Programs & Examples On #Hunch

Hunch is a website, designed as a collective intelligence decision-making system. Hunch is building the 'taste graph' for the internet, mapping every person to every entity — and their affinity for that entity. Hunch provides an API for accessing the taste graph.

Printing Lists as Tabular Data

Pure Python 3

def print_table(data, cols, wide):
    '''Prints formatted data on columns of given width.'''
    n, r = divmod(len(data), cols)
    pat = '{{:{}}}'.format(wide)
    line = '\n'.join(pat * cols for _ in range(n))
    last_line = pat * r

data = [str(i) for i in range(27)]
print_table(data, 6, 12)

Will print

0           1           2           3           4           5           
6           7           8           9           10          11          
12          13          14          15          16          17          
18          19          20          21          22          23          
24          25          26

python modify item in list, save back in list

A common idiom to change every element of a list looks like this:

for i in range(len(L)):
    item = L[i]
    # ... compute some result based on item ...
    L[i] = result

This can be rewritten using enumerate() as:

for i, item in enumerate(L):
    # ... compute some result based on item ...
    L[i] = result

See enumerate.

How do I verify/check/test/validate my SSH passphrase?

If your passphrase is to unlock your SSH key and you don't have ssh-agent, but do have sshd (the SSH daemon) installed on your machine, do:

cat ~/.ssh/ >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys;
ssh localhost -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa

Where ~/.ssh/ is the public key, and ~/.ssh/id_rsa is the private key.

Fixing Segmentation faults in C++

Sometimes the crash itself isn't the real cause of the problem-- perhaps the memory got smashed at an earlier point but it took a while for the corruption to show itself. Check out valgrind, which has lots of checks for pointer problems (including array bounds checking). It'll tell you where the problem starts, not just the line where the crash occurs.

Is a DIV inside a TD a bad idea?

I have faced the problem by placing a <div> inside <td>.

I was unable to identify the div using document.getElementById() if i place that inside td. But outside, it was working fine.

Deploy a project using Git push

In essence all you need to do are the following:

server = $1
branch = $2
git push $server $branch
ssh <username>@$server "cd /path/to/www; git pull"

I have those lines in my application as an executable called deploy.

so when I want to do a deploy I type ./deploy myserver mybranch.

Python: How to pip install opencv2 with specific version 2.4.9?

There's another easy way, you can type in terminal

sudo apt-get install python-opencv

Install OpenCV-Python in Ubuntu

After installing it, you can use opencv version 2.4 in both c++ and python.

But I recommend you should use opencv 3.2.0 and opencv-contrib, it gives more features

Hope this can help!

Bitwise operation and usage

One typical usage:

| is used to set a certain bit to 1

& is used to test or clear a certain bit

  • Set a bit (where n is the bit number, and 0 is the least significant bit):

    unsigned char a |= (1 << n);

  • Clear a bit:

    unsigned char b &= ~(1 << n);

  • Toggle a bit:

    unsigned char c ^= (1 << n);

  • Test a bit:

    unsigned char e = d & (1 << n);

Take the case of your list for example:

x | 2 is used to set bit 1 of x to 1

x & 1 is used to test if bit 0 of x is 1 or 0

What is Java String interning?

Basically doing String.intern() on a series of strings will ensure that all strings having same contents share same memory. So if you have list of names where 'john' appears 1000 times, by interning you ensure only one 'john' is actually allocated memory.

This can be useful to reduce memory requirements of your program. But be aware that the cache is maintained by JVM in permanent memory pool which is usually limited in size compared to heap so you should not use intern if you don't have too many duplicate values.

More on memory constraints of using intern()

On one hand, it is true that you can remove String duplicates by internalizing them. The problem is that the internalized strings go to the Permanent Generation, which is an area of the JVM that is reserved for non-user objects, like Classes, Methods and other internal JVM objects. The size of this area is limited, and is usually much smaller than the heap. Calling intern() on a String has the effect of moving it out from the heap into the permanent generation, and you risk running out of PermGen space.

-- From:

From JDK 7 (I mean in HotSpot), something has changed.

In JDK 7, interned strings are no longer allocated in the permanent generation of the Java heap, but are instead allocated in the main part of the Java heap (known as the young and old generations), along with the other objects created by the application. This change will result in more data residing in the main Java heap, and less data in the permanent generation, and thus may require heap sizes to be adjusted. Most applications will see only relatively small differences in heap usage due to this change, but larger applications that load many classes or make heavy use of the String.intern() method will see more significant differences.

-- From Java SE 7 Features and Enhancements

Update: Interned strings are stored in main heap from Java 7 onwards.

How to save an image locally using Python whose URL address I already know?

I wrote a script that does just this, and it is available on my github for your use.

I utilized BeautifulSoup to allow me to parse any website for images. If you will be doing much web scraping (or intend to use my tool) I suggest you sudo pip install BeautifulSoup. Information on BeautifulSoup is available here.

For convenience here is my code:

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from urllib2 import urlopen
import urllib

# use this image scraper from the location that 
#you want to save scraped images to

def make_soup(url):
    html = urlopen(url).read()
    return BeautifulSoup(html)

def get_images(url):
    soup = make_soup(url)
    #this makes a list of bs4 element tags
    images = [img for img in soup.findAll('img')]
    print (str(len(images)) + "images found.")
    print 'Downloading images to current working directory.'
    #compile our unicode list of image links
    image_links = [each.get('src') for each in images]
    for each in image_links:
        urllib.urlretrieve(each, filename)
    return image_links

#a standard call looks like this

error C2039: 'string' : is not a member of 'std', header file problem

Your FMAT.h requires a definition of std::string in order to complete the definition of class FMAT. In FMAT.cpp, you've done this by #include <string> before #include "FMAT.h". You haven't done that in your main file.

Your attempt to forward declare string was incorrect on two levels. First you need a fully qualified name, std::string. Second this works only for pointers and references, not for variables of the declared type; a forward declaration doesn't give the compiler enough information about what to embed in the class you're defining.

Data structure for maintaining tabular data in memory?

I personally would use the list of row lists. Because the data for each row is always in the same order, you can easily sort by any of the columns by simply accessing that element in each of the lists. You can also easily count based on a particular column in each list, and make searches as well. It's basically as close as it gets to a 2-d array.

Really the only disadvantage here is that you have to know in what order the data is in, and if you change that ordering, you'll have to change your search/sorting routines to match.

Another thing you can do is have a list of dictionaries.

rows = []
rows.append({"ID":"1", "name":"Cat", "year":"1998", "priority":"1"})

This would avoid needing to know the order of the parameters, so you can look through each "year" field in the list.

fitting data with numpy

Note that you can use the Polynomial class directly to do the fitting and return a Polynomial instance.

from numpy.polynomial import Polynomial

p =, y, 4)

p uses scaled and shifted x values for numerical stability. If you need the usual form of the coefficients, you will need to follow with

pnormal = p.convert(domain=(-1, 1))

Make <body> fill entire screen?

This works for me:

<!doctype html>
  <meta charset="utf-8" />
  <title> Fullscreen Div </title>
    position: fixed;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    left: 0;
    top: 0;
    z-index: 10;
  <div class='test'>Some text</div>

How do you format an unsigned long long int using printf?

For long long (or __int64) using MSVS, you should use %I64d:

__int64 a;
time_t b;
fprintf(outFile,"%I64d,%I64d\n",a,b);    //I is capital i

A formula to copy the values from a formula to another column

You can use =A4, in case A4 is having long formula

How to run a .awk file?

If you put #!/bin/awk -f on the first line of your AWK script it is easier. Plus editors like Vim and ... will recognize the file as an AWK script and you can colorize. :)

#!/bin/awk -f
BEGIN {}  # Begin section
{}        # Loop section
END{}     # End section

Change the file to be executable by running:

chmod ugo+x ./awk-script

and you can then call your AWK script like this:

`$ echo "something" | ./awk-script`

Oracle DB: How can I write query ignoring case?

You can use the upper() function in your query, and to increase performance you can use a function-base index

 CREATE INDEX upper_index_name ON table(upper(name))

How to change line width in IntelliJ (from 120 character)

It seems like Jetbrains made some renaming and moved settings around so the accepted answer is no longer 100% valid anymore.

Intellij 2018.3:

hard wrap - idea will automatically wrap the line as you type, this is not what the OP was asking for

visual guide - just a vertical line indicating a characters limit, default is 120

If you just want to change the visual guide from the default 120 to lets say 80 in my example:

enter image description here

Also you can change the color or the visual guide by clicking on the Foreground:

enter image description here

Lastly, you can also set the visual guide for all file types (unless specified) here:

enter image description here

How to download/checkout a project from Google Code in Windows?

If you don't want to install TortoiseSVN, you can simply install 'Subversion for Windows' from here:

After installing, just open up a command prompt, go the folder you want to download into, then past in the checkout command as indicated on the project's 'source' page. E.g.

svn checkout projectname-read-only

Note the space between the URL and the last string is intentional, the last string is the folder name into which the source will be downloaded.

Using Jquery Datatable with AngularJs

Adding a new answer just as a reference for future researchers and as nobody mentioned that yet I think it's valid.

Another good option is ng-grid

And there's a beta version ( available already with some improvements:

  • Native AngularJS implementation, no jQuery
  • Performs well with large data sets; even 10,000+ rows
  • Plugin architecture allows you to use only the features you need


It seems UI GRID is not beta anymore.

With the 3.0 release, the repository has been renamed from "ng-grid" to "ui-grid".

How to only get file name with Linux 'find'?

As others have pointed out, you can combine find and basename, but by default the basename program will only operate on one path at a time, so the executable will have to be launched once for each path (using either find ... -exec or find ... | xargs -n 1), which may potentially be slow.

If you use the -a option on basename, then it can accept multiple filenames in a single invocation, which means that you can then use xargs without the -n 1, to group the paths together into a far smaller number of invocations of basename, which should be more efficient.


find /dir1 -type f -print0 | xargs -0 basename -a

Here I've included the -print0 and -0 (which should be used together), in order to cope with any whitespace inside the names of files and directories.

Here is a timing comparison, between the xargs basename -a and xargs -n1 basename versions. (For sake of a like-with-like comparison, the timings reported here are after an initial dummy run, so that they are both done after the file metadata has already been copied to I/O cache.) I have piped the output to cksum in both cases, just to demonstrate that the output is independent of the method used.

$ time sh -c 'find /usr/lib -type f -print0 | xargs -0 basename -a | cksum'
2532163462 546663

real    0m0.063s
user    0m0.058s
sys 0m0.040s

$ time sh -c 'find /usr/lib -type f -print0 | xargs -0 -n 1 basename | cksum' 
2532163462 546663

real    0m14.504s
user    0m12.474s
sys 0m3.109s

As you can see, it really is substantially faster to avoid launching basename every time.

@Html.DropDownListFor how to set default value

I hope this is helpful to you.

Please try this code,

 @Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.Items, new List<SelectListItem>
   { new SelectListItem{Text="Deactive", Value="False"},
     new SelectListItem{Text="Active", Value="True",  Selected = true},

Running PHP script from the command line


After misunderstanding, I finally got what you are trying to do. You should check your server configuration files; are you using apache2 or some other server software?

Look for lines that start with LoadModule php... There probably are configuration files/directories named mods or something like that, start from there.

You could also check output from php -r 'phpinfo();' | grep php and compare lines to phpinfo(); from web server.

To run php interactively:

(so you can paste/write code in the console)

php -a

To make it parse file and output to console:

php -f file.php

Parse file and output to another file:

php -f file.php > results.html

Do you need something else?

To run only small part, one line or like, you can use:

php -r '$x = "Hello World"; echo "$x\n";'

If you are running linux then do man php at console.

if you need/want to run php through fpm, use cli fcgi

SCRIPT_NAME="file.php" SCRIP_FILENAME="file.php" REQUEST_METHOD="GET" cgi-fcgi -bind -connect "/var/run/php-fpm/php-fpm.sock"

where /var/run/php-fpm/php-fpm.sock is your php-fpm socket file.

How to check if an integer is in a given range?

For those using commons lang an option is to use Range:

Range<Integer> myRange = Range.between(100, 500);
if (myRange.contains(200)){
    // do something

Also see: how to construct a apache commons 3.1 Range<Integer> object

Populating a razor dropdownlist from a List<object> in MVC

        List<CategoryModel> CategoryList = CategoryModel.GetCategoryList(UserID);
        IEnumerable<SelectListItem> CategorySelectList = CategoryList.Select(x => new SelectListItem() { Text = x.CategoryName.Trim(), Value = x.CategoryID.Trim() });
            <B>Assigned Category:</B>
            @Html.DropDownList("CategoryList", CategorySelectList, "Select a Category (Optional)")

200 PORT command successful. Consider using PASV. 425 Failed to establish connection

You are using the FTP in an active mode.

Setting up the FTP in the active mode can be cumbersome nowadays due to firewalls and NATs.

It's likely because of your local firewall or NAT that the server was not able to connect back to your client to establish data transfer connection.

Or your client is not aware of its external IP address and provides an internal address instead to the server (in PORT command), which the server is obviously not able to use. But it should not be the case, as vsftpd by default rejects data transfer address not identical to source address of FTP control connection (the port_promiscuous directive).

See my article Network Configuration for Active Mode.

If possible, you should use a passive mode as it typically requires no additional setup on a client-side. That's also what the server suggested you by "Consider using PASV". The PASV is an FTP command used to enter the passive mode.

Unfortunately Windows FTP command-line client (the ftp.exe) does not support passive mode at all. It makes it pretty useless nowadays.

Use any other 3rd party Windows FTP command-line client instead. Most other support the passive mode.

For example WinSCP FTP client defaults to the passive mode and there's a guide available for converting Windows FTP script to WinSCP script.

(I'm the author of WinSCP)

Asyncio.gather vs asyncio.wait

In addition to all the previous answers, I would like to tell about the different behavior of gather() and wait() in case they are cancelled.

Gather cancellation

If gather() is cancelled, all submitted awaitables (that have not completed yet) are also cancelled.

Wait cancellation

If the wait() task is cancelled, it simply throws an CancelledError and the waited tasks remain intact.

Simple example:

import asyncio

async def task(arg):
    await asyncio.sleep(5)
    return arg

async def cancel_waiting_task(work_task, waiting_task):
    await asyncio.sleep(2)
        await waiting_task
        print("Waiting done")
    except asyncio.CancelledError:
        print("Waiting task cancelled")

        res = await work_task
        print(f"Work result: {res}")
    except asyncio.CancelledError:
        print("Work task cancelled")

async def main():
    work_task = asyncio.create_task(task("done"))
    waiting = asyncio.create_task(asyncio.wait({work_task}))
    await cancel_waiting_task(work_task, waiting)

    work_task = asyncio.create_task(task("done"))
    waiting = asyncio.gather(work_task)
    await cancel_waiting_task(work_task, waiting)


Waiting task cancelled
Work result: done
Waiting task cancelled
Work task cancelled

Sometimes it becomes necessary to combine wait() and gather() functionality. For example, we want to wait for the completion of at least one task and cancel the rest pending tasks after that, and if the waiting itself was canceled, then also cancel all pending tasks.

