Programs & Examples On #Automerge

HTTP Error 500.19 and error code : 0x80070021

On Windows 8.1, IIS 8.5 the solution for me was to register 4.5 from the control panel:

Programs and Features > Turn Windows features on or off > Information Information Services > World Wide Web Services > Application Development Features > Select ASP.NET 4.5

Click OK.

Change IPython/Jupyter notebook working directory

When launched from the command line, the IPython Notebook will use your current working directory. I took advantage of this and created context menu entries to open it directly from Windows Explorer. No need for shortcuts or batch scripts!

I was inspired by the registry-based 'Git GUI Here/Git Bash Here' entries created by Git for Windows. This page (archived version linked) was helpful in locating the correct keys.

This first pair is for the context menu presented with nothing selected (e.g. the directory background). The notebook will open with the current directory as it's working directory.

Key: HKCR\Directory\Background\shell\ipythonnb
Value: &IPython Notebook Here

Key: HKCR\Directory\Background\shell\ipythonnb\command
Value: "<full path to IPython notebook>" "%v"

This pair is for the context menu presented when clicking on a folder. The notebook will open with the selected folder as it's working directory.

Key: HKCR\Directory\shell\ipythonnb
Value: &IPython Notebook Here

Key: HKCR\Directory\shell\ipythonnb\command
Value: "<full path to IPython notebook>" "%1"

Pay attention to %v vs %1 arguments or it won't work. Don't forget the quotes either. On my platform the full path to IPython Notebook is C:\WinPython-32bit-\IPython Notebook.exe but this value will obviously dependent on your installation.

Edit: AFAICT the full path is required even if the executable is on the system path.

How to resolve Value cannot be null. Parameter name: source in linq?

When you call a Linq statement like this:

// x = new List<string>();
var count = x.Count(s => s.StartsWith("x"));

You are actually using an extension method in the System.Linq namespace, so what the compiler translates this into is:

var count = Enumerable.Count(x, s => s.StartsWith("x"));

So the error you are getting above is because the first parameter, source (which would be x in the sample above) is null.

What are the First and Second Level caches in (N)Hibernate?

1.1) First-level cache

First-level cache always Associates with the Session object. Hibernate uses this cache by default. Here, it processes one transaction after another one, means wont process one transaction many times. Mainly it reduces the number of SQL queries it needs to generate within a given transaction. That is instead of updating after every modification done in the transaction, it updates the transaction only at the end of the transaction.

1.2) Second-level cache

Second-level cache always associates with the Session Factory object. While running the transactions, in between it loads the objects at the Session Factory level, so that those objects will be available to the entire application, not bound to single user. Since the objects are already loaded in the cache, whenever an object is returned by the query, at that time no need to go for a database transaction. In this way the second level cache works. Here we can use query level cache also.

Quoted from:

What is a database transaction?

A transaction is a unit of work that you want to treat as "a whole." It has to either happen in full or not at all.

A classical example is transferring money from one bank account to another. To do that you have first to withdraw the amount from the source account, and then deposit it to the destination account. The operation has to succeed in full. If you stop halfway, the money will be lost, and that is Very Bad.

In modern databases transactions also do some other things - like ensure that you can't access data that another person has written halfway. But the basic idea is the same - transactions are there to ensure, that no matter what happens, the data you work with will be in a sensible state. They guarantee that there will NOT be a situation where money is withdrawn from one account, but not deposited to another.

How do you set the EditText keyboard to only consist of numbers on Android?

I think you used somehow the right way to show the number only on the keyboard so better try the given line with xml in your edit text and it will work perfectly so here the code is-


In case any doubt you can again ask to me i'll try to completely sort out your problem. Thanks

Set Background cell color in PHPExcel

Here is how you do it in PHPSpreadsheet, the newest version of PHPExcel

$spreadsheet = new Spreadsheet();

    'fill' => [
            'fillType' => Fill::FILL_SOLID,
            'startColor' => [
                'argb' => 'FFDBE2F1',

alternative approach:


How do you migrate an IIS 7 site to another server?

Microsoft Web Deploy v3 can export and import all your files, the configuration settings, etc. It puts it all into a zip archive ready to import on the new server. It can even upgrade to newer versions of IIS (v7-v8).

After installing the tool: Right click your server or website in IIS Management Console, select 'Deploy', 'Export Application...' and run through the export.

On the new server, import the exported zip archive in the same way.

MongoDB via Mongoose JS - What is findByID?

I'm the maintainer of Mongoose. findById() is a built-in method on Mongoose models. findById(id) is equivalent to findOne({ _id: id }), with one caveat: findById() with 0 params is equivalent to findOne({ _id: null }).

You can read more about findById() on the Mongoose docs and this findById() tutorial.

Error occurred during initialization of VM Could not reserve enough space for object heap Could not create the Java virtual machine

Sometimes it may happen that you run multiple applications on the same java VM. In Case you have tried all the other solutions described above and it didnt work. Try Running your process by running it on a newly created java VM by passing vmargs

-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,address=10049,suspend=n . 

Here address is what the vm takes.

XML Error: Extra content at the end of the document

You need a root node

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>    
        <name>Sample Document</name>


proper way to logout from a session in PHP

// Initialize the session.
// Unset all of the session variables.
// Finally, destroy the session.    

// Include URL for Login page to login again.
header("Location: login.php");

data.table vs dplyr: can one do something well the other can't or does poorly?

Here's my attempt at a comprehensive answer from the dplyr perspective, following the broad outline of Arun's answer (but somewhat rearranged based on differing priorities).


There is some subjectivity to syntax, but I stand by my statement that the concision of data.table makes it harder to learn and harder to read. This is partly because dplyr is solving a much easier problem!

One really important thing that dplyr does for you is that it constrains your options. I claim that most single table problems can be solved with just five key verbs filter, select, mutate, arrange and summarise, along with a "by group" adverb. That constraint is a big help when you're learning data manipulation, because it helps order your thinking about the problem. In dplyr, each of these verbs is mapped to a single function. Each function does one job, and is easy to understand in isolation.

You create complexity by piping these simple operations together with %>%. Here's an example from one of the posts Arun linked to:

diamonds %>%
  filter(cut != "Fair") %>%
  group_by(cut) %>%
    AvgPrice = mean(price),
    MedianPrice = as.numeric(median(price)),
    Count = n()
  ) %>%

Even if you've never seen dplyr before (or even R!), you can still get the gist of what's happening because the functions are all English verbs. The disadvantage of English verbs is that they require more typing than [, but I think that can be largely mitigated by better autocomplete.

Here's the equivalent data.table code:

diamondsDT <- data.table(diamonds)
  cut != "Fair", 
  .(AvgPrice = mean(price),
    MedianPrice = as.numeric(median(price)),
    Count = .N
  by = cut

It's harder to follow this code unless you're already familiar with data.table. (I also couldn't figure out how to indent the repeated [ in a way that looks good to my eye). Personally, when I look at code I wrote 6 months ago, it's like looking at a code written by a stranger, so I've come to prefer straightforward, if verbose, code.

Two other minor factors that I think slightly decrease readability:

  • Since almost every data table operation uses [ you need additional context to figure out what's happening. For example, is x[y] joining two data tables or extracting columns from a data frame? This is only a small issue, because in well-written code the variable names should suggest what's happening.

  • I like that group_by() is a separate operation in dplyr. It fundamentally changes the computation so I think should be obvious when skimming the code, and it's easier to spot group_by() than the by argument to [.data.table.

I also like that the the pipe isn't just limited to just one package. You can start by tidying your data with tidyr, and finish up with a plot in ggvis. And you're not limited to the packages that I write - anyone can write a function that forms a seamless part of a data manipulation pipe. In fact, I rather prefer the previous data.table code rewritten with %>%:

diamonds %>% 
  data.table() %>% 
  .[cut != "Fair", 
    .(AvgPrice = mean(price),
      MedianPrice = as.numeric(median(price)),
      Count = .N
    by = cut
  ] %>% 

And the idea of piping with %>% is not limited to just data frames and is easily generalised to other contexts: interactive web graphics, web scraping, gists, run-time contracts, ...)

Memory and performance

I've lumped these together, because, to me, they're not that important. Most R users work with well under 1 million rows of data, and dplyr is sufficiently fast enough for that size of data that you're not aware of processing time. We optimise dplyr for expressiveness on medium data; feel free to use data.table for raw speed on bigger data.

The flexibility of dplyr also means that you can easily tweak performance characteristics using the same syntax. If the performance of dplyr with the data frame backend is not good enough for you, you can use the data.table backend (albeit with a somewhat restricted set of functionality). If the data you're working with doesn't fit in memory, then you can use a database backend.

All that said, dplyr performance will get better in the long-term. We'll definitely implement some of the great ideas of data.table like radix ordering and using the same index for joins & filters. We're also working on parallelisation so we can take advantage of multiple cores.


A few things that we're planning to work on in 2015:

  • the readr package, to make it easy to get files off disk and in to memory, analogous to fread().

  • More flexible joins, including support for non-equi-joins.

  • More flexible grouping like bootstrap samples, rollups and more

I'm also investing time into improving R's database connectors, the ability to talk to web apis, and making it easier to scrape html pages.

Install php-mcrypt on CentOS 6

If you want to recompile PHP with mcrypt enable.

1. Insatll mcrypt. libmcrypt-devel is from Third Party Repositories EPEL, so you should:

yum --enablerepo=extras install epel-release
yum install libmcrypt-devel

2. Append --with-mcrypt to your ./configure arguments:

./configure --with-mcrypt

3. Build and install:

make & make install

This application has no explicit mapping for /error

In the main class, after the configuration "@SpringBootApplication", adding "@ComponentScan" without having any arguments, worked for me !!!

Main Class :

public class CommentStoreApplication {

    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);


RestController Class :

public class CommentStoreApp {

    public String hello() {
        return "Hello World!";

P.S: Don't miss to run mvn clean and mvn install commands, before launching the application

problem with php mail 'From' header

headers were not working for me on my shared hosting, reason was i was using my hotmail email address in header. i created a email on my cpanel and i set that same email in the header yeah it worked like a charm!

 $header = 'From: ShopFive <[email protected]>' . "\r\n";

generate random string for div id

Based on HTML 4, the id should start from letter:

ID and NAME tokens must begin with a letter ([A-Za-z]) and may be followed by any number of letters, digits ([0-9]), hyphens ("-"), underscores ("_"), colons (":"), and periods (".").

So, one of the solutions could be (alphanumeric):

  var length = 9;
  var prefix = 'my-awesome-prefix-'; // To be 100% sure id starts with letter

  // Convert it to base 36 (numbers + letters), and grab the first 9 characters
  // after the decimal.
  var id = prefix + Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, length);

Another solution - generate string with letters only:

  var length = 9;
  var id = Math.random().toString(36).replace(/[^a-z]+/g, '').substr(0, length);

Replace non-numeric with empty string

I'm sure there's a more efficient way to do it, but I would probably do this:

string getTenDigitNumber(string input)
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    for(int i - 0; i < input.Length; i++)
        int junk;
        if(int.TryParse(input[i], ref junk))
    return sb.ToString();

Pytorch reshape tensor dimension

or you can use this, the '-1' means you don't have to specify the number of the elements.

In [3]: a.view(1,-1)

 1  2  3  4  5
[torch.FloatTensor of size 1x5]

What is the most efficient way to store tags in a database?

If you don't mind using a bit of non-standard stuff, Postgres version 9.4 and up has an option of storing a record of type JSON text array.

Your schema would be:

Table: Items
Columns: Item_ID:int, Title:text, Content:text

Table: Tags
Columns: Item_ID:int, Tag_Title:text[]

For more info, see this excellent post by Josh Berkus:

There are more various options compared thoroughly for performance and the one suggested above is the best overall.

fatal: early EOF fatal: index-pack failed

It's confusing because Git logs may suggest any connection or ssh authorization errors, eg: ssh_dispatch_run_fatal: Connection to x.x.x.x port yy: message authentication code incorrect, the remote end hung up unexpectedly, early EOF.

Server-side solution

Let's optimize git repository on the server side:

  1. Enter to my server's git bare repository.
  2. Call git gc.
  3. Call git repack -A


sudo su git
cd /home/git/my_repo_name # where my server's bare repository exists.
git gc
git repack -A

Now I am able clone this repository without errors, e.g. on the client side:

git clone

The command git gc may be called at the git client side to avoid similar git push problem.

If you are an administrator of Gitlab service - trigger Housekeeping manually. It calls internally git gc or git repack.

Client-side solution

Other (hack, client-side only) solution is downloading last master without history:

git clone --single-branch --depth=1

There is a chance that buffer overflow will not occur.

How do I use Apache tomcat 7 built in Host Manager gui?

I'm not sure about Tomcat 7, but with Tomcat 6... once you start Tomcat: By going into the bin directory and starting startup.bat (win) or (Unix/osx) it will spin up a local instance of the server running usually on port 8080 by default. Then by going to http://localhost:8080/ and seeing that it is running, there is a link to the manager. If that page is not there, you can try loading the manager by going directly to manager/html, and that will load the Host Manager gui.


Make sure Tomcat is running first and that 8080 is the right port. These are just the defaults that tomcat usually runs with.

To login you need to edit the conf/tomcat-users.xml, and create a Manager GUI role

<role rolename="manager-gui"/>

and add that to a user

<user username="admin" password="password" roles="manager-gui"/>

Then when you go to Manager GUI app at http://localhost:8080/manager/html it will prompt you for a username/password, which you added to that config file.

How to remove an app with active device admin enabled on Android?

Enter vault password and inside vault right top corner options icon is there. Press on it. In that ->settings->vault admin rites to be unselected. Work done. U can uninstall app now.

Finding row index containing maximum value using R

See ?order. You just need the last index (or first, in decreasing order), so this should do the trick:


CSS submit button weird rendering on iPad/iPhone

The above answer for webkit appearance worked, but the button still looked kind pale/dull compared to the browser on other devices/desktop. I also had to set opacity to full (ranges from 0 to 1)

opacity: 1

After setting the opacity, the button looked the same on all the different devices/emulator/desktop.

reading from app.config file


string value = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[key];

For more details check: Reading Keys from App.Config

HTML image not showing in Gmail

In addition to what was said by Howard

You have to keep in mind that Google encodes spaces as + To avoid this, the ulr must be encoded in RFC 3986, which means spaces encoded at %20, for example: Folder/image 1.jpg to

How to get input text length and validate user in javascript

JavaScript validation is not secure as anybody can change what your script does in the browser. Using it for enhancing the visual experience is ok though.

var textBox = document.getElementById("myTextBox");
var textLength = textBox.value.length;
if(textLength > 5)
    //red = "#FF0000";
    //green = "#00FF00";

Build Error - missing required architecture i386 in file

What has happened here is that Xcode has mysteriously added a "Framework Search Paths" entry that points to a particular iPhone device SDK. For example, mine was recently set to:


This leads the compiler to find frameworks of the incorrect architecture. Removing any values under the "Framework Search Paths" key in your target's build settings will resolve the issue.

Is there a portable way to get the current username in Python?

