Programs & Examples On #Regsvr32

You can use the Regsvr32 tool (Regsvr32.exe) to register and unregister OLE controls such as DLL or ActiveX Controls (OCX) files in the Windows Registry.

How do I register a DLL file on Windows 7 64-bit?

On a x64 system, system32 is for 64 bit and syswow64 is for 32 bit (not the other way around as stated in another answer). WOW (Windows on Windows) is the 32 bit subsystem that runs under the 64 bit subsystem).

It's a mess in naming terms, and serves only to confuse, but that's the way it is.

Again ...

syswow64 is 32 bit, NOT 64 bit.

system32 is 64 bit, NOT 32 bit.

There is a regsrv32 in each of these directories. One is 64 bit, and the other is 32 bit. It is the same deal with odbcad32 and et al. (If you want to see 32-bit ODBC drivers which won't show up with the default odbcad32 in system32 which is 64-bit.)

The module ".dll" was loaded but the entry-point was not found

The error indicates that the DLL is either not a COM DLL or it's corrupt. If it's not a COM DLL and not being used as a COM DLL by an application then there is no need to register it.
From what you say in your question (the service is not registered) it seems that we are talking about a service not correctly installed. I will try to reinstall the application.

Register comdlg32.dll gets Regsvr32: DllRegisterServer entry point was not found

I also had the similar problem while registering myinfo.dll file in windows 7. Following work for me: Create a short cut on your desktop C:\Windows\System32\regsvr32.exe c:\windows\system32\myinfo.dll right click on the short cut just created and select as Run as administrator.

How to run a .awk file?

If you put #!/bin/awk -f on the first line of your AWK script it is easier. Plus editors like Vim and ... will recognize the file as an AWK script and you can colorize. :)

#!/bin/awk -f
BEGIN {}  # Begin section
{}        # Loop section
END{}     # End section

Change the file to be executable by running:

chmod ugo+x ./awk-script

and you can then call your AWK script like this:

`$ echo "something" | ./awk-script`

Difference between map and collect in Ruby?

The collect and collect! methods are aliases to map and map!, so they can be used interchangeably. Here is an easy way to confirm that:

Array.instance_method(:map) == Array.instance_method(:collect)
 => true

What's the difference between eval, exec, and compile?

  1. exec is not an expression: a statement in Python 2.x, and a function in Python 3.x. It compiles and immediately evaluates a statement or set of statement contained in a string. Example:

     exec('print(5)')           # prints 5.
     # exec 'print 5'     if you use Python 2.x, nor the exec neither the print is a function there
     exec('print(5)\nprint(6)')  # prints 5{newline}6.
     exec('if True: print(6)')  # prints 6.
     exec('5')                 # does nothing and returns nothing.
  2. eval is a built-in function (not a statement), which evaluates an expression and returns the value that expression produces. Example:

     x = eval('5')              # x <- 5
     x = eval('%d + 6' % x)     # x <- 11
     x = eval('abs(%d)' % -100) # x <- 100
     x = eval('x = 5')          # INVALID; assignment is not an expression.
     x = eval('if 1: x = 4')    # INVALID; if is a statement, not an expression.
  3. compile is a lower level version of exec and eval. It does not execute or evaluate your statements or expressions, but returns a code object that can do it. The modes are as follows:

  4. compile(string, '', 'eval') returns the code object that would have been executed had you done eval(string). Note that you cannot use statements in this mode; only a (single) expression is valid.

  5. compile(string, '', 'exec') returns the code object that would have been executed had you done exec(string). You can use any number of statements here.

  6. compile(string, '', 'single') is like the exec mode but expects exactly one expression/statement, eg compile('a=1 if 1 else 3', 'myf', mode='single')

Can I give a default value to parameters or optional parameters in C# functions?

That is exactly how you do it in C#, but the feature was first added in .NET 4.0

change background image in body

You would need to use Javascript for this. You can set the style of the background-image for the body like so.

var body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; = 'url(http://localhost/background.png)';

Just make sure you replace the URL with the actual URL.

changing color of h2

If you absolutely must use HTML to give your text color, you have to use the (deprecated) <font>-tag:

<h2><font color="#006699">Process Report</font></h2>

But otherwise, I strongly recommend you to do as rekire said: use CSS.

What is the HTML5 equivalent to the align attribute in table cells?

If they're block level elements they won't be affected by text-align: center;. Someone may have set img { display: block; } and that's throwing it out of whack. You can try:

td { text-align: center; }
td * { display: inline; }

and if it looks as desired you should definitely replace * with the desired elements like:

td img, td foo { display: inline; }

Adding JPanel to JFrame

Test2 test = new Test2();
frame.add(test, BorderLayout.CENTER);

Are you sure of this? test is NOT a component! To do what you're trying to do you should let Test2 extend JPanel !

Hibernate error - QuerySyntaxException: users is not mapped [from users]

I was getting the same error while Spring with hibernate..I was using "user" in the lowercase in my createQuery statement and my class was User..So changed it to User in my query and problem was solved.

Query before:

Query query= em.createQuery("select u from user u where u.username=:usr AND u.password=:pass",User.class);

Query after:

Query query= em.createQuery("select u from User u where u.username=:usr AND u.password=:pass",User.class);

Scanner vs. StringTokenizer vs. String.Split

StringTokenizer was always there. It is the fastest of all, but the enumeration-like idiom might not look as elegant as the others.

split came to existence on JDK 1.4. Slower than tokenizer but easier to use, since it is callable from the String class.

Scanner came to be on JDK 1.5. It is the most flexible and fills a long standing gap on the Java API to support an equivalent of the famous Cs scanf function family.

How do I check if PHP is connected to a database already?

Have you tried mysql_ping()?

Update: From PHP 5.5 onwards, use mysqli_ping() instead.

Pings a server connection, or tries to reconnect if the connection has gone down.

if ($mysqli->ping()) {
  printf ("Our connection is ok!\n"); 
} else {
  printf ("Error: %s\n", $mysqli->error); 

Alternatively, a second (less reliable) approach would be:

$link = mysql_connect('localhost','username','password');
if($link == false){
    //try to reconnect

What's the best way to do a backwards loop in C/C#/C++?

For C++:

As mentioned by others, when possible (i.e. when you only want each element at a time) it is strongly preferable to use iterators to both be explicit and avoid common pitfalls. Modern C++ has a more concise syntax for that with auto:

std::vector<int> vec = {1,2,3,4};
for (auto it = vec.rbegin(); it != vec.rend(); ++it) {
    std::cout<<*it<<" ";

prints 4 3 2 1 .

You can also modify the value during the loop:

std::vector<int> vec = {1,2,3,4};
for (auto it = vec.rbegin(); it != vec.rend(); ++it) {
    *it = *it + 10;
    std::cout<<*it<<" ";

leading to 14 13 12 11 being printed and {11, 12, 13, 14} being in the std::vector afterwards.

If you don't plan on modifying the value during the loop, you should make sure that you get an error when you try to do that by accident, similarly to how one might write for(const auto& element : vec). This is possible like this:

std::vector<int> vec = {1,2,3,4};
for (auto it = vec.crbegin(); it != vec.crend(); ++it) { // used crbegin()/crend() here...
    *it = *it + 10; // ... so that this is a compile-time error
    std::cout<<*it<<" ";

The compiler error in this case for me is:

/tmp/main.cpp:20:9: error: assignment of read-only location ‘it.std::reverse_iterator<__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<const int*, std::vector<int> > >::operator*()’
   20 |     *it = *it + 10;
      |     ~~~~^~~~~~~~~~

Also note that you should make sure not to use different iterator types together:

std::vector<int> vec = {1,2,3,4};
for (auto it = vec.rbegin(); it != vec.end(); ++it) { // mixed rbegin() and end()
    std::cout<<*it<<" ";

leads to the verbose error:

/tmp/main.cpp: In function ‘int main()’:
/tmp/main.cpp:19:33: error: no match for ‘operator!=’ (operand types are ‘std::reverse_iterator<__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<int*, std::vector<int> > >’ and ‘std::vector<int>::iterator’ {aka ‘__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<int*, std::vector<int> >’})
   19 | for (auto it = vec.rbegin(); it != vec.end(); ++it) {
      |                              ~~ ^~ ~~~~~~~~~
      |                              |            |
      |                              |            std::vector<int>::iterator {aka __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<int*, std::vector<int> >}
      |                              std::reverse_iterator<__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<int*, std::vector<int> > >

If you have C-style arrays on the stack, you can do things like this:

int vec[] = {1,2,3,4};
for (auto it = std::crbegin(vec); it != std::crend(vec); ++it) {
    std::cout<<*it<<" ";

If you really need the index, consider the following options:

  • check the range, then work with signed values, e.g.:
void loop_reverse(std::vector<int>& vec) {
    if (vec.size() > static_cast<size_t>(std::numeric_limits<int>::max())) {
        throw std::invalid_argument("Input too large");
    const int sz = static_cast<int>(vec.size());
    for(int i=sz-1; i >= 0; --i) {
        // do something with i
  • Work with unsigned values, be careful, and add comments, e.g.:
void loop_reverse2(std::vector<int>& vec) {
    for(size_t i=vec.size(); i-- > 0;) { // reverse indices from N-1 to 0
        // do something with i
  • calculate the actual index separately, e.g.:
void loop_reverse3(std::vector<int>& vec) {
    for(size_t offset=0; offset < vec.size(); ++offset) {
        const size_t i = vec.size()-1-offset; // reverse indices from N-1 to 0
        // do something with i

How to find the socket buffer size of linux

If you want see your buffer size in terminal, you can take a look at:

  • /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_rmem (for read)
  • /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_wmem (for write)

They contain three numbers, which are minimum, default and maximum memory size values (in byte), respectively.

how to convert `content://media/external/images/media/Y` to `file:///storage/sdcard0/Pictures/X.jpg` in android?

Will something like this work for you? What this does is query the content resolver to find the file path data that is stored for that content entry

public static String getRealPathFromUri(Context context, Uri contentUri) {
    Cursor cursor = null;
    try {
        String[] proj = { MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA };
        cursor = context.getContentResolver().query(contentUri, proj, null, null, null);
        int column_index = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA);
        return cursor.getString(column_index);
    } finally {
        if (cursor != null) {

This will end up giving you an absolute file path that you can construct a file uri from

How can I hide/show a div when a button is clicked?

This can't be done with just HTML/CSS. You need to use javascript here. In jQuery it would be:

    e.preventDefault(); //to prevent standard click event

What are the differences between LDAP and Active Directory?

Active directory is a directory service provider, where you can add new user to a directory, remove or modify, specify privilages, assign policy etc. Its just like a phone directory where every person have a unique contact number. Every thing in AD(Active Directory) are considered as Objects and every object is given a Unique ID.(similar to a unique contact number in a phone directory.

Ldap is a protocol specially designed for directory service providers. Windows server OS uses AD as a directory server, AIX which is a UNIX version by IBM uses Tivoli directory server. Both of them uses LDAP protocol for interacting with directory.

Apart from protocol there are LDAP servers, LDAP browsers too.

Counting array elements in Python

The method len() returns the number of elements in the list.




myArray = [1, 2, 3]



Differences in boolean operators: & vs && and | vs ||

In Java, the single operators &, |, ^, ! depend on the operands. If both operands are ints, then a bitwise operation is performed. If both are booleans, a "logical" operation is performed.

If both operands mismatch, a compile time error is thrown.

The double operators &&, || behave similarly to their single counterparts, but both operands must be conditional expressions, for example:

if (( a < 0 ) && ( b < 0 )) { ... } or similarly, if (( a < 0 ) || ( b < 0 )) { ... }

source: java programming lang 4th ed

setValue:forUndefinedKey: this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key

This usually means that something is trying to access the @property "givenName".

If you were doing something with Interface Builder(IB), the usual cause is that you either:

  1. deleted that property from the class, but haven't deleted the hookups in IB yet
  2. OR: you have a File's Owner object set to the wrong class (check the properties - different depending which version of xcode you're using
    • to find the Class Name its set as. You probably copy/pasted a NIB file, and didn't change this field in the NIB), and you've hooked up an outlet for that class, but your actual File's Owner is something different

How do I specify the JDK for a GlassFish domain?

I'm working on a Mac, OSX 10.9. I recently had to update my JDK to 1.7 for some VPN software. The application I'm working runs on JDK 1.6, so a GlassFish had to run with JDK 1.6. It took a minute to iron this out, but here's how it went for me. I work with the NetBeans IDE by the way.

  1. My GlssFish configuration file


  2. Path to JDK 1.6


  3. I added the following line to the bottom of my asenv.conf file


Python - add PYTHONPATH during command line module run

You may try this to execute a function inside your script

python -c "import sys; sys.path.append('/your/script/path'); import yourscript; yourscript.yourfunction()"

Is it possible to embed animated GIFs in PDFs?

Maybe use LaTeX and try something like this

    3Daac=60.000000, 3Droll=0.000000, 3Dc2c=0.000000 2.483000 0.000000,     3Droo=2.483000, 3Dcoo=0.000000 0.000000 0.000000,

where Bob3d.u3d is a sample virtual reality file I had. This works (or did) for movies, and I expect it might work for gifs too.

