Programs & Examples On #Applet servlet


jQuery Find and List all LI elements within a UL within a specific DIV

Are you thinking about something like this?

$('ul li').each(function(i)
   $(this).attr('rel'); // This is your rel value

How to make a simple popup box in Visual C#?

Try this:

string text = "My text that I want to display";

Try-Catch-End Try in VBScript doesn't seem to work

Try Catch exists via workaround in VBScript:

Class CFunc1
    Private Sub Class_Initialize
        WScript.Echo "Starting"
        Dim i : i = 65535 ^ 65535 
        MsgBox "Should not see this"
    End Sub

    Private Sub CatchErr
        If Err.Number = 0 Then Exit Sub
        Select Case Err.Number
            Case 6 WScript.Echo "Overflow handled!" 
            Case Else WScript.Echo "Unhandled error " & Err.Number & " occurred."
        End Select
    End Sub

    Private Sub Class_Terminate
        WScript.Echo "Exiting" 
    End Sub 
End Class

Dim Func1 : Set Func1 = New CFunc1 : Set Func1 = Nothing

how to read value from string.xml in android?

In fragments, you can use


Excel: the Incredible Shrinking and Expanding Controls

The problem seems to relate to the way Windows handles non-native resolutions on monitors and can be avoided in several ways

The problem can be a complete nightmare when it happens, but it only happens intermittently.

We have been testing recently an excel worksheet used by a few dozen people and have developed a good idea of the cause and some possible fixes.

The cause seems to relate to any setup where screens are used in something other than their native resolution. This can happen easily if a user plugs an external monitor into a laptop and doesn't choose the resulting screen configuration carefully. For example, if a laptop is plugged into a projector (perhaps an old one with a native 1024 by 768 display) but the laptop is a 1280 by 800 and the user chooses to duplicate the display rather than extending it (settings in "connect to a projector" or "displays" control panel in Windows 7), the result is an unpredictable and usually unsatisfactory image on both screens with both in non-native resolutions. We have found that these settings almost always cause serious problems with Excel buttons, especially ActiveX controls. Sometimes, on repeated clicks, they shrink to unreadability; other times they expand to cover the whole screen.

Mostly, when we instruct users to use the extend display setting and the result is two screens both using native resolutions, we don't see the problem.

There are also code-based ways to minimize the problem. We tried resetting the location and size of buttons and controls when they were clicked (which adds a lot of tedious code if you have a lot of buttons). This sometimes worked. We also tried toggling the autosize property from true to false and back (this works manually in developer mode) and this fixes more instances, but not apparently all.

Differences between git pull origin master & git pull origin/master

git pull origin master will fetch all the changes from the remote's master branch and will merge it into your local.We generally don't use git pull origin/master.We can do the same thing by git merge origin/master.It will merge all the changes from "cached copy" of origin's master branch into your local branch.In my case git pull origin/master is throwing the error.

Why do we need to install gulp globally and locally?

Technically you don't need to install it globally if the node_modules folder in your local installation is in your PATH. Generally this isn't a good idea.

Alternatively if npm test references gulp then you can just type npm test and it'll run the local gulp.

I've never installed gulp globally -- I think it's bad form.

How to use format() on a moment.js duration?

This can be used to get the first two characters as hours and last two as minutes. Same logic may be applied to seconds.

     * PT1H30M -> 0130_x000D_
     * @param {ISO String} isoString_x000D_
     * @return {string} absolute 4 digit number HH:mm_x000D_
    const parseIsoToAbsolute = (isoString) => {_x000D_
      const durations = moment.duration(isoString).as('seconds');_x000D_
      const momentInSeconds = moment.duration(durations, 'seconds');_x000D_
      let hours = momentInSeconds.asHours().toString().length < 2_x000D_
        ? momentInSeconds.asHours().toString().padStart(2, '0') : momentInSeconds.asHours().toString();_x000D_
      if (!Number.isInteger(Number(hours))) hours = '0'+ Math.floor(hours);_x000D_
      const minutes = momentInSeconds.minutes().toString().length < 2_x000D_
        ? momentInSeconds.minutes().toString().padEnd(2, '0') : momentInSeconds.minutes().toString();_x000D_
      const absolute = hours + minutes;_x000D_
      return absolute;_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>

RestClientException: Could not extract response. no suitable HttpMessageConverter found

I was trying to use Feign, while I encounter same issue, As I understood HTTP message converter will help but wanted to understand how to achieve this.

@FeignClient(name = "mobilesearch", url = "${}" ,
        fallbackFactory = MobileSearchFallbackFactory.class,
        configuration = MobileSearchFeignConfig.class)
public interface MobileSearchClient {

    @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
    List<MobileSearchResponse> getPhones();

You have to use Customer Configuration for the decoder, MobileSearchFeignConfig,

public class MobileSearchFeignConfig {

    Logger.Level feignLoggerLevel() {
        return Logger.Level.FULL;

    public Decoder feignDecoder() {
        return new ResponseEntityDecoder(new SpringDecoder(feignHttpMessageConverter()));

    public ObjectFactory<HttpMessageConverters> feignHttpMessageConverter() {
        final HttpMessageConverters httpMessageConverters = new HttpMessageConverters(new MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter());
        return new ObjectFactory<HttpMessageConverters>() {
            public HttpMessageConverters getObject() throws BeansException {
                return httpMessageConverters;

    public class MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter extends org.springframework.http.converter.json.MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter {
        MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter() {
            List<MediaType> mediaTypes = new ArrayList<>();
            mediaTypes.add(MediaType.valueOf(MediaType.TEXT_HTML_VALUE + ";charset=UTF-8"));


Dynamically fill in form values with jQuery

Automatically fill all form fields from an array


function fill(a){
    for(var k in a){

array_example = {"God":"Jesus","Holy":"Spirit"};



<input name="God">
<input name="Holy">

How can I iterate through a string and also know the index (current position)?

For strings, you can use string.c_str() which will return you a const char*, which can be treated as an array, example:

const char* strdata = str.c_str();

for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); ++i)
    cout << i << strdata[i];

Proper MIME type for .woff2 fonts


In Apache, you can add the woff2 mime type via your .htaccess file as stated by this link.

AddType  application/font-woff2  .woff2


In IIS, simply add the following mimeMap tag into your web.config file inside the staticContent tag.

      <mimeMap fileExtension=".woff2" mimeType="application/font-woff2" />

nvm keeps "forgetting" node in new terminal session

To install the latest stable version:

nvm install stable

To set default to the stable version (instead of a specific version):

nvm alias default stable

To list installed versions:

nvm list

As of v6.2.0, it will look something like:

$ nvm list
->       v6.2.0
default -> stable (-> v6.2.0)
node -> stable (-> v6.2.0) (default)
stable -> 6.2 (-> v6.2.0) (default)
iojs -> N/A (default)

How to properly assert that an exception gets raised in pytest?

This solution is what we are using:

def test_date_invalidformat():
    Test if input incorrect data will raises ValueError exception
    date = "06/21/2018 00:00:00"
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        app.func(date) #my function to be tested

Please refer to pytest,

Get number days in a specified month using JavaScript?

Another possible option would be to use Datejs

Then you can do

Date.getDaysInMonth(2009, 9)     

Although adding a library just for this function is overkill, it's always nice to know all the options you have available to you :)

Image inside div has extra space below the image

By default, an image is rendered inline, like a letter so it sits on the same line that a, b, c and d sit on.

There is space below that line for the descenders you find on letters like g, j, p and q.

Demonstration of descenders

You can:

  • adjust the vertical-align of the image to position it elsewhere (e.g. the middle) or
  • change the display so it isn't inline.

div {_x000D_
  border: solid black 1px;_x000D_
  margin-bottom: 10px;_x000D_
#align-middle img {_x000D_
  vertical-align: middle;_x000D_
#align-base img {_x000D_
  vertical-align: bottom;_x000D_
#display img {_x000D_
  display: block;_x000D_
<div id="default">_x000D_
  The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog <img src="" alt="">_x000D_
<div id="align-middle">_x000D_
<h1>vertical-align: middle</h1>_x000D_
  The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog <img src="" alt=""> </div>_x000D_
  <div id="align-base">_x000D_
<h1>vertical-align: bottom</h1>_x000D_
  The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog <img src="" alt=""> </div>_x000D_
<div id="display">_x000D_
<h1>display: block</h1>_x000D_
  The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog <img src="" alt="">_x000D_

The included image is public domain and sourced from Wikimedia Commons

Laravel - Form Input - Multiple select for a one to many relationship

@SamMonk your technique is great. But you can use laravel form helper to do so. I have a customer and dogs relationship.

On your controller

$dogs = Dog::lists('name', 'id');

On customer create view you can use.

{{ Form::label('dogs', 'Dogs') }}
{{ Form::select('dogs[]', $dogs, null, ['id' => 'dogs', 'multiple' => 'multiple']) }}

Third parameter accepts a list of array a well. If you define a relationship on your model you can do this:

{{ Form::label('dogs', 'Dogs') }}
{{ Form::select('dogs[]', $dogs, $customer->dogs->lists('id'), ['id' => 'dogs', 'multiple' => 'multiple']) }}

Update For Laravel 5.1

The lists method now returns a Collection. Upgrading To 5.1.0

{!! Form::label('dogs', 'Dogs') !!}
{!! Form::select('dogs[]', $dogs, $customer->dogs->lists('id')->all(), ['id' => 'dogs', 'multiple' => 'multiple']) !!}

Python if not == vs if !=

Using dis to look at the bytecode generated for the two versions:

not ==

  4           0 LOAD_FAST                0 (foo)
              3 LOAD_FAST                1 (bar)
              6 COMPARE_OP               2 (==)
              9 UNARY_NOT           
             10 RETURN_VALUE   


  4           0 LOAD_FAST                0 (foo)
              3 LOAD_FAST                1 (bar)
              6 COMPARE_OP               3 (!=)
              9 RETURN_VALUE   

The latter has fewer operations, and is therefore likely to be slightly more efficient.

It was pointed out in the commments (thanks, @Quincunx) that where you have if foo != bar vs. if not foo == bar the number of operations is exactly the same, it's just that the COMPARE_OP changes and POP_JUMP_IF_TRUE switches to POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE:

not ==:

  2           0 LOAD_FAST                0 (foo)
              3 LOAD_FAST                1 (bar)
              6 COMPARE_OP               2 (==)
              9 POP_JUMP_IF_TRUE        16


  2           0 LOAD_FAST                0 (foo)
              3 LOAD_FAST                1 (bar)
              6 COMPARE_OP               3 (!=)
              9 POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE       16

In this case, unless there was a difference in the amount of work required for each comparison, it's unlikely you'd see any performance difference at all.

However, note that the two versions won't always be logically identical, as it will depend on the implementations of __eq__ and __ne__ for the objects in question. Per the data model documentation:

There are no implied relationships among the comparison operators. The truth of x==y does not imply that x!=y is false.

For example:

>>> class Dummy(object):
    def __eq__(self, other):
        return True
    def __ne__(self, other):
        return True

>>> not Dummy() == Dummy()
>>> Dummy() != Dummy()

Finally, and perhaps most importantly: in general, where the two are logically identical, x != y is much more readable than not x == y.

What are the ways to sum matrix elements in MATLAB?

Another answer for the first question is to use one for loop and perform linear indexing into the array using the function NUMEL to get the total number of elements:

total = 0;
for i = 1:numel(A)
  total = total+A(i);

@synthesize vs @dynamic, what are the differences?

One thing want to add is that if a property is declared as @dynamic it will not occupy memory (I confirmed with allocation instrument). A consequence is that you can declare property in class category.

Check for null variable in Windows batch

rem set defaults:
set filename1="c:\file1.txt"
set filename2="c:\file2.txt"
set filename3="c:\file3.txt"
rem set parameters:
IF NOT "a%1"=="a" (set filename1="%1")
IF NOT "a%2"=="a" (set filename2="%2")
IF NOT "a%3"=="a" (set filename1="%3")
echo %filename1%, %filename2%, %filename3%

Be careful with quotation characters though, you may or may not need them in your variables.

Convert byte slice to io.Reader

r := strings(byteData)

This also works to turn []byte into io.Reader

How do search engines deal with AngularJS applications?

With Angular Universal, you can generate landing pages for the app that look like the complete app and then load your Angular app behind it.
Angular Universal generates pure HTML means no-javascript pages in server-side and serve them to users without delaying. So you can deal with any crawler, bot and user (who already have low cpu and network speed).Then you can redirect them by links/buttons to your actual angular app that already loaded behind it. This solution is recommended by official site. -More info about SEO and Angular Universal-

Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine Mac OSX Mavericks

There can be one more reason for such behavior - you delete current working directory.

For example:

# in terminal #1
cd /home/user/myJavaApp

# in terminal #2
rm -rf /home/user/myJavaApp

# in terminal #1
java -jar myJar.jar

Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.

Automated testing for REST Api

I used SOAP UI for functional and automated testing. SOAP UI allows you to run the tests on the click of a button. There is also a spring controllers testing page created by Ted Young. I used this article to create Rest unit tests in our application.

Make flex items take content width, not width of parent container

Use align-items: flex-start on the container, or align-self: flex-start on the flex items.

No need for display: inline-flex.

An initial setting of a flex container is align-items: stretch. This means that flex items will expand to cover the full length of the container along the cross axis.

The align-self property does the same thing as align-items, except that align-self applies to flex items while align-items applies to the flex container.

By default, align-self inherits the value of align-items.

Since your container is flex-direction: column, the cross axis is horizontal, and align-items: stretch is expanding the child element's width as much as it can.

You can override the default with align-items: flex-start on the container (which is inherited by all flex items) or align-self: flex-start on the item (which is confined to the single item).

Learn more about flex alignment along the cross axis here:

Learn more about flex alignment along the main axis here:

Converting rows into columns and columns into rows using R

Simply use the base transpose function t, wrapped with

final_df <-
     A    B    C    D
a    1    2    3    4
b 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08
c Aaaa Bbbb Cccc Dddd

Above updated. As docendo discimus pointed out, t returns a matrix. As Mark suggested wrapping it with gets back a data frame instead of a matrix. Thanks!