Using only standard python libs:

from os import environ,getcwd
getUser = lambda: environ["USERNAME"] if "C:" in getcwd() else environ["USER"]
user = getUser()

Works on Windows (if you are on drive C), Mac or Linux

Alternatively, you could remove one line with an immediate invocation:

from os import environ,getcwd
user = (lambda: environ["USERNAME"] if "C:" in getcwd() else environ["USER"])()

convert string to char*

First of all, you would have to allocate memory:

char * S = new char[R.length() + 1];

then you can use strcpy with S and R.c_str():


You can also use R.c_str() if the string doesn't get changed or the c string is only used once. However, if S is going to be modified, you should copy the string, as writing to R.c_str() results in undefined behavior.

Note: Instead of strcpy you can also use str::copy.

How to calculate growth with a positive and negative number?

Simplest solution is the following:


The SIGN() function will result in -1 if the value is negative and 1 if the value is positive. So multiplying by that will conditionally invert the result if the previous value is negative.

CSS3 transition events

W3C CSS Transitions Draft

The completion of a CSS Transition generates a corresponding DOM Event. An event is fired for each property that undergoes a transition. This allows a content developer to perform actions that synchronize with the completion of a transition.


To determine when a transition completes, set a JavaScript event listener function for the DOM event that is sent at the end of a transition. The event is an instance of WebKitTransitionEvent, and its type is webkitTransitionEnd.

box.addEventListener( 'webkitTransitionEnd', 
    function( event ) { alert( "Finished transition!" ); }, false );


There is a single event that is fired when transitions complete. In Firefox, the event is transitionend, in Opera, oTransitionEnd, and in WebKit it is webkitTransitionEnd.


There is one type of transition event available. The oTransitionEnd event occurs at the completion of the transition.

Internet Explorer

The transitionend event occurs at the completion of the transition. If the transition is removed before completion, the event will not fire.

Stack Overflow: How do I normalize CSS3 Transition functions across browsers?

Android Studio Run/Debug configuration error: Module not specified

None of the existing answers worked in my case (Android studio 3.5.0). I had to

  1. close all android studio projects
  2. remove the project from the recent projects in android studio wizard
  3. restart android studio
  4. use import option (Import project- Gradle, Eclipse ADT, etc) instead of open an existing project AS project
  5. File -> Sync project with gradle files

Path.Combine for URLs?

Here is my approach and I will use it for myself too:

public static string UrlCombine(string part1, string part2)
    string newPart1 = string.Empty;
    string newPart2 = string.Empty;
    string seperator = "/";

    // If either part1 or part 2 is empty,
    // we don't need to combine with seperator
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(part1) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(part2))
        seperator = string.Empty;

    // If part1 is not empty,
    // remove '/' at last
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(part1))
        newPart1 = part1.TrimEnd('/');

    // If part2 is not empty,
    // remove '/' at first
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(part2))
        newPart2 = part2.TrimStart('/');

    // Now finally combine
    return string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", newPart1, seperator, newPart2);

How to install ia32-libs in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr)

sudo -i
cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d
echo "deb precise main restricted universe multiverse" >ia32-libs-raring.list
apt-get update
apt-get install ia32-libs
rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ia32-libs-raring.list
apt-get update

If you are in China, you can modify "raring" to "precise" (for Ubuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) and Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin), respectively). I installed Beyond Compare on Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr).

Starting of Tomcat failed from Netbeans

None of the answers here solved my issue (as at February 2020), so I raised an issue at and Netbeans fixed the issue!

They're working on a pull request so the fix will be in a future .dmg installer soon, but in the meantime you can copy a file referenced in the bug and replace one in your netbeans modules folder.

Tip - if you right click on Applications > Netbeans and choose Show Package Contents Show Package Contents then you can find and replace the file org-netbeans-modules-tomcat5.jar that they refer to in your Netbeans folder, e.g. within /Applications/NetBeans/Apache NetBeans

How to clear react-native cache?

For those who are using expo-cli

expo start -c

Create zip file and ignore directory structure

Using -j won't work along with the -r option.
So the work-around for it can be this:

cd path/to/parent/dir/;
zip -r complete/path/to/ ./* ;
cd -;

Or in-line version

cd path/to/parent/dir/ && zip -r complete/path/to/ ./* && cd -

you can direct the output to /dev/null if you don't want the cd - output to appear on screen

Convert JSON String to JSON Object c#

This does't work in case of the JObject this works for the simple json format data. I have tried my data of the below json format data to deserialize in the type but didn't get the response.

For this Json

  "Customer": {
    "id": "Shell",
    "Installations": [
        "id": "Shell.Bangalore",
        "Stations": [
            "id": "Shell.Bangalore.BTM",
            "Pumps": [
                "id": "Shell.Bangalore.BTM.pump1"
                "id": "Shell.Bangalore.BTM.pump2"
                "id": "Shell.Bangalore.BTM.pump3"
            "id": "Shell.Bangalore.Madiwala",
            "Pumps": [
                "id": "Shell.Bangalore.Madiwala.pump4"
                "id": "Shell.Bangalore.Madiwala.pump5"

What is the difference between SQL and MySQL?

SQL stands for Structured Query Language, and it is a programming language designed for querying data from a database. MySQL is a relational database management system, which is a completely different thing.

MySQL is an open-source platform that uses SQL, just like MSSQL, which is Microsoft's product (not open-source) that uses SQL for database management.

BigDecimal equals() versus compareTo()

I see that BigDecimal has an inflate() method on equals() method. What does inflate() do actually?

Basically, inflate() calls BigInteger.valueOf(intCompact) if necessary, i.e. it creates the unscaled value that is stored as a BigInteger from long intCompact. If you don't need that BigInteger and the unscaled value fits into a long BigDecimal seems to try to save space as long as possible.

no module named zlib

By default when you configuring Python source, zlib module is disabled, so you can enable it using option --with-zlib when you configure it. So it becomes

./configure --with-zlib

Print array elements on separate lines in Bash?

Another useful variant is pipe to tr:

echo "${my_array[@]}" | tr ' ' '\n'

This looks simple and compact

Command to change the default home directory of a user

Found out that this breaks some applications, the better way to do it is

In addition to symlink, on more recent distros and filesystems, as root you can also use bind-mount:

mkdir /home/username 
mount --bind --verbose /extra-home/username /home/username

This is useful for allowing access "through" the /home directory to subdirs via daemons that are otherwise configured to avoid pathing through symlinks (apache, ftpd, etc.).

You have to remember (or init script) to bind upon restarts, of course.

An example init script in /etc/fstab is

/extra-home/username /home/username none defaults,bind 0 0

Comment shortcut Android Studio


To comment/uncomment one line, use: Ctrl + /.

To comment/uncomment a block, use: Ctrl + Shift + /.

Python: Finding differences between elements of a list

Ok. I think I found the proper solution:

v = [x[0]-x[1] for x in zip(t[1:],t[:-1])]

SignalR Console app example

To build on @dyslexicanaboko's answer for dotnet core, here is a client console application:

Create a helper class:

using System;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR.Client;

namespace com.stackoverflow.SignalRClientConsoleApp
    public class SignalRConnection
        public async void Start()
            var url = "http://signalr-server-url/hubname";

            var connection = new HubConnectionBuilder()

            // receive a message from the hub
            connection.On<string, string>("ReceiveMessage", (user, message) => OnReceiveMessage(user, message));

            var t = connection.StartAsync();


            // send a message to the hub
            await connection.InvokeAsync("SendMessage", "ConsoleApp", "Message from the console app");

        private void OnReceiveMessage(string user, string message)
            Console.WriteLine($"{user}: {message}");


Then implement in your console app's entry point:

using System;

namespace com.stackoverflow.SignalRClientConsoleApp
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var signalRConnection = new SignalRConnection();


How can I list all cookies for the current page with Javascript?

You can list cookies for current domain:

function listCookies() {
    var theCookies = document.cookie.split(';');
    var aString = '';
    for (var i = 1 ; i <= theCookies.length; i++) {
        aString += i + ' ' + theCookies[i-1] + "\n";
    return aString;

But you cannot list cookies for other domains for security reasons

How I can get and use the header file <graphics.h> in my C++ program?

<graphics.h> is very old library. It's better to use something that is new

Here are some 2D libraries (platform independent) for C/C++




Also there is a free very powerful 3D open source graphics library for C++


Trigger standard HTML5 validation (form) without using submit button?

I know it is an old topic, but when there is a very complex (especially asynchronous) validation process, there is a simple workaround:

<form id="form1">
<input type="button" onclick="javascript:submitIfVeryComplexValidationIsOk()" />
<input type="submit" id="form1_submit_hidden" style="display:none" />
function submitIfVeryComplexValidationIsOk() {
    var form1 = document.forms['form1']
    if (!form1.checkValidity()) {

    if (checkForVeryComplexValidation() === 'Ok') {
    } else {
         alert('form is invalid')

How to print out a variable in makefile

if you use android make (mka) @echo $(NDK_PROJECT_PATH) will not work and gives you error *** missing separator. Stop." use this answer if you are trying to print variables in android make

NDK_PROJECT_PATH := some_value
$(warning $(NDK_PROJECT_PATH))

that worked for me

Reading settings from app.config or web.config in .NET

As I found the best approach to access application settings variables in a systematic way by making a wrapper class over System.Configuration as below

public class BaseConfiguration
    protected static object GetAppSetting(Type expectedType, string key)
        string value = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get(key);
            if (expectedType == typeof(int))
                return int.Parse(value);
            if (expectedType == typeof(string))
                return value;

            throw new Exception("Type not supported.");
        catch (Exception ex)
            throw new Exception(string.Format("Config key:{0} was expected to be of type {1} but was not.",
                key, expectedType), ex);

Now we can access needed settings variables by hard coded names using another class as below:

public class ConfigurationSettings:BaseConfiguration
    #region App setting

    public static string ApplicationName
        get { return (string)GetAppSetting(typeof(string), "ApplicationName"); }

    public static string MailBccAddress
        get { return (string)GetAppSetting(typeof(string), "MailBccAddress"); }

    public static string DefaultConnection
        get { return (string)GetAppSetting(typeof(string), "DefaultConnection"); }

    #endregion App setting

    #region global setting

    #endregion global setting

Unzip files (7-zip) via cmd command

In Windows 10 I had to run the batch file as an administrator.

How to convert int to char with leading zeros?

Had same issue, this is how I resolved... Simple and elegant. The "4" is how long the string should be, no matter what length of integer is passed it will pad with zero's up to "4".

STUFF(SomeVariableOrField,1,0,REPLICATE('0',4 - LEN(SomeVariableOrField)))

Opposite of append in jquery

Use the remove() method:


Is there a unique Android device ID?


This will return whatever string uniquely identifies the device (IMEI on GSM, MEID for CDMA).

You'll need the following permission in your AndroidManifest.xml:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE" />

With android studio no jvm found, JAVA_HOME has been set

Though, the question is asked long back, I see this same issue recently after installing Android Studio 2.1.0v, and JDK 7.80 on my PC Windows 10, 32 bit OS. I got this error.

No JVM installation found. Please install a 32 bit JDK. If you already have a JDK installed define a JAVA_HOME variable in Computer > System Properties > System Settings > Environment Variables.

I tried different ways to fix this nothing worked. But As per System Requirements in this Android developer website link.

Its solved after installing JDK 8(jdk-8u101-windows-i586.exe) JDK download site link.

Hope it helps somebody.

How do I use T-SQL's Case/When?

   WHEN xyz.something = 1 THEN 'SOMETEXT'
   WHEN xyz.somethingelse = 1 THEN 'SOMEOTHERTEXT'
   WHEN xyz.somethingelseagain = 2 THEN 'SOMEOTHERTEXTGOESHERE'
   END AS ColumnName;

Get an element by index in jQuery

You could skip the jquery and just use CSS style tagging:

 <li style="background-color:#343434;">China</li>
 <li>United States</li>
 <li>United Kingdom</li>

Bridged networking not working in Virtualbox under Windows 10

First of all you have to create a VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet adapter

In Virtualbox :

  • Go to File > Preferences On the Network tab select Host only Networks click on "add a Host-only adapter" give it a name by default it is "VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet adapter"

In Windows :

  • go to Network connections on Windows and highlight both the real adapter and the new virtual ethernet adapter that you just created.
  • Right click and select "Bridge Connections", it's going to create a network bridge in Windows.

Now configure your VM :

  • in the Network part you can activate a new adapter and then select Attached to Host only adapter
  • Choose the VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet adapter you have just created

You can now configure your static IP Address by modifying /etc/network/interfaces :

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static

You can now restart eth0 by doing :

sudo ifdown eth0
sudo ifup eth0

Some wireless adapters don't work

How to remove symbols from a string with Python?

Sometimes it takes longer to figure out the regex than to just write it out in python:

import string
s = "how much for the maple syrup? $20.99? That's ricidulous!!!"
for char in string.punctuation:
    s = s.replace(char, ' ')

If you need other characters you can change it to use a white-list or extend your black-list.

Sample white-list:

whitelist = string.letters + string.digits + ' '
new_s = ''
for char in s:
    if char in whitelist:
        new_s += char
        new_s += ' '

Sample white-list using a generator-expression:

whitelist = string.letters + string.digits + ' '
new_s = ''.join(c for c in s if c in whitelist)

How to animate the change of image in an UIImageView?


var fadeAnim:CABasicAnimation = CABasicAnimation(keyPath: "contents");

fadeAnim.fromValue = firstImage;
fadeAnim.toValue   = secondImage;
fadeAnim.duration  = 0.8;         //smoothest value

imageView.layer.addAnimation(fadeAnim, forKey: "contents");

imageView.image = secondImage;


UIImageView Example from code

Fun, More Verbose Solution: (Toggling on a tap)

    let fadeAnim:CABasicAnimation = CABasicAnimation(keyPath: "contents");

    switch imageView.image {
        case firstImage?:
            fadeAnim.fromValue = firstImage;
            fadeAnim.toValue   = secondImage;
            imageView.image    = secondImage;
            fadeAnim.fromValue = secondImage;
            fadeAnim.toValue   = firstImage;
            imageView.image    = firstImage;

    fadeAnim.duration = 0.8;

    imageView.layer.addAnimation(fadeAnim, forKey: "contents");

What is the difference between '@' and '=' in directive scope in AngularJS?

I created a little HTML file that contains Angular code demonstrating the differences between them:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script src=""></script>
  <body ng-app="myApp">
    <div ng-controller="myCtrl as VM">
      <a my-dir
        attr1="VM.sayHi('Juan')" <!-- scope: "=" -->
        attr2="VM.sayHi('Juan')" <!-- scope: "@" -->
        attr3="VM.sayHi('Juan')" <!-- scope: "&" -->
    angular.module("myApp", [])
    .controller("myCtrl", [function(){
      var vm = this;
      vm.sayHi = function(name){
        return ("Hey there, " + name);
    .directive("myDir", [function(){
      return {
        scope: {
          attr1: "=",
          attr2: "@",
          attr3: "&"
        link: function(scope){
          console.log(scope.attr1);   // =, logs "Hey there, Juan"
          console.log(scope.attr2);   // @, logs "VM.sayHi('Juan')"
          console.log(scope.attr3);   // &, logs "function (a){return h(c,a)}"
          console.log(scope.attr3()); // &, logs "Hey there, Juan"

Writing a Python list of lists to a csv file

Ambers's solution also works well for numpy arrays:

from pylab import *
import csv

with open("output.csv", "wb") as f:
    writer = csv.writer(f)

Plotting multiple lines, in different colors, with pandas dataframe

If you have seaborn installed, an easier method that does not require you to perform pivot:

import seaborn as sns

sns.lineplot(data=df, x='x', y='y', hue='color')

How to "add existing frameworks" in Xcode 4?

