_x000D_
        $scope.formData = formData;_x000D_
        console.log(formData); // object_x000D_
        console.log(JSON.stringify(formData)); // string_x000D_
        $scope.form = {}; // clear ng-model form_x000D_
}] );
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="myCtrl">_x000D_
    <form ng-submit="submit_form(form)" >_x000D_
        Firstname: <input type="text" ng-model="form.firstname" /><br />_x000D_
        Lastname: <input type="text" ng-model="form.lastname" /><br />_x000D_
        <hr />_x000D_
        <input type="submit" value="Submit" />_x000D_
    <hr />          _x000D_
    <p>Firstname: {{ form.firstname }}</p>_x000D_
    <p>Lastname: {{ form.lastname }}</p>_x000D_
    <pre>Submit Form: {{ formData }} </pre>_x000D_


How to check if a div is visible state or not?

is(':visible') checks the display property of an element, you can use css method.

if (!$("#singlechatpanel-1").css('visibility') === 'hidden') {
   // ...

If you set the display property of the element to none then your if statement returns true.

Compiling a java program into an executable

The thing you can do is create a .bat that will execute the .jar file created, checking if there is a JRE present.

From Mitch useful link (source)

java -classpath myprogram.jar de.vogella.eclipse.ide.first.MyFirstClass

This can be used into your batch...

pandas unique values multiple columns

Non-pandas solution: using set().

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

df = pd.DataFrame({'Col1' : ['Bob', 'Joe', 'Bill', 'Mary', 'Joe'],
              'Col2' : ['Joe', 'Steve', 'Bob', 'Bob', 'Steve'],
               'Col3' : np.random.random(5)})

print df

print set(df.Col1.append(df.Col2).values)


   Col1   Col2      Col3
0   Bob    Joe  0.201079
1   Joe  Steve  0.703279
2  Bill    Bob  0.722724
3  Mary    Bob  0.093912
4   Joe  Steve  0.766027
set(['Steve', 'Bob', 'Bill', 'Joe', 'Mary'])

How do I close an Android alertdialog

I would try putting a

Log.e("SOMETAG", "dialog button was clicked");

before the dialog.dismiss() line in your code to see if it actually reaches that section.

x86 Assembly on a Mac

Also, on the Intel Macs, can I use generic x86 asm? or is there a modified instruction set? Any information about post Intel Mac assembly helps.

It's the same instruction set; it's the same chips.

Converting a pointer into an integer

Several answers have pointed at uintptr_t and #include <stdint.h> as 'the' solution. That is, I suggest, part of the answer, but not the whole answer. You also need to look at where the function is called with the message ID of FOO.

Consider this code and compilation:

$ cat kk.c
#include <stdio.h>
static void function(int n, void *p)
    unsigned long z = *(unsigned long *)p;
    printf("%d - %lu\n", n, z);

int main(void)
    function(1, 2);
$ rmk kk
        gcc -m64 -g -O -std=c99 -pedantic -Wall -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith \
            -Wcast-qual -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes \
            -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE kk.c -o kk 
kk.c: In function 'main':
kk.c:10: warning: passing argument 2 of 'func' makes pointer from integer without a cast

You will observe that there is a problem at the calling location (in main()) — converting an integer to a pointer without a cast. You are going to need to analyze your function() in all its usages to see how values are passed to it. The code inside my function() would work if the calls were written:

unsigned long i = 0x2341;
function(1, &i);

Since yours are probably written differently, you need to review the points where the function is called to ensure that it makes sense to use the value as shown. Don't forget, you may be finding a latent bug.

Also, if you are going to format the value of the void * parameter (as converted), look carefully at the <inttypes.h> header (instead of stdint.hinttypes.h provides the services of stdint.h, which is unusual, but the C99 standard says [t]he header <inttypes.h> includes the header <stdint.h> and extends it with additional facilities provided by hosted implementations) and use the PRIxxx macros in your format strings.