As real examples, let's say we have a disconnect event and a work task. And we want to wait for the results of the work task, but if the connection was lost, then cancel it. Or we will make several parallel requests, but upon completion of at least one response, cancel all others.

It could be done this way:

import asyncio
from typing import Optional, Tuple, Set

async def wait_any(
        tasks: Set[asyncio.Future], *, timeout: Optional[int] = None,
) -> Tuple[Set[asyncio.Future], Set[asyncio.Future]]:
    tasks_to_cancel: Set[asyncio.Future] = set()
        done, tasks_to_cancel = await asyncio.wait(
            tasks, timeout=timeout, return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED
        return done, tasks_to_cancel
    except asyncio.CancelledError:
        tasks_to_cancel = tasks
        for task in tasks_to_cancel:

async def task():
    await asyncio.sleep(5)

async def cancel_waiting_task(work_task, waiting_task):
    await asyncio.sleep(2)
        await waiting_task
        print("Waiting done")
    except asyncio.CancelledError:
        print("Waiting task cancelled")

        res = await work_task
        print(f"Work result: {res}")
    except asyncio.CancelledError:
        print("Work task cancelled")

async def check_tasks(waiting_task, working_task, waiting_conn_lost_task):
        await waiting_task
        print("waiting is done")
    except asyncio.CancelledError:
        print("waiting is cancelled")

        await waiting_conn_lost_task
        print("connection is lost")
    except asyncio.CancelledError:
        print("waiting connection lost is cancelled")

        await working_task
        print("work is done")
    except asyncio.CancelledError:
        print("work is cancelled")

async def work_done_case():
    working_task = asyncio.create_task(task())
    connection_lost_event = asyncio.Event()
    waiting_conn_lost_task = asyncio.create_task(connection_lost_event.wait())
    waiting_task = asyncio.create_task(wait_any({working_task, waiting_conn_lost_task}))
    await check_tasks(waiting_task, working_task, waiting_conn_lost_task)

async def conn_lost_case():
    working_task = asyncio.create_task(task())
    connection_lost_event = asyncio.Event()
    waiting_conn_lost_task = asyncio.create_task(connection_lost_event.wait())
    waiting_task = asyncio.create_task(wait_any({working_task, waiting_conn_lost_task}))
    await asyncio.sleep(2)
    connection_lost_event.set()  # <---
    await check_tasks(waiting_task, working_task, waiting_conn_lost_task)

async def cancel_waiting_case():
    working_task = asyncio.create_task(task())
    connection_lost_event = asyncio.Event()
    waiting_conn_lost_task = asyncio.create_task(connection_lost_event.wait())
    waiting_task = asyncio.create_task(wait_any({working_task, waiting_conn_lost_task}))
    await asyncio.sleep(2)
    waiting_task.cancel()  # <---
    await check_tasks(waiting_task, working_task, waiting_conn_lost_task)

async def main():
    print("Work done")
    await work_done_case()
    print("\nConnection lost")
    await conn_lost_case()
    print("\nCancel waiting")
    await cancel_waiting_case()


Work done
waiting is done
waiting connection lost is cancelled
work is done

Connection lost
waiting is done
connection is lost
work is cancelled

Cancel waiting
waiting is cancelled
waiting connection lost is cancelled
work is cancelled

How to replace all special character into a string using C#

You can use a regular expresion to for example replace all non-alphanumeric characters with commas:

s = Regex.Replace(s, "[^0-9A-Za-z]+", ",");

Note: The + after the set will make it replace each group of non-alphanumeric characters with a comma. If you want to replace each character with a comma, just remove the +.

NullPointerException in Java with no StackTrace

We have seen this same behavior in the past. It turned out that, for some crazy reason, if a NullPointerException occurred at the same place in the code multiple times, after a while using Log.error(String, Throwable) would stop including full stack traces.

Try looking further back in your log. You may find the culprit.

EDIT: this bug sounds relevant, but it was fixed so long ago it's probably not the cause.

a page can have only one server-side form tag

Does your page contain these

<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolder1"

tags, and are all your controls inside these? You should only have the Form tags in the MasterPage.

Here are some of my understanding and suggestion:

Html element can be put in the body of html pages and html page does support multiple elements, however they can not be nested each other, you can find the detailed description from the W3C html specification:

The FORM element

And as for ASP.NET web form page, it is based on a single server-side form element which contains all the controls inside it, so generally we do not recommend that we put multiple elements. However, this is still supported in ASP.NET page(master page) and I think the problem in your master page should be caused by the unsupported nested element, and multiple in the same level should be ok. e.g:

In addition, if what you want to do through multiple forms is just make our page posting to multiple pages, I think you can consider using the new feature for cross-page posting in ASP.NET 2.0. This can help us use button controls to postback to different pages without having multpile forms on the page:

Cross-Page Posting in ASP.NET Web Pages

Padding or margin value in pixels as integer using jQuery

You can just grab them as with any CSS attribute:


You can set them with a second attribute in the css method:

$("#mybox").css("padding-right", "20px");

EDIT: If you need just the pixel value, use parseInt(val, 10):

parseInt($("#mybox").css("padding-right", "20px"), 10);

jQuery click event on radio button doesn't get fired

put ur js code under the form html or use $(document).ready(function(){}) and try this.

$('#inline_content input[type="radio"]').click(function(){
                if($(this).val() == "walk_in"){

Find provisioning profile in Xcode 5

I found a way to find out how your provisioning profile is named. Select the profile that you want in the code sign section in the build settings, then open the selection view again and click on "other" at the bottom. Then occur a view with the naming of the current selected provisioning profile.

You can now find the profile file on the path:

~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles


For Terminal:

cd ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles

How to update value of a key in dictionary in c#?

Try this simple function to add an dictionary item if it does not exist or update when it exists:

    public void AddOrUpdateDictionaryEntry(string key, int value)
        if (dict.ContainsKey(key))
            dict[key] = value;
            dict.Add(key, value);

This is the same as dict[key] = value.

javascript createElement(), style problem

I found this page when I was trying to set the backgroundImage attribute of a div, but hadn't wrapped the backgroundImage value with url(). This worked fine:

for (var i=0; i<20; i++) {
  // add a wrapper around an image element
  var wrapper = document.createElement('div');
  wrapper.className = 'image-cell';

  // add the image element
  var img = document.createElement('div');
  img.className = 'image'; = 'url(';

  // add the image to its container; add both to the body

Why is my CSS bundling not working with a bin deployed MVC4 app?

With Visual Studio 2015 I found the problem was caused by referencing the .min version of a javascript file in the BundleConfig when debug=true is set in the web.config.

For example, with jquery specifying the following in BundleConfig:

bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/jquery").Include("~/Scripts/jquery-{version}.min.js"));

resulted in the jquery not loading correctly at all when debug=true was set in the web.config.

Referencing the un-minified version:

bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/jquery").Include("~/Scripts/jquery-{version}.js"));

corrects the problem.

Setting debug=false also corrects the problem, but of course that is not exactly helpful.

It is also worth noting that while some minified javascript files loaded correctly and others did not. I ended up removing all minified javascript files in favor of VS handling minification for me.

MongoDB what are the default user and password?

For MongoDB earlier than 2.6, the command to add a root user is addUser (e.g.)


Run function from the command line

Make your life easier, install Spyder. Open your file then run it (click the green arrow). Afterwards your hello() method is defined and known to the IPython Console, so you can call it from the console.

img src SVG changing the styles with CSS

To expand on @gringo answer, the Javascript method described in other answers works, but requires the user to download unnecessary image files, and IMO, it bloats your code.

I think a better approach would be to to migrate all 1-color vector graphics to a webfont file. I've used Fort Awesome in the past, and it works great to combine your custom icons/images in SVG format, along with any 3rd party icons you may be using (Font Awesome, Bootstrap icons, etc.) into a single webfont file the user has to download. You can also customize it, so you only include the 3rd party icons you're using. This reduces the number of requests the page has to make, and you're overall page weight, especially if you're already including any 3rd party icons libraries.

If you prefer a more dev oriented option, you could Google "npm svg webfont", and use one of the node modules that's most appropriate for your environment.

Once, you've done either of those two options, then you could easily change the color via CSS, and most likely, you've sped up your site in the process.

What is the $? (dollar question mark) variable in shell scripting?

$? is used to find the return value of the last executed command. Try the following in the shell:

ls somefile
echo $?

If somefile exists (regardless whether it is a file or directory), you will get the return value thrown by the ls command, which should be 0 (default "success" return value). If it doesn't exist, you should get a number other then 0. The exact number depends on the program.

For many programs you can find the numbers and their meaning in the corresponding man page. These will usually be described as "exit status" and may have their own section.

What is the difference between const int*, const int * const, and int const *?

  • if const is to the left of *, it refers to the value (it doesn't matter whether it's const int or int const)
  • if const is to the right of *, it refers to the pointer itself
  • it can be both at the same time

An important point: const int *p does not mean the value you are referring to is constant!!. It means that you can't change it through that pointer (meaning, you can't assign $*p = ...`). The value itself may be changed in other ways. Eg

int x = 5;
const int *p = &x;
x = 6; //legal
printf("%d", *p) // prints 6
*p = 7; //error 

This is meant to be used mostly in function signatures, to guarantee that the function can't accidentally change the arguments passed.

Python - Dimension of Data Frame

df.shape, where df is your DataFrame.

Autocompletion in Vim

I've just found the project Eclim linked in another question. This looks quite promising, at least for Java integration.

autocomplete ='off' is not working when the input type is password and make the input field above it to enable autocomplete

I've tried all sort of workarounds, but just that combination worked on all browsers in my case:

<input type="password" id="Password" name="Password" 
       onblur="this.setAttribute('readonly', 'readonly');" 
       onfocus="this.removeAttribute('readonly');" readonly>

And it's quite clean solution too :)

Looping over a list in Python

Do this instead:

values = [[1,2,3],[4,5]]
for x in values:
    if len(x) == 3:

Name does not exist in the current context

"The project works on the laptop, but now having copied the updated source code onto the desktop ..."

I did something similar, creating two versions of a project and copying files between them. It gave me the same error.

My solution was to go into the project file, where I discovered that what had looked like this:

<Compile Include="App_Code\Common\Pair.cs" />
<Compile Include="App_Code\Common\QueryCommand.cs" />

Now looked like this:

<Content Include="App_Code\Common\Pair.cs">
<Content Include="App_Code\Common\QueryCommand.cs">

When I changed them back, Visual Studio was happy again.

How do I get the latest version of my code?

If you are using Git GUI, first fetch then merge.

Fetch via Remote menu >> Fetch >> Origin. Merge via Merge menu >> Merge Local.

The following dialog appears.

enter image description here

Select the tracking branch radio button (also by default selected), leave the yellow box empty and press merge and this should update the files.

I had already reverted some local changes before doing these steps since I wanted to discard those anyways so I don't have to eliminate via merge later.

Increase max execution time for php

well, there are two way to change max_execution_time.
1. You can directly set it in php.ini file.
2. Secondly, you can add following line in your code.

ini_set('max_execution_time', '100')

How do you change the value inside of a textfield flutter?

TextEditingController()..text = "new text"

How to use PHP's password_hash to hash and verify passwords

I’ve built a function I use all the time for password validation and to create passwords, e.g. to store them in a MySQL database. It uses a randomly generated salt which is way more secure than using a static salt.

function secure_password($user_pwd, $multi) {

    secure_password ( string $user_pwd, boolean/string $multi ) 

    *** Description: 
        This function verifies a password against a (database-) stored password's hash or
        returns $hash for a given password if $multi is set to either true or false

    *** Examples:
        // To check a password against its hash
        if(secure_password($user_password, $row['user_password'])) {
        // To create a password-hash
        $my_password = 'uber_sEcUrE_pass';
        $hash = secure_password($my_password, true);
        echo $hash;

// Set options for encryption and build unique random hash
$crypt_options = ['cost' => 11, 'salt' => mcrypt_create_iv(22, MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM)];
$hash = password_hash($user_pwd, PASSWORD_BCRYPT, $crypt_options);

// If $multi is not boolean check password and return validation state true/false
if($multi!==true && $multi!==false) {
    if (password_verify($user_pwd, $table_pwd = $multi)) {
        return true; // valid password
    } else {
        return false; // invalid password
// If $multi is boolean return $hash
} else return $hash;


How can I perform static code analysis in PHP?

Run php in lint mode from the command line to validate syntax without execution:


Higher-level static analyzers include:

Lower-level analyzers include:

Runtime analyzers, which are more useful for some things due to PHP's dynamic nature, include:

The documentation libraries phpdoc and Doxygen perform a kind of code analysis. Doxygen, for example, can be configured to render nice inheritance graphs with Graphviz.

Another option is xhprof, which is similar to Xdebug, but lighter, making it suitable for production servers. The tool includes a PHP-based interface.

Error: "dictionary update sequence element #0 has length 1; 2 is required" on Django 1.4

Just ran into this problem. I don't know if it's the same thing that hit your code, but for me the root cause was because I forgot to put name= on the last argument of the url (or path in Django 2.0+) function call.

For instance, the following functions throw the error from the question:

url(r'^foo/(?P<bar>[A-Za-z]+)/$', views.FooBar.as_view(), 'foo')
path('foo/{slug:bar}/', views.FooBar, 'foo')

But these actually work:

url(r'^foo/(?P<bar>[A-Za-z]+)/$', views.FooBar.as_view(), name='foo')
path('foo/{slug:bar}/', views.FooBar, name='foo')

The reason why the traceback is unhelpful is because internally, Django wants to parse the given positional argument as the keyword argument kwargs, and since a string is an iterable, an atypical code path begins to unfold. Always use name= on your urls!

How to remove CocoaPods from a project?

There can be two aspects developer may face.

  • Either he wants to remove pods completely from project
  • developer wants to uninstall particular framework from project from pods.

In first case you have to use 'pod deintegrate' and follow several steps which are mentioned in the answers above.

For second case that is if you want to uninstall any particular framework which is installed there very simple way available in your pod file just comment the framework which you want to uninstall and run pod install command.

# Uncomment this line to define a global platform for your project
# platform :ios, '9.0'
target 'ProjectName' do
  # Uncomment this line if you're using Swift or would like to use dynamic frameworks
  # use_frameworks!

    pod 'iCarousel', '~> 1.8'
#    pod 'Facebook-iOS-SDK', '~> 4.1'
#    pod 'ParseFacebookUtilsV4', '~> 1.11'
#    pod 'Parse', '~> 1.14'


Here I want to uninstall facebook and parse frameworks (which were installed using pods) and not iCarousel that is why I have updated my pod file like above.

Now if I run pod install it will keep iCarousel as it is in my project and will remove facebook and parse.

How to switch Python versions in Terminal?

You can just specify the python version when running a program:

for python 2:


for python 3:


How to find the logs on android studio?