Xcode 12

Just drag it into the Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content of the General section of the Target:

enter image description here Done!

Note that Xcode 11 and 10 have a very similar flow too.

How do I decode a URL parameter using C#?

Try this:

string decodedUrl = HttpUtility.UrlDecode("my.aspx?val=%2Fxyz2F");

How to set up Automapper in ASP.NET Core

In my Startup.cs (Core 2.2, Automapper 8.1.1)

services.AddAutoMapper(new Type[] { typeof(DAL.MapperProfile) });            

In my data access project

namespace DAL
    public class MapperProfile : Profile
        // place holder for AddAutoMapper (to bring in the DAL assembly)

In my model definition

namespace DAL.Models
    public class PositionProfile : Profile
        public PositionProfile()
            CreateMap<Position, PositionDto_v1>();

    public class Position

Removing element from array in component state

Just a suggestion,in your code instead of using let newData = you could use spread which is introduced in ES6 that is you can uselet newData = for copying array

Three dots ... represents Spread Operators or Rest Parameters,

It allows an array expression or string or anything which can be iterating to be expanded in places where zero or more arguments for function calls or elements for array are expected.

Additionally you can delete item from array with following

onRemovePerson: function(index) {
  this.setState((prevState) => ({
    data: [,index),]

Hope this contributes!!

single line comment in HTML

TL;DR For conforming browsers, yes; but there are no conforming browsers, so no.

According to the HTML 4 specification, <!------> hello--> is a perfectly valid comment. However, I've not found a browser which implements this correctly (i.e. per the specification) due to developers not knowing, nor following, the standards (as digitaldreamer pointed out).

You can find the definition of a comment for HTML4 on the w3c's website:

Another thing that many browsers get wrong is that -- > closes a comment just like -->.

How to secure RESTful web services?

There's another, very secure method. It's client certificates. Know how servers present an SSL Cert when you contact them on https? Well servers can request a cert from a client so they know the client is who they say they are. Clients generate certs and give them to you over a secure channel (like coming into your office with a USB key - preferably a non-trojaned USB key).

You load the public key of the cert client certificates (and their signer's certificate(s), if necessary) into your web server, and the web server won't accept connections from anyone except the people who have the corresponding private keys for the certs it knows about. It runs on the HTTPS layer, so you may even be able to completely skip application-level authentication like OAuth (depending on your requirements). You can abstract a layer away and create a local Certificate Authority and sign Cert Requests from clients, allowing you to skip the 'make them come into the office' and 'load certs onto the server' steps.

Pain the neck? Absolutely. Good for everything? Nope. Very secure? Yup.

It does rely on clients keeping their certificates safe however (they can't post their private keys online), and it's usually used when you sell a service to clients rather then letting anyone register and connect.

Anyway, it may not be the solution you're looking for (it probably isn't to be honest), but it's another option.

A project with an Output Type of Class Library cannot be started directly

Just right click on the Project Solution A window pops up. Expand the common Properties. Select Start Up Project

In there on right hand side Select radio button with Single Startup Project Select your Project in there and apply.

That's it. Now save and build your project. Run the project to see the output.


JQuery Error: cannot call methods on dialog prior to initialization; attempted to call method 'close'

I know this is very old, but I got the same issue when I had to navigate through an angular route and the dialog is open, it remained open. So I got a workaround to call the close method in the route controller destructor. But got this above mentioned error if the dialog was not open. So the answer is if you are closing the dialog prior to initialization it will through this error. To check if the dialog is open then close it wrap your close state in this condition.

if($('#mydialog').dialog('isOpen')) { //close dialog code}

How to retrieve the current value of an oracle sequence without increment it?

I also tried to use CURRVAL, in my case to find out if some process inserted new rows to some table with that sequence as Primary Key. My assumption was that CURRVAL would be the fastest method. But a) CurrVal does not work, it will just get the old value because you are in another Oracle session, until you do a NEXTVAL in your own session. And b) a select max(PK) from TheTable is also very fast, probably because a PK is always indexed. Or select count(*) from TheTable. I am still experimenting, but both SELECTs seem fast.

I don't mind a gap in a sequence, but in my case I was thinking of polling a lot, and I would hate the idea of very large gaps. Especially if a simple SELECT would be just as fast.


  • CURRVAL is pretty useless, as it does not detect NEXTVAL from another session, it only returns what you already knew from your previous NEXTVAL
  • SELECT MAX(...) FROM ... is a good solution, simple and fast, assuming your sequence is linked to that table

In Python, how to check if a string only contains certain characters?

A different approach, because in my case I needed to also check whether it contained certain words (like 'test' in this example), not characters alone:

input_string = 'abc test'
input_string_test = input_string
allowed_list = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'test', ' ']

for allowed_list_item in allowed_list:
    input_string_test = input_string_test.replace(allowed_list_item, '')

if not input_string_test:
    # test passed

So, the allowed strings (char or word) are cut from the input string. If the input string only contained strings that were allowed, it should leave an empty string and therefore should pass if not input_string.

Input length must be multiple of 16 when decrypting with padded cipher

This is a very old question, but my answer may help someone.

  • In the encrypt method, don't forget to encode your string to Base64
  • In the decrypt method, don't forget to decode your string to Base64

Below is the working code

    import java.util.Arrays;
    import java.util.Base64;

    import javax.crypto.Cipher;
    import javax.crypto.SecretKey;
    import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;

    public class EncryptionDecryptionUtil {

    public static String encrypt(final String secret, final String data) {

        byte[] decodedKey = Base64.getDecoder().decode(secret);

        try {
            Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES");
            // rebuild key using SecretKeySpec
            SecretKey originalKey = new SecretKeySpec(Arrays.copyOf(decodedKey, 16), "AES");
            cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, originalKey);
            byte[] cipherText = cipher.doFinal(data.getBytes("UTF-8"));
            return Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(cipherText);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(
                    "Error occured while encrypting data", e);


    public static String decrypt(final String secret,
            final String encryptedString) {

        byte[] decodedKey = Base64.getDecoder().decode(secret);

        try {
            Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES");
            // rebuild key using SecretKeySpec
            SecretKey originalKey = new SecretKeySpec(Arrays.copyOf(decodedKey, 16), "AES");
            cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, originalKey);
            byte[] cipherText = cipher.doFinal(Base64.getDecoder().decode(encryptedString));
            return new String(cipherText);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(
                    "Error occured while decrypting data", e);

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        String data = "This is not easy as you think";
        String key = "---------------------------------";
        String encrypted = encrypt(key, data);
        System.out.println(decrypt(key, encrypted));

For Generating Key you can use below class

import java.util.Base64;

import javax.crypto.KeyGenerator;
import javax.crypto.SecretKey;

public class SecretKeyGenerator {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {

        KeyGenerator keyGenerator = KeyGenerator.getInstance("AES");

        SecureRandom secureRandom = new SecureRandom();
        int keyBitSize = 256;
        keyGenerator.init(keyBitSize, secureRandom);

        SecretKey secretKey = keyGenerator.generateKey();



Difference between mkdir() and mkdirs() in java for


creates only one directory at a time, if it is parent that one only. other wise it can create the sub directory(if the specified path is existed only) and do not create any directories in between any two directories. so it can not create smultiple directories in one directory


create the multiple directories(in between two directories also) at a time.

When to use setAttribute vs .attribute= in JavaScript?

"When to use setAttribute vs .attribute= in JavaScript?"

A general rule is to use .attribute and check if it works on the browser.

..If it works on the browser, you're good to go.

..If it doesn't, use .setAttribute(attribute, value) instead of .attribute for that attribute.

Rinse-repeat for all attributes.

Well, if you're lazy you can simply use .setAttribute. That should work fine on most browsers. (Though browsers that support .attribute can optimize it better than .setAttribute(attribute, value).)

Vlookup referring to table data in a different sheet

Your formula looks fine. Maybe the value you are looking for is not in the first column of the second table?

If the second sheet is in another workbook, you need to add a Workbook reference to your formula:


What's the strangest corner case you've seen in C# or .NET?

Just found a nice little thing today:

public class Base
   public virtual void Initialize(dynamic stuff) { 
public class Derived:Base
   public override void Initialize(dynamic stuff) {

This throws compile error.

The call to method 'Initialize' needs to be dynamically dispatched, but cannot be because it is part of a base access expression. Consider casting the dynamic arguments or eliminating the base access.

If I write base.Initialize(stuff as object); it works perfectly, however this seems to be a "magic word" here, since it does exactly the same, everything is still recieved as dynamic...

Static Final Variable in Java

Just having final will have the intended effect.

final int x = 5;

x = 10; // this will cause a compilation error because x is final

Declaring static is making it a class variable, making it accessible using the class name <ClassName>.x

How to force a script reload and re-execute?

How about adding a new script tag to <head> with the script to (re)load? Something like below:

   function load_js()
      var head= document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
      var script= document.createElement('script');
      script.src= 'source_file.js';

The main point is inserting a new script tag -- you can remove the old one without consequence. You may need to add a timestamp to the query string if you have caching issues.

Python IndentationError unindent does not match any outer indentation level

I recently ran into the same problem but the issue wasn't related to tabs and spaces but an odd Unicode character that appeared invisible to the eye in my IDE. Eventually, I isolated the problem and typed out the line exactly as it was and checked the git diff:

enter image description here

If you are able to isolate the line before the reported line and type it out again, you might find that it solves your problem. Won't tell you why it happened in the first place, but it at least gets rid of the issue.

Convert Pixels to Points

Using wxPython on Mac to get the correct DPI as follows:

    from wx import ScreenDC
    from wx import Size

    size: Size = ScreenDC().GetPPI()
    print(f'x-DPI: {size.GetWidth()} y-DPI: {size.GetHeight()}')

This yields:

x-DPI: 72 y-DPI: 72

Thus, the formula is:

points: int = (pixelNumber * 72) // 72

Javascript: Load an Image from url and display

Add a div with ID imgDiv and make your script

 document.getElementById('imgDiv').innerHTML='<img src=\''+document.getElementById('imagename').value +'.png\'>'

I tried to stay as close to your original as tp not overwhelm you with jQuery and such

Unable to make the session state request to the session state server

Check that:


is correct. Also please check that default port (42424) is available and your system does not have a firewall that is blocking the port on your system

How do you create a REST client for Java?

Examples of jersey Rest client :
Adding dependency :

         <!-- jersey -->



ForGetMethod and passing two parameter :

          Client client = Client.create();
           WebResource webResource1 = client
                                + userN + "/" + groupName);

                ClientResponse response1 = webResource1.get(ClientResponse.class);
                System.out.println("responser is" + response1);

GetMethod passing one parameter and Getting a Respone of List :

       Client client = Client.create();

        WebResource webResource1 = client
    //value changed
    String response1 = webResource1.type(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).get(String.class);

    List <String > Assignedlist =new ArrayList<String>();
     JSONArray jsonArr2 =new JSONArray(response1);
    for (int i =0;i<jsonArr2.length();i++){


In Above It Returns a List which we are accepting as a List and then converting it to Json Array and then Json Array to List .

If Post Request passing Json Object as Parameter :

   Client client = Client.create();
    WebResource webResource = client
    // value added

    ClientResponse response = webResource.type(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).post(ClientResponse.class,mapper.writeValueAsString(user));

    if (response.getStatus() == 500) {

        context.addMessage(null, new FacesMessage("User already exist "));

FileNotFoundException while getting the InputStream object from HttpURLConnection

To anyone with this problem in the future, the reason is because the status code was a 404 (or in my case was a 500). It appears the InpuStream function will throw an error when the status code is not 200.

In my case I control my own server and was returning a 500 status code to indicate an error occurred. Despite me also sending a body with a string message detailing the error, the inputstream threw an error regardless of the body being completely readable.

If you control your server I suppose this can be handled by sending yourself a 200 status code and then handling whatever the string error response was.

Reloading .env variables without restarting server (Laravel 5, shared hosting)

To be clear there are 4 types of caches you can clear depending upon your case.

php artisan cache:clear

You can run the above statement in your console when you wish to clear the application cache. What it does is that this statement clears all caches inside storage\framework\cache.

php artisan route:cache

This clears your route cache. So if you have added a new route or have changed a route controller or action you can use this one to reload the same.

php artisan config:cache 

This will clear the caching of the env file and reload it

php artisan view:clear 

This will clear the compiled view files of your application.

For Shared Hosting

Most of the shared hosting providers don't provide SSH access to the systems. In such a case you will need to create a route and call the following line as below:

Route::get('/clear-cache', function() {
    return "All cache cleared";

How to set a variable to be "Today's" date in Python/Pandas

i got the same problem so tried so many things but finally this is the solution.

import time 

print (time.strftime("%d/%m/%Y"))

JSLint is suddenly reporting: Use the function form of "use strict"

I think everyone missed the "suddenly" part of this question. Most likely, your .jshintrc has a syntax error, so it's not including the 'browser' line. Run it through a json validator to see where the error is.

Making the Android emulator run faster

Enabling this option worked for me.

AVD Manager -> Select device and click Edit-> Enable the option 'Use Host GPU'

enter image description here

C#: How do you edit items and subitems in a listview?

If you're looking for "in-place" editing of a ListView's contents (specifically the subitems of a ListView in details view mode), you'll need to implement this yourself, or use a third-party control.

By default, the best you can achieve with a "standard" ListView is to set it's LabelEdit property to true to allow the user to edit the text of the first column of the ListView (assuming you want to allow a free-format text edit).

Some examples (including full source-code) of customized ListView's that allow "in-place" editing of sub-items are:

C# Editable ListView
In-place editing of ListView subitems

Changing the color of a clicked table row using jQuery

I'm not an expert in JQuery but I have the same scenario and I able to accomplis like this:

$("#data tr").click(function(){


<style type="text/css">

.selected {
    background: red;


Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'msie' of undefined - jQuery tools

Use like blow

$(function (a) {

. . . . .then in your function you can using msie property like

if (a.browser.msie) 


Get original URL referer with PHP?

Store it either in a cookie (if it's acceptable for your situation), or in a session variable.


if ( !isset( $_SESSION["origURL"] ) )

When to use DataContract and DataMember attributes?

  1. Data contract: It specifies that your entity class is ready for Serialization process.

  2. Data members: It specifies that the particular field is part of the data contract and it can be serialized.

How to find out what group a given user has?

Below is the script which is integrated into ansible and generating dashboard in CSV format.