ERROR 1698 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost'

After hours of struggle with no solution here, this worked for me then I found a youtube video where it says the password column is now called authentication_string . So I was able to change my password as follows: First get into mysql from terminal

sudo mysql

then inside mysql type whatever after mysql>

mysql> use mysql
mysql> update user set authentication_string=PASSWORD("mypass") where user='root';
mysql> flush privileges;
mysql> quit;

at this point you are out of mysql back to your normal terminal place. You need to restart mysql for this to take effect. for that type the following:

sudo service mysql restart

Refer to this video link for better understanding

C++, copy set to vector

Just use the constructor for the vector that takes iterators:

std::set<T> s;


std::vector v( s.begin(), s.end() );

Assumes you just want the content of s in v, and there's nothing in v prior to copying the data to it.

get the value of DisplayName attribute

If anyone is interested in getting the localized string from the property with DisplayAttribute and ResourceType like this:

[Display(Name = "Year", ResourceType = typeof(ArrivalsResource))]
public int Year { get; set; }

Use the following after displayAttribute != null (as shown above by @alex' answer):

ResourceManager resourceManager = new ResourceManager(displayAttribute.ResourceType);
var entry = resourceManager.GetResourceSet(Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture, true, true)
                           .FirstOrDefault(p => p.Key.ToString() == displayAttribute.Name);

return entry.Value.ToString();

Angularjs $http.get().then and binding to a list

Promise returned from $http can not be binded directly (I dont exactly know why). I'm using wrapping service that works perfectly for me:

.factory('DocumentsList', function($http, $q){
    var d = $q.defer();
    return d.promise;

and bind to it in controller:

function Ctrl($scope, DocumentsList) {
    $scope.Documents = DocumentsList;


In Angular 1.2 auto-unwrap promises was removed. See

How to make an embedded video not autoplay

I had the same problem and came across this post. Nothing worked. After randomly playing around, I found that <embed ........ play="false"> stopped it from playing automatically. I now have the problem that I can't get a controller to appear, so can't start the movie! :S

Easy way to dismiss keyboard?

A better approach is to have something "steal" first responder status.

Since UIApplication is a subclass of UIResponder, you could try:

[[UIApplication sharedApplication] becomeFirstResponder]
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] resignFirstResponder]

Failing that, create a new UITextField with a zero sized frame, add it to a view somewhere and do something similar (become followed by resign).

How does one capture a Mac's command key via JavaScript?

EDIT: As of 2019, e.metaKey is supported on all major browsers as per the MDN.

Note that on Windows, although the ? Windows key is considered to be the "meta" key, it is not going to be captured by browsers as such.

This is only for the command key on MacOS/keyboards.

Unlike Shift/Alt/Ctrl, the Cmd (“Apple”) key is not considered a modifier key—instead, you should listen on keydown/keyup and record when a key is pressed and then depressed based on event.keyCode.

Unfortunately, these key codes are browser-dependent:

  • Firefox: 224
  • Opera: 17
  • WebKit browsers (Safari/Chrome): 91 (Left Command) or 93 (Right Command)

You might be interested in reading the article JavaScript Madness: Keyboard Events, from which I learned that knowledge.

Android: Internet connectivity change listener

Try this

public class NetworkUtil {
    public static final int TYPE_WIFI = 1;
    public static final int TYPE_MOBILE = 2;
    public static final int TYPE_NOT_CONNECTED = 0;
    public static final int NETWORK_STATUS_NOT_CONNECTED = 0;
    public static final int NETWORK_STATUS_WIFI = 1;
    public static final int NETWORK_STATUS_MOBILE = 2;

    public static int getConnectivityStatus(Context context) {
        ConnectivityManager cm = (ConnectivityManager) context.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);

        NetworkInfo activeNetwork = cm.getActiveNetworkInfo();
        if (null != activeNetwork) {
            if(activeNetwork.getType() == ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI)
                return TYPE_WIFI;

            if(activeNetwork.getType() == ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE)
                return TYPE_MOBILE;
        return TYPE_NOT_CONNECTED;

    public static int getConnectivityStatusString(Context context) {
        int conn = NetworkUtil.getConnectivityStatus(context);
        int status = 0;
        if (conn == NetworkUtil.TYPE_WIFI) {
            status = NETWORK_STATUS_WIFI;
        } else if (conn == NetworkUtil.TYPE_MOBILE) {
            status = NETWORK_STATUS_MOBILE;
        } else if (conn == NetworkUtil.TYPE_NOT_CONNECTED) {
            status = NETWORK_STATUS_NOT_CONNECTED;
        return status;

And for the BroadcastReceiver

public class NetworkChangeReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {

    public void onReceive(final Context context, final Intent intent) {

        int status = NetworkUtil.getConnectivityStatusString(context);
        Log.e("Sulod sa network reciever", "Sulod sa network reciever");
        if ("".equals(intent.getAction())) {
            if (status == NetworkUtil.NETWORK_STATUS_NOT_CONNECTED) {
                new ForceExitPause(context).execute();
            } else {
                new ResumeForceExitPause(context).execute();

Don't forget to put this into your AndroidManifest.xml

 <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
 <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
        android:label="NetworkChangeReceiver" >
            <action android:name="" />
            <action android:name="" />

Hope this will help you Cheers!

in iPhone App How to detect the screen resolution of the device

CGRect screenBounds = [[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds];

That will give you the entire screen's resolution in points, so it would most typically be 320x480 for iPhones. Even though the iPhone4 has a much larger screen size iOS still gives back 320x480 instead of 640x960. This is mostly because of older applications breaking.

CGFloat screenScale = [[UIScreen mainScreen] scale];

This will give you the scale of the screen. For all devices that do not have Retina Displays this will return a 1.0f, while Retina Display devices will give a 2.0f and the iPhone 6 Plus (Retina HD) will give a 3.0f.

Now if you want to get the pixel width & height of the iOS device screen you just need to do one simple thing.

CGSize screenSize = CGSizeMake(screenBounds.size.width * screenScale, screenBounds.size.height * screenScale);

By multiplying by the screen's scale you get the actual pixel resolution.

A good read on the difference between points and pixels in iOS can be read here.

EDIT: (Version for Swift)

let screenBounds = UIScreen.main.bounds
let screenScale = UIScreen.main.scale
let screenSize = CGSize(width: screenBounds.size.width * screenScale, height: screenBounds.size.height * screenScale)

Writing to a new file if it doesn't exist, and appending to a file if it does

Have you tried mode 'a+'?

with open(filename, 'a+') as f:

Note however that f.tell() will return 0 in Python 2.x. See for details.

Use a.empty, a.bool(), a.item(), a.any() or a.all()

solution is easy:


 mask = (50  < df['heart rate'] < 101 &
            140 < df['systolic blood pressure'] < 160 &
            90  < df['dyastolic blood pressure'] < 100 &
            35  < df['temperature'] < 39 &
            11  < df['respiratory rate'] < 19 &
            95  < df['pulse oximetry'] < 100
            , "excellent", "critical")


mask = ((50  < df['heart rate'] < 101) &
        (140 < df['systolic blood pressure'] < 160) &
        (90  < df['dyastolic blood pressure'] < 100) &
        (35  < df['temperature'] < 39) &
        (11  < df['respiratory rate'] < 19) &
        (95  < df['pulse oximetry'] < 100)
        , "excellent", "critical")

Excel compare two columns and highlight duplicates

NOTE: You may want to remove duplicate items (eg duplicate entries in the same column) before doing these steps to prevent false positives.

  1. Select both columns
  2. click Conditional Formatting
  3. click Highlight Cells Rules
  4. click Duplicate Values (the defaults should be OK)
  5. Duplicates are now highlighted in red:

enter image description here

enter image description here

Python Remove last 3 characters of a string

  1. split
  2. slice
  3. concentrate

This is a good workout for beginners and it's easy to achieve.

Another advanced method is a function like this:

def trim(s):
    return trim(s[slice])

And for this question, you just want to remove the last characters, so you can write like this:

def trim(s):
    return s[ : -3] 

I think you are over to care about what those three characters are, so you lost. You just want to remove last three, nevertheless who they are!

If you want to remove some specific characters, you can add some if judgements:

def trim(s):
    if [conditions]:   ### for some cases, I recommend using isinstance().
        return trim(s[slice])

"Use the new keyword if hiding was intended" warning

Your class has a base class, and this base class also has a property (which is not virtual or abstract) called Events which is being overridden by your class. If you intend to override it put the "new" keyword after the public modifier. E.G.

public new EventsDataTable Events

If you don't wish to override it change your properties' name to something else.

Converting of Uri to String

using Android KTX library u can parse easily

val uri = myUriString.toUri()

Execute ssh with password authentication via windows command prompt

PuTTY's plink has a command-line argument for a password. Some other suggestions have been made in the answers to this question: using Expect (which is available for Windows), or writing a launcher in Python with Paramiko.

Generating CSV file for Excel, how to have a newline inside a value

It is worth noting that when a .CSV file has fields wrapped in double quotes which contain line breaks, Excel will not import the .CSV file properly if the .CSV file is written in UTF-8 format. Excel treats the line break as if it were CR/LF and begins a new line. The spreadsheet is garbled. That seems to be true even if semi-colons are used as field delimiters (instead of commas).

The problem can be resolved by using Windows Notepad to edit the .CSV file, using File > Save As... to save the file, and before saving the file, changing the file encoding from UTF-8 to ANSI. Once the file is saved in ANSI format, then I find that Microsoft Excel 2013 running on Windows 7 Professional will import the file properly.

How do I implement a callback in PHP?

well... with 5.3 on the horizon, all will be better, because with 5.3, we'll get closures and with them anonymous functions

How to reload the current route with the angular 2 router

Decides when the route should be stored return false to

this.router.routeReuseStrategy.shouldReuseRoute = function () {
    return false;

and set the navigated value of router to false, that show that this route never routed

this.mySubscription = => {
    if (event instanceof NavigationEnd) {
        this.router.navigated = false;

How to get first and last day of previous month (with timestamp) in SQL Server


How do I get DOUBLE_MAX?

You get the integer limits in <limits.h> or <climits>. Floating point characteristics are defined in <float.h> for C. In C++, the preferred version is usually std::numeric_limits<double>::max() (for which you #include <limits>).

As to your original question, if you want a larger integer type than long, you should probably consider long long. This isn't officially included in C++98 or C++03, but is part of C99 and C++11, so all reasonably current compilers support it.

Thin Black Border for a Table

Style the td and th instead

td, th {
    border: 1px solid black;

And also to make it so there is no spacing between cells use:

table {
    border-collapse: collapse;

(also note, you have border-style: none; which should be border-style: solid;)

See an example here:

Android toolbar center title and custom font

Update from @MrEngineer13's answer: to align title center in any cases, including Hamburger icon, option menus, you can add a FrameLayout in toolbar like this:

    app:theme="@style/ToolBarTheme" >

         <FrameLayout android:layout_width="match_parent"

               android:text="Toolbar Title"
               android:id="@+id/toolbar_title" />



get the titles of all open windows

Here’s some code you can use to get a list of all the open windows. Actually, you get a dictionary where each item is a KeyValuePair where the key is the handle (hWnd) of the window and the value is its title. It also finds pop-up windows, such as those created by MessageBox.Show.

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using HWND = System.IntPtr;

/// <summary>Contains functionality to get all the open windows.</summary>
public static class OpenWindowGetter
  /// <summary>Returns a dictionary that contains the handle and title of all the open windows.</summary>
  /// <returns>A dictionary that contains the handle and title of all the open windows.</returns>
  public static IDictionary<HWND, string> GetOpenWindows()
    HWND shellWindow = GetShellWindow();
    Dictionary<HWND, string> windows = new Dictionary<HWND, string>();

    EnumWindows(delegate(HWND hWnd, int lParam)
      if (hWnd == shellWindow) return true;
      if (!IsWindowVisible(hWnd)) return true;

      int length = GetWindowTextLength(hWnd);
      if (length == 0) return true;

      StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(length);
      GetWindowText(hWnd, builder, length + 1);

      windows[hWnd] = builder.ToString();
      return true;

    }, 0);

    return windows;

  private delegate bool EnumWindowsProc(HWND hWnd, int lParam);

  private static extern bool EnumWindows(EnumWindowsProc enumFunc, int lParam);

  private static extern int GetWindowText(HWND hWnd, StringBuilder lpString, int nMaxCount);

  private static extern int GetWindowTextLength(HWND hWnd);

  private static extern bool IsWindowVisible(HWND hWnd);

  private static extern IntPtr GetShellWindow();

And here’s some code that uses it:

foreach(KeyValuePair<IntPtr, string> window in OpenWindowGetter.GetOpenWindows())
  IntPtr handle = window.Key;
  string title = window.Value;

  Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", handle, title);


Calculate Age in MySQL (InnoDb)

There is two simples ways to do that :


            DB::raw("FLOOR(DATEDIFF(CURRENT_DATE, STR_TO_DATE(users.birthdate, '%Y-%m-%d'))/365) AS age_way_one"),


select("users.birthdate",DB::raw("(YEAR(CURDATE())-YEAR(users.birthdate)) AS age_way_two"))

Activate tabpage of TabControl

tabControl1.SelectedTab = MyTab;

Pass by Reference / Value in C++

Thanks so much everyone for all these input!

I quoted that sentence from a lecture note online:

the first page the 6th slide

" Pass by VALUE The value of a variable is passed along to the function If the function modifies that value, the modifications stay within the scope of that function.

Pass by REFERENCE A reference to the variable is passed along to the function If the function modifies that value, the modifications appear also within the scope of the calling function.


Thanks so much again!

Java double comparison epsilon

As other commenters correctly noted, you should never use floating-point arithmetic when exact values are required, such as for monetary values. The main reason is indeed the rounding behaviour inherent in floating-points, but let's not forget that dealing with floating-points means also having to deal with infinite and NaN values.

As an illustration that your approach simply doesn't work, here is some simple test code. I simply add your EPSILON to 10.0 and look whether the result is equal to 10.0 -- which it shouldn't be, as the difference is clearly not less than EPSILON:

    double a = 10.0;
    double b = 10.0 + EPSILON;
    if (!equals(a, b)) {
        System.out.println("OK: " + a + " != " + b);
    } else {
        System.out.println("ERROR: " + a + " == " + b);


    ERROR: 10.0 == 10.00001

The errors occurs because of the loss if significant bits on subtraction if two floating-point values have different exponents.

If you think of applying a more advanced "relative difference" approach as suggested by other commenters, you should read Bruce Dawson's excellent article Comparing Floating Point Numbers, 2012 Edition, which shows that this approach has similar shortcomings and that there is actually no fail-safe approximate floating-point comparison that works for all ranges of floating-point numbers.

To make things short: Abstain from doubles for monetary values, and use exact number representations such as BigDecimal. For the sake of efficiency, you could also use longs interpreted as "millis" (tenths of cents), as long as you reliably prevent over- and underflows. This yields a maximum representable values of 9'223'372'036'854'775.807, which should be enough for most real-world applications.

