Programs & Examples On #Entity

In computer science an entity is an object which has an identity and can be uniquely determined, holds storable information or can be processed. As the term has a very abstract and general meaning prefer to use this tag only in conjunction with other more specific tags.

Improving bulk insert performance in Entity framework

Using the code below you can extend the partial context class with a method that will take a collection of entity objects and bulk copy them to the database. Simply replace the name of the class from MyEntities to whatever your entity class is named and add it to your project, in the correct namespace. After that all you need to do is call the BulkInsertAll method handing over the entity objects you want to insert. Do not reuse the context class, instead create a new instance every time you use it. This is required, at least in some versions of EF, since the authentication data associated with the SQLConnection used here gets lost after having used the class once. I don't know why.

This version is for EF 5

public partial class MyEntities
    public void BulkInsertAll<T>(T[] entities) where T : class
        var conn = (SqlConnection)Database.Connection;


        Type t = typeof(T);
        var objectContext = ((IObjectContextAdapter)this).ObjectContext;
        var workspace = objectContext.MetadataWorkspace;
        var mappings = GetMappings(workspace, objectContext.DefaultContainerName, typeof(T).Name);

        var tableName = GetTableName<T>();
        var bulkCopy = new SqlBulkCopy(conn) { DestinationTableName = tableName };

        // Foreign key relations show up as virtual declared 
        // properties and we want to ignore these.
        var properties = t.GetProperties().Where(p => !p.GetGetMethod().IsVirtual).ToArray();
        var table = new DataTable();
        foreach (var property in properties)
            Type propertyType = property.PropertyType;

            // Nullable properties need special treatment.
            if (propertyType.IsGenericType &&
                propertyType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Nullable<>))
                propertyType = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(propertyType);

            // Since we cannot trust the CLR type properties to be in the same order as
            // the table columns we use the SqlBulkCopy column mappings.
            table.Columns.Add(new DataColumn(property.Name, propertyType));
            var clrPropertyName = property.Name;
            var tableColumnName = mappings[property.Name];
            bulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add(new SqlBulkCopyColumnMapping(clrPropertyName, tableColumnName));

        // Add all our entities to our data table
        foreach (var entity in entities)
            var e = entity;
            table.Rows.Add(properties.Select(property => GetPropertyValue(property.GetValue(e, null))).ToArray());

        // send it to the server for bulk execution
        bulkCopy.BulkCopyTimeout = 5 * 60;


    private string GetTableName<T>() where T : class
        var dbSet = Set<T>();
        var sql = dbSet.ToString();
        var regex = new Regex(@"FROM (?<table>.*) AS");
        var match = regex.Match(sql);
        return match.Groups["table"].Value;

    private object GetPropertyValue(object o)
        if (o == null)
            return DBNull.Value;
        return o;

    private Dictionary<string, string> GetMappings(MetadataWorkspace workspace, string containerName, string entityName)
        var mappings = new Dictionary<string, string>();
        var storageMapping = workspace.GetItem<GlobalItem>(containerName, DataSpace.CSSpace);
        dynamic entitySetMaps = storageMapping.GetType().InvokeMember(
            BindingFlags.GetProperty | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance,
            null, storageMapping, null);

        foreach (var entitySetMap in entitySetMaps)
            var typeMappings = GetArrayList("TypeMappings", entitySetMap);
            dynamic typeMapping = typeMappings[0];
            dynamic types = GetArrayList("Types", typeMapping);

            if (types[0].Name == entityName)
                var fragments = GetArrayList("MappingFragments", typeMapping);
                var fragment = fragments[0];
                var properties = GetArrayList("AllProperties", fragment);
                foreach (var property in properties)
                    var edmProperty = GetProperty("EdmProperty", property);
                    var columnProperty = GetProperty("ColumnProperty", property);
                    mappings.Add(edmProperty.Name, columnProperty.Name);

        return mappings;

    private ArrayList GetArrayList(string property, object instance)
        var type = instance.GetType();
        var objects = (IEnumerable)type.InvokeMember(property, BindingFlags.GetProperty | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance, null, instance, null);
        var list = new ArrayList();
        foreach (var o in objects)
        return list;

    private dynamic GetProperty(string property, object instance)
        var type = instance.GetType();
        return type.InvokeMember(property, BindingFlags.GetProperty | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance, null, instance, null);

This version is for EF 6

public partial class CMLocalEntities
    public void BulkInsertAll<T>(T[] entities) where T : class
        var conn = (SqlConnection)Database.Connection;


        Type t = typeof(T);
        var objectContext = ((IObjectContextAdapter)this).ObjectContext;
        var workspace = objectContext.MetadataWorkspace;
        var mappings = GetMappings(workspace, objectContext.DefaultContainerName, typeof(T).Name);

        var tableName = GetTableName<T>();
        var bulkCopy = new SqlBulkCopy(conn) { DestinationTableName = tableName };

        // Foreign key relations show up as virtual declared 
        // properties and we want to ignore these.
        var properties = t.GetProperties().Where(p => !p.GetGetMethod().IsVirtual).ToArray();
        var table = new DataTable();
        foreach (var property in properties)
            Type propertyType = property.PropertyType;

            // Nullable properties need special treatment.
            if (propertyType.IsGenericType &&
                propertyType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Nullable<>))
                propertyType = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(propertyType);

            // Since we cannot trust the CLR type properties to be in the same order as
            // the table columns we use the SqlBulkCopy column mappings.
            table.Columns.Add(new DataColumn(property.Name, propertyType));
            var clrPropertyName = property.Name;
            var tableColumnName = mappings[property.Name];
            bulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add(new SqlBulkCopyColumnMapping(clrPropertyName, tableColumnName));

        // Add all our entities to our data table
        foreach (var entity in entities)
            var e = entity;
            table.Rows.Add(properties.Select(property => GetPropertyValue(property.GetValue(e, null))).ToArray());

        // send it to the server for bulk execution
        bulkCopy.BulkCopyTimeout = 5*60;


    private string GetTableName<T>() where T : class
        var dbSet = Set<T>();
        var sql = dbSet.ToString();
        var regex = new Regex(@"FROM (?<table>.*) AS");
        var match = regex.Match(sql);
        return match.Groups["table"].Value;

    private object GetPropertyValue(object o)
        if (o == null)
            return DBNull.Value;
        return o;

    private Dictionary<string, string> GetMappings(MetadataWorkspace workspace, string containerName, string entityName)
        var mappings = new Dictionary<string, string>();
        var storageMapping = workspace.GetItem<GlobalItem>(containerName, DataSpace.CSSpace);
        dynamic entitySetMaps = storageMapping.GetType().InvokeMember(
            BindingFlags.GetProperty | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance,
            null, storageMapping, null);

        foreach (var entitySetMap in entitySetMaps)
            var typeMappings = GetArrayList("EntityTypeMappings", entitySetMap);
            dynamic typeMapping = typeMappings[0];
            dynamic types = GetArrayList("Types", typeMapping);

            if (types[0].Name == entityName)
                var fragments = GetArrayList("MappingFragments", typeMapping);
                var fragment = fragments[0];
                var properties = GetArrayList("AllProperties", fragment);
                foreach (var property in properties)
                    var edmProperty = GetProperty("EdmProperty", property);
                    var columnProperty = GetProperty("ColumnProperty", property);
                    mappings.Add(edmProperty.Name, columnProperty.Name);

        return mappings;

    private ArrayList GetArrayList(string property, object instance)
        var type = instance.GetType();
        var objects = (IEnumerable)type.InvokeMember(
            BindingFlags.GetProperty | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance, null, instance, null);
        var list = new ArrayList();
        foreach (var o in objects)
        return list;

    private dynamic GetProperty(string property, object instance)
        var type = instance.GetType();
        return type.InvokeMember(property, BindingFlags.GetProperty | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance, null, instance, null);


And finally, a little something for you Linq-To-Sql lovers.

partial class MyDataContext
    partial void OnCreated()
        CommandTimeout = 5 * 60;

    public void BulkInsertAll<T>(IEnumerable<T> entities)
        entities = entities.ToArray();

        string cs = Connection.ConnectionString;
        var conn = new SqlConnection(cs);

        Type t = typeof(T);

        var tableAttribute = (TableAttribute)t.GetCustomAttributes(
            typeof(TableAttribute), false).Single();
        var bulkCopy = new SqlBulkCopy(conn) { 
            DestinationTableName = tableAttribute.Name };

        var properties = t.GetProperties().Where(EventTypeFilter).ToArray();
        var table = new DataTable();

        foreach (var property in properties)
            Type propertyType = property.PropertyType;
            if (propertyType.IsGenericType &&
                propertyType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Nullable<>))
                propertyType = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(propertyType);

            table.Columns.Add(new DataColumn(property.Name, propertyType));

        foreach (var entity in entities)
              property => GetPropertyValue(
              property.GetValue(entity, null))).ToArray());


    private bool EventTypeFilter(System.Reflection.PropertyInfo p)
        var attribute = Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(p, 
            typeof (AssociationAttribute)) as AssociationAttribute;

        if (attribute == null) return true;
        if (attribute.IsForeignKey == false) return true; 

        return false;

    private object GetPropertyValue(object o)
        if (o == null)
            return DBNull.Value;
        return o;

How to fix the Hibernate "object references an unsaved transient instance - save the transient instance before flushing" error

If you're using Spring Data JPA then addition @Transactional annotation to your service implementation would solve the issue.

PersistentObjectException: detached entity passed to persist thrown by JPA and Hibernate

Removing child association cascading

So, you need to remove the @CascadeType.ALL from the @ManyToOne association. Child entities should not cascade to parent associations. Only parent entities should cascade to child entities.

@ManyToOne(fetch= FetchType.LAZY)

Notice that I set the fetch attribute to FetchType.LAZY because eager fetching is very bad for performance.

Setting both sides of the association

Whenever you have a bidirectional association, you need to synchronize both sides using addChild and removeChild methods in the parent entity:

public void addTransaction(Transaction transaction) {

public void removeTransaction(Transaction transaction) {

How to update only one field using Entity Framework?

I was looking for same and finally I found the solution

using (CString conn = new CString())
    USER user = conn.USERs.Find(CMN.CurrentUser.ID);
    user.PASSWORD = txtPass.Text;

believe me it work for me like a charm.

How to delete an object by id with entity framework

A smaller version (when compared to previous ones):

var customer = context.Find(id);

How to set a default entity property value with Hibernate

If you want a real database default value, use columnDefinition:

@Column(name = "myColumn", nullable = false, columnDefinition = "int default 100") 

Notice that the string in columnDefinition is database dependent. Also if you choose this option, you have to use dynamic-insert, so Hibernate doesn't include columns with null values on insert. Otherwise talking about default is irrelevant.

But if you don't want database default value, but simply a default value in your Java code, just initialize your variable like that - private Integer myColumn = 100;

org.hibernate.MappingException: Unknown entity: annotations.Users

Check the package name is given in the property packagesToScan in the dispatcher-servlet.xml

<bean id="sessionFactory"             class="org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.annotation.AnnotationSessionFactoryBean">  
        <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource" />  
        <property name="packagesToScan" value="**entity package name here**"></property> 
        <property name="hibernateProperties">  
                <prop key="hibernate.dialect">${hibernate.dialect}</prop>  
                <prop key="hibernate.show_sql">${hibernate.show_sql}</prop>  

What is the difference between persist() and merge() in JPA and Hibernate?

The most important difference is this:

  • In case of persist method, if the entity that is to be managed in the persistence context, already exists in persistence context, the new one is ignored. (NOTHING happened)

  • But in case of merge method, the entity that is already managed in persistence context will be replaced by the new entity (updated) and a copy of this updated entity will return back. (from now on any changes should be made on this returned entity if you want to reflect your changes in persistence context)

Show how many characters remaining in a HTML text box using JavaScript

Included below is a simple working JS/HTML implementation which updates the remaining characters properly when the input has been deleted.

Bootstrap and JQuery are required for the layout and functionality to match. (Tested on JQuery 2.1.1 as per the included code snippet).

Make sure you include the JS code such that it is loaded after the HTML. Message me if you have any questions.

Le Code:

$(document).ready(function() {_x000D_
  var len = 0;_x000D_
  var maxchar = 200;_x000D_
  $( '#my-input' ).keyup(function(){_x000D_
    len = this.value.length_x000D_
    if(len > maxchar){_x000D_
        return false;_x000D_
    else if (len > 0) {_x000D_
        $( "#remainingC" ).html( "Remaining characters: " +( maxchar - len ) );_x000D_
    else {_x000D_
        $( "#remainingC" ).html( "Remaining characters: " +( maxchar ) );_x000D_
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" integrity="sha384-BVYiiSIFeK1dGmJRAkycuHAHRg32OmUcww7on3RYdg4Va+PmSTsz/K68vbdEjh4u" crossorigin="anonymous">_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<script src="" integrity="sha384-Tc5IQib027qvyjSMfHjOMaLkfuWVxZxUPnCJA7l2mCWNIpG9mGCD8wGNIcPD7Txa" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>_x000D_
<div class="row">_x000D_
  <div class="col-sm-6 form-group">_x000D_
    <textarea placeholder="Enter the textarea input here.. (limited to 200 characters)" rows="3" class="form-control" name="my-name" id="my-input" maxlength="200"></textarea><span id='remainingC'></span>_x000D_
</div> <!--row-->

RegExp matching string not starting with my

Wouldn't it be significantly more readable to do a positive match and reject those strings - rather than match the negative to find strings to accept?