In ubuntu it should be under


where user_name is logged in user name and product_name could be e.g. .AndroidStudio1.5

Update multiple rows using select statement

Run a select to make sure it is what you want

FROM Table2 t2
INNER JOIN Table1 t1 on t1.ID = t2.ID


SET Value = t1.Value
FROM Table2 t2
INNER JOIN Table1 t1 on t1.ID = t2.ID

Also, consider using BEGIN TRAN so you can roll it back if needed, but make sure you COMMIT it when you are satisfied.

Django - filtering on foreign key properties

Asset.objects.filter( project__name__contains="Foo" )

Access And/Or exclusions

Seeing that it appears you are running using the SQL syntax, try with the correct wild card.

SELECT * FROM someTable WHERE (someTable.Field NOT LIKE '%RISK%') AND (someTable.Field NOT LIKE '%Blah%') AND someTable.SomeOtherField <> 4; 

How to replace all double quotes to single quotes using jquery?

You can also use replaceAll(search, replaceWith) [MDN].

Then, make sure you have a string by wrapping one type of quotes by a different type:

 'a "b" c'.replaceAll('"', "'")
 // result: "a 'b' c"
 'a "b" c'.replaceAll(`"`, `'`)
 // result: "a 'b' c"

 // Using RegEx. You MUST use a global RegEx(Meaning it'll match all occurrences).
 'a "b" c'.replaceAll(/\"/g, "'")
 // result: "a 'b' c"

Important(!) if you choose regex:

when using a regexp you have to set the global ("g") flag; otherwise, it will throw a TypeError: "replaceAll must be called with a global RegExp".

How do you debug React Native?

It really depends on what I am doing. If I am making UI changes or debugging UI, I typically turn on live and hot reloading and make changes then get instant feedback on it. If it's something more technical, I turn on JS debugging to look at the state of the app. However because reloading is so quick in react native, if the state is too messy, I just console log.

How to set label size in Bootstrap

if you have

<span class="label label-default">New</span>

just add the style="font-size:XXpx;", ej.

<span class="label label-default" style="font-size:15px;">New</span>

Add querystring parameters to link_to

In case you want to pass in a block, say, for a glyphicon button, as in the following:

<%= link_to my_url, class: "stuff" do %>
  <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-inbox></i> Nice glyph-button
<% end %>

Then passing querystrings params could be accomplished through:

<%= link_to url_for(params.merge(my_params: "value")), class: "stuff" do %>
  <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-inbox></i> Nice glyph-button
<% end %>

Create a symbolic link of directory in Ubuntu

In script is usefull something like this:

if [ ! -d /etc/nginx ]; then ln -s /usr/local/nginx/conf/ /etc/nginx > /dev/null 2>&1; fi

it prevents before re-create "bad" looped symlink after re-run script

How to call a vue.js function on page load

Beware that when the mounted event is fired on a component, not all Vue components are replaced yet, so the DOM may not be final yet.

To really simulate the DOM onload event, i.e. to fire after the DOM is ready but before the page is drawn, use vm.$nextTick from inside mounted:

mounted: function () {
  this.$nextTick(function () {
    // Will be executed when the DOM is ready

Arrays.fill with multidimensional array in Java

double[][] arr = new double[20][4];
Arrays.fill(arr[0], 0);
Arrays.fill(arr[1], 0);
Arrays.fill(arr[2], 0);
Arrays.fill(arr[3], 0);
Arrays.fill(arr[4], 0);
Arrays.fill(arr[5], 0);
Arrays.fill(arr[6], 0);
Arrays.fill(arr[7], 0);
Arrays.fill(arr[8], 0);
Arrays.fill(arr[9], 0);
Arrays.fill(arr[10], 0);
Arrays.fill(arr[11], 0);
Arrays.fill(arr[12], 0);
Arrays.fill(arr[13], 0);
Arrays.fill(arr[14], 0);
Arrays.fill(arr[15], 0);
Arrays.fill(arr[16], 0);
Arrays.fill(arr[17], 0);
Arrays.fill(arr[18], 0);
Arrays.fill(arr[19], 0);

How to compare two colors for similarity/difference

I've tried various methods like LAB color space, HSV comparisons and I've found that luminosity works pretty well for this purpose.

Here is Python version

def lum(c):
    def factor(component):
        component = component / 255;
        if (component <= 0.03928):
            component = component / 12.92;
            component = math.pow(((component + 0.055) / 1.055), 2.4);

        return component
    components = [factor(ci) for ci in c]

    return (components[0] * 0.2126 + components[1] * 0.7152 + components[2] * 0.0722) + 0.05;

def color_distance(c1, c2):

    l1 = lum(c1)
    l2 = lum(c2)
    higher = max(l1, l2)
    lower = min(l1, l2)

    return (higher - lower) / higher

c1 = ImageColor.getrgb('white')
c2 = ImageColor.getrgb('yellow')
print(color_distance(c1, c2))

Will give you


C# Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute

I suspect the error is caused by this:

foreach (KeyValuePair<int, int> kvp in rankings)

rankings is a dictionary, which is IEnumerable. By using it in a foreach loop, you're specifying that you want each KeyValuePair from the dictionary in a deferred manner. That is, the next KeyValuePair is not returned until your loop iterates again.

But you're modifying the dictionary inside your loop:

rankings[kvp.Key] = rankings[kvp.Key] + 4;

which isn't you get the exception.

You could simply do this

foreach (KeyValuePair<int, int> kvp in rankings.ToArray())

Cannot connect to local SQL Server with Management Studio

Check the sql log in the LOG directory of your instance - see if anything is going on there. You'll need to stop the service to open the log - or restart and you can read the old one - named with .1 on the end.

With the error you're getting, you need to enable TCP/IP or Named pipes for named connections. Shared memory connection should work, but you seem to not be using that. Are you trying to connect through SSMS?

In my log I see entries like this...

Server local connection provider is ready to accept connection on [\\.\pipe\mssql$sqlexpress\sql\query ]

As the comments said, .\SQLEXPRESS should work. Also worstationName\SQLEXPRESS will work.

Why not inherit from List<T>?

I just wanted to add that Bertrand Meyer, the inventor of Eiffel and design by contract, would have Team inherit from List<Player> without so much as batting an eyelid.

In his book, Object-Oriented Software Construction, he discusses the implementation of a GUI system where rectangular windows can have child windows. He simply has Window inherit from both Rectangle and Tree<Window> to reuse the implementation.

However, C# is not Eiffel. The latter supports multiple inheritance and renaming of features. In C#, when you subclass, you inherit both the interface and the implemenation. You can override the implementation, but the calling conventions are copied directly from the superclass. In Eiffel, however, you can modify the names of the public methods, so you can rename Add and Remove to Hire and Fire in your Team. If an instance of Team is upcast back to List<Player>, the caller will use Add and Remove to modify it, but your virtual methods Hire and Fire will be called.

Git merge two local branches

on branchB do $git checkout branchA to switch to branch A

on branchA do $git merge branchB

That's all you need.

Adding a background image to a <div> element

Use this style to get a centered background image without repeat.

    background-image: url('imagePath');
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-position: center; 
    position: relative;

In HTML, set this style for your div:

<div class="bgImgCenter"></div>

Plotting two variables as lines using ggplot2 on the same graph

I am also new to R but trying to understand how ggplot works I think I get another way to do it. I just share probably not as a complete perfect solution but to add some different points of view.

I know ggplot is made to work with dataframes better but maybe it can be also sometimes useful to know that you can directly plot two vectors without using a dataframe.

Loading data. Original date vector length is 100 while var0 and var1 have length 50 so I only plot the available data (first 50 dates).

var0 <- 100 + c(0, cumsum(runif(49, -20, 20)))
var1 <- 150 + c(0, cumsum(runif(49, -10, 10)))
date <- seq(as.Date("2002-01-01"), by="1 month", length.out=50)    


ggplot() + geom_line(aes(x=date,y=var0),color='red') + 
           geom_line(aes(x=date,y=var1),color='blue') + 

enter image description here

However I was not able to add a correct legend using this format. Does anyone know how?

jQuery to loop through elements with the same class

jQuery's .eq() can help you traverse through elements with an indexed approach.

var testimonialElements = $(".testimonial");
for(var i=0; i<testimonialElements.length; i++){
    var element = testimonialElements.eq(i);
    //do something with element

Freeze screen in chrome debugger / DevTools panel for popover inspection?

I found that this works really well in Chrome.

Right click on the element that you'd like to inspect, then click Force Element State > Hover. Screenshot attached.

Force element state

Highlight the difference between two strings in PHP

What you are looking for is a "diff algorithm". A quick google search led me to this solution. I did not test it, but maybe it will do what you need.

org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Premature end of file for *VALID* XML

If input stream is not closed properly then this exception may happen. make sure : If inputstream used is not used "Before" in some way then where you are intended to read. i.e if read 2nd time from same input stream in single operation then 2nd call will get this exception. Also make sure to close input stream in finally block or something like that.

EXCEL Multiple Ranges - need different answers for each range



with the range F4:G9:

0   0.1
1   0.15
5   0.2
15  0.3
30  1
100 1.3

and D4 being the value in question, e.g. 18.75 -> result: 0.3

Accessing a Shared File (UNC) From a Remote, Non-Trusted Domain With Credentials

For people looking for a quick solution, you can use the NetworkShareAccesser I wrote recently (based on this answer (thanks so much!)):


    File.Copy(@"C:\Some\File\To\copy.txt", @"\\REMOTE-COMPUTER\My\Shared\Target\file.txt");

WARNING: Please make absolutely sure, that Dispose of the NetworkShareAccesser is called (even if you app crashes!), otherwise an open connection will remain on Windows. You can see all open connections by opening the cmd prompt and enter net use.

The Code:

/// <summary>
/// Provides access to a network share.
/// </summary>
public class NetworkShareAccesser : IDisposable
    private string _remoteUncName;
    private string _remoteComputerName;

    public string RemoteComputerName
            return this._remoteComputerName;
            this._remoteComputerName = value;
            this._remoteUncName = @"\\" + this._remoteComputerName;

    public string UserName
    public string Password

    #region Consts

    private const int RESOURCE_CONNECTED = 0x00000001;
    private const int RESOURCE_GLOBALNET = 0x00000002;
    private const int RESOURCE_REMEMBERED = 0x00000003;

    private const int RESOURCETYPE_ANY = 0x00000000;
    private const int RESOURCETYPE_DISK = 0x00000001;
    private const int RESOURCETYPE_PRINT = 0x00000002;

    private const int RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_GENERIC = 0x00000000;
    private const int RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_DOMAIN = 0x00000001;
    private const int RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_SERVER = 0x00000002;
    private const int RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_SHARE = 0x00000003;
    private const int RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_FILE = 0x00000004;
    private const int RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_GROUP = 0x00000005;

    private const int RESOURCEUSAGE_CONNECTABLE = 0x00000001;
    private const int RESOURCEUSAGE_CONTAINER = 0x00000002;

    private const int CONNECT_INTERACTIVE = 0x00000008;
    private const int CONNECT_PROMPT = 0x00000010;
    private const int CONNECT_REDIRECT = 0x00000080;
    private const int CONNECT_UPDATE_PROFILE = 0x00000001;
    private const int CONNECT_COMMANDLINE = 0x00000800;
    private const int CONNECT_CMD_SAVECRED = 0x00001000;

    private const int CONNECT_LOCALDRIVE = 0x00000100;


    #region Errors

    private const int NO_ERROR = 0;

    private const int ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED = 5;
    private const int ERROR_ALREADY_ASSIGNED = 85;
    private const int ERROR_BAD_DEVICE = 1200;
    private const int ERROR_BAD_NET_NAME = 67;
    private const int ERROR_BAD_PROVIDER = 1204;
    private const int ERROR_CANCELLED = 1223;
    private const int ERROR_EXTENDED_ERROR = 1208;
    private const int ERROR_INVALID_ADDRESS = 487;
    private const int ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER = 87;
    private const int ERROR_INVALID_PASSWORD = 1216;
    private const int ERROR_MORE_DATA = 234;
    private const int ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS = 259;
    private const int ERROR_NO_NET_OR_BAD_PATH = 1203;
    private const int ERROR_NO_NETWORK = 1222;

    private const int ERROR_BAD_PROFILE = 1206;
    private const int ERROR_CANNOT_OPEN_PROFILE = 1205;
    private const int ERROR_DEVICE_IN_USE = 2404;
    private const int ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED = 2250;
    private const int ERROR_OPEN_FILES = 2401;


    #region PInvoke Signatures

    private static extern int WNetUseConnection(
        IntPtr hwndOwner,
        NETRESOURCE lpNetResource,
        string lpPassword,
        string lpUserID,
        int dwFlags,
        string lpAccessName,
        string lpBufferSize,
        string lpResult

    private static extern int WNetCancelConnection2(
        string lpName,
        int dwFlags,
        bool fForce

    private class NETRESOURCE
        public int dwScope = 0;
        public int dwType = 0;
        public int dwDisplayType = 0;
        public int dwUsage = 0;
        public string lpLocalName = "";
        public string lpRemoteName = "";
        public string lpComment = "";
        public string lpProvider = "";


    /// <summary>
    /// Creates a NetworkShareAccesser for the given computer name. The user will be promted to enter credentials
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="remoteComputerName"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static NetworkShareAccesser Access(string remoteComputerName)
        return new NetworkShareAccesser(remoteComputerName);

    /// <summary>
    /// Creates a NetworkShareAccesser for the given computer name using the given domain/computer name, username and password
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="remoteComputerName"></param>
    /// <param name="domainOrComuterName"></param>
    /// <param name="userName"></param>
    /// <param name="password"></param>
    public static NetworkShareAccesser Access(string remoteComputerName, string domainOrComuterName, string userName, string password)
        return new NetworkShareAccesser(remoteComputerName,
                                        domainOrComuterName + @"\" + userName,

    /// <summary>
    /// Creates a NetworkShareAccesser for the given computer name using the given username (format: domainOrComputername\Username) and password
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="remoteComputerName"></param>
    /// <param name="userName"></param>
    /// <param name="password"></param>
    public static NetworkShareAccesser Access(string remoteComputerName, string userName, string password)
        return new NetworkShareAccesser(remoteComputerName, 

    private NetworkShareAccesser(string remoteComputerName)
        RemoteComputerName = remoteComputerName;               

        this.ConnectToShare(this._remoteUncName, null, null, true);

    private NetworkShareAccesser(string remoteComputerName, string userName, string password)
        RemoteComputerName = remoteComputerName;
        UserName = userName;
        Password = password;

        this.ConnectToShare(this._remoteUncName, this.UserName, this.Password, false);

    private void ConnectToShare(string remoteUnc, string username, string password, bool promptUser)
            dwType = RESOURCETYPE_DISK,
            lpRemoteName = remoteUnc

        int result;
        if (promptUser)
            result = WNetUseConnection(IntPtr.Zero, nr, "", "", CONNECT_INTERACTIVE | CONNECT_PROMPT, null, null, null);
            result = WNetUseConnection(IntPtr.Zero, nr, password, username, 0, null, null, null);

        if (result != NO_ERROR)
            throw new Win32Exception(result);

    private void DisconnectFromShare(string remoteUnc)
        int result = WNetCancelConnection2(remoteUnc, CONNECT_UPDATE_PROFILE, false);
        if (result != NO_ERROR)
            throw new Win32Exception(result);

    /// <summary>
    /// Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
    /// </summary>
    /// <filterpriority>2</filterpriority>
    public void Dispose()

Why am I seeing "TypeError: string indices must be integers"?

