If you're on C# 7, you should consider using value tuples as your composite key. Value tuples typically offer better performance than the traditional reference tuples (Tuple<T1, …>
) since value tuples are value types (structs), not reference types, so they avoid the memory allocation and garbage collection costs. Also, they offer conciser and more intuitive syntax, allowing for their fields to be named if you so wish. They also implement the IEquatable<T>
interface needed for the dictionary.
var dict = new Dictionary<(int PersonId, int LocationId, int SubjectId), string>();
dict.Add((3, 6, 9), "ABC");
dict.Add((PersonId: 4, LocationId: 9, SubjectId: 10), "XYZ");
var personIds = dict.Keys.Select(k => k.PersonId).Distinct().ToList();