Invalid configuration object. Webpack has been initialised using a configuration object that does not match the API schema

I had the same issue and I resolved this by making some changes in my web.config.js file. FYI I am using the latest version of webpack and webpack-cli. This trick just saved my day. I have attached the example of mine web.config.js file before and after version.


module.exports = {
    resolve: {
        extensions: ['.js', '.jsx']
    entry: './index.js',
    output: {
         filename: 'bundle.js'
    module: {
        loaders : [
           { test: /\.js?/, loader: 'bable-loader', exclude: /node_modules/ }

After: I Just replaced loaders to rules in module object as you can see in my code snippet.

module.exports = {
    resolve: {
        extensions: ['.js', '.jsx']
    entry: './index.js',
    output: {
        filename: 'bundle.js'
    module: {
        rules : [
            { test: /\.js?/, loader: 'bable-loader', exclude: /node_modules/ }

Hopefully, This will help someone to get rid out of this issue.

View a specific Git commit

git show <revhash>

Documentation here. Or if that doesn't work, try Google Code's GIT Documentation

What is the coolest thing you can do in <10 lines of simple code? Help me inspire beginners!

I think a good place for a student to get started could be Greasemonkey. There are thousands of example scripts on, very good reading material, some of which are very small. Greasemonkey scripts affect web-pages, which the students will already be familiar with using, if not manipulating. Greasemonkey itself offers a very easy way to edit and enable/disable scripts while testing.

As an example, here is the "Google Two Columns" script:

result2 = '<table width="100%" align="center" cellpadding="10" style="font-size:12px">';
gEntry = document.evaluate("//li[@class='g'] | //div[@class='g'] | //li[@class='g w0'] | //li[@class='g s w0']",document,null,XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE,null);
for (var i = 0; i < gEntry.snapshotLength; i++) {
  if (i==0) { var sDiv = gEntry.snapshotItem(i).parentNode.parentNode; }
  if(i%2 == 0) { result2 += '<tr><td width="50%" valign="top">'+gEntry.snapshotItem(i).innerHTML+'</td>'; }
  if(i%2 == 1) { result2 += '<td width="50%" valign="top">'+gEntry.snapshotItem(i).innerHTML+'</td></tr>'; }
sDiv.innerHTML = result2+'</table>';

if (document.getElementById('mbEnd') !== null) { document.getElementById('mbEnd').style.display = 'none'; }

Displaying all table names in php from MySQL database

you need to assign the mysql_query to a variable (eg $result), then display this variable as you would a normal result from the database.

How to obtain the last index of a list?

the best and fast way to obtain last index of a list is using -1 for number of index , for example:

my_list = [0, 1, 'test', 2, 'hi']

out put is : 'hi'. index -1 in show you last index or first index of the end.

SQL Server - find nth occurrence in a string

You can try peeling the variable/array, assuming distinctness in your list

declare @array table   ----table of values
    id int identity(1,1)
    ,value nvarchar(max)
DECLARE @VALUE NVARCHAR(MAX)='val1_val2_val3_val4_val5_val6_val7'----string array
DECLARE @CURVAL NVARCHAR(MAX)     ---current value
DECLARE @DELIM NVARCHAR(1)='_'    ---delimiter
DECLARE @BREAKPT INT              ---current index of the delimiter 

        SET @BREAKPT=CHARINDEX(@DELIM,@VALUE)   ---set the current index
        If @BREAKPT<> 0                          ---index at 0 breaks the loop
                SET @CURVAL=SUBSTRING(@VALUE,1,@BREAKPT-1)                  ---current value
                set @VALUE=REPLACE(@VALUE,SUBSTRING(@VALUE,1,@BREAKPT),'')  ---current value and delimiter, replace
                insert into @array(value)                                   ---insert data 
                select @CURVAL
                SET @CURVAL=@VALUE                                          ---current value now last value
                insert into @array(value)                                   ---insert data
                select @CURVAL
                break                                                       ---break loop

select * from @array    ---find nth occurance given the id

How to list all the files in android phone by using adb shell?

This command will show also if the file is hidden adb shell ls -laR | grep filename

With Spring can I make an optional path variable?

Check this Spring 3 WebMVC - Optional Path Variables. It shows an article of making an extension to AntPathMatcher to enable optional path variables and might be of help. All credits to Sebastian Herold for posting the article.

Which is more efficient, a for-each loop, or an iterator?

The difference isn't in performance, but in capability. When using a reference directly you have more power over explicitly using a type of iterator (e.g. List.iterator() vs. List.listIterator(), although in most cases they return the same implementation). You also have the ability to reference the Iterator in your loop. This allows you to do things like remove items from your collection without getting a ConcurrentModificationException.


This is ok:

Set<Object> set = new HashSet<Object>();
// add some items to the set

Iterator<Object> setIterator = set.iterator();
     Object o =;
     if(o meets some condition){

This is not, as it will throw a concurrent modification exception:

Set<Object> set = new HashSet<Object>();
// add some items to the set

for(Object o : set){
     if(o meets some condition){

What static analysis tools are available for C#?

Axivion Bauhaus Suite is a static analysis tool that works with C# (as well as C, C++ and Java).

It provides the following capabilities:

  • Software Architecture Visualization (inlcuding dependencies)
  • Enforcement of architectural rules e.g. layering, subsystems, calling rules
  • Clone Detection - highlighting copy and pasted (and modified code)
  • Dead Code Detection
  • Cycle Detection
  • Software Metrics
  • Code Style Checks

These features can be run on a one-off basis or as part of a Continuous Integration process. Issues can be highlighted on a per project basis or per developer basis when the system is integrated with a source code control system.

Find the item with maximum occurrences in a list

My (simply) code (three months studying Python):

def more_frequent_item(lst):
    new_lst = []
    times = 0
    for item in lst:
        count_num = lst.count(item)
        times = max(new_lst)
    key = max(lst, key=lst.count)
    print("In the list: ")
    print("The most frequent item is " + str(key) + ". Appears " + str(times) + " times in this list.")

more_frequent_item([1, 2, 45, 55, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5456, 56, 6, 7, 67])

The output will be:

In the list: 
[1, 2, 45, 55, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5456, 56, 6, 7, 67]
The most frequent item is 4. Appears 6 times in this list.

How to make use of ng-if , ng-else in angularJS

There is no directive for ng-else

You can use ng-if to achieve if(){..} else{..} in angularJs.

For your current situation,

<div ng-if=" == 5">
<!-- If block -->
<div ng-if=" != 5">
<!-- Your Else Block -->

How do I make a C++ console program exit?

While you can call exit() (and may need to do so if your application encounters some fatal error), the cleanest way to exit a program is to return from main():

int main()
    // do whatever your program does

} // function returns and exits program

When you call exit(), objects with automatic storage duration (local variables) are not destroyed before the program terminates, so you don't get proper cleanup. Those objects might need to clean up any resources they own, persist any pending state changes, terminate any running threads, or perform other actions in order for the program to terminate cleanly.

How to empty a list?

it turns out that with python 2.5.2, del l[:] is slightly slower than l[:] = [] by 1.1 usec.

$ python -mtimeit "l=list(range(1000))" "b=l[:];del b[:]"
10000 loops, best of 3: 29.8 usec per loop
$ python -mtimeit "l=list(range(1000))" "b=l[:];b[:] = []"
10000 loops, best of 3: 28.7 usec per loop
$ python -V
Python 2.5.2

Disable cache for some images

I know this topic is old, but it ranks very well in Google. I found out that putting this in your header works well;

<meta Http-Equiv="Cache-Control" Content="no-cache">
<meta Http-Equiv="Pragma" Content="no-cache">
<meta Http-Equiv="Expires" Content="0">
<meta Http-Equiv="Pragma-directive: no-cache">
<meta Http-Equiv="Cache-directive: no-cache">

iPad Multitasking support requires these orientations

I am using Xamarin and there is no available option in the UI to specify "Requires full screen". I, therefore, had to follow @Michael Wang's answer with a slight modification. Here goes:

Open the info.plist file in a text editor and add the lines:


I tried setting the value to "YES" but it didn't work, which was kind of expected.

In case you are wondering, I placed the above lines below the UISupportedInterfaceOrientations section


Hope this helps someone. Credit to Michael.

Get TimeZone offset value from TimeZone without TimeZone name

ZoneId here = ZoneId.of("Europe/Kiev");
ZonedDateTime hereAndNow =;
String.format("%tz", hereAndNow);

will give you a standardized string representation like "+0300"

How to automatically insert a blank row after a group of data

This won't work if the data is not sequential (1 2 3 4 but 5 7 3 1 5) as in that case you can't sort it.

Here is how I solve that issue for me:

Column A initial data that needs to contain 5 rows between each number - 5 4 6 8 9

Column B - 1 2 3 4 5 (final number represents the number of empty rows that you need to be between numbers in column A) copy-paste 1-5 in column B as long as you have numbers in column A.

Jump to D column, in D1 type 1. In D2 type this formula - =IF(B2=1,1+D1,D1) Drag it to the same length as column B.

Back to Column C - at C1 cell type this formula - =IF(B1=1,INDIRECT("a"&(D1)),""). Drag it down and we done. Now in column C we have same sequence of numbers as in column A distributed separately by 4 rows.

Angularjs action on click of button

The calculation occurs immediately since the calculation call is bound in the template, which displays its result when quantity changes.

Instead you could try the following approach. Change your markup to the following:

<div ng-controller="myAppController" style="text-align:center">
  <p style="font-size:28px;">Enter Quantity:
      <input type="text" ng-model="quantity"/>
  <button ng-click="calculateQuantity()">Calculate</button>
  <h2>Total Cost: Rs.{{quantityResult}}</h2>

Next, update your controller:

myAppModule.controller('myAppController', function($scope,calculateService) {
  $scope.quantityResult = 0;

  $scope.calculateQuantity = function() {
    $scope.quantityResult = calculateService.calculate($scope.quantity, 10);

Here's a JSBin example that demonstrates the above approach.

The problem with this approach is the calculated result remains visible with the old value till the button is clicked. To address this, you could hide the result whenever the quantity changes.

This would involve updating the template to add an ng-change on the input, and an ng-if on the result:

<input type="text" ng-change="hideQuantityResult()" ng-model="quantity"/>


<h2 ng-if="showQuantityResult">Total Cost: Rs.{{quantityResult}}</h2>

In the controller add:

$scope.showQuantityResult = false;

$scope.calculateQuantity = function() {
  $scope.quantityResult = calculateService.calculate($scope.quantity, 10);
  $scope.showQuantityResult = true;

$scope.hideQuantityResult = function() {
  $scope.showQuantityResult = false;

These updates can be seen in this JSBin demo.

Why does GitHub recommend HTTPS over SSH?

Either you are quoting wrong or github has different recommendation on different pages or they may learned with time and updated their reco.

We strongly recommend using an SSH connection when interacting with GitHub. SSH keys are a way to identify trusted computers, without involving passwords. The steps below will walk you through generating an SSH key and then adding the public key to your GitHub account.

Using ResourceManager

in priciple it's the same idea as @Landeeyos. anyhow, expanding on that response: a bit late to the party but here are my two cents:


I have a unique case of adding some (roughly 28 text files) predefined, template files with my WPF application. So, the idea is that everytime this app is to be installed, these template, text files will be readily available for usage. anyhow, what I did was that made a seperate library to hold the files by adding a resource.resx. Then I added all those files to this resource file (if you double click a .resx file, its designer gets opened in visual studio). I had set the Access Modifier to public for all. Also, each file was marked as an embedded resource via the Build Action of each text file (you can get that by looking at its properties). let's call this bibliothek1.dll i referenced this above library (bibliothek1.dll) in another library (call it bibliothek2.dll) and then consumed this second library in mf wpf app.

actual fun:

        // embedded resource file name <i>with out extension</i>(this is vital!) 

        string fileWithoutExt = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName);

        // is required in the next step

        // without specifying the culture
        string wildFile = IamAResourceFile.ResourceManager.GetString(fileWithoutExt);

        // with culture
        string culturedFile = IamAResourceFile.ResourceManager.GetString(fileWithoutExt, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

sample: checkout 'testingresourcefilesusage' @

I hope it helps someone, some day, somewhere!

Could you explain STA and MTA?

I find the existing explanations too gobbledygook. Here's my explanation in plain English:

STA: If a thread creates a COM object that's set to STA (when calling CoCreateXXX you can pass a flag that sets the COM object to STA mode), then only this thread can access this COM object (that's what STA means - Single Threaded Apartment), other thread trying to call methods on this COM object is under the hood silently turned into delivering messages to the thread that creates(owns) the COM object. This is very much like the fact that only the thread that created a UI control can access it directly. And this mechanism is meant to prevent complicated lock/unlock operations.

MTA: If a thread creates a COM object that's set to MTA, then pretty much every thread can directly call methods on it.

That's pretty much the gist of it. Although technically there're some details I didn't mention, such as in the 'STA' paragraph, the creator thread must itself be STA. But this is pretty much all you have to know to understand STA/MTA/NA.

What are the differences between the different saving methods in Hibernate?

Here's my understanding of the methods. Mainly these are based on the API though as I don't use all of these in practice.

saveOrUpdate Calls either save or update depending on some checks. E.g. if no identifier exists, save is called. Otherwise update is called.

save Persists an entity. Will assign an identifier if one doesn't exist. If one does, it's essentially doing an update. Returns the generated ID of the entity.

update Attempts to persist the entity using an existing identifier. If no identifier exists, I believe an exception is thrown.

saveOrUpdateCopy This is deprecated and should no longer be used. Instead there is...

merge Now this is where my knowledge starts to falter. The important thing here is the difference between transient, detached and persistent entities. For more info on the object states, take a look here. With save & update, you are dealing with persistent objects. They are linked to a Session so Hibernate knows what has changed. But when you have a transient object, there is no session involved. In these cases you need to use merge for updates and persist for saving.

persist As mentioned above, this is used on transient objects. It does not return the generated ID.

How to create a String with carriage returns?

Try \r\n where \r is carriage return. Also ensure that your output do not have new line, because debugger can show you special characters in form of \n, \r, \t etc.

