[c++] Best practices for circular shift (rotate) operations in C++

Left and right shift operators (<< and >>) are already available in C++. However, I couldn't find out how I could perform circular shift or rotate operations.

How can operations like "Rotate Left" and "Rotate Right" be performed?

Rotating right twice here

Initial --> 1000 0011 0100 0010

should result in:

Final   --> 1010 0000 1101 0000

An example would be helpful.

(editor's note: Many common ways of expressing rotates in C suffer from undefined behaviour if the rotate count is zero, or compile to more than just a single rotate machine instruction. This question's answer should document best practices.)

This question is related to c++ c rotation bit-manipulation c++-faq

The answer is


template<class T>
T ror(T x, unsigned int moves)
  return (x >> moves) | (x << sizeof(T)*8 - moves);

Source Code x bit number

int x =8;
data =15; //input
unsigned char tmp;
for(int i =0;i<x;i++)
printf("Data & 1    %d\n",data&1);
printf("Data Shifted value %d\n",data>>1^(data&1)<<(x-1));
tmp = data>>1|(data&1)<<(x-1);
data = tmp;  

Assuming you want to shift right by L bits, and the input x is a number with N bits:

unsigned ror(unsigned x, int L, int N) 
    unsigned lsbs = x & ((1 << L) - 1);
    return (x >> L) | (lsbs << (N-L));

another suggestion

template<class T>
inline T rotl(T x, unsigned char moves){
    unsigned char temp;
        mov temp, CL
        mov CL, moves
        rol x, CL
        mov CL, temp
    return x;

If x is an 8 bit value, you can use this:

x=(x>>1 | x<<7);

#define ROTATE_RIGHT(x) ( (x>>1) | (x&1?0x8000:0) )

Below is a slightly improved version of Dídac Pérez's answer, with both directions implemented, along with a demo of these functions' usages using unsigned char and unsigned long long values. Several notes:

  1. The functions are inlined for compiler optimizations
  2. I used a cout << +value trick for tersely outputting an unsigned char numerically that I found here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/28414758/1599699
  3. I recommend using the explicit <put the type here> syntax for clarity and safety.
  4. I used unsigned char for the shiftNum parameter because of what I found in the Additional Details section here:

The result of a shift operation is undefined if additive-expression is negative or if additive-expression is greater than or equal to the number of bits in the (promoted) shift-expression.

Here's the code I'm using:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

template <typename T>
inline T rotateAndCarryLeft(T rotateMe, unsigned char shiftNum)
    static const unsigned char TBitCount = sizeof(T) * 8U;

    return (rotateMe << shiftNum) | (rotateMe >> (TBitCount - shiftNum));

template <typename T>
inline T rotateAndCarryRight(T rotateMe, unsigned char shiftNum)
    static const unsigned char TBitCount = sizeof(T) * 8U;

    return (rotateMe >> shiftNum) | (rotateMe << (TBitCount - shiftNum));

void main()
    //00010100 == (unsigned char)20U
    //00000101 == (unsigned char)5U == rotateAndCarryLeft(20U, 6U)
    //01010000 == (unsigned char)80U == rotateAndCarryRight(20U, 6U)

    cout << "unsigned char " << 20U << " rotated left by 6 bits == " << +rotateAndCarryLeft<unsigned char>(20U, 6U) << "\n";
    cout << "unsigned char " << 20U << " rotated right by 6 bits == " << +rotateAndCarryRight<unsigned char>(20U, 6U) << "\n";

    cout << "\n";

    for (unsigned char shiftNum = 0U; shiftNum <= sizeof(unsigned char) * 8U; ++shiftNum)
        cout << "unsigned char " << 21U << " rotated left by " << +shiftNum << " bit(s) == " << +rotateAndCarryLeft<unsigned char>(21U, shiftNum) << "\n";

    cout << "\n";

    for (unsigned char shiftNum = 0U; shiftNum <= sizeof(unsigned char) * 8U; ++shiftNum)
        cout << "unsigned char " << 21U << " rotated right by " << +shiftNum << " bit(s) == " << +rotateAndCarryRight<unsigned char>(21U, shiftNum) << "\n";

    cout << "\n";

    for (unsigned char shiftNum = 0U; shiftNum <= sizeof(unsigned long long) * 8U; ++shiftNum)
        cout << "unsigned long long " << 3457347ULL << " rotated left by " << +shiftNum << " bit(s) == " << rotateAndCarryLeft<unsigned long long>(3457347ULL, shiftNum) << "\n";

    cout << "\n";

    for (unsigned char shiftNum = 0U; shiftNum <= sizeof(unsigned long long) * 8U; ++shiftNum)
        cout << "unsigned long long " << 3457347ULL << " rotated right by " << +shiftNum << " bit(s) == " << rotateAndCarryRight<unsigned long long>(3457347ULL, shiftNum) << "\n";

    cout << "\n\n";

C++20 std::rotl and std::rotr

It has arrived! http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2019/p0553r4.html and should add it to the <bit> header.

cppreference says that the usage will be like:

#include <bit>
#include <bitset>
#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream>

int main()
    std::uint8_t i = 0b00011101;
    std::cout << "i          = " << std::bitset<8>(i) << '\n';
    std::cout << "rotl(i,0)  = " << std::bitset<8>(std::rotl(i,0)) << '\n';
    std::cout << "rotl(i,1)  = " << std::bitset<8>(std::rotl(i,1)) << '\n';
    std::cout << "rotl(i,4)  = " << std::bitset<8>(std::rotl(i,4)) << '\n';
    std::cout << "rotl(i,9)  = " << std::bitset<8>(std::rotl(i,9)) << '\n';
    std::cout << "rotl(i,-1) = " << std::bitset<8>(std::rotl(i,-1)) << '\n';

giving output:

i          = 00011101
rotl(i,0)  = 00011101
rotl(i,1)  = 00111010
rotl(i,4)  = 11010001
rotl(i,9)  = 00111010
rotl(i,-1) = 10001110

I'll give it a try when support arrives to GCC, GCC 9.1.0 with g++-9 -std=c++2a still doesn't support it.