Get WooCommerce product categories from WordPress

In my opinion this is the simplest solution

$orderby = 'name';
                $order = 'asc';
                $hide_empty = false ;
                $cat_args = array(
                    'orderby'    => $orderby,
                    'order'      => $order,
                    'hide_empty' => $hide_empty,

                $product_categories = get_terms( 'product_cat', $cat_args );

                if( !empty($product_categories) ){
                    echo '

                    foreach ($product_categories as $key => $category) {
                        echo '

                        echo '<a href="'.get_term_link($category).'" >';
                        echo $category->name;
                        echo '</a>';
                        echo '</li>';
                    echo '</ul>


Getting TypeError: __init__() missing 1 required positional argument: 'on_delete' when trying to add parent table after child table with entries

If you are using foreignkey then you have to use "on_delete=models.CASCADE" as it will eliminate the complexity developed after deleting the original element from the parent table. As simple as that.

categorie = models.ForeignKey('Categorie', on_delete=models.CASCADE)

Is it possible to change a UIButtons background color?

add a second target for the UIButton for UIControlEventTouched and change the UIButton background color. Then change it back in the UIControlEventTouchUpInside target;

Shell script to copy files from one location to another location and rename add the current date to every file

You could use a script like the below. You would just need to change the date options to match the format you wanted.


for i in `ls -l /directroy`
cp $i /newDirectory/$i.`date +%m%d%Y`

Automatically resize images with browser size using CSS

This may be too simplistic of an answer (I am still new here), but what I have done in the past to remedy this situation is figured out the percentage of the screen I would like the image to take up. For example, there is one webpage I am working on where the logo must take up 30% of the screen size to look best. I played around and finally tried this code and it has worked for me thus far:

img {

That being said, this will change all of your images to be 30% of the screen size at all times. To get around this issue, simply make this a class and apply it to the image that you desire to be at 30% directly. Here is an example of the code I wrote to accomplish this on the aforementioned site:

the CSS portion:

.logo {

the HTML portion:

<img src="logo_001_002.png" class="logo">

Alternatively, you could place ever image you hope to automatically resize into a div of its own and use the class tag option on each div (creating now class tags whenever needed), but I feel like that would cause a lot of extra work eventually. But, if the site calls for it: the site calls for it.

Hopefully this helps. Have a great day!

Creating a generic method in C#

Convert.ChangeType() doesn't correctly handle nullable types or enumerations in .NET 2.0 BCL (I think it's fixed for BCL 4.0 though). Rather than make the outer implementation more complex, make the converter do more work for you. Here's an implementation I use:

public static class Converter
  public static T ConvertTo<T>(object value)
    return ConvertTo(value, default(T));

  public static T ConvertTo<T>(object value, T defaultValue)
    if (value == DBNull.Value)
      return defaultValue;
    return (T) ChangeType(value, typeof(T));

  public static object ChangeType(object value, Type conversionType)
    if (conversionType == null)
      throw new ArgumentNullException("conversionType");

    // if it's not a nullable type, just pass through the parameters to Convert.ChangeType
    if (conversionType.IsGenericType && conversionType.GetGenericTypeDefinition().Equals(typeof(Nullable<>)))
      // null input returns null output regardless of base type
      if (value == null)
        return null;

      // it's a nullable type, and not null, which means it can be converted to its underlying type,
      // so overwrite the passed-in conversion type with this underlying type
      conversionType = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(conversionType);
    else if (conversionType.IsEnum)
      // strings require Parse method
      if (value is string)
        return Enum.Parse(conversionType, (string) value);          
      // primitive types can be instantiated using ToObject
      else if (value is int || value is uint || value is short || value is ushort || 
           value is byte || value is sbyte || value is long || value is ulong)
        return Enum.ToObject(conversionType, value);
        throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Value cannot be converted to {0} - current type is " +
                              "not supported for enum conversions.", conversionType.FullName));

    return Convert.ChangeType(value, conversionType);

Then your implementation of GetQueryString<T> can be:

public static T GetQueryString<T>(string key)
    T result = default(T);
    string value = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString[key];

    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
            result = Converter.ConvertTo<T>(value);  
            //Could not convert.  Pass back default value...
            result = default(T);

    return result;

Display tooltip on Label's hover?

Tooltips in bootstrap are good, but there is also a very good tooltip function in jQuery UI, which you can read about here.


<label for="male" id="foo" title="Hello This Will Have Some Value">Hello...</label>

Then, assuming you have already referenced jQuery and jQueryUI libraries in your head, add a script element like this:

<script type="text/javascript">

This will display the contents of the title attribute as a tooltip when you rollover any element with a title attribute.

PHP - count specific array values

If you want to count ALL the same occurences inside the array, here's a function to count them all, and return the results as a multi-dimensional array:

function countSame($array) {

$count = count($array);
$storeArray = array();
while ($count > 0) {

if ($array[$count]) {
$a = $array[$count];
$counts = array_count_values($array);
$counts = $counts[$a];
$tempArray = array($a, $counts);
array_push($storeArray, $tempArray);

$keys = array_keys($array, $a);
foreach ($keys as $k) {
} //end of foreach ($keys as $k)
} //end of if ($array[$count])

} //end of while ($count > 0)

return $storeArray;

} //end of function countSame($array)

How to use Oracle ORDER BY and ROWNUM correctly?

Use ROW_NUMBER() instead. ROWNUM is a pseudocolumn and ROW_NUMBER() is a function. You can read about difference between them and see the difference in output of below queries:

SELECT * FROM (SELECT rownum, deptno, ename
           FROM scott.emp
        ORDER BY deptno
 WHERE rownum <= 3

 7        10    CLARK
 14       10    MILLER
 9        10    KING

  SELECT deptno, ename
       , ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY deptno) rno
  FROM scott.emp
 ORDER BY deptno
WHERE rno <= 3

10    CLARK        1
10    MILLER       2
10    KING         3

What is a plain English explanation of "Big O" notation?

Big O is a measure of how much time/space an algorithm uses relative to the size of its input.

If an algorithm is O(n) then the time/space will increase at the same rate as its input.

If an algorithm is O(n2) then the time/space increase at the rate of its input squared.

and so on.

How to remove duplicates from a list?

Two suggestions:

  • Use a HashSet instead of an ArrayList. This will speed up the contains() checks considerably if you have a long list

  • Make sure Customer.equals() and Customer.hashCode() are implemented properly, i.e. they should be based on the combined values of the underlying fields in the customer object.

How to create a simple checkbox in iOS?

On iOS there is the switch UI component instead of a checkbox, look into the UISwitch class. The property on (boolean) can be used to determine the state of the slider and about the saving of its state: That depends on how you save your other stuff already, its just saving a boolean value.

Remove an array element and shift the remaining ones

If you are most concerned about code size and/or performance (also for WCET analysis, if you need one), I think this is probably going to be one of the more transparent solutions (for finding and removing elements):

unsigned int l=0, removed=0;

for( unsigned int i=0; i<count; i++ ) {
    if( array[i] != to_remove )
        array[l++] = array[i];

count -= removed;

System.Timers.Timer vs System.Threading.Timer

From MSDN: System.Threading.Timer is a simple, lightweight timer that uses callback methods and is served by thread pool threads. It is not recommended for use with Windows Forms, because its callbacks do not occur on the user interface thread. System.Windows.Forms.Timer is a better choice for use with Windows Forms. For server-based timer functionality, you might consider using System.Timers.Timer, which raises events and has additional features.


How to convert a negative number to positive?

simply multiplying by -1 works in both ways ...

>>> -10 * -1
>>> 10 * -1

Cast received object to a List<object> or IEnumerable<object>

How about

List<object> collection = new List<object>((IEnumerable)myObject);

Get and Set Screen Resolution

For retrieving the screen resolution, you're going to want to use the System.Windows.Forms.Screen class. The Screen.AllScreens property can be used to access a collection of all of the displays on the system, or you can use the Screen.PrimaryScreen property to access the primary display.

The Screen class has a property called Bounds, which you can use to determine the resolution of the current instance of the class. For example, to determine the resolution of the current screen:

Rectangle resolution = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds;

For changing the resolution, things get a little more complicated. This article (or this one) provides a detailed implementation and explanation. Hope this helps.

Turning Sonar off for certain code

I not be able to find squid number in sonar 5.6, with this annotation also works:

@SuppressWarnings({"pmd:AvoidCatchingGenericException", ""})

comparing elements of the same array in java

Try this or purpose will solve with lesser no of steps

for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) 
    for (int k = i+1; k < a.length; k++) 
        if (a[i] != a[k]) 
            System.out.println(a[i]+"not the same with"+a[k]+"\n");

Git merge develop into feature branch outputs "Already up-to-date" while it's not

Initially my repo said "Already up to date."

MINGW64 (feature/Issue_123) 
$ git merge develop


Already up to date.

But the code is not up to date & it is showing some differences in some files.

MINGW64 (feature/Issue_123)
$ git diff develop


diff --git 
index ba2a257..1c219bb 100644
--- a/src/main/database/sql/additional/pkg_etl.sql
+++ b/src/main/database/sql/additional/pkg_etl.sql

However, merging fixes it.

MINGW64 (feature/Issue_123)
$ git merge origin/develop


Updating c7c0ac9..09959e3
3 files changed, 157 insertions(+), 92 deletions(-)

Again I have confirmed this by using diff command.

MINGW64 (feature/Issue_123)
$ git diff develop

No differences in the code now!

How do I get the current username in .NET using C#?

You may also want to try using:


Like this...:

string j = "Your WindowsXP Account Name is: " + Environment.UserName;

Hope this has been helpful.

How to increase Java heap space for a tomcat app

Just set this extra line in catalina.bat file


set "CATALINA_OPTS=-Xms512m -Xmx512m"

And restart Tomcat service

hibernate: LazyInitializationException: could not initialize proxy

This generally means that the owning Hibernate session has already closed. You can do one of the following to fix it:

  1. whichever object creating this problem, use HibernateTemplate.initialize(object name)
  2. Use lazy=false in your hbm files.

Call parent method from child class c#

One way to do this would be to pass the instance of ParentClass to the ChildClass on construction

public ChildClass
    private ParentClass parent;

    public ChildClass(ParentClass parent)
        this.parent = parent;

    public void LoadData(DateTable dt)
       // do something
       parent.CurrentRow++; // or whatever.
       parent.UpdateProgressBar(); // Call the method

Make sure to pass the reference to this when constructing ChildClass inside parent:


     ChildClass childClass = new ChildClass(this); // here



Caveat: This is probably not the best way to organise your classes, but it directly answers your question.

EDIT: In the comments you mention that more than 1 parent class wants to use ChildClass. This is possible with the introduction of an interface, eg:

public interface IParentClass
    void UpdateProgressBar();
    int CurrentRow{get; set;}

Now, make sure to implement that interface on both (all?) Parent Classes and change child class to this:

public ChildClass
    private IParentClass parent;

    public ChildClass(IParentClass parent)
        this.parent = parent;

    public void LoadData(DateTable dt)
       // do something
       parent.CurrentRow++; // or whatever.
       parent.UpdateProgressBar(); // Call the method

Now anything that implements IParentClass can construct an instance of ChildClass and pass this to its constructor.

Combine Date and Time columns using python pandas

It's worth mentioning that you may have been able to read this in directly e.g. if you were using read_csv using parse_dates=[['Date', 'Time']].

Assuming these are just strings you could simply add them together (with a space), allowing you to apply to_datetime:

In [11]: df['Date'] + ' ' + df['Time']
0    01-06-2013 23:00:00
1    02-06-2013 01:00:00
2    02-06-2013 21:00:00
3    02-06-2013 22:00:00
4    02-06-2013 23:00:00
5    03-06-2013 01:00:00
6    03-06-2013 21:00:00
7    03-06-2013 22:00:00
8    03-06-2013 23:00:00
9    04-06-2013 01:00:00
dtype: object

In [12]: pd.to_datetime(df['Date'] + ' ' + df['Time'])
0   2013-01-06 23:00:00
1   2013-02-06 01:00:00
2   2013-02-06 21:00:00
3   2013-02-06 22:00:00
4   2013-02-06 23:00:00
5   2013-03-06 01:00:00
6   2013-03-06 21:00:00
7   2013-03-06 22:00:00
8   2013-03-06 23:00:00
9   2013-04-06 01:00:00
dtype: datetime64[ns]

Note: surprisingly (for me), this works fine with NaNs being converted to NaT, but it is worth worrying that the conversion (perhaps using the raise argument).

Git add all files modified, deleted, and untracked?

The following answer only applies to Git version 1.x, but to Git version 2.x.

You want git add -A:

git add -A stages All;

git add . stages new and modified, without deleted;

git add -u stages modified and deleted, without new.

How to extract table as text from the PDF using Python?