What is so bad about singletons?

Firstly a class and its collaborators should firstly perform their intended purpose rather than focusing on dependents. Lifecycle management (when instances are created and when they go out of scope) should not be part of the classes responsibility. The accepted best practice for this is to craft or configure a new component to manage dependencies using dependency injection.

Often software gets more complicated it makes sense to have multiple independent instances of the Singleton class with different state. Committing code to simply grab the singleton is wrong in such cases. Using Singleton.getInstance() might be ok for small simple systems but it doesn't work/scale when one might need a different instance of the same class.

No class should be thought of as a singleton but rather that should be an application of it's usage or how it is used to configure dependents. For a quick and nasty this does not matter - just luke hard coding say file paths does not matter but for bigger applications such dependencies need to be factored out and managed in more appropriate way using DI.

The problems that singleton cause in testing is a symptom of their hard coded single usage case/environment. The test suite and the many tests are each individual and separate something that is not compatible with hard coding a singleton.

Multiple commands on a single line in a Windows batch file


echo %time% & dir & echo %time%

This is, from memory, equivalent to the semi-colon separator in bash and other UNIXy shells.

There's also && (or ||) which only executes the second command if the first succeeded (or failed), but the single ampersand & is what you're looking for here.

That's likely to give you the same time however since environment variables tend to be evaluated on read rather than execute.

You can get round this by turning on delayed expansion:

pax> cmd /v:on /c "echo !time! & ping >nul: & echo !time!"

That's needed from the command line. If you're doing this inside a script, you can just use setlocal:

@setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
@echo off
echo !time! & ping >nul: & echo !time!

Target class controller does not exist - Laravel 8

For solution just uncomment line 29:

**protected $namespace = 'App\\Http\\Controllers';**

in 'app\Providers\RouteServiceProvider.php' file.

just uncomment line 29

How can I install Python's pip3 on my Mac?

You could use Homebrew.

Then just run:

brew install python3

HTML form action and onsubmit issues


onsubmit="return checkRegistration()"

Hex to ascii string conversion

you need to take 2 (hex) chars at the same time... then calculate the int value and after that make the char conversion like...

char d = (char)intValue;

do this for every 2chars in the hex string

this works if the string chars are only 0-9A-F:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int hex_to_int(char c){
        int first = c / 16 - 3;
        int second = c % 16;
        int result = first*10 + second;
        if(result > 9) result--;
        return result;

int hex_to_ascii(char c, char d){
        int high = hex_to_int(c) * 16;
        int low = hex_to_int(d);
        return high+low;

int main(){
        const char* st = "48656C6C6F3B";
        int length = strlen(st);
        int i;
        char buf = 0;
        for(i = 0; i < length; i++){
                if(i % 2 != 0){
                        printf("%c", hex_to_ascii(buf, st[i]));
                        buf = st[i];

Open links in new window using AngularJS

I wrote a small gist which I think can be very helpful to anybody seeking a solution to that problem: external link

What it does is it adds target="_blank" attributes to anchor elements that would link to a domain different than the current one. You can patch it up to whatever you see fit.

C++ Compare char array with string

There is more stable function, also gets rid of string folding.

// Add to C++ source
bool string_equal (const char* arg0, const char* arg1)
     * This function wraps string comparison with string pointers
     * (and also works around 'string folding', as I said).
     * Converts pointers to std::string
     * for make use of string equality operator (==).
     * Parameters use 'const' for prevent possible object corruption.
    std::string var0 = (std::string) arg0;
    std::string var1 = (std::string) arg1;
    if (var0 == var1)
        return true;
        return false;

And add declaration to header

// Parameters use 'const' for prevent possible object corruption.
bool string_equal (const char* arg0, const char* arg1);

For usage, just place an 'string_equal' call as condition of if (or ternary) statement/block.

if (string_equal (var1, "dev"))
    // It is equal, do what needed here.
    // It is not equal, do what needed here (optional).

Source: sinatramultimedia/fl32 codec (it's written by myself)

Count the number of occurrences of each letter in string

Like this:

int counts[26];
memset(counts, 0, sizeof(counts));
char *p = string;
while (*p) {
    counts[tolower(*p++) - 'a']++;

This code assumes that the string is null-terminated, and that it contains only characters a through z or A through Z, inclusive.

To understand how this works, recall that after conversion tolower each letter has a code between a and z, and that the codes are consecutive. As the result, tolower(*p) - 'a' evaluates to a number from 0 to 25, inclusive, representing the letter's sequential number in the alphabet.

This code combines ++ and *p to shorten the program.

Python argparse command line flags without arguments

Here's a quick way to do it, won't require anything besides sys.. though functionality is limited:

flag = "--flag" in sys.argv[1:]

[1:] is in case if the full file name is --flag

Return list using select new in LINQ

try this solution for me its working

     public List<ProjectInfo> GetProjectForCombo()
    using (MyDataContext db = new MyDataContext 
        return  (from pro in db.Projects
                    select new { query  }.query).ToList();

How to run bootRun with spring profile via gradle task

Spring Boot v2 Gradle plugin docs provide an answer:

6.1. Passing arguments to your application

Like all JavaExec tasks, arguments can be passed into bootRun from the command line using --args='<arguments>' when using Gradle 4.9 or later.

To run server with active profile set to dev:

$ ./gradlew bootRun --args=''

Composer update memory limit

  • Go to your php ini file
  • set memory_limit = -1

How to redirect to Index from another controller?

Use the overloads that take the controller name too...

return RedirectToAction("Index", "MyController");


@Html.ActionLink("Link Name","Index", "MyController", null, null)

How do I handle newlines in JSON?

You might want to look into this C# function to escape the string:

public static string Enquote(string s)  
    if (s == null || s.Length == 0)  
        return "\"\""; 
    char         c; 
    int          i; 
    int          len = s.Length; 
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(len + 4); 
    string       t; 

    for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1)  
        c = s[i]; 
        if ((c == '\\') || (c == '"') || (c == '>')) 
        else if (c == '\b') 
        else if (c == '\t') 
        else if (c == '\n') 
        else if (c == '\f') 
        else if (c == '\r') 
            if (c < ' ')  
                //t = "000" + Integer.toHexString(c); 
                string t = new string(c,1); 
                t = "000" + int.Parse(tmp,System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber); 
                sb.Append("\\u" + t.Substring(t.Length - 4)); 
    return sb.ToString(); 

Counting number of occurrences in column?

A simpler approach to this

At the beginning of column B, type


Then in column C, use


and copy them in all row column C.

Edit: If that doesn't work for you, try using semicolon instead of comma:


Overlay a background-image with an rgba background-color

/* Working method */_x000D_
.tinted-image {_x000D_
  background: _x000D_
    /* top, transparent red, faked with gradient */ _x000D_
      rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.45), _x000D_
      rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.45)_x000D_
    /* bottom, image */_x000D_
    height: 1280px;_x000D_
    width: 960px;_x000D_
    background-size: cover;_x000D_
.tinted-image p {_x000D_
    color: #fff;_x000D_
    padding: 100px;_x000D_
<div class="tinted-image">_x000D_
  <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Laboriosam distinctio, temporibus tempora a eveniet quas  qui veritatis sunt perferendis harum!</p>_x000D_


How to automatically crop and center an image

One solution is to use a background image centered within an element sized to the cropped dimensions.

Basic example

.center-cropped {_x000D_
  width: 100px;_x000D_
  height: 100px;_x000D_
  background-position: center center;_x000D_
  background-repeat: no-repeat;_x000D_
<div class="center-cropped" _x000D_
     style="background-image: url('');">_x000D_

Example with img tag

This version retains the img tag so that we do not lose the ability to drag or right-click to save the image. Credit to Parker Bennett for the opacity trick.

.center-cropped {_x000D_
  width: 100px;_x000D_
  height: 100px;_x000D_
  background-position: center center;_x000D_
  background-repeat: no-repeat;_x000D_
  overflow: hidden;_x000D_
/* Set the image to fill its parent and make transparent */_x000D_
.center-cropped img {_x000D_
  min-height: 100%;_x000D_
  min-width: 100%;_x000D_
  /* IE 8 */_x000D_
  -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=0)";_x000D_
  /* IE 5-7 */_x000D_
  filter: alpha(opacity=0);_x000D_
  /* modern browsers */_x000D_
  opacity: 0;_x000D_
<div class="center-cropped" _x000D_
     style="background-image: url('');">_x000D_
  <img src="" />_x000D_


See supported browsers.

The CSS3 Images specification defines the object-fit and object-position properties which together allow for greater control over the scale and position of the image content of an img element. With these, it will be possible to achieve the desired effect:

.center-cropped {_x000D_
  object-fit: none; /* Do not scale the image */_x000D_
  object-position: center; /* Center the image within the element */_x000D_
  height: 100px;_x000D_
  width: 100px;_x000D_
<img class="center-cropped" src="" />

How to watch and reload ts-node when TypeScript files change

Add "watch": "nodemon --exec ts-node -- ./src/index.ts" to scripts section of your package.json.

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/fasterxml/jackson/core/JsonFactory

Because of old version I got this error. Then I changed to this version n error gone Using maven my pom.xml



my old version was '2.2.3'

Start redis-server with config file

I think that you should make the reference to your config file

26399:C 16 Jan 08:51:13.413 # Warning: no config file specified, using the default config. In order to specify a config file use ./redis-server /path/to/redis.conf

you can try to start your redis server like

./redis-server /path/to/redis-stable/redis.conf

List tables in a PostgreSQL schema

For those coming across this in the future:

If you would like to see a list of relations for several schemas:

$psql mydatabase
mydatabase=# SET search_path TO public, usa;   #schema examples
mydatabase=# \dt
              List of relations
 Schema |      Name       | Type  |  Owner
 public | counties        | table | postgres
 public | spatial_ref_sys | table | postgres
 public | states          | table | postgres
 public | us_cities       | table | postgres
 usa    | census2010      | table | postgres

concatenate two database columns into one resultset column

Just Cast Column As Varchar(Size)

If both Column are numeric then use code below.


Select (Cast(Col1 as Varchar(20)) + '-' + Cast(Col2 as Varchar(20))) As Col3 from Table

What will be the size of col3 it will be 40 or something else

How to disable or enable viewpager swiping in android

This worked for me.

   ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener onPageChangeListener = new ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener() {
        public void onPageScrolled(int position, float positionOffset, int positionOffsetPixels) {
            // disable swipe
            if(!swipeEnabled) {
                if (viewPager.getAdapter().getCount()>1) {
        public void onPageScrollStateChanged(int state) {}
        public void onPageSelected(int position) {}

PHP String to Float

$rootbeer = (float) $InvoicedUnits;

Should do it for you. Check out Type-Juggling. You should also read String conversion to Numbers.

jQuery DataTable overflow and text-wrapping issues

I'm way late here, but after reading @Greg Pettit's answer and a couple of blogs or other SO questions I unfortunately can't remember I decided to just make a couple of dataTables plugins to deal with this.

I put them on bitbucket in a Mercurial repo. I follwed the fnSetFilteringDelay plugin and just changed the comments and code inside, as I've never made a plugin for anything before. I made 2, and feel free to use them, contribute to them, or provide suggestions.

  • dataTables.TruncateCells - truncates each cell in a column down to a set number of characters, replacing the last 3 with an ellipses, and puts the full pre-truncated text in the cell's title attributed.

  • dataTables.BreakCellText - attempts to insert a break character every X, user defined, characters in each cell in the column. There are quirks regarding cells that contain both spaces and hyphens, you can get some weird looking results (like a couple of characters straggling after the last inserted
    character). Maybe someone can make that more robust, or you can just fiddle with the breakPos for the column to make it look alright with your data.

Scheduled run of stored procedure on SQL server

Using Management Studio - you may create a Job (unter SQL Server Agent) One Job may include several Steps from T-SQL scripts up to SSIS Packages

Jeb was faster ;)

How Can I Override Style Info from a CSS Class in the Body of a Page?

  • Id's are prior to classnames.
  • Tag attribue 'style=' is prior to CSS selectors.
  • !important word is prior to first two rules.
  • More specific CSS selectors are prior to less specific. More specific will be applied.

for example:

  • .divclass .spanclass is more specific than .spanclass
  • .divclass.divclass is more specific than .divclass
  • #divId .spanclass has ID that's why it is more specific than .divClass .spanClass
  • <div id="someDiv" style="color:red;"> has attribute and beats #someDiv{color:blue}
  • style: #someDiv{color:blue!important} will be applied over attribute style="color:red"

jQuery: more than one handler for same event

Made it work successfully using the 2 methods: Stephan202's encapsulation and multiple event listeners. I have 3 search tabs, let's define their input text id's in an Array:

var ids = new Array("searchtab1", "searchtab2", "searchtab3");

When the content of searchtab1 changes, I want to update searchtab2 and searchtab3. Did it this way for encapsulation:

for (var i in ids) {
    $("#" + ids[i]).change(function() {
        for (var j in ids) {
            if (this != ids[j]) {
                $("#" + ids[j]).val($(this).val());

Multiple event listeners:

for (var i in ids) {
    for (var j in ids) {
        if (ids[i] != ids[j]) {
            $("#" + ids[i]).change(function() {
                $("#" + ids[j]).val($(this).val());

I like both methods, but the programmer chose encapsulation, however multiple event listeners worked also. We used Chrome to test it.

@ViewChild in *ngIf

Just make sur that the static option is set to false

  @ViewChild('contentPlaceholder', {static: false}) contentPlaceholder: ElementRef;

Start service in Android

startService(new Intent(this, MyService.class));

Just writing this line was not sufficient for me. Service still did not work. Everything had worked only after registering service at manifest

    android:label="@string/app_name" >


        android:label="My Service" >

Git On Custom SSH Port

Above answers are nice and great, but not clear for new git users like me. So after some investigation, i offer this new answer.