As a rule of thumb, when I receive this error in Python I compare the function signature with the function execution.

For example:

def print_files(file_list, parent_id):
    for file in file_list:
        print(title: %s, id: %s' % (file['title'], file['id']

So if I'll call this function with parameters placed in the wrong order and pass the list as the 2nd argument and a string as the 1st argument:

print_files(parent_id, list_of_files) # <----- Accidentally switching arguments location

The function will try to iterate over the parent_id string instead of file_list and it will expect to see the index as an integer pointing to the specific character in string and not an index which is a string (title or id).

This will lead to the TypeError: string indices must be integers error.

Due to its dynamic nature (as opposed to languages like Java, C# or Typescript), Python will not inform you about this syntax error.

Android Webview - Completely Clear the Cache


How to position two divs horizontally within another div

Via Bootstrap Grid, you can easily get the cross browser compatible solution.

<div class="container">     
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col-sm-6" style="background-color:lavender;">
    <div class="col-sm-6" style="background-color:lavenderblush;">


Error : ORA-01704: string literal too long

The split work until 4000 chars depending on the characters that you are inserting. If you are inserting special characters it can fail. The only secure way is to declare a variable.

How to change the opacity (alpha, transparency) of an element in a canvas element after it has been drawn?

I think this answers the question best, it actually changes the alpha value of something that has been drawn already. Maybe this wasn't part of the api when this question was asked.

Given 2d context c.

function reduceAlpha(x, y, w, h, dA) {
    let screenData = c.getImageData(x, y, w, h);
    for(let i = 3; i <; i+=4){[i] -= dA; //delta-Alpha
    c.putImageData(screenData, x, y );

How do I get to IIS Manager?

First of all, you need to check that the IIS is installed in your machine, for that you can go to:

Control Panel --> Add or Remove Programs --> Windows Features --> And Check if Internet Information Services is installed with at least the 'Web Administration Tools' Enabled and The 'World Wide Web Service'

If not, check it, and Press Accept to install it.

Once that is done, you need to go to Administrative Tools in Control Panel and the IIS Will be there. Or simply run inetmgr (after Win+R).

Edit: You should have something like this: enter image description here

Call static methods from regular ES6 class methods

I stumbled over this thread searching for answer to similar case. Basically all answers are found, but it's still hard to extract the essentials from them.

Kinds of Access

Assume a class Foo probably derived from some other class(es) with probably more classes derived from it.

Then accessing

  • from static method/getter of Foo
    • some probably overridden static method/getter:
      • this.method()
    • some probably overridden instance method/getter:
      • impossible by design
    • own non-overridden static method/getter:
      • Foo.method()
    • own non-overridden instance method/getter:
      • impossible by design
  • from instance method/getter of Foo
    • some probably overridden static method/getter:
      • this.constructor.method()
    • some probably overridden instance method/getter:
      • this.method()
    • own non-overridden static method/getter:
      • Foo.method()
    • own non-overridden instance method/getter:
      • not possible by intention unless using some workaround:
        • this )
        • Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor( Foo.prototype,"property" );

Keep in mind that using this isn't working this way when using arrow functions or invoking methods/getters explicitly bound to custom value.


  • When in context of an instance's method or getter
    • this is referring to current instance.
    • super is basically referring to same instance, but somewhat addressing methods and getters written in context of some class current one is extending (by using the prototype of Foo's prototype).
    • definition of instance's class used on creating it is available per this.constructor.
  • When in context of a static method or getter there is no "current instance" by intention and so
    • this is available to refer to the definition of current class directly.
    • super is not referring to some instance either, but to static methods and getters written in context of some class current one is extending.


Try this code:

class A {_x000D_
  constructor( input ) {_x000D_
    this.loose = this.constructor.getResult( input );_x000D_
    this.tight = A.getResult( input );_x000D_
    console.log( this.scaledProperty, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor( A.prototype, "scaledProperty" ) this ) );_x000D_
  get scaledProperty() {_x000D_
    return parseInt( this.loose ) * 100;_x000D_
  static getResult( input ) {_x000D_
    return input * this.scale;_x000D_
  static get scale() {_x000D_
    return 2;_x000D_
class B extends A {_x000D_
  constructor( input ) {_x000D_
    super( input );_x000D_
    this.tight = B.getResult( input ) + " (of B)";_x000D_
  get scaledProperty() {_x000D_
    return parseInt( this.loose ) * 10000;_x000D_
  static get scale() {_x000D_
    return 4;_x000D_
class C extends B {_x000D_
  constructor( input ) {_x000D_
    super( input );_x000D_
  static get scale() {_x000D_
    return 5;_x000D_
class D extends C {_x000D_
  constructor( input ) {_x000D_
    super( input );_x000D_
  static getResult( input ) {_x000D_
    return super.getResult( input ) + " (overridden)";_x000D_
  static get scale() {_x000D_
    return 10;_x000D_
let instanceA = new A( 4 );_x000D_
console.log( "A.loose", instanceA.loose );_x000D_
console.log( "A.tight", instanceA.tight );_x000D_
let instanceB = new B( 4 );_x000D_
console.log( "B.loose", instanceB.loose );_x000D_
console.log( "B.tight", instanceB.tight );_x000D_
let instanceC = new C( 4 );_x000D_
console.log( "C.loose", instanceC.loose );_x000D_
console.log( "C.tight", instanceC.tight );_x000D_
let instanceD = new D( 4 );_x000D_
console.log( "D.loose", instanceD.loose );_x000D_
console.log( "D.tight", instanceD.tight );

Clear dropdown using jQuery Select2

Since none of them all worked for me (select2 4.0.3) is went the std select way.

for(var i = selectbox.options.length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i--)

Read file line by line in PowerShell

I was able to read a 4GB log file in about 50 seconds with the following. You may be able to make it faster by loading it as a C# assembly dynamically using PowerShell.

[System.IO.StreamReader]$sr = [System.IO.File]::Open($file, [System.IO.FileMode]::Open)
while (-not $sr.EndOfStream){
    $line = $sr.ReadLine()

Using Razor within JavaScript

A simple and a good straight-forward example:

    // This gets the username from the Razor engine and puts it
    // in JavaScript to create a variable I can access from the
    // client side.
    // It's an odd workaraound, but it works.
        var outScript = "var razorUserName = " + "\"" + @User.Identity.Name + "\"";

This creates a script in your page at the location you place the code above which looks like the following:

    // This gets the username from the Razor engine and puts it
    // in JavaScript to create a variable I can access from
    // client side.
    // It's an odd workaraound, but it works.

    var razorUserName = "daylight";

Now you have a global JavaScript variable named razorUserName which you can access and use on the client. The Razor engine has obviously extracted the value from @User.Identity.Name (server-side variable) and put it in the code it writes to your script tag.

How to use ArrayList's get() method

To put it nice and simply, get(int index) returns the element at the specified index.

So say we had an ArrayList of Strings:

List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>();
names.add("Arthur Dent");
names.add("Ford Prefect");

Which can be visualised as: A visual representation of the array list Where 0, 1, 2, and 3 denote the indexes of the ArrayList.

Say we wanted to retrieve one of the names we would do the following: String name = names.get(1); Which returns the name at the index of 1.

Getting the element at index 1 So if we were to print out the name System.out.println(name); the output would be Marvin - Although he might not be too happy with us disturbing him.

.datepicker('setdate') issues, in jQuery

Check that the date you are trying to set it to lies within the allowed date range if the minDate or maxDate options are set.

How to do a Postgresql subquery in select clause with join in from clause like SQL Server?

I'm not sure I understand your intent perfectly, but perhaps the following would be close to what you want:

select, n1.author_id, count_1, total_count
  from (select id, name, author_id, count(1) as count_1
          from names
          group by id, name, author_id) n1
inner join (select id, author_id, count(1) as total_count
              from names
              group by id, author_id) n2
  on ( = and n2.author_id = n1.author_id)

Unfortunately this adds the requirement of grouping the first subquery by id as well as name and author_id, which I don't think was wanted. I'm not sure how to work around that, though, as you need to have id available to join in the second subquery. Perhaps someone else will come up with a better solution.

Share and enjoy.

How to enable DataGridView sorting when user clicks on the column header?

there is quite simply solution when using Entity Framework (version 6 in this case). I'm not sure but it seems to ObservableCollectionExtensions.ToBindingList<T> method returns implementation of sortable binding list. I haven't found source code to confirm this supposition but object returning from this method works with DataGridView very well especially when sorting columns by clicking on its headers.

The code is very simply and relies only on .net and entity framework classes:

using System.Data.Entity;

IEnumerable<Item> items = MethodCreatingItems();

var observableItems = new System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection<Item>(items);
System.ComponentModel.BindingList<Item> source = observableItems.ToBindingList();

MyDataGridView.DataSource = source;

How to convert string to IP address and vice versa

I was able to convert string to DWORD and back with this code:

char strAddr[] = ""
DWORD ip = inet_addr(strAddr); // ip contains 16777343 [0x0100007f in hex]

struct in_addr paddr;
paddr.S_un.S_addr = ip;

char *strAdd2 = inet_ntoa(paddr); // strAdd2 contains the same string as strAdd

I am working in a maintenance project of old MFC code, so converting deprecated functions calls is not applicable.

Maintain the aspect ratio of a div with CSS

2020 solution - using Grid and padding of pseudo element

I have found some more fresh way to solve this case. This solution is a descendant of a any padding-bottom method, but without any position: absolute children, just using display: grid; and pseudo element.

Here we have .ratio::before with good old padding-bottom: XX% and grid-area: 1 / 1 / 1 / 1;, which forces the pseudo element to keep the position in grid. Although here we have width: 0; to prevent overflowing main element by this one (we cold use z-index here, but this one is shorter).

And our main element .ratio > *:first-child has the same position as .ratio::before, which is grid-area: 1 / 1 / 1 / 1;, so they both shares the same grid cell place. Now we can put any content in our div, and the pseudo element is the one who determines the width/height ratio. More about grid-area.

.ratio {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: 1fr;
  max-width: 200px; /* just for instance, can be 100% and depends on parent */  

.ratio::before {
  content: '';
  width: 0;
  padding-bottom: calc(100% / (16/9)); /* here you can place any ratio */
  grid-area: 1 / 1 / 1 / 1;

.ratio>*:first-child {
  grid-area: 1 / 1 / 1 / 1; /* the same as ::before */
  background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); /* just for instance */
<div class="ratio">

Although you can use CSS val and place you ratio in HTML using style attribute. Works with display: inline-grid as well.

.ratio {
  display: inline-grid;
  grid-template-columns: 1fr;
  width: 200px; /* just for instance, can be 100% and depends on parent */ 
  margin-right: 10px; /* just for instance */

.ratio::before {
  content: '';
  width: 0;
  padding-bottom: calc(100% / (var(--r))); /* here you can place any ratio */
  grid-area: 1 / 1 / 1 / 1;

.ratio>*:first-child {
  grid-area: 1 / 1 / 1 / 1; /* the same as ::before */
  background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); /* just for instance */
<div class="ratio" style="--r: 4/3;">

<div class="ratio" style="--r: 16/9;">

How to replace multiple substrings of a string?

Here is another way of doing it with a dictionary:

listA="The cat jumped over the house".split()
modify = {word:word for number,word in enumerate(listA)}
print " ".join(modify[x] for x in listA)

What is the difference between the kernel space and the user space?

Briefly : Kernel runs in Kernel Space, the kernel space has full access to all memory and resources, you can say the memory divide into two parts, part for kernel , and part for user own process, (user space) runs normal programs, user space cannot access directly to kernel space so it request from kernel to use resources. by syscall (predefined system call in glibc)

there is a statement that simplify the different "User Space is Just a test load for the Kernel " ...

To be very clear : processor architecture allow CPU to operate in two mode, Kernel Mode and User Mode, the Hardware instruction allow switching from one mode to the other.

memory can be marked as being part of user space or kernel space.

When CPU running in User Mode, the CPU can access only memory that is being in user space, while cpu attempts to access memory in Kernel space the result is a "hardware exception", when CPU running in Kernel mode, the CPU can access directly to both kernel space and user space ...

Static variables in JavaScript

The closest thing in JavaScript to a static variable is a global variable - this is simply a variable declared outside the scope of a function or object literal:

var thisIsGlobal = 1;

function foo() {
    var thisIsNot = 2;

The other thing you could do would be to store global variables inside an object literal like this:

var foo = { bar : 1 }

And then access the variabels like this:

Correct way to initialize empty slice

They are equivalent. See this code:

mySlice1 := make([]int, 0)
mySlice2 := []int{}
fmt.Println("mySlice1", cap(mySlice1))
fmt.Println("mySlice2", cap(mySlice2))


mySlice1 0
mySlice2 0

Both slices have 0 capacity which implies both slices have 0 length (cannot be greater than the capacity) which implies both slices have no elements. This means the 2 slices are identical in every aspect.

See similar questions:

What is the point of having nil slice and empty slice in golang?

nil slices vs non-nil slices vs empty slices in Go language

Display Adobe pdf inside a div

Here is another way to display PDF inside Div by using Iframe like below.

  <iframe src="/pdf/test.pdf" style="width:100%;height:700px;"></iframe>_x000D_
  <!-- I agree button -->_x000D_

What is the convention in JSON for empty vs. null?

It is good programming practice to return an empty array [] if the expected return type is an array. This makes sure that the receiver of the json can treat the value as an array immediately without having to first check for null. It's the same way with empty objects using open-closed braces {}.

Strings, Booleans and integers do not have an 'empty' form, so there it is okay to use null values.

This is also addressed in Joshua Blochs excellent book "Effective Java". There he describes some very good generic programming practices (often applicable to other programming langages as well). Returning empty collections instead of nulls is one of them.

Here's a link to that part of his book:

Print text instead of value from C enum

Enumerations in C are numbers that have convenient names inside your code. They are not strings, and the names assigned to them in the source code are not compiled into your program, and so they are not accessible at runtime.

The only way to get what you want is to write a function yourself that translates the enumeration value into a string. E.g. (assuming here that you move the declaration of enum Days outside of main):

const char* getDayName(enum Days day) 
   switch (day) 
      case Sunday: return "Sunday";
      case Monday: return "Monday";
      /* etc... */

/* Then, later in main: */
printf("%s", getDayName(TheDay));

Alternatively, you could use an array as a map, e.g.

const char* dayNames[] = {"Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", /* ... etc ... */ };

/* ... */

printf("%s", dayNames[TheDay]);

But here you would probably want to assign Sunday = 0 in the enumeration to be safe... I'm not sure if the C standard requires compilers to begin enumerations from 0, although most do (I'm sure someone will comment to confirm or deny this).