HOSTNAME=`hostname -s`

for i in `cat /etc/passwd| grep -vE "nologin|shutd|hal|sync|root|false"|awk -F':' '{print$1}' | sed 's/[[:space:]]/,/g'`; do groups $i; done|sed s/\:/\,/g|tr -d ' '|sed -e "s/^/$HOSTNAME,/"> /tmp/"$HOSTNAME"_inventory.txt

sudo cat /etc/sudoers| grep -v "^#"|awk '{print $1}'|grep -v Defaults|sed '/^$/d;s/[[:blank:]]//g'>/tmp/"$HOSTNAME"_sudo.txt

paste -d , /tmp/"$HOSTNAME"_inventory.txt /tmp/"$HOSTNAME"_sudo.txt|sed 's/,[[:blank:]]*$//g' >/tmp/"$HOSTNAME"_inventory_users.txt

My output stored in below text files.

cat /tmp/ANSIBLENODE_sudo.txt
cat /tmp/ANSIBLENODE_inventory.txt
cat /tmp/ANSIBLENODE_inventory_users.txt

How to do a recursive find/replace of a string with awk or sed?

If you wanted to use this without completely destroying your SVN repository, you can tell 'find' to ignore all hidden files by doing:

find . \( ! -regex '.*/\..*' \) -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i 's/'

Setting focus to a textbox control

Because you want to set it when the form loads, you have to first .Show() the form before you can call the .Focus() method. The form cannot take focus in the Load event until you show the form

Private Sub RibbonForm1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load

End Sub

UIView background color in Swift

You can use the line below which goes into a closure (viewDidLoad, didLayOutSubViews, etc):

self.view.backgroundColor = .redColor()

EDIT Swift 3:

view.backgroundColor = .red

Spark difference between reduceByKey vs groupByKey vs aggregateByKey vs combineByKey

Then apart from these 4, we have

foldByKey which is same as reduceByKey but with a user defined Zero Value.

AggregateByKey takes 3 parameters as input and uses 2 functions for merging(one for merging on same partitions and another to merge values across partition. The first parameter is ZeroValue)


ReduceBykey takes 1 parameter only which is a function for merging.

CombineByKey takes 3 parameter and all 3 are functions. Similar to aggregateBykey except it can have a function for ZeroValue.

GroupByKey takes no parameter and groups everything. Also, it is an overhead for data transfer across partitions.

How to restart kubernetes nodes?

I had an onpremises HA installation, a master and a worker stopped working returning a NOTReady status. Checking the kubelet logs on the nodes I found out this problem:

failed to run Kubelet: Running with swap on is not supported, please disable swap! or set --fail-swap-on flag to false

Disabling swap on nodes with

swapoff -a

and restarting the kubelet

systemctl restart kubelet

did the work.

How can I get table names from an MS Access Database?

Schema information which is designed to be very close to that of the SQL-92 INFORMATION_SCHEMA may be obtained for the Jet/ACE engine (which is what I assume you mean by 'access') via the OLE DB providers.


OpenSchema Method (ADO)

Supported Schema Rowsets

pandas: to_numeric for multiple columns

You can use:

print df.columns[5:]
Index([u'2004', u'2005', u'2006', u'2007', u'2008', u'2009', u'2010', u'2011',
       u'2012', u'2013', u'2014'],

for col in  df.columns[5:]:
    df[col] = pd.to_numeric(df[col], errors='coerce')

print df
       GeoName      ComponentName  IndustryId  IndustryClassification  \
37926  Alabama  Real GDP by state           9                     213   
37951  Alabama  Real GDP by state          34                      42   
37932  Alabama  Real GDP by state          15                     327   

                                      Description  2004   2005   2006   2007  \
37926               Support activities for mining    99     98    117    117   
37951                            Wholesale  trade  9898  10613  10952  11034   
37932  Nonmetallic mineral products manufacturing   980    968    940   1084   

        2008  2009  2010  2011  2012  2013     2014  
37926    115    87    96    95   103   102      NaN  
37951  11075  9722  9765  9703  9600  9884  10199.0  
37932    861   724   714   701   589   641      NaN  

Another solution with filter:

print df.filter(like='20')
       2004   2005   2006   2007   2008  2009  2010  2011  2012  2013   2014
37926    99     98    117    117    115    87    96    95   103   102   (NA)
37951  9898  10613  10952  11034  11075  9722  9765  9703  9600  9884  10199
37932   980    968    940   1084    861   724   714   701   589   641   (NA)

for col in  df.filter(like='20').columns:
    df[col] = pd.to_numeric(df[col], errors='coerce')
print df
       GeoName      ComponentName  IndustryId  IndustryClassification  \
37926  Alabama  Real GDP by state           9                     213   
37951  Alabama  Real GDP by state          34                      42   
37932  Alabama  Real GDP by state          15                     327   

                                      Description  2004   2005   2006   2007  \
37926               Support activities for mining    99     98    117    117   
37951                            Wholesale  trade  9898  10613  10952  11034   
37932  Nonmetallic mineral products manufacturing   980    968    940   1084   

        2008  2009  2010  2011  2012  2013     2014  
37926    115    87    96    95   103   102      NaN  
37951  11075  9722  9765  9703  9600  9884  10199.0  
37932    861   724   714   701   589   641      NaN  

best OCR (Optical character recognition) example in android

Like you I also faced many problems implementing OCR in Android, but after much Googling I found the solution, and it surely is the best example of OCR.

Let me explain using step-by-step guidance.

First, download the source code from

Import all three projects. After importing you will get an error. To solve the error you have to create a res folder in the tess-two project

enter image description here

First, just create res folder in tess-two by tess-two->RightClick->new Folder->Name it "res"

After doing this in all three project the error should be gone.

Now download the source code from, here you will get best example.

Now you just need to import it into your workspace, but first you have to download android-ndk from this site: i have windows 7 - 32 bit PC so I have download this file

Now extract it suppose I have extract it into E:\Software\android-ndk-r9 so I will set this path on Environment Variable

Right Click on MyComputer->Property->Advance-System-Settings->Advance->Environment Variable-> find PATH on second below Box and set like path like below picture

enter image description here

done it

Now open cmd and go to on D:\Android Workspace\tess-two like below

enter image description here

If you have successfully set up environment variable of NDK then just type ndk-build just like above picture than enter you will not get any kind of error and all file will be compiled successfully:

Now download other source code also from , and extract and import it and give it name OCRTest, like in my PC which is in D:\Android Workspace\OCRTest

enter image description here

Import test-two in this and run OCRTest and run it; you will get the best example of OCR.

How do I change the JAVA_HOME for ant?

JAVA_HOME should point at where the JDK is installed not not a JRE.

So, if you type ls $JAVA_HOME what do you see? if you do ls $JAVA_HOME/bin/ do you see javac?

If the first doesn't work then you don't have JAVA_HOME pointing at the right directory. If the second doesn't work then you need to point JAVA_HOME at a JDK instead of a JRE.

Jquery Validate custom error message location


Demo & example

    // Specify validation rules_x000D_
    rules: {_x000D_
      firstname: "required",_x000D_
      lastname: "required",_x000D_
      email: {_x000D_
        required: true,_x000D_
        email: true_x000D_
      },      _x000D_
      phone: {_x000D_
        required: true,_x000D_
        digits: true,_x000D_
        minlength: 10,_x000D_
        maxlength: 10,_x000D_
      password: {_x000D_
        required: true,_x000D_
        minlength: 5,_x000D_
    messages: {_x000D_
      firstname: {_x000D_
      required: "Please enter first name",_x000D_
     },      _x000D_
     lastname: {_x000D_
      required: "Please enter last name",_x000D_
     },     _x000D_
     phone: {_x000D_
      required: "Please enter phone number",_x000D_
      digits: "Please enter valid phone number",_x000D_
      minlength: "Phone number field accept only 10 digits",_x000D_
      maxlength: "Phone number field accept only 10 digits",_x000D_
     },     _x000D_
     email: {_x000D_
      required: "Please enter email address",_x000D_
      email: "Please enter a valid email address.",_x000D_
<!DOCTYPE html>_x000D_
<title>jQuery Form Validation Using validator()</title>_x000D_
<script src=""></script> _x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
    color: red;_x000D_
  button {_x000D_
    border: 0;_x000D_
    margin-bottom: 3px;_x000D_
    display: block;_x000D_
    width: 100%;_x000D_
 .common_box_body {_x000D_
    padding: 15px;_x000D_
    border: 12px solid #28BAA2;_x000D_
    border-color: #28BAA2;_x000D_
    border-radius: 15px;_x000D_
    margin-top: 10px;_x000D_
    background: #d4edda;_x000D_
<div class="common_box_body test">_x000D_
  <form action="#" name="registration" id="registration">_x000D_
    <label for="firstname">First Name</label>_x000D_
    <input type="text" name="firstname" id="firstname" placeholder="John"><br>_x000D_
    <label for="lastname">Last Name</label>_x000D_
    <input type="text" name="lastname" id="lastname" placeholder="Doe"><br>_x000D_
    <label for="phone">Phone</label>_x000D_
    <input type="text" name="phone" id="phone" placeholder="8889988899"><br>  _x000D_
    <label for="email">Email</label>_x000D_
    <input type="email" name="email" id="email" placeholder="[email protected]"><br>_x000D_
    <label for="password">Password</label>_x000D_
    <input type="password" name="password" id="password" placeholder=""><br>_x000D_
    <input name="submit" type="submit" id="submit" class="submit" value="Submit">_x000D_

Twitter Bootstrap scrollable table rows and fixed header

Interesting question, I tried doing this by just doing a fixed position row, but this way seems to be a much better one. Source at bottom.


thead { display:block; background: green; margin:0px; cell-spacing:0px; left:0px; }
tbody { display:block; overflow:auto; height:100px; }
th { height:50px; width:80px; }
td { height:50px; width:80px; background:blue; margin:0px; cell-spacing:0px;}



FirstOrDefault: Default value other than null

You can use DefaultIfEmpty followed by First:

T customDefault = ...;
IEnumerable<T> mySequence = ...;

Using a cursor with dynamic SQL in a stored procedure

After recently switching from Oracle to SQL Server (employer preference), I notice cursor support in SQL Server is lagging. Cursors are not always evil, sometimes required, sometimes much faster, and sometimes cleaner than trying to tune a complex query by re-arranging or adding optimization hints. The "cursors are evil" opinion is much more prominent in the SQL Server community.

So I guess this answer is to switch to Oracle or give MS a clue.

Difference between ApiController and Controller in ASP.NET MVC

The main difference is: Web API is a service for any client, any devices, and MVC Controller only serve its client. The same because it is MVC platform.

How to achieve function overloading in C?

Try to declare these functions as extern "C++" if your compiler supports this,

multiple conditions for JavaScript .includes() method

Another one!

let result_x000D_
const givenStr = 'A, X' //values separated by comma or space._x000D_
const allowed  = ['A', 'B']_x000D_
const given    = givenStr.split(/[\s,]+/).filter(v => v)_x000D_
console.log('given (array):', given)_x000D_
// given contains none or only allowed values:_x000D_
result = given.reduce((acc, val) => {_x000D_
  return acc && allowed.includes(val)_x000D_
}, true)_x000D_
console.log('given contains none or only allowed values:', result)_x000D_
// given contains at least one allowed value:_x000D_
result = given.reduce((acc, val) => {_x000D_
  return acc || allowed.includes(val)_x000D_
}, false)_x000D_
console.log('given contains at least one allowed value:', result)

Kill detached screen session

screen -wipe

Should clean all dead screen sessions.

How to Update Date and Time of Raspberry Pi With out Internet

Thanks for the replies.
What I did was,
1. I install meinberg ntp software application on windows 7 pc. (softros ntp server is also possible.)
2. change raspberry pi ntp.conf file (for auto update date and time)

server iburst
server iburst
server iburst
server iburst

3. If you want to make sure that date and time update at startup run this python script in rpi,

import os

    client = ntplib.NTPClient()
    response = client.request('', version=4)
    print "===================================="
    print "Offset : "+str(response.offset)
    print "Version : "+str(response.version)
    print "Date Time : "+str(ctime(response.tx_time))
    print "Leap : "+str(ntplib.leap_to_text(response.leap))
    print "Root Delay : "+str(response.root_delay)
    print "Ref Id : "+str(ntplib.ref_id_to_text(response.ref_id))
    os.system("sudo date -s '"+str(ctime(response.tx_time))+"'")
    print "===================================="
    os.system("sudo date")
    print "NTP Server Down Date Time NOT Set At The Startup"

I found more info in raspberry pi forum.

Extract Month and Year From Date in R

This will add a new column to your data.frame with the specified format.

df$Month_Yr <- format(as.Date(df$Date), "%Y-%m")

#>   ID       Date Month_Yr
#> 1  1 2004-02-06  2004-02
#> 2  2 2006-03-14  2006-03
#> 3  3 2007-07-16  2007-07

# your data sample
  df <- data.frame( ID=1:3,Date = c("2004-02-06" , "2006-03-14" , "2007-07-16") )

a simple example:

dates <- "2004-02-06"

format(as.Date(dates), "%Y-%m")
> "2004-02"

side note: the data.table approach can be quite faster in case you're working with a big dataset.

setDT(df)[, Month_Yr := format(as.Date(Date), "%Y-%m") ]

How to create a simple checkbox in iOS?

Yeah, no checkbox for you in iOS (-:

Here, this is what I did to create a checkbox:

UIButton *checkbox;
BOOL checkBoxSelected;
checkbox = [[UIButton alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(x,y,20,20)];
// 20x20 is the size of the checkbox that you want
// create 2 images sizes 20x20 , one empty square and
// another of the same square with the checkmark in it
// Create 2 UIImages with these new images, then:

[checkbox setBackgroundImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"notselectedcheckbox.png"]
[checkbox setBackgroundImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"selectedcheckbox.png"]
[checkbox setBackgroundImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"selectedcheckbox.png"]
[checkbox addTarget:(nullable id) action:(nonnull SEL) forControlEvents:(UIControlEvents)];
[self.view addSubview:checkbox];

Now in the target method do the following:

    checkBoxSelected = !checkBoxSelected; /* Toggle */
    [checkbox setSelected:checkBoxSelected];

That's it!

Linq UNION query to select two elements


Ok I found why the int.ToString() in LINQtoEF fails, please read this post: Problem with converting int to string in Linq to entities

This works on my side :

        List<string> materialTypes = (from u in result.Users
                                      select u.LastName)
                       .Union(from u in result.Users
                               select SqlFunctions.StringConvert((double) u.UserId)).ToList();

On yours it should be like this:

    IList<String> materialTypes = ((from tom in context.MaterialTypes
                                       where tom.IsActive == true
                                       select tom.Name)
                                       .Union(from tom in context.MaterialTypes
                                       where tom.IsActive == true
                                       select SqlFunctions.StringConvert((double)tom.ID))).ToList();

Thanks, i've learnt something today :)

How to _really_ programmatically change primary and accent color in Android Lollipop?

from an activity you can do:

getWindow().setStatusBarColor(i color);

How to save select query results within temporary table?

select *
into #TempTable
from SomeTale

select *
from #TempTable

INNER JOIN vs LEFT JOIN performance in SQL Server

Outer joins can offer superior performance when used in views.

Say you have a query that involves a view, and that view is comprised of 10 tables joined together. Say your query only happens to use columns from 3 out of those 10 tables.

If those 10 tables had been inner-joined together, then the query optimizer would have to join them all even though your query itself doesn't need 7 out of 10 of the tables. That's because the inner joins themselves might filter down the data, making them essential to compute.

If those 10 tables had been outer-joined together instead, then the query optimizer would only actually join the ones that were necessary: 3 out of 10 of them in this case. That's because the joins themselves are no longer filtering the data, and thus unused joins can be skipped.


