[java] At runtime, find all classes in a Java application that extend a base class

I want to do something like this:

List<Animal> animals = new ArrayList<Animal>();

for( Class c: list_of_all_classes_available_to_my_app() )
   if (c is Animal)
      animals.add( new c() );

So, I want to look at all of the classes in my application's universe, and when I find one that descends from Animal, I want to create a new object of that type and add it to the list. This allows me to add functionality without having to update a list of things. I can avoid the following:

List<Animal> animals = new ArrayList<Animal>();
animals.add( new Dog() );
animals.add( new Cat() );
animals.add( new Donkey() );

With the above approach, I can simply create a new class that extends Animal and it'll get picked up automatically.

UPDATE: 10/16/2008 9:00 a.m. Pacific Standard Time:

This question has generated a lot of great responses -- thank you. From the responses and my research, I've found that what I really want to do is just not possible under Java. There are approaches, such as ddimitrov's ServiceLoader mechanism that can work -- but they are very heavy for what I want, and I believe I simply move the problem from Java code to an external configuration file. Update 5/10/19 (11 years later!) There are now several libraries that can help with this according to @IvanNik's answer org.reflections looks good. Also ClassGraph from @Luke Hutchison's answer looks interesting. There are several more possibilities in the answers as well.

Another way to state what I want: a static function in my Animal class finds and instantiates all classes that inherit from Animal -- without any further configuration/coding. If I have to configure, I might as well just instantiate them in the Animal class anyway. I understand that because a Java program is just a loose federation of .class files that that's just the way it is.

Interestingly, it seems this is fairly trivial in C#.

This question is related to java reflection inheritance

The answer is

One way is to make the classes use a static initializers... I don't think these are inherited (it won't work if they are):

public class Dog extends Animal{

   Animal a = new Dog();
   //add a to the List

It requires you to add this code to all of the classes involved. But it avoids having a big ugly loop somewhere, testing every class searching for children of Animal.

You could use ResolverUtil (raw source) from the Stripes Framework
if you need something simple and quick without refactoring any existing code.

Here's a simple example not having loaded any of the classes:

package test;

import java.util.Set;
import net.sourceforge.stripes.util.ResolverUtil;

public class BaseClassTest {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        ResolverUtil<Animal> resolver = new ResolverUtil<Animal>();
        resolver.findImplementations(Animal.class, "test");
        Set<Class<? extends Animal>> classes = resolver.getClasses();

        for (Class<? extends Animal> clazz : classes) {

class Animal {}
class Dog extends Animal {}
class Cat extends Animal {}
class Donkey extends Animal {}

This also works in an application server as well since that's where it was designed to work ;)

The code basically does the following:

  • iterate over all the resources in the package(s) you specify
  • keep only the resources ending in .class
  • Load those classes using ClassLoader#loadClass(String fullyQualifiedName)
  • Checks if Animal.class.isAssignableFrom(loadedClass);

I solved this problem pretty elegantly using Package Level Annotations and then making that annotation have as an argument a list of classes.

Find Java classes implementing an interface

Implementations just have to create a package-info.java and put the magic annotation in with the list of classes they want to support.

Think about this from an aspect-oriented point of view; what you want to do, really, is know all the classes at runtime that HAVE extended the Animal class. (I think that's a slightly more accurate description of your problem than your title; otherwise, I don't think you have a runtime question.)

So what I think you want is to create a constructor of your base class (Animal) which adds to your static array (I prefer ArrayLists, myself, but to each their own) the type of the current Class which is being instantiated.

So, roughly;

public abstract class Animal
    private static ArrayList<Class> instantiatedDerivedTypes;
    public Animal() {
        Class derivedClass = this.getClass();
        if (!instantiatedDerivedClass.contains(derivedClass)) {

Of course, you'll need a static constructor on Animal to initialize instantiatedDerivedClass... I think this'll do what you probably want. Note that this is execution-path dependent; if you have a Dog class that derives from Animal that never gets invoked, you won't have it in your Animal Class list.