QString to char* conversion

The easiest way to convert a QString to char* is qPrintable(const QString& str), which is a macro expanding to str.toLocal8Bit().constData().

How to watch for array changes?

I fiddled around and came up with this. The idea is that the object has all the Array.prototype methods defined, but executes them on a separate array object. This gives the ability to observe methods like shift(), pop() etc. Although some methods like concat() won't return the OArray object. Overloading those methods won't make the object observable if accessors are used. To achieve the latter, the accessors are defined for each index within given capacity.

Performance wise... OArray is around 10-25 times slower compared to the plain Array object. For the capasity in a range 1 - 100 the difference is 1x-3x.

class OArray {
    constructor(capacity, observer) {

        var Obj = {};
        var Ref = []; // reference object to hold values and apply array methods

        if (!observer) observer = function noop() {};

        var propertyDescriptors = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(Array.prototype);

        Object.keys(propertyDescriptors).forEach(function(property) {
            // the property will be binded to Obj, but applied on Ref!

            var descriptor = propertyDescriptors[property];
            var attributes = {
                configurable: descriptor.configurable,
                enumerable: descriptor.enumerable,
                writable: descriptor.writable,
                value: function() {
                    return descriptor.value.apply(Ref, arguments);
            // exception to length
            if (property === 'length') {
                delete attributes.value;
                delete attributes.writable;
                attributes.get = function() {
                    return Ref.length
                attributes.set = function(length) {
                    Ref.length = length;

            Object.defineProperty(Obj, property, attributes);

        var indexerProperties = {};
        for (var k = 0; k < capacity; k++) {

            indexerProperties[k] = {
                configurable: true,
                get: (function() {
                    var _i = k;
                    return function() {
                        return Ref[_i];
                set: (function() {
                    var _i = k;
                    return function(value) {
                        Ref[_i] = value;
                        return true;
        Object.defineProperties(Obj, indexerProperties);

        return Obj;

npm install doesn't create node_modules directory

npm init

It is all you need. It will create the package.json file on the fly for you.

Importing modules from parent folder

Work with libraries. Make a library called nib, install it using, let it reside in site-packages and your problems are solved. You don't have to stuff everything you make in a single package. Break it up to pieces.

Get table column names in MySQL?

$col = $db->query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM category");

while ($fildss = $col->fetch_array())
    $filds[] = '"{'.$fildss['Field'].'}"';
    $values[] = '$rows->'.$fildss['Field'].'';

if($type == 'value')
    return $values = implode(',', $values);
else {
     return $filds = implode(',', $filds);

Scanner is skipping nextLine() after using next() or nextFoo()?

Instead of input.nextLine() use, that should solve the problem.

Modified code:

public static Scanner input = new Scanner(;

public static void main(String[] args)
    System.out.print("Insert a number: ");
    int number = input.nextInt();
    System.out.print("Text1: ");
    String text1 =;
    System.out.print("Text2: ");
    String text2 =;

Batch Renaming of Files in a Directory


I like to have my music, movie, and picture files named a certain way. When I download files from the internet, they usually don’t follow my naming convention. I found myself manually renaming each file to fit my style. This got old realy fast, so I decided to write a program to do it for me.

This program can convert the filename to all lowercase, replace strings in the filename with whatever you want, and trim any number of characters from the front or back of the filename.

The program's source code is also available.

What is the difference between concurrent programming and parallel programming?

Just sharing an example that helps to highlight the distinction:

Parallel Programming: Say you want to implement the merge-sort algorithm. Each time that you divide the problem into two sub-problems, you can have two threads that solve them. However, in order to do the merge step you have to wait for these two threads to finish since merging requires both sub-solutions. This "mandatory wait" makes this a parallel program.

Concurrent Program: Say you want to compress n text files and generate a compressed file for each of them. You can have from 2 (up to n) threads that each handle compressing a subset of the files. When each thread is done, it's just done, it doesn't have to wait or do anything else. So, since different tasks are performed in an interleaved manner in "any arbitrary order" the program is concurrent but not parallel.

As someone else mentioned, every parallel program is concurrent (has to be in fact), but not the other way around.

Only get hash value using md5sum (without filename)

md5=$(md5sum < $file | tr -d ' -')

Setting ANDROID_HOME enviromental variable on Mac OS X

I'm using React Native with Catalina mac os and zsh shell

1- touch ~/.zshrc

2- open ~/.zshrc

3- according to React Native android setup copy and past

export ANDROID_HOME=$HOME/Library/Android/sdk
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/emulator
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/tools/bin
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools

to the opened text file then save and close the file.

4- run source ~/.zshrc and make sure to restart your terminal.

5- run adb you will get something like

Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.41 Version 30.0.0-6374843

thanks for this documented

update1 16/2/2021

this solution works with Big Sur as well.

Can't use Swift classes inside Objective-C

Details: Objective-C project with Swift 3 code in Xcode 8.1


  1. Use swift enum in objective-c class
  2. Use objective-c enum in swift class


1. Objective-C class which use Swift enum


#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, ObjcEnum) {

@interface ObjcClass : NSObject

+ (void) PrintEnumValues;



#import "ObjcClass.h"
#import "SwiftCode.h"

@implementation ObjcClass

+ (void) PrintEnumValues {
    [self PrintEnumValue:SwiftEnumValue1];
    [self PrintEnumValue:SwiftEnumValue2];
    [self PrintEnumValue:SwiftEnumValue3];

+ (void) PrintEnumValue:(SwiftEnum) value {
    switch (value) {
        case SwiftEnumValue1:
            NSLog(@"-- SwiftEnum: SwiftEnumValue1");
        case SwiftEnumValue2:
        case SwiftEnumValue3:
            NSLog(@"-- SwiftEnum: long value = %ld", (long)value);


Detect Swift code in Objective-C code

In my sample I use SwiftCode.h to detect Swift code in Objective-C. This file generate automatically (I did not create a physical copy of this header file in a project), and you can only set name of this file:

enter image description here

enter image description here

If the compiler can not find your header file Swift code, try to compile the project.

2. Swift class which use Objective-C enum

import Foundation

enum SwiftEnum: Int {
    case Value1, Value2, Value3

class SwiftClass: NSObject {
    class func PrintEnumValues() {
    class func PrintEnumValue(value: ObjcEnum) {
        switch value {
        case .Value1, .Value2:
            NSLog("-- ObjcEnum: int value = \(value.rawValue)")
        case .Value3:
            NSLog("-- ObjcEnum: Value3")

Detect Objective-C code in Swift code

You need to create bridging header file. When you add Swift file in Objective-C project, or Objective-C file in swift project Xcode will suggest you to create bridging header.

enter image description here

You can change bridging header file name here:

enter image description here


#import "ObjcClass.h"


#import "SwiftCode.h"
[ObjcClass PrintEnumValues];
[SwiftClass PrintEnumValues];
[SwiftClass PrintEnumValue:ObjcEnumValue3];


enter image description here


Full integration steps Objective-c and Swift described above. Now I will write some other code examples.

3. Call Swift class from Objective-c code

Swift class

import Foundation

class SwiftClass:NSObject {
    private var _stringValue: String
    var stringValue: String {
        get {
            print("SwiftClass get stringValue")
            return _stringValue
        set {
            print("SwiftClass set stringValue = \(newValue)")
            _stringValue = newValue
    init (stringValue: String) {
        print("SwiftClass init(String)")
        _stringValue = stringValue
    func printValue() {
        print("SwiftClass printValue()")
        print("stringValue = \(_stringValue)")

Objective-C code (calling code)

SwiftClass *obj = [[SwiftClass alloc] initWithStringValue: @"Hello World!"];
[obj printValue];
NSString * str = obj.stringValue;
obj.stringValue = @"HeLLo wOrLd!!!";


enter image description here

4. Call Objective-c class from Swift code

Objective-C class (ObjcClass.h)

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

@interface ObjcClass : NSObject
@property NSString* stringValue;
- (instancetype) initWithStringValue:(NSString*)stringValue;
- (void) printValue;


#import "ObjcClass.h"

@interface ObjcClass()

@property NSString* strValue;


@implementation ObjcClass

- (instancetype) initWithStringValue:(NSString*)stringValue {
    NSLog(@"ObjcClass initWithStringValue");
    _strValue = stringValue;
    return self;

- (void) printValue {
    NSLog(@"ObjcClass printValue");
    NSLog(@"stringValue = %@", _strValue);

- (NSString*) stringValue {
    NSLog(@"ObjcClass get stringValue");
    return _strValue;

- (void) setStringValue:(NSString*)newValue {
    NSLog(@"ObjcClass set stringValue = %@", newValue);
    _strValue = newValue;


Swift code (calling code)

if let obj = ObjcClass(stringValue:  "Hello World!") {
    let str = obj.stringValue;
    obj.stringValue = "HeLLo wOrLd!!!";


enter image description here

5. Use Swift extension in Objective-c code

Swift extension

extension UIView {
    static func swiftExtensionFunc() {
        NSLog("UIView swiftExtensionFunc")

Objective-C code (calling code)

[UIView swiftExtensionFunc];

6. Use Objective-c extension in swift code

Objective-C extension (UIViewExtension.h)

#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

@interface UIView (ObjcAdditions)
+ (void)objcExtensionFunc;


@implementation UIView (ObjcAdditions)
+ (void)objcExtensionFunc {
    NSLog(@"UIView objcExtensionFunc");

Swift code (calling code)


error: could not create '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/virtualenv_support': Permission denied

You don't have permission to the Python folder.

sudo chown -R $USER /usr/local/lib/python2.7

How to handle errors with boto3?

You need to do something when it fails to handle the issue. Right now you are returning the actual exception. For example, if its not a problem that the user exists already and you want to use it as a get_or_create function maybe you handle the issue by returning the existing user object.

    user = iam_conn.create_user(UserName=username)
    return user
except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e:

    #this exception could actually be other things other than exists, so you want to evaluate it further in your real code.
    if e.message.startswith(
        'enough of the exception message to identify it as the one you want')

        print('that user already exists.')
        user = iam_conn.get_user(UserName=username)
        return user

    elif e.message.some_other_condition:

         #something else
         #unhandled ClientError
except SomeOtherExceptionTypeYouCareAbout as e:
    #handle it

# any unhandled exception will raise here at this point.
# if you want a general handler

except Exception as e:
    #handle it.

That said, maybe it is a problem for your app, in which case you want to want to put the exception handler around the code that called your create user function and let the calling function determine how to deal with it, for example, by asking the user to input another username, or whatever makes sense for your application.

Get property value from string using reflection

Here's what I got based on other answers. A little overkill on getting so specific with the error handling.

public static T GetPropertyValue<T>(object sourceInstance, string targetPropertyName, bool throwExceptionIfNotExists = false)
    string errorMsg = null;

        if (sourceInstance == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(targetPropertyName))
            errorMsg = $"Source object is null or property name is null or whitespace. '{targetPropertyName}'";

            if (throwExceptionIfNotExists)
                throw new ArgumentException(errorMsg);
                return default(T);

        Type returnType = typeof(T);
        Type sourceType = sourceInstance.GetType();

        PropertyInfo propertyInfo = sourceType.GetProperty(targetPropertyName, returnType);
        if (propertyInfo == null)
            errorMsg = $"Property name '{targetPropertyName}' of type '{returnType}' not found for source object of type '{sourceType}'";

            if (throwExceptionIfNotExists)
                throw new ArgumentException(errorMsg);
                return default(T);

        return (T)propertyInfo.GetValue(sourceInstance, null);
    catch(Exception ex)
        errorMsg = $"Problem getting property name '{targetPropertyName}' from source instance.";
        Log.Error(errorMsg, ex);

        if (throwExceptionIfNotExists)

    return default(T);

How to determine an object's class?

You can use getSimpleName().

Let's say we have a object: Dog d = new Dog(),

The we can use below statement to get the class name: Dog. E.g.:

d.getClass().getSimpleName(); // return String 'Dog'.

PS: d.getClass() will give you the full name of your object.

When to use MongoDB or other document oriented database systems?

I would say use an RDBMS if you need complex transactions. Otherwise I would go with MongoDB - more flexible to work with and you know it can scale when you need to. (I'm biased though - I work on the MongoDB project)

Efficiently getting all divisors of a given number

Plenty of good solutions exist for finding all the prime factors of not too large numbers. I just wanted to point out, that once you have them, no computation is required to get all the factors.

if N = p_1^{a}*p_{2}^{b}*p_{3}^{c}.....

Then the number of factors is clearly (a+1)(b+1)(c+1).... since every factor can occur zero up to a times.

e.g. 12 = 2^2*3^1 so it has 3*2 = 6 factors. 1,2,3,4,6,12


I originally thought that you just wanted the number of distinct factors. But the same logic applies. You just iterate over the set of numbers corresponding to the possible combinations of exponents.

so int he example above:


gives you the 6 factors.

MySQL Sum() multiple columns

SELECT student, SUM(mark1+mark2+mark3+....+markn) AS Total FROM your_table

How can I pad a value with leading zeros?

This is the ES6 solution.

function pad(num, len) {_x000D_
  return '0'.repeat(len - num.toString().length) + num;_x000D_

Disable Copy or Paste action for text box?

Check this fiddle.

 $('#email').bind("cut copy paste",function(e) {

You need to bind what should be done on cut, copy and paste. You prevent default behavior of the action.

You can find a detailed explanation here.

YouTube API to fetch all videos on a channel

You need to look at the YouTube Data API. You will find there documentation about how the API can be accessed. You can also find client libraries.

You could also make the requests yourself. Here is an example URL that retrieves the latest videos from a channel:{your_key_here}&channelId={channel_id_here}&part=snippet,id&order=date&maxResults=20

After that you will receive a JSON with video ids and details, and you can construct your video URL like this:{video_id_here}

Pandas DataFrame concat vs append

One more thing you have to keep in mind that the APPEND() method in Pandas doesn't modify the original object. Instead it creates a new one with combined data. Because of involving creation and data buffer, its performance is not well. You'd better use CONCAT() function when doing multi-APPEND operations.

Differences between time complexity and space complexity?

First of all, the space complexity of this loop is O(1) (the input is customarily not included when calculating how much storage is required by an algorithm).

So the question that I have is if its possible that an algorithm has different time complexity from space complexity?

Yes, it is. In general, the time and the space complexity of an algorithm are not related to each other.

Sometimes one can be increased at the expense of the other. This is called space-time tradeoff.

