In my experience, a "typical" use of eval is for running commands that generate shell commands to set environment variables.
Perhaps you have a system that uses a collection of environment variables, and you have a script or program that determines which ones should be set and their values. Whenever you run a script or program, it runs in a forked process, so anything it does directly to environment variables is lost when it exits. But that script or program can send the export commands to stdout.
Without eval, you would need to redirect stdout to a temp file, source the temp file, and then delete it. With eval, you can just:
eval "$(script-or-program)"
Note the quotes are important. Take this (contrived) example:
echo 'I got activated!'
print("export foo=bar/baz/womp")
$ eval $(python
bash: export: `.': not a valid identifier
bash: export: `': not a valid identifier
$ eval "$(python"
I got activated!