Programs & Examples On #Dataprovider

A property of the Flex DataGrid and AdvancedDataGrid used to specify a data source.

Unable to find the requested .Net Framework Data Provider. It may not be installed. - when following mvc3 tutorial

In my case, the issue was caused by a connection problem to the SQL database. I just disconnected and then reconnected the SQL datasource from the design view. I am back up and running. Hope this works for everyone.

Loading context in Spring using web.xml

From the spring docs

Spring can be easily integrated into any Java-based web framework. All you need to do is to declare the ContextLoaderListener in your web.xml and use a contextConfigLocation to set which context files to load.

The <context-param>:



You can then use the WebApplicationContext to get a handle on your beans.

WebApplicationContext ctx = WebApplicationContextUtils.getRequiredWebApplicationContext(servlet.getServletContext());
SomeBean someBean = (SomeBean) ctx.getBean("someBean");

See for more info

How to find the files that are created in the last hour in unix

sudo find / -Bmin 60

From the man page:

-Bmin n

True if the difference between the time of a file's inode creation and the time find was started, rounded up to the next full minute, is n minutes.

Obviously, you may want to set up a bit differently, but this primary seems the best solution for searching for any file created in the last N minutes.

How to configure ChromeDriver to initiate Chrome browser in Headless mode through Selenium?

ChromeOptions chromeOptions = new ChromeOptions();
ChromeDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(chromeOptions);

Converting of Uri to String

using Android KTX library u can parse easily

val uri = myUriString.toUri()

Android : Check whether the phone is dual SIM

Update 23 March'15 :

Official multiple SIM API is available now from Android 5.1 onwards

Other possible option :

You can use Java reflection to get both IMEI numbers.

Using these IMEI numbers you can check whether the phone is a DUAL SIM or not.

Try following activity :

import android.os.Bundle;
import android.widget.TextView;

public class MainActivity extends Activity {

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        TelephonyInfo telephonyInfo = TelephonyInfo.getInstance(this);

        String imeiSIM1 = telephonyInfo.getImsiSIM1();
        String imeiSIM2 = telephonyInfo.getImsiSIM2();

        boolean isSIM1Ready = telephonyInfo.isSIM1Ready();
        boolean isSIM2Ready = telephonyInfo.isSIM2Ready();

        boolean isDualSIM = telephonyInfo.isDualSIM();

        TextView tv = (TextView) findViewById(;
        tv.setText(" IME1 : " + imeiSIM1 + "\n" +
                " IME2 : " + imeiSIM2 + "\n" +
                " IS DUAL SIM : " + isDualSIM + "\n" +
                " IS SIM1 READY : " + isSIM1Ready + "\n" +
                " IS SIM2 READY : " + isSIM2Ready + "\n");

And here is :

import java.lang.reflect.Method;

import android.content.Context;
import android.telephony.TelephonyManager;

public final class TelephonyInfo {

    private static TelephonyInfo telephonyInfo;
    private String imeiSIM1;
    private String imeiSIM2;
    private boolean isSIM1Ready;
    private boolean isSIM2Ready;

    public String getImsiSIM1() {
        return imeiSIM1;

    /*public static void setImsiSIM1(String imeiSIM1) {
        TelephonyInfo.imeiSIM1 = imeiSIM1;

    public String getImsiSIM2() {
        return imeiSIM2;

    /*public static void setImsiSIM2(String imeiSIM2) {
        TelephonyInfo.imeiSIM2 = imeiSIM2;

    public boolean isSIM1Ready() {
        return isSIM1Ready;

    /*public static void setSIM1Ready(boolean isSIM1Ready) {
        TelephonyInfo.isSIM1Ready = isSIM1Ready;

    public boolean isSIM2Ready() {
        return isSIM2Ready;

    /*public static void setSIM2Ready(boolean isSIM2Ready) {
        TelephonyInfo.isSIM2Ready = isSIM2Ready;

    public boolean isDualSIM() {
        return imeiSIM2 != null;

    private TelephonyInfo() {

    public static TelephonyInfo getInstance(Context context){

        if(telephonyInfo == null) {

            telephonyInfo = new TelephonyInfo();

            TelephonyManager telephonyManager = ((TelephonyManager) context.getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE));

            telephonyInfo.imeiSIM1 = telephonyManager.getDeviceId();;
            telephonyInfo.imeiSIM2 = null;

            try {
                telephonyInfo.imeiSIM1 = getDeviceIdBySlot(context, "getDeviceIdGemini", 0);
                telephonyInfo.imeiSIM2 = getDeviceIdBySlot(context, "getDeviceIdGemini", 1);
            } catch (GeminiMethodNotFoundException e) {

                try {
                    telephonyInfo.imeiSIM1 = getDeviceIdBySlot(context, "getDeviceId", 0);
                    telephonyInfo.imeiSIM2 = getDeviceIdBySlot(context, "getDeviceId", 1);
                } catch (GeminiMethodNotFoundException e1) {
                    //Call here for next manufacturer's predicted method name if you wish

            telephonyInfo.isSIM1Ready = telephonyManager.getSimState() == TelephonyManager.SIM_STATE_READY;
            telephonyInfo.isSIM2Ready = false;

            try {
                telephonyInfo.isSIM1Ready = getSIMStateBySlot(context, "getSimStateGemini", 0);
                telephonyInfo.isSIM2Ready = getSIMStateBySlot(context, "getSimStateGemini", 1);
            } catch (GeminiMethodNotFoundException e) {


                try {
                    telephonyInfo.isSIM1Ready = getSIMStateBySlot(context, "getSimState", 0);
                    telephonyInfo.isSIM2Ready = getSIMStateBySlot(context, "getSimState", 1);
                } catch (GeminiMethodNotFoundException e1) {
                    //Call here for next manufacturer's predicted method name if you wish

        return telephonyInfo;

    private static String getDeviceIdBySlot(Context context, String predictedMethodName, int slotID) throws GeminiMethodNotFoundException {

        String imei = null;

        TelephonyManager telephony = (TelephonyManager) context.getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE);


            Class<?> telephonyClass = Class.forName(telephony.getClass().getName());

            Class<?>[] parameter = new Class[1];
            parameter[0] = int.class;
            Method getSimID = telephonyClass.getMethod(predictedMethodName, parameter);

            Object[] obParameter = new Object[1];
            obParameter[0] = slotID;
            Object ob_phone = getSimID.invoke(telephony, obParameter);

            if(ob_phone != null){
                imei = ob_phone.toString();

        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new GeminiMethodNotFoundException(predictedMethodName);

        return imei;

    private static  boolean getSIMStateBySlot(Context context, String predictedMethodName, int slotID) throws GeminiMethodNotFoundException {

        boolean isReady = false;

        TelephonyManager telephony = (TelephonyManager) context.getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE);


            Class<?> telephonyClass = Class.forName(telephony.getClass().getName());

            Class<?>[] parameter = new Class[1];
            parameter[0] = int.class;
            Method getSimStateGemini = telephonyClass.getMethod(predictedMethodName, parameter);

            Object[] obParameter = new Object[1];
            obParameter[0] = slotID;
            Object ob_phone = getSimStateGemini.invoke(telephony, obParameter);

            if(ob_phone != null){
                int simState = Integer.parseInt(ob_phone.toString());
                if(simState == TelephonyManager.SIM_STATE_READY){
                    isReady = true;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new GeminiMethodNotFoundException(predictedMethodName);

        return isReady;

    private static class GeminiMethodNotFoundException extends Exception {

        private static final long serialVersionUID = -996812356902545308L;

        public GeminiMethodNotFoundException(String info) {

Edit :

Getting access of methods like "getDeviceIdGemini" for other SIM slot's detail has prediction that method exist.

If that method's name doesn't match with one given by device manufacturer than it will not work. You have to find corresponding method name for those devices.

Finding method names for other manufacturers can be done using Java reflection as follows :

public static void printTelephonyManagerMethodNamesForThisDevice(Context context) {

    TelephonyManager telephony = (TelephonyManager) context.getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE);
    Class<?> telephonyClass;
    try {
        telephonyClass = Class.forName(telephony.getClass().getName());
        Method[] methods = telephonyClass.getMethods();
        for (int idx = 0; idx < methods.length; idx++) {

            System.out.println("\n" + methods[idx] + " declared by " + methods[idx].getDeclaringClass());
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {


As Seetha pointed out in her comment :

telephonyInfo.imeiSIM1 = getDeviceIdBySlot(context, "getDeviceIdDs", 0);
telephonyInfo.imeiSIM2 = getDeviceIdBySlot(context, "getDeviceIdDs", 1); 

It is working for her. She was successful in getting two IMEI numbers for both the SIM in Samsung Duos device.

Add <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE" />

EDIT 2 :

The method used for retrieving data is for Lenovo A319 and other phones by that manufacture (Credit Maher Abuthraa):

telephonyInfo.imeiSIM1 = getDeviceIdBySlot(context, "getSimSerialNumberGemini", 0); 
telephonyInfo.imeiSIM2 = getDeviceIdBySlot(context, "getSimSerialNumberGemini", 1); 

Checking network connection

If we can connect to some Internet server, then we indeed have connectivity. However, for the fastest and most reliable approach, all solutions should comply with the following requirements, at the very least:

  • Avoid DNS resolution (we will need an IP that is well-known and guaranteed to be available for most of the time)
  • Avoid application layer connections (connecting to an HTTP/FTP/IMAP service)
  • Avoid calls to external utilities from Python or other language of choice (we need to come up with a language-agnostic solution that doesn't rely on third-party solutions)

To comply with these, one approach could be to, check if one of the Google's public DNS servers is reachable. The IPv4 addresses for these servers are and We can try connecting to any of them.

A quick Nmap of the host gave below result:

$ sudo nmap

Starting Nmap 6.40 ( ) at 2015-10-14 10:17 IST
Nmap scan report for (
Host is up (0.0048s latency).
Not shown: 999 filtered ports
53/tcp open  domain

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 23.81 seconds

As we can see, 53/tcp is open and non-filtered. If you are a non-root user, remember to use sudo or the -Pn argument for Nmap to send crafted probe packets and determine if a host is up.

Before we try with Python, let's test connectivity using an external tool, Netcat:

$ nc 53 -zv
Connection to 53 port [tcp/domain] succeeded!

Netcat confirms that we can reach over 53/tcp. Now we can set up a socket connection to in Python to check connection:

import socket

def internet(host="", port=53, timeout=3):
    Host: (
    OpenPort: 53/tcp
    Service: domain (DNS/TCP)
        socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM).connect((host, port))
        return True
    except socket.error as ex:
        return False


Another approach could be to send a manually crafted DNS probe to one of these servers and wait for a response. But, I assume, it might prove slower in comparison due to packet drops, DNS resolution failure, etc. Please comment if you think otherwise.

UPDATE #1: Thanks to @theamk's comment, timeout is now an argument and initialized to 3s by default.

UPDATE #2: I did quick tests to identify the fastest and most generic implementation of all valid answers to this question. Here's the summary:

$ ls *.py | sort -n | xargs -I % sh -c 'echo %; ./ %; echo'

And once more:

$ ls *.py | sort -n | xargs -I % sh -c 'echo %; ./ %; echo'

True in the above output signifies that all these implementations from respective authors correctly identify connectivity to the Internet. Time is shown with milliseconds resolution.

UPDATE #3: Tested again after the exception handling change:

Best design for a changelog / auditing database table?

There are many ways to do this. My favorite way is:

  1. Add a mod_user field to your source table (the one you want to log).

  2. Create a log table that contains the fields you want to log, plus a log_datetime and seq_num field. seq_num is the primary key.

  3. Build a trigger on the source table that inserts the current record into the log table whenever any monitored field is changed.

Now you've got a record of every change and who made it.

How to find the size of integer array

_msize(array) in Windows or malloc_usable_size(array) in Linux should work for the dynamic array

Both are located within malloc.h and both return a size_t

Open multiple Eclipse workspaces on the Mac

Based on a previous answer that helped me, but different directory:

cd /Applications/
./eclipse &


Split output of command by columns using Bash?

Similar to brianegge's awk solution, here is the Perl equivalent:

ps | egrep 11383 | perl -lane 'print $F[3]'

-a enables autosplit mode, which populates the @F array with the column data.
Use -F, if your data is comma-delimited, rather than space-delimited.

Field 3 is printed since Perl starts counting from 0 rather than 1

Compare two dates in Java

It works best....

Calendar cal1 = Calendar.getInstance();
Calendar cal2 = Calendar.getInstance();


boolean sameDay = cal1.get(Calendar.YEAR) == cal2.get(Calendar.YEAR) && cal1.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR) == cal2.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR);

Inserting a string into a list without getting split into characters

best put brackets around foo, and use +=


Add regression line equation and R^2 on graph

I've modified Ramnath's post to a) make more generic so it accepts a linear model as a parameter rather than the data frame and b) displays negatives more appropriately.

lm_eqn = function(m) {

  l <- list(a = format(coef(m)[1], digits = 2),
      b = format(abs(coef(m)[2]), digits = 2),
      r2 = format(summary(m)$r.squared, digits = 3));

  if (coef(m)[2] >= 0)  {
    eq <- substitute(italic(y) == a + b %.% italic(x)*","~~italic(r)^2~"="~r2,l)
  } else {
    eq <- substitute(italic(y) == a - b %.% italic(x)*","~~italic(r)^2~"="~r2,l)    


Usage would change to:

p1 = p + geom_text(aes(x = 25, y = 300, label = lm_eqn(lm(y ~ x, df))), parse = TRUE)

Adding extra zeros in front of a number using jQuery?

