For some time I've been using a site of macros adopted from several above. Mine focus on logging in the Console, with the emphasis on controlled & filtered verbosity; if you don't mind a lot of log lines but want to easily switch batches of them on & off, then you might find this useful.
First, I optionally replace NSLog with printf as described by @Rodrigo above
#define NSLOG_DROPCHAFF//comment out to get usual date/time ,etc:2011-11-03 13:43:55.632 myApp[3739:207] Hello Word
#define NSLog(FORMAT, ...) printf("%s\n", [[NSString stringWithFormat:FORMAT, ##__VA_ARGS__] UTF8String]);
Next, I switch logging on or off.
#ifdef DEBUG
#define LOG_CATEGORY_DETAIL// comment out to turn all conditional logging off while keeping other DEBUG features
In the main block, define various categories corresponding to modules in your app. Also define a logging level above which logging calls won't be called. Then define various flavours of NSLog output
//define the categories using bitwise leftshift operators
#define kLogGCD (1<<0)
#define kLogCoreCreate (1<<1)
#define kLogModel (1<<2)
#define kLogVC (1<<3)
#define kLogFile (1<<4)
//add the categories that should be logged...
#define kLOGIFcategory kLogModel+kLogVC+kLogCoreCreate
//...and the maximum detailLevel to report (use -1 to override the category switch)
#define kLOGIFdetailLTEQ 4
// output looks like this:"-[AppDelegate myMethod] log string..."
# define myLog(category,detailLevel,format, ...) if(detailLevel<0 || ((category&kLOGIFcategory)&&detailLevel<= kLOGIFdetailLTEQ)) {NSLog((@"%s " format), __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, ##__VA_ARGS__);}
// output also shows line number:"-[AppDelegate myMethod][l17] log string..."
# define myLogLine(category,detailLevel,format, ...) if(detailLevel<0 || ((category&kLOGIFcategory)&&detailLevel<= kLOGIFdetailLTEQ)) {NSLog((@"%s[l%i] " format), __PRETTY_FUNCTION__,__LINE__ ,##__VA_ARGS__);}
// output very simple:" log string..."
# define myLogSimple(category,detailLevel,format, ...) if(detailLevel<0 || ((category&kLOGIFcategory)&&detailLevel<= kLOGIFdetailLTEQ)) {NSLog((@"" format), ##__VA_ARGS__);}
//as myLog but only shows method name: "myMethod: log string..."
// (Doesn't work in C-functions)
# define myLog_cmd(category,detailLevel,format,...) if(detailLevel<0 || ((category&kLOGIFcategory)&&detailLevel<= kLOGIFdetailLTEQ)) {NSLog((@"%@: " format), NSStringFromSelector(_cmd), ##__VA_ARGS__);}
//as myLogLine but only shows method name: "myMethod>l17: log string..."
# define myLog_cmdLine(category,detailLevel,format, ...) if(detailLevel<0 || ((category&kLOGIFcategory)&&detailLevel<= kLOGIFdetailLTEQ)) {NSLog((@"%@>l%i: " format), NSStringFromSelector(_cmd),__LINE__ , ##__VA_ARGS__);}
//or define your own...
// # define myLogEAGLcontext(category,detailLevel,format, ...) if(detailLevel<0 || ((category&kLOGIFcategory)&&detailLevel<= kLOGIFdetailLTEQ)) {NSLog((@"%s>l%i (ctx:%@)" format), __PRETTY_FUNCTION__,__LINE__ ,[EAGLContext currentContext], ##__VA_ARGS__);}
# define myLog_cmd(...)
# define myLog_cmdLine(...)
# define myLog(...)
# define myLogLine(...)
# define myLogSimple(...)
//# define myLogEAGLcontext(...)
Thus, with current settings for kLOGIFcategory and kLOGIFdetailLTEQ, a call like
myLogLine(kLogVC, 2, @"%@",self);
will print but this won't
myLogLine(kLogGCD, 2, @"%@",self);//GCD not being printed
nor will
myLogLine(kLogGCD, 12, @"%@",self);//level too high
If you want to override the settings for an individual log call, use a negative level:
myLogLine(kLogGCD, -2, @"%@",self);//now printed even tho' GCD category not active.
I find the few extra characters of typing each line are worth as I can then
I'm sure many will find this a bit of an overkill, but just in case someone finds it suits their purposes..