Declare a variable in DB2 SQL

I imagine this forum posting, which I quote fully below, should answer the question.

Inside a procedure, function, or trigger definition, or in a dynamic SQL statement (embedded in a host program):

 DECLARE example VARCHAR(15) ;
 SET example = 'welcome' ;
 FROM   tablename
 WHERE  column1 = example ;

or (in any environment):

WITH t(example) AS (VALUES('welcome'))
FROM   tablename, t
WHERE  column1 = example

or (although this is probably not what you want, since the variable needs to be created just once, but can be used thereafter by everybody although its content will be private on a per-user basis):

SET example = 'welcome' ;
FROM   tablename
WHERE  column1 = example ;

What is the PostgreSQL equivalent for ISNULL()

Use COALESCE() instead:

SELECT COALESCE(Field,'Empty') from Table;

It functions much like ISNULL, although provides more functionality. Coalesce will return the first non null value in the list. Thus:

SELECT COALESCE(null, null, 5); 

returns 5, while

SELECT COALESCE(null, 2, 5);

returns 2

Coalesce will take a large number of arguments. There is no documented maximum. I tested it will 100 arguments and it succeeded. This should be plenty for the vast majority of situations.

GetElementByID - Multiple IDs

document.getElementById() only supports one name at a time and only returns a single node not an array of nodes. You have several different options:

  1. You could implement your own function that takes multiple ids and returns multiple elements.
  2. You could use document.querySelectorAll() that allows you to specify multiple ids in a CSS selector string .
  3. You could put a common class names on all those nodes and use document.getElementsByClassName() with a single class name.

Examples of each option:

doStuff(document.querySelectorAll("#myCircle1, #myCircle2, #myCircle3, #myCircle4"));


// put a common class on each object


function getElementsById(ids) {
    var idList = ids.split(" ");
    var results = [], item;
    for (var i = 0; i < idList.length; i++) {
        item = document.getElementById(idList[i]);
        if (item) {

doStuff(getElementsById("myCircle1 myCircle2 myCircle3 myCircle4"));

Excel VBA, How to select rows based on data in a column?

Yes using Option Explicit is a good habit. Using .Select however is not :) it reduces the speed of the code. Also fully justify sheet names else the code will always run for the Activesheet which might not be what you actually wanted.

Is this what you are trying?

Option Explicit

Sub Sample()
    Dim lastRow As Long, i As Long
    Dim CopyRange As Range

    '~~> Change Sheet1 to relevant sheet name
    With Sheets("Sheet1")
        lastRow = .Range("A" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row

        For i = 2 To lastRow
            If Len(Trim(.Range("A" & i).Value)) <> 0 Then
                If CopyRange Is Nothing Then
                    Set CopyRange = .Rows(i)
                    Set CopyRange = Union(CopyRange, .Rows(i))
                End If
                Exit For
            End If

        If Not CopyRange Is Nothing Then
            '~~> Change Sheet2 to relevant sheet name
            CopyRange.Copy Sheets("Sheet2").Rows(1)
        End If
    End With
End Sub


If if you have data from Row 2 till Row 10 and row 11 is blank and then you have data again from Row 12 then the above code will only copy data from Row 2 till Row 10

If you want to copy all rows which have data then use this code.

Option Explicit

Sub Sample()
    Dim lastRow As Long, i As Long
    Dim CopyRange As Range

    '~~> Change Sheet1 to relevant sheet name
    With Sheets("Sheet1")
        lastRow = .Range("A" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row

        For i = 2 To lastRow
            If Len(Trim(.Range("A" & i).Value)) <> 0 Then
                If CopyRange Is Nothing Then
                    Set CopyRange = .Rows(i)
                    Set CopyRange = Union(CopyRange, .Rows(i))
                End If
            End If

        If Not CopyRange Is Nothing Then
            '~~> Change Sheet2 to relevant sheet name
            CopyRange.Copy Sheets("Sheet2").Rows(1)
        End If
    End With
End Sub

Hope this is what you wanted?


How to test that a registered variable is not empty?

(ansible 2.9.6 ansible-lint 4.2.0)

See ansible-lint default rules. The condition below causes E602 Don’t compare to empty string

    when: test_myscript.stderr != ""

Correct syntax and also "Ansible Galaxy Warning-Free" option is

    when: test_myscript.stderr | length > 0

Quoting from source code

"Use when: var|length > 0 rather than when: var != "" (or ' 'conversely when: var|length == 0 rather than when: var == "")"


  1. Test empty bare variable e.g.
    - debug:
        msg: "Empty string '{{ var }}' evaluates to False"
      when: not var
        var: ''

    - debug:
        msg: "Empty list {{ var }} evaluates to False"
      when: not var
        var: []


    "msg": "Empty string '' evaluates to False"
    "msg": "Empty list [] evaluates to False"
  1. But, testing non-empty bare variable string depends on CONDITIONAL_BARE_VARS. Setting ANSIBLE_CONDITIONAL_BARE_VARS=false the condition works fine but setting ANSIBLE_CONDITIONAL_BARE_VARS=true the condition will fail
    - debug:
        msg: "String '{{ var }}' evaluates to True"
      when: var
        var: 'abc'


fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => 
  msg: |-
    The conditional check 'var' failed. The error was: error while 
    evaluating conditional (var): 'abc' is undefined

Explicit cast to Boolean prevents the error but evaluates to False i.e. will be always skipped (unless var='True'). When the filter bool is used the options ANSIBLE_CONDITIONAL_BARE_VARS=true and ANSIBLE_CONDITIONAL_BARE_VARS=false have no effect

    - debug:
        msg: "String '{{ var }}' evaluates to True"
      when: var|bool
        var: 'abc'


skipping: [localhost]
  1. Quoting from Porting guide 2.8 Bare variables in conditionals
  - include_tasks: teardown.yml
    when: teardown

  - include_tasks: provision.yml
    when: not teardown

" based on a variable you define as a string (with quotation marks around it):"

  • In Ansible 2.7 and earlier, the two conditions above evaluated as True and False respectively if teardown: 'true'

  • In Ansible 2.7 and earlier, both conditions evaluated as False if teardown: 'false'

  • In Ansible 2.8 and later, you have the option of disabling conditional bare variables, so when: teardown always evaluates as True and when: not teardown always evaluates as False when teardown is a non-empty string (including 'true' or 'false')


"Expect that this setting eventually will be deprecated after 2.12"

How to find if a native DLL file is compiled as x64 or x86?

The Magic field of the IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER (though there is nothing optional about the header in Windows executable images (DLL/EXE files)) will tell you the architecture of the PE.

Here's an example of grabbing the architecture from a file.

public static ushort GetImageArchitecture(string filepath) {
    using (var stream = new System.IO.FileStream(filepath, System.IO.FileMode.Open, System.IO.FileAccess.Read))
    using (var reader = new System.IO.BinaryReader(stream)) {
        //check the MZ signature to ensure it's a valid Portable Executable image
        if (reader.ReadUInt16() != 23117) 
            throw new BadImageFormatException("Not a valid Portable Executable image", filepath);

        // seek to, and read, e_lfanew then advance the stream to there (start of NT header)
        stream.Seek(0x3A, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Current); 
        stream.Seek(reader.ReadUInt32(), System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);

        // Ensure the NT header is valid by checking the "PE\0\0" signature
        if (reader.ReadUInt32() != 17744)
            throw new BadImageFormatException("Not a valid Portable Executable image", filepath);

        // seek past the file header, then read the magic number from the optional header
        stream.Seek(20, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Current); 
        return reader.ReadUInt16();

The only two architecture constants at the moment are:

0x10b - PE32
0x20b - PE32+


UPDATE It's been a while since I posted this answer, yet I still see that it gets a few upvotes now and again so I figured it was worth updating. I wrote a way to get the architecture of a Portable Executable image, which also checks to see if it was compiled as AnyCPU. Unfortunately the answer is in C++, but it shouldn't be too hard to port to C# if you have a few minutes to look up the structures in WinNT.h. If people are interested I'll write a port in C#, but unless people actually want it I wont spend much time stressing about it.

#include <Windows.h>

#define MKPTR(p1,p2) ((DWORD_PTR)(p1) + (DWORD_PTR)(p2))

typedef enum _pe_architecture {
    PE_ARCHITECTURE_X86     = 0x010B,
    PE_ARCHITECTURE_x64     = 0x020B

    for(unsigned long i = 0; i < pNt->FileHeader.NumberOfSections; ++i, ++pSecHd) {
        // Lookup which section contains this RVA so we can translate the VA to a file offset
        if (rva >= pSecHd->VirtualAddress && rva < (pSecHd->VirtualAddress + pSecHd->Misc.VirtualSize)) {
            DWORD delta = pSecHd->VirtualAddress - pSecHd->PointerToRawData;
            return (LPVOID)MKPTR(pDos, rva - delta);
    return NULL;

PE_ARCHITECTURE GetImageArchitecture(void *pImageBase) {
    // Parse and validate the DOS header
    if (IsBadReadPtr(pDosHd, sizeof(pDosHd->e_magic)) || pDosHd->e_magic != IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE)

    // Parse and validate the NT header
    IMAGE_NT_HEADERS *pNtHd = (IMAGE_NT_HEADERS*)MKPTR(pDosHd, pDosHd->e_lfanew);
    if (IsBadReadPtr(pNtHd, sizeof(pNtHd->Signature)) || pNtHd->Signature != IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE)

    // First, naive, check based on the 'Magic' number in the Optional Header.
    PE_ARCHITECTURE architecture = (PE_ARCHITECTURE)pNtHd->OptionalHeader.Magic;

    // If the architecture is x86, there is still a possibility that the image is 'AnyCPU'
    if (architecture == PE_ARCHITECTURE_X86) {
        IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY comDirectory = pNtHd->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_COM_DESCRIPTOR];
        if (comDirectory.Size) {
            IMAGE_COR20_HEADER *pClrHd = (IMAGE_COR20_HEADER*)GetOffsetFromRva(pDosHd, pNtHd, comDirectory.VirtualAddress);
            // Check to see if the CLR header contains the 32BITONLY flag, if not then the image is actually AnyCpu
            if ((pClrHd->Flags & COMIMAGE_FLAGS_32BITREQUIRED) == 0)
                architecture = PE_ARCHITECTURE_ANYCPU;

    return architecture;

The function accepts a pointer to an in-memory PE image (so you can choose your poison on how to get it their; memory-mapping or reading the whole thing into memory...whatever).

beyond top level package error in relative import

This is very tricky in Python.

I'll first comment on why you're having that problem and then I will mention two possible solutions.

  • What's going on?

You must take this paragraph from the Python documentation into consideration:

Note that relative imports are based on the name of the current module. Since the name of the main module is always "main", modules intended for use as the main module of a Python application must always use absolute imports.

And also the following from PEP 328:

Relative imports use a module's name attribute to determine that module's position in the package hierarchy. If the module's name does not contain any package information (e.g. it is set to 'main') then relative imports are resolved as if the module were a top level module, regardless of where the module is actually located on the file system.

Relative imports work from the filename (__name__ attribute), which can take two values:

  1. It's the filename, preceded by the folder strucutre, separated by dots. For eg: package.test_A.test Here Python knows the parent directories: before test comes test_A and then package. So you can use the dot notation for relative import.
#  package.test_A/
from ..A import foo

You can then have like a root file in the root directory which calls

from package.test_A import test
  1. When you run the module ( directly, it becomes the entry point to the program , so __name__ == __main__. The filename has no indication of the directory structure, so Python doesn't know how to go up in the directory. For Python, becomes the top-level script, there is nothing above it. That's why you cannot use relative import.

  • Possible Solutions

A) One way to solve this is to have a root file (in the root directory) which calls the modules/packages, like this:

enter image description here

  • imports (entry point, __name__ == __main__).
  • (relative) imports
  • says the module has been imported.

The output is: has been imported
Module's name is:  package.test_A.test

B) If you want to execute the code as a module and not as a top-level script, you can try this from the command line:

python -m package.test_A.test

Any suggestions are welcomed.

You should also check: Relative imports for the billionth time , specially BrenBarn's answer.

MAMP mysql server won't start. No mysql processes are running

Remove the files ib_logfileN (N being the number) from the MAMP/db/mysql56 folder.

Then restart MAMP.

Should Work!

Fixed size div?

This is a fairly trivial effect to accomplish. One way to achieve this is to simply place floated div elements within a common parent container, and set their width and height. In order to clear the floated elements, we set the overflow property of the parent.

<div class="container">
    <div class="cube">do</div>
    <div class="cube">ray</div>
    <div class="cube">me</div>
    <div class="cube">fa</div>
    <div class="cube">so</div>
    <div class="cube">la</div>
    <div class="cube">te</div>
    <div class="cube">do</div>

The CSS resembles the strategy outlined in the first paragraph above:

.container {
    width: 450px;
    overflow: auto;

.cube {
    float: left;
    width: 150px; 
    height: 150px;

You can see the end result here:

Browsers that support pseudo elements provide an alternative way to clear:

.container::after {
    content: "";
    clear: both;
    display: block;

You can see the results here:

I hope this helps.

Not connecting to SQL Server over VPN

SQL Server uses the TCP port 1433. This is probably blocked either by the VPN tunnel or by a firewall on the server.

Append a tuple to a list - what's the difference between two ways?

It has nothing to do with append. tuple(3, 4) all by itself raises that error.

The reason is that, as the error message says, tuple expects an iterable argument. You can make a tuple of the contents of a single object by passing that single object to tuple. You can't make a tuple of two things by passing them as separate arguments.

Just do (3, 4) to make a tuple, as in your first example. There's no reason not to use that simple syntax for writing a tuple.

Getting a list of files in a directory with a glob

This works quite nicely for IOS, but should also work for cocoa.

NSString *bundleRoot = [[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath];
NSFileManager *manager = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
NSDirectoryEnumerator *direnum = [manager enumeratorAtPath:bundleRoot];
NSString *filename;

while ((filename = [direnum nextObject] )) {

    //change the suffix to what you are looking for
    if ([filename hasSuffix:@".data"]) {   

        // Do work here
        NSLog(@"Files in resource folder: %@", filename);            

How to get name of calling function/method in PHP?

Best answer of that question I've seen is:

list(, $caller) = debug_backtrace(false);

Short and clean

Is there a Google Voice API?

I needed a C# API and after spending hours looking for it (all I found was outdated and non-working) and unsuccessfully trying to port the PHP/Python/Java versions listed here (none worked either) I decided to create my own. It's SMS-only for now...

How to copy commits from one branch to another?