1 what's the problem with the ssh config file way?

When the config file does not exists, you can create one. Besides port the config file can include other ssh config option:user IdentityFile and so on, the config file looks like

    User git
    Port 12345

If you are running linux, take care the config file must have strict permission: read/write for the user, and not accessible by others

2 what about the ssh url way?

It's cool, the only thing we should know is that there two syntaxes for ssh url in git

  • standard syntax ssh://[user@]host.xz[:port]/path/to/repo.git/
  • scp like syntax [user@]host.xz:path/to/repo.git/

By default Gitlab and Github will show the scp like syntax url, and we can not give the custom ssh port. So in order to change ssh port, we need use the standard syntax

xxxxxx.exe is not a valid Win32 application

There are at least two solutions:

  1. You need Visual Studio 2010 installed, then from Visual Studio 2010, View -> Solution Explorer -> Right Click on your project -> Choose Properties from the context menu, you'll get the windows "your project name" Property Pages -> Configuration Properties -> General -> Platform toolset, choose "Visual Studio 2010 (v100)".
  2. You need the Visual Studio 2012 Update 1 described in Windows XP Targeting with C++ in Visual Studio 2012

jQuery’s .bind() vs. .on()

Internally, .bind maps directly to .on in the current version of jQuery. (The same goes for .live.) So there is a tiny but practically insignificant performance hit if you use .bind instead.

However, .bind may be removed from future versions at any time. There is no reason to keep using .bind and every reason to prefer .on instead.

Group by with multiple columns using lambda

     class Element
            public string Company;        
            public string TypeOfInvestment;
            public decimal Worth;

   class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
         List<Element> elements = new List<Element>()
                new Element { Company = "JPMORGAN CHASE",TypeOfInvestment = "Stocks", Worth = 96983 },
                new Element { Company = "AMER TOWER CORP",TypeOfInvestment = "Securities", Worth = 17141 },
                new Element { Company = "ORACLE CORP",TypeOfInvestment = "Assets", Worth = 59372 },
                new Element { Company = "PEPSICO INC",TypeOfInvestment = "Assets", Worth = 26516 },
                new Element { Company = "PROCTER & GAMBL",TypeOfInvestment = "Stocks", Worth = 387050 },
                new Element { Company = "QUASLCOMM INC",TypeOfInvestment = "Bonds", Worth = 196811 },
                new Element { Company = "UTD TECHS CORP",TypeOfInvestment = "Bonds", Worth = 257429 },
                new Element { Company = "WELLS FARGO-NEW",TypeOfInvestment = "Bank Account", Worth = 106600 },
                new Element { Company = "FEDEX CORP",TypeOfInvestment = "Stocks", Worth = 103955 },
                new Element { Company = "CVS CAREMARK CP",TypeOfInvestment = "Securities", Worth = 171048 },

            //Group by on multiple column in LINQ (Query Method)
            var query = from e in elements
                        group e by new{e.TypeOfInvestment,e.Company} into eg
                        select new {eg.Key.TypeOfInvestment, eg.Key.Company, Points = eg.Sum(rl => rl.Worth)};

            foreach (var item in query)
                Console.WriteLine(item.TypeOfInvestment.PadRight(20) + " " + item.Points.ToString());

            //Group by on multiple column in LINQ (Lambda Method)
            var CompanyDetails =elements.GroupBy(s => new { s.Company, s.TypeOfInvestment})
                               .Select(g =>
                                                company = g.Key.Company,
                                                TypeOfInvestment = g.Key.TypeOfInvestment,            
                                                Balance = g.Sum(x => Math.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(x.Worth), 2)),
            foreach (var item in CompanyDetails)
                Console.WriteLine(item.TypeOfInvestment.PadRight(20) + " " + item.Balance.ToString());


Setting dynamic scope variables in AngularJs - scope.<some_string>

Please keep in mind: this is just a JavaScript thing and has nothing to do with Angular JS. So don't be confused about the magical '$' sign ;)

The main problem is that this is an hierarchical structure.

console.log($;  // <-- Nope! This is undefined.
=> a.b.c

This is undefined because "$" is not existing but the term above want to solve "meaning".

A solution should be

var the_string = 'lifeMeaning';
$scope[the_string] = 42;

or with a little more efford.

var the_string_level_one = 'life';
var the_string_level_two = the_string_level_one + '.meaning';
$scope[the_string_level_two ] = 42;
console.log($scope['the_string_level_two ']);

Since you can access a structural objecte with

var a = {};
a.b = "ab";
console.log(a.b === a['b']);

There are several good tutorials about this which guide you well through the fun with JavaScript.

There is something about the


Go and search the web for 'angular $apply' and you will find information about the $apply function. And you should use is wisely more this way (if you are not alreay with a $apply phase).

$scope.$apply(function (){

Change CSS class properties with jQuery

Here's a bit of an improvement on the excellent answer provided by Mathew Wolf. This one appends the main container as a style tag to the head element and appends each new class to that style tag. a little more concise and I find it works well.

function changeCss(className, classValue) {
    var cssMainContainer = $('#css-modifier-container');

    if (cssMainContainer.length == 0) {
        var cssMainContainer = $('<style id="css-modifier-container"></style>');

    cssMainContainer.append(className + " {" + classValue + "}\n");

How do I add images in laravel view?

You should store your images, css and JS files in a public directory. To create a link to any of them, use asset() helper:

{{ asset('img/myimage.png') }}

As alternative, you could use amazing Laravel Collective package for building forms and HTML elements, so your code will look like this:

{{ HTML::image('img/myimage.png', 'a picture') }}

Detecting iOS orientation change instantly

For my case handling UIDeviceOrientationDidChangeNotification was not good solution as it is called more frequent and UIDeviceOrientation is not always equal to UIInterfaceOrientation because of (FaceDown, FaceUp).

I handle it using UIApplicationDidChangeStatusBarOrientationNotification:

//To add the notification
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(didChangeOrientation:)

//to remove the
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]removeObserver:self name:UIDeviceOrientationDidChangeNotification object:nil];


- (void)didChangeOrientation:(NSNotification *)notification
    UIInterfaceOrientation orientation = [UIApplication sharedApplication].statusBarOrientation;

    if (UIInterfaceOrientationIsLandscape(orientation)) {
    else {

Unable to execute dex: Multiple dex files define Lcom/myapp/R$array;

I resolved this issue in my project by deleting a library:

Reason: I included a library-project in my project, and mistakenly did not removed the previous lib from my project, so when I was running the project then same library dex files were generating twice, when I removed the same-library from lib folder of my project, the error gone away and build was created successfully, I hope others may face the same issue.

c++ boost split string

The problem is somewhere else in your code, because this works:

string line("test\ttest2\ttest3");
vector<string> strs;

cout << "* size of the vector: " << strs.size() << endl;    
for (size_t i = 0; i < strs.size(); i++)
    cout << strs[i] << endl;

and testing your approach, which uses a vector iterator also works:

string line("test\ttest2\ttest3");
vector<string> strs;

cout << "* size of the vector: " << strs.size() << endl;
for (vector<string>::iterator it = strs.begin(); it != strs.end(); ++it)
    cout << *it << endl;

Again, your problem is somewhere else. Maybe what you think is a \t character on the string, isn't. I would fill the code with debugs, starting by monitoring the insertions on the vector to make sure everything is being inserted the way its supposed to be.


* size of the vector: 3

libxml/tree.h no such file or directory

I found that with xCode 4.3.2 I had to enter $(SDKROOT)/usr/include/libxml2 into the Header Search field rather than simply /usr/include/libxml2

fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'libboost_system-vc110-mt-gd-1_51.lib'

I had the same problem and my mistake was that I had installed the binary boost_1_55_0-msvc-11.0-32.exe to use with visual c++ 2010 which has the version v100 (project properties->ConfiguratioProperties->General->platformTooset) not v110 as visual c++ 2012. So I dowloaded boost_1_55_0-msvc-10.0-32.exe and now everything is ok so far.

What are App Domains in Facebook Apps?

It's simply the domain that your "facebook" application (wich means application visible on facebook but hosted on the website will be hosted. So you can put App Domain =

How to clear the cache in NetBeans

I'll just add that I have tried to resolve reference problems caused by a missing library in the cache, and deleting the cache was not enough to solve the problem.

I closed NetBeans (7.2.1), deleted the cache, then reopened NetBeans, and it regenerated the cache, but the library was still missing (checked by looking in .../Cache/7.2.1/index/

To resolve the problem I had to close my open projects before closing NetBeans and deleting the cache.

Iterate through Nested JavaScript Objects

Here is a concise breadth-first iterative solution, which I prefer to recursion:

const findCar = function(car) {
    const carSearch = [cars];

      while(carSearch.length) {
          let item = carSearch.shift();
          if (item.label === car) return true;

      return false;

How to check if a string array contains one string in JavaScript?

Create this function prototype:

Array.prototype.contains = function ( needle ) {
   for (i in this) {
      if (this[i] == needle) return true;
   return false;

and then you can use following code to search in array x

if (x.contains('searchedString')) {
    // do a
      // do b

Reload chart data via JSON with Highcharts

If you are using push to push the data to the option.series dynamically .. just use

options.series = [];  

to clear it.

options.series = [];

return in for loop or outside loop

The code is valid (i.e, will compile and execute) in both cases.

One of my lecturers at Uni told us that it is not desirable to have continue, return statements in any loop - for or while. The reason for this is that when examining the code, it is not not immediately clear whether the full length of the loop will be executed or the return or continue will take effect.

See Why is continue inside a loop a bad idea? for an example.

The key point to keep in mind is that for simple scenarios like this it doesn't (IMO) matter but when you have complex logic determining the return value, the code is 'generally' more readable if you have a single return statement instead of several.

With regards to the Garbage Collection - I have no idea why this would be an issue.

Remote JMX connection

To enable JMX remote, pass below VM parameters along with JAVA Command.                          

Failed to enable constraints. One or more rows contain values violating non-null, unique, or foreign-key constraints

If you are using visual studio dataset designer to get the data table, and it is throwing an error 'Failed to Enable constraints'. I've faced the same problem, try to preview the data from the dataset designer itself and match it with table inside your database.

The best way to solve this issue is to delete the table adapter and create a new one instead.

How do I auto size columns through the Excel interop objects?

Add this at your TODO point:


Using Mockito to test abstract classes

Mocking frameworks are designed to make it easier to mock out dependencies of the class you are testing. When you use a mocking framework to mock a class, most frameworks dynamically create a subclass, and replace the method implementation with code for detecting when a method is called and returning a fake value.

When testing an abstract class, you want to execute the non-abstract methods of the Subject Under Test (SUT), so a mocking framework isn't what you want.

Part of the confusion is that the answer to the question you linked to said to hand-craft a mock that extends from your abstract class. I wouldn't call such a class a mock. A mock is a class that is used as a replacement for a dependency, is programmed with expectations, and can be queried to see if those expectations are met.

Instead, I suggest defining a non-abstract subclass of your abstract class in your test. If that results in too much code, than that may be a sign that your class is difficult to extend.

An alternative solution would be to make your test case itself abstract, with an abstract method for creating the SUT (in other words, the test case would use the Template Method design pattern).

How do you make a HTTP request with C++?

Here is my minimal wrapper around cURL to be able just to fetch a webpage as a string. This is useful, for example, for unit testing. It is basically a RAII wrapper around the C code.

Install "libcurl" on your machine yum install libcurl libcurl-devel or equivalent.

Usage example:

CURLplusplus client;
string x = client.Get("");
string y = client.Get("");

Class implementation:

#include <curl/curl.h>

class CURLplusplus
    CURL* curl;
    stringstream ss;
    long http_code;
            : curl(curl_easy_init())
    , http_code(0)

        if (curl) curl_easy_cleanup(curl);
    std::string Get(const std::string& url)
        CURLcode res;
        curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, url.c_str());
        curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1L);
        curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, write_data);
        curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, this);

        http_code = 0;
        res = curl_easy_perform(curl);
        if (res != CURLE_OK)
            throw std::runtime_error(curl_easy_strerror(res));
        curl_easy_getinfo(curl, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &http_code);
        return ss.str();
    long GetHttpCode()
        return http_code;
    static size_t write_data(void *buffer, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *userp)
        return static_cast<CURLplusplus*>(userp)->Write(buffer,size,nmemb);
    size_t Write(void *buffer, size_t size, size_t nmemb)
        ss.write((const char*)buffer,size*nmemb);
        return size*nmemb;

long long int vs. long int vs. int64_t in C++

You don't need to go to 64-bit to see something like this. Consider int32_t on common 32-bit platforms. It might be typedef'ed as int or as a long, but obviously only one of the two at a time. int and long are of course distinct types.

It's not hard to see that there is no workaround which makes int == int32_t == long on 32-bit systems. For the same reason, there's no way to make long == int64_t == long long on 64-bit systems.

If you could, the possible consequences would be rather painful for code that overloaded foo(int), foo(long) and foo(long long) - suddenly they'd have two definitions for the same overload?!

The correct solution is that your template code usually should not be relying on a precise type, but on the properties of that type. The whole same_type logic could still be OK for specific cases:

long foo(long x);
std::tr1::disable_if(same_type(int64_t, long), int64_t)::type foo(int64_t);

I.e., the overload foo(int64_t) is not defined when it's exactly the same as foo(long).

