Programs & Examples On #Jquery layout

a jQuery plugin. see for more details.

how to make a div to wrap two float divs inside?

overflow:hidden (as mentioned by @Mikael S) doesn't work in every situation, but it should work in most situations.

Another option is to use the :after trick:

<div class="wrapper">
  <div class="col"></div>
  <div class="col"></div>

.wrapper {
  min-height: 1px; /* Required for IE7 */

.wrapper:after {
  clear: both;
  display: block;
  height: 0;
  overflow: hidden;
  visibility: hidden;
  content: ".";
  font-size: 0;

.col {
  display: inline;
  float: left;

And for IE6:

.wrapper { height: 1px; }

How can I delete an item from an array in VB.NET?

As Heinzi said, an array has a fixed size. In order to 'remove an item' or 'resize' it, you'll have to create a new array with the desired size and copy the items you need as appropriate.

Here's code to remove an item from an array:

<System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension()> _
Function RemoveAt(Of T)(ByVal arr As T(), ByVal index As Integer) As T()
    Dim uBound = arr.GetUpperBound(0)
    Dim lBound = arr.GetLowerBound(0)
    Dim arrLen = uBound - lBound

    If index < lBound OrElse index > uBound Then
        Throw New ArgumentOutOfRangeException( _
        String.Format("Index must be from {0} to {1}.", lBound, uBound))

        'create an array 1 element less than the input array
        Dim outArr(arrLen - 1) As T
        'copy the first part of the input array
        Array.Copy(arr, 0, outArr, 0, index)
        'then copy the second part of the input array
        Array.Copy(arr, index + 1, outArr, index, uBound - index)

        Return outArr
    End If
End Function

You can use it as such:

Module Module1

    Sub Main()
        Dim arr = New String() {"abc", "mno", "xyz"}
    End Sub
End Module

The code above removes the second element ("mno") [which has an index of 1] from the array.

You need to be developing in .NET 3.5 or higher in order to use the extension method. If you're using .NET 2.0 or 3.0, you can call the method as such

arr = RemoveAt(arr, 1)

I hope this is what you need.


After running tests based on ToolMakerSteve's comment it appears the initial code does not modify the array you want to update because of the ByVal used in the function's declaration. However, writing code like arr = arr.RemoveAt(1) or arr = RemoveAt(arr, 1) does modify the array because it reassigns the modified array to the original.

Find below the updated method (subroutine) for removing an element from an array.

<System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension()> _
Public Sub RemoveAt(Of T)(ByRef arr As T(), ByVal index As Integer)
    Dim uBound = arr.GetUpperBound(0)
    Dim lBound = arr.GetLowerBound(0)
    Dim arrLen = uBound - lBound

    If index < lBound OrElse index > uBound Then
        Throw New ArgumentOutOfRangeException( _
        String.Format("Index must be from {0} to {1}.", lBound, uBound))

        'create an array 1 element less than the input array
        Dim outArr(arrLen - 1) As T
        'copy the first part of the input array
        Array.Copy(arr, 0, outArr, 0, index)
        'then copy the second part of the input array
        Array.Copy(arr, index + 1, outArr, index, uBound - index)

        arr = outArr
    End If
End Sub

Usage of the method is similar to the original, except there is no return value this time so trying to assign an array from the return value will not work because nothing is returned.

Dim arr = New String() {"abc", "mno", "xyz"}
arr.RemoveAt(1)  ' Output: {"abc", "mno"} (works on .NET 3.5 and higher)
RemoveAt(arr, 1) ' Output: {"abc", "mno"} (works on all versions of .NET fx)
arr = arr.RemoveAt(1)  'will not work; no return value
arr = RemoveAt(arr, 1) 'will not work; no return value


  1. I use a temporary array for the process because it makes my intentions clear and that is exactly what VB.NET does behind the scenes when you do Redim Preserve. If you would like to modify the array in-place using Redim Preserve, see ToolmakerSteve's answer.

  2. The RemoveAt methods written here are extension methods. In order for them to work, you will have to paste them in a Module. Extension methods will not work in VB.NET if they are placed in a Class.

  3. Important If you will be modifying your array with lots of 'removes', it is highly recommended to use a different data structure such as List(Of T) as suggested by other answerers to this question.

ARG or ENV, which one to use in this case?

From Dockerfile reference:

  • The ARG instruction defines a variable that users can pass at build-time to the builder with the docker build command using the --build-arg <varname>=<value> flag.

  • The ENV instruction sets the environment variable <key> to the value <value>.
    The environment variables set using ENV will persist when a container is run from the resulting image.

So if you need build-time customization, ARG is your best choice.
If you need run-time customization (to run the same image with different settings), ENV is well-suited.

If I want to add let's say 20 (a random number) of extensions or any other feature that can be enable|disable

Given the number of combinations involved, using ENV to set those features at runtime is best here.

But you can combine both by:

  • building an image with a specific ARG
  • using that ARG as an ENV

That is, with a Dockerfile including:

ARG var
ENV var=${var}

You can then either build an image with a specific var value at build-time (docker build --build-arg var=xxx), or run a container with a specific runtime value (docker run -e var=yyy)

gnuplot plotting multiple line graphs

Whatever your separator is in your ls.dat, you can specify it to gnuplot:

set datafile separator "\t"

Online SQL syntax checker conforming to multiple databases

Only know about this. Not sure how well does it against MySQL no protocol on URL based on a string modified with URLEncoder

Thanks to Erhun's answer I finally realised that my JSON mapper was returning the quotation marks around my data too! I needed to use "asText()" instead of "toString()"

It's not an uncommon issue - one's brain doesn't see anything wrong with the correct data, surrounded by quotes!



How to update multiple columns in single update statement in DB2

update table_name set (col1,col2,col3) values(col1,col2,col);

Is not standard SQL and not working you got to use this as Gordon Linoff said:

update table
    set col1 = expr1,
        col2 = expr2,
        . . .
        coln = exprn
    where some condition

possible EventEmitter memory leak detected

By default, a maximum of 10 listeners can be registered for any single event.

If it's your code, you can specify maxListeners via:

const emitter = new EventEmitter()
// or 0 to turn off the limit

But if it's not your code you can use the trick to increase the default limit globally:

require('events').EventEmitter.prototype._maxListeners = 100;

Of course you can turn off the limits but be careful:

// turn off limits by default (BE CAREFUL)
require('events').EventEmitter.prototype._maxListeners = 0;

BTW. The code should be at the very beginning of the app.

ADD: Since node 0.11 this code also works to change the default limit:

require('events').EventEmitter.defaultMaxListeners = 0

List all files in one directory PHP

You are looking for the command scandir.

$path    = '/tmp';
$files = scandir($path);

Following code will remove . and .. from the returned array from scandir:

$files = array_diff(scandir($path), array('.', '..'));

Reload content in modal (twitter bootstrap)

With Bootstrap 3 you can use '' event handler to delete any modal-related data, forcing the popup to reload next time:

$('#modal').on('', function() {

How to make --no-ri --no-rdoc the default for gem install?

Step by steps:

To create/edit the .gemrc file from the terminal:

vi  ~/.gemrc

You will open a editor called vi. paste in:

gem: --no-ri --no-rdoc

click 'esc'-button.

type in:


You can check if everything is correct with this command:

sudo /Applications/ ~/.gemrc

How to save a figure in MATLAB from the command line?

If you want to save it as .fig file, hgsave is the function in Matlab R2012a. In later versions, savefig may also work.

Are there bookmarks in Visual Studio Code?

Under the general heading of 'editors always forget to document getting out…' to toggle go to another line and press the combination ctrl+shift+'N' to erase the current bookmark do the same on marked line…

Redirecting to a new page after successful login

Just add the following code after the final message you give using PHP code


jQuery Multiple ID selectors

That should work, you may need a space after the commas.

Also, the function you call afterwards must support an array of objects, and not just a singleton object.

How to establish a connection pool in JDBC?

I would recommend using the commons-dbcp library. There are numerous examples listed on how to use it, here is the link to the move simple one. The usage is very simple:

 BasicDataSource ds = new BasicDataSource();
 Connection conn = ds.getConnection();

You only need to create the data source once, so make sure you read the documentation if you do not know how to do that. If you are not aware of how to properly write JDBC statements so you do not leak resources, you also might want to read this Wikipedia page.

DLL and LIB files - what and why?

One important reason for creating a DLL/LIB rather than just compiling the code into an executable is reuse and relocation. The average Java or .NET application (for example) will most likely use several 3rd party (or framework) libraries. It is much easier and faster to just compile against a pre-built library, rather than having to compile all of the 3rd party code into your application. Compiling your code into libraries also encourages good design practices, e.g. designing your classes to be used in different types of applications.

Compile error: package javax.servlet does not exist

You need to add the path to Tomcat's /lib/servlet-api.jar file to the compile time classpath.

javac -cp .;/path/to/Tomcat/lib/servlet-api.jar com/example/

The classpath is where Java needs to look for imported dependencies. It will otherwise default to the current folder which is included as . in the above example. The ; is the path separator for Windows; if you're using an Unix based OS, then you need to use : instead.

If you're still facing the same complation error, and you're actually using Tomcat 10 or newer, then you should be migrating the imports in your source code from javax.* to jakarta.*.

import jakarta.servlet.*;
import jakarta.servlet.http.*;

See also:

UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf8' codec can't decode byte 0x9c

I have resolved this problem using this code

df = pd.read_csv(gdp_path, engine='python')

How to use: while not in

while not any( x in ('AND','OR','NOT') for x in list)


thank you for the upvotes , but etarion's solution is better since it tests if the words AND, OR, NOT are in the list, that is to say 3 tests.

Mine does as many tests as there are words in list.


Also there is

while not ('AND' in list,'OR' in list,'NOT' in list)==(False,False,False)

Git Bash doesn't see my PATH

Create a file in C:\Users\USERNAME which is called config.bashrc, containing:

PATH=$PATH:/c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/Application\ with\ space

Now move the file on the command line to the correct location:

mv config.bashrc .bashrc

How can I change CSS display none or block property using jQuery?

There are several ways to accomplish this, each with its own intended purpose.

1.) To use inline while simply assigning an element a list of things to do

$('#ele_id').css('display', 'block').animate(....
$('#ele_id').css('display', 'none').animate(....

2.) To use while setting multiple CSS properties

    display: 'none'
    height: 100px,
    width: 100px
    display: 'block'
    height: 100px,
    width: 100px

3.) To dynamically call on command


4.) To dynamically toggle between block and none, if it's a div

  • some elements are displayed as inline, inline-block, or table, depending on the Tag Name


Docker-compose: node_modules not present in a volume after npm install succeeds

There is also some simple solution without mapping node_module directory into another volume. It's about to move installing npm packages into final CMD command.

Disadvantage of this approach:

  • run npm install each time you run container (switching from npm to yarn might also speed up this process a bit).


FROM node:0.12
WORKDIR /worker
COPY package.json /worker/
COPY . /worker/
CMD /bin/bash -c 'npm install; npm start'


    image: redis
    build: ./worker
        - "9730:9730"
        - worker/:/worker/
        - redis

How to debug Google Apps Script (aka where does Logger.log log to?)

If you have the script editor open you will see the logs under View->Logs. If your script has an onedit trigger, make a change to the spreadsheet which should trigger the function with the script editor opened in a second tab. Then go to the script editor tab and open the log. You will see whatever your function passes to the logger.

Basically as long as the script editor is open, the event will write to the log and show it for you. It will not show if someone else is in the file elsewhere.

Disable clipboard prompt in Excel VBA on workbook close

proposed solution edit works if you replace the row

Set rDst = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SomeSheet").Cells("YourCell").Resize(rSrc.Rows.Count, rSrc.Columns.Count)


Set rDst = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SomeSheet").Range("YourRange").Resize(rSrc.Rows.Count, rSrc.Columns.Count)

How to reload current page in ReactJS?

use this might help


Normalization in DOM parsing with java - how does it work?

In simple, Normalisation is Reduction of Redundancies.
Examples of Redundancies:
a) white spaces outside of the root/document tags(...<document></document>...)
b) white spaces within start tag (<...>) and end tag (</...>)
c) white spaces between attributes and their values (ie. spaces between key name and =")
d) superfluous namespace declarations
e) line breaks/white spaces in texts of attributes and tags
f) comments etc...

Remap values in pandas column with a dict

Or do apply:

df['col1'].apply(lambda x: {1: "A", 2: "B"}.get(x,x))


>>> df['col1']=df['col1'].apply(lambda x: {1: "A", 2: "B"}.get(x,x))
>>> df
  col1 col2
0    w    a
1    1    2
2    2  NaN

Vue 2 - Mutating props vue-warn

Because Vue props is one way data flow, This prevents child components from accidentally mutating the parent’s state.

From the official Vue document, we will find 2 ways to solve this problems

  1. if child component want use props as local data, it is best to define a local data property.

      props: ['list'],
      data: function() {
        return {
          localList: JSON.parse(this.list);
  2. The prop is passed in as a raw value that needs to be transformed. In this case, it’s best to define a computed property using the prop’s value:

      props: ['list'],
      computed: {
        localList: function() {
           return JSON.parse(this.list);
        //eg: if you want to filter this list
        validList: function() {
           return this.list.filter(product => product.isValid === true)
        //...whatever to transform the list

How to generate gcc debug symbol outside the build target?

No answer so far mentions eu-strip --strip-debug -f <out.debug> <input>.

  • This is provided by elfutils package.
  • The result will be that <input> file has been stripped of debug symbols which are now all in <out.debug>.