For the simple case of just copying the last commit from branch wss to v2.1, you can simply grab the commit id (git log --oneline | head -n 1) and do:

git checkout v2.1
git merge <commit>

Change R default library path using .libPaths in fails to work

I generally try to keep all of my packages in one library, but if you want to add a library why not append the new library (which must already exist in your filesystem) to the existing library path?

.libPaths( c( .libPaths(), "~/userLibrary") )
 # obviously this would need to be a valid file directory in your OS
 # min just happened to be on a Mac that day

Or (and this will make the userLibrary the first place to put new packages):

.libPaths( c( "~/userLibrary" , .libPaths() ) )

Then I get (at least back when I wrote this originally):

> .libPaths()
[1] "/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/2.15/Resources/library"
[2] "/Users/user_name/userLibrary"  

The .libPaths function is a bit different than most other nongraphics functions. It works via side-effect. The functions Sys.getenv and Sys.setenv that report and alter the R environment variables have been split apart but .libPaths can either report or alter its target.

The information about the R startup process can be read at ?Startup help page and there is RStudio material at:

In your case it appears that RStudio is not respecting the settings or perhaps is overriding them by reading an .Rprofile setting from one of the RStudio defaults. It should also be mentioned that the result from this operation also appends the contents of calls to .Library and, which is further reason why an RStudio- (or any other IDE or network installed-) hosted R might exhibit different behavior.

Since Sys.getenv() returns the current system environment for the R process, you can see the library and other paths with:

Sys.getenv()[ grep("LIB|PATH", names(Sys.getenv())) ]

The two that matter for storing and accessing packages are (now different on a Linux box):

R_LIBS_SITE                          /usr/local/lib/R/site-library:/usr/lib/R/site-library:/usr/lib/R/library
R_LIBS_USER                          /home/david/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.5.1/

How to suppress binary file matching results in grep

There are three options, that you can use. -I is to exclude binary files in grep. Other are for line numbers and file names.

grep -I -n -H 

-I -- process a binary file as if it did not contain matching data; 
-n -- prefix each line of output with the 1-based line number within its input file
-H -- print the file name for each match

So this might be a way to run grep:

grep -InH your-word *

Removing duplicate rows in Notepad++

The plugin manager is currently unavailable (does not come with the distribution) for Notepad++. You must install it manually ( and even if you do, a lot of the plugins are not available anymore (no TextFX) plugin.

Maybe there is another plugin which contains the required functionality. Other than that, the only way to do it in Notepad++ is to use some special regex for matching and then replacing (Ctrl + FReplace tab).

Although there are many functionalities available via Edit menu item (trimming, removing empty lines, sorting, converting EOL) there is no "unique" operation available.

If you have Windows 10 then you can enable Bash (just type Ubuntu in Microsoft Store and follow the instructions in the description to install it) and use cat your_file.txt | sort | uniq > your_file_edited.txt. Of course you must be in the same working directory as "your_file.txt" or refer to it via its path.

How to import a CSS file in a React Component

In cases where you just want to inject some styles from a stylesheet into a component without bundling in the whole stylesheet I recommend For example:

const btnStyle = styledImport.react('../App.css', '.button')

// btnStyle is now { color: 'blue' } or whatever other rules you have in `.button`.

NOTE: I am the author of this lib, and I built it for cases where mass imports of styles and CSS modules are not the best or most viable solution.

Is there a workaround for ORA-01795: maximum number of expressions in a list is 1000 error?

There's also workaround doing disjunction of your array, worked for me as other solutions were hard to implement using some old framework.

select * from tableA where id = 1 or id = 2 or id = 3 ...

But for better perfo, I would use Nikolai Nechai's solution with unions, if possible.

Set equal width of columns in table layout in Android

Try this.

It boils down to adding android:stretchColumns="*" to your TableLayout root and setting android:layout_width="0dp" to all the children in your TableRows.

    android:stretchColumns="*"   // Optionally use numbered list "0,1,2,3,..."

Calendar date to yyyy-MM-dd format in java


The answer by MadProgrammer is correct, especially the tip about Joda-Time. The successor to Joda-Time is now built into Java 8 as the new java.time package. Here's example code in Java 8.

When working with date-time (as opposed to local date), the time zone in critical. The day-of-month depends on the time zone. For example, the India time zone is +05:30 (five and a half hours ahead of UTC), while France is only one hour ahead. So a moment in a new day in India has one date while the same moment in France has “yesterday’s” date. Creating string output lacking any time zone or offset information is creating ambiguity. You asked for YYYY-MM-DD output so I provided, but I don't recommend it. Instead of ISO_LOCAL_DATE I would have used ISO_DATE to get this output: 2014-02-25+05:30

ZoneId zoneId = ZoneId.of( "Asia/Kolkata" );
ZonedDateTime zonedDateTime = zoneId );

DateTimeFormatter formatterOutput = DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE; // Caution: The "LOCAL" part means we are losing time zone information, creating ambiguity.
String output = formatterOutput.format( zonedDateTime );

Dump to console…

System.out.println( "zonedDateTime: " + zonedDateTime );
System.out.println( "output: " + output );

When run…

zonedDateTime: 2014-02-25T14:22:20.919+05:30[Asia/Kolkata]
output: 2014-02-25


Similar code using the Joda-Time library, the precursor to java.time.

DateTimeZone zone = new DateTimeZone( "Asia/Kolkata" );
DateTime dateTime = zone );
DateTimeFormatter formatter =;
String output = formatter.print( dateTime );

ISO 8601

By the way, that format of your input string is a standard format, one of several handy date-time string formats defined by ISO 8601.

Both Joda-Time and java.time use ISO 8601 formats by default when parsing and generating string representations of various date-time values.

grep regex whitespace behavior

This looks like a behavior difference in the handling of \s between grep 2.5 and newer versions (a bug in old grep?). I confirm your result with grep 2.5.4, but all four of your greps do work when using grep 2.6.3 (Ubuntu 10.10).


GNU grep 2.5.4
echo "foo bar" | grep "\s"
   (doesn't match)


GNU grep 2.6.3
echo "foo bar" | grep "\s"
foo bar

Probably less trouble (as \s is not documented):

Both GNU greps
echo "foo bar" | grep "[[:space:]]"
foo bar

My advice is to avoid using \s ... use [ \t]* or [[:space:]] or something like it instead.

Add custom buttons on Slick Carousel

A variation on the answer by @tallgirltaadaa , draw your own button in the shape of a caret:

var a = $('.MyCarouselContainer').slick({
    prevArrow: '<canvas class="prevArrowCanvas a-left control-c prev slick-prev" width="15" height="50"></canvas>',
    nextArrow: '<canvas class="nextArrowCanvas a-right control-c next slick-next" width="15" height="50"></canvas>'

function drawNextPreviousArrows(strokeColor) {
    var c = $(".prevArrowCanvas")[0];
    var ctx = c.getContext("2d");
    ctx.clearRect(0, 0, c.width, c.height);
    ctx.moveTo(15, 0);
    ctx.lineTo(0, 25);
    ctx.lineTo(15, 50);
    ctx.lineWidth = 2;
    ctx.strokeStyle = strokeColor;
    var c = $(".nextArrowCanvas")[0];
    var ctx = c.getContext("2d");
    ctx.clearRect(0, 0, c.width, c.height);
    ctx.moveTo(0, 0);
    ctx.lineTo(15, 25);
    ctx.lineTo(0, 50);
    ctx.lineWidth = 2;
    ctx.strokeStyle = strokeColor;

then add the css

.slick-prev, .slick-next 
    height: 50px;s

Android Studio doesn't start, fails saying components not installed

A little late but I was having this problem too and running studio as root just created more problems (using OSX here).

I fixed it by manually installing what was failing to install using the Android SDK manager. Just run android sdk in a terminal (probably the same on Windows but don't quote me). Let it install all the updates it wants, then if you can't make it through the setup, manually find the packages that are failing to install and install them.

Got me through a very frustrating problem and back to work.....

Error Running React Native App From Terminal (iOS)

Check out this link (Running react-native run-ios occurs an error?). It appears to be a problem with the location of Command line tools.

In Xcode, select Xcode menu, then Preferences, then Locations tab. Select your Xcode version from the dropdown and exit Xcode.

XCode location tab

What is the error "Every derived table must have its own alias" in MySQL?

Every derived table (AKA sub-query) must indeed have an alias. I.e. each query in brackets must be given an alias (AS whatever), which can the be used to refer to it in the rest of the outer query.

    SELECT ID, msisdn FROM (
        SELECT * FROM TT2
    ) AS T
) AS T

In your case, of course, the entire query could be replaced with:


UL has margin on the left

I don't see any margin or margin-left declarations for #footer-wrap li.

This ought to do the trick:

#footer-wrap ul,
#footer-wrap li {
    margin-left: 0;
    list-style-type: none;

How to implement onBackPressed() in Fragments?

In my solution (Kotlin);

I'm using onBackAlternative function as a parameter on BaseActivity.


abstract class BaseActivity {

    var onBackPressAlternative: (() -> Unit)? = null

    override fun onBackPressed() {
        if (onBackPressAlternative != null) {
        } else {

I have a function for set onBackPressAlternative on BaseFragment.


abstract class BaseFragment {

     override fun onStart() {
        setOnBackPressed(null) // Add this

      //Method must be declared as open, for overriding in child class
     open fun setOnBackPressed(onBackAlternative: (() -> Unit)?) {
         (activity as BaseActivity<*, *>).onBackPressAlternative = onBackAlternative

Then my onBackPressAlternative is ready to use on fragments.

Sub Fragments

override fun setOnBackPressed(onBackAlternative: (() -> Unit)?) {
    (activity as BaseActivity<*, *>).onBackPressAlternative = {
        // TODO Your own custom onback function 

How to measure time in milliseconds using ANSI C?

The best precision you can possibly get is through the use of the x86-only "rdtsc" instruction, which can provide clock-level resolution (ne must of course take into account the cost of the rdtsc call itself, which can be measured easily on application startup).

The main catch here is measuring the number of clocks per second, which shouldn't be too hard.

Format specifier %02x

Your string is wider than your format width of 2. So there's no padding to be done.

Android Studio update -Error:Could not run build action using Gradle distribution

I had same issue when first start Android Studio in Window 10, with java jdk 1.8.0_66. The solution that worked is:

Step 1: Close Android Studio

Step 2: Delete Folder C:\Users\Anna\.gradle (Anna is my username)

Step 3: Open Android Studio as Administrator

Step 4: If you are currently in an opened project, close current project by select File > Close Project.

Step 5: Now you seeing this Quick Start GUI: Android Studio Quick Start

Select Open an existing Android Studio project, navigate to your project folder and select it.

Wait for gradle to build again (it would download all the dependency in your build.gradle for every module in your project)

If it has not worked till now, you could restart your computer. Do step 1 again.

This happens sometime when I changed Android Studio version or recently upgrade Window. Hope that helps !

What is a word boundary in regex, does \b match hyphen '-'?

when you use \\b(\\w+)+\\b that means exact match with a word containing only word characters ([a-zA-Z0-9])

in your case for example setting \\b at the begining of regex will accept -12(with space) but again it won't accept -12(without space)

for reference to support my words:

Maintain aspect ratio of div but fill screen width and height in CSS?

Based on Daniel's answer, I wrote this SASS mixin with interpolation (#{}) for a youtube video's iframe that is inside a Bootstrap modal dialog:

@mixin responsive-modal-wiframe($height: 9, $width: 16.5,
                                $max-w-allowed: 90, $max-h-allowed: 60) {
  $sides-adjustment: 1.7;

  iframe {
    width: #{$width / $height * ($max-h-allowed - $sides-adjustment)}vh;
    height: #{$height / $width * $max-w-allowed}vw;
    max-width: #{$max-w-allowed - $sides-adjustment}vw;
    max-height: #{$max-h-allowed}vh;

  @media only screen and (max-height: 480px) {
    margin-top: 5px;
    .modal-header {
      padding: 5px;
      .modal-title {font-size: 16px}
    .modal-footer {display: none}


.modal-dialog {
  width: 95vw; // the modal should occupy most of the screen's available space
  text-align: center; // this will center the titles and the iframe

  @include responsive-modal-wiframe();


<div class="modal">
  <div class="modal-dialog">
    <div class="modal-content">
      <div class="modal-header">
        <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close">
          <span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span>
        <h4 class="modal-title">Video</h4>
      <div class="modal-body">
        <iframe src="<?= $video_id ?>?rel=0" frameborder="0"
          allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture"
      <div class="modal-footer">
        <button class="btn btn-danger waves-effect waves-light"
          data-dismiss="modal" type="button">Close</button>

This will always display the video without those black parts that youtube adds to the iframe when the width or height is not proportional to the video. Notes:

  • $sides-adjustment is a slight adjustment to compensate a tiny part of these black parts showing up on the sides;
  • in very low height devices (< 480px) the standard modal takes up a lot of space, so I decided to:
    1. hide the .modal-footer;
    2. adjust the positioning of the .modal-dialog;
    3. reduce the sizes of the .modal-header.

After a lot of testing, this is working flawlessly for me now.

scrollIntoView Scrolls just too far

So, perhaps this is a bit clunky but so far so good. Im working in angular 9.

file .ts

scroll(el: HTMLElement) {
  el.scrollIntoView({ block: 'start',  behavior: 'smooth' });   

file .html

<button (click)="scroll(target)"></button>
<div  #target style="margin-top:-50px;padding-top: 50px;" ></div>

I adjust the offset with margin and padding top.


MySQL "incorrect string value" error when save unicode string in Django

If it's a new project, I'd just drop the database, and create a new one with a proper charset:


Checking cin input stream produces an integer

You can use the variables name itself to check if a value is an integer. for example:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main (){

int firstvariable;
int secondvariable;
float float1;
float float2;

cout << "Please enter two integers and then press Enter:" << endl;
cin >> firstvariable;
cin >> secondvariable;

if(firstvariable && secondvariable){
    cout << "Time for some simple mathematical operations:\n" << endl;

    cout << "The sum:\n " << firstvariable << "+" << secondvariable 
    <<"="<< firstvariable + secondvariable << "\n " << endl;
    cout << "\n[ERROR\tINVALID INPUT]\n"; 
    return 1; 
return 0;    

How can I use mySQL replace() to replace strings in multiple records?

you can write a stored procedure like this:



#replace space with underscore

UPDATE Table SET FieldName = REPLACE(FieldName," ","_") WHERE FieldName is not NULL;

#delete dot

UPDATE Table SET FieldName = REPLACE(FieldName,".","") WHERE FieldName is not NULL;

#delete (

UPDATE Table SET FieldName = REPLACE(FieldName,"(","") WHERE FieldName is not NULL;

#delete )

UPDATE Table SET FieldName = REPLACE(FieldName,")","") WHERE FieldName is not NULL;

#raplace or delete any char you want



In this way you have modularized control over table.

