Programs & Examples On #Custom paging

Bootstrap: how do I change the width of the container?

Here is the solution :

@media (min-width: 1200px) {
        max-width: 970px;

The advantage of doing this, versus customizing Bootstrap as in @Bastardo's answer, is that it doesn't change the Bootstrap file. For example, if using a CDN, you can still download most of Bootstrap from the CDN.

Observable.of is not a function

For me (Angular 5 & RxJS 5) the autocomplete import suggested:

import { Observable } from '../../../../../node_modules/rxjs/Observable';

while to should be (with all static operators from, of, e.c.t working fine:

import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';

Excel plot time series frequency with continuous xaxis

You can get good Time Series graphs in Excel, the way you want, but you have to work with a few quirks.

  1. Be sure to select "Scatter Graph" (with a line option). This is needed if you have non-uniform time stamps, and will scale the X-axis accordingly.

  2. In your data, you need to add a column with the mid-point. Here's what I did with your sample data. (This trick ensures that the data gets plotted at the mid-point, like you desire.) enter image description here

  3. You can format the x-axis options with this menu. (Chart->Design->Layout) enter image description here

  4. Select "Axes" and go to Primary Horizontal Axis, and then select "More Primary Horizontal Axis Options"

  5. Set up the options you wish. (Fix the starting and ending points.) enter image description here

  6. And you will get a graph such as the one below. enter image description here

You can then tweak many of the options, label the axes better etc, but this should get you started.

Hope this helps you move forward.

JavaScript implementation of Gzip

Edit There appears to be a better LZW solution that handles Unicode strings correctly at (Thanks to pieroxy in the comments).

I don't know of any gzip implementations, but the jsolait library (the site seems to have gone away) has functions for LZW compression/decompression. The code is covered under the LGPL.

// LZW-compress a string
function lzw_encode(s) {
    var dict = {};
    var data = (s + "").split("");
    var out = [];
    var currChar;
    var phrase = data[0];
    var code = 256;
    for (var i=1; i<data.length; i++) {
        if (dict[phrase + currChar] != null) {
            phrase += currChar;
        else {
            out.push(phrase.length > 1 ? dict[phrase] : phrase.charCodeAt(0));
            dict[phrase + currChar] = code;
    out.push(phrase.length > 1 ? dict[phrase] : phrase.charCodeAt(0));
    for (var i=0; i<out.length; i++) {
        out[i] = String.fromCharCode(out[i]);
    return out.join("");

// Decompress an LZW-encoded string
function lzw_decode(s) {
    var dict = {};
    var data = (s + "").split("");
    var currChar = data[0];
    var oldPhrase = currChar;
    var out = [currChar];
    var code = 256;
    var phrase;
    for (var i=1; i<data.length; i++) {
        var currCode = data[i].charCodeAt(0);
        if (currCode < 256) {
            phrase = data[i];
        else {
           phrase = dict[currCode] ? dict[currCode] : (oldPhrase + currChar);
        currChar = phrase.charAt(0);
        dict[code] = oldPhrase + currChar;
        oldPhrase = phrase;
    return out.join("");

best way to preserve numpy arrays on disk

Another possibility to store numpy arrays efficiently is Bloscpack:

import numpy as np
import bloscpack as bp
import time

n = 10000000

a = np.arange(n)
b = np.arange(n) * 10
c = np.arange(n) * -0.5
tsizeMB = sum(i.size*i.itemsize for i in (a,b,c)) / 2**20.

blosc_args = bp.DEFAULT_BLOSC_ARGS
blosc_args['clevel'] = 6
t = time.time()
bp.pack_ndarray_file(a, 'a.blp', blosc_args=blosc_args)
bp.pack_ndarray_file(b, 'b.blp', blosc_args=blosc_args)
bp.pack_ndarray_file(c, 'c.blp', blosc_args=blosc_args)
t1 = time.time() - t
print "store time = %.2f (%.2f MB/s)" % (t1, tsizeMB / t1)

t = time.time()
a1 = bp.unpack_ndarray_file('a.blp')
b1 = bp.unpack_ndarray_file('b.blp')
c1 = bp.unpack_ndarray_file('c.blp')
t1 = time.time() - t
print "loading time = %.2f (%.2f MB/s)" % (t1, tsizeMB / t1)

and the output for my laptop (a relatively old MacBook Air with a Core2 processor):

$ python
store time = 0.19 (1216.45 MB/s)
loading time = 0.25 (898.08 MB/s)

that means that it can store really fast, i.e. the bottleneck is typically the disk. However, as the compression ratios are pretty good here, the effective speed is multiplied by the compression ratios. Here are the sizes for these 76 MB arrays:

$ ll -h *.blp
-rw-r--r--  1 faltet  staff   921K Mar  6 13:50 a.blp
-rw-r--r--  1 faltet  staff   2.2M Mar  6 13:50 b.blp
-rw-r--r--  1 faltet  staff   1.4M Mar  6 13:50 c.blp

Please note that the use of the Blosc compressor is fundamental for achieving this. The same script but using 'clevel' = 0 (i.e. disabling compression):

$ python bench/
store time = 3.36 (68.04 MB/s)
loading time = 2.61 (87.80 MB/s)

is clearly bottlenecked by the disk performance.

How do I tell if an object is a Promise?


const promise = new Promise(resolve => resolve('olá'));

console.log(promise.toString().includes('Promise')); //true

How to use placeholder as default value in select2 framework

Just add this class in your .css file.

.select2-search__field{width:100% !important;}

Pandas left outer join multiple dataframes on multiple columns

One can also do this with a compact version of @TomAugspurger's answer, like so:

df = df1.merge(df2, how='left', on=['Year', 'Week', 'Colour']).merge(df3[['Week', 'Colour', 'Val3']], how='left', on=['Week', 'Colour'])

How to convert an object to JSON correctly in Angular 2 with TypeScript

Because you're encapsulating the product again. Try to convert it like so:

let body = JSON.stringify(product); 

Center Align on a Absolutely Positioned Div

.contentBlock {_x000D_
    width: {define width}_x000D_
    width: 400px;_x000D_
    position: absolute;_x000D_
    left: 0;_x000D_
    right: 0;_x000D_
    margin-left: auto;_x000D_
    margin-right: auto;_x000D_

MySQL ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE for multiple rows insert in single query

You can use Replace instead of INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE.

Type safety: Unchecked cast

As the messages above indicate, the List cannot be differentiated between a List<Object> and a List<String> or List<Integer>.

I've solved this error message for a similar problem:

List<String> strList = (List<String>) someFunction();
String s = strList.get(0);

with the following:

List<?> strList = (List<?>) someFunction();
String s = (String) strList.get(0);

Explanation: The first type conversion verifies that the object is a List without caring about the types held within (since we cannot verify the internal types at the List level). The second conversion is now required because the compiler only knows the List contains some sort of objects. This verifies the type of each object in the List as it is accessed.

C#: Dynamic runtime cast

This should work:

public static dynamic Cast(dynamic obj, Type castTo)
    return Convert.ChangeType(obj, castTo);


I've written the following test code:

var x = "123";
var y = Cast(x, typeof(int));
var z = y + 7;
var w = Cast(z, typeof(string)); // w == "130"

It does resemble the kind of "typecasting" one finds in languages like PHP, JavaScript or Python (because it also converts the value to the desired type). I don't know if that's a good thing, but it certainly works... :-)

Difference between <span> and <div> with text-align:center;?

the difference is not between <span> and <div> specifically, but between inline and block elements. <span> defaults to being display:inline; whereas <div> defaults to being display:block;. But these can be overridden in CSS.

The difference in the way text-align:center works between the two is down to the width.

A block element defaults to being the width of its container. It can have its width set using CSS, but either way it is a fixed width.

An inline element takes its width from the size of its content text.

text-align:center tells the text to position itself centrally in the element. But in an inline element, this is clearly not going to have any effect because the element is the same width as the text; aligning it one way or the other is meaningless.

In a block element, because the element's width is independent of the content, the content can be positioned within the element using the text-align style.

Finally, a solution for you:

There is an additional value for the display property which provides a half-way house between block and inline. Conveniently enough, it's called inline-block. If you specify a <span> to be display:inline-block; in the CSS, it will continue to work as an inline element but will take on some of the properties of a block as well, such as the ability to specify a width. Once you specify a width for it, you will be able to center the text within that width using text-align:center;

Hope that helps.

Programmatically retrieve SQL Server stored procedure source that is identical to the source returned by the SQL Server Management Studio gui?

You said programmatically, right? I hope C# is ok. I know you said that you tried SMO and it didn't quite do what you wanted, so this probably won't be perfect for your request, but it will programmatically read out legit SQL statements that you could run to recreate the stored procedure. If it doesn't have the GO statements that you want, you can probably assume that each of the strings in the StringCollection could have a GO after it. You may not get that comment with the date and time in it, but in my similar sounding project (big-ass deployment tool that has to back up everything individually), this has done rather nicely. If you have a prior base that you wanted to work from, and you still have the original database to run this on, I'd consider tossing the initial effort and restandardizing on this output.

using System.Data.SqlClient;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo;
string connectionString = … /* some connection string */;
ServerConnection sc = new ServerConnection(connectionString);
Server s = new Server(connection);
Database db = new Database(s, … /* database name */);
StoredProcedure sp = new StoredProcedure(db, … /* stored procedure name */);
StringCollection statements = sp.Script;

What are the options for storing hierarchical data in a relational database?

I am using PostgreSQL with closure tables for my hierarchies. I have one universal stored procedure for the whole database:

CREATE FUNCTION nomen_tree() RETURNS trigger
    LANGUAGE plpgsql
    AS $_$
  old_parent INTEGER;
  new_parent INTEGER;
  id_nom INTEGER;
  txt_name TEXT;
-- TG_ARGV[0] = name of table with entities with PARENT-CHILD relationships (TBL_ORIG)
-- TG_ARGV[1] = name of helper table with ANCESTOR, CHILD, DEPTH information (TBL_TREE)
-- TG_ARGV[2] = name of the field in TBL_ORIG which is used for the PARENT-CHILD relationship (FLD_PARENT)
    EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO ' || TG_ARGV[1] || ' (child_id,ancestor_id,depth) 
        SELECT $,$,0 UNION ALL
      SELECT $,ancestor_id,depth+1 FROM ' || TG_ARGV[1] || ' WHERE child_id=$1.' || TG_ARGV[2] USING NEW;
    -- EXECUTE does not support conditional statements inside
    EXECUTE 'SELECT $1.' || TG_ARGV[2] || ',$2.' || TG_ARGV[2] INTO old_parent,new_parent USING OLD,NEW;
    IF COALESCE(old_parent,0) <> COALESCE(new_parent,0) THEN
      EXECUTE '
      -- prevent cycles in the tree
      UPDATE ' || TG_ARGV[0] || ' SET ' || TG_ARGV[2] || ' = $1.' || TG_ARGV[2]
        || ' WHERE id=$2.' || TG_ARGV[2] || ' AND EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM '
        || TG_ARGV[1] || ' WHERE child_id=$2.' || TG_ARGV[2] || ' AND ancestor_id=$;
      -- first remove edges between all old parents of node and its descendants
      DELETE FROM ' || TG_ARGV[1] || ' WHERE child_id IN
        (SELECT child_id FROM ' || TG_ARGV[1] || ' WHERE ancestor_id = $
        AND ancestor_id IN
        (SELECT ancestor_id FROM ' || TG_ARGV[1] || ' WHERE child_id = $ AND ancestor_id <> $;
      -- then add edges for all new parents ...
      INSERT INTO ' || TG_ARGV[1] || ' (child_id,ancestor_id,depth) 
        SELECT child_id,ancestor_id,d_c+d_a FROM
        (SELECT child_id,depth AS d_c FROM ' || TG_ARGV[1] || ' WHERE ancestor_id=$ AS child
        CROSS JOIN
        (SELECT ancestor_id,depth+1 AS d_a FROM ' || TG_ARGV[1] || ' WHERE child_id=$2.' 
        || TG_ARGV[2] || ') AS parent;' USING OLD, NEW;
    END IF;

Then for each table where I have a hierarchy, I create a trigger

CREATE TRIGGER nomenclature_tree_tr AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE ON nomenclature FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE nomen_tree('my_db.nomenclature', 'my_db.nom_helper', 'parent_id');

For populating a closure table from existing hierarchy I use this stored procedure:

CREATE FUNCTION rebuild_tree(tbl_base text, tbl_closure text, fld_parent text) RETURNS void
    LANGUAGE plpgsql
    AS $$
    EXECUTE 'TRUNCATE ' || tbl_closure || ';
    INSERT INTO ' || tbl_closure || ' (child_id,ancestor_id,depth) 
        WITH RECURSIVE tree AS
        SELECT id AS child_id,id AS ancestor_id,0 AS depth FROM ' || tbl_base || '
        UNION ALL 
        SELECT,ancestor_id,depth+1 FROM ' || tbl_base || ' AS t
        JOIN tree ON child_id = ' || fld_parent || '
      SELECT * FROM tree;';

Closure tables are defined with 3 columns - ANCESTOR_ID, DESCENDANT_ID, DEPTH. It is possible (and I even advice) to store records with same value for ANCESTOR and DESCENDANT, and a value of zero for DEPTH. This will simplify the queries for retrieval of the hierarchy. And they are very simple indeed:

-- get all descendants
SELECT tbl_orig.*,depth FROM tbl_closure LEFT JOIN tbl_orig ON descendant_id = WHERE ancestor_id = XXX AND depth <> 0;
-- get only direct descendants
SELECT tbl_orig.* FROM tbl_closure LEFT JOIN tbl_orig ON descendant_id = WHERE ancestor_id = XXX AND depth = 1;
-- get all ancestors
SELECT tbl_orig.* FROM tbl_closure LEFT JOIN tbl_orig ON ancestor_id = WHERE descendant_id = XXX AND depth <> 0;
-- find the deepest level of children
SELECT MAX(depth) FROM tbl_closure WHERE ancestor_id = XXX;

What is the difference between a cer, pvk, and pfx file?