If your pdf is text-based and not a scanned document (i.e. if you can click and drag to select text in your table in a PDF viewer), then you can use the module camelot-py with

import camelot
tables = camelot.read_pdf('foo.pdf')

You then can choose how you want to save the tables (as csv, json, excel, html, sqlite), and whether the output should be compressed in a ZIP archive.

tables.export('foo.csv', f='csv', compress=False)

Edit: tabula-py appears roughly 6 times faster than camelot-py so that should be used instead.

import camelot
import cProfile
import pstats
import tabula

cmd_tabula = "tabula.read_pdf('table.pdf', pages='1', lattice=True)"
prof_tabula = cProfile.Profile().run(cmd_tabula)
time_tabula = pstats.Stats(prof_tabula).total_tt

cmd_camelot = "camelot.read_pdf('table.pdf', pages='1', flavor='lattice')"
prof_camelot = cProfile.Profile().run(cmd_camelot)
time_camelot = pstats.Stats(prof_camelot).total_tt

print(time_tabula, time_camelot, time_camelot/time_tabula)


1.8495559890000015 11.057014036000016 5.978199147125147

Two Page Login with Spring Security 3.2.x

There should be three pages here:

  1. Initial login page with a form that asks for your username, but not your password.
  2. You didn't mention this one, but I'd check whether the client computer is recognized, and if not, then challenge the user with either a CAPTCHA or else a security question. Otherwise the phishing site can simply use the tendered username to query the real site for the security image, which defeats the purpose of having a security image. (A security question is probably better here since with a CAPTCHA the attacker could have humans sitting there answering the CAPTCHAs to get at the security images. Depends how paranoid you want to be.)
  3. A page after that that displays the security image and asks for the password.

I don't see this short, linear flow being sufficiently complex to warrant using Spring Web Flow.

I would just use straight Spring Web MVC for steps 1 and 2. I wouldn't use Spring Security for the initial login form, because Spring Security's login form expects a password and a login processing URL. Similarly, Spring Security doesn't provide special support for CAPTCHAs or security questions, so you can just use Spring Web MVC once again.

You can handle step 3 using Spring Security, since now you have a username and a password. The form login page should display the security image, and it should include the user-provided username as a hidden form field to make Spring Security happy when the user submits the login form. The only way to get to step 3 is to have a successful POST submission on step 1 (and 2 if applicable).

How can I tell if I'm running in 64-bit JVM or 32-bit JVM (from within a program)?

For Windows, you can check the Java home location. If it contains (x86) it is 32-bit otherwise 64-bit:

public static boolean is32Bit()
    val javaHome = System.getProperty("java.home");
    return javaHome.contains("(x86)");

public static boolean is64Bit()
    return !is32Bit();

Example paths:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.8.0_181\bin\java.exe # 32-bit
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-10.0.2\bin\java.exe # 64-bit

Why care about a Windows only solution?

If you need to know which bit version you're running on, you're likely fiddling around with native code on Windows so platform-independence is out of the window anyway.

.NET: Simplest way to send POST with data and read response

Use WebRequest. From Scott Hanselman:

public static string HttpPost(string URI, string Parameters) 
   System.Net.WebRequest req = System.Net.WebRequest.Create(URI);
   req.Proxy = new System.Net.WebProxy(ProxyString, true);
   //Add these, as we're doing a POST
   req.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
   req.Method = "POST";
   //We need to count how many bytes we're sending. 
   //Post'ed Faked Forms should be name=value&
   byte [] bytes = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(Parameters);
   req.ContentLength = bytes.Length;
   System.IO.Stream os = req.GetRequestStream ();
   os.Write (bytes, 0, bytes.Length); //Push it out there
   os.Close ();
   System.Net.WebResponse resp = req.GetResponse();
   if (resp== null) return null;
   System.IO.StreamReader sr = 
         new System.IO.StreamReader(resp.GetResponseStream());
   return sr.ReadToEnd().Trim();

How to convert a "dd/mm/yyyy" string to datetime in SQL Server?

You can convert a string to a date easily by:


How to convert text to binary code in JavaScript?

This might be the simplest you can get:

function text2Binary(string) {
    return string.split('').map(function (char) {
        return char.charCodeAt(0).toString(2);
    }).join(' ');

Crop image in PHP

$image = imagecreatefromjpeg($_GET['src']);
$filename = 'images/cropped_whatever.jpg'

Must be replaced with:

$image = imagecreatefromjpeg($_GET['src']);

Then it will work!

Proper way to use AJAX Post in jquery to pass model from strongly typed MVC3 view

what you have is fine - however to save some typing, you can simply use for your data

data: $('#formId').serialize()

see for details, the syntax is pretty basic.

How do I change the figure size for a seaborn plot?

You need to create the matplotlib Figure and Axes objects ahead of time, specifying how big the figure is:

from matplotlib import pyplot
import seaborn

import mylib

a4_dims = (11.7, 8.27)
df = mylib.load_data()
fig, ax = pyplot.subplots(figsize=a4_dims)
seaborn.violinplot(ax=ax, data=df, **violin_options)

Difference between Hive internal tables and external tables?

In simple words, there are two things:

Hive can manage things in warehouse i.e. it will not delete data out of warehouse. When we delete table:

1) For internal tables the data is managed internally in warehouse. So will be deleted.

2) For external tables the data is managed eternal from warehouse. So can't be deleted and clients other then hive can also use it.

Clear an input field with Reactjs?

You can use input type="reset"

<form action="/action_page.php">
  text: <input type="text" name="email" /><br />  
  <input type="reset" defaultValue="Reset" />  

select into in mysql

In MySQL, It should be like this

INSERT INTO this_table_archive (col1, col2, ..., coln)
SELECT col1, col2, ..., coln
FROM this_table
WHERE entry_date < '2011-01-01 00:00:00';

MySQL Documentation

What is the default value for enum variable?

You can use this snippet :-D

using System;
using System.Reflection;

public static class EnumUtils
    public static T GetDefaultValue<T>()
        where T : struct, Enum
        return (T)GetDefaultValue(typeof(T));

    public static object GetDefaultValue(Type enumType)
        var attribute = enumType.GetCustomAttribute<DefaultValueAttribute>(inherit: false);
        if (attribute != null)
            return attribute.Value;

        var innerType = enumType.GetEnumUnderlyingType();
        var zero = Activator.CreateInstance(innerType);
        if (enumType.IsEnumDefined(zero))
            return zero;

        var values = enumType.GetEnumValues();
        return values.GetValue(0);


using System;

public enum Enum1
public enum Enum2
    Foo  = 1,
    Bar  = 2,
    Baz  = 3,
    Quux = 0
public enum Enum3
    Foo  = 1,
    Bar  = 2,
    Baz  = 3,
    Quux = 4
public enum Enum4
    Foo  = 1,
    Bar  = 2,
    Baz  = 3,
    Quux = 4

public static class Program 
    public static void Main() 
        var defaultValue1 = EnumUtils.GetDefaultValue<Enum1>();
        Console.WriteLine(defaultValue1); // Foo

        var defaultValue2 = EnumUtils.GetDefaultValue<Enum2>();
        Console.WriteLine(defaultValue2); // Quux

        var defaultValue3 = EnumUtils.GetDefaultValue<Enum3>();
        Console.WriteLine(defaultValue3); // Foo

        var defaultValue4 = EnumUtils.GetDefaultValue<Enum4>();
        Console.WriteLine(defaultValue4); // Bar

Which sort algorithm works best on mostly sorted data?

ponder Try Heap. I believe it's the most consistent of the O(n lg n) sorts.

R error "sum not meaningful for factors"

The error comes when you try to call sum(x) and x is a factor.

What that means is that one of your columns, though they look like numbers are actually factors (what you are seeing is the text representation)

simple fix, convert to numeric. However, it needs an intermeidate step of converting to character first. Use the following:

family[, 1] <- as.numeric(as.character( family[, 1] ))
family[, 3] <- as.numeric(as.character( family[, 3] ))

For a detailed explanation of why the intermediate as.character step is needed, take a look at this question: How to convert a factor to integer\numeric without loss of information?

File Upload in WebView

Ive actually managed to get the file picker to appear in Kitkat, to select a image and to get the filepath in activity result but the only thing that im not able to "fix" (cause this workaround) is to make the input filed to fill out with file data.

Does anyone know any way how to access the input-field from a activity ? Am using this example comment. Is just this last piece, the last brick in the wall that i just have to put into right place (tho i could trigger upload of image file directly from code.


Im no hardcore Android dev so i'll show code on newbie level. Im creating a new Activity in already existing Activity

Manifest part

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
<application android:label="TestApp">
 <activity android:name=".BrowseActivity"></activity>

Am creating my BrowseActivity class from this example answer. The WebChromeClient() instance basically looks the same, except last piece, triggering the picker UI part...

private final static int FILECHOOSER_RESULTCODE=1;  
private final static int KITKAT_RESULTCODE = 2;


// The new WebChromeClient() looks pretty much the same, except one piece...

WebChromeClient chromeClient = new WebChromeClient(){  
    // For Android 3.0+
    public void openFileChooser(ValueCallback<Uri> uploadMsg) { /* Default code */ }  

    // For Android 3.0+
    public void openFileChooser( ValueCallback uploadMsg, String acceptType ) { /* Default code */ }  

    //For Android 4.1, also default but it'll be as example
    public void openFileChooser(ValueCallback<Uri> uploadMsg, String acceptType, String capture){
        mUploadMessage = uploadMsg;
        Intent i = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT);
        BrowseActivity.this.startActivityForResult(Intent.createChooser(i, "File Chooser"), BrowseActivity.FILECHOOSER_RESULTCODE);


    // The new code
    public void showPicker( ValueCallback<Uri> uploadMsg ){  
        // Here is part of the issue, the uploadMsg is null since it is not triggered from Android
        mUploadMessage = uploadMsg; 
        Intent i = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT);
        BrowseActivity.this.startActivityForResult(Intent.createChooser(i, "File Chooser"), BrowseActivity.KITKAT_RESULTCODE);

And some more stuff

web = new WebView(this);
// Notice this part, setting chromeClient as js interface is just lazy
web.addJavascriptInterface(chromeClient, "jsi" );
web.loadUrl( "" );
web.setWebViewClient(new myWebClient());

@Override protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent intent) {  
  Log.d("Result", "("+requestCode+ ") - (" +resultCode  + ") - (" + intent + ") - " + mUploadMessage);  
    if (null == intent) return;  
    Uri result = null;  
        Log.d("Result","Old android");  
        if (null == mUploadMessage) return;  
        result = intent == null || resultCode != RESULT_OK ? null  : intent.getData();  
        mUploadMessage = null;  
    } else if (requestCode == KITKAT_RESULTCODE) {  
        Log.d("Result","Kitkat android");  
        result = intent.getData();  
        final int takeFlags = intent.getFlags() & (Intent.FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION  | Intent.FLAG_GRANT_WRITE_URI_PERMISSION);  
        String path = getPath( this, result);  
        File selectedFile = new File(path); 
//I used you example with a bit of editing so thought i would share, here i added a method to upload the file to the webserver
File selectedFile = new File(path);  

        //mUploadMessage.onReceiveValue( Uri.parse(selectedFile.toString()) );  
        // Now we have the file but since mUploadMessage was null, it gets errors

 public void UploadFile(File selectedFile)
    Random rnd = new Random();
    String sName = "File" + rnd.nextInt(999999) + selectedFile.getAbsolutePath().substring(selectedFile.getAbsolutePath().lastIndexOf("."));
    UploadedFileName = sName;
    uploadFile = selectedFile;
    if (progressBar != null && progressBar.isShowing())
 // prepare for a progress bar dialog
    progressBar = new ProgressDialog(mContext);
    progressBar.setMessage("Uploading File");
    progressBar.setProgressStyle(ProgressDialog.STYLE_SPINNER);       ;
    new Thread() {

        public void run() 
            int serverResponseCode;
            String serverResponseMessage;
            HttpURLConnection connection = null;
            DataOutputStream outputStream = null;
            DataInputStream inputStream = null;
            String pathToOurFile = uploadFile.getAbsolutePath();
            String urlServer = "http://serveraddress/Scripts/UploadHandler.php?name" + UploadedFileName;
            String lineEnd = "\r\n";
            String twoHyphens = "--";
            String boundary =  "*****";

            int bytesRead, bytesAvailable, bufferSize;
            byte[] buffer;
            int maxBufferSize = 1*1024*1024;

                FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(uploadFile);

                URL url = new URL(urlServer);
                connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
                Log.i("File", urlServer);

                // Allow Inputs &amp; Outputs.