[edit] With C++11, we now have a standard way to write this:

long foo(long x);
std::enable_if<!std::is_same<int64_t, long>::value, int64_t>::type foo(int64_t);

[edit] Or C++20

long foo(long x);
int64_t foo(int64_t) requires (!std::is_same_v<int64_t, long>);

List all files from a directory recursively with Java

One more example of listing files and directories using Java 8 filter

public static void main(String[] args) {

        try {
                    .filter(c ->

        } catch (IOException e) {
        System.out.println("No jpeg or jpg files");

        try {

        } catch (IOException e) {
            System.out.println("No Jpeg files");

Get an object attribute

To access field or method of an object use dot .:

user = User()
print user.fullName

If a name of the field will be defined at run time, use buildin getattr function:

field_name = "fullName"
print getattr(user, field_name) # prints content of user.fullName

Check if ADODB connection is open

ADO Recordset has .State property, you can check if its value is adStateClosed or adStateOpen

If Not (rs Is Nothing) Then
  If (rs.State And adStateOpen) = adStateOpen Then rs.Close
  Set rs = Nothing
End If

MSDN about State property

Edit; The reason not to check .State against 1 or 0 is because even if it works 99.99% of the time, it is still possible to have other flags set which will cause the If statement fail the adStateOpen check.


For Late binding without the ActiveX Data Objects referenced, you have few options. Use the value of adStateOpen constant from ObjectStateEnum

If Not (rs Is Nothing) Then
  If (rs.State And 1) = 1 Then rs.Close
  Set rs = Nothing
End If

Or you can define the constant yourself to make your code more readable (defining them all for a good example.)

Const adStateClosed As Long = 0 'Indicates that the object is closed.
Const adStateOpen As Long = 1 'Indicates that the object is open.
Const adStateConnecting As Long = 2 'Indicates that the object is connecting.
Const adStateExecuting As Long = 4 'Indicates that the object is executing a command.
Const adStateFetching As Long = 8 'Indicates that the rows of the object are being retrieved.    


If Not (rs Is Nothing) Then

    ' ex. If (0001 And 0001) = 0001 (only open flag) -> true
    ' ex. If (1001 And 0001) = 0001 (open and retrieve) -> true
    '    This second example means it is open, but its value is not 1
    '    and If rs.State = 1 -> false, even though it is open
    If (rs.State And adStateOpen) = adStateOpen Then 
    End If

    Set rs = Nothing
End If

Horizontal Scroll Table in Bootstrap/CSS

@Ciwan. You're right. The table goes to full width (much too wide). Not a good solution. Better to do this:


.scrollme {
    overflow-x: auto;


<div class="scrollme">                        
  <table class="table table-responsive"> ...

Edit: changing scroll-y to scroll-x

regular expression for Indian mobile numbers

This is worked for me using JAVA script for chrome extension.

document.body.innerHTML = myFunction();
function myFunction()
    var phonedef = new RegExp("(?:(?:\\+|0{0,2})91(\\s*[\\- ]\\s*)?|[0 ]?)?[789]\\d{9}|(\\d[ -]?){10}\\d", "g");

    var str = document.body.innerHTML; 
    var res = str.replace(phonedef, function myFunction(x){return "<a href='tel:"+x.replace( /(\s|-)/g, "")+"'>"+x+"</a>";});

    return res;

This covers following numbers pattern


0 9883443344 

91 8834433441 
91 -9883443344 
91- 9883443344 
91 - 9883443344 
91 -9883443344

+91 8834433441 
+91 -9883443344 
+91- 9883443344 
+91 - 9883443344 
+91 -9883443344

0091 - 8834433440 
080 25478965 

Dependency Walker reports IESHIMS.DLL and WER.DLL missing?

ieshims.dll is an artefact of Vista/7 where a shim DLL is used to proxy certain calls (such as CreateProcess) to handle protected mode IE, which doesn't exist on XP, so it is unnecessary. wer.dll is related to Windows Error Reporting and again is probably unused on Windows XP which has a slightly different error reporting system than Vista and above.

I would say you shouldn't need either of them to be present on XP and would normally be delay loaded anyway.

How to calculate the SVG Path for an arc (of a circle)

This is an old question, but I found the code useful and saved me three minutes of thinking :) So I am adding a small expansion to @opsb's answer.

If you wanted to convert this arc into a slice (to allow for fill) we can modify the code slightly:

function describeArc(x, y, radius, spread, startAngle, endAngle){_x000D_
    var innerStart = polarToCartesian(x, y, radius, endAngle);_x000D_
   var innerEnd = polarToCartesian(x, y, radius, startAngle);_x000D_
    var outerStart = polarToCartesian(x, y, radius + spread, endAngle);_x000D_
    var outerEnd = polarToCartesian(x, y, radius + spread, startAngle);_x000D_
    var largeArcFlag = endAngle - startAngle <= 180 ? "0" : "1";_x000D_
    var d = [_x000D_
        "M", outerStart.x, outerStart.y,_x000D_
        "A", radius + spread, radius + spread, 0, largeArcFlag, 0, outerEnd.x, outerEnd.y,_x000D_
        "L", innerEnd.x, innerEnd.y, _x000D_
        "A", radius, radius, 0, largeArcFlag, 1, innerStart.x, innerStart.y, _x000D_
        "L", outerStart.x, outerStart.y, "Z"_x000D_
    ].join(" ");_x000D_
    return d;_x000D_
function polarToCartesian(centerX, centerY, radius, angleInDegrees) {_x000D_
  var angleInRadians = (angleInDegrees-90) * Math.PI / 180.0;_x000D_
  return {_x000D_
    x: centerX + (radius * Math.cos(angleInRadians)),_x000D_
    y: centerY + (radius * Math.sin(angleInRadians))_x000D_
var path = describeArc(150, 150, 50, 30, 0, 50)_x000D_
document.getElementById("p").innerHTML = path_x000D_
<p id="p">_x000D_
<svg width="300" height="300" style="border:1px gray solid">_x000D_
  <path id="path" fill="blue" stroke="cyan"></path>_x000D_

and there you go!

How to change navigation bar color in iOS 7 or 6?

I'm not sure about changing the tint vs the background color but this is how you change the tint color of the Navigation Bar:

Try this code..

[navigationController.navigationBar setTintColor:[UIColor redColor]; //Red as an example.

How to debug .htaccess RewriteRule not working

To answer the first question of the three asked, a simple way to see if the .htaccess file is working or not is to trigger a custom error at the top of the .htaccess file:

ErrorDocument 200 "Hello. This is your .htaccess file talking."
RewriteRule ^ - [L,R=200]

On to your second question, if the .htaccess file is not being read it is possible that the server's main Apache configuration has AllowOverride set to None. Apache's documentation has troubleshooting tips for that and other cases that may be preventing the .htaccess from taking effect.

Finally, to answer your third question, if you need to debug specific variables you are referencing in your rewrite rule or are using an expression that you want to evaluate independently of the rule you can do the following:

Output the variable you are referencing to make sure it has the value you are expecting:

ErrorDocument 200 "Request: %{THE_REQUEST} Referrer: %{HTTP_REFERER} Host: %{HTTP_HOST}"
RewriteRule ^ - [L,R=200]

Test the expression independently by putting it in an <If> Directive. This allows you to make sure your expression is written properly or matching when you expect it to:

<If "%{REQUEST_URI} =~ /word$/">
    ErrorDocument 200 "Your expression is priceless!"
    RewriteRule ^ - [L,R=200]

Happy .htaccess debugging!


You have to deal with the exception at commit time and repeat the transaction.

What is the proper way to URL encode Unicode characters?

I would always encode in UTF-8. From the Wikipedia page on percent encoding:

The generic URI syntax mandates that new URI schemes that provide for the representation of character data in a URI must, in effect, represent characters from the unreserved set without translation, and should convert all other characters to bytes according to UTF-8, and then percent-encode those values. This requirement was introduced in January 2005 with the publication of RFC 3986. URI schemes introduced before this date are not affected.

It seems like because there were other accepted ways of doing URL encoding in the past, browsers attempt several methods of decoding a URI, but if you're the one doing the encoding you should use UTF-8.

Best way to update an element in a generic List

AllDogs.First(d => d.Id == "2").Name = "some value";

However, a safer version of that might be this:

var dog = AllDogs.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Id == "2");
if (dog != null) { dog.Name = "some value"; }

UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xef' in position 0: ordinal not in range(128)

The actual best answer for this problem depends on your environment, specifically what encoding your terminal expects.

The quickest one-line solution is to encode everything you print to ASCII, which your terminal is almost certain to accept, while discarding characters that you cannot print:

print ch #fails
print ch.encode('ascii', 'ignore')

The better solution is to change your terminal's encoding to utf-8, and encode everything as utf-8 before printing. You should get in the habit of thinking about your unicode encoding EVERY time you print or read a string.

scp from remote host to local host

There must be a user in the AllowUsers section, in the config file /etc/ssh/ssh_config, in the remote machine. You might have to restart sshd after editing the config file.

And then you can copy for example the file "test.txt" from a remote host to the local host

scp [email protected]:test.txt /local/dir

@cool_cs you can user ~ symbol ~/Users/djorge/Desktop if it's your home dir.

In UNIX, absolute paths must start with '/'.

Nginx: Job for nginx.service failed because the control process exited

In my case, nginx was not able to open the log file which is located here /var/log/nginx/error.log

This was because I had deleted the log directory to free up space in root (which turned out to be stupid)

I then created a log folder in var and an nginx folder in log.

Then simply run sudo service nginx start

There is no argument given that corresponds to the required formal parameter - .NET Error

I got this error when one of my properties that was required for the constructor was not public. Make sure all the parameters in the constructor go to properties that are public if this is the case:

using statements namespace someNamespace

public class ExampleClass {

  //Properties - one is not visible to the class calling the constructor
  public string Property1 { get; set; }
  string Property2 { get; set; }

   public ExampleClass(string property1, string property2)
     this.Property1 = property1;
     this.Property2 = property2;  //this caused that error for me

How do I check if a string is valid JSON in Python?

I came up with an generic, interesting solution to this problem:

class SafeInvocator(object):
    def __init__(self, module):
        self._module = module

    def _safe(self, func):
        def inner(*args, **kwargs):
                return func(*args, **kwargs)
                return None

        return inner

    def __getattr__(self, item):
        obj = getattr(self.module, item)
        return self._safe(obj) if hasattr(obj, '__call__') else obj

and you can use it like so:

safe_json = SafeInvocator(json)
text = "{'foo':'bar'}"
item = safe_json.loads(text)
if item:
    # do something

Why is enum class preferred over plain enum?

Enumerations are used to represent a set of integer values.

The class keyword after the enum specifies that the enumeration is strongly typed and its enumerators are scoped. This way enum classes prevents accidental misuse of constants.

For Example:

enum class Animal{Dog, Cat, Tiger};
enum class Pets{Dog, Parrot};

Here we can not mix Animal and Pets values.

Animal a = Dog;       // Error: which DOG?    
Animal a = Pets::Dog  // Pets::Dog is not an Animal

How to identify server IP address in PHP

Check the $_SERVER array


How does one add keyboard languages and switch between them in Linux Mint 16?

For Linux Mate 17.1 Go to Menu/All applications/Keyboard/Layouts tab/Click Add/Pick out your layout by country or by language/Click Add and a language icon (US, PT and so on) will show at Panel/Close Keyboard Preferences and just click over it at Panel to switch the input language.

php: Get html source code with cURL

Try :)


$ch = curl_init("");
$fp = fopen("example_homepage.txt", "w");

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $fp);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);

$output = curl_exec($ch);

As the documentation says:

The basic idea behind the cURL functions is that you initialize a cURL session using the curl_init(), then you can set all your options for the transfer via the curl_setopt(), then you can execute the session with the curl_exec() and then you finish off your session using the curl_close().

Optimistic vs. Pessimistic locking

One use case for optimistic locking is to have your application use the database to allow one of your threads / hosts to 'claim' a task. This is a technique that has come in handy for me on a regular basis.

The best example I can think of is for a task queue implemented using a database, with multiple threads claiming tasks concurrently. If a task has status 'Available', 'Claimed', 'Completed', a db query can say something like "Set status='Claimed' where status='Available'. If multiple threads try to change the status in this way, all but the first thread will fail because of dirty data.

Note that this is a use case involving only optimistic locking. So as an alternative to saying "Optimistic locking is used when you don't expect many collisions", it can also be used where you expect collisions but want exactly one transaction to succeed.

How can you search Google Programmatically Java API

Some facts:

  1. Google offers a public search webservice API which returns JSON: Documentation here

  2. Java offers and to fire and handle HTTP requests.

  3. JSON can in Java be converted to a fullworthy Javabean object using an arbitrary Java JSON API. One of the best is Google Gson.

Now do the math:

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    String google = "";
    String search = "stackoverflow";
    String charset = "UTF-8";
    URL url = new URL(google + URLEncoder.encode(search, charset));
    Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(url.openStream(), charset);
    GoogleResults results = new Gson().fromJson(reader, GoogleResults.class);
    // Show title and URL of 1st result.

With this Javabean class representing the most important JSON data as returned by Google (it actually returns more data, but it's left up to you as an exercise to expand this Javabean code accordingly):

public class GoogleResults {

    private ResponseData responseData;
    public ResponseData getResponseData() { return responseData; }
    public void setResponseData(ResponseData responseData) { this.responseData = responseData; }
    public String toString() { return "ResponseData[" + responseData + "]"; }

    static class ResponseData {
        private List<Result> results;
        public List<Result> getResults() { return results; }
        public void setResults(List<Result> results) { this.results = results; }
        public String toString() { return "Results[" + results + "]"; }

    static class Result {
        private String url;
        private String title;
        public String getUrl() { return url; }
        public String getTitle() { return title; }
        public void setUrl(String url) { this.url = url; }
        public void setTitle(String title) { this.title = title; }
        public String toString() { return "Result[url:" + url +",title:" + title + "]"; }


###See also:

Update since November 2010 (2 months after the above answer), the public search webservice has become deprecated (and the last day on which the service was offered was September 29, 2014). Your best bet is now querying directly along with a honest user agent and then parse the result using a HTML parser. If you omit the user agent, then you get a 403 back. If you're lying in the user agent and simulate a web browser (e.g. Chrome or Firefox), then you get a way much larger HTML response back which is a waste of bandwidth and performance.