Try following, which will convert convert single and double digit numbers to 3 digit numbers by prefixing zeros.

var base_number = 2;
var zero_prefixed_string = ("000" + base_number).slice(-3);

Unique Key constraints for multiple columns in Entity Framework

Recently added a composite key with the uniqueness of 2 columns using the approach that 'chuck' recommended, thank @chuck. Only this approached looked cleaner to me:

public int groupId {get; set;}

[Index("IX_ClientGrouping", 1, IsUnique = true)]
public int ClientId { get; set; }

[Index("IX_ClientGrouping", 2, IsUnique = true)]
public int GroupName { get; set; }

Styling Password Fields in CSS

The problem is that (as of 2016), for the password field, Firefox and Internet Explorer use the character "Black Circle" (?), which uses the Unicode code point 25CF, but Chrome uses the character "Bullet" (•), which uses the Unicode code point 2022.

As you can see, even in the StackOverflow font the two characters have different sizes.

The font you're using, "Lucida Sans Unicode", has an even greater disparity between the sizes of these two characters, leading to you noticing the difference.

The simple solution is to use a font in which both characters have similar sizes.

The fix could thus be to use a default font of the browser, which should render the characters in the password field just fine:

input[type="password"] {
    font-family: caption;

Benefits of using the conditional ?: (ternary) operator

Sometimes it can make the assignment of a bool value easier to read at first glance:

// With
button.IsEnabled = someControl.HasError ? false : true;

// Without
button.IsEnabled = !someControl.HasError;

Ways to insert javascript into URL?

I don't believe you can hack via the URL. Someone could try to inject code into your application if you are passing parameters (either GET or POST) into your app so your avoidance is going to be very similar to what you'd do for a local application.

Make sure you aren't adding parameters to SQL or other script executions that were passed into the code from the browser without making sure the strings don't contain any script language. Search the next for details about injection attacks for the development platform you are working with, that should yield lots of good advice and examples.

Trouble Connecting to sql server Login failed. "The login is from an untrusted domain and cannot be used with Windows authentication"

If your SQL Server is on one domain controller and you are trying to connect to it from another domain controller then you will get this error when

IntegratedSecurity = true;

This will happen even if you include a valid SQL Server username and password in your connection string as they will automatically be over-written with your windows login and password. Integrated security means simply - use your windows credentials for login verification to SQL Server. So, if you are logged in to a different domain controller then it will fail. In the case where you are on two different domain controllers then you have no choice but to use

IntegratedSecurity = false;

Now, when Integrated security is false SQL Server will use the SQL Server login and password provided in your connection string. For this to work, the SQL Server instance has to have its authentication mode configured to mixed mode, being, SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode.

To verify or change this setting in SQL Server you can open the SQL Server Management Studio and right-click on your server name and then select Properties. On the pop-up that appears select Security and you will see where to alter this setting if you need to.

JFrame background image

I used a very similar method to @bott, but I modified it a little bit to make there be no need to resize the image:

BufferedImage img = null;
try {
    img = File("image.jpg"));
} catch (IOException e) {
Image dimg = img.getScaledInstance(800, 508, Image.SCALE_SMOOTH);
ImageIcon imageIcon = new ImageIcon(dimg);
setContentPane(new JLabel(imageIcon));

Works every time. You can also get the width and height of the jFrame and use that in place of the 800 and 508 respectively.

PHP - SSL certificate error: unable to get local issuer certificate

When you view the page, you will notice in big letters a section called:

RSA-1024 removed

Read it, then download the version of the certificates that includes the 'RSA-1024' certificates.

Those will work with Mandrill.

Disabling SSL is a bad idea.

Does JavaScript have a built in stringbuilder class?

In C# you can do something like

 String.Format("hello {0}, your age is {1}.",  "John",  29) 

In JavaScript you could do something like

 var x = "hello {0}, your age is {1}";
 x = x.replace(/\{0\}/g, "John");
 x = x.replace(/\{1\}/g, 29);

How to create roles in ASP.NET Core and assign them to users?

Temi's answer is nearly correct, but you cannot call an asynchronous function from a non asynchronous function like he is suggesting. What you need to do is make asynchronous calls in a synchronous function like so :

    public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory, IServiceProvider serviceProvider)

        if (env.IsDevelopment())



        // Add external authentication middleware below. To configure them please see

        app.UseMvc(routes =>
                name: "default",
                template: "{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}");



    private void CreateRoles(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)

        var roleManager = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<RoleManager<IdentityRole>>();
        var userManager = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<UserManager<ApplicationUser>>();
        Task<IdentityResult> roleResult;
        string email = "[email protected]";

        //Check that there is an Administrator role and create if not
        Task<bool> hasAdminRole = roleManager.RoleExistsAsync("Administrator");

        if (!hasAdminRole.Result)
            roleResult = roleManager.CreateAsync(new IdentityRole("Administrator"));

        //Check if the admin user exists and create it if not
        //Add to the Administrator role

        Task<ApplicationUser> testUser = userManager.FindByEmailAsync(email);

        if (testUser.Result == null)
            ApplicationUser administrator = new ApplicationUser();
            administrator.Email = email;
            administrator.UserName = email;

            Task<IdentityResult> newUser = userManager.CreateAsync(administrator, "_AStrongP@ssword!");

            if (newUser.Result.Succeeded)
                Task<IdentityResult> newUserRole = userManager.AddToRoleAsync(administrator, "Administrator");


The key to this is the use of the Task<> class and forcing the system to wait in a slightly different way in a synchronous way.


The delete with the cascade option only applied to tables with foreign keys defined. If you do a delete, and it says you cannot because it would violate the foreign key constraint, the cascade will cause it to delete the offending rows.

If you want to delete associated rows in this way, you will need to define the foreign keys first. Also, remember that unless you explicitly instruct it to begin a transaction, or you change the defaults, it will do an auto-commit, which could be very time consuming to clean up.

Detecting Back Button/Hash Change in URL

I do the following, if you want to use it then paste it in some where and set your handler code in locationHashChanged(qs) where commented, and then call changeHashValue(hashQuery) every time you load an ajax request. Its not a quick-fix answer and there are none, so you will need to think about it and pass sensible hashQuery args (ie a=1&b=2) to changeHashValue(hashQuery) and then cater for each combination of said args in your locationHashChanged(qs) callback ...

// Add code below ...
function locationHashChanged(qs)
  var q = parseQs(qs);
  //  THAT IS PASSED TO changeHashValue(hashQuery)

function changeHashValue(hashQuery)
  hashValue     = hashQuery;
  location.hash = hashQuery;

function checkIfHashChanged()
  var hashQuery = getHashQuery();
  if (hashQuery == hashValue)
  hashValue = hashQuery;

function parseQs(qs)
  var q = {};
  var pairs = qs.split('&');
  for (var idx in pairs) {
    var arg = pairs[idx].split('=');
    q[arg[0]] = arg[1];
  return q;

function startHashListener()
  hashListener = setInterval(checkIfHashChanged, 1000);

function stopHashListener()
  if (hashListener != null)
  hashListener = null;

function getHashQuery()
  return location.hash.replace(/^#/, '');

var hashListener = null;
var hashValue    = '';//getHashQuery();

C# - Simplest way to remove first occurrence of a substring from another string

Wrote a quick TDD Test for this

    public void Test()
        var input = @"ProjectName\Iteration\Release1\Iteration1";
        var pattern = @"\\Iteration";

        var rgx = new Regex(pattern);
        var result = rgx.Replace(input, "", 1);


rgx.Replace(input, "", 1); says to look in input for anything matching the pattern, with "", 1 time.

How to find where gem files are installed

I found it useful to get a location of the library file with:

gem which *gemname*

is there a post render callback for Angular JS directive?

Following the fact that the load order cannot be anticipated, a simple solution can be used.

Let's look at the directive-'user of directive' relationship. Usually the user of the directive will supply some data to the directive or use some functionality ( functions ) the directive supplies. The directive on the other hand expects some variables to be defined on its scope.

If we can make sure that all players have all their action requirements fulfilled before they attempt to execute those actions - everything should be well.

And now the directive:

app.directive('aDirective', function () {
    return {
        scope: {
            input: '=',
            control: '='
        link: function (scope, element) {
            function functionThatNeedsInput(){
                //use scope.input here
            if ( scope.input){ //We already have input 
            } else {
                scope.control.init = functionThatNeedsInput;


and now the user of the directive html

<a-directive control="control" input="input"></a-directive>

and somewhere in the controller of the component that uses the directive:

$scope.control = {};
$scope.input = 'some data could be async';
if ( $scope.control.functionThatNeedsInput){

That's about it. There is a lot of overhead but you can lose the $timeout. We also assume that the component that uses the directive is instantiated before the directive because we depend on the control variable to exist when the directive is instantiated.

How to echo print statements while executing a sql script

You can use print -p -- in the script to do this example :

mysql -u username -ppassword -D dbname -ss -n -q |&
print -p -- "select count(*) from some_table;"
read -p get_row_count1
print -p -- "select count(*) from some_other_table;"
read -p get_row_count2
print -p exit ;
echo $get_row_count1
echo $get_row_count2

C# equivalent of the IsNull() function in SQL Server

public static T isNull<T>(this T v1, T defaultValue)
    return v1 == null ? defaultValue : v1;

myValue.isNull(new MyValue())

Make code in LaTeX look *nice*

The listings package is quite nice and very flexible (e.g. different sizes for comments and code).

Application not picking up .css file (flask/python)

In jinja2 templates (which flask uses), use

href="{{ url_for('static', filename='mainpage.css')}}"

The static files are usually in the static folder, though, unless configured otherwise.

Is there a function in python to split a word into a list?

def count(): list = 'oixfjhibokxnjfklmhjpxesriktglanwekgfvnk'

word_list = []
# dict = {}
for i in range(len(list)):
# word_list1 = sorted(word_list)
for i in range(len(word_list) - 1, 0, -1):
    for j in range(i):
        if word_list[j] > word_list[j + 1]:
            temp = word_list[j]
            word_list[j] = word_list[j + 1]
            word_list[j + 1] = temp
print("final count of arrival of each letter is : \n", dict(map(lambda x: (x, word_list.count(x)), word_list)))

How to make "if not true condition"?

This one

if [[ !  $(cat /etc/passwd | grep "sysa") ]]
Then echo " something"
exit 2

Setting top and left CSS attributes

We can create a new CSS class for div.

 .div {
      position: absolute;
      left: 150px;
      width: 200px;
      height: 120px;

Unable to install Android Studio in Ubuntu

None of these options worked for me on Ubuntu 12.10 (yeah, I need to upgrade). However, I found an easy solution. Download the source from here: Then simply compile with "gcc mksdcard.c -o mksdcard". Backup mksdcard in the SDK tools subfolder and replace with the newly compiled one. Android Studio will now be happy with your SDK.

Slide up/down effect with ng-show and ng-animate

This can actually be done in CSS and very minimal JS just by adding a CSS class (don't set styles directly in JS!) with e.g. a ng-clickevent. The principle is that one can't animate height: 0; to height: auto; but this can be tricked by animating the max-height property. The container will expand to it's "auto-height" value when .foo-open is set - no need for fixed height or positioning.

.foo {
    max-height: 0;

.foo--open {
    max-height: 1000px; /* some arbitrary big value */
    transition: ...

see this fiddle by the excellent Lea Verou

As a concern raised in the comments, note that while this animation works perfectly with linear easing, any exponential easing will produce a behaviour different from what could be expected - due to the fact that the animated property is max-height and not height itself; specifically, only the height fraction of the easing curve of max-height will be displayed.

@Resource vs @Autowired

In spring pre-3.0 it doesn't matter which one.

In spring 3.0 there's support for the standard (JSR-330) annotation @javax.inject.Inject - use it, with a combination of @Qualifier. Note that spring now also supports the @javax.inject.Qualifier meta-annotation:

public @interface YourQualifier {}

So you can have

<bean class="com.pkg.SomeBean">
   <qualifier type="YourQualifier"/>


public class SomeBean implements Foo { .. }

And then:

@Inject @YourQualifier private Foo foo;

This makes less use of String-names, which can be misspelled and are harder to maintain.

As for the original question: both, without specifying any attributes of the annotation, perform injection by type. The difference is:

  • @Resource allows you to specify a name of the injected bean
  • @Autowired allows you to mark it as non-mandatory.

Get Public URL for File - Google Cloud Storage - App Engine (Python)

You need to use get_serving_url from the Images API. As that page explains, you need to call create_gs_key() first to get the key to pass to the Images API.

How to serve .html files with Spring

It sounds like you are trying to do something like this:

  • Static HTML views
  • Spring controllers serving AJAX

If that is the case, as previously mentioned, the most efficient way is to let the web server(not Spring) handle HTML requests as static resources. So you'll want the following:

  1. Forward all .html, .css, .js, .png, etc requests to the webserver's resource handler
  2. Map all other requests to spring controllers

Here is one way to accomplish that...

web.xml - Map servlet to root (/)



Spring JavaConfig

public class SpringSprungConfig extends DelegatingWebMvcConfiguration {

    // Delegate resource requests to default servlet
    protected DefaultServletHttpRequestHandler defaultServletHttpRequestHandler() {
        DefaultServletHttpRequestHandler dsrh = new DefaultServletHttpRequestHandler();
        return dsrh;

    //map static resources by extension
    public SimpleUrlHandlerMapping resourceServletMapping() {
        SimpleUrlHandlerMapping mapping = new SimpleUrlHandlerMapping();

        //make sure static resources are mapped first since we are using
        //a slightly different approach
        Properties urlProperties = new Properties();
        urlProperties.put("/**/*.css", "defaultServletHttpRequestHandler");
        urlProperties.put("/**/*.js", "defaultServletHttpRequestHandler");
        urlProperties.put("/**/*.png", "defaultServletHttpRequestHandler");
        urlProperties.put("/**/*.html", "defaultServletHttpRequestHandler");
        urlProperties.put("/**/*.woff", "defaultServletHttpRequestHandler");
        urlProperties.put("/**/*.ico", "defaultServletHttpRequestHandler");
        return mapping;

    public RequestMappingHandlerMapping requestMappingHandlerMapping() {
        RequestMappingHandlerMapping handlerMapping = super.requestMappingHandlerMapping();

        //controller mappings must be evaluated after the static resource requests
        //set other options here
        return handlerMapping;

Additional Considerations

  • Hide .html extension - This is outside the scope of Spring if you are delegating the static resource requests. Look into a URL rewriting filter.
  • Templating - You don't want to duplicate markup in every single HTML page for common elements. This likely can't be done on the server if serving HTML as a static resource. Look into a client-side *VC framework. I'm fan of YUI which has numerous templating mechanisms including Handlebars.