I actually came across something like this not too long ago... check it out over on msdn (see the first answer)

in summary:

.cer - certificate stored in the X.509 standard format. This certificate contains information about the certificate's owner... along with public and private keys.

.pvk - files are used to store private keys for code signing. You can also create a certificate based on .pvk private key file.

.pfx - stands for personal exchange format. It is used to exchange public and private objects in a single file. A pfx file can be created from .cer file. Can also be used to create a Software Publisher Certificate.

I summarized the info from the page based on the suggestion from the comments.

How do I measure time elapsed in Java?

Which types to use in order to accomplish this in Java?

Answer: long

public class Stream {
    public long startTime;
    public long endTime;

    public long getDuration() {
        return endTime - startTime;
    // I  would add
    public void start() {
        startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    public void stop() {
         endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();


  Stream s = .... 


  // do something for a while 


  s.getDuration(); // gives the elapsed time in milliseconds. 

That's my direct answer for your first question.

For the last "note" I would suggest you to use Joda Time. It contains an interval class suitable for what you need.

How to find a hash key containing a matching value

Ruby 1.9 and greater:

hash.key(value) => key

Ruby 1.8:

You could use hash.index

hsh.index(value) => key

Returns the key for a given value. If not found, returns nil.

h = { "a" => 100, "b" => 200 }
h.index(200) #=> "b"
h.index(999) #=> nil

So to get "orange", you could just use:

clients.key({"client_id" => "2180"})

How to create query parameters in Javascript?

I have improved the function of shog9`s to handle array values

function encodeQueryData(data) {
    const ret = [];
    for (let d in data) {
        if (typeof data[d] === 'object' || typeof data[d] === 'array') {
            for (let arrD in data[d]) {
        } else if (typeof data[d] === 'null' || typeof data[d] === 'undefined') {
        } else {

    return ret.join('&');


let data = {
  user: 'Mark'
  fruits: ['apple', 'banana']

encodeQueryData(data) // user=Mark&fruits[]=apple&fruits[]=banana

How can one pull the (private) data of one's own Android app?

Newer versions of Android Studio include the Device File Explorer which I've found to be a handy GUI method of downloading files from my development Nexus 7.

You Must make sure you have enabled USB Debugging on the device

  1. Click View > Tool Windows > Device File Explorer or click the Device File Explorer button in the tool window bar to open the Device File Explorer.
  2. Select a device from the drop down list.
  3. Interact with the device content in the file explorer window. Right-click on a file or directory to create a new file or directory, save the selected file or directory to your machine, upload, delete, or synchronize. Double-click a file to open it in Android Studio.

    Android Studio saves files you open this way in a temporary directory outside of your project. If you make modifications to a file you opened using the Device File Explorer, and would like to save your changes back to the device, you must manually upload the modified version of the file to the device.

file explorer

Full Documentation

How to access host port from docker container

For all platforms

Docker v 20.10 and above (since December 14th 2020)

On Linux, add --add-host=host.docker.internal:host-gateway to your Docker command to enable this feature. (See below for Docker Compose configuration.)

Use your internal IP address or connect to the special DNS name host.docker.internal which will resolve to the internal IP address used by the host.

To enable this in Docker Compose on Linux, add the following lines to the container definition:

- "host.docker.internal:host-gateway"

For macOS and Windows

Docker v 18.03 and above (since March 21st 2018)

Use your internal IP address or connect to the special DNS name host.docker.internal which will resolve to the internal IP address used by the host.

Linux support pending

MacOS with earlier versions of Docker

Docker for Mac v 17.12 to v 18.02

Same as above but use instead.

Docker for Mac v 17.06 to v 17.11

Same as above but use docker.for.mac.localhost instead.

Docker for Mac 17.05 and below

To access host machine from the docker container you must attach an IP alias to your network interface. You can bind whichever IP you want, just make sure you're not using it to anything else.

sudo ifconfig lo0 alias

Then make sure that you server is listening to the IP mentioned above or If it's listening on localhost it will not accept the connection.

Then just point your docker container to this IP and you can access the host machine!

To test you can run something like curl -X GET inside the container.

The alias will reset on every reboot so create a start-up script if necessary.

Solution and more documentation here:

JPA entity without id

I know that JPA entities must have primary key but I can't change database structure due to reasons beyond my control.

More precisely, a JPA entity must have some Id defined. But a JPA Id does not necessarily have to be mapped on the table primary key (and JPA can somehow deal with a table without a primary key or unique constraint).

Is it possible to create JPA (Hibernate) entities that will be work with database structure like this?

If you have a column or a set of columns in the table that makes a unique value, you can use this unique set of columns as your Id in JPA.

If your table has no unique columns at all, you can use all of the columns as the Id.

And if your table has some id but your entity doesn't, make it an Embeddable.

How do I edit an incorrect commit message in git ( that I've pushed )?


How to change commits deeper in history

Since history in Git is immutable, fixing anything but the most recent commit (commit which is not branch head) requires that the history is rewritten from the changed commit and forward.

You can use StGIT for that, initialize branch if necessary, uncommitting up to the commit you want to change, pop to it if necessary, make a change then refresh patch (with -e option if you want to correct commit message), then push everything and stg commit.

Or you can use rebase to do that. Create new temporary branch, rewind it to the commit you want to change using git reset --hard, change that commit (it would be top of current head), then rebase branch on top of changed commit, using git rebase --onto .

Or you can use git rebase --interactive, which allows various modifications like patch re-ordering, collapsing, ...

I think that should answer your question. However, note that if you have pushed code to a remote repository and people have pulled from it, then this is going to mess up their code histories, as well as the work they've done. So do it carefully.

Tar archiving that takes input from a list of files


tar -cvf allfiles.tar -T mylist.txt

How do I check if I'm running on Windows in Python?

Python os module

Specifically for Python 3.6/3.7: The name of the operating system dependent module imported. The following names have currently been registered: 'posix', 'nt', 'java'.

In your case, you want to check for 'nt' as output:

import os

if == 'nt':

There is also a note on

See also sys.platform has a finer granularity. os.uname() gives system-dependent version information.

The platform module provides detailed checks for the system’s identity.

Get element of JS object with an index

I know it's a late answer, but I think this is what OP asked for.


What is a good regular expression to match a URL?

Regex if you want to ensure URL starts with HTTP/HTTPS:


If you do not require HTTP protocol:


To try this out see, or for a version which is less restrictive

Example JavaScript implementation:

var expression = /[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%._\+~#=]{1,256}\.[a-zA-Z0-9()]{1,6}\b([-a-zA-Z0-9()@:%_\+.~#?&//=]*)?/gi;_x000D_
var regex = new RegExp(expression);_x000D_
var t = '';_x000D_
if (t.match(regex)) {_x000D_
  alert("Successful match");_x000D_
} else {_x000D_
  alert("No match");_x000D_

How do I properly compare strings in C?

Welcome to the concept of the pointer. Generations of beginning programmers have found the concept elusive, but if you wish to grow into a competent programmer, you must eventually master this concept — and moreover, you are already asking the right question. That's good.

Is it clear to you what an address is? See this diagram:

----------     ----------
| 0x4000 |     | 0x4004 |
|    1   |     |    7   |
----------     ----------

In the diagram, the integer 1 is stored in memory at address 0x4000. Why at an address? Because memory is large and can store many integers, just as a city is large and can house many families. Each integer is stored at a memory location, as each family resides in a house. Each memory location is identified by an address, as each house is identified by an address.

The two boxes in the diagram represent two distinct memory locations. You can think of them as if they were houses. The integer 1 resides in the memory location at address 0x4000 (think, "4000 Elm St."). The integer 7 resides in the memory location at address 0x4004 (think, "4004 Elm St.").

You thought that your program was comparing the 1 to the 7, but it wasn't. It was comparing the 0x4000 to the 0x4004. So what happens when you have this situation?

----------     ----------
| 0x4000 |     | 0x4004 |
|    1   |     |    1   |
----------     ----------

The two integers are the same but the addresses differ. Your program compares the addresses.

How to rename a component in Angular CLI?

see angular-rename


npm install -g angular-rename


$ ./angular-rename OldComponentName NewComponentName

How can I get a Dialog style activity window to fill the screen?

Wrap your dialog_custom_layout.xml into RelativeLayout instead of any other layout.That worked for me.

How to convert a column of DataTable to a List

Is this what you need?

DataTable myDataTable = new DataTable();
List<int> myList = new List<int>();
foreach (DataRow row in myDataTable.Rows)

Eliminating duplicate values based on only one column of the table

I solve such queries using this pattern:

WHERE t.field=(
  SELECT MAX(t.field) 
  FROM t AS t0 
  WHERE t.group_column1=t0.group_column1
    AND t.group_column2=t0.group_column2 ...)

That is it will select records where the value of a field is at its max value. To apply it to your query I used the common table expression so that I don't have to repeat the JOIN twice:

WITH site_history AS (
  SELECT sites.siteName, sites.siteIP,
  FROM sites
  JOIN history USING (siteName)
FROM site_history h
WHERE date=(
  SELECT MAX(date) 
  FROM site_history h0 
  WHERE h.siteName=h0.siteName)
ORDER BY siteName

It's important to note that it works only if the field we're calculating the maximum for is unique. In your example the date field should be unique for each siteName, that is if the IP can't be changed multiple times per millisecond. In my experience this is commonly the case otherwise you don't know which record is the newest anyway. If the history table has an unique index for (site, date), this query is also very fast, index range scan on the history table scanning just the first item can be used.

Importing CSV data using PHP/MySQL


$con = mysql_connect('','root','password');
if (!$con)
  die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());

mysql_select_db("db", $con);

$fp = fopen("file.csv", "r");

while( !feof($fp) ) {
  if( !$line = fgetcsv($fp, 1000, ';', '"')) {

    $importSQL = "INSERT INTO table_name VALUES('".$line[0]."','".$line[1]."','".$line[2]."')";

    mysql_query($importSQL) or die(mysql_error());  



#1055 - Expression of SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by

Same thing is happened with 8.0+ versions as well. By default in 8.0+ version it is "enabled" by default. Here is the link official document reference

In case of 5.6+, 5.7+ versions, the property "ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY" is disabled by default.