Here's a kickoff example using Jsoup as HTML parser:

String google = "";
String search = "stackoverflow";
String charset = "UTF-8";
String userAgent = "ExampleBot 1.0 (+"; // Change this to your company's name and bot homepage!

Elements links = Jsoup.connect(google + URLEncoder.encode(search, charset)).userAgent(userAgent).get().select(".g>.r>a");

for (Element link : links) {
    String title = link.text();
    String url = link.absUrl("href"); // Google returns URLs in format "<url>&sa=U&ei=<someKey>".
    url = URLDecoder.decode(url.substring(url.indexOf('=') + 1, url.indexOf('&')), "UTF-8");
    if (!url.startsWith("http")) {
        continue; // Ads/news/etc.
    System.out.println("Title: " + title);
    System.out.println("URL: " + url);

Integration Testing POSTing an entire object to Spring MVC controller

One of the main purposes of integration testing with MockMvc is to verify that model objects are correclty populated with form data.

In order to do it you have to pass form data as they're passed from actual form (using .param()). If you use some automatic conversion from NewObject to from data, your test won't cover particular class of possible problems (modifications of NewObject incompatible with actual form).

Converting JSON String to Dictionary Not List

Your JSON is an array with a single object inside, so when you read it in you get a list with a dictionary inside. You can access your dictionary by accessing item 0 in the list, as shown below:

json1_data = json.loads(json1_str)[0]

Now you can access the data stored in datapoints just as you were expecting:

datapoints = json1_data['datapoints']

I have one more question if anyone can bite: I am trying to take the average of the first elements in these datapoints(i.e. datapoints[0][0]). Just to list them, I tried doing datapoints[0:5][0] but all I get is the first datapoint with both elements as opposed to wanting to get the first 5 datapoints containing only the first element. Is there a way to do this?

datapoints[0:5][0] doesn't do what you're expecting. datapoints[0:5] returns a new list slice containing just the first 5 elements, and then adding [0] on the end of it will take just the first element from that resulting list slice. What you need to use to get the result you want is a list comprehension:

[p[0] for p in datapoints[0:5]]

Here's a simple way to calculate the mean:

sum(p[0] for p in datapoints[0:5])/5. # Result is 35.8

If you're willing to install NumPy, then it's even easier:

import numpy
json1_file = open('json1')
json1_str =
json1_data = json.loads(json1_str)[0]
datapoints = numpy.array(json1_data['datapoints'])
avg = datapoints[0:5,0].mean()
# avg is now 35.8

Using the , operator with the slicing syntax for NumPy's arrays has the behavior you were originally expecting with the list slices.

How to match a line not containing a word

This should work:


If you only wanted to exclude it from the beginning of the line (I know you don't, but just FYI), you could use this:


Edit (by request): Why this pattern works

The (?!...) syntax is a negative lookahead, which I've always found tough to explain. Basically, it means "whatever follows this point must not match the regular expression /PART/." The site I've linked explains this far better than I can, but I'll try to break this down:

^         #Start matching from the beginning of the string.    
(?!PART)  #This position must not be followed by the string "PART".
.         #Matches any character except line breaks (it will include those in single-line mode).
$         #Match all the way until the end of the string.

The ((?!xxx).)* idiom is probably hardest to understand. As we saw, (?!PART) looks at the string ahead and says that whatever comes next can't match the subpattern /PART/. So what we're doing with ((?!xxx).)* is going through the string letter by letter and applying the rule to all of them. Each character can be anything, but if you take that character and the next few characters after it, you'd better not get the word PART.

The ^ and $ anchors are there to demand that the rule be applied to the entire string, from beginning to end. Without those anchors, any piece of the string that didn't begin with PART would be a match. Even PART itself would have matches in it, because (for example) the letter A isn't followed by the exact string PART.

Since we do have ^ and $, if PART were anywhere in the string, one of the characters would match (?=PART). and the overall match would fail. Hope that's clear enough to be helpful.

Edit In Place Content Editing

You should put the form inside each node and use ng-show and ng-hide to enable and disable editing, respectively. Something like this:

  <span ng-hide="editing" ng-click="editing = true">{{}} | {{}}</span>
  <form ng-show="editing" ng-submit="editing = false">
    <input type="text" ng-model="" placeholder="Name" ng-required/>
    <input type="date" ng-model="" placeholder="Date" ng-required/>
    <button class="btn" type="submit">Save</button>

The key points here are:

  • I've changed controls ng-model to the local scope
  • Added ng-show to form so we can show it while editing
  • Added a span with a ng-hide to hide the content while editing
  • Added a ng-click, that could be in any other element, that toggles editing to true
  • Changed ng-submit to toggle editing to false

Here is your updated Plunker.

What is a NoReverseMatch error, and how do I fix it?

And make sure your route in the list of routes:

./ show_urls | grep path_or_name

DateDiff to output hours and minutes

No need to jump through hoops. Subtracting Start from End essentially gives you the timespan (combining Vignesh Kumar's and Carl Nitzsche's answers) :

    --as a time object
    TotalHours = CONVERT(time, EndDate - StartDate),
    --as a formatted string
    TotalHoursText = CONVERT(varchar(20), EndDate - StartDate, 114)
    --some test values (across days, but OP only cares about the time, not date)
        StartDate = CONVERT(datetime,'20090213 02:44:37.923'),
        EndDate   = CONVERT(datetime,'20090715 13:24:45.837')
) t


StartDate               EndDate                 TotalHours       TotalHoursText
----------------------- ----------------------- ---------------- --------------------
2009-02-13 02:44:37.923 2009-07-15 13:24:45.837 10:40:07.9130000 10:40:07:913

See the full cast and convert options here:

The entitlements specified...profile. (0xE8008016). Error iOS 4.2

I've had this issue with the iCloud entitlements. My problem was that I forgot to enable iCloud for my App ID in the Provisioning Portal.

After enabling iCloud for your App ID, you will need to recreate the provisioning profiles.

How to add a line break in an Android TextView?

Try to double-check your localizations. Possible, you trying to edit one file (localization), but actually program using another, just like in my case. The default system language is russian, while I trying to edit english localization.

In my case, working solution is to use "\n" as line separator:

    <string name="string_one">line one.
    \nline two;
    \nline three.</string>

ORA-00979 not a group by expression

If you do grouping by virtue of including GROUP BY clause, any expression in SELECT, which is not group function (or aggregate function or aggregated column) such as COUNT, AVG, MIN, MAX, SUM and so on (List of Aggregate functions) should be present in GROUP BY clause.

Example (correct way) (here employee_id is not group function (non-aggregated column), so it must appear in GROUP BY. By contrast, sum(salary) is a group function (aggregated column), so it is not required to appear in the GROUP BYclause.

   SELECT employee_id, sum(salary) 
   FROM employees
   GROUP BY employee_id; 

Example (wrong way) (here employee_id is not group function and it does not appear in GROUP BY clause, which will lead to the ORA-00979 Error .

   SELECT employee_id, sum(salary) 
   FROM employees;

To correct you need to do one of the following :

  • Include all non-aggregated expressions listed in SELECT clause in the GROUP BY clause
  • Remove group (aggregate) function from SELECT clause.

Method to Add new or update existing item in Dictionary

The only problem could be if one day

map[key] = value

will transform to -


and that will cause a KeyNotFoundException.

MongoDB inserts float when trying to insert integer{'name': 'zero'}, {'$set': {'value': NumberInt(0)}})

You can also use NumberLong.

Regular expression for only characters a-z, A-Z

With POSIX Bracket Expressions (not supported by Javascript) it can be done this way:


Any alpha character A to Z or a to z.



to match strictly with spaces.

href overrides ng-click in Angular.js

This works for me

<a href (click)="logout()">
   <i class="icon-power-off"></i>

Fade In on Scroll Down, Fade Out on Scroll Up - based on element position in window

I tweaked your code a bit and made it more robust. In terms of progressive enhancement it's probaly better to have all the fade-in-out logic in JavaScript. In the example of myfunksyde any user without JavaScript sees nothing because of the opacity: 0;.

    $(window).on("load",function() {
    function fade() {
        var animation_height = $(window).innerHeight() * 0.25;
        var ratio = Math.round( (1 / animation_height) * 10000 ) / 10000;

        $('.fade').each(function() {

            var objectTop = $(this).offset().top;
            var windowBottom = $(window).scrollTop() + $(window).innerHeight();

            if ( objectTop < windowBottom ) {
                if ( objectTop < windowBottom - animation_height ) {
                    $(this).html( 'fully visible' );
                    $(this).css( {
                        transition: 'opacity 0.1s linear',
                        opacity: 1
                    } );

                } else {
                    $(this).html( 'fading in/out' );
                    $(this).css( {
                        transition: 'opacity 0.25s linear',
                        opacity: (windowBottom - objectTop) * ratio
                    } );
            } else {
                $(this).html( 'not visible' );
                $(this).css( 'opacity', 0 );
    $('.fade').css( 'opacity', 0 );
    $(window).scroll(function() {fade();});

See it here:

Cheers, Martin

how to create 100% vertical line in css

Use an absolutely positioned pseudo element:

ul:after {
  content: '';
  width: 0;
  height: 100%;
  position: absolute;
  border: 1px solid black;
  top: 0;
  left: 100px;


PowerShell equivalent to grep -f

I find out a possible method by "filter" and "alias" of PowerShell, when you want use grep in pipeline output(grep file should be similar):

first define a filter:

filter Filter-Object ([string]$pattern)
    Out-String -InputObject $_ -Stream | Select-String -Pattern "$pattern"

then define alias:

New-Alias -Name grep -Value Filter-Object

final, put the former filter and alias in your profile:

$Home[My ]Documents\PowerShell\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1

Restart your PS, you can use it:

alias | grep 'grep'


relevent Reference

  1. alias: Set-Aliasenter link description here New-Aliasenter link description here

  2. Filter(Special function)enter link description here

  3. Profiles(just like .bashrc for bash):enter link description here

  4. out-string(this is the key)enter link description here:in PowerShell Output is object-basedenter link description here,so the key is convert object to string and grep the string.

  5. Select-Stringenter link description here:Finds text in strings and files

MongoNetworkError: failed to connect to server [localhost:27017] on first connect [MongoNetworkError: connect ECONNREFUSED]

If the mongoDB server is already installed and if you are unable to connect from a remote host then follow the below steps,

Login to your machine, open mongodb configuration file located at /etc/mongod.conf and change the bindIp field to specific ip / , after that restart mongodb server.

    sudo vi /etc/mongod.conf
  • The file should contain the following kind of content:

          destination: file
          path: "/var/log/mongodb/mongod.log"
          logAppend: true
              enabled: true
          fork: true
          bindIp:  // change here to
          port: 27017
          enableLocalhostAuthBypass: false
  • Once you change the bindIp, then you have to restart the mongodb, using the following command

      sudo service mongod restart
  • Now you'll be able to connect to the mongodb server, from remote server.

How do I collapse sections of code in Visual Studio Code for Windows?

With JavaScript:

//#region REGION_NAME
   ...code here

C# List of objects, how do I get the sum of a property

using System.Linq;


double total = myList.Sum(item => item.Amount);

Why are exclamation marks used in Ruby methods?


A bang can used in the below ways, in order of my personal preference.

1) An active record method raises an error if the method does not do what it says it will.

2) An active record method saves the record or a method saves an object (e.g. strip!)

3) A method does something “extra”, like posts to someplace, or does some action.

The point is: only use a bang when you’ve really thought about whether it’s necessary, to save other developers the annoyance of having to check why you are using a bang.

The bang provides two cues to other developers.

1) that it’s not necessary to save the object after calling the method.

2) when you call the method, the db is going to be changed.

Add a UIView above all, even the navigation bar

[[UIApplication sharedApplication].windows.lastObject addSubview:myView];

Perform Segue programmatically and pass parameters to the destination view

I understand the problem of performing the segue at one place and maintaining the state to send parameters in prepare for segue.

I figured out a way to do this. I've added a property called userInfoDict to ViewControllers using a category. and I've override perform segue with identifier too, in such a way that If the sender is self(means the controller itself). It will pass this userInfoDict to the next ViewController.

Here instead of passing the whole UserInfoDict you can also pass the specific params, as sender and override accordingly.

1 thing you need to keep in mind. don't forget to call super method in ur performSegue method.

Generating a PDF file from React Components

Rendering react as pdf is generally a pain, but there is a way around it using canvas.

The idea is to convert : HTML -> Canvas -> PNG (or JPEG) -> PDF

To achieve the above, you'll need :

  1. html2canvas &
  2. jsPDF

import React, {Component, PropTypes} from 'react';_x000D_
// download html2canvas and jsPDF and save the files in app/ext, or somewhere else_x000D_
// the built versions are directly consumable_x000D_
// import {html2canvas, jsPDF} from 'app/ext';_x000D_
export default class Export extends Component {_x000D_
  constructor(props) {_x000D_
  printDocument() {_x000D_
    const input = document.getElementById('divToPrint');_x000D_
      .then((canvas) => {_x000D_
        const imgData = canvas.toDataURL('image/png');_x000D_
        const pdf = new jsPDF();_x000D_
        pdf.addImage(imgData, 'JPEG', 0, 0);_x000D_
        // pdf.output('dataurlnewwindow');_x000D_"download.pdf");_x000D_
  render() {_x000D_
    return (<div>_x000D_
      <div className="mb5">_x000D_
        <button onClick={this.printDocument}>Print</button>_x000D_
      <div id="divToPrint" className="mt4" {...css({_x000D_
        backgroundColor: '#f5f5f5',_x000D_
        width: '210mm',_x000D_
        minHeight: '297mm',_x000D_
        marginLeft: 'auto',_x000D_
        marginRight: 'auto'_x000D_
        <div>Note: Here the dimensions of div are same as A4</div> _x000D_
        <div>You Can add any component here</div>_x000D_

The snippet will not work here because the required files are not imported.