You can also generalize stored procedure making it, parametric with table to sanitoze input parameter

ng: command not found while creating new project using angular-cli

In my case install angular cli

npm install -g @angular/cli@latest

update Nodejs to latest, then all should work fine.

...and if you still have that problem, it maybe because you run the command in shell and not in cmd (you need to run command in cmd), check this out and maybe it helps...

Rails 4 - Strong Parameters - Nested Objects

Permitting a nested object :

params.permit( {:school => [:id , :name]}, 
               {:student => [:id, 
                {:records => [:marks, :subject]})

How to modify list entries during for loop?

You can do something like this:

a = [1,2,3,4,5]
b = [i**2 for i in a]

It's called a list comprehension, to make it easier for you to loop inside a list.

Running the new Intel emulator for Android

You might need to turn on virtualization in your BIOS, most manufacturers disable it by default. Intel HAX requires CPU virtualization to be enabled.

Determine installed PowerShell version

You can also call the "host" command from the PowerShell commandline. It should give you the value of the $host variable.

MySQL Workbench: How to keep the connection alive

From the now unavailable internet archive:

Go to Edit -> Preferences -> SQL Editor and set to a higher value this parameter: DBMS connection read time out (in seconds). For instance: 86400.

Close and reopen MySQL Workbench. Kill your previously query that probably is running and run the query again.

Make an existing Git branch track a remote branch?

1- update your local meta-data using : git fetch --all

enter image description here

2- show your remote and local branches using : git branch -a , see the following Screenshot

enter image description here

3- switch to target branch , that you want to linked with the remote: using

git checkout branchName

example :

enter image description here

4- Link your local branch to a remote branch using:

git branch --set-upstream-to nameOfRemoteBranch

N.B : nameOfRemoteBranch : to copy from the output of step 2 " git branch -r "

Example of use:

enter image description here

Angular - POST uploaded file

your http service file:

import { Injectable } from "@angular/core";
import { ActivatedRoute, Router } from '@angular/router';
import { Http, Headers, Response, Request, RequestMethod, URLSearchParams, RequestOptions } from "@angular/http";
import {Observable} from 'rxjs/Rx';
import { Constants } from './constants';
declare var $: any;

export class HttpClient {
  requestUrl: string;
  responseData: any;
  handleError: any;

  constructor(private router: Router, 
  private http: Http, 
  private constants: Constants, 
  ) {
    this.http = http;

  postWithFile (url: string, postData: any, files: File[]) {

    let headers = new Headers();
    let formData:FormData = new FormData();
    formData.append('files', files[0], files[0].name);
    // For multiple files
    // for (let i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
    //     formData.append(`files[]`, files[i], files[i].name);
    // }

    if(postData !=="" && postData !== undefined && postData !==null){
      for (var property in postData) {
          if (postData.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
              formData.append(property, postData[property]);
    var returnReponse = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { + url, formData, {
        headers: headers
          res => {
            this.responseData = res.json();
          error => {
    return returnReponse;

call your function (Component file):

onChange(event) {
    let file = event.srcElement.files;
    let postData = {field1:"field1", field2:"field2"}; // Put your form data variable. This is only example.
    this._service.postWithFile(this.baseUrl + "add-update",postData,file).then(result => {

your html code:

<input type="file" class="form-control" name="documents" (change)="onChange($event)" [(ngModel)]="stock.documents" #documents="ngModel">

jQuery Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'fn' of undefined (anonymous function)

I had the same problem when using bootstrap-datewidget and i loaded jquery in the header instead of loading it at the end of the body and it worked.

char initial value in Java

Perhaps 0 or '\u0000' would do?

Dynamically create and submit form

Yes, you just forgot the quotes ...


Android ImageButton with a selected state?

Create an XML-file in a res/drawable folder. For instance, "btn_image.xml":

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<selector xmlns:android="">
    <item android:drawable="@drawable/bg_state_1"
    <item android:drawable="@drawable/bg_state_2"
    <item android:drawable="@drawable/bg_state_selected"
    <item android:drawable="@drawable/bg_state_deselected"/>

You can combine those files you like, for instance, change "bg_state_1" to "bg_state_deselected" and "bg_state_2" to "bg_state_selected".

In any of those files you can write something like:

<shape xmlns:android=""
    <solid android:color="#ccdd00"/>
    <corners android:radius="5dp"/>

Create in a layout file an ImageView or ImageButton with the following attributes:


Later in code:


How to create a list of objects?

I have some hacky answers that are likely to be terrible... but I have very little experience at this point.

a way:

class myClass():
    myInstances = []
    def __init__(self, myStr01, myStr02):
        self.myStr01 = myStr01
        self.myStr02 = myStr02

myObj01 = myClass("Foo", "Bar")
myObj02 = myClass("FooBar",  "Baz")

for thisObj in myClass.myInstances:

A hack way to get this done:

import sys
class myClass():
    def __init__(self, myStr01, myStr02):
        self.myStr01 = myStr01
        self.myStr02 = myStr02

myObj01 = myClass("Foo", "Bar")
myObj02 = myClass("FooBar",  "Baz")

myInstances = []
myLocals = str(locals()).split("'")
thisStep = 0
for thisLocalsLine in myLocals:
    thisStep += 1
    if "myClass object at" in thisLocalsLine:
        print(myLocals[(thisStep - 2)])
        #myInstances.append(myLocals[(thisStep - 2)])
        myInstances.append(getattr(sys.modules[__name__], myLocals[(thisStep - 2)]))

for thisObj in myInstances:

Another more 'clever' hack:

import sys
class myClass():
    def __init__(self, myStr01, myStr02):
        self.myStr01 = myStr01
        self.myStr02 = myStr02

myInstances = []
myClasses = {
    "myObj01": ["Foo", "Bar"],
    "myObj02": ["FooBar",  "Baz"]

for thisClass in myClasses.keys():
    exec("%s = myClass('%s', '%s')" % (thisClass, myClasses[thisClass][0], myClasses[thisClass][1]))
    myInstances.append(getattr(sys.modules[__name__], thisClass))

for thisObj in myInstances:

cordova Android requirements failed: "Could not find an installed version of Gradle"

Update your cordova to the latest version and the issue should be resolved. In case the issue not resolved please set the path in the environment variable (in case of Windows). Example: System Variable Value name GRADLE_HOME Value D:\Android\Android Studio\gradle\gradle-4.3.1 (please replace with your path)

How to set the maximum memory usage for JVM?

use the arguments -Xms<memory> -Xmx<memory>. Use M or G after the numbers for indicating Megs and Gigs of bytes respectively. -Xms indicates the minimum and -Xmx the maximum.

When and Why to use abstract classes/methods?

Typically one uses an abstract class to provide some incomplete functionality that will be fleshed out by concrete subclasses. It may provide methods that are used by its subclasses; it may also represent an intermediate node in the class hierarchy, to represent a common grouping of concrete subclasses, distinguishing them in some way from other subclasses of its superclass. Since an interface can't derive from a class, this is another situation where a class (abstract or otherwise) would be necessary, versus an interface.

A good rule of thumb is that only leaf nodes of a class hierarchy should ever be instantiated. Making non-leaf nodes abstract is an easy way of ensuring that.

How to connect to a remote MySQL database with Java?

in my.cnf file , please change the following

## Instead of skip-networking the default is now to listen only on ## localhost which is more compatible and is not less secure. ## bind-address =

JSON Post with Customized HTTPHeader Field

if one wants to use .post() then this will set headers for all future request made with jquery

    headers: {
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',
        'Accept': 'application/json'

then make your .post() calls as normal.

Requery a subform from another form?

All your controls are belong to us!

Fionnuala answered this correctly but skimmers like me would find it easy to miss the point.

You don't refresh the subFORM you refresh the subform CONTROL. In fact, if you check with allforms() the subForm isn't even loaded as far as access is concerned.

On the main form look at the label the subform wizard provided or select the subform by clicking once or on the border around it and look at the "caption" in the "Other" tab in properties. That's the name you use for requerying, not the name of the form that appears in the navigation panel.

In my case I had a subform called frmInvProdSub and I tried for many hours to figure out why Access didn't think it existed. I gave up, deleted the form and re-created it. The very last step is telling it what you want to call the control so I called it frmInvProdSub and finished the wizard. Then I tried and voila, it worked!

When I looked at the form name in the navigation window I realized I'd forgotten to put "Sub" in the name! That's when it clicked. The CONTROL is called frmInvProdSub, not the form and using the control name works.

Of course if both names are identical then you didn't have this problem lol.

How to backup Sql Database Programmatically in C#

I have new method without SMO problems

1. Create .bat File with backup sqlcmd command

for backup

SqlCmd -E -S Server_Name –Q “BACKUP DATABASE [Name_of_Database] TO DISK=’X:PathToBackupLocation[Name_of_Database].bak'”

for restore

SqlCmd -E -S Server_Name –Q “RESTORE DATABASE [Name_of_Database] FROM DISK=’X:PathToBackupFile[File_Name].bak'”

2. Run the the bat file with WPF/C# code

        FileInfo file = new FileInfo("DB\\batfile.bat");
        Process process = new Process();
        process.StartInfo.FileName = file.FullName;
        process.StartInfo.Arguments = @"-X";
        process.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Normal;
        process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; //Changed Line
        process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;  //Changed Line
        string output = process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd(); //Changed Line
        process.WaitForExit(); //Moved Line

What is the use of a cursor in SQL Server?

In SQL server, a cursor is used when you need Instead of the T-SQL commands that operate on all the rows in the result set one at a time, we use a cursor when we need to update records in a database table in a singleton fashion, in other words row by fetch one row at a time or row by row.

Working with cursors consists of several steps:

Declare - Declare is used to define a new cursor. Open - A Cursor is opened and populated by executing the SQL statement defined by the cursor. Fetch - When the cursor is opened, rows can be retrieved from the cursor one by one. Close - After data operations, we should close the cursor explicitly. Deallocate - Finally, we need to delete the cursor definition and release all the system resources associated with the cursor. Syntax


How to run 'sudo' command in windows

open the console as a administrator. Right Click on the command prompt or bash -> more and select "run as administrator"

How to get all table names from a database?

@RequestMapping(value = { "/getDatabaseTables" }, method = RequestMethod.GET)
public @ResponseBody String getDatabaseTables() throws Exception{ 

    Connection con = ((SessionImpl) sessionFactory.getCurrentSession()).connection();
    DatabaseMetaData md = con.getMetaData();
    ResultSet rs = md.getTables(null, null, "%", null);
    HashMap<String,List<String>> databaseTables = new HashMap<String,List<String>>();
    List<String> tables = new ArrayList<String>();
    String db = "";
    while ( {
        db = rs.getString(1);
    List<String> database = new ArrayList<String>();
    databaseTables.put("database", database);
    databaseTables.put("tables", tables);
    return new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(databaseTables);

@RequestMapping(value = { "/getTableDetails" }, method = RequestMethod.GET)
public @ResponseBody String getTableDetails(@RequestParam(value="tablename")String tablename) throws Exception{ 
    Connection con = ((SessionImpl) sessionFactory.getCurrentSession()).connection();       
     Statement st = con.createStatement();
     String sql = "select * from "+tablename;
     ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(sql);
     ResultSetMetaData metaData = rs.getMetaData();
     int rowCount = metaData.getColumnCount();    
     List<HashMap<String,String>> databaseColumns = new ArrayList<HashMap<String,String>>();
     HashMap<String,String> columnDetails = new HashMap<String,String>();
     for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) {
         columnDetails = new HashMap<String,String>();
         Method method = com.mysql.jdbc.ResultSetMetaData.class.getDeclaredMethod("getField", int.class);
         com.mysql.jdbc.Field field = (com.mysql.jdbc.Field) method.invoke(metaData, i+1);
         columnDetails.put("columnName", field.getName());//metaData.getColumnName(i + 1));
         columnDetails.put("columnType", metaData.getColumnTypeName(i + 1));
         columnDetails.put("columnSize", field.getLength()+"");//metaData.getColumnDisplaySize(i + 1)+"");
         columnDetails.put("columnColl", field.getCollation());
         columnDetails.put("columnNull", ((metaData.isNullable(i + 1)==0)?"NO":"YES"));
         if (field.isPrimaryKey()) {
             columnDetails.put("columnKEY", "PRI");
         } else if(field.isMultipleKey()) {
             columnDetails.put("columnKEY", "MUL");
         } else if(field.isUniqueKey()) {
             columnDetails.put("columnKEY", "UNI");
         } else {
             columnDetails.put("columnKEY", "");
         columnDetails.put("columnAINC", (field.isAutoIncrement()?"AUTO_INC":""));
    HashMap<String,List<HashMap<String,String>>> tableColumns = new HashMap<String,List<HashMap<String,String>>>();
    tableColumns.put("columns", databaseColumns);
    return new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(tableColumns);

How to add a tooltip to an svg graphic?

Can you use simply the SVG <title> element and the default browser rendering it conveys? (Note: this is not the same as the title attribute you can use on div/img/spans in html, it needs to be a child element named title)

rect {_x000D_
  width: 100%;_x000D_
  height: 100%;_x000D_
  fill: #69c;_x000D_
  stroke: #069;_x000D_
  stroke-width: 5px;_x000D_
  opacity: 0.5_x000D_
<p>Mouseover the rect to see the tooltip on supporting browsers.</p>_x000D_
<svg xmlns="">_x000D_
    <title>Hello, World!</title>_x000D_

Alternatively, if you really want to show HTML in your SVG, you can embed HTML directly:

rect {_x000D_
  width: 100%;_x000D_
  height: 100%;_x000D_
  fill: #69c;_x000D_
  stroke: #069;_x000D_
  stroke-width: 5px;_x000D_
  opacity: 0.5_x000D_
foreignObject {_x000D_
  width: 100%;_x000D_
svg div {_x000D_
  text-align: center;_x000D_
  line-height: 150px;_x000D_
<svg xmlns="">_x000D_
    <body xmlns="">_x000D_
        Hello, <b>World</b>!_x000D_
    </body>      _x000D_

…but then you'd need JS to turn the display on and off. As shown above, one way to make the label appear at the right spot is to wrap the rect and HTML in the same <g> that positions them both together.

To use JS to find where an SVG element is on screen, you can use getBoundingClientRect(), e.g.