To disabled it, follow the same steps suggested by @Miloud BAKTETE

Read/write files within a Linux kernel module

You should be aware that you should avoid file I/O from within Linux kernel when possible. The main idea is to go "one level deeper" and call VFS level functions instead of the syscall handler directly:


#include <linux/fs.h>
#include <asm/segment.h>
#include <asm/uaccess.h>
#include <linux/buffer_head.h>

Opening a file (similar to open):

struct file *file_open(const char *path, int flags, int rights) 
    struct file *filp = NULL;
    mm_segment_t oldfs;
    int err = 0;

    oldfs = get_fs();
    filp = filp_open(path, flags, rights);
    if (IS_ERR(filp)) {
        err = PTR_ERR(filp);
        return NULL;
    return filp;

Close a file (similar to close):

void file_close(struct file *file) 
    filp_close(file, NULL);

Reading data from a file (similar to pread):

int file_read(struct file *file, unsigned long long offset, unsigned char *data, unsigned int size) 
    mm_segment_t oldfs;
    int ret;

    oldfs = get_fs();

    ret = vfs_read(file, data, size, &offset);

    return ret;

Writing data to a file (similar to pwrite):

int file_write(struct file *file, unsigned long long offset, unsigned char *data, unsigned int size) 
    mm_segment_t oldfs;
    int ret;

    oldfs = get_fs();

    ret = vfs_write(file, data, size, &offset);

    return ret;

Syncing changes a file (similar to fsync):

int file_sync(struct file *file) 
    vfs_fsync(file, 0);
    return 0;

[Edit] Originally, I proposed using file_fsync, which is gone in newer kernel versions. Thanks to the poor guy suggesting the change, but whose change was rejected. The edit was rejected before I could review it.

fs.writeFile in a promise, asynchronous-synchronous stuff

Use fs.writeFileSync inside the try/catch block as below.

`var fs = require('fs');
 try {
     const file = fs.writeFileSync(ASIN + '.json', JSON.stringify(results))
     console.log("JSON saved");
     return results;
 } catch (error) {

C# static class why use?

If a class is declared as static then the variables and methods need to be declared as static.

A class can be declared static, indicating that it contains only static members. It is not possible to create instances of a static class using the new keyword. Static classes are loaded automatically by the .NET Framework common language runtime (CLR) when the program or namespace containing the class is loaded.

Use a static class to contain methods that are not associated with a particular object. For example, it is a common requirement to create a set of methods that do not act on instance data and are not associated to a specific object in your code. You could use a static class to hold those methods.

->The main features of a static class are:

  • They only contain static members.
  • They cannot be instantiated.
  • They are sealed.
  • They cannot contain Instance Constructors or simply constructors as we know that they are associated with objects and operates on data when an object is created.


static class CollegeRegistration
  //All static member variables
   static int nCollegeId; //College Id will be same for all the students studying
   static string sCollegeName; //Name will be same
   static string sColegeAddress; //Address of the college will also same

    //Member functions
   public static int GetCollegeId()
     nCollegeId = 100;
     return (nCollegeID);
    //similarly implementation of others also.
} //class end

public class student
    int nRollNo;
    string sName;

    public GetRollNo()
       nRollNo += 1;
       return (nRollNo);
    //similarly ....
    public static void Main()
     //Not required.
     //CollegeRegistration objCollReg= new CollegeRegistration();

     int cid= CollegeRegistration.GetCollegeId();
    string sname= CollegeRegistration.GetCollegeName();

   } //Main end

What is an efficient way to implement a singleton pattern in Java?

Forget lazy initialization; it's too problematic. This is the simplest solution:

public class A {    

    private static final A INSTANCE = new A();

    private A() {}

    public static A getInstance() {
        return INSTANCE;

HTTP 400 (bad request) for logical error, not malformed request syntax

HTTPbis will address the phrasing of 400 Bad Request so that it covers logical errors as well. So 400 will incorporate 422.

"The server cannot or will not process the request, due to a client error (e.g., malformed syntax)"

"The following SDK components were not installed: sys-img-x86-addon-google_apis-google-22 and addon-google_apis-google-22"

i have solve my same problem

i update my android studio, and i choose not to import my setting from my previous version than that problem appear.

than i realize that i have 2 AndroidStudio folder on my windows account (.AndroidStudio and .AndroidStudio1.2) and on my new .AndroidStudio1.2 folder there are no other.xml file.

than i copy other.xml file from C:\Users\my windows account name.AndroidStudio\config\options to C:\Users\my windows account name.AndroidStudio1.2\config\options

and that how i solve my problem.

Oracle SqlDeveloper JDK path

if you use sqldeveloper 18.2.0

edit %APPDATA%\sqldeveloper\18.2.0\product.conf

jdk9, jdk10, and jdk11 are not supported

change back to jdk 8

for example

SetJavaHome C:\Program Files\ojdkbuild\java-1.8.0-openjdk-

Is it possible to use an input value attribute as a CSS selector?

As mentioned before, you need more than a css selector because it doesn't access the stored value of the node, so javascript is definitely needed. Heres another possible solution:

border:2px solid red;

<input type="text" onkeyup="this.setAttribute('value', this.value);"/>

Making the iPhone vibrate

I had great trouble with this for devices that had vibration turned off in some manner, but we needed it to work regardless, because it is critical to our application functioning, and since it is just an integer to a documented method call, it will pass validation. So I have tried some sounds that were outside of the well documented ones here: TUNER88/iOSSystemSoundsLibrary

I have then stumbled upon 1352, which is working regardless of the silent switch or the settings on the device (Settings->vibrate on ring, vibrate on silent).

- (void)vibratePhone;
     if([[UIDevice currentDevice].model isEqualToString:@"iPhone"])
         AudioServicesPlaySystemSound (1352); //works ALWAYS as of this post
          // Not an iPhone, so doesn't have vibrate
          // play the less annoying tick noise or one of your own
          AudioServicesPlayAlertSound (1105);

Please initialize the log4j system properly. While running web service

You have to create your own in the classpath folder.

Determine if a String is an Integer in Java

Or simply


though it would return true for numbers larger than an int

How to put a new line into a wpf TextBlock control?

For completeness: You can also do this:

 <TextBlock Text="Line1&#x0a;Line 2"/>

x0A is the escaped hexadecimal Line Feed. The equivalent of \n

Could not install packages due to an EnvironmentError: [Errno 13]

try this command line below for MacOS to check user's permission.

$ sudo python -m pip install --user --upgrade pip

int *array = new int[n]; what is this function actually doing?

The new operator is allocating space for a block of n integers and assigning the memory address of that block to the int* variable array.

The general form of new as it applies to one-dimensional arrays appears as follows:

array_var = new Type[desired_size];

No Spring WebApplicationInitializer types detected on classpath

I spent my whole day today investigating this problem and none of the answers helped. Here is my scenario. The WebApplicationInitializer types in my case are inside jar files. we have a multi-module gradle web project where each module is packaged as a jar and included in the web artifact. The problem is that Apache tomcat's classloader is not looking for the implementations of WebApplicationIntializer in WEB-INF/lib instead its looking for those types directly under WEB-INF/classes folder.

Here is what I ended up doing for anyone who faces this problem in future.

I implemented a ServletContainerInitializer myself and added that class name to META-INF/services/javax.servlet.ServletContainerInitializer

In the implementation, I copied the code from SpringServletContainerIntializer and used reflections to find the classes implementing a CustomWebApplicationInitializer interface, I did not make use of spring's WebApplicationInitializer interface to avoid any conflicts. Basically I have the same contract as WebApplicationInitializer with a different name. Now on startup, my container initializer is called and I delegated the call to all my CustomWebApplicationInitializers.

Based on my search I also found that the loader used for tomcat can be updated to have it search in WEB-INF/lib but I have little control over the tomcat I deploy my app to so went with the above solution. Hope this helps someone.

Adding images to an HTML document with javascript

This works:

var img = document.createElement('img');
img.src = 'img/eqp/' + this.apparel + '/' + this.facing + '_idle.png';

Or using jQuery:

.attr('src','img/eqp/' + this.apparel + '/' + this.facing + '_idle.png')

Adding headers to requests module


url = ''
payload = {'some': 'data'}
headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'}

r =, data=json.dumps(payload), headers=headers)

You just need to create a dict with your headers (key: value pairs where the key is the name of the header and the value is, well, the value of the pair) and pass that dict to the headers parameter on the .get or .post method.

So more specific to your question:

headers = {'foobar': 'raboof'}
requests.get('', headers=headers)

continuous page numbering through section breaks

You can check out this post on SuperUser.

Word starts page numbering over for each new section by default.

I do it slightly differently than the post above that goes through the ribbon menus, but in both methods you have to go through the document to each section's beginning.

My method:

  • open up the footer (or header if that's where your page number is)
  • drag-select the page number
  • right-click on it
  • hit Format Page Numbers
  • click on the Continue from Previous Section radio button under Page numbering

I find this right-click method to be a little faster. Also, usually if I insert the page numbers first before I start making any new sections, this problem doesn't happen in the first place.

How do you create a daemon in Python?

Current solution

A reference implementation of PEP 3143 (Standard daemon process library) is now available as python-daemon.

Historical answer

Sander Marechal's code sample is superior to the original, which was originally posted in 2004. I once contributed a daemonizer for Pyro, but would probably use Sander's code if I had to do it over.

Java String.split() Regex

You could also do something like:

String str = "a + b - c * d / e < f > g >= h <= i == j";
String[] arr = str.split("(?<=\\G(\\w+(?!\\w+)|==|<=|>=|\\+|/|\\*|-|(<|>)(?!=)))\\s*");

It handles white spaces and words of variable length and produces the array:

[a, +, b, -, c, *, d, /, e, <, f, >, g, >=, h, <=, i, ==, j]

Bitwise operation and usage

I hope this clarifies those two:

x | 2

0001 //x
0010 //2

0011 //result = 3

x & 1

0001 //x
0001 //1

0001 //result = 1

formGroup expects a FormGroup instance

I was facing this issue and fixed by putting a check in form attribute. This issue can happen when the FormGroup is not initialized.

<form [formGroup]="loginForm" *ngIf="loginForm">
<form [formGroup]="loginForm" *ngIf="this.loginForm">

This will not render the form until it is initialized.


Database tables

To demonstrate how the USING and ON clauses work, let's assume we have the following post and post_comment database tables, which form a one-to-many table relationship via the post_id Foreign Key column in the post_comment table referencing the post_id Primary Key column in the post table:

SQL USING vs ON clauses table relationship

The parent post table has 3 rows:

| post_id | title     |
| 1       | Java      |
| 2       | Hibernate |
| 3       | JPA       |

and the post_comment child table has the 3 records:

| post_comment_id | review    | post_id |
| 1               | Good      | 1       |
| 2               | Excellent | 1       |
| 3               | Awesome   | 2       |

The JOIN ON clause using a custom projection

Traditionally, when writing an INNER JOIN or LEFT JOIN query, we happen to use the ON clause to define the join condition.

For example, to get the comments along with their associated post title and identifier, we can use the following SQL projection query:

FROM post
INNER JOIN post_comment ON post.post_id = post_comment.post_id
ORDER BY post.post_id, post_comment_id

And, we get back the following result set:

| post_id | title     | review    |
| 1       | Java      | Good      |
| 1       | Java      | Excellent |
| 2       | Hibernate | Awesome   |

The JOIN USING clause using a custom projection

When the Foreign Key column and the column it references have the same name, we can use the USING clause, like in the following example:

FROM post
INNER JOIN post_comment USING(post_id)
ORDER BY post_id, post_comment_id

And, the result set for this particular query is identical to the previous SQL query that used the ON clause:

| post_id | title     | review    |
| 1       | Java      | Good      |
| 1       | Java      | Excellent |
| 2       | Hibernate | Awesome   |

The USING clause works for Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL, and MariaDB. SQL Server doesn't support the USING clause, so you need to use the ON clause instead.

The USING clause can be used with INNER, LEFT, RIGHT, and FULL JOIN statements.

SQL JOIN ON clause with SELECT *

Now, if we change the previous ON clause query to select all columns using SELECT *:

FROM post
INNER JOIN post_comment ON post.post_id = post_comment.post_id
ORDER BY post.post_id, post_comment_id

We are going to get the following result set:

| post_id | title     | post_comment_id | review    | post_id |
| 1       | Java      | 1               | Good      | 1       |
| 1       | Java      | 2               | Excellent | 1       |
| 2       | Hibernate | 3               | Awesome   | 2       |

As you can see, the post_id is duplicated because both the post and post_comment tables contain a post_id column.


On the other hand, if we run a SELECT * query that features the USING clause for the JOIN condition:

FROM post
INNER JOIN post_comment USING(post_id)
ORDER BY post_id, post_comment_id

We will get the following result set:

| post_id | title     | post_comment_id | review    |
| 1       | Java      | 1               | Good      |
| 1       | Java      | 2               | Excellent |
| 2       | Hibernate | 3               | Awesome   |

You can see that this time, the post_id column is deduplicated, so there is a single post_id column being included in the result set.