Also, my comments are strictly applicable to C rather than C++, but your code is in the subset of C++ that is portable between C and C++. The chances are fair to good that my comments apply.

VBA Subscript out of range - error 9

Option Explicit

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim mode As String
Dim RecordId As Integer
Dim Resultid As Integer
Dim sourcewb As Workbook
Dim targetwb As Workbook
Dim SourceRowCount As Long
Dim TargetRowCount As Long
Dim SrceFile As String
Dim TrgtFile As String
Dim TitleId As Integer
Dim TestPassCount As Integer
Dim TestFailCount As Integer
Dim myWorkbook1 As Workbook
Dim myWorkbook2 As Workbook

TitleId = 4
Resultid = 0

Dim FileName1, FileName2 As String
Dim Difference As Long

'TestPassCount = 0
'TestFailCount = 0

'Retrieve number of records in the TestData SpreadSheet
Dim TestDataRowCount As Integer
TestDataRowCount = Worksheets("TestData").UsedRange.Rows.Count

If (TestDataRowCount <= 2) Then
  MsgBox "No records to validate.Please provide test data in Test Data SpreadSheet"
  For RecordId = 3 To TestDataRowCount

    'Source File row count
    SrceFile = Worksheets("TestData").Range("D" & RecordId).Value
    Set sourcewb = Workbooks.Open(SrceFile)
    With sourcewb.Worksheets(1)
      SourceRowCount = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).row
    End With

    'Target File row count
    TrgtFile = Worksheets("TestData").Range("E" & RecordId).Value
    Set targetwb = Workbooks.Open(TrgtFile)
    With targetwb.Worksheets(1)
      TargetRowCount = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).row
    End With

    ' Set Row Count Result Test data value
    TitleId = TitleId + 3
    Worksheets("Result").Range("A" & TitleId).Value = Worksheets("TestData").Range("A" & RecordId).Value

    'Compare Source and Target Row count
    Resultid = TitleId + 1
    Worksheets("Result").Range("A" & Resultid).Value = "Source and Target record Count"
    If (SourceRowCount = TargetRowCount) Then
       Worksheets("Result").Range("B" & Resultid).Value = "Passed"
       Worksheets("Result").Range("C" & Resultid).Value = "Source Row Count: " & SourceRowCount & " & " & " Target Row Count: " & TargetRowCount
       TestPassCount = TestPassCount + 1
      Worksheets("Result").Range("B" & Resultid).Value = "Failed"
      Worksheets("Result").Range("C" & Resultid).Value = "Source Row Count: " & SourceRowCount & " & " & " Target Row Count: " & TargetRowCount
      TestFailCount = TestFailCount + 1
    End If

    'For comparison of two files

    FileName1 = Worksheets("TestData").Range("D" & RecordId).Value
    FileName2 = Worksheets("TestData").Range("E" & RecordId).Value

    Set myWorkbook1 = Workbooks.Open(FileName1)
    Set myWorkbook2 = Workbooks.Open(FileName2)

    Difference = Compare2WorkSheets(myWorkbook1.Worksheets("Sheet1"), myWorkbook2.Worksheets("Sheet1"))

    'MsgBox Difference

    'Set Result of data validation in result sheet
    Resultid = Resultid + 1

    Worksheets("Result").Range("A" & Resultid).Value = "Data validation of source and target File"

    If Difference > 0 Then
        Worksheets("Result").Range("B" & Resultid).Value = "Failed"
        Worksheets("Result").Range("C" & Resultid).Value = Difference & " cells contains different data!"
        TestFailCount = TestFailCount + 1
      Worksheets("Result").Range("B" & Resultid).Value = "Passed"
      Worksheets("Result").Range("C" & Resultid).Value = Difference & " cells contains different data!"
      TestPassCount = TestPassCount + 1
    End If