How to print a string at a fixed width?

This will Help to Keep a fixed length when you want to print several elements at one print statement

25s format a string with 25 spaces, left justified by default

5d format an integer reserving 5 spaces, right justified by default

print('{:25s} {:32s} {:35s} '.format("Name","Country","Age"))
print('{:25s} {:30s} {:5d} '.format(members[0],"Srilanka",20))
print('{:25s} {:30s} {:5d} '.format(members[1],"Australia",25))
print('{:25s} {:30s} {:5d} '.format(members[2],"England",30))

25s format a string with 25 spaces, left justified by default

5d format an integer reserving 5 spaces, right justified by default

And this will print

Name                      Country                          Age
Niroshan                  Srilanka                          20
Brayan                    Australia                         25
Kate                      England                           30

How to loop through all enum values in C#?

foreach (Foos foo in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Foos)))

Read and parse a Json File in C#

This code can help you:

string _filePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory);

JObject data = JObject.Parse(_filePath );

Download multiple files as a zip-file using php

This is a working example of making ZIPs in PHP:

$zip = new ZipArchive();
$zip_name = time().".zip"; // Zip name
$zip->open($zip_name,  ZipArchive::CREATE);
foreach ($files as $file) {
  echo $path = "uploadpdf/".$file;
  $zip->addFromString(basename($path),  file_get_contents($path));  
   echo"file does not exist";

How to group an array of objects by key

Agree that unless you use these often there is no need for an external library. Although similar solutions are available, I see that some of them are tricky to follow here is a gist that has a solution with comments if you're trying to understand what is happening.

const cars = [{
  'make': 'audi',
  'model': 'r8',
  'year': '2012'
}, {
  'make': 'audi',
  'model': 'rs5',
  'year': '2013'
}, {
  'make': 'ford',
  'model': 'mustang',
  'year': '2012'
}, {
  'make': 'ford',
  'model': 'fusion',
  'year': '2015'
}, {
  'make': 'kia',
  'model': 'optima',
  'year': '2012'
}, ];

 * Groups an array of objects by a key an returns an object or array grouped by provided key.
 * @param array - array to group objects by key.
 * @param key - key to group array objects by.
 * @param removeKey  - remove the key and it's value from the resulting object.
 * @param outputType - type of structure the output should be contained in.
const groupBy = (
  removeKey = false,
  outputType = {},
) => {
  return inputArray.reduce(
    (previous, current) => {
      // Get the current value that matches the input key and remove the key value for it.
      const {
        [key]: keyValue
      } = current;
      // remove the key if option is set
      removeKey && keyValue && delete current[key];
      // If there is already an array for the user provided key use it else default to an empty array.
      const {
        [keyValue]: reducedValue = []
      } = previous;

      // Create a new object and return that merges the previous with the current object
      return Object.assign(previous, {
        [keyValue]: reducedValue.concat(current)
    // Replace the object here to an array to change output object to an array

console.log(groupBy(cars, 'make', true))

How to get first two characters of a string in oracle query?

select substr(orderno,1,2) from shipment;

You may want to have a look at the documentation too.

"UserWarning: Matplotlib is currently using agg, which is a non-GUI backend, so cannot show the figure." when plotting figure with pyplot on Pycharm

In my case, the error message was implying that I was working in a headless console. So could not work. What worked was calling plt.savefig:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.plot([1,2,3], [5,7,4])

I found the answer on a github repository.

How to use the command update-alternatives --config java

I'm using Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. Most of the time, when I change my java version, I also want to use the same javac version.
I use update-alternatives this way, using a java_home alternative instead :


Install every java version in /opt/java/<version>, for example

~$ ll /opt/java/
total 24
drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 4096 jan. 22 21:14 ./
drwxr-xr-x 9 root root 4096 feb.  7 13:40 ../
drwxr-xr-x  8 stephanecodes stephanecodes 4096 jan.   8  2019 jdk-11.0.2/
drwxr-xr-x  7 stephanecodes stephanecodes 4096 dec.  15  2018 jdk1.8.0_201/

Configure alternatives

~$ sudo update-alternatives --install /opt/java/current java_home /opt/java/jdk-11.0.2/ 100
~$ sudo update-alternatives --install /opt/java/current java_home /opt/java/jdk1.8.0_201 200

Declare JAVA_HOME (In this case, I use a global initialization script for this)

~$ sudo sh -c 'echo export JAVA_HOME=\"/opt/java/current\" >>'

Log Out or restart Ubuntu (this will reload /etc/profile.d/


Change java version

Choose the version you want to use

~$ sudo update-alternatives --config java_home

There are 2 choices for the alternative java_home (providing /opt/java/current).

  Selection    Path                    Priority   Status
  0            /opt/java/jdk-11.0.2     200       auto mode
  1            /opt/java/jdk-11.0.2     200       manual mode
* 2            /opt/java/jdk1.8.0_201   100       manual mode

Press <enter> to keep the current choice[*], or type selection number: 

Check version

~$ java -version
openjdk version "11.0.2" 2019-01-15
OpenJDK Runtime Environment 18.9 (build 11.0.2+9)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 18.9 (build 11.0.2+9, mixed mode)

~$ javac -version
javac 11.0.2


Add the following line to ~/.bash_aliases file :

alias change-java-version="sudo update-alternatives --config java_home && java -version && javac -version"

Now use the change-java-version command to change java version

Display a table/list data dynamically in MVC3/Razor from a JsonResult?

As Mystere Man suggested, getting just a view first and then again making an ajax call again to get the json result is unnecessary in this case. that is 2 calls to the server. I think you can directly return an HTML table of Users in the first call.

We will do this in this way. We will have a strongly typed view which will return the markup of list of users to the browser and this data is being supplied by an action method which we will invoke from our browser using an http request.

Have a ViewModel for the User

public class UserViewModel
  public int UserID { set;get;}
  public string FirstName { set;get;}
   //add remaining properties as per your requirement


and in your controller have a method to get a list of Users

public class UserController : Controller

   public ActionResult List()
     List<UserViewModel> objList=UserService.GetUsers();  // this method should returns list of  Users
     return View("users",objList)        

Assuming that UserService.GetUsers() method will return a List of UserViewModel object which represents the list of usres in your datasource (Tables)

and in your users.cshtml ( which is under Views/User folder),

 @model List<UserViewModel>


 @foreach(UserViewModel objUser in Model)

All Set now you can access the url like yourdomain/User/List and it will give you a list of users in an HTML table.

Uncaught Error: Invariant Violation: Element type is invalid: expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function but got: object

The problem can also be an alias used for a default export.


import { Button as ButtonTest } from "../theme/components/Button";


import { default as ButtonTest } from "../theme/components/Button";

solved the issue for me.

What is SELF JOIN and when would you use it?

A self join is simply when you join a table with itself. There is no SELF JOIN keyword, you just write an ordinary join where both tables involved in the join are the same table. One thing to notice is that when you are self joining it is necessary to use an alias for the table otherwise the table name would be ambiguous.

It is useful when you want to correlate pairs of rows from the same table, for example a parent - child relationship. The following query returns the names of all immediate subcategories of the category 'Kitchen'.

FROM category T1
JOIN category T2
ON T2.parent =
WHERE = 'Kitchen'

Calling a php function by onclick event

First quote your javascript:


Also you can't call a php function from javascript; you need:

<script type="text/javascript">
function hello()
alert ("hello");

differences between using wmode="transparent", "opaque", or "window" for an embedded object on a webpage

Here is some weak adobe documentation on different flash 9 wmode settings.

A note of caution on wmode transparent is here in the adobe bug trac.

And new for flash 10, are two new wmodes: gpu and direct. Please refer to Adobe Knowledge Base about wmode.

How do I make a JSON object with multiple arrays?

On the outermost level, a JSON object starts with a { and end with a }.

Sample data:

    "cars": {
        "Nissan": [
            {"model":"Sentra", "doors":4},
            {"model":"Maxima", "doors":4},
            {"model":"Skyline", "doors":2}
        "Ford": [
            {"model":"Taurus", "doors":4},
            {"model":"Escort", "doors":4}

If the JSON is assigned to a variable called data, then accessing it would be like the following:['Nissan'][0].model   // Sentra['Nissan'][1].model   // Maxima['Nissan'][2].doors   // 2

for (var make in {
    for (var i = 0; i <[make].length; i++) {
        var model =[make][i].model;
        var doors =[make][i].doors;
        alert(make + ', ' + model + ', ' + doors);

Another approach (using an associative array for car models rather than an indexed array):

    "cars": {
        "Nissan": {
            "Sentra": {"doors":4, "transmission":"automatic"},
            "Maxima": {"doors":4, "transmission":"automatic"}
        "Ford": {
            "Taurus": {"doors":4, "transmission":"automatic"},
            "Escort": {"doors":4, "transmission":"automatic"}
}['Nissan']['Sentra'].doors   // 4['Nissan']['Maxima'].doors   // 4['Nissan']['Maxima'].transmission   // automatic

for (var make in {
    for (var model in[make]) {
        var doors =[make][model].doors;
        alert(make + ', ' + model + ', ' + doors);


Correction: A JSON object starts with { and ends with }, but it's also valid to have a JSON array (on the outermost level), that starts with [ and ends with ].

Also, significant syntax errors in the original JSON data have been corrected: All key names in a JSON object must be in double quotes, and all string values in a JSON object or a JSON array must be in double quotes as well.


convert float into varchar in SQL server without scientific notation

Try this code

SELECT CONVERT(varchar(max), CAST(1000.2324422 AS decimal(11,2)))


here decimal(11,2):11-total digits count(without point),2-for two digits after decimal point

Convert string to title case with JavaScript

this is a test ---> This Is A Test

function capitalize(str) {_x000D_
  const word = [];_x000D_
  for (let char of str.split(' ')) {_x000D_
    word.push(char[0].toUpperCase() + char.slice(1))_x000D_
  return word.join(' ');_x000D_
console.log(capitalize("this is a test"));

Entity Framework Timeouts

There is a known bug with specifying default command timeout within the EF connection string.

Remove the value from the connection string and set it on the data context object itself. This will work if you remove the conflicting value from the connection string.

Entity Framework Core 1.0:


Entity Framework 6:

this.context.Database.CommandTimeout = 180;

Entity Framework 5:

((IObjectContextAdapter)this.context).ObjectContext.CommandTimeout = 180;

Entity Framework 4 and below:

this.context.CommandTimeout = 180;

Send XML data to webservice using php curl

Previous anwser works fine. I would just add that you dont need to specify CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS as "xmlRequest=" . $input_xml to read your $_POST. You can use file_get_contents('php://input') to get the raw post data as plain XML.

Why docker container exits immediately

I would like to extend or dare I say, improve answer mentioned by camposer

When you run

docker run -dit ubuntu

you are basically running the container in background in interactive mode.

When you attach and exit the container by CTRL+D (most common way to do it), you stop the container because you just killed the main process which you started your container with the above command.

Making advantage of an already running container, I would just fork another process of bash and get a pseudo TTY by running:

docker exec -it <container ID> /bin/bash

Is it possible to Turn page programmatically in UIPageViewController?

I'm working on It since yesterday and I finally did It work. I couldn't use standard template totally, because I have three differents viewControllers as childviews:

1 - rootViewController;
2 - model;
3 - viewControllers
3.1 - VC1;
3.2 - VC2;
3.3 - VC3.
Note: all of VCs has Storyboard ID.

I needed a trigger button only in the first one VC, so I added one property for pageViewController and model:

#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "Model.h"

@interface VC1 : UIViewController

@property (nonatomic, strong) UIPageViewController *thePageViewController;
@property (nonatomic, strong) SeuTimePagesModel *theModel;


I rewrote the model's init method to pass storyboard and pageViewController as parameters, so I could set those to my VC1:

- (id)initWithStoryboard:(UIStoryboard *)storyboard
   andPageViewController:(UIPageViewController *)controller
    if (self = [super init])
        VC1 *vc1 = [storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:@"VC1"];
        vc1.pageViewController = controller;
        vc1.model = self;

        VC2 *vc2 = [storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:@"VC2"];
        VC3 *vc3 = [storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:@"VC3"];
        self.pageData = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:vc1, vc2, vc3, nil];

    return self;

Finally, I added an IBAction in my vc1 to trigger the pageViewController method setViewControllers:direction:animated:completion::

- (IBAction)go:(id)sender
    VC2 *vc2 = [_model.pages objectAtIndex:1];
    NSArray *viewControllers = @[vc2];
    [_pageViewController setViewControllers:viewControllers

Note I don't need to find VCs indexes, my button takes me to my second VC, but Its not hard get all of indexes, and keep track of your childviews:

- (IBAction)selecionaSeuTime:(id)sender
    NSUInteger index = [_model.pages indexOfObject:self];

    VC2 *vc2 = [_model.pages objectAtIndex:1];
    NSArray *viewControllers = @[vc2];
    [_pageViewController setViewControllers:viewControllers

I hope It helps you!

How to get error information when HttpWebRequest.GetResponse() fails

You can also use this library which wraps HttpWebRequest and Response into simple methods that return objects based on the results. It uses some of the techniques described in these answers and has plenty of code inspired by answers from this and similar threads. It automatically catches any exceptions, seeks to abstract as much boiler plate code needed to make these web requests as possible, and automatically deserializes the response object.

An example of what your code would look like using this wrapper is as simple as

    var response = httpClient.Get<SomeResponseObject>(request);
    if(response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
        //do something with the response
        console.Writeline(response.Body.Id); //where the body param matches the object you pass in as an anonymous type.  
    }else {
         //do something with the error
         console.Writelint(string.Format("{0}: {1}", response.StatusCode.ToString(), response.ErrorMessage);


Full disclosure This library is a free open source wrapper library, and I am the author of said library. I make no money off of this but have found it immensely useful over the years and am sure anyone who is still using the HttpWebRequest / HttpWebResponse classes will too.

It is not a silver bullet but supports get, post, delete with both async and non-async for get and post as well as JSON or XML requests and responses. It is being actively maintained as of 6/21/2020

How do you create nested dict in Python?

For arbitrary levels of nestedness:

In [2]: def nested_dict():
   ...:     return collections.defaultdict(nested_dict)

In [3]: a = nested_dict()

In [4]: a
Out[4]: defaultdict(<function __main__.nested_dict>, {})

In [5]: a['a']['b']['c'] = 1

In [6]: a
defaultdict(<function __main__.nested_dict>,
            {'a': defaultdict(<function __main__.nested_dict>,
                         {'b': defaultdict(<function __main__.nested_dict>,
                                      {'c': 1})})})

How do you use Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP to clear the Activity Stack?

I use three flags to resolve the problem:

                Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK | 

How to create a date and time picker in Android?

The URLs you link to show how to pop up a dialog with a time picker and another dialog with a date picker. However you need to be aware that you can use those UI widgets directly in your own layout. You could build your own dialog that includes both a TimePicker and DatePicker in the same view, thus accomplishing what I think you are looking for.

In other words, instead of using TimePickerDialog and DatePickerDialog, just use the UI widgets TimePicker and DatePicker directly in your own dialog or activity.

Prevent content from expanding grid items

By default, a grid item cannot be smaller than the size of its content.