If the database schema is designed so that Foreign Key column names match the columns they reference, and the JOIN conditions only check if the Foreign Key column value is equal to the value of its mirroring column in the other table, then you can employ the USING clause.

Otherwise, if the Foreign Key column name differs from the referencing column or you want to include a more complex join condition, then you should use the ON clause instead.

How to create an Array, ArrayList, Stack and Queue in Java?

Without more details as to what the question is exactly asking, I am going to answer the title of the question,

Create an Array:

String[] myArray = new String[2];
int[] intArray = new int[2];

// or can be declared as follows
String[] myArray = {"this", "is", "my", "array"};
int[] intArray = {1,2,3,4};

Create an ArrayList:

ArrayList<String> myList = new ArrayList<String>();

ArrayList<Integer> myNum = new ArrayList<Integer>();

This means, create an ArrayList of String and Integer objects. You cannot use int because thats a primitive data types, see the link for a list of primitive data types.

Create a Stack:

Stack myStack = new Stack();
// add any type of elements (String, int, etc..)

Create an Queue: (using LinkedList)

Queue<String> myQueue = new LinkedList<String>();
Queue<Integer> myNumbers = new LinkedList<Integer>();

Same thing as an ArrayList, this declaration means create an Queue of String and Integer objects.


In response to your comment from the other given answer,

i am pretty confused now, why are using string. and what does <String> means

We are using String only as a pure example, but you can add any other object, but the main point is that you use an object not a primitive type. Each primitive data type has their own primitive wrapper class, see link for list of primitive data type's wrapper class.

I have posted some links to explain the difference between the two, but here are a list of primitive types

  • byte
  • short
  • char
  • int
  • long
  • boolean
  • double
  • float

Which means, you are not allowed to make an ArrayList of integer's like so:

ArrayList<int> numbers = new ArrayList<int>(); 
           ^ should be an object, int is not an object, but Integer is!
ArrayList<Integer> numbers = new ArrayList<Integer>();
            ^ perfectly valid

Also, you can use your own objects, here is my Monster object I created,

public class Monster {
   String name = null;
   String location = null;
   int age = 0;

public Monster(String name, String loc, int age) { = name;
   this.loc = location;
   this.age = age;

public void printDetails() {
   System.out.println(name + " is from " + location +
                                     " and is " + age + " old.");

Here we have a Monster object, but now in our class we want to keep a record of all our Monster's that we create, so let's add them to an ArrayList

public class Main {
    ArrayList<Monster> myMonsters = new ArrayList<Monster>();

public Main() {
    Monster yetti = new Monster("Yetti", "The Mountains", 77);
    Monster lochness = new Monster("Lochness Monster", "Scotland", 20);

    myMonsters.add(yetti); // <-- added Yetti to our list
    myMonsters.add(lochness); // <--added Lochness to our list
    for (Monster m : myMonsters) {

public static void main(String[] args) {
    new Main();

(I helped my girlfriend's brother with a Java game, and he had to do something along those lines as well, but I hope the example was well demonstrated)

How to copy a row from one SQL Server table to another

SELECT * INTO < new_table > FROM < existing_table > WHERE < clause >

Unable to Install Any Package in Visual Studio 2015

Open the packages folder. Check if files with extension .deleteme exists, example Newtonsoft.Json.9.0.1.deleteme. Delete all the packages which have a .deleteme file manually. Delete the .deleteme files. Close and open the Nuget Explorer.

How to JUnit test that two List<E> contain the same elements in the same order?

The equals() method on your List implementation should do elementwise comparison, so

assertEquals(argumentComponents, returnedComponents);

is a lot easier.

Why doesn't catching Exception catch RuntimeException?

Catching Exception will catch a RuntimeException

How to select option in drop down using Capybara

Here's the most concise way I've found (using capybara 3.3.0 and chromium driver):

all('#id-of-select option')[1].select_option

will select the 2nd option. Increment the index as needed.

How do I create a file and write to it?

Note that each of the code samples below may throw IOException. Try/catch/finally blocks have been omitted for brevity. See this tutorial for information about exception handling.

Note that each of the code samples below will overwrite the file if it already exists

Creating a text file:

PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter("the-file-name.txt", "UTF-8");
writer.println("The first line");
writer.println("The second line");

Creating a binary file:

byte data[] = ...
FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream("the-file-name");

Java 7+ users can use the Files class to write to files:

Creating a text file:

List<String> lines = Arrays.asList("The first line", "The second line");
Path file = Paths.get("the-file-name.txt");
Files.write(file, lines, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
//Files.write(file, lines, StandardCharsets.UTF_8, StandardOpenOption.APPEND);

Creating a binary file:

byte data[] = ...
Path file = Paths.get("the-file-name");
Files.write(file, data);
//Files.write(file, data, StandardOpenOption.APPEND);

What is the best alternative IDE to Visual Studio


Here's an example showing code completion, taken from the Zeus homepage.

example.cs open in Zeus, showing code-completion

Retrieve a Fragment from a ViewPager

I implemented this easy with a bit different approach.

My custom FragmentAdapter.getItem method returned not new MyFragment(), but the instance of MyFragment that was created in FragmentAdapter constructor.

In my activity I then got the fragment from the adapter, check if it is instanceOf needed Fragment, then cast and use needed methods.

How to run shell script file using nodejs?

You could use "child process" module of nodejs to execute any shell commands or scripts with in nodejs. Let me show you with an example, I am running a shell script( with in nodejs.

echo "Hi There!"


const { exec } = require('child_process');
var yourscript = exec('sh',
        (error, stdout, stderr) => {
            if (error !== null) {
                console.log(`exec error: ${error}`);

Here, when I run the nodejs file, it will execute the shell file and the output would be:


node node_program.js


Hi There!

You can execute any script just by mentioning the shell command or shell script in exec callback.

Hope this helps! Happy coding :)

How to start rails server?

For rails 3.2.3 and latest version of rails you can start server by:
First install all gem with command: bundle install or bundle.
Then Configure your database to the database.yml.
Create new database: rake db:create
Then start rails server.
rails server orrails s

Where can I find WcfTestClient.exe (part of Visual Studio)

Mine was here: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\Common7\IDE"

HttpClient not supporting PostAsJsonAsync method C#

The missing reference is the System.Net.Http.Formatting.dll. But the better solution is to add the NuGet package Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client to ensure the version of the formatting dll worked with the .NET framework version of System.Net.Http in my project.

Connect to external server by using phpMyAdmin

using PhpMyAdmin version, you can set the variables in /etc/phpmyadmin/config-db.php

so set $dbserver to your server name, e.g. $dbserver='';

## database access settings in php format
## automatically generated from /etc/dbconfig-common/phpmyadmin.conf
## by /usr/sbin/dbconfig-generate-include
## by default this file is managed via ucf, so you shouldn't have to
## worry about manual changes being silently discarded.  *however*,
## you'll probably also want to edit the configuration file mentioned
## above too.

Identifying Exception Type in a handler Catch Block

    // Some code
catch (Web2PDFException ex)
    // It's your special exception
catch (Exception ex)
    // Any other exception here

How can I create a war file of my project in NetBeans?

Just check in you projects properties >build ->packaging WAR file compress.

How to align absolutely positioned element to center?

position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
bottom: 0;
right: 0;
margin: auto;

PHP include relative path

You could always include it using __DIR__:


__DIR__ is a 'magical constant' and returns the directory of the current file without the trailing slash. It's actually an absolute path, you just have to concatenate the file name to __DIR__. In this case, as we need to ascend a directory we use PHP's dirname which ascends the file tree, and from here we can access config.php.

You could set the root path in this method too:

define('ROOT_PATH', dirname(__DIR__) . '/');

in test.php would set your root to be at the /root/ level.


Should then work to include the config file from where you want.

Can I have an IF block in DOS batch file?

Instead of this goto mess, try using the ampersand & or double ampersand && (conditional to errorlevel 0) as command separators.

I fixed a script snippet with this trick, to summarize, I have three batch files, one which calls the other two after having found which letters the external backup drives have been assigned. I leave the first file on the primary external drive so the calls to its backup routine worked fine, but the calls to the second one required an active drive change. The code below shows how I fixed it:

for %%b in (d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z) DO (
if exist "%%b:\Backup.cmd" %%b: & CALL "%%b:\Backup.cmd"

How to handle back button in activity

A simpler approach is to capture the Back button press and call moveTaskToBack(true) as follows:

public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) {
    if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK) {
        return true;
    return super.onKeyDown(keyCode, event);

Android 2.0 introduced a new onBackPressed method, and these recommendations on how to handle the Back button

Oracle SQL Developer spool output?

You can export the query results to a text file (or insert statements, or even pdf) by right-clicking on Query Result row (any row) and choose Export

using Sql Developer 3.0

See SQL Developer downloads for latest versions

New to unit testing, how to write great tests?

Don't write tests to get full coverage of your code. Write tests that guarantee your requirements. You may discover codepaths that are unnecessary. Conversely, if they are necessary, they are there to fulfill some kind of requirement; find it what it is and test the requirement (not the path).

Keep your tests small: one test per requirement.

Later, when you need to make a change (or write new code), try writing one test first. Just one. Then you'll have taken the first step in test-driven development.

Git is not working after macOS Update (xcrun: error: invalid active developer path (/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools)

If you have Xcode downloaded manually (i.e. not from the App Store) or don't have Xcode at all:

  1. sudo rm -rf /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools
  2. Go to to download Command Line Tools (macOS 10.14) for Xcode 10
  3. Setup Command Line Tools

If you have Xcode installed from the App Store:

  1. xcode-select --install

Foreign Key naming scheme

If you aren't referencing your FK's that often and using MySQL (and InnoDB) then you can just let MySQL name the FK for you.

At a later time you can find the FK name you need by running a query.

Parsing CSV files in C#, with header

I know its a bit late but just found a library Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO which has TextFieldParser class to process csv files.

Things possible in IntelliJ that aren't possible in Eclipse?

One thing I use regularly is setting a breakpoint, but then controlling what it does. (At my last job, most everyone else used Eclipse... I remember being surprised that no one could find how to do this in Eclipse.)

For example, can have the breakpoint not actually stop, but just log a message to the console. Which means, I don't have to litter my code with "System.out.println(...)" and then recompile.

How to succinctly write a formula with many variables from a data frame?

Yes of course, just add the response y as first column in the dataframe and call lm() on it:

> d2
  y x1 x2 x3
1 1  4  3  4
2 4 -1  9 -4
3 6  3  8 -2
> lm(d2)

lm(formula = d2)

(Intercept)           x1           x2           x3  
    -5.6316       0.7895       1.1579           NA  

Also, my information about R points out that assignment with <- is recommended over =.

Can you have if-then-else logic in SQL?

Instead of using EXISTS and COUNT just use @@ROWCOUNT:

select product, price from table1 where project = 1

    select product, price from table1 where customer = 2

    IF @@ROWCOUNT = 0
    select product, price from table1 where company = 3

ThreeJS: Remove object from scene

If your element is not directly on you scene go back to Parent to remove it

  function removeEntity(object) {
        var selectedObject = scene.getObjectByName(;
        selectedObject.parent.remove( selectedObject );

remove url parameters with javascript or jquery

Well, I am using this:

        let stripped = urlToStrip.split('?')[0];
        stripped = stripped.split('&')[0];
        stripped = stripped.split('#')[0];
        return stripped;


        return urlToStrip.split('?')[0].split('&')[0].split('#')[0];

Is nested function a good approach when required by only one function?

It's perfectly OK doing it that way, but unless you need to use a closure or return the function I'd probably put in the module level. I imagine in the second code example you mean:

some_data = method_b() # not some_data = method_b

otherwise, some_data will be the function.

Having it at the module level will allow other functions to use method_b() and if you're using something like Sphinx (and autodoc) for documentation, it will allow you to document method_b as well.

You also may want to consider just putting the functionality in two methods in a class if you're doing something that can be representable by an object. This contains logic well too if that's all you're looking for.

How can I take an UIImage and give it a black border?

In Swift 3 here's how you do it to the UIImage itself:

let size = CGSize(width: image.size.width, height: image.size.height)
let rect = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: size.width, height: size.height)
image?.draw(in: rect, blendMode: .normal, alpha: 1.0)
let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()
context?.setStrokeColor(red: 0, green: 0, blue: 0, alpha: 1)
let newImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()

self.imageView.image = newImage

How to scroll HTML page to given anchor?

