[c++] Can you remove elements from a std::list while iterating through it?

I have sumup it, here is the three method with example:

1. using while loop

list<int> lst{4, 1, 2, 3, 5};

auto it = lst.begin();
while (it != lst.end()){
    if((*it % 2) == 1){
        it = lst.erase(it);// erase and go to next
    } else{
        ++it;  // go to next

for(auto it:lst)cout<<it<<" ";
cout<<endl;  //4 2

2. using remove_if member funtion in list:

list<int> lst{4, 1, 2, 3, 5};

lst.remove_if([](int a){return a % 2 == 1;});

for(auto it:lst)cout<<it<<" ";
cout<<endl;  //4 2

3. using std::remove_if funtion combining with erase member function:

list<int> lst{4, 1, 2, 3, 5};

lst.erase(std::remove_if(lst.begin(), lst.end(), [](int a){
    return a % 2 == 1;
}), lst.end());

for(auto it:lst)cout<<it<<" ";
cout<<endl;  //4 2

4. using for loop , should note update the iterator:

list<int> lst{4, 1, 2, 3, 5};

for(auto it = lst.begin(); it != lst.end();++it){
    if ((*it % 2) == 1){
        it = lst.erase(it);  erase and go to next(erase will return the next iterator)
        --it;  // as it will be add again in for, so we go back one step

for(auto it:lst)cout<<it<<" ";
cout<<endl;  //4 2 

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