  Next RecordId
End If

UpdateTestExecData TestPassCount, TestFailCount
End Sub

Sub RefreshResultSheet()
  Worksheets("Result").Range("B1").Value = Worksheets("Instructions").Range("D3").Value
  Worksheets("Result").Range("B2").Value = Worksheets("Instructions").Range("D4").Value
  Worksheets("Result").Range("B3").Value = Worksheets("Instructions").Range("D6").Value
  Worksheets("Result").Range("B4").Value = Worksheets("Instructions").Range("D5").Value
End Sub

Sub UpdateTestExecData(TestPassCount As Integer, TestFailCount As Integer)
  Worksheets("Result").Range("D1").Value = TestPassCount + TestFailCount
  Worksheets("Result").Range("D2").Value = TestPassCount
  Worksheets("Result").Range("D3").Value = TestFailCount
  Worksheets("Result").Range("D4").Value = ((TestPassCount / (TestPassCount + TestFailCount)))
End Sub

Laravel - htmlspecialchars() expects parameter 1 to be string, object given

This is the proper way to access data in laravel :

@foreach($data-> ac as $link) 



Why doesn't list have safe "get" method like dictionary?

Probably because it just didn't make much sense for list semantics. However, you can easily create your own by subclassing.

class safelist(list):
    def get(self, index, default=None):
            return self.__getitem__(index)
        except IndexError:
            return default

def _test():
    l = safelist(range(10))
    print l.get(20, "oops")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Algorithm to calculate the number of divisors of a given number

This interesting question is much harder than it looks, and it has not been answered. The question can be factored into 2 very different questions.

1 given N, find the list L of N's prime factors

2 given L, calculate number of unique combinations

All answers I see so far refer to #1 and fail to mention it is not tractable for enormous numbers. For moderately sized N, even 64-bit numbers, it is easy; for enormous N, the factoring problem can take "forever". Public key encryption depends on this.

Question #2 needs more discussion. If L contains only unique numbers, it is a simple calculation using the combination formula for choosing k objects from n items. Actually, you need to sum the results from applying the formula while varying k from 1 to sizeof(L). However, L will usually contain multiple occurrences of multiple primes. For example, L = {2,2,2,3,3,5} is the factorization of N = 360. Now this problem is quite difficult!

Restating #2, given collection C containing k items, such that item a has a' duplicates, and item b has b' duplicates, etc. how many unique combinations of 1 to k-1 items are there? For example, {2}, {2,2}, {2,2,2}, {2,3}, {2,2,3,3} must each occur once and only once if L = {2,2,2,3,3,5}. Each such unique sub-collection is a unique divisor of N by multiplying the items in the sub-collection.

Using a custom typeface in Android

Absolutely possible. Many ways to do it. The fastest way, create condition with try - catch method.. try your certain font style condition, catch the error, and define the other font style.

How to start MySQL server on windows xp

  1. Run the command prompt as admin and cd to bin directory of MySQL

    Generally it is (C:\Program Files\MySQL\mysql-5.6.36-winx64\bin)
  2. Run command : mysqld --install. (This command will install MySQL services and if services already installed it will prompt.)

  3. Run below commands to start and stop server

    To start : net start mysql

    To stop : net stop mysql

  4. Run mysql command.

  5. Enjoy !!

When 1 px border is added to div, Div size increases, Don't want to do that

Sometimes you don't want height or width to be affected without explicitly setting either. In that case, I find it helpful to use pseudo elements.

.border-me {
    position: relative;

.border-me::after {
    content: "";
    position: absolute;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;
    border: solid 1px black;

You can also do a lot more with the pseudo element so this is a pretty powerful pattern.

Running shell command and capturing the output

The output can be redirected to a text file and then read it back.

import subprocess
import os
import tempfile

def execute_to_file(command):
    This function execute the command
    and pass its output to a tempfile then read it back
    It is usefull for process that deploy child process
    temp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
    path =
    command = command + " > " + path
    proc =, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
    if proc.stderr:
        # if command failed return
    with open(path, 'r') as f:
        data =
    return data

if __name__ == "__main__":
    path = "Somepath"
    command = 'ecls.exe /files ' + path

how to find 2d array size in c++


should do the trick

How Best to Compare Two Collections in Java and Act on Them?