                // Set HTTP method to POST.

                connection.setRequestProperty("Connection", "Keep-Alive");
                connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "multipart/form-data;boundary="+boundary);
                Log.i("File", "Open conn");

                outputStream = new DataOutputStream( connection.getOutputStream() );

                outputStream.writeBytes(twoHyphens + boundary + lineEnd);
                outputStream.writeBytes("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"uploadedfile\";filename=\"" + pathToOurFile +"\"" + lineEnd);
                Log.i("File", "write bytes");

                bytesAvailable = fileInputStream.available();
                bufferSize = Math.min(bytesAvailable, maxBufferSize);
                buffer = new byte[bufferSize];
                Log.i("File", "available: " + fileInputStream.available());

                // Read file
                bytesRead =, 0, bufferSize);

                Log.i("file", "Bytes Read: " + bytesRead);
                while (bytesRead > 0)
                    outputStream.write(buffer, 0, bufferSize);
                    bytesAvailable = fileInputStream.available();
                    bufferSize = Math.min(bytesAvailable, maxBufferSize);
                    bytesRead =, 0, bufferSize);

                outputStream.writeBytes(twoHyphens + boundary + twoHyphens + lineEnd);

                // Responses from the server (code and message)
                serverResponseCode = connection.getResponseCode();
                serverResponseMessage = connection.getResponseMessage();
                Log.i("file repsonse", serverResponseMessage);

//once the file is uploaded call a javascript function to verify the user wants to save the image
                runOnUiThread(new Runnable() 

                    public void run() 
                        Log.i("start", "File name: " + UploadedFileName);
                        WebView myWebView = (WebView) findViewById(;
                        myWebView.loadUrl("javascript:CheckImage('" + UploadedFileName + "')");

            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.i("exception", "Error: " + ex.toString());


Lastly, some more code to get the actual file path, code found on SO, ive added post url in comments as well so the author gets credits for his work.

 * Get a file path from a Uri. This will get the the path for Storage Access
 * Framework Documents, as well as the _data field for the MediaStore and
 * other file-based ContentProviders.
 * @param context The context.
 * @param uri The Uri to query.
 * @author paulburke
 * @source
public static String getPath(final Context context, final Uri uri) {

    final boolean isKitKat = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT;

    // DocumentProvider
    if (isKitKat && DocumentsContract.isDocumentUri(context, uri)) {
        // ExternalStorageProvider
        if (isExternalStorageDocument(uri)) {
            final String docId = DocumentsContract.getDocumentId(uri);
            final String[] split = docId.split(":");
            final String type = split[0];

            if ("primary".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) {
                return Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/" + split[1];

            // TODO handle non-primary volumes
        // DownloadsProvider
        else if (isDownloadsDocument(uri)) {

            final String id = DocumentsContract.getDocumentId(uri);
            final Uri contentUri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(
                    Uri.parse("content://downloads/public_downloads"), Long.valueOf(id));

            return getDataColumn(context, contentUri, null, null);
        // MediaProvider
        else if (isMediaDocument(uri)) {
            final String docId = DocumentsContract.getDocumentId(uri);
            final String[] split = docId.split(":");
            final String type = split[0];

            Uri contentUri = null;
            if ("image".equals(type)) {
                contentUri = MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI;
            } else if ("video".equals(type)) {
                contentUri = MediaStore.Video.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI;
            } else if ("audio".equals(type)) {
                contentUri = MediaStore.Audio.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI;

            final String selection = "_id=?";
            final String[] selectionArgs = new String[] {

            return getDataColumn(context, contentUri, selection, selectionArgs);
    // MediaStore (and general)
    else if ("content".equalsIgnoreCase(uri.getScheme())) {
        return getDataColumn(context, uri, null, null);
    // File
    else if ("file".equalsIgnoreCase(uri.getScheme())) {
        return uri.getPath();

    return null;

 * Get the value of the data column for this Uri. This is useful for
 * MediaStore Uris, and other file-based ContentProviders.
 * @param context The context.
 * @param uri The Uri to query.
 * @param selection (Optional) Filter used in the query.
 * @param selectionArgs (Optional) Selection arguments used in the query.
 * @return The value of the _data column, which is typically a file path.
 * @source
public static String getDataColumn(Context context, Uri uri, String selection,
                                   String[] selectionArgs) {

    Cursor cursor = null;
    final String column = "_data";
    final String[] projection = {

    try {
        cursor = context.getContentResolver().query(uri, projection, selection, selectionArgs,
        if (cursor != null && cursor.moveToFirst()) {
            final int column_index = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(column);
            return cursor.getString(column_index);
    } finally {
        if (cursor != null)
    return null;

 * @param uri The Uri to check.
 * @return Whether the Uri authority is ExternalStorageProvider.
 * @source
public static boolean isExternalStorageDocument(Uri uri) {
    return "".equals(uri.getAuthority());

 * @param uri The Uri to check.
 * @return Whether the Uri authority is DownloadsProvider.
 * @source
public static boolean isDownloadsDocument(Uri uri) {
    return "".equals(uri.getAuthority());

 * @param uri The Uri to check.
 * @return Whether the Uri authority is MediaProvider.
 * @source
public static boolean isMediaDocument(Uri uri) {
    return "".equals(uri.getAuthority());

Lastly, the HTML page needs to trigger that new method of showPicker (specificaly when on A4.4)

<form id="form-upload" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <input id="fileupload" name="fileupload" type="file" onclick="javascript:prepareForPicker();"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
function getAndroidVersion() {
    var ua = navigator.userAgent; 
    var match = ua.match(/Android\s([0-9\.]*)/);
    return match ? match[1] : false;
function prepareForPicker(){
    if(getAndroidVersion().indexOf("4.4") != -1){
        return false;

function CheckImage(name)
//Check to see if user wants to save I used some ajax to save the file if necesarry

Github "Updates were rejected because the remote contains work that you do not have locally."

I followed these steps:

Pull the master:

git pull origin master

This will sync your local repo with the Github repo. Add your new file and then:

git add .

Commit the changes:

git commit -m "adding new file  Xyz"

Finally, push the origin master:

git push origin master

Refresh your Github repo, you will see the newly added files.

How to use sys.exit() in Python

you didn't import sys in your code, nor did you close the () when calling the function... try:

import sys

What is a database transaction?

Transaction can be defined as a collection of task that are considered as minimum processing unit. Each minimum processing unit can not be divided further.

The main operation of a transaction are read and write.

All transaction must contain four properties that commonly known as ACID properties for the purpose of ensuring accuracy , completeness and data integrity.

How to specify HTTP error code?

You can use res.send('OMG :(', 404); just res.send(404);

How to use Global Variables in C#?

A useful feature for this is using static

As others have said, you have to create a class for your globals:

public static class Globals {
    public const float PI = 3.14;

But you can import it like this in order to no longer write the class name in front of its static properties:

using static Globals;
Console.WriteLine("Pi is " + PI);

How to pass values across the pages in without using Session

You can use query string to pass value from one page to another..

1.pass the value using querystring

 Response.Redirect("Default3.aspx?value=" + txt.Text + "& number="+n);

2.Retrive the value in the page u want by using any of these methods..


    string v = Request.QueryString["value"];
    string n=Request.QueryString["number"];


      NameValueCollection v = Request.QueryString;
    if (v.HasKeys())
        string k = v.GetKey(0);
        string n = v.Get(0);
        if (k == "value")
            lbltext.Text = n.ToString();
        if (k == "value1")
            lbltext.Text = "error occured";

NOTE:Method 2 is the fastest method.

sudo: npm: command not found

The npm file should be in /usr/local/bin/npm. If it's not there, install node.js again with the package on their website. This worked in my case.

Advantages of std::for_each over for loop

With C++11 and two simple templates, you can write

        for ( auto x: range(v1+4,v1+6) ) {
                cout<< x <<' ';

as a replacement for for_each or a loop. Why choose it boils down to brevity and safety, there's no chance of error in an expression that's not there.

For me, for_each was always better on the same grounds when the loop body is already a functor, and I'll take any advantage I can get.

You still use the three-expression for, but now when you see one you know there's something to understand there, it's not boilerplate. I hate boilerplate. I resent its existence. It's not real code, there's nothing to learn by reading it, it's just one more thing that needs checking. The mental effort can be measured by how easy it is to get rusty at checking it.

The templates are

template<typename iter>
struct range_ { 
                iter begin() {return __beg;}    iter end(){return __end;}
            range_(iter const&beg,iter const&end) : __beg(beg),__end(end) {}
            iter __beg, __end;

template<typename iter>
range_<iter> range(iter const &begin, iter const &end)
    { return range_<iter>(begin,end); }

PostgreSQL error: Fatal: role "username" does not exist

Installing postgres using apt-get does not create a user role or a database.

To create a superuser role and a database for your personal user account:

sudo -u postgres createuser -s $(whoami); createdb $(whoami)

Getting new Twitter API consumer and secret keys

Go to to list all your apps. Click on the desired app to get its consumer and secret key. If you didnt yet created any app then follow to create new one.

Importing Maven project into Eclipse

I am not experienced with Eclipse or Maven so the other answers seemed a bit over complicated.

The following simpler set of steps worked for me:

Prerequisite: Make sure you have Maven plugin installed in your Eclipse IDE: How to add Maven plugin to Eclipse

  1. Open Eclipse
  2. Click File > Import
  3. Type Maven in the search box under Select an import source:
  4. Select Existing Maven Projects
  5. Click Next
  6. Click Browse and select the folder that is the root of the Maven project (probably contains the pom.xml file)
  7. Click Next
  8. Click Finish

How Do I Make Glyphicons Bigger? (Change Size?)

try to use heading, no need extra css

<h1 class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></h1>

JavaScript - Use variable in string match

You have to use RegExp object if your pattern is string

var xxx = "victoria";
var yyy = "i";
var rgxp = new RegExp(yyy, "g");

If pattern is not dynamic string:

var xxx = "victoria";
var yyy = /i/g;

How to move git repository with all branches from bitbucket to github?

It's very simple.

  1. Create a new empty repository in GitHub (without readme or license, you can add them later) and the following screen will show.

  2. In the import code option, paste your Bitbucket repo's URL and voilà!!

Click Import code

Using a SELECT statement within a WHERE clause

It's called correlated subquery. It has it's uses.

Getting Textbox value in Javascript

The ID you are trying is an serverside.

That is going to render in the browser differently.

try to get the ID by watching the html in the Browser.

var TestVar = document.getElementById('ctl00_ContentColumn_txt_model_code').value;

this may works.

Or do that ClientID method. That also works but ultimately the browser will get the same thing what i had written.

Finding local IP addresses using Python's stdlib

Socket API method



  • Not cross-platform.
  • Requires more fallback code, tied to existence of particular addresses on the internet
  • This will also not work if you're behind a NAT
  • Probably creates a UDP connection, not independent of (usually ISP's) DNS availability (see other answers for ideas like using Google's (coincidentally also DNS) server)
  • Make sure you make the destination address UNREACHABLE, like a numeric IP address that is spec-guaranteed to be unused. Do NOT use some domain like or; you'll still be spamming that party (now or in the future), and spamming your own network boxes as well in the process.

Reflector method

(Do note that this does not answer the OP's question of the local IP address, e.g. 192.168...; it gives you your public IP address, which might be more desirable depending on use case.)

You can query some site like (but with an API), such as:

from urllib.request import urlopen
import re
def getPublicIp():
    data = str(urlopen('').read())
    # data = '<html><head><title>Current IP Check</title></head><body>Current IP Address:</body></html>\r\n'

    return re.compile(r'Address: (\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)').search(data).group(1)

or if using python2:

from urllib import urlopen
import re
def getPublicIp():
    data = str(urlopen('').read())
    # data = '<html><head><title>Current IP Check</title></head><body>Current IP Address:</body></html>\r\n'

    return re.compile(r'Address: (\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)').search(data).group(1)


  • One upside of this method is it's cross-platform
  • It works from behind ugly NATs (e.g. your home router).

Disadvantages (and workarounds):

  • Requires this website to be up, the format to not change (almost certainly won't), and your DNS servers to be working. One can mitigate this issue by also querying other third-party IP address reflectors in case of failure.
  • Possible attack vector if you don't query multiple reflectors (to prevent a compromised reflector from telling you that your address is something it's not), or if you don't use HTTPS (to prevent a man-in-the-middle attack pretending to be the server)

edit: Though initially I thought these methods were really bad (unless you use many fallbacks, the code may be irrelevant many years from now), it does pose the question "what is the internet?". A computer may have many interfaces pointing to many different networks. For a more thorough description of the topic, google for gateways and routes. A computer may be able to access an internal network via an internal gateway, or access the world-wide web via a gateway on for example a router (usually the case). The local IP address that the OP asks about is only well-defined with respect to a single link layer, so you have to specify that ("is it the network card, or the ethernet cable, which we're talking about?"). There may be multiple non-unique answers to this question as posed. However the global IP address on the world-wide web is probably well-defined (in the absence of massive network fragmentation): probably the return path via the gateway which can access the TLDs.

What is the difference between Sprint and Iteration in Scrum and length of each Sprint?

  1. Where I work we have 2 Sprints to an Iteration. The Iteration demo is before the business stakeholders that don't want to meet after every Sprint, but that is our interpretation of the terminology. Some places may have the terms having equally meaning, I'm just pointing out that where I work they aren't the same thing.

  2. No, sprints can have varying lengths. Where I work we had a half a Sprint to align our Sprints with the Iterations that others in the project from another department were using.

Why does "pip install" inside Python raise a SyntaxError?

To run pip in Python 3.x, just follow the instructions on Python's page: Installing Python Modules.

python -m pip install SomePackage

Note that this is run from the command line and not the python shell (the reason for syntax error in the original question).

Perform .join on value in array of objects

lets say the objects array is referenced by the variable users

If ES6 can be used then the easiest solution will be: =>', ');

If not, and lodash can be used so :, function(user) {
 }).join(', ');

How do I change the color of radio buttons?