Java dynamically loads classes, so your universe of classes would be only those that have already been loaded (and not yet unloaded). Perhaps you can do something with a custom class loader that could check the supertypes of each loaded class. I don't think there's an API to query the set of loaded classes.

Using OpenPojo you can do the following:

String package = "com.mycompany";
List<Animal> animals = new ArrayList<Animal>();

for(PojoClass pojoClass : PojoClassFactory.enumerateClassesByExtendingType(package, Animal.class, null) {
  animals.add((Animal) InstanceFactory.getInstance(pojoClass));

Java dynamically loads classes, so your universe of classes would be only those that have already been loaded (and not yet unloaded). Perhaps you can do something with a custom class loader that could check the supertypes of each loaded class. I don't think there's an API to query the set of loaded classes.

Think about this from an aspect-oriented point of view; what you want to do, really, is know all the classes at runtime that HAVE extended the Animal class. (I think that's a slightly more accurate description of your problem than your title; otherwise, I don't think you have a runtime question.)

So what I think you want is to create a constructor of your base class (Animal) which adds to your static array (I prefer ArrayLists, myself, but to each their own) the type of the current Class which is being instantiated.

So, roughly;

public abstract class Animal
    private static ArrayList<Class> instantiatedDerivedTypes;
    public Animal() {
        Class derivedClass = this.getClass();
        if (!instantiatedDerivedClass.contains(derivedClass)) {

Of course, you'll need a static constructor on Animal to initialize instantiatedDerivedClass... I think this'll do what you probably want. Note that this is execution-path dependent; if you have a Dog class that derives from Animal that never gets invoked, you won't have it in your Animal Class list.

Thanks all who answered this question.

It seems this is indeed a tough nut to crack. I ended up giving up and creating a static array and getter in my baseclass.

public abstract class Animal{
    private static Animal[] animals= null;
    public static Animal[] getAnimals(){
        if (animals==null){
            animals = new Animal[]{
                new Dog(),
                new Cat(),
                new Lion()
        return animals;

It seems that Java just isn't set up for self-discoverability the way C# is. I suppose the problem is that since a Java app is just a collection of .class files out in a directory / jar file somewhere, the runtime doesn't know about a class until it's referenced. At that time the loader loads it -- what I'm trying to do is discover it before I reference it which is not possible without going out to the file system and looking.

I always like code that can discover itself instead of me having to tell it about itself, but alas this works too.

Thanks again!

This is a tough problem and you will need to find out this information using static analysis, its not available easily at runtime. Basically get the classpath of your app and scan through the available classes and read the bytecode information of a class which class it inherits from. Note that a class Dog may not directly inherit from Animal but might inherit from Pet which is turn inherits from Animal,so you will need to keep track of that hierarchy.

The most robust mechanism for listing all subclasses of a given class is currently ClassGraph, because it handles the widest possible array of classpath specification mechanisms, including the new JPMS module system. (I am the author.)

List<Class<Animal>> animals;
try (ScanResult scanResult = new ClassGraph().whitelistPackages("com.zoo.animals")
        .enableClassInfo().scan()) {
    animals = scanResult

This is a tough problem and you will need to find out this information using static analysis, its not available easily at runtime. Basically get the classpath of your app and scan through the available classes and read the bytecode information of a class which class it inherits from. Note that a class Dog may not directly inherit from Animal but might inherit from Pet which is turn inherits from Animal,so you will need to keep track of that hierarchy.

You could use ResolverUtil (raw source) from the Stripes Framework
if you need something simple and quick without refactoring any existing code.