I'd move to lists and solve it this way:

  1. Sort both lists by id ascending using custom Comparator if objects in lists aren't Comparable
  2. Iterate over elements in both lists like in merge phase in merge sort algorithm, but instead of merging lists, you check your logic.

The code would be more or less like this:

/* Main method */
private void execute(Collection<Foo> oldSet, Collection<Foo> newSet) {
  List<Foo> oldList = asSortedList(oldSet);
  List<Foo> newList = asSortedList(newSet);

  int oldIndex = 0;
  int newIndex = 0;
  // Iterate over both collections but not always in the same pace
  while( oldIndex < oldList.size() 
      && newIndex < newIndex.size())  {
    Foo oldObject = oldList.get(oldIndex);
    Foo newObject = newList.get(newIndex);

    // Your logic here
    if(oldObject.getId() < newObject.getId()) {
    } else if( oldObject.getId() > newObject.getId() ) {
    } else if( oldObject.getId() == newObject.getId() 
            && isModified(oldObject, newObject) ) {
      doUpdate(oldObject, newObject);
    } else {
  }// while

  // Check if there are any objects left in *oldList* or *newList*

  for(; oldIndex < oldList.size(); oldIndex++ ) {
    doRemove( oldList.get(oldIndex) );  
  }// for( oldIndex )

  for(; newIndex < newList.size(); newIndex++ ) {
    doAdd( newList.get(newIndex) );
  }// for( newIndex ) 
}// execute( oldSet, newSet )

/** Create sorted list from collection 
    If you actually perform any actions on input collections than you should 
    always return new instance of list to keep algorithm simple.
private List<Foo> asSortedList(Collection<Foo> data) {
  List<Foo> resultList;
  if(data instanceof List) {
     resultList = (List<Foo>)data;
  } else {
     resultList = new ArrayList<Foo>(data);
  return resultList;

How do I get the HTML code of a web page in PHP?

Also if you want to manipulate the retrieved page somehow, you might want to try some php DOM parser. I find PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser very easy to use.

Creating new table with SELECT INTO in SQL

The syntax for creating a new table is

CREATE TABLE new_table
  FROM old_table

This will create a new table named new_table with whatever columns are in old_table and copy the data over. It will not replicate the constraints on the table, it won't replicate the storage attributes, and it won't replicate any triggers defined on the table.

SELECT INTO is used in PL/SQL when you want to fetch data from a table into a local variable in your PL/SQL block.

How to trust a apt repository : Debian apt-get update error public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY <id>

I found several posts telling me to run several gpg commands, but they didn't solve the problem because of two things. First, I was missing the debian-keyring package on my system and second I was using an invalid keyserver. Try different keyservers if you're getting timeouts!

Thus, the way I fixed it was:

apt-get install debian-keyring
gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 1F41B907
gpg --armor --export 1F41B907 | apt-key add -

Then running a new "apt-get update" worked flawlessly!

Text inset for UITextField?

I found the option posted by roberto.buratti the fastest solution, here it is in Swift:

let leftView = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 10, height: textField.frame.size.height))
leftView.backgroundColor = textField.backgroundColor
textField.leftView = leftView
textField.leftViewMode = UITextField.ViewMode.always

fatal: 'origin' does not appear to be a git repository

This does not answer your question, but I faced a similar error message but due to a different reason. Allow me to make my post for the sake of information collection.

I have a git repo on a network drive. Let's call this network drive RAID. I cloned this repo on my local machine (LOCAL) and on my number crunching cluster (CRUNCHER). For convenience I mounted the user directory of my account on CRUNCHER on my local machine. So, I can manipulate files on CRUNCHER without the need to do the work in an SSH terminal.