ASP.NET postback with JavaScript

Here is a complete solution

Entire form tag of the page

<form id="form1" runat="server">
    <asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButton1" runat="server" /> <%-- included to force __doPostBack javascript function to be rendered --%>

    <input type="button" id="Button45" name="Button45" onclick="javascript:__doPostBack('ButtonA','')" value="clicking this will run ButtonA.Click Event Handler" /><br /><br />
    <input type="button" id="Button46" name="Button46" onclick="javascript:__doPostBack('ButtonB','')" value="clicking this will run ButtonB.Click Event Handler" /><br /><br />

    <asp:Button runat="server" ID="ButtonA" ClientIDMode="Static" Text="ButtonA" /><br /><br />
    <asp:Button runat="server" ID="ButtonB" ClientIDMode="Static" Text="ButtonB" />

Entire Contents of the Page's Code-Behind Class

Private Sub ButtonA_Click(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonA.Click
    Response.Write("You ran the ButtonA click event")
End Sub

Private Sub ButtonB_Click(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonB.Click
    Response.Write("You ran the ButtonB click event")
End Sub
  • The LinkButton is included to ensure that the __doPostBack javascript function is rendered to the client. Simply having Button controls will not cause this __doPostBack function to be rendered. This function will be rendered by virtue of having a variety of controls on most ASP.NET pages, so an empty link button is typically not needed

What's going on?

Two input controls are rendered to the client:

<input type="hidden" name="__EVENTTARGET" id="__EVENTTARGET" value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="__EVENTARGUMENT" id="__EVENTARGUMENT" value="" />
  • __EVENTTARGET receives argument 1 of __doPostBack
  • __EVENTARGUMENT receives argument 2 of __doPostBack

The __doPostBack function is rendered out like this:

function __doPostBack(eventTarget, eventArgument) {
    if (!theForm.onsubmit || (theForm.onsubmit() != false)) {
        theForm.__EVENTTARGET.value = eventTarget;
        theForm.__EVENTARGUMENT.value = eventArgument;
  • As you can see, it assigns the values to the hidden inputs.

When the form submits / postback occurs:

  • If you provided the UniqueID of the Server-Control Button whose button-click-handler you want to run (javascript:__doPostBack('ButtonB',''), then the button click handler for that button will be run.

What if I don't want to run a click handler, but want to do something else instead?

You can pass whatever you want as arguments to __doPostBack

You can then analyze the hidden input values and run specific code accordingly:

If Request.Form("__EVENTTARGET") = "DoSomethingElse" Then
    Response.Write("Do Something else") 
End If

Other Notes

  • What if I don't know the ID of the control whose click handler I want to run?
    • If it is not acceptable to set ClientIDMode="Static", then you can do something like this: __doPostBack('<%= myclientid.UniqueID %>', '').
    • Or: __doPostBack('<%= MYBUTTON.UniqueID %>','')
    • This will inject the unique id of the control into the javascript, should you wish it

Parsing a JSON string in Ruby

This looks like JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). You can parse JSON that resides in some variable, e.g. json_string, like so:

require 'json'

If you’re using an older Ruby, you may need to install the json gem.

There are also other implementations of JSON for Ruby that may fit some use-cases better:

How to convert string to double with proper cultureinfo

I have this function in my toolbelt since years ago (all the function and variable names are messy and mixing Spanish and English, sorry for that).

It lets the user use , and . to separate the decimals and will try to do the best if both symbols are used.

    Public Shared Function TryCDec(ByVal texto As String, Optional ByVal DefaultValue As Decimal = 0) As Decimal

        If String.IsNullOrEmpty(texto) Then
            Return DefaultValue
        End If

        Dim CurAsTexto As String = texto.Trim.Replace("$", "").Replace(" ", "")

        ''// You can probably use a more modern way to find out the
        ''// System current locale, this function was done long time ago
        Dim SepDecimal As String, SepMiles As String
        If CDbl("3,24") = 324 Then
            SepDecimal = "."
            SepMiles = ","
            SepDecimal = ","
            SepMiles = "."
        End If

        If InStr(CurAsTexto, SepDecimal) > 0 Then
            If InStr(CurAsTexto, SepMiles) > 0 Then
                ''//both symbols was used find out what was correct
                If InStr(CurAsTexto, SepDecimal) > InStr(CurAsTexto, SepMiles) Then
                    ''// The usage was correct, but get rid of thousand separator
                    CurAsTexto = Replace(CurAsTexto, SepMiles, "")
                    ''// The usage was incorrect, but get rid of decimal separator and then replace it
                    CurAsTexto = Replace(CurAsTexto, SepDecimal, "")
                    CurAsTexto = Replace(CurAsTexto, SepMiles, SepDecimal)
                End If
            End If
            CurAsTexto = Replace(CurAsTexto, SepMiles, SepDecimal)
        End If
        ''// At last we try to tryParse, just in case
        Dim retval As Decimal = DefaultValue
        Decimal.TryParse(CurAsTexto, retval)
        Return retval
    End Function

How to make <a href=""> link look like a button?

  1. Try this:

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">_x000D_
    <script src=""></script>_x000D_
    <script src=""></script>_x000D_
    <div class="container">_x000D_
      <h2>Button Tags</h2>_x000D_
      <a href="#" class="btn btn-info" role="button">Link Button</a>_x000D_
      <button type="button" class="btn btn-info">Button</button>_x000D_
      <input type="button" class="btn btn-info" value="Input Button">_x000D_
      <input type="submit" class="btn btn-info" value="Submit Button">_x000D_

  2. You can use the a href tag line from there.

    <a href="URL" class="btn btn-info" role="button">Button Text</a>

How to commit my current changes to a different branch in Git

The other answers suggesting checking out the other branch, then committing to it, only work if the checkout is possible given the local modifications. If not, you're in the most common use case for git stash:

git stash
git checkout other-branch
git stash pop

The first stash hides away your changes (basically making a temporary commit), and the subsequent stash pop re-applies them. This lets Git use its merge capabilities.

If, when you try to pop the stash, you run into merge conflicts... the next steps depend on what those conflicts are. If all the stashed changes indeed belong on that other branch, you're simply going to have to sort through them - it's a consequence of having made your changes on the wrong branch.

On the other hand, if you've really messed up, and your work tree has a mix of changes for the two branches, and the conflicts are just in the ones you want to commit back on the original branch, you can save some work. As usual, there are a lot of ways to do this. Here's one, starting from after you pop and see the conflicts:

# Unstage everything (warning: this leaves files with conflicts in your tree)
git reset

# Add the things you *do* want to commit here
git add -p     # or maybe git add -i
git commit

# The stash still exists; pop only throws it away if it applied cleanly
git checkout original-branch
git stash pop

# Add the changes meant for this branch
git add -p
git commit

# And throw away the rest
git reset --hard

Alternatively, if you realize ahead of the time that this is going to happen, simply commit the things that belong on the current branch. You can always come back and amend that commit:

git add -p
git commit
git stash
git checkout other-branch
git stash pop

And of course, remember that this all took a bit of work, and avoid it next time, perhaps by putting your current branch name in your prompt by adding $(__git_ps1) to your PS1 environment variable in your bashrc file. (See for example the Git in Bash documentation.)

How do I use Comparator to define a custom sort order?

Comparator in line ...

List<Object> objList = findObj(name);
Collections.sort(objList, new Comparator<Object>() {
    public int compare(Object a1, Object a2) {
        return a1.getType().compareToIgnoreCase(a2.getType());

EditorFor() and html properties

You can define attributes for your properties.

public string Body { get; set; }

This is known as System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations. If you can't find the ValidationAttribute that you need you can allways define custom attributes.

Best Regards, Carlos

Calling C/C++ from Python?

You should have a look at Boost.Python. Here is the short introduction taken from their website:

The Boost Python Library is a framework for interfacing Python and C++. It allows you to quickly and seamlessly expose C++ classes functions and objects to Python, and vice-versa, using no special tools -- just your C++ compiler. It is designed to wrap C++ interfaces non-intrusively, so that you should not have to change the C++ code at all in order to wrap it, making Boost.Python ideal for exposing 3rd-party libraries to Python. The library's use of advanced metaprogramming techniques simplifies its syntax for users, so that wrapping code takes on the look of a kind of declarative interface definition language (IDL).

Button Width Match Parent

The most basic approach is using Container by define its width to infinite. See below example of code

    width: double.infinity,
        onPressed: () {
            //your action here
        child: Text("Button"),


Push Notifications in Android Platform

You can use Google Cloud Messaging or GCM, it's free and easy to use. Also you can use third party push servers like PushWoosh which gives you more flexibility

What is the difference between active and passive FTP?

Redacted version of my article FTP Connection Modes (Active vs. Passive):

FTP connection mode (active or passive), determines how a data connection is established. In both cases, a client creates a TCP control connection to an FTP server command port 21. This is a standard outgoing connection, as with any other file transfer protocol (SFTP, SCP, WebDAV) or any other TCP client application (e.g. web browser). So, usually there are no problems when opening the control connection.

Where FTP protocol is more complicated comparing to the other file transfer protocols are file transfers. While the other protocols use the same connection for both session control and file (data) transfers, the FTP protocol uses a separate connection for the file transfers and directory listings.

In the active mode, the client starts listening on a random port for incoming data connections from the server (the client sends the FTP command PORT to inform the server on which port it is listening). Nowadays, it is typical that the client is behind a firewall (e.g. built-in Windows firewall) or NAT router (e.g. ADSL modem), unable to accept incoming TCP connections.

For this reason the passive mode was introduced and is mostly used nowadays. Using the passive mode is preferable because most of the complex configuration is done only once on the server side, by experienced administrator, rather than individually on a client side, by (possibly) inexperienced users.

In the passive mode, the client uses the control connection to send a PASV command to the server and then receives a server IP address and server port number from the server, which the client then uses to open a data connection to the server IP address and server port number received.

Network Configuration for Passive Mode

With the passive mode, most of the configuration burden is on the server side. The server administrator should setup the server as described below.

The firewall and NAT on the FTP server side have to be configured not only to allow/route the incoming connections on FTP port 21 but also a range of ports for the incoming data connections. Typically, the FTP server software has a configuration option to setup a range of the ports, the server will use. And the same range has to be opened/routed on the firewall/NAT.

When the FTP server is behind a NAT, it needs to know it's external IP address, so it can provide it to the client in a response to PASV command.

Network Configuration for Active Mode

With the active mode, most of the configuration burden is on the client side.

The firewall (e.g. Windows firewall) and NAT (e.g. ADSL modem routing rules) on the client side have to be configured to allow/route a range of ports for the incoming data connections. To open the ports in Windows, go to Control Panel > System and Security > Windows Firewall > Advanced Settings > Inbound Rules > New Rule. For routing the ports on the NAT (if any), refer to its documentation.

When there's NAT in your network, the FTP client needs to know its external IP address that the WinSCP needs to provide to the FTP server using PORT command. So that the server can correctly connect back to the client to open the data connection. Some FTP clients are capable of autodetecting the external IP address, some have to be manually configured.

Smart Firewalls/NATs

Some firewalls/NATs try to automatically open/close data ports by inspecting FTP control connection and/or translate the data connection IP addresses in control connection traffic.

With such a firewall/NAT, the above configuration is not necessary for a plain unencrypted FTP. But this cannot work with FTPS, as the control connection traffic is encrypted and the firewall/NAT cannot inspect nor modify it.

Subtracting 1 day from a timestamp date

Use the INTERVAL type to it. E.g:


--Unrelated to the question, but PostgreSQL also supports some shortcuts:
SELECT 'yesterday'::TIMESTAMP, 'tomorrow'::TIMESTAMP, 'allballs'::TIME;

Then you can do the following on your query:

    count(accounts) AS COUNT,
    ((date_at) - INTERVAL '1 DAY') AS dateat
    date_at <= now() - INTERVAL '130 DAYS'


Tip 1

You can append multiple operands. E.g.: how to get last day of current month?


Tip 2

You can also create an interval using make_interval function, useful when you need to create it at runtime (not using literals):

SELECT make_interval(days => 10 + 2);
SELECT make_interval(days => 1, hours => 2);
SELECT make_interval(0, 1, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0.0);

More info:

Date/Time Functions and Operators

datatype-datetime (Especial values).

Convert UTC dates to local time in PHP

$UTC_Time   = "2018-07-06 06:06:16";
echo "UTC Time ".$UTC_Time;
$Indian_Time = TimeConverion($UTC_Time);
echo "<br> Indian_Time ".$Indian_Time;

function TimeConverion($UTC_Time) {
  $sTime = date("Y-m-d h:i:sa");
  $ts3 = strtotime(date("G:i:s"))-strtotime($sTime); 
  $utc = explode(" ",$UTC_Time);
  $time = strtotime($utc[1]);
  $time += $ts3;  // Add the difference
  return $utc[0]." ".date("H:i:s", $time);

initialize a numpy array

numpy.fromiter() is what you are looking for:

big_array = numpy.fromiter(xrange(5), dtype="int")

It also works with generator expressions, e.g.:

big_array = numpy.fromiter( (i*(i+1)/2 for i in xrange(5)), dtype="int" )

If you know the length of the array in advance, you can specify it with an optional 'count' argument.

In Excel how to get the left 5 characters of each cell in a specified column and put them into a new column

1) Put =Left(E1,5) in F1

2) Copy F1, then select entire F column and paste.

How do I update an entity using spring-data-jpa?

Using spring-data-jpa save(), I was having same problem as @DtechNet. I mean every save() was creating new object instead of update. To solve this I had to add version field to entity and related table.

Run two async tasks in parallel and collect results in .NET 4.5

This article helped explain a lot of things. It's in FAQ style.

Async/Await FAQ

This part explains why Thread.Sleep runs on the same original thread - leading to my initial confusion.

Does the “async” keyword cause the invocation of a method to queue to the ThreadPool? To create a new thread? To launch a rocket ship to Mars?

No. No. And no. See the previous questions. The “async” keyword indicates to the compiler that “await” may be used inside of the method, such that the method may suspend at an await point and have its execution resumed asynchronously when the awaited instance completes. This is why the compiler issues a warning if there are no “awaits” inside of a method marked as “async”.

Add disabled attribute to input element using Javascript

You can get the DOM element, and set the disabled property directly.

$(".shownextrow").click(function() { 
          .find('.longboxsmall').hide()[0].disabled = 'disabled';

or if there's more than one, you can use each() to set all of them:

$(".shownextrow").click(function() { 
          .find('.longboxsmall').each(function() {
      = 'none';
               this.disabled = 'disabled';

SQL Server : login success but "The database [dbName] is not accessible. (ObjectExplorer)"

My issue got resolved by restarting the MS SQL server service, simple.

Finding sum of elements in Swift array

Keep it simple...

var array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 0]
var n = 0
for i in array {
    n += i
print("My sum of elements is: \(n)")


My sum of elements is: 37

How to set top-left alignment for UILabel for iOS application?