Grid items have an initial size of min-width: auto and min-height: auto.

You can override this behavior by setting grid items to min-width: 0, min-height: 0 or overflow with any value other than visible.

From the spec:

6.6. Automatic Minimum Size of Grid Items

To provide a more reasonable default minimum size for grid items, this specification defines that the auto value of min-width / min-height also applies an automatic minimum size in the specified axis to grid items whose overflow is visible. (The effect is analogous to the automatic minimum size imposed on flex items.)

Here's a more detailed explanation covering flex items, but it applies to grid items, as well:

This post also covers potential problems with nested containers and known rendering differences among major browsers.

To fix your layout, make these adjustments to your code:

.month-grid {
  display: grid;
  grid-template: repeat(6, 1fr) / repeat(7, 1fr);
  background: #fff;
  grid-gap: 2px;
  min-height: 0;  /* NEW */
  min-width: 0;   /* NEW; needed for Firefox */

.day-item {
  padding: 10px;
  background: #DFE7E7;
  overflow: hidden;  /* NEW */
  min-width: 0;      /* NEW; needed for Firefox */

jsFiddle demo

1fr vs minmax(0, 1fr)

The solution above operates at the grid item level. For a container level solution, see this post:

org.hibernate.MappingException: Unknown entity: annotations.Users

Use EntityScanner if you can bear external dependency.It will inject your all entity classes seamlessly even from multiple packages. Just add following line after configuration setup.

Configuration configuration = new Configuration().configure();    
// And following depencency if you are using Maven

This way you don't need to declare all entities in hibernate mapping file.

How to make pylab.savefig() save image for 'maximized' window instead of default size

You set the size on initialization:

fig2 = matplotlib.pyplot.figure(figsize=(8.0, 5.0)) # in inches!


If the problem is with x-axis ticks - You can set them "manually":

fig2.add_subplot(111).set_xticks(arange(1,3,0.5)) # You can actually compute the interval You need - and substitute here

And so on with other aspects of Your plot. You can configure it all. Here's an example:

from numpy import arange
import matplotlib
# import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

x1 = [1,2,3]
y1 = [4,5,6]
x2 = [1,2,3]
y2 = [5,5,5]

# initialization
fig2 = matplotlib.pyplot.figure(figsize=(8.0, 5.0)) # The size of the figure is specified as (width, height) in inches

# lines:
l1 = fig2.add_subplot(111).plot(x1,y1, label=r"Text $formula$", "r-", lw=2)
l2 = fig2.add_subplot(111).plot(x2,y2, label=r"$legend2$" ,"g--", lw=3)
fig2.add_subplot(111).legend((l1,l2), loc=0)

# axes:
fig2.add_subplot(111).axis(xmin=3, xmax=6) # there're also ymin, ymax
fig2.add_subplot(111).axis([0,4,3,6]) # all!

# labels:
fig2.add_subplot(111).set_xlabel(r"x $2^2$", fontsize=15, color = "r")
fig2.add_subplot(111).set_ylabel(r"y $2^2$")
fig2.add_subplot(111).set_title(r"title $6^4$")
fig2.add_subplot(111).text(2, 5.5, r"an equation: $E=mc^2$", fontsize=15, color = "y")
fig2.add_subplot(111).text(3, 2, unicode('f\374r', 'latin-1'))

# saving:

So - what exactly do You want to be configured?

Matching an empty input box using CSS

In modern browsers you can use :placeholder-shown to target the empty input (not to be confused with ::placeholder).

input:placeholder-shown {
    border: 1px solid red; /* Red border only if the input is empty */

More info and browser support:

How do I restart nginx only after the configuration test was successful on Ubuntu?

As of nginx 1.8.0, the correct solution is

sudo nginx -t && sudo service nginx reload

Note that due to a bug, configtest always returns a zero exit code even if the config file has an error.

jQuery count child elements

You can use JavaScript (don't need jQuery)

document.querySelectorAll('#selected li').length;

Concatenate text files with Windows command line, dropping leading lines

Here's how to do this:

(type file1.txt && more +1 file2.txt) > out.txt

Apache Prefork vs Worker MPM

You can tell whether Apache is using preform or worker by issuing the following command

apache2ctl -l

In the resulting output, look for mentions of prefork.c or worker.c

How do I get first element rather than using [0] in jQuery?

You can use the first selector.

var header = $('.header:first')

how to use javascript Object.defineProperty

import { CSSProperties } from 'react'_x000D_
import { BLACK, BLUE, GREY_DARK, WHITE } from '../colours'_x000D_
export const COLOR_ACCENT = BLUE_x000D_
export const COLOR_DEFAULT = BLACK_x000D_
export const FAMILY = "'Segoe UI', sans-serif"_x000D_
export const SIZE_LARGE = '26px'_x000D_
export const SIZE_MEDIUM = '20px'_x000D_
export const WEIGHT = 400_x000D_
type Font = {_x000D_
  color: string,_x000D_
  size: string,_x000D_
  accent: Font,_x000D_
  default: Font,_x000D_
  light: Font,_x000D_
  neutral: Font,_x000D_
  xsmall: Font,_x000D_
  small: Font,_x000D_
  medium: Font,_x000D_
  large: Font,_x000D_
  xlarge: Font,_x000D_
  xxlarge: Font_x000D_
} & (() => CSSProperties)_x000D_
function font (this: Font): CSSProperties {_x000D_
  const css = {_x000D_
    color: this.color,_x000D_
    fontFamily: FAMILY,_x000D_
    fontSize: this.size,_x000D_
    fontWeight: WEIGHT_x000D_
  delete this.color_x000D_
  delete this.size_x000D_
  return css_x000D_
const dp = (type: 'color' | 'size', name: string, value: string) => {_x000D_
  Object.defineProperty(font, name, { get () {_x000D_
    this[type] = value_x000D_
    return this_x000D_
dp('color', 'accent', COLOR_ACCENT)_x000D_
dp('color', 'default', COLOR_DEFAULT)_x000D_
dp('color', 'light', COLOR_LIGHT)_x000D_
dp('color', 'neutral', COLOR_NEUTRAL)_x000D_
dp('size', 'xsmall', SIZE_XSMALL)_x000D_
dp('size', 'small', SIZE_SMALL)_x000D_
dp('size', 'medium', SIZE_MEDIUM)_x000D_
export default font as Font

Does java have a int.tryparse that doesn't throw an exception for bad data?

Edit -- just saw your comment about the performance problems associated with a potentially bad piece of input data. I don't know offhand how try/catch on parseInt compares to a regex. I would guess, based on very little hard knowledge, that regexes are not hugely performant, compared to try/catch, in Java.

Anyway, I'd just do this:

public Integer tryParse(Object obj) {
  Integer retVal;
  try {
    retVal = Integer.parseInt((String) obj);
  } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
    retVal = 0; // or null if that is your preference
  return retVal;

How to delete directory content in Java?

You have to do this for each File:

public static void deleteFolder(File folder) {
    File[] files = folder.listFiles();
    if(files!=null) { //some JVMs return null for empty dirs
        for(File f: files) {
            if(f.isDirectory()) {
            } else {

Then call


Difference between const reference and normal parameter

The first method passes n by value, i.e. a copy of n is sent to the function. The second one passes n by reference which basically means that a pointer to the n with which the function is called is sent to the function.

For integral types like int it doesn't make much sense to pass as a const reference since the size of the reference is usually the same as the size of the reference (the pointer). In the cases where making a copy is expensive it's usually best to pass by const reference.

ImportError: No module named 'bottle' - PyCharm

I am using Ubuntu 16.04. For me it was the incorrect interpretor, which was by default using the virtual interpretor from project.

So, make sure you select the correct one, as the pip install will install the package to system python interpretor.

enter image description here

Fastest way to remove first char in a String

I'd guess that Remove and Substring would tie for first place, since they both slurp up a fixed-size portion of the string, whereas TrimStart does a scan from the left with a test on each character and then has to perform exactly the same work as the other two methods. Seriously, though, this is splitting hairs.

Can you have a <span> within a <span>?

HTML4 specification states that:

Inline elements may contain only data and other inline elements

Span is an inline element, therefore having span inside span is valid. There's a related question: Can <span> tags have any type of tags inside them? which makes it completely clear.

HTML5 specification (including the most current draft of HTML 5.3 dated November 16, 2017) changes terminology, but it's still perfectly valid to place span inside another span.

Multiline text in JLabel

I have used JTextArea for multiline JLabels.

JTextArea textarea = new JTextArea ("1\n2\n3\n"+"4\n");

Creating new table with SELECT INTO in SQL

The syntax for creating a new table is

CREATE TABLE new_table
  FROM old_table

This will create a new table named new_table with whatever columns are in old_table and copy the data over. It will not replicate the constraints on the table, it won't replicate the storage attributes, and it won't replicate any triggers defined on the table.

SELECT INTO is used in PL/SQL when you want to fetch data from a table into a local variable in your PL/SQL block.

How to filter for multiple criteria in Excel?

You can pass an array as the first AutoFilter argument and use the xlFilterValues operator.

This will display PDF, DOC and DOCX filetypes.

Criteria1:=Array(".pdf", ".doc", ".docx"), Operator:=xlFilterValues

How do I determine scrollHeight?

Correct ways in jQuery are -

  • $('#test').prop('scrollHeight') OR
  • $('#test')[0].scrollHeight OR
  • $('#test').get(0).scrollHeight

Equivalent of String.format in jQuery

None of the answers presented so far has no obvious optimization of using enclosure to initialize once and store regular expressions, for subsequent usages.

// DBJ.ORG string.format function
// usage:   "{0} means 'zero'".format("nula") 
// returns: "nula means 'zero'"
// place holders must be in a range 0-99.
// if no argument given for the placeholder, 
// no replacement will be done, so
// "oops {99}".format("!")
// returns the input
// same placeholders will be all replaced 
// with the same argument :
// "oops {0}{0}".format("!","?")
// returns "oops !!"
if ("function" != typeof "".format) 
// add format() if one does not exist already
  String.prototype.format = (function() {
    var rx1 = /\{(\d|\d\d)\}/g, rx2 = /\d+/ ;
    return function() {
        var args = arguments;
        return this.replace(rx1, function($0) {
            var idx = 1 * $0.match(rx2)[0];
            return args[idx] !== undefined ? args[idx] : (args[idx] === "" ? "" : $0);


Also, none of the examples respects format() implementation if one already exists.

Why does git revert complain about a missing -m option?

I had this problem, the solution was to look at the commit graph (using gitk) and see that I had the following:

*   commit I want to cherry-pick (x)
| * branch I want to cherry-pick to (y)
* | 
* common parent (x)

I understand now that I want to do

git cherry-pick -m 2 mycommitsha

This is because -m 1 would merge based on the common parent where as -m 2 merges based on branch y, that is the one I want to cherry-pick to.

Trust Store vs Key Store - creating with keytool

In simplest terms :

Keystore is used to store your credential (server or client) while truststore is used to store others credential (Certificates from CA).

Keystore is needed when you are setting up server side on SSL, it is used to store server's identity certificate, which server will present to a client on the connection while trust store setup on client side must contain to make the connection work. If you browser to connect to any website over SSL it verifies certificate presented by server against its truststore.

What is System, out, println in System.out.println() in Java

The first answer you posted (System is a built-in class...) is pretty spot on.

You can add that the System class contains large portions which are native and that is set up by the JVM during startup, like connecting the System.out printstream to the native output stream associated with the "standard out" (console).

Draw in Canvas by finger, Android

Start By going through the Fingerpaint demo in the sdk sample.

Another Sample:

public class MainActivity extends Activity {

    DrawingView dv ;
    private Paint mPaint;    

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        dv = new DrawingView(this);
        mPaint = new Paint();

    public class DrawingView extends View {

        public int width;
        public  int height;
        private Bitmap  mBitmap;
        private Canvas  mCanvas;
        private Path    mPath;
        private Paint   mBitmapPaint;
        Context context;
        private Paint circlePaint;
        private Path circlePath;

        public DrawingView(Context c) {
            mPath = new Path();
            mBitmapPaint = new Paint(Paint.DITHER_FLAG);
            circlePaint = new Paint();
            circlePath = new Path();

        protected void onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh) {
            super.onSizeChanged(w, h, oldw, oldh);

            mBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(w, h, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
            mCanvas = new Canvas(mBitmap);

        protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {

            canvas.drawBitmap( mBitmap, 0, 0, mBitmapPaint);
            canvas.drawPath( mPath,  mPaint);
            canvas.drawPath( circlePath,  circlePaint);

        private float mX, mY;
        private static final float TOUCH_TOLERANCE = 4;

        private void touch_start(float x, float y) {
            mPath.moveTo(x, y);
            mX = x;
            mY = y;

        private void touch_move(float x, float y) {
            float dx = Math.abs(x - mX);
            float dy = Math.abs(y - mY);
            if (dx >= TOUCH_TOLERANCE || dy >= TOUCH_TOLERANCE) {
                mPath.quadTo(mX, mY, (x + mX)/2, (y + mY)/2);
                mX = x;
                mY = y;

                circlePath.addCircle(mX, mY, 30, Path.Direction.CW);

        private void touch_up() {
            mPath.lineTo(mX, mY);
            // commit the path to our offscreen
            mCanvas.drawPath(mPath,  mPaint);
            // kill this so we don't double draw

        public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
            float x = event.getX();
            float y = event.getY();

            switch (event.getAction()) {
                case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
                    touch_start(x, y);
                case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
                    touch_move(x, y);
                case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
            return true;

Snap shot

enter image description here

Explanation :

You are creating a view class then extends View. You override the onDraw(). You add the path of where finger touches and moves. You override the onTouch() of this purpose. In your onDraw() you draw the paths using the paint of your choice. You should call invalidate() to refresh the view.

To choose options you can click menu and choose the options.