Today, I was modifying files in the repo on CRUNCHER via my local machine. At some point I decided to commit the files, so a did a commit. Adding the modified files and doing the commit worked as I expected, but when I called git push I got an error message similar to the one posted in the question.

The reason was, that I called push from within the repo on CRUNCHER on LOCAL. So, all paths in the config file were plain wrong.

When I realized my fault, I logged onto CRUNCHER via Terminal and was able to push the commit.

Feel free to comment if my explanation can't be understood, or you find my post superfluous.

How do I get the function name inside a function in PHP?


  class Test {
     function MethodA(){
         echo __FUNCTION__ ;
 $test = new Test;
 echo $test->MethodA();

Result: "MethodA";

What is the difference between varchar and nvarchar?

Mainly nvarchar stores Unicode characters and varchar stores non-Unicode characters.

"Unicodes" means 16-bit character encoding scheme allowing characters from lots of other languages like Arabic, Hebrew, Chinese, Japanese, to be encoded in a single character set.

That means unicodes is using 2 bytes per character to store and nonunicodes uses only one byte per character to store. Which means unicodes need double capacity to store compared to non-unicodes.

How to close a window using jQuery

just window.close() is OK, why should write in jQuery?

Command-line svn for Windows?

I've used sliksvn and it works great for me

How to install Android SDK Build Tools on the command line?

By default, the SDK Manager from the command line does not include the build tools in the list. They're in the "obsolete" category. To see all available downloads, use

android list sdk --all

And then to get one of the packages in that list from the command line, use:

android update sdk -u -a -t <package no.>

Where -u stands for --no-ui, -a stands for --all and -t stands for --filter.

If you need to install multiple packages do:

android update sdk -u -a -t 1,2,3,4,..,n 

Where 1,2,..,n is the package number listed with the list command above

The OutputPath property is not set for this project

This happened to me because I had moved the following line close to the beginning of the .csproj file:

  <Import Project="$(MSBuildToolsPath)\Microsoft.CSharp.targets"/>

It needs to be placed after the PropertyGroups that define your Configuration|Platform.

Traverse a list in reverse order in Python

You can also use a while loop:

i = len(collection)-1
while i>=0:
    value = collection[i]
    index = i

UIButton: how to center an image and a text using imageEdgeInsets and titleEdgeInsets?

I was struggling to get this done because I couldn't get image size and text width on my view's constructor. Two minor changes on Jesse's answer worked for me:

CGFloat spacing = 3;
self.titleEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(0.0, - image.size.width, - (image.size.height + spacing), 0.0);
CGSize titleSize = [name sizeWithAttributes:@{NSFontAttributeName:self.titleLabel.font}];
self.imageEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(- (titleSize.height + spacing), 0.0, 0.0, - titleSize.width);

The change are:

  • Using [NSString sizeWithAttributes] to get text width;
  • Get image size directly on the UIImage instead of UIImageView

[Ljava.lang.Object; cannot be cast to

java.lang.ClassCastException: [Ljava.lang.Object; cannot be cast to

Problem is

(List<SwitcherServiceSource>) LoadSource.list();

This will return a List of Object arrays (Object[]) with scalar values for each column in the SwitcherServiceSource table. Hibernate will use ResultSetMetadata to deduce the actual order and types of the returned scalar values.


List<Object> result = (List<Object>) LoadSource.list(); 
Iterator itr = result.iterator();
   Object[] obj = (Object[]);
   //now you have one array of Object for each row
   String client = String.valueOf(obj[0]); // don't know the type of column CLIENT assuming String 
   Integer service = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(obj[1])); //SERVICE assumed as int
   //same way for all obj[2], obj[3], obj[4]

Related link

Include in SELECT a column that isn't actually in the database

You may want to use:

SELECT Name, 'Unpaid' AS Status FROM table;

The SELECT clause syntax, as defined in MSDN: SELECT Clause (Transact-SQL), is as follows:

[ TOP ( expression ) [ PERCENT ] [ WITH TIES ] ] 

Where the expression can be a constant, function, any combination of column names, constants, and functions connected by an operator or operators, or a subquery.