Ellipsis for overflow text in dropdown boxes

If you are finding this question because you have a custom arrow on your select box and the text is going over your arrow, I found a solution that works in some browsers. Just add some padding, to the select, on the right side.


enter image description here


enter image description here


select {
    padding:0 30px 0 10px !important;
    -webkit-padding-end: 30px !important;
    -webkit-padding-start: 10px !important;

iOS ignores the padding properties but uses the -webkit- properties instead.

highlight the navigation menu for the current page


.topmenu ul a, .topmenu ul li a:hover {
    background:url(../images/menu_a.jpg) no-repeat center top;


<script src="JavaScript/jquery-1.10.2.js" type="text/javascript"></script> 

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(function() {
        // this will get the full URL at the address bar
        var url = window.location.href;

        // passes on every "a" tag
        $(".topmenu a").each(function() {
            // checks if its the same on the address bar
            if (url == (this.href)) {
                //for making parent of submenu active

Html Code:

<div class="topmenu">
        <li><a href="Default.aspx">Home</a></li>
        <li><a href="NewsLetter.aspx">Newsletter</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Forms</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Mail</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Service</a></li>
        <li style="border:none;"><a href="#">HSE</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">MainMenu2</a>

How to use a WSDL file to create a WCF service (not make a call)

There are good resources out there if you know what to search for. Try "Contract First" and WCF. or "WSDL First" and WCF.

Here is a selection:

Send Email to multiple Recipients with MailMessage?


Just split the incoming address list on the ";" character, and add them to the mail message:

foreach (var address in addresses.Split(new [] {";"}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))

In this example, addresses contains "[email protected];[email protected]".

Selecting empty text input using jQuery



By the way, your call of:


can be greatly simplified and speeded up with:


How to ignore deprecation warnings in Python

For python 3, just write below codes to ignore all warnings.

from warnings import filterwarnings

Error message "No exports were found that match the constraint contract name"

Deleting the folders haven't worked for me i have go control panel and repaired

Visual Studio Installer Projects extensions for VS 2013.

And it worked for me

jQuery addClass onClick

It needs to be a jQuery element to use .addClass(), so it needs to be wrapped in $() like this:

function addClassByClick(button){

A better overall solution would be unobtrusive script, for example:

<asp:Button ID="Button" runat="server" class="clickable"/>

Then in jquery:

$(function() {                       //run when the DOM is ready
  $(".clickable").click(function() {  //use a class, since your ID gets mangled
    $(this).addClass("active");      //add the class to the clicked element

Command to get nth line of STDOUT

Another poster suggested

ls -l | head -2 | tail -1

but if you pipe head into tail, it looks like everything up to line N is processed twice.

Piping tail into head

ls -l | tail -n +2 | head -n1

would be more efficient?

Bold words in a string of strings.xml in Android

You can do it from string

 <resources xmlns:tools="">

 <string name="total_review"><b>Total Review: </b> </string>


and can access it from the java code like


Sending a notification from a service in Android

Both Activity and Service actually extend Context so you can simply use this as your Context within your Service.

NotificationManager notificationManager =
    (NotificationManager) getSystemService(Service.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);
Notification notification = new Notification(/* your notification */);
PendingIntent pendingIntent = /* your intent */;
notification.setLatestEventInfo(this, /* your content */, pendingIntent);
notificationManager.notify(/* id */, notification);

Simplest way to merge ES6 Maps/Sets?

Based off of Asaf Katz's answer, here's a typescript version:

export function union<T> (...iterables: Array<Set<T>>): Set<T> {
  const set = new Set<T>()
  iterables.forEach(iterable => {
    iterable.forEach(item => set.add(item))
  return set

Event binding on dynamically created elements?

Take note of "MAIN" class the element is placed, for example,

<div class="container">
     <ul class="select">
         <li> First</li>

In the above scenario, the MAIN object the jQuery will watch is "container".

Then you will basically have elements names under container such as ul, li, and select:

$(document).ready(function(e) {
    $('.container').on( 'click',".select", function(e) {

MS Excel showing the formula in a cell instead of the resulting value

If all else fails, Ctrl-H (search and replace) with "=" in both boxes (in other words, search on = and replace it with the same =). Seems to do the trick.

How can I create a table with borders in Android?

My solution for this problem is to put an xml drawable resource on the background field of every cell. In this manner you could define a shape with the border you want for all cells. The only inconvenience is that the borders of the extreme cells have half the width of the others but it's no problem if your table fills the entire screen.

An Example:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    android:shape= "rectangle"  >
        <solid android:color="#000"/>
        <stroke android:width="1dp"  android:color="#ff9"/>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>























Edit: An example

enter image description here

Edit2: Another example (with more elements: circle corners, gradients...) enter image description here

I have explained this issue with more details in It's in spanish but there are some codes and images of more complex tables.

Clicking submit button of an HTML form by a Javascript code

The usual way to submit a form in general is to call submit() on the form itself, as described in krtek's answer.

However, if you need to actually click a submit button for some reason (your code depends on the submit button's name/value being posted or something), you can click on the submit button itself like this:


How can I get the height of an element using css only

You could use the CSS calc parameter to calculate the height dynamically like so:

.dynamic-height {_x000D_
   color: #000;_x000D_
   font-size: 12px;_x000D_
   margin-top: calc(100% - 10px);_x000D_
   text-align: left;_x000D_
<div class='dynamic-height'>_x000D_
    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem.</p>_x000D_

How to compare two colors for similarity/difference

Just another answer, although it's similar to Supr's one - just a different color space.

The thing is: Humans perceive the difference in color not uniformly and the RGB color space is ignoring this. As a result if you use the RGB color space and just compute the euclidean distance between 2 colors you may get a difference which is mathematically absolutely correct, but wouldn't coincide with what humans would tell you.

This may not be a problem - the difference is not that large I think, but if you want to solve this "better" you should convert your RGB colors into a color space that was specifically designed to avoid the above problem. There are several ones, improvements from earlier models (since this is based on human perception we need to measure the "correct" values based on experimental data). There's the Lab colorspace which I think would be the best although a bit complicated to convert it to. Simpler would be the CIE XYZ one.

Here's a site that lists the formula's to convert between different color spaces so you can experiment a bit.

MSVCP120d.dll missing

My problem was with x64 compilations deployed to a remote testing machine. I found the x64 versions of msvp120d.dll and msvcr120d.dll in

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\redist\Debug_NonRedist\x64\Microsoft.VC120.DebugCRT

How to trigger a phone call when clicking a link in a web page on mobile phone

The proper URL scheme is tel:[number] so you would do

<a href="tel:5551234567"><img src="callme.jpg" /></a>

MSBuild doesn't copy references (DLL files) if using project dependencies in solution

The issue I was facing was I have a project that is dependent on a library project. In order to build I was following these steps:

msbuild.exe myproject.vbproj /T:Rebuild
msbuild.exe myproject.vbproj /T:Package

That of course meant I was missing my library's dll files in bin and most importantly in the package zip file. I found this works perfectly:

msbuild.exe myproject.vbproj /T:Rebuild;Package

I have no idea why this work or why it didn't in the first place. But hope that helps.

Axios get in url works but with second parameter as object it doesn't

axios.get accepts a request config as the second parameter (not query string params).

You can use the params config option to set query string params as follows:

axios.get('/api', {
  params: {
    foo: 'bar'

Rails: Get Client IP address

I would just use the request.remote_ip that's simple and it works. Any reason you need another method?

See: Get real IP address in local Rails development environment for some other things you can do with client server ip's.

How would I run an async Task<T> method synchronously?

Just a little note - this approach:

Task<Customer> task = GetCustomers();

works for WinRT.

Let me explain:

private void TestMethod()
    Task<Customer> task = GetCustomers(); // call async method as sync and get task as result
    task.Wait(); // wait executing the method
    var customer = task.Result; // get's result.
    Debug.WriteLine(customer.Name); //print customer name
public class Customer
    public Customer()
        new ManualResetEvent(false).WaitOne(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));//wait 5 second (long term operation)
    public string Name { get; set; }
private Task<Customer> GetCustomers()
    return Task.Run(() => new Customer
        Name = "MyName"

Moreover this approach works for Windows Store solutions only!

Note: This way isn't thread safe if you call your method inside of other async method (according to comments of @Servy)

Set a default parameter value for a JavaScript function

function throwIfNoValue() {_x000D_
throw new Error('Missing argument');_x000D_
function foo(argValue = throwIfNoValue()) {_x000D_
return argValue ;_x000D_

Here foo() is a function which has a parameter named argValue. If we don’t pass anything in the function call here, then the function throwIfNoValue() will be called and the returned result will be assigned to the only argument argValue. This is how a function call can be used as a default parameter. Which makes the code more simplified and readable.

This example has been taken from here

Array.Add vs +=

When using the $array.Add()-method, you're trying to add the element into the existing array. An array is a collection of fixed size, so you will receive an error because it can't be extended.

$array += $element creates a new array with the same elements as old one + the new item, and this new larger array replaces the old one in the $array-variable

You can use the += operator to add an element to an array. When you use it, Windows PowerShell actually creates a new array with the values of the original array and the added value. For example, to add an element with a value of 200 to the array in the $a variable, type:

    $a += 200

Source: about_Arrays

+= is an expensive operation, so when you need to add many items you should try to add them in as few operations as possible, ex:

$arr = 1..3    #Array
$arr += (4..5) #Combine with another array in a single write-operation


If that's not possible, consider using a more efficient collection like List or ArrayList (see the other answer).

Stop/Close webcam stream which is opened by navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia

Start and Stop Web Camera,(Update 2020 React es6 )

Start Web Camera

stopWebCamera =()=>

       //Start Web Came
      if (navigator.mediaDevices && navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia) {
        //use WebCam
        navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ video: true }).then(stream => {
          this.localStream = stream;
 = stream;

Stop Web Camera or Video playback in general

stopVideo =()=>
{; = ""; = null;

         // As per new API stop all streams
        if (this.localStream)
          this.localStream.getTracks().forEach(track => track.stop());

Stop Web Camera function works even with video streams: = this.state.videoToTest;;

How do I add a new column to a Spark DataFrame (using PySpark)?

To add a column using a UDF:

df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(
    [(1, "a", 23.0), (3, "B", -23.0)], ("x1", "x2", "x3"))

from pyspark.sql.functions import udf
from pyspark.sql.types import *

def valueToCategory(value):
   if   value == 1: return 'cat1'
   elif value == 2: return 'cat2'
   else: return 'n/a'

# NOTE: it seems that calls to udf() must be after SparkContext() is called
udfValueToCategory = udf(valueToCategory, StringType())
df_with_cat = df.withColumn("category", udfValueToCategory("x1"))

## +---+---+-----+---------+
## | x1| x2|   x3| category|
## +---+---+-----+---------+
## |  1|  a| 23.0|     cat1|
## |  3|  B|-23.0|      n/a|
## +---+---+-----+---------+

Java Swing - how to show a panel on top of another panel?

There's another layout manager that may be of interest here: Overlay Layout Here's a simple tutorial: OverlayLayout: for layout management of components that lie on top of one another. Overlay Layout allows you to position panels on top of one another, and set a layout inside each panel. You are also able to set size and position of each panel separately.

(The reason I'm answering this question from years ago is because I have stumbled upon the same problem, and I have seen very few mentions of the Overlay Layout on StackOverflow, while it seems to be pretty well documented. Hopefully this may help someone else who keeps searching for it.)

Using python's eval() vs. ast.literal_eval()?

If all you need is a user provided dictionary, possible better solution is json.loads. The main limitation is that json dicts requires string keys. Also you can only provide literal data, but that is also the case for literal_eval.

display: inline-block extra margin

White space affects inline elements.

This should not come as a surprise. We see it every day with span, strong and other inline elements. Set the font size to zero to remove the extra margin.

.container {
  font-size: 0px;
  letter-spacing: 0px;
  word-spacing: 0px;

.container > div {
  display: inline-block;
  margin: 0px;
  padding: 0px;
  font-size: 15px;
  letter-spacing: 1em;
  word-spacing: 2em;

The example would then look like this.

<div class="container">

A jsfiddle version of this.

Edit a specific Line of a Text File in C#

When you create a StreamWriter it always create a file from scratch, you will have to create a third file and copy from target and replace what you need, and then replace the old one. But as I can see what you need is XML manipulation, you might want to use XmlDocument and modify your file using Xpath.

npm behind a proxy fails with status 403

If you need to provide a username and password to authenticate at your proxy, this is the syntax to use:

npm config set proxy http://usr:pwd@host:port
npm config set https-proxy http://usr:pwd@host:port

How can I add additional PHP versions to MAMP

The file /Applications/MAMP/bin/mamp/mamp.conf.json holds the MAMP configuration, look for the section:

  "name": "PHP",
  "version": "5.6.28, 7.0.20"

which lists the the php versions which will be displayed in the GUI, obviously you need to have downloaded the PHP version from the MAMP site first and placed it in /Applications/MAMP/bin/php for this to work.

How do you fadeIn and animate at the same time?

For people still looking a couple of years later, things have changed a bit. You can now use the queue for .fadeIn() as well so that it will work like this:

$('.tooltip').fadeIn({queue: false, duration: 'slow'});
$('.tooltip').animate({ top: "-10px" }, 'slow');

This has the benefit of working on display: none elements so you don't need the extra two lines of code.

Bloomberg Open API

This API has been available for a long time and enables to get access to market data (including live) if you are running a Bloomberg Terminal or have access to a Bloomberg Server, which is chargeable.

The only difference is that the API (not its code) has been open sourced, so it can now be used as a dependency in an open source project for example, without any copyrights issues, which was not the case before.

How to set the UITableView Section title programmatically (iPhone/iPad)?

Nothing wrong with the other answers but this one offers a non-programmatic solution that may be useful in situations where one has a small static table. The benefit is that one can organize the localizations using the storyboard. One may continue to export localizations from Xcode via XLIFF files. Xcode 9 also has several new tools to make localizations easier.