The proposal says:


namespace std {
  // 25.5.5, rotating   
  template<class T>
    [[nodiscard]] constexpr T rotl(T x, int s) noexcept;
  template<class T>
    [[nodiscard]] constexpr T rotr(T x, int s) noexcept;


25.5.5 Rotating [bitops.rot]

In the following descriptions, let N denote std::numeric_limits<T>::digits.

template<class T>
  [[nodiscard]] constexpr T rotl(T x, int s) noexcept;

Constraints: T is an unsigned integer type (3.9.1 [basic.fundamental]).

Let r be s % N.

Returns: If r is 0, x; if r is positive, (x << r) | (x >> (N - r)); if r is negative, rotr(x, -r).

template<class T>
  [[nodiscard]] constexpr T rotr(T x, int s) noexcept;

Constraints: T is an unsigned integer type (3.9.1 [basic.fundamental]). Let r be s % N.

Returns: If r is 0, x; if r is positive, (x >> r) | (x << (N - r)); if r is negative, rotl(x, -r).

A std::popcount was also added to count the number of 1 bits: How to count the number of set bits in a 32-bit integer?

In details you can apply the following logic.

If Bit Pattern is 33602 in Integer

1000 0011 0100 0010

and you need to Roll over with 2 right shifs then: first make a copy of bit pattern and then left shift it: Length - RightShift i.e. length is 16 right shift value is 2 16 - 2 = 14

After 14 times left shifting you get.

1000 0000 0000 0000

Now right shift the value 33602, 2 times as required. You get

0010 0000 1101 0000

Now take an OR between 14 time left shifted value and 2 times right shifted value.

1000 0000 0000 0000
0010 0000 1101 0000
1010 0000 1101 0000

And you get your shifted rollover value. Remember bit wise operations are faster and this don't even required any loop.

Since it's C++, use an inline function:

template <typename INT> 
INT rol(INT val) {
    return (val << 1) | (val >> (sizeof(INT)*CHAR_BIT-1));

C++11 variant:

template <typename INT> 
constexpr INT rol(INT val) {
                  "Rotate Left only makes sense for unsigned types");
    return (val << 1) | (val >> (sizeof(INT)*CHAR_BIT-1));

The correct answer is following:

#define BitsCount( val ) ( sizeof( val ) * CHAR_BIT )
#define Shift( val, steps ) ( steps % BitsCount( val ) )
#define ROL( val, steps ) ( ( val << Shift( val, steps ) ) | ( val >> ( BitsCount( val ) - Shift( val, steps ) ) ) )
#define ROR( val, steps ) ( ( val >> Shift( val, steps ) ) | ( val << ( BitsCount( val ) - Shift( val, steps ) ) ) )

How abt something like this, using the standard bitset ...

#include <bitset> 
#include <iostream> 

template <std::size_t N> 
inline void 
rotate(std::bitset<N>& b, unsigned m) 
   b = b << m | b >> (N-m); 

int main() 
   std::bitset<8> b(15); 
   std::cout << b << '\n'; 
   rotate(b, 2); 
   std::cout << b << '\n'; 

   return 0;


--- Substituting RLC in 8051 C for speed --- Rotate left carry
Here is an example using RLC to update a serial 8 bit DAC msb first:
                               (r=DACVAL, P1.4= SDO, P1.5= SCLK)
MOV     A, r
MOV     B, #8
RLC     A
MOV     P1.4, C
CLR     P1.5
SETB    P1.5
DJNZ    B, ?1

Here is the code in 8051 C at its fastest:
sbit ACC_7  = ACC ^ 7 ; //define this at the top to access bit 7 of ACC
ACC     =   r;
B       =   8;  
do  {
P1_4    =   ACC_7;  // this assembles into mov c, acc.7  mov P1.4, c 
ACC     <<= 1;
P1_5    =   0;
P1_5    =   1;
B       --  ; 
    } while ( B!=0 );
The keil compiler will use DJNZ when a loop is written this way.
I am cheating here by using registers ACC and B in c code.
If you cannot cheat then substitute with:
P1_4    =   ( r & 128 ) ? 1 : 0 ;
r     <<=   1;
This only takes a few extra instructions.
Also, changing B for a local var char n is the same.
Keil does rotate ACC left by ADD A, ACC which is the same as multiply 2.
It only takes one extra opcode i think.
Keeping code entirely in C keeps things simpler sometimes.

Overload a function:

unsigned int rotate_right(unsigned int x)
 return (x>>1 | (x&1?0x80000000:0))

unsigned short rotate_right(unsigned short x) { /* etc. */ }

Most compilers have intrinsics for that. Visual Studio for example _rotr8, _rotr16

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