Calling javascript function in iframe

Instead of getting the frame from the document, try getting the frame from the window object.

in the above example change this:

if (typeof (document.all.resultFrame.Reset) == "function")
    alert("resultFrame.Reset NOT found");


if (typeof (window.frames[0].Reset) == "function")
    alert("resultFrame.Reset NOT found");

the problem is that the scope of the javascript inside the iframe is not exposed through the DOM element for the iframe. only window objects contain the javascript scoping information for the frames.

iPhone get SSID without private library

UPDATE FOR iOS 10 and up

CNCopySupportedInterfaces is no longer deprecated in iOS 10. (API Reference)

You need to import SystemConfiguration/CaptiveNetwork.h and add SystemConfiguration.framework to your target's Linked Libraries (under build phases).

Here is a code snippet in swift (RikiRiocma's Answer):

import Foundation
import SystemConfiguration.CaptiveNetwork

public class SSID {
    class func fetchSSIDInfo() -> String {
        var currentSSID = ""
        if let interfaces = CNCopySupportedInterfaces() {
            for i in 0..<CFArrayGetCount(interfaces) {
                let interfaceName: UnsafePointer<Void> = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(interfaces, i)
                let rec = unsafeBitCast(interfaceName, AnyObject.self)
                let unsafeInterfaceData = CNCopyCurrentNetworkInfo("\(rec)")
                if unsafeInterfaceData != nil {
                    let interfaceData = unsafeInterfaceData! as Dictionary!
                    currentSSID = interfaceData["SSID"] as! String
        return currentSSID

(Important: CNCopySupportedInterfaces returns nil on simulator.)

For Objective-c, see Esad's answer here and below

+ (NSString *)GetCurrentWifiHotSpotName {    
    NSString *wifiName = nil;
    NSArray *ifs = (__bridge_transfer id)CNCopySupportedInterfaces();
    for (NSString *ifnam in ifs) {
        NSDictionary *info = (__bridge_transfer id)CNCopyCurrentNetworkInfo((__bridge CFStringRef)ifnam);
        if (info[@"SSID"]) {
            wifiName = info[@"SSID"];
    return wifiName;


As of iOS 9 Captive Network is deprecated*. (source)

*No longer deprecated in iOS 10, see above.

It's recommended you use NEHotspotHelper (source)

You will need to email apple at [email protected] and request entitlements. (source)

Sample Code (Not my code. See Pablo A's answer):

for(NEHotspotNetwork *hotspotNetwork in [NEHotspotHelper supportedNetworkInterfaces]) {
    NSString *ssid = hotspotNetwork.SSID;
    NSString *bssid = hotspotNetwork.BSSID;
    BOOL secure =;
    BOOL autoJoined = hotspotNetwork.autoJoined;
    double signalStrength = hotspotNetwork.signalStrength;

Side note: Yup, they deprecated CNCopySupportedInterfaces in iOS 9 and reversed their position in iOS 10. I spoke with an Apple networking engineer and the reversal came after so many people filed Radars and spoke out about the issue on the Apple Developer forums.

Origin null is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin

Adding a bit to use Gokhan's solution for using:


Now you just need to append above text in Target text followed by a space. make sure you close all the instances of chrome browser after adding above property. Now restart chrome by the icon where you added this property. It should work for all.

How to parse dates in multiple formats using SimpleDateFormat

Matt's approach above is fine, but please be aware that you will run into problems if you use it to differentiate between dates of the format y/M/d and d/M/y. For instance, a formatter initialised with y/M/d will accept a date like 01/01/2009 and give you back a date which is clearly not what you wanted. I fixed the issue as follows, but I have limited time and I'm not happy with the solution for 2 main reasons:

  1. It violates one of Josh Bloch's quidelines, specifically 'don't use exceptions to handle program flow'.
  2. I can see the getDateFormat() method becoming a bit of a nightmare if you needed it to handle lots of other date formats.

If I had to make something that could handle lots and lots of different date formats and needed to be highly performant, then I think I would use the approach of creating an enum which linked each different date regex to its format. Then use MyEnum.values() to loop through the enum and test with if(myEnum.getPattern().matches(date)) rather than catching a dateformatexception.

Anway, that being said, the following can handle dates of the formats 'y/M/d' 'y-M-d' 'y M d' 'd/M/y' 'd-M-y' 'd M y' and all other variations of those which include time formats as well:

import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;

public class DateUtil {
    private static final String[] timeFormats = {"HH:mm:ss","HH:mm"};
    private static final String[] dateSeparators = {"/","-"," "};

    private static final String DMY_FORMAT = "dd{sep}MM{sep}yyyy";
    private static final String YMD_FORMAT = "yyyy{sep}MM{sep}dd";

    private static final String ymd_template = "\\d{4}{sep}\\d{2}{sep}\\d{2}.*";
    private static final String dmy_template = "\\d{2}{sep}\\d{2}{sep}\\d{4}.*";

    public static Date stringToDate(String input){
    Date date = null;
    String dateFormat = getDateFormat(input);
    if(dateFormat == null){
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Date is not in an accepted format " + input);

    for(String sep : dateSeparators){
        String actualDateFormat = patternForSeparator(dateFormat, sep);
        //try first with the time
        for(String time : timeFormats){
        date = tryParse(input,actualDateFormat + " " + time);
        if(date != null){
            return date;
        //didn't work, try without the time formats
        date = tryParse(input,actualDateFormat);
        if(date != null){
        return date;

    return date;

    private static String getDateFormat(String date){
    for(String sep : dateSeparators){
        String ymdPattern = patternForSeparator(ymd_template, sep);
        String dmyPattern = patternForSeparator(dmy_template, sep);
        return YMD_FORMAT;
        return DMY_FORMAT;
    return null;

    private static String patternForSeparator(String template, String sep){
    return template.replace("{sep}", sep);

    private static Date tryParse(String input, String pattern){
        return new SimpleDateFormat(pattern).parse(input);
    catch (ParseException e) {}
    return null;


Upgrade Node.js to the latest version on Mac OS

I think the simplest way to use the newest version of Node.js is to get the newest Node.js pkg file in the website if you want to use different version of Node.js you can use nvm or n to manage it.

Android + Pair devices via bluetooth programmatically

Edit: I have just explained logic to pair here. If anybody want to go with the complete code then see my another answer. I have answered here for logic only but I was not able to explain properly, So I have added another answer in the same thread.

Try this to do pairing:

If you are able to search the devices then this would be your next step

ArrayList<BluetoothDevice> arrayListBluetoothDevices = NEW ArrayList<BluetoothDevice>;

I am assuming that you have the list of Bluetooth devices added in the arrayListBluetoothDevices:

BluetoothDevice bdDevice;
bdDevice = arrayListBluetoothDevices.get(PASS_THE_POSITION_TO_GET_THE_BLUETOOTH_DEVICE);

Boolean isBonded = false;
try {
isBonded = createBond(bdDevice);
} catch (Exception e) 

The createBond() method:

public boolean createBond(BluetoothDevice btDevice)  
    throws Exception  
        Class class1 = Class.forName("android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice");
        Method createBondMethod = class1.getMethod("createBond");  
        Boolean returnValue = (Boolean) createBondMethod.invoke(btDevice);  
        return returnValue.booleanValue();  

Add this line into your Receiver in the ACTION_FOUND

if (device.getBondState() != BluetoothDevice.BOND_BONDED) {
                    mNewDevicesArrayAdapter.add(device.getName() + "\n" + device.getAddress());

Which is faster: multiple single INSERTs or one multiple-row INSERT?

The time required for inserting a row is determined by the following factors, where the numbers indicate approximate proportions:

  • Connecting: (3)
  • Sending query to server: (2)
  • Parsing query: (2)
  • Inserting row: (1 × size of row)
  • Inserting indexes: (1 × number of indexes)
  • Closing: (1)

From this it should be obvious, that sending one large statement will save you an overhead of 7 per insert statement, which in further reading the text also says:

If you are inserting many rows from the same client at the same time, use INSERT statements with multiple VALUES lists to insert several rows at a time. This is considerably faster (many times faster in some cases) than using separate single-row INSERT statements.

Hidden features of Python

Python's advanced slicing operation has a barely known syntax element, the ellipsis:

>>> class C(object):
...  def __getitem__(self, item):
...   return item
>>> C()[1:2, ..., 3]
(slice(1, 2, None), Ellipsis, 3)

Unfortunately it's barely useful as the ellipsis is only supported if tuples are involved.

How does cellForRowAtIndexPath work?

I'll try and break it down (example from documention)

 *   The cellForRowAtIndexPath takes for argument the tableView (so if the same object
 *   is delegate for several tableViews it can identify which one is asking for a cell),
 *   and an indexPath which determines which row and section the cell is returned for. 
- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {

     *   This is an important bit, it asks the table view if it has any available cells
     *   already created which it is not using (if they are offScreen), so that it can
     *   reuse them (saving the time of alloc/init/load from xib a new cell ).
     *   The identifier is there to differentiate between different types of cells
     *   (you can display different types of cells in the same table view)

    UITableViewCell *cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:@"MyIdentifier"];

     *   If the cell is nil it means no cell was available for reuse and that we should
     *   create a new one.
    if (cell == nil) {

         *   Actually create a new cell (with an identifier so that it can be dequeued). 

        cell = [[[UITableViewCell alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewCellStyleSubtitle reuseIdentifier:@"MyIdentifier"] autorelease];

        cell.selectionStyle = UITableViewCellSelectionStyleNone;


     *   Now that we have a cell we can configure it to display the data corresponding to
     *   this row/section

    NSDictionary *item = (NSDictionary *)[self.content objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
    cell.textLabel.text = [item objectForKey:@"mainTitleKey"];
    cell.detailTextLabel.text = [item objectForKey:@"secondaryTitleKey"];
    NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:[item objectForKey:@"imageKey"] ofType:@"png"];
    UIImage *theImage = [UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile:path];
    cell.imageView.image = theImage;

    /* Now that the cell is configured we return it to the table view so that it can display it */

    return cell;


This is a DataSource method so it will be called on whichever object has declared itself as the DataSource of the UITableView. It is called when the table view actually needs to display the cell onscreen, based on the number of rows and sections (which you specify in other DataSource methods).

Insert data into a view (SQL Server)

Inserting 'test' to name will lead to inserting NULL values to other columns of the base table which wont be correct as Id is a PRIMARY KEY and it cannot have NULL value.

Wait until ActiveWorkbook.RefreshAll finishes - VBA

This worked for me:


When you save the workbook it's necessary to complete the refresh.

How can I get column names from a table in SQL Server?

This SO question is missing the following approach :

-- List down all columns of table 'Logging'
select * from sys.all_columns where object_id = OBJECT_ID('Logging')

How to strip HTML tags from a string in SQL Server?

If your HTML is well formed, I think this is a better solution:

create function dbo.StripHTML( @text varchar(max) ) returns varchar(max) as
    declare @textXML xml
    declare @result varchar(max)
    set @textXML = REPLACE( @text, '&', '' );
    with doc(contents) as
        select chunks.chunk.query('.') from @textXML.nodes('/') as chunks(chunk)
    select @result = contents.value('.', 'varchar(max)') from doc
    return @result

select dbo.StripHTML('This <i>is</i> an <b>html</b> test')

Apply function to pandas groupby


g = pd.DataFrame(['A','B','A','C','D','D','E'])

# Group by the contents of column 0 
gg = g.groupby(0)  

# Create a DataFrame with the counts of each letter
histo = gg.apply(lambda x: x.count())

# Add a new column that is the count / total number of elements    
histo[1] = histo.astype(np.float)/len(g) 

print histo


   0         1
A  2  0.285714
B  1  0.142857
C  1  0.142857
D  2  0.285714
E  1  0.142857

Construct pandas DataFrame from list of tuples of (row,col,values)

You can pivot your DataFrame after creating:

>>> df = pd.DataFrame(data)
>>> df.pivot(index=0, columns=1, values=2)
# avg DataFrame
1      c1     c2
r1  avg11  avg12
r2  avg21  avg22
>>> df.pivot(index=0, columns=1, values=3)
# stdev DataFrame
1        c1       c2
r1  stdev11  stdev12
r2  stdev21  stdev22

Upgrading PHP in XAMPP for Windows?

There are newer beta versions of Xampp that come with newer PHP upgrades.

you should check at

PHP, pass array through POST

Edit If you are asking about security, see my addendum at the bottom Edit

PHP has a serialize function provided for this specific purpose. Pass it an array, and it will give you a string representation of it. When you want to convert it back to an array, you just use the unserialize function.

$data = array('one'=>1, 'two'=>2, 'three'=>33);
$dataString = serialize($data);
//send elsewhere
$data = unserialize($dataString);

This is often used by lazy coders to save data to a database. Not recommended, but works as a quick/dirty solution.


I was under the impression that you were looking for a way to send the data reliably, not "securely". No matter how you pass the data, if it is going through the users system, you cannot trust it at all. Generally, you should store it somewhere on the server & use a credential (cookie, session, password, etc) to look it up.

How can I get the DateTime for the start of the week?

   d = DateTime.Now;
            int dayofweek =(int) d.DayOfWeek;
            if (dayofweek != 0)
                d = d.AddDays(1 - dayofweek);
            else { d = d.AddDays(-6); }

Are global variables bad?

I think your professor is trying to stop a bad habit before it even starts.

Global variables have their place and like many people said knowing where and when to use them can be complicated. So I think rather than get into the nitty gritty of the why, how, when, and where of global variables your professor decided to just ban. Who knows, he might un-ban them in the future.

How can I remove a character from a string using JavaScript?

This is improvement of simpleigh answer (omit length)

s.slice(0, 4) + s.slice(5)

let s = "crt/r2002_2";
let o = s.slice(0, 4) + s.slice(5);
let delAtIdx = (s, i) => s.slice(0, i) + s.slice(i + 1); // this function remove letter at index i

console.log(delAtIdx(s, 4));

Decimal values in SQL for dividing results

Just another approach:

SELECT col1 * 1.0 / col2 FROM tbl1

Multiplying by 1.0 turns an integer into a float numeric(13,1) and so works like a typecast, but most probably it is slower than that.

A slightly shorter variation suggested by Aleksandr Fedorenko in a comment:

SELECT col1 * 1. / col2 FROM tbl1

The effect would be basically the same. The only difference is that the multiplication result in this case would be numeric(12,0).

Principal advantage: less wordy than other approaches.

What is the difference between MOV and LEA?

The difference is subtle but important. The MOV instruction is a 'MOVe' effectively a copy of the address that the TABLE-ADDR label stands for. The LEA instruction is a 'Load Effective Address' which is an indirected instruction, which means that TABLE-ADDR points to a memory location at which the address to load is found.