I had a similar requirement. I had a static table with static cells in my Main.storyboard(Base). To localize section titles using .string files e.g. Main.strings(German) just select the section in storyboard and note the Object ID

Object ID

Afterwards go to your string file, in my case Main.strings(German) and insert the translation like:

"MLo-jM-tSN.headerTitle" = "Localized section title";

Additional Resources:

calling server side event from html button control

If you are OK with converting the input button to a server side control by specifying runat="server", and you are using, an option could be using the HtmlButton.OnServerClick property.

<input id="foo "runat="server" type="button" onserverclick="foo_OnClick" />

This should work and call foo_OnClick in your server side code. Also notice that based on Microsoft documentation linked above, you should also be able to use the HTML 4.0 tag.

Set initial value in datepicker with jquery?

Use this code it will help you.


<input type="text" id="txtFromDate" class="datepicker calendar-icon" placeholder="From Date" style="width: 100px; margin-right: 10px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 7px;">
        <input type="text" id="txtToDate" class="datepicker calendar-icon" placeholder="To Date" style="width: 100px; margin-right: 10px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 7px;">

function InitializeDate() {
    var date = new Date();
    var dd = date.getDate();             
    var mm = date.getMonth() + 1;
    var yyyy = date.getFullYear();

    var ToDate = mm + '/' + dd + '/' + yyyy;
    var FromDate = mm + '/01/' + yyyy;
    $('#txtToDate').datepicker('setDate', ToDate);
    $('#txtFromDate').datepicker('setDate', FromDate);

Git stash pop- needs merge, unable to refresh index

Here's how I solved the issue:

  • git status (see a mix of files from a previous stash, pull, stash pop, and continued work.)
  • git stash (see the needs merge issue)
  • git add . (add the files so my work locally resolves my own merged)
  • git stash (no error)
  • git pull (no error)
  • git stash pop (no error and continue working)

How to find the Vagrant IP?

Because I haven't seen it here yet... When you vagrant ssh into the box, I realized it actually tells you the ip addresses of the interfaces. You can get it there. For example.

 {~/Documents/jupyterhub-ansible} (features *%)$  vagrant ssh
Welcome to Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.15.0-50-generic x86_64)

 * Documentation:
 * Management:
 * Support:

  System information as of Wed May 22 12:00:34 UTC 2019

  System load:  0.12              Processes:             101
  Usage of /:   56.5% of 9.63GB   Users logged in:       0
  Memory usage: 19%               IP address for enp0s3:
  Swap usage:   0%                IP address for enp0s8:

10 packages can be updated.
1 update is a security update.

Last login: Wed May 22 12:00:04 2019 from

In my vagrant file I assigned the address like this: "private_network", ip: ""

and as you can see, IP address for enp0s8:

MongoDb query condition on comparing 2 fields

In case performance is more important than readability and as long as your condition consists of simple arithmetic operations, you can use aggregation pipeline. First, use $project to calculate the left hand side of the condition (take all fields to left hand side). Then use $match to compare with a constant and filter. This way you avoid javascript execution. Below is my test in python:

import pymongo
from random import randrange

docs = [{'Grade1': randrange(10), 'Grade2': randrange(10)} for __ in range(100000)]

coll = pymongo.MongoClient().test_db.grades

Using aggregate:

%timeit -n1 -r1 list(coll.aggregate([
        '$project': {
            'diff': {'$subtract': ['$Grade1', '$Grade2']},
            'Grade1': 1,
            'Grade2': 1
        '$match': {'diff': {'$gt': 0}}

1 loop, best of 1: 192 ms per loop

Using find and $where:

%timeit -n1 -r1 list(coll.find({'$where': 'this.Grade1 > this.Grade2'}))

1 loop, best of 1: 4.54 s per loop

jQuery if statement, syntax

You can wrap jQuery calls inside normal JavaScript code. So, for example:

$(document).ready(function() {
    if (someCondition && someOtherCondition) {
        // Make some jQuery call.

Create a Path from String in Java7

You can just use the Paths class:

Path path = Paths.get(textPath);

... assuming you want to use the default file system, of course.

Python locale error: unsupported locale setting

In trying to get python to spit out names in specific locale I landed here with same problem.

In pursuing the answer, things got a little mystical I find.

I found that python code.

import locale
print locale.getdefaultlocale()
>> ('en_DK', 'UTF-8')

And indeed locale.setlocale(locale.LC_TIME, 'en_DK.UTF-8') works

Using tips here I tested further to see what is available using python code

import locale
loc_list = [(a,b) for a,b in locale.locale_alias.items() ]
loc_size = len(loc_list)
print loc_size,'entries'

for loc in loc_list:
        locale.setlocale(locale.LC_TIME, loc[1])
        print 'SUCCES set {:12} ({})'.format(loc[1],loc[0])

which yields

858 entries
SUCCES set en_US.UTF-8  (univ)
SUCCES set C            (c.ascii)
SUCCES set C            (c.en)
SUCCES set C            (posix-utf2)
SUCCES set C            (c)
SUCCES set C            (c_c)
SUCCES set C            (c_c.c)
SUCCES set en_IE.UTF-8  (en_ie.utf8@euro)
SUCCES set en_US.UTF-8  (universal.utf8@ucs4)
SUCCES set C            (posix)
SUCCES set C            (english_united-states.437)
SUCCES set en_US.UTF-8  (universal)

Of which only above is working! But the en_DK.UTF-8 is not in this list, though it works!?!? What?? And the python generated locale list do contain a lot of combos of da and DK, which I am looking for, but again no UTF-8 for da/DK...

I am on a Point Linux distro (Debian based), and here locale says amongst other LC_TIME="en_DK.UTF-8", which I know works, but not the locale I need.

locale -a says


So definitely need to install other locale, which i did by editing /etc/locale.gen, uncomment needed line da_DK.UTF-8 UTF-8 and run command locale-gen

Now locale.setlocale(locale.LC_TIME, 'da_DK.UTF-8') works too, and I can get my localized day and month names.

My Conclision:

Python : locale.locale_alias is not at all helpfull in finding available locales!!!

Linux : It is quite easy to get locale list and install new locale. A lot of help available.

Windows : I have been investigating a little, but nothing conclusive. There are though posts leading to answers, but I have not felt the urge to pursue it.

Find and kill a process in one line using bash and regex

You don't need the user switch for ps.

kill `ps ax | grep 'python' | awk '{print $1}'`

Show / hide div on click with CSS

You can find <div> by id, look at it's style.display property and toggle it from none to block and vice versa.

function showDiv(Div) {_x000D_
    var x = document.getElementById(Div);_x000D_
    if("none") {_x000D_ = "block";_x000D_
    } else {_x000D_ = "none";_x000D_
<div id="welcomeDiv" style="display:none;" class="answer_list">WELCOME</div>_x000D_
<input type="button" name="answer" value="Show Div" onclick="showDiv('welcomeDiv')" />

How to format a JavaScript date

If you are already using jQuery UI in your project you could do it this way:

var formatted = $.datepicker.formatDate("M d, yy", new Date("2014-07-08T09:02:21.377"));

// formatted will be 'Jul 8, 2014'

Some datepicker date format options to play with are available here.

What is the best method to merge two PHP objects?

foreach($objectA as $k => $v) $objectB->$k = $v;

Which way is best for creating an object in JavaScript? Is `var` necessary before an object property?

I guess it depends on what you want. For simple objects, I guess you could use the second methods. When your objects grow larger and you're planning on using similar objects, I guess the first method would be better. That way you can also extend it using prototypes.


function Circle(radius) {
    this.radius = radius;
Circle.prototype.getCircumference = function() {
    return Math.PI * 2 * this.radius;
Circle.prototype.getArea = function() {
    return Math.PI * this.radius * this.radius;

I am not a big fan of the third method, but it's really useful for dynamically editing properties, for example var foo='bar'; var bar = someObject[foo];.

Image library for Python 3

Depending on what is needed, scikit-image may be the best choice, with manipulations going way beyond PIL and the current version of Pillow. Very well-maintained, at least as much as Pillow. Also, the underlying data structures are from Numpy and Scipy, which makes its code incredibly interoperable. Examples that pillow can't handle:

Region Adjacency Graph Merging

Radon Transform

Histogram of oriented gradients

Approximate and subdivide polygons

You can see its power in the gallery. This paper provides a great intro to it. Good luck!

HTML/CSS: Making two floating divs the same height

I had similar problem and in my opinion best option is to use just a little bit of javascript or jquery.

You can get wanted divs to be same height by getting highest div value and applying that value to all other divs. If you have many divs and many solutions i suggest to write little advance js code to find out which of all divs is the highest and then use it's value.

With jquery and 2 divs it's very simple, here is example code:


And for the end, there is 1 last thing. Their padding (top and bottom) must be the same ! If one have larger padding you need to eliminate padding difference.

regex.test V.S. string.match to know if a string matches a regular expression

This is my benchmark results benchmark results

test 4,267,740 ops/sec ±1.32% (60 runs sampled)

exec 3,649,719 ops/sec ±2.51% (60 runs sampled)

match 3,623,125 ops/sec ±1.85% (62 runs sampled)

indexOf 6,230,325 ops/sec ±0.95% (62 runs sampled)

test method is faster than the match method, but the fastest method is the indexOf

Switch between two frames in tkinter

One way is to stack the frames on top of each other, then you can simply raise one above the other in the stacking order. The one on top will be the one that is visible. This works best if all the frames are the same size, but with a little work you can get it to work with any sized frames.

Note: for this to work, all of the widgets for a page must have that page (ie: self) or a descendant as a parent (or master, depending on the terminology you prefer).

Here's a bit of a contrived example to show you the general concept:

    import tkinter as tk                # python 3
    from tkinter import font as tkfont  # python 3
except ImportError:
    import Tkinter as tk     # python 2
    import tkFont as tkfont  # python 2

class SampleApp(tk.Tk):

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        tk.Tk.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)

        self.title_font = tkfont.Font(family='Helvetica', size=18, weight="bold", slant="italic")

        # the container is where we'll stack a bunch of frames
        # on top of each other, then the one we want visible
        # will be raised above the others
        container = tk.Frame(self)
        container.pack(side="top", fill="both", expand=True)
        container.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
        container.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1)

        self.frames = {}
        for F in (StartPage, PageOne, PageTwo):
            page_name = F.__name__
            frame = F(parent=container, controller=self)
            self.frames[page_name] = frame

            # put all of the pages in the same location;
            # the one on the top of the stacking order
            # will be the one that is visible.
            frame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="nsew")


    def show_frame(self, page_name):
        '''Show a frame for the given page name'''
        frame = self.frames[page_name]

class StartPage(tk.Frame):

    def __init__(self, parent, controller):
        tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent)
        self.controller = controller
        label = tk.Label(self, text="This is the start page", font=controller.title_font)
        label.pack(side="top", fill="x", pady=10)

        button1 = tk.Button(self, text="Go to Page One",
                            command=lambda: controller.show_frame("PageOne"))
        button2 = tk.Button(self, text="Go to Page Two",
                            command=lambda: controller.show_frame("PageTwo"))

class PageOne(tk.Frame):

    def __init__(self, parent, controller):
        tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent)
        self.controller = controller
        label = tk.Label(self, text="This is page 1", font=controller.title_font)
        label.pack(side="top", fill="x", pady=10)
        button = tk.Button(self, text="Go to the start page",
                           command=lambda: controller.show_frame("StartPage"))

class PageTwo(tk.Frame):

    def __init__(self, parent, controller):
        tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent)
        self.controller = controller
        label = tk.Label(self, text="This is page 2", font=controller.title_font)
        label.pack(side="top", fill="x", pady=10)
        button = tk.Button(self, text="Go to the start page",
                           command=lambda: controller.show_frame("StartPage"))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    app = SampleApp()

start page page 1 page 2

If you find the concept of creating instance in a class confusing, or if different pages need different arguments during construction, you can explicitly call each class separately. The loop serves mainly to illustrate the point that each class is identical.

For example, to create the classes individually you can remove the loop (for F in (StartPage, ...) with this:

self.frames["StartPage"] = StartPage(parent=container, controller=self)
self.frames["PageOne"] = PageOne(parent=container, controller=self)
self.frames["PageTwo"] = PageTwo(parent=container, controller=self)

self.frames["StartPage"].grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="nsew")
self.frames["PageOne"].grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="nsew")
self.frames["PageTwo"].grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="nsew")

Over time people have asked other questions using this code (or an online tutorial that copied this code) as a starting point. You might want to read the answers to these questions:


SELECT train, dest, time FROM ( 
  SELECT train, dest, time, 
    RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY train ORDER BY time DESC) dest_rank
    FROM traintable
  ) where dest_rank = 1

"The system cannot find the file C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath\java.exe"

Please remove "C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath\java.exe" from the Path variable and add your jdk bin path. It will work.

In my case the I have removed the the above path and added my JDK path which is "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_221\bin"

The Web Application Project [...] is configured to use IIS. The Web server [...] could not be found.

Edit the .csproj or vbproj file. Find and replace these entries

<UseIIS>true</UseIIS> by <UseIIS>false</UseIIS>
<UseIISExpress>true</UseIISExpress> by <UseIISExpress>false</UseIISExpress>

How to check if any Checkbox is checked in Angular

If you don't want to use a watcher, you can do something like this:

<input type='checkbox' ng-init='checkStatus=false' ng-model='checkStatus' ng-click='doIfChecked(checkStatus)'>

Mysql command not found in OS X 10.7

May be i will help out some of you that even though if you are unable to open mysql from terminal after trying changing path in .bash_profile

then you always found the error "MYSQL not found" hence you can use the following command directly it will ask for your password and sql bash is opened

/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -u root -p

How to set text color in submit button?