An alternate approach is being used in this answer, where the middle steps are dropped and you can simply convert from HTML to PDF. There is an option to do this in the jsPDF documentation as well, but from personal observation, I feel that better accuracy is achieved when dom is converted into png first.

Update 0: September 14, 2018

The text on the pdfs created by this approach will not be selectable. If that's a requirement, you might find this article helpful.

Output grep results to text file, need cleaner output

grep -n "YOUR SEARCH STRING" * > output-file

The -n will print the line number and the > will redirect grep-results to the output-file.
If you want to "clean" the results you can filter them using pipe | for example:
grep -n "test" * | grep -v "mytest" > output-file will match all the lines that have the string "test" except the lines that match the string "mytest" (that's the switch -v) - and will redirect the result to an output file.
A few good grep-tips can be found on this post

IF EXIST C:\directory\ goto a else goto b problems windows XP batch files

If you want to rule out any problems with the else part, try removing the else and place the command on a new line. Like this:

IF EXIST D:\RPS_BACKUP\backups_temp\ goto tempexists
goto tempexistscontinue  

Splitting comma separated string in a PL/SQL stored proc

This should do what you are looking for.. It assumes your list will always be just numbers. If that is not the case, just change the references to DBMS_SQL.NUMBER_TABLE to a table type that works for all of your data:

    list1_in IN VARCHAR2,
    list2_in IN VARCHAR2,
    delimiter_in IN VARCHAR2 := ','

    FUNCTION list_to_tbl
        list_in IN VARCHAR2
        v_retval DBMS_SQL.NUMBER_TABLE;

        IF list_in is not null
            || Use lengths loop through the list the correct amount of times,
            || and substr to get only the correct item for that row
            FOR i in 1 .. length(list_in)-length(replace(list_in,delimiter_in,''))+1
                || Set the row = next item in the list
                v_retval(i) := 
                        substr (
                            instr(delimiter_in||list_in||delimiter_in, delimiter_in, 1, i  ) + 1,
                            instr (delimiter_in||list_in||delimiter_in, delimiter_in, 1, i+1) - instr (delimiter_in||list_in||delimiter_in, delimiter_in, 1, i) -1
            END LOOP;
        END IF;

        RETURN v_retval;

    END list_to_tbl;
   -- Put lists into collections
   v_tbl1 := list_to_tbl(list1_in);
   v_tbl2 := list_to_tbl(list2_in);

   IF v_tbl1.COUNT <> v_tbl2.COUNT
      raise_application_error(num => -20001, msg => 'Length of lists do not match');
   END IF;

   -- Bulk insert from collections
      insert into tmp (a, b)
      values (v_tbl1(i), v_tbl2(i));

END insert_from_lists; 

Example of SOAP request authenticated with WS-UsernameToken

Check this one (Password should be password):

<wsse:UsernameToken xmlns:wsu="" wsu:Id="SecurityToken-6138db82-5a4c-4bf7-915f-af7a10d9ae96">
  <wsse:Password Type="">CBb7a2itQDgxVkqYnFtggUxtuqk=</wsse:Password>

What's the fastest way to loop through an array in JavaScript?

A basic while loop is often the fastest. is a great sandbox to test these types of concepts.

SQL LIKE condition to check for integer?

I'm late to the party here, but if you're dealing with integers of a fixed length you can just do integer comparison:

SELECT * FROM books WHERE price > 89999 AND price < 90100;

Changing the default title of confirm() in JavaScript?

I know this is not possible for alert(), so I guess it is not possible for confirm either. Reason is security: it is not allowed for you to change it so you wouldn't present yourself as some system process or something.

if condition in sql server update query

DECLARE @JCnt int=null
SEt @JCnt=(SELECT COUNT( ISNUll(EmpCode,0)) FROM tbl_Employees WHERE EmpCode=1  )

UPDATE #TempCode
SET janCA= CASE WHEN @JCnt>0 THEN (SELECT SUM (ISNUll(Amount,0)) FROM tbl_Salary WHERE Code=1 )ELSE 0 END
WHERE code=1

Plot a line graph, error in xy.coords(x, y, xlabel, ylabel, log) : 'x' and 'y' lengths differ

plot(t) is in this case the same as

plot(t[[1]], t[[2]])

As the error message says, x and y differ in length and that is because you plot a list with length 4 against 1:

> length(t)
[1] 4
> length(1)
[1] 1

In your second example you plot a list with elements named x and y, both vectors of length 2, so plot plots these two vectors.


If you want to plot lines use

plot(t, type="l")

How do I correct the character encoding of a file?

If you see question marks in the file or if the accents are already lost, going back to utf8 will not help your cause. e.g. if café became cafe - changing encoding alone will not help (and you'll need original data).

Can you paste some text here, that'll help us answer for sure.

Python "string_escape" vs "unicode_escape"

Within the range 0 = c < 128, yes the ' is the only difference for CPython 2.6.

>>> set(unichr(c).encode('unicode_escape') for c in range(128)) - set(chr(c).encode('string_escape') for c in range(128))

Outside of this range the two types are not exchangeable.

>>> '\x80'.encode('string_escape')
>>> '\x80'.encode('unicode_escape')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can’t decode byte 0x80 in position 0: ordinal not in range(128)

>>> u'1'.encode('unicode_escape')
>>> u'1'.encode('string_escape')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: escape_encode() argument 1 must be str, not unicode

On Python 3.x, the string_escape encoding no longer exists, since str can only store Unicode.

Xcode: failed to get the task for process

I had a the same issue and after reading the above answers all I had to do was go to Build Settings > Code Signing > Provisioning Profile > None and was able to ran the app on my devices again. Hope this helps someone else out

DateTime.TryParseExact() rejecting valid formats


 DateTime.TryParseExact(txtStartDate.Text, formats, 
        System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.None, out startDate)

No notification sound when sending notification from firebase in android

try this....

  public  void buildPushNotification(Context ctx, String content, int icon, CharSequence text, boolean silent) {
    Intent intent = new Intent(ctx, Activity.class);
    PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(ctx, 1410, intent, PendingIntent.FLAG_ONE_SHOT);

    Bitmap bm = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(ctx.getResources(), //large drawable);

    NotificationCompat.Builder notificationBuilder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(ctx)


 NotificationManager notificationManager = (NotificationManager) ctx.getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);


and in onMessageReceived, call it

public void onMessageReceived(RemoteMessage remoteMessage) {

    Log.d("Msg", "Message received [" + remoteMessage.getNotification().getBody() + "]");

    buildPushNotification(/*your param*/);

or follow KongJing, Is also correct as he says, but you can use a Firebase Console.

How to initialize a List<T> to a given size (as opposed to capacity)?

Why are you using a List if you want to initialize it with a fixed value ? I can understand that -for the sake of performance- you want to give it an initial capacity, but isn't one of the advantages of a list over a regular array that it can grow when needed ?

When you do this:

List<int> = new List<int>(100);

You create a list whose capacity is 100 integers. This means that your List won't need to 'grow' until you add the 101th item. The underlying array of the list will be initialized with a length of 100.

python max function using 'key' and lambda expression

max function is used to get the maximum out of an iterable.

The iterators may be lists, tuples, dict objects, etc. Or even custom objects as in the example you provided.

max(iterable[, key=func]) -> value
max(a, b, c, ...[, key=func]) -> value

With a single iterable argument, return its largest item.
With two or more arguments, return the largest argument.

So, the key=func basically allows us to pass an optional argument key to the function on whose basis is the given iterator/arguments are sorted & the maximum is returned.

lambda is a python keyword that acts as a pseudo function. So, when you pass player object to it, it will return player.totalScore. Thus, the iterable passed over to function max will sort according to the key totalScore of the player objects given to it & will return the player who has maximum totalScore.

If no key argument is provided, the maximum is returned according to default Python orderings.

Examples -

max(1, 3, 5, 7)
max([1, 3, 5, 7])

people = [('Barack', 'Obama'), ('Oprah', 'Winfrey'), ('Mahatma', 'Gandhi')]
max(people, key=lambda x: x[1])
>>>('Oprah', 'Winfrey')

How can I take a screenshot with Selenium WebDriver?


I thought I would give my full solution since there are two different ways of getting a screenshot. One is from the local browser, and one is from the remote browser. I even embed the image into the HTML report:

public void selenium_after_step(Scenario scenario) throws IOException, JSONException {

    if (scenario.isFailed()){

        scenario.write("Current URL = " + driver.getCurrentUrl() + "\n");

            driver.manage().window().maximize();  // Maximize window to get full screen for chrome
        catch (org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException e){

        try {
                Alert alert = getAlertIfPresent();
            byte[] screenshot;
            if(false /*Remote Driver flow*/) { // Get a screenshot from the remote driver
                Augmenter augmenter = new Augmenter();
                TakesScreenshot ts = (TakesScreenshot) augmenter.augment(driver);
                screenshot = ts.getScreenshotAs(OutputType.BYTES);
            else { // Get a screenshot from the local driver
                // Local webdriver user flow
                screenshot = ((TakesScreenshot) driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.BYTES);
            scenario.embed(screenshot, "image/png"); // Embed the image in reports
        catch (WebDriverException wde) {
        catch (ClassCastException cce) {


How to construct a std::string from a std::vector<char>?

With C++11, you can do std::string( or, if your vector does not contain a '\0' at the end, std::string(, v.size()).

How do I declare a namespace in JavaScript?

We can use it independently in this way:

var A = A|| {};
A.B = {};

A.B = {
    itemOne: null,
    itemTwo: null,

A.B.itemOne = function () {

A.B.itemTwo = function () {

LINQ query to select top five

This can also be achieved using the Lambda based approach of Linq;

var list = ctn.Items
.Where(t=> t.DeliverySelection == true && t.Delivery.SentForDelivery == null)
.OrderBy(t => t.Delivery.SubmissionDate)

How to change environment's font size?

Press Ctrl and use the mouse wheel to zoom In or Out.

Python: most idiomatic way to convert None to empty string?

Probably the shortest would be str(s or '')

Because None is False, and "x or y" returns y if x is false. See Boolean Operators for a detailed explanation. It's short, but not very explicit.

Reverting to a previous revision using TortoiseSVN

I have used the same instructions Stefan used, taken from Tortoise website.

But it's important to click COMMIT right after. I was getting crazy until I realized that.

If you need to make an older revision your head revision do the following:

  1. Select the file or folder in which you need to revert the changes. If you want to revert all changes, this should be the top level folder.

  2. Select TortoiseSVN ? Show Log to display a list of revisions. You may need to use Show All or Next 100 to show the revision(s) you are interested in.

  3. Right click on the selected revision, then select Context Menu ? Revert to this revision. This will discard all changes after the selected revision.

  4. Make a commit.

how to put image in a bundle and pass it to another activity

So you can do it like this, but the limitation with the Parcelables is that the payload between activities has to be less than 1MB total. It's usually better to save the Bitmap to a file and pass the URI to the image to the next activity.

 protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {     setContentView(R.layout.my_layout);     Bitmap bitmap = getIntent().getParcelableExtra("image");     ImageView imageView = (ImageView) findViewById(;     imageView.setImageBitmap(bitmap);  } 

Squash the first two commits in Git?

You could use rebase interactive to modify the last two commits before they've been pushed to a remote

git rebase HEAD^^ -i

Getting CheckBoxList Item values

You can try this:-

string values = "";
foreach(ListItem item in myCBL.Items){
values += item.Value.ToString() + ",";  
values = values.TrimEnd(',');  //To eliminate comma in last.

Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect()

If you are using Windows10, PHP 7.2 and try to connect to mysql. If this error occurred

Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mysqli() in

The do the following steps to get it correct.

  1. Go to the PHP installation folder,
  2. CHeck for php.ini file, (Only dev, prod file is there, then one of the file as php.ini file)
  3. Look for "extension=mysqli" and remove the ";" before it.
  4. Look for "extension_dir" and mentioned the path of "ext" directory.
  5. Restart the application.

Hope this helps to someone.

How to log PostgreSQL queries?

SELECT set_config('log_statement', 'all', true);

With a corresponding user right may use the query above after connect. This will affect logging until session ends.

Linq : select value in a datatable column

If the return value is string and you need to search by Id you can use:

string name = datatable.AsEnumerable().Where(row => Convert.ToInt32(row["Id"]) == Id).Select(row => row.Field<string>("name")).ToString();

or using generic variable:

var name = datatable.AsEnumerable().Where(row => Convert.ToInt32(row["Id"]) == Id).Select(row => row.Field<string>("name"));

How to re-enable right click so that I can inspect HTML elements in Chrome?

Hi i have a shorter version. this does same as a best answer. (it works on chrome 74.03)

document.querySelectorAll('*').forEach(e => e.oncontextmenu = null)

json_encode() escaping forward slashes

Yes, but don't - escaping forward slashes is a good thing. When using JSON inside <script> tags it's necessary as a </script> anywhere - even inside a string - will end the script tag.

Depending on where the JSON is used it's not necessary, but it can be safely ignored.

Python - Join with newline

You have to print it:

In [22]: "\n".join(['I', 'would', 'expect', 'multiple', 'lines'])
Out[22]: 'I\nwould\nexpect\nmultiple\nlines'

In [23]: print "\n".join(['I', 'would', 'expect', 'multiple', 'lines'])

Prefer composition over inheritance?

Composition v/s Inheritance is a wide subject. There is no real answer for what is better as I think it all depends on the design of the system.

Generally type of relationship between object provide better information to choose one of them.

If relation type is "IS-A" relation then Inheritance is better approach. otherwise relation type is "HAS-A" relation then composition will better approach.

Its totally depend on entity relationship.