Here's a simple example not having loaded any of the classes:

package test;

import java.util.Set;
import net.sourceforge.stripes.util.ResolverUtil;

public class BaseClassTest {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        ResolverUtil<Animal> resolver = new ResolverUtil<Animal>();
        resolver.findImplementations(Animal.class, "test");
        Set<Class<? extends Animal>> classes = resolver.getClasses();

        for (Class<? extends Animal> clazz : classes) {

class Animal {}
class Dog extends Animal {}
class Cat extends Animal {}
class Donkey extends Animal {}

This also works in an application server as well since that's where it was designed to work ;)

The code basically does the following:

  • iterate over all the resources in the package(s) you specify
  • keep only the resources ending in .class
  • Load those classes using ClassLoader#loadClass(String fullyQualifiedName)
  • Checks if Animal.class.isAssignableFrom(loadedClass);

One way is to make the classes use a static initializers... I don't think these are inherited (it won't work if they are):

public class Dog extends Animal{

   Animal a = new Dog();
   //add a to the List

It requires you to add this code to all of the classes involved. But it avoids having a big ugly loop somewhere, testing every class searching for children of Animal.

Unfortunately this isn't entirely possible as the ClassLoader won't tell you what classes are available. You can, however, get fairly close doing something like this:

for (String classpathEntry : System.getProperty("java.class.path").split(System.getProperty("path.separator"))) {
    if (classpathEntry.endsWith(".jar")) {
        File jar = new File(classpathEntry);

        JarInputStream is = new JarInputStream(new FileInputStream(jar));

        JarEntry entry;
        while( (entry = is.getNextJarEntry()) != null) {
            if(entry.getName().endsWith(".class")) {
                // Class.forName(entry.getName()) and check
                //   for implementation of the interface

Edit: johnstok is correct (in the comments) that this only works for standalone Java applications, and won't work under an application server.

This is a tough problem and you will need to find out this information using static analysis, its not available easily at runtime. Basically get the classpath of your app and scan through the available classes and read the bytecode information of a class which class it inherits from. Note that a class Dog may not directly inherit from Animal but might inherit from Pet which is turn inherits from Animal,so you will need to keep track of that hierarchy.

Unfortunately this isn't entirely possible as the ClassLoader won't tell you what classes are available. You can, however, get fairly close doing something like this:

for (String classpathEntry : System.getProperty("java.class.path").split(System.getProperty("path.separator"))) {
    if (classpathEntry.endsWith(".jar")) {
        File jar = new File(classpathEntry);

        JarInputStream is = new JarInputStream(new FileInputStream(jar));

        JarEntry entry;
        while( (entry = is.getNextJarEntry()) != null) {
            if(entry.getName().endsWith(".class")) {
                // Class.forName(entry.getName()) and check
                //   for implementation of the interface

Edit: johnstok is correct (in the comments) that this only works for standalone Java applications, and won't work under an application server.

I solved this problem pretty elegantly using Package Level Annotations and then making that annotation have as an argument a list of classes.

Find Java classes implementing an interface

Implementations just have to create a package-info.java and put the magic annotation in with the list of classes they want to support.

use this

public static Set<Class> getExtendedClasses(Class superClass)
        ResolverUtil resolver = new ResolverUtil();
        resolver.findImplementations(superClass, superClass.getPackage().getName());
        return resolver.getClasses();  
    catch(Exception e)
    {Log.d("Log:", " Err: getExtendedClasses() ");}

    return null;



  • library for (ResolverUtil) : Stripes

This is a tough problem and you will need to find out this information using static analysis, its not available easily at runtime. Basically get the classpath of your app and scan through the available classes and read the bytecode information of a class which class it inherits from. Note that a class Dog may not directly inherit from Animal but might inherit from Pet which is turn inherits from Animal,so you will need to keep track of that hierarchy.