<button id="fwdbtn" style="color:red">Submit</button> 

How do I get monitor resolution in Python?

I am using a get_screen_resolution method in one of my projects like the one below, which is basically an import chain. You can modify this according to Your needs by removing those parts that are not needed and move more likely ports upwards in the chain.

PYTHON_V3 = sys.version_info >= (3,0,0) and sys.version_info < (4,0,0):
    def get_screen_resolution(self, measurement="px"):
        Tries to detect the screen resolution from the system.
        @param measurement: The measurement to describe the screen resolution in. Can be either 'px', 'inch' or 'mm'. 
        @return: (screen_width,screen_height) where screen_width and screen_height are int types according to measurement.
        mm_per_inch = 25.4
        px_per_inch =  72.0 #most common
        try: # Platforms supported by GTK3, Fx Linux/BSD
            from gi.repository import Gdk 
            screen = Gdk.Screen.get_default()
            if measurement=="px":
                width = screen.get_width()
                height = screen.get_height()
            elif measurement=="inch":
                width = screen.get_width_mm()/mm_per_inch
                height = screen.get_height_mm()/mm_per_inch
            elif measurement=="mm":
                width = screen.get_width_mm()
                height = screen.get_height_mm()
                raise NotImplementedError("Handling %s is not implemented." % measurement)
            return (width,height)
            try: #Probably the most OS independent way
                if PYTHON_V3: 
                    import tkinter 
                    import Tkinter as tkinter
                root = tkinter.Tk()
                if measurement=="px":
                    width = root.winfo_screenwidth()
                    height = root.winfo_screenheight()
                elif measurement=="inch":
                    width = root.winfo_screenmmwidth()/mm_per_inch
                    height = root.winfo_screenmmheight()/mm_per_inch
                elif measurement=="mm":
                    width = root.winfo_screenmmwidth()
                    height = root.winfo_screenmmheight()
                    raise NotImplementedError("Handling %s is not implemented." % measurement)
                return (width,height)
                try: #Windows only
                    from win32api import GetSystemMetrics 
                    width_px = GetSystemMetrics (0)
                    height_px = GetSystemMetrics (1)
                    if measurement=="px":
                        return (width_px,height_px)
                    elif measurement=="inch":
                        return (width_px/px_per_inch,height_px/px_per_inch)
                    elif measurement=="mm":
                        return (width_px/mm_per_inch,height_px/mm_per_inch)
                        raise NotImplementedError("Handling %s is not implemented." % measurement)
                    try: # Windows only
                        import ctypes
                        user32 = ctypes.windll.user32
                        width_px = user32.GetSystemMetrics(0)
                        height_px = user32.GetSystemMetrics(1)
                        if measurement=="px":
                            return (width_px,height_px)
                        elif measurement=="inch":
                            return (width_px/px_per_inch,height_px/px_per_inch)
                        elif measurement=="mm":
                            return (width_px/mm_per_inch,height_px/mm_per_inch)
                            raise NotImplementedError("Handling %s is not implemented." % measurement)
                        try: # Mac OS X only
                            import AppKit 
                            for screen in AppKit.NSScreen.screens():
                                width_px = screen.frame().size.width
                                height_px = screen.frame().size.height
                                if measurement=="px":
                                    return (width_px,height_px)
                                elif measurement=="inch":
                                    return (width_px/px_per_inch,height_px/px_per_inch)
                                elif measurement=="mm":
                                    return (width_px/mm_per_inch,height_px/mm_per_inch)
                                    raise NotImplementedError("Handling %s is not implemented." % measurement)
                            try: # Linux/Unix
                                import Xlib.display
                                resolution = Xlib.display.Display().screen().root.get_geometry()
                                width_px = resolution.width
                                height_px = resolution.height
                                if measurement=="px":
                                    return (width_px,height_px)
                                elif measurement=="inch":
                                    return (width_px/px_per_inch,height_px/px_per_inch)
                                elif measurement=="mm":
                                    return (width_px/mm_per_inch,height_px/mm_per_inch)
                                    raise NotImplementedError("Handling %s is not implemented." % measurement)
                                try: # Linux/Unix
                                    if not self.is_in_path("xrandr"):
                                        raise ImportError("Cannot read the output of xrandr, if any.")
                                        args = ["xrandr", "-q", "-d", ":0"]
                                        proc = subprocess.Popen(args,stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
                                        for line in iter(proc.stdout.readline,''):
                                            if isinstance(line, bytes):
                                                line = line.decode("utf-8")
                                            if "Screen" in line:
                                                width_px = int(line.split()[7])
                                                height_px = int(line.split()[9][:-1])
                                                if measurement=="px":
                                                    return (width_px,height_px)
                                                elif measurement=="inch":
                                                    return (width_px/px_per_inch,height_px/px_per_inch)
                                                elif measurement=="mm":
                                                    return (width_px/mm_per_inch,height_px/mm_per_inch)
                                                    raise NotImplementedError("Handling %s is not implemented." % measurement)
                                    # Failover
                                    screensize = 1366, 768
                                    sys.stderr.write("WARNING: Failed to detect screen size. Falling back to %sx%s" % screensize)
                                    if measurement=="px":
                                        return screensize
                                    elif measurement=="inch":
                                        return (screensize[0]/px_per_inch,screensize[1]/px_per_inch)
                                    elif measurement=="mm":
                                        return (screensize[0]/mm_per_inch,screensize[1]/mm_per_inch)
                                        raise NotImplementedError("Handling %s is not implemented." % measurement)

How to use session in JSP pages to get information?

The reason why you are getting the compilation error is, you are trying to access the session in declaration block (<%! %>) where it is not available. All the implicit objects of jsp are available in service method only. Code of declarative blocks goes outside the service method.

I'd advice you to use EL. It is a simplified approach.

${sessionScope.username} would give you the desired output.

How to reliably open a file in the same directory as a Python script

I'd do it this way:

from os.path import abspath, exists

f_path = abspath("fooabar.txt")

if exists(f_path):
    with open(f_path) as f:

The above code builds an absolute path to the file using abspath and is equivalent to using normpath(join(os.getcwd(), path)) [that's from the pydocs]. It then checks if that file actually exists and then uses a context manager to open it so you don't have to remember to call close on the file handle. IMHO, doing it this way will save you a lot of pain in the long run.

good postgresql client for windows?

phpPgAdmin is PostgreSQL web frontend which is quite good.

Inline SVG in CSS

For people who are still struggling, I managed to get this working on all modern browsers IE11 and up.

base64 was no option for me because I wanted to use SASS to generate SVG icons based on any given color. For example: @include svg_icon(heart, #FF0000); This way I can create a certain icon in any color, and only have to embed the SVG shape once in the CSS. (with base64 you'd have to embed the SVG in every single color you want to use)

There are three things you need be aware of:

  1. URL ENCODE YOUR SVG As others have suggested, you need to URL encode your entire SVG string for it to work in IE11. In my case, I left out the color values in fields such as fill="#00FF00" and stroke="#FF0000" and replaced them with a SASS variable fill="#{$color-rgb}" so these can be replaced with the color I want. You can use any online converter to URL encode the rest of the string. You'll end up with an SVG string like this:{$color-rgb}%27%2F%3E%3C%2Fsvg%3E

  1. OMIT THE UTF8 CHARSET IN THE DATA URL When creating your data URL, you need to leave out the charset for it to work in IE11.

    NOT background-image: url( data:image/svg+xml;utf-8,%3Csvg%2....)
    BUT background-image: url( data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%2....)

  1. USE RGB() INSTEAD OF HEX colors Firefox does not like # in the SVG code. So you need to replace your color hex values with RGB ones.

    NOT fill="#FF0000"
    BUT fill="rgb(255,0,0)"

In my case I use SASS to convert a given hex to a valid rgb value. As pointed out in the comments, it's best to URL encode your RGB string as well (so comma becomes %2C)

@mixin svg_icon($id, $color) {
   $color-rgb: "rgb(" + red($color) + "%2C" + green($color) + "%2C" + blue($color) + ")";
   @if $id == heart {
      background-image: url('data:image/svg+xml,{$color-rgb}%27%2F%3E%3C%2Fsvg%3E');

I realize this might not be the best solution for very complex SVG's (inline SVG never is in that case), but for flat icons with only a couple of colors this really works great.

I was able to leave out an entire sprite bitmap and replace it with inline SVG in my CSS, which turned out to only be around 25kb after compression. So it's a great way to limit the amount of requests your site has to do, without bloating your CSS file.

How To Set A JS object property name from a variable

Along the lines of Sainath S.R's comment above, I was able to set a js object property name from a variable in Google Apps Script (which does not support ES6 yet) by defining the object then defining another key/value outside of the object:

var salesperson = ...

var mailchimpInterests = { 
        "aGroupId": true,

mailchimpInterests[salesperson] = true;

Handle Guzzle exception and get HTTP body

The question was:

I would like to handle errors from Guzzle when the server returns 4xx and 5xx status codes

The other answers are mostly incomplete. 404 and 500 will throw different exceptions.

Also, the question is do you just want to handle the errors or do you want to get the body? I think in most cases it would be sufficient to handle the errors and not get the message body.

I would look at the documentation to check how your version of Guzzle handles it because this may change:

Guzzle 7 (from the docs):

. \RuntimeException
+-- TransferException (implements GuzzleException)
    +-- RequestException
        +-- BadResponseException
        ¦   +-- ServerException
        ¦   +-- ClientException
        +-- ConnectException
        +-- TooManyRedirectsException

So, you code might look like this:

try {
    $response = $client->request('GET', $url);
    if ($response->getStatusCode() >= 300) {
       $statusCode = $response->getStatusCode();
       // handle error 
    } else {
      // is valid URL
} catch (TooManyRedirectsException $e) {
    // handle too many redirects
} catch (ClientException | ServerException $e) {
    // ClientException - A GuzzleHttp\Exception\ClientException is thrown for 400 level errors if the http_errors request option is set to true.
    // ServerException - A GuzzleHttp\Exception\ServerException is thrown for 500 level errors if the http_errors request option is set to true.
    if ($e->hasResponse()) {
       $statusCode = $e->getResponse()->getStatusCode();
} catch (ConnectException $e) {
    // ConnectException - A GuzzleHttp\Exception\ConnectException exception is thrown in the event of a networking error. This may be any libcurl error, including certificate problems
    $handlerContext = $e->getHandlerContext();
    if ($handlerContext['errno'] ?? 0) {
       // this is the libcurl error code, not the HTTP status code!!!
       $errno = (int)($handlerContext['errno']);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    // fallback, in case of other exception

If you really need the body, you can retrieve it as usual:

$body = $response->getBody();


You have to add THEN

IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM component_psar WHERE tbl_id = '2' AND row_nr = '1') 
UPDATE component_psar SET col_1 = '1', col_2 = '1', col_3 = '1', col_4 = '1', col_5 = '1', col_6 = '1', unit = '1', add_info = '1', fsar_lock = '1' WHERE tbl_id = '2' AND row_nr = '1' 
INSERT INTO component_psar (tbl_id, row_nr, col_1, col_2, col_3, col_4, col_5, col_6, unit, add_info, fsar_lock) VALUES('2', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', 'N')

Generating an array of letters in the alphabet

for (char letter = 'A'; letter <= 'Z'; letter++)

What does principal end of an association means in 1:1 relationship in Entity framework

This is with reference to @Ladislav Mrnka's answer on using fluent api for configuring one-to-one relationship.

Had a situation where having FK of dependent must be it's PK was not feasible.

E.g., Foo already has one-to-many relationship with Bar.

public class Foo {
   public Guid FooId;
   public virtual ICollection<> Bars; 
public class Bar {
   public Guid BarId;
   //FK to Foo
   public Guid FooId;
   public virtual Foo Foo;

Now, we had to add another one-to-one relationship between Foo and Bar.

public class Foo {
   public Guid FooId;
   public Guid PrimaryBarId;// needs to be removed(from entity),as we specify it in fluent api
   public virtual Bar PrimaryBar;
   public virtual ICollection<> Bars;
public class Bar {
   public Guid BarId;
   public Guid FooId;
   public virtual Foo PrimaryBarOfFoo;
   public virtual Foo Foo;

Here is how to specify one-to-one relationship using fluent api:

            .HasOptional(p => p.PrimaryBarOfFoo)
            .WithOptionalPrincipal(o => o.PrimaryBar)
            .Map(x => x.MapKey("PrimaryBarId"));

Note that while adding PrimaryBarId needs to be removed, as we specifying it through fluent api.

Also note that method name [WithOptionalPrincipal()][1] is kind of ironic. In this case, Principal is Bar. WithOptionalDependent() description on msdn makes it more clear.

Granting Rights on Stored Procedure to another user of Oracle

SQL> grant create any procedure to testdb;

This is a command when we want to give create privilege to "testdb" user.

Close Bootstrap modal on form submit

i make this code it work fine but once form submit model button not open model again say e.preventdefault is not a function..

Use below code on any event that fire on submit form

                $('.modal').css("display", "none");

you can make this code more short..

if any body found solution for e.preventdefault let us know

Read lines from a file into a Bash array

One alternate way if file contains strings without spaces with 1string each line:

fileItemString=$(cat  filename |tr "\n" " ")



Print whole Array:



SQLAlchemy insert or update example

assuming certain column names...


newToner = Toner(toner_id = 1,
                    toner_color = 'blue',
                    toner_hex = '#0F85FF')


INSERT multiple

newToner1 = Toner(toner_id = 1,
                    toner_color = 'blue',
                    toner_hex = '#0F85FF')

newToner2 = Toner(toner_id = 2,
                    toner_color = 'red',
                    toner_hex = '#F01731')

dbsession.add_all([newToner1, newToner2])   


q = dbsession.query(Toner)
q = q.filter(Toner.toner_id==1)
record =
record.toner_color = 'Azure Radiance'


or using a fancy one-liner using MERGE

record = dbsession.merge(Toner( **kwargs))

Get record counts for all tables in MySQL database

There's a bit of a hack/workaround to this estimate problem.

