[java] Java array assignment (multiple values)

I have a Java array defined already e.g.

float[] values = new float[3];

I would like to do something like this further on in the code:

values = {0.1f, 0.2f, 0.3f};

But that gives me a compile error. Is there a nicer way to define multiple values at once, rather than doing this?:

values[0] = 0.1f;
values[1] = 0.2f;
values[2] = 0.3f;


This question is related to java variable-assignment

The answer is

    public class arrayFloats {
      public static void main (String [] args){
        float [] Values = new float[3];
        float Incre = 0.1f;
        int Count = 0;

        for (Count = 0;Count<3 ;Count++ ) {
          Values [Count] = Incre + 0.0f;
          Incre += 0.1f;
          System.out.println("Values [" + Count + "] : " + Values [Count]);


//Values [0] : 0.1
//Values [1] : 0.2
//Values [2] : 0.3

This isn't the all and be all of assigning values to a specific array. Since I've seen the sample was 0.1 - 0.3 you could do it this way. This method is very useful if you're designing charts and graphs. You can have the x-value incremented by 0.1 until nth time.

Or you want to design some grid of some sort.

int a[] = { 2, 6, 8, 5, 4, 3 }; 
int b[] = { 2, 3, 4, 7 };

if you take float number then you take float and it's your choice

this is very good way to show array elements.

If you know the values at compile time you can do :

float[] values = {0.1f, 0.2f, 0.3f};

There is no way to do that if values are variables in runtime.

On declaration you can do the following.

float[] values = {0.1f, 0.2f, 0.3f};

When the field is already defined, try this.

values = new float[] {0.1f, 0.2f, 0.3f};

Be aware that also the second version creates a new array. If values was the only reference to an already existing field, it becomes eligible for garbage collection.

for example i tried all above for characters it fails but that worked for me >> reserved a pointer then assign values

char A[];
A = new char[]{'a', 'b', 'a', 'c', 'd', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'q', 'r'};

This should work, but is slower and feels wrong: System.arraycopy(new float[]{...}, 0, values, 0, 3);

You may use a local variable, like:

    float[] values = new float[3];
    float[] v = {0.1f, 0.2f, 0.3f};
    float[] values = v;

Java does not provide a construct that will assign of multiple values to an existing array's elements. The initializer syntaxes can ONLY be used when creation a new array object. This can be at the point of declaration, or later on. But either way, the initializer is initializing a new array object, not updating an existing one.

values = new float[] { 0.1f, 0.2f, 0.3f };