For iOS 7 that's what i made and worked for me

@implementation UILabel (VerticalAlign)
- (void)alignTop
    CGSize boundingRectSize = CGSizeMake(self.frame.size.width, CGFLOAT_MAX);
    NSDictionary *attributes = @{NSFontAttributeName : self.font};
    CGRect labelSize = [self.text boundingRectWithSize:boundingRectSize options:NSStringDrawingUsesLineFragmentOrigin | NSStringDrawingUsesFontLeading
    int numberOfLines= ceil(labelSize.size.height / self.font.lineHeight);

    CGRect newFrame = self.frame;
    newFrame.size.height = numberOfLines * self.font.lineHeight;
    self.frame = newFrame;

- (void)alignBottom
    CGSize boundingRectSize = CGSizeMake(self.frame.size.width, CGFLOAT_MAX);
    NSDictionary *attributes = @{NSFontAttributeName : self.font};
    CGRect labelSize = [self.text boundingRectWithSize:boundingRectSize options:NSStringDrawingUsesLineFragmentOrigin | NSStringDrawingUsesFontLeading
    int numberOfLines= ceil(labelSize.size.height / self.font.lineHeight);

    int numberOfNewLined = (self.frame.size.height/self.font.lineHeight) - numberOfLines;

    NSMutableString *newLines = [NSMutableString string];
    for(int i=0; i< numberOfNewLined; i++){
        [newLines appendString:@"\n"];
    [newLines appendString:self.text];
    self.text = [newLines mutableCopy];

Use CSS3 transitions with gradient backgrounds

Gradients don't support transitions yet (although the current spec says they should support like gradient to like gradient transitions via interpolation.).

If you want a fade-in effect with a background gradient, you have to set an opacity on a container element and 'transition` the opacity.

(There have been some browser releases that supported transitions on gradients (e.g IE10. I tested gradient transitions in 2016 in IE and they seemed to work at the time, but my test code no longer works.)

Update: October 2018 Gradient transitions with un-prefixed new syntax [e.g. radial-gradient(...)]now confirmed to work (again?) on Microsoft Edge 17.17134. I don't know when this was added. Still not working on latest Firefox & Chrome / Windows 10.

How to change the integrated terminal in visual studio code or VSCode

It is possible to get this working in VS Code and have the Cmder terminal be integrated (not pop up).

To do so:

  1. Create an environment variable "CMDER_ROOT" pointing to your Cmder directory.
  2. In (Preferences > User Settings) in VS Code add the following settings:

"": "cmd.exe"

"": ["/k", "%CMDER_ROOT%\\vendor\\init.bat"]

Cut off text in string after/before separator in powershell

This does work for a specific delimiter for a specific amount of characters between the delimiter. I had many issues attempting to use this in a for each loop where the position changed but the delimiter was the same. For example I was using the backslash as the delimiter and wanted to only use everything to the right of the backslash. The issue was that once the position was defined (71 characters from the beginning) it would use $pos as 71 every time regardless of where the delimiter actually was in the script. I found another method of using a delimiter and .split to break things up then used the split variable to call the sections For instance the first section was $variable[0] and the second section was $variable[1].

.NET HttpClient. How to POST string value?

There is an article about your question on's website. I hope it can help you.

How to call an api with asp net

Here is a small part from the POST section of the article

The following code sends a POST request that contains a Product instance in JSON format:

var gizmo = new Product() { Name = "Gizmo", Price = 100, Category = "Widget" };
response = await client.PostAsJsonAsync("api/products", gizmo);
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
    // Get the URI of the created resource.
    Uri gizmoUrl = response.Headers.Location;

Implicit type conversion rules in C++ operators

This answer is directed in large part at a comment made by @RafalDowgird:

"The minimum size of operations is int." - This would be very strange (what about architectures that efficiently support char/short operations?) Is this really in the C++ spec?

Keep in mind that the C++ standard has the all-important "as-if" rule. See section 1.8: Program Execution:

3) This provision is sometimes called the "as-if" rule, because an implementation is free to disregard any requirement of the Standard as long as the result is as if the requirement had been obeyed, as far as can be determined from the observable behavior of the program.

The compiler cannot set an int to be 8 bits in size, even if it were the fastest, since the standard mandates a 16-bit minimum int.

Therefore, in the case of a theoretical computer with super-fast 8-bit operations, the implicit promotion to int for arithmetic could matter. However, for many operations, you cannot tell if the compiler actually did the operations in the precision of an int and then converted to a char to store in your variable, or if the operations were done in char all along.

For example, consider unsigned char = unsigned char + unsigned char + unsigned char, where addition would overflow (let's assume a value of 200 for each). If you promoted to int, you would get 600, which would then be implicitly down cast into an unsigned char, which would wrap modulo 256, thus giving a final result of 88. If you did no such promotions,you'd have to wrap between the first two additions, which would reduce the problem from 200 + 200 + 200 to 144 + 200, which is 344, which reduces to 88. In other words, the program does not know the difference, so the compiler is free to ignore the mandate to perform intermediate operations in int if the operands have a lower ranking than int.

This is true in general of addition, subtraction, and multiplication. It is not true in general for division or modulus.

Why does datetime.datetime.utcnow() not contain timezone information?

The behaviour of datetime.datetime.utcnow() returning UTC time as naive datetime object is obviously problematic and must be fixed. It can lead to unexpected result if your system local timezone is not UTC, since datetime library presume naive datetime object to represent system local time. For example, datetime.datetime.utcnow().timestaamp() gives timestamp of 4 hours ahead from correct value on my computer. Also, as of python 3.6, datetime.astimezone() can be called on naive datetime instances, but datetime.datetime.utcnow().astimezone(any_timezone) gives wrong result unless your system local timezone is UTC.

How to check if AlarmManager already has an alarm set?

For others who may need this, here's an answer.

Use adb shell dumpsys alarm

You can know the alarm has been set and when are they going to alarmed and interval. Also how many times this alarm has been invoked.

Openssl is not recognized as an internal or external command

go to bin folder path in cmd and then run following command

keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keystore %HOMEPATH%\.android\debug.keystore | openssl sha1 -binary | openssl base64

you will get your key hash

How to connect wireless network adapter to VMWare workstation?

Change your network adapter to a bridged connection, this will directly connect to your computers physical network.

Angular ui-grid dynamically calculate height of the grid

A simpler approach is set use css combined with setting the minRowsToShow and virtualizationThreshold value dynamically.

In stylesheet:

.ui-grid, .ui-grid-viewport {
    height: auto !important;

In code, call the below function every time you change your data in gridOptions. maxRowToShow is the value you pre-defined, for my use case, I set it to 25.


    //if data length is smaller, we shrink. otherwise we can do pagination.
    $scope.gridOptions.minRowsToShow = Math.min($, $scope.maxRowToShow);
    $scope.gridOptions.virtualizationThreshold = $scope.gridOptions.minRowsToShow ;

In JavaScript can I make a "click" event fire programmatically for a file input element?

I know this is old, and all these solutions are hacks around browser security precautions with real value.

That said, as of today, works in current Chrome (36.0.1985.125 m) and current Firefox ESR (24.7.0), but not in current IE (11.0.9600.17207). Overlaying a file field with opacity 0 on top of a button works, but I wanted a link element as the visible trigger, and hover underlining doesn't quite work in any browser. It flashes on then disappears, probably the browser thinking through whether hover styling actually applies or not.

But I did find a solution that works in all those browsers. I won't claim to have tested every version of every browser, or that I know it'll continue to work forever, but it appears to meet my needs now.

It's simple: Position the file input field offscreen (position: absolute; top: -5000px), put a label element around it, and trigger the click on the label, instead of the file field itself.

Note that the link does need to be scripted to call the click method of the label, it doesn't do that automatically, like when you click on text inside a label element. Apparently the link element captures the click, and it doesn't make it through to the label.

Note also that this doesn't provide a way to show the currently selected file, since the field is offscreen. I wanted to submit immediately when a file was selected, so that's not a problem for me, but you'll need a somewhat different approach if your situation is different.

Consider marking event handler as 'passive' to make the page more responsive

Also encounter this in select2 dropdown plugin in Laravel. Changing the value as suggested by Alfred Wallace from

this.element.addEventListener(t, e, !1)


this.element.addEventListener(t, e, { passive: true} )

solves the issue. Why he has a down vote, I don't know but it works for me.


SELECT a AS current_a, COUNT(*) AS b,
   (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t WHERE a = current_a AND c = 'const' ) as d
   from t group by a order by b desc

How to format a JavaScript date

OK, we have got something called Intl which is very useful for formatting a date in JavaScript these days:

Your date as below:

var date = '10/8/2010';

And you change to Date by using new Date() like below:

date = new Date(date);

And now you can format it any way you like using a list of locales like below:

date = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en-AU').format(date); // Australian date format: "8/10/2010" 

date = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en-US').format(date); // USA date format: "10/8/2010" 

date = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('ar-EG').format(date);  // Arabic date format: "??/???/????"

If you exactly want the format you mentioned above, you can do:

date = new Date(Date.UTC(2010, 7, 10, 0, 0, 0));
var options = {year: "numeric", month: "short", day: "numeric"};
date = new Intl.DateTimeFormat("en-AU", options).format(date).replace(/\s/g, '-');

And the result is going to be:


For more see the Intl API and Intl.DateTimeFormat documentation.

How to implement DrawerArrowToggle from Android appcompat v7 21 library

I created a small application which had similar functionality


public class MyActivity extends ActionBarActivity {

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        DrawerLayout drawerLayout = (DrawerLayout) findViewById(; toolbar = ( findViewById(;
        ActionBarDrawerToggle actionBarDrawerToggle = new ActionBarDrawerToggle(

            public void onDrawerClosed(View view)

            public void onDrawerOpened(View drawerView)

        //Set the custom toolbar
        if (toolbar != null){



My XML of that Activity

< xmlns:android=""

    <!-- The main content view -->
        android:layout_height="match_parent" >
        <include layout="@layout/toolbar_custom"/>
    <!-- The navigation drawer -->


My Custom Toolbar XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <TextView android:text="U titel"

My Theme Style

    <style name="AppTheme" parent="Base.Theme.AppCompat"/>

    <style name="AppTheme.Base" parent="Theme.AppCompat">
        <item name="colorPrimary">@color/primary</item>
        <item name="colorPrimaryDark">@color/primaryDarker</item>
        <item name="android:windowNoTitle">true</item>
        <item name="windowActionBar">false</item>
        <item name="drawerArrowStyle">@style/DrawerArrowStyle</item>

    <style name="DrawerArrowStyle" parent="Widget.AppCompat.DrawerArrowToggle">
        <item name="spinBars">true</item>
        <item name="color">@android:color/white</item>

    <color name="primary">#457C50</color>
    <color name="primaryDarker">#580C0C</color>

My Styles in values-v21

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <style name="AppTheme" parent="AppTheme.Base">
        <item name="android:windowContentTransitions">true</item>
        <item name="android:windowAllowEnterTransitionOverlap">true</item>
        <item name="android:windowAllowReturnTransitionOverlap">true</item>
        <item name="android:windowSharedElementEnterTransition">@android:transition/move</item>
        <item name="android:windowSharedElementExitTransition">@android:transition/move</item>

subquery in FROM must have an alias

add an ALIAS on the subquery,

SELECT  COUNT(made_only_recharge) AS made_only_recharge
        SELECT DISTINCT (identifiant) AS made_only_recharge
        FROM cdr_data
        WHERE CALLEDNUMBER = '0130'
        SELECT DISTINCT (identifiant) AS made_only_recharge
        FROM cdr_data
        WHERE CALLEDNUMBER != '0130'
    ) AS derivedTable                           -- <<== HERE

Convert an integer to a float number

Just for the sake of completeness, here is a link to the golang documentation which describes all types. In your case it is numeric types:

uint8       the set of all unsigned  8-bit integers (0 to 255)
uint16      the set of all unsigned 16-bit integers (0 to 65535)
uint32      the set of all unsigned 32-bit integers (0 to 4294967295)
uint64      the set of all unsigned 64-bit integers (0 to 18446744073709551615)

int8        the set of all signed  8-bit integers (-128 to 127)
int16       the set of all signed 16-bit integers (-32768 to 32767)
int32       the set of all signed 32-bit integers (-2147483648 to 2147483647)
int64       the set of all signed 64-bit integers (-9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807)

float32     the set of all IEEE-754 32-bit floating-point numbers
float64     the set of all IEEE-754 64-bit floating-point numbers

complex64   the set of all complex numbers with float32 real and imaginary parts
complex128  the set of all complex numbers with float64 real and imaginary parts

byte        alias for uint8
rune        alias for int32

Which means that you need to use float64(integer_value).

Unix - copy contents of one directory to another

Try this:

cp Folder1/* Folder2/

What is the difference between method overloading and overriding?

Method overloading deals with the notion of having two or more methods in the same class with the same name but different arguments.

void foo(int a)
void foo(int a, float b)

Method overriding means having two methods with the same arguments, but different implementations. One of them would exist in the parent class, while another will be in the derived, or child class. The @Override annotation, while not required, can be helpful to enforce proper overriding of a method at compile time.

class Parent {
    void foo(double d) {
        // do something

class Child extends Parent {

    void foo(double d){
        // this method is overridden.  

How can I get a resource content from a static context?

There is also another possibilty. I load OpenGl shaders from resources like this:

static private String vertexShaderCode;
static private String fragmentShaderCode;

static {
    vertexShaderCode = readResourceAsString("/res/raw/vertex_shader.glsl");
    fragmentShaderCode = readResourceAsString("/res/raw/fragment_shader.glsl");

private static String readResourceAsString(String path) {
    Exception innerException;
    Class<? extends FloorPlanRenderer> aClass = FloorPlanRenderer.class;
    InputStream inputStream = aClass.getResourceAsStream(path);

    byte[] bytes;
    try {
        bytes = new byte[inputStream.available()];;
        return new String(bytes);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        innerException = e;
    throw new RuntimeException("Cannot load shader code from resources.", innerException);

As you can see, you can access any resource in path /res/... Change aClass to your class. This also how I load resources in tests (androidTests)

How to locate the php.ini file (xampp)

Am running LAMP on Debian and mine is in:


jQuery add text to span within a div

You can use:

$("#tagscloud span").text("Your text here");

The same code will also work for the second case. You could also use:

$("#tagscloud #WebPartCaptionWPQ2").text("Your text here");

Validate date in dd/mm/yyyy format using JQuery Validate

This works fine for me.

$(document).ready(function () {
       $('#btn_move').click( function(){
           var dateformat = /^(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[\/\-](0?[1-9]|1[012])[\/\-]\d{4}$/;
           var Val_date=$('#txt_date').val();
              var seperator1 = Val_date.split('/');
              var seperator2 = Val_date.split('-');

              if (seperator1.length>1)
                  var splitdate = Val_date.split('/');
              else if (seperator2.length>1)
                  var splitdate = Val_date.split('-');
              var dd = parseInt(splitdate[0]);
              var mm  = parseInt(splitdate[1]);
              var yy = parseInt(splitdate[2]);
              var ListofDays = [31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31];
              if (mm==1 || mm>2)
                  if (dd>ListofDays[mm-1])
                      alert('Invalid date format!');
                      return false;
              if (mm==2)
                  var lyear = false;
                  if ( (!(yy % 4) && yy % 100) || !(yy % 400))
                      lyear = true;
                  if ((lyear==false) && (dd>=29))
                      alert('Invalid date format!');
                      return false;
                  if ((lyear==true) && (dd>29))
                      alert('Invalid date format!');
                      return false;
              alert("Invalid date format!");

              return false;

How to restart VScode after editing extension's config?