Unfortunately this isn't entirely possible as the ClassLoader won't tell you what classes are available. You can, however, get fairly close doing something like this:

for (String classpathEntry : System.getProperty("java.class.path").split(System.getProperty("path.separator"))) {
    if (classpathEntry.endsWith(".jar")) {
        File jar = new File(classpathEntry);

        JarInputStream is = new JarInputStream(new FileInputStream(jar));

        JarEntry entry;
        while( (entry = is.getNextJarEntry()) != null) {
            if(entry.getName().endsWith(".class")) {
                // Class.forName(entry.getName()) and check
                //   for implementation of the interface

Edit: johnstok is correct (in the comments) that this only works for standalone Java applications, and won't work under an application server.

Thanks all who answered this question.

It seems this is indeed a tough nut to crack. I ended up giving up and creating a static array and getter in my baseclass.

public abstract class Animal{
    private static Animal[] animals= null;
    public static Animal[] getAnimals(){
        if (animals==null){
            animals = new Animal[]{
                new Dog(),
                new Cat(),
                new Lion()
        return animals;

It seems that Java just isn't set up for self-discoverability the way C# is. I suppose the problem is that since a Java app is just a collection of .class files out in a directory / jar file somewhere, the runtime doesn't know about a class until it's referenced. At that time the loader loads it -- what I'm trying to do is discover it before I reference it which is not possible without going out to the file system and looking.

I always like code that can discover itself instead of me having to tell it about itself, but alas this works too.

Thanks again!

use this

public static Set<Class> getExtendedClasses(Class superClass)
        ResolverUtil resolver = new ResolverUtil();
        resolver.findImplementations(superClass, superClass.getPackage().getName());
        return resolver.getClasses();  
    catch(Exception e)
    {Log.d("Log:", " Err: getExtendedClasses() ");}

    return null;



  • library for (ResolverUtil) : Stripes

One way is to make the classes use a static initializers... I don't think these are inherited (it won't work if they are):

public class Dog extends Animal{

   Animal a = new Dog();
   //add a to the List

It requires you to add this code to all of the classes involved. But it avoids having a big ugly loop somewhere, testing every class searching for children of Animal.

Java dynamically loads classes, so your universe of classes would be only those that have already been loaded (and not yet unloaded). Perhaps you can do something with a custom class loader that could check the supertypes of each loaded class. I don't think there's an API to query the set of loaded classes.

Think about this from an aspect-oriented point of view; what you want to do, really, is know all the classes at runtime that HAVE extended the Animal class. (I think that's a slightly more accurate description of your problem than your title; otherwise, I don't think you have a runtime question.)

So what I think you want is to create a constructor of your base class (Animal) which adds to your static array (I prefer ArrayLists, myself, but to each their own) the type of the current Class which is being instantiated.

So, roughly;

public abstract class Animal
    private static ArrayList<Class> instantiatedDerivedTypes;
    public Animal() {
        Class derivedClass = this.getClass();
        if (!instantiatedDerivedClass.contains(derivedClass)) {

Of course, you'll need a static constructor on Animal to initialize instantiatedDerivedClass... I think this'll do what you probably want. Note that this is execution-path dependent; if you have a Dog class that derives from Animal that never gets invoked, you won't have it in your Animal Class list.

Unfortunately this isn't entirely possible as the ClassLoader won't tell you what classes are available. You can, however, get fairly close doing something like this:

for (String classpathEntry : System.getProperty("java.class.path").split(System.getProperty("path.separator"))) {
    if (classpathEntry.endsWith(".jar")) {
        File jar = new File(classpathEntry);

        JarInputStream is = new JarInputStream(new FileInputStream(jar));

        JarEntry entry;
        while( (entry = is.getNextJarEntry()) != null) {
            if(entry.getName().endsWith(".class")) {
                // Class.forName(entry.getName()) and check
                //   for implementation of the interface

Edit: johnstok is correct (in the comments) that this only works for standalone Java applications, and won't work under an application server.