How do relative file paths work in Eclipse?

You need "src/Hankees.txt"

Your file is in the source folder which is not counted as the working directory.\

Or you can move the file up to the root directory of your project and just use "Hankees.txt"

How to Resize image in Swift?

For Swift 4 I would just make an extension on UIImage with referencing to self.

import UIKit
extension UIImage {
  func resizeImage(targetSize: CGSize) -> UIImage {
    let size = self.size
    let widthRatio  = targetSize.width  / size.width
    let heightRatio = targetSize.height / size.height
    let newSize = widthRatio > heightRatio ?  CGSize(width: size.width * heightRatio, height: size.height * heightRatio) : CGSize(width: size.width * widthRatio,  height: size.height * widthRatio)
    let rect = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: newSize.width, height: newSize.height)

    UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(newSize, false, 1.0)
    self.draw(in: rect)
    let newImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()

    return newImage!

jQuery datepicker, onSelect won't work

No comma after the last property.

Semicolon after alert(date);

Case on datepicker (not datePicker)

Check your other uppercase / lowercase for the properties.

$(function() {
    $('.date-pick').datepicker( {
        onSelect: function(date) {
        selectWeek: true,
        inline: true,
        startDate: '01/01/2000',
        firstDay: 1

How to create an Observable from static data similar to http one in Angular?

Things seem to have changed since Angular 2.0.0

import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
import { Subscriber } from 'rxjs/Subscriber';
// ...
public fetchModel(uuid: string = undefined): Observable<string> {
  if(!uuid) {
    return new Observable<TestModel>((subscriber: Subscriber<TestModel>) => TestModel())).map(o => JSON.stringify(o));
  else {
    return this.http.get("http://localhost:8080/myapp/api/model/" + uuid)
            .map(res => res.text());

The .next() function will be called on your subscriber.

Make a borderless form movable?

I'm expanding the solution from jay_t55 with one more method ToolStrip1_MouseLeave that handles the event of the mouse moving quickly and leaving the region.

private bool mouseDown;
private Point lastLocation;

private void ToolStrip1_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) {
    mouseDown = true;
    lastLocation = e.Location;

private void ToolStrip1_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) {
    if (mouseDown) {
        this.Location = new Point(
            (this.Location.X - lastLocation.X) + e.X, (this.Location.Y - lastLocation.Y) + e.Y);


private void ToolStrip1_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) {
    mouseDown = false;

private void ToolStrip1_MouseLeave(object sender, EventArgs e) {
    mouseDown = false;

Which comment style should I use in batch files?

Comments with REM

A REM can remark a complete line, also a multiline caret at the line end, if it's not the end of the first token.

REM This is a comment, the caret is ignored^
echo This line is printed

REM This_is_a_comment_the_caret_appends_the_next_line^
echo This line is part of the remark

REM followed by some characters .:\/= works a bit different, it doesn't comment an ampersand, so you can use it as inline comment.

echo First & REM. This is a comment & echo second

But to avoid problems with existing files like REM, REM.bat or REM;.bat only a modified variant should be used.


And for the character ; is also allowed one of ;,:\/=

REM is about 6 times slower than :: (tested on Win7SP1 with 100000 comment lines).
For a normal usage it's not important (58µs versus 360µs per comment line)

Comments with ::

A :: always executes a line end caret.

:: This is also a comment^
echo This line is also a comment

Labels and also the comment label :: have a special logic in parenthesis blocks.
They span always two lines SO: goto command not working.
So they are not recommended for parenthesis blocks, as they are often the cause for syntax errors.

With ECHO ON a REM line is shown, but not a line commented with ::

Both can't really comment out the rest of the line, so a simple %~ will cause a syntax error.

REM This comment will result in an error %~ ...

But REM is able to stop the batch parser at an early phase, even before the special character phase is done.

@echo ON
REM This caret ^ is visible

You can use &REM or &:: to add a comment to the end of command line. This approach works because '&' introduces a new command on the same line.

Comments with percent signs %= comment =%

There exists a comment style with percent signs.

In reality these are variables but they are expanded to nothing.
But the advantage is that they can be placed in the same line, even without &.
The equal sign ensures, that such a variable can't exists.

echo Mytest
set "var=3"     %= This is a comment in the same line=%

The percent style is recommended for batch macros, as it doesn't change the runtime behaviour, as the comment will be removed when the macro is defined.

set $test=(%\n%
%=Start of code=% ^
echo myMacro%\n%

Plotting time-series with Date labels on x-axis

1) Since the times are dates be sure to use "Date" class, not "POSIXct" or "POSIXlt". See R News 4/1 for advice and try this where Lines is defined in the Note at the end. No packages are used here.

dm <- read.table(text = Lines, header = TRUE)
dm$Date <- as.Date(dm$Date, "%m/%d/%Y")
plot(Visits ~ Date, dm, xaxt = "n", type = "l")
axis(1, dm$Date, format(dm$Date, "%b %d"), cex.axis = .7)

The use of text = Lines is just to keep the example self-contained and in reality it would be replaced with something like "myfile.dat" . (continued after image)


2) Since this is a time series you may wish to use a time series representation giving slightly simpler code:


z <- read.zoo(text = Lines, header = TRUE, format = "%m/%d/%Y")
plot(z, xaxt = "n")
axis(1, dm$Date, format(dm$Date, "%b %d"), cex.axis = .7)

Depending on what you want the plot to look like it may be sufficient just to use plot(Visits ~ Date, dm) in the first case or plot(z) in the second case suppressing the axis command entirely. It could also be done using xyplot.zoo


or autoplot.zoo:



Lines <- "Date            Visits
11/1/2010   696537
11/2/2010   718748
11/3/2010   799355
11/4/2010   805800
11/5/2010   701262
11/6/2010   531579
11/7/2010   690068
11/8/2010   756947
11/9/2010   718757
11/10/2010  701768
11/11/2010  820113
11/12/2010  645259"

Select n random rows from SQL Server table

It appears newid() can't be used in where clause, so this solution requires an inner query:

    FROM MyTable
) vw
WHERE Rnd % 100 < 10        --10%

Swift - iOS - Dates and times in different format

new Date(year,month,day,0,0,0,0) is local time (as input) new Date(year,month,day) is UTC

I was using a function to attain YYYY-MM-DD format to be compatible on iOS web, but that is also UTC when used in comparisons (not chained by getFullYear or similar) I've found it is best to use only the above with strong (hours,minutes,seconds,milliseconds) building a calendar, calculating with a Date objects and local references

export const zeroPad = (num) => {
  var res = "0";
  if (String(num).length === 1) {
    res = `0${num}`;
  } else {
    res = num;
  return res;

Correct use for angular-translate in controllers

Recommended: don't translate in the controller, translate in your view

I'd recommend to keep your controller free from translation logic and translate your strings directly inside your view like this:

<h1>{{ 'TITLE.HELLO_WORLD' | translate }}</h1>

Using the provided service

Angular Translate provides the $translate service which you can use in your Controllers.

An example usage of the $translate service can be:

.controller('TranslateMe', ['$scope', '$translate', function ($scope, $translate) {
        .then(function (translatedValue) {
            $scope.pageTitle = translatedValue;

The translate service also has a method for directly translating strings without the need to handle a promise, using $translate.instant():

.controller('TranslateMe', ['$scope', '$translate', function ($scope, $translate) {
    $scope.pageTitle = $translate.instant('TITLE.DASHBOARD'); // Assuming TITLE.DASHBOARD is defined

The downside with using $translate.instant() could be that the language file isn't loaded yet if you are loading it async.

Using the provided filter

This is my preferred way since I don't have to handle promises this way. The output of the filter can be directly set to a scope variable.

.controller('TranslateMe', ['$scope', '$filter', function ($scope, $filter) {
    var $translate = $filter('translate');

    $scope.pageTitle = $translate('TITLE.DASHBOARD'); // Assuming TITLE.DASHBOARD is defined

Using the provided directive

Since @PascalPrecht is the creator of this awesome library, I'd recommend going with his advise (see his answer below) and use the provided directive which seems to handle translations very intelligent.

The directive takes care of asynchronous execution and is also clever enough to unwatch translation ids on the scope if the translation has no dynamic values.

Looping through GridView rows and Checking Checkbox Control

you have to iterate gridview Rows

for (int count = 0; count < grd.Rows.Count; count++)
    if (((CheckBox)grd.Rows[count].FindControl("yourCheckboxID")).Checked)

Utilizing multi core for tar+gzip/bzip compression/decompression

Common approach

There is option for tar program:

-I, --use-compress-program PROG
      filter through PROG (must accept -d)

You can use multithread version of archiver or compressor utility.

Most popular multithread archivers are pigz (instead of gzip) and pbzip2 (instead of bzip2). For instance:

$ tar -I pbzip2 -cf OUTPUT_FILE.tar.bz2 paths_to_archive
$ tar --use-compress-program=pigz -cf OUTPUT_FILE.tar.gz paths_to_archive

Archiver must accept -d. If your replacement utility hasn't this parameter and/or you need specify additional parameters, then use pipes (add parameters if necessary):

$ tar cf - paths_to_archive | pbzip2 > OUTPUT_FILE.tar.gz
$ tar cf - paths_to_archive | pigz > OUTPUT_FILE.tar.gz

Input and output of singlethread and multithread are compatible. You can compress using multithread version and decompress using singlethread version and vice versa.


For p7zip for compression you need a small shell script like the following:

case $1 in
  -d) 7za -txz -si -so e;;
   *) 7za -txz -si -so a .;;
esac 2>/dev/null

Save it as Here the example of usage:

$ tar -I -cf OUTPUT_FILE.tar.7z paths_to_archive
$ tar -I -xf OUTPUT_FILE.tar.7z


Regarding multithreaded XZ support. If you are running version 5.2.0 or above of XZ Utils, you can utilize multiple cores for compression by setting -T or --threads to an appropriate value via the environmental variable XZ_DEFAULTS (e.g. XZ_DEFAULTS="-T 0").

This is a fragment of man for 5.1.0alpha version:

Multithreaded compression and decompression are not implemented yet, so this option has no effect for now.

However this will not work for decompression of files that haven't also been compressed with threading enabled. From man for version 5.2.2:

Threaded decompression hasn't been implemented yet. It will only work on files that contain multiple blocks with size information in block headers. All files compressed in multi-threaded mode meet this condition, but files compressed in single-threaded mode don't even if --block-size=size is used.

Recompiling with replacement

If you build tar from sources, then you can recompile with parameters


After recompiling tar with these options you can check the output of tar's help:

$ tar --help | grep "lbzip2\|plzip\|pigz"
  -j, --bzip2                filter the archive through lbzip2
      --lzip                 filter the archive through plzip
  -z, --gzip, --gunzip, --ungzip   filter the archive through pigz

link_to method and click event in Rails

just use

=link_to "link", "javascript:function()"

Why does Java have transient fields?

Serialization systems other than the native java one can also use this modifier. Hibernate, for instance, will not persist fields marked with either @Transient or the transient modifier. Terracotta as well respects this modifier.

I believe the figurative meaning of the modifier is "this field is for in-memory use only. don't persist or move it outside of this particular VM in any way. Its non-portable". i.e. you can't rely on its value in another VM memory space. Much like volatile means you can't rely on certain memory and thread semantics.

CSS3 Rotate Animation

I have a rotating image using the same thing as you:

.knoop1 img{
    margin:0 auto;

    -webkit-transition-duration: 0.8s;
    -moz-transition-duration: 0.8s;
    -o-transition-duration: 0.8s;
    transition-duration: 0.8s;

    -webkit-transition-property: -webkit-transform;
    -moz-transition-property: -moz-transform;
    -o-transition-property: -o-transform;
     transition-property: transform;


.knoop1:hover img{

Explanation of the UML arrows

Aggregations and compositions are a little bit confusing. However, think like compositions are a stronger version of aggregation. What does that mean? Let's take an example: (Aggregation) 1. Take a classroom and students: In this case, we try to analyze the relationship between them. A classroom has a relationship with students. That means classroom comprises of one or many students. Even if we remove the Classroom class, the Students class does not need to destroy, which means we can use Student class independently.

(Composition) 2. Take a look at pages and Book Class. In this case, pages is a book, which means collections of pages makes the book. If we remove the book class, the whole Page class will be destroyed. That means we cannot use the class of the page independently.

If you are still unclear about this topic, watch out this short wonderful video, which has explained the aggregation more clearly.

Passing a dictionary to a function as keyword parameters

Figured it out for myself in the end. It is simple, I was just missing the ** operator to unpack the dictionary

So my example becomes:

d = dict(p1=1, p2=2)
def f2(p1,p2):
    print p1, p2

Adding Only Untracked Files

To add all untracked files git command is

git add -A

Also if you want to get more details about various available options , you can type command

git add -i

instead of first command , with this you will get more options including option to add all untracked files as shown below :

$ git add -i warning: LF will be replaced by CRLF in README.txt. The file will have its original line endings in your working directory. warning: LF will be replaced by CRLF in package.json.

