[c#] How can I make a .NET Windows Forms application that only runs in the System Tray?

What do I need to do to make a Windows Forms application to be able to run in the System Tray?

Not an application that can be minimized to the tray, but an application that will be only exist in the tray, with nothing more than

  • an icon
  • a tool tip, and
  • a "right click" menu.

This question is related to c# .net winforms system-tray

The answer is

It is very friendly framework for Notification Area Application... it is enough to add NotificationIcon to base form and change auto-generated code to code below:

public partial class Form1 : Form
    private bool hidden = false;

    public Form1()

    private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        this.ShowInTaskbar = false;
        //this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized;
        hidden = true;

    private void notifyIcon1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (hidden) // this.WindowState == FormWindowState.Minimized)
            // this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal;
            hidden = false;
            // this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized;
            hidden = true;

As far as I'm aware you have to still write the application using a form, but have no controls on the form and never set it visible. Use the NotifyIcon (an MSDN sample of which can be found here) to write your application.

"System tray" application is just a regular win forms application, only difference is that it creates a icon in windows system tray area. In order to create sys.tray icon use NotifyIcon component , you can find it in Toolbox(Common controls), and modify it's properties: Icon, tool tip. Also it enables you to handle mouse click and double click messages.

And One more thing , in order to achieve look and feels or standard tray app. add followinf lines on your main form show event:

private void MainForm_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e)
    WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized;

Simply add

this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized;
this.ShowInTaskbar = false;

to your form object. You will see only an icon at system tray.

Here is how I did it with Visual Studio 2010, .NET 4

  1. Create a Windows Forms Application, set 'Make single instance application' in properties
  2. Add a ContextMenuStrip
  3. Add some entries to the context menu strip, double click on them to get the handlers, for example, 'exit' (double click) -> handler -> me.Close()
  4. Add a NotifyIcon, in the designer set contextMenuStrip to the one you just created, pick an icon (you can find some in the VisualStudio folder under 'common7...')
  5. Set properties for the form in the designer: FormBorderStyle:none, ShowIcon:false, ShowInTaskbar:false, Opacity:0%, WindowState:Minimized
  6. Add Me.Visible=false at the end of Form1_Load, this will hide the icon when using Ctrl + Tab
  7. Run and adjust as needed.

As mat1t says - you need to add a NotifyIcon to your application and then use something like the following code to set the tooltip and context menu:

this.notifyIcon.Text = "This is the tooltip";
this.notifyIcon.ContextMenu = new ContextMenu();
this.notifyIcon.ContextMenu.MenuItems.Add(new MenuItem("Option 1", new EventHandler(handler_method)));

This code shows the icon in the system tray only:

this.notifyIcon.Visible = true;  // Shows the notify icon in the system tray

The following will be needed if you have a form (for whatever reason):

this.ShowInTaskbar = false;  // Removes the application from the taskbar

The right click to get the context menu is handled automatically, but if you want to do some action on a left click you'll need to add a Click handler:

    private void notifyIcon_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        var eventArgs = e as MouseEventArgs;
        switch (eventArgs.Button)
            // Left click to reactivate
            case MouseButtons.Left:
                // Do your stuff

  1. Create a new Windows Application with the wizard.
  2. Delete Form1 from the code.
  3. Remove the code in Program.cs starting up the Form1.
  4. Use the NotifyIcon class to create your system tray icon (assign an icon to it).
  5. Add a contextmenu to it.
  6. Or react to NotifyIcon's mouseclick and differenciate between Right and Left click, setting your contextmenu and showing it for which ever button (right/left) was pressed.
  7. Application.Run() to keep the app running with Application.Exit() to quit. Or a bool bRunning = true; while(bRunning){Application.DoEvents(); Thread.Sleep(10);}. Then set bRunning = false; to exit the app.

I've wrote a traybar app with .NET 1.1 and I didn't need a form.
First of all, set the startup object of the project as a Sub Main, defined in a module.
Then create programmatically the components: the NotifyIcon and ContextMenu.
Be sure to include a MenuItem "Quit" or similar.
Bind the ContextMenu to the NotifyIcon.
Invoke Application.Run().
In the event handler for the Quit MenuItem be sure to call set NotifyIcon.Visible = False, then Application.Exit(). Add what you need to the ContextMenu and handle properly :)

notifyIcon1->ContextMenu = gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ContextMenu();
System::Windows::Forms::MenuItem^ nIItem = gcnew System::Windows::Forms::MenuItem("Open");
nIItem->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &your_class::Open_NotifyIcon);

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How can I make a .NET Windows Forms application that only runs in the System Tray?