In 2018, you don't need jQuery for something simple like this. The built in scrollIntoView() method supports a "behavior" property to smoothly scroll to any element on the page. You can even update the browser URL with a hash to make it bookmarkable.

From this tutorial on scrolling HTML Bookmarks, here is a native way to add smooth scrolling to all anchor links on your page automatically:

let anchorlinks = document.querySelectorAll('a[href^="#"]')
for (let item of anchorlinks) { // relitere 
    item.addEventListener('click', (e)=> {
        let hashval = item.getAttribute('href')
        let target = document.querySelector(hashval)
            behavior: 'smooth',
            block: 'start'
        history.pushState(null, null, hashval)


Starting in SQL Server 2017 the STRING_AGG function is available which simplifies the logic considerably:

select FieldA, string_agg(FieldB, '') as data
from yourtable
group by FieldA

See SQL Fiddle with Demo

In SQL Server you can use FOR XML PATH to get the result:

select distinct t1.FieldA,
  STUFF((SELECT distinct '' + t2.FieldB
         from yourtable t2
         where t1.FieldA = t2.FieldA
            FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE
            ).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') 
        ,1,0,'') data
from yourtable t1;

See SQL Fiddle with Demo

Remove Rows From Data Frame where a Row matches a String

You can use the dplyr package to easily remove those particular rows.

df <- filter(df, C != "Foo")

How to disable spring security for particular url

I have a better way:


Magento: get a static block as html in a phtml file

This should work as tested.

$filter = new Mage_Widget_Model_Template_Filter();
$_widget = $filter->filter('{{widget type="cms/widget_page_link" template="cms/widget/link/link_block.phtml" page_id="2"}}');
echo $_widget;

Git: How to update/checkout a single file from remote origin master?

I think I have found an easy hack out.

Delete the file that you have on the local repository (the file that you want updated from the latest commit in the remote server)

And then do a git pull

Because the file is deleted, there will be no conflict

Why is there no xrange function in Python3?

xrange from Python 2 is a generator and implements iterator while range is just a function. In Python3 I don't know why was dropped off the xrange.

How to check size of a file using Bash?

If you are looking for just the size of a file:

$ cat $file | wc -c
> 203233

Vertically align an image inside a div with responsive height

html code

<div class="image-container"> <img src=""/> </div>

css code

  position: relative;
  top: 50%;
  transform: translateY(-50%);

How to make a JFrame button open another JFrame class in Netbeans?

new SecondForm().setVisible(true);

You can either use setVisible(false) or dispose() method to disappear current form.

How to declare global variables in Android?

class GlobaleVariableDemo extends Application {

    private String myGlobalState;

    public String getGlobalState(){
     return myGlobalState;
    public void setGlobalState(String s){
     myGlobalState = s;

class Demo extends Activity {

public void onCreate(Bundle b){
    GlobaleVariableDemo appState = ((GlobaleVariableDemo)getApplicationContext());
    String state = appState.getGlobalState();

git: diff between file in local repo and origin

If [remote-path] and [local-path] are the same, you can do

$ git fetch origin master
$ git diff origin/master -- [local-path]

Note 1: The second command above will compare against the locally stored remote tracking branch. The fetch command is required to update the remote tracking branch to be in sync with the contents of the remote server. Alternatively, you can just do

$ git diff master:<path-or-file-name>

Note 2: master can be replaced in the above examples with any branch name

String Padding in C

It might be helpful to know that printf does padding for you, using %-10s as the format string will pad the input right in a field 10 characters long

printf("|%-10s|", "Hello");

will output

|Hello     |

In this case the - symbol means "Left align", the 10 means "Ten characters in field" and the s means you are aligning a string.

Printf style formatting is available in many languages and has plenty of references on the web. Here is one of many pages explaining the formatting flags. As usual WikiPedia's printf page is of help too (mostly a history lesson of how widely printf has spread).

How To: Best way to draw table in console app (C#)

In case if this helps someone, this is a simple class I wrote for my need. You can change it easily to fit your needs.

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

namespace Utilities
    public class TablePrinter
        private readonly string[] titles;
        private readonly List<int> lengths;
        private readonly List<string[]> rows = new List<string[]>();

        public TablePrinter(params string[] titles)
            this.titles = titles;
            lengths = titles.Select(t => t.Length).ToList();

        public void AddRow(params object[] row)
            if (row.Length != titles.Length)
                throw new System.Exception($"Added row length [{row.Length}] is not equal to title row length [{titles.Length}]");
            rows.Add(row.Select(o => o.ToString()).ToArray());
            for (int i = 0; i < titles.Length; i++)
                if (rows.Last()[i].Length > lengths[i])
                    lengths[i] = rows.Last()[i].Length;

        public void Print()
            lengths.ForEach(l => System.Console.Write("+-" + new string('-', l) + '-'));

            string line = "";
            for (int i = 0; i < titles.Length; i++)
                line += "| " + titles[i].PadRight(lengths[i]) + ' ';
            System.Console.WriteLine(line + "|");

            lengths.ForEach(l => System.Console.Write("+-" + new string('-', l) + '-'));

            foreach (var row in rows)
                line = "";
                for (int i = 0; i < row.Length; i++)
                    if (int.TryParse(row[i], out int n))
                        line += "| " + row[i].PadLeft(lengths[i]) + ' ';  // numbers are padded to the left
                        line += "| " + row[i].PadRight(lengths[i]) + ' ';
                System.Console.WriteLine(line + "|");

            lengths.ForEach(l => System.Console.Write("+-" + new string('-', l) + '-'));

Sample usage:

var t = new TablePrinter("id", "Column A", "Column B");
t.AddRow(1, "Val A1", "Val B1");
t.AddRow(2, "Val A2", "Val B2");
t.AddRow(100, "Val A100", "Val B100");


| id  | Column A | Column B |
|   1 | Val A1   | Val B1   |
|   2 | Val A2   | Val B2   |
| 100 | Val A100 | Val B100 |

Pass a javascript variable value into input type hidden value

Hidden Field :

<input type="hidden" name="year" id="year">

Script :

<script type="text/javascript">
     var year = new Date();

jQuery change input text value

no, you need to do something like:


but you should really be using unique IDs if you can.

You can also get more specific, such as:



do this to find your input based on the name attribute:


PHP Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context

When you call the function in a static context, $this simply doesn't exist.

You would have to use this::xyz() instead.

To find out what context you're in when a function can be called both statically and in an object instance, a good approach is outlined in this question: How to tell whether I’m static or an object?

How to download excel (.xls) file from API in postman?

If the endpoint really is a direct link to the .xls file, you can try the following code to handle downloading:

public static boolean download(final File output, final String source) {
    try {
        if (!output.createNewFile()) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Could not create new file!");
        URL url = new URL(source);
        HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
        // Comment in the code in the following line in case the endpoint redirects instead of it being a direct link
        // connection.setInstanceFollowRedirects(true);
        connection.setRequestProperty("AUTH-KEY-PROPERTY-NAME", "yourAuthKey");
        final ReadableByteChannel rbc = Channels.newChannel(connection.getInputStream());
        final FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(output);
        fos.getChannel().transferFrom(rbc, 0, 1 << 24);
        return true;
    } catch (final Exception e) {
    return false;

All you should need to do is set the proper name for the auth token and fill it in.

Example usage:

download(new File("C:\\output.xls"), "");

How to loop backwards in python?

To reverse a string without using reversed or [::-1], try something like:

def reverse(text):
    # Container for reversed string

    # store the length of the string to be reversed
    # account for indexes starting at 0
    length = len(text)-1

    # loop through the string in reverse and append each character
    # deprecate the length index
    while length>=0:
        txet += "%s"%text[length]
    return txet

Creating a copy of an object in C#

The easiest way to do this is writing a copy constructor in the MyClass class.

Something like this:

namespace Example
    class MyClass
        public int val;

        public MyClass()

        public MyClass(MyClass other)
            val = other.val;

The second constructor simply accepts a parameter of his own type (the one you want to copy) and creates a new object assigned with the same value

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        MyClass objectA = new MyClass();
        MyClass objectB = new MyClass(objectA);
        objectA.val = 10;
        objectB.val = 20;
        Console.WriteLine("objectA.val = {0}", objectA.val);
        Console.WriteLine("objectB.val = {0}", objectB.val);


objectA.val = 10

objectB.val = 20               

SQL Query Where Date = Today Minus 7 Days

Using dateadd to remove a week from the current date.


Why doesn't Git ignore my specified file?

I run into this, it's an old question, but I want that file to be tracked but to not track it on certain working copies, to do that you can run

git update-index --assume-unchanged sites/default/settings.php

Is there an advantage to use a Synchronized Method instead of a Synchronized Block?

Synchronized Method


  • Your IDE can indicate the synchronized methods.
  • The syntax is more compact.
  • Forces to split the synchronized blocks to separate methods.


  • Synchronizes to this and so makes it possible to outsiders to synchronize to it too.
  • It is harder to move code outside the synchronized block.

Synchronized block


  • Allows using a private variable for the lock and so forcing the lock to stay inside the class.
  • Synchronized blocks can be found by searching references to the variable.


  • The syntax is more complicated and so makes the code harder to read.

Personally I prefer using synchronized methods with classes focused only to the thing needing synchronization. Such class should be as small as possible and so it should be easy to review the synchronization. Others shouldn't need to care about synchronization.

print variable and a string in python

All answers above are correct, However People who are coming from other programming language. The easiest approach to follow will be.

variable = 1

print("length " + format(variable))

WCF gives an unsecured or incorrectly secured fault error

I've also had this problem from a service reference that was out of date, even with the server & client on the same machine. Running 'Update Service Reference' will generally fix it if this is the issue.

Dropdown select with images



var shownnn = "yes";_x000D_
var dropd = document.getElementById("image-dropdown");_x000D_
function showww() {_x000D_ = "auto";_x000D_ = "y-scroll";_x000D_
function hideee() {_x000D_ = "30px";_x000D_ = "hidden";_x000D_
  //dropd.addEventListener('mouseover', showOrHide, false);_x000D_
  //dropd.addEventListener('click',showOrHide , false);_x000D_
function myfuunc(imgParent) {_x000D_
  var mainDIVV = document.getElementById("image-dropdown");_x000D_
  mainDIVV.insertBefore(imgParent, mainDIVV.childNodes[0]);_x000D_
#image-dropdown {_x000D_
  display: inline-block;_x000D_
  border: 1px solid;_x000D_
#image-dropdown {_x000D_
  height: 30px;_x000D_
  overflow: hidden;_x000D_
/*#image-dropdown:hover {} */_x000D_
#image-dropdown .img_holder {_x000D_
  cursor: pointer;_x000D_
#image-dropdown img.flagimgs {_x000D_
  height: 30px;_x000D_
#image-dropdown span.iTEXT {_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
  top: -8px;_x000D_
<!-- not tested in mobiles -->_x000D_
<div id="image-dropdown" onmouseleave="hideee();">_x000D_
  <div class="img_holder" onclick="myfuunc(this);" onmouseover="showww();">_x000D_
    <img class="flagimgs first" src="" /> <span class="iTEXT">First</span>_x000D_
  <div class="img_holder" onclick="myfuunc(this);" onmouseover="showww();">_x000D_
    <img class="flagimgs second" src="" /> <span class="iTEXT">Second</span>_x000D_
  <div class="img_holder" onclick="myfuunc(this);" onmouseover="showww();">_x000D_
    <img class="flagimgs second" src="" /> <span class="iTEXT">Third</span>_x000D_
  <div class="img_holder" onclick="myfuunc(this);" onmouseover="showww();">_x000D_
    <img class="flagimgs second" src="" /> <span class="iTEXT">Fourth</span>_x000D_

node-request - Getting error "SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol"

I had this problem (403 error for each package) and I found nothing great in the internet to solve it. My .npmrc file inside my user folder was wrong and misunderstood. I changed this npmrc line from


to :


Convert String to java.util.Date

I think your date format does not make sense. There is no 13:00 PM. Remove the "aaa" at the end of your format or turn the HH into hh.

Nevertheless, this works fine for me:

String testDate = "29-Apr-2010,13:00:14 PM";
DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("d-MMM-yyyy,HH:mm:ss aaa");
Date date = formatter.parse(testDate);

It prints "Thu Apr 29 13:00:14 CEST 2010".

