[excel] Display milliseconds in Excel

I am trying to display milliseconds in an Excel macro. I have a column of integers which are timestamps in milliseconds (e.g. 28095200 is 7:48:15.200 am), and I want to make a new column next to it which keeps a running average and displays the time in a hh:mm:ss.000 format.

 Dim Cel As Range
 Set Cel = Range("B1")
 temp = Application.Average(Range("A1:A2")) / 1000
 ms = Round(temp - Int(temp), 2) * 1000
 Cel.Value = Strings.Format((temp / 60 / 60 / 24), "hh:mm:ss") _
                & "." & Strings.Format(ms, "#000")

This only displays "mm:ss.0" in the cell. Yet when I click on the cell, it shows "hh:mm:ss" in the formula bar. Why are the hours missing? How can I show the hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds?

This question is related to excel vba time

The answer is

Right click on Cell B1 and choose Format Cells. In Custom, put the following in the text box labeled Type:


To set this in code, you can do something like:

Range("A1").NumberFormat = "[h]:mm:ss.000"

That should give you what you're looking for.

NOTE: Specially formatted fields often require that the column width be wide enough for the entire contents of the formatted text. Otherwise, the text will display as ######.

I've discovered in Excel 2007, if the results are a Table from an embedded query, the ss.000 does not work. I can paste the query results (from SQL Server Management Studio), and format the time just fine. But when I embed the query as a Data Connection in Excel, the format always gives .000 as the milliseconds.

First represent the epoch of the millisecond time as a date (usually 1/1/1970), then add your millisecond time divided by the number of milliseconds in a day (86400000):


If your cell is properly formatted, you should see a human-readable date/time.

I did this in Excel 2000.

This statement should be: ms = Round(temp - Int(temp), 3) * 1000

You need to create a custom format for the result cell of [h]:mm:ss.000

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