Auto_Increment - for some reason this returns a much more accurate row count for your database if you have auto increment set up on tables.

Found this when exploring why show table info did not match up with the actual data.

table_schema 'Database',
SUM(data_length + index_length) AS 'DBSize',
FROM information_schema.tables
GROUP BY table_schema;

| Database           | DBSize    | DBRows  | DBAutoIncCount |
| Core               |  35241984 |   76057 |           8341 |
| information_schema |    163840 |    NULL |           NULL |
| jspServ            |     49152 |      11 |            856 |
| mysql              |   7069265 |   30023 |              1 |
| net_snmp           |  47415296 |   95123 |            324 |
| performance_schema |         0 | 1395326 |           NULL |
| sys                |     16384 |       6 |           NULL |
| WebCal             |    655360 |    2809 |           NULL |
| WxObs              | 494256128 |  530533 |        3066752 |
9 rows in set (0.40 sec)

You could then easily use PHP or whatever to return the max of the 2 data columns to give the "best estimate" for row count.


table_schema 'Database',
SUM(data_length + index_length) AS 'DBSize',
FROM information_schema.tables
GROUP BY table_schema;

Auto Increment will always be +1 * (table count) rows off, but even with 4,000 tables and 3 million rows, that's 99.9% accurate. Much better than the estimated rows.

The beauty of this is that the row counts returned in performance_schema are erased for you, as well, because greatest does not work on nulls. This may be an issue if you have no tables with auto increment, though.

Bootstrap 3 - set height of modal window according to screen size

To expand on Ryand's answer, if you're using Bootstrap.ui, this on your modal-instance will do the trick:

    modalInstance.rendered.then(function (result) {
        $('.modal .modal-body').css('overflow-y', 'auto'); 
        $('.modal .modal-body').css('max-height', $(window).height() * 0.7);
        $('.modal .modal-body').css('height', $(window).height() * 0.7);

Casting interfaces for deserialization in JSON.NET

For those that might be curious about the ConcreteListTypeConverter that was referenced by Oliver, here is my attempt:

public class ConcreteListTypeConverter<TInterface, TImplementation> : JsonConverter where TImplementation : TInterface 
    public override bool CanConvert(Type objectType)
        return true;

    public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)
        var res = serializer.Deserialize<List<TImplementation>>(reader);
        return res.ConvertAll(x => (TInterface) x);

    public override void WriteJson(JsonWriter writer, object value, JsonSerializer serializer)
        serializer.Serialize(writer, value);

Redirecting a page using Javascript, like PHP's Header->Location

You cannot mix JS and PHP that way, PHP is rendered before the page is sent to the browser (i.e. before the JS is run)

You can use window.location to change your current page.

$('.entry a:first').click(function() {
    window.location = "";

Calculate time difference in minutes in SQL Server

Apart from the DATEDIFF you can also use the TIMEDIFF function or the TIMESTAMPDIFF.


SET @date1 = '2010-10-11 12:15:35', @date2 = '2010-10-10 00:00:00';

TIMEDIFF(@date1, @date2) AS 'TIMEDIFF',
TIMESTAMPDIFF(hour, @date1, @date2) AS 'Hours',
TIMESTAMPDIFF(minute, @date1, @date2) AS 'Minutes',
TIMESTAMPDIFF(second, @date1, @date2) AS 'Seconds';


TIMEDIFF : 36:15:35
Hours : -36
Minutes : -2175
Seconds : -130535

What does random.sample() method in python do?

According to documentation:

random.sample(population, k)

Return a k length list of unique elements chosen from the population sequence. Used for random sampling without replacement.

Basically, it picks k unique random elements, a sample, from a sequence:

>>> import random
>>> c = list(range(0, 15))
>>> c
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14]
>>> random.sample(c, 5)
[9, 2, 3, 14, 11]

random.sample works also directly from a range:

>>> c = range(0, 15)
>>> c
range(0, 15)
>>> random.sample(c, 5)
[12, 3, 6, 14, 10]

In addition to sequences, random.sample works with sets too:

>>> c = {1, 2, 4}
>>> random.sample(c, 2)
[4, 1]

However, random.sample doesn't work with arbitrary iterators:

>>> c = [1, 3]
>>> random.sample(iter(c), 5)
TypeError: Population must be a sequence or set.  For dicts, use list(d).

Return Max Value of range that is determined by an Index & Match lookup

You can easily change the match-type to 1 when you are looking for the greatest value or to -1 when looking for the smallest value.

How an 'if (A && B)' statement is evaluated?

Yes, it is called Short-circuit Evaluation.

If the validity of the boolean statement can be assured after part of the statement, the rest is not evaluated.

This is very important when some of the statements have side-effects.

How to submit http form using C#

You can use the HttpWebRequest class to do so.

Example here:

using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;

    public class Test
        // Specify the URL to receive the request.
        public static void Main (string[] args)
            HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create (args[0]);

            // Set some reasonable limits on resources used by this request
            request.MaximumAutomaticRedirections = 4;
            request.MaximumResponseHeadersLength = 4;
            // Set credentials to use for this request.
            request.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
            HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse ();

            Console.WriteLine ("Content length is {0}", response.ContentLength);
            Console.WriteLine ("Content type is {0}", response.ContentType);

            // Get the stream associated with the response.
            Stream receiveStream = response.GetResponseStream ();

            // Pipes the stream to a higher level stream reader with the required encoding format. 
            StreamReader readStream = new StreamReader (receiveStream, Encoding.UTF8);

            Console.WriteLine ("Response stream received.");
            Console.WriteLine (readStream.ReadToEnd ());
            response.Close ();
            readStream.Close ();

The output from this example will vary depending on the value passed into Main 
but will be similar to the following:

Content length is 1542
Content type is text/html; charset=utf-8
Response stream received.


Adding headers to requests module


url = ''
payload = {'some': 'data'}
headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'}

r =, data=json.dumps(payload), headers=headers)

You just need to create a dict with your headers (key: value pairs where the key is the name of the header and the value is, well, the value of the pair) and pass that dict to the headers parameter on the .get or .post method.

So more specific to your question:

headers = {'foobar': 'raboof'}
requests.get('', headers=headers)

Return different type of data from a method in java?

Method overloading can come in handy here Like:

public class myClass 
    int add(int a, int b) 
         return (a + b);

    String add(String a, String b)
         return (c + d);

    public static void main(String args[]) 
        myClass ob1 = new myClass);
        ob1.add(2, 3);
        //will return 5
        ob1.add("Hello, ", "World!");
        //will return Hello, World!


How to atomically delete keys matching a pattern using Redis


You think it's command not make sense bu some times Redis command like DEL not working correct and comes to the rescue of this

redis-cli KEYS "*" | xargs -i redis-cli EXPIRE {} 1 it's life hack

CSS - Make divs align horizontally

Float them left. In Chrome, at least, you don't need to have a wrapper, id="container", in LucaM's example.

Difference between Statement and PreparedStatement

Another characteristic of Prepared or Parameterized Query: Reference taken from this article.

This statement is one of features of the database system in which same SQL statement executes repeatedly with high efficiency. The prepared statements are one kind of the Template and used by application with different parameters.

The statement template is prepared and sent to the database system and database system perform parsing, compiling and optimization on this template and store without executing it.

Some of parameter like, where clause is not passed during template creation later application, send these parameters to the database system and database system use template of SQL Statement and executes as per request.

Prepared statements are very useful against SQL Injection because the application can prepare parameter using different techniques and protocols.

When the number of data is increasing and indexes are changing frequently at that time Prepared Statements might be fail because in this situation require a new query plan.

For files in directory, only echo filename (no path)

if you want filename only :

for file in /home/user/*; do       
  f=$(echo "${file##*/}");
  filename=$(echo $f| cut  -d'.' -f 1); #file has extension, it return only filename
  echo $filename

for more information about cut command see here.

How to verify if nginx is running or not?

For Mac users

I found out one more way: You can check if /usr/local/var/run/ exists. If it is - nginx is running. Useful way for scripting.


if [ -f /usr/local/var/run/ ]; then
   echo "Nginx is running"


How do I assign a null value to a variable in PowerShell?

If the goal simply is to list all computer objects with an empty description attribute try this

import-module activedirectory  
$domain = "" 
Get-ADComputer -Filter '*' -Properties Description | where { $_.Description -eq $null }

Error: free(): invalid next size (fast):

I encountered a similar error. It was a noob mistake done in a hurry. Integer array without declaring size int a[] then trying to access it. C++ compiler should've caught such an error easily if it were in main. However since this particular int array was declared inside an object, it was being created at the same time as my object (many objects were being created) and the compiler was throwing a free(): invalid next size(normal) error. I thought of 2 explanations for this (please enlighten me if anyone knows more): 1.) This resulted in some random memory being assigned to it but since this wasn't accessible it was freeing up all the other heap memory just trying to find this int. 2.) The memory required by it was practically infinite for a program and to assign this it was freeing up all other memory.

A simple:

    int* a;
    class foo{ 
           a=new int[i];

Solved the problem. But it did take a lot of time trying to debug this because the compiler could not "really" find the error.

What does android:layout_weight mean?

layout_weight defines how much space the control must obtain respectively to other controls.

How to define a List bean in Spring?

<bean id="someBean"
    <property name="myList">
        <list value-type="com.somePackage.TypeForList">
            <ref bean="someBeanInTheList"/>
            <ref bean="someOtherBeanInTheList"/>
            <ref bean="someThirdBeanInTheList"/>

And in SomeClass:

class SomeClass {

    List<TypeForList> myList;

    public void setMyList(List<TypeForList> myList) {
        this.myList = myList;


How to center div vertically inside of absolutely positioned parent div

You may use display:table/table-cell;

   position: absolute; _x000D_
  left: 50px; _x000D_
  top: 50px;_x000D_
  text-align: left; _x000D_
  height: 56px;_x000D_
  vertical-align: middle;_x000D_
  background-color: pink;_x000D_
.c {_x000D_
  background-color: lightblue;_x000D_
<div class="a">_x000D_
  <div  class="b">_x000D_
    <div class="c" >test</div>_x000D_

Array definition in XML?

No, there is no simpler way. You only can lose the type=array.


How to check if AlarmManager already has an alarm set?

Following up on the comment ron posted, here is the detailed solution. Let's say you have registered a repeating alarm with a pending intent like this:

Intent intent = new Intent("");
PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, 0, 
                                      intent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT);
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
calendar.add(Calendar.MINUTE, 1);

AlarmManager alarmManager = (AlarmManager) context.getSystemService(Context.ALARM_SERVICE);
alarmManager.setRepeating(AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP, calendar.getTimeInMillis(), 1000 * 60, pendingIntent);

The way you would check to see if it is active is to:

boolean alarmUp = (PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, 0, 
        new Intent(""), 
        PendingIntent.FLAG_NO_CREATE) != null);

if (alarmUp)
    Log.d("myTag", "Alarm is already active");

The key here is the FLAG_NO_CREATE which as described in the javadoc: if the described PendingIntent **does not** already exists, then simply return null (instead of creating a new one)

How to create text file and insert data to that file on Android

If you want to create a file and write and append data to it many times, then use the below code, it will create file if not exits and will append data if it exists.

 SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy_MM_dd");
        Date now = new Date();
        String fileName = formatter.format(now) + ".txt";//like 2016_01_12.txt

                File root = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()+File.separator+"Music_Folder", "Report Files");
                //File root = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(), "Notes");
                if (!root.exists()) 
                File gpxfile = new File(root, fileName);

                FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(gpxfile,true);
                Toast.makeText(this, "Data has been written to Report File", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
            catch(IOException e)


How to set CATALINA_HOME variable in windows 7?

In order to set CATALINA_HOME:

  1. First, unzip and paste the apache-tomcat-7.1.100 folder in your C:// drive folder.

NOTE: Do not place your apache tomcat folder within any other folder or drive, place it directly in C:// drive folder only. (I did this mistake and none of the above-mentioned solutions were working).

  1. Open environment variable dialog box (windows key+ pause-break key --> advanced setting).

  2. Add a new variable name as "CATALINA_HOME" and add the variable path as "C://apache-tomcat-7.1.100"(as in my case), in System Variables.

  3. Edit PATH variable name add "%CATALINA_HOME%\bin" and press OK.

  4. Close the window and it will be saved.

  5. Open Command Prompt window and type command- "%CATALINA_HOME%\bin\startup.bat" to run and start the Tomcat server.

  6. END!

How do I use a custom Serializer with Jackson?

I wrote an example for a custom Timestamp.class serialization/deserialization, but you could use it for what ever you want.