How to detect when an Android app goes to the background and come back to the foreground

By using below code I'm able to get my app foreground or background state.

For more detail about it's working, strong text click here

import android.content.ComponentCallbacks2;
import android.content.Context;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.widget.Toast;

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

private Context context;
private Toast toast;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    context = this;

private void showToast(String message) {
    //If toast is already showing cancel it
    if (toast != null) {

    toast = Toast.makeText(context, message, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);;

protected void onStart() {
    showToast("App In Foreground");

public void onTrimMemory(int level) {
    if (level == ComponentCallbacks2.TRIM_MEMORY_UI_HIDDEN) {
        showToast("App In Background");

How to store token in Local or Session Storage in Angular 2?

Adding onto Bojan Kogoj's answer:

In your app.module.ts, add a new provider for storage.

   providers: [
      { provide: Storage, useValue: localStorage }

And then you can use DI to get it wherever you need it.

 export class StateService {
    constructor(private storage: Storage) { }

Load RSA public key from file

Below code works absolutely fine to me and working. This code will read RSA private and public key though java code. You can refer to


    public class Demo {

        public static final String PRIVATE_KEY="/home/user/private.der";
        public static final String PUBLIC_KEY="/home/user/public.der";

        public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeySpecException {
            //get the private key
            File file = new File(PRIVATE_KEY);
            FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file);
            DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(fis);

            byte[] keyBytes = new byte[(int) file.length()];

            PKCS8EncodedKeySpec spec = new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(keyBytes);
            KeyFactory kf = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA");
            RSAPrivateKey privKey = (RSAPrivateKey) kf.generatePrivate(spec);
            System.out.println("Exponent :" + privKey.getPrivateExponent());
            System.out.println("Modulus" + privKey.getModulus());

            //get the public key
            File file1 = new File(PUBLIC_KEY);
            FileInputStream fis1 = new FileInputStream(file1);
            DataInputStream dis1 = new DataInputStream(fis1);
            byte[] keyBytes1 = new byte[(int) file1.length()];

            X509EncodedKeySpec spec1 = new X509EncodedKeySpec(keyBytes1);
            KeyFactory kf1 = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA");
            RSAPublicKey pubKey = (RSAPublicKey) kf1.generatePublic(spec1);

            System.out.println("Exponent :" + pubKey.getPublicExponent());
            System.out.println("Modulus" + pubKey.getModulus());

How to store and retrieve a dictionary with redis

you can pickle your dict and save as string.

import pickle
import redis

r = redis.StrictRedis('localhost')
mydict = {1:2,2:3,3:4}
p_mydict = pickle.dumps(mydict)

read_dict = r.get('mydict')
yourdict = pickle.loads(read_dict)

Passing string parameter in JavaScript function

Use this:

document.write('<td width="74"><button id="button" type="button" onclick="myfunction('" + name + "')">click</button></td>')

How to trigger a phone call when clicking a link in a web page on mobile phone

Most modern devices support the tel: scheme. So use <a href="tel:555-555-5555">555-555-5555</a> and you should be good to go.

If you want to use it for an image, the <a> tag can handle the <img/> placed in it just like other normal situations with : <a href="tel:555-555-5555"><img src="path/to/phone/icon.jpg" /></a>

How to write a file or data to an S3 object using boto3

In boto 3, the 'Key.set_contents_from_' methods were replaced by

For example:

import boto3

some_binary_data = b'Here we have some data'
more_binary_data = b'Here we have some more data'

# Method 1: Object.put()
s3 = boto3.resource('s3')
object = s3.Object('my_bucket_name', 'my/key/including/filename.txt')

# Method 2: Client.put_object()
client = boto3.client('s3')
client.put_object(Body=more_binary_data, Bucket='my_bucket_name', Key='my/key/including/anotherfilename.txt')

Alternatively, the binary data can come from reading a file, as described in the official docs comparing boto 2 and boto 3:

Storing Data

Storing data from a file, stream, or string is easy:

# Boto 2.x
from boto.s3.key import Key
key = Key('hello.txt')

# Boto 3
s3.Object('mybucket', 'hello.txt').put(Body=open('/tmp/hello.txt', 'rb'))

Running a shell script through Cygwin on Windows

The existing answers all seem to run this script in a DOS console window.

This may be acceptable, but for example means that colour codes (changing text colour) don't work but instead get printed out as they are:

there is no item "[032mGroovy[0m"

I found this solution some time ago, so I'm not sure whether mintty.exe is a standard Cygwin utility or whether you have to run the setup program to get it, but I run like this:

D:\apps\cygwin64\bin\mintty.exe -i /Cygwin-Terminal.ico  bash.exe .\

... this causes the script to run in a Cygwin BASH console instead of a Windows DOS console.

M_PI works with math.h but not with cmath in Visual Studio

Interestingly I checked this on an app of mine and I got the same error.

I spent a while checking through headers to see if there was anything undef'ing the _USE_MATH_DEFINES and found nothing.

So I moved the

#include <cmath>

to be the first thing in my file (I don't use PCHs so if you are you will have to have it after the #include "stdafx.h") and suddenly it compile perfectly.

Try moving it higher up the page. Totally unsure as to why this would cause issues though.

Edit: Figured it out. The #include <math.h> occurs within cmath's header guards. This means that something higher up the list of #includes is including cmath without the #define specified. math.h is specifically designed so that you can include it again with that define now changed to add M_PI etc. This is NOT the case with cmath. So you need to make sure you #define _USE_MATH_DEFINES before you include anything else. Hope that clears it up for you :)

Failing that just include math.h you are using non-standard C/C++ as already pointed out :)

Edit 2: Or as David points out in the comments just make yourself a constant that defines the value and you have something more portable anyway :)

how to convert `content://media/external/images/media/Y` to `file:///storage/sdcard0/Pictures/X.jpg` in android?

If you just want the bitmap, This too works

InputStream inputStream = mContext.getContentResolver().openInputStream(uri);
Bitmap bmp = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(inputStream);
if( inputStream != null ) inputStream.close();

sample uri : content://media/external/images/media/12345

return, return None, and no return at all?

In terms of functionality these are all the same, the difference between them is in code readability and style (which is important to consider)

How do I find out what type each object is in a ArrayList<Object>?

instead of using object.getClass().getName() you can use object.getClass().getSimpleName(), because it returns a simple class name without a package name included.

for instance,

Object[] intArray = { 1 }; 

for (Object object : intArray) { 



Appropriate datatype for holding percent values?

Assuming two decimal places on your percentages, the data type you use depends on how you plan to store your percentages. If you are going to store their fractional equivalent (e.g. 100.00% stored as 1.0000), I would store the data in a decimal(5,4) data type with a CHECK constraint that ensures that the values never exceed 1.0000 (assuming that is the cap) and never go below 0 (assuming that is the floor). If you are going to store their face value (e.g. 100.00% is stored as 100.00), then you should use decimal(5,2) with an appropriate CHECK constraint. Combined with a good column name, it makes it clear to other developers what the data is and how the data is stored in the column.

Returning null in a method whose signature says return int?

Change your return type to java.lang.Integer . This way you can safely return null

Error in setting JAVA_HOME

The JAVA_HOME should point to the JDK home rather than the JRE home if you are going to be compiling stuff, likewise - I would try and install the JDK in a directory that doesn't include a space. Even if this is not your problem now, it can cause problems in the future!

Increase number of axis ticks

Based on Daniel Krizian's comment, you can also use the pretty_breaks function from the scales library, which is imported automatically:

ggplot(dat, aes(x,y)) + geom_point() +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = scales::pretty_breaks(n = 10)) +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = scales::pretty_breaks(n = 10))

All you have to do is insert the number of ticks wanted for n.

A slightly less useful solution (since you have to specify the data variable again), you can use the built-in pretty function:

ggplot(dat, aes(x,y)) + geom_point() +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = pretty(dat$x, n = 10)) +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = pretty(dat$y, n = 10))

INFO: No Spring WebApplicationInitializer types detected on classpath

I had this info message "No Spring WebApplicationInitializer types detected on classpath" while deploying a WAR with spring integration beans in WebLogic server. Actually, I could observe that the servlet URL returned 404 Not Found and beside that info message with a negative tone "No Spring ...etc" in Server logs, nothing else was seemingly in error in my spring config; no build or deployment errors, no complaints. Indeed, I suspected that the beans.xml (spring context XML) was actually not picked up at all and that was bound to the very specific organizing of artefacts in Oracle's jDeveloper. The solution is to play carefully with the 'contributors' and 'filters' for the WEB-INF/classes category when you edit your deployment profile under the 'deployment' topic in project properties.

Precisely, I would advise to name your spring context by the jDeveloper default "beans.xml" and place it side by side to the WEB-INF subdirectory itself (under your web Apllication source path, e.g. like <...your project path>/public_html/). Then in the WEB-INF/classes category (when editing the deployment profile) your can check the Project HTML root directory in the 'contributor' list, and then select the beans.xml in filters, and then ensure your web.xml features a context-param value like classpath:beans.xml.

Once that was fixed, I was able to progress and after some more bean config changes and implementations, the message "No Spring WebApplicationInitializer types detected on classpath" came back! Actually, I did not notice when and why exactly it came back. This second time, I added a

public class HttpGatewayInit implements WebApplicationInitializer { ... }

which implements empty inherited methods, and the whole application works fine!

...If you feel that java EE development has been getting a bit too crazy with cascades of XML configuration files (some edited manually, others through wizards) intepreted by cascades of variant initializers, let me insist that I fully share your point.

How to print struct variables in console?

I think it would be better to implement a custom stringer if you want some kind of formatted output of a struct

for example

package main

    import "fmt"

    type Project struct {
        Id int64 `json:"project_id"`
        Title string `json:"title"`
        Name string `json:"name"`

    func (p Project) String() string {
        return fmt.Sprintf("{Id:%d, Title:%s, Name:%s}", p.Id, p.Title, p.Name)

    func main() {
        o := Project{Id: 4, Name: "hello", Title: "world"}
        fmt.Printf("%+v\n", o)

Happy Coding ;)

error: pathspec 'test-branch' did not match any file(s) known to git

Try cloning before doing the checkout.

do git clone "whee to find it" then after cloning check out the branch

Find size of object instance in bytes in c#

From Pavel and jnm2:

private int DumpApproximateObjectSize(object toWeight)
   return Marshal.ReadInt32(toWeight.GetType().TypeHandle.Value, 4);

On a side note be careful because it only work with contiguous memory objects

mongodb/mongoose findMany - find all documents with IDs listed in array

The find function in mongoose is a full query to mongoDB. This means you can use the handy mongoDB $in clause, which works just like the SQL version of the same.

    '_id': { $in: [
}, function(err, docs){

This method will work well even for arrays containing tens of thousands of ids. (See Efficiently determine the owner of a record)

I would recommend that anybody working with mongoDB read through the Advanced Queries section of the excellent Official mongoDB Docs

Append String in Swift

Its very simple:

For ObjC:

     NSString *string1 = @"This is";
     NSString *string2 = @"Swift Language";


    let string1 = "This is"
    let string2 = "Swift Language"

For ObjC AppendString:

     NSString *appendString=[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %@",string1,string2];

For Swift AppendString:

    var appendString1 = "\(string1) \(string2)"
    var appendString2 = string1+string2


    print("APPEND STRING 1:\(appendString1)")
    print("APPEND STRING 2:\(appendString2)")

Complete Code In Swift:

    let string1 = "This is"
    let string2 = "Swift Language"
    var appendString = "\(string1) \(string2)"
    var appendString1 = string1+string2
    print("APPEND STRING1:\(appendString1)")
    print("APPEND STRING2:\(appendString2)")

I want to align the text in a <td> to the top

Add a vertical-align property to the TD, like this:

<td style="width: 259px; vertical-align: top;">
main page

Creating a fixed sidebar alongside a centered Bootstrap 3 grid

As drew_w said, you can find a good example here.