Hibernate problem - "Use of @OneToMany or @ManyToMany targeting an unmapped class"

Your annotations look fine. Here are the things to check:

  • make sure the annotation is javax.persistence.Entity, and not org.hibernate.annotations.Entity. The former makes the entity detectable. The latter is just an addition.

  • if you are manually listing your entities (in persistence.xml, in hibernate.cfg.xml, or when configuring your session factory), then make sure you have also listed the ScopeTopic entity

  • make sure you don't have multiple ScopeTopic classes in different packages, and you've imported the wrong one.

Get the Query Executed in Laravel 3/4

Laravel 5

Note that this is the procedural approach, which I use for quick debugging


    // Run your queries
    // ...

    // Then to retrieve everything since you enabled the logging:
    $queries = DB::getQueryLog();
    foreach($queries as $i=>$query)
        Log::debug("Query $i: " . json_encode($query));

in your header, use:

     use DB;
     use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;

The output will look something like this (default log file is laravel.log):

[2015-09-25 12:33:29] testing.DEBUG: Query 0: {"query":"select * from 'users' where ('user_id' = ?)","bindings":["9"],"time":0.23}

***I know this question specified Laravel 3/4 but this page comes up when searching for a general answer. Newbies to Laravel may not know there is a difference between versions. Since I never see DD::enableQueryLog() mentioned in any of the answers I normally find, it may be specific to Laravel 5 - perhaps someone can comment on that.

Detecting when a div's height changes using jQuery

In response to user007:

If the height of your element is changing due to items being appended to it using .append() you shouldn't need to detect the change in height. Simply add the reposition of your second element in the same function where you are appending the new content to your first element.

As in:

Working Example

$('.class1').click(function () {
    $('.class1').append("<div class='newClass'><h1>This is some content</h1></div>");
    $('.class2').css('top', $('.class1').offset().top + $('.class1').outerHeight());

How to display and hide a div with CSS?

Html Code :

    <a id="f">Show First content!</a>
    <a id="s">Show Second content!!</a>
    <div class="a">Default Content</div>
    <div class="ab hideDiv">First content</div>
    <div class="abc hideDiv">Second content</div>

Script code:

$(document).ready(function() {
    }).mouseout(function() {

    }).mouseout(function() {

css code:


How to merge two json string in Python?

You can load both json strings into Python Dictionaries and then combine. This will only work if there are unique keys in each json string.

import json

a = json.loads(jsonStringA)
b = json.loads(jsonStringB)
c = dict(a.items() + b.items())
# or c =  dict(a, **b)

MVC DateTime binding with incorrect date format

I set the below config on my MVC4 and it works like a charm

<globalization uiCulture="auto" culture="auto" />

Stopping an Android app from console

First, put the app into the background (press the device's home button) a terminal....

adb shell am kill com.your.package

How to declare a global variable in php?

You answered this in the way you wrote the question - use 'define'. but once set, you can't change a define.

Alternatively, there are tricks with a constant in a class, such as class::constant that you can use. You can also make them variable by declaring static properties to the class, with functions to set the static property if you want to change it.

Are there benefits of passing by pointer over passing by reference in C++?

Clarifications to the preceding posts:

References are NOT a guarantee of getting a non-null pointer. (Though we often treat them as such.)

While horrifically bad code, as in take you out behind the woodshed bad code, the following will compile & run: (At least under my compiler.)

bool test( int & a)
  return (&a) == (int *) NULL;

  int * i = (int *)NULL;
  cout << ( test(*i) ) << endl;

The real issue I have with references lies with other programmers, henceforth termed IDIOTS, who allocate in the constructor, deallocate in the destructor, and fail to supply a copy constructor or operator=().

Suddenly there's a world of difference between foo(BAR bar) and foo(BAR & bar). (Automatic bitwise copy operation gets invoked. Deallocation in destructor gets invoked twice.)

Thankfully modern compilers will pick up this double-deallocation of the same pointer. 15 years ago, they didn't. (Under gcc/g++, use setenv MALLOC_CHECK_ 0 to revisit the old ways.) Resulting, under DEC UNIX, in the same memory being allocated to two different objects. Lots of debugging fun there...

More practically:

  • References hide that you are changing data stored someplace else.
  • It's easy to confuse a Reference with a Copied object.
  • Pointers make it obvious!

AngularJS directive does not update on scope variable changes

We can try this

$scope.$apply(function() {
    $scope.step1 = true;
    //scope.list2.length = 0;

Delete a single record from Entity Framework?

Employer employer = context.Employers.First(x => x.EmployerId == 1);


Running code after Spring Boot starts

Best way to execute block of code after Spring Boot application started is using PostConstruct annotation.Or also you can use command line runner for the same.

1. Using PostConstruct annotation

public class InitialDataConfiguration {

    public void postConstruct() {
        System.out.println("Started after Spring boot application !");


2. Using command line runner bean

public class InitialDataConfiguration {

    CommandLineRunner runner() {
        return args -> {
            System.out.println("CommandLineRunner running in the UnsplashApplication class...");

List attributes of an object

In addition to these answers, I'll include a function (python 3) for spewing out virtually the entire structure of any value. It uses dir to establish the full list of property names, then uses getattr with each name. It displays the type of every member of the value, and when possible also displays the entire member:

import json

def get_info(obj):

  type_name = type(obj).__name__
  print('Value is of type {}!'.format(type_name))
  prop_names = dir(obj)

  for prop_name in prop_names:
    prop_val = getattr(obj, prop_name)
    prop_val_type_name = type(prop_val).__name__
    print('{} has property "{}" of type "{}"'.format(type_name, prop_name, prop_val_type_name))

      val_as_str = json.dumps([ prop_val ], indent=2)[1:-1]
      print('  Here\'s the {} value: {}'.format(prop_name, val_as_str))

Now any of the following should give insight:


import numpy
# ... etc.

MVC 4 Razor File Upload

The Upload method's HttpPostedFileBase parameter must have the same name as the the file input.

So just change the input to this:

<input type="file" name="file" />

Also, you could find the files in Request.Files:

public ActionResult Upload()
     if (Request.Files.Count > 0)
         var file = Request.Files[0];

         if (file != null && file.ContentLength > 0)
            var fileName = Path.GetFileName(file.FileName);
            var path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Images/"), fileName);

     return RedirectToAction("UploadDocument");

Padding In bootstrap

The suggestion from @Dawood is good if that works for you.

If you need more fine-tuning than that, one option is to use padding on the text elements, here's an example:


p, h2 {

How to execute IN() SQL queries with Spring's JDBCTemplate effectively?

I do the "in clause" query with spring jdbc like this:

String sql = "SELECT bg.goodsid FROM beiker_goods bg WHERE bg.goodsid IN (:goodsid)";

List ids = Arrays.asList(new Integer[]{12496,12497,12498,12499});
Map<String, List> paramMap = Collections.singletonMap("goodsid", ids);
NamedParameterJdbcTemplate template = 
    new NamedParameterJdbcTemplate(getJdbcTemplate().getDataSource());

List<Long> list = template.queryForList(sql, paramMap, Long.class);

What is a practical, real world example of the Linked List?

In operating systems ... one may use a linked list to keep track of what processes are running and what processes are sleeping ... a process that is running and wants to sleep ... gets removed from the LinkedList that keeps track of running processes and once the sleep time is over adds it back to the active process LinkedList

Maybe newer OS are using some funky data structures ... linked lists can be used there

C++ passing an array pointer as a function argument

This is another method . Passing array as a pointer to the function
void generateArray(int *array,  int size) {
    for (int j=0;j<size;j++)

int main(){
    const int size=5;
    int a[size];
    generateArray(a, size);
    return 0;

Extracting Nupkg files using command line

NuPKG files are just zip files, so anything that can process a zip file should be able to process a nupkg file, i.e, 7zip.

How to catch exception output from Python subprocess.check_output()?

There are good answers here, but in these answers, there has not been an answer that comes up with the text from the stack-trace output, which is the default behavior of an exception.

If you wish to use that formatted traceback information, you might wish to:

import traceback

    check_call( args )
except CalledProcessError:
    tb = traceback.format_exc()
    tb = tb.replace(passwd, "******")

As you might be able to tell, the above is useful in case you have a password in the check_call( args ) that you wish to prevent from displaying.

Add up a column of numbers at the Unix shell

... | paste -sd+ - | bc

is the shortest one I've found (from the UNIX Command Line blog).

Edit: added the - argument for portability, thanks @Dogbert and @Owen.

what is the multicast doing on

Those look much like Bonjour / mDNS requests to me. Those packets use multicast IP address and port 5353.

The most likely source for this is Apple iTunes, which comes pre-installed on Mac computers (and is a popular install on Windows machines as well). Apple iTunes uses it to discover other iTunes-compatible devices in the same WiFi network.

mDNS is also used (primarily by Apple's Mac and iOS devices) to discover mDNS-compatible devices such as printers on the same network.

If this is a Linux box instead, it's probably the Avahi daemon then. Avahi is ZeroConf/Bonjour compatible and installed by default, but if you don't use DNS-SD or mDNS, it can be disabled.

Optional Parameters in Go?

You can encapsulate this quite nicely in a func similar to what is below.

package main

import (

func main() {

func prompt(params ...string) string {
        prompt := ": "
        if len(params) > 0 {
                prompt = params[0]
        reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
        text, _ := reader.ReadString('\n')
        return text

In this example, the prompt by default has a colon and a space in front of it . . .


. . . however you can override that by supplying a parameter to the prompt function.

prompt("Input here -> ")

This will result in a prompt like below.

Input here ->

SQL Select between dates

FROM TableName
WHERE julianday(substr(date,7)||'-'||substr(date,4,2)||'-'||substr(date,1,2)) BETWEEN julianday('2011-01-11') AND julianday('2011-08-11')

Note that I use the format : dd/mm/yyyy

If you use d/m/yyyy, Change in substr()

Hope this will help you.

How to play CSS3 transitions in a loop?

CSS transitions only animate from one set of styles to another; what you're looking for is CSS animations.

You need to define the animation keyframes and apply it to the element:

@keyframes changewidth {
  from {
    width: 100px;

  to {
    width: 300px;

div {
  animation-duration: 0.1s;
  animation-name: changewidth;
  animation-iteration-count: infinite;
  animation-direction: alternate;

Check out the link above to figure out how to customize it to your liking, and you'll have to add browser prefixes.

Press enter in textbox to and execute button command

Alternatively, you could set the .AcceptButton property of your form. Enter will automcatically create a click event.

this.AcceptButton = this.buttonSearch;

Typescript es6 import module "File is not a module error"

In addition to A. Tim's answer there are times when even that doesn't work, so you need to:

  1. Rewrite the import string, using the intellisense. Sometimes this fixes the issue
  2. Restart VS Code

const char* concatenation

You can use strstream. It's formally deprecated, but it's still a great tool if you need to work with C strings, i think.

char result[100]; // max size 100
std::ostrstream s(result, sizeof result - 1);

s << one << two << std::ends;
result[99] = '\0';

This will write one and then two into the stream, and append a terminating \0 using std::ends. In case both strings could end up writing exactly 99 characters - so no space would be left writing \0 - we write one manually at the last position.

find -exec with multiple commands

find . -type d -exec sh -c "echo -n {}; echo -n ' x '; echo {}" \;

Generate GUID in MySQL for existing Data?

I faced mostly the same issue. Im my case uuid is stored as BINARY(16) and has NOT NULL UNIQUE constraints. And i faced with the issue when the same UUID was generated for every row, and UNIQUE constraint does not allow this. So this query does not work:

UNHEX(REPLACE(uuid(), '-', ''))

But for me it worked, when i used such a query with nested inner select:

UNHEX(REPLACE((SELECT uuid()), '-', ''))

Then is produced unique result for every entry.

Convert JS object to JSON string

The existing JSON replacements where too much for me, so I wrote my own function. This seems to work, but I might have missed several edge cases (that don't occur in my project). And will probably not work for any pre-existing objects, only for self-made data.

function simpleJSONstringify(obj) {
    var prop, str, val,
        isArray = obj instanceof Array;

    if (typeof obj !== "object") return false;

    str = isArray ? "[" : "{";

    function quote(str) {
        if (typeof str !== "string") str = str.toString();
        return str.match(/^\".*\"$/) ? str : '"' + str.replace(/"/g, '\\"') + '"'

    for (prop in obj) {
        if (!isArray) {
            // quote property
            str += quote(prop) + ": ";

        // quote value
        val = obj[prop];
        str += typeof val === "object" ? simpleJSONstringify(val) : quote(val);
        str += ", ";

    // Remove last colon, close bracket
    str = str.substr(0, str.length - 2)  + ( isArray ? "]" : "}" );

    return str;

find difference between two text files with one item per line

You can use the comm command to compare two sorted files

comm -13 <(sort file1) <(sort file2)

Git - Ignore files during merge


  1. You have two branches: master, develop
  2. You created file in develop branch and want to ignore it while merging


git config --global merge.ours.driver true
git checkout master
echo "path/file_to_ignore merge=ours" >> .gitattributes
git merge develop

You can also ignore files with same extension

for example all files with .txt extension:

echo "*.txt merge=ours" >> .gitattributes

Unmount the directory which is mounted by sshfs in Mac

If your problem is that you mounted a network drive with SSHFS, but the ssh connection got cut and you simply cannot remount it because of an error like mount_osxfuse: mount point /Users/your_user/mount_folder is itself on a OSXFUSE volume, the github user theunsa found a solution that works for me. Quoting his answer:

My current workaround is to:

Find the culprit sshfs process:

$ pgrep -lf sshfs

Kill it:

$ kill -9 <pid_of_sshfs_process>

sudo force unmount the "unavailable" directory:

$ sudo umount -f <mounted_dir>

Remount the now "available" directory with sshfs ... and then tomorrow morning go back to step 1.