[c++] In C/C++ what's the simplest way to reverse the order of bits in a byte?

For the very limited case of constant, 8-bit input, this method costs no memory or CPU at run-time:

#define MSB2LSB(b) (((b)&1?128:0)|((b)&2?64:0)|((b)&4?32:0)|((b)&8?16:0)|((b)&16?8:0)|((b)&32?4:0)|((b)&64?2:0)|((b)&128?1:0))

I used this for ARINC-429 where the bit order (endianness) of the label is opposite the rest of the word. The label is often a constant, and conventionally in octal.

Here's how I used it to define a constant, because the spec defines this label as big-endian 205 octal.

#define LABEL_HF_COMM MSB2LSB(0205)

More examples:

assert(0b00000000 == MSB2LSB(0b00000000));
assert(0b10000000 == MSB2LSB(0b00000001));
assert(0b11000000 == MSB2LSB(0b00000011));
assert(0b11100000 == MSB2LSB(0b00000111));
assert(0b11110000 == MSB2LSB(0b00001111));
assert(0b11111000 == MSB2LSB(0b00011111));
assert(0b11111100 == MSB2LSB(0b00111111));
assert(0b11111110 == MSB2LSB(0b01111111));
assert(0b11111111 == MSB2LSB(0b11111111));
assert(0b10101010 == MSB2LSB(0b01010101));

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