<div id="wrapper">
    <div id="sidebar-wrapper">
        <ul class="sidebar-nav">
            <li class="sidebar-brand"><a href="#">Home</a></li>
            <li><a href="#">Another link</a></li>
            <li><a href="#">Next link</a></li>
            <li><a href="#">Last link</a></li>
    <div id="page-content-wrapper">
        <div class="page-content">
            <div class="container">
                <div class="row">
                    <div class="col-md-12">
                        <!-- content of page -->


#wrapper {
  padding-left: 250px;
  transition: all 0.4s ease 0s;

#sidebar-wrapper {
  margin-left: -250px;
  left: 250px;
  width: 250px;
  background: #CCC;
  position: fixed;
  height: 100%;
  overflow-y: auto;
  z-index: 1000;
  transition: all 0.4s ease 0s;

#page-content-wrapper {
  width: 100%;

.sidebar-nav {
  position: absolute;
  top: 0;
  width: 250px;
  list-style: none;
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;

@media (max-width:767px) {

    #wrapper {
      padding-left: 0;

    #sidebar-wrapper {
      left: 0;
    } {
      position: relative;
      left: 250px;
    } #sidebar-wrapper {
      left: 250px;
      width: 250px;
      transition: all 0.4s ease 0s;



How to find patterns across multiple lines using grep?

Here is a solution inspired by this answer:

  • if 'abc' and 'efg' can be on the same line:

      grep -zl 'abc.*efg' <your list of files>
  • if 'abc' and 'efg' must be on different lines:

      grep -Pzl '(?s)abc.*\n.*efg' <your list of files>


  • -P Use perl compatible regular expressions (PCRE).

  • -z Treat the input as a set of lines, each terminated by a zero byte instead of a newline. i.e. grep treats the input as a one big line.

  • -l list matching filenames only.

  • (?s) activate PCRE_DOTALL, which means that '.' finds any character or newline.

Bootstrap trying to load map file. How to disable it? Do I need to do it?

Follow that tutorial: Disable JavaScript With Chrome DevTools


  1. Open your code Inspector (right click)
  2. Press Control+Shift+P and search "Disable JavaScript source maps"
  3. Do same for "Disable CSS source maps"
  4. Press control+F5 to clear cache and reload page.

How to download the latest artifact from Artifactory repository?

Something like the following bash script will retrieve the lastest snapshot from the snapshot repo:

# Artifactory location

# Maven artifact location
version=$(curl -s $path/maven-metadata.xml | grep latest | sed "s/.*<latest>\([^<]*\)<\/latest>.*/\1/")
build=$(curl -s $path/$version/maven-metadata.xml | grep '<value>' | head -1 | sed "s/.*<value>\([^<]*\)<\/value>.*/\1/")

# Download
echo $url
wget -q -N $url

It feels a bit dirty, yes, but it gets the job done.

How to use sed to remove the last n lines of a file

sed -n ':pre
1,4 {N;b pre
$!{P;N;D;b cycle
  }' YourFile

posix version

How can I pass arguments to a batch file?

Yep, and just don't forget to use variables like %%1 when using if and for and the gang.

If you forget the double %, then you will be substituting in (possibly null) command line arguments and you will receive some pretty confusing error messages.

error: expected declaration or statement at end of input in c

You probably have syntax error. You most likely forgot to put a } or ; somewhere above this function.

How to make clang compile to llvm IR

Did you read clang documentation ? You're probably looking for -emit-llvm.

Submit button not working in Bootstrap form

The .btn classes are designed for , or elements (though some browsers may apply a slightly different rendering).

If you’re using .btn classes on elements that are used to trigger functionality ex. collapsing content, these links should be given a role="button" to adequately communicate their meaning to assistive technologies such as screen readers. I hope this help.

What's the best way to do a backwards loop in C/C#/C++?

The best way to do that in C++ is probably to use iterator (or better, range) adaptors, which will lazily transform the sequence as it is being traversed.


vector<value_type> range;
foreach(value_type v, range | reversed)
    cout << v;

Displays the range "range" (here, it's empty, but i'm fairly sure you can add elements yourself) in reverse order. Of course simply iterating the range is not much use, but passing that new range to algorithms and stuff is pretty cool.

This mechanism can also be used for much more powerful uses:

range | transformed(f) | filtered(p) | reversed

Will lazily compute the range "range", where function "f" is applied to all elements, elements for which "p" is not true are removed, and finally the resulting range is reversed.

Pipe syntax is the most readable IMO, given it's infix. The Boost.Range library update pending review implements this, but it's pretty simple to do it yourself also. It's even more cool with a lambda DSEL to generate the function f and the predicate p in-line.

ORA-30926: unable to get a stable set of rows in the source tables

A further clarification to the use of DISTINCT to resolve error ORA-30926 in the general case:

You need to ensure that the set of data specified by the USING() clause has no duplicate values of the join columns, i.e. the columns in the ON() clause.

In OP's example where the USING clause only selects a key, it was sufficient to add DISTINCT to the USING clause. However, in the general case the USING clause may select a combination of key columns to match on and attribute columns to be used in the UPDATE ... SET clause. Therefore in the general case, adding DISTINCT to the USING clause will still allow different update rows for the same keys, in which case you will still get the ORA-30926 error.

This is an elaboration of DCookie's answer and point 3.1 in Tagar's answer, which from my experience may not be immediately obvious.

HttpWebRequest-The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request

What type of authentication do you use? Send the credentials using the properties Ben said before and setup a cookie handler. You already allow redirection, check your webserver if any redirection occurs (NTLM auth does for sure). If there is a redirection you need to store the session which is mostly stored in a session cookie.

Convert floats to ints in Pandas?

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> right = pd.DataFrame({'C': [1.002, 2.003], 'D': [1.009, 4.55], 'key': ['K0', 'K1']})
>>> print(right)
           C      D key
    0  1.002  1.009  K0
    1  2.003  4.550  K1
>>> right['C'] = right.C.astype(int)
>>> print(right)
       C      D key
    0  1  1.009  K0
    1  2  4.550  K1

Avoid browser popup blockers

As a good practice I think it is a good idea to test if a popup was blocked and take action in case. You need to know that has a return value, and that value may be null if the action failed. For example, in the following code:

function pop(url,w,h) {,'_blank','toolbar=0,location=0,directories=0,status=1,menubar=0,titlebar=0,scrollbars=1,resizable=1,width='+w+',height='+h);
    if(n==null) {
        return true;
    return false;

if the popup is blocked, will return null. So the function will return false.

As an example, imagine calling this function directly from any link with target="_blank": if the popup is successfully opened, returning false will block the link action, else if the popup is blocked, returning true will let the default behavior (open new _blank window) and go on.

<a href="" target="_blank" onclick='return pop("",300,200);' >

This way you will have a popup if it works, and a _blank window if not.

If the popup does not open, you can:

  • open a blank window like in the example and go on
  • open a fake popup (an iframe inside the page)
  • inform the user ("please allow popups for this site")
  • open a blank window and then inform the user etc..

How to enable MySQL Query Log?

I use this method for logging when I want to quickly optimize different page loads. It's a little tip...

Logging to a TABLE

SET global general_log = 1;
SET global log_output = 'table';

You can then select from my mysql.general_log table to retrieve recent queries.

I can then do something similar to tail -f on the mysql.log, but with more refinements...

select * from mysql.general_log 
where  event_time  > (now() - INTERVAL 8 SECOND) and thread_id not in(9 , 628)
and argument <> "SELECT 1" and argument <> "" 
and argument <> "SET NAMES 'UTF8'"  and argument <> "SHOW STATUS"  
and command_type = "Query"  and argument <> "SET PROFILING=1"

This makes it easy to see my queries that I can try and cut back. I use 8 seconds interval to only fetch queries executed within the last 8 seconds.

How do you see recent SVN log entries?

In case anybody is looking at this old question, a handy command to see the changes since your last update:

svn log -r $(svn info | grep Revision | cut -f 2 -d ' '):HEAD -v

LE (thanks Gary for the comment)
same thing, but much shorter and more logical:

svn log -r BASE:HEAD -v

What is tail recursion?

In traditional recursion, the typical model is that you perform your recursive calls first, and then you take the return value of the recursive call and calculate the result. In this manner, you don't get the result of your calculation until you have returned from every recursive call.

In tail recursion, you perform your calculations first, and then you execute the recursive call, passing the results of your current step to the next recursive step. This results in the last statement being in the form of (return (recursive-function params)). Basically, the return value of any given recursive step is the same as the return value of the next recursive call.

The consequence of this is that once you are ready to perform your next recursive step, you don't need the current stack frame any more. This allows for some optimization. In fact, with an appropriately written compiler, you should never have a stack overflow snicker with a tail recursive call. Simply reuse the current stack frame for the next recursive step. I'm pretty sure Lisp does this.

How do I revert an SVN commit?

Both examples must work, but

svn merge -r UPREV:LOWREV . undo range

svn merge -c -REV . undo single revision

in this syntax - if current dir is WC and (as in must done after every merge) you'll commit results

Do you want to see logs?

How to suppress warnings globally in an R Script

You could use


But note that turning off warning messages globally might not be a good idea.

To turn warnings back on, use


(or whatever your default is for warn, see this answer)

Sending email with PHP from an SMTP server

In cases where you are hosting a Wordpress site on Linux and have server access you can save some headaches by installing msmtp which allows you to send via smtp from the standard php mail() function. msmtp is a simpler alternative to postfix which requires a bit more configuration.

Here are the steps:

Install msmtp

sudo apt-get install msmtp-mta ca-certificates

Create a new configuration file:

sudo nano /etc/msmtprc

...with the following configuration information:

# Set defaults.    

# Enable or disable TLS/SSL encryption.
tls on
tls_starttls on
tls_trust_file /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt

# Set up a default account's settings.
account default
host <>
port 587
auth on
user <[email protected]>
password <password>
from <[email protected]>
syslog LOG_MAIL

You need to replace the configuration data represented by everything within "<" and ">" (inclusive, remove these). For host/username/password, use your normal credentials for sending mail through your mail provider.

Tell PHP to use it

sudo nano /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini

Add this single line:

sendmail_path = /usr/bin/msmtp -t

Complete documention can be found here:

Check if application is on its first run

There is no way to know that through the Android API. You have to store some flag by yourself and make it persist either in a SharedPreferenceEditor or using a database.

If you want to base some licence related stuff on this flag, I suggest you use an obfuscated preference editor provided by the LVL library. It's simple and clean.

Regards, Stephane

How do I generate random integers within a specific range in Java?

A simple way to generate n random numbers between a and b e.g a =90, b=100, n =20

Random r = new Random();
for(int i =0; i<20; i++){
    System.out.println(r.ints(90, 100).iterator().nextInt());

r.ints() returns an IntStream and has several useful methods, have look at its API.

Reading specific XML elements from XML file

This is how I would do it (the code below has been tested, full source provided below), begin by creating a class with common properties

    class Word
        public string Base { get; set; }
        public string Category { get; set; }
        public string Id { get; set; }

load using XDocument with INPUT_DATA for demonstration purposes and find element name with lexicon . . .

    XDocument doc = XDocument.Parse(INPUT_DATA);
    XElement lex = doc.Element("lexicon");

make sure there is a value and use linq to extract the word elements from it . . .

    Word[] catWords = null;
    if (lex != null)
        IEnumerable<XElement> words = lex.Elements("word");
        catWords = (from itm in words
                    where itm.Element("category") != null
                        && itm.Element("category").Value == "verb"
                        && itm.Element("id") != null
                        && itm.Element("base") != null
                    select new Word() 
                        Base = itm.Element("base").Value,
                        Category = itm.Element("category").Value,
                        Id = itm.Element("id").Value,

The where statement checks if the category element exists and that the category value is not null and then check it again that it is a verb. Then check that the other nodes also exists . . .

The linq query will return an IEnumerable< Typename > object, so we can call ToArray< Typename >() to cast the entire collection into the type we want.

Then print it to get . . .