When creating the object mapper do something like this:

public class JsonUtils {

    public static ObjectMapper objectMapper = null;

    static {
        objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
        SimpleModule s = new SimpleModule();
        s.addSerializer(Timestamp.class, new TimestampSerializerTypeHandler());
        s.addDeserializer(Timestamp.class, new TimestampDeserializerTypeHandler());

for example in java ee you could initialize it with this:

import java.time.LocalDateTime;


import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.module.SimpleModule;

public class JacksonConfig implements ContextResolver<ObjectMapper> {

    private final ObjectMapper objectMapper;

    public JacksonConfig() {
        objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
        SimpleModule s = new SimpleModule();
        s.addSerializer(Timestamp.class, new TimestampSerializerTypeHandler());
        s.addDeserializer(Timestamp.class, new TimestampDeserializerTypeHandler());

    public ObjectMapper getContext(Class<?> type) {
        return objectMapper;

where the serializer should be something like this:

import java.sql.Timestamp;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerator;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonSerializer;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializerProvider;

public class TimestampSerializerTypeHandler extends JsonSerializer<Timestamp> {

    public void serialize(Timestamp value, JsonGenerator jgen, SerializerProvider provider) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {
        String stringValue = value.toString();
        if(stringValue != null && !stringValue.isEmpty() && !stringValue.equals("null")) {
        } else {

    public Class<Timestamp> handledType() {
        return Timestamp.class;

and deserializer something like this:

import java.sql.Timestamp;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerator;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationContext;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonDeserializer;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializerProvider;

public class TimestampDeserializerTypeHandler extends JsonDeserializer<Timestamp> {

    public Timestamp deserialize(JsonParser jp, DeserializationContext ds) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {
        SqlTimestampConverter s = new SqlTimestampConverter();
        String value = jp.getValueAsString();
        if(value != null && !value.isEmpty() && !value.equals("null"))
            return (Timestamp) s.convert(Timestamp.class, value);
        return null;

    public Class<Timestamp> handledType() {
        return Timestamp.class;

How to support HTTP OPTIONS verb in ASP.NET MVC/WebAPI application

As Daniel A. White said in his comment, the OPTIONS request is most likely created by the client as part of a cross domain JavaScript request. This is done automatically by Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) compliant browsers. The request is a preliminary or pre-flight request, made before the actual AJAX request to determine which request verbs and headers are supported for CORS. The server can elect to support it for none, all or some of the HTTP verbs.

To complete the picture, the AJAX request has an additional "Origin" header, which identified where the original page which is hosting the JavaScript was served from. The server can elect to support request from any origin, or just for a set of known, trusted origins. Allowing any origin is a security risk since is can increase the risk of Cross site Request Forgery (CSRF).

So, you need to enable CORS.

Here is a link that explains how to do this in ASP.Net Web API

The implementation described there allows you to specify, amongst other things

  • CORS support on a per-action, per-controller or global basis
  • The supported origins
  • When enabling CORS a a controller or global level, the supported HTTP verbs
  • Whether the server supports sending credentials with cross-origin requests

In general, this works fine, but you need to make sure you are aware of the security risks, especially if you allow cross origin requests from any domain. Think very carefully before you allow this.

In terms of which browsers support CORS, Wikipedia says the following engines support it:

  • Gecko 1.9.1 (FireFox 3.5)
  • WebKit (Safari 4, Chrome 3)
  • MSHTML/Trident 6 (IE10) with partial support in IE8 and 9
  • Presto (Opera 12)

Why declare unicode by string in python?

Those are two different things, as others have mentioned.

When you specify # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-, you're telling Python the source file you've saved is utf-8. The default for Python 2 is ASCII (for Python 3 it's utf-8). This just affects how the interpreter reads the characters in the file.

In general, it's probably not the best idea to embed high unicode characters into your file no matter what the encoding is; you can use string unicode escapes, which work in either encoding.

When you declare a string with a u in front, like u'This is a string', it tells the Python compiler that the string is Unicode, not bytes. This is handled mostly transparently by the interpreter; the most obvious difference is that you can now embed unicode characters in the string (that is, u'\u2665' is now legal). You can use from __future__ import unicode_literals to make it the default.

This only applies to Python 2; in Python 3 the default is Unicode, and you need to specify a b in front (like b'These are bytes', to declare a sequence of bytes).

Difference between matches() and find() in Java Regex

matches tries to match the expression against the entire string and implicitly add a ^ at the start and $ at the end of your pattern, meaning it will not look for a substring. Hence the output of this code:

public static void main(String[] args) throws ParseException {
    Pattern p = Pattern.compile("\\d\\d\\d");
    Matcher m = p.matcher("a123b");

    p = Pattern.compile("^\\d\\d\\d$");
    m = p.matcher("123");

/* output:

123 is a substring of a123b so the find() method outputs true. matches() only 'sees' a123b which is not the same as 123 and thus outputs false.

What is the correct way to create a single-instance WPF application?

From here.

A common use for a cross-process Mutex is to ensure that only instance of a program can run at a time. Here's how it's done:

class OneAtATimePlease {

  // Use a name unique to the application (eg include your company URL)
  static Mutex mutex = new Mutex (false, " OneAtATimeDemo");

  static void Main()
    // Wait 5 seconds if contended – in case another instance
    // of the program is in the process of shutting down.
    if (!mutex.WaitOne(TimeSpan.FromSeconds (5), false))
        Console.WriteLine("Another instance of the app is running. Bye!");

        Console.WriteLine("Running - press Enter to exit");

A good feature of Mutex is that if the application terminates without ReleaseMutex first being called, the CLR will release the Mutex automatically.

How to enable php7 module in apache?

I found the solution on the following thread :

Im my case not only the php wasn't working but phpmyadmin aswell i did step by step like that

sudo apt install php libapache2-mod-php
sudo apt install php7.0-mbstring
sudo a2dismod mpm_event
sudo a2enmod mpm_prefork
service apache2 restart

And then to:

gksu gedit /etc/apache2/apache2.conf

In the last line I do add Include /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf

That make a deal with all problems


If it solves your problem, up vote this solution in the original post.

How to edit a JavaScript alert box title?

When you start up or just join a project based on webapplications, the design of interface is maybe good. Otherwise this should be changed. In order to Web 2.0 applications you will work with dynamic contents, many effects and other stuff. All these things are fine, but no one thought about to style up the JavaScript alert and confirm boxes. Here is the they way,.. completely dynamic, JS and CSS driven Create simple html file

   <meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css" />
   <meta http-equiv="Content-Script-Type" content="text/javascript" />
    <script type="text/javascript" src="jsConfirmStyle.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">

      function confirmation() {
       var answer = confirm("Wanna visit google?")
       if (answer){
       window.location = "";

    <style type="text/css">
     body {
      background-color: white;
      font-family: sans-serif;
    #jsconfirm {
      border-color: #c0c0c0;
      border-width: 2px 4px 4px 2px;
      left: 0;
     margin: 0;
     padding: 0;
     position: absolute;
    top: -1000px;
    z-index: 100;

  #jsconfirm table {
   background-color: #fff;
   border: 2px groove #c0c0c0;
   height: 150px;
   width: 300px;

   #jsconfirmtitle {
  background-color: #B0B0B0;
  font-weight: bold;
  height: 20px;
  text-align: center;

 #jsconfirmbuttons {
height: 50px;
text-align: center;

#jsconfirmbuttons input {
background-color: #E9E9CF;
color: #000000;
font-weight: bold;
width: 125px;
height: 33px;
padding-left: 20px;

background-image: url(left.png);

background-image: url(right.png);
 < /style>
<p><br />
<a href="#"
onclick="javascript:showConfirm('Please confirm','Are you really really sure to visit    google?','Yes','','No','#')">JsConfirmStyled</a></p>
<p><a href="#" onclick="confirmation()">standard</a></p>


Then create simple js file name jsConfirmStyle.js. Here is simple js code



  if(ie5||nn6) {
  if(ie5) cs=2,th=30;
  else cs=0,th=20;
    "<div id='jsconfirm'>"+
            "<tr><td id='jsconfirmtitle'></td></tr>"+
            "<tr><td id='jsconfirmcontent'></td></tr>"+
            "<tr><td id='jsconfirmbuttons'>"+
                "<input id='jsconfirmleft' type='button' value='' onclick='leftJsConfirm()' onfocus='if(this.blur)this.blur()'>"+
                "<input id='jsconfirmright' type='button' value='' onclick='rightJsConfirm()' onfocus='if(this.blur)this.blur()'>"+

 document.write("<div id='jsconfirmfade'></div>");

 function leftJsConfirm() {
function rightJsConfirm() {
function confirmAlternative() {
if(confirm("Scipt requieres a better browser!"))       document.location.href="";

leftJsConfirmUri = '';
rightJsConfirmUri = '';

   * Show the message/confirm box
    function       showConfirm(confirmtitle,confirmcontent,confirmlefttext,confirmlefturi,confirmrighttext,con      firmrighturi)  {
xConfirm=xConfirmStart, yConfirm=yConfirmStart;
if(ie5) {
else if(nn6) {
else confirmAlternative();


You can download full Source code from here

Enable tcp\ip remote connections to sql server express already installed database with code or script(query)

I tested below code with SQL Server 2008 R2 Express and I believe we should have solution for all 6 steps you outlined. Let's take on them one-by-one:

1 - Enable TCP/IP

We can enable TCP/IP protocol with WMI:

set wmiComputer = GetObject( _
    "winmgmts:" _
    & "\\.\root\Microsoft\SqlServer\ComputerManagement10")
set tcpProtocols = wmiComputer.ExecQuery( _
    "select * from ServerNetworkProtocol " _
    & "where InstanceName = 'SQLEXPRESS' and ProtocolName = 'Tcp'")

if tcpProtocols.Count = 1 then
    ' set tcpProtocol = tcpProtocols(0)
    ' I wish this worked, but unfortunately 
    ' there's no int-indexed Item property in this type

    ' Doing this instead
    for each tcpProtocol in tcpProtocols
        dim setEnableResult
            setEnableResult = tcpProtocol.SetEnable()
            if setEnableResult <> 0 then 
                Wscript.Echo "Failed!"
            end if
end if

2 - Open the right ports in the firewall

I believe your solution will work, just make sure you specify the right port. I suggest we pick a different port than 1433 and make it a static port SQL Server Express will be listening on. I will be using 3456 in this post, but please pick a different number in the real implementation (I feel that we will see a lot of applications using 3456 soon :-)

3 - Modify TCP/IP properties enable a IP address

We can use WMI again. Since we are using static port 3456, we just need to update two properties in IPAll section: disable dynamic ports and set the listening port to 3456:

set wmiComputer = GetObject( _
    "winmgmts:" _
    & "\\.\root\Microsoft\SqlServer\ComputerManagement10")
set tcpProperties = wmiComputer.ExecQuery( _
    "select * from ServerNetworkProtocolProperty " _
    & "where InstanceName='SQLEXPRESS' and " _
    & "ProtocolName='Tcp' and IPAddressName='IPAll'")

for each tcpProperty in tcpProperties
    dim setValueResult, requestedValue

    if tcpProperty.PropertyName = "TcpPort" then
        requestedValue = "3456"
    elseif tcpProperty.PropertyName ="TcpDynamicPorts" then
        requestedValue = ""
    end if

    setValueResult = tcpProperty.SetStringValue(requestedValue)
    if setValueResult = 0 then 
        Wscript.Echo "" & tcpProperty.PropertyName & " set."
        Wscript.Echo "" & tcpProperty.PropertyName & " failed!"
    end if

Note that I didn't have to enable any of the individual addresses to make it work, but if it is required in your case, you should be able to extend this script easily to do so.

Just a reminder that when working with WMI, WBEMTest.exe is your best friend!

4 - Enable mixed mode authentication in sql server

I wish we could use WMI again, but unfortunately this setting is not exposed through WMI. There are two other options:

  1. Use LoginMode property of Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server class, as described here.

  2. Use LoginMode value in SQL Server registry, as described in this post. Note that by default the SQL Server Express instance is named SQLEXPRESS, so for my SQL Server 2008 R2 Express instance the right registry key was HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.SQLEXPRESS\MSSQLServer.

5 - Change user (sa) default password

You got this one covered.

6 - Finally (connect to the instance)

Since we are using a static port assigned to our SQL Server Express instance, there's no need to use instance name in the server address anymore.

SQLCMD -U sa -P newPassword -S,3456

Please let me know if this works for you (fingers crossed!).

javascript regex for special characters

function nameInput(limitField)
//LimitFile here is a text input and this function is passed to the text 
var inputString = limitField.value;
// here we capture all illegal chars by adding a ^ inside the class,
// And overwrite them with "".
var newStr = inputString.replace(/[^a-zA-Z-\-\']/g, "");
limitField.value = newStr;

This function only allows alphabets, both lower case and upper case and - and ' characters. May help you build yours.

C# ASP.NET Single Sign-On Implementation

There are multiple options to implement SSO for a .NET application.

Check out the following tutorials online:

Basics of Single Sign on, July 2012

GaryMcAllisterOnline: ASP.NET MVC 4, ADFS 2.0 and 3rd party STS integration (IdentityServer2), Jan 2013

The first one uses ASP.NET Web Forms, while the second one uses ASP.NET MVC4.

If your requirements allow you to use a third-party solution, also consider OpenID. There's an open source library called DotNetOpenAuth.

For further information, read MSDN blog post Integrate OpenAuth/OpenID with your existing ASP.NET application using Universal Providers.

Hope this helps! with target "_blank" in Chrome

"_blank" is not guaranteed to be a new tab or window. It's implemented differently per-browser.

You can, however, put anything into target. I usually just say "_tab", and every browser I know of just opens it in a new tab.

Be aware that it means it's a named target, so if you try to open 2 URLs, they will use the same tab.

parsing JSONP $http.jsonp() response in angular.js

For parsing do this-

    success(function(data, status, headers, config) {
    //what do I do here?

Or you can use `$;

In Angular template you can use it as


Log4j2 configuration - No log4j2 configuration file found

Was following the documentations - Apache Log4j2 Configuratoin and Apache Log4j2 Maven in configuring log4j2 with yaml. As per the documentation, the following maven dependencies are required:




Just adding these didn't pick the configuration and always gave error. The way of debugging configuration by adding -Dorg.apache.logging.log4j.simplelog.StatusLogger.level=TRACE helped in seeing the logs. Later had to download the source using Maven and debugging helped in understanding the depended classes of log4j2. They are listed in org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.yaml.YamlConfigurationFactory:


Adding dependency mapping for jackson-dataformat-yaml will not have the first two classes. Hence, add the jackson-databind dependency to get yaml configuration working:


You may add the version by referring to the Test Dependencies section of log4j-api version item from MVN Repository. E.g. for 2.8.1 version of log4j-api, refer this link and locate the jackson-databind version.