* Commands * 1: status 2: update 3: revert 4: add untracked 5: patch 6: diff 7: quit 8: help What now> a

How to rename uploaded file before saving it into a directory?

The move_uploaded_file will return false if the file was not successfully moved you can put something into your code to alert you in a log if that happens, that should help you figure out why your having trouble renaming the file

Make absolute positioned div expand parent div height

"You either use fixed heights or you need to involve JS."

Here is the JS example:

---------- jQuery JS example--------------------

    function findEnvelopSizeOfAbsolutelyPositionedChildren(containerSelector){
        var maxX = $(containerSelector).width(), maxY = $(containerSelector).height();

        $(containerSelector).children().each(function (i){
            if (maxX < parseInt($(this).css('left')) + $(this).width()){
                maxX = parseInt($(this).css('left')) + $(this).width();
            if (maxY < parseInt($(this).css('top')) + $(this).height()){
                maxY = parseInt($(this).css('top')) + $(this).height();
        return {
            'width': maxX,
            'height': maxY

    var specBodySize = findEnvelopSizeOfAbsolutelyPositionedSubDivs("#SpecBody");

Locking pattern for proper use of .NET MemoryCache

Its a bit late, however... Full implementation:

    public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> GetPageFromUriOrBody(RequestQuery requestQuery)
        log(nameof(GetPageFromUriOrBody), nameof(requestQuery));
        var responseResult = await _requestQueryCache.GetOrCreate(
            , requestQuery
            , (x) => getPageContent(x).Result);
        return Request.CreateResponse(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Accepted, responseResult);
    static MemoryCacheWithPolicy<RequestQuery, string> _requestQueryCache = new MemoryCacheWithPolicy<RequestQuery, string>();

Here is getPageContent signature:

async Task<string> getPageContent(RequestQuery requestQuery);

And here is the MemoryCacheWithPolicy implementation:

public class MemoryCacheWithPolicy<TParameter, TResult>
    static ILogger _nlogger = new AppLogger().Logger;
    private MemoryCache _cache = new MemoryCache(new MemoryCacheOptions() 
        //Size limit amount: this is actually a memory size limit value!
        SizeLimit = 1024 

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets or creates a new memory cache record for a main data
    /// along with parameter data that is assocciated with main main.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="key">Main data cache memory key.</param>
    /// <param name="param">Parameter model that assocciated to main model (request result).</param>
    /// <param name="createCacheData">A delegate to create a new main data to cache.</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public async Task<TResult> GetOrCreate(object key, TParameter param, Func<TParameter, TResult> createCacheData)
        // this key is used for param cache memory.
        var paramKey = key + nameof(param);

        if (!_cache.TryGetValue(key, out TResult cacheEntry))
            // key is not in the cache, create data through the delegate.
            cacheEntry = createCacheData(param);
            createMemoryCache(key, cacheEntry, paramKey, param);

            _nlogger.Warn(" cache is created.");
            // data is chached so far..., check if param model is same (or changed)?
            if(!_cache.TryGetValue(paramKey, out TParameter cacheParam))
                //exception: this case should not happened!

            if (!cacheParam.Equals(param))
                // request param is changed, create data through the delegate.
                cacheEntry = createCacheData(param);
                createMemoryCache(key, cacheEntry, paramKey, param);
                _nlogger.Warn(" cache is re-created (param model has been changed).");
                _nlogger.Trace(" cache is used.");

        return await Task.FromResult<TResult>(cacheEntry);
    MemoryCacheEntryOptions createMemoryCacheEntryOptions(TimeSpan slidingOffset, TimeSpan relativeOffset)
        // Cache data within [slidingOffset] seconds, 
        // request new result after [relativeOffset] seconds.
        return new MemoryCacheEntryOptions()

            // Size amount: this is actually an entry count per 
            // key limit value! not an actual memory size value!

            // Priority on removing when reaching size limit (memory pressure)

            // Keep in cache for this amount of time, reset it if accessed.

            // Remove from cache after this time, regardless of sliding expiration
    void createMemoryCache(object key, TResult cacheEntry, object paramKey, TParameter param)
        // Cache data within 2 seconds, 
        // request new result after 5 seconds.
        var cacheEntryOptions = createMemoryCacheEntryOptions(
            , TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));

        // Save data in cache.
        _cache.Set(key, cacheEntry, cacheEntryOptions);

        // Save param in cache.
        _cache.Set(paramKey, param, cacheEntryOptions);
    void checkCacheEntry<T>(object key, string name)
        _cache.TryGetValue(key, out T value);
        _nlogger.Fatal("Key: {0}, Name: {1}, Value: {2}", key, name, value);

nlogger is just nLog object to trace MemoryCacheWithPolicy behavior. I re-create the memory cache if request object (RequestQuery requestQuery) is changed through the delegate (Func<TParameter, TResult> createCacheData) or re-create when sliding or absolute time reached their limit. Note that everything is async too ;)

How to change legend title in ggplot

The way i am going to tell you, will allow you to change the labels of legend, axis, title etc with a single formula and you don't need to use memorise multiple formulas. This will not affect the font style or the design of the labels/ text of titles and axis.

I am giving the complete answer of the question below.

 rating <- c(rnorm(200), rnorm(200, mean=.8))
 cond <-factor(rep(c("A", "B"), each = 200))
 df <- data.frame(cond,rating 

 k<- ggplot(data=df, aes(x=rating, fill=cond))+ 
 geom_density(alpha = .3) +

 # to change the cond to a different label
 k$labels$fill="New Legend Title"

 # to change the axis titles
 k$labels$y="Y Axis"
 k$labels$x="X Axis"

I have stored the ggplot output in a variable "k". You can name it anything you like. Later I have used

k$labels$fill ="New Legend Title"

to change the legend. "fill" is used for those labels which shows different colours. If you have labels that shows sizes like 1 point represent 100, other point 200 etc then you can use this code like this-

k$labels$size ="Size of points"

and it will change that label title.

Use chrome as browser in C#?

OpenWebKitSharp gives you full control over WebKit Nightly, which is very close to webkit in terms of performance and compatibility. Chrome uses WebKit Chromium engine, while WebKit.NET uses Cairo and OpenWebKitSharp Nightly. Chromium should be the best of these builds, while at 2nd place should come Nightly and that's why I suggest OpenWebKitSharp. at the OpenWebKitSharp section

Difference between const reference and normal parameter

The first method passes n by value, i.e. a copy of n is sent to the function. The second one passes n by reference which basically means that a pointer to the n with which the function is called is sent to the function.

For integral types like int it doesn't make much sense to pass as a const reference since the size of the reference is usually the same as the size of the reference (the pointer). In the cases where making a copy is expensive it's usually best to pass by const reference.

What Java FTP client library should I use?

I was downloading video files. Apache's FTPClient fumbled, it downloaded the video reasonably fast. but when I tried to play the video back, it lost chunks out of the middle of the video. ftp4j would download the whole video with no loss.

ftp4j ftw

Android button with icon and text

For anyone looking to do this dynamically then setCompoundDrawables(Drawable left, Drawable top, Drawable right, Drawable bottom) on the buttons object will assist.


Button search = (Button) findViewById(;

Bootstrap Align Image with text

use the grid-system of boostrap , more information here

for example

<div class="row">
  <div class="col-md-4">here img</div>
  <div class="col-md-4">here text</div>

in this way when the page will shrink the second div(the text) will be found under the first(the image)

How can I process each letter of text using Javascript?

It's probably more than solved. Just want to contribute with another simple solution:

var text = 'uololooo';

// With ES6
[...text].forEach(c => console.log(c))

// With the `of` operator
for (const c of text) {

// With ES5
for (var x = 0, c=''; c = text.charAt(x); x++) { 

// ES5 without the for loop:
text.split('').forEach(function(c) {

Linux find file names with given string recursively

The find command will take long time because it scans real files in file system.

The quickest way is using locate command, which will give result immediately:

locate "John"

If the command is not found, you need to install mlocate package and run updatedb command first to prepare the search database for the first time.

More detail here:

In Swift how to call method with parameters on GCD main thread?

Swift 2

Using Trailing Closures this becomes:

dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {

Trailing Closures is Swift syntactic sugar that enables defining the closure outside of the function parameter scope. For more information see Trailing Closures in Swift 2.2 Programming Language Guide.

In dispatch_async case the API is func dispatch_async(queue: dispatch_queue_t, _ block: dispatch_block_t) since dispatch_block_t is type alias for () -> Void - A closure that receives 0 parameters and does not have a return value, and block being the last parameter of the function we can define the closure in the outer scope of dispatch_async.

Hibernate Error executing DDL via JDBC Statement

you have to be careful because reseved words are not only for table names, also you have to check column names, my mistake was that one of my columns was named "user". If you are using PostgreSQL the correct dialect is: org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect


How to only find files in a given directory, and ignore subdirectories using bash

Is there any particular reason that you need to use find? You can just use ls to find files that match a pattern in a directory.

ls /dev/abc-*

If you do need to use find, you can use the -maxdepth 1 switch to only apply to the specified directory.

'Use of Unresolved Identifier' in Swift

Once I had this problem after renaming a file. I renamed the file from within Xcode, but afterwards Xcode couldn't find the function in the file. Even a clean rebuild didn't fix the problem, but closing and then re-opening the project got the build to work.

Clearing an HTML file upload field via JavaScript

Simply now in 2014 the input element having an id supports the function val('').

For the input -

<input type="file" multiple="true" id="File1" name="choose-file" />

This js clears the input element -


How to rotate a 3D object on axis three.js?

In Three.js R59, object.rotation.setEulerFromRotationMatrix(object.matrix); has been changed to object.rotation.setFromRotationMatrix(object.matrix);

3js is changing so rapidly :D

How to add DOM element script to head section?

try this

var script = document.createElement('script');
script.type = 'text/javascript';
script.src = 'url';    


Error handling in getJSON calls

This is quite an old thread, but it does come up in Google search, so I thought I would add a jQuery 3 answer using promises. This snippet also shows:

  • You no longer need to switch to $.ajax to pass in your bearer token
  • Uses .then() to make sure you can process synchronously any outcome (I was coming across this problem .always() callback firing too soon - although I'm not sure that was 100% true)
  • I'm using .always() to simply show the outcome whether positive or negative
  • In the .always() function I'm updating two targets with the HTTP Status code and message body

The code snippet is:

         url: "",
         headers: { "Authorization": "Bearer " + user.access_token}
    }).then().always(   function (data, textStatus) {

Escaping ampersand character in SQL string

You can use

set define off

Using this it won't prompt for the input

Text File Parsing in Java

While calling/invoking your programme you can use this command : java [-options] className [args...]
in place of [-options] provide more memory e.g -Xmx1024m or more. but this is just a workaround, u have to change ur parsing mechanism.

Change <br> height using CSS

You can't change the height of the br tag itself, as it's not an element that takes up space in the page. It's just an instruction to create a new line.

You can change the line height using the line-height style. That will change the distance between the text blocks that you have separated by empty lines, but natually also the distance between lines in a text block.

For completeness: Text blocks in HTML is usually done using the p tag around text blocks. That way you can control the line height inside the p tag, and also the spacing between the p tags.

How to get my Android device Internal Download Folder path

if a device has an SD card, you use:


if you don't have an SD card, you use:


if there is no SD card, you can create your own directory on the device locally.

    //if there is no SD card, create new directory objects to make directory on device
        if (Environment.getExternalStorageState() == null) {
                        //create new file directory object
            directory = new File(Environment.getDataDirectory()
                    + "/RobotiumTestLog/");
            photoDirectory = new File(Environment.getDataDirectory()
                    + "/Robotium-Screenshots/");
             * this checks to see if there are any previous test photo files
             * if there are any photos, they are deleted for the sake of
             * memory
            if (photoDirectory.exists()) {
                File[] dirFiles = photoDirectory.listFiles();
                if (dirFiles.length != 0) {
                    for (int ii = 0; ii <= dirFiles.length; ii++) {
            // if no directory exists, create new directory
            if (!directory.exists()) {

            // if phone DOES have sd card
        } else if (Environment.getExternalStorageState() != null) {
            // search for directory on SD card
            directory = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()
                    + "/RobotiumTestLog/");
            photoDirectory = new File(
                            + "/Robotium-Screenshots/");
            if (photoDirectory.exists()) {
                File[] dirFiles = photoDirectory.listFiles();
                if (dirFiles.length > 0) {
                    for (int ii = 0; ii < dirFiles.length; ii++) {
                    dirFiles = null;
            // if no directory exists, create new directory to store test
            // results
            if (!directory.exists()) {
        }// end of SD card checking

add permissions on your manifest.xml

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />

Happy coding..

TNS Protocol adapter error while starting Oracle SQL*Plus

You are getting ORA-12560: TNS:protocol adaptor error becuase you didn't start the Oracle database.

You can start Oracle database like this. From START-> select Oracle Database 11g Express Edition( 11g or what ever your database can find this from All Programs). Then inside this folder there is a DB icon with green color spot.Start Database icon It is the Start Service icon.Click it.Then it will take some seconds and start the service. connection success

After getting the above message,again try to connect through the SQL plus command line by giving user name and password. enter image description here

AngularJS error: 'argument 'FirstCtrl' is not a function, got undefined'

Me too faced the same issue. But the problem was I forgot to list the module in the list of modules the ng-app depends on.

Bootstrap - floating navbar button right

You would need to use the following markup. If you want to float any menu items to the right, create a separate <ul class="nav navbar-nav"> with navbar-right class to it.

