[jquery] How to allow only numeric (0-9) in HTML inputbox using jQuery?

There is an incredible compatibility issue with using keystrokes to detect the character pressed... see quirksmode to know more about that.

I would suggest using keyup to create your filter because then you have the $(element).val() method you can use to evaluate actual universal characters.

Then you can filter out any NON digits using a regex like:


This takes care of all issues like shift and paste problems because there is always a keyup and so the value will always be evaluated (unless javascript is turned off).

So... to turn this into JQuery... Here is a little unfinished plugin I'm writing, it is called inputmask and will support more masks when finished. For now it has the digits mask working.

Here it goes...

 * @author Tom Van Schoor
 * @company Tutuka Software
(function($) {
   * @param {Object}
   * $$options options to override settings
  jQuery.fn.inputmask = function($$options) {
    var $settings = $.extend( {}, $.fn.inputmask.defaults, $$options);

    return this.each(function() {
      // $this is an instance of the element you call the plug-in on
      var $this = $(this);

       * This plug-in does not depend on the metadata plug-in, but if this
       * plug-in detects the existence of the metadata plug-in it will
       * override options with the metadata provided by that plug-in. Look at
       * the metadata plug-in for more information.
      // o will contain your defaults, overruled by $$options,
      // overruled by the meta-data
      var o = $.metadata ? $.extend( {}, $settings, $this.metadata()) : $settings;

       * if digits is in the array 'validators' provided by the options,
       * stack this event handler
      if($.inArray('digits', o.validators) != -1) {
        $this.keyup(function(e) {

       * There is no such things as public methods in jQuery plug-ins since
       * there is no console to perform commands from a client side point of
       * view. Typically only private methods will be fired by registered
       * events as on-click, on-drag, etc... Those registered events could be
       * seen as public methods.

      // private method
      var stripAlphaChars = function(string) {
        var str = new String(string); 
        str = str.replace(/[^0-9]/g, ''); 
        return str;


  // static public functions
  //jQuery.fn.inputmask.doSomething = function(attr) {


  // static public members

  // some default settings that can be overridden by either $$options or
  // metadata
  // If you need callback functions for the plug-in, this is where they get
  // set
  jQuery.fn.inputmask.defaults = {
    validators : []

To use it just do:

  validators: ['digits','someOtherNotYetImplementedValidator']

The 'someOtherNotYetImplementedValidator' is just there to show how this can be expanded for extra future masks/validators. You can add it or leave it out, it doesn't break anything ;-)

Appologies for the extra clutter of comments, I'm using a template I created for the guys here at work.

Hope this helps, Cheers

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