Moreover, you can use the below Java code to check if the classes are available in the classpath:

System.out.println(ClassLoader.getSystemResource("log4j2.yml")); //Check if file is available in CP
ClassLoader cl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); //Code as in log4j2 API. Version: 2.8.1
 String [] classes = {"com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper",

 for(String className : classes) {

If input field is empty, disable submit button

An easy way to do:

function toggleButton(ref,bttnID){
    document.getElementById(bttnID).disabled= ((ref.value !== ref.defaultValue) ? false : true);

<input ... onkeyup="toggleButton(this,'bttnsubmit');">
<input ... disabled='disabled' id='bttnsubmit' ... >

How does origin/HEAD get set?

Disclaimer: this is an update to Cascabel's answer, which I'm writing to save the curious some time.

I tried in vain to replicate (in Git 2.0.1) the remote HEAD is ambiguous message that Cascabel mentions in his answer; so I did a bit of digging (by cloning and searching the log). It used to be that

Determining HEAD is ambiguous since it is done by comparing SHA1s.

In the case of multiple matches we return refs/heads/master if it
matches, else we return the first match we encounter. builtin-remote
needs all matches returned to it, so add a flag for it to request such.

(Commit 4229f1fa325870d6b24fe2a4c7d2ed5f14c6f771, dated Feb 27, 2009, found with git log --reverse --grep="HEAD is ambiguous")

However, the ambiguity in question has since been lifted:

One long-standing flaw in the pack transfer protocol used by "git
clone" was that there was no way to tell the other end which branch
"HEAD" points at, and the receiving end needed to guess.  A new
capability has been defined in the pack protocol to convey this
information so that cloning from a repository with more than one
branches pointing at the same commit where the HEAD is at now
reliably sets the initial branch in the resulting repository.

(Commit 9196a2f8bd46d36a285bdfa03b4540ed3f01f671, dated Nov 8, 2013, found with git log --grep="ambiguous" --grep="HEAD" --all-match)

Edit (thanks to torek):

$ git name-rev --name-only 9196a2f8bd46d36a285bdfa03b4540ed3f01f671

This means that, if you're using Git v1.8.4.3 or later, you shouldn't run into any ambiguous-remote-HEAD problem.

Changing the tmp folder of mysql

You can also set the TMPDIR environment variable.

In some situations (Docker in my case) it's more convenient to set an environment variable than to update a config file.

What is the format for the PostgreSQL connection string / URL?


Bootstrap 4, How do I center-align a button?

With the use of the bootstrap 4 utilities you could horizontally center an element itself by setting the horizontal margins to 'auto'.

To set the horizontal margins to auto you can use mx-auto . The m refers to margin and the x will refer to the x-axis (left+right) and auto will refer to the setting. So this will set the left margin and the right margin to the 'auto' setting. Browsers will calculate the margin equally and center the element. The setting will only work on block elements so the display:block needs to be added and with the bootstrap utilities this is done by d-block.

<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary mx-auto d-block">Submit</button>

You can consider all browsers to fully support auto margin settings according to this answer Browser support for margin: auto so it's safe to use.

The bootstrap 4 class text-center is also a very good solution, however it needs a parent wrapper element. The benefit of using auto margin is that it can be done directly on the button element itself.

String is immutable. What exactly is the meaning?

String S1="abc";
System.out.println("S1 is", + S1);
String S2=S1.concat("def");
System.out.println("S2 is", + S2);

This shows that once a string object is create it cannot be changed. EveryTime you need to create new and put in another String. S

How to check if input date is equal to today's date?

function sameDay( d1, d2 ){
  return d1.getUTCFullYear() == d2.getUTCFullYear() &&
         d1.getUTCMonth() == d2.getUTCMonth() &&
         d1.getUTCDate() == d2.getUTCDate();

if (sameDay( new Date(userString), new Date)){
  // ...

Using the UTC* methods ensures that two equivalent days in different timezones matching the same global day are the same. (Not necessary if you're parsing both dates directly, but a good thing to think about.)

The infamous java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found

I've forgot to add the PostgreSQL JDBC Driver into my project (Mvnrepository).


compile group: 'postgresql', name: 'postgresql', version: '9.0-801.jdbc4'



You can also download the JAR and import to your project manually.

RedirectToAction with parameter

//How to use RedirectToAction in MVC

return RedirectToAction("actionName", "ControllerName", routevalue);


return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home", new { id = 2});

When using SASS how can I import a file from a different directory?

If using Web Compiler in Visual Studio you can add the path to includePath in compilerconfig.json.defaults. Then there is no need for some number of ../ since the compiler will use includePath as a location to look for the import.

For example:

"includePath": "node_modules/foundation-sites/scss",

How to make my font bold using css?

<STYLE type="text/css">
      font-weight: bold;
Body text is now bold.

split string in two on given index and return both parts

Something like this?...

 function stringConverter(varString, varCommaPosition)
   var stringArray = varString.split("");
   var outputString = '';
   for(var i=0;i<stringArray.length;i++)
     if(i == varCommaPosition)
        outputString = outputString + ',';

     outputString = outputString + stringArray[i];

   return outputString;

How to center cell contents of a LaTeX table whose columns have fixed widths?

You can use \centering with your parbox to do this.

More info here and here.

(Sorry for the Google cached link; the original one I had doesn't work anymore.)

Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name '@android:style/TextAppearance.Holo.Widget.ActionBar.Title'

TextAppearance.Holo.Widget.ActionBar.Title appears to have been added in API Level 13. Make sure your build target is set to 13, not just 11.

Stack, Static, and Heap in C++

A similar question was asked, but it didn't ask about statics.

Summary of what static, heap, and stack memory are:

  • A static variable is basically a global variable, even if you cannot access it globally. Usually there is an address for it that is in the executable itself. There is only one copy for the entire program. No matter how many times you go into a function call (or class) (and in how many threads!) the variable is referring to the same memory location.

  • The heap is a bunch of memory that can be used dynamically. If you want 4kb for an object then the dynamic allocator will look through its list of free space in the heap, pick out a 4kb chunk, and give it to you. Generally, the dynamic memory allocator (malloc, new, et c.) starts at the end of memory and works backwards.

  • Explaining how a stack grows and shrinks is a bit outside the scope of this answer, but suffice to say you always add and remove from the end only. Stacks usually start high and grow down to lower addresses. You run out of memory when the stack meets the dynamic allocator somewhere in the middle (but refer to physical versus virtual memory and fragmentation). Multiple threads will require multiple stacks (the process generally reserves a minimum size for the stack).

When you would want to use each one:

  • Statics/globals are useful for memory that you know you will always need and you know that you don't ever want to deallocate. (By the way, embedded environments may be thought of as having only static memory... the stack and heap are part of a known address space shared by a third memory type: the program code. Programs will often do dynamic allocation out of their static memory when they need things like linked lists. But regardless, the static memory itself (the buffer) is not itself "allocated", but rather other objects are allocated out of the memory held by the buffer for this purpose. You can do this in non-embedded as well, and console games will frequently eschew the built in dynamic memory mechanisms in favor of tightly controlling the allocation process by using buffers of preset sizes for all allocations.)

  • Stack variables are useful for when you know that as long as the function is in scope (on the stack somewhere), you will want the variables to remain. Stacks are nice for variables that you need for the code where they are located, but which isn't needed outside that code. They are also really nice for when you are accessing a resource, like a file, and want the resource to automatically go away when you leave that code.

  • Heap allocations (dynamically allocated memory) is useful when you want to be more flexible than the above. Frequently, a function gets called to respond to an event (the user clicks the "create box" button). The proper response may require allocating a new object (a new Box object) that should stick around long after the function is exited, so it can't be on the stack. But you don't know how many boxes you would want at the start of the program, so it can't be a static.

Garbage Collection

I've heard a lot lately about how great Garbage Collectors are, so maybe a bit of a dissenting voice would be helpful.

Garbage Collection is a wonderful mechanism for when performance is not a huge issue. I hear GCs are getting better and more sophisticated, but the fact is, you may be forced to accept a performance penalty (depending upon use case). And if you're lazy, it still may not work properly. At the best of times, Garbage Collectors realize that your memory goes away when it realizes that there are no more references to it (see reference counting). But, if you have an object that refers to itself (possibly by referring to another object which refers back), then reference counting alone will not indicate that the memory can be deleted. In this case, the GC needs to look at the entire reference soup and figure out if there are any islands that are only referred to by themselves. Offhand, I'd guess that to be an O(n^2) operation, but whatever it is, it can get bad if you are at all concerned with performance. (Edit: Martin B points out that it is O(n) for reasonably efficient algorithms. That is still O(n) too much if you are concerned with performance and can deallocate in constant time without garbage collection.)

Personally, when I hear people say that C++ doesn't have garbage collection, my mind tags that as a feature of C++, but I'm probably in the minority. Probably the hardest thing for people to learn about programming in C and C++ are pointers and how to correctly handle their dynamic memory allocations. Some other languages, like Python, would be horrible without GC, so I think it comes down to what you want out of a language. If you want dependable performance, then C++ without garbage collection is the only thing this side of Fortran that I can think of. If you want ease of use and training wheels (to save you from crashing without requiring that you learn "proper" memory management), pick something with a GC. Even if you know how to manage memory well, it will save you time which you can spend optimizing other code. There really isn't much of a performance penalty anymore, but if you really need dependable performance (and the ability to know exactly what is going on, when, under the covers) then I'd stick with C++. There is a reason that every major game engine that I've ever heard of is in C++ (if not C or assembly). Python, et al are fine for scripting, but not the main game engine.

How to resolve "Input string was not in a correct format." error?

Replace with

imageWidth = 1 * Convert.ToInt32(Label1.Text);

OrderBy descending in Lambda expression?

LastOrDefault() is usually not working but with the Tolist() it will work. There is no need to use OrderByDescending use Tolist() like this.

GroupBy(p => p.Nws_ID).ToList().LastOrDefault();

Escaping a forward slash in a regular expression

What context/language? Some languages use / as the pattern delimiter, so yes, you need to escape it, depending on which language/context. You escape it by putting a backward slash in front of it: \/ For some languages (like PHP) you can use other characters as the delimiter and therefore you don't need to escape it. But AFAIK in all languages, the only special significance the / has is it may be the designated pattern delimiter.

'mvn' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

The following helped me in Win10.

  • Add %M3_HOME%\bin; as value for Path variable under User Variables.
  • Add full path to maven binary folder as Variable Value for M3_HOME variable under System Variables.
  • Add %M3_HOME%\bin; as value for Path variable under System Variables.
  • Click OK wherever applicable.
  • Close the existing command prompt.
  • Open new command prompt and navigate to Maven binary folder.
  • Type mvn -version

It will work.

How to use Bootstrap modal using the anchor tag for Register?

Just replace it:

<li><a href="" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#modalRegister">Register</a></li>

Instead of:

<li><a href="#" data-toggle="modal" data-target="modalRegister">Register</a></li>

Comparing boxed Long values 127 and 128

Java caches the primitive values from -128 to 127. When we compare two Long objects java internally type cast it to primitive value and compare it. But above 127 the Long object will not get type caste. Java caches the output by .valueOf() method.

This caching works for Byte, Short, Long from -128 to 127. For Integer caching works From -128 to java.lang.Integer.IntegerCache.high or 127, whichever is bigger.(We can set top level value upto which Integer values should get cached by using java.lang.Integer.IntegerCache.high).

 For example:
    If we set java.lang.Integer.IntegerCache.high=500;
    then values from -128 to 500 will get cached and 

    Integer a=498;
    Integer b=499;

    Output will be "true".

Float and Double objects never gets cached.

Character will get cache from 0 to 127

You are comparing two objects. so == operator will check equality of object references. There are following ways to do it.

1) type cast both objects into primitive values and compare

    (long)val3 == (long)val4

2) read value of object and compare

    val3.longValue() == val4.longValue()

3) Use equals() method on object comparison.


jquery get all form elements: input, textarea & select

Edit: As pointed out in comments (Mario Awad & Brock Hensley), use .find to get the children

    $(this).find(':input') //<-- Should return all input elements in that specific form.

forms also have an elements collection, sometimes this differs from children such as when the form tag is in a table and is not closed.

var summary = [];_x000D_
$('form').each(function () {_x000D_
    summary.push('Form ' + + ' has ' + $(this).find(':input').length + ' child(ren).');_x000D_
    summary.push('Form ' + + ' has ' + this.elements.length + ' form element(s).');_x000D_
$('#results').html(summary.join('<br />'));
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<form id="A" style="display: none;">_x000D_
    <input type="text" />_x000D_
<form id="B" style="display: none;">_x000D_
<table bgcolor="white" cellpadding="12" border="1" style="display: none;">_x000D_
<tr><td colspan="2"><center><h1><i><b>Login_x000D_
<tr><td><h1><i><b>UserID:</b></i></h1></td><td><form id="login" name="login" method="post"><input_x000D_
name="id" type="text"></td></tr>_x000D_
<tr><td><h1><i><b>Password:</b></i></h1></td><td><input name="pass"_x000D_
<tr><td><center><input type="button" value="Login"_x000D_
onClick="pasuser(this.form)"></center></td><td><center><br /><input_x000D_
<div id="results"></div>

May be :input selector is what you want

$("form").each(function(){ $(':input', this)//<-- Should return all input elements in that specific form. });

As pointed out in docs

To achieve the best performance when using :input to select elements, first select the elements using a pure CSS selector, then use .filter(":input").

You can use like below,

    $(this).filter(':input') //<-- Should return all input elements in that specific form.

Error 1920 service failed to start. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services

Check service dependencies if they are disabled.

Set those dependencies to Automatic, Start them and it should work.