<script src=""></script>_x000D_
  <script src=""></script>_x000D_
  <link href="" rel="stylesheet" />_x000D_
  <div class="navbar navbar-inverse navbar-fixed-top" role="navigation">_x000D_
    <div class="container">_x000D_
      <div class="navbar-header">_x000D_
        <button type="button" class="navbar-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-target=".navbar-collapse">_x000D_
            <span class="sr-only">Toggle navigation</span>_x000D_
            <span class="icon-bar"></span>_x000D_
            <span class="icon-bar"></span>_x000D_
            <span class="icon-bar"></span>_x000D_
        <a class="navbar-brand" href="#">Project name</a>_x000D_
      <div class="collapse navbar-collapse">_x000D_
        <ul class="nav navbar-nav">_x000D_
          <li class="active"><a href="#">Home</a></li>_x000D_
          <li><a href="#about">About</a></li>_x000D_
        <ul class="nav navbar-nav navbar-right">_x000D_
          <li><a href="#contact">Contact</a></li>_x000D_

Batch command date and time in file name

Your question seems to be solved, but ...

I'm not sure if you take the right solution for your problem.
I suppose you try to compress each day the actual project code.

It's possible with ZIP and 1980 this was a good solution, but today you should use a repository system, like subversion or git or ..., but not a zip-file.

Ok, perhaps it could be that I'm wrong.

How to name and retrieve a stash by name in git?

What about this?

git stash save stashname
git stash apply stash^{/stashname}

How do I make an asynchronous GET request in PHP?

If you are using Linux environment then you can use the PHP's exec command to invoke the linux curl. Here is a sample code, which will make a Asynchronous HTTP post.

function _async_http_post($url, $json_string) {
  $run = "curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json'";
  $run.= " -d '" .$json_string. "' " . "'" . $url . "'";
  $run.= " > /dev/null 2>&1 &";
  exec($run, $output, $exit);
  return $exit == 0;

This code does not need any extra PHP libs and it can complete the http post in less than 10 milliseconds.

Indentation Error in Python

In Notepad++

View --->Show Symbols --->Show White Spaces and Tabs(select)

replace all tabs with spaces.

How to kill MySQL connections

As above mentioned, there is no special command to do it. However, if all those connection are inactive, using 'flush tables;' is able to release all those connection which are not active.

"PKIX path building failed" and "unable to find valid certification path to requested target"

This is a solution but in form of my story with this problem:

I was almost dead trying all the solution given above(for 3 days ) and nothing worked for me.

I lost all hope.

I contacted my security team regarding this because i was behind a proxy and they told that they had recently updated their security policy.

I scolded them badly for not informing the Developers.

Later they issued a new "cacerts" file which contains all the certificates.

I removed the cacerts file which is present inside %JAVA_HOME%/jre/lib/security and it solved my problem.

So if you are facing this issue it might be from your network team also like this.

Number format in excel: Showing % value without multiplying with 100

In Excel workbook - Select the Cell-goto Format Cells - Number - Custom - in the Type box type as shows (0.00%)

How to make inactive content inside a div?

  pointer-events: none;
  opacity: 0.7;

The above code makes the contents of the div disabled. You can make div disabled by adding disabled attribute.

<div disabled>
  /* Contents */

how to add a day to a date using jquery datepicker

The datepicker('setDate') sets the date in the datepicket not in the input.

You should add the date and set it in the input.

var date2 = $('.pickupDate').datepicker('getDate');
var nextDayDate = new Date();
nextDayDate.setDate(date2.getDate() + 1);

Iterating over Typescript Map

This worked for me. TypeScript Version: 2.8.3

for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(myMap)) { 
    console.log(key, value);

Is it necessary to assign a string to a variable before comparing it to another?

Do I really have to create an NSString for "Wrong"?

No, why not just do:

if([statusString isEqualToString:@"Wrong"]){

Using @"" simply creates a string literal, which is a valid NSString.

Also, can I compare the value of a UILabel.text to a string without assigning the label value to a string?

Yes, you can do something like:

UILabel *label = ...;
if([someString isEqualToString:label.text]) {
    // Do stuff here 

How do I get the month and day with leading 0's in SQL? (e.g. 9 => 09)

             + CONVERT(VARCHAR(2), Month( column_name )), 2) 
FROM   table 

Creating multiple objects with different names in a loop to store in an array list

ArrayList<Customer> custArr = new ArrayList<Customer>();
while(youWantToContinue) {
    //get a customerName
    //get an amount
    custArr.add(new Customer(customerName, amount);

For this to work... you'll have to fix your constructor...

Assuming your Customer class has variables called name and sale, your constructor should look like this:

public Customer(String customerName, double amount) {
    name = customerName;
    sale = amount;

Change your Store class to something more like this:

public class Store {

    private ArrayList<Customer> custArr;

    public new Store() {
        custArr = new ArrayList<Customer>();

    public void addSale(String customerName, double amount) {
        custArr.add(new Customer(customerName, amount));

    public Customer getSaleAtIndex(int index) {
        return custArr.get(index);

    //or if you want the entire ArrayList:
    public ArrayList getCustArr() {
        return custArr;

Check if cookies are enabled


In JavaScript you simple test for the cookieEnabled property, which is supported in all major browsers. If you deal with an older browser, you can set a cookie and check if it exists. (borrowed from Modernizer):

if (navigator.cookieEnabled) return true;

// set and read cookie
document.cookie = "cookietest=1";
var ret = document.cookie.indexOf("cookietest=") != -1;

// delete cookie
document.cookie = "cookietest=1; expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:01 GMT";

return ret;


In PHP it is rather "complicated" since you have to refresh the page or redirect to another script. Here I will use two scripts:


setcookie('foo', 'bar', time()+3600);
header("location: check.php");


<?php echo (isset($_COOKIE['foo']) && $_COOKIE['foo']=='bar') ? 'enabled' : 'disabled';

jQuery - simple input validation - "empty" and "not empty"

You could do this

    if($(this).val() == ''){

When the input has lost focus that is .blur(), then check the value of the #input.

If it is empty == '' then trigger the alert.

.htaccess mod_rewrite - how to exclude directory from rewrite rule

We used the following mod_rewrite rule:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/test/
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/my-folder/
RewriteRule (.*)$1 [R=301,L]

This redirects (permanently with a 301 redirect) all traffic to the site to, except requests to resources in the /test and /my-folder directories. We transfer the user to the exact resource they requested by using the (.*) capture group and then including $1 in the new URL. Mind the spaces.

Is there a way to make npm install (the command) to work behind proxy?

Go TO Environment Variables and Either Remove or set it to empty


it will resolve proxy issue for corporate env too

Android Studio don't generate for my import project

I had a lot of problems exporting a project from Eclipse (assuming that is where you are exporting from). It was much easier for me to create a new project in Android Studio, then copy over the java files, xml files, layout directories, etc, and the AndroidManifest, into the appropriate location in the new project.

If you already have an file for your project, you could try just copying it over to the new project. In Android Studio the file seems to reside in build/source/r/debug/your-package-name/

Amazon S3 - HTTPS/SSL - Is it possible?

payton109’s answer is correct if you’re in the default US-EAST-1 region. If your bucket is in a different region, use a slightly different URL:


Where <region> is the bucket location name. For example, if your bucket is in the us-west-2 (Oregon) region, you can do this:

Retrieving the last record in each group - MySQL

Another approach :

Find the propertie with the max m2_price withing each program (n properties in 1 program) :

select * from properties p
join (
    select max(m2_price) as max_price 
    from properties 
    group by program_id
) p2 on (p.program_id = p2.program_id)
having p.m2_price = max_price

Why Would I Ever Need to Use C# Nested Classes

The purpose is typically just to restrict the scope of the nested class. Nested classes compared to normal classes have the additional possibility of the private modifier (as well as protected of course).

Basically, if you only need to use this class from within the "parent" class (in terms of scope), then it is usually appropiate to define it as a nested class. If this class might need to be used from without the assembly/library, then it is usually more convenient to the user to define it as a separate (sibling) class, whether or not there is any conceptual relationship between the two classes. Even though it is technically possible to create a public class nested within a public parent class, this is in my opinion rarely an appropiate thing to implement.

Error in Chrome only: XMLHttpRequest cannot load file URL No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource

This is supposedly because you trying to make cross-domain request, or something that is clarified as it. You could try adding header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *'); to the requested file.

Also, such problem is sometimes occurs on server-sent events implementation in case of using event-source or XHR polling in IE 8-10 (which confused me first time).

Cannot deserialize the current JSON array (e.g. [1,2,3])

You have an array, convert it to an object, something like:

data: [{"id": 3636, "is_default": true, "name": "Unit", "quantity": 1, "stock": "100000.00", "unit_cost": "0"}, {"id": 4592, "is_default": false, "name": "Bundle", "quantity": 5, "stock": "100000.00", "unit_cost": "0"}]

How to run Selenium WebDriver test cases in Chrome

Download the updated version of the Google Chrome driver from Chrome Driver.

Please read the release note as well here.

If the Chrome browser is updated, then you need to download the new Chrome driver from the above link, because it would be compatible with the new browser version.

public class chrome

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        System.setProperty("", "/path/to/chromedriver");
        WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();



How to convert CharSequence to String?

You can directly use String.valueOf()


Though this is same as toString() it does a null check on the charSequence before actually calling toString.

This is useful when a method can return either a charSequence or null value.

How to implement band-pass Butterworth filter with Scipy.signal.butter

You could skip the use of buttord, and instead just pick an order for the filter and see if it meets your filtering criterion. To generate the filter coefficients for a bandpass filter, give butter() the filter order, the cutoff frequencies Wn=[low, high] (expressed as the fraction of the Nyquist frequency, which is half the sampling frequency) and the band type btype="band".

Here's a script that defines a couple convenience functions for working with a Butterworth bandpass filter. When run as a script, it makes two plots. One shows the frequency response at several filter orders for the same sampling rate and cutoff frequencies. The other plot demonstrates the effect of the filter (with order=6) on a sample time series.

from scipy.signal import butter, lfilter

def butter_bandpass(lowcut, highcut, fs, order=5):
    nyq = 0.5 * fs
    low = lowcut / nyq
    high = highcut / nyq
    b, a = butter(order, [low, high], btype='band')
    return b, a

def butter_bandpass_filter(data, lowcut, highcut, fs, order=5):
    b, a = butter_bandpass(lowcut, highcut, fs, order=order)
    y = lfilter(b, a, data)
    return y

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from scipy.signal import freqz

    # Sample rate and desired cutoff frequencies (in Hz).
    fs = 5000.0
    lowcut = 500.0
    highcut = 1250.0

    # Plot the frequency response for a few different orders.
    for order in [3, 6, 9]:
        b, a = butter_bandpass(lowcut, highcut, fs, order=order)
        w, h = freqz(b, a, worN=2000)
        plt.plot((fs * 0.5 / np.pi) * w, abs(h), label="order = %d" % order)

    plt.plot([0, 0.5 * fs], [np.sqrt(0.5), np.sqrt(0.5)],
             '--', label='sqrt(0.5)')
    plt.xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')

    # Filter a noisy signal.
    T = 0.05
    nsamples = T * fs
    t = np.linspace(0, T, nsamples, endpoint=False)
    a = 0.02
    f0 = 600.0
    x = 0.1 * np.sin(2 * np.pi * 1.2 * np.sqrt(t))
    x += 0.01 * np.cos(2 * np.pi * 312 * t + 0.1)
    x += a * np.cos(2 * np.pi * f0 * t + .11)
    x += 0.03 * np.cos(2 * np.pi * 2000 * t)
    plt.plot(t, x, label='Noisy signal')

    y = butter_bandpass_filter(x, lowcut, highcut, fs, order=6)
    plt.plot(t, y, label='Filtered signal (%g Hz)' % f0)
    plt.xlabel('time (seconds)')
    plt.hlines([-a, a], 0, T, linestyles='--')
    plt.legend(loc='upper left')

Here are the plots that are generated by this script:

Frequency response for several filter orders

enter image description here

How best to determine if an argument is not sent to the JavaScript function

Some times you may also want to check for type, specially if you are using the function as getter and setter. The following code is ES6 (will not run in EcmaScript 5 or older):

class PrivateTest {
    constructor(aNumber) {
        let _aNumber = aNumber;

        //Privileged setter/getter with access to private _number:
        this.aNumber = function(value) {
            if (value !== undefined && (typeof value === typeof _aNumber)) {
                _aNumber = value;
            else {
                return _aNumber;

Multi-line string with extra space (preserved indentation)

If you're trying to get the string into a variable, another easy way is something like this:

USAGE=$(cat <<-END
    This is line one.
    This is line two.
    This is line three.

If you indent your string with tabs (i.e., '\t'), the indentation will be stripped out. If you indent with spaces, the indentation will be left in.

NOTE: It is significant that the last closing parenthesis is on another line. The END text must appear on a line by itself.

How can one display images side by side in a GitHub

This is the best way to make add images/screenshots of your app and keep your repository look clean.

Create a screenshot folder in your repository and add the images you want to display.

Now go to and add this HTML code to form a table.

#### Flutter App Screenshots

    <td>First Screen Page</td>
     <td>Holiday Mention</td>
     <td>Present day in purple and selected day in pink</td>
    <td><img src="screenshots/Screenshot_1582745092.png" width=270 height=480></td>
    <td><img src="screenshots/Screenshot_1582745125.png" width=270 height=480></td>
    <td><img src="screenshots/Screenshot_1582745139.png" width=270 height=480></td>

In the <td><img src="(COPY IMAGE PATH HERE)" width=270 height=480></td>

** To get the image path --> Go to the screenshot folder and open the image and on the right most side, you will find Copy path button.

You will get a table like this in your repository--->

enter image description here

Check if value exists in dataTable?

DataRow rw = table.AsEnumerable().FirstOrDefault(tt => tt.Field<string>("Author") == "Name");
if (rw != null)
// row exists

add to your using clause :

using System.Linq;

and add :


to references.

syntaxerror: unexpected character after line continuation character in python

You need to quote that filename:

f = open("D\\python\\HW\\2_1 - Copy.cp", "r")

Otherwise the bare backslash after the D is interpreted as a line-continuation character, and should be followed by a newline. This is used to extend long expressions over multiple lines, for readability:

print "This is a long",\
      "line of text",\
      "that I'm printing."