A radio button is a native element specific to each OS/browser. There is no way to change its color/style, unless you want to implement custom images or use a custom Javascript library which includes images (e.g. this - cached link)

bootstrap 3 wrap text content within div for horizontal alignment

1) Maybe oveflow: hidden; will do the trick?

2) You need to set the size of each div with the text and button so that each of these divs have the same height. Then for your button:

button {
  position: absolute;
  bottom: 0;

remove script tag from HTML content

I had been struggling with this question. I discovered you only really need one function. explode('>', $html); The single common denominator to any tag is < and >. Then after that it's usually quotation marks ( " ). You can extract information so easily once you find the common denominator. This is what I came up with:

$html = file_get_contents('http://some_page.html');

$h = explode('>', $html);

foreach($h as $k => $v){

    $v = trim($v);//clean it up a bit

    if(preg_match('/^(<script[.*]*)/ius', $v)){//my regex here might be questionable

        $counter = $k;//match opening tag and start counter for backtrace

        }elseif(preg_match('/([.*]*<\/script$)/ius', $v)){//but it gets the job done

            $script_length = $k - $counter;

            $counter = 0;

            for($i = $script_length; $i >= 0; $i--){
                $h[$k-$i] = '';//backtrace and clear everything in between
for($i = 0; $i <= count($h); $i++){
    if($h[$i] != ''){
    $ht[$i] = $h[$i];//clean out the blanks so when we implode it works right.
$html = implode('>', $ht);//all scripts stripped.

echo $html;

I see this really only working for script tags because you will never have nested script tags. Of course, you can easily add more code that does the same check and gather nested tags.

I call it accordion coding. implode();explode(); are the easiest ways to get your logic flowing if you have a common denominator.

Font Awesome icon inside text input element

You could use a wrapper. Inside the wrapper, add the font awesome element i and the input element.

<div class="wrapper">
    <i class="fa fa-icon"></i>
    <input type="button">

then set the wrapper's position to relative:

.wrapper { position: relative; }

and then set the i element's position to absolute, and set the correct place for it:

i.fa-icon { position: absolute; top: 10px; left: 50px; }

(It's a hack, I know, but it gets the job done.)

How to prevent a jQuery Ajax request from caching in Internet Explorer?

Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store

These two header values can be combined to get the required effect on both IE and Firefox

What is the use of static variable in C#? When to use it? Why can't I declare the static variable inside method?

You don't need to instantiate an object, because yau are going to use a static variable: Console.WriteLine(Book.myInt);

Cannot connect to local SQL Server with Management Studio

Try to see, if the service "SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER)" it's started, this solved my problem.

How to integrate sourcetree for gitlab

It worked for me, but only with ssh key and not with username and password.

After i added the ssh key to sourcetree, i changed the settings under Tools -> Options -> SSH-Client to work with PuTTY/Plink.

I run into trouble after i added the ssh key, because i forgot to restart sourceTree. "this is necessary so that there is an instance of ssh-agent running that SourceTree can talk to with your key loaded." See here:

Raw_Input() Is Not Defined

For Python 3.x, use input(). For Python 2.x, use raw_input(). Don't forget you can add a prompt string in your input() call to create one less print statement. input("GUESS THAT NUMBER!").

when I run mockito test occurs WrongTypeOfReturnValue Exception

I had this error because in my test I had two expectations, one on a mock and one on concrete type

MyClass cls = new MyClass();
MyClass cls2 = Mockito.mock(Myclass.class);
when(; // cls is not actually a mock

I fixed it by changing cls to be a mock as well

Can dplyr package be used for conditional mutating?

Since you ask for other better ways to handle the problem, here's another way using data.table:

require(data.table) ## 1.9.2+
df[a %in% c(0,1,3,4) | c == 4, g := 3L]
df[a %in% c(2,5,7) | (a==1 & b==4), g := 2L]

Note the order of conditional statements is reversed to get g correctly. There's no copy of g made, even during the second assignment - it's replaced in-place.

On larger data this would have better performance than using nested if-else, as it can evaluate both 'yes' and 'no' cases, and nesting can get harder to read/maintain IMHO.

Here's a benchmark on relatively bigger data:

# R version 3.1.0
require(data.table) ## 1.9.2
DT <- setDT(lapply(1:6, function(x) sample(7, 1e7, TRUE)))
setnames(DT, letters[1:6])
# > dim(DT) 
# [1] 10000000        6
DF <-

DT_fun <- function(DT) {
    DT[(a %in% c(0,1,3,4) | c == 4), g := 3L]
    DT[a %in% c(2,5,7) | (a==1 & b==4), g := 2L]

DPLYR_fun <- function(DF) {
    mutate(DF, g = ifelse(a %in% c(2,5,7) | (a==1 & b==4), 2L, 
            ifelse(a %in% c(0,1,3,4) | c==4, 3L, NA_integer_)))

BASE_fun <- function(DF) { # R v3.1.0
    transform(DF, g = ifelse(a %in% c(2,5,7) | (a==1 & b==4), 2L, 
            ifelse(a %in% c(0,1,3,4) | c==4, 3L, NA_integer_)))

system.time(ans1 <- DT_fun(DT))
#   user  system elapsed 
#  2.659   0.420   3.107 

system.time(ans2 <- DPLYR_fun(DF))
#   user  system elapsed 
# 11.822   1.075  12.976 

system.time(ans3 <- BASE_fun(DF))
#   user  system elapsed 
# 11.676   1.530  13.319 

# [1] TRUE

# [1] TRUE

Not sure if this is an alternative you'd asked for, but I hope it helps.

Convert Python dict into a dataframe

d = {'Date': list(yourDict.keys()),'Date_Values': list(yourDict.values())}
df = pandas.DataFrame(data=d)

If you don't encapsulate yourDict.keys() inside of list() , then you will end up with all of your keys and values being placed in every row of every column. Like this:

Date \ 0 (2012-06-08, 2012-06-09, 2012-06-10, 2012-06-1...
1 (2012-06-08, 2012-06-09, 2012-06-10, 2012-06-1...
2 (2012-06-08, 2012-06-09, 2012-06-10, 2012-06-1...
3 (2012-06-08, 2012-06-09, 2012-06-10, 2012-06-1...
4 (2012-06-08, 2012-06-09, 2012-06-10, 2012-06-1...

But by adding list() then the result looks like this:

Date Date_Values 0 2012-06-08 388 1 2012-06-09 388 2 2012-06-10 388 3 2012-06-11 389 4 2012-06-12 389 ...

if (select count(column) from table) > 0 then

not so elegant but you dont need to declare any variable:

for k in (select max(1) from table where 1 = 1) loop
    update x where column = value;
end loop;

checking memory_limit in PHP

If you are interested in CLI memory limit:

cat /etc/php/[7.0]/cli/php.ini | grep "memory_limit"

FPM / "Normal"

cat /etc/php/[7.0]/fpm/php.ini | grep "memory_limit"

iterating through json object javascript

You use a loop for this. Be sure to check if the object owns the properties or all inherited properties are shown as well. An example is like this:

var obj = {a: 1, b: 2};
for (var key in obj) {
  if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
    var val = obj[key];

Or if you need recursion to walk through all the properties:

var obj = {a: 1, b: 2, c: {a: 1, b: 2}};
function walk(obj) {
  for (var key in obj) {
    if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
      var val = obj[key];

How to Select Top 100 rows in Oracle?

you should use rownum in oracle to do what you seek

where rownum <= 100

see also those answers to help you

limit in oracle

select top in oracle

select top in oracle 2

Check if a record exists in the database

ExecuteScalar returns the first column of the first row. Other columns or rows are ignored. It looks like your first column of the first row is null, and that's why you get NullReferenceException when you try to use the ExecuteScalar method.

From MSDN;

Return Value

The first column of the first row in the result set, or a null reference if the result set is empty.

You might need to use COUNT in your statement instead which returns the number of rows affected...

Using parameterized queries is always a good practise. It prevents SQL Injection attacks.

And Table is a reserved keyword in T-SQL. You should use it with square brackets, like [Table] also.

As a final suggestion, use the using statement for dispose your SqlConnection and SqlCommand:

SqlCommand check_User_Name = new SqlCommand("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [Table] WHERE ([user] = @user)" , conn);
check_User_Name.Parameters.AddWithValue("@user", txtBox_UserName.Text);
int UserExist = (int)check_User_Name.ExecuteScalar();

if(UserExist > 0)
   //Username exist
   //Username doesn't exist.

WinError 2 The system cannot find the file specified (Python)

thank you, your first error guides me here and the solution solve mine too!

for permission error, f = open('output', 'w+'), change it into f = open(output+'output', 'w+').

or something else, but the way you are now using is having access to the installation directory of Python which normally in Program Files, and it probably needs administrator permission.

for sure, you could probably running python/your script as administrator to pass permission error though

Use custom build output folder when using create-react-app

Open Command Prompt inside your Application's source. Run the Command

npm run eject

Open your scripts/build.js file and add this at the beginning of the file after 'use strict' line

'use strict';
process.env.PUBLIC_URL = './' 
// Provide the current path

enter image description here

Open your config/paths.js and modify the buildApp property in the exports object to your destination folder. (Here, I provide 'react-app-scss' as the destination folder)

module.exports = {
appBuild: resolveApp('build/react-app-scss'),

enter image description here


npm run build

Note: Running Platform dependent scripts are not advisable

Clear screen in shell

If you are using linux terminal to access python, then cntrl+l is the best solution to clear screen

php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known

Try to set ENV PATH. Add PHP path in to ENV PATH.

In order for this extension to work, there are DLL files that must be available to the Windows system PATH. For information on how to do this, see the FAQ entitled "How do I add my PHP directory to the PATH on Windows". Although copying DLL files from the PHP folder into the Windows system directory also works (because the system directory is by default in the system's PATH), this is not recommended. This extension requires the following files to be in the PATH: libeay32.dll

Delete all but the most recent X files in bash

find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -printf '%T@ %p\0' | sort -r -z -n | awk 'BEGIN { RS="\0"; ORS="\0"; FS="" } NR > 5 { sub("^[0-9]*(.[0-9]*)? ", ""); print }' | xargs -0 rm -f

Requires GNU find for -printf, and GNU sort for -z, and GNU awk for "\0", and GNU xargs for -0, but handles files with embedded newlines or spaces.

DTO and DAO concepts and MVC

DTO is an abbreviation for Data Transfer Object, so it is used to transfer the data between classes and modules of your application.

  • DTO should only contain private fields for your data, getters, setters, and constructors.
  • DTO is not recommended to add business logic methods to such classes, but it is OK to add some util methods.

DAO is an abbreviation for Data Access Object, so it should encapsulate the logic for retrieving, saving and updating data in your data storage (a database, a file-system, whatever).

Here is an example of how the DAO and DTO interfaces would look like:

interface PersonDTO {
    String getName();
    void setName(String name);

interface PersonDAO {
    PersonDTO findById(long id);
    void save(PersonDTO person);

The MVC is a wider pattern. The DTO/DAO would be your model in the MVC pattern.
It tells you how to organize the whole application, not just the part responsible for data retrieval.

As for the second question, if you have a small application it is completely OK, however, if you want to follow the MVC pattern it would be better to have a separate controller, which would contain the business logic for your frame in a separate class and dispatch messages to this controller from the event handlers.
This would separate your business logic from the view.

How to read a single character at a time from a file in Python?

I learned a new idiom for this today while watching Raymond Hettinger's Transforming Code into Beautiful, Idiomatic Python:

import functools

with open(filename) as f:
    f_read_ch = functools.partial(, 1)
    for ch in iter(f_read_ch, ''):
        print 'Read a character:', repr(ch) 

Constantly print Subprocess output while process is running

This works at least in Python3.4

import subprocess

process = subprocess.Popen(cmd_list, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
for line in process.stdout:

Bootstrap 3 select input form inline

I think I've accidentally found a solution. The only thing to do is inserting an empty <span class="input-group-addon"></span> between the <input> and the <select>.

Additionally you can make it "invisible" by reducing its width, horizontal padding and borders:

<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>_x000D_
<div class="input-group">_x000D_
    <span class="input-group-addon" title="* Price" id="priceLabel">Price</span>_x000D_
    <input type="number" id="searchbygenerals_priceFrom" name="searchbygenerals[priceFrom]" required="required" class="form-control" value="0">_x000D_
    <span class="input-group-addon">-</span>_x000D_
    <input type="number" id="searchbygenerals_priceTo" name="searchbygenerals[priceTo]" required="required" class="form-control" value="0">_x000D_
    <!-- insert this line -->_x000D_
    <span class="input-group-addon" style="width:0px; padding-left:0px; padding-right:0px; border:none;"></span>_x000D_
    <select id="searchbygenerals_currency" name="searchbygenerals[currency]" class="form-control">_x000D_
        <option value="1">HUF</option>_x000D_
        <option value="2">EUR</option>_x000D_

Tested on Chrome and FireFox.