The below can be used as a reference. You can modify the below according to your needs.

public class FingerPaintActivity extends Activity
        implements ColorPickerDialog.OnColorChangedListener {

    MyView mv;
    AlertDialog dialog;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        mv= new MyView(this);
        mv.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.afor);//set the back ground if you wish to
        mPaint = new Paint();
        mEmboss = new EmbossMaskFilter(new float[] { 1, 1, 1 },
                0.4f, 6, 3.5f);
        mBlur = new BlurMaskFilter(8, BlurMaskFilter.Blur.NORMAL);

    private Paint       mPaint;
    private MaskFilter  mEmboss;
    private MaskFilter  mBlur;

    public void colorChanged(int color) {

    public class MyView extends View {

        private static final float MINP = 0.25f;
        private static final float MAXP = 0.75f;
        private Bitmap  mBitmap;
        private Canvas  mCanvas;
        private Path    mPath;
        private Paint   mBitmapPaint;
        Context context;

        public MyView(Context c) {
            mPath = new Path();
            mBitmapPaint = new Paint(Paint.DITHER_FLAG);


        protected void onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh) {
            super.onSizeChanged(w, h, oldw, oldh);
            mBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(w, h, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
            mCanvas = new Canvas(mBitmap);


        protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {

            canvas.drawBitmap(mBitmap, 0, 0, mBitmapPaint);
            canvas.drawPath(mPath, mPaint);

        private float mX, mY;
        private static final float TOUCH_TOLERANCE = 4;

        private void touch_start(float x, float y) {
            mPath.moveTo(x, y);
            mX = x;
            mY = y;

        private void touch_move(float x, float y) {
            float dx = Math.abs(x - mX);
            float dy = Math.abs(y - mY);
            if (dx >= TOUCH_TOLERANCE || dy >= TOUCH_TOLERANCE) {
                mPath.quadTo(mX, mY, (x + mX)/2, (y + mY)/2);
                mX = x;
                mY = y;

        private void touch_up() {
            mPath.lineTo(mX, mY);
            // commit the path to our offscreen
            mCanvas.drawPath(mPath, mPaint);
            // kill this so we don't double draw
            mPaint.setXfermode(new PorterDuffXfermode(PorterDuff.Mode.SCREEN));

        public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
            float x = event.getX();
            float y = event.getY();

            switch (event.getAction()) {
                case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
                    touch_start(x, y);
                case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:

                    touch_move(x, y);
                case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
            return true;

    private static final int COLOR_MENU_ID = Menu.FIRST;
    private static final int EMBOSS_MENU_ID = Menu.FIRST + 1;
    private static final int BLUR_MENU_ID = Menu.FIRST + 2;
    private static final int ERASE_MENU_ID = Menu.FIRST + 3;
    private static final int SRCATOP_MENU_ID = Menu.FIRST + 4;
    private static final int Save = Menu.FIRST + 5;

    public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {

        menu.add(0, COLOR_MENU_ID, 0, "Color").setShortcut('3', 'c');
        menu.add(0, EMBOSS_MENU_ID, 0, "Emboss").setShortcut('4', 's');
        menu.add(0, BLUR_MENU_ID, 0, "Blur").setShortcut('5', 'z');
        menu.add(0, ERASE_MENU_ID, 0, "Erase").setShortcut('5', 'z');
        menu.add(0, SRCATOP_MENU_ID, 0, "SrcATop").setShortcut('5', 'z');
        menu.add(0, Save, 0, "Save").setShortcut('5', 'z');

        return true;

    public boolean onPrepareOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
        return true;

    public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {

        switch (item.getItemId()) {
            case COLOR_MENU_ID:
                new ColorPickerDialog(this, this, mPaint.getColor()).show();
                return true;
            case EMBOSS_MENU_ID:
                if (mPaint.getMaskFilter() != mEmboss) {
                } else {
                return true;
            case BLUR_MENU_ID:
                if (mPaint.getMaskFilter() != mBlur) {
                } else {
                return true;
            case ERASE_MENU_ID:
                mPaint.setXfermode(new PorterDuffXfermode(PorterDuff.Mode.CLEAR));
                return true;
            case SRCATOP_MENU_ID:

                mPaint.setXfermode(new PorterDuffXfermode(
                return true;
            case Save:
                AlertDialog.Builder editalert = new AlertDialog.Builder(FingerPaintActivity.this);
                editalert.setTitle("Please Enter the name with which you want to Save");
                final EditText input = new EditText(FingerPaintActivity.this);
                LinearLayout.LayoutParams lp = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(
                editalert.setPositiveButton("OK", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                    public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int whichButton) {

                        String name= input.getText().toString();
                        Bitmap bitmap = mv.getDrawingCache();

                        String path = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath();
                        File file = new File("/sdcard/"+name+".png");
                            FileOutputStream ostream = new FileOutputStream(file);
                            bitmap.compress(CompressFormat.PNG, 10, ostream);
                        catch (Exception e)


                return true;
        return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item);

Color Picker

public class ColorPickerDialog extends Dialog {

    public interface OnColorChangedListener {
        void colorChanged(int color);

    private OnColorChangedListener mListener;
    private int mInitialColor;

    private static class ColorPickerView extends View {
        private Paint mPaint;
        private Paint mCenterPaint;
        private final int[] mColors;
        private OnColorChangedListener mListener;

        ColorPickerView(Context c, OnColorChangedListener l, int color) {
            mListener = l;
            mColors = new int[] {
                    0xFFFF0000, 0xFFFF00FF, 0xFF0000FF, 0xFF00FFFF, 0xFF00FF00,
                    0xFFFFFF00, 0xFFFF0000
            Shader s = new SweepGradient(0, 0, mColors, null);

            mPaint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);

            mCenterPaint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);

        private boolean mTrackingCenter;
        private boolean mHighlightCenter;

        protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
            float r = CENTER_X - mPaint.getStrokeWidth()*0.5f;

            canvas.translate(CENTER_X, CENTER_X);

            canvas.drawOval(new RectF(-r, -r, r, r), mPaint);
            canvas.drawCircle(0, 0, CENTER_RADIUS, mCenterPaint);

            if (mTrackingCenter) {
                int c = mCenterPaint.getColor();

                if (mHighlightCenter) {
                } else {
                canvas.drawCircle(0, 0,
                        CENTER_RADIUS + mCenterPaint.getStrokeWidth(),


        protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {
            setMeasuredDimension(CENTER_X*2, CENTER_Y*2);

        private static final int CENTER_X = 100;
        private static final int CENTER_Y = 100;
        private static final int CENTER_RADIUS = 32;

        private int floatToByte(float x) {
            int n = java.lang.Math.round(x);
            return n;

        private int pinToByte(int n) {
            if (n < 0) {
                n = 0;
            } else if (n > 255) {
                n = 255;
            return n;

        private int ave(int s, int d, float p) {
            return s + java.lang.Math.round(p * (d - s));

        private int interpColor(int colors[], float unit) {
            if (unit <= 0) {
                return colors[0];
            if (unit >= 1) {
                return colors[colors.length - 1];

            float p = unit * (colors.length - 1);
            int i = (int)p;
            p -= i;

            // now p is just the fractional part [0...1) and i is the index
            int c0 = colors[i];
            int c1 = colors[i+1];
            int a = ave(Color.alpha(c0), Color.alpha(c1), p);
            int r = ave(,, p);
            int g = ave(,, p);
            int b = ave(,, p);

            return Color.argb(a, r, g, b);

        private int rotateColor(int color, float rad) {
            float deg = rad * 180 / 3.1415927f;
            int r =;
            int g =;
            int b =;

            ColorMatrix cm = new ColorMatrix();
            ColorMatrix tmp = new ColorMatrix();

            tmp.setRotate(0, deg);

            final float[] a = cm.getArray();

            int ir = floatToByte(a[0] * r +  a[1] * g +  a[2] * b);
            int ig = floatToByte(a[5] * r +  a[6] * g +  a[7] * b);
            int ib = floatToByte(a[10] * r + a[11] * g + a[12] * b);

            return Color.argb(Color.alpha(color), pinToByte(ir),
                    pinToByte(ig), pinToByte(ib));

        private static final float PI = 3.1415926f;

        public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
            float x = event.getX() - CENTER_X;
            float y = event.getY() - CENTER_Y;
            boolean inCenter = java.lang.Math.sqrt(x*x + y*y) <= CENTER_RADIUS;

            switch (event.getAction()) {
                case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
                    mTrackingCenter = inCenter;
                    if (inCenter) {
                        mHighlightCenter = true;
                case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
                    if (mTrackingCenter) {
                        if (mHighlightCenter != inCenter) {
                            mHighlightCenter = inCenter;
                    } else {
                        float angle = (float)java.lang.Math.atan2(y, x);
                        // need to turn angle [-PI ... PI] into unit [0....1]
                        float unit = angle/(2*PI);
                        if (unit < 0) {
                            unit += 1;
                        mCenterPaint.setColor(interpColor(mColors, unit));
                case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
                    if (mTrackingCenter) {
                        if (inCenter) {
                        mTrackingCenter = false;    // so we draw w/o halo
            return true;

    public ColorPickerDialog(Context context,
                             OnColorChangedListener listener,
                             int initialColor) {

        mListener = listener;
        mInitialColor = initialColor;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        OnColorChangedListener l = new OnColorChangedListener() {
            public void colorChanged(int color) {

        setContentView(new ColorPickerView(getContext(), l, mInitialColor));
        setTitle("Pick a Color");

Throw HttpResponseException or return Request.CreateErrorResponse?

I like Oppositional answer

Anyway, I needed a way to catch the inherited Exception and that solution doesn't satisfy all my needs.

So I ended up changing how he handles OnException and this is my version

public override void OnException(HttpActionExecutedContext actionExecutedContext) {
   if (actionExecutedContext == null || actionExecutedContext.Exception == null) {

   var type = actionExecutedContext.Exception.GetType();

   Tuple<HttpStatusCode?, Func<Exception, HttpRequestMessage, HttpResponseMessage>> registration = null;

   if (!this.Handlers.TryGetValue(type, out registration)) {
      //tento di vedere se ho registrato qualche eccezione che eredita dal tipo di eccezione sollevata (in ordine di registrazione)
      foreach (var item in this.Handlers.Keys) {
         if (type.IsSubclassOf(item)) {
            registration = this.Handlers[item];

   //se ho trovato un tipo compatibile, uso la sua gestione
   if (registration != null) {
      var statusCode = registration.Item1;
      var handler = registration.Item2;

      var response = handler(

      // Use registered status code if available
      if (statusCode.HasValue) {
         response.StatusCode = statusCode.Value;

      actionExecutedContext.Response = response;
   else {
      // If no exception handler registered for the exception type, fallback to default handler
      actionExecutedContext.Response = DefaultHandler(actionExecutedContext.Exception.GetBaseException(), actionExecutedContext.Request

The core is this loop where I check if the exception type is a subclass of a registered type.

foreach (var item in this.Handlers.Keys) {
    if (type.IsSubclassOf(item)) {
        registration = this.Handlers[item];


Access denied for user 'homestead'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

Sometime in the future. Try to clear your config first

php artisan config:clear. 

Close all the terminal /cmd windows and then restart terminal/CMD and this should get rid of the error message. See if it works.

How do you get the contextPath from JavaScript, the right way?

Got it :D

function getContextPath() {
   return window.location.pathname.substring(0, window.location.pathname.indexOf("/",2));

Important note: Does only work for the "root" context path. Does not work with "subfolders", or if context path has a slash ("/") in it.

How to declare or mark a Java method as deprecated?

since some minor explanations were missing

Use @Deprecated annotation on the method like this

 * @param basePrice
 * @deprecated  reason this method is deprecated <br/>
 *              {will be removed in next version} <br/>
 *              use {@link #setPurchasePrice()} instead like this: 
 * <blockquote><pre>
 * getProduct().setPurchasePrice(200) 
 * </pre></blockquote>
public void setBaseprice(int basePrice) {

remember to explain:

  1. Why is this method no longer recommended. What problems arise when using it. Provide a link to the discussion on the matter if any. (remember to separate lines for readability <br/>
  2. When it will be removed. (let your users know how much they can still rely on this method if they decide to stick to the old way)
  3. Provide a solution or link to the method you recommend {@link #setPurchasePrice()}

Virtual/pure virtual explained

The virtual keyword gives C++ its' ability to support polymorphism. When you have a pointer to an object of some class such as:

class Animal
    virtual int GetNumberOfLegs() = 0;

class Duck : public Animal
     int GetNumberOfLegs() { return 2; }

class Horse : public Animal
     int GetNumberOfLegs() { return 4; }

void SomeFunction(Animal * pAnimal)
  cout << pAnimal->GetNumberOfLegs();

In this (silly) example, the GetNumberOfLegs() function returns the appropriate number based on the class of the object that it is called for.

Now, consider the function 'SomeFunction'. It doesn't care what type of animal object is passed to it, as long as it is derived from Animal. The compiler will automagically cast any Animal-derived class to a Animal as it is a base class.

If we do this:

Duck d;

it'd output '2'. If we do this:

Horse h;

it'd output '4'. We can't do this:

Animal a;

because it won't compile due to the GetNumberOfLegs() virtual function being pure, which means it must be implemented by deriving classes (subclasses).

Pure Virtual Functions are mostly used to define:

a) abstract classes

These are base classes where you have to derive from them and then implement the pure virtual functions.

b) interfaces

These are 'empty' classes where all functions are pure virtual and hence you have to derive and then implement all of the functions.

How is AngularJS different from jQuery

AngularJS : AngularJS is for developing heavy web applications. AngularJS can use jQuery if it’s present in the web-app when the application is being bootstrapped. If it's not present in the script path, then AngularJS falls back to its own implementation of the subset of jQuery.

JQuery : jQuery is a small, fast, and feature-rich JavaScript library. It makes things like HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling, animation, and Ajax much simpler. jQuery simplifies a lot of the complicated things from JavaScript, like AJAX calls and DOM manipulation.

Read more details here: angularjs-vs-jquery

Android: adb pull file on desktop

Judging by the desktop folder location you are using Windows. The command in Windows would be:

adb pull /sdcard/log.txt %USERPROFILE%\Desktop\

Get last 30 day records from today date in SQL Server

This Should Work Fine

SELECT * FROM product 
WHERE pdate BETWEEN datetime('now', '-30 days') AND datetime('now', 'localtime')

WhatsApp API (java/python)

From my blog


There is a secret pilot program which WhatsApp is working on with selected businesses

News coverage:

For some of my technical experiments, I was trying to figure out how beneficial and feasible it is to implement bots for different chat platforms in terms of market share and so possibilities of adaptation. Especially when you have bankruptly failed twice, it's important to validate ideas and fail more faster.

Popular chat platforms like Messenger, Slack, Skype etc. have happily (in the sense officially) provided APIs for bots to interact with, but WhatsApp has not yet provided any API.

However, since many years, a lot of activities has happened around this - struggle towards automated interaction with WhatsApp platform:

  1. Bots App Bots App is interesting because it shows that something is really tried and tested.

  2. Yowsup A project still actively developed to interact with WhatsApp platform.

  3. Yallagenie Yallagenie claim that there is a demo bot which can be interacted with at +971 56 112 6652

  4. Hubtype Hubtype is working towards having a bot platform for WhatsApp for business.

  5. Fred Fred's task was to automate WhatsApp conversations, however since it was not officially supported by WhatsApp - it was shut down.

  6. Oye Gennie A bot blocked by WhatsApp.

  7. App/Website to WhatsApp We can use custom URL schemes and Android intent system to interact with WhatsApp but still NOT WhatsApp API.

  8. Chat API daemon Probably created by inspecting the API calls in WhatsApp web version. NOT affiliated with WhatsApp.

  9. WhatsBot Deactivated WhatsApp bot. Created during a hackathon.

  10. No API claim WhatsApp co-founder clearly stated this in a conference that they did not had any plans for APIs for WhatsApp.

  11. Bot Ware They probably are expecting WhatsApp to release their APIs for chat bot platforms.

  12. Vixi They seems to be talking about how some platform which probably would work for WhatsApp. There is no clarity as such.

  13. Unofficial API This API can shut off any time.

    And the number goes on...

How do you extract a JAR in a UNIX filesystem with a single command and specify its target directory using the JAR command?

If your jar file already has an absolute pathname as shown, it is particularly easy:

cd /where/you/want/it; jar xf /path/to/jarfile.jar

That is, you have the shell executed by Python change directory for you and then run the extraction.

If your jar file does not already have an absolute pathname, then you have to convert the relative name to absolute (by prefixing it with the path of the current directory) so that jar can find it after the change of directory.

