[python] Converting string to tuple without splitting characters

Subclassing tuple where some of these subclass instances may need to be one-string instances throws up something interesting.

class Sequence( tuple ):
    def __init__( self, *args ):
        # initialisation...
        self.instances = []

    def __new__( cls, *args ):
        for arg in args:
            assert isinstance( arg, unicode ), '# arg %s not unicode' % ( arg, )
        if len( args ) == 1:
            seq = super( Sequence, cls ).__new__( cls, ( args[ 0 ], ) )
            seq = super( Sequence, cls ).__new__( cls, args )
        print( '# END new Sequence len %d' % ( len( seq ), ))
        return seq

NB as I learnt from this thread, you have to put the comma after args[ 0 ].

The print line shows that a single string does not get split up.

NB the comma in the constructor of the subclass now becomes optional :

Sequence( u'silly' )


Sequence( u'silly', )

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