How to declare Return Types for Functions in TypeScript

You are correct - here is a fully working example - you'll see that var result is implicitly a string because the return type is specified on the greet() function. Change the type to number and you'll get warnings.

class Greeter {
    greeting: string;
    constructor (message: string) {
        this.greeting = message;
    greet() : string {
        return "Hello, " + this.greeting;

var greeter = new Greeter("Hi");
var result = greeter.greet();

Here is the number example - you'll see red squiggles in the playground editor if you try this:

greet() : number {
    return "Hello, " + this.greeting;

Print in new line, java

System.out.println(" 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9" + "\n" + "----------------------------");

System.out.printf(" 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9" + "\n" + "----------------------------");

System.out.print(" 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9" + "\n" + "----------------------------");

opening a window form from another form programmatically

private void btnchangerate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        this.Hide();  //current form will hide
        Form1 fm = new Form1(); //another form will open


on click btn current form will hide and new form will open

"Stack overflow in line 0" on Internet Explorer

If you came here because you had the problem inside your selenium tests: IE doesn't like"xyz"). Use, xpath, or whatever instead.

How to make a page redirect using JavaScript?

You can achieve this using the location object.

location.href = "http://someurl"; 

Remove commas from the string using JavaScript

This is the simplest way to do it.

let total = parseInt(('100,000.00'.replace(',',''))) + parseInt(('500,000.00'.replace(',','')))

HTML5 Video tag not working in Safari , iPhone and iPad

Just add a muted attribute and everything will work fine.

The source of this answer is here:

By default, WebKit will have the following policies:

<video autoplay> elements will now honor the autoplay attribute, for elements which meet the following conditions:

  • <video> elements will be allowed to autoplay without a user gesture if their source media contains no audio tracks.
  • <video muted> elements will also be allowed to autoplay without a user gesture.
  • If a <video> element gains an audio track or becomes un-muted without a user gesture, playback will pause.
  • <video autoplay> elements will only begin playing when visible on-screen such as when they are scrolled into the viewport, made visible through CSS, and inserted into the DOM.
  • <video autoplay> elements will pause if they become non-visible, such as by being scrolled out of the viewport.

<video> elements will now honor the play() method, for elements which meet the following conditions:

  • <video> elements will be allowed to play() without a user gesture if their source media contains no audio tracks, or if their muted property is set to true.
  • If a <video> element gains an audio track or becomes un-muted without a user gesture, playback will pause.
  • <video> elements will be allowed to play() when not visible on-screen or when out of the viewport.
  • will return a Promise, which will be rejected if any of these conditions are not met.

On iPhone, <video playsinline> elements will now be allowed to play inline, and will not automatically enter fullscreen mode when playback begins. <video> elements without playsinline attributes will continue to require fullscreen mode for playback on iPhone. When exiting fullscreen with a pinch gesture, <video> elements without playsinline will continue to play inline.

Huge performance difference when using group by vs distinct

The two queries express the same question. Apparently the query optimizer chooses two different execution plans. My guess would be that the distinct approach is executed like:

  • Copy all business_key values to a temporary table
  • Sort the temporary table
  • Scan the temporary table, returning each item that is different from the one before it

The group by could be executed like:

  • Scan the full table, storing each value of business key in a hashtable
  • Return the keys of the hashtable

The first method optimizes for memory usage: it would still perform reasonably well when part of the temporary table has to be swapped out. The second method optimizes for speed, but potentially requires a large amount of memory if there are a lot of different keys.

Since you either have enough memory or few different keys, the second method outperforms the first. It's not unusual to see performance differences of 10x or even 100x between two execution plans.

How to exit from the application and show the home screen?

I did it with observer mode.