 Id: E0006429
 Base: abandon
 Category: verb

 Id: E0006524
 Base: abolish
 Category: verb

Full Source:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Xml.Linq;

namespace test
    class Program

        class Word
            public string Base { get; set; }
            public string Category { get; set; }
            public string Id { get; set; }

        static void Main(string[] args)
            XDocument doc = XDocument.Parse(INPUT_DATA);
            XElement lex = doc.Element("lexicon");
            Word[] catWords = null;
            if (lex != null)
                IEnumerable<XElement> words = lex.Elements("word");
                catWords = (from itm in words
                            where itm.Element("category") != null
                                && itm.Element("category").Value == "verb"
                                && itm.Element("id") != null
                                && itm.Element("base") != null
                            select new Word() 
                                Base = itm.Element("base").Value,
                                Category = itm.Element("category").Value,
                                Id = itm.Element("id").Value,

            //print it
            if (catWords != null)
                Console.WriteLine("Words with <category> and value verb:\n");
                foreach (Word itm in catWords)
                    Console.WriteLine("[Found]\n Id: {0}\n Base: {1}\n Category: {2}\n", 
                        itm.Id, itm.Base, itm.Category);

        const string INPUT_DATA =
        @"<?xml version=""1.0""?>


date() method, "A non well formed numeric value encountered" does not want to format a date passed in $_POST

From the documentation for strtotime():

Dates in the m/d/y or d-m-y formats are disambiguated by looking at the separator between the various components: if the separator is a slash (/), then the American m/d/y is assumed; whereas if the separator is a dash (-) or a dot (.), then the European d-m-y format is assumed.

In your date string, you have 12-16-2013. 16 isn't a valid month, and hence strtotime() returns false.

Since you can't use DateTime class, you could manually replace the - with / using str_replace() to convert the date string into a format that strtotime() understands:

$date = '2-16-2013';
echo date('Y-m-d', strtotime(str_replace('-','/', $date))); // => 2013-02-16

ADB error: cannot connect to daemon

If nothing works Restart your PC . Restarting my computer does the trick

how to add css class to html generic control div?

My approach would be:

/// <summary>
/// Appends CSS Class seprated by a space character
/// </summary>
/// <param name="control">Target control</param>
/// <param name="cssClass">CSS class name to append</param>
public static void AppendCss(HtmlGenericControl control, string cssClass)
    // Ensure CSS class is definied
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cssClass)) return;

    // Append CSS class
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(control.Attributes["class"]))
        // Set our CSS Class as only one
        control.Attributes["class"] = cssClass;
        // Append new CSS class with space as seprator
        control.Attributes["class"] += (" " + cssClass);

Systrace for Windows

You can use process monitor written by Mark Russinovich. This is a fantastic little application that will allow you to attach to any running process on the system and see all of the system calls that process is currently making.

Full width layout with twitter bootstrap

I think you could just use class "col-md-12" it has required left and right paddings and 100% width. Looks like this is a good replacement for container-fluid from 2nd bootstrap.

How do I force git to use LF instead of CR+LF under windows?


If you

  1. want to force all users to have LF line endings for text files and
  2. you cannot ensure that all users change their git config,

you can do that starting with git 2.10. 2.10 or later is required, because 2.10 fixed the behavior of text=auto together with eol=lf. Source.


Put a .gitattributes file in the root of your git repository having following contents:

* text=auto eol=lf

Commit it.

Optional tweaks

You can also add an .editorconfig in the root of your repository to ensure that modern tooling creates new files with the desired line endings.

# EditorConfig is awesome:

# top-most EditorConfig file
root = true

# Unix-style newlines with a newline ending every file
end_of_line = lf
insert_final_newline = true

SyntaxError: Unexpected token o in JSON at position 1

the first parameters of function JSON.parse should be a String, and your data is a JavaScript object, so it will convert to a String [object object], you should use JSON.stringify before pass the data


Set transparent background of an imageview on Android

In Android Studio it is very simple to adjust color and opacity using a built-in tool:

Android Adjust Color Opacity

Last Key in Python Dictionary

You can do a function like this:

def getLastItem(dictionary):
    last_keyval = dictionary.popitem()
    return {last_keyval[0]:last_keyval[1]}

This not change the original dictionary! This happen because the popitem() function returns a tuple and we can utilize this for us favor!!

How to determine an object's class?

There is also an .isInstance method on the "Class" class. if you get an object's class via myBanana.getClass() you can see if your object myApple is an instance of the same class as myBanana via


Why did I get the compile error "Use of unassigned local variable"?

Local variables are not automatically initialized. That only happens with instance-level variables.

You need to explicitly initialize local variables if you want them to be initialized. In this case, (as the linked documentation explains) either by setting the value of 0 or using the new operator.

The code you've shown does indeed attempt to use the value of the variable tmpCnt before it is initialized to anything, and the compiler rightly warns about it.

How to use multiple @RequestMapping annotations in spring?

@RequestMapping has a String[] value parameter, so you should be able to specify multiple values like this:

@RequestMapping(value={"", "/", "welcome"})

Convert `List<string>` to comma-separated string

Follow this:

       List<string> name = new List<string>();   



        string nameOfString = (string.Join(",", name.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray()));

Get resultset from oracle stored procedure

    FOR c_invoice IN 
       SELECT CodeInvoice, NameClient FROM Invoice
       WHERE NameClient = p_nameClient
        dbms_output.put_line('Code Invoice: ' || c_invoice.CodeInvoice);
        dbms_output.put_line('Name Client : ' ||  c_invoice.NameClient );

Executing in SQL Developer:

    SP_Invoices('Perico de los palotes');
-- Or:
EXEC SP_Invoices('Perico de los palotes');


> Code Invoice: 1 
> Name Client : Perico de los palotes
> Code Invoice: 2 
> Name Client : Perico de los palotes

Convert string to number and add one

Simple and best solution is like this. take a string in one variable and then convert it using parseInt() method like below.

var stringValue = '921795';
var numValue = parseInt(stringValue);

parseInt() method will return the number like this 921795. after this, you can add any number to your value.

What is the best way to prevent session hijacking?

Protect by:


Passing command line arguments from Maven as properties in pom.xml

You can give variable names as project files. For instance in you plugin configuration give only one tag as below:-


Then on command line you can pass the project name as parameter:-

mvn [your-command] -DprojectName=[name of project]

Android turn On/Off WiFi HotSpot programmatically

You can use the console and service for that option.

I think with this you can solve that. I made a test directly in console and enable hotspot

I found this in this article Is it possible to USB tether an android device using adb through the terminal?

And after read the interface we can use the same 24 but needs more parameters

service call connectivity 24 i32 0 i32 1 i32 0 s16 random

How do you install Boost on MacOS?

you can download bjam for OSX (or any other OS) here

HTML5 Email Validation

TL;DR: The only 100% correct method is to check for @-sign somewhere in the entered email address and then posting a validation message to given email address. If they can follow validation instructions in the email message, the inputted email address is correct.

Long answer:

David Gilbertson wrote about this years ago:

There are two questions we need to ask:

  1. Did the user understand that they were supposed to type an email address into this field?
  2. Did the user correctly type their own email address into this field?

If you have a well laid-out form with a label that says “email”, and the user enters an ‘@’ symbol somewhere, then it’s safe to say they understood that they were supposed to be entering an email address. Easy.

Next, we want to do some validation to ascertain if they correctly entered their email address.

Not possible.


Any mistype will definitely result in an incorrect email address, but only maybe result in an invalid email address.


There is no point in trying to work out if an email address is ‘valid’. A user is far more likely to enter a wrong and valid email address than they are to enter an invalid one.

In other words, it's important to notice that any kind of string based validation can only check if the syntax is invalid. It cannot check if the user can actually see the email (e.g. because the user already lost credentials, typed address of somebody else or typed work email instead of personal email address for a given use case). How often the question you're really after is "is this email syntactically valid" instead of "can I communicate with the user using given email address"? If you validate the string more than "does it contain @", you're trying to answer the former question! Personally, I'm always interested about the latter question only.

In addition, some email addresses that may be syntactically or politically invalid, do work. For example, postmaster@ai does technically work even though TLDs should not have MX records. Also see discussion about email validation on the WHATWG mailing list (where HTML5 is designed in the first place).

Convert char to int in C and C++

C and C++ always promote types to at least int. Furthermore character literals are of type int in C and char in C++.

You can convert a char type simply by assigning to an int.

char c = 'a'; // narrowing on C
int a = c;

Why don't Java's +=, -=, *=, /= compound assignment operators require casting?

Subtle point here...

There is an implicit typecast for i+j when j is a double and i is an int. Java ALWAYS converts an integer into a double when there is an operation between them.

To clarify i+=j where i is an integer and j is a double can be described as

i = <int>(<double>i + j)

See: this description of implicit casting

You might want to typecast j to (int) in this case for clarity.

Run react-native application on iOS device directly from command line?

Run this command in project root directory.

1>. List of iPhone devices for found the connected Real Devices and Simulator. same as like adb devices command for android.

xcrun instruments -s devices

2>. Select device using this command which you want to run your app

Using Device Name

react-native run-ios --device "Kool's iPhone"

Using UDID

react-native run-ios --device --udid 0412e2c2******51699

wait and watch to run your app in specific devices - K00L ;)

Why is Visual Studio 2010 not able to find/open PDB files?

I ran into the same issue. When I ran my Unit Test on C++ code, I got an error that said "Cannot find or open the PDB file".


When I looked at the Output log in Visual Studio, I saw that it was looking in the wrong folder. I had renamed the WinUnit folder, but something in the WinUnit code was looking for the PDB file using the old folder name. I guess they hard-coded it.

Found the Problem

When I first downloaded and unzipped the WinUnit files, the main folder was called "WinUnit-1.2.0909.1". After I unzipped the file, I renamed the folder to "WinUnit" since it's easier to type during Visual Studio project setup. But apparently this broke the ability to find the PDB file, even though I setup everything according to the WinUnit documentation.

My Fix

I changed the folder name back to the original, and it works.


Retrieving JSON Object Literal from HttpServletRequest

are you looking for this ?

protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
        throws ServletException, IOException {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    BufferedReader reader = request.getReader();
    try {
        String line;
        while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
    } finally {

Export multiple classes in ES6 modules

For exporting the instances of the classes you can use this syntax:

// export index.js
const Foo = require('./my/module/foo');
const Bar = require('./my/module/bar');

module.exports = {
    Foo : new Foo(),
    Bar : new Bar()

// import and run method
const {Foo,Bar} = require('module_name');

Execute PowerShell Script from C# with Commandline Arguments

Here is a way to add Parameters to the script if you used


This is with using an HashMap as paramaters the key being the name of the variable in the script and the value is the value of the variable.

FillVariables(pipeline, scriptParameter);
Collection<PSObject> results = pipeline.Invoke();

And the fill variable method is:

private static void FillVariables(Pipeline pipeline, Hashtable scriptParameters)
  // Add additional variables to PowerShell
  if (scriptParameters != null)
    foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in scriptParameters)
      CommandParameter Param = new CommandParameter(entry.Key as String, entry.Value);

this way you can easily add multiple parameters to a script. I've also noticed that if you want to get a value from a variable in you script like so:

Object resultcollection = runspace.SessionStateProxy.GetVariable("results");

//results being the name of the v

you'll have to do it the way I showed because for some reason if you do it the way Kosi2801 suggests the script variables list doesn't get filled with your own variables.

Remove characters from a string

You can use replace function.

str.replace(regexp|substr, newSubstr|function)

Prevent line-break of span element

white-space: nowrap is the correct solution but it will prevent any break in a line. If you only want to prevent line breaks between two elements it gets a bit more complicated:

    <span class="text">Some text</span>
    <span class="icon"></span>

To prevent breaks between the spans but to allow breaks between "Some" and "text" can be done by:

p {
    white-space: nowrap;

.text {
    white-space: normal;

That's good enough for Firefox. In Chrome you additionally need to replace the whitespace between the spans with an &nbsp;. (Removing the whitespace doesn't work.)

The backend version is not supported to design database diagrams or tables

This is commonly reported as an error due to using the wrong version of SSMS(Sql Server Management Studio). Use the version designed for your database version. You can use the command select @@version to check which version of sql server you are actually using. This version is reported in a way that is easier to interpret than that shown in the Help About in SSMS.

Using a newer version of SSMS than your database is generally error-free, i.e. backward compatible.

How to use jquery $.post() method to submit form values

Yor $.post has no data. You need to pass the form data. You can use serialize() to post the form data. Try this

    $.post("process.php", $('#reg-form').serialize() ,function(data){

How to check whether a pandas DataFrame is empty?

I prefer going the long route. These are the checks I follow to avoid using a try-except clause -

  1. check if variable is not None
  2. then check if its a dataframe and
  3. make sure its not empty

Here, DATA is the suspect variable -

DATA is not None and isinstance(DATA, pd.DataFrame) and not DATA.empty

Get decimal portion of a number with JavaScript

Language independent way:

var a = 3.2;
var fract = a * 10 % 10 /10; //0.2
var integr = a - fract; //3

note that it correct only for numbers with one fractioanal lenght )