Execute the workbench.action.reloadWindow command.

There are some ways to do so:

  1. Open the command palette (Ctrl + Shift + P) and execute the command:

    >Reload Window    
  2. Define a keybinding for the command (for example CTRL+F5) in keybindings.json:

        "key": "ctrl+f5",
        "command": "workbench.action.reloadWindow",
        "when": "editorTextFocus"

Sleep function in C++

Recently I was learning about chrono library and thought of implementing a sleep function on my own. Here is the code,

#include <cmath>
#include <chrono>

template <typename rep = std::chrono::seconds::rep, 
          typename period = std::chrono::seconds::period>
void sleep(std::chrono::duration<rep, period> sec)
    using sleep_duration = std::chrono::duration<long double, std::nano>;

    std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
    std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point end = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();

    long double elapsed_time = 
    std::chrono::duration_cast<sleep_duration>(end - start).count();

    long double sleep_time = 

    while (std::isgreater(sleep_time, elapsed_time)) {
        end = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
        elapsed_time = std::chrono::duration_cast<sleep_duration>(end - start).count(); 

We can use it with any std::chrono::duration type (By default it takes std::chrono::seconds as argument). For example,

#include <cmath>
#include <chrono>

template <typename rep = std::chrono::seconds::rep, 
          typename period = std::chrono::seconds::period>
void sleep(std::chrono::duration<rep, period> sec)
    using sleep_duration = std::chrono::duration<long double, std::nano>;

    std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
    std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point end = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();

    long double elapsed_time = 
    std::chrono::duration_cast<sleep_duration>(end - start).count();

    long double sleep_time = 

    while (std::isgreater(sleep_time, elapsed_time)) {
        end = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
        elapsed_time = std::chrono::duration_cast<sleep_duration>(end - start).count(); 

using namespace std::chrono_literals;
int main (void) {
    std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point start1 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
    sleep(5s);  // sleep for 5 seconds
    std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point end1 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
    std::cout << std::setprecision(9) << std::fixed;
    std::cout << "Elapsed time was: " << std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::seconds>(end1-start1).count() << "s\n";
    std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point start2 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();

    sleep(500000ns);  // sleep for 500000 nano seconds/500 micro seconds
    // same as writing: sleep(500us)
    std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point end2 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
    std::cout << "Elapsed time was: " << std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(end2-start2).count() << "us\n";
    return 0;

For more information, visit and see this cppcon talk of Howard Hinnant, He has two more talks on chrono library. And you can always use the library function, std::this_thread::sleep_for

Note: Outputs may not be accurate. So, don't expect it to give exact timings.

How to display a "busy" indicator with jQuery?

I did it in my project ,

make a div with back ground url as gif , which is nothing but animation gif

<div class="busyindicatorClass"> </div>

background-url///give animation here

in your ajax call , add this class to the div and in ajax success remove the class.

it will do the trick thatsit.

let me know if you need antthing else , i can give you more details

in the ajax success remove the class

success: function(data) {
    remove class using jquery

What is a 'workspace' in Visual Studio Code?

You can save settings at the workspace level and you can open multiple folders in a workspace. If you want to do either of those things, use a workspace, otherwise, just open a folder.

A Visual Studio Code workspace is a list of a project's folders and files. A workspace can contain multiple folders. You can customize the settings and preferences of a workspace.

Setting multiple attributes for an element at once with JavaScript

You can create a function that takes a variable number of arguments:

function setAttributes(elem /* attribute, value pairs go here */) {
    for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i+=2) {
        elem.setAttribute(arguments[i], arguments[i+1]);

    "src", "",
    "height", "100%",
    "width", "100%");

Or, you pass the attribute/value pairs in on an object:

 function setAttributes(elem, obj) {
     for (var prop in obj) {
         if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
             elem[prop] = obj[prop];

setAttributes(elem, {
    src: "",
    height: "100%",
    width: "100%"

You could also make your own chainable object wrapper/method:

function $$(elem) {
    return(new $$.init(elem));

$$.init = function(elem) {
    if (typeof elem === "string") {
        elem = document.getElementById(elem);
    this.elem = elem;

$$.init.prototype = {
    set: function(prop, value) {
        this.elem[prop] = value;

$$(elem).set("src", "").set("height", "100%").set("width", "100%");

Working example:

JavaFX Panel inside Panel auto resizing

It is quite simple because you are using the FXMLBuilder.

Just follow these simple steps:

  1. Open FXML file into FXMLBuilder.
  2. Select the stack pane.
  3. Open the Layout tab [left side tab of FXMLBuilder].
  4. Set the sides value by which you want to compute the pane size during stage resize like TOP, LEFT, RIGHT, BOTTOM.

Getting all selected checkboxes in an array

ES6 version:

const values = Array
  .filter((checkbox) => checkbox.checked)
  .map((checkbox) => checkbox.value);

function getCheckedValues() {_x000D_
  return Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('input[type="checkbox"]'))_x000D_
  .filter((checkbox) => checkbox.checked)_x000D_
  .map((checkbox) => checkbox.value);_x000D_
const resultEl = document.getElementById('result');_x000D_
document.getElementById('showResult').addEventListener('click', () => {_x000D_
  resultEl.innerHTML = getCheckedValues();_x000D_
<input type="checkbox" name="type" value="1" />1_x000D_
<input type="checkbox" name="type" value="2" />2_x000D_
<input type="checkbox" name="type" value="3" />3_x000D_
<input type="checkbox" name="type" value="4" />4_x000D_
<input type="checkbox" name="type" value="5" />5_x000D_
<button id="showResult">Show checked values</button>_x000D_
<div id="result"></div>

How to encode the plus (+) symbol in a URL

In order to encode + value using JavaScript, you can use encodeURIComponent function.


var url = "+11";
var encoded_url = encodeURIComponent(url);

Setting transparent images background in IrfanView

If you are using the batch conversion, in the window click "options" in the "Batch conversion settings-output format" and tick the two boxes "save transparent color" (one under "PNG" and the other under "ICO").

Global npm install location on windows?

These are typical npm paths if you install a package globally:

Windows XP -             %USERPROFILE%\Application Data\npm\node_modules
Newer Windows Versions - %AppData%\npm\node_modules
or -                     %AppData%\roaming\npm\node_modules

How can I get browser to prompt to save password?

I found a complete solution for this question. (I've tested this in Chrome 27 and Firefox 21).

There are two things to know:

  1. Trigger 'Save password', and
  2. Restore the saved username/password

1. Trigger 'Save password':

For Firefox 21, 'Save password' is triggered when it detects that there is a form containing input text field and input password field is submitted. So we just need to use


someFunctionForLogin() does the ajax login and reload/redirect to the signed in page while event.preventDefault() blocks the original redirection due to submitting the form.

If you deal with Firefox only, the above solution is enough but it doesn't work in Chrome 27. Then you will ask how to trigger 'Save password' in Chrome 27.

For Chrome 27, 'Save password' is triggered after it is redirected to the page by submitting the form which contains input text field with attribute name='username' and input password field with attribute name='password'. Therefore, we cannot block the redirection due to submitting the form but we can make the redirection after we've done the ajax login. (If you want the ajax login not to reload the page or not to redirect to a page, unfortunately, my solution doesn't work.) Then, we can use

<form id='loginForm' action='' method='post'>
    <input type='text' name='username'>
    <input type='password' name='password'>
    <button id='loginButton' type='button'>Login</button>
    function someFunctionForLogin(){
        if(/*ajax login success*/) {
        else {
            //do something to show login fail(e.g. display fail messages)

Button with type='button' will make the form not to be submitted when the button is clicked. Then, binding a function to the button for ajax login. Finally, calling $('#loginForm').submit(); redirects to the signed-in page. If the signed-in page is current page, then you can replace '' by current page to make the 'refresh'.

Now, you will find that the method for Chrome 27 also works in Firefox 21. So it is better to use it.

2. Restore the saved username/password:

If you already have the loginForm hard-coded as HTML, then you will found no problem to restore the saved password in the loginForm.
However, the saved username/password will not be bind to the loginForm if you use js/jquery to make the loginForm dynamically, because the saved username/password is bind only when the document loads.
Therefore, you needed to hard-code the loginForm as HTML and use js/jquery to move/show/hide the loginForm dynamically.

Remark: If you do the ajax login, do not add autocomplete='off' in tag form like

<form id='loginForm' action='' autocomplete='off'>

autocomplete='off' will make the restoring username/password into the loginForm fails because you do not allow it 'autocompletes' the username/password.

MetadataException when using Entity Framework Entity Connection

Found the problem.

The standard metadata string looks like this:


And this works fine in most cases. However, in some (including mine) Entity Framework get confused and does not know which dll to look in. Therefore, change the metadata string to:


And it will work. It was this link that got me on the right track:

Although I had the oposite problem, did not work in unit test, but worked in service.

What's the difference between "super()" and "super(props)" in React when using es6 classes?

As per source code

function ReactComponent(props, context) {
  this.props = props;
  this.context = context;

you must pass props every time you have props and you don't put them into this.props manually.

Establish a VPN connection in cmd

Have you looked into rasdial?

Just incase anyone wanted to do this and finds this in the future, you can use rasdial.exe from command prompt to connect to a VPN network

ie rasdial "VPN NETWORK NAME" "Username" *

it will then prompt for a password, else you can use "username" "password", this is however less secure

Cannot find the object because it does not exist or you do not have permissions. Error in SQL Server

In my case the sql server version on my localhost is higher than that on the production server and hence some new variables were added to the generated script from the localhost. This caused errors in creating the table in the first place. Since the creation of the table failed, subsequent query on the "NON EXISITING" table also failed. Luckily, in among the long list of the sql errors, I found this "OPTIMIZE_FOR_SEQUENTIAL_KEY = OFF" to be the new varialbe in the script causing my issue. I did a search and replace and the error went away. Hope it helps someone.

CSS: Position text in the middle of the page

Try this CSS:

h1 {
    left: 0;
    line-height: 200px;
    margin-top: -100px;
    position: absolute;
    text-align: center;
    top: 50%;
    width: 100%;


Mapping US zip code to time zone

Google has a specific API for this:


  dstOffset: 0,
  rawOffset: -18000,
  status: "OK",
  timeZoneId: "America/New_York",
  timeZoneName: "Eastern Standard Time"

They require a unix timestamp on the querystring. From the response returned it appears that timeZoneName takes into account daylight savings, based on the timestamp, while timeZoneId is a DST-independent name for the timezone.

For my use, in Python, I am just passing timestamp=0 and using the timeZoneId value to get a tz_info object from pytz, I can then use that to localize any particular datetime in my own code.

I believe for PHP similarly you can find "America/New_York" in

No plot window in matplotlib

If you are user of Anaconda and Spyder then best solution for you is that :

Tools --> Preferences --> Ipython console --> Graphic Section

Then in the Support for graphics (Matplotlib) section:

select two avaliable options

and in the Graphics Backend:

select Automatic

PHP case-insensitive in_array function

The obvious thing to do is just convert the search term to lowercase:

if (in_array(strtolower($word), $array)) { 

of course if there are uppercase letters in the array you'll need to do this first:

$search_array = array_map('strtolower', $array);

and search that. There's no point in doing strtolower on the whole array with every search.

Searching arrays however is linear. If you have a large array or you're going to do this a lot, it would be better to put the search terms in key of the array as this will be much faster access:

$search_array = array_combine(array_map('strtolower', $a), $a);


if ($search_array[strtolower($word)]) { 

The only issue here is that array keys must be unique so if you have a collision (eg "One" and "one") you will lose all but one.

Python Requests throwing SSLError

I fought this problem for HOURS.

I tried to update requests. Then I updated certifi. I pointed verify to certifi.where() (The code does this by default anyways). Nothing worked.

Finally I updated my version of python to python 2.7.11. I was on Python 2.7.5 which had some incompatibilities with the way that the certificates are verified. Once I updated Python (and a handful of other dependencies) it started working.

How can I stop the browser back button using JavaScript?

None of the most-upvoted answers worked for me in Chrome 79. It looks like Chrome changed its behavior with respect to the Back button after version 75. See here:

However, in that Google thread, the answer provided by Azrulmukmin Azmi at the very end did work. This is his solution.

    history.pushState(null, document.title, location.href);
    window.onpopstate = function () {

The problem with Chrome is that it doesn't trigger onpopstate event unless you make browser action ( i.e. call history.back). That's why I've added those to script.

I don't entirely understand what he wrote, but apparently an additional history.back() / history.forward() is now required for blocking Back in Chrome 75+.

move_uploaded_file gives "failed to open stream: Permission denied" error

You can also run this script to find out the Apache process owner:

<?php echo exec('whoami'); ?>

And then change the owner of the destination directory to what you've got. Use the command:

chown user destination_dir

And then use the command

chmod 755 destination_dir

to change the destination directory permission.

Sending JSON to PHP using ajax

I believe you could try something like this:

var postData = 
        type: "POST",
        dataType: "json",
        url: "add_cart.php",
        data: postData,
        success: function(data){
            alert('Items added');
        error: function(e){

the json encode should happen automatically, and a dump of your post should give you something like:


Xcode - How to fix 'NSUnknownKeyException', reason: … this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key X" error?

I just had this issue in my duplicated project and solved by checking 2 places:

1- Make sure you have the .m file in the list -> Project - Build Phases - Compile Sources
2- After that, go to interface builder (probably this is an error occures with only IB) and unlink all properties, labels, images, etc... Then re-link all. I have realized that I've removed an attribute but it was still linked in IB.

Hope it works for some.

How to get content body from a httpclient call?

If you are not wanting to use async you can add .Result to force the code to execute synchronously:

private string GetResponseString(string text)
    var httpClient = new HttpClient();

    var parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>();
    parameters["text"] = text;

    var response = httpClient.PostAsync(BaseUri, new FormUrlEncodedContent(parameters)).Result;
    var contents = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;

    return contents;

How to use conditional statement within child attribute of a Flutter Widget (Center Widget)

With a button

bool _paused = false;

  child: _paused ? Text('Play') : Text('Pause'),
  onPressed: () {
    setState(() {
      _paused = !_paused;

Accessing inventory host variable in Ansible playbook

host-1 ansible_ssh_host= node_name=foo
host-2 ansible_ssh_host= node_name=bar


You can access host group vars using:

{{ hostvars['host_group'].custom_var }}

If you need a specific value from specific host, you can use:

{{ hostvars[groups['host_group'][0]].node_name }}

How to send a compressed archive that contains executables so that Google's attachment filter won't reject it

Try this:

tar -czf my.tar.gz dir/

But are you sure you are not compressing some .exe file or something? Maybe the problem is not with te compression, but with the files you are compressing?