Also, you shouldn't have semicolons (;) at the end of your statements in Python.

Multiple Order By with LINQ

You can use the ThenBy and ThenByDescending extension methods:

foobarList.OrderBy(x => x.Foo).ThenBy( x => x.Bar)


A blanket "no you shouldn't" is terrible advice. This is perfectly reasonable in many situations depending on your use case, workload, data entropy, hardware, etc.. What you shouldn't do is make assumptions.

It should be noted that you can specify a prefix which will limit MySQL's indexing, thereby giving you some help in narrowing down the results before scanning the rest. This may, however, become less useful over time as your prefix "fills up" and becomes less unique.

It's very simple to do, e.g.:

  `id` varchar(128),
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`(4))

Also note that the prefix (4) appears after the column quotes. Where the 4 means that it should use the first 4 characters of the 128 possible characters that can exist as the id.

Lastly, you should read how index prefixes work and their limitations before using them:

Python: PIP install path, what is the correct location for this and other addons?

Since pip is an executable and which returns path of executables or filenames in environment. It is correct. Pip module is installed in site-packages but the executable is installed in bin.

ssh connection refused on Raspberry Pi

Apparently, the SSH server on Raspbian is now disabled by default. If there is no server listening for connections, it will not accept them. You can manually enable the SSH server according to this tutorial :

As of the November 2016 release, Raspbian has the SSH server disabled by default.

There are now multiple ways to enable it. Choose one:

From the desktop

  1. Launch Raspberry Pi Configuration from the Preferences menu
  2. Navigate to the Interfaces tab
  3. Select Enabled next to SSH
  4. Click OK

From the terminal with raspi-config

  1. Enter sudo raspi-config in a terminal window
  2. Select Interfacing Options
  3. Navigate to and select SSH
  4. Choose Yes
  5. Select Ok
  6. Choose Finish

Start the SSH service with systemctl

sudo systemctl enable ssh
sudo systemctl start ssh

On a headless Raspberry Pi

For headless setup, SSH can be enabled by placing a file named ssh, without any extension, onto the boot partition of the SD card. When the Pi boots, it looks for the ssh file. If it is found, SSH is enabled, and the file is deleted. The content of the file does not matter: it could contain text, or nothing at all.

Regex for string contains?

Just don't anchor your pattern:


The above regex will check for the literal string "Test" being found somewhere within it.

How to copy static files to build directory with Webpack?

I was stuck here too. copy-webpack-plugin worked for me.

However, 'copy-webpack-plugin' was not necessary in my case (i learned later).

webpack ignores root paths

<img src="/images/logo.png'>

Hence, to make this work without using 'copy-webpack-plugin' use '~' in paths

<img src="~images/logo.png'>

'~' tells webpack to consider 'images' as a module

note: you might have to add the parent directory of images directory in

resolve: {
    modules: [
        'parent-directory of images',


curl_exec() always returns false

Error checking and handling is the programmer's friend. Check the return values of the initializing and executing cURL functions. curl_error() and curl_errno() will contain further information in case of failure:

try {
    $ch = curl_init();

    // Check if initialization had gone wrong*    
    if ($ch === false) {
        throw new Exception('failed to initialize');

    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, '');
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
    curl_setopt(/* ... */);

    $content = curl_exec($ch);

    // Check the return value of curl_exec(), too
    if ($content === false) {
        throw new Exception(curl_error($ch), curl_errno($ch));

    /* Process $content here */

    // Close curl handle
} catch(Exception $e) {

        'Curl failed with error #%d: %s',
        $e->getCode(), $e->getMessage()),


* The curl_init() manual states:

Returns a cURL handle on success, FALSE on errors.

I've observed the function to return FALSE when you're using its $url parameter and the domain could not be resolved. If the parameter is unused, the function might never return FALSE. Always check it anyways, though, since the manual doesn't clearly state what "errors" actually are. Server returned HTTP response code: 500

Change the content-type to "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", i solved the problem.

Filtering Pandas Dataframe using OR statement

From the docs:

Another common operation is the use of boolean vectors to filter the data. The operators are: | for or, & for and, and ~ for not. These must be grouped by using parentheses.


alldata_balance = alldata[(alldata[IBRD] !=0) | (alldata[IMF] !=0)]

Number of days between past date and current date in Google spreadsheet

Since this is the top Google answer for this, and it was way easier than I expected, here is the simple answer. Just subtract date1 from date2.

If this is your spreadsheet dates

     A            B
1 10/11/2017  12/1/2017


results in 51, which is the number of days between a past date and a current date in Google spreadsheet

As long as it is a date format Google Sheets recognizes, you can directly subtract them and it will be correct.

To do it for a current date, just use the =TODAY() function.


While today works great, you can't use a date directly in the formula, you should referencing a cell that contains a date.

=(12/1/2017)-(10/1/2017) results in 0.0009915716411, not 61.

How to count duplicate rows in pandas dataframe?

I use:

used_features =[

df['is_duplicated'] = df.duplicated(used_features)

which gives count of duplicated rows, and then you can analyse them by a new column. I didn't see such solution here.

difference between css height : 100% vs height : auto

A height of 100% for is, presumably, the height of your browser's inner window, because that is the height of its parent, the page. An auto height will be the minimum height of necessary to contain .

Git Push ERROR: Repository not found

remote: Repository not found. can be a frustratingly misleading error message from when trying to push to an HTTPS remote where you don't have write permissions.

Check your write permissions on the repository!

Trying an SSH remote to the same repository shows a different response:

% git remote add ssh [email protected]:our-organisation/some-repository.git

% git fetch ssh
* [new branch]        MO_Adding_ECS_configs             -> ssh/MO_Adding_ECS_configs
* [new branch]        update_gems                       -> ssh/update_gems

% git push ssh     
ERROR: Repository not found.
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.

"The correct access rights?"

Well why didn't you say so?

It's worth noting at this point that while the SSH failure mode in this scenario is slightly better, I use HTTPS remotes over SSH because GitHub recommend HTTPS over SSH.

I understand that GitHub uses "Not Found" where it means "Forbidden" in some circumstances to prevent inadvertently reveling the existence of a private repository.

Requests that require authentication will return 404 Not Found, instead of 403 Forbidden, in some places. This is to prevent the accidental leakage of private repositories to unauthorized users.


This is a fairly common practice around the web, indeed it is defined:

The 404 (Not Found) status code indicates that the origin server did not find a current representation for the target resource or is not willing to disclose that one exists.

--6.5.4. 404 Not Found, RFC 7231 HTTP/1.1 Semantics and Content (emphasis mine)

What makes no sense to me is when I am authenticated with GitHub using a credential helper and I have access to that repository (having successfully cloned and fetched it) that GitHub would choose to hide its existence from me because of missing write permissions.

Checking using a web browser confirmed that I didn't have write permissions to the repository. Our team's GitHub administrators were able to grant my team write access in a short time and I was able to push the branch up.

Windows batch script to move files

Create a file called MoveFiles.bat with the syntax

move c:\Sourcefoldernam\*.* e:\destinationFolder

then schedule a task to run that MoveFiles.bat every 10 hours.

JavaScript - populate drop down list with array

<form id="myForm">
<select id="selectNumber">
    <option>Choose a number</option>
        var myArray = new Array("1", "2", "3", "4", "5" . . . . . "N");
        for(i=0; i<myArray.length; i++) {  
            document.write('<option value="' + myArray[i] +'">' + myArray[i] + '</option>');

How to set at runtime?

I ran into this very problem trying to send mail with javax.mail from a web application in a web server running Java 7. Internal mail server destinations failed with "network unreachable", despite telnet and ping working from the same host, and while external mail servers worked. I tried

System.setProperty("" , "true");

in the code, but that failed. So the parameter value was probably cached earlier by the system. Setting the VM argument

in the web server startup script worked.

One further bit of evidence: in a very small targeted test program, setting the system property in the code did work. So the parameter is probably cached when the first Socket is used, probably not just as the JVM starts.

how to convert date to a format `mm/dd/yyyy`

Are you looking for something like this?

SELECT CASE WHEN LEFT(created_ts, 1) LIKE '[0-9]' 
            THEN CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), CONVERT(datetime, created_ts,   1), 101)
            ELSE CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), CONVERT(datetime, created_ts, 109), 101)
      END created_ts
  FROM table1


| 02/20/2012 |
| 11/29/2012 |
| 02/20/2012 |
| 11/29/2012 |
| 02/20/2012 |
| 11/29/2012 |
| 11/16/2011 |
| 02/20/2012 |
| 11/29/2012 |

Here is SQLFiddle demo

Object spread vs. Object.assign

Other answers are old, could not get a good answer.
Below example is for object literals, helps how both can complement each other, and how it cannot complement each other (therefore difference):

var obj1 = { a: 1,  b: { b1: 1, b2: 'b2value', b3: 'b3value' } };

// overwrite parts of b key
var obj2 = {
      b: {
        b1: 2
var res2 = Object.assign({}, obj1, obj2); // b2,b3 keys still exist
document.write('res2: ', JSON.stringify (res2), '<br>');
// Output:
// res2: {"a":1,"b":{"b1":2,"b2":"b2value","b3":"b3value"}}  // NOTE: b2,b3 still exists

// overwrite whole of b key
var obj3 = {
      b: {
        b1: 2
var res3 = Object.assign({}, obj1, obj3); // b2,b3 keys are lost
document.write('res3: ', JSON.stringify (res3), '<br>');
// Output:
  // res3: {"a":1,"b":{"b1":2}}  // NOTE: b2,b3 values are lost

Several more small examples here, also for array & object:

How do I delete an exported environment variable?

As mentioned in the above answers, unset GNUPLOT_DRIVER_DIR should work if you have used export to set the variable. If you have set it permanently in ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc then simply removing it from there will work.

How to get access to job parameters from ItemReader, in Spring Batch?

To be able to use the jobParameters I think you need to define your reader as scope 'step', but I am not sure if you can do it using annotations.

Using xml-config it would go like this:

<bean id="foo-readers" scope="step"
  <property name="fileName" value="#{jobExecutionContext['fileName']}" />

See further at the Spring Batch documentation.

Perhaps it works by using @Scope and defining the step scope in your xml-config:

<bean class="org.springframework.batch.core.scope.StepScope" />

How to filter by object property in angularJS

We have Collection as below:

enter image description here


{{(Collection/array/list | filter:{Value : (object value)})[0].KeyName}}


{{(Collectionstatus | filter:{Value:dt.Status})[0].KeyName}}



ng-bind="(input | filter)"


ng-bind="(Collectionstatus | filter:{Value:dt.Status})[0].KeyName"

Assign null to a SqlParameter

try something like this:

if (_id_categoria_padre > 0)
    objComando.Parameters.Add("id_categoria_padre", SqlDbType.Int).Value = _id_categoria_padre;
    objComando.Parameters.Add("id_categoria_padre", DBNull.Value).Value = DBNull.Value;

How can I center an image in Bootstrap?

Image by default is displayed as inline-block, you need to display it as block in order to center it with .mx-auto. This can be done with built-in .d-block:

<div class="container">
    <div class="row">
        <div class="col-4">
            <img class="mx-auto d-block" src="...">  

Or leave it as inline-block and wrapped it in a div with .text-center:

<div class="container">
    <div class="row">
        <div class="col-4">
          <div class="text-center">
            <img src="..."> 

I made a fiddle showing both ways. They are documented here as well.

How to uncommit my last commit in Git

If you aren't totally sure what you mean by "uncommit" and don't know if you want to use git reset, please see "Revert to a previous Git commit".

If you're trying to understand git reset better, please see "Can you explain what "git reset" does in plain English?".

If you know you want to use git reset, it still depends what you mean by "uncommit". If all you want to do is undo the act of committing, leaving everything else intact, use:

git reset --soft HEAD^

If you want to undo the act of committing and everything you'd staged, but leave the work tree (your files intact):

git reset HEAD^

And if you actually want to completely undo it, throwing away all uncommitted changes, resetting everything to the previous commit (as the original question asked):

git reset --hard HEAD^

The original question also asked it's HEAD^ not HEAD. HEAD refers to the current commit - generally, the tip of the currently checked-out branch. The ^ is a notation which can be attached to any commit specifier, and means "the commit before". So, HEAD^ is the commit before the current one, just as master^ is the commit before the tip of the master branch.

Here's the portion of the git-rev-parse documentation describing all of the ways to specify commits (^ is just a basic one among many).

How to get a reference to an iframe's window object inside iframe's onload handler created from parent window

You're declaring everything in the parent page. So the references to window and document are to the parent page's. If you want to do stuff to the iframe's, use iframe || iframe.contentWindow to access its window, and iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow.document to access its document.

There's a word for what's happening, possibly "lexical scope": What is lexical scope?

The only context of a scope is this. And in your example, the owner of the method is doc, which is the iframe's document. Other than that, anything that's accessed in this function that uses known objects are the parent's (if not declared in the function). It would be a different story if the function were declared in a different place, but it's declared in the parent page.

This is how I would write it:

(function () {
  var dom, win, doc, where, iframe;

  iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
  iframe.src = "javascript:false";

  where = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
  where.parentNode.insertBefore(iframe, where);

  win = iframe.contentWindow || iframe;
  doc = iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow.document;;
  doc._l = (function (w, d) {
    return function () {
      w.vanishing_global = new Date().getTime();

      var js = d.createElement("script");
      js.src = 'test-vanishing-global.js?' + w.vanishing_global; = "foobar";
      d.foobar = "foobar:" + Math.random();
      d.foobar = "barfoo:" + Math.random();
  })(win, doc);
  doc.write('<body onload="document._l();"></body>');

The aliasing of win and doc as w and d aren't necessary, it just might make it less confusing because of the misunderstanding of scopes. This way, they are parameters and you have to reference them to access the iframe's stuff. If you want to access the parent's, you still use window and document.