Log exception with traceback

Here is a version that uses sys.excepthook

import traceback
import sys

logger = logging.getLogger()

def handle_excepthook(type, message, stack):
     logger.error(f'An unhandled exception occured: {message}. Traceback: {traceback.format_tb(stack)}')

sys.excepthook = handle_excepthook

How do you make a div tag into a link


<div onclick="location.href='url'">content</div>


   window.location=$(this).find("a").attr("href"); return false;

Make sure to use cursor:pointer for these DIVs

download a file from Spring boot rest service

public ResponseEntity<Resource> downloadFile(@PathVariable(value = "productId") String productId,
        @PathVariable String fileName, HttpServletRequest request) {
    // Load file as Resource
    Resource resource;

    String fileBasePath = "C:\\Users\\v_fzhang\\mobileid\\src\\main\\resources\\data\\Filesdown\\" + productId
            + "\\";
    Path path = Paths.get(fileBasePath + fileName);
    try {
        resource = new UrlResource(path.toUri());
    } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
        return null;

    // Try to determine file's content type
    String contentType = null;
    try {
        contentType = request.getServletContext().getMimeType(resource.getFile().getAbsolutePath());
    } catch (IOException ex) {
        System.out.println("Could not determine file type.");

    // Fallback to the default content type if type could not be determined
    if (contentType == null) {
        contentType = "application/octet-stream";

    return ResponseEntity.ok().contentType(MediaType.parseMediaType(contentType))
            .header(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_DISPOSITION, "attachment; filename=\"" + resource.getFilename() + "\"")

To test it, use postman


Read/write files within a Linux kernel module

You should be aware that you should avoid file I/O from within Linux kernel when possible. The main idea is to go "one level deeper" and call VFS level functions instead of the syscall handler directly:


#include <linux/fs.h>
#include <asm/segment.h>
#include <asm/uaccess.h>
#include <linux/buffer_head.h>

Opening a file (similar to open):

struct file *file_open(const char *path, int flags, int rights) 
    struct file *filp = NULL;
    mm_segment_t oldfs;
    int err = 0;

    oldfs = get_fs();
    filp = filp_open(path, flags, rights);
    if (IS_ERR(filp)) {
        err = PTR_ERR(filp);
        return NULL;
    return filp;

Close a file (similar to close):

void file_close(struct file *file) 
    filp_close(file, NULL);

Reading data from a file (similar to pread):

int file_read(struct file *file, unsigned long long offset, unsigned char *data, unsigned int size) 
    mm_segment_t oldfs;
    int ret;

    oldfs = get_fs();

    ret = vfs_read(file, data, size, &offset);

    return ret;

Writing data to a file (similar to pwrite):

int file_write(struct file *file, unsigned long long offset, unsigned char *data, unsigned int size) 
    mm_segment_t oldfs;
    int ret;

    oldfs = get_fs();

    ret = vfs_write(file, data, size, &offset);

    return ret;

Syncing changes a file (similar to fsync):

int file_sync(struct file *file) 
    vfs_fsync(file, 0);
    return 0;

[Edit] Originally, I proposed using file_fsync, which is gone in newer kernel versions. Thanks to the poor guy suggesting the change, but whose change was rejected. The edit was rejected before I could review it.

How to export data from Spark SQL to CSV

With the help of spark-csv we can write to a CSV file.

val dfsql = sqlContext.sql("select * from tablename")

Fastest JSON reader/writer for C++

Don't really know how they compare for speed, but the first one looks like the right idea for scaling to really big JSON data, since it parses only a small chunk at a time so they don't need to hold all the data in memory at once (This can be faster or slower depending on the library/use case)

How to get all elements inside "div" that starts with a known text

Option 1: Likely fastest (but not supported by some browsers if used on Document or SVGElement) :

var elements = document.getElementById('parentContainer').children;

Option 2: Likely slowest :

var elements = document.getElementById('parentContainer').getElementsByTagName('*');

Option 3: Requires change to code (wrap a form instead of a div around it) :

// Since what you're doing looks like it should be in a form...
var elements = document.forms['parentContainer'].elements;

var matches = [];

for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++)
    if (elements[i].value.indexOf('q17_') == 0)

Reading my own Jar's Manifest

The following code works with multiple types of archives (jar, war) and multiple types of classloaders (jar, url, vfs, ...)

  public static Manifest getManifest(Class<?> clz) {
    String resource = "/" + clz.getName().replace(".", "/") + ".class";
    String fullPath = clz.getResource(resource).toString();
    String archivePath = fullPath.substring(0, fullPath.length() - resource.length());
    if (archivePath.endsWith("\\WEB-INF\\classes") || archivePath.endsWith("/WEB-INF/classes")) {
      archivePath = archivePath.substring(0, archivePath.length() - "/WEB-INF/classes".length()); // Required for wars

    try (InputStream input = new URL(archivePath + "/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF").openStream()) {
      return new Manifest(input);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Loading MANIFEST for class " + clz + " failed!", e);

Angular: Cannot Get /

For me the issue was that my local CLI was not the same version as my global CLI - updating it by running the following command solved the problem:

npm install --save-dev @angular/cli@latest

git am error: "patch does not apply"

git format-patch also has the -B flag.

The description in the man page leaves much to be desired, but in simple language it's the threshold format-patch will abide to before doing a total re-write of the file (by a single deletion of everything old, followed by a single insertion of everything new).

This proved very useful for me when manual editing was too cumbersome, and the source was more authoritative than my destination.

An example:

git format-patch -B10% --stdout my_tag_name > big_patch.patch
git am -3 -i < big_patch.patch

How to solve java.lang.NullPointerException error?

Just a shot in the dark(since you did not share the compiler initialization code with us): the way you retrieve the compiler causes the issue. Point your JRE to be inside the JDK as unlike jdk, jre does not provide any tools hence, results in NPE.

What is the hamburger menu icon called and the three vertical dots icon called?

For the 3 vertical dot icon, these are the most popular names

  • Kebab menu
  • More options icon

For the remaining, here is the list.

Picture Credit- @MichaelBabich

How to Find Item in Dictionary Collection?

Sometimes you still need to use FirstOrDefault if you have to do different tests. If the Key component of your dictionnary is nullable, you can do this:

thisTag = _tags.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Key.SubString(1,1) == 'a');
if(thisTag.Key != null) { ... }

Using FirstOrDefault, the returned KeyValuePair's key and value will both be null if no match is found.

Multiple returns from a function

function foo(){
  $you = 5;
  $me = 10;
  return $you;
  return $me;

echo foo();
//output is just 5 alone so we cant get second one it only retuns first one so better go with array

function goo(){
  $you = 5;
  $me = 10;
  return $you_and_me =  array($you,$me);

var_dump(goo()); // var_dump result is array(2) { [0]=> int(5) [1]=> int(10) } i think thats fine enough


Handling the window closing event with WPF / MVVM Light Toolkit

Geez, seems like a lot of code going on here for this. Stas above had the right approach for minimal effort. Here is my adaptation (using MVVMLight but should be recognizable)... Oh and the PassEventArgsToCommand="True" is definitely needed as indicated above.

(credit to Laurent Bugnion

   ... MainWindow Xaml

    <i:EventTrigger EventName="Closing">
        <cmd:EventToCommand Command="{Binding WindowClosingCommand}" PassEventArgsToCommand="True" />

In the view model:

///  public RelayCommand<CancelEventArgs> WindowClosingCommand
public RelayCommand<CancelEventArgs> WindowClosingCommand { get; private set; }
        // Window Closing
        WindowClosingCommand = new RelayCommand<CancelEventArgs>((args) =>
                                                                      (args) => CanShutdown);

in the ShutdownService

    /// <summary>
    ///   ask the application to shutdown
    /// </summary>
    public static void MainWindowClosing(CancelEventArgs e)
        e.Cancel = true;  /// CANCEL THE CLOSE - let the shutdown service decide what to do with the shutdown request

RequestShutdown looks something like the following but basicallyRequestShutdown or whatever it is named decides whether to shutdown the application or not (which will merrily close the window anyway):

    /// <summary>
    ///   ask the application to shutdown
    /// </summary>
    public static void RequestShutdown()

        // Unless one of the listeners aborted the shutdown, we proceed.  If they abort the shutdown, they are responsible for restarting it too.

        var shouldAbortShutdown = false;
        Logger.InfoFormat("Application starting shutdown at {0}...", DateTime.Now);
        var msg = new NotificationMessageAction<bool>(
            shouldAbort => shouldAbortShutdown |= shouldAbort);

        // recipients should answer either true or false with msg.execute(true) etc.

        Messenger.Default.Send(msg, Notifications.ConfirmShutdown);

        if (!shouldAbortShutdown)
            // This time it is for real
            Messenger.Default.Send(new NotificationMessage(Notifications.NotifyShutdown),
            Logger.InfoFormat("Application has shutdown at {0}", DateTime.Now);
            Logger.InfoFormat("Application shutdown aborted at {0}", DateTime.Now);

How do I calculate someone's age in Java?

I simply use the milliseconds in a year constant value to my advantage:

Date now = new Date();
long timeBetween = now.getTime() - age.getTime();
double yearsBetween = timeBetween / 3.15576e+10;
int age = (int) Math.floor(yearsBetween);

How to split a comma separated string and process in a loop using JavaScript

Try the following snippet:

var mystring = 'this,is,an,example';
var splits = mystring.split(",");
alert(splits[0]); // output: this

Can a div have multiple classes (Twitter Bootstrap)

A div can can hold more than one classes either using bootstrap or not

<div class="active dropdown-toggle my-class">Multiple Classes</div>
For applying multiple classes just separate the classes by space.

Take a look at this links you will find many examples

Javascript Date Validation ( DD/MM/YYYY) & Age Checking

If you want to use forward slashes in the format, the you need to escape with back slashes in the regex:

var dateformat = /^(0?[1-9]|1[012])[\/\-](0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[\/\-]\d{4}$/;

Select method in List<t> Collection

Well, to start with List<T> does have the FindAll and ConvertAll methods - but the more idiomatic, modern approach is to use LINQ:

// Find all the people older than 30
var query1 = list.Where(person => person.Age > 30);

// Find each person's name
var query2 = list.Select(person => person.Name);

You'll need a using directive in your file to make this work:

using System.Linq;

Note that these don't use strings to express predicates and projects - they use delegates, usually created from lambda expressions as above.

If lambda expressions and LINQ are new to you, I would suggest you get a book covering LINQ first, such as LINQ in Action, Pro LINQ, C# 4 in a Nutshell or my own C# in Depth. You certainly can learn LINQ just from web tutorials, but I think it's such an important technology, it's worth taking the time to learn it thoroughly.

Remove pattern from string with gsub

Just to point out that there is an approach using functions from the tidyverse, which I find more readable than gsub:

a %>% stringr::str_remove(pattern = ".*_")

How can a add a row to a data frame in R?

I need to add stringsAsFactors=FALSE when creating the dataframe.

> df <- data.frame("hello"= character(0), "goodbye"=character(0))
> df
[1] hello   goodbye
<0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
> df[nrow(df) + 1,] = list("hi","bye")
Warning messages:
1: In `[<-.factor`(`*tmp*`, iseq, value = "hi") :
  invalid factor level, NA generated
2: In `[<-.factor`(`*tmp*`, iseq, value = "bye") :
  invalid factor level, NA generated
> df
  hello goodbye
1  <NA>    <NA>


> df <- data.frame("hello"= character(0), "goodbye"=character(0), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
> df
[1] hello   goodbye
<0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
> df[nrow(df) + 1,] = list("hi","bye")
> df[nrow(df) + 1,] = list("hola","ciao")
> df[nrow(df) + 1,] = list(hello="hallo",goodbye="auf wiedersehen")
> df
  hello         goodbye
1    hi             bye
2  hola            ciao
3 hallo auf wiedersehen

How to get all Windows service names starting with a common word?

sc queryex type= service state= all | find /i "NATION"
  • use /i for case insensitive search
  • the white space after type=is deliberate and required

How to verify that a specific method was not called using Mockito?

Both the verifyNoMoreInteractions() and verifyZeroInteractions() method internally have the same implementation as:

public static transient void verifyNoMoreInteractions(Object mocks[])

public static transient void verifyZeroInteractions(Object mocks[])

so we can use any one of them on mock object or array of mock objects to check that no methods have been called using mock objects.

How to use parameters with HttpPost

To set parameters to your HttpPostRequest you can use BasicNameValuePair, something like this :

    HttpClient httpclient;
    HttpPost httpPost;
    ArrayList<NameValuePair> postParameters;
    httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient();
    httpPost = new HttpPost("your login link");

    postParameters = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>();
    postParameters.add(new BasicNameValuePair("param1", "param1_value"));
    postParameters.add(new BasicNameValuePair("param2", "param2_value"));

    httpPost.setEntity(new UrlEncodedFormEntity(postParameters, "UTF-8"));

    HttpResponse response = httpclient.execute(httpPost);

How to format string to money

    string s ="000000000100";
    decimal iv = 0;
    decimal.TryParse(s, out iv);
    Console.WriteLine((iv / 100).ToString("0.00"));

Java - using System.getProperty("user.dir") to get the home directory

Program to get the current working directory=user.dir

public class CurrentDirectoryExample {

    public static void main(String args[]) {

        String current = System.getProperty("user.dir");
        System.out.println("Current working directory in Java : " + current);

How should I remove all the leading spaces from a string? - swift

To remove all spaces from the string:

let space_removed_string = (yourstring?.components(separatedBy: " ").joined(separator: ""))!

