You could dramatically speed up your stuff if you used just one list instead of a list of lists. This is possible of course only if all your inner lists are of the same size (which is true in your example, so I just assume this).
level1 = [ 1,1,1,1,1,1,
1,1,1,1,1,1 ]
print level1[x + y*WIDTH] # print value at (x,y)
And you could be even faster if you used a bitfield instead of a list:
WIDTH = 8 # better align your width to bytes, eases things later
level1 = 0xFC84848484FC # bit field representation of the level
print "1" if level1 & mask(x, y) else "0" # print bit at (x, y)
level1 |= mask(x, y) # set bit at (x, y)
level1 &= ~mask(x, y) # clear bit at (x, y)
def mask(x, y):
return 1 << (WIDTH-x + y*WIDTH)
But that's working only if your fields just contain 0 or 1 of course. If you need more values, you'd have to combine several bits which would make the issue much more complicated.