I'm not sure what the implications are of adding methods to a document (doc in this case), but it might make more sense to set the _l method on win. That way, things can be run without a prefix...such as <body onload="_l();"></body>

How to insert a data table into SQL Server database table?

Create a User-Defined TableType in your database:

CREATE TYPE [dbo].[MyTableType] AS TABLE(
    [Id] int NOT NULL,
    [Name] [nvarchar](128) NULL

and define a parameter in your Stored Procedure:

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[InsertTable]
    @myTableType MyTableType readonly
    insert into [dbo].Records select * from @myTableType 

and send your DataTable directly to sql server:

using (var command = new SqlCommand("InsertTable") {CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure})
    var dt = new DataTable(); //create your own data table
    command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@myTableType", dt));

To edit the values inside stored-procedure, you can declare a local variable with the same type and insert input table into it:

DECLARE @modifiableTableType MyTableType 
INSERT INTO @modifiableTableType SELECT * FROM @myTableType

Then, you can edit @modifiableTableType:

UPDATE @modifiableTableType SET [Name] = 'new value'

jQuery .ready in a dynamically inserted iframe

Try this,

<iframe id="testframe" src="about:blank" onload="if (testframe.location.href != 'about:blank') testframe_loaded()"></iframe>

All you need to do then is create the JavaScript function testframe_loaded().

typesafe select onChange event using reactjs and typescript

it works:

type HtmlEvent = React.ChangeEvent<HTMLSelectElement>

const onChange: React.EventHandler<HtmlEvent> = 
   (event: HtmlEvent) => { 

Checking length of dictionary object

This question is confusing. A regular object, {} doesn't have a length property unless you're intending to make your own function constructor which generates custom objects which do have it ( in which case you didn't specify ).

Meaning, you have to get the "length" by a statement on the object, since length is not set, and increment a counter.

I'm confused as to why you need the length. Are you manually setting 0 on the object, or are you relying on custom string keys? eg obj['foo'] = 'bar';. If the latter, again, why the need for length?

Edit #1: Why can't you just do this?

list = [ {name:'john'}, {name:'bob'} ];

Then iterate over list? The length is already set.

How to preview git-pull without doing fetch?

I think git fetch is what your looking for.

It will pull the changes and objects without committing them to your local repo's index.

They can be merged later with git merge.

Man Page

Edit: Further Explination

Straight from the Git- SVN Crash Course link

Now, how do you get any new changes from a remote repository? You fetch them:

git fetch http://host.xz/path/to/repo.git/ 

At this point they are in your repository and you can examine them using:

git log origin 

You can also diff the changes. You can also use git log HEAD..origin to see just the changes you don't have in your branch. Then if would like to merge them - just do:

git merge origin

Note that if you don't specify a branch to fetch, it will conveniently default to the tracking remote.

Reading the man page is honestly going to give you the best understanding of options and how to use it.

I'm just trying to do this by examples and memory, I don't currently have a box to test out on. You should look at:

git log -p //log with diff

A fetch can be undone with git reset --hard (link) , however all uncommitted changes in your tree will be lost as well as the changes you've fetched.

What is the "right" way to iterate through an array in Ruby?

This will iterate through all the elements:

array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
array.each { |x| puts x }



This will iterate through all the elements giving you the value and the index:

array = ["A", "B", "C"]
array.each_with_index {|val, index| puts "#{val} => #{index}" }


A => 0
B => 1
C => 2

I'm not quite sure from your question which one you are looking for.

PDF to byte array and vice versa

The problem is that you are calling toString() on the InputStream object itself. This will return a String representation of the InputStream object not the actual PDF document.

You want to read the PDF only as bytes as PDF is a binary format. You will then be able to write out that same byte array and it will be a valid PDF as it has not been modified.

e.g. to read a file as bytes

File file = new File(sourcePath);
InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(file); 
byte[] bytes = new byte[file.length()];;

Get program execution time in the shell

If you only need precision to the second, you can use the builtin $SECONDS variable, which counts the number of seconds that the shell has been running.

while true; do
    duration=$(( SECONDS - start ))
    echo "This run took $duration seconds"
    if some_condition; then break; fi

The system cannot find the file specified. in Visual Studio

Another take on this that hasn't been mentioned here is that, when in debug, the project may build, but it won't run, giving the error message displayed in the question.

If this is the case, another option to look at is the output file versus the target file. These should match.

A quick way to check the output file is to go to the project's property pages, then go to Configuration Properties -> Linker -> General (In VS 2013 - exact path may vary depending on IDE version).

There is an "Output File" setting. If it is not $(OutDir)$(TargetName)$(TargetExt), then you may run into issues.

This is also discussed in more detail here.

Why shouldn't I use "Hungarian Notation"?

vUsing adjHungarian nnotation vmakes nreading ncode adjdifficult.

For loop in multidimensional javascript array

A bit too late, but this solution is nice and neat

const arr = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9,10]]
for (let i of arr) {
  for (let j of i) {
    console.log(j) //Should log numbers from 1 to 10

Or in your case:

const arr = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]
for (let [d1, d2, d3] of arr) {
  console.log(`${d1}, ${d2}, ${d3}`) //Should return numbers from 1 to 9

Note: for ... of loop is standardised in ES6, so only use this if you have an ES5 Javascript Complier (such as Babel)

Another note: There are alternatives, but they have some subtle differences and behaviours, such as forEach(),, for...of and traditional for(). It depends on your case to decide which one to use. (ES6 also has .map(), .filter(), .find(), .reduce())

Unexpected end of file error

The line #include "stdafx.h" must be the first line at the top of each source file, before any other header files are included.

If what you've shown is the entire .cxx file, then you did forget to include stdafx.h in that file.

How to display a Windows Form in full screen on top of the taskbar?

My simple fix it turned out to be calling the form's Activate() method, so there's no need to use TopMost (which is what I was aiming at).

What is the difference between & and && in Java?

Besides not being a lazy evaluator by evaluating both operands, I think the main characteristics of bitwise operators compare each bytes of operands like in the following example:

int a = 4;
int b = 7;
System.out.println(a & b); // prints 4
//meaning in an 32 bit system
// 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000100
// 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000111
// ===================================
// 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000100

Always show vertical scrollbar in <select>

I guess you cant, this maybe a limitation or not included in the IE browser. I have tried your jsfiddle with IE6-8 and all of it doesn't show the scrollbar and not sure with IE9. While in FF and chrome the scrollbar is shown. I also want to see how to do it in IE if possible.

If you really want to show the scrollbar, you can add a fake scrollbar. If you are familiar with some of the js library which use in RIA. Like in jquery/dojo some of the select is editable, because it is a combination of textbox + select or it can also be a textbox + div.

As an example, see it here a JavaScript that make select like editable.

How can I style a PHP echo text?

You can style it by the following way:

echo "<p style='color:red;'>" . $ip['cityName'] . "</p>";
echo "<p style='color:red;'>" . $ip['countryName'] . "</p>";

Why is 1/1/1970 the "epoch time"?

Epoch reference date

An epoch reference date is a point on the timeline from which we count time. Moments before that point are counted with a negative number, moments after are counted with a positive number.

Many epochs in use

Why is 1 January 1970 00:00:00 considered the epoch time?

No, not the epoch, an epoch. There are many epochs in use.

This choice of epoch is arbitrary.

Major computers systems and libraries use any of at least a couple dozen various epochs. One of the most popular epochs is commonly known as Unix Time, using the 1970 UTC moment you mentioned.

While popular, Unix Time’s 1970 may not be the most common. Also in the running for most common would be January 0, 1900 for countless Microsoft Excel & Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheets, or January 1, 2001 used by Apple’s Cocoa framework in over a billion iOS/macOS machines worldwide in countless apps. Or perhaps January 6, 1980 used by GPS devices?

Many granularities

Different systems use different granularity in counting time.

Even the so-called “Unix Time” varies, with some systems counting whole seconds and some counting milliseconds. Many database such as Postgres use microseconds. Some, such as the modern java.time framework in Java 8 and later, use nanoseconds. Some use still other granularities.

ISO 8601

Because there is so much variance in the use of an epoch reference and in the granularities, it is generally best to avoid communicating moments as a count-from-epoch. Between the ambiguity of epoch & granularity, plus the inability of humans to perceive meaningful values (and therefore miss buggy values), use plain text instead of numbers.

The ISO 8601 standard provides an extensive set of practical well-designed formats for expressing date-time values as text. These formats are easy to parse by machine as well as easy to read by humans across cultures.

These include:

What does git rev-parse do?

git rev-parse Also works for getting the current branch name using the --abbrev-ref flag like:

git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD

How to upload files to server using Putty (ssh)

You need an scp client. Putty is not one. You can use WinSCP or PSCP. Both are free software.

database attached is read only

If SQL Server Service is running as Local System, than make sure that the folder containing databases should have FULL CONTROL PERMISSION for the Local System account.

This worked for me.

Java SSLException: hostname in certificate didn't match

I had similar problem. I was using Android's DefaultHttpClient. I have read that HttpsURLConnection can handle this kind of exception. So I created custom HostnameVerifier which uses the verifier from HttpsURLConnection. I also wrapped the implementation to custom HttpClient.

public class CustomHttpClient extends DefaultHttpClient {

public CustomHttpClient() {
    SSLSocketFactory socketFactory = SSLSocketFactory.getSocketFactory();
    socketFactory.setHostnameVerifier(new CustomHostnameVerifier());
    Scheme scheme = (new Scheme("https", socketFactory, 443));

Here is the CustomHostnameVerifier class:

public class CustomHostnameVerifier implements org.apache.http.conn.ssl.X509HostnameVerifier {

public boolean verify(String host, SSLSession session) {
    HostnameVerifier hv = HttpsURLConnection.getDefaultHostnameVerifier();
    return hv.verify(host, session);

public void verify(String host, SSLSocket ssl) throws IOException {

public void verify(String host, X509Certificate cert) throws SSLException {


public void verify(String host, String[] cns, String[] subjectAlts) throws SSLException {



Basic Python client socket example

Here is the simplest python socket example.

Server side:

import socket

serversocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
serversocket.bind(('localhost', 8089))
serversocket.listen(5) # become a server socket, maximum 5 connections

while True:
    connection, address = serversocket.accept()
    buf = connection.recv(64)
    if len(buf) > 0:
        print buf

Client Side:

import socket

clientsocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
clientsocket.connect(('localhost', 8089))
  • First run the, and make sure the server is ready to listen/receive sth
  • Then the client send info to the server;
  • After the server received sth, it terminates

Override valueof() and toString() in Java enum

You still have an option to implement in your enum this:

public static <T extends Enum<T>> T valueOf(Class<T> enumType, String name){...}

how to load CSS file into jsp

I use this version

<style><%@include file="/WEB-INF/css/style.css"%></style>

How do I add a simple jQuery script to WordPress?

**#Method 1:**Try to put your jquery code in a separate js file.

Now register that script in functions.php file.

function add_my_script() {
      'custom-script', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/your-script-name.js', 
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'add_my_script' );

Now you are done.

Registering script in functions has it benefits as it comes in <head> section when page loads thus it is a part of header.php always. So you don't have to repeat your code each time you write a new html content.

#Method 2: put the script code inside the page body under <script> tag. Then you don't have to register it in functions.

Why doesn't Java support unsigned ints?

Reading between the lines, I think the logic was something like this:

  • generally, the Java designers wanted to simplify the repertoire of data types available
  • for everyday purposes, they felt that the most common need was for signed data types
  • for implementing certain algorithms, unsigned arithmetic is sometimes needed, but the kind of programmers that would be implementing such algorithms would also have the knowledge to "work round" doing unsigned arithmetic with signed data types

Mostly, I'd say it was a reasonable decision. Possibly, I would have:

  • made byte unsigned, or at least have provided a signed/unsigned alternatives, possibly with different names, for this one data type (making it signed is good for consistency, but when do you ever need a signed byte?)
  • done away with 'short' (when did you last use 16-bit signed arithmetic?)

Still, with a bit of kludging, operations on unsigned values up to 32 bits aren't tooo bad, and most people don't need unsigned 64-bit division or comparison.

Git's famous "ERROR: Permission to .git denied to user"

This problem is also caused by:

If you are on a mac/linux, and are using 'ControlMaster' in your ~/.ssh/config, there may be some ssh control master processes running.

To find them, run:

ps aux | grep '\[mux\]'

And kill the relevant ones.

What does '?' do in C++?

It's the conditional operator.

a ? b : c

It's a shortcut for IF/THEN/ELSE.

means: if a is true, return b, else return c. In this case, if f==r, return 1, else return 0.

Differences between action and actionListener


Use actionListener if you want have a hook before the real business action get executed, e.g. to log it, and/or to set an additional property (by <f:setPropertyActionListener>), and/or to have access to the component which invoked the action (which is available by ActionEvent argument). So, purely for preparing purposes before the real business action gets invoked.

The actionListener method has by default the following signature:

import javax.faces.event.ActionEvent;
// ...

public void actionListener(ActionEvent event) {
    // ...

And it's supposed to be declared as follows, without any method parentheses:

<h:commandXxx ... actionListener="#{bean.actionListener}" />

Note that you can't pass additional arguments by EL 2.2. You can however override the ActionEvent argument altogether by passing and specifying custom argument(s). The following examples are valid:

<h:commandXxx ... actionListener="#{bean.methodWithoutArguments()}" />
<h:commandXxx ... actionListener="#{bean.methodWithOneArgument(arg1)}" />
<h:commandXxx ... actionListener="#{bean.methodWithTwoArguments(arg1, arg2)}" />
public void methodWithoutArguments() {}
public void methodWithOneArgument(Object arg1) {}
public void methodWithTwoArguments(Object arg1, Object arg2) {}

Note the importance of the parentheses in the argumentless method expression. If they were absent, JSF would still expect a method with ActionEvent argument.