Add a CSS border on hover without moving the element

Try this it might solve your problem.



.jobs .item:hover {
    background: #e1e1e1;
    border-top: 1px solid #d0d0d0;


<div class="jobs">
    <div class="item">
        content goes here

See fiddle for output:

The 'json' native gem requires installed build tools

I believe those installers make changes to the path. Did you try closing and re-opening the CMD window after running them and before the last attempt to install the gem that wants devkit present?

Also, be sure you are using the right devkit installer for your version of Ruby. The documentation at devkit wiki page has a requirements note saying:

For RubyInstaller versions 1.8.7, 1.9.2, and 1.9.3 use the DevKit 4.5.2

Linq to Entities - SQL "IN" clause

This could be the possible way in which you can directly use LINQ extension methods to check the in clause

var result = _db.Companies.Where(c => _db.CurrentSessionVariableDetails.Select(s => s.CompanyId).Contains(c.Id)).ToList();

Property getters and setters

Setters/getters in Swift are quite different than ObjC. The property becomes a computed property which means it does not have a backing variable such as _x as it would in ObjC.

In the solution code below you can see the xTimesTwo does not store anything, but simply computes the result from x.

See Official docs on computed properties.

The functionality you want might also be Property Observers.

What you need is:

var x: Int

var xTimesTwo: Int {
    set {
       x = newValue / 2
    get {
        return x * 2

You can modify other properties within the setter/getters, which is what they are meant for.

Task continuation on UI thread

Got here through google because i was looking for a good way to do things on the ui thread after being inside a Task.Run call - Using the following code you can use await to get back to the UI Thread again.

I hope this helps someone.

public static class UI
    public static DispatcherAwaiter Thread => new DispatcherAwaiter();

public struct DispatcherAwaiter : INotifyCompletion
    public bool IsCompleted => Application.Current.Dispatcher.CheckAccess();

    public void OnCompleted(Action continuation) => Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(continuation);

    public void GetResult() { }

    public DispatcherAwaiter GetAwaiter()
        return this;


... code which is executed on the background thread...
await UI.Thread;
... code which will be run in the application dispatcher (ui thread) ...

generate random string for div id

i like this simple one:

function randstr(prefix)
    return Math.random().toString(36).replace('0.',prefix || '');

since id should (though not must) start with a letter, i'd use it like this:

let div_id = randstr('youtube_div_');

some example values:


What's the best way to do a backwards loop in C/C#/C++?

// this is how I always do it
for (i = n; --i >= 0;){

Create Excel files from C# without office

There are a handful of options:

  • NPOI - Which is free and open source.
  • Aspose - Is definitely not free but robust.
  • Spreadsheet ML - Basically XML for creating spreadsheets.

Using the Interop will require that the Excel be installed on the machine from which it is running. In a server side solution, this will be awful. Instead, you should use a tool like the ones above that lets you build an Excel file without Excel being installed.

If the user does not have Excel but has a tool that will read Excel (like Open Office), then obviously they will be able to open it. Microsoft has a free Excel viewer available for those users that do not have Excel.

Undefined variable: $_SESSION

Another possibility for this warning (and, most likely, problems with app behavior) is that the original author of the app relied on session.auto_start being on (defaults to off)

If you don't want to mess with the code and just need it to work, you can always change php configuration and restart php-fpm (if this is a web app):

/etc/php.d/my-new-file.ini :

session.auto_start = 1

(This is correct for CentOS 8, adjust for your OS/packaging)

Wait for Angular 2 to load/resolve model before rendering view/template

EDIT: The angular team has released the @Resolve decorator. It still needs some clarification, in how it works, but until then I'll take someone else's related answer here, and provide links to other sources:

EDIT: This answer works for Angular 2 BETA only. Router is not released for Angular 2 RC as of this edit. Instead, when using Angular 2 RC, replace references to router with router-deprecated to continue using the beta router.

The Angular2-future way to implement this will be via the @Resolve decorator. Until then, the closest facsimile is CanActivate Component decorator, per Brandon Roberts. see

Although beta 0 doesn't support providing resolved values to the Component, it's planned, and there is also a workaround described here: Using Resolve In Angular2 Routes

A beta 1 example can be found here: . It uses a very similar workaround, but slightly more accurately uses the RouteData object rather than RouteParams.

@CanActivate((to) => {
    return new Promise((resolve) => { = { name: 'John' }

Also, note that there is also an example workaround for accessing nested/parent route "resolved" values as well, and other features you expect if you've used 1.x UI-Router.

Note you'll also need to manually inject any services you need to accomplish this, since the Angular Injector hierarchy is not currently available in the CanActivate decorator. Simply importing an Injector will create a new injector instance, without access to the providers from bootstrap(), so you'll probably want to store an application-wide copy of the bootstrapped injector. Brandon's second Plunk link on this page is a good starting point:

Adding dictionaries together, Python

Here are quite a few ways to add dictionaries.

You can use Python3's dictionary unpacking feature.

ndic = {**dic0, **dic1}

Or create a new dict by adding both items.

ndic = dict(dic0.items() + dic1.items())

If your ok to modify dic0


If your NOT ok to modify dic0

ndic = dic0.copy()

If all the keys in one dict are ensured to be strings (dic1 in this case, of course args can be swapped)

ndic = dict(dic0, **dic1)

In some cases it may be handy to use dict comprehensions (Python 2.7 or newer),
Especially if you want to filter out or transform some keys/values at the same time.

ndic = {k: v for d in (dic0, dic1) for k, v in d.items()}

Could not create the Java virtual machine

The problem got resolved when I edited the file /etc/bashrc with same contents as in /etc/profiles and in /etc/profiles.d/ and did a re-login.

Determining 32 vs 64 bit in C++

template<int> void DoMyOperationHelper();

template<> void DoMyOperationHelper<4>() 
  // do 32-bits operations

template<> void DoMyOperationHelper<8>() 
  // do 64-bits operations

// helper function just to hide clumsy syntax
inline void DoMyOperation() { DoMyOperationHelper<sizeof(size_t)>(); }

int main()
  // appropriate function will be selected at compile time 

  return 0;

How do you align left / right a div without using float?

In you case here, if you want to right-align that green button, just change the one div to have everything right-aligned:

<div class="action_buttons_header" style="text-align: right;">

The div is already taking up the full width of that section, so just shift the green button the right by right-aligning the text.

How can I open a popup window with a fixed size using the HREF tag?

Plain HTML does not support this. You'll need to use some JavaScript code.

Also, note that large parts of the world are using a popup blocker nowadays. You may want to reconsider your design!

Drawing in Java using Canvas

Why would the first way not work. Canvas object is created and the size is set and the grahpics are set. I always find this strange. Also if a class extends JComponent you can override the


and then shouldn't you be able to create and instance of the class inside of another class and then just call NewlycreateinstanceOfAnyClass.repaint();

I have tried this approach for some game programming I have been working and it doesn't seem to work the way I think that it should be.

Doug Hauf

Regex for string contains?

Just don't anchor your pattern:


The above regex will check for the literal string "Test" being found somewhere within it.

How do I empty an input value with jQuery?

A better way is:


Wait until flag=true

I tried to used @Kiran approach like follow:

checkFlag: function() {
  var currentObject = this; 
  if(flag == false) {
      setTimeout(currentObject.checkFlag, 100); 
   } else {
     /* do something*/

(framework that I am using force me to define functions this way). But without success because when execution come inside checkFlag function second time, this is not my object it is Window. So, I finished with code below

checkFlag: function() {
    var worker = setInterval (function(){
         if(flag == true){             
             /* do something*/
              clearInterval (worker);

How to display multiple images in one figure correctly?

You could try the following:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

def plot_figures(figures, nrows = 1, ncols=1):
    """Plot a dictionary of figures.

    figures : <title, figure> dictionary
    ncols : number of columns of subplots wanted in the display
    nrows : number of rows of subplots wanted in the figure

    fig, axeslist = plt.subplots(ncols=ncols, nrows=nrows)
    for ind,title in zip(range(len(figures)), figures):
        axeslist.ravel()[ind].imshow(figures[title], cmap=plt.jet())
    plt.tight_layout() # optional

# generation of a dictionary of (title, images)
number_of_im = 20
figures = {'im'+str(i): np.random.randint(10, size=(h,w)) for i in range(number_of_im)}

# plot of the images in a figure, with 5 rows and 4 columns
plot_figures(figures, 5, 4)

However, this is basically just copy and paste from here: Multiple figures in a single window for which reason this post should be considered to be a duplicate.

I hope this helps.

Convert HTML to NSAttributedString in iOS

This is a String extension written in Swift to return a HTML string as NSAttributedString.

extension String {
    func htmlAttributedString() -> NSAttributedString? {
        guard let data = self.dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF16StringEncoding, allowLossyConversion: false) else { return nil }
        guard let html = try? NSMutableAttributedString(data: data, options: [NSDocumentTypeDocumentAttribute: NSHTMLTextDocumentType], documentAttributes: nil) else { return nil }
        return html

To use,

label.attributedText = "<b>Hello</b> \u{2022} babe".htmlAttributedString()

In the above, I have purposely added a unicode \u2022 to show that it renders unicode correctly.

A trivial: The default encoding that NSAttributedString uses is NSUTF16StringEncoding (not UTF8!).

Passing data to a bootstrap modal

This is so easy with jquery:

If below is your anchor link:

<a data-toggle="modal" data-id="@book.Id" title="Add this item" class="open-AddBookDialog"></a>

In the show event of your modal you can access to the anchor tag like below

//triggered when modal is shown
$('#modal_id').on('', function(event) {

    // The reference tag is your anchor tag here
    var reference_tag = $(event.relatedTarget); 
    var id ='id')
    // ...
    // ...

How to give a Blob uploaded as FormData a file name?

For Chrome, Safari and Firefox, just use this:

form.append("blob", blob, filename);

(see MDN documentation)

firestore: PERMISSION_DENIED: Missing or insufficient permissions

npm i --save firebase @angular/fire

in app.module make sure you imported

import { AngularFireModule } from '@angular/fire';
import { AngularFirestoreModule } from '@angular/fire/firestore';

in imports


in realtime database rules make sure you have

  /* Visit  rules. */
  "rules": {
    ".read": true,
    ".write": true

in cloud firestore rules make sure you have

rules_version = '2';
service cloud.firestore {
  match /databases/{database}/documents {
    match /{document=**} {
      allow read, write: if true;

How to have multiple conditions for one if statement in python

Assuming you're passing in strings rather than integers, try casting the arguments to integers:

def example(arg1, arg2, arg3):
     if int(arg1) == 1 and int(arg2) == 2 and int(arg3) == 3:
          print("Example Text")

(Edited to emphasize I'm not asking for clarification; I was trying to be diplomatic in my answer. )

How to convert time milliseconds to hours, min, sec format in JavaScript?

// The following is written in Typescript, should be easy to translate to JS

function humanReadableDuration(msDuration: int): string {
    const h = Math.floor(msDuration / 1000 / 60 / 60);
    const m = Math.floor((msDuration / 1000 / 60 / 60 - h) * 60);
    const s = Math.floor(((msDuration / 1000 / 60 / 60 - h) * 60 - m) * 60);

    // To get time format 00:00:00
    const seconds: string = s < 10 ? `0${s}` : `${s}`;
    const minutes: string = m < 10 ? `0${m}` : `${m}`;
    const hours: string = h < 10 ? `0${h}` : `${h}`;

    return `${hours}h ${minutes}m ${seconds}s`;

Error: macro names must be identifiers using #ifdef 0

Use the following to evaluate an expression (constant 0 evaluates to false).

#if 0

Make a phone call programmatically

The answers here are perfectly working. I am just converting Craig Mellon answer to Swift. If someone comes looking for swift answer, this will help them.

 var phoneNumber: String = "telprompt://".stringByAppendingString(titleLabel.text!) // titleLabel.text has the phone number.

How to remove white space characters from a string in SQL Server

Looks like the invisible character -


Try this

select REPLACE(ProductAlternateKey, ' ', '@')
--type ALT+255 instead of space for the second expression in REPLACE 
from DimProducts
where ProductAlternateKey  like '46783815%'


Edit: Based on ASCII() results, try ALT+10 - use numeric keypad

What is the difference between a field and a property?

when you have a class which is "Car". The properties are color,shape..

Where as fields are variables defined within the scope of a class.

How to trigger checkbox click event even if it's checked through Javascript code?

no gQuery


I used certain class on my checkboxes.

var x = document.getElementsByClassName("box_class");
var i;
for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
    if(x[i].checked) x[i].checked = false;
    else x[i].checked = true;

Quickest way to clear all sheet contents VBA

Technically, and from Comintern's accepted workaround, I believe you actually want to Delete all the Cells in the Sheet. Which removes Formatting (See footnote for exceptions), etc. as well as the Cells Contents. I.e. Sheets("Zeroes").Cells.Delete

Combined also with UsedRange, ScreenUpdating and Calculation skipping it should be nearly intantaneous:

Sub DeleteCells ()
    Application.Calculation = XlManual
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    Application.Calculation = xlAutomatic
End Sub

Or if you prefer to respect the Calculation State Excel is currently in:

Sub DeleteCells ()
    Dim SaveCalcState
    SaveCalcState = Application.Calculation
    Application.Calculation = XlManual
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    Application.Calculation = SaveCalcState
End Sub

Footnote: If formatting was applied for an Entire Column, then it is not deleted. This includes Font Colour, Fill Colour and Borders, the Format Category (like General, Date, Text, Etc.) and perhaps other properties too, but

Conditional formatting IS deleted, as is Entire Row formatting.

(Entire Column formatting is quite useful if you are importing raw data repeatedly to a sheet as it will conform to the Formats originally applied if a simple Paste-Values-Only type import is done.)