Observer interface

public interface Observer {
public void update(Subject subject);

Base Subject

public class Subject {
private List<Observer> observers = new ArrayList<Observer>();

public void attach(Observer observer){

public void detach(Observer observer){

protected void notifyObservers(){
    for(Observer observer : observers){

Child Subject implements the exit method

public class ApplicationSubject extends Subject {
public void exit(){

MyApplication which your application should extends it

public class MyApplication extends Application {

private static ApplicationSubject applicationSubject;

public ApplicationSubject getApplicationSubject() {
            if(applicationSubject == null) applicationSubject = new ApplicationSubject();
    return applicationSubject;


Base Activity

public abstract class BaseActivity extends Activity implements Observer {

public MyApplication app;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    app = (MyApplication) this.getApplication();

public void finish() {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub

 * exit the app
public void close() {

public void update(Subject subject) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub


let's test it

public class ATestActivity extends BaseActivity {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    close(); //invoke 'close'

Javascript How to define multiple variables on a single line?

Why not doing it in two lines?

var a, b, c, d;    // All in the same scope
a = b = c = d = 1; // Set value to all.

The reason why, is to preserve the local scope on variable declarations, as this:

var a = b = c = d = 1;

will lead to the implicit declarations of b, c and d on the window scope.

How to use onClick() or onSelect() on option tag in a JSP page?

If you need to change the value of another field, you can use this:

<input type="hidden" id="mainvalue" name="mainvalue" value="0">
<select onChange="document.getElementById('mainvalue').value = this.value;">
<option value="0">option 1</option>
<option value="1">option 2</option>

Android notification is not showing

Creation of notification channels are compulsory for Android versions after Android 8.1 (Oreo) for making notifications visible. If notifications are not visible in your app for Oreo+ Androids, you need to call the following function when your app starts -

private void createNotificationChannel() {
// Create the NotificationChannel, but only on API 26+ because
// the NotificationChannel class is new and not in the support library
    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.O) {
        CharSequence name = getString(R.string.channel_name);
        String description = getString(R.string.channel_description);
        int importance = NotificationManager.IMPORTANCE_DEFAULT;
        NotificationChannel channel = new NotificationChannel(CHANNEL_ID, name,
        // Register the channel with the system; you can't change the importance
        // or other notification behaviours after this
        NotificationManager notificationManager =

How to split a number into individual digits in c#?

Something like this will work, using Linq:

string result = "12345"
var intList = result.Select(digit => int.Parse(digit.ToString()));

This will give you an IEnumerable list of ints.

If you want an IEnumerable of strings:

var intList = result.Select(digit => digit.ToString());

or if you want a List of strings:

var intList = result.ToList();

SMTP server response: 530 5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first

I know that PHPMailer library can handle that kind of SMTP transactions.

Also, a fake sendmail with sendmail-SSL library should do the job.

Disable the postback on an <ASP:LinkButton>

I think you should investigate using a HyperLink control. It's a server-side control (so you can manipulate visibility and such from code), but it omits a regular ol' anchor tag and doesn't cause a postback.

Calling a java method from c++ in Android

Solution posted by Denys S. in the question post:

I quite messed it up with c to c++ conversion (basically env variable stuff), but I got it working with the following code for C++:

#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <jni.h>

jstring Java_the_package_MainActivity_getJniString( JNIEnv* env, jobject obj){

    jstring jstr = (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, "This comes from jni.");
    jclass clazz = (*env)->FindClass(env, "com/inceptix/android/t3d/MainActivity");
    jmethodID messageMe = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, clazz, "messageMe", "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;");
    jobject result = (*env)->CallObjectMethod(env, obj, messageMe, jstr);

    const char* str = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env,(jstring) result, NULL); // should be released but what a heck, it's a tutorial :)
    printf("%s\n", str);

    return (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, str);

And next code for java methods:

    public class MainActivity extends Activity {
    private static String LIB_NAME = "thelib";

    static {

    /** Called when the activity is first created. */
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        TextView tv = (TextView) findViewById(;

    // please, let me live even though I used this dark programming technique
    public String messageMe(String text) {
        return text;

    public native String getJniString();