If you're on EL 2.2+, then you can declare multiple action listener methods via <f:actionListener binding>.

<h:commandXxx ... actionListener="#{bean.actionListener1}">
    <f:actionListener binding="#{bean.actionListener2()}" />
    <f:actionListener binding="#{bean.actionListener3()}" />
public void actionListener1(ActionEvent event) {}
public void actionListener2() {}
public void actionListener3() {}

Note the importance of the parentheses in the binding attribute. If they were absent, EL would confusingly throw a javax.el.PropertyNotFoundException: Property 'actionListener1' not found on type com.example.Bean, because the binding attribute is by default interpreted as a value expression, not as a method expression. Adding EL 2.2+ style parentheses transparently turns a value expression into a method expression. See also a.o. Why am I able to bind <f:actionListener> to an arbitrary method if it's not supported by JSF?


Use action if you want to execute a business action and if necessary handle navigation. The action method can (thus, not must) return a String which will be used as navigation case outcome (the target view). A return value of null or void will let it return to the same page and keep the current view scope alive. A return value of an empty string or the same view ID will also return to the same page, but recreate the view scope and thus destroy any currently active view scoped beans and, if applicable, recreate them.

The action method can be any valid MethodExpression, also the ones which uses EL 2.2 arguments such as below:

<h:commandXxx value="submit" action="#{bean.edit(item)}" />

With this method:

public void edit(Item item) {
    // ...

Note that when your action method solely returns a string, then you can also just specify exactly that string in the action attribute. Thus, this is totally clumsy:

<h:commandLink value="Go to next page" action="#{bean.goToNextpage}" />

With this senseless method returning a hardcoded string:

public String goToNextpage() {
    return "nextpage";

Instead, just put that hardcoded string directly in the attribute:

<h:commandLink value="Go to next page" action="nextpage" />

Please note that this in turn indicates a bad design: navigating by POST. This is not user nor SEO friendly. This all is explained in When should I use h:outputLink instead of h:commandLink? and is supposed to be solved as

<h:link value="Go to next page" outcome="nextpage" />

See also How to navigate in JSF? How to make URL reflect current page (and not previous one).

f:ajax listener

Since JSF 2.x there's a third way, the <f:ajax listener>.

<h:commandXxx ...>
    <f:ajax listener="#{bean.ajaxListener}" />

The ajaxListener method has by default the following signature:

import javax.faces.event.AjaxBehaviorEvent;
// ...

public void ajaxListener(AjaxBehaviorEvent event) {
    // ...

In Mojarra, the AjaxBehaviorEvent argument is optional, below works as good.

public void ajaxListener() {
    // ...

But in MyFaces, it would throw a MethodNotFoundException. Below works in both JSF implementations when you want to omit the argument.

<h:commandXxx ...>
    <f:ajax execute="@form" listener="#{bean.ajaxListener()}" render="@form" />

Ajax listeners are not really useful on command components. They are more useful on input and select components <h:inputXxx>/<h:selectXxx>. In command components, just stick to action and/or actionListener for clarity and better self-documenting code. Moreover, like actionListener, the f:ajax listener does not support returning a navigation outcome.

<h:commandXxx ... action="#{bean.action}">
    <f:ajax execute="@form" render="@form" />

For explanation on execute and render attributes, head to Understanding PrimeFaces process/update and JSF f:ajax execute/render attributes.

Invocation order

The actionListeners are always invoked before the action in the same order as they are been declared in the view and attached to the component. The f:ajax listener is always invoked before any action listener. So, the following example:

<h:commandButton value="submit" actionListener="#{bean.actionListener}" action="#{bean.action}">
    <f:actionListener type="com.example.ActionListenerType" />
    <f:actionListener binding="#{bean.actionListenerBinding()}" />
    <f:setPropertyActionListener target="#{}" value="some" />
    <f:ajax listener="#{bean.ajaxListener}" />

Will invoke the methods in the following order:

  1. Bean#ajaxListener()
  2. Bean#actionListener()
  3. ActionListenerType#processAction()
  4. Bean#actionListenerBinding()
  5. Bean#setProperty()
  6. Bean#action()

Exception handling

The actionListener supports a special exception: AbortProcessingException. If this exception is thrown from an actionListener method, then JSF will skip any remaining action listeners and the action method and proceed to render response directly. You won't see an error/exception page, JSF will however log it. This will also implicitly be done whenever any other exception is being thrown from an actionListener. So, if you intend to block the page by an error page as result of a business exception, then you should definitely be performing the job in the action method.

If the sole reason to use an actionListener is to have a void method returning to the same page, then that's a bad one. The action methods can perfectly also return void, on the contrary to what some IDEs let you believe via EL validation. Note that the PrimeFaces showcase examples are littered with this kind of actionListeners over all place. This is indeed wrong. Don't use this as an excuse to also do that yourself.

In ajax requests, however, a special exception handler is needed. This is regardless of whether you use listener attribute of <f:ajax> or not. For explanation and an example, head to Exception handling in JSF ajax requests.

Java : Comparable vs Comparator

Comparator provides a way for you to provide custom comparison logic for types that you have no control over.

Comparable allows you to specify how objects that you are implementing get compared.

Obviously, if you don't have control over a class (or you want to provide multiple ways to compare objects that you do have control over) then use Comparator.

Otherwise you can use Comparable.

SwiftUI - How do I change the background color of a View?

Several possibilities : (SwiftUI / Xcode 11)

1 .background( //for system colors

2 .background(Color("green")) //for colors you created in Assets.xcassets

  1. Otherwise you can do Command+Click on the element and change it from there.

Hope it help :)

How to set the default value for radio buttons in AngularJS?

<div ng-app="" ng-controller="myCntrl">    
        <input type="radio" ng-model="people" value="1"/><label>1</label>
        <input type="radio" ng-model="people" value="2"/><label>2</label>
        <input type="radio" ng-model="people" value="3"/><label>3</label>
    function myCntrl($scope){

Java swing application, close one window and open another when button is clicked

Call below method just after calling the method for opening new window, this will close the current window.

private void close(){
    WindowEvent windowEventClosing = new WindowEvent(this, WindowEvent.WINDOW_CLOSING);

Also in properties of JFrame, make sure defaultCloseOperation is set as DISPOSE.

Sorting by date & time in descending order?

SELECT id, name, form_id, DATE(updated_at) as date
FROM wp_frm_items
WHERE user_id = 11 && form_id=9

"DESC" stands for descending but you need ascending order ("ASC").

Implements vs extends: When to use? What's the difference?

  • A extends B:

    A and B are both classes or both interfaces

  • A implements B

    A is a class and B is an interface

  • The remaining case where A is an interface and B is a class is not legal in Java.

Child element click event trigger the parent click event

You need to use event.stopPropagation()

Live Demo



Description: Prevents the event from bubbling up the DOM tree, preventing any parent handlers from being notified of the event.

How to stop creating .DS_Store on Mac?

If you want the .DS_Store files to become invisible (they still exist but can't be seen) then run the following command in the "Terminal" window:

defaults write AppleShowAllFiles FALSE; killall Finder

This will set the system default to stop showing these files on your Desktop and elsewhere. It will also restart the Finder in order to make this change visible (especially on your Desktop).

javascript change background color on click

you can do this---

<input type="button" onClic="changebackColor">

function changebackColor(){ = "black";
document.getElementByID("divID").style.backgroundColor = "black";      

Laravel assets url

You have to do two steps:

  1. Put all your files (css,js,html code, etc.) into the public folder.
  2. Use url({{ URL::asset('images/slides/2.jpg') }}) where images/slides/2.jpg is path of your content.

Similarly you can call js, css etc.

How do I fill arrays in Java?

Check out the Arrays.fill methods.

int[] array = new int[4];
Arrays.fill(array, 0);

Convert hex string to int in Python

The formatter option '%x' % seems to work in assignment statements as well for me. (Assuming Python 3.0 and later)


a = int('0x100', 16)
print(a)   #256
print('%x' % a) #100
b = a
print(b) #256
c = '%x' % a
print(c) #100

Convert AM/PM time to 24 hours format?

DateTime dt = DateTime.Parse("01:00 pm"); //Time in string formate

TimeSpan time = new TimeSpan(); 

time = dt.TimeOfDay;


Result : 13:00:00

How can I convert String[] to ArrayList<String>

List<String> list = Arrays.asList(array);

The list returned will be backed by the array, it acts like a bridge, so it will be fixed-size.

commandButton/commandLink/ajax action/listener method not invoked or input value not set/updated

Got stuck with this issue myself and found one more cause for this problem. If you don't have setter methods in your backing bean for the properties used in your *.xhtml , then the action is simply not invoked.

What is the most useful script you've written for everyday life?

A simply Python script that converts line endings from Unix to Windows that I stuck in my system32 directory. It's been lost to the ages for a few months, now, but basically it'd convert a list of known text-based file types to Windows line endings, and you could specify which files to convert, or all files, for a wildcard list.

Unable to find valid certification path to requested target - error even after cert imported

I had the same problem with sbt.
It tried to fetch dependencies from over ssl
but said it was "unable to find valid certification path to requested target url".
so I followed this post and still failed to verify a connection.
So I read about it and found that the root cert is not enough, as was suggested by the post,so -
the thing that worked for me was importing the intermediate CA certificates into the keystore.
I actually added all the certificates in the chain and it worked like a charm.

How to open port in Linux

First, you should disable selinux, edit file /etc/sysconfig/selinux so it looks like this:


Save file and restart system.

Then you can add the new rule to iptables:

iptables -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport 8080 -j ACCEPT

and restart iptables with /etc/init.d/iptables restart

If it doesn't work you should check other network settings.

SQL error "ORA-01722: invalid number"

As this error comes when you are trying to insert non-numeric value into a numeric column in db it seems that your last field might be numeric and you are trying to send it as a string in database. check your last value.

Oracle Not Equals Operator

The difference is :

"If you use !=, it returns sub-second. If you use <>, it takes 7 seconds to return. Both return the right answer."

Oracle not equals (!=) SQL operator


Alternative to mysql_real_escape_string without connecting to DB

Well, according to the mysql_real_escape_string function reference page: "mysql_real_escape_string() calls MySQL's library function mysql_real_escape_string, which escapes the following characters: \x00, \n, \r, \, ', " and \x1a."

With that in mind, then the function given in the second link you posted should do exactly what you need:

function mres($value)
    $search = array("\\",  "\x00", "\n",  "\r",  "'",  '"', "\x1a");
    $replace = array("\\\\","\\0","\\n", "\\r", "\'", '\"', "\\Z");

    return str_replace($search, $replace, $value);

How do you use the ? : (conditional) operator in JavaScript?

 (sunday == 'True') ? sun="<span class='label label-success'>S</span>" : sun="<span class='label label-danger'>S</span>";

 sun = "<span class='label " + ((sunday === 'True' ? 'label-success' : 'label-danger') + "'>S</span>"

<strong> vs. font-weight:bold & <em> vs. font-style:italic

The problem is an issue of semantic meaning (as BoltClock mentions) and visual rendering.

Originally HTML used <b> and <i> for these purposes, entirely stylistic commands, laid down in the semantic environment of the document markup. CSS is an attempt to separate out as far as possible the stylistic elements of the medium. Thus style information such as bold and italics should go in CSS.

<strong> and <em> were introduced to fill the semantic need for text to be marked as more important or stressed. They have default stylistic interpretations akin to bold and italic, but they are not bound to that fate.

How to make spring inject value into a static field

You have two possibilities:

  1. non-static setter for static property/field;
  2. using org.springframework.beans.factory.config.MethodInvokingFactoryBean to invoke a static setter.

In the first option you have a bean with a regular setter but instead setting an instance property you set the static property/field.

public void setTheProperty(Object value) { = value;

but in order to do this you need to have an instance of a bean that will expose this setter (its more like an workaround).

In the second case it would be done as follows:

<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.MethodInvokingFactoryBean">
    <property name="staticMethod" value=""/>
    <property name="arguments">
            <ref bean="theProperty"/>

On you case you will add a new setter on the Utils class:

public static setDataBaseAttr(Properties p)

and in your context you will configure it with the approach exemplified above, more or less like:

<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.MethodInvokingFactoryBean">
    <property name="staticMethod" value=""/>
    <property name="arguments">
            <ref bean="dataBaseAttr"/>

Check string for nil & empty

Swift 3 For check Empty String best way

if !string.isEmpty{

// do stuff


Adding the "Clear" Button to an iPhone UITextField

On Xcode Version 8.1 (8B62) it can be done directly in Attributes Inspector. Select the textField and then choose the appropriate option from Clear Button drop down box, which is located in Attributes Inspector.

PostgreSQL IF statement

From the docs

IF boolean-expression THEN

So in your above example the code should look as follows:

IF select count(*) from orders > 0
  DELETE from orders
  INSERT INTO orders values (1,2,3);

You were missing: END IF; SSL handshake aborted: Failure in SSL library, usually a protocol error

Previously, I've also solved this problem with custom SSLFactory implementation, but according to OkHttp docs the solution is much easier.

My final solution with needed TLS ciphers for 4.2+ devices looks like this:

public UsersApi provideUsersApi() {

    private ConnectionSpec spec = new ConnectionSpec.Builder(ConnectionSpec.COMPATIBLE_TLS)
        .tlsVersions(TlsVersion.TLS_1_2, TlsVersion.TLS_1_1, TlsVersion.TLS_1_0)

    OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient.Builder()

    return new Retrofit.Builder()

Note that set of supported protocols depends on configured on your server.