Why do people write #!/usr/bin/env python on the first line of a Python script?

It allows you to select the executable that you wish to use; which is very handy if perhaps you have multiple python installs, and different modules in each and wish to choose. e.g.

# Choose the python we need. Explanation:
# a) '''\' translates to \ in shell, and starts a python multi-line string
# b) "" strings are treated as string concat by python, shell ignores them
# c) "true" command ignores its arguments
# c) exit before the ending ''' so the shell reads no further
# d) reset set docstrings to ignore the multiline comment code
"true" '''\'

if [ -x $PREFERRED_PYTHON ]; then
    echo Using preferred python $ALTERNATIVE_PYTHON
    exec $PREFERRED_PYTHON "$0" "$@"
elif [ -x $ALTERNATIVE_PYTHON ]; then
    echo Using alternative python $ALTERNATIVE_PYTHON
    exec $ALTERNATIVE_PYTHON "$0" "$@"
    echo Using fallback python $FALLBACK_PYTHON
    exec python3 "$0" "$@"
exit 127

__doc__ = """What this file does"""
import platform

Determining the last row in a single column

Update 2021 - Considers also empty cells

The accepted answer as well as most of the answers (if not all of them) have one common limitation which might not be the case for the owner of the question (they have contiguous data) but for future readers.

  • Namely, if the selected column contains empty cells in between, the accepted answer would give the wrong result.

For example, consider this very simple scenario:

enter image description here

the accepted solution would give 4 while the correct answer is 6.


Find the index of first non-empty value starting from the end of the array by using the reverse method.

const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
const sh = ss.getSheetByName('Sheet1')
const lrow = sh.getLastRow();
const Avals = sh.getRange("A1:A"+lrow).getValues();
const Alast  = lrow - Avals.reverse().findIndex(c=>c[0]!='');

Better way to right align text in HTML Table

The current draft of CSS Selectors Level 4 specifies structural selectors for grids. If implemented, we will be able to do things like:

th.price || td {
    text-align: right;

Of course, that doesn't help us today -- the other answers here offer enough practical advice for that.

How can I split this comma-delimited string in Python?

Question is a little vague.

list_of_lines = multiple_lines.split("\n")
for line in list_of_lines:
    list_of_items_in_line = line.split(",")
    first_int = int(list_of_items_in_line[0])


What is the meaning of "POSIX"?

In 1985, individuals from companies throughout the computer industry joined together to develop the POSIX (Portable Operating System Interface for Computer Environments) standard, which is based largely on the UNIX System V Interface Definition (SVID) and other earlier standardization efforts. These efforts were spurred by the U.S. government, which needed a standard computing environment to minimize its training and procurement costs. Released in 1988, POSIX is a group of IEEE standards that define the API, shell, and utility interfaces for an operating system. Although aimed at UNIX-like systems, the standards can apply to any compatible operating system. Now that these stan- dards have gained acceptance, software developers are able to develop applications that run on all conforming versions of UNIX, Linux, and other operating systems.

From the book: A Practical Guide To Linux

How to maintain aspect ratio using HTML IMG tag

With css:

.img {

Should I use @EJB or @Inject

Injection already existed in Java EE 5 with the @Resource, @PersistentUnit or @EJB annotations, for example. But it was limited to certain resources (datasource, EJB . . .) and into certain components (Servlets, EJBs, JSF backing bean . . .). With CDI you can inject nearly anything anywhere thanks to the @Inject annotation.

What is the correct XPath for choosing attributes that contain "foo"?

John C is the closest, but XPath is case sensitive, so the correct XPath would be:

/bla/a[contains(@prop, 'Foo')]

How to see data from .RData file?

This may fit better as a comment but I don't have enough reputation, so I put it here.
It worth mentioning that the load() function will retain the object name that was originally saved no matter how you name the .Rdata file.

Please check the name of the data.frame object used in the save() function. If you were using RStudio, you could check the upper right panel, Global Environment-Data, to find the name of the data you load.

Getting permission denied (public key) on gitlab

I think the simple solution is to add private key to authentication agent (if your key is not ~/.ssh/id_rsa),

ssh-add ~/.ssh/<your private key>

You basically let the ssh-agent take care of it.

Additionally, you can add it permanently.

Web scraping with Python

I use a combination of Scrapemark (finding urls - py2) and httlib2 (downloading images - py2+3). The has 500 lines of code, but uses regular expressions, so it may be not so fast, did not test.

Example for scraping your website:

import sys
from pprint import pprint
from scrapemark import scrape

    <table class="spad">
                    {# ... #}
""", url=sys.argv[1] ))




[{'day': u'1. Dez 2012', 'sunrise': u'08:18', 'sunset': u'16:10'},
 {'day': u'2. Dez 2012', 'sunrise': u'08:19', 'sunset': u'16:10'},
 {'day': u'3. Dez 2012', 'sunrise': u'08:21', 'sunset': u'16:09'},
 {'day': u'4. Dez 2012', 'sunrise': u'08:22', 'sunset': u'16:09'},
 {'day': u'5. Dez 2012', 'sunrise': u'08:23', 'sunset': u'16:08'},
 {'day': u'6. Dez 2012', 'sunrise': u'08:25', 'sunset': u'16:08'},
 {'day': u'7. Dez 2012', 'sunrise': u'08:26', 'sunset': u'16:07'}]

When use ResponseEntity<T> and @RestController for Spring RESTful applications

To complete the answer from Sotorios Delimanolis.

It's true that ResponseEntity gives you more flexibility but in most cases you won't need it and you'll end up with these ResponseEntity everywhere in your controller thus making it difficult to read and understand.

If you want to handle special cases like errors (Not Found, Conflict, etc.), you can add a HandlerExceptionResolver to your Spring configuration. So in your code, you just throw a specific exception (NotFoundException for instance) and decide what to do in your Handler (setting the HTTP status to 404), making the Controller code more clear.

How to install PIP on Python 3.6?

There is an issue with downloading and installing Python 3.6. Unchecking pip in the installation prevents the issue. So pip is not given in every installation.

How to send an email from JavaScript'mailto:[email protected]'); as above does nothing to hide the "[email protected]" email address from being harvested by spambots. I used to constantly run into this problem.

var recipient="test";
var at = String.fromCharCode(64);
var dotcom="";
var mail="mailto:";;

Maximum filename length in NTFS (Windows XP and Windows Vista)?

This is what the "Unhandled exception" says on framework 4.5 when trying to save a file with a long filename:

The specified path, file name, or both are too long. The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters, and the directory name must be less than 248 characters.


how to do "press enter to exit" in batch

Oops... Misunderstood the question...

Pause is the way to go

Old answer:

you can pipe commands into your patch file...


build.bat < responsefile.txt

How to initialize var?

you can't initialise var with null, var needs to be initialised as a type otherwise it cannot be inferred, if you think you need to do this maybe you can post the code it is probable that there is another way to do what you are attempting.

Get the size of a 2D array

In Java, 2D arrays are really arrays of arrays with possibly different lengths (there are no guarantees that in 2D arrays that the 2nd dimension arrays all be the same length)

You can get the length of any 2nd dimension array as z[n].length where 0 <= n < z.length.

If you're treating your 2D array as a matrix, you can simply get z.length and z[0].length, but note that you might be making an assumption that for each array in the 2nd dimension that the length is the same (for some programs this might be a reasonable assumption).

How to use regex in XPath "contains" function

If you're using Selenium with Firefox you should be able to use EXSLT extensions, and regexp:test()

Does this work for you?

String expr = "//*[regexp:test(@id, 'sometext[0-9]+_text')]";

Prevent wrapping of span or div

It works with just this:

.slideContainer {
    white-space: nowrap;
.slide { 
    display: inline-block;
    width: 600px;
    white-space: normal;

I did originally have float : left; and that prevented it from working correctly.

Thanks for posting this solution.

Pass user defined environment variable to tomcat

Environment variables can be set, by creating a setenv.bat (windows) or (unix) file in the bin folder of your tomcat installation directory. However, environment variables will not be accessabile from within your code.

System properties are set by -D arguments of the java process. You can define java starting arguments in the environment variable JAVA_OPTS.

My suggestions is the combination of these two mechanisms. In your apache-tomcat-0.0.0\bin\setenv.bat write:


and in your Java code write:


Is there a way to pass javascript variables in url?

Try this:

window.location.href = "\''+elemA+'\'&lon=\''+elemB+'\'&setLatLon=Set";

Free XML Formatting tool

You can open the XML file in any Visual Studio Express product and the press Ctrl+A, Ctrl+K, Ctrl+F to get it nicely formatted.

Hey, it's free and it's a tool, so it fits the question. :-)

Animate an element's width from 0 to 100%, with it and it's wrapper being only as wide as they need to be, without a pre-set width, in CSS3 or jQuery

a late answer, but I think this one works as required in the question :)

this one uses z-index and position absolute, and avoid the issue that the container element width doesn't grow in transition.

You can tweak the text's margin and padding to suit your needs, and "+" can be changed to font awesome icons if needed.

body {
  font-size: 16px;

.container {
  height: 2.5rem;
  position: relative;
  width: auto;
  display: inline-flex;
  align-items: center;

.add {
  font-size: 1.5rem;
  color: #fff;
  cursor: pointer;
  font-size: 1.5rem;
  background: #2794A5;
  border-radius: 20px;
  height: 100%;
  width: 2.5rem;
  display: flex;
  justify-content: center;
  align-items: center;
  position: absolute;
  z-index: 2;

.text {
  white-space: nowrap;
  position: relative;
  z-index: 1;
  height: 100%;
  width: 0;
  color: #fff;
  overflow: hidden;
  transition: 0.3s all ease;
  background: #2794A5;
  height: 100%;
  display: flex;
  align-items: center;
  border-top-right-radius: 20px;
  border-bottom-right-radius: 20px;
  margin-left: 20px;
  padding-left: 20px;
  cursor: pointer;

.container:hover .text {
  width: 100%;
  padding-right: 20px;
<div class="container">
  <span class="add">+</span>
  <span class="text">Add new client</span>

Java 'file.delete()' Is not Deleting Specified File

I got the same problem! then realized that my directory was not empty. I found the solution in another thread: not able to delete the directory through Java

 * Force deletion of directory
 * @param path
 * @return
static public boolean deleteDirectory(File path) {
    if (path.exists()) {
        File[] files = path.listFiles();
        for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
            if (files[i].isDirectory()) {
            } else {
    return (path.delete());

What is "string[] args" in Main class for?

Besides the other answers. You should notice these args can give you the file path that was dragged and dropped on the .exe file. i.e if you drag and drop any file on your .exe file then the application will be launched and the arg[0] will contain the file path that was dropped onto it.

static void Main(string[] args)

this will print the path of the file dropped on the .exe file. e.g


Hence, looping through the args array will give you the path of all the files that were selected and dragged and dropped onto the .exe file of your console app. See:

static void Main(string[] args)
    foreach (var arg in args)

The code sample above will print all the file names that were dragged and dropped onto it, See I am dragging 5 files onto my ConsoleTest.exe app.

5 Files being dropped on the ConsoleTest.exe file. And here is the output that I get after that: Output

How to get the list of properties of a class?

Try this:

var model = new MyObject();
foreach (var property in model.GetType().GetProperties())
    var descricao = property;
    var type = property.PropertyType.Name;

NoSuchMethodError in javax.persistence.Table.indexes()[Ljavax/persistence/Index

Error: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: javax.persistence.JoinTable.indexes()[Ljavax/persistence/Index;

The only thing that solved my problem was removing the following dependency in pom.xml: <dependency> <groupId>org.hibernate.javax.persistence</groupId> <artifactId>hibernate-jpa-2.1-api</artifactId> <version>1.0.0.Final</version> </dependency>

And replace it for:


Hope it helps someone.

Set Response Status Code

I don't think you're setting the header correctly, try this:

header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized');

Maven: Failed to read artifact descriptor

I had same problem using IntelliJ. I solved with right click on pom.xml > Maven > Reimport

Is a LINQ statement faster than a 'foreach' loop?

You might get a performance boost if you use parallel LINQ for multi cores. See Parallel LINQ (PLINQ) (MSDN).

Create a copy of a table within the same database DB2


Works for DB2 V 9.7

Java Try Catch Finally blocks without Catch

The finally block is executed after the try block completes. If something is thrown inside the try block when it leaves the finally block is executed.

Find and extract a number from a string

You can also try this

string.Join(null,System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(expr, "[^\\d]"));

PIL image to array (numpy array to array) - Python

I think what you are looking for is:


or, if the image is too big to load entirely into memory, so something like that:

for pixel in iter(im.getdata()):
    print pixel

from PIL documentation:


im.getdata() => sequence

Returns the contents of an image as a sequence object containing pixel values. The sequence object is flattened, so that values for line one follow directly after the values of line zero, and so on.

Note that the sequence object returned by this method is an internal PIL data type, which only supports certain sequence operations, including iteration and basic sequence access. To convert it to an ordinary sequence (e.g. for printing), use list(im.getdata()).