Using OpenPojo you can do the following:

String package = "com.mycompany";
List<Animal> animals = new ArrayList<Animal>();

for(PojoClass pojoClass : PojoClassFactory.enumerateClassesByExtendingType(package, Animal.class, null) {
  animals.add((Animal) InstanceFactory.getInstance(pojoClass));

The most robust mechanism for listing all subclasses of a given class is currently ClassGraph, because it handles the widest possible array of classpath specification mechanisms, including the new JPMS module system. (I am the author.)

List<Class<Animal>> animals;
try (ScanResult scanResult = new ClassGraph().whitelistPackages("com.zoo.animals")
        .enableClassInfo().scan()) {
    animals = scanResult

The Java way to do what you want is to use the ServiceLoader mechanism.

Also many people roll their own by having a file in a well known classpath location (i.e. /META-INF/services/myplugin.properties) and then using ClassLoader.getResources() to enumerate all files with this name from all jars. This allows each jar to export its own providers and you can instantiate them by reflection using Class.forName()

Thanks all who answered this question.

It seems this is indeed a tough nut to crack. I ended up giving up and creating a static array and getter in my baseclass.

public abstract class Animal{
    private static Animal[] animals= null;
    public static Animal[] getAnimals(){
        if (animals==null){
            animals = new Animal[]{
                new Dog(),
                new Cat(),
                new Lion()
        return animals;

It seems that Java just isn't set up for self-discoverability the way C# is. I suppose the problem is that since a Java app is just a collection of .class files out in a directory / jar file somewhere, the runtime doesn't know about a class until it's referenced. At that time the loader loads it -- what I'm trying to do is discover it before I reference it which is not possible without going out to the file system and looking.

I always like code that can discover itself instead of me having to tell it about itself, but alas this works too.

Thanks again!

The Java way to do what you want is to use the ServiceLoader mechanism.

Also many people roll their own by having a file in a well known classpath location (i.e. /META-INF/services/myplugin.properties) and then using ClassLoader.getResources() to enumerate all files with this name from all jars. This allows each jar to export its own providers and you can instantiate them by reflection using Class.forName()

One way is to make the classes use a static initializers... I don't think these are inherited (it won't work if they are):

public class Dog extends Animal{

   Animal a = new Dog();
   //add a to the List

It requires you to add this code to all of the classes involved. But it avoids having a big ugly loop somewhere, testing every class searching for children of Animal.

Think about this from an aspect-oriented point of view; what you want to do, really, is know all the classes at runtime that HAVE extended the Animal class. (I think that's a slightly more accurate description of your problem than your title; otherwise, I don't think you have a runtime question.)

So what I think you want is to create a constructor of your base class (Animal) which adds to your static array (I prefer ArrayLists, myself, but to each their own) the type of the current Class which is being instantiated.

So, roughly;

public abstract class Animal
    private static ArrayList<Class> instantiatedDerivedTypes;
    public Animal() {
        Class derivedClass = this.getClass();
        if (!instantiatedDerivedClass.contains(derivedClass)) {

Of course, you'll need a static constructor on Animal to initialize instantiatedDerivedClass... I think this'll do what you probably want. Note that this is execution-path dependent; if you have a Dog class that derives from Animal that never gets invoked, you won't have it in your Animal Class list.

The Java way to do what you want is to use the ServiceLoader mechanism.

Also many people roll their own by having a file in a well known classpath location (i.e. /META-INF/services/myplugin.properties) and then using ClassLoader.getResources() to enumerate all files with this name from all jars. This allows each jar to export its own providers and you can instantiate them by reflection using Class.forName()

The Java way to do what you want is to use the ServiceLoader mechanism.

Also many people roll their own by having a file in a well known classpath location (i.e. /META-INF/services/myplugin.properties) and then using ClassLoader.getResources() to enumerate all files with this name from all jars. This allows each jar to export its own providers and you can instantiate them by reflection using Class.forName()

Java dynamically loads classes, so your universe of classes would be only those that have already been loaded (and not yet unloaded). Perhaps you can do something with a custom class loader that could check the supertypes of each loaded class. I don't think there's an API to query the set of loaded classes.

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