[windows] How to connect to MongoDB in Windows?

I'm trying to run Mongo from the Command-Line: What's wrong? (I've IIS on localhost:80). And Apache on port 8080. Are there any issues with this?

C:\MONGO\Project1\mongo\bin>mongo --port 27017
MongoDB shell version: 2.0.3
connecting to:
Sat Mar 10 16:16:45 Error: couldn't connect to server shell/mong
exception: connect failed

This question is related to windows mongodb

The answer is

For this error, if you are using windows 7 or windows server 2008 R2, the problem could be that you have to install a microsoft hotfix.

Refer to this link: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/2731284

If you are getting these type of errors when running mongod from command line or running mongodb server, enter image description here
then follow these steps,

  1. Create db and log directories in C: drive
    C:/data/db and C:data/log
  2. Create an empty log file in log dir named mongo.log
  3. Run mongod from command line to run the mongodb server or create a batch file on desktop which can run the mongod.exe file from your mongodb installation direction. That way you just have to click the batch file from your desktop and mongodb will start.
  4. If you have 32-bit system, try using --journal with mongod command.

I found that when I got this error it wasn't because I didn't have my default db path set up. It was because I was trying to run mongo.exe before running mongod.exe.


  1. Create default db folder.


    and also log folder


    or use following commands in command-prompt

    mkdir c:\data\log    
    mkdir c:\data\db
  2. Create config file in bin folder of mongo (or you may in save your desired destination).

    Add following in text file named "mongod" and save it as

    or use following commands in command-prompt

    echo dbpath=c:\data\db>> "mongod.cfg"
    echo logpath=c:\data\log\mongo.log>> "mongod.cfg"
  3. Now open command-prompt (administrator) and run the following command to start mongo server

  4. Open another command-prompt (don't close 1st prompt) and run client command:


Hope this will help or you have done this already.

  1. As Admin, create directory:

    mkdir c:\mongo\data\db
  2. As Admin, install service:

    .\mongod.exe --install --logpath c:\mongo\logs --logappend --bind_ip --dbpath c:\mongo\data\db --directoryperdb
  3. Start MongoDB:

    net start MongoDB
  4. Start Mongo Shell:


Steps to start a certain local MongoDB instance and to connect to in from NodeJS app:

  1. Create mongod.cfg for a new database using the path C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.0\mongod.cfg with the content

      destination: file
      path: C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.0\log\mongod.log
      dbPath: C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.0\data\db
  2. Install mongoDB database by running

    mongod.exe --config "C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.0\mongod.cfg" --install

  3. Run a particular mongoDB database

    mongod.exe --config "C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.0\mongod.cfg"

  4. Run mongoDB service


    and !see mongoDB actual connection string to coonect to the service from NodeJS app

    MongoDB shell version v4.0.9
    connecting to: mongodb://
    Implicit session: session { "id" : UUID("c7ed5ab4-c64e-4bb8-aad0-ab4736406c03") }
    MongoDB server version: 4.0.9
    Server has startup warnings:

Create default db folder.


and also log folder


or use following commands in command-prompt

mkdir c:\data\log    
mkdir c:\data\db

  1. Go to C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.4\bin using cmd and write mongod.
  2. Open another cmd by right click and run as admin point to your monogodb installed directory as mentioned above and then just like write this mongo.exe
  3. After that, write db.test.save({Field:'Hello mongodb'}) this command will insert a field having name Field and value is Hello mongodb.
  4. After, check the record db.test.find() and press enter you will find the record that you have recently entered.

you can use below command,

mongod --dbpath=D:\home\mongodata

where D:\home\mongodata is the data storage path

The error occurs when trying to run mongo.exe WITHOUT having executed mongod.exe. The following batch script solved the problem:

@echo off
cd C:\mongodb\bin\
start mongod.exe
start mongo.exe

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