Effectively using LEA is equivalent to using pointers in languages such as C, as such it is a powerful instruction.

Does Java SE 8 have Pairs or Tuples?

Vavr (formerly called Javaslang) ( provides tuples (til size of 8) as well. Here is the javadoc:

This is a simple example:

Tuple2<Integer, String> entry = Tuple.of(1, "A");

Integer key = entry._1;
String value = entry._2;

Why JDK itself did not come with a simple kind of tuples til now is a mystery to me. Writing wrapper classes seems to be an every day business.

How to return dictionary keys as a list in Python?

Try list(newdict.keys()).

This will convert the dict_keys object to a list.

On the other hand, you should ask yourself whether or not it matters. The Pythonic way to code is to assume duck typing (if it looks like a duck and it quacks like a duck, it's a duck). The dict_keys object will act like a list for most purposes. For instance:

for key in newdict.keys():

Obviously, insertion operators may not work, but that doesn't make much sense for a list of dictionary keys anyway.

How do I find the MySQL my.cnf location

You will have to look through the various locations depending on your version of MySQL.

mysqld --help -verbose | grep my.cnf

For Homebrew:
/usr/local/Cellar/mysql/8.0.11/bin/mysqld (mysqld 8.0.11)

Default possible locations:

Found mine here: 

Splitting a Java String by the pipe symbol using split("|")

You need


split uses regular expression and in regex | is a metacharacter representing the OR operator. You need to escape that character using \ (written in String as "\\" since \ is also a metacharacter in String literals and require another \ to escape it).

You can also use


and let Pattern.quote create the escaped version of the regex representing |.

How to view query error in PDO PHP

I'm using this without any additional settings:

if (!$st->execute()) {

Repeat table headers in print mode

This is what the THEAD element is for. Official docs here.

Bootstrap: How do I identify the Bootstrap version?

Open package.json and look under dependencies. You should see:

  "dependencies": {
    "bootstrap-less": "^3.8.8"

for angular 5 and over

Difference Between ViewResult() and ActionResult()

In Controller i have specified the below code with ActionResult which is a base class that can have 11 subtypes in MVC like: ViewResult, PartialViewResult, EmptyResult, RedirectResult, RedirectToRouteResult, JsonResult, JavaScriptResult, ContentResult, FileContentResult, FileStreamResult, FilePathResult.

    public ActionResult Index()
                    if (HttpContext.Session["LoggedInUser"] == null)
                        return RedirectToAction("Login", "Home");

                        return View(); // returns ViewResult

//More Examples

    public ActionResult Index(string Name)
     ViewBag.Message = "Hello";
     return Redirect("Account/Login"); //returns RedirectResult

    public ActionResult Index(string Name)
    return RedirectToRoute("RouteName"); // returns RedirectToRouteResult

Likewise we can return all these 11 subtypes by using ActionResult() without specifying every subtype method explicitly. ActionResult is the best thing if you are returning different types of views.

Android set height and width of Custom view programmatically

This is a Kotlin based version, assuming that the parent view is an instance of LinearLayout.

someView.layoutParams = LinearLayout.LayoutParams(100, 200)

This allows to set the width and height (100 and 200) in a single line.

Safely casting long to int in Java

I claim that the obvious way to see whether casting a value changed the value would be to cast and check the result. I would, however, remove the unnecessary cast when comparing. I'm also not too keen on one letter variable names (exception x and y, but not when they mean row and column (sometimes respectively)).

public static int intValue(long value) {
    int valueInt = (int)value;
    if (valueInt != value) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
            "The long value "+value+" is not within range of the int type"
    return valueInt;

However, really I would want to avoid this conversion if at all possible. Obviously sometimes it's not possible, but in those cases IllegalArgumentException is almost certainly the wrong exception to be throwing as far as client code is concerned.

PHP how to get the base domain/url?

This works fine if you want the http protocol also since it could be http or https. $domainURL = $_SERVER['REQUEST_SCHEME']."://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];

Split string based on regex

Your question contains the string literal "\b[A-Z]{2,}\b", but that \b will mean backspace, because there is no r-modifier.

Try: r"\b[A-Z]{2,}\b".

Combine two ActiveRecord::Relation objects

There is a gem called active_record_union that might be what you are looking for.

It's example usages is the following:

current_user.posts.union(Post.published).where(id: [6, 7])
current_user.posts.union("published_at < ?",

Printing leading 0's in C

sprintf(mystring, "%05d", myInt);

Here, "05" says "use 5 digits with leading zeros".

how to start the tomcat server in linux?

The command you have typed is /, if you have to start a shell script you have to fire the command as shown below:

$ cd /home/mpatil/softwares/apache-tomcat-7.0.47/bin
$ sh 
$ ./ 

Please try that, you also have to go to your tomcat's bin-folder (by using the cd-command) to execute this shell script. In your case this is /home/mpatil/softwares/apache-tomcat-7.0.47/bin.

How can I select an element in a component template?

import { Component, ElementRef, OnInit } from '@angular/core';

   <input (input)="updateName($">
   <p> My name : {{ myName }}</p>
class DisplayComponent implements OnInit {
  constructor(public element: ElementRef) {
    this.element.nativeElement // <- your direct element reference 
  ngOnInit() {
    var el = this.element.nativeElement;
  updateName(value) {
    // ...

Example updated to work with the latest version

For more details on native element, here

Match multiline text using regular expression

This has nothing to do with the MULTILINE flag; what you're seeing is the difference between the find() and matches() methods. find() succeeds if a match can be found anywhere in the target string, while matches() expects the regex to match the entire string.

Pattern p = Pattern.compile("xyz");

Matcher m = p.matcher("123xyzabc");
System.out.println(m.find());    // true
System.out.println(m.matches()); // false

Matcher m = p.matcher("xyz");
System.out.println(m.matches()); // true

Furthermore, MULTILINE doesn't mean what you think it does. Many people seem to jump to the conclusion that you have to use that flag if your target string contains newlines--that is, if it contains multiple logical lines. I've seen several answers here on SO to that effect, but in fact, all that flag does is change the behavior of the anchors, ^ and $.

Normally ^ matches the very beginning of the target string, and $ matches the very end (or before a newline at the end, but we'll leave that aside for now). But if the string contains newlines, you can choose for ^ and $ to match at the start and end of any logical line, not just the start and end of the whole string, by setting the MULTILINE flag.

So forget about what MULTILINE means and just remember what it does: changes the behavior of the ^ and $ anchors. DOTALL mode was originally called "single-line" (and still is in some flavors, including Perl and .NET), and it has always caused similar confusion. We're fortunate that the Java devs went with the more descriptive name in that case, but there was no reasonable alternative for "multiline" mode.

In Perl, where all this madness started, they've admitted their mistake and gotten rid of both "multiline" and "single-line" modes in Perl 6 regexes. In another twenty years, maybe the rest of the world will have followed suit.

Parsing command-line arguments in C

And there's a Google library available.

Really, command-line parsing is "solved." Just pick one.

Bash integer comparison

I know this has been answered, but here's mine just because I think case is an under-appreciated tool. (Maybe because people think it is slow, but it's at least as fast as an if, sometimes faster.)

case "$1" in
    0|1) xinput set-prop 12 "Device Enabled" $1 ;;
      *) echo "This script requires a 1 or 0 as first parameter." ;;

Drop a temporary table if it exists

From SQL Server 2016 you can just use


On previous versions you can use

/*Then it exists*/
   client_id INT

You could also consider truncating the table instead rather than dropping and recreating.

     client_id INT

select count(*) from table of mysql in php

With mysql v5.7.20, here is how I was able to get the row count from a table using PHP v7.0.22:

$query = "select count(*) from bigtable";
$qresult = mysqli_query($this->conn, $query);
$row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($qresult);
$count = $row["count(*)"];
echo $count;

The third line will return a structure that looks like this:

array(1) {
   ["count(*)"]=>string(4) "1570"

In which case the ending echo statement will return:


Laravel 5 Application Key

For me the problem was in that I had not yet ran composer update for this new project/fork. The command failed silently, nothing happened.

After running composer update it worked.

Notepad++ change text color?

You can use the "User-Defined Language" option available at the notepad++. You do not need to do the xml-based hacks, where the formatting would be available only in the searched window, with the formatting rules.

Sample for your reference here.

JQuery datepicker not working

For me.. the problem was that the anchor needs a title, and that was missing!

Limiting the number of characters in a JTextField

It's weird that the Swing toolkit doesn't include this functionality, but here's the best answer to your question:

    textField = new JTextField();
    textField.addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter() {
        public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) {
            if (txtGuess.getText().length() >= 3 ) // limit to 3 characters

I use this in a fun guessing game example in my course "Learn Java Like a Kid". Cheers - Bryson

How to switch text case in visual studio code

Echoing justanotherdev's comment:

Mind-blowing and useful:

  1. Command Palette: CTRL + SHIFT + p (Mac: CMD + SHIFT + p)
  2. type >transform pick upper/lower case and press enter

enter image description here

View contents of database file in Android Studio

Its a combination from other answers with a plus

  1. Install DB Browser for SQLite
  2. Get the exact location from Device File Explorer for MyBase.db something like "/data/data/com.whatever.myapp/databases/MyBase.db"
  3. Set the project window from Android to Project - so you can see the files (build.gradle,,...etc)
  4. In Project window right click and chose Open in Terminal
  5. In terminal you are now in the root director of your application from the hardisk so execute: adb pull /data/data/com.whatever.myapp/databases/MyBase.db
  6. Now on the Project window of you Android Studio you have a file "MyBase.db"
  7. Double click your db file from Project and you can now browse/edit your databases in DB Browser
  8. When you are ready just do Write Changes in DB Browser so databases are saved on hardisk
  9. In terminal with the command: adb push MyBase.db /data/data/com.whatever.myapp/databases/MyBase.db you just send from the Hardisk to device the edited database.

C linked list inserting node at the end

After you malloc a node make sure to set node->next = NULL.

int addNodeBottom(int val, node *head)
    node *current = head;
    node *newNode = (node *) malloc(sizeof(node));
    if (newNode == NULL) {
        printf("malloc failed\n");

    newNode->value = val;
    newNode->next = NULL;

    while (current->next) {
        current = current->next;
    current->next = newNode;
    return 0;

I should point out that with this version the head is still used as a dummy, not used for storing a value. This lets you represent an empty list by having just a head node.

What is the difference between Digest and Basic Authentication?

Basic Authentication use base 64 Encoding for generating cryptographic string which contains the information of username and password.

Digest Access Authentication uses the hashing methodologies to generate the cryptographic result

Error:Execution failed for task ':app:transformClassesWithDexForDebug' in android studio

i have tried this one for more projects and it worked for me. note that solution can configure your app for multidex:

android {
     compileSdkVersion 25
     buildToolsVersion "25.0.1"

     defaultConfig {
           minSdkVersion 9
           targetSdkVersion 25

     buildTypes {
          release {
              shrinkResources true
              minifyEnabled true
              proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules.txt'

 dependencies {
       compile ''
       compile ''

How to initialize array to 0 in C?

Global variables and static variables are automatically initialized to zero. If you have simply

char ZEROARRAY[1024];

at global scope it will be all zeros at runtime. But actually there is a shorthand syntax if you had a local array. If an array is partially initialized, elements that are not initialized receive the value 0 of the appropriate type. You could write:

char ZEROARRAY[1024] = {0};

The compiler would fill the unwritten entries with zeros. Alternatively you could use memset to initialize the array at program startup:

memset(ZEROARRAY, 0, 1024);

That would be useful if you had changed it and wanted to reset it back to all zeros.

How to import a module given the full path?

Create python module

import sys
from tes1 import Client1
from tes2 import Client2
import tes3

Create python module

from test import Client1
from test import Client2
from test import test3

We can import the imported module from module.

Java FileOutputStream Create File if not exists

Before creating a file, it's needed to create all the parent's directories.

Use yourFile.getParentFile().mkdirs()

How to check for a valid Base64 encoded string

Knibb High football rules!

This should be relatively fast and accurate but I admit I didn't put it through a thorough test, just a few.

It avoids expensive exceptions, regex, and also avoids looping through a character set, instead using ascii ranges for validation.

public static bool IsBase64String(string s)
        s = s.Trim();
        int mod4 = s.Length % 4;
            return false;
        int i=0;
        bool checkPadding = false;
        int paddingCount = 1;//only applies when the first is encountered.
            char c = s[i];
            if (checkPadding)
                if (c != '=')
                    return false;
                if (paddingCount > 3)
                    return false;
            if(c>='A' && c<='z' || c>='0' && c<='9'){
              case '+':
              case '/':
              case '=': 
                 checkPadding = true;
            return false;
        //if here
        //, length was correct
        //, there were no invalid characters
        //, padding was correct
        return true;

sql set variable using COUNT

You can use SELECT as lambacck said or add parentheses:

SET @times = (SELECT COUNT(DidWin)as "I Win"
FROM thetable
WHERE DidWin = 1 AND Playername='Me');

super() in Java

For example, in selenium automation, you have a PageObject which can use its parent's constructor like this:

public class DeveloperSteps extends ScenarioSteps {

public DeveloperSteps(Pages pages) {

Object Required Error in excel VBA

The Set statement is only used for object variables (like Range, Cell or Worksheet in Excel), while the simple equal sign '=' is used for elementary datatypes like Integer. You can find a good explanation for when to use set here.

The other problem is, that your variable g1val isn't actually declared as Integer, but has the type Variant. This is because the Dim statement doesn't work the way you would expect it, here (see example below). The variable has to be followed by its type right away, otherwise its type will default to Variant. You can only shorten your Dim statement this way:

Dim intColumn As Integer, intRow As Integer  'This creates two integers

For this reason, you will see the "Empty" instead of the expected "0" in the Watches window.

Try this example to understand the difference:

Sub Dimming()

  Dim thisBecomesVariant, thisIsAnInteger As Integer
  Dim integerOne As Integer, integerTwo As Integer

  MsgBox TypeName(thisBecomesVariant)  'Will display "Empty"
  MsgBox TypeName(thisIsAnInteger )  'Will display "Integer"
  MsgBox TypeName(integerOne )  'Will display "Integer"
  MsgBox TypeName(integerTwo )  'Will display "Integer"

  'By assigning an Integer value to a Variant it becomes Integer, too
  thisBecomesVariant = 0
  MsgBox TypeName(thisBecomesVariant)  'Will display "Integer"

End Sub

Two further notices on your code:

First remark: Instead of writing

'If g1val is bigger than the value in the current cell
If g1val > Cells(33, i).Value Then
  g1val = g1val   'Don't change g1val
  g1val = Cells(33, i).Value  'Otherwise set g1val to the cell's value
End If

you could simply write

'If g1val is smaller or equal than the value in the current cell
If g1val <= Cells(33, i).Value Then
  g1val = Cells(33, i).Value  'Set g1val to the cell's value 
End If

Since you don't want to change g1val in the other case.

Second remark: I encourage you to use Option Explicit when programming, to prevent typos in your program. You will then have to declare all variables and the compiler will give you a warning if a variable is unknown.

JSchException: Algorithm negotiation fail

add KexAlgorithms diffie-hellman-group1-sha1,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha??1 to your sshd_config on the server.

This worked, but make sure you restart sshd: sudo service sshd restart

Tooltip with HTML content without JavaScript

This one is very interesting,

HTML and CSS only

.help-tip {_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  top: 18px;_x000D_
  left: 18px;_x000D_
  text-align: center;_x000D_
  background-color: #BCDBEA;_x000D_
  border-radius: 50%;_x000D_
  width: 24px;_x000D_
  height: 24px;_x000D_
  font-size: 14px;_x000D_
  line-height: 26px;_x000D_
  cursor: default;_x000D_
.help-tip:before {_x000D_
  content: '?';_x000D_
  font-weight: bold;_x000D_
  color: #fff;_x000D_
.help-tip:hover span {_x000D_
  display: block;_x000D_
  transform-origin: 100% 0%;_x000D_
  -webkit-animation: fadeIn 0.3s ease-in-out;_x000D_
  animation: fadeIn 0.3s ease-in-out;_x000D_
.help-tip span {_x000D_
  display: none;_x000D_
  text-align: left;_x000D_
  background-color: #1E2021;_x000D_
  padding: 5px;_x000D_
  width: 200px;_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  border-radius: 3px;_x000D_
  box-shadow: 1px 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);_x000D_
  left: -4px;_x000D_
  color: #FFF;_x000D_
  font-size: 13px;_x000D_
  line-height: 1.4;_x000D_
.help-tip span:before {_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  content: '';_x000D_
  width: 0;_x000D_
  height: 0;_x000D_
  border: 6px solid transparent;_x000D_
  border-bottom-color: #1E2021;_x000D_
  left: 10px;_x000D_
  top: -12px;_x000D_
.help-tip span:after {_x000D_
  width: 100%;_x000D_
  height: 40px;_x000D_
  content: '';_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  top: -40px;_x000D_
  left: 0;_x000D_
<span class="help-tip">_x000D_
     <span > This is the inline help tip! </span>_x000D_

jquery equivalent for JSON.stringify

There is no such functionality in jQuery. Use JSON.stringify or alternatively any jQuery plugin with similar functionality (e.g jquery-json).

How to call Android contacts list?

I am using this method to read Contacts

public static List<ContactItem> readPhoneContacts(Context context) {
        List<ContactItem> contactItems = new ArrayList<ContactItem>();
        try {
            Cursor cursor = context.getContentResolver().query(ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI, null,
                    null, null, "upper("+ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.DISPLAY_NAME + ") ASC");

                    ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.CONTACT_ID+ " = ?",
                    new String[] { id },
                    ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.DISPLAY_NAME+" ASC");*/

            Integer contactsCount = cursor.getCount(); // get how many contacts you have in your contacts list
            if (contactsCount > 0) {
                while (cursor.moveToNext()) {

                    String id = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(ContactsContract.Contacts._ID));
                    String contactName = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME));
                    if (Integer.parseInt(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(ContactsContract.Contacts.HAS_PHONE_NUMBER))) > 0) {
                        ContactItem contactItem = new ContactItem();
                        //the below cursor will give you details for multiple contacts
                        Cursor pCursor = context.getContentResolver().query(ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.CONTENT_URI, null,
                                ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.CONTACT_ID + " = ?",
                                new String[]{id}, null);
                        // continue till this cursor reaches to all phone numbers which are associated with a contact in the contact list
                        while (pCursor.moveToNext()) {
                            int phoneType = pCursor.getInt(pCursor.getColumnIndex(ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.TYPE));
                            //String isStarred      = pCur.getString(pCur.getColumnIndex(ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.STARRED));
                            String phoneNo = pCursor.getString(pCursor.getColumnIndex(ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.NUMBER));
                            //you will get all phone numbers according to it's type as below switch case.
                            //Logs.e will print the phone number along with the name in DDMS. you can use these details where ever you want.
                            switch (phoneType) {
                                case Phone.TYPE_MOBILE:
                                    Log.e(contactName + ": TYPE_MOBILE", " " + phoneNo);
                                case ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.TYPE_HOME:
                                    Log.e(contactName + ": TYPE_HOME", " " + phoneNo);
                                case ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.TYPE_WORK:
                                    Log.e(contactName + ": TYPE_WORK", " " + phoneNo);
                                case ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.TYPE_WORK_MOBILE:
                                    Log.e(contactName + ": TYPE_WORK_MOBILE", " " + phoneNo);
                                case Phone.TYPE_OTHER:
                                    Log.e(contactName + ": TYPE_OTHER", " " + phoneNo);

        } catch (Exception ex) {

        return contactItems;

Psql could not connect to server: No such file or directory, 5432 error?

The same thing happened to me as I had changed something in the /etc/hosts file. After changing it back to localhost it worked for me.

How to correctly catch change/focusOut event on text input in React.js?

You'd need to be careful as onBlur has some caveats in IE11 (How to use relatedTarget (or equivalent) in IE?,

There is, however, no way to use onFocusOut in React as far as I can tell. See the issue on their github if you need more information.

Check if enum exists in Java

Just use valueOf() method. If the value doesn't exist, it throws IllegalArgumentException and you can catch it like that:

      boolean isSettingCodeValid = true;

       try {
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            // throw custom exception or change the isSettingCodeValid value
            isSettingCodeValid = false;

Find index of a value in an array

For arrays you can use: Array.FindIndex<T>:

int keyIndex = Array.FindIndex(words, w => w.IsKey);

For lists you can use List<T>.FindIndex:

int keyIndex = words.FindIndex(w => w.IsKey);

You can also write a generic extension method that works for any Enumerable<T>:

///<summary>Finds the index of the first item matching an expression in an enumerable.</summary>
///<param name="items">The enumerable to search.</param>
///<param name="predicate">The expression to test the items against.</param>
///<returns>The index of the first matching item, or -1 if no items match.</returns>
public static int FindIndex<T>(this IEnumerable<T> items, Func<T, bool> predicate) {
    if (items == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("items");
    if (predicate == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("predicate");

    int retVal = 0;
    foreach (var item in items) {
        if (predicate(item)) return retVal;
    return -1;

And you can use LINQ as well:

int keyIndex = words
    .Select((v, i) => new {Word = v, Index = i})
    .FirstOrDefault(x => x.Word.IsKey)?.Index ?? -1;

input checkbox true or checked or yes

Only checked and checked="checked" are valid. Your other options depend on error recovery in browsers.

checked="yes" and checked="true" are particularly bad as they imply that checked="no" and checked="false" will set the default state to be unchecked … which they will not.

How to configure Eclipse build path to use Maven dependencies?

if you execute

mvn eclipse:clean

followed by

mvn eclipse:eclipse

if will prepare the eclipse .classpath file for you. That is, these commands are run against maven from the command line i.e. outside of eclipse.

Connecting to SQL Server with Visual Studio Express Editions

You should be able to choose the SQL Server Database file option to get the right kind of database (the provider), and then manually correct the connection string to point to your db.

I think the reasoning behind those db choices probably goes something like this:

  • If you're using the Express Edition, and you're not using Visual Web Developer, you're probably building a desktop program.
  • If you're building a desktop program, and you're using the express edition, you're probably a hobbyist or uISV-er working at home rather than doing development for a corporation.
  • If you're not developing for a corporation, your app is probably destined for the end-user and your data store is probably going on their local machine.
  • You really shouldn't be deploying server-class databases to end-user desktops. An in-process db like Sql Server Compact or MS Access is much more appropriate.

However, this logic doesn't quite hold. Even if each of those 4 points is true 90% of the time, by the time you apply all four of them it only applies to ~65% of your audience, which means up to 35% of the express market might legitimately want to talk to a server-class db, and that's a significant group. And so, the simplified (greedy) version:

  • A real db server (and the hardware to run it) costs real money. If you have access to that, you ought to be able to afford at least the standard edition of visual studio.

jquery - fastest way to remove all rows from a very large table

Using detach is magnitudes faster than any of the other answers here:


Don't forget to put the tbody element back into the table since detach removed it:


Also note that when talking efficiency $(target).find(child) syntax is faster than $(target > child). Why? Sizzle!

Elapsed Time to Empty 3,161 Table Rows

Using the Detach() method (as shown in my example above):

  • Firefox: 0.027s
  • Chrome: 0.027s
  • Edge: 1.73s
  • IE11: 4.02s

Using the empty() method:

  • Firefox: 0.055s
  • Chrome: 0.052s
  • Edge: 137.99s (might as well be frozen)
  • IE11: Freezes and never returns

PHP - Merging two arrays into one array (also Remove Duplicates)

It will merger two array and remove duplicate

 $first = 'your first array';
 $second = 'your second array';
 $result = array_merge($first,$second);
 $result1= array_unique($result);

Try this link link1

Can I pass an array as arguments to a method with variable arguments in Java?

It's ok to pass an array - in fact it amounts to the same thing

String.format("%s %s", "hello", "world!");

is the same as

String.format("%s %s", new Object[] { "hello", "world!"});

It's just syntactic sugar - the compiler converts the first one into the second, since the underlying method is expecting an array for the vararg parameter.


failed to push some refs to [email protected]

If you want to push commit on git repository, plz make sure you have merged all commit from other branches.

After merging if you are unable to push commit, Use the push command with -f

git push -f origin branch-name

Where origin is the name of your remote repo.

How to change color of the back arrow in the new material theme?

The simplest (and best) way to change the color of the back/up-arrow. Best part is that there are no side-effects (unlike the other answers)!

  • Create a style with parent Widget.AppCompat.DrawerArrowToggle, define the color and any other attributes you'd like.
  • Set the style on the drawerArrowStyle attribute in the apps Theme.

Create style:

<style name="DrawerArrowStyle" parent="Widget.AppCompat.DrawerArrowToggle">
    <!--        Set that the nav buttons will animate-->
    <item name="spinBars">true</item>
    <!--        Set the color of the up arrow / hamburger button-->
    <item name="color">@color/white</item>

Set the style in App Theme:

<!-- Base application theme. -->
<style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.MaterialComponents.Light.NoActionBar">
    <item name="colorPrimary">@color/colorPrimary</item>
    <item name="colorPrimaryDark">@color/colorPrimaryDark</item>
    <item name="colorAccent">@color/colorAccent</item>

    <!--  Change global up-arrow color with no side-effects    -->
    <item name="drawerArrowStyle">@style/DrawerArrowStyle</item>

To change the ToolBar text color (and other attributes), create this style:

<style name="ToolbarStyle" parent="Widget.AppCompat.Toolbar">
    <item name="android:textColor">@color/white</item>
    <item name="titleTextColor">@color/white</item>
    <item name="colorControlNormal">@color/white</item> <!-- colorControlNormal is Probably not necessary    -->

Then set that style on the AppTheme:

<!-- Base application theme. -->
<style name="AppTheme.MyProduceApp" parent="Theme.MaterialComponents.Light.NoActionBar.Bridge">
    <item name="colorPrimary">@color/colorPrimary</item>
    <item name="colorPrimaryDark">@color/colorPrimaryDark</item>
    <item name="colorAccent">@color/colorAccent</item>

    <!--  Style the toolbar (mostly the color of the text) -->
    <item name="toolbarStyle">@style/ToolbarStyle</item>
    <!--  Change color of up-arrow    -->
    <item name="drawerArrowStyle">@style/DrawerArrowStyle</item>

JSON library for C#

The .net framework supports JSON through JavaScriptSerializer. Here is a good example to get you started.

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Web.Script.Serialization;

namespace GoogleTranslator.GoogleJSON
    public class FooTest
        public void Test()
            const string json = @"{
              ""DisplayFieldName"" : ""ObjectName"", 
              ""FieldAliases"" : {
                ""ObjectName"" : ""ObjectName"", 
                ""ObjectType"" : ""ObjectType""
              ""PositionType"" : ""Point"", 
              ""Reference"" : {
                ""Id"" : 1111
              ""Objects"" : [
                  ""Attributes"" : {
                    ""ObjectName"" : ""test name"", 
                    ""ObjectType"" : ""test type""
                  ""Position"" : 
                    ""X"" : 5, 
                    ""Y"" : 7

            var ser = new JavaScriptSerializer();

    public class Foo
        public Foo() { Objects = new List<SubObject>(); }
        public string DisplayFieldName { get; set; }
        public NameTypePair FieldAliases { get; set; }
        public PositionType PositionType { get; set; }
        public Ref Reference { get; set; }
        public List<SubObject> Objects { get; set; }

    public class NameTypePair
        public string ObjectName { get; set; }
        public string ObjectType { get; set; }

    public enum PositionType { None, Point }
    public class Ref
        public int Id { get; set; }

    public class SubObject
        public NameTypePair Attributes { get; set; }
        public Position Position { get; set; }

    public class Position
        public int X { get; set; }
        public int Y { get; set; }

How to handle anchor hash linking in AngularJS

I am not 100% sure if this works all the time, but in my application this gives me the expected behavior.

Lets say you are on ABOUT page and you have the following route:

    function($routeProvider) {
            when('/about', {
                templateUrl: 'about.html',
                controller: 'AboutCtrl'
                redirectTo: '/'

Now, in you HTML

    <li><a href="#/about#tab1">First Part</a></li>
    <li><a href="#/about#tab2">Second Part</a></li>
    <li><a href="#/about#tab3">Third Part</a></li>                      

<div id="tab1">1</div>
<div id="tab2">2</div>
<div id="tab3">3</div>

In conclusion

Including the page name before the anchor did the trick for me. Let me know about your thoughts.


This will re-render the page and then scroll to the anchor.


A better way is to add the following:

<a href="#tab1" onclick="return false;">First Part</a>

Centering a background image, using CSS

There's an error in your code. You're using a mix of full syntax and shorthand notation on the background-image property.This is causing the no-repeat to be ignored, since it's not a valid value for the background-image property.

    background-image:url(../images/images2.jpg) no-repeat;

Should become one of the following:

    background:url(../images/images2.jpg) center center no-repeat;


    background-image: url(path-to-file/img.jpg);
    background-position: center center;

EDIT: For your image 'scaling' issue, you might want to look at this question's answer.