Couldn't process file resx due to its being in the Internet or Restricted zone or having the mark of the web on the file

  1. Open the file explorer. Navigate to project/solution directory
  2. Search for *.resx. --> You will get list of resx files
  3. Right click the resx file, open the properties and check the option 'Unblock'
  4. Repeat #3 for each resx file.
  5. Reload the project.

How to pass a JSON array as a parameter in URL

I know this could be a later post, but, for new visitors I will share my solution, as the OP was asking for a way to pass a JSON object via GET (not POST as suggested in other answers).

  1. Take the JSON object and convert it to string (JSON.stringify)
  2. Take the string and encode it in Base64 (you can find some useful info on this here
  3. Append it to the URL and make the GET call
  4. Reverse the process. decode and parse it into an object

I have used this in some cases where I only can do GET calls and it works. Also, this solution is practically cross language.

How to add more than one machine to the trusted hosts list using winrm

The suggested answer by Loïc MICHEL blindly writes a new value to the TrustedHosts entry.
I believe, a better way would be to first query TrustedHosts.
As Jeffery Hicks posted in 2010, first query the TrustedHosts entry:

PS C:\> $current=(get-item WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts).value
PS C:\> $current+=",testdsk23,alpha123"
PS C:\> set-item WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts –value $current

React ignores 'for' attribute of the label element

Yes, for react,

for becomes htmlFor

class becomes className


see full list of how HTML attributes are changed here:

How do I get LaTeX to hyphenate a word that contains a dash?

I answered something similar here: LaTeX breaking up too many words

I said:

you should set a hyphenation penalty somewhere in your preamble:


The value of 750 suited my needs for a two column layout on letter paper (8.5x11 in) with a 12 pt font. Adjust the value to suit your needs. The higher the number, the less hyphenation will occur. You may also want to have a look at the hyphenatpackage, it provides a bit more than just hyphenation penalty

How to delete multiple files at once in Bash on Linux?

If you want to delete all files whose names match a particular form, a wildcard (glob pattern) is the most straightforward solution. Some examples:

$ rm -f abc.log.*             # Remove them all
$ rm -f abc.log.2012*         # Remove all logs from 2012
$ rm -f abc.log.2012-0[123]*  # Remove all files from the first quarter of 2012

Regular expressions are more powerful than wildcards; you can feed the output of grep to rm -f. For example, if some of the file names start with "abc.log" and some with "ABC.log", grep lets you do a case-insensitive match:

$ rm -f $(ls | grep -i '^abc\.log\.')

This will cause problems if any of the file names contain funny characters, including spaces. Be careful.

When I do this, I run the ls | grep ... command first and check that it produces the output I want -- especially if I'm using rm -f:

$ ls | grep -i '^abc\.log\.'
(check that the list is correct)
$ rm -f $(!!)

where !! expands to the previous command. Or I can type up-arrow or Ctrl-P and edit the previous line to add the rm -f command.

This assumes you're using the bash shell. Some other shells, particularly csh and tcsh and some older sh-derived shells, may not support the $(...) syntax. You can use the equivalent backtick syntax:

$ rm -f `ls | grep -i '^abc\.log\.'`

The $(...) syntax is easier to read, and if you're really ambitious it can be nested.

Finally, if the subset of files you want to delete can't be easily expressed with a regular expression, a trick I often use is to list the files to a temporary text file, then edit it:

$ ls > list
$ vi list   # Use your favorite text editor

I can then edit the list file manually, leaving only the files I want to remove, and then:

$ rm -f $(<list)


$ rm -f `cat list`

(Again, this assumes none of the file names contain funny characters, particularly spaces.)

Or, when editing the list file, I can add rm -f to the beginning of each line and then:

$ . ./list


$ source ./list

Editing the file is also an opportunity to add quotes where necessary, for example changing rm -f foo bar to rm -f 'foo bar' .

Update elements in a JSONObject

public static JSONObject updateJson(JSONObject obj, String keyString, String newValue) throws Exception {
            JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
            // get the keys of json object
            Iterator iterator = obj.keys();
            String key = null;
            while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                key = (String);
                // if the key is a string, then update the value
                if ((obj.optJSONArray(key) == null) && (obj.optJSONObject(key) == null)) {
                    if ((key.equals(keyString))) {
                        // put new value
                        obj.put(key, newValue);
                        return obj;

                // if it's jsonobject
                if (obj.optJSONObject(key) != null) {
                    updateJson(obj.getJSONObject(key), keyString, newValue);

                // if it's jsonarray
                if (obj.optJSONArray(key) != null) {
                    JSONArray jArray = obj.getJSONArray(key);
                    for (int i = 0; i < jArray.length(); i++) {
                        updateJson(jArray.getJSONObject(i), keyString, newValue);
            return obj;

Windows service with timer

You need to put your main code on the OnStart method.

This other SO answer of mine might help.

You will need to put some code to enable debugging within visual-studio while maintaining your application valid as a windows-service. This other SO thread cover the issue of debugging a windows-service.


Please see also the documentation available here for the OnStart method at the MSDN where one can read this:

Do not use the constructor to perform processing that should be in OnStart. Use OnStart to handle all initialization of your service. The constructor is called when the application's executable runs, not when the service runs. The executable runs before OnStart. When you continue, for example, the constructor is not called again because the SCM already holds the object in memory. If OnStop releases resources allocated in the constructor rather than in OnStart, the needed resources would not be created again the second time the service is called.

Spring Boot Program cannot find main class

If your project packaging type war you could not start. I was using maven assembly plugin with this configuration;

            <version>3.0.0</version><!--$NO-MVN-MAN-VER$ -->
                    <id>make-assembly</id> <!-- this is used for inheritance merges -->
                    <phase>package</phase> <!-- bind to the packaging phase -->

and my packaging tpe was war i got cannot find main class exception bu i changed packaging to jar it worked;


How to get two or more commands together into a batch file

if I understand you right (not sure), the start parameter /D should help you:

start "cmd" /D %PathName% %comd%

/D sets the start-directory (see start /?)

Should I use px or rem value units in my CSS?

pt is similar to rem, in that it's relatively fixed, but almost always DPI-independent, even when non-compliant browsers treat px in a device-dependent fashion. rem varies with the font size of the root element, but you can use something like Sass/Compass to do this automatically with pt.

If you had this:

html {
    font-size: 12pt;

then 1rem would always be 12pt. rem and em are only as device-independent as the elements on which they rely; some browsers don't behave according to spec, and treat px literally. Even in the old days of the Web, 1 point was consistently regarded as 1/72 inch--that is, there are 72 points in an inch.

If you have an old, non-compliant browser, and you have:

html {
    font-size: 16px;

then 1rem is going to be device-dependent. For elements that would inherit from html by default, 1em would also be device-dependent. 12pt would be the hopefully guaranteed device-independent equivalent: 16px / 96px * 72pt = 12pt, where 96px = 72pt = 1in.

It can get pretty complicated to do the math if you want to stick to specific units. For example, .75em of html = .75rem = 9pt, and .66em of .75em of html = .5rem = 6pt. A good rule of thumb:

  • Use pt for absolute sizes. If you really need this to be dynamic relative to the root element, you're asking too much of CSS; you need a language that compiles to CSS, like Sass/SCSS.
  • Use em for relative sizes. It's pretty handy to be able to say, "I want the margin on the left to be about the maximum width of a letter," or, "Make this element's text just a bit bigger than its surroundings." <h1> is a good element on which to use a font size in ems, since it might appear in various places, but should always be bigger than nearby text. This way, you don't have to have a separate font size for every class that's applied to h1: the font size will adapt automatically.
  • Use px for very tiny sizes. At very small sizes, pt can get blurry in some browsers at 96 DPI, since pt and px don't quite line up. If you just want to create a thin, one-pixel border, say so. If you have a high-DPI display, this won't be obvious to you during testing, so be sure to test on a generic 96-DPI display at some point.
  • Don't deal in subpixels to make things fancy on high-DPI displays. Some browsers might support it--particularly on high-DPI displays--but it's a no-no. Most users prefer big and clear, though the web has taught us developers otherwise. If you want to add extended detail for your users with state-of-the-art screens, you can use vector graphics (read: SVG), which you should be doing anyway.

Read Post Data submitted to ASP.Net Form

NameValueCollection nvclc = Request.Form;
string   uName= nvclc ["txtUserName"];
string   pswod= nvclc ["txtPassword"];
//try login
CheckLogin(uName, pswod);

Why did a network-related or instance-specific error occur while establishing a connection to SQL Server?

Your connection string was probably overriden when you copied your new website version on the server. Please check the connection string in web.config and see if it is valid.

Upgrading Node.js to latest version

sudo npm install n -g sudo n 0.12.2


sudo npm install -g n sudo n latest


sudo npm cache clean -f sudo npm install -g n sudo n latest

These work well. But for UX term terminal node -v did not show latest version so I have closed and reopened new terminal. I found v10.1.0, output of node-v after installation by sudo n latest

How to use youtube-dl from a python program?

For simple code, may be i think

import os
os.system('youtube-dl [OPTIONS] URL [URL...]')

Above is just running command line inside python.

Other is mentioned in the documentation Using youtube-dl on python Here is the way

from __future__ import unicode_literals
import youtube_dl

ydl_opts = {}
with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl:[''])

Android ImageView setImageResource in code

One easy way to map that country name that you have to an int to be used in the setImageResource method is:

int id = getResources().getIdentifier(lowerCountryCode, "drawable", getPackageName());

But you should really try to use different folders resources for the countries that you want to support.

How do I read any request header in PHP

To make things simple, here is how you can get just the one you want:



or when you need to get one at a time:

 * @param $pHeaderKey
 * @return mixed
function get_header( $pHeaderKey )
    // Expanded for clarity.
    $headerKey = str_replace('-', '_', $pHeaderKey);
    $headerKey = strtoupper($headerKey);
    $headerValue = NULL;
    // Uncomment the if when you do not want to throw an undefined index error.
    // I leave it out because I like my app to tell me when it can't find something I expect.
    //if ( array_key_exists($headerKey, $_SERVER) ) {
    $headerValue = $_SERVER[ $headerKey ];
    return $headerValue;
// X-Requested-With mainly used to identify Ajax requests. Most JavaScript frameworks
// send this header with value of XMLHttpRequest, so this will not always be present.
$header_x_requested_with = get_header( 'X-Requested-With' );

The other headers are also in the super global array $_SERVER, you can read about how to get at them here:

How to remove unique key from mysql table

To add a unique key use :

alter table your_table add UNIQUE(target_column_name);

To remove a unique key use:

alter table your_table drop INDEX target_column_name;

Android studio - Failed to find target android-18

You can solve the problem changing the compileSdkVersion in the file from 18 to wtever SDK is installed ..... BUTTTTT

  1. If you are trying to goin back in SDK versions like 18 to 17 ,You can not use the feature available in 18 or 18+

  2. If you are migrating your project (Eclipse to Android Studio ) Then off course you Don't have build.gradle file in your Existed Eclipse project

So, the only solution is to ensure the SDK version installed or not, you are targeting to , If not then install.

Error:Cause: failed to find target with hash string 'android-19' in: C:\Users\setia\AppData\Local\Android\sdk

How to add meta tag in JavaScript

Like this ?

var meta = document.createElement('meta');
meta.setAttribute('http-equiv', 'X-UA-Compatible');
meta.setAttribute('content', 'IE=Edge');

Binding ConverterParameter

The ConverterParameter property can not be bound because it is not a dependency property.

Since Binding is not derived from DependencyObject none of its properties can be dependency properties. As a consequence, a Binding can never be the target object of another Binding.

There is however an alternative solution. You could use a MultiBinding with a multi-value converter instead of a normal Binding:

<Style TargetType="FrameworkElement">
    <Setter Property="Visibility">
            <MultiBinding Converter="{StaticResource AccessLevelToVisibilityConverter}">
                <Binding Path="Tag" RelativeSource="{RelativeSource Mode=FindAncestor,
                <Binding Path="Tag" RelativeSource="{RelativeSource Mode=Self}"/>

The multi-value converter gets an array of source values as input:

public class AccessLevelToVisibilityConverter : IMultiValueConverter
    public object Convert(
        object[] values, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
        return values.All(v => (v is bool && (bool)v))
            ? Visibility.Visible
            : Visibility.Hidden;

    public object[] ConvertBack(
        object value, Type[] targetTypes, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
        throw new NotSupportedException();

R data formats: RData, Rda, Rds etc

In addition to @KenM's answer, another important distinction is that, when loading in a saved object, you can assign the contents of an Rds file. Not so for Rda

> x <- 1:5
> save(x, file="x.Rda")
> saveRDS(x, file="x.Rds")
> rm(x)

> new_x1 <- readRDS("x.Rds")
> new_x1
[1] 1 2 3 4 5

## 'ASSIGN' USING load -- note the result
> new_x2 <- load("x.Rda")
loading in to  <environment: R_GlobalEnv> 
> new_x2
[1] "x"
# NOTE: `load()` simply returns the name of the objects loaded. Not the values. 
> x
[1] 1 2 3 4 5