The only issues left to worry about are things like blanks in the path names.

Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds

Thanks to Chase and onoelle, for the lazy programmers, let me post here a working version of their fantastic merged code, adapted on a Button, instead of a TextView.

Substitute all your Buttons (not ImageButtons) with AutoResizeTextButtons and the same boring problem is fixed for them too.

Here is the code. I just removed the imports.

 *                    Version 2, December 2004
 * Copyright (C) 2004 Sam Hocevar <[email protected]>
 * Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified
 * copies of this license document, and changing it is allowed as long
 * as the name is changed.
 *  made better by onoelle
 *  adapted for button by beppi

 * Text Button that auto adjusts text size to fit within the view.
 * If the text size equals the minimum text size and still does not
 * fit, append with an ellipsis.
 * @author Chase Colburn
 * @since Apr 4, 2011
public class AutoResizeTextButton extends Button {

    // Minimum text size for this text view
    public static final float MIN_TEXT_SIZE = 20;

    // Interface for resize notifications
    public interface OnTextResizeListener {
        public void onTextResize(Button textView, float oldSize, float newSize);

    // Our ellipse string
    private static final String mEllipsis = "...";

    // Registered resize listener
    private OnTextResizeListener mTextResizeListener;

    // Flag for text and/or size changes to force a resize
    private boolean mNeedsResize = false;

    // Text size that is set from code. This acts as a starting point for resizing
    private float mTextSize;

    // Temporary upper bounds on the starting text size
    private float mMaxTextSize = 0;

    // Lower bounds for text size
    private float mMinTextSize = MIN_TEXT_SIZE;

    // Text view line spacing multiplier
    private float mSpacingMult = 1.0f;

    // Text view additional line spacing
    private float mSpacingAdd = 0.0f;

    // Add ellipsis to text that overflows at the smallest text size
    private boolean mAddEllipsis = true;

    // Default constructor override
    public AutoResizeTextButton(Context context) {
        this(context, null);

    // Default constructor when inflating from XML file
    public AutoResizeTextButton(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        this(context, attrs, 0);

    // Default constructor override
    public AutoResizeTextButton(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {
        super(context, attrs, defStyle);
        mTextSize = getTextSize();

     * When text changes, set the force resize flag to true and reset the text size.
    protected void onTextChanged(final CharSequence text, final int start, final int before, final int after) {
        mNeedsResize = true;
        // Since this view may be reused, it is good to reset the text size

     * If the text view size changed, set the force resize flag to true
    protected void onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh) {
        if (w != oldw || h != oldh) {
            mNeedsResize = true;

     * Register listener to receive resize notifications
     * @param listener
    public void setOnResizeListener(OnTextResizeListener listener) {
        mTextResizeListener = listener;

     * Override the set text size to update our internal reference values
    public void setTextSize(float size) {
        mTextSize = getTextSize();

     * Override the set text size to update our internal reference values
    public void setTextSize(int unit, float size) {
        super.setTextSize(unit, size);
        mTextSize = getTextSize();

     * Override the set line spacing to update our internal reference values
    public void setLineSpacing(float add, float mult) {
        super.setLineSpacing(add, mult);
        mSpacingMult = mult;
        mSpacingAdd = add;

     * Set the upper text size limit and invalidate the view
     * @param maxTextSize
    public void setMaxTextSize(float maxTextSize) {
        mMaxTextSize = maxTextSize;

     * Return upper text size limit
     * @return
    public float getMaxTextSize() {
        return mMaxTextSize;

     * Set the lower text size limit and invalidate the view
     * @param minTextSize
    public void setMinTextSize(float minTextSize) {
        mMinTextSize = minTextSize;

     * Return lower text size limit
     * @return
    public float getMinTextSize() {
        return mMinTextSize;

     * Set flag to add ellipsis to text that overflows at the smallest text size
     * @param addEllipsis
    public void setAddEllipsis(boolean addEllipsis) {
        mAddEllipsis = addEllipsis;

     * Return flag to add ellipsis to text that overflows at the smallest text size
     * @return
    public boolean getAddEllipsis() {
        return mAddEllipsis;

     * Reset the text to the original size
    public void resetTextSize() {
        if(mTextSize > 0) {
            super.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_PX, mTextSize);
            mMaxTextSize = mTextSize;

     * Resize text after measuring
    protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) {
        if(changed || mNeedsResize) {
            int widthLimit = (right - left) - getCompoundPaddingLeft() - getCompoundPaddingRight();
            int heightLimit = (bottom - top) - getCompoundPaddingBottom() - getCompoundPaddingTop();
            resizeText(widthLimit, heightLimit);
        super.onLayout(changed, left, top, right, bottom);

     * Resize the text size with default width and height
    public void resizeText() {
        int heightLimit = getHeight() - getPaddingBottom() - getPaddingTop();
        int widthLimit = getWidth() - getPaddingLeft() - getPaddingRight();
        resizeText(widthLimit, heightLimit);

     * Resize the text size with specified width and height
     * @param width
     * @param height
    public void resizeText(int width, int height) {
        CharSequence text = getText();
        // Do not resize if the view does not have dimensions or there is no text
        if(text == null || text.length() == 0 || height <= 0 || width <= 0 || mTextSize == 0) {

        // Get the text view's paint object
        TextPaint textPaint = getPaint();

        // Store the current text size
        float oldTextSize = textPaint.getTextSize();
        // If there is a max text size set, use the lesser of that and the default text size
        float targetTextSize = mMaxTextSize > 0 ? Math.min(mTextSize, mMaxTextSize) : mTextSize;

        // Get the required text height
        int textHeight = getTextHeight(text, textPaint, width, targetTextSize);

        // Until we either fit within our text view or we had reached our min text size, incrementally try smaller sizes
        while(textHeight > height && targetTextSize > mMinTextSize) {
            targetTextSize = Math.max(targetTextSize - 2, mMinTextSize);
            textHeight = getTextHeight(text, textPaint, width, targetTextSize);

        // If we had reached our minimum text size and still don't fit, append an ellipsis
        if(mAddEllipsis && targetTextSize == mMinTextSize && textHeight > height) {
            // Draw using a static layout
            // modified: use a copy of TextPaint for measuring
            TextPaint paint = new TextPaint(textPaint);
            StaticLayout layout = new StaticLayout(text, paint, width, Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, mSpacingMult, mSpacingAdd, false);
            // Check that we have a least one line of rendered text
            if(layout.getLineCount() > 0) {
                // Since the line at the specific vertical position would be cut off,
                // we must trim up to the previous line
                int lastLine = layout.getLineForVertical(height) - 1;
                // If the text would not even fit on a single line, clear it
                if(lastLine < 0) {
                // Otherwise, trim to the previous line and add an ellipsis
                else {
                    int start = layout.getLineStart(lastLine);
                    int end = layout.getLineEnd(lastLine);
                    float lineWidth = layout.getLineWidth(lastLine);
                    float ellipseWidth = textPaint.measureText(mEllipsis);

                    // Trim characters off until we have enough room to draw the ellipsis
                    while(width < lineWidth + ellipseWidth) {
                        lineWidth = textPaint.measureText(text.subSequence(start, --end + 1).toString());
                    setText(text.subSequence(0, end) + mEllipsis);

        // Some devices try to auto adjust line spacing, so force default line spacing
        // and invalidate the layout as a side effect
//      textPaint.setTextSize(targetTextSize);
     // modified: setting text size via this.setTextSize (instead of textPaint.setTextSize(targetTextSize))
        setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_PX, targetTextSize);
        setLineSpacing(mSpacingAdd, mSpacingMult);

        // Notify the listener if registered
        if(mTextResizeListener != null) {
            mTextResizeListener.onTextResize(this, oldTextSize, targetTextSize);

        // Reset force resize flag
        mNeedsResize = false;

    // Set the text size of the text paint object and use a static layout to render text off screen before measuring
    private int getTextHeight(CharSequence source, TextPaint originalPaint, int width, float textSize) {
          // modified: make a copy of the original TextPaint object for measuring
          // (apparently the object gets modified while measuring, see also the
          // docs for TextView.getPaint() (which states to access it read-only)
        // Update the text paint object
          TextPaint paint = new TextPaint(originalPaint);
        // Measure using a static layout
        StaticLayout layout = new StaticLayout(source, paint, width, Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, mSpacingMult, mSpacingAdd, true);
        return layout.getHeight();



put a AutoResizeTextButton inside your xml in replace of a normal Button, without changing anything else. Inside the onCreate() put (for example):

    myButton = (AutoResizeTextButton)getView().findViewById(id.myButton);

Python: Split a list into sub-lists based on index ranges

If you already know the indices:

list1 = ['x','y','z','a','b','c','d','e','f','g']
indices = [(0, 4), (5, 9)]
print [list1[s:e+1] for s,e in indices]

Note that we're adding +1 to the end to make the range inclusive...

Initializing a struct to 0

If the data is a static or global variable, it is zero-filled by default, so just declare it myStruct _m;

If the data is a local variable or a heap-allocated zone, clear it with memset like:

memset(&m, 0, sizeof(myStruct));

Current compilers (e.g. recent versions of gcc) optimize that quite well in practice. This works only if all zero values (include null pointers and floating point zero) are represented as all zero bits, which is true on all platforms I know about (but the C standard permits implementations where this is false; I know no such implementation).

You could perhaps code myStruct m = {}; or myStruct m = {0}; (even if the first member of myStruct is not a scalar).

My feeling is that using memset for local structures is the best, and it conveys better the fact that at runtime, something has to be done (while usually, global and static data can be understood as initialized at compile time, without any cost at runtime).

If WorkSheet("wsName") Exists

Another version of the function without error handling. This time it is not case sensitive and a little bit more efficient.

Function WorksheetExists(wsName As String) As Boolean
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim ret As Boolean        
    wsName = UCase(wsName)
    For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Sheets
        If UCase(ws.Name) = wsName Then
            ret = True
            Exit For
        End If
    WorksheetExists = ret
End Function

How to fix div on scroll

I made a mix of the answers here, took the code of @Julian and ideas from the others, seems clearer to me, this is what's left:



//store the element
var $cache = $('.my-sticky-element');

//store the initial position of the element
var vTop = $cache.offset().top - parseFloat($cache.css('marginTop').replace(/auto/, 0));
  $(window).scroll(function (event) {
    // what the y position of the scroll is
    var y = $(this).scrollTop();

    // whether that's below the form
    if (y >= vTop) {
      // if so, ad the fixed class
    } else {
      // otherwise remove it


.my-sticky-element.stuck {
    box-shadow:0 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, .3);

Convert DateTime to String PHP

Shorter way using list. And you can do what you want with each date component.

list($day,$month,$year,$hour,$min,$sec) = explode("/",date('d/m/Y/h/i/s'));
echo $month.'/'.$day.'/'.$year.' '.$hour.':'.$min.':'.$sec;

Asynchronous shell exec in PHP

Use a named fifo.

mkfifo trigger
while true; do
    read < trigger

Then whenever you want to start the long running task, simply write a newline (nonblocking to the trigger file.

As long as your input is smaller than PIPE_BUF and it's a single write() operation, you can write arguments into the fifo and have them show up as $REPLY in the script.

How can I get a user's media from Instagram without authenticating as a user?

I really needed this function but for Wordpress. I fit and it worked perfectly

        var name = "caririceara.comcariri";
        $.get("https://images"+~~(Math.random()*33)+"" + name + "/", function(html) {
            if (html) {
                var regex = /_sharedData = ({.*);<\/script>/m,
                  json = JSON.parse(regex.exec(html)[1]),
                  edges = json.entry_data.ProfilePage[0].graphql.user.edge_owner_to_timeline_media.edges;
              $.each(edges, function(n, edge) {
                   if (n <= 7){
                     var node = edge.node;
                    $('.img_ins').append('<a href="'+node.shortcode+'" target="_blank"><img src="'+node.thumbnail_src+'" width="150"></a>');

How to implement OnFragmentInteractionListener

Just an addendum:

OnFragmentInteractionListener handle communication between Activity and Fragment using an interface (OnFragmentInteractionListener) and is created by default by Android Studio, but if you dont need to communicate with your activity, you can just get ride of it.

The goal is that you can attach your fragment to multiple activities and still reuse the same communication approach (Every activity could have its own OnFragmentInteractionListener for each fragment).

But and if im sure my fragment will be attached to only one type of activity and i want to communicate with that activity?

Then, if you dont want to use OnFragmentInteractionListener because of its verbosity, you can access your activity methods using:

((MyActivityClass) getActivity()).someMethod()

GUI Tool for PostgreSQL

There is a comprehensive list of tools on the PostgreSQL Wiki:

And of course PostgreSQL itself comes with pgAdmin, a GUI tool for accessing Postgres databases.

C# string replace

You need to escape the double-quotes inside the search string, like this:

string orig = "\"Text\",\"Text\",\"Text\"";
string res = orig.Replace("\",\"", ";");

Note that the replacement does not occur "in place", because .NET strings are immutable. The original string will remain the same after the call; only the returned string res will have the replacements.

Cloudfront custom-origin distribution returns 502 "ERROR The request could not be satisfied." for some URLs

Fixed this issue by concatenating my certificates to generate a valid certificate chain (using GoDaddy Standard SSL + Nginx).

To generate the chain:

cat 123456789.crt gd_bundle-g2-g1.crt >


ssl_certificate /etc/nginx/ssl/;
ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/ssl/;

Hope it helps!

Avoid web.config inheritance in child web application using inheritInChildApplications

I put everything into:

<location path="." inheritInChildApplications="false">

except: <configSections/>, <connectionStrings/> and <runtime/>.

There are some cases when we don't want to inherit some secions from <configSections />, but we can't put <section/> tag into <location/>, so we have to create a <secionGroup /> and put our unwanted sections into that group. Section groups can be later inserted into a location tag.

So we have to change this:

  <section name="unwantedSection" />


  <sectionGroup name="myNotInheritedSections">
    <section name="unwantedSection" />

<location path="." inheritInChildApplications="false">
        <unwantedSection />

Storing WPF Image Resources

In code to load a resource in the executing assembly where my image Freq.png was in the folder Icons and defined as Resource:

this.Icon = new BitmapImage(new Uri(@"pack://application:,,,/" 
    + Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Name 
    + ";component/" 
    + "Icons/Freq.png", UriKind.Absolute)); 

I also made a function:

/// <summary>
/// Load a resource WPF-BitmapImage (png, bmp, ...) from embedded resource defined as 'Resource' not as 'Embedded resource'.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pathInApplication">Path without starting slash</param>
/// <param name="assembly">Usually 'Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()'. If not mentionned, I will use the calling assembly</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static BitmapImage LoadBitmapFromResource(string pathInApplication, Assembly assembly = null)
    if (assembly == null)
        assembly = Assembly.GetCallingAssembly();

    if (pathInApplication[0] == '/')
        pathInApplication = pathInApplication.Substring(1);
    return new BitmapImage(new Uri(@"pack://application:,,,/" + assembly.GetName().Name + ";component/" + pathInApplication, UriKind.Absolute)); 

Usage (assumption you put the function in a ResourceHelper class):

this.Icon = ResourceHelper.LoadBitmapFromResource("Icons/Freq.png");

Note: see MSDN Pack URIs in WPF: