[objective-c] How to print out the method name and line number and conditionally disable NSLog?

For some time I've been using a site of macros adopted from several above. Mine focus on logging in the Console, with the emphasis on controlled & filtered verbosity; if you don't mind a lot of log lines but want to easily switch batches of them on & off, then you might find this useful.

First, I optionally replace NSLog with printf as described by @Rodrigo above

#define NSLOG_DROPCHAFF//comment out to get usual date/time ,etc:2011-11-03 13:43:55.632 myApp[3739:207] Hello Word

#define NSLog(FORMAT, ...) printf("%s\n", [[NSString stringWithFormat:FORMAT, ##__VA_ARGS__] UTF8String]);

Next, I switch logging on or off.

#ifdef DEBUG
#define LOG_CATEGORY_DETAIL// comment out to turn all conditional logging off while keeping other DEBUG features

In the main block, define various categories corresponding to modules in your app. Also define a logging level above which logging calls won't be called. Then define various flavours of NSLog output


    //define the categories using bitwise leftshift operators
    #define kLogGCD (1<<0)
    #define kLogCoreCreate (1<<1)
    #define kLogModel (1<<2)
    #define kLogVC (1<<3)
    #define kLogFile (1<<4)

    //add the categories that should be logged...
    #define kLOGIFcategory kLogModel+kLogVC+kLogCoreCreate

    //...and the maximum detailLevel to report (use -1 to override the category switch)
    #define kLOGIFdetailLTEQ 4

    // output looks like this:"-[AppDelegate myMethod] log string..."
    #   define myLog(category,detailLevel,format, ...) if(detailLevel<0 || ((category&kLOGIFcategory)&&detailLevel<= kLOGIFdetailLTEQ)) {NSLog((@"%s " format), __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, ##__VA_ARGS__);}

    // output also shows line number:"-[AppDelegate myMethod][l17]  log string..."
    #   define myLogLine(category,detailLevel,format, ...) if(detailLevel<0 || ((category&kLOGIFcategory)&&detailLevel<= kLOGIFdetailLTEQ)) {NSLog((@"%s[l%i] " format), __PRETTY_FUNCTION__,__LINE__ ,##__VA_ARGS__);}

    // output very simple:" log string..."
    #   define myLogSimple(category,detailLevel,format, ...) if(detailLevel<0 || ((category&kLOGIFcategory)&&detailLevel<= kLOGIFdetailLTEQ)) {NSLog((@"" format), ##__VA_ARGS__);}

    //as myLog but only shows method name: "myMethod: log string..."
    // (Doesn't work in C-functions)
    #   define myLog_cmd(category,detailLevel,format,...) if(detailLevel<0 || ((category&kLOGIFcategory)&&detailLevel<= kLOGIFdetailLTEQ)) {NSLog((@"%@: " format), NSStringFromSelector(_cmd), ##__VA_ARGS__);}

    //as myLogLine but only shows method name: "myMethod>l17: log string..."
    #   define myLog_cmdLine(category,detailLevel,format, ...) if(detailLevel<0 || ((category&kLOGIFcategory)&&detailLevel<= kLOGIFdetailLTEQ)) {NSLog((@"%@>l%i: " format), NSStringFromSelector(_cmd),__LINE__ , ##__VA_ARGS__);}

    //or define your own...
   // # define myLogEAGLcontext(category,detailLevel,format, ...) if(detailLevel<0 || ((category&kLOGIFcategory)&&detailLevel<= kLOGIFdetailLTEQ)) {NSLog((@"%s>l%i (ctx:%@)" format), __PRETTY_FUNCTION__,__LINE__ ,[EAGLContext currentContext], ##__VA_ARGS__);}

    #   define myLog_cmd(...)
    #   define myLog_cmdLine(...)
    #   define myLog(...)
    #   define myLogLine(...)
    #   define myLogSimple(...)
    //#   define myLogEAGLcontext(...)

Thus, with current settings for kLOGIFcategory and kLOGIFdetailLTEQ, a call like

myLogLine(kLogVC, 2, @"%@",self);

will print but this won't

myLogLine(kLogGCD, 2, @"%@",self);//GCD not being printed

nor will

myLogLine(kLogGCD, 12, @"%@",self);//level too high

If you want to override the settings for an individual log call, use a negative level:

myLogLine(kLogGCD, -2, @"%@",self);//now printed even tho' GCD category not active.

I find the few extra characters of typing each line are worth as I can then

  1. Switch an entire category of comment on or off (e.g. only report those calls marked Model)
  2. report on fine detail with higher level numbers or just the most important calls marked with lower numbers

I'm sure many will find this a bit of an overkill, but just in case someone finds it suits their purposes..

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Using NSLog for debugging How to print out the method name and line number and conditionally disable NSLog?